sugary-spider · 6 months
i passed out immediately after sending my ask 😩😩 but!!!! uh since im new here to ur blog, tell me abt ur oldest bugsnax oc :D or ur newest one!
I have like..An bunch of old ones,, but the oldest would have to be fayford! Hes one of the very first of this Au and had an bunch of new development from his beta due to some funnies n' other stuff with @astronomergrump!
His full name is Fayford Buttershunk (originally Faceshunk) heres an drawing from last January when I first drew him for the first time ever,, and the most current one which is just his icon,, which was made by @astronomergrump!
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But,, hes in his 20's (hes around 24-25 yrs old) and an botanist! Hes been almost black-listed before,, and has dealt with some horrible mistreatment at his work. Hes the oldest of out his siblings,, his mom is Rose clownshunk and his dad is Hecktor Butterworths who is @astronomergrump 's oc!
Speaking of parents and whos he related to,, He is Sheldas grandson and is Cromdos son,, so hes one of the children cromdo is like..not allowed to see at all despite in this au cromdo doesn't really like Fayford.
Hes happily engaged/married to another one of my ocs Jomos Vonderhang (this guy right here below this paragraph or text)
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He has over two children so far,, but im makin him an little baby with jomos sooner or later (I have just don't like how they've come out)
Hes gay and trans (FTM) and hes just an silly guy!
He canonically has Audhd and has an hard time knowin if sometimes he shouldn't be thinking everything can be solved with laughs n' giggles. But about everyone who ever first meets him instantly becomes his friend because hes an very kind lad. Hes over 7'5 ft tall,, and has an lazy eye but his glasses kinda hide that fact so you can only see how he has an lazy eye when he takes his glasses off!
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bu11seye · 3 months
[headcanon question of the day] how / in what way does vampire jessie hold on to her humanity?
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thinking about the past , as sad as it is . she's really proud of herself of everything she's been through and she loves that she feels her emotions fully even if it doesn't seem like it most of the time . she doesn't want to not care about those who meant the most to her at one time , whether that's emily or her brother or anyone else . she also doesn't see the appeal of completely feeling numb because then she's not ... jessie ? things are always going to hurt . bad things will always happen to her , she's accepted that fate . but she's also freer than she's ever been before , so she takes that as a positive rather than a negative .
being so full of love and curiosity for life is what holds her humanity , having love for others and wanting to see the world.
jess is capable of causing trouble and being a menace without her humanity off , and the only way that she'd turn it off was by force by an original ( which just goes into the ragdoll trope she has going on and kinda parallels stefan where he tries to fight compulsion )
she doesn't have the best coping mechanisms, but turning it off will never be her response to anything .
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