saturnaous Β· 25 days
πŸ–Œ πŸ’š 🌍 ⚑️ πŸ₯€ πŸ„ 🐷 😴
(I couldnt choose lol)
πŸ–Œ - Do you have/want any tattoos? YESSS Okay. I don't have any tattoos yet(my parents would never allow it at my current age. they both bullied me when I mentioend what I wanted onetime at dinner. so cruel </3 /silly), but when I can!! I have two that I really want. The first one is in relation to my friends and the fantasy world we're building and the main storylineof it(or just matching with them idk) and the SECOND ONE. Scott knows this. But my favorite comic that I've been following for years now has a weapon called a Holy Brick on a Rope that I want tattooed on my bicep SO BAD because it's great. Bicep specifically because. Becket lost his arm at his bicep. it's great. I want it so bad.
πŸ’š - What’s your favourite colour? BLUE GREYYY. it's so good. kinda likea. grey periwinkle or something. teehee.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent? SCREAMS. Okay so I will admit. I am a big fan of kiwi accents. they are neat. otherwise I'd say an american southern accent. .. norm dialtown fucked me up. eee
⚑️ - Do you have any scars? As far as I'm aware, not really!! I have an extremely faint scar on my wrist from my brother attacking me onetime because I wouldn't get off the wifi. goodtimes(lie. shit sucked back then)
πŸ₯€ - Favourite animated movie? THIS IS SO HORRIBLE. . .why would you make me choose. . .screams. . . uhm. fuck. mmm. tbh I REALLY enjoy Michells VS the machines. it's super good I rewatched it a couple different times for debora and!! ohhh what were tjeor names. . .It might be The Wild Robot soon!!! it looks so great I'm so excited for it to come out. there's also the spiderverse movies. they're super swag. But shrug!!! I don't know there's so many!! hgouhgr. . . ohh now I'm thinking about the boy and the heron.. . .hrohrgoho. . . . SCREAMS. . . you can't do this to me. > > >FUCK NOW I'M THINKING ABOUT LIKE BOX TROLLS AND STUFF LAKIA STUDIOS I LOVE YOU. fuckkkk. FUCK KKKK DON'T MAKE MET HINK ABOUT THIS. SCREMAS.
πŸ„ - Do you have/want any piercings? I have basic lobe piercings!!! But I want many more. one of my dream piercings is a nose bridge one!! I fucking love them they're so swag. I want a bunch more on my ears and stuff too. . . Lips if I can but don't know if I would be able to do them!! because I don't wanna risk the option of not being able ot play clarinet anymore pensive. I think. eyebrows are super cool too!! And maybe a smiley if I could manage it. But I'm not too sure because I've heard they fall out anyways which is kinda lame but. SHRUG!!!
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal? THE JAGUARRRRRRR. They're so cool. All terrain cats that are TRUE kings of the jungle!!! love them to death!! The Mayans actually called their warriors jaguars which is super neat too. eehoo.
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? fuck. . .probbaly just like. over 24 hours? nothing more than 48. I've never been a fan of pulling allnighters and shit. My ass likes to eep!!!! I fucking hate not being able to sleep at night it's the worst.
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