#EHENEH cute idea though
radioroxx · 4 months
I always liked the idea that a Ceroba is a kinda over protective mother
In a clover lives au or clover stays underground au ceroba would constantly be fussing over them, internally freaking out if they get even the tiniest of cuts, if they go to snowdin clover is going to get BURIED in clothes and layers, etc etc
(Not an art request, just a funny thought I had)
AHH…. yes i do think so…. especially after already losing a kid (or two i guess, post uty pacifist) she would be veeeery protective by that point. maybe she was a lil overbearing even before, but moreso now
i also like to think that given clovers human n all, their friends might not know? everything there is TO know about humans? so in situations that you described like them getting hurt with the tiniest of cuts, or spending time in snowdin, a lot of that fussing also comes from a point of view of “oh god is this normal for humans? is the cut SUPPOSED to be that colour??? what temperature is ideal for a growing cowboy?? no fur ?? ?”
(ofc i dont think she’d be entirely ignorant on human stuffs, esp with human-obsessed starlo who would love to help, but she’s definitely unfamiliar to the point of being overcautious lol)
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