thoulizziers · 5 months
You. Do you even care about others? All you do is for your own enjoyment. You have done nothing for others. Why do you pretend you care for others? Why don’t you help your “family”? No wonder they haven’t seen you in forever. They stopped caring for someone that wasnt there for them.
It’s clear that you only take from others and give nothing back. You’re a terrible god. The people that worship you are going unanswered when they do not give you something. Don’t you know that, that’s a really shitty thing to do? To do that to someone that looks up to you? Someone that depends on you? You wouldn’t be anything without them. But you don’t do anything for them. Isn’t that interesting? Isn’t that so fucking interesting, deer?
You kill others for no reason. I don’t know how you managed on marrying someone so kind. Yet, you barely speak to them. Why is that? Do you mean to forget them? Do you mean to never see them?
- 🔥🐝
Who do you think you are, the authorities? I have taken lives to protect my followers. Those who disrupt the peace in my forest get what they deserve. I have a deep care for things beyond what meets the eye. My family may not be in the best shape, but that doesn't mean I don't love them. If they choose to stop caring, that's their business. They have their own lives to live, and I don't expect them to look back at me. It's quite audacious of you to label me as a bad deity. It's not my fault that my worshippers don't realize the trouble I can cause. They might not be the brightest, but they are loyal to me in their own way. I do a lot for the creatures I've created, and they reciprocate in kind. When I take a life, there's always a reason behind it, and it's not for you to judge that reason. I've been around for eons, and I know the difference between right and wrong. Every action of mine is deliberate and weighed carefully. And how dare you speak ill of my beloved? Yes, they are quite charming, but don't presume that I plan on forgetting such a sweet soul anytime soon.
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