ezxthan · 1 year
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omg we finally got event where Jude dies 😍
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accirax · 19 days
Okay, really wanna get these out before the finale so here we go :
Haven't really shown a Hunter one yet (love his laugh).
Awww, Will & Ashley are just the best for each other! ^_^ (Also, AUTUMN CAMEO!!! :D)
*SIGH* Y'know.. the more of these Ellie Greetings I look at really show me the kind of person she is. She doesn't wanna show remorse for anything since it's such an "inconvenience" To Her. She doesn't see why any of the stuff she said or did was wrong and thinks it's a waste of her time to even try to understand why it might've been; that all the people she's affected (whether directly or indirectly) are just petty butthurt crybabies who should get over themselves & forget about everything. Always quick to point out everyone else's faults & how much they suck, but denies her own. shepissesmeoffsofuckingmuch.
Seems like Gabby isn't much different. No doubt influenced by her gf. I mean, the girl practically takes *anything* Ellie says or does as gospel so this really shouldn't surprise me.
Aww, this one's actually really sweet~! ^^
Why do I get the feeling that a certain group of shippers are gonna go crazy over the thing he's holding..? (Also, do you know if plushies & other accessories/items/animals/outfits/costumes cost extra in greetings? I'm kinda curious about that.)
OMG-! 😆 Even though I barely remember anything about Azula, this cosplay fits way too well for her lol! Also, I'm gonna take that awkward laugh and avoidance of the first question as a sign that she totally does watch that stuff but refuses to ever admit it. (Ew.)
Ok, I that's all I wanted to say. And, just in case none of the links work, there is a high chance I might've confused the capital i for a lowercase L, or vice versa. So you could just correct that and it should be fine.
i didn't have a good opportunity to respond to this before the finale (part 1) aired, but i am taking a look at them before i've personally watched the finale, so hopefully that's alright :)
(text to make the keep reading work)
Hunter's VA is always so funny; never forget how he was the one to kick off the singing greetings trend (even if it was the asker who asked him to do it). i sort of thought he'd go for some sort of shadows/darkness power myself, but the Frozone reference when explaining why he chose ice won me over. also, as someone who just got around to finally watching "disventure camp but bad," this comment took me out:
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it's funny how many of the couples are comprised of one person who's afraid and one person who helps them get over those fears (wishley, jaiden, kind of tomjake). i wonder if any of the writers had that sort of experience with their hypothetical partners.
(also, just because this was the greeting in which it was apparently said, i do want to highlight @/harzeke and his survey answerer's critique of having a Scared Black Man trope originate from his experiences in a shady neighborhood. it's in the "racist fandom and fanon jokes" section of the linked document. i'm not at all trying to say that you, @sapphireroses282, have done anything wrong, obviously. just trying to use this opportunity to promote a well-written and overall much-needed perspective from another creator :) )
yeah, Ellie isn't exactly the kindest person even on her best days, unless it's to Gabby. to give her the benefit of the doubt, i sort of read it as a continuation of her coping with her loss. if, in an attempt to convince herself that losing wasn't that big of a deal, she keeps telling herself that it was "just a game" and not something worth getting upset over, she might also tell herself that every one else does/should think the same and therefore that they shouldn't be angry, either. but, i agree, it definitely is a flaw, and i can understand how it could be frustrating if you've dealt with people who are self-centered in this way in real life.
i do think that Lake and Aiden at least deserve an apology, and probably Tess too, but, Hunter...? am i forgetting something? i just rewatched Hunter's boot episode. what did Ellie have to apologize to Hunter for? i know that she tried to keep Tess away from him to prevent mingling between teams, but that didn't go through, and he has no idea that happened. i sort of remember them fighting in the animal rescue and/or sandbag challenges, but that probably was within the realm of the challenge, not like pushing Tom on top of Aiden was. i'm probably just forgetting something, but for now it's throwing me.
the main thing for Gabby is that i feel like she already did apologize to Tess and Tom within the bounds of the main series, so i don't think any additional apologizing is needed there. like, she doesn't exactly say "i'm sorry" to Tess when she's booted, but Tess also doesn't seem upset, so like... no harm no foul, right? and, when she beats Tom in the tiebreaker challenge, she literally says, "I'm sorry I got carried away, Tom."
in the Survivor fandom, there's the concept of a "bitter jury," which is a season in which the jury favors their personal feelings of betrayal in who they vote for to win, instead of who they think played the best strategic/physical/social (in the making and betraying allies sense) game. now, i'm of the opinion that whoever wins the season is the correct winner of the season, because if the jury is going to be bitter, the finalists should account for that in how they appeal to the jury and how they play the game. that being said, i also hate bitter juries, because i would rather see the best player of the season win the money as opposed to just the most popular player.
in that sense, i'm glad that apologies aren't needed, because it seems indicative of people forgiving each other -> not being bitter about how the events of the game show turned out. i don't think that anyone should be forced to apologize to someone who wasn't hurt just for the, i dunno, social politics of it all. especially when that someone is Gabby, who seems to have already needed to "apologize" just for being herself to a lot of people. (my typical standard is, if the offended party forgives the perpetrator, i don't have any issue forgiving them as well, even if a formal apology isn't issued.)
however, you could also argue that Tess or Lake or whoever should have been more offended by what Gabby did. although i think things like "say hi to Ellie" were made in jest, they could easily be seen as mockery. and/or, Tess is someone who likely has pretty low self-confidence, so you could see her not standing up for herself as a sign that she's fine letting herself get verbally harmed for the sake of peace. whether or not a fictional character should be forgiven/have to apologize is a very complicated issue that everyone approaches differently depending on their own history and personality. (god knows i've learned that through participating in the Milgram fandom.) i completely understand why you might not like Ellie (and Gabby by extension) because of her attitude, but i hope you can also understand why i see things differently ^_^
aww, that was really sweet! i'm glad that Alec might finally be getting to a place in his life where he can try to be happy. i kinda thought he might relate getting dinner with someone to The Mishap with Riya, but, hey, maybe that's further proving his growth that he's not fixated on it anymore! also, apparently he's dressed up as a Pokemon character? i thought that was, like, Kid Icarus or something. what in the ancient Greece is Pokemon getting up to?
it's funny to combo the "Connor and I are good friends" dialogue with him holding a plushie of Connor, haha. then again, he didn't say something as direct as "it's platonic," so, yeah, i think the shippers will go crazy over this one.
while i don't know much about greetings myself, one of my coworkers on Reality Resort did tell me a little about how greetings pricing goes down, so i can confirm that they do add to the overall cost of the greeting. said coworker also made this video talking about Disventure Camp greetings, and talks in a bit more specificity about pricing at around the 11:10 mark, if not elsewhere (i watched the video when it first came out so i don't remember what exactly goes where). some of the official VAs (Trevor, Gabby) also left some comments on that video with a bit more insider knowledge. i still don't think there's an exact breakdown of how much a costume vs a prop costs-- possibly because the price varies based on complexity-- but it's a good video overall, so i recommend you check it out if you're interested to learn more about greetings!
that costume looks so cute on her!!! some of the comments were recalling that Fiore also quoted Azula in s1 (the part where she says something along the lines of "my own mother thought i was a monster... she was right, but--"), so it's a super fitting choice. i also love that she ended with "i'm 8, so what do i know?". she is just a silly 8 year old who likes bullying her dad for having cooties. and manipulating and traumatizing people. who does it like her?
(all of the links worked perfectly btw-- thanks for putting in the effort to transcribe them!)
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fakevalentine · 11 months
hiii req for anatomy drawing skills part 2? it was perfect im obsessed
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female reader x ellie williams
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“is this okay?” ellie smiles at your nerves, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “you’re perfect. just stay still for me.”
she moves away from you, much to your dismay, to sit on her wooden stool beside her white canvas. you were nervous, and sure you had let her draw your most intimate area— but now she was planning on doing your whole body. you knew she was a good artist and would do your image justice, but you felt so exposed and vulnerable aww
you’re wearing one of her bigger shirts, it fell around your mid thigh and some lace panties around your hips. i mean, you’re basically naked; the top of the shirt is unbuttoned to reveal your collarbones and just the top of your bare breasts. she told you to “get comfortable”, but you just felt awkward and tense.
her eyebrows furrow, taping her spare hand against her thigh as she begins sketching you. the scraping of her pencil match your heartbeat, you analyse her pretty green eyes, watching them focus on the paper and then you.
a bead of sweat rolls down the side of her face, it’s hot in the room. you can’t tell if it’s the tension or the sweltering heat from outside— but either way, you’re way too warm now.
you swallow thickly, scared to even move your fingers as to not mess up your position. “‘s hot…” your voice is barely a whisper, but she can hear you just fine. you feel an almost nauseating wave of heat ripple over your body, skin dampening by the second.
ellie nods and shifts on her seat, “i know, baby. just relax, okay?” she prays you don’t notice her constant glancing at your chest, maybe you’ll take it as her just taking in her posture. she can barely focus, much like last time she tried to draw just a singular part of you.
she could see the pretty lace hidden under the bottom of her shirt, your soft skin peeking between the patterns. it’s very hard to relax, for the both of you now.
more of your breast slips from the thin fabric of the flannel shirt as you shift into a more comfortable position, but you don’t realise. ellie certainly does, and becomes even more sweater than usual, feeling droplets spill down her spine and pool at the waistband of her jeans.
you squirt your eyes, running your tongue over your lips to wet them as you watch your girlfriend become squirmier as the time ticks on. “el?” you’re nervous, what if she doesn’t like what you’re doing? or maybe she’s just hot…
she pushes her hair back, dropping the pencil and wiping her clammy hands on her pants. you become a little worried, sitting up and frowning slightly at her sudden… distress?
the way your thighs become plushy as you sit, leaning forward and exposing even more of your chest— she can almost see everything now. the visible sweat making your skin glisten, it was maybe just tooooo much for your loser girlfriend. “are you okay?”
ellie exhales slowly, taking in your appearance from head to toe. “get over here.”
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aradiyatoys · 7 years
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Giraffe Ellie is the most recent pattern from my "AradiyaToys Design" collection and a new one is coming soon! 🎉🌸 http://etsy.me/2v87xQM
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saeyoungs606 · 3 years
RFA + Vanderwood, Saeran at the Carnival
This headcanon was written by my dear friend Aimi (@m00nsthet1c) and I hope that you go check out his work after reading this! <3
ok but I imagine yoosung being the one to eat heavy food at the foodcourt and throw up afterwards
Jumin would reserve the entire carnival because seven wouldn't stop pleading him for it
zen would be the type of guy to be persistent in winning those target games because he would miss the shot despite him putting so much force into throwing the ball
seven would bring vanderwood to carry all the cotton candy he bought
which was the entire stock
"why the hell would you even need this many?"
"they'll be useful in making my job more efficient ms. vanderwood ^-^"
Jumin would take you onto the ferris wheel because he doesn't like most of the intense rides
rika and V would even join in with you
double dates with rika and v :D
he sadly couldn't bring Elizabeth the 3rd because of V
"I don't think Elizabeth would enjoy a carnival, she might get lost jumin"
"I cannot risk losing Elizabeth the 3rd. Very well then"
takes like 30 mins to say goodbye
and takes another 30 to pry seven off of her
"my precious elly! nooooo!"
even saeran tagged along! He enjoyed the bumpy cars a ton!
he was a bit embarrassed because it was pretty childish for an adult to like the bumpy cars or the teacup rides, but his brother had no shame and went to the rides he enjoyed with no hesitation. Sometimes even bringing you alongside it!
the reason his brother bought all the cotton candy was because he saw saeran staring at the blueberry flavored one
the two of them even bought matching accessories together!
saeyoung wanted his brother to have a remembrance of this time, because they never got to experience it in their childhood days
and seeing his brother eating the cotton candy with a hidden but noticeable smile made his carnival experience more enjoyable
"uhm.. saeyoung, you know I don't need this much-"
"don't worry about it! we can eat it together once we get home :D"
"but.. I don't want diabetes"
"there's always tomorrow!"
there's also one game saeran enjoyed and it was the water gun fight!
he asked you if you'd be willing to join while saeyoung asked yoosung, since it was a 4 player game
you were glad that v recommended you to get spare clothing
yoosung being yoosung forgot and he had to walk with sulked clothes
rika chuckled a bit at yoosung's forgetfulness
and being the best cousin ever she asked jumin to buy him some clothes so he doesn't catch a cold
now yoosung has new comfy clothes!
"aw I want new clothes too!"
seven complained a bit but yoosung being petty just ignored him
rika and v went on more calming rides together! V occasionally taking pictures, but it wasn't just the scenery he was taking a picture of
they had their little personal date out of the others and often walked around the large place, admiring the different booths and occasionally playing some of the games
Jumin tagged along from time to time with them
but he focused more on getting a little gift for his precious Elizabeth 3rd
he got a cute little kitty plushie that looked really similar to elizabeth!
he took awhile to get it from those crane games though-
but he's got the spirit and doesn't mind wasting money only for his precious cat
Zen, and yoosung would be on intense rides like the rollercoasters and the dropper rides (the ones where it suddenly drops you at a random time)
yoosung would be mortified 99% of the time, but would act like it didn't affect him afterwards
some of the rides were too much for him though so he couldn't sugarcoat most of it-
"oh man! you should've seen the look on your face with-"
"shut up you narcissist!"
"HEY! you just can't handle rides that aren't made for little kids!"
"your scared ass face said otherwise"
Jaehee is really good at target games and often wins some for zen and even for you because you got impatient with missing the targets
and you or zen try to impress her but inaudibly fail
yoosung would go with rika and v onto those little boat rides :D
vanderwood would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it, and he'll definitely never admit to it
despite having to carry a huge bag of cotton candy all around, he enjoyed the rides a ton, especially the rollercoasters
He never really had time or ought to think about being at a carnival, so the experience was very new to him. And he'd definitely try it again in secret so he wouldn't be an outsider maid for the redhead
V would take so many pictures of the sceneries, just everything really
he also took one big photo of all of you in front of the entrance gate
and it's up on rika and v's shared home!
the experience was really amazing! getting to go on a little break all together with the rfa is a good stress relief from party planning
but yoosung throughout most of it just kept puking his guts out, rika holding his hair so it won't get on the way and just rubbing circles onto his back for comfort
meanwhile seven is just laughing with an annoyed vanderwood and a chuckling saeran, eating cotton candy together
the ride home was really chill. kind of
you guys fought over what music to listen to and jumin just concluded to not listening to any at all
saeran kept admiring the little matching keychain his brother got him, only tensing up and hiding it once saeyoung mentioned it out
"you're smiling! aww!!"
when you all got home you guys were exhausted. Especially zen who went on the intense rides the most
vanderwood was forced to stay in by seven, and a little pleading from you as well. And due to being too tired he ended up agreeing just because he didn't wanna drop off the cotton candy at saeyoung's place
tired state? night time? movie night!
you all discussed on one movie that you can all agree in watching, and you all fell asleep like a daylight
everyone except for saeran
he refreshes his memories in the carnival, the amount of joy he had with his brother, and how lucky he was to have such a caring old brother like saeyoung. He wouldn't replace him for anyone
he just wished he could've experienced it at a younger age
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kaylanimakacorneau · 7 years
I so recommend  THE ATTIC by Franz Kafka . WOw to a lawyerReply  
Kaylani Maka Corneau
2 seconds ago
read next NARCISSUS AND GOLDMUND . wow. or Peter Camizand.. or leap to Kafka. LOL. wow, books are my BFF , like literally, and I do cry lotSs ITReply  
Benjamin Garner
1 day ago (edited)
"I'm confident but I have social anxiety" Holy shit if this isn't meReply 1564  View all 14 replies
7 hours ago
sameReply 2  
Phandom Af
46 minutes ago
Literally me but I have no confidence or self esteemReply 2  
Kaylani Maka Corneau
2 seconds ago
Gwynneth Azar
1 day ago
RIP after chat. You were full of lots of different fandoms and song chains...Reply 1102  View all 26 replies
Bailey Nathan
1 day ago
It's pretty good. How about you?Reply  
Gwynneth Azar
1 day ago
Bailey Nathan Pretty good. Going on another Dan and Phil marathon, so...Reply 1  
The Potato Bear
1 day ago
My mum died recently and mr danny is helpful in distracting me thank youReply 689  View all 65 replies
Alicia Thiemann
10 minutes ago
The Potato Bear the phantom is here 4 uReply  
9 minutes ago
The Potato Bear sending my love to you❤️❤️❤️Reply  
Daniel Dream x
1 day ago (edited)
anthony padilla liked my tweet about 'padildos'. should i be proud or concerned.Reply 1671  View all 31 replies
Not Society
23 hours ago
Daniel Dream x I would say bothReply 14  
eemse inoy
6 hours ago
Daniel Dream x Probably both😂Reply 3  
I'm EmøBandTrash
1 day ago
Who else thinks the plushies should be punk Phil and pastel DanReply 633  View all 14 replies
I'm EmøBandTrash
18 hours ago
Beverly Cook Aww thxReply  
taco burrito
4 hours ago (edited)
The girl in green  sorry did i give you the right to have me as your pfpReply 1  
Jordan Carpenter
1 day ago
I HAVE A PICKUP LINE FOR PHANDOM MEMBERS... Did it hurt... when you fell from your chair. Kms bye.Read moreReply 1194  View all 16 replies
1 hour ago
jenjan Rodri
1 day ago
Bye afterchat it was filled with mcr,Dans diss track,musicals and was overall a mess you will be missed RIP 2017-2017Reply 600  View all 10 replies
1 day ago
jenjan Rodri of course it wasReply 3  
1 day ago
jenjan Rodri i mean thats literally how it is every time lmaoReply 7  
1 day ago
"I just got dumped" Dan: FORGET THAT HOE! Dan helping his fansReply 461  View all 3 replies
King Yareth
16 hours ago
MayLivKoi what was the time please?Reply  
Ikra Aku
14 hours ago
When he said Pim's I thought he meant the biscuits T.TReply 1  
Keisha Taylor
1 day ago
I clicked on when he was saying goodbye whY DO I ALWAYS MISS IT AICJJSWReply 401  View all 12 replies
Daniela Enriquez
23 hours ago
Keisha Taylor I couldn't even watch itReply 5  
Ellie Amara
21 hours ago
Keisha Taylor I was super early. I was there When he was still getting ready.Reply 1  
1 day ago
i just got my braces on this morning and my teeth hurt a lot, this made my day! thank you <3Reply 339  View all 53 replies
1 hour ago
nyree the unicorn well i bought a starbucks cookie and then i remembered my mouth kills so i had to eat it literally one crumb at a time😂😂 i suggest ramen noodles, those are ok to eatReply 1  
1 day ago
Oh no, phil has laryngitis?! Hope you get better philReply 322  View all 5 replies
Yazzy Isnotonfire
1 day ago
AlfietheGreat? Is it weird that I'm sick at the same time that Phil is sick... or is it just meReply 5  
Rose Brown
1 day ago
that after chat was a disasterReply 339  View all 10 replies
Roxxy Wood
1 day ago
Rose Brown
1 day ago
Kyzo R6
1 day ago
I feel kind of bad for Dan because i feel like hes trying to evolve but his fanbase won't grow with him because they're all 10+ years younger than him and are still cringy and stuck in their MCR scene phaseReply 354  View all 36 replies
grace price
1 day ago
he should start every liveshow with a g-noteReply 877  View all 29 replies
11 hours ago
grace price I would die every single week...Reply 2  
C Major Lips/Blue-sky Hands
8 hours ago
no please i'll cryReply 3  
1 day ago
1 day ago
Did Dan just pronounce  hola like " hoe - lah ?" 😂😂💀Reply 289  View all 17 replies
jemimah zeckendorf
3 hours ago (edited)
He does know it's pronounced ola, like in OrangeReply  
Dora Explorer
1 hour ago
Mille and in brazil people laugh like “kkkkkkkkkk” it confused me alotReply 1  
Rafaela Mello
1 day ago
HE LOOKS SO GREAT WTFReply 276  View all 3 replies
Hey buddy you in London? :3
1 day ago
Rafaela Mello ikrReply 4  
יסמין מיציסלבסקי
1 day ago
Rafaela Mello he always looks great that's danReply 12  
Makenzie Is Dying
1 day ago
Knock knock? Who's there? Definitely not my self esteem...hehe..
Reply 234  View all 4 replies
Makenzie Is Dying
1 day ago
Sara bless uReply  
Makenzie Is Dying
1 day ago
voldemort's nose SOFT AND
Reply 3  
lank lonk
1 day ago
made me feel good that dan admitted that he has social anxiety. of course not glad that he struggles, but happy to see someone as successful as him dealing with the same things that i amReply 242  
Phandom Af
48 minutes ago
lank lonk I have social anxiety too love from uk ❤️Reply  
1 day ago
Reply 298  View all 25 replies
1 hour ago
Spøøkyeejim thank yee so muchReply 1  
Alicia Thiemann
6 minutes ago
yeemophandomtrash anyone who doesn't give a warning needs yeesusReply  Show more
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aradiyatoys · 7 years
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Smiling Ellie / Color variation ☺️🌸🌺 http://etsy.me/2v87xQM
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aradiyatoys · 7 years
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Happy Ellie as she finally got her spots! 🎉🙈 http://etsy.me/2v87xQM
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aradiyatoys · 7 years
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The hardest part of using Giraffe Ellie pattern is to decide whenever you want to make her with opened or closed eyes! 🙉🙈 http://etsy.me/2v87xQM
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aradiyatoys · 7 years
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Ellie was the youngest giraffe of the family. Her brothers and sisters often made fun of her because her body was entirely yellow, without any spots. Ellie so badly wanted to look like a real giraffe, but the spots just did not appear. One evening, her brothers poked at her and told Ellie that if she would walk through the dark forest, the spots would appear. The dark forest scared Ellie, but she decided to go there anyway. She woke up early in the morning, seized a bag that she had prepared the night before and went through the dark forest. This was a very shadowy place, weird sounds came from the bushes and the screeches of owls could be heard from between the tree branches, but Ellie bravely moved forward and very soon she came to a forest glade filled with colourful flowers. Feeling like making a wreath of flowers, Ellie started to collect them. Once her wreath was ready, she put it on her head and took a look in the puddle. In the reflection, she saw not only these beautiful flowers on her head, but also three spots on her stomach! The air smelled of storm. Somewhere over the horizon, the clouds thundered. And all of a sudden, Ellie woke up with a start in her bed. She saw a flash of lighting outside the window, and then she noticed near her bed the bag that she had prepared the night before. “Oh no!”, Ellie thought. She jumped out of her bed, ran to the mirror and… a big smile appeared on her face. There were three brown spots on her stomach and a beautiful wreath of flowers of different colours on her head! The pattern of Giraffe Ellie in English, German, French, Italian and Russian is already available on my Etsy store -> http://etsy.me/2v87xQM I would love to thank Celine, Gwendoline, Christina and Silvana for proofreading and translations! I’m so glad I know you, dear friends! 😘😘
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