#ERG-1 (Energy Release Generator 1).
balu8 · 1 year
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Mike Grell: Wildfire
18 notes · View notes
sanjaylodh · 9 months
I saw the storm
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
cloudy atmosphere
from soil to sky
takes away
leave everything here
takes away
leave everything here
cloudy atmosphere
from soil to sky
takes away
leave everything here
takes away
leave everything here
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
but i don't know
what is solar storm
where from the sun
his statement happens
where from the sun
his statement happens
but i don't know
what is solar storm
where from the sun
his statement happens
where from the sun
his statement happens
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
Disturbance in heat due to storm
Storms are often seen traveling from the soil to the clouds in the sky.
How far from the Sun does a solar storm extend?
solar flares
NASA (.gov)
https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov › sftheory › flare
Solar flares extend into a layer of the Sun called the corona. The corona is the Sun's outermost atmosphere, consisting of highly rarefied gas.
What is a solar flare?
Flashing is defined as a sudden, rapid and intense change in brightness. A solar flare occurs when magnetic energy built up in the solar atmosphere is suddenly released. Radiation is emitted across almost the entire electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from radio waves at the longer wavelength end, through optical emission to X-rays and gamma rays at the shorter wavelength end. The amount of energy released is equivalent to millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs exploding at the same time! The first solar flare recorded in astronomical literature was on 1 September 1859. Two scientists, Richard C. Carrington and Richard Hodgson, were independently observing the sunspot at the time when they noticed a large flash of white light.
Full disk corona with flare Soft X-ray image of a solar flare on the Sun
As magnetic energy is released, particles in the solar atmosphere, including electrons, protons and heavy nuclei, become hotter and faster. The energy released during a flare is typically on the order of 1027 ergs per second. Large flames can emit up to 1032 ergs of energy. This energy is one million times more than the energy released by a volcanic eruption. On the other hand, it is less than one tenth of the total energy emitted by the Sun per second.
Solar flares generally have three phases. The first is the precession phase, where the release of magnetic energy begins. Soft X-ray emissions are detected in this phase. In the second or impulsive phase, the protons and electrons are accelerated to energies greater than 1 MeV. During the impulsive phase, radio waves, hard X-rays, and gamma rays are emitted. The gradual creation and decay of soft X-rays can be traced in a third, decay phase. The duration of these phases can be as short as a few seconds or as long as an hour.
Solar flares extend into a layer of the Sun called the corona. The corona is the Sun's outermost atmosphere, consisting of highly rarefied gas. The temperature of this gas is usually a few million degrees Kelvin. Inside the flare, temperatures typically reach 10 or 20 million degrees Kelvin, and can be as high as 100 million degrees Kelvin. The corona is visible in soft X-rays, as in the image above. Note that the corona is not uniformly bright, but rather is concentrated around the solar equator in loop-shaped features. These bright loops are located inside and connect areas of strong magnetic field called active regions. Sunspots are located within these active regions. Solar flares occur in active regions.
The frequency of the flares coincides with the Sun's eleven-year cycle. When the solar cycle is at a minimum, active regions are small and rare and few solar flares are detected. As the Sun approaches the maximum part of its cycle, their number increases. The Sun will reach its next maximum in 2011, whether within a year or not.
One cannot see a solar flare simply by staring at the Sun. (Never look directly at the Sun! Eye damage may occur.) Flames are actually difficult to see against the bright emissions from the photosphere. Instead, special scientific instruments are used to detect radiation signals emitted during a flare. Radio and optical emissions from the flames can be seen with telescopes on Earth. Energetic emissions such as X-rays and gamma rays require space-based telescopes, as these emissions do not penetrate Earth's atmosphere.
How far do solar flares spread?
How far can a solar flare reach in space? - Quora
A flame can be emitted at a speed thousands of times the escape velocity of the Sun. Once it leaves the Sun there is nothing to stop it from traveling to the heliopause, which is more than 100 AU away. 29 May 2021
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
cloudy atmosphere
from soil to sky
takes away
leave everything here
takes away
leave everything here
cloudy atmosphere
from soil to sky
takes away
leave everything here
takes away
leave everything here
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
but i don't know
what is solar storm
where from the sun
his statement happens
where from the sun
his statement happens
but i don't know
what is solar storm
where from the sun
his statement happens
where from the sun
his statement happens
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
I saw the storm
next to me
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
is a rotational which
in a cloud of dust and smoke
Translate Hindi
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
बादलों भरी माहौल
मिट्टी में से आसमान ओर
उड़ा ले जाता है
बहाँ हर कुछ यहाँ छोड़
उड़ा ले जाता है
बहाँ हर कुछ यहाँ छोड़
बादलों भरी माहौल
मिट्टी में से आसमान ओर
उड़ा ले जाता है
बहाँ हर कुछ यहाँ छोड़
उड़ा ले जाता है
बहाँ हर कुछ यहाँ छोड़
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
पर मैं अनजान
क्या है सौर तूफान
सूर्य में से कहाँ
होता है उसका बयान
सूर्य में से कहाँ
होता है उसका बयान
पर मैं अनजान
क्या है सौर तूफान
सूर्य में से कहाँ
होता है उसका बयान
सूर्य में से कहाँ
होता है उसका बयान
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
तूफान होने का कारण उत्ताप में गड़बड़ी
अक्सर तूफान दिख जाता है मिट्टी तल में से आसमान में बादल तक की सफर में
सौर तूफान सूर्य में से कहां तक विस्तृत है
सौर ज्वालाएँ
नासा (.gov)
https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov › sftheory › फ्लेयर
सौर ज्वालाएँ सूर्य की कोरोना नामक परत तक फैलती हैं। कोरोना सूर्य का सबसे बाहरी वातावरण है, जिसमें अत्यधिक दुर्लभ गैस होती है।
सोलर फ्लेयर क्या है?
चमक को चमक में अचानक, तीव्र और तीव्र बदलाव के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है। सौर ज्वाला तब घटित होती है जब सौर वातावरण में बनी चुंबकीय ऊर्जा अचानक मुक्त हो जाती है। विकिरण लगभग पूरे विद्युत चुम्बकीय स्पेक्ट्रम में उत्सर्जित होता है, लंबी तरंग दैर्ध्य के अंत में रेडियो तरंगों से लेकर, ऑप्टिकल उत्सर्जन के माध्यम से एक्स-रे और छोटी तरंग दैर्ध्य के अंत में गामा किरणों तक। जारी ऊर्जा की मात्रा एक ही समय में विस्फोट करने वाले लाखों 100-मेगाटन हाइड्रोजन बमों के बराबर है! खगोलीय साहित्य में पहली सौर चमक 1 सितंबर 1859 को दर्ज की गई थी। दो वैज्ञानिक, रिचर्ड सी. कैरिंगटन और रिचर्ड हॉजसन, उस समय स्वतंत्र रूप से सनस्पॉट का निरीक्षण कर रहे थे, जब उन्होंने सफेद रोशनी में एक बड़ी चमक देखी।
सूर्य पर सौर ज्वाला की फ़्लेयर सॉफ्ट एक्स-रे छवि के साथ पूर्ण डिस्क कोरोना
जैसे ही चुंबकीय ऊर्जा जारी होती है, सौर वातावरण में इलेक्ट्रॉन, प्रोटॉन और भारी नाभिक सहित कण गर्म और तेज हो जाते हैं। भड़कने के दौरान निकलने वाली ऊर्जा आम तौर पर प्रति सेकंड 1027 अर्ग के क्रम पर होती है। बड़ी ज्वालाएँ 1032 अर्ग तक ऊर्जा उत्सर्जित कर सकती हैं। यह ऊर्जा ज्वालामुखी विस्फोट से निकलने वाली ऊर्जा से दस लाख गुना अधिक है। दूसरी ओर, यह सूर्य द्वारा प्रति सेकंड उत्सर्जित कुल ऊर्जा के दसवें हिस्से से भी कम है।
सौर ज्वाला के सामान्यतः तीन चरण होते हैं। पहला पूर्ववर्ती चरण है, जहां चुंबकीय ऊर्जा की रिहाई शुरू हो जाती है। इस चरण में नरम एक्स-रे उत्सर्जन का पता लगाया जाता है। दूसरे या आवेगी चरण में, प्रोटॉन और इलेक्ट्रॉन 1 MeV से अधिक ऊर्जा तक त्वरित हो जाते हैं। आवेगी अवस्था के दौरान, रेडियो तरंगें, कठोर एक्स-रे और गामा किरणें उत्सर्जित होती हैं। नरम एक्स-रे के क्रमिक निर्माण और क्षय का पता तीसरे, क्षय चरण में लगाया जा सकता है। इन चरणों की अवधि कुछ सेकंड जितनी छोटी या एक घंटे जितनी लंबी हो सकती है।
सौर ज्वालाएँ सूर्य की कोरोना नामक परत तक फैलती हैं। कोरोना सूर्य का सबसे बाहरी वातावरण है, जिसमें अत्यधिक दुर्लभ गैस होती है। इस गैस का तापमान सामान्यतः कुछ मिलियन डिग्री केल्विन होता है। फ्लेयर के अंदर, तापमान आम तौर पर 10 या 20 मिलियन डिग्री केल्विन तक पहुँच जाता है, और 100 मिलियन डिग्री केल्विन तक ऊँचा हो सकता है। कोरोना नरम एक्स-रे में दिखाई देता है, जैसा कि उपरोक्त छवि में है। ध्यान दें कि कोरोना समान रूप से चमकीला नहीं है, बल्कि लूप-आकार की विशेषताओं में सौर भूमध्य रेखा के आसपास केंद्रित है। ये चमकीले लूप अंदर स्थित होते हैं और मजबूत चुंबकीय क्षेत्र के क्षेत्रों को जोड़ते हैं जिन्हें सक्रिय क्षेत्र कहा जाता है। सनस्पॉट इन सक्रिय क्षेत्रों के भीतर स्थित हैं। सौर ज्वालाएँ सक्रिय क्षेत्रों में होती हैं।
ज्वालाओं की आवृत्ति सूर्य के ग्यारह वर्ष के चक्र के साथ मेल खाती है। जब सौर चक्र न्यूनतम होता है, तो सक्रिय क्षेत्र छोटे और दुर्लभ होते हैं और कुछ सौर ज्वालाओं का पता लगाया जाता है। जैसे-जैसे सूर्य अपने चक्र के अधिकतम भाग के करीब पहुंचता है, इनकी संख्या में वृद्धि होती जाती है। वर्ष 2011 में सूर्य अपनी अगली अधिकतम सीमा पर पहुंचेगा, चाहे एक वर्ष का समय हो या न हो।
कोई व्यक्ति केवल सूर्य को घूरकर सौर ज्वाला को नहीं देख सकता है। (कभी भी सीधे सूर्य की ओर न देखें! आंखों को नुकसान हो सकता है।) प्रकाशमंडल से निकलने वाले उज्ज्वल उत्सर्जन के विरुद्ध ज्वालाओं को देखना वास्तव में कठिन होता है। इसके बजाय, भड़कने के दौरान उत्सर्जित विकिरण संकेतों का पता लगाने के लिए विशेष वैज्ञानिक उपकरणों का उपयोग किया जाता है। ज्वालाओं से होने वाले रेडियो और ऑप्टिकल उत्सर्जन को पृथ्वी पर दूरबीनों से देखा जा सकता है। एक्स-रे और गामा किरणों जैसे ऊर्जावान उत्सर्जन के लिए अंतरिक्ष में स्थित दूरबीनों की आवश्यकता होती है, क्योंकि ये उत्सर्जन पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल में प्रवेश नहीं करते हैं।
सौर ज्वालाएँ कितनी दूर तक फैलती हैं?
सौर ज्वाला अंतरिक्ष में कितनी दूर तक पहुँच सकती है? - Quora
एक ज्वाला सूर्य के पलायन वेग से हजारों गुना अधिक गति से उत्सर्जित हो सकती है। एक बार जब यह सूर्य को छोड़ देता है तो इसे हेलिओपॉज़ तक यात्रा करने से रोकने वाला कोई नहीं है, जो कि 100 एयू से भी अधिक दूर है। 29 मई 2021
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
बादलों भरी माहौल
मिट्टी में से आसमान ओर
उड़ा ले जाता है
बहाँ हर कुछ यहाँ छोड़
उड़ा ले जाता है
बहाँ हर कुछ यहाँ छोड़
बादलों भरी माहौल
मिट्टी में से आसमान ओर
उड़ा ले जाता है
बहाँ हर कुछ यहाँ छोड़
उड़ा ले जाता है
बहाँ हर कुछ यहाँ छोड़
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
पर मैं अनजान
क्या है सौर तूफान
सूर्य में से कहाँ
होता है उसका बयान
सूर्य में से कहाँ
होता है उसका बयान
पर मैं अनजान
क्या है सौर तूफान
सूर्य में से कहाँ
होता है उसका बयान
सूर्य में से कहाँ
होता है उसका बयान
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
देखा तूफान मैं
मेरे आसपास बगल में
है एक घूर्णी जो
धूल और धुएं की जुवान में
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chernobog13 · 2 years
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The first appearance, and Legion of Super-Heroes try-out, for Wildfire, then known as Erg-1 (Energy Release Generator).  From Superboy (vol. 1) #195, June 1973.
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This was the very first issue of Superboy I ever bought and read.  It was also my first exposure to Dave Cockrum’s amazing artwork.  I was vaguely familiar with the Legion from one of their last appearances in Adventure Comics several years earlier (an issue I no longer had thanks to a sibling who ripped it to piece; I’m looking at you, Sis!).  However, I was amazed at much different - how much better - the Legion looked.
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It’s interesting to note that this is the only time, to my knowledge, that Wildfire ever used these “duplicate” powers he demonstrated here.  After he became a Legionnaire all he ever did was fire energy blasts from his hands and visor.
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Cockrum had been in the process of updating many of the Legionnaires’ outfits since the time he first took over the art duties on the Legion stories.  This story marked the first, and I believe only, appearance of Colossal Boy’s new brown, tan, and blue costume.  Cockrum stated that he had modeled it after Dynamo from T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, his favorite comic book from the 1960s.  However,  that costume did not last, and the next time Colossal Boy a few issues later it had changed again.
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(Just as an aside, it’s apparent that writer Cary Bates doesn’t have a handle on Chemical King’s powers - very few people did, which is why the character was rarely used.  Chemical King could not create, control, or change elements - that was Element Lad’s schtick.  Instead, Chemical King could control chemical reactions, i.e. having hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water.  Real exciting stuff, I know.)
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What?  They introduced this great looking character with fantastic abilities, only to kill him off?
Don’t worry, he gets better.  But my young self didn’t know that then.
What I did know was that I was now a die-hard Legion fan.  The story and art, the great characters, the futuristic action - it all had me wanting more, much more!
And I wasn’t the only one.  Cockrum’s work was so popular that two issues later the Legion went from being relegated to back-up stories to taking over the book when the cover title was changed to Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (although the change did not become official until issue #222).
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12 months - I have lived in Los Angeles for A WHOLE YEAR?! (16.08.2018)
One year. Wow.
A year ago today, I left my family and 3 of my best friends at the airport and said goodbye, not knowing how long it would be until I saw them again.
I am incredibly lucky to have seen some of them in the time that I’ve been here - I can’t believe I have such incredible people in my life who love me enough to come all the way here and give me some cuddles. Those people truly don’t know how much that has impacted my time here. In certain moments, it’s been so goddamn difficult to be away from Melbourne. The food is better, the air is cleaner, the healthcare is FREE and GOOD, we have TRAMS AND TRAINS EVERYWHERE(!!!), my house has a BACK YARD, I lived 30 minutes from EVERYTHING. I never understood how lucky I was to grow up in the worlds most liveable city (apparently we were overthrown this week - not happy, Jan).
Honestly, I get when people from the U.S ask me “Why would you move here?! Australia is so much better!” They’re right. But, I cannot thank the people I’ve met here enough either. It turns out, being in a place doesn’t matter - it’s the people you meet there. I think I knew that to an extent, but knowing the amazing human beings I know is the best thing about my life. Both in LA and in Melbourne, I have communities of such immensely supportive, determined, understanding, encouraging, KIND KIND KIND friends and family. Lots of people tell me they could never move away from home like I have, and I absolutely get that. I really don’t think I could have if not for my loved ones - because I am who they’ve made me.
If not for their strength and guidance, I would have no one to tell me to keep trying. If not for their positivity and resilience, I would probably be hiding in bed. If not for their perseverance and diligence, I would probably break down every 10 minutes. Granted, I have done all of those things at certain times in my life - both in Melbourne and LA - but my family and friends are the reason I haven’t let those moments solidify me in a state of bitterness and stillness. They keep me moving, trying/failing/getting up again, believing in myself.
In the last month, I have had not a great time. I still haven’t found a job to keep me here and grant me an E3 visa. I have found out some pretty troubling information about my health (explained in the “Pain” section). I have found myself forgetting who I am and why I’m here. But these people - my friends at home who I haven’t seen in a whole year, my family who I talk to every day, my community of new and old pals here in LA - have reminded me that I am capable, I am smart and I am kind. These are three things that cannot be said about everyone, and holding on to them has made me feel a lot better about whatever may come in the future.
So, over the past month I’ve had a lot of lovely moments amidst the scary ones.
The Spy Who Dumped Me came out in cinemas. My name was on the screen in the credits and it was a big moment. I was so lucky to have my beautiful pals Kelsey, Shannon, Savannah and Nathalie with me to share that moment. Below is the cake from the release party, and me dressed as an “Australian tourist” in the movie (go see it to undertand.
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Disneyland boi.
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Kelsey has been such an incredible friend to me for the last five years and this month has been especially challenging for me, and she has been so goddamn wonderful and kind. I love her a lot and this is her with a bloody OSCAR and then us having some bevs.
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BEACH DAY WITH PALS! Molly and Josh are here, I LOVE MY IMPROV PALS!!!
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I never go clubbing anymore, but my pals Jordy and Kristen asked us to come out with them to a 90′s night in Silverlake at a place called The Satellite and it was THE MOST I’VE EVER DANCED OR SWEATED EVER AND IT WAS THE MOST FUN I’VE EVER HAD IN A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE!
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My sweet Joeboy McGee turned 24 and I feel so grateful to have spent the second birthday in 3 years with him (on his 22nd birthday we saw stand up in NYC and got fancy pasta, it was beautiful). I love you so much, Joey. Thank the universe (and your amazing parents) for bringing you to life.
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Sweet angel Tiana joined Molly and I in LA for a few days and it was like a mini Heralayan Salt Lamps reunion. They’re both hilarious and intelligent goddesses and I’m so glad I know them.
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And right now, you ask? Well, today is just a normal day. I went to the gym and am about to go do a shift at Massage Envy. I can’t believe it’s been a year, and I’m so grateful to be able to say I’m living in Los Angeles.
TRAVEL: 5/10
While I’ve been winding down from having so many people visiting, I’m also really anxious about the whole “when am I coming home?” thing. Basically, I can’t know when I come home until I do or don’t get a job. 
My visa ends at the end of September, so if by this time next month, I still don’t have a job, I’ll be coming home for 3-4 weeks to visit, then returning to LA until I run out of money/my lease is up (mid December). If that happens, then I’ll be back home until I can figure out a way to come back and continue working in film and television. If I DO find a job in the next month, however, I will have to come home for 2 weeks to get my visa reinstated, in which case I’ll be back to LA as soon as I can be, and then return home for Christmas/New Years/Elyse’s wedding in late December/early January.
Apart from that, I’ve been going to the beach a lot and trying to just enjoy being here. I have a nice tan!
PAIN: 2/10
At the eye appointment with my parents, after 6 hours of weird tests and scary waiting periods, I was asked to come back to do another scary test - nay, the SCARIEST test. I had to have an ERG (info here), which is basically a test to see if there’s something wrong with my retina. After that, it determined my eyes were aye okay (yay!) but something weird has still been happening. I am currently awaiting an MRI of the brain, because the specialist believes I have “pseudotumor cerebri” (info here) . Basically, they think there’s excess fluid on my brain which causes pressure on your optic nerve, causing your vision to change and excess headaches. I genuinely thought everyone got headaches every day and that my sinuses were just weird (which is true, they’re weird), but there may be something more serious going on. It’s not a life threatening condition, but if it’s severe enough, there can some times be draining of the brain needed and even sometimes surgery. My vision isn’t changing too much, the only reason I noticed the changes was because I was on the look out for them since starting my arthritis drug, Plaquenil - I stopped taking it in April because I noticed these vision changes from February.
I’m really scared because if the MRI doesn’t give us enough info, the doctor will have to order a spinal tap (no, not the mockumentary - although this news DID turn my anxiety “up to 11″). Now, I’ve had multiple epidurals and minor back surgery, so I’m not too afraid of a spinal tap, but I AM afraid of the fact that my insurance here runs out on the 30th of September. This may be a reason I have to come home and stay home, and that terrifies me beyond anything else. I don’t want to have my body turn on me again like it has with my arthritis and my back pain. I do so much to keep myself healthy and to give my body the rest it needs, but if I have to put my future on hold for my health, I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to handle that fact without becoming a miserable wreck. All I can do for now is hope it’s nothing too serious and I can get it sorted out soon. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.
COMEDY: 7/10
This weekend Joey, Jordy and I will debut our threeprov improv team on a goddamn PARTY BUS for the LA Indie Improv Festival. I haven’t been writing at all for a very long time and that has been a big part of my recent slump, but in the last few days I’ve had a wave of ideas and energy come back to me and I really feel so excited to dig into something. I love making stuff.
On the downside, I have been extremely anxious about if I will be able to continue working here. I know that if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen, but for a while I’ve felt so so pessimistic and afraid of going home and not being able to continue towards my goals. All I’ve ever wanted to do since I knew what a joke was was be in comedy and work in TV - there’s nothing I love more (except my family, I know, I know). Yesterday, I had a meeting with a woman a friend set me up with. Both the woman and my friend who introduced us are both incredibly successful, kind, funny and passionate women. One of them said to me a few years ago:
“All you need to do to be a writer is two things: 1. Keep writing, don’t give up. 2. Don’t be a dick.”
Yesterday, in my conversation with her friend, she told me two things: “1. Stop worrying. 2. Be nice to people 3. Work fucking hard. 4. STOP. WORRYING”
It was the most relieving thing to be told by two different women, who are slightly older and wiser than me, who have been exactly where I am now, that I will be okay. They both believe in my ability and my personality and my work ethic, and that proves more than they realise it does. I have this incredible network of strong, generous, talented women around me - both here and in LA - who believe in me. So if these highly skilled and experienced people do, why shouldn’t I?
I’ll get there, even if a fucking visa or a few thousand health issues get in my way. It’s what I was born to do.
A year has passed and I’m a bit different, but I’m pretty much the same. The only difference may be that I know what I’m worth now. Oh, and I know how to grow string beans!
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wahid007posts · 3 years
Metal Foam Market likely to reach beyond USD 84 Million by 2024 at a CAGR of 4.2%
The report "Metal Foam Market by Material (Aluminum, Copper, Nickel), Application (Anti-Intrusion Bars, Heat Exchangers, Sound Insulation), End-Use Industry (Automotive, Construction & Infrastructure, Industrial), and Region - Global Forecast to 2024" The metal foam market size is projected to grow from USD 84 million in 2019 to USD 103 million by 2024, at a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period. The market is witnessing significant growth because of the growing demand for metal foam from various end-use industries such as automotive and construction & infrastructure. Metal foam has multiple features, such as cost-benefit, low weight, and thermal conductivity, resulting in its increasing adoption.
Get PDF brochure of the report: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=49262868
Browse 128 market data Tables and 37 Figures spread through 144 Pages and in-depth TOC on "Metal Foam Market”
The automotive end-use industry is expected to witness high CAGR between 2019 and 2024
Metal foam is finding increasing applications in the automotive industry due to the growing demand for high-performance and lightweight metal foam. Metal foam is used in various applications in the automotive industry. This technology helps in creating lightweight components.
The anti-intrusion bars application segment is projected to account for a significant share in the overall metal foam market during the forecast period.
The anti-intrusion bars application dominated the metal foam market due to the high demand for metal foam in the automotive end-use industry. Anti-intrusion bars are mostly used in ground vehicles and passenger cars. They protect passengers from side impacts. Side impacts are particularly dangerous as these impacts are generally very close to the passenger. Anti-intrusion bars play an important role in absorbing the kinetic energy of the colliding vehicles. Metal foam offers high energy absorption property, which makes it an ideal material for usage in anti-intrusion bars.
APAC is expected to lead the metal foam market during the forecast period.
APAC is the largest and projected to be the fastest-growing metal foam market. The automotive industry is the major consumer of metal foam in the region. The presence of a large number of manufacturers makes the region the most important market for metal foam. The growth is also attributed to the high demand for metal foam in the automotive end-use industry. China, India, and South Korea are the major countries in the metal foam market in APAC.
Key Market Players
Some of the key players in the metal foam market are ERG Aerospace Corporation (US), CYMAT Technologies Ltd. (Canada), Alantum (South Korea), Mott Corporation (US), Liaoning Rontec Advanced Material Technology Co., Ltd. (China), Shanxi Putai Aluminum Foam Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China), Mayser GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Ultramet (US), Aluminum King Co., Ltd (China), and Pohltec Metalfoam GmbH (Germany). 
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sciencespies · 3 years
Colossal flare could be first evidence energy can be extracted from black holes
Colossal flare could be first evidence energy can be extracted from black holes
The popular conception goes that nothing can escape from a black hole. Once something passes the event horizon – the so-called point of no return – it stays there, forever, bound by a gravitational field not even light can escape.
But a rotating black hole generates vast amounts of energy, which, theoretically, can be extracted from the ergosphere, a region that sits just on the outside of the event horizon. This has been shown both theoretically and experimentally – and now a team of astrophysicists has found what they believe is observational evidence for it.
The smoking gun is the most powerful gamma-ray burst we’ve ever detected, GRB 190114C, a colossal flare clocking in at around a trillion electron volts (1 TeV), from 4.5 billion light-years away.
“Gamma-ray bursts, the most powerful transient objects in the sky, release energies of up to a few 1054 erg in just a few seconds,” said astrophysicist Remo Ruffini of the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) headquartered in Italy.
“Their luminosity in the gamma-rays, in the time interval of the event, is as large as the luminosity of all the stars of the observable Universe! Gamma-ray bursts have been thought to be powered, by an up-to-now unknown mechanism, by stellar-mass black holes.”
Last year, Ruffini and his colleagues came up with a solution for this mechanism – a process they have called a binary-driven hypernova.
It starts with a close binary system consisting of a carbon-oxygen star at the end of its life, and a neutron star. When the carbon-oxygen star goes supernova, the material ejected can be rapidly slurped up by the companion neutron star. Thus, that companion passes the critical mass point and collapses into a black hole, which launches a burst of gamma rays, as well as jets of material from its poles at nearly light-speed.
(The core of the carbon-oxygen star collapses into a second neutron star, resulting in a black hole-neutron star binary.)
Now, in a new paper, Ruffini and his colleagues led by ICRANet’s Rahim Moradi have described the mechanism that can launch such a high-energy gamma-ray burst: the acceleration of particles along magnetic field lines inherited from the black hole’s parent neutron star. That magnetic field extracts rotational energy from the black hole’s ergosphere.
“The novel engine presented in the new publication,” Ruffini explained, “makes the job through a purely general relativistic, gravito-electrodynamical process: a rotating black hole, interacting with a surrounding magnetic field, creates an electric field that accelerates ambient electrons to ultrahigh-energies leading to high-energy radiation and ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays.”
Relativistic, or near light-speed, jets are not uncommon in active galactic nuclei, the supermassive black hole monsters at the cores of galaxies. These jets are thought to form from the accretion process, which goes as follows.
A huge disk of material swirls around the active black hole, falling into it from the inner edge, but not all of this material falls onto the black hole. Some of it, astronomers believe, is funneled and accelerated along magnetic field lines around the outside of the black hole to the poles, where it is launched into space in the form of collimated jets.
We know black holes and neutron stars can have powerful magnetic fields, and the evidence suggests these can act as a synchrotron (a type of particle accelerator). Evidence also suggests that a magnetic field synchrotron plays a role in launching a gamma-ray burst during the formation of a black hole.
Studying GRB 190114C, Moradi and his team have found a similar mechanism – but, rather than a continuous emission process, it’s discrete, repeating over and over, releasing each time a quantum of black hole energy to produce the observed gamma-ray emission following the gamma-ray burst.
Based on observations of GRB 190114C, the team was able to reconstruct the sequence of events.
The carbon-oxygen star goes supernova, while the core collapses into a neutron star; some of that ejected material falls back onto the newly formed neutron star, producing an X-ray glow – as observed by the Swift telescope.
Some of the material also falls onto the neutron star companion, pushing it over the mass limit to form a black hole – this process would have been smooth, taking just 1.99 seconds. Then material continues to fall onto the newly formed black hole, producing a gamma-ray burst from 1.99 to 3.99 seconds.
Finally, more material falling onto the black hole results in the formation of jets, and gamma radiation in the gigaelectronvolt range, from the extraction of rotational energy.
Other scientists may disagree with the findings; a team last year found that the gamma-ray burst was the result of a collapsing magnetic field, for instance. It may not even apply to all gamma-ray bursts. Nevertheless, all the parts seem to fit the observations of GRB 190114C very neatly.
“The proof that we can use the extractable rotational energy of a black hole to explain the high-energy jetted emissions of gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei stands alone,” Ruffini said.
“A long march of successive theoretical progress and new physics discovered using observations of GRBs has brought to this result which has been [awaited] for about 50 years of relativistic astrophysics.”
The research has been published in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
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Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Exercise?
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Beccy boating before an outing at Henley In these strange and different times, many of our normal routines have completely gone out the window, mine included, writes Reading Chiropractor Beccy Norman. This might also mean that your exercise routine has completely changed also. Everyone is faced with different challenges when it comes to exercise at this time. For some this is that their local gym which provided them with the classes that kept them motivated has shut. For others It may be they are now having to navigate home schooling, working from home and working out all in one manic day. Another outlook may be that the only thing fuelling the gruelling 6am workouts was a particular race or competition that they may have been working towards. This will have now been cancelled! You are now left at a bit of a loss as to what the point is? That’s me! So what are the reasons to get moving, and what are the health and wellbeing benefits of exercise? After spending the year getting up early for rowing training 6 days a week, missing out on social events and probably spending most of my time grouchy and tired; I was hoping to spend the summer out on the water racing, making all the miles worth it. For obvious reasons this has changed! I was left with more free time than I’d ever had before I was left feeling a little lost as to what exercise to do and why. I started to re-evaluate my reasons for exercising and the benefits I wanted from it. Exercise is such a broad term and encompasses so many things that before I would’ve considered “a waste of time”. Almost since the beginning of time it’s been a well-known fact that exercise is good for us. Even Plato stated  ‘Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being while movement and methodical physical exercise saves and preserves it’ . There’s a huge perception, particularly In our society that exercise is all about weight management but it’s so much more. For example, 80% of our brain’s nutrition comes from movement. Now seems such a perfect time to think about all the health and wellbeing benefits of exercise and how best to put it all together to suit our current COVID climate.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Exercise
One of the first things that seems so important at the moment Is mental health. This broad term encompasses everything from stress to anxiety and focus to depression. There are tons of studies out there that all show exercise Is an excellent tool for helping to deal with depression and anxiety.
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Beccy Norman & doubles partner racing for Henley RC One study suggests the main focus of the exercise should be the duration of the exercises  rather than the intensity of the exercise. Therefore, choosing a form of exercise you feel comfortable doing for a longer period of time should be the aim. There’s also a link between time spent outside and a reduced feeling of anxiety. Therefore, a brisk walk outside may be a favourable choice. Other ideas could Include cycling. Social interaction with people Is also a great mood booster so doing this with other people (within your household only!) Is a great idea. If you don’t have time for a longer walk, due to constraints at home with work and family – don’t panic! The NHS website states that even a ten minute brisk walk Is enough to clear your head and help you relax, giving you the health and wellbeing benefits of exercise.
Improved Sleep Benefits of Exercise
Many of us, myself included may be struggling with sleep at the moment. There are many different factors including: change of routine, not tiring out your brain or not tiring out your body enough. On top of this there is the added extra of the anxiety brought on with the uncertainty of the time we are living in. We are recommended as adults to aim for 7-9 hours a day. The quality of that sleep Is important too and how much of the time we spend in deep sleep. It is also important to remember that sleep has a direct impact on how well our immune system works. There’s a strong amount of research showing that exercise can improve quality of sleep and how long we spend in the deep sleep phase. However, it appears that there Is a fine line between exercise being productive and destructive to sleep. Too much exercise at high intensity or exercise done too late in the evening (past 5pm on average) Is said to be a factor In disrupting sleep. Intense exercise releases the stress hormone cortisol. Exercising too late means your core body temperature is too high before bed. Therefore, if you are looking to use exercise as your sleep tool, try to stick to moderate intensity and keep to the day time rather than the evening. Even if you are exercising and still struggling to sleep then please consider trying the current 15-Day FREE BrainTap trial. We have been getting fantastic feedback from patients about using the App at home. These benefits are coming from listening through headphones only, but the use of the headset magnifies the effect of the programmes considerably.  For the trial they do not take any credit card details, so simply follow the banner link below. But also to read more about BrainTap have a look here.
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Prevention of Disease and Dysfunction
As a chiropractor one of my main goals Is to reduce pain and improve the function of the body for our patients. We always focus on giving people the tools to be able to take control of their bodies and Improve their function at home too. This has often taken the form of rehab. The main aim of rehab Is to rectify areas of imbalance within the body. During this time when we aren’t there to support you, continuing with the exercises you’ve been given by your practitioner Is absolutely key. On top of the tips and tools we have given you there Is also lots of activities you can be doing to keep the pesky niggles at bay. Both some of my patients and myself have seen great results from bringing in yoga to our daily lives. Being perfectly honest I have never given yoga its due respect. I always admired people who did but never made time for it myself. Since using a great app on my phone I’ve found it particularly helpful for loosening off tight areas that creep in after sitting funny on my laptop for too long or hammering it on the erg for too long. After looking at the research these improvements aren’t just in my head either. A systematic review of studies on yoga and back pain showed there to be strong evidence both for short-term and long changes in pain and function. In terms of what other exercise to focus on to keep pain at bay, this massively depends on what you tend to suffer with. In general lower impact exercise such as walking, cycling and swimming are much kinder to your joints particularly in chronic conditions like Osteoarthritis. The best thing to do if you are unsure of what activity Is best for you is to contact your lovely practitioner who will be happy to help. Aerobic and strengthening exercise has also proven to be a great option for the long term management of fibromyalgia. The main message seems to be: “start slow, go slow”.
General Health and Weight Control
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Not only are the health and wellbeing benefits of exercise for musculoskeletal complaints; exercise is also excellent for many other health complaints.  The evidence suggests prescribing exercise in the prevention of Cardiovascular diseases such as: hypertension, CHD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and intermittent claudication.  There is also evidence for preventing metabolic diseases such as: Type 2 diabetes, Hyperlipaemia and insulin resistance. Diabetes is a huge problem in the UK. Statistics show 1 in 16 people in the UK have diabetes. The majority of these are type 2 which is directly linked to obesity. Resistance training has been found to be the best exercise for diabetic control. However, any exercise will lower blood glucose levels. The American diabetic association suggests 30 mins of exercise five times per week as a minimum. There’s no shame in the fact that many of us exercise for “aesthetic purposes”. You see many workouts labelled as things like “booty workout”, “thigh buster” and “flat tummy” workouts. This is fine but the main thing to remember is to try and exercise the body as a whole. This is the best for weight management and also the best way to reduce risk of injury or creating imbalances. Also, if you’re like me, having this as your main motivation for exercising is probably going to wear thin pretty quick! Weight Control Weight control is a huge motivator for exercise. The simple fact is that in order to keep a stable, healthy weight, you need to burn more energy that you put In your body. For some of us this may be proving more difficult than normal. Its surprising the amount of energy you burn on a normal day at work on your feet, running around completing errands and school runs. This means more exercise than previously may be needed than ‘normal’ if you’re still eating the same. There are many different theories on what exercise “burns calories best”. Any exercise burns calories and usually the more your heart rate is raised the more calories you’re burning. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT training) has proved particularly popular in this realm, and can be great for managing Type 2 Diabetes as well. Short workouts at high intensity means you are able to fit in to your busy schedules rather than plodding on a treadmill for hours. The research seems to support this too. One research study showed after 6 weeks of HIIT training, participants had greatly increased their whole-body and skeletal muscle capacity. This improved ability to oxidise fat and carbohydrate in previously untrained individuals. My top tip is doing your HIIT training first thing in the morning. This fires up your metabolism keeps your body burning fat all day long. If you’re interested in trying out HIIT just search YouTube and you’ll find plenty of workouts to try. Please bear in mind that any of the HIIT exercises are fairly high impact. It may be worth checking with your practitioner if it's suitable for you first.
In conclusion there are so many great reasons to exercise and so many ways of doing it that sometimes in can feel really quite overwhelming. The best thing I can suggest is keeping variety in the exercise you carry out and the intensity to which you do it at. Not only will this mean you don’t get bored, it will mean you reduce your risk of injury and you get the most out of as many health and wellbeing benefits of exercise as possible. I was amazed at how much research is out there on all the different benefits and there was so much more I could’ve included. Just a few other gems that I found were: Exercise improves cognitive function and memory both in the short-term and in the long term Weight bearing exercise improves bone strength and is therefore vital for those with osteoporosis and long-term users of steroid medications. Low intensity exercise is associated with increased total mortality – a.k.a. It makes you live longer! Exercise can protect against the development of Alzheimer’s Basically, the health and wellbeing benefits of exercise are fantastic, and anything is better than nothing. Take it slowly, progress at your own pace and talk to your practitioner if you have any concerns. References: Busch, A.J., Webber, S.C., Brachaniec, M., Bidonde, J., Dal Bello-Haas, V. Danyliw, A.D., Overend, T.J., Richards, R.S., Sawant, A. and Schachter, C.L., 2011. Exercise therapy for fibromyalgia. Current pain and headache reports, 15(5), p.358 Berchtold, N.C., Castello, N. and Cotman, C.W., 2010. Exercise and time-dependent benefits to learning and memory. Neuroscience, 167(3), pp.588-597. Ekdahl and G. Broman, “Muscle strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity in rheumatoid arthritis: a comparative study with healthy subjects.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 35–40, 1992. Cramer, H., Lauche, R., Haller, H. and Dobos, G., 2013. A systematic review and meta-analysis of yoga for low back pain. The Clinical journal of pain, 29(5), pp.450-460. Driver, H.S. and Taylor, S.R., 2000. Exercise and sleep. Sleep medicine reviews, 4(4), pp.387-402 Dunstan DW, Daly RM, Owen N, Jolley D, Vulikh E, Shaw Jet al. (2005). Home‐based resistance training is not sufficient to maintain improved glycemic control following supervised training in older individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 28: 3–9 Lobstein DD, Mosbacher BJ, Ismail AH. Depression as a powerful discriminator between physically active and sedentary middle-aged men. J Psychosom Res..1983; Perry, C.G., Heigenhauser, G.J., Bonen, A. and Spriet, L.L., 2008. High-intensity aerobic interval training increases fat and carbohydrate metabolic capacities in human skeletal muscle. 33,  Read the full article
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wahid007posts · 4 years
Metal Foam Market Global Industry Growth, Size, Trends, Insights and 2024 Forecast
[144 Pages Report] The Metal Foam Market is projected to grow from USD 84 million in 2019 to USD 103 million by 2024, at a CAGR of 4.2% duirng the same period. The market is witnessing significant growth because of the rising demand for metal foam from various end-use industries such as automotive and construction & infrastructure. Metal foam offers various advantages, such as cost-benefit, low weight, and thermal conductivity, resulting in its increasing adoption.
Get PDF brochure of the report: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=49262868
The automotive end-use industry is expected to witness high CAGR between 2019 and 2024
Metal foam is finding increasing applications in the automotive industry due to the growing demand for high-performance and lightweight metal foam. Metal foam is used in various applications in the automotive industry. This technology helps in creating lightweight components.
The anti-intrusion bars application segment is projected to account for a significant share in the overall metal foam market during the forecast period.
The anti-intrusion bars application dominated the metal foam market due to the high demand for metal foam in the automotive end-use industry. Anti-intrusion bars are mostly used in ground vehicles and passenger cars. They protect passengers from side impacts. Side impacts are particularly dangerous as these impacts are generally very close to the passenger. Anti-intrusion bars play an important role in absorbing the kinetic energy of the colliding vehicles. Metal foam offers high energy absorption property, which makes it an ideal material for usage in anti-intrusion bars.
APAC is expected to lead the metal foam market during the forecast period.
APAC is the largest and projected to be the fastest-growing metal foam market. The automotive industry is the major consumer of metal foam in the region. The presence of a large number of manufacturers makes the region the most important market for metal foam. The growth is also attributed to the high demand for metal foam in the automotive end-use industry. China, India, and South Korea are the major countries in the metal foam market in APAC.
Key Market Players
Some of the key players in the metal foam market are ERG Aerospace Corporation (US), CYMAT Technologies Ltd. (Canada), Alantum (South Korea), Mott Corporation (US), Liaoning Rontec Advanced Material Technology Co., Ltd. (China), Shanxi Putai Aluminum Foam Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China), Mayser GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Ultramet (US), Aluminum King Co., Ltd (China), and Pohltec Metalfoam GmbH (Germany). 
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About MarketsandMarkets
MarketsandMarkets is the largest market research firm worldwide in terms of annually published premium market research reports. Serving 1700 global fortune enterprises with more than 1200 premium studies in a year, M&M is catering to a multitude of clients across 8 different industrial verticals. We specialize in consulting assignments and business research across high growth markets, cutting edge technologies and newer applications.
Contact: Mr. Ashish Mehra MarketsandMarkets™ INC.  630 Dundee Road  Suite 430  Northbrook, IL 60062  USA: 1-888-600-6441  [email protected]
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wahid007posts · 4 years
Metal Foam Market likely to reach beyond USD 84 Million by 2024 at a CAGR of 4.2%
[144 Pages Report] The Metal Foam Market is projected to grow from USD 84 million in 2019 to USD 103 million by 2024, at a CAGR of 4.2% duirng the same period. The market is witnessing significant growth because of the rising demand for metal foam from various end-use industries such as automotive and construction & infrastructure. Metal foam offers various advantages, such as cost-benefit, low weight, and thermal conductivity, resulting in its increasing adoption.
Get PDF brochure of the report: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=49262868
The automotive end-use industry is expected to witness high CAGR between 2019 and 2024
Metal foam is finding increasing applications in the automotive industry due to the growing demand for high-performance and lightweight metal foam. Metal foam is used in various applications in the automotive industry. This technology helps in creating lightweight components.
The anti-intrusion bars application segment is projected to account for a significant share in the overall metal foam market during the forecast period.
The anti-intrusion bars application dominated the metal foam market due to the high demand for metal foam in the automotive end-use industry. Anti-intrusion bars are mostly used in ground vehicles and passenger cars. They protect passengers from side impacts. Side impacts are particularly dangerous as these impacts are generally very close to the passenger. Anti-intrusion bars play an important role in absorbing the kinetic energy of the colliding vehicles. Metal foam offers high energy absorption property, which makes it an ideal material for usage in anti-intrusion bars.
APAC is expected to lead the metal foam market during the forecast period.
APAC is the largest and projected to be the fastest-growing metal foam market. The automotive industry is the major consumer of metal foam in the region. The presence of a large number of manufacturers makes the region the most important market for metal foam. The growth is also attributed to the high demand for metal foam in the automotive end-use industry. China, India, and South Korea are the major countries in the metal foam market in APAC.
Key Market Players
Some of the key players in the metal foam market are ERG Aerospace Corporation (US), CYMAT Technologies Ltd. (Canada), Alantum (South Korea), Mott Corporation (US), Liaoning Rontec Advanced Material Technology Co., Ltd. (China), Shanxi Putai Aluminum Foam Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China), Mayser GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Ultramet (US), Aluminum King Co., Ltd (China), and Pohltec Metalfoam GmbH (Germany). 
Early buyers will receive 10% free customization on this report.
Don't miss out on business opportunities in Metal Foam Market.
Speak to Our Analyst and gain crucial industry insights that will help your business grow.
About MarketsandMarkets
MarketsandMarkets is the largest market research firm worldwide in terms of annually published premium market research reports. Serving 1700 global fortune enterprises with more than 1200 premium studies in a year, M&M is catering to a multitude of clients across 8 different industrial verticals. We specialize in consulting assignments and business research across high growth markets, cutting edge technologies and newer applications.
Contact: Mr. Ashish Mehra MarketsandMarkets™ INC.  630 Dundee Road  Suite 430  Northbrook, IL 60062  USA: 1-888-600-6441  [email protected]
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arxt1 · 4 years
Constraints on the Engines of Fast Radio Bursts. (arXiv:1911.05765v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
We model the sample of fast radio bursts (FRB), including the newly discovered CHIME repeaters, using the synchrotron blast wave model of Metzger, Margalit & Sironi (2019). This model postulates that FRBs are precursor radiation from ultra-relativistic magnetized shocks generated as flare ejecta from a central engine collide with an effectively stationary external medium. Downward drifting of the burst frequency structure naturally arises from deceleration of the blast-wave. The data are consistent with FRBs being produced by flares of energy $E_{\rm flare} \sim 10^{43}-10^{46}(f_{\xi}/10^{-3})^{-4/5}$ erg, where $f_{\xi}$ is the maser efficiency, and minimum bulk Lorentz factors $\Gamma \approx 10^2-10^3$, which generate the observed FRBs at shock radii $r_{\rm sh} \sim 10^{12}-10^{13}$ cm. We infer upstream densities $n_{\rm ext}(r_{\rm sh}) \sim 10^{2}-10^{4}$ cm$^{-3}$ and radial profiles $n_{\rm ext} \propto r^{-k}$ showing a range of slopes $k \approx [-2,1]$ (which are seen to evolve between bursts), broadly consistent with the upstream medium being the inner edge of an ion-loaded shell released by a recent energetic flare. The burst timescales, energetics, rates, and external medium properties are consistent with repeating FRBs arising from young, hyper-active flaring magnetars, but the methodology presented is generally applicable to any central engine which injects energy impulsively into a dense magnetized medium. Uncertainties and variations of the model are discussed, including the effects of the strong electric field of the FRB wave (strength parameter $a \gg 1$) on the upstream medium. One-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of magnetized shocks into a pair plasma are presented which demonstrate that high maser efficiency can be preserved, even in the limit $a \gg 1$ in which the FRB wave accelerates the upstream electrons to ultra-relativistic speeds.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2CNTYMA
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arxt1 · 5 years
Physical Implications of the Sub-threshold GRB GBM-190816 and its Associated Sub-threshold Gravitational Wave Event. (arXiv:1912.00375v1 [astro-ph.HE])
LIGO-Virgo and Fermi collaborations recently reported a possible joint detection of a sub-threshold GW event and a sub-threshold GRB, GBM-190816, that occurred 1.57 s after the merger. Since it takes long for the official LIGO-Virgo/Fermi Collaboration's results to be released, we decide to independently process the publicly available data and investigate the physical implications of this potential association. We perform a detailed analysis of the observational properties of the GBM-190816. By studying its signal-to-noise ratio, duration, f-parameter, spectral properties, energetic properties, and its compliance with some GRB statistical correlations, we confirm that this event is likely a typical short GRB with a luminosity of $1.02_{-0.80}^{+2.84} \times 10^{49} erg s^{-1}$. Based on the available information, we infer the mass ratio, $q$, of the binary compact stars in the range of $\sim$ [2.142, 5.795]. The leading physical scenario invokes an NS-BH merger system with the NS tidally disrupted. We derive the physical properties of such a system that are required to produce a GRB. The GW data in principle allow NS-BH systems with no tidal disruptio or BH-BH mergers. The generation of a GRB in these systems requires that at least one of the merger member is charged. We apply the charged compact binary coalescence (cCBC) theory to derive the model parameters to account for GBM-190816. The cases for both constant and increasing charges in the merging members are discussed. Finally, since in NS-BH or BH-BH merger systems a BH exists immediately after the merger so that there is no waiting time before launching a jet, the fact that the observed delay time scale is comparable to that of the NS-NS merger event GW170817/GRB 170817A suggests that the commonly observed GW-GRB time delay is mainly defined by the time scale for the jet propagates to the energy dissipation / GRB emission site.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2LdUFUo
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arxt1 · 5 years
Constraints on the Engines of Fast Radio Bursts. (arXiv:1911.05765v1 [astro-ph.HE])
We model the sample of fast radio bursts (FRB), including the newly discovered CHIME repeaters, using the synchrotron blast wave model of Metzger, Margalit & Sironi (2019). This model postulates that FRBs are precursor radiation from ultra-relativistic magnetized shocks generated as flare ejecta from a central engine collide with an effectively stationary external medium. Downward drifting of the burst frequency structure naturally arises from deceleration of the blast-wave. The data are consistent with FRBs being produced by flares of energy $E_{\rm flare} \sim 10^{43}-10^{46}(f_{\xi}/10^{-3})^{-4/5}$ erg, where $f_{\xi}$ is the maser efficiency, and minimum bulk Lorentz factors $\Gamma \approx 10^2-10^3$, which generate the observed FRBs at shock radii $r_{\rm sh} \sim 10^{12}-10^{13}$ cm. We infer upstream densities $n_{\rm ext}(r_{\rm sh}) \sim 10^{2}-10^{4}$ cm$^{-3}$ and radial profiles $n_{\rm ext} \propto r^{-k}$ showing a range of slopes $k \approx [-2,1]$ (which are seen to evolve between bursts), broadly consistent with the upstream medium being the inner edge of an ion-loaded shell released by a recent energetic flare. The burst timescales, energetics, rates, and external medium properties are consistent with repeating FRBs arising from young, hyper-active flaring magnetars, but the methodology presented is generally applicable to any central engine which injects energy impulsively into a dense magnetized medium. Uncertainties and variations of the model are discussed, including the effects of the strong electric field of the FRB wave (strength parameter $a \gg 1$) on the upstream medium. One-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of magnetized shocks into a pair plasma are presented which demonstrate that high maser efficiency can be preserved, even in the limit $a \gg 1$ in which the FRB wave accelerates the upstream electrons to ultra-relativistic speeds.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2CNTYMA
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arxt1 · 5 years
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey: XVI. General Physical Characteristics of BAT Blazars. (arXiv:1907.01082v1 [astro-ph.HE])
The recently released 105-month {\it Swift}-Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) all-sky hard X-ray survey catalog presents an opportunity to study astrophysical objects detected in the deepest look at the entire hard X-ray (14$-$195 keV) sky. Here we report the results of a multifrequency study of 146 blazars from this catalog, quadrupling the number compared to past studies, by utilizing recent data from the {\it Fermi}-Large Area Telescope (LAT), Swift-BAT, and archival measurements. In our $\gamma$-ray analysis of $\sim$10 years of the LAT data, 101 are found as $\gamma$-ray emitters, whereas, 45 remains LAT undetected. We model the broadband spectral energy distributions with a synchrotron-inverse Compton radiative model. On average, BAT detected sources host massive black holes ($M_{\rm bh}\sim10^9$ M$_{\odot}$) and luminous accretion disks ($L_{\rm d}\sim10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$). At high-redshifts ($z>2$), BAT blazars host more powerful jets with luminous accretion disks compared to those detected only with the {\it Fermi}-LAT. We find good agreement in the black hole masses derived from the single-epoch optical spectroscopic measurements and standard accretion disk modeling approaches. Other physical properties of BAT blazars are similar to those known for {\it Fermi}-LAT detected objects.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2LvIKCd
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arxt1 · 6 years
On the possibility of registering X-ray flares related to fast radio bursts with the SRG/eROSITA telescope. (arXiv:1903.10991v1 [astro-ph.HE])
In this note we discuss the possibility of detecting the accompanying X-ray emission from sources of fast radio bursts with the eROSITA telescope onboard the Spektr-RG observatory. It is shown that during four years of the survey program about 300 bursts are expected to appear in the field of view of eROSITA. About 1\% of them will be detected by ground-based radio telescopes. For a total energy release $\sim~10^{46}$~ergs depending on the spectral parameters and absorption in the interstellar and intergalactic media, an X-ray flare can be detected from distances from $\sim 1$~Mpc (thermal spectrum with $kT=200$~keV and strong absorption) up to $\sim1$~Gpc (power-law spectrum with photon index $\Gamma=2 $ and realistic absorption). Thus, eROSITA observations might help to provide important constraints on parameters of sources of fast radio bursts, or may even allow to identify the X-ray transient counterparts, which will help to constrain models of fast radio bursts generation.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2V0FcK4
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arxt1 · 6 years
Constraints on Minute-Scale Transient Astrophysical Neutrino Sources. (arXiv:1807.11492v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
High-energy neutrino emission has been predicted for several short-lived astrophysical transients including gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), core-collapse supernovae with choked jets and neutron star mergers. IceCube's optical and X-ray follow-up program searches for such transient sources by looking for two or more muon neutrino candidates in directional coincidence and arriving within 100s. The measured rate of neutrino alerts is consistent with the expected rate of chance coincidences of atmospheric background events and no likely electromagnetic counterparts have been identified in Swift follow-up observations. Here, we calculate generic bounds on the neutrino flux of short-lived transient sources. Assuming an $E^{-2.5}$ neutrino spectrum, we find that the neutrino flux of rare sources, like long gamma-ray bursts, is constrained to <5% of the detected astrophysical flux and the energy released in neutrinos (100GeV to 10PeV) by a median bright GRB-like source is $<10^{52.5}$erg. For a harder $E^{-2.13}$ neutrino spectrum up to 30% of the flux could be produced by GRBs and the allowed median source energy is $< 10^{52}$erg. A hypothetical population of transient sources has to be more common than $10^{-5}\text{Mpc}^{-3}\text{yr}^{-1}$ ($5\times10^{-8}\text{Mpc}^{-3}\text{yr}^{-1}$ for the $E^{-2.13}$ spectrum) to account for the complete astrophysical neutrino flux.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2vlWlSU
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arxt1 · 6 years
Fast radio bursts as synchrotron maser emission from decelerating relativistic blast waves. (arXiv:1902.01866v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Fast radio bursts (FRB) can arise from synchrotron maser emission at ultra-relativistic magnetized shocks, such as produced by flare ejecta from young magnetars. We combine PIC simulation results for the synchrotron maser with the dynamics of self-similar shock deceleration, as commonly applied to GRBs, to explore the implications for FRB emission. We assume the upstream environment into which the ultra-relativistic ejecta collides is a mildly relativistic baryon-loaded shell released following a previous flare, motivated by the high electron-ion injection rate Mdot ~ 1e19-1e21 g/s needed on larger scales to power the persistent radio nebula coincident with the repeating burster FRB 121102 and its high inferred rotation measure. The observed radio fluence peaks once the optical depth ahead of the shock to induced Compton scattering decreases to <~ few, a condition which places a GHz observer on the high frequency tail of the maser SED. Given intervals between ion shell ejection events ~1e5 s similar to the occurrence rate of the most powerful bursts from FRB 121102, we demonstrate the production of FRBs of frequency ~ 0.1-10 GHz, isotropic radiated energies ~1e37-1e40 erg and durations ~0.1-10 ms for flares of energy ~1e43-1e45 erg. Deceleration of the blast wave, and increasing transparency of the upstream medium, generates a temporal decay of the peak frequency, similar to the downward drift seen in the sub-bursts of FRB 121102 and FRB 180814.J0422+73. The delay >~ 1e5 s between major flares (ion-injection events) needed to clear sufficiently low densities around the engine for FRB emission could explain prolonged "dark" periods and clustered burst arrival times, and lead to stochastic variation in the dispersion measure. Thermal electrons heated at the shock generate a short-lived <~ 1 ms (1 s) synchrotron transient at gamma-ray (X-ray) energies, analogous to a GRB afterglow.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org http://bit.ly/2SfPRU1
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