koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
📍Erwin visits Koula’s Lair (Continued)
Erwin hummed in what seemed like acknowledgment and headed towards the door before stopping abruptly, turning back at them and standing to attention. Sharp, posture rigid and unshakable.
It was clear that in an old life that the blond was once a commanding general. Someone revered, feared, worshiped almost.
It was subtle, the way his head raised up and his gaze at the pair fell beneath his nose. It was as if they disgusted him, the way he mouth pressed into a hard frown. His stare was icy and the pair felt a chill run down their spine. Their smiles melted and trepidation plagued their stomachs.
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Erwin’s silence only lasted a minute, maybe less. But it felt like ten. The brown noise of the electrics and the flickering buzz of the overloaded sockets heightened the sense of untold darkness and hidden horrors that exuded from him. Erwin was terrifying like this and yet, eerily attractive. The unknown, the untold, a walking bottomless abyss.
Erwin inhaled sharply and quickly before speaking.
“Before I go, It would be ungentlemanly to leave you without a gift. It should be arriving in a few seconds.”
Suddenly, one by one, monitor by monitor the power cut out. The sound of entire mainframes and appliances shutting down. Extraction fans cutting out abruptly. Loud crackling from the plugs and all the bulbs in the vicinity exploding, entire space plunged into darkness. Erwin pulled out a small but powerful camping lamp from his coat pocket and placed it delicately on the table besides him, switching it on.
“Your wit and cheek reminds me of my Clare. Not quite enough bite though and certainly not nearly enough guts. But I do like someone who isn’t afraid of me and something tells me that deep down you both might be. That’s good. Fear is good. It keeps you sharp. Sympathetic pathway shocked into action. All those hormones flooding your system. Scrambling to protect you. I wondered what would happen when it was triggered and just as I expected, you didn’t flee, you certainly didn’t fight, you both froze. Like some deer in headlights.”
Erwin continued
“Antisthenes words stick with me always, ‘Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.’ No truer words have been spoken.”
Erwin stuffed his hand into his other pocket and pulled out a wad of unmarked cash which was sealed in a vacuum plastic. He tossed it to the pairs feet to which Slav scrambled to pick it up.
“That should be enough to revamp this space, get some new equipment since all of it is probably destroyed by this little gem my good friend Armin made for me.”
Koula’s heart sank as Erwin placed the small but weighty black box into Koula’s hand
“Any idea what it is Miss Kyriaki?”
“Yes.” Koula sounded dejected.
“Of course you do. What is it Miss Kyriaki?”
“A compact EMP.”
“And what do EMPs do, Slav?”
“They scramble and destroy electronic devices within the intended vicinity.”
“Exactly. Well done.” His voice was a little condescending but his eyes and smile were genuine. The conflicting personas confused the hacking pair . “Incredible piece of technology. Absolutely marvellous. A stronger charge would’ve set this place a light. Terribly piece of equipment.” Erwin clicked his tongue and smiled softly.
The artificial light making his features more pronounced. A face hardened by life but every inch was infact, ‘handsome’. It was the only word that Koula had on her tongue.
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Erwin continued. “Knowing you both, you’d have backups of backups of backups. So I know this is only a slight inconvenience for you. I just wanted to show you two that I am willing to do absolutely anything to protect my family.” Erwin drawled sincerely as he put his leather gloves on. “Politics and allegiances be damned. That’s what I want. It’s all I want, and I’m willing to eliminate anything that will get in my way.”
Erwin drew closer and with his left hand tucked a loose hair behind Slav’s ear and ran his thumb across their lip. He watched as they become flustered. Closing their eyes and relaxing instantly, Slav leaned ever so slightly into Erwin’s gloved palm that rested on their cheek. Koula was so focused on what Slav was going through, envy almost consuming her, that she didn’t realise the blond man pull back her hood and repeat the same actions to her.
“To think that some of the people who are the bane my Clare’s life are as beautiful as this. What a terrible waste?” Erwin said as he delicately dragged his finger across her jaw, her cheek, her nose. Koula daren’t close her eyes, though her hardened glare softened.
She couldn’t help but bite her lips, swallowing, hard, to lubricate her drying throat. She cursed herself as her stomach flipped, the feel of leather against her skin and his touch, intentional but gentle.
“Curious things.” Erwin said softly before sighing and stepping back. Contemplative look on his face before scoffing and shaking his head.
“I’ll be in touch.”
And with that Erwin left but the thick cloud of desire he left, lingered like nuclear cloud, rending the pair speechless.
HOLY SHIT BROOO YOU WRITE SO GOOD mdwjegijdfrekj actually u write better than me AHAHAHAHA the "unknown, the untold, a bottomless abyss" had me like:
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so good bro 👏👏👏 I'm thinking imma make Koula a lil more stubborn, cuz I really am stubborn af irl AHAHAHA tagging: @slavanimesimp @nathalunalune @dassmyname @shrekisshrimpthesimp @soaringmirror @nighttimescribble @ushiwhacka @tonaken
Koula didn't know whether she was aroused or enraged. The very thought of it made her even angrier.
She kicked the floor powerfully before grabbing a keyboard from the table and slamming it against a monitor with enough power to knock it on the floor and crack the screen.
"Not enough guts?!?! I'LL SHOW YOU GUTS!"
Slav cringed as she watched her partner ruin a few more monitors and keyboards and punching the walls. That wasn't the first time Koula had lost her temper. Koula pulled a lever, turning on a generator that began to produce power again.
"We need to turn on auxillary," Koula pulled a suitcase from beneath their desk, settling it on top and opening it, revealing a laptop inside. She connected it to the generator and it powered up. She started typing. "I'm going to set his smart car on fire. Have it explode to his face while he's driving."
Slav's eyes widened and she rushed in front of her. "Wait! K! Think this through," Slav slammed her hands on the desk, trying to draw her attention but it didn't really work. "He is a man with a wife and child. We can't kill him!"
"I'm simply ridding that poor family of a monster,"
"Think about it!" Slav insisted. "How's Clare ever going to find out about what he is if he's dead? Killing him would be doing him a favour. You'll only make him a martyr in her eyes. In everyone's eyes!"
"I get it," Koula stopped typing for a moment. "He doesn't understand. He doesn't know what poverty feels like. He cannot appreciate what he has so he's seeking for more."
Koula's hands clenched into fists.
"Power, power, power, everybody's so obsessed with power, money, material wealth, followers, it's making me sick. What happens when you get that power? What happens when you're worshipped and everything you want is handed to you on a silver platter? What's the point of life if there's no struggle to achieve? He is an empty man, just like all of them."
"That he is." Slav nodded. "But you have to hand that to him. He will do everything to protect his family."
Koula frowned. "Bullshit. If that was the case he wouldn't seek for more than what he has," Koula looked up at her partner. "Burn the money," she stopped typing. "I will not be bought and sold. Burn them. We'll rob a digital bank instead. We've done that before. If you wanna keep them for yourself then fine."
Slav smirked. "Hot or not, I will not be bought and sold by him either." She tossed the money in a can and she lit a match, tossing it in the can as well. The money started to burn but neither of them paid any attention.
Koula started typing again and Slav's eyes widened. If the Kabal killed Erwin now, that would mean war. That could have even been Erwin's own wicked plan. To become a martyr in the eyes of his dear wife and then she would have a renewed sense of duty and motivation to keep hunting down the Kabalians. Killing him right now would be the end of it all.
Slav grabbed her hands stopping her from typing anything further. "If you kill him now, you're no better than him."
Koula's eyes widened and she stopped. She was right. She would become just like him. She would fall right into his trap. Koula pulled her hands away from the keyboard.
Slav grinned. "Let's rob that bank instead."
Koula smirked. "Hell yeah."
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