#kabal lore
nighttimescribbles · 2 years
You have a visitor, Scribs:
📍Horny Gulag, Undisclosed Black Site near the Mariana Trench
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AG Jaeger: Well, well…
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AG Jaeger: Little Minx. My! The gulag suits you. Such a pretty dirty doll, chained and buckled to a chair. You were always your best when you were in chains. So feral with lust that as much a danger to herself as well as others. Especially furniture. I’ve seen the bill - how many pillows have you ruined from rutting?
No matter… I’ve come down here especially to offer you something, I think you’d like.
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AG Jaeger: How does house arrest sound? Hmm… Princess? A deal as sweet as Biscoff. £3.7 million detached property overlooking the river, in DA Kento Nanami’s District. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Smart girl like you. Wouldn’t you like to lounge away in Mugler and Galliano like you used to and write in the sunset with your darling, bubba? I’m sure it’s better than scribbling on toilet paper whilst in solitary confinement. The grey and concrete can’t be good for the text nor the brain now could it?
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AG Jaeger: I’m willing to give you partial diplomatic immunity. All you have to do is give me some names and some locations. The more you supply, the strong your immunity. What do you think, kitten?
More than good paper and premium ink, more than the priciest estate you can buy, I'd rather have you for a reward, AG Jaeger Beast, sir. Your wee princess wouldn't know what to do with a riverside property if there isn't you in it. Besides that, DA Nanami has a severe reputation, and with him around, @tonaken Terror is sure to be keeping watch. If she's watching, your esteemed colleague is sure to have an eye out for me, too. And that's no fun unless you're [redacted] me against the glass walls of our home and letting me tumble you onto your goosedown to have my fill of Biscoff cream off your [redacted].
The Kabal is set to take over the world of horn, anyway. It's only a matter of a short while. So keep the Gulag's Coco and Kiki de Montparnasse supply coming steady. Your little bengal kitten will show you a treat in chains on your every visit.
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FRFR I SAT ON THIS WAY TOO LONG BEC I COULDN'T STOP INTERNALLY SCREAMING AND CREAMING. sis how could you be so cruel as to hit me like this??? you know i'm WEAK RABID for an imposing man in a suit or the pieces thereof flexing his power and putting me in my place. how could you do me like this??? sending AG Jaeger to me on a silver platter like this???
i spent way too long re-reading this and giggling and kicking my feet like his silly little fangirl 😭😭😭
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
📍Erwin visits Koula’s Lair (Continued)
Erwin hummed in what seemed like acknowledgment and headed towards the door before stopping abruptly, turning back at them and standing to attention. Sharp, posture rigid and unshakable.
It was clear that in an old life that the blond was once a commanding general. Someone revered, feared, worshiped almost.
It was subtle, the way his head raised up and his gaze at the pair fell beneath his nose. It was as if they disgusted him, the way he mouth pressed into a hard frown. His stare was icy and the pair felt a chill run down their spine. Their smiles melted and trepidation plagued their stomachs.
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Erwin’s silence only lasted a minute, maybe less. But it felt like ten. The brown noise of the electrics and the flickering buzz of the overloaded sockets heightened the sense of untold darkness and hidden horrors that exuded from him. Erwin was terrifying like this and yet, eerily attractive. The unknown, the untold, a walking bottomless abyss.
Erwin inhaled sharply and quickly before speaking.
“Before I go, It would be ungentlemanly to leave you without a gift. It should be arriving in a few seconds.”
Suddenly, one by one, monitor by monitor the power cut out. The sound of entire mainframes and appliances shutting down. Extraction fans cutting out abruptly. Loud crackling from the plugs and all the bulbs in the vicinity exploding, entire space plunged into darkness. Erwin pulled out a small but powerful camping lamp from his coat pocket and placed it delicately on the table besides him, switching it on.
“Your wit and cheek reminds me of my Clare. Not quite enough bite though and certainly not nearly enough guts. But I do like someone who isn’t afraid of me and something tells me that deep down you both might be. That’s good. Fear is good. It keeps you sharp. Sympathetic pathway shocked into action. All those hormones flooding your system. Scrambling to protect you. I wondered what would happen when it was triggered and just as I expected, you didn’t flee, you certainly didn’t fight, you both froze. Like some deer in headlights.”
Erwin continued
“Antisthenes words stick with me always, ‘Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.’ No truer words have been spoken.”
Erwin stuffed his hand into his other pocket and pulled out a wad of unmarked cash which was sealed in a vacuum plastic. He tossed it to the pairs feet to which Slav scrambled to pick it up.
“That should be enough to revamp this space, get some new equipment since all of it is probably destroyed by this little gem my good friend Armin made for me.”
Koula’s heart sank as Erwin placed the small but weighty black box into Koula’s hand
“Any idea what it is Miss Kyriaki?”
“Yes.” Koula sounded dejected.
“Of course you do. What is it Miss Kyriaki?”
“A compact EMP.”
“And what do EMPs do, Slav?”
“They scramble and destroy electronic devices within the intended vicinity.”
“Exactly. Well done.” His voice was a little condescending but his eyes and smile were genuine. The conflicting personas confused the hacking pair . “Incredible piece of technology. Absolutely marvellous. A stronger charge would’ve set this place a light. Terribly piece of equipment.” Erwin clicked his tongue and smiled softly.
The artificial light making his features more pronounced. A face hardened by life but every inch was infact, ‘handsome’. It was the only word that Koula had on her tongue.
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Erwin continued. “Knowing you both, you’d have backups of backups of backups. So I know this is only a slight inconvenience for you. I just wanted to show you two that I am willing to do absolutely anything to protect my family.” Erwin drawled sincerely as he put his leather gloves on. “Politics and allegiances be damned. That’s what I want. It’s all I want, and I’m willing to eliminate anything that will get in my way.”
Erwin drew closer and with his left hand tucked a loose hair behind Slav’s ear and ran his thumb across their lip. He watched as they become flustered. Closing their eyes and relaxing instantly, Slav leaned ever so slightly into Erwin’s gloved palm that rested on their cheek. Koula was so focused on what Slav was going through, envy almost consuming her, that she didn’t realise the blond man pull back her hood and repeat the same actions to her.
“To think that some of the people who are the bane my Clare’s life are as beautiful as this. What a terrible waste?” Erwin said as he delicately dragged his finger across her jaw, her cheek, her nose. Koula daren’t close her eyes, though her hardened glare softened.
She couldn’t help but bite her lips, swallowing, hard, to lubricate her drying throat. She cursed herself as her stomach flipped, the feel of leather against her skin and his touch, intentional but gentle.
“Curious things.” Erwin said softly before sighing and stepping back. Contemplative look on his face before scoffing and shaking his head.
“I’ll be in touch.”
And with that Erwin left but the thick cloud of desire he left, lingered like nuclear cloud, rending the pair speechless.
HOLY SHIT BROOO YOU WRITE SO GOOD mdwjegijdfrekj actually u write better than me AHAHAHAHA the "unknown, the untold, a bottomless abyss" had me like:
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so good bro 👏👏👏 I'm thinking imma make Koula a lil more stubborn, cuz I really am stubborn af irl AHAHAHA tagging: @slavanimesimp @nathalunalune @dassmyname @shrekisshrimpthesimp @soaringmirror @nighttimescribble @ushiwhacka @tonaken
Koula didn't know whether she was aroused or enraged. The very thought of it made her even angrier.
She kicked the floor powerfully before grabbing a keyboard from the table and slamming it against a monitor with enough power to knock it on the floor and crack the screen.
"Not enough guts?!?! I'LL SHOW YOU GUTS!"
Slav cringed as she watched her partner ruin a few more monitors and keyboards and punching the walls. That wasn't the first time Koula had lost her temper. Koula pulled a lever, turning on a generator that began to produce power again.
"We need to turn on auxillary," Koula pulled a suitcase from beneath their desk, settling it on top and opening it, revealing a laptop inside. She connected it to the generator and it powered up. She started typing. "I'm going to set his smart car on fire. Have it explode to his face while he's driving."
Slav's eyes widened and she rushed in front of her. "Wait! K! Think this through," Slav slammed her hands on the desk, trying to draw her attention but it didn't really work. "He is a man with a wife and child. We can't kill him!"
"I'm simply ridding that poor family of a monster,"
"Think about it!" Slav insisted. "How's Clare ever going to find out about what he is if he's dead? Killing him would be doing him a favour. You'll only make him a martyr in her eyes. In everyone's eyes!"
"I get it," Koula stopped typing for a moment. "He doesn't understand. He doesn't know what poverty feels like. He cannot appreciate what he has so he's seeking for more."
Koula's hands clenched into fists.
"Power, power, power, everybody's so obsessed with power, money, material wealth, followers, it's making me sick. What happens when you get that power? What happens when you're worshipped and everything you want is handed to you on a silver platter? What's the point of life if there's no struggle to achieve? He is an empty man, just like all of them."
"That he is." Slav nodded. "But you have to hand that to him. He will do everything to protect his family."
Koula frowned. "Bullshit. If that was the case he wouldn't seek for more than what he has," Koula looked up at her partner. "Burn the money," she stopped typing. "I will not be bought and sold. Burn them. We'll rob a digital bank instead. We've done that before. If you wanna keep them for yourself then fine."
Slav smirked. "Hot or not, I will not be bought and sold by him either." She tossed the money in a can and she lit a match, tossing it in the can as well. The money started to burn but neither of them paid any attention.
Koula started typing again and Slav's eyes widened. If the Kabal killed Erwin now, that would mean war. That could have even been Erwin's own wicked plan. To become a martyr in the eyes of his dear wife and then she would have a renewed sense of duty and motivation to keep hunting down the Kabalians. Killing him right now would be the end of it all.
Slav grabbed her hands stopping her from typing anything further. "If you kill him now, you're no better than him."
Koula's eyes widened and she stopped. She was right. She would become just like him. She would fall right into his trap. Koula pulled her hands away from the keyboard.
Slav grinned. "Let's rob that bank instead."
Koula smirked. "Hell yeah."
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pigeonrocks · 9 months
poor havik & kabal drawing from. idr. i need to utilize my many moons of drawing ghouls to do havik better
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raccooninasuit · 6 months
I love MK1 and all but
ok like i know lore wise why they did it but still
my poor lil meow meow why did they do that to him 😭😭😭😭
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fandombird123 · 7 months
In my answer for an ask I just responded to I made the statement that there was no Latino characters in MK, which I thought was true. Until I thought I remembered something proving that statement wrong, so I was going to make a correction. Until I went down a bit of a rabbit hole.
So Carlos Kabal...
Turns out Carlos isn't actually his name! It was something Johnny called him, and I mean I guess we could take that as his name, but why would Johnny of all people know Kabal's real name?
I mean maybe it is, but again the source of that info is really bad. I'm going to be honest I thought his real name was Carlos for a while.
On top of the thing with his name apparently no one can agree what his ethnicity is. I just did a quick search to make sure I wasn't wrong (since I was told once he was Latino) and not a single person could agree on the answer. I got everything from Latino, to indigenous, to just a tan white guy (I don't know what this person was smoking).
So apparently we know literally nothing about Kabal. Just figured I'd let ya'll in on the short little incredibly confusing journey I went on in one single google search.
With all that said I'm standing by my original statement. NRS please add a Latino character. It's been 30 years.
[One last thing, if I'm to add my own little two cents in on this topic I thought Kabal was actually Polynesian, but that's probably just me.]
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queenalyx · 1 year
bored, time to drop my drukhari kabal lore
archon alyxia scaur started out as a striking scorpion on a craftworld (unnamed) and was captured during a raid and sent to the arenas to fight for entertainment. unfortunately for the Wych cult that captured her, she was an excellent fighter, and climbed her way up through the ranks in the arenas from a slave to a wych. during one fateful match, she was put up against a succubus from a rival cult. in an extremely difficult and unfair match, she plunged her fist into the succubus' chest and pulled her heart out, showing it off to the crowd, hand covered in blood and gore. thus, her legend began.
in commoragh, reputation and fame is everything, and this fight shot alyxias reputation through the roof as a deadly fighter, the one who ripped a succubus' heart out, the scarlet hand. using this newfound fame and influence, she started gathering allies within the cult she was a part of, as well as other former craftworlders turned commorites. eventually, she gathered enough people to form a full blown kabal, naming it the kabal of the scarlet hand. despite being a small kabal, they climbed the power ladder quick in commoragh, gaining powerful allies in the wych cult who's succubus she killed, and a group of loyal and deadly incubi, who respect her fighting style and combat prowess, seeing similarities between their own fighting techniques and that of a striking scorpion of alyxia's skill
as the kabal grew, a ritual formed, a way of showing loyalty to the archon. before every raid, the kabalites of the scarlet hand dip their right hands in a bowl of blood, drained from the prisoners they've captured and torture from previous raids, as a tribute to the archon and her claim to fame, and to strike fear in those they battle.
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tauman942 · 1 year
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Summary Sister Gilith of the Adepta Sororitas has long been held captive by the Drukhari of Commorragh, but now she has a chance to escape. However, the dreaded Lady Aestra, Archon of the Obsidian Rose Kabal, will not let her go so easily.
Originally submitted as a Fast Fiction entry to Cold Open Stories, and was published by CoS under the same title, however this cause some controversy. Read at your own risk!
The wych blade drips with Drukhari blood, making wine coloured splotches on the marble floor. The Incubi bodyguard seizes me by the throat, but the paralysis has already set in. Dropping to the floor, the Incubi convulses as his flesh liquefies, and his blood boils. The expanding gases pop and sizzles, as they burst from his emerald and ebony armour, and the ichor that was once his flesh, spurts out across the floor.
'What was my name before they brought me to Commorragh?'
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I’d like to imagine what it’s like for the MK cast to watch the FNAF movie coming out soon.
Knows the lore and has a million theories: JOHNNY CAGE, Kabal, Cassie Cage, Mileena, Kung Lao, Sareena, Takeda, Smoke, Reptile/Syzoth, Cyrax
Knows the lore well but won't admit it: KENSHI, Jacqui Briggs (because of Takeda), Shang Tsung, Kitana, Kuai Liang, Kano, Sektor
Just excited to see Matthew Lillard: SINDEL, Sonya Blade, Nitara, Sheeva, also Johnny Cage, also Kabal, also Kung Lao
Was dragged by someone else to see it: Liu Kang, Jax Briggs, Bi-han, Erron Black, Rain, Shao Kahn, Tanya, Ashrah, Frost, Baraka, also Sonya Blade, also Sindel
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nighttimescribbles · 2 years
📍Horny Gulag, Undisclosed Black Site near the Mariana Trench (continued)
AG Jaeger: *GUFFAWS HEARTILY* Do not mince your words with me, kitten. Are you saying all it takes to get you to agree, is my presence?
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AG Jaeger: *Sighs and gets up* Very Well. It costs me nothing and if that’s all it takes for you to comply then, so be it.
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AG Jaeger: You never were a greedy girl. You just had a greedy [redacted]. A very, very greedy [redacted]. Always so terribly conflicting.
Most girls ask for more things but not my Scribbles. No. She’s a simple girl at heart, who, for the right price, is willing to do away with the child’s play just for a slice of nostalgia and endless days of being deliriously satisfied and pleasantly sore.
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AG Jaeger: I’ll have a contract of terms and conditions drawn in 48hrs. You’ll have 1 week to read it. I’ll be in Guam and will return, expecting a definitive decision.
When you agree… and you will agree… I’ll personally begin to process you out of this… hell… our darling, Clare has so graciously confined you to. She can be quite harsh but since you’ll be under my protection, there wouldn’t be much she could do.
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AG Jaeger: I warn you though, kitten. You’ll belong to me once we’re outside. Horny or not. You are mine. Step out of line or betray me and you’ll end up somewhere dark, damp and cold.
You know this better than anyone. Peonies don’t fair well in the cold, do they? It’d be a shame if I’d let my kitten fall to a similar fate. But… I’ve no doubt in my mind about you. You’re an awfully good girl at heart, despite your… “misbehaviour” and I’m sure it won’t be too hard to follow instructions.
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Take that as a promise rather than a warning and think on it. Princesses never fare well in locked towers and yet they always look their most prettiest within them.
Agree to the conditions I send and I’ll take care of you. Just like I always used too. You can write to your heart’s content. If you’ll have the strength too.
I must get going now, but I’ll see you next week. Be good and try not to ruin any more bedding. You are upsetting, and petrifying the prison warden. *pats head*
*licks the patting hand and bites his shirt when he tries to walk away.*
Your disconcerted face is a sight for sore eyes, Beast. Shame if something were to happen to it. Or to you. You're having too much fun playing a double agent. i suggest you remember where your true loyalties lie.
The Gulag is the Kabal's playground. In here, you are mine. And out in the world, you will be mine...if you are a good boy. You may think you are second only to Shrekscobar, but you do not have the honour of being the only Kabalian other than he to immortalize our life and our kreed within these grey walls. That puts me closer to his heart. Makes me almost like his daughter. And father `Scobar has promised to give you to me on Shrekky's coronation day. Of course, if you fancy yourself a gallant Don Juan, you are welcome to expedite that promise by [redacted] me right on this chair. You are already partially undressed. It won't take long before we are painting the walls of this interrogation room with your [redacted].
Well, Beast?
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*thinks hard in monke tempted to double-cross*
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AG Jaeger: I have the release order for you and Defector Dass in my back pocket. My car is waiting to take us to the airfield.
@dassmyname and i arriving at the airfield like
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Why hello, police chief Toji. You poor dear, all bloodied and torn up. You've not been helping the mayor with his explosive little toys, have you? Well, no matter. I am glad to see you have turned to the light. Hop in, handsome, and let these freed kittens patch you up.
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
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thinking about all kinds of lies and false schemes the Judge is fabricating rn 👀
cumrade, there's only one way to find the criminal
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*stretches fingers, enables VPN*
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I shall inform my brothers and sisters of the horny movement about who the terrorist really is
and if it really is @nathalunalune u can't hide from the dark web, judge.
nobody can
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chibikyo · 7 months
I will be soon posting a masterlist forall my kinktober entires for 2023. Even though October is over, I'm determined to hit 31 entries and tentatively have planned out most of the remaining stories. This is what i have planned though i keep moving shot around and writing a inspiration stilled so do not hold me to this.
Day 22 - Bondage (Kenshi X F!Reader)
Day 23 - Sex Pollen (Havik x F!Reader)
Day 24 - noncon (Noob Saibot x F!Reader)
Day 25 - Edging (Kung Lao x Reader)
Day 26 -  Threesome+ (Earthrealm Gang x F!Reader)
Day 27 - DP-2-holes 
Day 28 - Cockbulge (Shao x M!Reader)
Day 29 - Virginity (Smoke x Reader)
Day 30 - Free Use (F!Reader x Lin Kuei [Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas, Frost])
Day 31 - ?????
If anyone has ideas for day 27 (kharacter suggestions) or day 31 ( anything even if the link is a repeat) I'm not promising I'll use your ideas but i really need inspiration.
I've been trying to spread the love to as many characters as i can and I'm willing to write for any mk character (except meat please. Skin required)
Aside from skalet I've had no inspiration to write for female mk kharacter but will write male or female reader with female kharacters.
Send me an ask or comment on this post or send me a chat or go comment on AO3. I'm also on discord and have an MK thread with my friends to chat mk oc's which I'll be hopefully working on posting soon.
If you have an oc and an idea i can write it as kharacter/oc then change it to y/n when i post it and happy to share the original copy too. That's how I've written most of these just keeping descriptions generalizes XD
Anyway, happy so many people are enjoying my writing. Also if you send an ask and i don't reply for awhile it's likely cause I'm working on your ask not ignoring you and you can hit me up in chat if you really want to know. I have one molding in my inbox while i think of some ideas for it.
Lastly I've played mk since mk2 was out. In familiar with all entries, all lore, I'm like the wine aunt of mk history so when i say any kharacter i mean it. Been in the Fandom since i was 5 and my dad kicked my a** by spamming noob and kabal specials.
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shiresome · 9 months
thinking about my special boy kabal now, id love to hear any headcanons you have for him 👀👀👀
I needed another doodle about Mavado for Saturday, so thanks for the excuse!
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I don't have any serious lore-based headcanons, but if you're here and sending asks in, you probably know that already! I think he's a DWEEB first and foremost. To be honest with you. I've doodled Kabal a bunch and he's almost always playing video games or referencing Star Wars. Among like .. other things, I guess. I don't know, I'm not a dweeb! Ask a dweeb!
I've always imagined Kabal to be a good bit younger than Kano, but not at all naive. Except for when it comes to Kano himself. Kano will tell him a BALD-face lie and Kabal will take it at face value a good ninety percent of the time 💔 Hides in Erron's car to avoid doing work without warning. Erron gets in, cranks his car up, sees Kabal in the rear-view mirror, and immediately they start screaming at each other
My version of Kabal is Latino, he likes video games, he's a dweeb, I'm getting bored. Let's get to the meat of it. My Kabal is 5'7 OKAY? HE'S 5'7. AND APPARENTLY THIS IS A CONTROVERSIAL THING TO SAY BUT I DON'T THINK HE'S ALL THAT TALL. I REALLY DON'T
You can have your fun with Snow Blind Kabal. ENJOY HIM. But mine is JAR-SIZED. He has to go into a cupboard at night so he's evolved that way for convenience. IT'S NECESSARY
LOVES Kira and Kobra, he is their older brother at HEART! Kabal wants to settle down with someone so Kobra and Kira put him on dating apps against his will. They lie about literally everything to degrees that aren't even remotely believable. They mean well!
Most importantly, my version of Kabal can not take his mask off! He is stuck with those big round eyes forever!
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Yes!! Black dragon lore with erron black! What about the rest of the fuckers?Kabal definitely seems a little on the skittles side
I don't know much about the Black Dragon characters beyond Kano, Kabal, and Erron Black (I know there's more but I couldn't name them for the life of me) but of those three
Erron black is a bi trans guy, we've covered this
Kabal doesn't really know what's going on with his gender at the moment and is currently tethered to masculinity solely by the fact that he is a gay man and has been since middle school (no one has told him yet that he can still be a gay man without being specifically a man and he's not going to figure it out on his own)
Kano is straight and cis and would call you a slur given half an opportunity
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fandombird123 · 9 months
(Last MK vent and then I'll shut up for the day.)
Why do the Mortal Kombat writers have such a twisted concept of who is good and evil?
There's the obvious answers like Johnny, Kuai Liang, or Shao Kahn who generally get treated as their correct alignment.
Then ya got people like Kotal and Rain where their alignment makes no god damn sense in the context of the story!!!
Like NRS are you telling me Kotal, the man who committed an ethnic cleansing and was down to do it again until having to get his ass kicked by his girlfriend, is somehow more 'good' then Rain, a man who was abandoned by his father, wants to free his realm, and be recognized as the demigod he canonically is.
Are you seriously telling me Rain is the bad guy here???
Like ya Rain is a bit of an egotistical dick but no one has ever told Raiden or Fujin to humble themselves.
It feels like characters are just treated like bad guys because they're not in NRS's little cool kids club. Rain, Kabal, Bi Han, Skarlet, and Frost are all characters that get treated like monsters but if you look at their lore they're not inherently evil. Their motivations just don't line up with the good guys in the moment and for that the writers have the 'good guys' treat them like trash.
You can not convince me Kuai Liang of all people, if written correctly, would have turned Skarlet away from the Lin Kuei. Especially when he's made friends with Hanzo and was an ex-assassin himself. The MK11 writers only wrote him like that cause moral complexity is dead to them.
I'm sure there are more but it's incredibly frustrating having everyone treated so black and white, especially in a game made for adults who can process morally gray in individual characters.
Last vent for the day. I'm gonna get back to my usual fanart/fanfic. Sorry if ya didn't come here for all the vents, I just needed to get my thoughts out.
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mk-nightrider · 3 months
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The Nightrider AU is the product of a series of collaborative writing exercises and goofy "What Ifs" between @cyberneticsanguinaire and @bi-force-1 about Cyber's story Mortal Kombat: Blood Money that lead to their OC, Billie, getting a sibling, Tomek. As these things tend to do, lore quickly built up and took on a life of it's own in the form of Mortal Kombat: Nightrider. Now we want to share all that lore and invite our fellow fan artists and writers to collaborate with us and interact with Tomek and Billie.
Tomek's Profile
Billie's Profile
Lore & Stories Masterpost
Nightrider Illustrations/Sketches
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While we have come up with versions of Tomek and Billie that span various timelines who will undoubtedly be featured here anyways, the Main Universe for this blog is The Nightrider continuity and there are some Headcanons and Key Events you should know about under the read more.
MK 11 did not happen in this AU. Instead it heavily follows MKX, it's companion comic, and the future stories hinted at in the character endings.
Skarlet survived the events of the MKX Comic.
Erron Black is of mixed Earthrealm and Outworld heritage. He was born in 1859.
Kabal is also alive, narrowly surviving Sindel's revival instead of becoming a revenant. What is he up to? We haven't decided yet.
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ryukang1995 · 1 month
Mortal Kombat characters, according to me (part 1)
- Johnny Cage - The clown/simp. Some folks love him, but I don't...at least not later incarnations of him (the Midway and 1995 versions can stay though).
- Kano - The Aussie scumbag. He can be delightfully nasty.
- Raiden - I actually like him the most when he's Christopher Lambert. His canon self is either a boy scout (New MK1) or an idiot who sucks at his job (NRS timeline).
- Liu Kang - The champ. A true badass and legend. The undisputed main hero of the franchise.
- Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion - The fan favorite. Some will say he's the GOAT, but while I beg to differ, I still think he's awesome.
- Bi Han/Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot - The troll. Possibly the bane of many players' existence, besides the boss characters.
- Sonya Blade - Waifu #1. I'd have her hook up with Liu Kang, despite Johnny Cage being her canonical ex.
- Syzoth/Reptile - He's at his best when he's "the Green ninja". His New MK1 version isn't too bad though.
- Goro - A nightmare in every sense of the word. He's actually the best sub-boss in the entire franchise.
- Shang Tsung - The best villain in the whole lore. He can be sympathetic as he is wicked and deceitful.
- Kuai Liang/Sub-Zero/Scorpion - The GOAT (besides Liu Kang). Some prefer Hanzo, but I always liked this guy more.
- Kitana - Waifu #2. Arguably the sexiest MK female (though she's tied with Sonya for me). I'd have her hook up with Kuai, despite Liu Kang being her main love in the canon.
- Mileena - I prefer Kitana, but she's kool, if not very crazy and monstrous, lul.
- Kung Lao - Best bro to Liu Kang. Has great potential that doesn't get fully reached, but he's still awesome.
- Jax - Sonya's kool uncle (in a way). He's awesome too.
- Baraka - One ugly motherfucker. Still badass though.
- Tomas Vrbada/Smoke - Best bro to Kuai Liang. He's kool as both a ninja and a cyborg.
- Jade - Best sis to Kitana. Some will say she's a waifu or the sexiest, but while I prefer Kitana and Sonya, she's great too.
- Kintaro - Tiger Goro. He is arguably tougher than Goro, but I never felt that he was as memorable.
- Shao Kahn - Every MK fan's worst nightmare. 'nuff said.
- Sindel - The queen with a strong voice. She's at her best when she's a caring mother to Kitana, and fuck the MK11 version.
- Stryker - For a while, he was the Poochie of MK, but he did get a glow up in MK9, so I can't really rag on him too much. Plus, there have been worse MK characters over the years.
- Cyrax - The Yellow cyborg aka Mustard. He's kool.
- Sektor - The Red cyborg aka Ketchup. He's kool too, but I do prefer Cyrax.
- Nightwolf - Awesome design. Not too much to say about him.
- Sheeva - Lady Goro. If I have to be honest, she's more memorable than Kintaro.
- Kabal - Weird but awesome design. They can't seem to settle on whether he's truly evil or not though.
- Ermac - Probably one of the best ninjas in the franchise, besides Scorpion and Sub-Zero. I do prefer him as "the Red ninja" over him being mummy-like though.
- Rain - The Purple ninja named after the famous Prince song. He has a kool move set, but his personality just makes you want to punch him (though I think that was the intention).
- Motaro - Fuck. This. Guy. I always hated fighting him.
That's all for now. I might make more posts about how I view MK characters. If you agree or disagree with any of these, it's all good. Feel free to reblog or leave comments.
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