#kabal kronicles
📍Meanwhile on Maria Ward, Private ICU.
Shrekky has been able to breathe independently for sometime now. She no longer required machine support. However, although she was independently breath, she was not orientated to time. She knew she was in hospital but she didn’t know what day it was or how long she had been like this. And she couldnt speak or open her eyes. All she could do was recognise a few voices from memory and create new memories of people around her too.
Nurse Miche made her cheek warm - he was always nice to her. She wondered what he looked like. Did he have the body to match the voice? Deep and warm and smooth like butter. Shrekky hoped he did. He sounded big and strong and blond, a dirty blond and mama always said that she had good intuition.
It would be a treat if that was the case. Another daddy to lust after, of course. For some people this would embarrass her but Shrekky was only ashamed when was caught in the act but the shame never lasted. She would be back at it in no time. She relished in being doted on and hearing Nurse Miche talk to her about what he was doing for her that day. It was nice. Shrekky screamed in her subconscious whenever he would pamper her and wash her face. Whenever he was on duty he always made sure she had her stuffed donkey on her for comfort. He must’ve been a kind lover. Surely.
Aunt Fia and Uncle Kento made her happy. Aunt Fia was always kind to her and laughed about how dramatic mama was being whilst Uncle Kento always bought her treats and flowers even though he know that she wouldn’t be able to eat the baked goods it was nice to smell them. Nurse Miche and the other nurses was steal some of course! They always smelt so good.
Mama’s voice made her feel all kinds of things - sometimes, Shrekky would roll her eyes in her head when judge mama went off on a rant about finding another piece of horny evidence in her old bedroom. Shrekky would giggle internally when mama read her her favourite stories. Even the naughty ones. They always made her dreams fill up with sunshines and rainbows and lewd noises from memory. It was even funnier when mama would imitate the characters voices and add her own directors cut commentary cussing the author or characters out.
But then sometimes, Shrekky will feel very sad especially when mama was sad. Some days mama would come into the room and only say hello and not say another word for the few hours she spent there. It was often like that. Mama saying nothing.
Mama would say a short greeting, kiss Shrekky’s head before climbing into the bed and laying her head on Shrekky’s chest. When mama was miserable, Shrekky could feel especially on her hospital gown, because out of nowhere Shrekky’s chest would grow cold and damp. She would here sniffles and feel her hands being squeezed. Mama would cry. Shrekky hated that because it made her want to cry too. Despite the fights her and mama used to get into. The bickering. The arguing. The threats of jail. It still hurt. A lot. Almost as much as not hearing from the one person she missed the most.
Step-daddy Erwin.
It has been what felt like forever now since Shrekky heard her step father’s voice. He was always kinder and more patient than mama with Shrekky even if she was a little “weird”. He would often laugh off her comments or innuendos and offer her a headpat or a pinch of her cheeks. But he would never scald her for it like mama did. Step father attended very recital, every theatre performance and sat through every creative writing piece that Shrekky would read to him regardless of how suggestive it was. Step father would just smile and affirm whole heartedly as she sat on his lap. Even when Shrekky was her most apathetic, emotional or low, Erwin always brought her joy whenever he was around.
And for those reasons, not hearing from him left her, Shrekky feeling hollow and cold. What if mama really did kill him? Just like she would joke whenever he annoyed her. What if he finally got fed up with mama and left like her said he would on the TV? What if they finally divorced and moved to the other side of the country. The thoughts plagued her and filled her with dread, but it disappeared the moment she heard his voice as he entered the room.
Shrekky could hear the rustling of bouquet paper and the smell of pollen and perfume, that came with the sound of his footsteps and his rain jacket.
Shrekky chest felt tight and her nose tingled as her tears where stuck in her throat, clawing at her osophegus, desperate to come out. If she could wake up right now l, leap from this bed and bear hug him she would but she couldn’t even force her eyes open and look at him. It broke her heart.
Shrekky could feel a gentle kiss on her forehead and the back of his hand brush at the fine hairs of her head and ears.
“Oh Princess Pea,”
Erwin’s voice was soft, solemn, heavy. He sounded just like mama when she was sad. He sealed it with another peck on Shrekky’s cheek before tracing the grooves of her face.
“Forgive me. I know it’s been too long.” Erwin paused after his voice cracked a little. He couldn’t cry now. He had to be strong for his Shrekky. It was bad enough he punished himself for not visiting his daughter sooner.
He sat there in silence before finding the courage speaking up again.
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Erwin cautiously and gently put his hand in his daughters and sat there still, silent. For the first time in weeks, his thoughts quietened. Was this why his wife would would visit? Not just because her daughter was here? But because Shrekky brought peace to both of them? Of course. Even in the face of uncertainty, Shrekky is and always was the constant, even in her chaos.
Erwin couldn’t help but relax and be present for once. He enjoyed the ambience here. The near silence. He enjoyed his daughters hand. Just like he used to when she was no taller than his knee and take her out on their “adventures” to the park or school or the store. Memory Lane was sweet here.
Without knowing, Erwin was saying the words he couldn’t say out loud to Shrekky and with all her strength, she squeezed her stepfathers hand for a few seconds before letting go again. It took all the strength she had then but he needed more that she did. He needed the courage to continue.
Erwin gasped and his eyes widened in shock. Was that a reflex? Could she hear him? He took her hand in both of his and placed them on his lips and kissed and murmured wishes against the back of her hand.
“Thank you.” was all Erwin could chant from his lips, tears coating his lashes. 💔
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Bsjqksjwowowk this is so touching huhu my emotions are stirred 😭 i kept reading it again and again and i am so moved that i want Shrekky to wake up now fr hahahaha im sorry mother kabal if i am messing your timeline hahaha this really ain't much, just something to get shrekky to wake up asap hahahahahah also i cant wait to do things to miche nyehheeheh
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*somewhere in Bermuda
It's been months since the tragedy has befallen to Don Shrekscobar's daughter but to this very day there still has been no satisfying news with little Shrekky's recovery. His ex-wife, Clare informed him that his daughter was no longer on life support. This is good news, but it's not enough. The more days she remains unconscious, the more he worries. Day by day he grew more restless, agitated, troubled. He's often seen sitting on the swing in the prison's yard. His face filled with distress as he holds close a picture frame that bears the face of someone he holds dear.
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Oh how he misses his daughter terribly, he can break out easily if he wanted to but he doesn't want to give more trouble to his ex-wife who's already been stressed enough and he doesn't want to disgrace the name of his daughter if news came out that a high profiled inmate who happens to be her father, broke out of prison. So he stayed there, he stayed inside the prison walls of Bermuda and wallowed in misery and anguish.
'Mi vida', he sobbed 'If only I was there. I could've protected you. I'm sorry my baby. You're the most precious thing to me. You're... my precious...
And Don Shrekscobar remembered. He remembered someone from a long time ago. Someone who was dear to him. Someone who he used to love. Someone who gave him his precious little Shrekky. He mustered all his strength to get up and decided to make a call.
All the worry in Don Shrekscobar's eyes has now been lifted. His face of grief is now replaced with that of a smug smirk.
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Don Shrekscobar is a man of tenacity. He has never allowed himself to become a victim of all the shits life has thrown at him. He's in prison because he's a criminal, yes, but its also because its what he wanted. He does what he wants and life bends at his will. He felt pathetic for feeling down for months. He has not been his usual self he admits. But now he's back. And he's certain that his precious little Shrekky will soon be up and about.
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*after a few days
The doorbell of Judge Clare's mansion rang and upon opening the door he was met with a delivery man. Due to the incident that happened in the past, Mrs.Smith has now become very cautious. He asked the deliveryman for his ID and all the necessary informations a person with such a profession should know. And thankfully he all gave a satisfactory answer. She was ready to pull a chokeslam on him in case the worse comes to worst. Judge Clare accepted the delivery and she got inside her house. For extra pre-caution, she installed a scanner for deliveries. Upon scanning the box, she recognized an oddly, suspiciously shaped product but the scanner didn't deem it harmful. So she put it on the table to open it.
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While reading where the box came from, her eyes widened. She's heard of this name before. A name that was a taboo back when she was still with Shrekscobar. She's been gone for years, unheard of, why now did she have to appear in their lives again? Clare became more curious and hastily opened the box. What it contained, shocked her to the core.
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Judge Clare was appalled. What is this unholy thing that claims to be holy? And beside it was an envelope that may contain the answer to her questions. So she opened it. Inside was a letter and a polaroid picture. She grabbed the letter first and unfolded it. The letter explained what the oddly and suspiciously shaped thing inside the box was. It was as it says, a HOEly Water, a kind of water that can only be seen deep in the tunnels of the Misty Mountains, a place where the HOEliest of Hornies have gathered and created a civilization of their own. And that explained why she left, she was too horny to stay.
The HOEly Water is known for its healing properties, some would say that this water is the most miraculous thing to ever happen next to Jesus turning water into wine. But this is very rare because most people wouldn't dare venture the land of the hornies because most of those who tried, never returned.
But such tale is not of any importance now, if this indeed has inexplicable healing properties then she has to get this to the hospital fast. She hurriedly put the letter back inside the envelope which caused the polaroid to accidentally fall. Clare picked it up and saw a portrait that warmed her heart.
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Smeagal maybe Shrekky's estranged birth mother. But the fact that she sent her something that may lead to Shrekky's quick recovery means that she still cared. And with the power of two mothers' love, Clare is certain, in no time Shrekky will regain her strength and finally wake up.
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
Filler Episode: Meanwhile, in Koula's and Slav's secret hideout...
Tagging: @slavanimesimp @nighttimescribbles @shrekisshrimpthesimp @tonaken @ushiwhacka @dassmyname @killerbananas @nathalunalune
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"Right." Slav chuckled, not quite convinced. "Ms. Career-maker doesn't have any time for that normal people stuff."
"We're not normal, Slav."
Slav shrugged. "Normal is overrated." She typed hastily on her keyboard until she found something interesting. "OOH! Check this out!"
Koula rolled her chair beside her partner. It was the school forum with parents talking about the teachers of Saint Clementine's school in Ohio. Koula read the conversation, until it took a turn at Levi. Koula arched an eyebrow.
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She'd never seen people openly thurst so hard for a man. Not even the members of kabal.
"It seems Mr Ackerman has stolen many, many hearts out there." Slav grinned. "Is he really that hot?"
Koula certainly agreed with all those comments of all those deprived mothers but she wasn't about to throw her ego away and start admitting to it.
"Meh." Koula shrugged. "He's alright."
"Then why did you ask me to find his number?"
"BECAUSE he is the fucking CLEANER!"
"Doesn't that somehow make him even hotter?!?!?"
Koula frowned. "Well if you find him so hot, he's all yours!" She returned to her computer and continued typing down. "I got some digital drug trafficking to route here."
"DRUG TRAFFICKING?!" Now it was Slav's turn to roll her chair to Koula's side, but only cuz she wanted to grab her by that dark blue hoodie that she was wearing, trying to knock some sense into her. "YOU SAID YOU'D STOP THIS STUFF!"
"How else will I be making 200k USD per day?" Koula arched an eyebrow and Slav frowned.
"You don't need that much money, plus, it's illegal."
"I'm just writing code, I don't kill people LIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE."
Slav huffed. "How many times have I told you? Levi seems to have stopped doing Pavlov's dirty work."
"You can never know for sure." Koula clicked her fingers when she realised she had forgotten about something. "Did you manage to hack Erwin Smith's smart car?"
Slav smirked. "Of course, I did. He's a got an Audi GT."
Koula laughed. "You know he's an old man when he buys a smart car. People these days don't know how easily hackable their cars are."
"Right?! The business for car hacking is booming."
"That's why I tore out all the smart electronics from my camaro."
Slav arched an eyebrow. "And that's why you've been driving a beetle car from the 40s until that generous Chinese crime lord gifted you the Camaro."
Koula turned and looked at the picture of her old car. A beautiful, vintage beetle. One of the very first ones. She sniffled. Tears gathered in her eyes.
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"I miss my baby."
"Aw, partner, it's alright. I'll make you feel better. I'm about to blow Mr Smith's car."
Koula's eyes widened and she immediately rolled her chair beside her bestie. "Do you got a footage?!"
"Yup, CCTV camera of a coffee shop."
"He's not in it, is he?"
"Good. You were right, bestie." Koula frowned. "I'd never kill someone's father no matter who that is and what they've done."
Slav smiled. Two years ago, Koula would do it without hesitation. So long as she was getting paid. She patted Koula's back. "See? There is a road for redemption. What if Ackerman has actually taken it?"
Koula sighed. "Fine. If he has, then good for him. But as long as people like Erwin and Zeke are around, I don't think I'm ready to leave the underworld just yet."
Slav shrugged. "Who knows. Maybe they'll get redeemed as well."
Koula thought it impossible but Slav would definitely urge her to reconsider.
Today had been a great day for State Secretary Erwin Smith. His daughter had finally awoken. His wife was happy. Work had just finished. He had a dinner to attent with DA Nanami and after that he'd head straight for his daughter.
His bag at hand, he walked down the stairs and made his way to his car, resting by the sidewalk nearby. Before he even had the chance to get closer, it blew up. His Audi was engulfed in flames and the impact of the explosion had him take a few steps back.
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Erwin's phone rang as he watched flames consume his car. He knew exactly who had done this. He brought the phone to his ear while people gathered around to see what had happened.
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And with that, the call was over, leaving an enraged man.
He fisted his fingers around his phone. Honestly, if he had either of those hackers in front of him right now, he would strangle them with his own hands and he would enjoy it more than anything.
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tonaken · 2 years
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I’m back people
The way I just disappeared from this app…scaryyyy. I’ve been busy with work and life in general, but now you’ll see me a bit more often on the dash hehe
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
In Koula's secret hideout:
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Slavanimesimp *stops typing on her supercomputer*: oi, partner, are we gonna surrender or what?
Koula *sighs*: negative, I found information regarding the Judge's marital status. You might want to see this
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slavanimesimp *sighs*: aw man, what's the point of surrendering if daddy erwin is a married man
Koula: I know, partner, let's just sit tight for now. Our rations can last us months down here and there's no way they'll find-
*knocks on the door*
both partners share a look: oh shit
tagging: @slavanimesimp sorry i dragged you into this AHAHAHA @nathalunalune @dassmyname @shrekisshrimpthesimp @soaringmirror @ushiwhacka @tonaken @nighttimescribbles
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
📍Erwin visits Koula’s Lair (Continued)
Erwin hummed in what seemed like acknowledgment and headed towards the door before stopping abruptly, turning back at them and standing to attention. Sharp, posture rigid and unshakable.
It was clear that in an old life that the blond was once a commanding general. Someone revered, feared, worshiped almost.
It was subtle, the way his head raised up and his gaze at the pair fell beneath his nose. It was as if they disgusted him, the way he mouth pressed into a hard frown. His stare was icy and the pair felt a chill run down their spine. Their smiles melted and trepidation plagued their stomachs.
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Erwin’s silence only lasted a minute, maybe less. But it felt like ten. The brown noise of the electrics and the flickering buzz of the overloaded sockets heightened the sense of untold darkness and hidden horrors that exuded from him. Erwin was terrifying like this and yet, eerily attractive. The unknown, the untold, a walking bottomless abyss.
Erwin inhaled sharply and quickly before speaking.
“Before I go, It would be ungentlemanly to leave you without a gift. It should be arriving in a few seconds.”
Suddenly, one by one, monitor by monitor the power cut out. The sound of entire mainframes and appliances shutting down. Extraction fans cutting out abruptly. Loud crackling from the plugs and all the bulbs in the vicinity exploding, entire space plunged into darkness. Erwin pulled out a small but powerful camping lamp from his coat pocket and placed it delicately on the table besides him, switching it on.
“Your wit and cheek reminds me of my Clare. Not quite enough bite though and certainly not nearly enough guts. But I do like someone who isn’t afraid of me and something tells me that deep down you both might be. That’s good. Fear is good. It keeps you sharp. Sympathetic pathway shocked into action. All those hormones flooding your system. Scrambling to protect you. I wondered what would happen when it was triggered and just as I expected, you didn’t flee, you certainly didn’t fight, you both froze. Like some deer in headlights.”
Erwin continued
“Antisthenes words stick with me always, ‘Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.’ No truer words have been spoken.”
Erwin stuffed his hand into his other pocket and pulled out a wad of unmarked cash which was sealed in a vacuum plastic. He tossed it to the pairs feet to which Slav scrambled to pick it up.
“That should be enough to revamp this space, get some new equipment since all of it is probably destroyed by this little gem my good friend Armin made for me.”
Koula’s heart sank as Erwin placed the small but weighty black box into Koula’s hand
“Any idea what it is Miss Kyriaki?”
“Yes.” Koula sounded dejected.
“Of course you do. What is it Miss Kyriaki?”
“A compact EMP.”
“And what do EMPs do, Slav?”
“They scramble and destroy electronic devices within the intended vicinity.”
“Exactly. Well done.” His voice was a little condescending but his eyes and smile were genuine. The conflicting personas confused the hacking pair . “Incredible piece of technology. Absolutely marvellous. A stronger charge would’ve set this place a light. Terribly piece of equipment.” Erwin clicked his tongue and smiled softly.
The artificial light making his features more pronounced. A face hardened by life but every inch was infact, ‘handsome’. It was the only word that Koula had on her tongue.
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Erwin continued. “Knowing you both, you’d have backups of backups of backups. So I know this is only a slight inconvenience for you. I just wanted to show you two that I am willing to do absolutely anything to protect my family.” Erwin drawled sincerely as he put his leather gloves on. “Politics and allegiances be damned. That’s what I want. It’s all I want, and I’m willing to eliminate anything that will get in my way.”
Erwin drew closer and with his left hand tucked a loose hair behind Slav’s ear and ran his thumb across their lip. He watched as they become flustered. Closing their eyes and relaxing instantly, Slav leaned ever so slightly into Erwin’s gloved palm that rested on their cheek. Koula was so focused on what Slav was going through, envy almost consuming her, that she didn’t realise the blond man pull back her hood and repeat the same actions to her.
“To think that some of the people who are the bane my Clare’s life are as beautiful as this. What a terrible waste?” Erwin said as he delicately dragged his finger across her jaw, her cheek, her nose. Koula daren’t close her eyes, though her hardened glare softened.
She couldn’t help but bite her lips, swallowing, hard, to lubricate her drying throat. She cursed herself as her stomach flipped, the feel of leather against her skin and his touch, intentional but gentle.
“Curious things.” Erwin said softly before sighing and stepping back. Contemplative look on his face before scoffing and shaking his head.
“I’ll be in touch.”
And with that Erwin left but the thick cloud of desire he left, lingered like nuclear cloud, rending the pair speechless.
HOLY SHIT BROOO YOU WRITE SO GOOD mdwjegijdfrekj actually u write better than me AHAHAHAHA the "unknown, the untold, a bottomless abyss" had me like:
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so good bro 👏👏👏 I'm thinking imma make Koula a lil more stubborn, cuz I really am stubborn af irl AHAHAHA tagging: @slavanimesimp @nathalunalune @dassmyname @shrekisshrimpthesimp @soaringmirror @nighttimescribble @ushiwhacka @tonaken
Koula didn't know whether she was aroused or enraged. The very thought of it made her even angrier.
She kicked the floor powerfully before grabbing a keyboard from the table and slamming it against a monitor with enough power to knock it on the floor and crack the screen.
"Not enough guts?!?! I'LL SHOW YOU GUTS!"
Slav cringed as she watched her partner ruin a few more monitors and keyboards and punching the walls. That wasn't the first time Koula had lost her temper. Koula pulled a lever, turning on a generator that began to produce power again.
"We need to turn on auxillary," Koula pulled a suitcase from beneath their desk, settling it on top and opening it, revealing a laptop inside. She connected it to the generator and it powered up. She started typing. "I'm going to set his smart car on fire. Have it explode to his face while he's driving."
Slav's eyes widened and she rushed in front of her. "Wait! K! Think this through," Slav slammed her hands on the desk, trying to draw her attention but it didn't really work. "He is a man with a wife and child. We can't kill him!"
"I'm simply ridding that poor family of a monster,"
"Think about it!" Slav insisted. "How's Clare ever going to find out about what he is if he's dead? Killing him would be doing him a favour. You'll only make him a martyr in her eyes. In everyone's eyes!"
"I get it," Koula stopped typing for a moment. "He doesn't understand. He doesn't know what poverty feels like. He cannot appreciate what he has so he's seeking for more."
Koula's hands clenched into fists.
"Power, power, power, everybody's so obsessed with power, money, material wealth, followers, it's making me sick. What happens when you get that power? What happens when you're worshipped and everything you want is handed to you on a silver platter? What's the point of life if there's no struggle to achieve? He is an empty man, just like all of them."
"That he is." Slav nodded. "But you have to hand that to him. He will do everything to protect his family."
Koula frowned. "Bullshit. If that was the case he wouldn't seek for more than what he has," Koula looked up at her partner. "Burn the money," she stopped typing. "I will not be bought and sold. Burn them. We'll rob a digital bank instead. We've done that before. If you wanna keep them for yourself then fine."
Slav smirked. "Hot or not, I will not be bought and sold by him either." She tossed the money in a can and she lit a match, tossing it in the can as well. The money started to burn but neither of them paid any attention.
Koula started typing again and Slav's eyes widened. If the Kabal killed Erwin now, that would mean war. That could have even been Erwin's own wicked plan. To become a martyr in the eyes of his dear wife and then she would have a renewed sense of duty and motivation to keep hunting down the Kabalians. Killing him right now would be the end of it all.
Slav grabbed her hands stopping her from typing anything further. "If you kill him now, you're no better than him."
Koula's eyes widened and she stopped. She was right. She would become just like him. She would fall right into his trap. Koula pulled her hands away from the keyboard.
Slav grinned. "Let's rob that bank instead."
Koula smirked. "Hell yeah."
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
Meanwhile in Koula's secret hideout...
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*checks phone*
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*checks daily newspaper*
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Koula hecker: ah shit they got my sisters
*another phone notif*
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shit shit shit shit shit....
*more typing noises*
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Koula hecker: weird, why would the judge's very assistant have a high criminal record?
was the judge blind when she recruited that person????
unless Ms Afton erased her criminal record. But nothing can be erased from the darkweb.
There's something fishy here...
tagging: @nathalunalune @dassmyname @nighttimescribbles @shrekisshrimpthesimp @tonaken idk who else is in this AHAHAHAH
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Somewhere inside unconscious shrekky's subconscious:
The recollection of when Mother Clare @nathalunalune fooled little Shrekky into eating carrots saying it was bacon has visited the threshold of the green ogre's memories.
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
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Erwin chuckled. "My my, has nobody taught you manners, Koula?"
She frowned deeply. "I've dealt with people like you. You don't deserve any better treatment."
"Ah yes, you sure have. I've read your files. From forgery of government documents to your association in the Chinese black market. You did quite a good job erasing your digital footsteps but you have more enemies than you thought." Erwin smirked at her apparent annoyance.
"You're one to talk, State Secretary Erwin Smith... or should I say, Irvin Pavlov,"
It felt like a thorn in the heart the very mention of that name. Erwin looked away from them both. "I am no longer that man."
"And we're no longer the hackers who set up the black market's sites in the darkweb, but hacking is like an itch that we can't get rid of." Koula sighed and slavanimesimp shared a knowing look with her.
"Come in." slavanimesimp said, closing the door behind him and locking it.
How the hell had he found this place? The two partners had worked hard to erase it from every digital map, every monitoring satellite from above. But if he'd known of the location of the hideout, he wouldn't come on his own. He would have sent people to arrest them instead.
No, this man needed something.
"You're not here to arrest us I take it," Slavanimesimp and Koula settled down on their chairs in front of the monitors, now facing the man who sat down on a bench he found nearby.
The place was a mess. There were monitors and papers everywhere. There was a map of their country on the wall with plenty of strings connecting to pictures of Mr Chin and Sofiya and Rose and everyone that had been involved in this entire situation.
"You have done your homework." Erwin commented.
"Spill the beans. We don't have all day," Koula groaned. "Now that you know of this location there's no guarantee that you won't send a task force to arrest us."
"I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't one outside right now," Slavanimesimp added. "Also, you're so fucking hot, sir," Slavanimesimp couldn't help adding, only to receive a glare from Koula and she shrugged. "What?! You think so too!"
"EVERYBODY THINKS SO BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" Koula cried out until she realised the man had stood back up, looking all around their place, searching through the folders, the picture of his dearest Clare that was pinned on the wall. All the red strings were connected to her.
"All that work... all that thinking..." Erwin spoke turning to look at all kinds of devices spread all over a table.
Tracking devices, specific printers for forging, laptops of any kind. He swiped a layer of heavy dust that had gathered on top of a printer. They clearly hadn't used that for a while now.
"But why?" He turned and looked at them. Both women glaring at him. "Why put so much effort? Why hide for so long down here?"
That place was nothing close to a decent home. As a matter of fact, it was bunker once created during the second world war to keep people safe in case of an emergency nuclear strike. The government had now long forsaken places like this. He was the only man who would think to look here.
"Maybe because we're being hunted down by your wife?" Slavanimesimp suggested arching an eyebrow.
"If it is so exhausting then why have you not yet surrendered? Our cells are much better than this place." Erwin said. He approached them both. Koula was glaring at him and slavanimesimp was trying to focus her attention on a monitor making sure to check the outside cameras for any hostiles.
"Dude, I can be living in the fucking sewers but I'd happy if I was free." Koula said.
"Is that what it is? Freedom? What do you really want, Kyriaki?"
Her eyes widened at the mention of her actual name. No one really ever spelled it right, but he did. "I guess if you can spell Russian names, you can spell Greek names." She smirked.
"Have you been to Greece lately?"
What the fuck was his angle? Mentioning her homeland?
"You left your home a long time ago."
"Everybody on the right mind left. That place is fucking dead." Koula growled. That conversation was getting on her nerves. "What's your point?"
"You left when you were sixteen... with nothing but a ticket and you came in this... foreign country. Foreign language, foreign people, different way of life... no family, no friends... alone..." he was circling her now, and her glare wavered even for just a moment.
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He placed his hands on her shoulders from behind. "Tell me, Kyriaki. What is it that you really want? I will grant it to you. Shrekscobar and I have sources everywhere. Even in a defiled little country like yours. All it takes is a phonecall and everyone who's brought your country to its knees will be dead within the next twenty-four hours. All I ask in return is that you let my wife be."
She laughed.
His eyes widened. The last thing he expected to happen right now was her to start laughing. What the hell did he do wrong? He had read her files hundreds of times. He was absolutely certain that was her weakness. There was nothing else he could struck her with.
But she laughed nonetheless.
"Oh boy..." she clutched on her stomach and wiped her tears from all that laughter "...and here I was starting to get intimidated." She chuckled and she turned and looked at that look of disbelief and confusion on his face. "I don't really have to hurt her..." she patted his cheek "...you'll do it yourself, Irvin Pavlov." She stood up and made her way to the desk, pulling out a file with his name on top. She opened the black leather folder and started fumbling through the papers.
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Erwin looked like he had just seen a ghost.
Koula snapped the folder closed and she tossed it aside on the desk. "I won't hurt your wife, because she is a victim of yours just like everyone else. And I won't tell her, because I don't have to. She will find out eventually. The truth always finds a way out. You can't erase the cruelty of your past, and neither can I."
Koula sat on her chair beside her partner and she waved at him goodbye.
"I believe you can find your way out, can't you?"
Tagging: @nathalunalune @dassmyname @shrekisshrimpthesimp @slavanimesimp @soaringmirror @nighttimescribbles @ushiwhacka @tonaken
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