deebeeus · 5 months
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Forget Fender Friday this week. I hereby declare today to be Folkway Friday! 🤘😎 🎸
Here are 5 vintage Gibsons and a Gretsch, courtesy of @folkwaymusic. Left to right:
1957 Gretsch DuoJet 1959 Gibson ES125 TD 1965 Gibson ES-355 (factory black! 😳) 1963 Gibson ES-335 1963 Gibson ES-345 1963 Gibson ES-355
All of these were photographed prior to the opening of the @elmiravintageguitars show on the weekend. Many thanks to the show's organizer, John, for allowing me to come in early - a group shot like this would have been near-impossible when the show was in full swing! Thanks also to the great staff of Folkway Music for arriving (long!) before anyone else to set up, and allowing me to photograph their gear while they worked!
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spockeye-fierce · 4 months
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Butterfield Blues Band alumnus Elvin Bishop with a well played Gibson ES 345 which appears to have been rewired in mono with the varitone removed, a common mod that makes the guitar sound essentially exactly like the less expensive but more popular ES 335. Bishop's tasteful slide and secondary lead guitar complimented Mike Bloomfield's virtuoso blues wailing lead guitar and Butterfield's groundbreaking harmonica playing beautifully.
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bushdog · 4 months
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1968 Gibson ES-345 Sparkling Burgundy Metallic "Special" – True Vintage Guitar
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forkanna · 9 months
NOTES: Yep, this is really the end! We have one or two side projects in mind for this little universe of ours, but this is THE definitive end of this storyline. Frui and I would like to thank you for your patience in waiting for this fanfic to finally come to light; a lot of editing, real life annoyances, and various economic situations have made it more difficult than we wish it was. We hope you can enjoy it with a "better late than never" attitude. And who's to say? Maybe we'll see the characters from this universe again sooner than you think.
This chapter is dedicated to the memory of the late great Christine McVie. Those who know will spot the tribute to her.
See you around! Where we're going, we don't need roads!
Jessex and Frui
"And that's a wrap!"
Anna McFly wiped the sweat from her brow before she returned her Gibson ES-345 to the stand by the drumkit. Every day for the past year, she had regretted the decision to get the Pink Heels back together for a reunion tour — especially when most of them hadn't seen each other for five years before that. But that was only because she was getting older, and putting in the work of getting back in shape, both musically and physically, was no easy task.
"Gobshite," Merida groaned as she rolled her shoulder, setting her bass down. "The whole thing was gobshite."
"Oh, relax," Jane snorted, cracking her knuckles. They missed her drum skills, but she was always better suited to keyboards in the first place – and getting older meant she didn't hit those drum skins as hard as she used to. "It's all going to come together, loves. Already sounds brilliant, you ask me."
The two redheads grunted, "Who asked you?" But they were smiling, and the smiles remained even when Jane tossed an empty water bottle at Merida's head.
"We need to tighten up those solos," Anna said. "They're going to run over if we keep doing that, and you know old ladies like us can't handle that kind of extended show anymore."
"Old ladies?! Feck, you an' Jane might count yerselves, but I'm a sprightly forty-seven if ever I were a day, I am! Full of vigour and vitality!"
As they laughed, their new touring drummer stood, hand stuffed into her dark tresses and scratching nervously. "So… are you guys sure I still have this gig? I mean, I keep feeling like I'm bringing the tempo down, but it's because I'm listening; like, I'm such a huge fan of the Heels, I can't even-"
"We know, Moana, we know," Merida sighed.
Anna and Jane didn't have the heart to point out how the fangirling was the only real downside to hiring her; other than that, she was incredible. On par with Imelda, who had been severe but passionate before they lost her to cancer at the end of their final tour. That had been the true reason the band drifted apart; they all needed time to heal.
Time was also, in the end, what brought them back together. Life was too short to waste it, to not spend it with the people they cared about, doing what they loved. It had taken a bit of persuasion with Merida; she had moved all the way back to Scotland and "given up touring", as it turned out because she had been harbouring a secret fear of flying for many years. So to get her back to Dell Valley had been a bit tricky. But it was worth the effort – and all of Merida's hours of therapy – in the end.
Or at least, Anna hoped it would be. It felt like it would be already, but age truly was catching up with them. At least when she got home, she could relax. Her wife seemed to do nothing but work lately – though she was coming to the end of her 'project', as she called it. As though it wasn't a culmination of years of work and waiting and patience.
Before she had even realised it, Anna had a dreamy, dozy expression plastered on her face. Her mind tended to wander when she was tired, and she should probably have been concerned but she often daydreamed anyway. Honestly, the worst thing was when Merida snorted at her expression. She rolled her eyes, but there was affection there, honed by decades of friendship.
"Ah, go'n home," she said, making a shooing motion with her hands. "We've been 'ere all day an' we'll be 'ere all day tomorrow."
"Oh, Mer, the least I can do is help you clean up," Anna said, waving her away. It only lasted a brief second because Jane let out a snort that sounded as if it came from a gorilla, not the petite woman.
"Oh, you think we'll clean up? You're very funny, Anna dear. No, we just arrive before you do so you don't notice."
"Not blimmin' hard, either," Merida grunted under her breath. Anna let out a sound that may have been an "oi!" imitating the both of them, but it was really hard to tell under all the laughter.
Once the two old heads said they were taking the fresh meat out for drinks, despite Moana's insistence that she was barely 21 and had never so much as tried a sip of beer before, Anna bowed out gracefully. There would be plenty of time for getting to know the new girl another night. For now, she just wanted to make her way home.
Traffic was pretty ridiculous, but Anna was able to avoid the worst of it by bypassing the skyway – which was always jammed. Backstreets helped with that. She used her vocal shortcuts to place a virtual order and picked up some Thai food on the way home.
"Welcome home, Anna," announced the computer voice as she kicked the door shut.
"Thanks, EVE. News."
"Tension growing in the rural regions of-"
"Happy news."
"A litter of puppies was born in a teacup ride at a Disneyland. Sources say the mother wriggled into the park through a gap in the fence, previously thought too small for anyone to come through."
Anna smiled sappily as she set the bag of food down on the kitchen table. Those stories worked on her, every time. "Awww…"
Once she set out the food, and no one else had greeted her, she set off down the hallway. "Always working…" she muttered under her breath as she came upon a plain white door, save for the flickering LCD screen of a sleepy face, complete with little cartoon 'zzz's. Smiling softly, Anna ignored that status update and knocked gently on the door before pushing it open.
"Hey, sweetheart? I got some takeout for dinner…"
Elsa's voice was barely a sound; it was obvious she had been sleeping, even without the screen telling her what she had been doing. Hunched over her desk, paper marks pressed into her skin and her hair a mad tangle, it was entirely likely that Elsa hadn't had a solid night of sleep for a week.
"Hey, what did we say about sleeping in here?" Anna asked. Her voice was reprimanding but still gentle as she came to rub Elsa's back in slow, soothing circles. Elsa gave a yawn, and then another, before she could answer.
"I know, I just… this deadline is really coming up and it's nowhere near done, and-"
"And it will be waiting for you after dinner and after sleep. Come on…"
With a mixture of leading and pushing, she finally got Elsa into the hall and heading towards the kitchen. "Have you eaten today? At all?"
"Don't talk to your… mother that way," she said, interrupted by a yawn. When Anna laughed, she smiled blearily. "Alright, alright. Yes, I had a hydrated bagel with instant lox this morning with my coffee. Is that better?"
"It would have been better if that had been after you had a good night's sleep. But yeah, I guess I'll take it for now."
Once at the table, they set about tucking into dinner. Her mother had bags under her eyes, but even with those, she still looked very vaguely younger than Anna. That was thanks to the treatments, of course. They all lived healthy lifestyles, but Anna had never gone into the future for a treatment that wasn't available yet; it was an abuse of the power of time travel. Maybe eventually, when they got to be elderly, they would partake again. For now, their timestream-hopping days were at an end. And they had exactly the results they wanted.
When Elsa glanced up from her plate, rubbing at one eye with her fingertips, she blinked in surprise to find Anna watching her. "What?"
"You're staring."
"Why are you staring?" she said impatiently with a slight smile.
"Why not? Can't I just want to watch a perfect face?"
Elsa rolled her eyes, rolling the noodles around her fork. "What a weird way to phrase that. But… I suppose you may."
"Oh, thank you for the permission, Your Highness," Anna sassed. Elsa pointed her fork, dripping with noodles, at Anna.
"That's 'Your Majesty' to you," she said, grinning before finally taking a bite. "What time does Jennifer's flight come in?"
They both turned to look at the clock, even as Anna said, "Just before midnight." She heard Elsa put her fork down, ready to speak, but she beat her to it. "And no, you're not coming with me to pick her up."
"Nope, no 'buts'. You need sleep, Elsa - real sleep. Not just a nap in the car."
She huffed, but there was a slight smile on her lips as she said, "You sound like me."
That was enough to break the tension, if it had ever truly been there in the first place. They ate dinner in peace, Anna telling her about the changes the band had made, what they were up to in gearing up for their big reunion tour. Elsa shared the progress she had made on her novel, the changes her editors wanted that she didn't agree with.
"Just don't change it," Anna suggested, shrugging. Elsa gave a long-suffering sigh; they'd had this discussion before.
"I have to. I don't have any… what's the term? Cred?" Anna snorted, and Elsa glared. "If I want to start building a portfolio, I need to write what the publishers want."
They didn't stay on that topic long – there was no need to rehash an old argument. Elsa had not been writing nearly as long as her ex-husband and didn't have unrealistic expectations, Anna thought she should reach for the stars… rinse and repeat. At least they both agreed that the work was worth doing.
After dinner, they had a quick dessert of fruit salad and cream before hopping into the shower. They took a little longer than if they hadn't shared, but that also would have been the boring option. There was still plenty of time before Anna had to go and pick up Punz, but she refused to entertain Elsa's suggestion of queuing up a movie before she had to leave.
"Nope, you need rest, Elsa," she said sternly. Elsa scowled at her, and it would have been effective had it not been broken by a yawn.
"But I never see you anymore…" It wasn't completely true, but it wasn't exactly false, either. With their individual projects and differing schedules, they often only saw each other at breakfast as Anna ran out of the house, and at dinner. That may have been a very common trap many couples fell into, but it didn't make it any better that they missed each other so much.
So to help remedy that, at least for the day, they came to a compromise. Sleep for Elsa, and a catnap for Anna until she had to go and pick up her wife. At least this way, they got to lie together for a little while.
"I wish you weren't going on tour."
"I know," she sighed softly. "But I have to; I owe it to the girls, and to the fans. And you need to focus on your book, anyway."
"It's almost finished." But it was a weak protestation. Playfully, she whispered, "You're my daughter and you'll do as I say."
"It's because I'm your daughter that I won't." They both shared a laugh about that.
The time flew by once the chatter subsided and they simply enjoyed each other's closeness. Finally, Anna sat up and pulled her jeans up over her purple panties, a bra around her trim frame that used to be a little trimmer once upon a time. Elsa didn't seem to mind if the way her arms slithered around her middle was any indication.
"Come back soon. I'll sleep until you get here, I promise - so I can save up my energy for when you get back."
Anna melted completely into the touch. "Stop. I gotta run…" But the kiss against her neck made her sigh. "You're terrible."
"I'm in love."
"Yeah." Then she turned and got a handful of Elsa's face, shoving her back to bounce against the mattress with a little surprised laugh. "Me too."
"Alright, alright! See you soon, sweetheart."
In mere minutes, Anna was on the highway with her speakers blasting a steady stream of oldies from her usual internet radio choice. Most of them were from the 2000s, but a few from the 80s slipped in there. Tears For Fears cropping up brought a huge grin to her face that didn't fade until she was taking the exit for the airport.
Jennifer was already waiting for her along the terminal line. Her hair was getting long again, and she had gone back to blond; Anna knew she was going to miss being able to muss it up, even though she always got smacked for doing so. Despite the dim light of the lamps and a hundred other cars' headlights, her wife looked tired – or perhaps it was because of such light washing out her pale features. Either way, she perked right up when she saw their familiar car pull up alongside her.
"What's a gorgeous girl like you doing out alone at this time of night?" Anna asked when Punz stuck her head in through the window. She got a soft, if tired, smile as a response. She didn't actually speak until after her bags were safely stowed and she was in the passenger seat, kissing her wife soundly on the mouth.
"Oh, geez, I've missed you," she said, once they broke for air. "Told myself I wasn't going to say a word until I got my hello-kiss."
"Well then, hello."
"Goof," Punz laughed as they shared another brief peck. Putting her seatbelt on, she glanced around. "Elsa at home?"
Anna made a vague noise of annoyance. "Yeah, her dumb ass has been staying up too late and getting up too early trying to meet these editor's demands." Her grip tightened briefly on the steering wheel before she forced it to loosen. "You can ask her tomorrow. But how was your trip?"
"Not as exciting as it could have been," Punz answered wryly. "I think Los Angeles would be more fun if I weren't stuck inside the whole time with a band that's getting a little big for their britches. But that's what they pay me to do."
Anna pulled a face, releasing the wheel so she could hold Punz's hand. "Well, you're home, safe and sound."
"How is the reunion planning going? How is the new girl, uh… Mona?"
"Moana. She's… nice. Good at what she does, which is all anyone can ask."
They fell into more casual conversation after that. There would be plenty of time to debrief in the following days; for now, it was late and both women simply wanted to appreciate the others' company. It wasn't as though they hadn't gone without one another before; they had, many times. But each time it felt longer, seemed to suck a little more out of their sails. With Anna's reunion tour looming over their heads, and the potential for book tours in Elsa's future, their stable home life was somewhat uncertain.
"So have you been rehearsing?"
"Yeah, of course. Every day. I swear, Jane sounds better than she ever did in the old days; must be all those concertos in London. And we got…" Catching the look in Jennifer's eyes, she cringed. "Oh."
"Yeah, oh."
"You mean rehearsing THAT."
Swatting Anna's arm, she said, "Yes, THAT! It's only a few days away now. And you have to get every word exactly right, or we might not-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. And I have been rehearsing. It's just…"
"Well…" Sighing, she pulled off the highway and began driving into Dell Valley proper. "I still feel bad. I know we're not really gonna be lying to her, but it feels that way. Since everything is rehearsed."
Jennifer's hand came up to pet along her arm. "Hey, I know. But it's so important you get this right! Or else… we might lose everything we've come to love about our lives over the past couple decades."
"But look at us! Are we really happy? Always running around, barely seeing each other? Sometimes… sometimes I wish I'd never gone into the past at all!"
The silence was long and heavy. "Do you?"
"No. But I'm just stressed, okay?" Turning on the self-driving and slumping down a little further in her car seat, she let Punz tousle her hair a bit. "Thanks for putting up with my cranky ass. And you're the jetlagged one, too."
"Not that jetlagged," she laughed lightly. "Just ready to be home."
"And we're ready for you to be home, too," Anna assured her. "Even if Elsa is probably asleep because she really has been running herself ragged."
Punz smiled softly. "I'll try my best not to wake her. Sounds like we could all use a good night's sleep tonight."
"I know that I always sleep better when I have both of my favourite girls with me, not just one of them…" Anna said, shooting Punz a sidelong glance. Her wife's grin lifted her spirits considerably.
Luckily for the both of them, they lived on the side of town closest to the airport; instead of having to drive the extra twenty minutes, they were home barely half an hour after leaving the terminal. They snuck in like two teenagers who had just played hooky, leaving the suitcases by the door to be dealt with tomorrow. Punz wasn't sure whether to have a shower or forego it. Fortunately, she didn't have to decide because Anna simply shepherded her towards the bedroom. She didn't smell at all; it was just that she had been flying all evening, and the warm water would do anyone a world of good after travel.
That turned out to be the right call, because no sooner had she crawled into the centre of the bed about thirty minutes later when a second pair of familiar arms wrapped around her from the other side.
"Hey, Elsa," Punz whispered softly. She got a grunt for her trouble, but Elsa's arms still tightened a little more around her. Scooting closer so Anna had some room to join in, she kissed Elsa on the cheek. "Go back to sleep," she urged gently.
"No," she shot back petulantly, which made the other two chuckle.
"Elsa, has Anna been practicing her lines?"
"Hey!" Anna burst out. But Elsa's answer was kind enough that she didn't have to stay upset for long.
"She has. And she has the spirit of the message down. There's sometimes one or two words of variation, but past-me is going to eat it up regardless."
Punz settled in between them, and Anna felt Elsa curl around her other side more tightly. She reached across to clasp their fingers together as they both nestled their faces into either side of Punz's neck, earning a little hum of satisfaction from its owner.
"I missed this," she breathed.
"Me, too," Anna agreed. There was a long pause.
"If you're waiting for me to say 'me, three', it's not going to happen. Ever."
Grinning, Punz whispered, "Except you just did, Elsa."
When Anna laughed, the hand squeezed hers a little tighter for one second but she made no further comment. All three of them were swiftly dozing off, but none actually wanted to take the leap into dreamland. They just wanted to enjoy this tender moment a little while longer.
"When was the last time we were all together like this?" Anna asked. The reply came in unison.
"Your birthday."
There was a brief silence before Anna let out an ungodly snort. "That was an adventure and a half."
"Mhmm," Elsa sighed in agreement. "I didn't know a human adult was capable of making the noises you did."
Punz giggled. "Oh, and your breath smelled for days afterwards!"
"Whose bright idea was the chocolate-covered pickles, anyway?"
Both Elsa and Punz's voice rang through the late night. "Yours!"
Once more there was silence, though this time it was broken by a soft, "Oh yeah…"
As they tended to try doing when they were reunited, all three of them pushed their faces in together for a three-way kiss. It was a lot more comical than it was romantic, but they persisted, and always ended up grinning and giggling into the contact. Then they settled in again to relax.
"Ever think we would all end up in a cuddle puddle?" Punz whispered.
"Not I. Who wants to be in a cuddle puddle with their daughter and her wife?"
"Elsa McFly, duh," Anna joked.
"Hey – that's Cyndi Lorraine Mann to you, and any legal authorities who ask, thank you very much."
"You're welcome, Mommy." The slight poke into her ribs made her grin. "Okay, okay, we know how you feel about that."
Punz leaned up just enough to kiss the tops of both their heads. "Come on, you guys. I know we joke but we have a great life. Don't pretend we don't."
"You're right, Jennifer," Elsa whispered as she clasped Anna's hand again, resting the both of them on Punz's stomach. "I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China. Even with all the twists and turns and time travel, I just love you both so much."
Anna sighed contentedly as she settled in again. "Yeah. It's been… educational."
As they drifted into dreamland, Anna McFly had the world's biggest smile on her face. With those two women beside her and the future looking brighter than ever, she felt like she was on top of the world. And her future had room to get brighter still; they had nothing but time.
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penig · 10 months
Hi Peni, I hope you're doing well!
I came across an old post of yours on Meetmetotheriver's Tumblr where you mentioned that family bin pregnancies (the Ottomas and Crittur families) are broken and need patching.
I'm using Meetmetotheriver's clean templates and stealth neighborhoods, do you know if the would the problem would still persist or if this would affect Brandi and Pascal's pregnancies (like in the case of adding Strangetown or Pleasantview as sub-neighborhoods)?
Also, would Widespot pregnancies also be affected if I added it by this when adding it as a sub-neighborhood?
I have all EPs and SPs, and I was wondering if I still needed to patch my game. If I do, could you let me know where to find the patch(es) please?
I apologize if the answer is obvious, I've been away from Ths Sims 2 for a very long time.
Thank you for your help!
There's several places you can download the official patches. This is one of them:
Sims in subhoods (and the stealth hoods are subhoods) get new IDs when added to the main hood, and prior to the patch the game did not check the ID of the father in the pregnancy controller to make sure they matched. This is why you hear horror stories about Samantha's twins being fathered by dogs etc. The Seasons patch fixed this issue; however, since the check happens when the IDs are changed, it can't fix sims who have already been added to the neighborhood before the patch was applied.
This applies to the disk versions; EA's digital versions come pre-patched. If you're using a CD crack or an electronic version from a pirate site, I suggest you attempt to apply the patches. It won't hurt anything; if the game's already patched, the patch will just refuse to load.
Also, even in a patched game, there's a possibility of alien pregnancies specifically still going wrong, because if the patch checks the ID after the change and finds an extremely low number (like the ID number of Universal Pollination Technician) it sometimes deciding that it must not have been changed, and changes it again.
So in the case of alien pregnancies and any stealth or subhood pregnancies that you've already loaded, you'll need to use an editing tool to assign the pregnancy correctly. I think there are pregnancy mods out there that allow you to fool with the pregnancy controller, but I only know how to do it in SimPE. You open the character file, open the memory tab, and locate the Pregnancy Token in the memories. Clicking on it should open up the pregnancy controller underneath the memory field, and you can make note of the Father's ID number and change it if it's the wrong one. Don't forget to commit before saving.
Welcome back to the Sims 2. I hope you have lots of fun, and give me a head's up if you post Widespot or Land Grant University content, so I can reblog you.
Huh, answer privately doesn't seem to be a thing anymore, so I hope you don't mind the rest of my followers seeing your ask.
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thestylesapparatus · 1 year
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1961 Gibson ES-345 TD* Bigsby - Cherry Sunburst
This Gibson is an electric semi-hollow with with a rounded "C" neck, 22 frets with split parallelogram inlays, and a crown headstock decal.
The guitar body boasts neck and bridge pickups 2 Volumes, 2 Tones, a 3-way switch, a 6-way Varitone knob which helps regulate frequences, and a B7 gold vibrato Bigsby tailpiece.
Harry first played it at Capital's Summertime Ball 2022 during Golden. He currently plays it during Stockholm Sydrome and She.
Photo of Harry via @nadishouse
Photo of guitar via Guitar Point (not an exact match as Harry's is a lighter cherry sunburtst)
* Thinline Dual pickup
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Brazil hits 7 hydrocarbons findings this year
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Brazil has registered seven findings of oil and/or gas traces so far in 2023, mostly onshore. 
The latest occurrence was reported on May 24 by BGM, which encountered oil traces in block ES-T-345 in the Espírito Santo basin. 
The day before, Eneva found gas traces in Amazonas basin block AM-T-85, where it had previously reported gas shows in April and March. 
Meanwhile, Petrobras and PRIO have reported oil shows in the Aram exploration block, in the Santos basin, and Frade field (Campos), respectively. 
Continue reading.
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der--tobi · 2 years
Ich schreibe jeden Tag in mein Tagebuch, was ich so erlebt habe und was ich gefühlt habe, in den verschiedenen Situationen, die ich am Tag erlebet habe.
Es gibt dann Tage, da fallen mir keine Wörter ein, die beschrieben, wie ich mich fühle. Da ich manchmal selbst überforderten bin und die Situation nicht richtig realisiert habe und reflektiert. Manchmal denke ich auch, das ich aus Schutz anderer, mir mit Absicht nicht einfallen tut, wie es mir geht oder das ich es verdränge.
Denn würde ich aufschreiben was ich am Wochenende wirklich gefühlt habe, dann müsste ich mir eingestehen, das ich eine Frau mehr liebe, als mir bewusst war. Ich habe es gemerkt, weil ich egoistisch gedacht habe, weil ich sie nicht verlieren möchte. Es ist nicht mehr nur dieses miteinander schreiben und bisschen flirten. Es wurde mittlerweile, zu träumen wie eine gemeinsame Zukunft so aussehen würde. Es wurde mittlerweile zu ein Lächeln, wenn sie schreibt. Es wurde zu Glücksgefühle, wenn wir Zeit miteinander verbringen, auch wenn das schwierig ist und bisher nur mit ein Filmabend ging, aus weiter Entfernung.
Es sind 345 Km die uns trennen und genau aus diesen Grund, habe ich Angst. Würden wir 345km Entfernung überstehen? Reicht es uns, wenn wir uns nur 1x im Monat sehen ? Würde unsere Liebe das aushalten und überstehen ? Könnten wir uns einigen, wo wir später wohnen oder bleibt es für immer eine Fernbeziehung? Haben wir eine reale Chance verdient, es herauszufinden und dafür zu kämpfen das es klappt? Würden wir trotz Fernbeziehung glücklich sein?
Ich weiß auf keiner dieser Fragen eine Antwort. Das ist was mir Angst macht und was mich oft unterdrücken lässt, was ich wirklich empfinde. Im Prinzip ist es aber einfach, was ich für Sie empfinde, denn Ich liebe Sie!
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dasarah · 2 years
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Dibujo número 35 con el que participo en el #Inktober52 del #Inktober2022 , la palabra 345 es #Armor o #Armadura yo dibuje 🎨 un #Guerrero con #Armaduradeoro con una #caparojayespada 🦸‍♂️🗡️🤺 de fondo #cielonegruzco , lo pinte de forma #digital #digitalart #digitalillustration en #clipstudiopaint en la #Ipad Me encanto como quedó 😌 Nos estamos viendo https://www.instagram.com/p/CjExypmu5JN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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serapsevens · 2 years
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🇬🇧⬇️ ORMAN MEYVELİ CHEESECAKE BARS Bu bademli orman meyveli cheesecake barlar, tıpkı bir rüya gibi. İlk çatalda ortasındaki ipek gibi meyveli dokuyu kaplayan o alt ve üst kısmın kıyır, kıyır oluşu inanın size ayrı bir mutluluk sebebi veriyor. Bu kolay ve lezzetli barları yapmak hiç de zor değil! Aksine oldukça da pratik; cheesecake yaparken ki protokol sıralamasını es geçip hepsini aynı anda kase koyup mikserleyin. Hamuru yoğurup dolaba atın. İnanın herşey bundan ibaret :) Hadi şimdi önce bana bir ♥️ bırakıp, ardından da kendiniz için tarifi kaydettikten sonra, malzemeyi toparlayalım👩🏻‍🍳 📝MALZEMELER 📌TABAN İÇİN • 345 gr un ( yaklaşık 3 su bardağı) • 1 su bardağı şeker • 1/2 fincan öğütülmüş badem (60 gr) • 250 gr küp küp doğranmış soğuk tereyağı �� 1 büyük yumurta • ½ tatlı kaşığı kabartma tozu 📌DOLGU İÇİN • 500g/16oz krem ​​peynir • 2 yumurta • 200g/1 su bardağı şeker • 2 çay kaşığı vanilya • 1/2 su bardağı taze veya dondurulmuş ahududu veya orman meyvesi ÜST KISIM • 1/4 fincan öğütülmüş badem 🥣YAPILIŞI •Derin bir kase veya bir mutfak robotunda un, öğütülmüş badem, soğuk tereyağı, şeker ve kabartma tozunu karıştırın. “Karışım ince ekmek kırıntıları görünümüne gelene kadar olmalı„ •Yumurtayı ekleyin ve birleşene kadar karıştırın. •Hamuru mutfak robotundan çıkarın, biraz yumuşak olacaktır. Hamurdan ⅓ parçasını ayırın (küçük parçayı) ve streç filme sarıp derin dondurucuya kaldırın. Kalan diğer parçasını da streç filme sarıp buzdolabında 30 dakika dinlendirin. Labne tarzı koyu kıvamlı Krem peynir, yumurta, şeker ve vanilyayı büyük bir kapta el mikseri veya mutfak robotu kullanarak karıştırın. 30 dk dinlenip soğuyan büyük parçayı buzdolabından çıkarın. Unlu bir yüzey üzerinde dikdörtgen şeklinde 22x33 cm bir fırın tepsisine gelecek şekilde iki yağlı kağıt arasında açın. Yırtılırsa merak etmeyin, yama yapabilirsiniz, bu hamur çok bağışlayıcı :)) DEVAMI YORUMLARDA⬇️ @serapsevens 👩🏻‍🍳📸 #cheesecake #cheesecakefactory #coffeetime #serapsevenstarifleri #serapsevens #foodphotographyandstyling #recipeshare #bakery #patisserie #pâtisserie #cooking (Austria city) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnML9JftD4h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I posted 362 times in 2022
13 posts created (4%)
349 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 345 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#angst - 115 posts
#misc - 106 posts
#dazed - 81 posts
#bruised - 71 posts
#bloody - 56 posts
#whump art - 42 posts
#comfort - 40 posts
#bucky barnes - 38 posts
#unconscious - 37 posts
#fandom ws - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#this is so amusing to me because sibling whump in nature was and at times still is the main thing i consume in fanfiction lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
Like The Dawn
"I Know It Will Pass" (Bertolf)
You can also find this on Ao3.
Fandom: Prodigal Son (2019)  |   rated: General Audiences   |   wc: 198 (drabble)
Characters:  Malcolm Bright & Gil Arroyo    |    gen
Tags/warnings: mild hurt/comfort, headaches/migraines, comforting Gil Arroyo
Summary: Malcolm gets a sudden migraine. 
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For some reason, it comes out of nowhere. 
His concentration wavers, until that point the article before him crystal clear and the focus of his attention. His line of view blurs, the printed words start to tremble – and then the pain is clutching at his temples, sudden and adamant. He closes his eyes immediately. He has ignored the symptoms up until this point, isn’t even sure there were any.
The article flutters from his hands onto the table, a deep sigh escapes his lips.
He swallows hard. 
There will be horrible nausea next, it’s already blooming in his stomach, starting to crawl up his body. Grinding his teeth makes the hammering pain in his temples worse but he can’t stop himself while he crumbles forward, bringing his arms up onto the table, turning them into a makeshift pillow for his head. 
His heart races. 
It’ll be okay. It -
„It'll pass, City Boy.“, a warm quiet voice washes over him and he feels a hand at the nape of his neck, hears a glass being put on his table. 
Gratitude fills him and his jaw relaxes. The sigh leaving his lips is now one of relief.
It will pass.
6 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
One of my favorite tropes or whatever is honestly the Caretaker saying "Damnit, [whumpee name]", and tapping the Whumpee's cheek or frantically touching their limbs, looking for a wound, the source of the blood, for what's wrong.
Hng, just. The worry, the angst....the unconscious or dazed other person's life lying in the hands of that Caretaker who's massively anxious, bordering on panicking and still prioritizing the Whumpée.
Just takes the "Damnit, (name)" of panicky, jittery, worried-out-of his mind caretaker with not-quite-there Whumpée to make my heart a-flutter...
10 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Kommunikations - Quadrat
Man kann das hier auch auf Ao3 und ff.de finden.
Fandom: Tatort (Team Stuttgart) |  rated: General Audiences / P6  |  wc: 1371 (OS)
Charaktere: Sebastian Bootz, Thorsten Lannert, Stefanie Seiler   |    gen
Tags |  warnings: Episode tag zu Episode: “Videobeweis”, mild hurt/comfort, light angst, ein Hauch von Fix-It mit ein bisschen Versöhnung, Freundschaft   |  Familienprobleme
Synopsis:  Manchmal führt das Einreiben von schmerzenden Rücken zu kathartischen Gesprächen.
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„Kannst du mir den Rücken einreiben?“
Sebastian hält inne und wirft Thorsten einen fragendenden und leicht überrumpelten Blick zu.
Bitte was?!
„Ich komm‘ da selber nich‘ hin.“, erklärt Thorsten. „Bitte.“
Wortlos steht Sebastian auf, der Cappuccino für den Moment vergessen. Ohne etwas zu erwidern tritt er an den Schreibtisch seines Kollegen heran und nimmt die Salbe in die Hand, kommt hinter Thorsten zum Stehen.
Julia schwebt ihm vor dem inneren Auge, auf das der Gedanke an Majas trockene und entmutigende Nachrichten folgen. Er schiebt diesen von sich und unterdrückt ein Seufzen, als sich Thorsten vorbeugt und es offensichtlich Sebastian so einfach wie möglich machen möchte, an seinen Rücken zu gelangen. Sebastian hilft ihm, sein Oberteil etwas hochzuziehen, nachdem er die Tube aufgeschraubt hat.
„Wie lang geht das eigentlich schon so?“, fragt er, während er ein wenig Salbe auf den unteren Rücken Thorstens drückt und dann mit einem Finger etwas ungelenk verreibt.
„Eine Weile.“
Thorstens Stimme klingt angestrengt und ein wenig peinlich berührt. Er stützt sich auf seinen Schreibtisch auf – Sebastian muss sein Gesicht gar nicht sehen, um zu wissen, dass es wahrscheinlich vor Schmerz ein wenig verzogen ist
Konzentriert verreibt Sebastian erneut ein wenig Salbe, während sich kurz Stille über sie legt.
„Ich glaub‘ Julia hat damals während der Schwangerschaft mit Henri genau die gleiche Salbe benutzt. Bei Maja aber nich‘, da war’s eine andere.“, erklärt er.
Es rutscht ihm quasi einfach so raus.
„Hm.“, entgegnet Thorsten nur. 
Etwas in Sebastians Brustkorb zieht sich zusammen und er presst die Lippen aufeinander, um diese versehentlich geäußerte Information nicht weiter auszuführen. Stattdessen drückt er den Finger mit Salbe ein wenig in einen Knoten, den er zu spüren glaubt, und runzelt die Stirn.
„Herr Doktor Vogt hat angerufen, die Erge- oh. Sorry.“  
Sebastian schaut auf und trifft den Blick ihrer aktuellen Auszubildenden. Er hat nicht einmal Zeit, zu erschrecken – sehr zu seinem eigenen Erstaunen fühlt er sich auch nicht einmal irgendwie ertappt. Niemandem wird entgangen sein, dass Thorsten in letzter Zeit Schmerztabletten als neue Mahlzeit-Beilage anzusehen scheint. Er weicht Frau Seilers Blick weder aus, noch macht er irgendwelche Anstalten, schnell von Thorsten wegzutreten.
„Ähm. Die Ergebnisse von der DNA-Analyse vom Brieföffner sind da.“, fügt Frau Seiler hinzu und Sebastian schraubt ruhig die Tube wieder zu.
„Wollen Sie auch ´nen Cappuccino?“, fragt er und weist mit der Salbe auf die To-Go-Becher.
Ihre Auszubildende wirkt ein wenig amüsiert, scheint dem Angebot aber nicht abgeneigt zu sein. Sie nickt bestätigend, macht ein paar Schritte auf Sebastians Schreibtisch zu und schnappt sich einen der Becher. Sie blickt Sebastian und Thorsten noch einmal kurz an, nickt – und geht dann wieder.
„Hm.“, gibt Ersterer von sich, und wendet dann den Kopf wieder in Richtung seines Kollegen.
Er stellt fest, dass sich dieser wieder aufgerichtet und etwas zu ihm gedreht hat, die Hände in den Hosentaschen. Sein Blick ruht auf Sebastian, der diesen aber nicht wirklich deuten kann. Ein wenig zurücktretend runzelt er die Stirn.
Was ist denn jetzt los?
„Hm? Was?“
See the full post
14 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Malcolm please! 😊
Kizza! ❀ You shall receive 🤗🙈
concussion + see tags
"Bright? Come on. Malcolm, look at me. Please."
When Malcolm's head lolled forwards, Gil caught it. The cheeks under his fingertips felt clammy and he swallowed the panic threatening to engulf his chest. This was going to end well, it had to.
"G-Gil? What's..going on?" The words were murmured and could hardly be heard.
Gil swallowed, pushing Malcolm back against the wall, gently, stroking a sweaty strand of hair away from the younger man's pale forehead.
"You fell, City Boy. You fell. "
Malcolm squinted at him from eyes half shut, hands limp in his lap.
"Tha' doesn't sound fun.", he slurred, a little louder than before.
"No. It doesn't.", Gil answered, shifting his weight on his knees.
"Gil...I'll be fine."
A short moment of silence settled over them, the traffic nearby the only sound.
Gil forced his throat to work, but he felt a vague sense of certainty.
"Yes, you will, Malcolm."
✿ send me a character & i will answer with a tiny whumpy snippet (add squicks + be safe)✿
44 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Jaskier 👀
Hell yeah  👀 Thank you!
trying to hide an injury (kinda) + see tags
“Let me look, Jaskier.”
They’re both watching him, like he’s going to break any second. Vultures, the both of them.
“No. No, it’s fine. Honestly, Geralt."
“Bard, come on, you’re trembling. Your hands should get looked at, and that shoulder... Don’t be an ass.” Yennefer sounds incredulous and frustrated. But she tugs at his sleeve, probably harder than intented, eyes fluttering down and sucking in her lower lip. She’s frowning, very hard. 
“Fuck off, you two. Like I said. It’s- It’s fine.”
But his heart is pumping very hard in his chest and he might pass out any second. Shit. Fuck all of this. A hurting body is not at all preferable and should be made un-hurt. Theoretically, he knows this. Theoretically, he knows a lot of things. 
Geralt can actually sound very worried. Huh. 
“Jaskier, you..you should sit the fuck down.”
Yennefer too, apparently. 
He presses his eyes shut and swallows, because the wave of dizzyness brings nausea with it. 
“Y-yes. I should.” 
Two sets of hands grab him gently by the arms.
✿ send me a character & i will answer with a tiny whumpy snippet (add squicks + be safe)✿
79 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pazifik-querung · 2 years
@Singapore: Wir erreichen Singapore nach einem 12-stündigen Flug von Zürich-Kloten aus mit Singapore Airlines SQ 345. Ich fliege gerne doch konnte ich kaum schlafen. Ich habe keine Höhenangst und auch keine Flugangst. Egal wie komfortabel die Sitze in der Business Class an Bord sind. In Singapore landen wir früh morgens um 05h30 und der Jetlag ist spürbar.
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Rasch heisst es umsteigen auf unseren nächsten fast 8-stündigen Flug nach Sydney mit SQ 241. Im Airbus A350-900 über Australien höre ich mir wieder The Cars, mit dem Stück Drive an, so hiess dieses Lied und erinnert mich noch fast 40 Jahre später an meinen ersten Flug mit Singapore Airlines nach Sydney 1984, wo ich dieses Lied zum ersten Mal auf dem Inflight-Audiokanal hörte. Diese prägende Zeit in Australien brannte sich bei mir mit diesem Song ein, die würde ich nicht vergessen. Und Drive lieferte den Soundtrack zu dieser Zeit als Expat in Sydney (1984-1987). Gegen 18 Uhr Lokalzeit landen wir auf der anderen Seite der Erdkugel. Die Australier sagen Down Under.
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Sydney Airport Kingsford Smith: Unser Uber-Driver erwartet uns hier, um uns zum Hotel zu fahren.
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bushdog · 2 years
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1966 Gibson ES-345 Cherry Stereo Varitone w/additional GOLD '60's BIGSBY | Reverb
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andreaskorn · 7 days
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Need For Speed: Heat (2019)
Was nicht erklärt wird
Manche Games geben zum Auftakt Infos wie Zielsetzungen (Story, Taktik, Prävention, Inventory) Handlungskonventionen (Steuerung, Skills) oder praktische Tipps (Freischaltungen, besondere Gratifikationen, Fluchtmöglichkeiten) usw. Das geht über Cutscenes, Kommentare oder indirekt über "Stealth Guiding", also einer Art unsichtbare Anleitung, die der Spieler durch seine Interaktionen mit einer Lernkurve erfährt. Abb. oben: mein Garagen Fuhrpark der gelben Flotte im Design von "Ana's Camaro SS"; von rechts hinten nach links: Porsche 911 GT2 RS 18, Ford Mustang, Mazda RX-7 Spirit R `02, Lamborghini Huracan `18, Porsche 911 (2.8) und vorne Chevrolet Camaro SS `67.
Hier hält sich Need For Speed Heat sehr zurück. Der Spieler entdeckt in seinem intuitiven Vorgehen nicht immer alle Möglichkeiten. Dringt man zum Beispiel im Menü weiter vor ("Präsentation"), so kann man auch Informationen zu den Crewmitgliedern finden (Rang) oder sogar gegen einzelne Crew Fahrer ein Rennen bestreiten. Gewinnt man (Geldbonus), wächst der eigene Rang, bis man selbst zum "Leiter" der Crew avancieren kann. Das ist gar nicht so schlecht.
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Zudem gibt es im Menü "Präsentation" die Möglichkeit, die einzelnen Wagen durch zu klicken und ein weiteres Menü aufzurufen. Ganz rechts steht normalerweise "Wagen verkaufen". Bei meinem allerersten "Startwagen" (Ford Mustang) ist dies aus mir unerklärlichen Gründen nicht möglich. Mit allen anderen geht es. So habe ich die freigeschalteten Wagen (die man übrigens optisch leider nicht anpassen kann) irgendwann mal verkauft, da ich bessere Autos im Shop erworben hatte.
Es lassen sich noch weitere Beispiele nennen wie der nicht erklärte (z.T. sehr teure) Motortausch. Für den von mir zuletzt erworbenen Driftwagen, den Mazda RX7, habe ich im Internet einen Tipp gefunden und einen anderen Motor direkt eingebaut (345 hp 4.0l V8 für 131.300 $). Mit diesem Motor ist offenbar auch ein Tuning auf 400+ möglich. Momentan erreiche ich das Maximum nur mit Drag Reifen, da mir noch wenige Ultimate Plus Teile fehlen. Die Slicks verwende ich aber nicht für Drift Events, da der Wagen ohnehin bei 350 (Drift Reifen) extrem leistungsfähig driftet.
Der Camaro SS benötigte auch einen Motortausch, um den max. Status von 400+ erreichen zu können. Mit dem Standardmodell, trotz enorm angewachsener PS Zahl, ging es leider nicht. Der Motor (4.7l V8 585 hp) schlug mit 620.000 $ zu Buche. Dreist, dafür bekommt man einen tollen neuen Sportwagen. Aber Ana's Auto ist mir irgendwie ans Herz gewachsen, den ich für Offroad und Race verwende. Auch fehlend Anleitungen, wie man in der hartnäckigen Verfolgung am besten entkommen kann. Zum Beispiel indem man auf erhöhten Objekten (Containern und dgl.) über eine Rampe hochspringt und oben den Wagen anhält. Allerdings einmal stand über meinem Auto ein Hubschrauber, der nicht wegflog (zum Tanken) und tatsächlich zu meiner Verhaftung führte. Tipps zur Flucht liefert die Community freilich eine Menge Infos. Das Game hält sich hier allerdings bedeckt.
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Dr. Andreas U. Korn: Cheat freies Game Testing im August-September 2024 mit nunmehr 83 Stunden Gameplay (Upload: 19.09.2024)
+ + +
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kanjis-yajan · 13 days
Kanji #345 腺
Significado: glándula
Explicación: Es un kanji formado por el Kanji #40 月 y el Kanji #33 泉
Nemotecnia: El órgano (月) que escurre como manantial (泉) suele ser una glándula (腺).
ON: セン / SEN
Kun: (no tiene)
Ranking de uso: ★☆☆☆☆
甲状腺 - kōjōsen - 甲 (caparazón, armadura) + 状 (condición, estado) + 腺 (glándula) = glándula tiroides, tiroides ★☆☆☆☆
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votivecandleholder · 14 days
El increíble Aston Martin Vanquish que James Bond quiere conducir
New Post has been published on https://testercar.com/el-increible-aston-martin-vanquish-que-james-bond-quiere-conducir
El increíble Aston Martin Vanquish que James Bond quiere conducir
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Aston Martin presenta el nuevo Vanquish, un modelo con ‌un motor V12 de 5.2 litros que desarrolla 835 CV y alcanza los 345 km/h. Con neumáticos Pirelli y caja de cambios ZF de 8 velocidades, este ⁤coche cuenta con un sistema de sobrealimentación “Boost Reserve” para garantizar un rendimiento excepcional. El diseño combina lo clásico con lo⁣ renovado, con un interior lujoso y deportivo. Aston ‌Martin⁤ apuesta por mantener los controles físicos‍ junto con pantallas en el cockpit ⁣y en el centro. La ⁤producción anual se mantendrá por⁤ debajo de las mil⁣ unidades para garantizar la precisión y excelencia ⁣en cada coche. Las primeras unidades estarán disponibles a comienzos del cuarto trimestre de ​este año.actualizará
El Nuevo Aston Martin ⁤Vanquish: Larga vida al V12
Aston Martin ha presentado su última creación, el Vanquish, un⁤ automóvil de alto rendimiento que hará las delicias de los amantes de los coches deportivos. Con un⁣ diseño aerodinámico y líneas elegantes, este modelo ‍combina potencia y estilo de manera excepcional.
Un Motor Potente y Eficiente
El corazón del Aston‍ Martin Vanquish⁣ es un motor V12 que ofrece una potencia impresionante. Con una capacidad de aceleración excepcional​ y un sonido distintivo, este motor es el ⁤alma de este automóvil. Además, gracias a su tecnología avanzada, el Vanquish logra un equilibrio óptimo entre rendimiento y eficiencia, ofreciendo una⁢ experiencia de conducción inigualable.
Diseño ‌Innovador y Exclusivo
El diseño del⁢ Aston Martin Vanquish se‍ caracteriza por su elegancia y exclusividad. Cada detalle ha sido cuidadosamente pensado para reflejar⁢ la pasión ⁤por la⁣ excelencia en⁢ la ingeniería automotriz. Desde su ⁣carrocería aerodinámica hasta su interior‌ lujoso y sofisticado, el Vanquish es una obra maestra de la creación automovilística.
Tecnología Avanzada al Servicio del Conductor
Además de su ‍potencia y diseño fascinante, el Aston Martin Vanquish⁢ está equipado con la última tecnología en asistencia al conductor. Desde sistemas de seguridad avanzados hasta funciones de conectividad ‍inteligente, este ⁢automóvil ofrece una experiencia de conducción moderna y segura. Con el ⁣Vanquish, Aston Martin demuestra una vez‌ más su compromiso con la innovación y la excelencia en el mundo del automovilismo de lujo.
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