clownphobes · 5 years
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eternalfrowning · 8 years
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Hheyyy....so......yeah I kinda disappeared for 2 months haha. And I’m posting this summary....the 21st ahh..:’’) but it was important for me to post it.
This is my 200th post, and this blog is now a little bit more than 2 years old, and you’re now more than 5000 to follow it.....!!!!??(..SINCE...WHEN?????)(....I’m..sweating.sm)
I’m not very good with words, but. I just wanted to say thank you, for being so kind to me, for your silent support, or just for taking a look at my drawings..!!
((more nervous-talking + ANSWERING ASKS UNDER THE CUT !!))
This year has been a bit......i don’t even know what happened lol, but what I know is that I don’t want to feel like this for this whole new year again.
I’m planning on posting more often. Bc I miss it. (like, at least.. one thing / month..! ;___;) (..posting still makes me incredibly nervous, but it will probably always be like this haha)
I don’t know what is this 2016 summmary exactly, if I make any progress or something... Even if i want to improve this year, i will not put too much pressure on my mind, and I will just draw more often than these past few months.
Now time to reply ! I’m sorry for being so late. :(
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Thank you !! ..i’m flattered. ;//;
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Thank you so much! You’re too nice...!! <3
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Hoho..thanks.. (i often use my hands as ref...)
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hohoh oho ho
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....!!! !!!  thank you !! i’m so happy that you think so and ahhh*blushes*
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!!!! i’m so happy to read this! i hope you’re feeling good today, and that you’re having fun!!!
Let’s draw ! (●´∀`●)
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My heart has exploded
(it did make me happy. You’re.. I.. love you. ;;)
I hope you’re still checking from time to time this tumblr. (again, i’m so sorry for the time it takes me to answer your messages .. ) (i hope you still remember me ahh ;;;)
I hope you will see that i read your message, and that i’m so grateful, and. I want to hug you. And i hope you will still be there in the future, taking a look at my drawings when you feel like it, maybe noticing some changes, maybe some improvements. I hope i will not disappoint. Thank you for your support. ;__;
I will try to post more. and if i don’t, then it will mean that i just don’t have enough strenght yet. Uni takes a lot of time (i barely had time to draw these previous months x((), and a lot of energy, and, i still feel very. mh. idk. But i want to be more optimistic !
thank you again..you’re too kind..;;;;*evaporates*
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;;ooooo;;; i’m.. wah.. thank you ;;;
 i’m.. not sure of how i can answer you, i’m so bad at explaining things *sobs* (or just about understanding how i work. it’s probably the problem aha)
my way of painting is very.. “???” i think i need to make my brain believe that i have no idea of what i’m doing. i need this sort of ‘freedom’, that’s why i began to paint when things are still not very defined. (and then i regret, but for now its the only way that works)
like, here what my Minami painting looked like when i began to paint (well i already began to paint on this pic, but it’s the most ‘early-stage’ thing left in my file). so much things are wrong in this lol, but i thought : “bweh, i will find a way to correct all these stuffs.” (look at these sexy bear hands holy shit)(MYHANDSARENOTTHATBIG) (....i didn’t managed to correct all these stuffs aha)
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and here’s Roma :’)
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when i began to paint, i look at this mess, and think : well time to sculpt, to cover, to cut in all this mass-colored-thing. ( so i pick the dark color of the armpit to shade for example, etc etc *)
....so “shapes” makes sense yeah :^o !
and, i’m still thinking of my drawings (while at the same time thinking about ‘’‘sculpting’’’) as a flat-thing too. it is. and i like to play with it ; i like to balance the painting with very very detailed things (hands, shirts, hair, or ears, etc, or also blending some things, to be more ‘‘‘‘delicate/soft’‘‘‘‘.) and at the same time, boum, here’s a color-block-thing on the shoudler. or anywhere else. bc i like it too.
(...also sometimes it’s because i have no idea how to draw it differently and i’m like : well fk you now you’re a triangle.)
but, yes! yes i think of shapes. drawings are shapes, big and tiny little ones.
lol i don’t know
and, also, i like to keep some parts of the ‘draft’, of the ‘mass-colored-thing’, bc sometimes the best things are on the draft and even if i spend hours on something it actually make the drawing worse. like for examples Roma’s chest-rib-cage, or Minami’s arms, i choose to leave them the same; i kinda liked what the ‘colored-draft’ looked like, like happy accidents.. now that i think of it, i wrote in the caption for them ‘unfinished painting’, but tbh they probably are finished. maybe i couldn’t paint more, and they needed to have this unfinished aspect in some part of the drawing
but i think it’s a question of composition/balance, preferences, and me being lazy-and-obssessive at the same time. (and trusting the guts.) kind of.
and with time, the way of painting will change, with experience, and by provoking other happy accidents, and testing other stuffs.
i talked too much and...it..doesn’t make any sense and doesn’t answer your question, doesn’t it.
I thought about, maybe, doing a sort of speedpaint but..i don’t think it would be interesting because it’s so.. well, you know. messy and it changes so much during the painting process and ah
i stop here haha, i wrote a lot, i’m sorry ;_; !
HAVE A NICE DAY EVERYONE ! (´,,•ω•,,) <3 <3
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