snaillock · 10 months
ok just realized bllk chapter 229 came out so i finally read it. here are my thoughts
spoiler warning
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zorbs · 2 years
so the whole. american coach getting kicked off his team. they said that like. they got rid of him because black genes are naturally superior to white genes??
which um. i do genuinely think the goal of this was to go "black people are not lesser than white people" but yknow! literal eugenics was not the way to go about it, and the intent doesnt excuse that. and poc shouldnt have to be Genetically Superior to not be treated like utter shit. u should not b racist because like. poc are human beings. got nothing to do with "physically superior black genes" or whatever
but wait rads! arent the main characters asian? yes....
so. what are asians according to the manga's weird eugenics thing. um. we're like. rock bottom ! "isn't. isn't the creator asian" yeah. yeah. thats the main reason why i think the whole thing is Like That because of a Lot of ignorance, poor education on race, and internalized racism. a lot of manga/anime handles race poorly in the sense that theyre intentionally making a mockery of other poc/other asians, but my guy is saying. essentially like.
"asians r naturally smaller weaker and worse at sports than all the other races such as american and black. however we are strong and still worthy so we can overcome our natural inferiority through hard work" which. 1) untrue ?? thats eugenics haha. haha. 2) ive always wondered what that made me as an asian american. cause yknow. american isnt a race. so like. where do the eugenics place me. 3) its clearly attempting to get at the idea of "all races are made up of good people" but just. *gestures at that huge lump of "my being asian makes me naturally inferior to everyone else and i must work hard and train hard to defeat my terrible asian genes"* there is some Internalized Racism.
so. in essense.
they tried to do anti racism but came all the way back around and were racist again. Regardless. regardless !!!!! regardless of the intent its still. bad. for yknow. mainly eugenics. and the thing in the last ask. and probably other things (its been a very long time since ive read it, ive just begun to reread it to get a refresher). it just. makes me sad ! because i thought it was going someplace but. the creator was Not educated enough on the subject of race to get things there and it ended up saying instead of "poc are worthy of love and respect for being people" it was more like "poc are worthy of love and respect if they prove themself first. black people are people because of the stereotype that i believe that black people's dna makes them better at sports. and asians are only worthy in sports if they overcome their suckass asian genes that make them naturally inferior." and god forbid! god forbid anyone mention other races that Exist.
i mean. if u want to read it i think outside of the [gestures to giant burning pile of flames that is. that.] i enjoyed reading it? but like. id say i probably wouldnt have read it if i had started it later in my life knowing this so i wouldnt have to deal with thinking about if its okay to consume this media but that feels like. cowardly. its flaws have me think about Things A Lot but also just. ew. like. the flaws are Flaws with capital F. im glad i Think About These Things cause they Should Be Thought About or else [gestures once again] but also :( :( :( :(
the story and manga is really special to me (once again. i cried ! ) but!!! gosh theres so much wrong with it hfmmd.fm.....
i hope this makes sense once again super sorry for typing forever i just havent been able to talk ab this with someone before
wow okay. i totally do understand what you’re saying it does make sense. and from what you’re saying i do believe that the creator probably didn’t mean for it to come off the way it did. it’s just unfortunate he went about writing on these topics this way. i think for me personally this might make me too uncomfortable to read then if i’m being honest. i’m glad that you enjoyed it when you first read it besides Those Parts though
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ganyunomi · 3 years
what’s your opinion on fanon atsumu and fanon sakusa?
boy oh boy do i have a lot to say about this hhh regarding fanon atsumu — it’s not exactly that uncommon (as much as i wish it never happened to begin with) to see him portrayed as this sort of skirt-chasing womanizer that literally only thinks with his dick when in reality he’s just a huge volleyball loving dork, which is mostly why i, personally, try to portray his dorkier side, because there is no way that miya atsumu would be a smooth talker. i firmly believe he’s practice pick-up lines in the mirror or with samu before he actually makes a move on someone, and even then when he finally does decide to shoot his shot he ends up getting all tongue-tied because that’s how i imagine atsumu, not as a fuckboy who’s known for not being able to keep his dick in his pants
and regarding fanon sakusa, i cannot begin to express how much i despise his fanon characterization, i could literally write a whole ass essay as to why i hate fanon sakusa. to start off, his whole “lysol” personality that he’s portrayed with, let me point one thing out, it’s mostly him spraying someone else, but with literal common sense you can see that there’s no way you’re going to sanitize yourself by spraying someone else?? make it make sense people. also the whole “ew no, germs everywhere don’t touch me!” personality they give him, while, yes, he isn’t fond of germs, we literally see him in a manga panel stretching on the floor. and what happens with floors? people walk on them. so there’s that major factor as to why that man makes exceptions because 1) he most definitely would not exactly touch his face after touching the floor; 2) he’s well aware that the floor’s dirty, and if he does choose to make direct contact with it with his face (as seen on a manga panel where hinata’s with him) it’s with him being extremely tired, and also probably because he knows he’s going to go clean off soon. so basically, he would flop on the floor after being worn out because he’s well past the point of being able to fully process things after an adrenaline high (and this is not mentioning the obvious fact that he plays a sport where you have to touch a ball that’s not only hit the floor which as been walked on recently, but also a sport where you have direct contact with sweat and sweaty men) . another thing, he’s shown as someone extremely rude and mean in the fanon versions, but when you consider it he’s actually just someone who isn’t exactly the best at communicating himself with others, but he’s shown to try (some examples would be: him joking around with hinata, recalling the fact that he got a fever, and when he’s actively shown worrying with atsumu about what hinata might be getting himself into when they see him talking to kuroo). i also feel like he’d be very comfortable talking to someone he’s known for a while (aka komori). another thing that really bugs me is how cold characters are portrayed as cold even to their partners which there’s no reason why they would be bc they made the choice to date them??? they’d obviously show they love them and sakusa is certainly no exception to that, which is why i try to write him as an all-rounder yk someone who can be soft with their lover while also keeping his bluntness and other characteristics that make him sakusa kiyoomi
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space-------kid · 4 years
can’t keep my hands (off you).
Anime/Manga: One Punch Man Pairing: Garou/fem!Reader  Additional pairing/characters: platonic Metal Bat/fem!Reader, Zenko, mentions of other heroes such as Saitama, Watchdog Man, etc. Genre: Romance, comedy Warning: Absolute silliness. Language – Garou and reader both ate rainbows for breakfast. Dumbassery. Teeth-rotting fluff, maybe? Reader is hella strong like Saitama. Half-assed spice because you’re good at cockblocking Garou despite being low-key thirsty for him. And LOTS of dumbassery from the reader, most probably. Additional tag: Dream-based fic, canon-divergent, Garou is horny af A/N: This is supposed to be a lengthy one-shot, but I’m a dumbass who can’t keep my word so the supposedly one-shot isn’t a one shot anymore.  Now I have to worry how I should properly divide all those parts (I mean, they’re already divided, but--) 😅
Establishing yourself in their world.
Your life had its general ups and downs, pros and cons, the good and the bad.
You were admittedly a coward and afraid of being targeted by people for it. Following the advice of your (best) friend you trained hard, like, FUCKING hard, and now you’re blessedly, utterly strong you can take down enemies with just one hit. A good thing, really. Can’t let any bad guy harass you or something.
You were probably cursed with the biggest, baddest of luck. Not only were monsters chasing you, suddenly there was this fucking hot bastard weirdo who kept on calling himself the Hero Hunter. “I’m not a hero, goddamn it!”
iii. and iv. | v. | [more to be added]
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“i can’t keep my
 - can’t keep my hands off you/simple plan
If anyone who knew you could pick a single word to describe you, it had to be coward.
But it wasn’t like you could blame them, the choice was easily justifiable with how you always seemed to cower whenever a threat - even the smallest - popped out to inconvenience you and disturb the hopefully peaceful life you wanted to live.
You though that having a hero as your best friend would be enough to keep you safe. But considering his busy schedule, you were left with no choice but to fend for yourself.
“You just gotta get strong, ya know!” Badd (aka the one and only Metal Bat) told you countless of times whenever you would run to him, either telling him that some creepy guy was harassing you or a monster was chasing you.
It might have been the ‘what the fuck are you on about?’ look you had given him that day that left you sporting red, aching cheeks for the remainder of the afternoon, Badd having pinched and squished them - so hard you actually cried - for having the gall to non-verbally question him.
Fearing for the safety of your cheeks (Badd might pull your ears next, something you couldn’t afford to experience), you followed his advice.
Day after day you would lift weights, do some core exercises. You even went as far as to following some guy in a blue tracksuit’s training regime (he saw you training, you asked him on a whim on how to be strong, he nonchalantly answered your question) which consisted of doing a hundred push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and a 10-kilometer run every day. It was gruelling enough, and most of the times you would only find yourself waking up to Zenko’s glare, the girl telling you how Badd found you unconscious somewhere around the city.
“Are you trying to kill yourself?” Badd asked you one day, brows pinched with concern when you woke up in his arms.
Huh. You must’ve passed out again while working out.
“You told me to get strong, stupiiiiiiid,” you whined pathetically, hitting him on the face and chest with a trembling hand.
The recently minted S-Class hero snorted at your weak and pathetic display of attempted violence. “Yeah, I did. But I didn’t tell ya to train ‘til you’re on death’s door.”
You threw your head backwards dramatically, exposing your neck and making Badd drop you when he got an eyeful of the tops of your sports bra.
“Ow! Bat, what the heck!?”
“I can see your- y-your- ew! I need to wash my fuckin’ eyeballs! And why are you even wearing those in the first place when you don’t have any boobs?”
“I will fucking murder you in your sleep, Badd!”
You ended up in his arms again, only because you fainted once more due to exhaustion.
But you continued with your training nonetheless, slowly building up both stamina and strength to the point where you could finally make it home and collapse on your own bed after a long day of hard work.
Your parents were worried at how far you were pushing yourself, but they never stopped you when – for the first time in your life – you insisted that you had to do this for your own betterment. Never had they seen you so determined, your eyes still filled with fear but were now mixed with the fires of fortitude, and the way you settled the discussion made them relent. But that didn’t mean that they would stop worrying for you, often pleading for Badd to look after you whenever he could. Your parents might always be busy and far from home most of the times due to their jobs, but you (Badd and Zenko included) were always in their heart and mind.
For a year and a half, your training had been one of your constants.
You bawled like a kid the first time you punched some weird mushroom monster into oblivion - its legs the only evident of its existence after that one hit - because finally, your hellish (to you, anyway) training finally paid off!
Badd had hugged you and cried a little, telling you how proud he was of your achievement and how you could finally be strong enough to look more effectively after yourself. Being an S-Class had demanded more time from him and you couldn’t exactly come running to him every time you find yourself in a pinch. Aside from being a hero, his greatest priority was his precious little sister, and you would never have the heart to take away Zenko’s onii-chan from her.
“So, [Name]. Wanna be a pro-hero?” Badd asked you one night when you were out eating ramen with him and Zenko. “You’re pretty strong now, and you can take on monsters on your own. Man, I haven’t even seen you pummel one, now that I mentioned it!” he added, looking at you excitedly.
Your ears turned red from embarrassment at being praised. “I’m really not... at least not on your level. The monsters I meet by accident were all weak, thank god for that,” you replied. You returned his gaze, eyes narrow, and clicked your chopsticks at him. “And nope, I don’t wanna. Why would I want to be a hero? Why would I actively seek out those that I try to avoid at all costs?”
Zenko, who was seated between you and Badd, shot you a questioning look.
“Why did you get strong, then, [Name]-san?” she asked.
You chewed on your bottom lip, gaze zeroing on the steaming bowl of ramen in front of you. You could feel the siblings’ eyes on you and you flushed a bright shade of red under their scrutiny.
“Well, I did because I’m scared of monsters,” you replied. “What if there’s no hero nearby to help me when a monster appeared? I don’t wanna get eaten, you know, or worse-” here, your voice turned hysterical and caught a few fellow customers’ attention “-get killed and have some creepy, gross monster do lewd things to my body!”
“Eh? Lewd?”
A flustered Badd covered Zenko’s ears a little too late and made her turn her gaze away from your disgusted and scared expression.
“No, no, don’t bother with that, Zenko,” said the S-Class, eye twitching at the insinuation of your words. “Just eat your ramen while it’s hot.”
“But I was asking [Name]-san a question-”
“Just eat your ramen,” Badd gently pressed his sister who rolled her eyes in return.
“Teenagers,” the little girl huffed exasperatedly.
Nevertheless, Badd kept on asking you if you wanted to be like him. He would tell you the privileges you could get as a hero, not to mention the salary you would be earning. You, on the other hand, would never get tired of telling him no. As if a coward like you would actively fight monsters as a job. You were better off staying as a civilian, no matter how strong you finally had been.
You just weren’t cut out for that hero gig.
Yeah, you trained to get strong so you could defend yourself from monsters and creepy people who would harass anyone they fancied. And like you told Badd time and again, you would never be a hero. 
But you wouldn’t deny the fact that helping others when there weren’t heroes around would put a huge smile on your face and a fuzzy, warm feeling in your chest.
Growing up, your parents taught you that helping other people didn’t need a licence or a title. One just needed to have the drive and compassion to do so, lending your hand not because you’re a hero but because you’re a decent human being.
And wasn’t that what capable people should do regardless of their job or title?
However, helping people required courage - and you were sorely lacking on that department.
And truth be told, your aid would always be purely accidental. Well, more like your fight or flight instincts have switched your mind into autopilot whenever monsters come crashing wherever you were.
A monster resembling a humanoid iguana showing up in the shopping district while you were out buying groceries? Fight. You had kicked its head off its shoulders because its long tongue freaked you out.
Some giant and evil sentient tree started terrorizing the children at the park you usually frequented? Fight. You punched it to kingdom come when you felt some of its vines trying to creep up your shirt.
A weird humanoid octopus, harassing the ladies at a spa you once visited? Fight. What was left of the monster was a bloody smear on the walls after you’re through with him.
And perhaps your favorite was an honest-to-god giant fire-breathing worm which threatened to destroy the forest you had camped on when you felt like leaving the city for a few days. F i g h t. You blinked back into awareness bathed in the purple blood of the monster, its remains scattered as far as your gaze could reach.
The worst (or best?) part was that you were unaware of how you defeated them - your only confirmation that you yourself had beaten the monsters were from eyewitnesses themselves. People would ask you if you were a newbie from the Hero Association, and you would immediately shake your head no.
You even received an invitation from the Association itself to join their ranks, to which you gave an easy “nope!” as your reply.
Your main concern, however, was not H. A.’s incessant invitations for you to become a hero.
Alarmed at how you would seemingly black out before facing any monster who would disrupt your relatively peaceful life, you sat on your bed and put your head on your hands.
Was it really a fight or flight instinct that guided you during those moments, or was it just plain fight, your mind blanking out and your body moving on its own accord while you finish off any monster that came to your path? 
What controls your body during those moments? Instinct? The primal urge to survive?
But how come you couldn’t remember even just a single moment of the fight?
You rubbed your face with your hands and nodded to yourself. Of course you remembered something. That fleeting moment of feeling fear grip the entirety of your existence, when thoughts of surviving another day no longer filled your mind as a monster turned its malevolent gaze on you. The feeling of wanting to throw up your swiftly beating heart out of your own seizing throat, and you breaking out into a cold sweat. Your hand closing into a fist for a punch or lifting a foot to deliver either a stomp or a kick in a hopeless attempt to defend yourself.
And then your world would turn black.
And always, automatically, you would return to awareness once your auto-piloted mind deemed the monster for the day well and truly dead.
Looking back on the times you were still a weakling, you had never experienced undergoing a fight or flight instinct as odd as what you were having now. If it had always been flight for you before, the former now seemed to overcompensate for your spinelessness now that you have gained more than enough physical strength to back it up.
(If you had come across a certain Dr. Genus and he had come to witness your power, he would go as far as to claiming that you were the second person he met to have removed their limiter.)
(And if you would ask him if it had affected your fight or flight instinct, he would have said yes: your instinct to flee had been erased by your instinct to fight, and your id would not stop until it had the pleasure of witnessing your assailants’ death.)
You disliked fighting, you were too cowardly to face it, even. And while being strong had given you a little reassurance that you could now go outside of your house without having the need to get Badd check up on you for your safety every now and again, you still avoided getting attention to yourself either from creepy guys or monsters. A huge scaredy-cat at heart, you kept your head as low as you could muster.
There was, however, one thing you seemed to be forgetting, something you seemed to have been born with and you wanted to live without.
You were the human equivalent of a magnet for the biggest and baddest of luck.
And so you spend your days being chased by monsters, blacking out as your fight instinct took over, and wake up somewhat drenched in monster blood.
Man, when would heaven give you a break?
to be continued
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cheonjaem-blog · 7 years
wanna one as types of boyfriends
yoon jisung:
the walking meme. everything he does is fucking hilarious. you literally have 2000 photos of him on your phone which could be edited into potential memes. there’s never a sad/boring day in your life. he’s actually always super excited about everything and you always sometimes question his mental age but you still think it’s really cute. always makes stupid puns and jokes to make you laugh (that sometimes even results to self degradation). all that makes him happy is seeing you smile, so he makes that his daily goal. likes to send you weird pictures of him using different filters on snapchat that you obviously screenshot. he’s super funny and your whole family loves him, especially the kids. “auntie when are you getting married to uncle jisung?” “soon” “um jisung wtf stop lying to the kids” “i never said i was lying”
ha sungwoon:
the tea sipper. he has the dirt on everyone, and i mean everyone. knows what’s going on in your life, your neighbor’s life, and your second cousin’s uncle’s grandfather’s life. your dates consist of gossiping with the neighborhood aunties every week at the book club he organized. wants to know how your day is and knows you so well that he can tell when your feeling down. sings to make you feel better, and if that doesn’t make you smile, he’ll probably pull out the big guns and start dancing to girl’s day something. doesn’t mind embarrassing himself if it makes you happy :’). doesn’t like it when you call him cute bc he’s “manly not cute”. tries to fight other people when they talk shit about you. talks a lot!!! like when you’re trying to catch some z’s, all he does is talk about how your neighbor’s husband is cheating on her with her sister??? “omg don’t tell anyone but jisoo’s husband is cheating on her with her own sister” “wtf how do you know?? did you stalk her husband again??” “no way, i was throwing away the trash and i saw them?? coincidentally??”
hwang minhyun:
the perfectionist. a little ocd and always needs everything to be super clean and organized. he told you that he had perfect attendance in school and always had straight a’s. his skin is perfect, his visuals are perfect, and his voice is perfect. sometimes you feel like he’s too good for you, but then you remember how much of an awkward loser he is in real life. texts you the most romantic things, but can’t say it in person to you. you like to tease him a lot for being an awkward antisocial person. very easily embarrassed person. not a big pda person. blushes a lot. doesn’t know how to convey his feelings into words or actions, but it’s okay bc you know he’s trying hard. he looks like a cold tsundere but sike he’s a soft mochi on the inside. smiles a lot more now bc “you make me happy i guess”. 
ong seongwoo:
the prankster. he loves messing around with you and pissing you off. one time he put blue dye into your body wash and you came out of the shower looking like a smurf. you guys end up having prank wars and once you even super glued his feet into his shoes. when he’s not thinking of ingenious plans to prank you, he’s actually a really sweet boyfriend. sometimes he takes you out on spontaneous dates to that fancy restaurant across town to make up an excuse to see you wear a beautiful dress. but he loves taking you on midnight rides. like he’ll drive you in silence as you enjoy the night sky and talk to you about random things and let you rant about your inner thoughts. “stop staring at me ong!! focus on the road” “you’re just too beautiful. you distracted me”
kim jaehwan:
the musician. he confessed to you in broad daylight while playing the guitar and singing a song written for you. you guys were sitting on a bench in the city and he randomly whips out his guitar and starts singing. a crowd gathers around you eventually, and they cheer when you accept his confession. he likes to write songs in the middle of the night, so you’ll probably wake up at 3 AM and hear him playing random chords on the piano and writing lyrics in the dark. he writes songs thinking about you and likes to sing to you when you have trouble sleeping. also super extra!! likes to boast about things that he can’t do like karate and playing soccer. he told you that he used to play soccer in middle school, but when you actually took him out to play he said “yeah i played soccer. i played fifa” “ugh i hate you so much right now”
kang daniel:
the gamer. he’s a huge fucking loser, and he loves playing league and overwatch and basically every game ever. tried to teach you how to play league once but you never understood anything, so he ended up carrying the team and winning. spends 95% of his time indoors, but he also likes to cuddle with you when he’s gaming. makes you sit on his lap while he wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your head when he plays. likes taking you to comicon or any other nerdy convention. but it’s endearing to see him so excited about cosplayers. “cosplay with me next year” “lol how about a no”
park jihoon:
the prince. on top of his handsome looks and dancing skills, he was also born with a silver spoon in his mouth. buys you everything you’ve ever wanted and then some. but you’re not interested in materialism ok yes you are but you’re more interested in him. so he doesn’t really understand love?? like he’s always been loved by his parents but he tries his hardest to convey his feelings for you without extravagant gifts. like this is the first time someone told him that they didn’t want a new car and he doesn’t understand why you don’t want a mercedes benz but it’s your loss?? he takes you to nice dates at super expensive high end restaurants while you assure him that getting a take-away pizza is always fine too. wears gucci and givenchy and saint laurent and tries to buy you clothes from there too but one dress is worth more than your life??? he likes to sleep on your shoulder while you stroke his hair. really cute relationship full of $$$. if you need a sugar daddy you know who to call. “you want a new car?” “wtf no i want a new boyfriend” “>:((((”  
park woojin:
the shy turned wild one. yeah he was really shy when you first met but now he wildin. you tried taking him to a family party once but he was getting too into his dancing and ended up grinding the floor. what happened to the shy bean that couldn’t look you in the eye?? sometimes he’s still really shy around people he just met, and he kind of attaches himself to you. but dancing really makes him let everything go, and he tries to teach you choreographies to your favorite songs. taught you how to dance to red velvet and exo and rap to okey dokey. dates consists of dance lessons and chilling at home watching smtm together. bet milk tea on who’s going to make it to the finals. “yo it’s gonna be nucksal” “oh hell no i’m betting on hangzoo” “wow it’s only bc you like zico & dean more smh i thought you loved me”
bae jinyoung:
the nerd that turned hot. you known him since elementary school but boy did he glow up in high school. the last thing you remember was him being that smart nerd that never talked, but now he has a whole army of girls chasing after him. outside appearance may have changed but he’s still a nerd. dates consists of chilling at home and watching the latest episode of the anime y’all like while cuddling. takes you to animecon where you cringe at the weebs but where he enjoys every moment of it. likes taking you to manga and anime stores. dreams of going to japan with you. also likes to buy you cute couple charms for your phone. “i bought you the touka charm bc you’re the touka to my kaneki” “you’re such a fucking weeb lmao but sasaki is better”
lee daehwi:
the foreign swagger. yeah he lived in america for 4 years, that’s why he’s here man. just kidding, he’s a super adorable boyfriend that sometimes mixes up his languages when he’s flustered. super caring and always frets over you. nags you a lot when you get sick. “i told you not to go outside without a jacket!” but really good music tastes. makes different spotify playlists for you to listen to when you’re sad or tryna to get turnt. likes shopping dates!! he is your personal fashion designer and buys cute dresses when he thinks you look cute in them. “i thought this color suited you really well, so i bought it!” “um but it says it’s $300″ “oops?”
lai guanlin:
the athlete. he likes every sport but he’s super obsessed with basketball dude. like he’ll take you out to the nearest basketball court to shoot with him even if you can’t make a shot for your life. dw he’ll teach you the proper shooting form and how to dribble. you’ll end up having lots of cute basketball dates and afterward he’ll probably take you out for ice cream. likes to rest his head in your lap as he practices his shooting form laying down. lots of after-practice cuddles. “ew guanlin you’re so sweaty. get off of me” “no i like staying with you like this”
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mokonahapuuuuuu · 4 years
I should have called him evil Aaron Samuels
(What I wrote on Reddit.)
It was grade 9. It was the first month we were all coming back from summer holiday.
There was this guy, let’s call him Fred.
Fred was friendly the first day of that year. He was even friendly second day. At the time I just let it slide, though over time, he was supportive of me. In school assignment presentations, he said good job, or if I looked like I was having a bad day, he’d help me in some small way. If memory recalls, I did that as well when I saw him a little upset, so I cheered him up.
Fred was tall, and got into sports, which shouldn’t have surprised me, but it didn’t make me see him as more or less of a person for getting into the stereotypical jock hobbies. And we were Canadian, so I guess it makes me glad for our Canadian mildness.
Now here was another person, let’s call her Regina. (Regina George, hehe, funny enough, she was my own ‘Regina George’.) I thought Regina was second in command to another Queen B who was gruff and more tomboyish since gruff girl was into sports. Regina liked girl things, but her face had a permanent sneer. You can feel the evil coming off of her face. It was that year that Regina really made it clear that we were enemies. When I walked passed her day one of the start of the year, she said ‘ew’. She said it again few months down the road in my ear. Last year Regina laughed at me when I tried make up, and that year she laughed at me for wearing a TNA hoodie. She made a loud spitting sound in front of me. She and her friends probably thought it was a joke, but it wasn’t, so I disarmed her by saying “what’s up?” This one time she elbowed me in the hallway.
Now back to Fred.
Over time, I grew to have feelings for Fred. Aside from his friendliness and him bringing people together, he had a great sense of humour. It was because of him that I wanted to get into comedy, and in my acting school in my college years, my friends told me I should audition for the comedy grad program.
In a way, I wanted to sharpen my comedy skills to impress him.
The months went by, and then I found out, Fred and Regina were dating.
The Japanese anime and manga told me I should be the bigger person and forgive them. And I tried, but I couldn’t suppress my emotions better enough. The anime and manga also helped when Regina was being a complete jerk.
Then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised that Fred would have gone for someone like Regina. Even though Fred seemed nice and decent, people said he was immature. I remembered him talking back to our English teacher this one time. He even applauded another guy who talked back to that same teacher. Also by dating Regina, it showed his true colours. That he was a complete social climber, and also dated her for the popularity.
I remember sitting in the hallway this one time for quiet to do science work in science class. The half bell rang and people went out.
Over my textbook, I saw Fred and Regina holding each other and laugh, but it wasn’t a good laugh.
I knew it.
My inner conspiracy theorist was right.
But I still held on to the Japanese anime and manga’s lessons of forgiveness.
It was grade 10 that I finally got a Facebook. As I was getting all my classmates on, I found a Facebook fan page dedicated to me. The description was “for everyone’s favourite autistic Asian”. (I’m of Southeast Asian decent. Oh, and the autism, I am on the spectrum, I’ve written a few post about it here on the site.)
At the time I didn’t even bother to Google autism, and I just let it slide. Thanks to the anime and manga, I learned not to care about rumours and reputation. I don’t know, my naive mind thought that maybe he still had feelings for me, I don’t know… My father was this doormat who just ignored his wife and kids, leading to my parents’ separation. My mother was this jerk who banged her head on the wall this one time I asked her to morally support me.
I clung on to anyone and anything who could support me.
I’m just going to say drama happened, I just stopped talking to Fred all together. I’m just gonna say, karma is a bitch. Fred wasn’t a great guy, but I wasn’t an angel either.
I still feel guilty about what I did to this day.
I don’t know it’s so twisted. Fred and Regina did horrible things, not just to me, but other people. Regina was suspended in grade 8 for bullying another girl. They do terrible things, and deny, deny, deny, then they make you do something that you’ll really regret, and then you’re the bad guy.
I sort of cyberstalked Regina out of hate this one time, and on her Twitter, she sort of mentioned her parents got divorced when she was six.
It could explain why she was so mean and the way she treated people around her back in the day.
I wrote my memoirs in living with autism. I was going to write Regina in the book, though she got my number through her best friend, who I was an acquaintance with. The acquaintance helped me through a rough moment in my life, and I thought she was a good person. Seeing how that she and Regina are best friends, perhaps it also showed the acquaintance her true colours as well. (Acquaintance is waaaay prettier than Regina.)
Anyways, Regina has not changed at all and is still the psychopathic narcissus she was to this day.
She even said that Twitter account wasn’t hers and that her parents aren’t divorce.
Your words. Are. Shit. No. One. Believes. In. You.
(She said that, but the psychology math was all wrong. It was so obvious they were divorced.)
I think she still does all the deny, deny, deny, and makes other people the bad guy to this day. It must have been one of the things Regina taught Fred during their time together. It reminded me of one of the horrible things Fred did to me this one time in grade 10.
Regina gave Fred my number, and he texted me first. I was so scared. After all I’ve did back then, he still somehow wanted to talk to me, still? He apologized for what he did, but I’m not sure…
As I said before in the paragraphs above, he most likely spread rumours of my autism for the popularity.
Life has gotten complicated post college. I have this relative who is the 80’s jock stage dad in Breakfast Club, and I am the meal ticket shredder for this kids that will prevent them from getting in the popular crowd. And he loves to save face and reputation.
Perhaps all the family drama reminds me of high school. Maybe all the memories are coming up about high school is that the only way this relative will love me if I was in the popular crowd and I was a glamour girl obsessed with makeup and looks. The girls on that side of the family are wannabe Kardashians or Victoria’s Secret models. I always end up looking like a potato.
I don’t know… The Japanese anime and manga taught me so much, now I’m caring about rumours like I’m in some sort of high school Hollywood chick flick.
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space-------kid · 4 years
can’t keep my hands (off you).
Anime/Manga: One Punch Man Pairing: Garou/fem!Reader Additional pairing/characters: platonic Metal Bat/fem!Reader, Zenko, mentions of other heroes such as Saitama, Watchdog Man, etc. Genre: Romance, comedy Warning: Absolute silliness. Language – Garou and reader both ate rainbows for breakfast. Dumbassery. Teeth-rotting fluff, maybe? Reader is hella strong like Saitama. Half-assed spice because you’re good at cockblocking Garou despite being low-key thirsty for him. And LOTS of dumbassery from the reader, most probably. Additional tag: Dream-based fic, canon-divergent, Garou is horny af A/N: This is supposed to be a lengthy one-shot, but I’m a dumbass who can’t keep my word so the supposedly one-shot isn’t a one shot anymore.  Now I have to worry how I should properly divide all those parts (I mean, they’re already divided, but–) 😅
A wild Garou finally appears!
Your life had its general ups and downs, pros and cons, the good and the bad.
You were admittedly a coward and afraid of being targeted by people for it. Following the advice of your (best) friend you trained hard, like, FUCKING hard, and now you’re blessedly, utterly strong you can take down enemies with just one hit. A good thing, really. Can’t let any bad guy harass you or something.
You were probably cursed with the biggest, baddest of luck. Not only were monsters chasing you, suddenly there was this fucking hot bastard weirdo who kept on calling himself the Hero Hunter. “I’m not a hero, goddamn it!”
i. and ii | [more to be added]
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“i can’t keep my
- can’t keep my hands off you/simple plan
Alright, forget that you asked. You would always be Bad Luck, Dumbass Chicken [Name] to the universe, anyway.
You blinked back awake to the cheering of children, one of your fists thrown up for a punch and your entire front covered by green goo you easily identified as monster blood. Ew.
Looking down, your gaze zeroed in on the still twitching appendages of the huge insect monster your punch had nearly blown to smithereens. Its head looked totally crushed, and you had quickly figured out that its legs were still moving because of what was left of the electric impulses in its nerv-
You nearly emptied your stomach at the imaginary sensation of a hundred insect legs crawling up your skin.
Too creepy. I’m so fucking scared, for fuck’s sake.
“You saved us, big sis!”
“You’re so strong!”
“Are you a hero?”
“She must be, stupid! Didn’t you see how she beat that monster? Like, she just punched it and the monster’s head went ka-pow!”
Still grossed out by phantom insect legs crawling all over your body, you shakily turned to face the kids – five boys – and frantically shook your head.
“No, I’m not a hero-“ you tried to correct them but they seemed to have elected to ignore your denial and cheered again anyway.
Huh. Kids and their selective hearing.
“You must be new, huh, big sis?” one of the boys, a chubby black-haired one wearing glasses, asked you with stars in his eyes. Another one, sporting a bald head and a monobrow nodded in agreement.
“Maybe that’s why she ain’t in the Hero Guide Booklet yet!” exclaimed Monobrow.
Smile faltering, you waved your hands anxiously at the boys.
“I’m telling you, I’m really not-“
“Oi, leave the little lady alone, brats,” came a deep voice behind you. The boys took one look at whoever it was and scampered off to who knew where, and you could only hope that they would all be heading back to their own homes because it’s late in the afternoon already.
Relief washed through you as they finally disappeared from your sight. With a grateful smile you turned around to thank your savior, only to be met by a huge fist barreling straight at your face.
Your quick (and newly improved!) reaction time saved your face from being bashed in, your conscious mind battling your fight instinct because your attacker was a man. A very tall, muscular, and – oh, snap – handsome man, with sharp features, golden eyes, and spiky silver hair. The smirk he gave you was criminal, and you could feel your heartbeat quickening at being blessed given that seemingly satisfied look.
“Heh, nice reflexes,” said the weird guy, cracking his knuckles then getting into a fighting stance. You could tell from the way he dressed – fuck, that’s a really tight top – and how he carried himself that he was a martial arts expert.
Lucky for him, you weren’t.
“Yo, what the hell was that for?” you nervously asked him, backing away slowly. “You could’ve broken my nose with that punch!”
Weird Guy’s smirk widened. It gave you the heebie jeebies.
And it wasn’t helping that your fight instinct was screaming at you, telling you that you would get more than a broken nose if you refused to retaliate. If he was a monster, you would gladly let your fight instinct take over, but look how lucky you were! If your fight instinct took over, he would be the very first man you’d kill!
Deathly scared at the prospect of having red liquid splatter over the green goo sticking to your front, you closed your eyes and covered your ears.
“I’m too young to go to jail, holy shit! I don’t wanna kill anyone!” you yelled hysterically.
You could feel Weird Guy shooting you a confused look. You peeked an eye open and blanched when his expression turned into murderous glee.
“You’re not the one doing the killing here, little lady,” he said smugly, barking out a wolfish laugh when you winced. “Prepare to be hunted!”
And with that, he shot forward.
You had to bend backwards just to avoid a sweeping kick he delivered to your neck, your back and knees protesting at the sudden action. You dropped on the ground and rolled over just in time to evade his stomping foot. Eyes wide at the fissures his stomp generated, you quickly got up and tried your best to dodge the onslaught of punches he delivered at you.
Don’t fight, don’t fight, don’t fight, please! You repeatedly told yourself. He’s not a monster, oh god, you don’t want to kill a person, don’t you?
“Oh, my god, please stop!” you shrieked at him, downright horrified as your grip on your awareness slowly slipped from your grasp. “Can’t you see that I don’t want to fight?!”
Weird Guy stopped his assault to give you a perplexed look.
“Why?” he asked. “Isn’t that your duty as a hero? I’m a monster, you know, and you should stop me!”
“What?! I’m not a- I-I’m not a hero!” you denied, shaking your head for emphasis.
“Oh, no, no, you definitely are,” Weird Guy enthused, looking manic. “I saw how you saved those kids. A normal citizen would run away, but you didn’t. You faced that monster and took it out with one hit. Fucking reminds me of that fucking Justice Man.”
What the actual fuck? So, he thought you were a hero, too?
“No, no! I’m telling you, I’m not-“
Before you could finish your sentence, Weird Guy had already jumped at you and struck an open palm sideways to your chest, long fingers grazing your left breast.
You blanched out of fear at feeling the pain from the hit, then blushed when you only felt the warmth of his fingers seep through your clothes and when you realized that you had forgotten to wear a bra before going out. Your grip on your awareness slipped, one of your last thoughts circling on how this guy also seemed to be a pervert, grabbing (you knew he didn’t but it was the same in your book) at you like that.
Weird Guy grinned wildly when his attack hit, and yelled out rather proudly, “Remember this face, hero, and spread the word if you survive! Garou the Hero Hunter will-“
You tuned him out, static filling your ears-
 In your last effort to keep the guy safe from your fight instinct, you kept your hands slack, fists curled loosely as you lifted one to hit him in retaliation just as your mind went blank.
It was over the moment your fist – curled loosely, what for? – hit him straight on the jaw.
Garou fought hard to remain conscious even for a few seconds as he committed your face and the form of your body into memory, already listing off ways to counter an unexpected move like he always did when facing an enemy that would prove to be a challenge even for a genius like him.
Small stature hidden by baggy clothing, but he could still register the messy yet effective movements that enabled you to dodge his attacks. Quite flexible, too, seeing how you bent your body backwards to avoid a kick. You may be smaller than him, but boy did your punch – half-assed as it were – pack quite the heat.
And your face…
Garou had to be honest, you looked quite cute. [Color] eyes wide with distress, lips trembling as you lied about not being a hero and begging for him to stop his attacks. He wondered how long he would get to see such an adorable look on your face until you blacked out after that palm thrust landed squarely on your chest.
Too bad you didn’t get to see the satisfied smirk on his face when your eyes finally dulled, your expression coming up blank.
He was too caught up with his premature victory that he utterly failed to sense nor notice one of your fists going up to hit straight at his jaw.
Garou blinked, feeling his body float in slow motion and eventually crashing back down on earth, dark spots dancing on his vision.
What the fuck?
Were you just baiting him by acting like a goddamn coward?
Golden gaze found your prone form before he passed out, his last thoughts before fully blacking out revolving on a rematch should he find you again.
Who was he kidding? He would find you again, and that time he would not fall for your tricks again. You would be the one losing consciousness, he’d make sure of that.
Well, if you wouldn’t turn him in to the Hero Association. You were a hero, after all.
Weren’t you?
After he had been defeated by a surprisingly strong hero (you sneezed loudly wherever the hell you were), Garou was left wondering why he had woken in the park and not in a prison cell.
Why would a hero like yourself just leave him unattended like that? Did you not recognize him, or haven’t you heard of him yet?
Well, whatever. It was not as if Garou was glad about the circumstance he found himself in. If you didn’t know who he was prior to him attacking you, then there was practically no more explanations as to why he was still out here in the city and not confined within a four-walled cage.
Garou, however, couldn’t deny the fact that you not knowing who he was vexed him. He had defeated Tank Top Master, an S-Class. Did the Hero Association still not take him seriously?
The self-proclaimed Hero Hunter clicked his tongue in disappointment. Guess he had to kill beat more heroes up if that would get the stupid Association to give him the attention he so deserved.
Garou stopped on his tracks, eyes wide as he looked over his shoulder in surprise. He felt the ground shake before the sound of an explosion reached his ears. Soon enough, he could see black smoke through the canopy trailing up somewhere in the midst of K-City Nature Park.
A monster? Then that meant-
A feral grin appeared on his face. Just what he needed!
A shadow passed overhead as he ran towards the explosion’s general direction. Something wet landed a few feet behind him, the tell-tale sickening ‘splat!’ reaching his ears followed by a very familiar voice whose owner he had lost to.
“-keep telling them I’m not a hero, for heaven’s sake! I just wanna go home, Badd! Come pick me up, please! Yeah, I’m scared outta my wits here!”
Grin turning into a murderous smile, Garou could feel violence coursing through his veins. He never thought that he would get a rematch this early, but he’d be an idiot to let this chance slip by. Not when he already had a counter against your moves he could easily predict now that he had seen through your bluff about not being a hero.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Miss I’m-Not-a-Hero,” he said in lieu of a greeting once you emerged from within the forest.
And it was pretty convenient that K-City Nature Park is currently devoid of people except the two of you. Must be because of the monster that just attacked.
“Ah, thank god you’re alive- hey, what the hell?!” you exclaimed, expression quickly shifting from relieved to horrified. “What are you doing here? Are you… are you stalking me?”
The way genuine fear filled your face thrilled Garou to the bone. Heh, maybe you realized that baiting him like you did the first time wouldn’t work anymore. Also, you looked pretty cute in that blouse and skirt you were wearing despite the green blood staining your hands-
Hey, now, where the fuck did that come from?
Someone yelled on the other end of your phone call. Garou watched as you frantically yelled back at whoever you were talking to, telling them that you were being stalked. He nearly scoffed at your claim, and rolled his eyes when your screaming match with whoever you were talking to reached a fever pitch.
“What? You’re in A-City? B-But that would take forever! This weird bastard could’ve done a lot of lewd things to me before you get here!”
That made Garou raise an eyebrow at you in incredulity. First, you accuse him of being a stalker. Now you’re mistaking him for some perverted creep? Was this your ploy to get backup as quickly as you could?
He moved towards you in the blink of an eye, taking your phone and crushing it in his hand. You squeaked in terror, looking up at him as you stood frozen on the spot.
“You can drop the act now, little lady,” he told you menacingly. “You ain’t gonna fool me anymore. You’re just another hero I need to take down. No hard feelings”
Garou grabbed you by the collar, manic glee on his face at the thought of getting payback at you for beating him with just one hit.
You, on the other hand, cowered under his gaze. Eyes turning dull, your body went slack and you plopped forward against him.
It was Garou’s turn to freeze. Did you just pass out on him?
He tried to shake you awake but you were so out of it. “Hey, lady, what-“
You lifted your head, almost mechanically, to look up at him. The last thing Garou saw before one of your hands landed a powerful chop between the junction of his neck and shoulder was the same blank expression you gave him before he blacked out like the last time.
Seemed like all of that mental preparation and movement prediction he made practically meant nothing against an enemy as unpredictable as you.
You were totally freaking out.
After lugging home the same weird bastard from a few days ago who scared you to death today (holy shit, did you really just take your stalker home?), you decided to call Badd for help. Then you remembered that Weird Guy broke your phone before you could tell your best friend where you were.
Great. Terrific. Wow.
Granted, you had every right to leave the weirdo currently sprawled on your futon alone like you did the first time. But you were so scared that you might have actually killed him this time (the bruise on his shoulder looked ugly) since you gave in to your fight instinct without sparing a thought on who you’re faced with.
Or maybe you did since the handsome bastard still drew breath when you checked on him once your mind resurfaced back to awareness.
Maybe you’d planned to bury him in the middle of K-City Nature Park if he proved to be dead. Lucky for you, you wouldn’t live a life riddled with guilt at murdering your fellow human by accident.
Currently, you were sitting on the floor of your bedroom and waiting for Weird Guy to wake up. You anxiously picked on the fabric of your short shorts while you kept an eye on him, watching his broad chest rise and fall with every breath he took.
You had taken quite a while ogling studying his features. He’s really easy on the eyes, you had to admit. And his muscles (“Oh, fuck, he’s hot-“) weren’t all for show, too. No one would ever know that you had (accidentally) copped a feel of those arms and chest when you hefted him up on your shoulders on the way home. You were eternally grateful for the physical strength your training had given you.
And his back… god, even his back muscles have muscles, for fuck’s sake!
You wouldn’t openly admit, but this guy was the second dude you’d describe as a freaking babe magnet.
(Badd didn’t need to know that he’s the first one. You didn’t need to give him something to relentlessly tease you with.)
Personality wise, you decided to lay off Weird Guy’s I-will-beat-the-crap-out-of-you behavior. You even excluded that weird stalking of his (you’d find out soon that he wasn’t), letting your fight instinct take over if he ever decided to go yandere on you. You wondered what he was normally like. Hopefully someone who wasn’t batshit crazy or something.
You stretched and yawned, letting your arms flop on the space of your futon he wasn’t occupying as you sprawled on the floor on your belly. You folded your arms and let your chin rest on them, [color] eyes admiring his side profile.
Oh, boy. You knew she wasn’t interested about it at her age, but you couldn’t wait to tell Zenko how you met this really, really good-looking guy.
Getting tired of waiting, you stood up and turned to your work table, grabbing a pen and piece of paper to pass the time.
You were fond of taking odd jobs here and there after you had graduated, still unsure of what you really wanted to do with your life despite the fact that you would be eighteen this year. Currently, you were working on a few art commissions to earn money aside from being a service crew at one of the branches of a certain fast-food chain in K-City.
You bent slightly to reach for the unruly pen that rolled away from your reach.
“Woke up somewhere I don’t know and the first thing I see is a pair of thighs. Huh.”
You stopped what you were doing and turned to face the weird guy, now wide awake and looking at you. Heat crept up your cheeks as you tugged on your short shorts, face undoubtedly red from embarrassment.
“They’re nice, by the way.”
At least he didn’t say ass.
You cleared your throat and backed off, fighting the urge to call him a pervert and maybe hit him for good measure. There was something you need to settle first, in case he started attacking you again out of the blue.
“Before you do anything, like, um, attack me,” you began, eyes glued on the wooden floor of your room, “let me clear one thing first.”
Weird Guy raised a brow at you, staying quiet. You took it as a cue to continue.
“Look, mister. I don’t know who the heck you are and what your game is, but I am NOT a hero. No. Nuh-uh. I am in no way affiliated with the Hero Association, and would never want to be. I’m not a hero, goddamn it! So, can you please, please, stop jumping at me and attacking me? I don’t want to go to jail for killing someone! I’m not even legally allowed to drink yet!”
“Tch. Didn’t even thank me for complimenting her assets,” he muttered, looking annoyed as he sat up and gingerly rubbed the place on his shoulder where you struck him.
You were completely caught off guard by his remark. Did he even listen to what you just said?
“And don’t call me ‘mister’, little lady. I’m not that old,” he added, looking disgruntled. When he noticed you gaping at him, he rolled his eyes at you. “Yeah, yeah, fine. I get it. You keep saying you’re not a hero, but why did you save the kids from that monster back then? If you weren’t a hero like you keep on insisting, then why do their job?”
You wrung your hands and squirmed under his intense gaze.
“I-I’m kinda strong…? And isn’t that what decent, strong people do regardless of their title or status? I mean, isn’t it enough to be a decent human being to help?” you replied innocently, your eyes finding the hand clutching his injury to be particularly interesting – man, those fingers sure were long. You added rather self-consciously, mumbling under your breath, “…and it’s like I get a choice on the matter. My fight instinct does majority of the job for me…”
Unbeknownst to you, Weird Guy was now openly staring at you with mounting interest.
“You’re really not a hero, huh.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat before meeting his gaze and nodding in earnest.
“I’m really not!” you insisted. “I-I’m [Name], by the way.”
Weird Guy clicked his tongue and plopped back on your futon. “Who knew a civilian could knock me out with just one hit. Name’s Garou.”
“I’m sorry for hitting you twice, Garou. I just got really scared when you attacked me, and, uh…”
Awkwardly you stayed where you stood. It was not until Garou’s stomach growled that you were spurred into action.
“Um, I have food downstairs if you’re hungry…”
Golden eyes looked at you with mischievous glee. “Food’s good right now. Mind if I take a bite at those pretty thighs, too?”
Face red and steam practically hissing out of your ears, you slapped Garou so hard into unconsciousness without having to rely on your fight instinct.
to be continued
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