#Eadith Imagine
sunsunmi · 10 months
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E: This... Doesn't mean anything, right?
D: ... Right.
me when I find something else to relate with the other person that has the same crush as me 🤭/lh
No but y'all have no idea the death grip E has me these days ....... the way i'm sobbing and crying they are not a RO, but I take that fling option in a heartbeat thank you very much!!! 🤲
Also I hope I got it right with E, I've been scratching for every detail of them...... _(:''x)_
Eadred/E is from the marvelous if 'Crown Of Ashes And Flames' by @coeluvr !!! CHECK MY MEOW MEOW OUT RN !!!
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liaa--qb · 11 months
Thinking about them
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Now why these two are looking so good together 😭 what if....aemond ever got someone like her. I need Aemond x Eadith au !
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moonlight-rider25 · 2 years
Spill the Beans
Summary: Your time on the road together is gradually coming to an end and you have to come up with a way to stop that, and fast!
Warnings: PG13+, fluff, angst,
Word count: 3700
You lay awake in your tent. Eadith steadily snoozes beside you, and the only other noise besides your constant stirring is the slight crackle from the fire outside. You sit up listening intently to the noises around you. Surely the other men are asleep by now from the amount of ale they drank earlier in the evening. No you can’t, it's a stupid idea… you remind yourself rubbing at your face. You sigh and lay back down trying to get comfortable again…
You toss around again sighing heavily as you stare at the blank canvas ceiling before you.  Your body is still, completely still.  You hold in a sharp breath and finally snap your eyes open, sit up and quietly remove yourself from the tent. 
The summer night air feels ravenous against your sensitive skin as you wrap your fur around yourself tighter. You dismiss the signals going off in your head that you're making a very bad decision and hold your breath as you crouch low along the tent lines. You walk slowly and carefully over to where you saw Uhtred make his tent earlier that night. You reach out and gently peel back the canvas flap, slowly exposing the fire light into the tent. 
A few furs cover his tall body, and you see at the top sticking out; is his carved and shirtless sculpted stomach. You bite back your bottom lip and slowly emerge through the canvass flap. Crawling towards him in his furs, he wakes with a jolt.  You freeze in panic, not knowing how he will respond, or fully thinking this part through. He sits up abruptly rubbing at his eyes and stares towards you. After a moment he sighs and pulls his furs away from his body, inviting you in, under them, next to him. You hum gleefully and crawl towards him gently placing yourself beside him.  The heat from his body radiates to you and you clasp your cold hands against his chest.  He sucks a quick breath in through his teeth.
“Your hands are ice!” He says in a whisper.
“I’m sorry!” You smile up at him and press your face against his firm bare chest.
He hums a low chuckle; wrapping his huge muscular arms around your body, pulling you closer and pecks a gentle kiss on the top of your head.  You snuggle against him, his body warming you and his sweet safe familiar scent lulls you to sleep within moments. 
All too soon you awaken; Uhtred stirring beside you. Still snuggled up next to him, he tries to remove his arm without waking you.  Your eyes blink open and you see it's still very dark.
“Where are you going?” You ask him in a sleep ridden whisper.
He smiles before pecking a warm kiss on your forehead. 
“It’s morning.” He tells you quietly. 
You peer around in the tent looking outside at the very very faint glimpse of light rising from the ground.
You look back up towards his smiling face and bury your head into his chest.
“No it can't be...” you whine quietly against him. “...Not yet at least!” 
He rubs your back apologetically and you hear a low hum of laughter escape him.  You grip him tighter and begin peppering his warm chiseled chest in soft wet kisses. He groans happily pulling you closer. You playfully push him over to his back and straddle him, still peppering him in wet kisses. You slide your hands up his thick warm neck and capture his lips in yours. He sighs heavily before indulging himself in your sweet flavor, and you let out a quiet moan into him. His hands slide up over your barely covered ass and squeeze at the perky mounds sitting on top of him.  You giggle against him and he pulls you up off his chest. His eyes glimmer as you watch him eyeing your barely concealed body on top of his. 
“Don’t make me go,” you tell him in a whisper. 
He pulls you back down and your lips meet his once again, hungry and eager.
“You know I don’t want to..” He tells you in a low groan.  “...but how will we explain ourselves?..”
You lean your head down into the crook of his broad neck and shoulder, and allow a long disappointed exhale to escape you. You sit back up, allowing him to take in the view of your faintly covered breasts as you wrap your fur around your shoulders and press your core down into his toned bare abbs. His hands slide up your thighs as he smiles through his gritted teeth while watching you. You crawl towards the tent opening; stopping when his huge hand catches your fur and you spin back around facing him.
“Will I see you tonight?” he asks with a wicked smile on his face.
You giggle softly to yourself.
“Perhaps…If I can't sleep again…” You tell him playfully in a whisper.
“You come back… I don't think either of us will have much sleep..” he replies through his wide smile.
You snicker, trying to cover your mouth, careful not to wake the others.  You both freeze, hearing another stir within their tent. You shoot him a final lustful promising look and scurry away back to yours and Eadiths tent. 
The ground is cold, cruel, and unwelcoming, compared to the warm inviting safe arms of Uhtred, but you bury your face deep within the furs and try your best to calm yourself so as to not wake Eadith. You hear another stir coming from one of the other tents. You pull your fur up into your face smelling Uhtred on it; you smile to yourself. Your heart beats steadily in your chest as you happily imagen him there with you, as you were moments ago. Only wishing you had indulged yourself more, than what time had allowed. 
The morning passes in a wave of usual chaos, men packing their belongings and scarfing their porridge down in a few bites while you and Eadith try to clean the cooking utensils as best you can.  Everyone packs up their tents from the night before and secures it tightly back onto their horses; who have also been fed and watered their morning share. Osferth, Sihtric, and Finan, mount their horses ready for the day's journey, Eadith and yourself; normally struggling in the back of the pack, but today they're waiting for Uhtred who waltzes over and assists you with your bags. He says nothing, as the others are far too close to hear, but he eyes you devilishly pulling firmly at the mare's straps and fastening them in place. He pats the mare kindly on the neck and begins to turn away from you, when you clear your throat.  He pauses in place for a moment, then spins back around with a smirk on his face. You extend your hand out towards him and he instinctively, he helps you up onto your horse.  You squeeze his hand a bit before letting go of his grip and try to swallow back the grin growing on your face. The others watch as Uhtred strides away from you and mounts his own horse at the head of the group.
He eyes you again before calling out to the men, and you nod slightly with a thick grin towards him. Eadiths shoots you a look from her mare, who prances eagerly in place beside you. Avoiding her look, you slap the reins setting in motion with the others. 
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“What was that?” She asks finally once the group has gotten into configuration and you know they’re mostly out of earshot. 
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“What?” You ask her with a giggle, avoiding her look as best you can.
“Oh no, don’t you ‘what’ me..” She tells you through her own snicker. “You’re playing a very dangerous game here girl,” She tells you through a smile.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You cackle in response still not meeting her eye.
You slap the reins again and your horse marches off ahead of Eadith leaving her behind. You hear her cackle as she tries to join you, the two of you edgeing off the trail a bit playfully trying to beat one another. 
Hours pass before you stop to relieve yourself and allow the horses a quick drink of water, the summer air is still and uncomfortable as you drop down from your horse.  You hand Osferth the reins to your horse and scamper away from the edge of the woodline to relieve yourself. 
“Good God, I’m going to burst!” You tell Eadith, squatting down near a tall prickly bush.
She giggles to herself beside you as she adjusts her skirts and squats down. You both exhale a sigh of relief and gather yourselves before returning back to the horses to begrudgingly continue on your way. 
“So are you going to spill the beans, or do I have to guess?” Eadith asks quietly as you approach the group.
“Not now!” You snap cautiously.
You both approach the group and begin to mount your horses again. You hear a heavy sigh and look over to Sihtric who seems to be less pleased with the traveling than usual. Finan casts him a knowing look and you peer over to Osferth who is also seemingly upset.  You turn your head over towards Eadith and she shrugs unamused.  You smile coyly at her and begin off, staying close to the men.
“Why are we all in such high spirits?” You ask once in motion. 
The men look at eachother and you can tell an unspoken message is understood between them.
“Please, enlighten me!” You ask more eagerly this time. 
Finan sighs and turns back to you. “Just a long ride my lady.” he tells you with a huff.
“Are they not all long rides?” You ask with a slight giggle in your tone.
“Aye, they can be..” he continues. “But this one in particular is…disappointing.”
You peer over to Eadith who seems to be in agreement. Then back to the men with long faces.
“We’ve traveled three days, on many occasions!” You cry out not understanding their words. “Oftentimes even longer! I don’t understand what the..”
Eadith cuts your words off by handing you the canteen of water.  Sihtric clears his throat and begins to chime in on the others behalf.
“Y/N, you see, on most occasions of three or four days' travel, is followed by a bigger town which results in several days of staying.”
“So, Corfe is also a small town?” You mention trying to grasp their understanding. 
“These small towns scattered together, are just the beginning of a long and treacherous journey back towards Wessex.” Finan adds, his accent thick and charming as he speaks quietly beside you.
“The beginning of a very long end?” you ask almost childishly.
“Yes.” Eadith tells you. 
You let out an all too obvious sigh, your heart collapsing into your lap realizing what their words truly entail. 
“The beginning of the end…” You repeat softly to yourself.
Not if I have anything to do with it…
You spend the next few hours pondering in your mind how you will approach Uhtred, without suspicion and ask him to delay your arrivals in the next town….as well as the following and so on. Ideas of how to persuade him pass through your mind like ships in the night… The groups morale, early arrival to other towns and cities allow time to roam, you simply are not ready to return back home yet… but your mind and heart settles on telling Uhtred the real reason you’re not ready for this time to end; because you love him and cannot put words to that …yet. Now all there’s left to do; muster the courage to approach Uhtred, get him alone and confess your feelings, and all within the short ride to the next day break…
Eadith and yourself remain in the back as the group carries on through the hours. The sun is steadily above you, midday and you know Uhtred, though not a creature of habit normally, will be stopping soon.
“I still have such a hard time accepting so many Gods in one religion, I'm not sure how they do it.” Eadith tells you deep in conversation.
You smile coyly, then grip at your stomach slightly.
“How can there be more than one God?” She asks with a cackle.
Your own ideas of religion have never joined up with hers but today is not the day to argue that idea.
“Oh, ow!” You cry out quietly.
“Oh no, what is it?” Eadith asks concerned.
“It’s alright, I’ll be fine.” you try to convince her.
“Are you sure?” she asks, peering over trying to read your face.
“Yes..” you tell her with a sigh.  “I’m fine, it seems to be passing already..”
Eadith keeps her gaze on you cautiously, her brow squinted up as she does looking over a new patient before her. 
“Their many Gods..” you remind her, rubbing at your stomach still.
She hesitates, but begins to delve back into her ideas of the Danes' multiple Gods. 
“It’s just madness, how can more than one God rule? What is the hierarchy of them? How do they keep them..”
“Ahhh, Christ!” You cry out from your seat.
“You’re not alright!” she demands.
This time you have drawn the attention of the others in front of you. Eadith halts her horse and helps you down as you groan in pain. She yells to the others to stop and wait for them as you are ill.  You grip your fists as you sit against the ground against a tall tree, heaving in pain waiting for the others to stop and assist. 
Within moments the group has circled back and gathered around you. Sihtric stands with the horses and gestures for Finan to help lead them to the nearby field of grass to graze and rest in. You notice the urge in Sihtric’s eye and encourage Finan and Osferth off with him as they are no help to you anyhow.  
“I believe it's just something I ate..” you tell Eadith through clenched teeth.  “I’ll be fine I'm sure. Just let me rest for a moment.”
You grasp at your belly, Uhtred stands guard nearby as Eadith kneels down next to you trying to comfort you in your time of need. You gasp again as another wave of pain strikes through you. She holds your hand tenderly and patiently talks you through the fit. 
“It’s alright, it will pass…” She tells you calmly. “You’re stronger than this!” she reminds you brushing her thumb over your knuckles. 
Suddenly… finally, she raises to her feet and stands before you. 
“I know what you need!” She tells you excitedly.  “Remember Madam Elles cure all for food poisoning?!” 
You blink back through squinted eyes up at her, still holding your belly as she gleams with the bright idea.
“Violet and clover!” she shouts out. “I’m sure I can scavenge some up for a hot tea from these woods…” 
Eadith merrily prances around gathering her pouch for collecting herbs. 
“You stay put, I’ll have you back on your feet in no time!” She cries joyfully.
“Eadith, no it's fine!” you cry out grasping at your stomach.
“Nonsense, stay put..Uh…
You cast her a knowing look..
“...Finan and I will scour the woods and I’ll prepare you the Violet and Clover tea. You’ll see! We’ll be on our way in no time.”
You reach out grasping her through her long red hair. 
“You are too kind to me, Eadith.” You tell her graciously. 
She smiles and hugs you warmly before getting back onto her feet and running over to Finan and the others in the field. 
You watch carefully as she paces amongst the trees and through the leaves towards the field; then cast your gaze up at Uhtred who's all too worried about you.
“Get down here!” you tell him in an anxious whisper.
He peers down towards you but kneels graciously beside you.
“Are you alright? What can I do to help?” he asks sweetly.
You roll your eyes in disgust. 
“I’m fine you twit!” you tell him in a ragged hush. 
He looks at you wide eyed.
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“I just.. I just needed to speak to you alone..”
His eyes turned softer and a smile curled up on his lips.
“No, not for… I mean perhaps… No!” you cry playfully swatting at him.
He chuckles and sits comfortably down beside you. Palming his face carefully he looks back up to you still humming with laughter. 
“I just wanted to speak to you…without raising suspicion..” You add, trying not to show him your own smirk emerging from your lips.
He reaches out and clasps your hand in his gently. Peering over his shoulder to ensure no one is around. 
“Well… we are indeed alone now…What is it you wanted to speak of?” He asks you, squeezing your hand a bit. 
You peer up into his icy blue orbs and freeze for a moment. The words fleeing your mind as you stare blankly into the little crystal worlds that remind you of all your dreams.
“Hmm…Oh, um.” You take a moment to gather your thoughts and shake your head with a giggle.  “I’m sorry, ..it's just that…” The words are all too eager to jump off your tongue, you swallow them back down your throat and conceal them more than ever before. “...Morall…my lord…” you stumble over the words as they come to you in a panic.
Uhtred looks confused as he tries to decipher through your panicked mess of words.
You reach up, rubbing harshly at your brow.
“Let me start again..” you tell him before clearing your throat and sitting up a little straighter.
He smiles and turns his body towards you, propping his head carefully on his wrist staring deeply at you.  You exhale heavily and watch as his eyes pace back and forth between yours. 
“You know, it's really hard to have a meaningful conversation with you when you look at me like that.” You tell him through a thick grin.
“Like what?” he asks you, sarcastically.
You roll your eyes dramatically and poke him playfully in the chest. 
“With your….look Uhtred..” The words begin to roll easily now. “It has been noticed by the group that we are near ending our…trip around the cities of Wessex…”
He nods, listening eagerly to your words.
“..And they seem to be..down about that…” You add trying to word things carefully but truly. “..and I would be lying if I too, said I was saddened about..this time of ours together…” 
You look down to your lap, awaiting a response of some sort as you feel you have let too much out.
“Our time…?” he asks, raising his brow.
You whip your head up casting him an annoyed look with a smirk.
“Our time…and all of our time..times…” You foolishly try to correct yourself. “You know what I mean!” you add smirking up at him.
You both sit laughing for a moment with each other enjoying the freedom from others for a brief moment. It’s times like these that you know you will miss most of all…
Uhtred sits back against the tree wiping at his forehead with his thumb and avoids your stare for a long moment. You take a sharp inhale in and pat your other hand over top of his, reassuringly. 
“..Our time as well..” You add quietly.
He turns and smiles at you, giving your palm a slight squeeze. 
“Slow down..” He says calmly. “You want me to slow down the traveling?” 
“..Yes? I suppose.” You tell him shyly.
“Arrive back to Wessex later than expected?” He adds submissively. “Even after all I’ve pushed us through on this journey to be early? What a waste..” He says biting back his bottom lip.
“Why look at it as a waste?” You ask graciously. “You’re simply trading being on time for a few more memories, is all.” You stare down at his huge hand between your little ones; afraid of his reply. Your eyes dart back and forth between you and him trying to blink back the wetness growing heavy in your eyes.
He remains silent for a moment. You finally look up and see he is staring out at the field just ahead, where Sihtric and Osferth stand with the horses. You admire his large head; his long hair pulled back behind it, and the faint scars that mark the sides of it. Desperately you swallow the want to reach out and graze them softly.. He looks back to you and then down at your hands again.
“I shall consider it..” he says calmly in a stoic tone. “But only if you can make me an offer, right here right now that only entails us…not the others.”
He stares deeply into your eyes and you feel your insides melt as he studies you.  Your smile turns a few times as the emotions rise and you suppress them.  You sniffle and then laugh abruptly, unsure of what to tell him. For so long the truth has remained locked in your heart for fear of breaking the dynamic of the group, for fear of him turning his back and refusing to show any more interest. Yet here he sits beside you as you’ve faked an ailment and begs for you to make a vow to him, and only him.  A vow that somehow will tie you two together, for better or worse, at least for the remainder of the trip. You blink your eyes hard and a tear emerges from the edges. 
“Uhtred…” You tell him calmly.
 I love you. I love you. I love you!
You Swallow hard and blink again, trying to erase the wetness from your eyes. 
“...Will you please delay our arrival back to Wessex, so we can have more time together?”
Tags:@osferthsworld @emily-forever75-blog @sirenofavalon @rrtxcmt @cosmosworldd @elbereth-bluebird @chemitaromance @deadstarkblacksoul @kimi240302 @buglyberry
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icarusignite · 2 years
Just finished The Last Kingdom, and I am absolutely blown away. Feeling abit inspired so would y'all be interested in some tlk fanfics. Probably mostly for sihtric since that's my new hyperfixation, lol, but I can do others too. Maybe like a series of short stories idk, thoughts and opinions are welcome :)
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
Could you write one with Sihtric and the prompt “is that an order?”
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Note: You didn't write me whether with Reader or another character, so I chose Reader. Hope you enjoy
Pairing: Sihtric x Reader
Summary: Always the same, when Uhtred got tired of you, you got on his nerves, or he just wanted to annoy you, he gave the order that Sihtric should not leave your side. It seemed like no matter where you went, he was there and not far away, mostly shoulder to shoulder. Sihtric mostly said orders are orders, with a sneer. You secretly knew that Uhtred and Sihtric knew how much you hated it. No matter what you do, you just can't get rid of him. And Sihtric made no secret of showing you that he enjoyed it.
Prompt List - here
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Like today, Sihtric shouldn't leave your side, but he was tired and briefly distracted by Finan and you were able to sneak away. "That was easy" you said to yourself and grinned successfully as you took the reins of your horse and wanted to leave the steel, now only quickly away from Coccham and you have survived this day.
Halfway through the steel, Osferth came through a narrow entrance, he looked at you questioningly and crossed his arms over his chest. "Where are you going?" you sigh, but it was Osferth, he wouldn't run to Sihtric, you knew that. "Dunno, just get out of Coccam" - "Escape your punishment?" You just nod. Osferth grinned, a little too much for your liking, "What?" you asked impatiently.
"Oh, nothing," he said, still not looking at you directly, he smiled and shook his head, "I wish you the best of luck," he put a hand on your shoulder and walked away smiling. No idea what happened to him, but you continued on your way as quickly as possible. "Oh, before I forget," Osferth called after you, slowly turning to face him. "Don't think it would be so easy"
You didn't say anything and walked out of the big steel door when you saw someone you knew and stopped. "Shit" you said, so you saw the smiling faces of Sihtric and Finan. Sihtric ready on his horse, "Where are we going?" annoyed, you gave the reins to a steel boy and walked towards the main square without a word. You hear Finan say "Probably nowhere after all" and soon after, he and Sihtric appeared at your side.
"What a wonderful day, I think I'll go to Eadith afterward in peace and - alone - she wanted to cook something nice today" You heard Finan's teasing very clearly, because he insisted on emphasizing "alone". Sihtric laughed, "The second date?" he asked curiously and nudged his shoulder against yours. You push him away from you. Finan nodded "Yes, I tell you, there is nothing nicer than knowing that someone is on - your side -" again... you groaned and headed towards the main gate that led to the water.
Arriving at the door, Finan stopped "I'll do my Tasks then - alone - see you later" he said and started to laugh when Sihtric walked backwards and made a sign, but you couldn't see it. Because you looked stubbornly straight ahead and continued on your way.
Sihtric didn't speak the whole time through the forest, and slowly you felt like you had to relieve yourself. Just what you didn't need. You didn't feel like crouching behind a tree, and Sihtric stood by and watched. With the words "Anything could happen, imagine you're about to defecate, and then a brown bear comes and wants to eat you" - once and never again.
"Sihtric, don't you have an order to carry out?" The second sentence, since this morning when you told him he's a rat in bacon, not an original insult, and it didn't seem to have bothered him either, which only made you angry.
He pondered for a long mh before speaking "Well, actually I am, Uhtred's orders were to protect you and not leave your side, and I'm going to fucking do that" Just then you reached the little pond "Don't you get bored protecting someone who doesn't need protection?" after all you were just as good a fighter as Sihtric. To the question, he just shook his head and looked at you, grinning broadly. "I wonder if you don't get bored asking the same thing over and over again".
You looked at him angrily, which made him grin even wider "Go wash yourself" you said out of nowhere and pointed to the pond. Confused, he looked at you, "What does that mean?" - "You stink like a rat" you had been calling him that since Father Beocca had said it to him, and usually it had an effect, like now, you saw his eyes light up briefly.
You spend so much time with Sihtric that you immediately recognized these little signs. And if you didn't beat him to it, he would annoy you, and you were not good at hiding the fact that you were angry. "I don't stink," he said, raising his head vainly for a moment. "I smell like a man" he spoke and put his hands on the sword belt.
You point to the pond, "Go" he looked briefly at the pond and shook his head. "I am not to leave your side, the pond is too far away, so you would have to go in with me. Do you need too, little puppy" There it is, he tried to fight back, as soon as he insults you as a puppy he was ready to fight. Puppy… That word used to offend you, but somehow it didn't bother you anymore when he said it. "I wash myself every day, which is more than can be said for you".
You walked slowly to the pond and Sihtric followed you, washing here was also rather pointless, but you wanted him as close as possible. "Take your clothes off," you said as you looked from the pond to him, and his face changed from disgusted to surprised. Besides, you wanted to run as fast as you could, crisscrossing the forest, to finally relieve your squeezing bladder, he wouldn't be able to put his clothes on that fast, and he wouldn't be able to find you then either.
"Is that an order?" he asked slowly, looking at you with a look you had never seen on him before. "Yes" you said hesitantly and he nodded. "Go ahead then" he stood in front of you and grinned, "What?" - "Do you really think I'm going to take my clothes off?" - "Yes" - "In front of you?" - "Yes" - "So you want me to stand naked in front of you" you thought for a moment "Yes" - "Do you really think I'm fucking stupid?" you almost answered yes again, but you knew it was pointless.
You had to think of something else, you squeeze your eyebrows together for a moment. "Sihtric…." no, you couldn't tell him you had to pee. You immediately grabbed him by the shoulders and tripped him up as you pushed him aside, it came as such a surprise to him that, with a loud yelp of surprise, he fell over your leg and landed in the pond.
The pond was deeper than you thought, for a moment you were startled to see him sink. Your chance, but something stopped you from running. But he reappeared, ducks weed all over his hair, even his armour was covered, and he looked at you so bitterly that you couldn't hold back your laughter. Which wasn't really an advantage. Sihtric turned up his nose and stomped out of the dirty pond, where he stirred up the water and caused a stench of stagnant water and dead plants.
"You're fucking…" he spoke as he stood beside you, and you doubled over in laughter. "You…" he wanted so much to insult you, but he didn't, why you didn't know. "I wanted to … I wanted to run away… but… then I would have missed the best" you spoke while laughing. He just nodded with a stony look, "I'll pay you back for that, puppy" he said through gritted teeth while stroking his armor and removing some duckweed.
"Whew, so now you really stink" you spoke and screwed up your face. His different eyes shone dangerously. "One more word" he hissed sternly. "Okay… Okay look, I really have to pee or something will go wrong, and then I'll help you clean it up" you said and pointed at him, careful not to laugh again "We'll go bathing together if you like, I won't run away either" his face softened at these words "Really?" he asked cautiously "Together?" - "Of course, that's the only way I can get you clean."
As expected, he watched you relieve yourself, "As punishment" were his words, but you got the feeling it was something else. Maybe he didn't trust your words. While bathing, in front of Coccham you decided not to take everything off, and he did the same, and it took Sihtric to get rid of the stench, and you cleaned his armor from the little green leaves.
You felt like you had punished yourself, you had to put up with Sihtric's smell, and you were allowed to spend most of the afternoon with the armor, so there wasn't a green leaf to be seen, according to Sihtric He kept calling you puppy and explaining what you did wrong on this and that day. And in the evening came the nasty surprise. After Uhtred asked how you behaved, Sihtric told him everything in detail. "So? Then I order another day, Sihtric do not leave her side" Sihtric looked at you with a wide grin.
"Fuck," you murmur, nodding as you agreed with Uhtred. You need a plan!
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mrsarnasdelicious · 10 months
Puppy Boy - Animal Shelter Sihtric Long Fic
Ch 1 - This Fucking Kid
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"Heya kiddo." Finan ruffles his young tennant's hair. Sihtric groans, almost spilling his milk. "I am not a kid, I am 21!" He yells. "You're a kid, kid." Finan chuckles, sitting opposite the young Dane. "How was yer day?" He asks. "A lot." Sihtric murmurs. "Oh?" Finan furrows his brow. "Kinda overstimulated right now." Sihtric replies.
Finan owns a construction company, he's well off and unattached. He lives his best life in a house he built himself and works from his home office. He's Irish and does everything his Catholic upbringing forbids.
Sihtric is all but a decate younger and rents Finan's attic. He works at the local animal shelter and could not be more different from Finan even if he tried. He's shy, peculiar and more often than not straight up bad with people. He gets along much better with the animals he takes care of. And he hasn't had a girlfriend since he was sixteen. He is not at all unattractive, though somewhat dorky and clumsy in the way he dresses. Even the glasses he wears are kind of cute.
"Need to leave ya alone for a while?" Finan asks. He knows how Sihtric is by now. Sihtric peers at his watch. The thing looks like he's had it since he was twelve. "When's Uhtred gona be here?" He asks. Finan throws a glance at the digital clock on the oven. "In half an hour or so." He replies. Sihtric groans softly and gets up. "I'll go take a shower and try to decompress a bit." He says. "Just be down by dinner. And it is okay if you go back up when it gets too crowded." Finan assures him.
Sihtric nods and heads upstairs to shower.
He let's the hot water run over him, pictures it washing him clean from all the stimuli of today. He takes Finan's body wash, liking the scent of it, much better than his own. He can't afford the luxurious products Finan has, but he knows Finan doesn't mind if he uses them from time to time.
Once's he's cleaned up, he allows his mind to wander.
At first, they don't go anywhere in particular, meandering to the pretty woman who adopted one of the bunnies today. Sihtric liked the look of her freckles and full, round breasts. His cock swiftly hardens and his hand wanders south. Groans tumble from his mouth as he strokes himself. His imagination runs wild, picturing warm, full breasts, leaking with milk. "Mama, please." He whimpers, tugging firmly on his cock. "G-gods." He sputters.
He cums quickly, painting the tiled wall of the shower generously with his seed.
He comes down for dinner, find Uhtred, Halig and Leofric already there.
"Hello boy." Uhtred purrs, eyeing Sihtric up and down. Sihtric flushes so brightly his glasses almost fog over. He knows Uhtred well, but never really gets used to the covetous way he's being looked at. Especially considering Uhtred has a wife and kids. "Heya nerd." Halig grins at Sihtric as the youth sits down. Sihtric smiles a small smile at him. Leofric just grunts at him. Leofric is in his 40s, he's got nothing in common with Sihtric. But it's fine, Sihtric does not mind.
Over dinner, Uhtred starts whinging about his employer and Leofric, who works for the same firm, assures Finan it is not that bad. Sihtric just sits by, shoving Finan's superior cooking into his face.
After dinner, the others pile in. Aethelwold, Edward, Aethelflaed and Erik, Haesten, Dagfin, Aldhelm and Aethelred, Eadith and Ragnar and Brida. Sihtric is pretty sure Finan wants to shack up with Eadith. The Irishman can barely keep his eyes off of her.
Sihtric joins in for a few round of whatever card game has been brought out, but quickly gets overstimulated, so retires to his bedroom. Only Aethelwold hassles him for it, but Sihtric doesn't care for that guy's opinion.
He puts his headphones on and listens to Valhalla Calling on repeat for half an hour at first.
He touches himself again after that, his jumper between his teeth, abs glistening with a fine sheen of sweat as he strokes his thick, long cock. He doesn't really fantasize about anything. He just focusses on the feeling of fucking his fist. But of course he can't keep his mind on track. He wonders what it would feel to fuck a warm wet pussy, or a tight hot arse. To just slip into another person's body, feel their heat and pressure. "Oh Gods." He groans. He imagines what it would be like to drown in another person's scent. To press his face between two warm breasts or a firm chest and just inhale. He feels his climax building, his mind wandering further to suckling on hardened, sensitive nipples. To feel fingers rake through his hair and be praised.
It is the undoing of him. He spends himself all over his chest and abs.
It isn't that Sihtric is unattractive and he's had a few girlfriends in high school. He's kissed a boy in a club once. It was the only time he'd ever been to a club. And he made out with Uhtred when he got genuinely wine drunk. But all of that has been at least two years ago. He hasn't gone to a club in aaages. He hasn't made out with anyone in what feels like a decade, which it of course is not.
He's not a virgin, but the first time he's had sex, when he was seventeen, was uncomfortable and he just avoids it now. Not because he does not want to fuck. Gods he wants to fuck and be fucked in return. He has desire in spades. But he gets anxious when he thinks of the discomfort. He isn't even sure what the discomfort stemmed from, all he remembers from the entire ordeal was a fierce rash on his cock, but a clean STI test.
He doesn't have to work weekends. But still he spends all his time at the shelter. The animals never judge him for being odd. And the other people working the shelter got used to him being a bit a lot peculiar by now.
So eh heads out to the shelter saturday morning, after his morning work out. He works out twice a day, before work and before dinner. Working out makes his mind calm. He does the hard labour, bringing in heavy bags of kibble, cleaning the kennels and wrangling the big dogs. The weekend volunteers are very grateful that all they have to do now is feed the animals and socialise them.
After lunch he takes the dog for a run, each in turn. Running makes his head empty too. And the dogs love to get out of the kennel and show their best side. He does not draw too much attention, with his thick glasses and oversized hoodie. No one would suspect those hoodies hide rockhard abs and behind those glasses are mischievous eyes.
"Ah, Sihtric, there you are." One of the volunteers calls out, once he comes back from walking Tusker, a young staffie husky mix.
Sihtric quickly puts Tusker back into his kennel and goes up to the volunteer. "What's up?" He asks gently. The volunteer gestures him to follow into the office. Sihtric obliged, following to the elder lady in charge for today. "What can I do, ma'am?" He asks politely. "I need you to take Pretty to the vet, that hairball has been bothering her long enough now." The elder woman says. "Yes ma'am. I'll grab a carrier." Sihtric says diligently. "No need to, we already have her ready to go." The volunteer mixes in.
So he is brought Pretty, in her carried. "Thanks." He mumbles. Pretty hisses, she is uncomfortable. "Yeah yeah, I know." Sihtric cooes soothingly. He takes the carrier to his beat up old ford. Carefully he secures Pretty on the passenger chair and drives to the vet office in town.
You hear the front door bell chime. A walk in!
"Be right with you!" You cry out, making sure the file you were working on is saved. You get up from your desk and head into the waiting room.
You stand eye to eye with possibly the cutest boy you have ever seen. Holding a crate with the angriest cat you have ever heard. "Hi, who's this?" You ask. crouching before the crate. You peer into the crate, facing a moody calico persian. She hisses at you and you cast your eyes up at her person, waiting for an answer. You gaze up into dual coloured eyes, through glasses that magnify his long lashes. He looks so innocent it almost breaks your heart.
"What's her name?" You ask sweetly.
The youth swallows thickly. "P-pre- .. Pretty." He stammers. "And what is going on with Pretty?" You get back up and smile up at the young man. Fluster dusts his cheeks. "She .. she has a hairball stuck in her tract." He stutters. "Oh goodness, that is why she is so crabby, huh?" You cooe. "No... no, she is always like this." The youth shakes his head.
"How about we start with some paperwork, I'll get Pretty comfortable while you fill it out.¨ You cooe. "Yeah.. s-sure." He nods, extending you Pretty's crate. You take the crate and smile sweetly at him. "Come, follow me." You lead him to the treatment room. He eagerly follows after you.
You pull out some papers, handing them to the young man, while you put the crate on the sterilised table.
"Come here, pretty Pretty." You cooe. The persian hisses. "Alright, you take some bribery, I see." You chuckle. You grab a tube of chicken paste from a drawer and open it, holding it for Pretty to smell. Pretty cranes her neck and takes a little taste. "Good Gal." You cooe, slowly pulling your hand back. Pretty follows along to keep licking the chicken paste.
Sihtric feels his ears burn when he hears you praise Pretty. It unlocks something inside him and his jeans tent. He swears under his breath. This is not a bodily reaction he needs right now. He does his best to will his boner down, but you again praise Pretty for being so cooperative in exchange for yummy snacks. His cock throbs eagerly and he pulls his hoody over his crotch.
"I .. erm..." He has no idea what to say anymore, handing you the paperwork. He pointedly avoids looking you in the eye. "Thanks." You cooe, quickly reading through the form. "Sihtric Kjartansen?" You ask, to verify his name. "Yeah, I work for the local shelter." He replies. "So, Pretty is a shelter cat?" You ask. Sihtric nods. "Y-yeah." He stammers. "Why hasn't she been adopted yet?" You asked. "Cuz she is a bitch to everyone." Sihtric replies. You can't help a soft giggle.
"Now what is going on with Pretty?" You. "Hairball, won't pass. We have tried everything." Sihtric replies. He finds that it is easier to talk when he talks about the animals. Though he can't look you in the eye. "Are you giving her baths?" You ask. "N-no.." Sihtric stammers.
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Was anyone else wondering where Stiorra, Eadith, Sihtric's wife and kids, hell even Hilde were at?
Like sure you can say Hilde is on Lindesfarne, but like she raised osbert so wouldn't she want to protect him. We know she can fight.
Also Eadith and Uhtred had a little something something going on for a second (they get married in the books) and now she suddenly gone!?? Like I would've loved a jealous trope with Eadgifu and Uhtred. Imagine uhtred just laughs at Eadith (whose pretending not to be jealous) and he just confesses that she's the only one for him (less romantic though bc...it's Uhtred😂)
Did my man's wife and kids die with Ingrith? Feel like he would've been more upset if they had. Also you'd have to be crazy to just leave Sihtric so where are they ?
And Stiorra? Very much her fathers daughter Stiorra? Miss ma'am where u at?
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coeluvr · 1 year
Eadith is about to make acquaintances with my foot but also I ran into a bug i dont think that last choice is supposed to be there!! It's hilarious though because imagine saying that to hunter I'm in tears
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BYE. it's fixed now. (Hopefully)
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Inspired by your latest fic... 80s Uthred is still a work out fan & loves tanning. Also has a mulet. Finan is still looking a bit like Hopper from ST style wise. Osferth? Shy nerd with... Ok nevermind lol. Most importantly is that everything is almost just like I imagined in that 80s AU that I used to talk about some months ago 😊 P. s. I imagine Eadith with lots of hairspray in her hair lol
I agree with all of that! And YES to Eadith with a ton of hairspray haha
I'm glad you enjoyed the AU and that it was almost perfect. I just wonder... what was missing for you?👀
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ivarthebadbitch · 11 months
“We are taught to endure it” well DONT
@aethelreds god this line is like nails on the chalkboard for me, it's so clearly meant to be this profound statement on the nature of womanhood or whatever but what it really does is reveal the limits of the writers' imagination. alas, women must suffer, such is the world!
i'm impressed you have thoughts (please share) I just had an increasing buzz in my ear while watching it
@dragonsoftheeast well, these are maybe not super coherent thoughts or anything, but the ongoing thread throughout the series is that suffering is this integral part of womanhood. while men definitely suffer in tlk, it's not integral to manhood in the way violence is integral to manhood. a man acts, a woman is acted upon (sometimes she might get to stab an abusive man in retaliation as a little treat!). the most virtuous woman bravely suffers without complaint and never loses her instinctively nurturing and supportive nature. see: thyra, eadith, hild, so on and so forth.
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aethelredism · 1 year
just imagining aelfwynn and eadith and aelswith and stiorra and hild getting back from aelfwynn's bachelorette cruise and being like wtf happened here guys
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Writing Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @lord-aldhelm! :)
About me
When did you start writing? Age 16, during school, but I didn't technically start writing fanfiction until my 20s. I was recovering from a nasty surgery and had nothing but time on my hands and so I started to write as a way to pass the time.
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write? I enjoy reading a lot of horror/thriller books, and law dramas too.
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often? Oh gosh, that's a tough one! As much as I love Bernard Cornwell, Stephen King, Mari Mancusi, and too many author authors to name, I want to say no, I'm not compared to anyone that I know of, but ultimately I want to still sound like "me" when I write.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space? I have my own writing office. A desk that I keep with minimal clutter but have made it into a cozy ambiance so when I sit down to write most nights I'm not distracted (much).
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse? Honestly, most of my muses tend to come to me while either dreaming at night time (random but it happens) or while I'm bored at my day job and letting my mind wander and it starts to go into "What If" mode...
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about? No.
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you? Redemption is a troupe I will never get tired of. Also romance!
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? I have to pick just one? Lol. Joking aside, Thyra from The Last Kingdom is probably my favorite character right now. She's a woman who's suffered so much torment and abuse and is absolutely the definition of "deserved better." And since Beocca is her husband and I can't bear to separate the two, I would say Beocca/Thyra are a package deal here. But a few close seconds are Jack/Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas) and Finan/Eadith, the ship for The Last Kingdom that should have been and sadly never will be.
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life? Hmm, definitely Thyra/Beocca, and he'd probably annoy me, but I think I'd get on with Haesten too (TLK) even though he's a weasel on the show, and for Harry Potter, probably my OCs Norah and Ollie Black from my Harry Potter fanfics as well, I think we'd get on great. Oh, and Jack/Sally from my Nightmare Before Christmas fics.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them? Aethelwold, Tidman (Last Kingdom), Voldemort (Harry Potter)
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters? Most of them are already made for me but for the few OCs I have, I tend to just find pictures I like online of people that I think fit the image of the character I have in mind, and then I build a character sheet for him/her and go from there. (sort of like a character sheet for DnD)
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters? Anger management issues (Beocca!), stubbornness, and perhaps a little naive (definitely Thyra and Sally for sure),
How do you picture your characters? I'm a big fan of Mood Boards on Pinterest but I also dabble a little in Photoshop and make my own character manips/images to use to have pulled up to look at while I write in their POVs. It might sound odd but it helps me imagine their look while I write and also to get into their headspace.
My writing
What’s your reason for writing? To fulfill a void the canon source material left in my heart or just because I came up with a "What if this happened" instead of the way that it did in canon.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating? Any and all comments are welcome, especially at this time when comment culture in fandom, at least for fanfics, has definitely changed since I've been a part of it!
How do you want to be thought about by your readers? As a good writer? Lol, not really sure how to answer this one. Hopefully good and that my stories made them happy if they enjoyed them!
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? Angst and drama
Have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others? Angst and writing character voices true to their forms
How do you feel about your own writing? Most of the time I feel like it's okay, but I do have spells where I look at chapters and think I could improve that or do better next time and then I struggle not to totally overhaul what I already have posted lol, a curse for me, honestly. I'm constantly working to improve. I suck at smut/fight scenes though, I would say those are my two biggest weaknesses.
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write? Yes, if only to keep myself company and maybe read my stories out loud.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both? I write purely for myself and I treat where I post as an archive of sorts, with the mindset that I put them there where they'll be safe if something ever happens and my computer goes on the fritz, but if others happen to come along and enjoy the content I create, then that's an added happy bonus!
Feel free to play along! @holy3cake; @silverhyenaart; @foundtherightwords
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transfinan · 1 year
They definitely made it seem like Eadith and Finan were going to get together right? I'm not imagining it, we all saw it?
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moonlight-rider25 · 1 year
Saint among Sinners
Chapter 7, in the Eadiths lady series.
Word count:  3344
Warnings: Your guess is as good as mine
Read chapter 6 “Spill the beans’ leading up to this chapter...
Uhtred strokes your cheek where your tear has fallen. You grasp his hand and lean your cheek softly against his huge weather palm. 
“Please?” You ask again.
He casts his gaze down to his hand wrapped around yours and chuckles quietly to himself. He leans in against you, pressing his forehead to yours and you breathe in his safe familiar scent. You caress his cheek tenderly and peer into his blue sparkling eyes glimmering back at you. He slowly turns his head away from you and peers down at his lap.
“First…I need to know...” He says quietly avoiding your look.
Your heart quakes in your chest, you try desperately to remain calm as the butterflies in your belly begin to bounce around. He looks up to you with a wide grin.  Your eyes light up waiting to hear what he's to say.
“...How come you're so good at this, faking an ailment thing?” He asks, unable to keep his face even any longer.
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You exhale heavily and laugh wholeheartedly at his remark. 
“Believe me, twas not an easy task!” You giggle.
You sit vibrating with laughter for a moment. He looks from your eyes back to your hand in his, laughter still thick in both your throats. 
Once you’ve finally settled, you squeeze his palm a bit and try to look him seriously in the eye.
“So?.. Do we have a deal, my Lord?” You ask him plainly, trying not to show too much eagerness on your face.
“…I suppose I could sacrifice…. a day or two?” He asks sarcastically. 
You giggle loudly at his remark. Clasping your hand over your mouth so as to not draw attention to you. 
“Three?!” He teases dramatically looking back to you.
His big hand comes down upon yours, grasping your hand now between his. He stokes tiny circles around your knuckles and smiles madly.
“Longer!?” He asks with a snicker. “Please tell me, how long, woman?!” he chuckles, leaning playfully against you.
He brings your hand up to his lips and plants a tender long kiss on your knuckles where he just rubbed tiny circles.  You gaze up into his stunning glimmering eyes and smile. 
“As long as it takes.” you tell him.
He watches you carefully, peering deeply into your eyes as you gaze back up at him.  His hand cups your chin softly and he slowly begins closing the gap between the two of you. Your eyes flutter shut and you hold your breath feeling him inch closer.
“I don’t think we have that much time..” He utters softly against your lips.
Your tender moment is quickly disrupted as you hear Eadith approaching, yelling her excitement of finding the herbs for your tea. Yours and Uhtred's eyes grow wide and you squeeze his hand tightly. 
“You better be as good at this, as I am…” You whisper against him before he stands quickly pacing away from you. 
“Eadith!” You call out, remembering to grasp your belly again. “Over here!”
She rushes over happily, Finan struggling to keep up with her, plops down next to you beside the tree, where Uhtred had just been. 
“I’ve got it!” she hums gleefully. “All we need now is a fire, some hot water, and your belly should be good as new!” 
You smile politely at her, remembering to keep your belly clasped. She spins around in her spot towards Finan, who's still huffing out of breath, and Uhtred, who's trying to hide the devilish smile dancing on his face. 
“Could you two, go gather some firewood?” She pleads kindly. 
Uhtred clears the laughter from his throat and smacks Finan on the back before heading off in the opposite direction.
“Of course my lady” Finan huffs, reluctantly following after Uhtred.
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You sit trying to hide your own grin watching Uhtred's bad performance and quickly wipe it away as Eadith turns her attention back to you. 
“You know, Eadith…I think I’m fine now, really.” You tell her.
“Nonsense!” She assures you, “I’ve got everything you need right here!” She tells you calmly, sorting through the plants from her bag.
“No Eadith!” You tell her more eagerly.
She stops and looks confused at you.
“It was just…lady troubles.  That's all.” 
“Oh!” she replies. “Well, in that case…” she continues happily “..We mine as well have some tea!” 
Gathered around the fire, the day begins to drift away and the men; besides Uhtred, are visibly growing anxious. You try your best to act accordingly and Eadith tends lovingly to you, none the wiser. The fire crackles loudly and a spark drops out in front of you on the ground, you instinctively snuff it out with your shoe.
Uhtred sips water from his tin cup and meets Sihtrics eye. He swallows the sip dramatically, nodding towards him. 
Sihtric watches as you do, and stands to face Uhtred. 
"Lord, I believe lady Y/N is fine to travel, now's time to get moving before nightfall." He tells him in a concerned tone.
"Eh..you know Sihtric.." Uhtred begins.
The others turn their attention to him, including yourself.
"...I was thinking we might as well just make camp here for the night…" Uhtred replies stoically, peering off into the distance facing away from the group. "...Perhaps we could indulge ourselves a bit on the ale we have at hand…" 
In seconds the men's faces light up meeting one another's eye, with delight painted across their faces. Finan leaps over the campfire heading towards the bags loaded up with many bottles of ale.
"I thought you'd never ask, my Lord!" Finan cackles, holding bottles up in the air.
Osferth, Sihtric, and Eadith waste no time joining Finan in dishing out the ale. You peer around the group with a satisfied smile when your eyes lock with Uhtred. 
He stares in your direction, making no mind of hiding it from the others. You stare back watching and hoping the happiness you feel at this moment is also being felt by him as well. At least more so than any regret he may have; not be early on his arrival back to Wessex this time.
Eadith hands you a cup of ale and your stare with Uhtred breaks. You smile back at her as she giggles happily. 
"I wonder what's gotten into him?" She says before taking a sip, gesturing towards Uhtred.
"...Who knows?.." You reply, hiding your smirk as you bring your own cup to your lips; your eyes meeting back with Uhtred who's also being handed a full cup of ale.
The moon looms far overhead beyond the tree leaves while the fire roars before you. The group has and still is indulging themselves with the stolen ale Finan has been able to acquire from past towns. Regardless of how it became, you're glad to have another night under the stars with the group. 
Osferth, opening up from the drinks, has made himself quite comfortable beside Eadith. His arm wrapped gently around her neck as he wavers a bit back and forth listening to her as she speaks. Finan and Sihtric shout out a laugh in unison, seemingly sharing some grand story with Uhtred calmly beside them. Uhtred sits watching you from across the fire, and as if he's able to read your thoughts; looks around the group assuming they're all too intoxicated to make much note of his moment towards you.
Ale in hand, he seats himself beside you and pours you both a fresh cup. Eadith let's out a hearty cackle from beside you; you meet Uhreds look before laughing amusingly to yourselves. 
"Would be ashamed to cut all this short." He says softly with a chuckle.
You nod, joining him in his amusement; watching the others.
"Hopefully Finan has enough stored away for the next few nights," he adds, taking a sip. "Otherwise we will be in a hurry…to get to the next town at least and stock up!" 
You giggle madly at his words, unfortunately, drawing the attention of the others, over to the two of you in the process.
"AY!"  Finan calls out from across the fire. "What are you two love birds doing over there!?" 
Your heart sinks into your stomach and you feel your cheeks flush with red.  Uhtred, also feeling the tension, stirs uncomfortably and turns his body towards the fire a bit.
Finan gets up and hobbles over to Eadith and Osferth. You're sure he can hear the beating in your chest as you finally exhale the lump in your throat down slowly. 
Finan mocks the two entangled in each other before dramatically sitting himself blunting down between the two of them. Eadith cackles and scoots closer towards you, squishing you closer towards Uhtred.  You inch carefully as Uhtred does nothing to move away… but instead, gently places his hand on your lower back. You allow yourself to enjoy the moment for a few brief seconds before turning your head toward Uhtred, and peer up lustfully at his big blue eyes. He smiles gently down at you with a smirk dancing across his face…
You both jump when Sihtric places himself on the other side of Uhtred, breathing a hot wave of ale breath on you. Finan chews thoughtfully on the end of a stick then points playfully to Eadith.
"I'm watching you!" He says sarcastically, pointing between Osferth and Eadith. The crooked circle bellows in laughter as cups are refilled; Uhtred's hand refuses to leave its spot on your back… 
So badly you wish to spin your head around and grip his face between your hands and meet his lips with yours. Devouring his mouth, feeling his hot tongue against yours before pulling back and spying  his brilliant blue eyes sparking down at you asking not to stop…, but instead you sit still, feeling his huge warm body so close to yours, and the soft tickle of his beard scratching at your temple. Before you can hear the words he tries to mumble, Osferth casts his hand in your direction.
"Us?!" Osferth states, still swallowing down his mouthful of ale. "What about those two?!" He says with a laugh pointing towards you and Uhtred.
You freeze, feeling your throat swell up yet again. The fear makes its way down toward your stomach. 
"Can't I ask the lady if she's feeling better?" Uhtred quickly, and smoothly fibs.
His hand falling away from your back as the group seems to accept his lie well enough. The others mumble to themselves as you swallow hard, raising your cup to your mouth trying to hide the redness on your face that has formed.  You try to relax again back towards Uhtred's hand but it has disappeared; not as quickly along with the knot in your stomach. 
Osferth finishes his cup as Finan eagerly cheers him on. 
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"Now… sleep," the baby monk replies, tipping his cup upside down. 
"Aw no, not yet!" You protest as eagerly as you can, trying not to sound too eager to spend more time next to Uhtred.
Sihtric drains the remains of his cup into his mouth before also agreeing and standing to join the baby monk.
"No! Come on, stay up with us!" You cry again; this time Eadith joining in your plea.
Uhtred makes no comment but begins to stand and walk towards his tent along with the others.
"Aw, forget them ladies…. They're not fun… we can have a good time just the three of us…"  Finan jokes.
You and Eadith make eye contact knowing being alone with Finan in the middle of the woods is the very last thing you should be doing…
"Please!" You both beg now. "Don't go, come on, stay here!" 
"And do what?" Sihtric snaps, his hands placed firmly on his waist.
You and Eadith sit quietly for a moment trying to come up with a reason…
"Oh I know!" Eadith cries out cheerfully. Let's play a game!"
Osferth strides back over the circle around the fire and seats himself, again by Finan who 'huraws' his return.
"What game?" The baby monk asks hopefully.
"Umm…" Eadith wavers a bit trying to think of one.
"Stones!" Finan pipes in.
"No, we are not playing your made up game Finan!" You tell him with a laugh.
"Oh I know!" Eadith says turning towards you. "What's that game we used to play in the field…back…when we were at…Madam Ells!?..." Eadith asks you through staggering words.
"Uhhhm…" you rack your brain trying to understand.
"Saint amongst Sinners!" She blurts out finally.
You raise an eyebrow at her and peer around the circle; clearly no one else has ever heard of the game. 
Sihtric and Uhtred make their way back over and sit down around the fire as well, Uhtred much further away than before, but still beside you. 
"Saint amongst Sinners? Well, clearly the Saint is baby monk..game over!" Sihtric states with a laugh.
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"No, it's fun!" Eadith assures him all too gleefully. "We all go around the circle naming off ‘sins’ we've never partaken in…" She begins to inform the group.
"Oh yes, I do remember this." You add. "We all start with our hand out, palm open. One by one we all go around the circle and name something bad you’ve never done, but, believe the others may have. If you have, you close your palm and you're out for the rest of the game, but the last person with their palm open is the Saint!" 
"Oh… I get it," Sihtric says plainly.
"You do?” Finan says with a straight face.  “Well, could you explain it to the rest of us?" He shouts through a laugh across the circle.
"It's easy, watch, Eadith and I will start…" You tell them; sitting with your hand out palm open.
"I am a Saint, for I have never stolen…" you state. 
The others copy your open hand and look blankly at each other.
"Now, if you have ever stolen, you close your palm and you're out." Eadith tells them.
She looks to Finan whose hand is still open.
"So you're out Finan, close your hand." 
"Why! I've never stolen!" He argues.
"Where'd you get all this ale from?!" She asks with a cackle.
"That's not stealing…thats…its" He tries to reassure the group.
"Stealing, and you're out!" Replies Sihtric as the group roars in laughter.
"Dumb bloody game.." Finan spats sarcastically.
Eadith goes next, "I am a Saint, for I have never told a lie to my mother…" 
You reluctantly close your hand and eye the circle seeing you're the only one. 
"Dumb game isn't it!" Finan says with a smirk.
"How have you all never lied to your mothers?" You ask shocked, eyeing the others around the circle…
"Hard to lie to your mother when you haven't got one,” Osferth tells you apologetically.
The group roars with laughter, yet again.
After a few more rounds of the game it's clear; Osferth was in fact the leading Saint among Sinners in the group.  Leading with not having laid with anyone outside of wedlock, not having shamed another publicly, and never telling a white lie… Beyond killing another being in or out of war, that round you found yourself winning. It was now Eadiths turn again, and with the ale flowing steadily she flashed you a quick devilish look and began with her hand open in the circle. 
“I am the Saint among Sinners, for I have never lay beneath a blanket with Y/N..”
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You’re sure the group could hear your heart slamming in your chest and you carefully eye the circle of hands before you, watching Uhtred reluctantly fold his hand closed and retract it from the view of the others.
You hold your breath  in your throat as eyes grow wide meeting each other's looks, quickly followed by inaudible stammering and shouting from across the circle. 
You flash Eadith a very disapproving look and try your best to be heard over all the men now shouting around the fire. Eadith, whos far too inebriated to appreciate your looks of terror, force you turn your attention to Uhtred; whose face is painted with a thick smirk as he takes a long sip of ale.  You flash him a look of ‘help’ while he eyes you and downs the rest of his cup's contents. 
Leading Eadith, the group begins chanting; “Uhtred, Y/N, tell us” while Uhtred and yourself grow restless in your seats.
“There's nothing to tell!” You shout desperately.  
Uhtred shakes his head towards the group and lays back against his elbows on the ground. You turn your attention back to him and anticipate with a heaving heartbeat his words. His eyes avoiding yours makes your pulse increase even more..
“It just so happens…”
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“It was just one time!” You interrupt him, shaking noticeable. 
“...When we all thought Eadith was ill, and it was cold…we ended up under the same blanket in the horse stalls because it was cold!...” 
The others ‘ohh’ and ‘ahhing’ over the lie you choose.
“It was just that once…and I’m not sure why Eadith is so adamant on forcing my hand in sharing the story seeing as she already knows…”
You flash her quick look of ‘stop it’ before adding “Who needs another drink?!”
Everyones cup raises and you quickly take the chance to lock arms with Eadith, hoist her up, and begin making your way towards the tent, to grab another stolen bottle of ale.
Eadith laughs as you guide her towards the tent flap. 
“What in God's name are you doing?!” You ask in a rasped whisper.
Your heart; still beating rapidly in your chest as you cast the tent flap closed behind the two of you.  She leans against the thick tree limb holding the structure secure.  Laughter still in her throat, she shakes her head a bit from side to side. You pour her a cup, well knowing she doesn't need a refill and take a long sip from the long bottle neck.  You wipe your mouth in disapproval and stare back at her with rage and disapproval in your eyes.
…“I told you…You're playing a very dangerous game Y/N.” she says aftering taking her own gulp from her cup.
“Eadith!” You snap coldly.
She rolls her eyes dramatically, turning her back towards you slowly, peering out from the tents flap back towards the men gathered at the fire.
“You and I were once unbreakable…” she begins with a sad tone in her voice, still staring out towards the men around the fire.  “You’re like a sister to me… And still are… Or so I thought…”
You allow a heavy sigh to escape you before shaking your head. She turns back and your look has turned a bit softer now.
“...I’m not sure anymore…What I am sure of, is the secrets you’re are keeping from me these days…” Eadith says with a solemn look on her face.
“Eadith…If there was anything to tell… I would tell you…” You say slowly, before taking a long sip from the bottle. “The truth is I don’t know what to make of Uhtred and myself..”
She rolls her eyes yet again, gathering her dress ready to make her way back towards the group. You lock arms with her, carefully urging her back behind the faint barricade of the tent. 
“Alright yes…some things have happened…” You tell her quietly. 
She crossed her arms a bit, wavering in place balancing her cup in her crossed arms.
“I watched you slip into his tent last night…” she tells you with a look of drunken disapproval on her face.
You bite back your bottom lip unsure of what to say next.  She sighs and casts her look back out towards the group, you peel back the tent flap a smidge, and peer out with her.  Uhtred looks back towards the tent and smiles meeting your eye. Eadith, clearly seeing the interaction, no thanksthe lasto Uhtred, cranes her head towards you and allows the tent flap to shut.
“Alright you little Sinner…” Eadith says with a smirk.  “Story time…”
Tags:@osferthsworld @emily-forever75-blog @sirenofavalon @rrtxcmt @cosmosworldd @elbereth-bluebird @chemitaromance @deadstarkblacksoul @kimi240302 @buglyberry
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breanime · 1 year
14, 21 and 22
14. Save Aethelwold or Aethelred
Oof... save Aethelwold, but only so Uhtred or Brida can kill him. I would stand there and watch Aethelred die while eating an apple if I could.
21. Break Finan's heart or break your loyalty to Sigtryggr
FRIEND, THIS WAS CRUEL. Goddddd, um... FUCK, this is so hard. Cause the thought of breaking Finan's heart breaks MY heart. Like, I'm just picturing the face he made and the way he stared at Eadith when she said everyone who cared for her is gone, and I can't do that to him. But THEN I think of Siggy's face when his brother betrayed him and that hurts toooooo 😭 FUCKKK. Um, ummm... Betray Sigtryggr's loyalty, but If try to get back into his good graces afterwards 😭😭😭
22. Save Eric or save Ragnar
My heart says Ragnar due to my love for Uhtred and Brida, but I would have LOVED for Eric to live and see what becomes of the plot. Also, I love the idea of someone honorable owing Uhtred a debt, because unlike a lot of the Saxons (aka Alfred and his line), I feel like Eric has always respected and honored his word when it comes to Uhtred, and I think he would have been a fantastic ally. Also imagine Eric being able to raise his daughter as a Dane. Imagine him not being satisfied until he sees Aethelred dead for abusing Aethelflead. Imagine Eric and Aethelflead on the battlefield together, fighting alongside the Coccham Squad! Eric being fond of Sihtric from his time as a spy in Eric and Sigefrid's camp, GAWD!
So in short, Eric.
@songtoyou What about you? Same questions, what are your thoughts?
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eadith-brooks-tries · 5 months
Eadith Brooks Tries Until Dawn
Though it's been a long time since I have played this game for the first time, I wrote a review for it at the time and I figured it would be a perfect way to start off my new blog! 😃
First things first, the prologue and Hannah. I love Hannah. She's one of my favorite characters. Though why would she go after her friend's boyfriend like that. 😭 I understand she was naive but that was a bit rude of her. Though I highly disagree with what her friends did as well.
My impression of everyone during the prologue:
Hannah: Naive, lovesick, though kind, and emotional.
Beth: Rational, funny, caring, kindhearted.
Josh: Zzz
Sam: At least caring enough to go look for Hannah, though she went the wrong way about it. She should have waited for her at the door.
Chris: Also zzz
Ashley: Snickering little fool.
Jess: Overconfident? But a loyal friend at least.
Matt: Guy with the camera? 😭
Emily: CLEARY wants to mark her territory, gives off "I'm the baddie here" vibes.
Mike: He gets a lot of girls and isn't afraid to use it to his advantage.
The next year was a good choice of a time skip. It's not too much time so you didn't miss too much, but just enough to make you wonder what happened within that year.
Seeing Josh finally was cool. He looks like a nice guy. I can't imagine what it would be like getting through all of that but at least he's willing to move on.
My impression of everyone in the beginning:
Sam: Seems nice and a concerned friend. It was a little rude that her friend invited her to stay at his lodge, and she was instantly wanting to have a bath though.
Josh: I like this guy. He has a bit of a mouth on him and the "pornstar" comments are kinda creepy, but he seems to have a good heart.
Chris: What a silly little guy. I like him a lot.
Ashley: Reminds me of me a little bit. Kind of backwards but friendly. 🙂
Jess: Boyfriend stealer (MAN, did I misjudge.), still overconfident.
Matt: Now Emily's boyfriend??? Jock, and seems good friends with Ashley at least.
Emily: That girl is hiding something, I know it! Seems very rude. I get she's hurt by what Mike and Jess did but she shouldn't have started that fight over literally nothing because they weren't even kissing???
Mike: Still the same ladies man he was a year ago. I hope for a change in him.
It's crazy how things took a turn. One minute Mike and Jess are going to a cabin and Jess gets pulled out a window?! Josh, Ashley, and Chris are playing a ouija board and then they get attacked?! All this while Sam is upstairs just lounging in her bath?! 😭
And Mike's now just roaming around a Sanatorium? What the flip?! This has taken an interesting turn. Let's just talk about Wolfie for a minute, the TRUE G.O.A.T of Until Dawn. I love that little guy. I hope to see more of him in the remake, which I WILL be doing a review on when it comes out.
Anyway, having to choose between Josh and Ashley was hard, but as much as I loved Josh, I just couldn't do that to poor Ashley. It broke my heart to see him scream like that, and I instantly swore that I'd do a playthrough after this one just to save him.
My thoughts on the characters after Josh gets killed:
Sam: Still in that bath, I guess...
Josh: Poor guy has been through so much and then THIS happens all over some angered old fool?! At least he is with his sisters now... ☹️
Chris: Seems pretty sick of Ashley for someone who secretly likes her. 😂 I mean, the button scene was so funny. I love this guy.
Ashley: She's a scaredy cat like me! 😃 I really like this girl.
Jess: Okay, she has some humor to her. It actually made me half forget what she did and like her for a minute. I was sad to see her die.
Matt: Hmm, seems like a pretty chill guy. I like how he isn't totally submissive to Emily and there is always an option to have him stand his ground.
Emily: Yeesh, she's a tough one. A bit too mean for my liking but maybe she will have a character development moment.
Mike: I see where his character is developing here. Him going after Jess like that and then going through that Sanatorium on his own to try and find the guy who did it is so cool of him. I am beginning to like him.
Sam is finally out of the bath! 😃 ... Only to get chased by some psycho right after... 😬 It was a shame that I messed up and got her caught. I wanted to see what happened.
Emily falling off the radio tower was scary. Lucky for Matt, I had enough of her complaining and choose to save him before it fell. I hope there are no consequences to that in the future.
Thank God Sam was okay when Chris and Ashley found her, but that scene with the saws was terrifying. I choose for Chris to shoot himself, although it was so hard to do. I just see him more as the hero type.
I did NOT expect to see Josh again, let alone AS THE PSYCHO?!?! He seems deeply disturbed. I wonder what's truly wrong with him. I don't really think he was the one to kill Jess though. There was just something about that whole moment that was... Off...
Traveling through the mines as Emily was fun though, and she showed me that she is actually really smart and has good survival instincts. However, the whole game gets flipped on its head when WENDIGOS come into the picture?! AH! 😱 Such a brilliant twist and now it all makes sense.
The shed scene was funny, but painful to watch at the same time. Josh and Chris fighting after all they have been through throughout the years was sad. I hope they can figure it all out in the end.
What I think of everyone now:
Sam: She's strong and level-headed. I think she will make it put in the end.
Josh: Oh, boy. I hope he gets help. He is CLEARLY very unwell.
Chris: I feel bad for him. He didn't deserve to hear what Josh said.
Ashley: It did annoy me how reluctant she was to save Sam, but I understand why.
Jess: ...
Matt: My opinion on him never really changes because there isn't much to go on unfortunately.
Emily: Okay, she's smart. That has won me over a bit, if I'm being honest.
Mike: He was pretty rough with Josh but it's understandable. I just wish he realized that no human could pull of the way Jess was taken.
So that guy with the flamethrower wasn't trying to kill us? Nice! 😃 I almost screamed when Ashley and Chris kissed, which was so sweet since Chris was going out to face danger.
Why did they tie Josh up outside? That was dumb. The lodge is huge. They should have tied him up in there. There was no reason why they couldn't have. I was heartbroken to see that he was taken again, and then the stranger guy getting killed right after. I felt so bad that I failed that don't move sequence.
The saferoom moment was scary but I didn't allow Mike to shoot Emily. It would have been ridiculous since the stranger guy said you can change by eating someone, not the other way around.
Anyway Mike left and then Sam followed right after with everyone else. Thank god I remembered that the wendigos can copy voices and didn't go looking for Jess!
Then Sam went on her own to find Mike, which she does. And then they find Hannah's journal?! I almost vomited when I seen that she ate Beth! 🤮 How did she even go a month without food or climb up on that ledge with a broken leg is beyond me.
Josh's mental breakdown was painful to watch. So I was glad that they found him. However, Sam was SO dumb and left them. Why? What if Josh had another mental breakdown? She needed to be there. And of course, the worst happened. Hannah (who turns out to be the wendigo?!) takes her brother again and Mike does nothing! I mean, c'mon, man! You fought the wendigos fearlessly in the Sanatorium. I was SO mad. And Sam leaving to go tell the others they were okay, only for Mike to get to the lodge at the same time was infuriating. Especially when he told her that Josh's as gone and she barely reacted?! Come on, Sam!
I was so happy to Jess! And the fact that Matt was there with her too was so cool. I like those two together. Unfortunately I choose to run instead of hide and Jess got killed, leaving Matt on his own.
The end was brutal but in a good way. We got to see all the wendigos together and Hannah taking them all out. The plan Sam and Mike had was good, but I unfortunately got Sam killed by failing the last don't move sequence. Hannah killed the person who cared for her the most, aside from Josh and Beth. That fail will haunt me ever.
Watching the lodge burn was heartbreaking. It was like all of the memories were being burned before them, but the ashes of the wreck would stain their minds forever.
What I think of everyone in the end of the game:
Hannah: I'm sad to hear she suffered as much as she did. The fact that she probably thought the prank was the worst thing to happen to her at the time is cilling, now that I know what happens. She didn't deserve that.
Beth: I'm sad that she died, but at least she didn't suffer Hannah's fate. At least they are together now. 💙 What Hannah said about Beth helping her even after death over the sweater was so sweet and sad, considering how she would help her in other ways later on.
Sam: I watched her ending interview since she died. I think it was weird that she said she had a connection with Josh, considering she didn't seem to care so much when she was told he didn't make it in the end. She seemed kind of messed up from everything. Like in a psychotic way. It was kind of creepy.
Josh: HE TURNS INTO A WENDIGO?!?! THERE'S NO WAY TO SAVE HIM?!?! AWFUL!!! I'M SO DISAPPOINTED!!! That was a sad ending and probably worse than the death ending. At least that way, he would have been with his sisters again. So the curse continues. It's sad, because he was such a good guy deep down. He was just very messed up and needed help.
Chris: He was one of, if not my favorite character. I was so happy that he survived Until Dawn. He didn't deserve any of this. I like to think that he and Ashley got together after all of this and helped each other to move passed their traumas. They deserve that.
Ashley: Another one of my favorite characters. She's awesome! I have seen some negative things said about her in the past but I don't care. She is amazing. She has her faults, she is flawed, but aren't we all?
Jess: I watched her ending interview too and oh, it's so sad. She looks so traumatized and beated down. The complete opposite of what she was. When I said I wanted her to change, I didn't want that to happen... 😔
Matt: Again, not much has changed with him. I wish there was a little bit more on his character. He just seemed like a cool guy and I highly doubt him and Emily will make it after my playthrough. 😂
Emily: She was a good character. I'll definitely remember her for a long time. I was hoping for a little bit more of a change in her character though. Oh, well...
Mike: I must admit, he surprised me. He became the hero in the end. I thought he was an immature f-boy at first but he completely changed and became the responsible man when he needed to be. I respect that. I like his character. He and Sam where a surprisingly really good duo that I wish we got more of.
Gameplay - 10/10
Story - 10/10
Characters - 10/10
Monsters: 9/10
Scary 8/10
Ending 9/10
Overall 10/10
My opinions on some things have changed since I have played it more since. So why not give me a follow so you can see all my other theories in the future? If you have any other games that you think I should check out, let me know in the inbox! And let me know what you think of my review on this current game! Have a nice day, buddies!
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