#Ear Wax Cleaning Services
earwaxdoctor · 4 months
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If You are Looking for a Reliable Hearing Service Program. Personalized Hearing Service Program for Your Demands. The Hearing Service Program is the development of millions of research hours and years of work. With our software, users are shown a list of all their hearing aid options, The process is easy and helpful, with the goal being to make it so that people can find what they need in the least amount of time possible.
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hearingclinicn · 2 years
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Adelaide Hearing is a Recognized Hearing Clinic that Provides Hearing Aids and Tinnitus Treatment. Because of How We are in This Profession, We are Among the Best Audiologists in Australia. We Provide a Material Removal Facility, Cutting Force Technology, Skilled Staff, and Highly Experienced to Assist you in Effectively Managing any Ear-Related Concerns You Might Also Have.
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Hi!!! I’m just wondering about any kinks reader might have in the poly!plasticsverse, and you know maybe any kinks the girls might have too
Poly!Plasticverse Kinks (18+):
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Has a praise kink AND a degradation kink
LOVES to be eaten out
Crazy for nipple play (she can cum just from that)
Loves to be choked (chokes herself sometimes)
Loves, loves, LOVES, dry humping
Loves being spanked (floggers, hands, etc.)
HAND. KINK. (She gets caught staring at Y/N's hands while they play guitar and 9 times out of 10 leads to her getting plowed)
She loves being overstimulated
Gretchen is a squirter
Once in a blue moon, she will top one of the girls or Y/N (double-ended dildo)
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Karen has a massive toy collection
She loves to be gagged
She loves being tied up
She goes full shibari sometimes
Sends them spontaneously
Karen is into butt plugs and things of that nature
She misbehaves one day and Regina makes her wear a butt plug to school. Y/N makes her wear a bluetooth vibrator too.
MAJOR service submissive
She likes to clean the house, wash the dishes, gets punished when she doesn't do her tasks
BRATTY AS FUCK (Runs her mouth a little too much for her sake)
Knows her tits look great so she wears things that accentuate them.
Likes getting marked by her girls, likes wearing hickeys like they are accessories.
Karen is ticklish (sometimes its foreplay for her)
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Regina George has a major breeding kink
Loves getting her hair pulled
Her neck is her weakness (kissing, nibbling, licking, etc.)
Regina gets WET (like dripping down her thighs wet)
Likes being bitten
She scratches down her girls backs
Likes to leave marks on her girls
Financial Domme
Def has an OnlyFans
MAJOR LEATHER KINK (leather, latex, PVC girly)
Only lets Y/N top her (only lets Y/N fuck her ass)
Calls Y/N "daddy", makes Gretchen and Karen call her "Mommy"
Loves high/drunk/crossfaded sex (If Regina smokes, Y/N knows they are fucking)
Major exhibitionist (has a "places to fuck" fucket list)
The class she shares with Y/N is after lunch and on the days Y/N skips lunch to go smoke with Aaron and Shane, when they’re in class, all Regina has to do is whisper the word daddy in Y/N’s ear and she’s getting fingered while learning about the French Revolution
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The council (@yungpoetfics) and I have decided Cady is babygirl and that is her kink.
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Top-leaning switch
Sadist and Masochist
Very into suspension
Foot fetish
(Has chatted to Shane about celebrities feet)
Blood kink (loves period sex) (allegedly a vampire)
Knife kink
Very into edging her girl
Wax kink
Janis fucks her girl in the art room (has used a paintbrush as a makeshift dildo)
Girly is a GIVER (iykyk)
Y/N has topped her (multiple times)
Breath play
Loves Regina's boobs (the boobs that made her a gay boob girly)
Has read the kamasutra front to back
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100% a switch (emotional bottom physical top)
Likes unusual positions
Super flexible
Firm believer of "sit on my face, don't hover. even if i die, SIT"
Proud member of the Mile High club (on a no fly list)
Shower sex enthusiast
Lactation kink
Dry Humping
Thigh Riding
SIZE KINK (2/3 of the plastics are taller than her and she's taller than, Gretchen, Janis, and Cady)
Likes being blindfolded
Fucking in crowds (fucked Regina at a Paramore concert)
Loves being called Daddy
Wears a packer
Whimpers if overwhelmed
Her sensitive spots are her back (scratches, massages, etc.) and her thighs
Likes being forced to submit (puts up a hell of a fight)
Thinks veins are hot (she likes fucking her girl after gym when she can see veins popping and her girl is sweaty and breathless)
Likes being choked
Likes being slapped (yes on the face)
"Hit me harder" "Show me no mercy"
Later regrets those sentences
VOYEUR (watches Regina fuck Gretchen and Karen and rubs one out)
Likes giving Shane head (He's rough) (SHE SWALLOWS)
Has had a threesome with Aaron and Shane (and a foursome including Cady in that group)
Note: @yungpoetfics and I got very VERY carried away with Y/N. Just know, the smut you guys will get from the poly!plasticsverse/y/n's harem is going to be HOT
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wittlesissyb4by · 2 months
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When you’re busy scrubbing the floors and accidentally catch a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the oven.
You’ve tried to avoid mirrors when you can. Anything to avoid facing the reality of your changed persona, as if the soggy diapers and uncomfortable outfits aren’t already a constant reminder.
Oh how far you’ve fallen. You were one of the most popular kids in school. A star athlete, full-ride scholarship, girls constantly fawning over you, etc.
Now look at you.
You can hardly even recognize yourself. Eyebrows tweezed, lips glazed with gloss, fake eyelashes heavy on your lids, make-up caking your face, every hair on your body freshly waxed, except for the hair on your head that is tucked back into a tight ponytail.
You can’t even remember the last time you’ve had a proper orgasm. Your dick stays locked in a tiny metal cage that is virtually flat on the front, constantly leaking tears of pre-cum into your diapers. You clench and rock backward, hoping the diaper will wiggle the plug in your ass, pressing it against your prostate and providing you with the only sexual stimulation you’re allowed nowadays.
You work the scrubber back and forth over the hardwood. It’s pointless really, there’s only so many times it needs to be done, but when you’re set to be a prissy maid and clean for 12 hours a day, you have to find something to occupy your time. Every day you have to clean the toilets, even though you never get to use them. You wish you didn’t take for granted how nice and convenient it was to actually sit on one and empty your bowels into something that wasn’t going to smush the warm mush right back up against you.
You hear a bell ring.
“Ohhh Sissy!!” Calls a voice from the other room. “Your…services…are needed!!”
Great. Your Mistress has a man over. You wonder if you’re being called in to act as the fluffer or the cum catcher. Probably both. She likes making you watch, reminding you of your life used to be. How you used to have sex, until you started going off and having sex with someone other than your wife.
“Coming, Miss!” You call in your prissy high-pitched voice.
You set the scrubber back in the bucket, tucking your hair back behind your ear. You try not to, but you can’t help but take one last, tiny peek at your reflection. If this is how your life is going to be from now on, at least you can say you look somewhat pretty while doing it.
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wintersongstress · 7 months
A Tenderness in Time
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Summary: NSFW Alphabet Headcanons — a glimpse into what a romantic, intimate relationship with Simon looks like.
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: special thank you to my beta @the-halo-of-my-memory for always supporting me and being so lovely ❤🌹
Tags: Fluff, Smut, 18+ MDNI, Soft™ Simon
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
When you’ve caught your breath and begin sliding your fingers into his hair, Simon lifts his head from your shoulder, returning to himself to find your warm gaze, glowing with tenderness and glinting with sincerity. Within the shelter of his arms after he makes love to you, you are soft, rested, and held dear. Your smile at him is the soft, melting beauty of a sunset, and yet he still checks in, searching your eyes for a flicker of doubt or apprehension, stroking your cheekbone. It was lovely, you assured him, keeping his hand there with your own. He brings his lips to your cheeks, dotting your skin all over with kisses down to your collarbones as a show of mute gratitude, and then tracing the side of your nose with his fondly before he departs to fetch a warm washcloth and tend to you.
You take his hand when he extends it and you shower together, lemony soap lathered until your bodies squeaked clean. Simon still holds you in his arms under the stream of water with his hands on your hips. Even after slipping your bathrobe over your shoulders, he’s smoothing lotion on your legs and carrying you back to bed, where you watch TV while eating cereal together.
Simon is a man of action, not words. He shows his love for you in acts of service, and aftercare plays as equal of a role as the act before it when it comes to taking care of you and showing you how deeply he cares and appreciates all that you give him.  You never feel like he uses you for his own pleasure and doesn’t give a second thought to the vulnerability you relinquish to him each time.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Simon has large, purposeful hands, and they have such a way of making you feel like a beautiful sculpture beneath his touch. The warmth that trails after them as he caresses the curves of your shoulder blades, the dip of your spine, and the plum of your rear before they scoop beneath and part your legs has you melting like the silken glide of wax down a burning candle. But all of that preamble is nothing compared to how he indulges in squeezing your thighs.
Soft and plush in his fondling hands, he guides your knee over his steadfast shoulder and warms his ear along the inside of your thigh. The faint friction of stubble follows behind the profound hunger of his kisses and he cannot get enough of the softness of your skin, and before he knows it his sweeping mouth is latching over where you need him the most.
Simon also loves to cup your breasts in his hands, and is especially adoring if you’re smaller chested, making you feel so full in his palms as his thumbs swipe across the tender buds of your nipples. He groans at the silk feel of them against his chest, suckles them until you’re humming and he’s hard, and never gets tired of looking at them.
But more than the softness of you, Simon has told you what part of you he loves the most. Because when the rush of hormones and need ebbs, when he finally comes home after a long time away, when you’re laughing and lingering in a moment of happiness while being together, he seeks your eyes. Simon loves your eyes. He gets lost in them and the pretty way your lashes flutter in anticipation of his kiss. And beyond it all, when he looks into your eyes, for the first time he sees a future.
Consequently, his arms are the part of him he likes the most. He holds you within them and wraps them around you from behind, and they will protect and keep you forever.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
In you, always. Before you start having penetrative sex, you guaranteed him of the contraceptive measures you had taken to be safe, and when you coyly voiced your desire to have him take you raw it lit a primal, tameless flame in him. In all his imaginings, that was the heart of his dream; he wants all of you and doesn’t want to hold back. While it’s pretty to see his cum glistening on your stomach and thighs, he prefers to watch it leak out of you and nestle it back in with his thumb.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The dirtiest of all: holding hands.
The first time Simon opened up and uncovered his feelings for you, he reached for your hand, a leap farther than the stars above the clouds, but he chanced it, and you laced your fingers between his in return. That was all he could give you at first, his hand, but in time it wandered. Now, Simon secretly delights in holding your hand, and seeks the comfort of it often. It’s his way of saying, I’m here, I want to feel close to you, and I’m not leaving you. Oftentimes, when he’s losing himself to his release, he grabs your hands and falls apart to the image of them against the sheets while grasping his just as tightly. How could such a simple thing mean so much to him? It’s because when Simon looks at his hands he thinks about what they’re trained to do and the man he is, but when he’s holds yours, he thinks about the man he wants to be.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
When Simon was younger and starting out in his career he had casual hook-ups here and there. It was only sex. A meaningless way to relieve pent-up stress. But after he was captured and tortured by Manuel Roba he became a different man. A dead one. He never pictured himself being intimate with someone again after the violations his body endured.
Everything changes with you. It begins with your eyes and the sanctuary he finds in the safeguard of your hands, and shifts to a meaningful connection during long talks on dark nights. You come to mean more to him than anyone ever has, for you have tamed him. A relationship formed from a clay so special and precious and dreamlike is one he will commit to completely, though he’s never had one before. In that way, he’s all new to this. You have to go slow, but it’s worth it.
F = Favorite position
To Simon, in this whole world, the safest place to be is right next to your heart. Thus, on the more passionate, drawn-out nights in bed, he wants you on your back with your legs enfolding him, the air soft with I love yous while your fingers tangled as he filled you.
Beginning as a slow, gentle rocking, Simon takes his time and doesn’t push too deep, enamored with your hands as they learn the shifting motion of his back muscles and clutch at him. Nothing compares to this: your breathy little whispers against his skin; the lush sweep of your mouth against the thread of his pulse; your pretty little orgasms; the way you try to keep quiet but the moans that escape are angelic as they fall from your mouth, light and airy and luminous. Yes, luminous. You glow to him. And it’s real, it’s all real. He’s no one else with you, there is no pretending. When Simon is with you like this he’s free, and he kisses you deep, your mouth a soft rose that blooms against him and tastes so sweet and makes him smile until the head of his cock grazes the spot in the far back of you. Faltering, a groan from the depths of his chest falls from him and the sound sinks like a stone at the bottom of a pond into you. His patience, his carefulness, and his dedication pays off when the tight warmth of your body finally gives to his girth, when you’re loose and warm and sighing enough that you can take all of him at last. With one of your gasps his thumb is lured to the place you are joined, swiping a gentle loop that makes you clench and he is done for. The moment when he comes after you…there is no pain, no blot.  It is full, pure, and perfect, and your name is all he knows.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Though he’s more serious than anything, Simon’s sense of humor does find its way into the bedroom. His jokes are meant to put you at ease, not embarrass you. Invariably he is comfortable being himself around you. On the first occasion you wore lacey and intricate lingerie for him, he went: “This is nice, love. But I think it would look better on the floor.”
There are moments of laughter with him that make your heart glow with warmth, and it’s one of the best parts about being with him. He’s still your closest friend.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Simon keeps his body hair neatly trimmed. His treasure trail and the patch below it are slightly darker than the honey brown of his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He asked you once if you could be patient with him. He had woken up in a cold sweat, jarring you from your sleep beside him as he shoved off the covers and struggled to breathe. In an instant you knew what to do. You rushed to the kitchen and returned with a dish towel brimming with ice, on your knees beside him as you coaxed his hands from his throat into the heap of cold cubes. You’re here with me, you said, and his fingers cradled the ice, pressing the frozen blocks into his palm until his terror receded. The frigid sensation pulled him from the unending loop of his nightmare, torturous and unbearable, to a soft pool of sheets around him, the moonlight glimmering in your concerned eyes. For once, the cold was soothing and welcome, and he held it inquisitively.
He wondered how you knew that would work, and appreciated that you didn’t question what startled him from his sleep. But he told you anyway, without mincing any of it, what images haunted him at night—a forewarning that pursuing a relationship with him would not be uncomplicated.
You gave him a look of softness, of empathy, when he asked about you’re being patient, and you laid a hand over his heart in response. Sometimes we lock our pain in a box and never open it again, burying it inside of us instead. But pain does not like to be forgotten, and the box isn’t as far down as we want it to be, so it still has power over us when something picks the lock. When you share the burden, the memories lose their power, and you have nothing to lose but your chains. That’s what you told him. From that moment on, Simon knew no other person could bring him such peace, and you’re the only one he trusts to be completely, irrevocably, and unflinchingly vulnerable with, no part of himself hidden.
You transform him into quite the lover. When you’re bare together, the first thing he reaches for is your face, thumbs at your ears as he draws you into a kiss that meanders down the line of your throat. Simon can’t help himself but to shower you with praise, his hands dwelling lovingly on your curves as he murmurs how beautiful and perfect and soft you are. His dalliances prove all the more worth it when the roughness of his fingertips discover how gloriously wet you are for him.
 “I still can’t believe I’m the one who gets to see you like this,” he’ll exhale into your neck, because he cannot fathom how and why you chose him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Rarely did he need to before. But you’re not far from his mind once his heart has mellowed to the loveliness of your presence, and he rarely gets the chance to indulge in how much he misses you when he’s on the field. If he cannot fall asleep, or finds a moment of privacy in the shower, he likes to imagine that you miss him too, and your body aches the same as his when he takes himself in hand.
His vision turns inwards, picturing the details that made you yourself and no other: your head on your pillow, legs spread, his T-shirt pushed up around your collarbone as one hand cupped your breast and the other worked between your thighs. Simon dreams of your fingers glistening, of the wet sound of your folds slicking together, the soft slap of the heel of your hand against your mound, of your ankles in the air and his name falling from your bitten lips as you chase your release and he’s spilling all over his fist and groaning brokenly, whimpering your name until he’s breathless and it’s not enough.
His tight fist keeps tugging back and forth, the daydream evolving so that it’s him spreading your marvelous thighs, pressing closer, your eager whimpers spurring him on and your eyes full of want as you wrap your legs around him. And he wants to tease you by not giving you what you want yet, instead dragging his stiff length along the slippery nave where your slickness pooled, over and over and making you come like that before sinking into—and his release sneaks up on him again, harder than the one preceding it and he is well and truly spent, missing you more than ever.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Simon wants to keep you safe, like a bird nestled under his wing. The sight of how small you look when covered by his larger frame appeases him, nurturing his instinct to protect you and take care of you completely. A pride swells in him whenever you grasp at the strength of his biceps, or when his hands completely encompass the curves of your hips as he moves within you. Surpassing the heady euphoria of his broadness is the certainty that you are enough. You are everything for him. As a result, Simon can get blissfully wrapped up in you, and wants everything you have to give. He coaxes you to find your pleasure again and again, begging “one more for me, love,” until you are languid and placid and wistful when he finishes, beyond satisfied.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
While your shared bedroom is his sanctuary, Simon is open to having you anywhere as long as it is private. He enjoys the measured, mesmerizing rhythm of your hips as you indulge in a bath together, too—the warm water, rose petals, and eucalyptus swirling lavishly—and revels in the complicated, tight maneuvering in the shower together beneath the steam.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When his key unlatches the final barrier between him and you after weeks and weeks spent apart, Simon is flooded with relief when he smells your cooking and enters the warm lighting of your apartment, his duffle dumped on the floor as he calls out for you. You appear around the corner a moment later, spoon in hand and in your loose and cozy house clothes, socks on your feet and smiling brighter than the moon. He wastes no time in scooping you up, hugging you, kissing you, long and heavy, smiling and laughing all the while until he perches you on the counter and fondles your thighs apart for him. Just the scent of your perfume makes his cock ache as he nuzzles your neck.
“Missed you, so much,” he breathes out as he squeezes you closer to him.
An airy laugh escapes you. “I can tell.” The buttons of your henley are teased out of their slits, falling open to his deft fingers until your bralette is exposed.
“I could ravage you right here,” he growls. The gravel of his voice, he knows what it does to you, and the goosebumps rise across your skin as he warms the newly unveiled expanse of it with his mouth.
“B—but dinner? I made—“
“I’m hungrier for you, angel. Fuck, do you know how much I’ve missed hearing your pretty sighs? My sweet girl,” Simon purrs, “I can’t think of anything else but how much I miss watching your face while I make you feel good.”
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing that will bring you harm or humiliate you. Being intimate is about the chance to be gentle, to let the soft animal of his body love what it loves. Simon has seen too much violence and endured too many years of nightmares to want to bring that into the sanctity of your relationship. He would never degrade you with vulgar names or choke you, and he loves your hands on him too much to tie them up. He’s vanilla through and through, but that doesn’t mean he’s boring and meek. Being the one you share your body with is a cherished honor he would never endanger or corrupt with sadistic pursuits.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
“Simon,” came your sigh, breathless with pleasure as you twisted the silk camisole over your breast in your grasp. His eyes flicked up over the quivering plane of your body, your lashes aflutter as they met his between your legs.
He made it no secret that he loved looking at you like this. All spread out and heaving, only for him.
The tenderness lasted only so long, for as the flat of his indulgent tongue laved at you, your hips tilted and your eyes rolled. His nose nudged the bundle of nerves he knew how to care for so well, and his lips swept and brushed together at the taste of you tirelessly, tongue nestling along your folds as your toes curled against his back. The comfort of holding your hips and squeezing them in his hands was the same as warming his palms on a bowl of soup, for it was home, it was his, and it was a pleasure to give you this. He closed his eyes and lost himself.  
Into the mattress your body bowed to Simon’s devotion. Swearing and praising him, he grinned at the song flowing from you, humming against you and sneaking his thumb along to join him teasingly. A renewed gush of wetness rewarded him. You crushed the side of your pillow into your cheek, brow furrowed, and he memorizes the image of the underside of your jaw when your head falls back. His bottom lip cradles the soft little valley below your slit and you gasp at his sheer boldness, coming undone and he carries you through it.
Simon loves watching you come back to yourself, pleased with how far away he took you. He fancies that there’s stars in your eyes when he returns to your limp arms.
Before you were together, he used to dream about your mouth on his and the heaven that would be. But your mouth on the most vulnerable part of him, soft and warm with your tongue generous, was something he could scarce imagine. It’s not an easy thing to give of himself—him powerless. One day when you insist on wanting to taking care of him this time, he concedes, letting you know it would be okay if you changed your mind. He wasn’t prepared for the pretty glint in your gentle eyes, the delicacy of your kind hands, and how his heart pounded watching your lips merely part.
You teased him into your mouth gently, sucked him out slowly, and his complete and instant surrender isn’t something he can always yield, but for you? He cradles your face lovingly, stroking your cheekbones with his thumbs and confessing how beautiful and sweet and too good you are for him as you hum around his length. Once your hands get involved, his coherency is gone.
There’s no one else for him, and he says so. In fact he can’t seem to stop the words that spill from him. My girl, my only girl. My love, my only love. Until he breaks with a groan and you don’t let go, taking him for all he’s got and guiding him safely to shore.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Your first time together, he makes you promise not to let him hurt you. That’s of paramount importance to Simon. He wants to make things last as long as possible and draw things out, so he’s slow and sensual more often than not. Only in the moments that you’re both on the precipice does he oblige your every plea, giving you everything you want. He is quite disciplined in holding back his strength. Letting himself be rough with you gives him this fear of losing control, of baser instincts taking over, and he doesn’t want to be that kind of man who just takes and takes without heed.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his preference, though he cannot deny the appeal of taking you through the opening of his pants, your skirt lifted and panties shoved to the side. His girth takes time for you to warm up to (more on this later), so when the occasion arises at a friend’s dinner party that you’re pulling him into the bathroom, he locks the door and you use your hands on each other, kissing to muffle the shared moans of enjoyment.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Given the nature of his work, Simon knows all about risk and when it’s not worth taking one. Anything that would hurt you is off the table, but if there’s something harmless and non-degrading you want to try, he might be willing if you talk it over and establish a safe word.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Simon is in peak physical shape; it takes a lot for him to get worn out, and he finishes at least twice. You take the overstimulation so well for him, and he promises that he’s almost there, but god, he can’t get enough sometimes and he needs more, more, more, until he’s collapsing with you on his chest. He could go for hours.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He personally does not have any, but if you do and you want him to use them on you he is comfortable with that. Truthfully, he finds them unnecessary and doesn’t need them, he is so patient and attentive and elicits every moan you gift him with from the expertise of his mouth and touch alone.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It’s funny—that was what you said to him when he took off his mask for the first time.
Oh, Simon. You’re not fair at all.
Feather-soft, you reached for his features, and he trembled at the touch of your forefinger, placed half hesitantly, half curiously in the groove of one of his scars, and how the other brushed along the hair above his brow. The thoughtfulness of your eyes, coupled with your fond touches, made him realize how much power you truly held over him, though you could never guess it. Given this, he has to be careful with his teasing because he can’t stand it when you do it to him.
The way Simon teases you is light and won’t go too far, but he loves to. It’s subtle: putting a hand on you, just because he can—on your lower back when you’re walking together, on your thigh when he’s driving. When he sits across from you he likes to rest his ankle beside yours. Innocent touches like that.
When you bat your eyes and pout to lure him down from his height for a kiss he gives a smug grin. But he makes sure to deliver a dizzyingly deep press that leaves you swaying a little. He won’t make you beg for him—it’s not his style. You turn him on out of the blue sometimes, and he’ll come up behind you and press his hard on into your ass, his deep voice rough in your ear.
“It’s yours if you want it’’ he rumbles, kissing your neck. When his hands bunch in your shirt, over your stomach, and you lean back into him with a sigh, he knows you ache for him as much too. Because at the end of the day, he’s the one completely at your mercy. He’s the one waiting for you to tell him what you want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He likes to let you know how much he enjoys this, so his voice is constantly in your ear—a little bit of sweetness blended into his rough tone, just for you. He talks you through it all because that’s the other half of making love to him: his words of praise and sweet pet names. His groans are deep, plentiful, and they reverberate into you, and he gives a broken gasp of a laugh whenever he feels you tighten around him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
On the nights before he leaves for an assignment, he doesn’t want to leave you after he finishes. His cock remains soft inside, and he tightens his arms around you and falls asleep that way, because he hates being apart.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Simon is a man of a…larger stature. His body, though scarred, is strong and purposeful with muscle, and the girth between his legs makes you bite your lip. He’s well endowed, as you can imagine. Thick in your hand, a groan flutters from him when he’s hard and you hold him, stroking over his veins until he shudders.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
In the beginning, it’s nonexistent. He’s turned off that part of himself, and has no notion in his heart for romantic love. Your friendship is a sun that warms his heart to those foreign feelings, however, and he feels a tenderness towards you in time. A tenderness that bloomed into an ache, a desire, a devotion. Steady, and true.
With one kiss, he wanted each one to be longer and deeper than the last. With one layer of clothes removed he wanted another. With one soft look and tender sigh, he wanted all of them to be his.
Once you’ve kindled his heart back to life, there’s never a day that goes by where his desire for you wavers.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Always after you do. Your first time together, Simon stays up for a time while you sleep on his bare chest. He replays it all in his head as you doze, trailing gentle fingers over your hair, your back, watching your face in sleep and listening to your soft breaths. He can’t quite believe that you’re real, that what happened wasn’t a dream. Later on in your relationship he’ll find it easier and easier to find rest with you. He just has to get used to it. But it’s always after he’s sure you’re tucked safe in your dreams. 
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Thank you for reading!! If you had a particular favorite letter, please feel free to drop a comment 🌸 they make a writer's day!
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saintlygames · 1 year
Dust to Dust
Before I was set to descend to Bedlam, I met my uncle. He was the last priest of Bedlam and most recently turned Markayuq.
He stood on the dais of the monastery, petrified. He likely wouldn’t wake for a few more decades. He had a low brow and an expression of frozen concentration, as though he’d been pondering something interesting before he finished the transformation.
I’d never had a problem looking at the Markayuq. They were sacred and worshipped here. I cared for them as part of my service; waxing the leather robes, keeping their stone skin clean of dust, and making offerings. I couldn’t look at him though. It was the future’s fingernails scratching down the back of my neck.
When the two guards brought me down to the forest, my ears ached from the altitude change. My eyes adjusted to the dark below in the shade of the canopy. When I moved, I was taken aback when the air around me glowed. I waved my hand through it, leaving a golden afterimage that stayed until the wind swept it away.
‘Pollen,’ one guard explained. It was the first time either of them had spoken to me on the way down.
The walk to the village was a long one. By the time it got dark, I was shivering and had a hard time picking my way through the mangled roots of the forest floor. I tripped several times, and the guards were kind enough to pick me up.
It took two hours to reach the stacks, and seeing it made me uneasy. The buildings were visibly old and ramshackle, patched hastily in ways that were sure not to last. After growing up in pristine monasteries above the mountains, this place felt like it was made from splinters.
The paths of the village were lit with lamps whose light resembled the pollen from the forest. Inside the case, instead of a metal burner for fuel, there was a mechanism that spun to keep the pollen churning.
Walking canes and chairs outfitted with wide wooden wheels were leaned against the little houses. There were no stairs anywhere, only shallow ramps.
A line of salt was drawn on the ground. If I turned my head both ways I couldn’t see where it ended in either direction. At least three Markayuq had gathered at the salt, facing the village with their backs to the forest. I stepped over, careful not to disturb the grains. When I turned around to see if the guards would follow, they stayed well behind the line.
In the darkness, they were statues. ‘We were told to take you only this far.’
The steeple of the church was the tallest point in the village. The cross topping the tower loomed over me and I felt a roll of unease. I wasn’t Catholic the way the villagers were — they truly believed and I only practiced for the role, but if there was a God like they there was, I hadn’t heard from him yet.
The garden and the graveyard were overgrown and made shadowy limbs in the dark. Pulling my arms close, I took care not to touch them as I watched the guards retreat silently back into the treeline. I stood there until my fingers were numb from the cold before turning back to the church.
Inside, the air was stale. I groped around in the dark for something to start a fire or a lamp, knocking my hip painfully into a table corner as I went. My uncle had left ample firewood behind, and I tossed too much of it into the hearth without thinking that it was a waste. As the fire grew, I found one of those pollen lamps and fumbled with it for a minute before turning a key that made the metal parts churn the pollen to life.
With light to see, I wandered through the halls of the church. On one long stretch of walls by the first row of pews, there were fifteen portraits of Jesus carrying his cross to Calvary. I only managed to study four of them before the phantom ache in my shoulders forced me to move on.
There was a kitchen and a dining table in the same room as the hearth and past that, there was a chapel turned into a makeshift spare bedroom with two cots on either side of the room. I climbed up to the belfry and found only a bed and an empty shelf. I put my things on the mattress, stole the musty blanket, and clutched it around my shoulders. The bell was enormous, three times my size and swayed eerily above my head when a draft blew up from the church.
When a branch banged against the stained glass window I jumped and turned the lamp brighter, but all it did was lengthen the shadows of the room. Back home, I used to keep a lamp burning all night until I fell asleep because I hated the dark. I slept in the same room as my mother even when I started to be told that I was getting too old for it, but she never minded.
She was still there, probably in that room right now. I wondered if she would still keep a lamp on for me. I tucked my knees to my chest and cried into them, feeling swallowed by shadows and stricken by the fear of being alone for the first time.
Beyond the church, a house on the stacks turned the lights down. I watched the brightness in their window fade to dark until I couldn’t see the shape of the village against the mountains. All those people down there were mine to look after now.
I was twelve years old, all on my own and the only one of my kind. When I looked out the window the Markayuq guarding the salt line stared back at me, both lifeless and not. 
read the rest on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47615128
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the-local-scp · 1 year
I still love Tokoyami’s character so much! I’m trying to write a fan comic and I was wondering if I could ask if you could make some head cannons about him. I really enjoy your view on his character ♥️. I think your input could really help me flesh out his character more. I was wondering if you could make head canons on how Tokoyami would feel if he liked someone? Do you think it’d take him a while to be honest about his feelings? What do you think are clear signs he’d give if he was crushing on someone? Lastly how would Dark Shadow play in to the situation and how would he help Tokoyami through this?
I can do my best! I am aromantic, so this will be my best attempt (assuming you mean "like" in a romantic sense)
- Firstly, i hc Tokoyami to be on the aromantic spectrum. I don't have a label for him, i think he probably just doesn't feel romantic feelings very heavily/he experiences them rarely
-2ndly I don't think Tokoyami is overly obvious about his feelings. the most noticable difference is just that he might be a bit more open to the person than he normally is.
Now, some hcs on how he'd approach these feelings
-he likely panics a bit when he realizes what exactly hes feeling. Its not new to him necessarily, but hes not used to it. Once he calms down he goes into courting mode
- He plans carefully. Tries to learn what the person likes using Dark Shadow as a source of intel (shes more social than he is, she'd easily be able to get some answers)
- I've stated before his love language is acts of service, so he likely tries to offer his help to whomever hes crushing on as often as he can. Helping them with work (even if he himself doesn't fully understand), helping them clean, making them coffee/tea/whatever really.
- He also takes Dark Shadows advice on giving gifts (very bird of him). Usually smaller trinkets, nothing grand. Perhaps plain jewelry such as a simple chain necklace/bracelet. If he were to get the person earrings he'd try to find something small that fits their personality. if the person is bubbly, he might try to find some cute smiley face earrings or actual bubble earrings. If he were to get them a ring it'd be a simple band. Mayhaps an engraving (if we wanna get cliche, then the person probably doesn't really notice the engraving)
- My personal hc that Tokoyami knows how to cook comes into play finally! He makes food for his crush and obviously himself so they can eat together n be all cute. He probably also buys this person their favorite sweets, learns how to cook meats just the way they like it, and dare i say he learns from Sato how to make their favorite pastries
- He writes letters to the person. wax sealed. the letters are very much romantic goth. He likes being a lil dramatic. He writes some of his more word vomity and sappy ones in English, hoping his crush doesn't understand the language too well.
- However, if the crush is on the oblivious side, Dark Shadow will tend to take over and be more blunt for Fumi.
- Dark Shadow is social, so Tokoyami doesn't think too much of her hanging around the person of interest. What he doesn't know is Dark Shadow is dropping more obvious hints
- "He thinks your hair is very nice today. He also really liked the outfit you wore yesterday." Stuff like that.
- Eventually Dark Shadow will get overly tired of the pining. She'll say it outright.
- "He really really likes you, ya know. Give him a chance, you won't regret it! I know him best, you can trust me."
- Tokoyami is embarrassed by his shadowy sibling, but he also knows himself. Hes secretly thankful she has a loud mouth, cause occasionally that loud mouth benefits both of them.
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Vorador's Kinks
18+ only below! TW for: BDSM, mentions of watersports, and sadism.
-Vorador is a dominant switch. Sometimes he tops, sometimes he bottoms- it depends on his mood.
-Brat taming. Vorador loves putting his submissive in their place, by whatever means he feels. Of course, he keeps in mind everyone's limits. But his punishments can get quite creative, everywhere from the standard spanking to scrubbing the dungeon floor with a small brush. Sometimes his punishments can be moodkiller, so if you want a fun-ishment, it's best to be upfront.
-As much as he loves brats, he also loves service submission. He has real servants to do his bidding, but it's much more fun to make you memorize what he wants and try to relay the order- sometimes failing. He never punishes you for that, though, just laughs at you and puts you on another activity. He loves shoving a dildo or a plug in you and making you do his bidding, especially if it requires more movement- he can't get that book on the bottom shelf, would you be a dear and bend down to get it?
-If you can't tell, BDSM dynamics are Vorador's metaphorical bread and butter (I don't know if vampires care for that?), and he loves any protocol you're comfortable with. He likes picking out your underwear for the night, or tells you to go without for easy access. Bonus points if you're a service sub and he gets to put you in a skimpy version of a maid dress.
-Orgies. He's had many in his unlife and he loves it. Being served by multiple submissives makes him rock hard. No matter if he's topping or bottoming, he's still the dominant of the group. He always has snacks provided. If you're monogamous, not to fear- he doesn't require them and easily gets his fill from your body.
-Primal play. Unlike Kain, Vorador doesn't want to chase you through the woods- he wants you to hide somewhere in his manor for you to find. Think of it more as hide-and-seek-tag. He growls and snarls throughout the mansion, the stuff that makes your core ache for him. You can't help but gasp when you hear a growl close to you, but by the time you cover your mouth, it's too late- he's got you now and is eager to claim his prize.
-Vorador is a sadist, no doubt about it. He loves whipping you raw, or dripping wax on your nipples, or tugging on any sensitive piercings you have. (Whatever limits you have, he is amazing at not pushing you too far.) The pain he delivers easily mixes with pleasure.
-Humiliation. Vorador can get hard if you even mention being embarrassed. Watersports are his favorite way to humiliate someone. If that's not your thing, here's a good example: he tosses something you want across the room and forces you to crawl over to get it, walking behind you and laughing at you the entire way.
-Petplay. Vorador loves a good pet, in whatever form they come- puppy, kitten, bunny, whatever. He'll sit you in his lap and pet you while he reads his books. He'll be happy to put in a cage or pet bed in his bedroom for you, if it strikes your fancy. He dresses you in the finest lingerie to play in, blacks, whites, and golds are his favorite colors of any set. If you want ears, he'll get them custom-made for you.
-Roleplay. His favorite: you are a lost traveler, he is the vampire master whose lair you just stumbled into. He also likes you playing a vampire hunter, so he can put you in your place as a part of the 'human cattle'. If you have any fantasies you want to play out, tell him; he'll most likely enjoy making them a reality and is willing to pull whatever stops necessary to get it done.
-Needless to say, Vorador is a god at aftercare. He uses his powers to heal any wounds, takes you to the restroom to clean you up, and puts ointment on any wounds you'd like to keep. He'll call servants to fetch you anything you ask for. He doesn't need much aftercare himself, taking care of you is his aftercare. If he does experience dom drop, the easiest way to help him is to let him take care of you and then take care of him back- clean him up of any spit, cum, or blood, help heal any wounds you may have dealt him, then wrap him in a fluffy blanket to help him decompress. He often takes care of everyone else, and it's nice to have someone else to help care for him.
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earwaxdoctor · 4 months
The Benefits of Professional Ear Wax Cleaning Services
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Ear wax buildup can lead to discomfort and even affect hearing abilities. While at-home methods may seem convenient, professional ear wax cleaning services offer a host of benefits that ensure thorough and safe removal.
1. Expertise and Precision
Professional ear wax cleaning services are administered by trained specialists who possess the expertise to safely and effectively remove ear wax buildup. Their precision ensures that delicate structures within the ear remain unharmed during the process.
2. Specialized Techniques
Unlike at-home remedies which may involve risky methods such as cotton swabs, professional ear wax cleaning services utilize specialized techniques and tools designed specifically for this purpose. These techniques ensure thorough cleaning without causing damage to the ear canal or eardrum.
3. Comprehensive Assessment
Before initiating the cleaning process, professionals conduct a comprehensive assessment of the ear to evaluate the extent of wax buildup and identify any underlying issues. This allows them to tailor the cleaning approach to each individual's needs, ensuring optimal results.
4. Hygienic Environment
Professional ear wax cleaning services are performed in a controlled and hygienic environment, minimizing the risk of infection or injury. Sterile instruments and adherence to strict safety protocols ensure the safety and well-being of the patient throughout the procedure.
5. Improved Comfort and Hearing
One of the primary benefits of professional ear wax cleaning services is the restoration of comfort and hearing clarity. By eliminating excess wax buildup, individuals experience relief from symptoms such as ear fullness, itching, or discomfort, leading to improved auditory function.
6. Prevention of Complications
Failure to address ear wax buildup can lead to various complications, including ear infections and temporary hearing loss. Professional ear wax cleaning services help prevent such complications by effectively removing excess wax and promoting ear health.
In conclusion, professional ear wax cleaning services offer a multitude of benefits, including expert precision, specialized techniques, and improved comfort and hearing. By entrusting ear care to trained specialists in a hygienic environment, individuals can experience enhanced well-being and maintain optimal ear health for the long term.
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Business Name: Hear Clear NI
Street Address: Hyde Business Park, 1 Pennyburn Industrial Estate, ,
City: Londonderry
Zip Code: BT48 0LU
Country: United Kingdom
Business Phone: 0330 133 3291
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.hearclearni.co.uk/londonderry-ear-wax-removal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/earwaxremovalni
GMB Site: https://ear-wax-removal-londonderry.business.site/
Business Description: At Hear Clear NI we offer an effective microsuction ear wax removal service. Microsuction is the safest and most effective way of removing excess ear wax, far safer than traditional syringing.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=15834177133070478582
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 10am–8pm Tuesday 10am–4pm Wednesday 10am–7pm Thursday 10am–4pm Friday 9:30am–3pm Saturday 10am–3pm
Services: Ear Wax Removal
Keywords: Ear wax removal, Earwax removal near me, Ear Wax removal Londonderry, Ear syringing, Ear syringing Londonderry, Ear syringing near me, Londonderry Ear wax removal, Londonderry Ear syringing, Ear cleaning Londonderry, Ear cleaning near me
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Service Areas:
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prestigehearing · 22 hours
Microsuction Ear Wax Removal | Ear Cleaning Clinic Cardiff
Are you looking for professional ear wax removal in Cardiff? Visit our ear clinic for safe and effective treatment of ear cleaning & ear micro-suction services. 
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medicplushealth1 · 8 days
Ear wax removal West Ealing
Looking for professional ear wax removal in West Ealing? Discover top clinics offering safe, effective treatments to clear ear blockages and improve hearing. With experienced specialists and state-of-the-art techniques, enjoy relief and better ear health. Book your appointment in West Ealing today!
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5 Castle Hill Parade, The Avenue, West Ealing, London W13 8JP
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doggyville · 10 days
Elevate Your Pet's Style: The Ultimate Guide to Pet Grooming
Pet grooming isn't just about keeping your furry friend looking cute; it's also essential for their health and well-being. From maintaining a shiny coat to preventing skin infections, regular grooming plays a crucial role in your pet's overall happiness. Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or a newbie, this comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about pet grooming, including the best practices and tips for pet grooming in Hyderabad.
Understanding Pet Grooming:
Pet grooming encompasses various tasks, including brushing, bathing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and more. Each of these tasks contributes to your pet's hygiene and appearance. Regular grooming not only removes dirt and tangles but also allows you to check for any signs of skin issues, parasites, or other health concerns.
The Importance of Professional Pet Grooming:
While basic grooming tasks can be done at home, there are benefits to taking your pet to a professional groomer, especially if you're in Hyderabad. Professional groomers have the expertise and tools to handle grooming with precision and care. Moreover, they can provide specialized services tailored to your pet's breed and needs.
Pet Grooming in Hyderabad:
If you're in Hyderabad, you're in luck! The city boasts a range of pet grooming services catering to various needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a basic grooming session or a spa day for your furry companion, you'll find options to suit your requirements.
Tips for Choosing a Pet Groomer in Hyderabad:
1. Research: Take the time to research different grooming salons or mobile groomers in Hyderabad. Look for reviews and recommendations from other pet owners to gauge their reputation and quality of service.
2. Visit the Facility: Before booking an appointment, visit the grooming facility to assess its cleanliness and safety measures. A reputable groomer will maintain a clean and hygienic environment for your pet.
3. Communication: Choose a groomer who listens to your concerns and preferences. Clear communication is essential to ensure that your pet receives the care and treatment they need.
4. Experience and Certification: Opt for a groomer with experience and certification in pet grooming. This ensures that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle grooming procedures safely.
DIY Pet Grooming Tips:
While professional grooming is recommended for certain tasks, there are plenty of grooming tasks you can do at home to maintain your pet's hygiene between salon visits. Here are some DIY pet grooming tips:
- Brush your pet's coat regularly to remove loose fur and prevent matting.
- Use pet-friendly shampoos and conditioners to bathe your pet, and be sure to rinse thoroughly to avoid skin irritation.
- Trim your pet's nails regularly to prevent overgrowth and discomfort.
- Clean your pet's ears gently with a veterinarian-approved ear cleaner to remove dirt and wax buildup.
Pet grooming is an essential aspect of pet care that promotes your pet's health, happiness, and overall well-being. Whether you choose to groom your pet at home or opt for professional grooming services in Hyderabad, the key is to prioritize regular grooming to keep your furry friend looking and feeling their best. With the right approach and care, you can elevate your pet's style and ensure they lead a happy and healthy life.
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spcareclinic011 · 13 days
Microsuction is the process of removing wax from your ears by using a small suction tube and gently removes any excess wax in the ear. SP Care Clinic offers Microsuction Ear Cleaning and provide safe, comfortable and quick relief from hearing issues. We also offer Microsuction Courses. Book your appointment now or get more details at spcareclinic.com
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sadhnaeyebrow-blog · 16 days
The Art And Benefits Of Eyebrow Threading And Ear Candling In Jacksonville Florida
In the bustling city of Jacksonville, finding the perfect beauty treatment can be a challenge, but eyebrow threading has emerged as a popular and effective method for achieving beautifully shaped brows. This ancient technique, originating from South Asia and the Middle East, has gained widespread acclaim for its precision and long-lasting results. Let's explore why Beauty Salons in Jacksonville FL and Eyebrow Threading in Jacksonville FL  is becoming the go-to choice for many seeking flawless eyebrows.
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Precision and Control
One of the standout features of eyebrow threading and Makeup Artists in Orange Park, FL and Best eyebrow tinting services in orange park FL is the high level of precision it offers. Unlike waxing or tweezing, threading allows for meticulous control over which hairs are removed. This precision ensures that the natural shape of your eyebrows is maintained or enhanced, creating a clean and defined look. Professional threading artists in Jacksonville are skilled in this art, using a simple thread to remove unwanted hair with accuracy and efficiency.
Gentle on the Skin
For those with sensitive skin, eyebrow threading and Professional Makeup Artist in orange park, FL is a gentle alternative to other hair removal methods. Threading involves minimal contact with the skin, reducing the risk of irritation, redness, and breakouts. Unlike waxing, which can sometimes cause burns or rashes, threading is a purely mechanical process that uses a cotton thread to lift hair from the follicle. This makes it a suitable option for individuals with delicate skin or those prone to allergic reactions.
Long-Lasting Results
Another significant advantage of eyebrow threading is its long-lasting results. Since the hair is removed from the root, it takes longer for it to grow back compared to surface-level removal methods like shaving. Typically, individuals can enjoy well-defined eyebrows for up to four to six weeks after a threading session. This makes threading a cost-effective and time-saving option for those seeking to maintain their brows with minimal upkeep.
Natural and Chemical-Free
Eyebrow threading is a natural, chemical-free method of hair removal, making Professional Makeup Artist in Jacksonville FL it an environmentally friendly choice. There are no artificial substances or harmful ingredients involved, ensuring that the process is safe for both the client and the environment. For those who prefer natural beauty solutions, threading offers an effective way to achieve beautiful brows without compromising on health or sustainability.
In conclusion, Best eyebrow threading in jacksonville fl is a fantastic choice for anyone looking to achieve precise, long-lasting, and gentle eyebrow shaping. With its numerous benefits, it's no wonder that threading has become a preferred method for many. If you're in Jacksonville and seeking a reliable, natural way to enhance your brows, consider threading as your go-to beauty treatment.
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