#Eat it somewhat decently idgaf what u do to it
asmolbirb · 8 years
Mumbai, Toronto
thank u for being interested in me darling!! ilu~
Mumbai: What is your favorite scent?
i really like things that smell like “after the rain” or “meadow sweet” or whatever those bullshit nature smells are in candles. i prefer, like, things that are subtle and sweet and fresh, as opposed to things that have sharp and prominent smells.
Toronto: Describe your ideal partner.
boy howdy brace urself anon this is gonna be a ride. under a cut bc i did it in bullet format and it got LONG
tall (5′7″ - 5′11″)
male (mostly bc im pretty sure im heteroromantic although im open to a female partner if im ever romantically attracted to a woman in the future)
kinda soft, like in a non-hypermasculine way
but not overly effeminate or flamboyant
basically just kind and sweet and not super aggressive
a little sassy
knows how to dress well
can cook
speaks another language
musically talented in some way
singing dancing instrument songwriting idgaf
at least somewhat extroverted
but able to enjoy a night in as well
a decent texter
fairly low key but not apathetically low key
like...im not the type of person to make a big deal out of monthiversaries or expensive dinner dates and stuff 
bUT i would want them to, like, remember my birthday and let me be overdramatic when im upset abt things bc that’s how i get over being upset and surprise me every now and then with cute messages telling me they love me and so on
able to take care of me BUT w/ the full understanding that i can take care of myself
like thats super important
i love being taken care of but in a v specific way
dunno that i can articulate it well tbh
kinky (or at least open to trying kinky things)
doesn’t want kids
this is v much an ideal
i’d settle for someone who’s okay w/ no meat being cooked in house and not eating red meat w/ me
like, pescatarians or people who only eat white meat idk 
adventurous and spontaneous
patient w/ me (esp when i hit a depressive slump bc i know i can be a bit unbearable when i isolate myself and make stupid self-destructive choices)
this list got rly rly rly long but i think basically??? it comes down to 
being a nice, kindhearted, decent human being
who likes a little adventure and spice in their life
who will take care of me when i need to be taken care of but also will treat me as an equal and a formidable person
who is also musically talented and can do the things i can’t
also i low key have a thing for east asian guys
so that’s also part of my ideal rn
partially bc theyre attractive
partially bc of the cultural similarities and the ability to be understood by someone w/o having to explain every little thing
like the whole tiger mom thing for example
white ppl usually dont get it
asian ppl do
but this is V V V much an ideal
and im v flexible abt the types of guys im romantically interested in
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