#Economic conditions of Pakistan and its responsible
warningsine · 2 months
Bangladeshi student protesters stormed a prison and freed hundreds of inmates Friday as police struggled to quell unrest, with huge rallies in the capital Dhaka despite a police ban on public gatherings.
This week's clashes have killed at least 105 people, according to an AFP count of victims reported by hospitals, and emerged as a momentous challenge to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's autocratic government after 15 years in office.
Student protesters stormed a jail in the central Bangladeshi district of Narsingdi and freed the inmates before setting the facility on fire, a police officer told AFP on condition of anonymity.
"I don't know the number of inmates, but it would be in the hundreds," he added.
Dhaka's police force took the drastic step of banning all public gatherings for the day -- a first since protests began -- in an effort to forestall another day of violence.
"We've banned all rallies, processions and public gatherings in Dhaka today," police chief Habibur Rahman told AFP, adding the move was necessary to ensure "public safety".
That did not stop another round of confrontations between police and protesters around the sprawling megacity of 20 million people, despite an internet shutdown aimed at frustrating the organisation of rallies.
"Our protest will continue," Sarwar Tushar, who joined a march in the capital and sustained minor injuries when it was violently dispersed by police, told AFP.
"We want the immediate resignation of Sheikh Hasina. The government is responsible for the killings."
'Shocking and unacceptable'
At least 52 people were killed in the capital on Friday, according to a list drawn up by the Dhaka Medical College Hospital and seen by AFP.
Police fire was the cause of more than half of the deaths reported so far this week, based on descriptions given to AFP by hospital staff.
UN human rights chief Volker Turk said the attacks on student protesters were "shocking and unacceptable".
"There must be impartial, prompt and exhaustive investigations into these attacks, and those responsible held to account," he said in a statement.
The capital's police force earlier said protesters had on Thursday torched, vandalised and carried out "destructive activities" on numerous police and government offices.
Among them was the Dhaka headquarters of state broadcaster Bangladesh Television, which remains offline after hundreds of incensed students stormed the premises and set fire to a building.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police spokesman Faruk Hossain told AFP that officers had arrested Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed, one of the top leaders of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).
"He faces hundreds of cases," Hossain said, without giving further details on the reasons for Ahmed's detention.
'Symbol of a system'
Near-daily marches this month have called for an end to a quota system that reserves more than half of civil service posts for specific groups, including children of veterans from the country's 1971 liberation war against Pakistan.
Critics say the scheme benefits children of pro-government groups that back Hasina, 76, who has ruled the country since 2009 and won her fourth consecutive election in January after a vote without genuine opposition.
Hasina's government is accused by rights groups of misusing state institutions to entrench its hold on power and stamp out dissent, including by the extrajudicial killing of opposition activists.
Her administration this week ordered schools and universities to close indefinitely as police stepped up efforts to bring the deteriorating law and order situation under control.
"This is an eruption of the simmering discontent of a youth population built over years due to economic and political disenfranchisement," Ali Riaz, a politics professor at Illinois State University, told AFP.
"The job quotas became the symbol of a system which is rigged and stacked against them by the regime."
'Nation-scale' internet shutdown
Students say they are determined to press on with protests despite Hasina giving a national address earlier this week on the now-offline state broadcaster seeking to calm the unrest.
Nearly half of Bangladesh's 64 districts reported clashes on Thursday, broadcaster Independent Television reported.
The network said more than 700 people had been wounded throughout Thursday including 104 police officers and 30 journalists.
London-based watchdog NetBlocks said Friday that a "nation-scale" internet shutdown remained in effect a day after it was imposed.
"Metrics show connectivity flatlining at 10% of ordinary levels, raising concerns over public safety as little news flows in or out of the country," it wrote on social media platform X.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
We must understand the journey [...]. [T]he kings and queens of Europe [...] said that those Black or Brown or Indigenous [...], they could be exploited. [...] In the case of the UK, [...] [i]t was the profits of slavery, slave products which built the universities, that financed the inventions, the canals, the banks like Barclays Bank, the Bank of England [...] to send wealth back to the North. [...]. So [...] what it does is it creates the world  as we know it, and then [...] the anti-colonial struggles of the forties, fifties and sixties begin to challenge it. [...] So no longer did you need guns and rifles and gunboats. You could control economies by the power of [...] trade rules [...]. And we see that today with unsustainable debt repayments, [...] corporations taking profits out of the Global South and bringing it back to the banks and corporations in the Global North. So in reality, this logic of racialized capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, is still apparent today. And it's the same logic. [...] [T]here has been an attempt, and it's been largely led by international institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF, to create a narrative that over the last 30, 40 years, that somehow because of development or globalization, we've seen a reduction in poverty and inequality in the Global South. This is the classic trickle-down.  [...]
It's the fact that this is all legal. This is legally done.
We've created both a global tax system, a global trade system, and then a punitive system managed by institutions like the IMF and the World Bank and the WTO, which punishes countries if they challenge that logic, and if they, for example, decide to prioritize their own people.   [...]
So in Pakistan, as we know, 33 million people have been displaced by a climate flood -- when they are responsible for less than 1% of global emissions. [...] But Pakistan, for every 100 that the Government raises in tax revenue, it pays 83 of those [...] back out in debt repayments.
And what you've seen increasingly is country after country being trapped in this cycle of needing to beg for more debt-creating loans to pay the last debt-creating loans, and each of those loans coming with conditions.
Recently, Sri Lanka was unable to pay its debt. There have been huge protests on the streets of Sri Lanka, by movements, as people were unable to afford food, even kerosene to cook with [...]. People were unable to get to the hospital. The government was telling people to eat less, not to eat three meals a day. [There was] a huge uprising of people and the government that was in power fled; the new government, which was imposed in Sri Lanka, went to the IMF and said, we want to negotiate restructuring our loan, because once you default on your loan, the way our economic system is set up, you will be punished. Because every bank, every corporation, wants their debt repayments. So people are forced to go back to the IMF.
And the IMF told Sri Lanka, we will give you another loan, if you do three things: you cut your public expenditure -- so the very money that you need on public services -- second, you weaken your labor laws -- [they] don't want unions being strong in [Sri Lanka] -- and thirdly, you have to privatize what's left of your utility. Which were operating for the interests of the Sri Lankan people. They want them now to be put onto the open market and, like many countries in the Global South, the main drivers of our economy, are actually not in the hands of either our governments or our peoples, they are still controlled by the same Western multinationals.
Now, if we had a picture, if we could show two maps, we could show a map  of the colonial world and the influence of the different countries of Europe on the different parts of the world, and the commodities that were drawn from those countries, to feed back to supply chains, to feed consumption and the industrial processes in the Global North.
But if you did the same map right now, you'd see the exact same commodities flowing from the Global South to the Global North, because countries were forced to and [told,] you will provide and produce this commodity because we want it, not because it's needed by your people [...]. It’s because you will grow cotton, you will grow coffee, you’ll export oil [...].
All text above are words of Asad Rehman. As interviewed by Kamea Chayne. Transcript published as “Asad Rehman: The End of Imperialism in a Radical Green New Deal (Ep378).” An episode of the podcast Green Dreamer. 25 October 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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viexports · 2 months
What You Need to Know About Rice Exports: Top Countries and Trends
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Rice is more than just a staple food; it’s a lifeline for millions of people around the world. As one of the most widely consumed grains, it plays a crucial role in global food security. But beyond its presence on dinner plates, rice is also a significant player in international trade. Understanding the dynamics of rice exports can shed light on global economic trends and food policies.
Why Is Rice a Staple Food Globally?
Rice has been a cornerstone of human diets for thousands of years, feeding more than half of the world’s population. Its versatility and ability to thrive in diverse climates make it a staple in many regions, particularly in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. But rice isn’t just a dietary staple, it’s also an economic powerhouse.
Rice is one of the most traded agricultural commodities. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global rice exports reached over 54 million metric tons in recent years, reflecting the grain’s critical role in international markets. Countries rely on rice exports not only for food security but also as a significant source of revenue.
Top Rice Exporting Countries: Who Leads the Market?
India: The World’s Largest Rice Exporter
India has consistently been the leading exporter of rice, with its aromatic Basmati rice being highly sought after in international markets. Indian rice exports have a strong presence in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, contributing significantly to the country’s economy.
Thailand: A Close Competitor
Thailand, known for its high-quality Jasmine rice, is another major player in the global rice market. The country’s rice exports are particularly favored in Asian markets, where taste and texture are paramount.
Vietnam and Pakistan: Rising in the Ranks
Vietnam and Pakistan have seen steady growth in their rice export markets. Vietnam is renowned for its efficient production and competitive pricing, while Pakistan is gaining traction for its premium Basmati rice.
The Role of the United States in Rice Exports
The United States, although not as dominant as the Asian giants, plays a significant role in rice exports, particularly in Latin American markets. U.S. rice is valued for its quality and compliance with stringent food safety standards.
Key Trends in the Rice Export Market
The Growing Demand for Basmati Rice
Basmati rice, particularly from India and Pakistan, has seen a surge in demand, driven by its unique aroma and long, slender grains. This trend is particularly strong in Europe and the Middle East.
Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production
Climate change poses a significant threat to rice production. Unpredictable weather patterns and rising temperatures are affecting yields, leading to concerns about the future stability of rice supply.
How Trade Policies Affect Global Rice Trade
Trade policies, including tariffs and export restrictions, play a crucial role in shaping the global rice market. Countries often adjust these policies in response to domestic needs, impacting international supply and prices.
The Shift Towards Organic and Non-GMO Rice
There is a growing consumer preference for organic and non-GMO rice, particularly in Western markets. This shift is driving changes in production practices and could influence future export dynamics.
Challenges and Opportunities in Rice Exporting
Price Volatility and Market Uncertainty
Rice prices can be volatile, influenced by factors such as weather conditions, political instability, and global demand. This volatility presents both risks and opportunities for exporters.
Quality Control and Food Safety Regulations
Maintaining high quality and adhering to food safety regulations are critical for rice exporters. Countries with stringent quality control measures, like Japan and the United States, demand only the best, which can be both a challenge and an opportunity for exporters.
The Future of Sustainable Rice Production
Sustainability is becoming a key focus in rice production. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, there is growing pressure on producers to adopt sustainable practices, which could open new markets for eco-friendly rice products.
FAQs About Rice Exports
How Does Rice Exporting Impact the Global Economy?
Rice exporting significantly contributes to the economies of major producing countries, providing employment and supporting rural communities. It also plays a role in stabilizing global food prices.
What Factors Influence the Price of Rice?
Rice prices are influenced by a variety of factors, including weather conditions, production costs, global demand, and trade policies. Economic stability in exporting countries also plays a role.
Which Countries are Emerging as New Exporters?
Countries like Myanmar and Cambodia are emerging as new players in the rice export market, thanks to improvements in agricultural practices and trade agreements.
How Does Rice Exporting Affect Farmers in Producing Countries?
Exporting rice can provide farmers with better income opportunities, but it also exposes them to market risks. Ensuring fair trade practices and support for farmers is crucial for the sustainability of rice exports.
What Are the Predictions for the Future of Rice Exports?
The future of rice exports is likely to be shaped by trends in sustainability, consumer preferences for organic products, and the impact of climate change. Technological advancements in agriculture may also play a key role.
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smqazi · 3 months
Except for those limitations that are demonstrably necessitated by the fact of incarceration, all prisoners shall retain the human rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and, where the State concerned is a party, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol thereto, as well as such other rights as are set out in other United Nations covenants
Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners
Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners
All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings.
There shall be no discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
It is, however, desirable to respect the religious beliefs and cultural precepts of the group to which prisoners belong, whenever local conditions so require.
The responsibility of prisons for the custody of prisoners and for the protection of society against crime shall be discharged in keeping with a State's other social objectives and its fundamental responsibilities for promoting the well-being and development of all members of society.
Except for those limitations that are demonstrably necessitated by the fact of incarceration, all prisoners shall retain the human rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and, where the State concerned is a party, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol thereto, as well as such other rights as are set out in other United Nations covenants.
All prisoners shall have the right to take part in cultural activities and education aimed at the full development of the human personality.
Efforts addressed to the abolition of solitary confinement as a punishment, or to the restriction of its use, should be undertaken and encouraged.
Conditions shall be created enabling prisoners to undertake meaningful remunerated employment which will facilitate their reintegration into the country's labour market and permit them to contribute to their own financial support and to that of their families.
Prisoners shall have access to the health services available in the country without discrimination on the grounds of their legal situation.
With the participation and help of the community and social institutions, and with due regard to the interests of victims, favorable conditions shall be created for the reintegration of the ex-prisoner into society under the best possible conditions.
The above Principles shall be applied impartially.
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prestigeplastics · 4 months
Prestige Plastics - Providing Top Quality Prestige HDPE Pipes in Lahore, Pakistan
In the vibrant and rapidly growing city of Lahore, Pakistan, the demand for durable and efficient piping solutions is on the rise. Prestige Plastics has established itself as a leader in this market by providing top-quality Prestige HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) pipes. These pipes are transforming the landscape of water and gas distribution, irrigation systems, and industrial applications. Here’s why Prestige Plastics’ HDPE pipes are the best choice for your piping needs in Lahore.
Superior Quality and Durability
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Excellence
Prestige HDPE pipes are manufactured using high-density polyethylene, known for its superior strength and durability. This material ensures that the pipes can withstand high pressure and adverse environmental conditions, making them ideal for a variety of applications.
Rigorous Quality Control
Prestige Plastics implements stringent quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process. Each pipe undergoes thorough testing to ensure it meets international standards for safety and performance. This commitment to quality guarantees that customers receive products that are reliable and long-lasting.
Comprehensive Range of Applications
Water Supply Systems
One of the primary uses of Prestige HDPE pipes is in water supply systems. Their corrosion resistance and ability to handle high pressure make them perfect for transporting potable water safely and efficiently. They are designed to minimize leakage and ensure a consistent water supply.
Gas Distribution
In gas distribution, safety is paramount. Prestige HDPE pipes provide a reliable solution due to their excellent resistance to chemicals and external impacts. Their flexibility also allows for easier installation, even in challenging terrains, ensuring a secure gas distribution network.
Irrigation Systems
For agricultural applications, Prestige HDPE pipes are a top choice for irrigation systems. Their durability and resistance to cracking and root penetration ensure long-term performance. These pipes help maintain efficient water flow, critical for effective irrigation and crop production.
Industrial Applications
In industrial settings, where harsh chemicals and extreme conditions are common, Prestige HDPE pipes excel. Their chemical resistance and robust construction make them suitable for transporting a variety of industrial fluids and gases, contributing to safer and more efficient operations.
Innovative Features and Benefits
Flexibility and Lightweight
One of the standout features of Prestige HDPE pipes is their flexibility. This characteristic makes installation easier and more cost-effective, particularly in areas with difficult terrain. Additionally, their lightweight nature reduces transportation and handling costs.
Corrosion and Chemical Resistance
Unlike traditional metal pipes, Prestige HDPE pipes do not corrode or react with chemicals. This property extends their lifespan and reduces maintenance costs, making them a more economical choice over the long term.
Leak-Free Joints
The fusion welding technique used to join Prestige HDPE pipes creates a leak-free system. This ensures that there is no loss of transported materials, which is especially important for water conservation and efficient gas distribution.
Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
Expert Consultation and Support
Prestige Plastics is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. Their team of experts offers consultation and support to help clients choose the right HDPE pipes for their specific needs. This personalized approach ensures that customers receive tailored solutions that meet their requirements.
Reliable Delivery and After-Sales Service
Timely delivery and excellent after-sales service are hallmarks of Prestige Plastics. The company’s efficient logistics network ensures that products are delivered on schedule, while their responsive customer service team addresses any post-installation issues promptly.
Testimonials and Success Stories
Satisfied Clients
Clients across Lahore have expressed high satisfaction with Prestige HDPE pipes. Testimonials highlight the pipes’ durability, efficiency, and the positive impact on their projects. Builders, contractors, and industrial operators praise the quality and performance of these pipes.
Case Studies
Several case studies illustrate the successful implementation of Prestige HDPE pipes in various projects. These real-world examples demonstrate how the pipes have improved water and gas distribution systems, enhanced irrigation efficiency, and supported industrial operations.
Prestige Plastics is the leading provider of top-quality Prestige HDPE pipes in Lahore, Pakistan. Their superior products, comprehensive range of applications, innovative features, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction set them apart in the market. For anyone looking to invest in durable, reliable, and efficient piping solutions, Prestige HDPE pipes from Prestige Plastics are the ideal choice.
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quynhanhphan · 6 months
Week 6: Slow Fashion
Fashion Industry’s Environmental Footprint
Over the past four decades, global fiber production has grown exponentially, driven by the increasing use of synthetic fibers (Statista, 2016). This growth has raised environmental concerns, including excessive water and pesticide usage, extended degradation times of synthetic fibers, and chemical use in refinement processes.
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The fashion industry, encompassing design, tailoring, distribution, and retail, significantly impacts the environment through energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste production (Gardetti & Torres, 2013).
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Social issues such as poor working conditions, human rights violations, and health hazards for workers across the global value chain have also been documented, with numerous fatalities reported in factories in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh during 2012/2013 (Geiger & Keller, 2018, p. 1123).
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The corridor approach by Leach, Raworth, and Rockström (2013) integrates planetary boundaries and social foundations, such as climate change and poverty eradication, to position sustainable consumption within a framework that ensures a dignified life for all, as reflected in the definition of sustainable consumption behavior by Geiger, Fischer, and Schrader (2017).
Definition of “Slow Fashion" or “Sustainable Fashion”
The concept of sustainable fashion encompasses various practices aimed at prioritizing ecological and socio-economic considerations throughout the clothing consumption process (Geiger, Fischer & Schrader, 2017, p. 3). This includes environmentally conscious purchasing behaviors such as opting for chemical-free production and organically grown materials (Kang, Liu & Kim, 2013), as well as emphasizing social conditions in garment production, including fair wages and ethical labor practices.
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Slow fashion, as a component of sustainable fashion, seeks to counter the rapid pace of the fashion industry by limiting production to a maximum of four fashion lines annually, prioritizing quality over quantity, and eschewing mass production (Joergens, 2006). Garments classified as sustainable fashion adhere to principles outlined by Fletcher (2008), which include the absence of child labor, environmentally friendly materials, ethical production processes, and fostering long-term relationships across the supply chain.
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Slow fashion addresses the environmental concerns of the apparel industry, aiming to reduce resource consumption and waste generation by emphasizing quality craftsmanship and durability (Ozdamar-Ertekin & Atik, 2015). This movement is gaining increasing support as consumers demand higher standards in sustainability and corporate ethics (Pookulangara & Shephard, 2013), leading to a shift in consumers’ value perceptions and purchasing behavior towards sustainability and well-being. In essence, the slow fashion movement advocates for a change in the core values of the fashion industry towards sustainability through the production of durable products using traditional techniques and design concepts (Domingos, Vale & Faria, 2022, p. 2).
Consumer Behaviour
A research model is proposed to explore the antecedents and mediator of consumer purchase intention towards slow fashion apparel, incorporating demographic information and responses to various measures (Chi et al., 2021, pp. 109-11).
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Findings highlight the critical role of willingness to pay a premium in influencing consumers' intentions to purchase slow fashion products, indicating that the value consumers assign to slow fashion apparel significantly impacts their purchase decisions. Moreover, consumers with greater environmental knowledge tend to exhibit more favorable attitudes towards slow fashion consumption, possibly due to their understanding of its potential contribution to sustainability movements. Notably, demographic variables, except for income level, show no significant effect on consumers' purchase intentions towards slow fashion apparel, with higher-income individuals demonstrating a higher likelihood of purchasing such products. Additionally, female consumers tend to hold more positive attitudes towards slow fashion apparel compared to male consumers. Studies suggest that consumers are motivated to engage in sustainable consumption by seeking unique products that minimize environmental damage, reflecting a desire to enhance self-esteem (Stefko & Steffek, 2018) and social image while avoiding mass consumption (Vigneron & Johnson, 2004).
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Furthermore, research indicates that Generation Y and Generation Z, especially females, are increasingly drawn to mature and timeless clothing styles while remaining mindful of sustainability, influenced by eco-conscious cultures (Delong, Bang & Gibson, 2019). This has spurred a shift towards Slow Fashion in the fashion industry, prioritizing quality and participant well-being in the value chain (Jung & Jin, 2014).
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Cultural values significantly shape consumer behavior, emphasizing the need for tailored marketing strategies. Studies underscore the importance of factors such as fashion employee welfare and Slow Fashion attributes in shaping consumer perceptions, with a growing preference for socially responsible brands (Reimers, Magnuson & Chao, 2016). Additionally, consumer perception of ethical clothing is influenced by factors like product durability and material quality (Jung & Jin, 2016).
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Transparency in brand communication and support for local communities are prioritized by consumers adopting sustainable consumption habits (Pencarelli et al., 2020). Perceived values like authenticity and functionality positively impact the intention to purchase Slow Fashion products and the willingness to pay higher prices. However, further market studies are needed to inform strategic decisions regarding the acceptance and effective communication of Slow Fashion demands. As sustainability-conscious consumers, especially among the younger demographic, continue to grow, companies face the challenge of promptly responding to these evolving demands.
Case Study: Big Sister Swap
Big Sister Swap, an influential player in the slow fashion movement, utilizes its TikTok channel to advance its mission of advocating for sustainability and inclusivity within the fashion industry. Founded by Hudi Charin, the platform facilitates clothes swapping, thereby promoting a circular economy model that mitigates the environmental repercussions of fast fashion.
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Big Sister Swap's purpose aligns with the concept of digital citizenship by fostering responsible and ethical engagement online through advocating for environmental conservation and size inclusivity in fashion, empowering individuals to use digital technologies positively for sustainable fashion practices and societal and environmental well-being (Morgan, 2022). The platform's target audience comprises women of all body sizes, particularly young adults who frequent TikTok, often with limited income but a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental awareness in their fashion choices.
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The channel's content aims to educate and inspire its predominantly female audience about the benefits of second-hand clothing and size-inclusive fashion choices, challenging traditional notions of beauty and body image perpetuated by the fashion industry. Through compelling storytelling and relatable content, the platform effectively communicates its sustainability and inclusivity message, resonating with diverse audiences on TikTok. By providing personalized styling options and ensuring clothing accessibility for individuals of all sizes, Big Sister Swap actively engages with its target demographic, fostering a sense of community and empowerment among its followers. Through its TikTok channel, Big Sister Swap not only promotes sustainable fashion practices but also fosters a supportive and inclusive online community valuing environmental consciousness and self-expression through fashion. Big Sister Swap's videos strike the perfect balance between education and entertainment, offering viewers a delightful blend of insightful content and captivating visuals. Their informative segments cover a wide array of topics, including sustainable fashion principles, details about their services, and practical styling tips aligned with Pinterest trends.
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The video features catchy music, dancing, and models showcasing the clothes in a trendy and fashionable manner, adding entertaining elements to the content. Despite their unprofessional production style, lacking flashy lights or high-end cameras, this approach allows for a more authentic portrayal of the products' colors and quality, fostering a stronger connection with the audience. With a commitment to consistency, Big Sister Swap uploads three to four videos a week, ensuring that their audience remains continuously engaged and inspired by the ever-evolving world of fashion.
Chi et al., 2021. A study of U.S. consumers’ intention to purchase slow fashion apparel: understanding the key determinants. International Journal of Fashion Design Technology and Education, 14(1), pp. 101-112.
Delong, Bang & Gibson, 2019. Comparison of patterns of dressing for two generations within a local context. Fashion, Style, & Popular Culture, 6(1), pp. 99-117. Domingos, Vale & Faria, 2022. Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review. Sustainability, 14(5). Fletcher, K., 2008. Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys. 1st ed. London: Earthscan. Gardetti & Torres, 2013. Sustainability in fashion and textiles: Values, esign, production and consumption. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing. Geiger & Keller, 2018. Shopping for Clothes and Sensitivity to the Suffering of Others: The Role of Compassion and Values in Sustainable Fashion Consumption. Environment and Behavior, 50(10), pp. 1119-1144. Geiger, Fischer & Schrader, 2017. Measuring What Matters in Sustainable Consumption: An Integrative Framework for the Selection of Relevant Behaviors. Sustainable Development, 26(1), pp. 18-33. Joergens, C., 2006. Ethical fashion: Myth or future trend?. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management , 10(3), pp. 360-371. Jung & Jin, 2014. A theoretical investigation of slow fashion: sustainable future of the apparel industry. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(5), pp. 510-519. Jung & Jin, 2016. Sustainable Development of Slow Fashion Businesses: Customer Value Approach. Sustainability, 8(6). Kang, Liu & Kim, 2013. Environmentally sustainable textile and apparel consumption: The role of consumer knowledge, perceived consumer effectiveness and perceived personal relevance. International Journal of Consumer Studies, Volume 37, pp. 442-452. Leach, Raworth & Rockstrom, 2013. Between social and planetary boundaries: Navigating pathways in the safe and just space for humanity. In: World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments. Paris: UNESCO/ISSC, pp. 84-89. Morgan, L., 2022. It's time to get to know Big Sister Swap, AKA the personalised clothes swapping service that everyone is talking about. [Online] Available at: https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/big-sister-swap?utm_source=onsite-share&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=glamour-uk [Accessed 6th February 2024]. Ozdamar-Ertekin & Atik, 2015. Sustainable markets: Motivating factors, barriers, and remedies for mobilization of slow fashion. Journal of Macromarketing, 35(1), pp. 53-69. Pencarelli et al., 2020. Luxury Products and Sustainability Issues from the Perspective of Young Italian Consumers. Sustainability, 12(1), p. 245. Pookulangara & Shephard, 2013. Slow fashion movement: Understanding consumer perceptions—An exploratory study. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(2), pp. 200-206. Reimers, Magnuson & Chao, 2016. The academic conceptualisation of ethical clothing: Could it account for the attitude behaviour gap?. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 20(4), pp. 1361-2026. Statista, 2016. Worldwide production volume of chemical and textile fibers from 1975 to 2015 (in 1,000 metric tons), s.l.: Statista Research Department. Stefko & Steffek, 2018. Key Issues in Slow Fashion: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives. Sustainability, 10(7). Vigneron & Johnson, 2004. Measuring perceptions of brand luxury. Journal of Brand Management, Volume 11, pp. 484-506.
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speedyposts · 8 months
In Pakistan, old hopefuls jostle to turn around struggling economy
Pakistani voters head to the polls on Thursday amid a deep-seated economic crisis. Inflation is hovering at 30 percent, close to 40 percent of people live below the poverty line, and the debt-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio has climbed to 72 percent. Pakistan’s new government will have to contend with these and an ageing public infrastructure.
“We have power outages every day for two hours,” says Muhammad Waqas, a janitor from Islamabad. “In the summer, when it’s hot, you sit idly and suffer.”
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As with other state-owned firms, the inability of successive governments to invest in Pakistan’s National Transmission and Despatch Company has left it prone to failure.
More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic and energy supply challenges dampened Pakistan’s growth prospects and constrained efforts to diversify its export base away from low-value-added products – such as cotton and rice – to higher-value goods.
In late 2022, meanwhile, monsoon floods displaced eight million people and cost the country $30bn in damage. The loss of cotton crops ravaged the country’s textile industry, a key source of exports. In all likelihood, Pakistan’s growth rate fell into negative territory in 2023.
Pakistan, which imports much of its food and fuel, consistently records large trade deficits. Owing in part to elevated commodity prices, foreign exchange reserves dwindled to less than one month of imports last May, leading to shortages of vital goods.
The following month, Islamabad narrowly avoided default after it secured a $3bn loan from the IMF – its 23rd fund programme since 1958. However, the lending package came with strict conditions and unpopular reforms.
As part of the deal, the government agreed to impose new taxes on its faltering power sector. It also agreed to lower utility subsidies, which led to sharp hikes in electricity prices, hitting poorer households particularly hard.
Inflation, which reached nearly 30 percent in December, has been climbing since the start of last year after Pakistan’s central bank agreed to liberalise its exchange rate as part of a pre-existing IMF programme. Once exchange controls were dropped, the value of the currency fell sharply.
The Pakistani rupee was Asia’s worst-performing currency in 2023, depreciating by roughly 20 percent against the US dollar. “We think the rupee will continue trending down slightly,” said Krisjanis Krustins, a director at Fitch Ratings. “This will lower Pakistan’s current account deficit as goods from abroad will become more expensive, compressing import levels.”
According to the State Bank of Pakistan, the country posted a balance of payments surplus of $397m last December.
Krustins told Al Jazeera, “Pakistan’s goods imports fell by 27 percent in the last calendar year. As for exports, they continue to be held back by limited human capital and poor infrastructure. So, corrections in the trade account have had a depressing impact on the economy.”
Recent job losses have lifted the official unemployment rate to a record high of 8.5 percent, pitching an additional 8.4 to 9.1 million people into poverty.
Separately, Pakistan has long suffered from “structural issues”, says Tariq Banuri, professor of economics at the University of Utah.
“For starters, Pakistan’s growth rate is not high enough to absorb its rapidly expanding population. It’s also one of the world’s worst performers on tax collection. Agricultural landowners are exempt from income tax, and there’s no capital gains tax on real estate.”
Successive governments have stopped short of imposing robust tax legislation for fear of upsetting powerful business interests, Banuri said. “But that may change this year because of the debt situation,” he added.
Islamabad’s failure to boost tax revenues and modernise state-owned enterprises has generated persistent fiscal deficits and a large debt burden. In absolute terms, external debt reached $125.7bn last year.
Looking ahead, Pakistan faces $24.6bn in external debt repayments by the end of June, the bulk of which is owed to China.
China is Pakistan’s largest bilateral creditor, and Beijing agreed to roll over $2.4bn in loans last year. Many economists expect the incoming government to try and secure longer-term financing from the IMF – its current deal expires in April.
Given the cutbacks to public spending last year, “further fiscal consolidation is unlikely”, says Yousuf Farooq, director of research at Chase Securities. “The Fund is going to try and eke out further conditions, but probably from wealthier sections of society.”
“Assuming the new government can get another IMF loan, it will struggle to repay unless it imposes new taxes on agriculture and real estate. If it can also roll over short-term contracts with longer repayment schedules, I’m hopeful that debt will fall in the near term,” he said.
In the meantime, foreign investment continues to be hamstrung by security concerns along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Since the Taliban returned to power in Kabul in 2021, Islamabad has accused its neighbour of harbouring fighters carrying out attacks on its soil.
An unfolding political crisis is also threatening Pakistan’s economic recovery. Today, Islamabad’s fragile democracy is overseen by a caretaker government following Imran Khan’s dismissal as prime minister in April 2022.
The legitimacy of the February 8 elections has been questioned as Khan is absent from the ballot sheet. He is in jail on corruption charges. And while he is disqualified from running, Khan’s approval rating stands at 57 percent, higher than any other politician.
As things stand, the head of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) – is favourite to win. Sharif’s PMLN has assumed power four times in the past three decades, under either himself or his brother Shehbaz Sharif.
Earlier this month, the Supreme Court further weakened Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) campaign by banning the use of a cricket bat as its symbol – a serious setback in a country where millions of illiterate voters identify candidates by their party logos.
For Banuri, the economics professor, “People are right to criticise Pakistan’s political system, which is dynastic and extractive. But for all that, I remain an optimist. I think the worst of the economic crisis is behind us.”
“While I always hope tomorrow will be better than today, I do not think the main political parties will offer meaningful change. They seem to be far more concerned with getting into power,” he added.
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01-29-2023 · 8 months
Ian's Argument
1. Selective enforcement and lack of effective enforcement mechanisms → inherently favor the most powerful states: THE MOST POWERFUL STATES DON’T DEAL WITH SIGNIFICANT INTERNATIONAL LAW IMPOSED CONSEQUENCES
Russian Annexation of Crimea (2014): Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine violated Ukrainian territorial integrity and the right to self-determination. Although condemned by the UN General Assembly and many countries, Russia's veto power on the Security Council shielded it from further action.
Israeli Settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territories: Continued Israeli construction and expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank are widely considered illegal under international law. Despite repeated UN resolutions demanding their cessation, Israel faces limited consequences and continues building settlements.
US Drone Strikes in Pakistan and Yemen(2010-2020): The US drone program targeting suspected militants in Pakistan and Yemen has drawn criticism for civilian casualties and potential violations of international humanitarian law. Despite legal and ethical concerns, the program largely goes unchecked by the international community.
China's Treatment of Uighurs and Hong Kong: China's mass detention of Uighur Muslims and the suppression of freedoms in Hong Kong raise concerns about violations of human rights law and international treaties. However, China's economic and political clout often shields it from strong international condemnation.
Highlight the limitations of the UN Security Council: Explain how the veto power of major players like Russia hampers enforcement actions. Discuss attempts at reform and alternative mechanisms for accountability. 
Veto power is an excellent demonstration of the imbalances in international law. Why are the most powerful states are the only ones with veto power? Why is it that P-5 countries like Russia, China, and the U.S, still retain the right to veto despite all having breached international law several times?
2. Lack of universal consensus on legal interpretations: The subjectivity of certain aspects of international law, particularly regarding justifications for self-defense or intervention significantly contribute to the ambiguity and ineffectiveness of international law. Cite the ongoing debate regarding Russia's claims of NATO encroachment and concerns about Ukrainian civilian casualties.
The ambiguity surrounding the conditions for justifiable use of force under international law (jus ad bellum) and the rules governing conduct during armed conflict (jus in bello). Terms like "imminent threat," "proportionality," and "civilian casualties" lack universally agreed-upon definitions, leaving room for varying interpretations depending on political interests and perspectives.
Self-defense vs. aggression: Russia's claim of self-defense in response to perceived NATO expansion is contested by many who view it as a veiled justification for aggression. 
The Caroline Incident: In 1837, Canadian rebels used a US-based steamboat, the Caroline, to transport supplies and personnel across the Niagara River to fight British forces. British forces, acting on their interpretation of self-defense, boarded and destroyed the Caroline in US waters, killing one American citizen. The ensuing diplomatic uproar led to the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, which established the "Caroline formula" for self-defense.
Key Elements in the Caroline Formula + Application to Russian Invasion:
Necessity: Self-defense is justified only if there is an "instant, overwhelming, and leaving no choice of means, and no moment for deliberation" threat. → RUSSIA APPLICATION: Russia claims its invasion is necessary to defend itself against an imminent threat posed by NATO expansion and the potential for Ukraine to join the alliance. They argue that NATO's presence near its borders represents a direct threat to its security. 
Proportionality: The force used must be proportional to the threat faced. RUSSIA APPLICATION: Russia maintains that its military actions are proportionate to the perceived threat, emphasizing limited targets and efforts to avoid civilian casualties.
Imminence: The threat must be imminent, not speculative or pre-emptive: RUSSIAN APPLICATION: The Russian argument hinges on the claim that the threat from NATO was not hypothetical but a present and growing danger requiring immediate action. 
3. National interests trumping legal principles: Argue that in the face of selfish interests and perceived national security threats, states often prioritize their interests above international legal obligations.
Russia's claims of self-defense against an imminent threat from NATO expansion are widely contested. This narrative appears more rooted in a desire to restore past spheres of influence and curb Ukrainian independence than in any genuine legal justification.
NATO expansion has been a gradual process involving former Soviet states, with Ukraine only considering possible future membership.
Russia's opposition comes years after these expansions and appears more focused on preventing Ukrainian self-determination rather than a genuine imminent threat.
Selective Interpretation of International Law: Russia conveniently ignores its obligations under the UN Charter and international humanitarian law regarding the protection of civilians. Its actions prioritize perceived security concerns over upholding legal principles.
UN Charter Violations: Russia's actions directly violate specific articles of the UN Charter, such as Articles 2(4) prohibiting the use of force against another state and Article 2(7) emphasizing respect for territorial integrity. Highlight the absence of UN Security Council authorization for the invasion.
Ignoring Legal Processes: Mention Russia's refusal to cooperate with investigations by the International Criminal Court and other international bodies seeking to hold perpetrators accountable for potential war crimes.
Disregarding Global Public Opinion and Legal Consequences: Despite widespread international condemnation and potential sanctions, Russia persists in its military campaign. This demonstrates a willingness to prioritize national interests even when confronted with significant repercussions.
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chemanalystdata · 8 months
Guar Gum Price, Monitor, Trend, Demand & Market Analysis | ChemAnalyst
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Guar gum, a versatile and widely-used substance derived from guar beans, plays a pivotal role in various industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, and oil drilling. The guar gum market prices have witnessed dynamic fluctuations, influenced by factors ranging from agricultural conditions to global demand trends. In recent years, the guar gum market has experienced both highs and lows, with its pricing intricately linked to the agricultural landscape, geopolitical events, and economic shifts.
One of the primary determinants of guar gum prices is the agricultural yield of guar beans. The guar plant, primarily cultivated in countries like India and Pakistan, faces the challenge of being highly sensitive to environmental conditions. Variations in rainfall, temperature, and soil quality can significantly impact the guar crop, leading to fluctuations in supply. For instance, if there is a shortfall in guar bean production due to unfavorable weather conditions, it can exert upward pressure on prices. Conversely, a bumper harvest can contribute to a surplus, causing prices to decline.
Global demand for guar gum is another influential factor shaping its market prices. Guar gum's unique properties, such as its thickening and stabilizing abilities, make it an essential ingredient in the food industry, particularly in products like sauces, dressings, and dairy items. Moreover, the pharmaceutical sector relies on guar gum for its binding and disintegrating properties in tablet formulations. In the oil drilling industry, guar gum is used in hydraulic fracturing fluids. As a result, fluctuations in demand from these sectors can have a direct impact on guar gum prices.
Get Real Time Prices of Guar Gum: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/guar-gum-1317
Geopolitical events and economic conditions also exert their influence on guar gum market prices. The majority of the world's guar bean cultivation occurs in India, and any disruptions in the supply chain from this region can send ripples through the global market. Political instability, trade tensions, or economic downturns in guar-producing countries can lead to supply chain disruptions, affecting prices. Additionally, currency fluctuations can impact the cost of production and transportation, further contributing to price variations in the guar gum market.
Furthermore, technological advancements and innovations in guar gum processing can affect market dynamics. Improved extraction methods and processing technologies can enhance production efficiency, potentially leading to increased supply and consequent price adjustments. On the flip side, any technological bottlenecks or challenges in guar gum processing can restrict supply growth, putting upward pressure on prices.
Environmental and sustainability concerns also play a role in shaping the guar gum market landscape. As consumers and industries increasingly prioritize eco-friendly and sustainable practices, there is a growing demand for responsibly sourced guar gum. This shift in consumer preferences can influence pricing dynamics, with sustainably produced guar gum potentially commanding premium prices in the market.
In conclusion, the guar gum market is a dynamic and multifaceted domain influenced by a myriad of factors. From agricultural conditions and global demand to geopolitical events and technological advancements, various elements collectively contribute to the pricing dynamics of guar gum. Market participants, including producers, traders, and end-users, must navigate this intricate landscape, keeping a keen eye on the ever-changing variables that shape the ebb and flow of guar gum prices. As the global economy continues to evolve, so too will the guar gum market, requiring adaptability and strategic foresight from stakeholders to thrive in this dynamic industry.
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oxygenzonecompk · 10 months
OxygenZone: Revolutionizing Healthcare with Affordable Medical Bed Rentals and Prices Across Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, Pakistan
In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, OxygenZone emerges as a game-changer, reshaping the availability of essential medical equipment. Our focus on providing accessible, high-quality medical beds price and rent options and competitive prices extends across major cities in Pakistan, including Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad.
Meeting Diverse Healthcare Needs with Rental Flexibility
Recognizing the varied healthcare requirements of individuals and medical facilities, OxygenZone offers a flexible and affordable medical bed rental service. Whether you're in need of a hospital bed for short-term recovery or require a specialized bed for long-term care, our extensive range ensures adaptability to diverse needs. We believe that quality healthcare should be accessible to all, and our rental plans are designed to accommodate individualized circumstances.
The convenience of renting a medical bed from OxygenZone is not only economical but also tailored to the unique journeys of patients. From post-surgery recuperation to extended home care, our diverse range of medical beds ensures that each patient receives the right support at the right time.
Competitive Prices, Uncompromised Quality
In addition to our rental services, OxygenZone takes pride in offering competitively priced medical beds for outright purchase. We firmly believe that affordability should not come at the expense of quality. Our transparent pricing strategy allows individuals and healthcare institutions alike to invest in top-notch medical beds without compromising on comfort, durability, or functionality.
OxygenZone's commitment to excellence is evident in the precision engineering of our medical beds. Adjustable features, specialized designs for various medical conditions, and attention to detail are the hallmarks of our products. We aim to provide not just beds but comprehensive solutions that contribute to the well-being of our clients.
Serving Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad: A Nationwide Commitment
With a vision to make quality healthcare accessible to everyone, OxygenZone extends its services to major cities across Pakistan. Whether you reside in the bustling metropolis of Karachi, the cultural hub of Lahore, or the capital city of Islamabad, OxygenZone is your local partner for medical bed rentals and purchases. Our expansive network ensures prompt delivery and responsive customer support, ensuring a seamless experience for individuals and healthcare providers alike.
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OxygenZone's commitment to healthcare extends beyond medical bed rentals and sales. We strive to be your comprehensive healthcare solutions provider, offering a wide range of medical equipment and supplies to address diverse needs. From oxygen concentrators to respiratory aids, we aspire to be your one-stop destination for all your healthcare equipment requirements.
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Conclusion: Elevating Healthcare Accessibility Across Pakistan
OxygenZone stands as a beacon of positive change in the healthcare landscape of Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. With affordable medical bed rentals and competitive prices, we are not just providing equipment; we are facilitating a transformative impact on healthcare standards. Choose OxygenZone for a healthcare experience where accessibility, affordability, and excellence converge, redefining the standards of medical equipment provision in Pakistan.
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rlxtechoff · 1 year
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highwest · 2 years
HWCP Announced Today Plans To Further Expand Their Structured Liquidity Solutions In Pakistan (PSE)
Karachi, Pakistan --(BUSINESS WIRE)-- High West Capital Partners announced today their plans to further expand their structured liquidity solutions offered to investors in Pakistan before interest rates are further expected to rise.
The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSE) is one of the largest bourses among the major Frontier Markets with a $49 billion USD market cap as of December 2021. Economic growth has been steady in 2021 and expected to continue rebounding through the 2022 fiscal year. Although trade with the United States reached record highs the previous year, remaining Pakistan’s largest export destination, overall foreign investment remains weak. Price pressures look long lasting, creating major risks related to heightened inflation. The SBP has announced the raising policy rate in its latest monetary policy meeting in response and expects continued rate hikes throughout the coming years.
High West Capital Partners plans to allocate an investment upwards of $100 million USD to the region in 2022. High West Capital Partners will position themselves as one of the top lenders in the region offering access to low cost financing at competitive terms.
High West Capital Partners‘ structured liquidity solutions will be available for institutional investors holding eligible securities such as equities, bonds, warrants, real estate investment trusts, and exchange traded funds. High West Capital Partners is making capital available to those holding highly concentrated positions in publicly traded companies on the exchange, as well as working directly with the publicly listed companies.
High West Capital Partners works with clients to structure capital solutions that will fit their investment goals and guidelines. We are always up-to-date with the constantly changing economic conditions around the world and understand the complexity in today’s markets. This is why High West Capital Partners is able to effectively structure flexible financing solutions for clients to navigate all horizons and create stable long-term growth conditions. Our combined board experience across the industry and within the region allows us to work closely with management and shareholders to help accomplish their goals.
Contact us for more information or get an instant quote.
About High West Capital Partners
High West Capital Partners is a private investment firm focused on global distressed, special situations add structured finance and 20+ markets spanning from South America to Europe and the Asia Pacific. The firm‘s primary objective is to provide immediate funding to borrowers who need liquidity. High West Capital Partners is able to manage risks inherent in today’s equity markets and enhance the value of our investments in global markets and across multiple sectors, based on a unique blend of financial market experience and proprietary algorithmic models.
This press release is not an offer or solicitation to sell or purchase any investment or investment advice. is provided on the basis that you have the capability to make your own independent evaluation of the financial, market, legal, regulatory, credit, tax and accounting risks and consequences involved in the transaction and its suitability for your purposes and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, High West accepts no responsibility or liability in this regard.
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smqazi · 3 months
Except for those limitations that are demonstrably necessitated by the fact of incarceration, all prisoners shall retain the human rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and, where the State concerned is a party, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol thereto, as well as such other rights as are set out in other United Nations covenants
Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners
Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners
All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings.
There shall be no discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
It is, however, desirable to respect the religious beliefs and cultural precepts of the group to which prisoners belong, whenever local conditions so require.
The responsibility of prisons for the custody of prisoners and for the protection of society against crime shall be discharged in keeping with a State's other social objectives and its fundamental responsibilities for promoting the well-being and development of all members of society.
Except for those limitations that are demonstrably necessitated by the fact of incarceration, all prisoners shall retain the human rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and, where the State concerned is a party, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol thereto, as well as such other rights as are set out in other United Nations covenants.
All prisoners shall have the right to take part in cultural activities and education aimed at the full development of the human personality.
Efforts addressed to the abolition of solitary confinement as a punishment, or to the restriction of its use, should be undertaken and encouraged.
Conditions shall be created enabling prisoners to undertake meaningful remunerated employment which will facilitate their reintegration into the country's labour market and permit them to contribute to their own financial support and to that of their families.
Prisoners shall have access to the health services available in the country without discrimination on the grounds of their legal situation.
With the participation and help of the community and social institutions, and with due regard to the interests of victims, favorable conditions shall be created for the reintegration of the ex-prisoner into society under the best possible conditions.
The above Principles shall be applied impartially.
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xtruss · 2 years
By Invitation | Russia and Ukraine
A Former French Ambassador on The Paradox Unveiled by the War in Ukraine! Michel Duclos Explains Its Significance For The West’s Liberal Order
— December 7th, 2022 | The New Yorker
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The war in Ukraine has unveiled a paradox. On the one hand, it shows that the Western international order, created after the second world war and rebranded at the end of the cold war, is crumbling. On the other, the West has shown itself to be more cohesive and robust in its response than might have been expected. It is a paradox that Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden probably discussed when they met in Washington this month.
The war marks the end of the illusion that there is a truly global liberal order. Many countries in the global South are reluctant to oppose Russia despite the fact that principles of non-aggression, sovereignty and territorial integrity are at stake. Resentment towards the West, aggravated by slow vaccine distribution in the covid-19 pandemic, is driving this disturbing disaffection for the basic tenets of the un charter.
At the same time, the war also signals that epitaphs for the end of the international liberal order were based on illusory assumptions. The West has shown itself capable both of fighting back and of dominating international financial networks and high-tech exports to Russia. The threat of secondary American sanctions against leading Chinese companies has prevented China from providing Russia with significant military or economic support. And the superiority of armaments from America, Britain, France and elsewhere, in the hands of Ukraine’s highly motivated soldiers, has made all the difference on the battlefield. American himars launchers and French caesar howitzers show as much.
Yet Western leaders must harbour no delusions. Most of the conditions which led Vladimir Putin to expect a weak Western response to his invasion will continue to exist. First, liberal democracy has taken a beating in America and in Europe. Second, the relative decline of Western military, diplomatic and political power will continue in relation to China and other rising powers, such as India or Indonesia. Third, the economic clout of the g7 countries will shrink further. And fourth, the resentment of the global South against developed countries will not disappear.
Western leaders, starting with the French and American presidents, should draw one major lesson from the paradox I have highlighted. The West will prevail in its de facto confrontation with Mr Putin. But that will not mean a restoration of the old Western-controlled world order. The time has come for the West to offer a new vision to its friends elsewhere.
Restoring a degree of trust between the North and the South should be a priority. The un climate talks last month, at cop27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, were a missed opportunity. The squabbling over funding for the loss and damage caused by climate change (which eventually led to an agreement) distracted attention from other pressing issues, such as the acceleration of decarbonisation efforts. The West must be able to join with the global South in broad coalitions to tackle climate change, promote health, fight corruption, boost education and aid development more generally. Mr Macron laid out a possible plan for such co-operation in his recent speech to the un’s General Assembly. He challenged attempts to divide the world over the Ukraine war and stated that a “shared responsibility” exists to help the most vulnerable, including in Pakistan and Somalia.
The West must also focus more on its relationships with “middle powers”, such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and, most importantly, India. The weight they have acquired in a globalised world has allowed them to develop their own economic ties with Russia—without incurring American or European retaliation. Think of oil purchases by India, the hosting of Russian financial capital in Turkey, and Saudi Arabia irking America by supporting the opec+ decision to reduce oil-production quotas. The three have helped to protract the war by reducing Russia’s isolation. But they can also be useful intermediaries to the Kremlin, as seen at the g20 summit in Bali last month. The West should work with middle powers to rein in Mr Putin; those powers must accept their important role in the new geopolitical order.
Western countries should also put their own houses in order. They should seek to restore respect for the principle of non-aggression, as embodied in the un Charter. Many in the global South tend to tolerate Russia’s aggression because they see hypocrisy in the West’s outcries (see the military interventions in Iraq, Libya and so on). America should join France and Britain in being open to an enlargement of the un Security Council. The three should commit themselves not to abuse their own veto rights in the way that Russia does routinely.
To signal their new approach, the leaders of America, Britain, France and other Western countries should release a joint statement clarifying their aims for the war in Ukraine. They should support Ukraine and its government in its efforts to re-establish its territorial integrity and commit to helping the country preserve its security even after the end of the war. And the West should find ways to make sure that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is properly prosecuted in an international court. Establishing new forms of principled international co-operation is the only way the West can reconcile the paradox the war has unveiled. ■
— Michel Duclos is a special adviser to the Institut Montaigne, a French think-tank, and was France’s ambassador to Syria. He is the author of several books, including “La France dans le Bouleversement du Monde” (2021). This article appeared in the By Invitation section of the print edition under the headline "A Former French Ambassador on the Paradox Unveiled by the War in Ukraine"
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mzemo0 · 2 years
Pakistan’s Climate Crisis: A Peek Into The Apocalyptic Future That Awaits
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One-Third Of Pakistan Submerged By “Monsoon On Steroids”
The world has faced much climate crisis devastation over the decades. However, in August 2022, the climate carnage in Pakistan brought this crisis into a whole new ball game. The image above is from the New Humanitarian, showing people attempting to flee the floods. The climate-induced flooding has affected over 50 million people. This disaster has left one-third of Pakistan underwater, with some parts resembling “a small ocean”.
The Pakistan Flood indicates the consequences of the universal and rapacious climate crisis unravelling at unprecedented speed. However, it seems that most of the world hasn’t considered Pakistan’s epic humanitarian crisis for what it represents.
Pakistan has a famine looming, $30 billion in economic loss, 50 million people internally displaced, and a high threat of a malaria epidemic present as floodwater lies stagnant. Furthermore, an entire generation in Pakistan is deprived of access to essential services in health and education. Deaths will rise with colder winter months approaching and millions left without homes.
Climate Crisis In Pakistan Is Beyond Bleak
For decades, Pakistan has seen record-breaking temperatures, torrential rains, glacial melt, droughts, and floods. This current weather disaster is the most extreme torrential rainfall and devastating flash floods Pakistan has seen in 73 years. Millions have fled their homes with little more than rags to protect them from scorching high temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius. Pakistan is one of the world’s top ten most vulnerable countries on the Climate Risk Index but only contributes to less than 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority updated the death toll from the crisis since mid-June to 1,545 people and 552 children. This disaster spurred the United Nations to issue its largest-ever disaster appeal, at over $2 billion.
The Plight Of Pakistani Children During A Climate Crisis
The flooding has adversely affected millions of children since the crisis started. Due to the extreme flooding, children in Pakistan are battling diarrhoea, malaria, dengue fever, and painful skin conditions. According to UNICEF, 3.4 million children urgently need immediate life-saving support and humanitarian assistance. Approximately 16 million children are without homes, lack access to safe drinking water, and live in unsanitary conditions. Millions of children are at increased risk of water-borne diseases, drowning, and malnutrition. In addition, the flooding exacerbates the threat of snakes, scorpions and mosquitoes, all of which carry life-threatening diseases.
The International Communities Response To The Climate Crisis
There has been silence from prominent international figures and western media outlets concerning Pakistan. In the first week of the floods, more newspaper articles covered the Finnish prime minister’s social life than the unfolding weather event. This questions the global outlook and prioritization concerning climate change.
The flooding has sparked an ongoing debate regarding broader issues of responsibility for loss and damage endured by nations affected by climate change. Global warming is primarily caused by the Global North’s disregard for the environment and excessive release of greenhouse gas emissions. However, despite the Global North’s overwhelming contribution to the crisis, there is still a complete disregard for the pain suffered by Pakistanis in its international response.
Double Standards And Racism In Response To Various Humanitarian Crisis‘
The international response to Pakistan is minuscule compared to Ukraine, where around 12 million people were displaced. Comparatively, this figure represents a third of the displaced people in Pakistan, reaching over 50 million. World leaders criticize the international community’s focus on the war in Ukraine. The same attention is not given to crises in other parts of the world. The mass media apply double standards to reporting depending on the race and nationality of those affected by the humanitarian crisis.
The international communities’ weak response is either a form of racism and ideology that terrible things happen in places like Pakistan or an utter failure of compassion.
Climate Change Discriminates Against Women And Girls
Women and children are facing a dangerous downwards spiral of hunger and malnutrition. In Pakistan, there are 650,000 pregnant women and girls. Moreover, 73,000 mothers are expected to deliver in the coming weeks. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) says many women lack access to health-care facilities and support to deliver their children safely.
Climate change continues to exacerbate maternal and newborn health inequities. Aid groups report that many mothers are anaemic and malnourished and deliver very low-weight babies. In addition, mothers are too ill to breastfeed their children.
Pakistan has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in South Asia. The majority of Pakistani women give birth at home. However, with millions of homes destroyed, many women do not know where they will deliver their babies in the coming months or years.
The Pakistani crisis highlights how climate change disproportionately impacts women and girls. In Sindh province, more than 1,000 health facilities have been fully or partially destroyed. In Balochistan province, flooding damaged 198 health facilities.
“I am deeply concerned about the potential for a second disaster in Pakistan: a wave of disease and death following this catastrophe, linked to climate change, that has severely impacted vital health systems leaving millions vulnerable”
World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Political Instability In Pakistan
In August 2022, Pakistan had a 27% inflation rate. The Pakistani rupee crashed, and net foreign reserves fell to $8 billion. Pakistan continues to face political instability due to a showdown involving the government, the military, and ex-prime minister Imran Khan. This makes it difficult to carry out an effective flood response and begin rebuilding people’s lives.
Furthermore, political instability has resulted in food insecurity and electricity and fuel shortages.
1/3 of Pakistan remains underwater.
1500 reported deaths.
40 Million people effected.
15 million children face disease, famine.
Government Inaction And Lack Of Disaster Preparedness
The government should have done more in the past few decades to flood-proof communities within Pakistan and prepare.
Climate scientists warned that this situation would arrive. Moreover, it will take years to rebuild infrastructure and homes in Pakistan. The damage is worse than the 2010 flooding, which killed 1700 people. The death toll is expected to be higher, indicating that the Pakistani government did not learn anything from the 2010 flooding.
While climate change is the critical driver behind Pakistan’s extreme weather, policy experts held that the flooding was exacerbated by government inaction and mismanagement, structural inequalities in marginalized areas, and poor policy-based decisions.
Thousands of villages saw broken drainage systems and swamped roads. Although raising climate awareness is essential, we must shift the discourse to climate preparedness. Pakistani officials place much blame on climate change but use this as a scapegoat for their incompetence. Developed countries should be helping poorer nations to prepare for climate change disasters. This is the responsibility of more prosperous nations in the Global North, who are responsible for the level of greenhouse gas emissions currently in the atmosphere.
Concluding Thoughts
This humanitarian crisis has shown us that we must develop an impactful, inclusive, and holistic climate preparation plan to address future flooding. International assistance is essential to help Pakistan’s fragile political and economic environment.
This climate crisis should also serve as a wake-up call for world leaders in the Global North to reduce emissions drastically.
UN secretary-general António Guterres held that the world should stop “sleepwalking” through this climate crisis. We must start thinking more seriously about how to prevent such disasters in the future.
Today it is Pakistan, but tomorrow it could be your country.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Argentina allocates $664 million for the purchase of new fighters
The most likely options are the JF-17 (China/Pakistan) and Texas (India) jets.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/23/2022 - 12:00in Military
JF-17 Thunder.
The Argentine government told legislators that it plans to spend about $684 million to acquire new fighters and build related infrastructure.
The information, provided last week in response to questions from the Defense Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, came from the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Juan Manzur, and the office of the Minister of Defense, Jorge Taiana.
The budget, included in Decree 88/22 this year, provides for the allocation of US$ 664 million for the purchase of combat aircraft, in addition to an additional US$ 20 million for the new infrastructure necessary to support its operation.
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Argentine entourage visited the Chinese manufacturer CATIC.
The responses received by the House of Representatives define the aircraft as "a multifunction combat jet equipped with an active electronic scanning radar (AESA), an in-flight refueling system compatible with the tanker plane currently in the inventory of the Argentine Air Force, a tactical data link and an electronic war defense set."
Aircraft with an open architecture design would be required to integrate weapons and systems of any origin, but legal requirements require that no system, subsystem or component manufactured or designed in Britain can exist in the purchased aircraft. The ban aims to mitigate the pressure from the United Kingdom, which, since the Falklands War in 1982, has limited or prohibited the supply of spare parts and material for military equipment to Argentina.
The United Kingdom's effort has damaged the maintenance and operational capacity of platforms and weapons in Argentina's stock and, in recent years, has played against the South American country's options to buy second-hand jets Dassault Mirage F1, Saab Gripen and Korea Aerospace Industries FA-50.
The answers sent to parliamentarians also mention the types of aircraft already evaluated and under analysis as possible solutions, including the JF-17, which is produced jointly by China and Pakistan; the F-16, manufactured by the American company Lockheed Martin; the Texas, from the Indian Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.; and the Russian Mikoyan MiG-35.
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HAL Tejas.
The Texas may be economical, but its original radar is partially of British origin, its in-flight refueling system is of British design and its ejection seat comes from the British company Martin-Baker. Although the radar can be replaced, changing the in-flight refuelling system would be more complex, as it may require structural intervention. And the replacement of the ejection seat would require an expensive redesign of the cabin.
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A senior military officer, speaking on condition of anonymity to avoid retaliation in the workplace, said about the four aircraft listed by the government that it is unlikely that Argentina will choose the MiG-35 for "political and logistical" reasons. The source felt the same about Tejas "because replacing components that can be vetoed by the British would be very expensive, in addition to what the Argentine government is willing and can spend".
"The Argentine Air Force would prefer the [Lockheed Martin] F-16, but the U.S. government does not help, as it is only willing to authorize a sale under very restrictive conditions," said the officer.
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F-16 Fighting Falcon.
"An Argentine request for permission to integrate Rafael's Derby BVR missile, as well as other Israeli weapons and systems, into the F-16 was made about a month ago," the officer added. "No answer came from Washington, and the silence sounds like a no here in Buenos Aires. Many here see these objections to the sale of AMRAAM and the integration of Israeli weapons as a product of British pressure or influence on U.S. authorities.
"All this favors the acquisition of the Chinese fighter JF-17/FC-1, a machine that does not have British components or parts, not even a screw."
Meanwhile, Israel Aerospace Industries is launching a new campaign in Buenos Aires to promote the option to buy reformed and updated Kfir jets.
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JF-17 Thunder.
Retired Argentine Army Colonel Guillermo Lafferriere, now an independent defense analyst based in Buenos Aires, is skeptical about Argentina's intentions and commitment to acquire a new combat jet.
"They can make long negotiations, they can make several trips abroad to see offers, they can even sign letters of intent without contracts. [But] they also have powers to change the fate of the approved budgets, so they can take the funds to something else," he told Defense News. "People today in government positions have spent decades describing the military as criminals, as well as neglecting the armed forces by saying that they are unnecessary waste. Your voters believe this and will be furious if they now start spending on military equipment and get international loans for it, even if it's a small amount like this for combat aircraft."
Source: Defense News
Tags: Military AviationFAA - Argentine Air Force/Argentine Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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