#Ed Warren x male reader X Lorraine Warren
jokekinsjoke505 · 2 years
Stay with us
( so this is after about 2-3 years after Judy was born, you were at the run at the same time has them when they were on the run for 3 days so that's how you meet)
Ed (age 26) X male reader(age 26) X Lorraine Warren( age 25)
Warnings: mention of drugs and alcohol, suicide attempt, cutting, Ed and Lorraine Warren, childhood Trauma, abusive parents, blood
Summary: you always have been the 3 wheel you always wanted to be something more 2 them other than a friend. But they have always loved you they were only scared to tell you.
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You sat in one of your kitchen chairs drinking your beer with tears slowly forming in your eyes ' why does it have to be so dangerous to leave me alone with my own mind. '
You heard your phone ring you took a quick sip while looking at the phone wondering who it was. You got up and awnserd " hello this is m/n l/n" " hi m/n how are you I just wanted to check up on you since you said you were a bit sick a couple days ago" I blushed a bit of hearing the voice of Ed " oh hi Ed yeah I'm feeling a bit better but I'm still a bit sick but I am feeling a bit better"
* time skip to after the conversation*
" k bye say hi to Lorraine for me" " bye" you hung up the phone again sat down again. Love was one of the many reasons for the occasion for tonight you grabbed a peace of paper and a pen starting to wright down. Leaving it on the kitchen counter slowly walking in to your bathroom bringing the sharpest knife you had with you
( here comes the sucide part)
You sat in your bathtub dressed in a nice light blue suit with a black tie that you wore on Ed and Lorraine's wedding. Tears streaming down your face but no sadness you only felt numb, high on cocaine and smoking normal and weed cigarettes, drunk on whisky. You were in a nightmare that you couldn't escape from, your parents belts, feet and nucles hitting your body over and over again and yes it was nearly 6 (you were abused between 4-17) years ago but you were able to get away but never away from the memories, so painful memories.
You grabbed the knife bringing it to your wrist and started to cut, both of the water and the sleeve of your suit and a bit on your chest got blood on dripping on it and the water turning more red and the suit getting more red spots on it ' I love you Ed and Lorraine Warren even when you two will never love me back the same way I love you' you hoped that it was your last thought you lifted the knife a bit bringing it closer to your vains and cutted so deep that blood just flooded out making you feel funny, you slowly closed you eyes.
Your bathroom door being kicked down and the feeling of being dragged out of the bathtub and hearing the sirens out side getting closer and closer and the feeling of being carried "stay with us m/n stay with us " hearing a fainted familiar male voice but couldn't figure out who it was " I'm so tired" your heart beating in your hears slowly closing your eyes again " no no no don't close your eyes whatever you do not close your eyes." Your body gave up a long time ago but the people around you hasn't yet, you felt a little electric shock go through your body starting from your chest and traveling down to your feet but you and your body have just given up completely.
(time skip to after the doctors were able to save you and you are awake)
Ed and Lorraine held each other and hoping that you will be alright and they were sitting at your house around the table Ed could stop reading your suicide letter that you wrote " we should have talked to him more we should have said that we loved him" Lorraine said sobbing. Ed kissed his wife forehead hugging her tight
" I'm sorry it's all so hard i wanted to let you go guys to be happy but that would be easier if I wasn't here so I'm going to leave i love you ed and Lorraine more than a friend
Part 2 will be coming soon
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ironboyxs · 1 year
Love above everything
Fandom: The Conjuring
Pairing: Ed and Lorraine Warren & Son!Reader
Word count: 1858
Warnings: homophobia and internalized homophobia, but in the end everything turns out well
P.S. For anyone who grew up in abusive religious homes and wants to find comfort in this reading, you are not alone. And thanks to @jokekinsjoke505 for requesting this.
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- Hey son, how was school today? – Ed Warren asked as soon as his son got in the car.
- It was ok – (Y/N) replied.
(Y/N) was not ok.
He always felt there was something different inside him, always felt out of place. Since he was a child, the boys at school teased him for being the son of “psychics”, and for a while (Y/N) didn't care. Then he began to see and feel things, just like his mother. Sometimes he spent too much time staring into the void, which wasn't always empty, and things got worse.
But ever since he entered high school it was as if things had escalated from 100 to 1000 at breakneck speed. He was the boy with the creepy basement at home, the boy who could see ghosts, and now he was also the boy who liked boys.
And that terrified (Y/N) far more than any apparition or demon that could show itself to him. He could deal with disapproval at school, with not having friends, with everyone being a little afraid of him. But he couldn't handle his parents' disappointment, and it terrified him completely.
In the last month things seem to have gone downhill from 1000 to 1500 when Theo started school. He and his family had recently moved to the United States from Mexico, and since that was a despicable country, obviously Latino immigrants suffered prejudice.
Firstly (Y/N) thought it would be nice for the boys to have someone else to pick on and forget about him, but he couldn't be more wrong. Theo was alone in class, just like him, no one sat next to him, or with him at recess. So (Y/N) decided that he would try to talk to the boy.
And what a big mistake he made.
Because now he felt like a magnet pulled him to Theo and his wide smile, pulled to how his accent was nice to hear, pulled to the way the boy made school a little less bad.
And he was confused, because he always felt a strange frenzy whenever they touched. And today everything had just fallen apart when Theo, thanking him for a favor, kissed (Y/N) on the cheek. The boy had never felt so ecstatic in his life. But the feeling didn't last long, when one of the boys from the school saw it and started spreading it to the whole school that the two were gay... but with worse words.
- Are you sure it's okay? – Ed asked again noticing that his son was more airy than usual.
- Yes? - (Y/N) asked, still lost in his thoughts.
- I asked if it's really okay.
- Yes, I'm just thinking about the algebra test I have to do this week.
- Okay, you know you can tell me everything, right? - Ed said still suspicious.
-- Uhmm. - (Y/N) replied, still distracted.
The trip home didn't last long, they soon arrived at the comfortable house they had in a good neighborhood of the city. The two, father and son, entered. Lorraine was making lunch when her son and husband came to greet her.
- Hi my love, how was school? – the woman asked
- It was okay. -(Y / N) replied and soon went upstairs to his room.
He wasn't well, he was confused, afraid, afraid of being a complete freak not only in the eyes of his classmates, but also in the eyes of his parents and God, in whom he faithfully believed.
- Did something happen? – Lorraine asked her husband downstairs.
Lorraine had a great sixth sense not only for supernatural things, but also for people's emotions, especially her son's, whom she knew like the back of her hand. She had always loved the boy more than anyone else, and since he had displayed the same gift as hers, her concern for him had redoubled. She knew school wasn't easy for him, but she would face human or demon so nothing would hurt her son.
- I don't know, but I think so. He didn't want to tell me anything during the trip. Usually he at least complains about how classes went. Is he... seeing something? - Ed questioned.
Ed Warren was the best dad in the world, and (Y/N) would never deny that. Even at the age of 15, he never felt ashamed when his father showed up at school, or when he publicly showed affection. Ed wasn't as good with words as Lorraine so he showed his love for his son through touch and quality time. He and (Y/N) would always hang out together to see the latest horror movie that was playing, and they loved to talk for hours about how wrong the films' approach to demon affairs was. Ed wanted to be everything his own father wasn't.
- No, I would feel it too if it was something like that. – Lorraine argued with her husband. – Did the new friend, Theo, do something that could make him upset?
- I don't know, but I know we should talk to him.
- I'll just turn off the pans and let's go upstairs. - Lorraine said.
They always dealt with their son's issues that way, together. They wanted (Y/N) to know that there was no secret between them and that he could always count on both his father and mother for whatever he needed.
(Y/N) was lying down, still wearing the same school clothes, he was staring at the ceiling thinking about Theo and how his body reacted to the boy. It wasn't as if he didn't know what puberty was, and what happened to boys during that period, his parents had already had a rather awkward conversation with him about it.
But (Y / N) never imagined that his body would have these reactions to a boy. He knew what homosexuality was, of course. He read a lot, and it wasn't something entirely forgotten about the classics of literature he loved so much.
But he also knew what the Bible and the Church said. And well... his parents were almost Church employees, so they should agree with everything that was preached, right? At least that's how (Y/N) thought.
A knock on the door takes the boy by surprise from his daydreams.
- (Y/N) it's mom and dad! Can we come in? - (Y/N) managed to hear his mother's sweet voice outside.
- Of course, the door is open.
(Y/N) was very grateful that his parents respected his privacy in his room, God knows how many awkward moments he has lived alone inside his little hiding place.
- Is lunch ready yet? - (Y/N) asked while his parents came in and sat on the edge of the bed.
- Yes. But we need to talk first. – Ed told his son.
(Y/N)'s heart went into panic, already wondering if something had left the school corridors and reached his parents' ears. He definitely didn't feel prepared for this conversation.
- My love, we know there's something wrong going on, you're not very good at hiding your feelings. And your mom here is even better at knowing when you're not feeling well. - Lorraine said with a worried voice.
- You know that whatever is happening, we will help you, we are here for you. – Ed said, sitting next to his son and taking his hand.
That was enough for the boy to start crying profusely. Lorraine and Ed soon hugged their son, looking at each other now even more worried about what was happening.
- Hey calm down, it's going to be okay, we're here – Ed said while stroking (Y/N's) hair.
The boy, for a little while, managed to compose himself and felt that there was no point in trying to hide his feelings from his parents anymore, maybe they could help him repress them and understand what was wrong with him.
- Do you remember the text of Leviticus 20.13? – The boy asked sinking into his place on the bed.
- Not exactly, nor do we know all the texts of the Bible dear, why? - Lorraine said.
- "The man who lies down with another man as if he were a woman, both committed an abomination" - The boy said quickly, without pausing to breathe between words.
- Yes, one of the commandments for the Hebrew people. But where are you trying to get son? - Ed asked genuinely a little confused.
- I think... I like boys. How am I supposed to like girls, and I know that's horrible, that it's a sin, so I want you to know that I'm sorry and I'm going to pray more for these impure feelings to leave me.
Ed and Lorraine looked at each other with a little regret, they had never made it clear in the family that this was a space open to love and only love.
- Is that what you were worried about? Lorraine asked.
- Yes. - (Y/N) said looking down with a lot of embarrassment.
- Oh my love.
Lorraine hugged her son as tightly as she could.
- Son, this text was written millennia ago and not even the Church itself considers everything that is in the ancient laws. - Ed said joining the hug.
- But what about the texts of the New Testament? - (Y/N) asked.
- You know they were mistranslated, we've talked about this before. – Ed replied, kissing his son's hair.
- But... what about what the Church talks about?
- The Church says a lot of things that are wrong. Do you remember what is the most important commandment in the Bible? - Lorraine said.
- Love your neighbor as yourself. - (Y/N) replied a little confused with where his parents where getting into.
- Exactly! Why would God condemn love when he himself said that love is above all things? - Lorraine said still hugging her son.
- So does that mean... everything's fine? - (Y/N) asked looking at his parents.
- Of course it's okay. This is never a problem. - Ed said.
- But what about God? Don't you think He would despise me?
- You, of all people, have a unique gift! God chose you for this, do you really think He would despise you? And even if your gift wasn't what you have, all people are loved equally by God. - Ed said.
(Y/N) hugged his parents and cried again, but this time not with sadness but with relief and joy, knowing that those he trusted the most were not disappointed, or sad with him, but that they would welcome him no matter what. And in that particular moment, he felt like the most loved boy in the entire universe.
-But tell me, which boy should I threaten if he breaks your heart? - Ed said getting out of the hug and wiping his son's tears.
- Dad... (Y/N) started to say.
And in that instant, in that particular moment, the Warren family was more united than ever, and it wouldn't be demon, or any social prejudice that would take away Ed and Lorraine's love for their (Y/N).
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maxxioislost · 2 years
I need to be youthfully felt ('cause, god, i never felt young)
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A/N: I fell off from writing and reading M/N Fanfic, but Im back, and since its Halloween, you guys can have this, Im sorry @supernovasblogstuff for it taking so long, thanks for being patient with me <3
Also, kinda new to writing fanfic, hope this is good
Happy Halloween <3
Mentions: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Knotting/Sex *MARKED, CAN BE SKIPPED*, Giving birth *near the end, can be skipped*
Alpha!Ed Warren(movies) x Omega!Male!Reader
After that everything around him was easy, Every time M/n went into heat or Ed went into rut, they helped by staying out of the way and making sure that the other ate (because the alpha/omega hindbrain tends to forget when it's in control).
After that everything around him was easy, Every time M/n went into heat or Ed went into rut, they helped by staying out of the way and making sure that the other ate (because the alpha/omega hindbrain tends to forget when it's in control).
Ed would make this fantastic meatloaf during heats, and when Ed went through his ruts, M/n would make him his mother's Chicken Alfredo recipe. The relationship was perfect, Ed couldn't be more perfect.
Until Ed got down on one knee and asked for M/n's hand in marriage, then it was super perfect. As soon as they got home, they cuddled in M/n's nest. Ed was so in love with his omega, and M/n loves his alpha so much.
Planning the wedding was so much fun, getting to pick out all the colors of the suits and flowers, and Ed ended up picking the most beautiful church he could find, and asked his sister, Lorraine, if she could officiate, and she said yes! They were so excited.
Of course, things weren't all sunshine and rainbows, they argued a bit about the decorations and overall theme, and even about M/ns suit covering/or not covering his unmated neck with the veil.
The way weddings worked was that once they were officially married, they would kiss, then kiss their unmated neck, not yet biting it until their wedding night.
But they got through it, and eventually, the wedding came up, it was amazing.
"The grooms may say their vows if they wish to," Lorraine said, clearly holding back tears, she was so happy her big brother found someone to make him as happy as M/n did. She was proud of him.
"M/n, You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I’m the one who gets to marry you, Thank you for saying yes when I proposed" Ed was almost crying as he finished talking, grabbing M/n's hands in his, and leaned down to kiss one. M/n could hear his friends and family 'aww' at the sight.
"M/n, do you have vows for Ed?" Lorraine asked, smiling warmly at the couple.
"Of course I do, uh, Ed, I see these vows not as promises but as privileges: I get to laugh with you and cry with you; care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you; build with you and live with you, I vow to listen, for as long as it takes for you to feel heard. I vow to watch in awe as you kick ass and take names. And I vow to be your unrelenting cheer squad on the days it feels too much, I vow that I will always love you" M/n had tears running down his face, but so did Ed and everyone else in attendance.
"Those were very beautiful vows, guys, Ed, do you take M/n to be your lawfully wedded groom? To have, to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, in health, until death do you part?" Lorraine recited, it seemed as though she memorized it just for the wedding.
"Of course I do," Ed said, voice sounding slightly wet, he was holding back tears.
"M/n, do you take Ed to be your lawfully wedded groom? To have, to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, in health, until death do you part?" Lorraine stared intently at M/n, slightly scared that he might change his mind...
"I'd be stupid not to, Of course, I do" M/n looked up at his soon-to-be husband, very soon-to-be husband, just a few more minutes and they would be together for the rest of their lives.
"You have declared your consent before the Church, you now may kiss the groom," Lorraine said.
Ed didn't even wait till she was finished talking, he grabbed M/n by the waist and shoulder and pulled him close, pressing their lips together, then moved his head to kiss his husband's scent gland, making them officially husbands before god till they die.
The dinner after the reception was fun, your maid of honor, and life-long best friend stood up and told stories about how M/n and Ed had met, about how she was so proud of M/n for finding an Alpha like Ed. It was beautiful. Ed's friend stood and talked about the childhood he and Ed shared, the funniest moments, and about how he was 'slightly jealous of how quickly Ed found an Omega to share his life with'
The dinner was over, the reception had been done with, and now to go to a hotel room close by and consummate their marriage, they were both really nervous, it being their first time, but they were ready.
Ed smelled it as soon as the hotel room door was closed. His omega is about to go into heat, which means that he will go into rut soon as well.
"So, uh, how do you want to start this? I- I mean I've never done this, always wanted to wait for marriage..." Ed drifted off, he was feeling slightly insecure
He shouldn't, because it was M/n's first time as well. "I, um, I don't know, I haven't done this before either..." M/n said.
Ed suddenly stood, making sure M/n was watching him, before unbuttoning his suit jacket, M/n watched intently, biting his lip before nodding.
Ed continued, his shirt was next, then his pants and socks, only left in his boxers. "You wanna undress maybe? Feeling kinda alone here, baby"
M/n rose from his spot on the bed, and undressed, slowly, enjoying his husbands' eyes watching him, before he was left in the white skintight boxers Ed had bought him when they first moved in together.
Ed's eyes widened at the sight, full of arousal, the purity of the sight, the untouched omega, wearing nothing but plain white skin-tight boxers. His inner alpha was howling in excitement, while M/n's inner omega was whining in arousal.
He slowly walked towards the bed, Ed's eyes trailed up and down M/n's body, enjoying the way M/n's body looked, Ed had seen M/n naked before, obviously, they'd been dating for a few years, taken showers and taken care of each other during their heat/rut cycles (just by making sure the other was okay, clean, and not hungry.)
Ed had just never looked at him in a sexual manner, wanting to wait till marriage, now was the time. They were married. They can have sex now. They can finally mate. It's what both of them had been waiting for since they met.
Now M/n was standing in front of Ed while Ed sat on the bed, arms wrapped around his waist while kissing his lower belly, kisses trailing lower until he reached the waistband of the boxers before looking up.
"This okay, love? We can slow down and wait" Ed said carefully, not wanting to stop, but willing to if his omega needed it.
M/n just smiled before replying "Don't stop, please? I wanna be your omega, Ed..." M/n leaned down towards his husband, before pushing him onto his back to lie on the bed. M/n stood quickly, pulling down his boxers before climbing into Ed's lap.
Ed sat up and frowned, quietly complaining about how he was supposed to remove his husband's underwear, before looking down and seeing M/n's cock pressed against his belly. Before he grabbed M/n's waist and rolled, M/n ended up on his back, looking up at his Alpha.
Ed's eyes looked down at the unmated neck his omega was bearing before leaning down to lick M/n's scent gland, making him moan. M/n's hands wandered down to the waistband of Eds' boxers, trying to pull them down, but couldn't because of how they were laid.
Ed laughed before standing up on the floor and pulling them off. "C'mon, I've been waiting for this since we moved in together, Ed" M/n sighed before making grabby hands at his Alpha.
Ed laughed before climbing back on the bed between his legs, opening them wider, and immediately dove down to finally taste his omega. M/n just wasn't expecting Ed to just dive in, but he was amazed at how naturally skilled his Alpha was, his inner Omega howling in pleasure.
"fuck ed,, Ed, can we start? Please I need you in me" Ed got up, and used the blanket to wipe his mouth clean from his omegas slick before moving to kiss M/n. The kiss was messy, unorganized, and sloppy. Ed's hand wandered downward to aim his cock toward the omegas slick covered hole, the movement unnoticed by M/n.
The cock pushed againth his hole, making him moan, and tried to push down against the intrusion so it can finally breach him. Ed's hips moved forward, slowly, wanting the omega to get used to the intrusion. He moaned again, wrapping his legs around Ed's waist to pull him in fully, moaning again when Ed's cock bumped into his cervix, Ed was the perfect size to breed his omega.
His hips moved in and out slowly, his thrust slowly gaining speed, the omega was moaning into Ed's neck, licking at his scent gland, waiting until his alpha to knot so he can finally stake his claim on the gland.
Ed moaned at the sensations coming from his omega, the tight channel wrapped around his cock, the licking at his scent gland, and M/n's hands tweaking his nipples every so often. Ed was in heaven.
His thrusts sped up suddenly, his inner Alpha howling at the incoming orgasm.
M/n realized why Ed sped up and reached down to stroke his neglected cock, only for his hand to be swatted away and Ed's larger hand to take its place.
"You get to cum once I do, okay Omega? Can you hold it in for me?" M/n nodded, enjoying Ed stroking with his thrusts. Ed's cock consistently bumped into his cervix, his orgasm was getting closer and closer, he was having to make Ed's hand slow down a bit so he wouldn't finish before his Alpha.
Then M/n felt something popping in and out of his hole...His alphas knot was slightly inflated. He was about to belong to Ed, forever. And he just couldn't wait.
"Omega, you're okay? You want me to breed you? Want to get pregnant for your alpha? Wanna give me a pup?" Ed was teasing, until he sees M/n nod and whine about wanting to be bred up, wanting to be knotted so badly, wanting to be a nice house omega for his alpha.
That did it for Ed, his knot fully inflated, his mouth bit down on his omegas scent gland, his inner alpha finally at peace. Then he released, feeling his omega release his cum all over their bellies.
"wanna bite your alpha? C'mon 'mega, mark me as yours." Ed leaned down and angled his neck, M/n leaned up, biting down on what was rightfully his. They finally claimed each other.
M/n had gotten pregnant, and Ed was extremely happy, and ecstatic over his pup, they decided to wait to find out if it was a boy or girl, they would find out at the birth!
Until M/n was almost 10 months pregnant. A full month overdue, but he didn't want to induce, afraid it would hurt him or his pup.
"Get the pup out of me, Ed," M/n said roughly while bouncing on an exercise ball, Ed recalled M/n saying it was something that could help start the contractions. "I can't take another few days of this. Their head is reading on my bladder and constantly kicking my stomach." Ed felt bad for doing this to his poor husband, but their bundle of joy just,,, didn't want to come out.
"I, uh. read that a knot can help induce too" Ed lightly suggested before feeling the daggers M/n's eyes shot at him, before his eyes went wide, and looked down at his pants, which were suddenly soaked.
"Uh, M/n, did you have an accident? Ill clean it up, go shower, and sleep, yeah?" Ed said. Ever since the pregnancy, accidents have happened a lot more, especially when the pup decided to make his bladder a kickball for a month straight.
"I didn't pee, Ed..Oh fuck, I think my water broke" M/n stood quickly, grabbing his hospital bag and urging Ed to drive them to the hospital as quickly as possible.
*Birth happening*
M/n was the one pushing their pup out, yet Ed was the one hyperventilating. Until M/n's grip on his hand tighten enough that he thought it would break.
"You can do it, 'Mega, Push, want to see your beautiful pup" Ed whispered into M/n's ear, making him focus a bit more.
"I can see the head!" The doctor announced, excitement obviously present in her voice. "C'mon, M/n, baby, a few more big pushes, and the pup will be in your arms!" Ed said lovingly while his husband crushed his hand in his grip.
The pup finally popped out. "It's a boy!, Congrats, Mr. Warren!" The doctor handed the pup to M/n, letting him have his first skin-to-skin contact with the pup that was stuck inside him for the last 10 months.
*Birth Over*
And then the nurse had to clean up the baby from blood and other fluids before handing the baby to his Alpha father. Ed was sobbing while the baby sat quietly in his arms, sitting close to his husband so the omega can still see him.
The nurse came into the room "Can we have the name of the pup? he's very beautiful, Mr. Warren" Ed and M/n smiled at each other before M/n looked up at her and said "F/n Md/n Warren" (Idk, name him whatever you want)
Ed smiled at his husband before handing his pup back, the Omega had to feed him the bottle the nurse had prepared. They were happy.
F/n was a handful. and really good aim whenever his Alpha father had to change diapers...
Ed never thought he could be this happy, and neither did M/n.
This was their dreams finally coming true.
Happy (late) Halloween
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openheart12 · 3 years
Tales of the Heart
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A/N: I was so stoked when I found out TC was filmed in NC because it’s finally good for something dihgjkdgjls I’m trying to keep this as gender neutral as I can since I don’t tend to write fics with real people because I try to respect them, but I had this idea and wanted to write it. I’m not completely sure how I feel about it yet though lol but it should be a couple parts!! 
Summary: During filming for The Conjuring, reader is living their dream of being an actor. They didn’t think life could get much better, but then again, they never expected they would fall in love. 
WC: 1,314
Pairing: GN reader x Vera
You were in Wilmington, North Carolina for the filming of The Conjuring that you were just casted in. It was a movie based on the paranormal investigator couple Ed and Lorraine Warren. The movie itself was actually based on one of their real life cases that you had spent hours researching on to prepare for your role, however minor it was.
Acting has been a dream of yours since you were little. The red carpet had always excited you and now you were just that much closer to achieving your dream. 
It was late February and a cold chill was raising goose bumps on your arms. You were on the way to EUE/Screen Gems Studios where the first day of filming was taking place. You were told filming would take just a little over a month and you had planned accordingly, bringing almost your entire wardrobe, but it was better to be prepared than sorry.
At least that’s how you justified it. 
This was your first time in the state and you were taking in your surroundings. The window was down, your hair blowing in the wind as you did some last minute research on your phone. You pulled up the first article you found; 
The movie was based on the Perron family case, a family of seven who lived in Harrisville, Rhode Island. In January 1971, they moved into a farmhouse where they began to notice strange things happening. It started small, Carolyn, the mother, would notice that the broom went missing or seemed to move by itself, she’d hear something scraping against the kettle, and she’d find small piles of dirt in the center of the floor after cleaning it.
It wasn’t long before the children started to notice spirits around the house. 
Carolyn  researched the history of the house and discovered that it had been in the same family for eight generations and that many of them had died under mysterious and horrible circumstances. 
She found a woman by the name of Bathsheba Sherman who lived on the property in the mid-1800s. She was rumored to have been a Satanist and there was evidence that she was involved in the death of a neighbor’s child, though no trial ever took place. She was buried in a nearby Baptist cemetery in downtown Harrisville. 
The Perron’s believed it was Bathsheba’s spirit tormenting them. 
The Warren’s made multiple trips to investigate. At one point, Lorraine conducted a seance to contact the spirits that were possessing the family. However, during the seance, Carolyn became possessed, speaking in tongues and rising from the ground in her chair. After the seance, Roger kicked the Warren’s out worried about his wife’s mental stability. 
The family continued to live in the house until they were able to move in 1980, at which point the spirits were silenced and the hauntings ceased. 
You let out an involuntary shudder. As excited as you were, you were also nervous. You didn’t think that a horror movie would be the start of your career, not that you were complaining. 
The car pulled up in front of the studio and you got out, looking at the building standing before you. You thanked the driver and gave him the information of the hotel you would be staying at.
You straightened your shoulders and took a deep breath before making your way inside. The first thing you noticed was the noise and the chaos. There were hundreds of video equipment scattered around and more people than you’ve ever seen before cramped together. You weren’t exactly sure of what to do so you stood off to the side, in a private little corner.
You took in everything, from the people to the millions of lights that were already beginning to make your head hurt. And for a moment, just a moment, you began to doubt if you could do this or not.
“Hey, you okay?” A soft voice called out to you.
“I’m fine,” you replied, turning to look at the person and stopping in your tracks. The voice belonged to no one other than Vera Farmiga, the star of the movie you were here to film, your idol, and the woman you had a slight crush on. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a slight crush, but nonetheless, you stood there in shock. 
“I’m Vera,” she said, offering her hand to you. You took it with a shaky hand. Her hand was so much softer than you expected.
“I’m Y/N.” 
“It’s nice to meet you,” she smiled and you returned it, still standing there completely awestruck. You had seen every single movie she’s been in, she was one of the big reasons you wanted to go into acting and standing in front of her, you were speechless.
“Vera?” A male voice called and the two of you turned your head to see James Wan, the director, walking towards you. Yet again, you were awestruck. You loved his directing and Saw was a favorite of yours. “I need you and Patrick to start getting ready. We’re going to start the opening scene of the Warren’s.”
“Okay, perfect. James, this is Y/N,” Vera introduced you and you gave a small smile.
“Hey,” you offered.
“Hey, you’re playing the student at the university, right?”
You nodded, surprised he remembered your role.
“I don’t think we’re going to film your scene today, so if you just want to hang out and get to know the other cast members, that’s fine,” he said before going back to work, leaving you and Vera alone again.
“Maybe we can get together for dinner later?” She asked and you swear you heard her voice waver just a bit, but you played it off as your ears playing tricks on you.
“That’d be great!” You exclaimed, a wide grin on your face.
“It’s a date,” she winked, walking away. A slight blush adjourned your cheeks and you felt very hot. The chilly air from earlier was now gone.
The rest of the day passed by rather quickly, you had stayed on set getting to know the gist of things and of course watching Vera. 
She was captivating while in her element, doing what she loved. You were entranced by her beauty. You didn’t think that there were many people who could pull off clothes from the 70s quite like she did. She even caught you staring a couple times, smiling at you when she met your eyes.
You also saw Patrick Wilson, the other star and other half of the Warren couple. You noticed their chemistry right away and couldn’t help but think of how you wished it was you playing Vera’s significant other. 
When filming finished for the day, you headed to your hotel room to get ready for your “date.” You were giddy with excitement and bouncing with nerves. A million questions were going through your head: what would you wear? What would you two talk about? Would it be awkward? Where were you going to go? 
You weren’t familiar with the area and you didn’t know if she was or not. Dinner on the beach sounded nice to you, but maybe she didn’t like the beach or maybe she would change her mind. There were too many things unknown and your nerves were starting to get the better of you. 
Just then a knock sounded at your door and you went to look through the peephole to find Vera outside. You opened it and she smiled, leaning in to give you a hug. 
“You ready?” She asked.
“Ready,” you responded confidently. She held her hand out to you and you took it, heading downstairs to the waiting car. “Where are we going?” You asked once getting seated.
“You’ll see,” she smirked. 
You smiled at the things you still had to learn about her as you got settled in for the drive.
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lostboysmate4ever · 3 years
Arne Johnson x Fem!reader (Soulmates)
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|| pairing: Arne Johnson x fem!reader
Plot: Soulmates can hear their soulmate singing in their head. If a person were lucky to meet them then they would be able to sense their soulmates emotions and read their minds. Y/n is working with Lorraine and Ed Warren. She has the same powers like Lorraine. The Warrens, Drew (Y/n’s ex) and Y/n are investigating a family in Connecticut, the Glatzels. In Connecticut, Y/n finds her soulmate.
Y/n were working with the Warrens to investigate the Glatzels. The eight year old was being possessed. It’s been days since meeting the family and Arne Johnson. The crew was setting up for evidence to get an exorcism for David Glatzel. 
Y/n heard her soulmate singing and started quietly singing. She walked into the living room singing her soulmates song. She had headphones on and didn’t notice everyone staring at her.
 Y/n felt someone tap her shoulder and turned around. She looked puzzled “who just tapped my shoulder?” She asked. “No one.” Drew said. She saw a shadow but ignored it. 
“Y/n, sweetheart are you okay?” Lorraine asked. “I’m fine” she said. “Oh n/n your terrible at lying” Drew said. “Shut up” she said grinning. Drew and y/n were best friends and stay as friends after the breakup.
 “Drew get your ass up and help” Y/n joked. The entire time Arne was staring at her. Y/n was his soulmate. “Debbie let’s talk in private” he whispered to his girlfriend. “I agree” she said. They both walked out.
(Later that night)
We were going to wait until the next morning to do the exorcism. Until David, the possessed child stabbed his father in the leg. We all were holding down David. I had to look away. I was feeling sick. “Y/n are you alright?” Ed yelled over the loud noise. I nod “I-I’m fine” I mumbled.
I hold my head when suddenly I got a vision. I saw a goblet that had fire inside it. I screamed when David knocked me into a wall. “Y/n!” I heard a male voice yelled.
I looked up when David jumped on Ed. “Ed!” I yelled. I realized Lorraine was getting a vision. The others were also on the floor. I felt rage hit me and grabbed the boy from on top of Ed. “Your a coward! Leave him alone and .. take me!” I yelled.
 “TAKE ME” I yelled. Suddenly David’s eyes turned back to normal and y/n dropped the kid to the floor. And something entered her. Ed looked at y/n, gasping “no!” He yelled.
Y/n slide down the wall and gasped in horror. The Glatzels and Arne rushed to David. Y/n stayed frozen. The Glatzels were on the stairs, holding David.  Arne looked at her with concern. Y/n snapped out of it and rushed to Ed’s side “Ed!” She cried.
Lorraine rushed to them “Ed!” She yelled. Lorraine placed her fingers on his pulse and he went limp. Y/n placed her head on his chest and his heart was beating too rapidly.
“Call 911!” Lorraine yelled. Debbie rushed to the kitchen. Y/n was shaky. She felt different and cold. Arne was still staring at her with concern.
She leaned against the wall “y/n are you okay?” Drew asked, crouching in front of her. Y/n didn’t feel okay. 
“I-I’m fine. That was insane” she stuttered not telling him what happened. Drew helped her up.
Y/n got up and helped the priest up. What have I done?! I just invited a demon inside me!
Of course she didn’t regret it because David was just a kid. He doesn’t deserve this torture. He was just eight years old. 
Ed was taken to the hospital and Lorraine came with him. It was just Drew and her there now. “Let’s wrap the equipment up and get out of here” Drew told her.
She slowly nodded and started packing up. Y/n felt like something was wrong with the house.
This wasn’t just a demon possession. Something seems wrong... Arne was debating on talking to y/n because she seems shocked and terrified.
He was shy because this girl was his soulmate. Debbie and Arne broke up after learning y/n was his soulmate.
They just want to be friends. Now all he needs is courage to talk to her. Y/n was feeling sick to her stomach “L-let’s get the equipment tomorrow” she told Drew.
“I’m not feeling that well” Y/n told him. He nodded “Mrs. Glatzel can we get the equipment tomorrow? We want to head to the hospital to see if Ed is alright” she asked.
 “That’s fine my dear. I pray that he’s alright “ she told her. Mrs. Glatzel gave her a hug, which made y/n smile.
“See you guys tomorrow “ she told Arne, Debbie and Mr. Glatzel. Drew and y/n walked out. 
Arne felt upset that y/n left. He was too much of a pussy to talk to her. “She will be here tomorrow. You can talk to her then” Debbie told him. Arne felt grateful for his ex-girlfriend. She was supportive and understanding.
“Let’s head to the hospital and then head home” Y/n sleepily told Drew. They both went to the hospital. Lorraine had tears in her eyes and looked scared. She told them that it was a heartattack and it was serious
“Ed is a fighter. I know he will fight through this Lorraine. He will be fine” Y/n told her, hugging the crying women.
Lorraine pulled away from the hug “Drew, Y/n you should go home and get some rest” she told them. Y/n agreed and left the hospital.
Y/n was worried for Ed but also felt sick to her stomach. She invited the demon in and she was most likely going to hurt someone.
She refuse to let that happen. She headed to her house telling Drew goodnight. Also told him to check her updated. That night, she had terrible nightmares and remembered the exorcism.
“Coward! Take me! TAKE ME!” she continued to hear. She woke up gasping and sat up in bed.  
Y/n felt her stomach flip and rushed to the bathroom, puking into the toliet. She puked for five minutes when finally stopped vomiting.
“Ugh” she said when she heard a noise. Y/n walked into the living room, looking around. She realized the demon followed her home.
Y/n turned around and a lady in a priest outfit was behind her. She screamed when the lady grabbed her head.
She fell to the ground and no one was there. She gasped and felt scared. A vision hit her and words pop up in her mind.
“Curse... ram... demon... need soul... suicide... murder...
She grabbed her head and checked the time. It was 5am. “Ugh seriously! Why wake me up this early” she groaned.
Y/n got a snack and ate it before heading back to bed. She walked back to her bedroom.
Y/n fell onto her bed. Her place had lots of activity and it was bugging her. It was hard to fall asleep due to the activity.
Y/n put her headphones on and listened to rain sounds. It relaxed her and she finally fell asleep.
Part 2 anyone???
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goaways-stuff · 4 years
Who I write for
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Possibly Jack??
Jared Padalecki
Jensen Ackles
Misha Collins
Genevieve Padalecki
Daneel Ackles
Ed Warren
Lorraine Warren
Steven Grant
Mark Spector
Jake Lockley
Layla El-Faouly
Arthur Harrow
Oscar Isaac
Din Djarin
THE LAST OF US (2023):
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Pedro Pascal
Miguel O'hara
Peter B. Parker
Stanley Pines
Stanford Pines
John Nolan
Tim Bradford
Jackson West
Lucy Chen
Angela Lopez
Nyla Harper
Aaron Thorsen
Wesley Evers
Gomez Addams
Morticia Addams
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Doc Ock/ Otto Octavius (Spiderman)
Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina)
Basil Stitt (Lightningface)
Jonathan Levy (Scenes from a Marriage)
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
What I write and don't write for:
I will pretty much write for almost any kink. These are the ones excluded:
Hard ddlg/ddlb (I will do daddy kink, but I will not write a straight up little space smut)
Scat Kink/Play
Hard Pet play (I'll write for things like collars or something, but being caged and constantly constantly on all fours, acting like an actual pet is a hard pass for me)
Anything with Feet
**Never feel embarrassed to ask about any kinks/fetishes that aren't on the list. I don't kink shame (publicly) (Even if I'm judging you in my head, but nevertheless, I may still write it for you)
I only do x readers right now, but I will do a pair x reader :))
I mostly write for gender neutral readers, but I also write for trans or cis male readers. I do not write for female readers for free (I would accept commissions to write fem readers). I will do AFAB! gender neutral readers, though. All of my works are trans reader friendly.
If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask in my inbox.
☆what to include in your request
Palestine🇵🇸🍉- links to help
•Daily Click
this link is a gofundme for CareForGaza, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting displaced families in gaza by distributing necessities such as food, period products, diapers, baby formula, and so so much more. To see how donations are used, follow @/ CareForGaza on Twitter to see the many many Palestinians helped by this organization.
•Doctors Without Borders Gaza
•Operation Olive Branch
This link has multiple options to donate directly to different families in Gaza as well as donating to those distributing supplies.
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jokekinsjoke505 · 11 months
Stay with us (part 2)
(part one)
Ed (age 26) X male reader(age 26) X Lorraine Warren( age 25)
Warnings: this is just going to be fluffy and a bit angst
tag list: @wintervenom.
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(3 weeks after the incident) I woke up slowly opening my eyes only to shut them quickly again due to the bright light. I felt a very uncomfortable feeling in my nose and throat I put my hand on my nose only to feel a breathing tube I looked around the room only to find Ed and Lorraine sleeping in the corner I snapped my fingers to try and signal them that I was awake but it didn't work so I said "Ed. Lorraine. I'm okay" I whispered and that was enough to wake them both I was immediately met with hugs and tears from both and once I made eye contact with them both……. I then understood that somebody gave a fuck about me I then felt Lorraine lean over and kiss my cheek making me look at her "Don't do that please" I said as my lip quivered due to the love I had towards them that knew would probably never be returned. I then felt a rough hand on my cheek i looked to my left and saw that it was Ed "Y/n. About your letter. Is that true?" Ed asked me making me look quickly at them both before looking down nodding in shame " Fuck I'm so so sorry guys. It's okay if you guys wanna cut contact with me" I said as I felt a tear run down my cheek but was quickly wiped away by Lorraine who then cupped my face into her hand making me look at her in the eyes. Then unexpectedly she kissed me while Ed held me close scared to lose me " I- w-…w-what?" I said in shock not understanding the situation but then Ed hugged me again squizzing a bit before saying "y/n we love you too" I then felt another tear run down my face.
(time skip to 3 months)
Me, Lorraine, and Ed have started dating but have to hold it a secret due to how much people look down on a truple that a woman can't date two people and how much people look down on two men dating. But when we were for example either in my home or their house we would cuddle, kiss, tell each other 'I love you' and also be able to look at each other without having to hide the love in our eyes. I also started going to therapy and fixing my mental health.
I walked in the door of the warren house and was immediately greeted by Judy who ran to me yelling in happiness "Y/n!!!!!" I quickly lifted the 8-year-old and hugged her then I sat her back down, took off my coat, and went to the kitchen where Ed and Lorraine stood and I quickly was greeted by kisses making me chuckle a bit "So how are you two doing?" I asked while taking a sip of the coffee cup that Ed had prepared for me before I came here "Oh a lot of work… We're heading to the countryside of Burrillville town. Do you mind babysitting Judy for a bit" Ed said and I smiled "Yeah of course I can" I said looking at Judy who was looking at the TV. I then felt a soft hand upon mine " Thank you Y/n that means a lot to us that you're willing to take care of Judy while we're working" Lorraine said to me while smiling before kissing me and I kissed back while smiling a bit into the kiss.
Later that day after spending some time with them they left and I gave them both a goodbye kiss and watched Judy saying goodnight to her parents due to how late it was and that it was time for Judy to go to bed when it was time for them to leave I grabbed Judy from her parents and held her in my arms and I could feel that she was falling asleep already making me chuckle "okay bye goodluck to you two and please try and stay safe" I said to them and watching them drive away then after they were out of sight I closed and locked the door and went upstairs and went to Judy's bedroom while I had her in my arms and when I laid her down onto the bed she woke up and looked at me and said "I love you, papa, goodnight" before falling asleep when she said that it was like being strucked by millions of shock bombs and I sat there for a moment in silence before leaning down kissing the top of her head and whispered "goodnight Judy I love you too" while kissing the top of her head. I stayed there until she fell asleep then I sneaked my way out of her bedroom and went to the guest bedroom and got ready for nighttime.
alright folks this is the end of this story but there will like come like moments between this lovely truple.
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ironboyxs · 3 years
The Firstborn of The Demon Hunters
Fandom: The Conjuring
Pairing: Ed and Lorraine Warren & Son!Reader
Summary: The Warren's eldest son had more in common with his parents' work than they would have liked, but he had unbelievable support behind him.
Word Count: 824
Warnings: Light horror theme related to demons, if you feel uncomfortable with the subject, maybe this is not a story for you!
P.S. I wrote this very sleepy while trying to distract myself to give the time for the new Loki episode lol, hope you enjoyed it! Requests are open, and I promise to try to bring you more content on my vacation from work!
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Ed and Lorraine remembered perfectly the day you came into the world. From the first cry, from the first touch.
Lorraine thought the purest love came from God, but having a child, even with her devotion, she doubted it.
Ed remembers picking you up and feeling the biggest wave of love he could ever feel, a devastating wave, where in that moment he knew he would be and would do anything for his son.
When Jude was born, you were eight years old, and you couldn't be happier about having a baby sister. You loved her from the moment your parents told you the news, and to this day you are best friends with each other.
Your parents were never very specific on what their job was, they just said they helped people. But the amount of strange objects that arrived at your house, and a forbidden door always made you curious that there must be something more to it.
Until they started going into the media, TV shows, and then you understood what they were really about: Entity Hunters.
With your mother revealing her gift of clairvoyance, you can finally stop thinking yourself crazy, since you had the same gift, it still echoes today how your parents welcomed you when you told them.
- (Y/N), why didn't you tell us before? - Lorraine asked.
- I thought you would think I'm crazy, that you would try to take me to doctors or something, but I know that what I see and feel is real.
You hugged your dad and started crying while your mom stroked your hair and told you everything was going to be okay.
Since then, your parents began to teach you everything they knew. They never took you on a mission, but they thought an unprepared clairvoyant was extremely dangerous.
Until we reach the fateful day of today. You were already 17 years old and knew everything you could about demons, entities, spirits, rituals, among other things. Your mother had a terrible headache and your father considered going to the house and helping them on his own.
But Ed knew that the help of a clairvoyant was always needed. Very reluctantly, you managed to convince your father to let you go. After all, there were no signs of oppression or possession. Apparently it was just the beginning of a series of paranormal phenomena.
The family was contacted by an old friend, who knew they could help a young couple and their 10-year-old son. The boy had been acting strange for some time and strange signs began to be noticed in their house. Objects disappearing, or moving by themselves; low voices in places where there was no one, sightings of figures among others.
As soon as you arrived at the house, you felt a strange sensation, as if someone was watching you, and you felt extremely unwanted in that place. After a while talking to the family, while having a cup of coffee you looked at the child's father and behind him you clearly saw a handsome but terrifying male figure with a devilish look and a mark on your forehead, one that you knew from an old book.
Your father noticed how your lips turned white and you became even more excited.
- (Y/N) are you okay?
- I know what's been haunting this family.
You got up abruptly and left the house, with your father right behind you. You went straight to the car and grabbed one of the books you had left in the trunk in case you needed it.
- (Y/N) what's going on? Son what did you see?
You quickly grabbed the Book of Oberon and showed the right page to your father, who was in shock. Paimon was the demon haunting that family. But he's not just any devil, he's known as one of the kings of hell, and doesn't bother families...unless he's been summoned and promised a soul.
Your father obviously already knew all these things.
- Who could have summoned such a powerful demon to their own house? - Ed asked him.
- Someone who knew they would have someone to help if something went wrong.
The case was resolved, not in the most peaceful way possible. The boy's grandmother was the one who had summoned the devil years ago in search of success and money, things she got at the expense of her son's peace, and now her grandson's.
As time went by, she regretted it and knew who to turn to as her sister had already asked for help from the Warrens. She ended up sacrificing her own soul for her grandson's.
By the time they got home, Lorraine was feeling better. Jude had gone to bed at a friend's house and you were fine, all things considered.
In the end, you weren't afraid of demons and evil entities. You believed that God was on your side, but mostly, that your parents were on your side.
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