persolaise · 2 years
Edeniste Founder Audrey Semeraro Live Interview
Sceptical or curious? Or both?? - Perfume and neuroscience come together in Edeniste, according to brand founder Audrey Semeraro. Here's my live interview with her.
Science and perfumery have been constant companions for centuries. But one branch of the former that arguably hasn’t featured prominently in fragrance creation is neuroscience. Audrey Semeraro hopes to change this with her new brand, Edeniste. Each of her edps contains a so-called ‘de-stress’ accord, which she claims has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels. And she also has a range…
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taylortruther · 2 years
nick kroll is cool and all but his wife is like 1000x cooler simply because she calls herself an urban edenist
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youngsamberg · 5 years
me, knowing that andy samberg is married to a harpist and john mulaney is married to a victorian lampshade maker, finding out that nick kroll is dating an “urban edenist” who designs nature landscapes:
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fredericlevoyageur · 4 years
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Et si les mystères de la Terre et de nos origines vous intéressent , visitez mes blogs DESTINATION TERRE C’est l’histoire inconnue , d’avant l’histoire connue … C’est l’histoire des édenistes et des atlantes , et de leur colonisation de la terre … La bible , les légendes de Chine , le Kojiki , le Pop Wuh , la mythologie , les récits légendaires , sont les principales sources de notre histoire L’île de Pâques , les pyramides , les menhirs , l’Atlantide , et bien d’autres mystères , nous apparaissent sous un jour nouveau Ce livre nous relate qu’en Afrique , les populations utilisaient le fer 3000 ans avant les européens , qu’il y a 5000 ans les mayas et les hopis étaient des peuples développés et civilisés et nous rappelle que les légendes chinoises ne sont pas des contes mais bien la réalité vue par la population d’alors Ce livre apporte des explications à de nombreux mystères de notre terre Les théories actuellement existantes expliquant ces mystères sont très souvent contredites à chaque nouvelle découverte scientifique ou archéologique Jusqu’à présent chaque nouvelle découverte scientifique ou archéologique a confirmé les théories évoquées dans ce livre Certaines théories que l’on retrouve dans ce livre existent déjà , mais pour la première fois , elles sont regroupées pour former une histoire cohérente Tous mes livres sont disponibles en livres papier , livres papier avec photos couleurs et livres numériques ( E-books ) , sur amazon.fr Auteur : Douglas Moonstone Destination terre 1 , Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine C’est l’histoire des dieux édenistes venus de l’espace et de leur colonisation de la terre … La bible et les légendes de Chine décrivent ces invasions jusqu’au moindre détail technique Il suffit de les lire et d’oublier ce que l’on nous a appris : Le progrès est linéaire , avant c’était moins bien Donc les hommes de l’antiquité étaient des sauvages D’ailleurs ils vivaient à l’âge de pierre , ne connaissant ni la roue , ni l’agriculture , ni la technologie Et pourtant ils nous ont laissé des légendes fantastiques , des constructions gigantesques , l’art , la métallurgie , l’agriculture et tant d’autres choses Destination terre 2 , Les dieux atlantes Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Ce tome 2 , va voir arriver les atlantes Cela ne se fera pas sans heurts … Les menhirs et les mégalithes , qui parsèment la terre , sont de facture atlante Ce sont des régulateurs climatiques Comme le disent si bien les moines tibétains , ce sont des aiguilles qui relient les forces de la terre aux forces du ciel Mais les mégalithes peuvent aussi être des armes de destruction massive Destination Terre 3 , La dissolution des dieux Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 2 , les atlantes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 3 , Atlantide ayant coulé , les dieux , sans infrastructures de maintenance , vont se dissoudre dans les peuples Mais ils voudront garder le pouvoir … Destination terre 4 , Les tokhariens Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 2 , les atlantes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 3 , sans Atlantide les dieux vont se dissoudre Dans ce tome 4 , nous allons raconter les sagas d’une civilisation , les tokhariens , qui dominaient , il y a 5000 ans , quasiment la moitié de la planète Avec les mayas , leurs alliés , qui dominaient quasiment le reste , il dominaient plus des 2/3 de la Terre Et personne ne les connait … Ni les tokhariens , ni les mayas … On peut résumer en disant que les mayas contrôlaient les airs et que les tokhariens contrôlaient les mers Destination terre 5 , Les indo-européens La théorie officielle : Les indo-européens sont une population arrivée de nulle part et surgissant par génération spontanée au nord de la Mer Noire vers – 4000 Vers – 1500 , ils vont conquérir l’Inde et écrire les védas Cette théorie va justifier la suprématie britannique et la colonisation C’est ce qui est encore appris aujourd’hui aux enfants à l’école en Inde Pourtant l’on sait bien aujourd’hui que les védas ont été écris aux alentours de – 4300 … Dans ce tome 5 , nous allons essayer de retracer la véritable histoire de ceux que l’on appelle les indos-européens Destination terre 6 , Exodes et rescapés La terre s’est adaptée à l’invasion des dieux edenistes et atlantes Non sans combats ni génocides Dans ce tome 6 , nous allons essayer de retracer l’histoire des exodes qui en ont résulté et déterminer la place qui a été laissée aux terriens autochtones rescapés des glaciations Destination terre 7 , Mû et les autres mondes Les Neandertal étaient plus grands , plus forts et plus intelligents que les Sapiens Qui peut croire que pendant leurs 520 000 ans d’existence qu’ils ont pu rester qu’à l’âge de pierre ? Ils ont dû quitter la terre pour échapper à ses cataclysmes cycliques Hélas , la planète où il se sont réfugiés avait aussi ses cataclysmes cycliques En fait , toutes les planètes ont des cataclysmes cycliques Alors ils sont revenus dans leur pays sur terre : Mu Vous pouvez survoler mes livres dans mon blog : https://destinationterre1.wordpress.com/ Et lire des extraits dans mon blog : https://destinationterre2.wordpress.com/
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roman-deserves-love · 5 years
The Apocalypse Should Be Easier
Word Count: 1440 ish
Pairings: prinxiety
Summary: Virgil has done many things, but he has never pretended to be a magician in order to watch the Antichrist get himself a new pet.Until the pet doesn't show up, which has far, far bigger consequences than one would think. Good Omens au.
Swearing uwu
Virgil had done many things over the course of his very long, very strange existence. He’d lost a flaming sword due to some Edenistic hijinks, been captured by French rebels for trying to get a loaf of authentic bread, and tempted a priest on a bet with a demon. He’d been around the world and off it more time than he could count. He could tell you what Julius Caesar’s real last words were. He knew every star in the sky and all the ones past it. He could say what it was like to be fire, to be water, to be more than everyone around him.
Until this moment, however, he could not have told you what it was like to be a second-bit magician performing ‘magic’ for the Antichrist and his very bored friends.The experience could honestly be summed up in three words: loss of dignity. He desperately tried to get them to pay attention to the bunny he was pulling out of his top hat (included in the Lil’ Magicians Starter Pack™, only 12.99 at Target), and failed miserably. The little buggers just kept scrolling through Instabook, or whatever it was. Virgil was an interdimensional celestial being, but God dammit if he couldn’t keep track of all the mortal inventions within the telephones they’d created a few years back.
“You’re quite a shit magician, you know?” One of the Antichrist’s friends had torn themselves from their phone, “Your stage presence is completely rubbish. My father could do better than you.”
Virgil grit his teeth. Of course the Destroyer would have a bunch of snot-nosed friends. He glanced down at his watch. 2:38, eight more minutes until the boy turned eleven and his hellhound appeared. Just eight more minutes of trying to avoid sucking too much. “Well, child, I’m sure you’d be better equipped to judge my abilities if you were paying attention.” God, the things Virgil would have done to these brats back in the old days, when She was still in her vengeful phase. Unfortunately though, She’d mellowed out once She had a kid, and now it was all ‘no smiting’ and ‘Great Plan’. Honestly, it was almost enough to make Virgil wish he’d joined the Fallen. There’d been a traffic jam on the way to the dissenter’s meeting, and he’d missed the Fall completely. Traffic in heaven was even worse than Los Angeles, and Virgil had been stopped there at the height of it more than a few times. All the transportation bureaucrats had been sent to Hell, and Virgil’s commute had suffered ever since.
Virgil was rudely shaken out of his brief distraction by a piece of cake. More specifically, a slice of three-hundred dollar devil’s food birthday cake, because coincidence was a bitch, and of course that would be the little shit’s favorite. Said piece was thrown into Virgil’s face. Said throwing was done by Remy, which was the name of the Antichrist, because naming children The Antichrist is largely frowned upon. Said throwing was continued by Remy's friends. Much to Virgil’s dismay. He let it continue for a few minutes, hoping they’d burn themselves out, but when they didn’t, he sighed and put down the hat.
“Alright kids, listen up. I’m sure all your parents are nice people, which is odd because all of you are degenerate little monsters. And the only reason I haven’t stormed out of here middle fingers up is because I need those parents to pay me, so if you little snots have even the slightest bit of empathy for human life, you’ll sit the hell down and shut the heaven up, because I’m relying on this gig for this month’s rent, and I will not let that go down the drain because none of you can be bothered to look up from your iGalaxy 10s and realize that I am a person, not a damned monkey here to do a trick.” Virgil whisper-yelled this, lying through his teeth and overly aware of the parents watching from the back of the outdoor tent he was to ‘perform’ in.
The children looked at each other, and for a moment Virgil hoped that he’d thoroughly admonished them, but alas, he’d forgotten that one particular trait of this era’s youth- the inability to take anything seriously. The gaggle of kids burst out laughing, and Virgil flushed, looking down at his watch. 3:49. Wait, that couldn’t be right. Remy had been born at 3:48. It was written on the walls of End Times, scored into the books of Heaven, burned into the gates of Hell. The child would receive the hellhound on his eleventh birthday exactly, and he would name it, and the naming would begin the apocalypse. So where was the hound? He quickly made eye contact with a man at the back of the crowd, or he would’ve if his eyes weren’t covered in dark sunglasses that hid his eyes completely. Virgil gestured to the watch briefly with a panicked look on his face, and turned back to the children before (hopefully) anyone in the crowd noticed.
He quickly weighed the pros and cons of leaving, despite the fact that he’d just told roughly fifty kids that he couldn’t, but really, what did the opinions of a few little kids matter against a snag in the Great Plan? Not much, but Virgil couldn’t help himself worrying about how they’d feel of him as he dashed out of the tent, running toward his partner in crime’s Bentley, where said partner was already waiting, tossing the keys up and down as he waited for Virgil to reach the car. Seeing him, he unlocked it, climbing into the driver’s seat.
Virgil all but slammed into the passenger seat, panting from his run. (Yes, he was an immortal being. No, that did not mean he had to be fit. Bugger off.) He whipped his head to look at the man in the driver’s seat.
“Roman, what the fuck? Did you know about this? Is this some trick from your people?”
“I could ask the same of you, angel. I’m as confused as you are.” The lack of an answer sent Virgil into overdrive.
“Maybe it got held up? They forgot to release it? Remy doesn’t have a name yet? Oh God, we lost the Antichrist’s hellhound. Logan is going to discorporate me, isn’t he? Oh God oh God oh God where is he!?” As he said the last sentence, he turned to Roman, grabbing him by the collar of his leather jacket and all but shook him as he panicked.
Roman was equally terrified, but as the one who had given the Antichrist to the Sisterhood of The Chattering Nuns to be given to Remy’s family, he had a sneaking suspicion that they hadn’t lost the hellhound, but something even worse. He gently pried Virgil’s hands off of his jacket, handing (heh) them back to Virgil slowly. “Calm down angel, whatever has happened, shaking the spirit out of me won’t help at all. Deep breaths, Vee, can you do that? Logan isn’t going to do anything to you.” Virgil followed Roman’s advice, taking breathing slowly and deeply as he took his hands from where Roman had still been holding them. The pair sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments, both of them focusing on Virgil’s breathing.
When he looked significantly calmer, Roman turned to him, trying to figure how best to present his theory to Virgil. “I think I may know what happened.”
Virgil’s head turned to Roman so fast Roman thought he was teleporting for a second. “What is it? What do you know? Tell me now or so help me I will get Biblical on your ass, divine benevolence or not.”
“See, the thing is, when I was dropping off the baby, there may have been another family delivering, and you know how Satanic nuns are, they’d lose their heads if they weren’t attached, so there is a little chance that something… may have… gone.... wrong.” Roman trailed off under Virgil’s steely gaze.
“What, exactly, are you saying, Roman.” Virgil all but growled in a tone that reminded Roman just how powerful the angel was.
What I’m saying is,” Roman took a deep breath,”we didn’t lose the hell hound.”
“We lost the child.”
About a hundred miles away, an eleven-year-old boy named Thomas took the puppy he’d found in the woods home, and named it Dog.
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spacebrick3 · 6 years
Tagged by @aschenink - thanks so much for this!
And I’ll tag… @toboldlywrite, @pen-and-sword-writing, and @silverscreenwriter for this - of course, if you’ve already done it or don’t want to, no pressure or anything!
Empty Space
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What is the working title of your book?  
Empty Space
Where did the idea for your book come from?  
A bit of a variety of places. I had a weird idea after reading The Martian about a guy who got sucked into a black hole and had problems with varying physics in it. Was it a good idea? No. But did it, along with learning more about multiverse theory, give me the basic idea for this book? Kind of.
What genre is your current work in progress? 
Science fiction
Choose the actors for your movie rendition. 
I know approximately zero actors - there’s a lot of people named Chris and Tom, but that’s about it? So I don’t know, but maaaaaaybe Zendaya could play Anise? That’s the only character I have an idea for - everyone else is just up in the air at this point.
Give a one-sentence synopsis of your book.  
A dysfunctional group of engineers invents the wormhole and then have to deal with the consequences of said invention.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agent? 
*shrug* no clue yet.
How long did it take you to write the first draft? 
It’s still in progress! I started it near the beginning of May, and I hope to get through at least most of it in the July Camp Nano!
What other books would you compare your story to? 
I don’t know? I’d say maybe the Reality Dysfunction trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton - they both have a) wormholes, b) things which no one knows anything about and which kind of(?) came from outside this universe, c) large main casts, and d) two large human factions (Reality Dysfunction: Adamists and Edenists - Empty Space: the League and the Charter).
Who or what inspired you to write the book? 
Actually write it? I’m not totally sure, but I found this amazing writing community on tumblr and then I just decided ‘hey, maybe i should actually write this. might be fun.’ and then it was!
What else about your book might pique a reader’s interest? 
Wormholes and at-least mostly accurate multiverse theory.
None of that silly ‘characters don’t tell each other all the information and so they don’t trust each other’! These characters share all their information and still don’t trust each other! Progress!…right?
Massive space war happening in the background
Crystalline aliens which look like B-movie plasma globes
Ostensible main character who gets no lines for a lot of the first storyline
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cariadbooks · 3 years
Bound By Eden
One night with two alien strangers changed everything.Risk manager, Rowena Lewis, threw caution to the wind when she drowned her sorrows in a bottle of tequila and two hot Edenists. These seemingly perfect men aren’t making it easy for her to return to her planet and the career she loves. But what if she’s already bonded with them? For life? Takoda’s heart will always belong to another, so he is…
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viblets-blog · 6 years
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“Sharjah in Futura”
shot in a post apocalyptic setting reimagining paul renner’s edenist ideal.
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katsbookcornerreads · 5 years
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I'm working hard writing Beast of Eden (the cover is still not public). Lyka, who can blend in with his surroundings like a chameleon has been exiled from the city of Tolba simply because he's Kindred of Eden. The problem is, he was part of a filoz that had just brought Xavia to the planet two days earlier, and she followed him through the portal unbeknownst to everyone. Xavia is a zoologist and an introvert, but prejudice is something she can't tolerate. Now as you know, Earth women are practically worshiped on Eden, so Lyka's pretty concerned about her safety in the jungle. Not only is that where lawbreakers are sent, but there are wild animals to contend with. And then Davos appears, an Edenist Lyka thought was long dead and Davos isn't happy, but that's nothing compared to what happens when they reach Una.  This book should be on pre-order next month. I'll be sure to let you know when it is. In the meantime, I did ask one of my Sci-fi Brigraders, Cara Bristol, if I could share her new release with you, and she was happy to oblige. So if you're in the mood for some sci-fi romance, be sure to check Alien Mischief at the end of my rambles. https://www.instagram.com/valentine5062/p/BtMfmbElA_m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ar3euhg8kzr0
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fajar78 · 5 years
Chandelier For Kids Room
Chandelier For Kids Room
Take three: Hi-tech hits
9 Kids’ Chandeliers You’ll Want to Hang in Your Room | Brit Co | Chandelier For Kids Room
“Ooh, I adulation the Edenists,” says the adolescent man watching a nymph-like goddess sing Pink Floyd’s Great Gig in the Sky as an aerialist coils into a bow-shaped moon abeyant from the beam and a aerialist with a snake boom aeroembolism his leg abaft his head.…
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rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
Celebrity Cruises Reimagines Onboard Entertainment
One of the six duplex villas on each Celebrity Edge ship. Each one has a plunge pool. The ship also reimagines onboard entertainment by adding cutting-edge performance art. Celebrity Cruises
Skift Take: Cruise lines have long attempted, with mixed results, to woo younger customers. Avante-garde shows may not do the trick on their own. But the effort to try new things is worthwhile.
— Sean O'Neill
Somewhere in the middle of the Mediterranean, a painter seeks to find his muse in an original new show: It involves flying bicycles, a beatbox musician, and acrobats hanging from silks and ladders.
If the show sounds Cirque du Soleil-ish, it is. The Montreal-based troupe just launched its first at-sea extravaganza, complete with the option of a pre-show dinner, onboard the new 4,500-passenger MSC Meraviglia.
When the 2,908-passenger Celebrity Edge is launched next year, it will feature an interactive spectacle created with producers of off-Broadway’s experiential Queen of the Night dinner theater.
The restaurant where it will be performed nightly has been designed to evoke the Garden of Eden, and when diners enter, actors called “Edenists” will whisper mysterious, scene-setting phrases into their ears before vocalists, acrobats, and dancers take the stage. 
As ever-bigger cruise ships mean that a more diverse crowd is lining up to be entertained, the world of cruise-ship performing arts is evolving. Turns out entertainment can be a key factor when it comes to acquiring and retaining customers among the competitive cruise-line set—and people love to be surprised. In the expanding industry, executives are also betting passengers will even be willing to pay for premium shows, like the Eden event, unlocking a potential new revenue stream.
That’s not to say that the days of bland Broadway revues, cheesy dance numbers, and uninspired magic acts—largely performed by inexperienced actors—are totally over. But serious competition from new creators is recasting the way cruisers think about entertainment at sea.
Changing Tides
“We need more venues for more tastes, age groups, and nationalities,” said Gary Glading, head of entertainment and guest experiences for MSC Cruises. So in addition to its lineup of 45-minute themed variety shows—which feature singers, dancers, and sword swallowers—MSC has invested $22 million to create a theater for Cirque du Soleil on the high-tech Meraviglia. (It’s the first of four MSC ships to develop such a space.)
The 413-seat entertainment and dining lounge is custom-designed with intricate rigging for aerial acts—hallmarks of the two Cirque shows that are now playing on the ship six days a week.
On its new 4,140-passenger MSC Seaside, which will make its debut out of Miami in December, MSC is also testing improvisational comedy shows by Toronto-based troupe BeerProv (as in, “unscripted comedy on tap”). 
“People are looking for something that’s different, that’s not the same beige product everyone else is turning out,” Glading said.
Original Acts
Richard Ambrose, vice president of entertainment for Norwegian Cruise Line, says “there is nothing wrong with a revue. Broadway has started to do ‘juke box’ musicals, and that’s the same thing.” But some shipboard options are better than others, he added.
Still, on their latest and largest ships, both Norwegian and Royal Caribbean have been replacing revues with more relevant options. Some are slightly shortened versions of Broadway musicals—a little trip to the Great White Way in the middle of the great blue sea.
They include such classics as Grease and Saturday Night Fever on Royal Caribbean, or more recent hits such as Rock of Ages and After Midnight on Norwegian. The shows of yesteryear barely even had a storyline; these have dialogue, upgraded costumes, and proper sets, just like their land-based counterparts. Some even feature members of the New York casts and production teams. 
That’s just one strategy at play. Celebrity, Royal Caribbean’s sister brand, is focusing on original productions, some with aerial acrobatics and high-tech effects—already, it has 18 such shows in its lineup.
Elyria is its most daring: It’s a slightly risqué, avant-garde love story with choreography by industry veterans who have worked with Madonna and Kylie Minogue. The show was launched in 2015 on Celebrity Constellation and was an immediate hit.
And then there’s Edge, which hopes to push the boundaries further when it is launched in December 2018. With interactive elements reminiscent of the immersive theater phenomenon Sleep No More, the show will be different each time guests go. That’s an industry first, according to Becky Thomson-Foley, Celebrity’s associate vice president of entertainment. People might go several times during a trip.
“The younger generation wants more choices than ever,” said Sarah Beth Reno, vice president of entertainment at Carnival Cruise Line, which has cut its main stage song-and-dance shows down to a bitesize 35 to 45 minutes, so people also have time to pursue such other options as stand-up comedy and live music.
“People want to walk around and experience everything that is available,” agreed MSC’s Glading. “I call it the buffet syndrome. They don’t want to miss out on anything.”
Jazz Hands in the Board Room
The recent fact is, shipboard stage experiences are translating to quarterly earnings.
For starters, some of the new entertainment comes with an extra price tag for guests, unlocking a brand-new revenue stream. (Even for cruises that charge for select activities and specialty dining, theater has always been all-inclusive.) MSC’s Cirque shows are $42 (€35) with dinner, $18 without. Celebrity’s Eden show will also come with a cost, which has yet to be determined.
At Norwegian, which first introduced a dinner theater circus (created by Florida-based Cirque Productions) in 2010, the profits are obvious. The theater on Norwegian Breakaway, one of three ships with the show, holds 245; with nine shows a week at $39.99 (including dinner), performance revenue on that ship alone can hit $4.5 million a year.
“I remember people, even industry experts, saying, ‘Oh my god, that will never work,’” said Celebrity’s Thomson-Foley, referring to optional shipboard specialty restaurants with an admission fee, something that has become an industry norm. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that kind of leads that way with entertainment.” 
“We’ve definitely seen a shift in our guests telling us entertainment is a deciding factor for them,” said Thomson-Foley, citing surveys from last year. And according to MSC’s Glading, “Entertainment isn’t the reason they book—it’s the reason they come back.” 
Ships as Theater Incubators
The better cruise ship entertainment gets, the more seriously the theater industry is taking it. “Back in the day cruise ship entertainment was just below accordion players. There was no respect,” said Norwegian’s Ambrose. When he started in the business a decade ago, producers wouldn’t even return his calls. Now they’re calling him about their Broadway and West End debuts, hoping to collect franchise fees for road productions at sea (where shows are likely to be performed for years).
Some New York City shows may soon get their starts at sea.
The original, Cuban-themed musical being developed for Norwegian Bliss by Tony Award-winning director/choreographer Warren Carlyle (After Midnight), for instance, is attracting interest by land-based producers. It’s the first time an original production developed by a cruise company is garnering attention from outsiders, Ambrose said.
And it’s no wonder: The as-yet-untitled show is being composed by Grammy award winner Albita Rodriguez, with costumes by Tony nominee Isabel Toledo.
So how did cruise shows get so good? The short answer is money. Cruise companies are investing in talent and striking partnerships with award-winning directors, choreographers, costumers, and set makers rather than buying package deals off the shelf from no-name producers.
They’re also investing in rehearsal facilities that would make land-based professionals weep: Rather than practicing in conference rooms at motels, as they once did, cruise actors now have state-of-the-art spaces, such as a $32 million studio that Royal Caribbean opened in south Florida in 2015.
The contracts that guarantee eight to 10 months of employment? They’re icing on the cake.
This article was written by Fran Golden from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
Celebrity Cruises Reimagines Onboard Entertainment
One of the six duplex villas on each Celebrity Edge ship. Each one has a plunge pool. The ship also reimagines onboard entertainment by adding cutting-edge performance art. Celebrity Cruises
Skift Take: Cruise lines have long attempted, with mixed results, to woo younger customers. Avante-garde shows may not do the trick on their own. But the effort to try new things is worthwhile.
— Sean O'Neill
Somewhere in the middle of the Mediterranean, a painter seeks to find his muse in an original new show: It involves flying bicycles, a beatbox musician, and acrobats hanging from silks and ladders.
If the show sounds Cirque du Soleil-ish, it is. The Montreal-based troupe just launched its first at-sea extravaganza, complete with the option of a pre-show dinner, onboard the new 4,500-passenger MSC Meraviglia.
When the 2,908-passenger Celebrity Edge is launched next year, it will feature an interactive spectacle created with producers of off-Broadway’s experiential Queen of the Night dinner theater.
The restaurant where it will be performed nightly has been designed to evoke the Garden of Eden, and when diners enter, actors called “Edenists” will whisper mysterious, scene-setting phrases into their ears before vocalists, acrobats, and dancers take the stage. 
As ever-bigger cruise ships mean that a more diverse crowd is lining up to be entertained, the world of cruise-ship performing arts is evolving. Turns out entertainment can be a key factor when it comes to acquiring and retaining customers among the competitive cruise-line set—and people love to be surprised. In the expanding industry, executives are also betting passengers will even be willing to pay for premium shows, like the Eden event, unlocking a potential new revenue stream.
That’s not to say that the days of bland Broadway revues, cheesy dance numbers, and uninspired magic acts—largely performed by inexperienced actors—are totally over. But serious competition from new creators is recasting the way cruisers think about entertainment at sea.
Changing Tides
“We need more venues for more tastes, age groups, and nationalities,” said Gary Glading, head of entertainment and guest experiences for MSC Cruises. So in addition to its lineup of 45-minute themed variety shows—which feature singers, dancers, and sword swallowers—MSC has invested $22 million to create a theater for Cirque du Soleil on the high-tech Meraviglia. (It’s the first of four MSC ships to develop such a space.)
The 413-seat entertainment and dining lounge is custom-designed with intricate rigging for aerial acts—hallmarks of the two Cirque shows that are now playing on the ship six days a week.
On its new 4,140-passenger MSC Seaside, which will make its debut out of Miami in December, MSC is also testing improvisational comedy shows by Toronto-based troupe BeerProv (as in, “unscripted comedy on tap”). 
“People are looking for something that’s different, that’s not the same beige product everyone else is turning out,” Glading said.
Original Acts
Richard Ambrose, vice president of entertainment for Norwegian Cruise Line, says “there is nothing wrong with a revue. Broadway has started to do ‘juke box’ musicals, and that’s the same thing.” But some shipboard options are better than others, he added.
Still, on their latest and largest ships, both Norwegian and Royal Caribbean have been replacing revues with more relevant options. Some are slightly shortened versions of Broadway musicals—a little trip to the Great White Way in the middle of the great blue sea.
They include such classics as Grease and Saturday Night Fever on Royal Caribbean, or more recent hits such as Rock of Ages and After Midnight on Norwegian. The shows of yesteryear barely even had a storyline; these have dialogue, upgraded costumes, and proper sets, just like their land-based counterparts. Some even feature members of the New York casts and production teams. 
That’s just one strategy at play. Celebrity, Royal Caribbean’s sister brand, is focusing on original productions, some with aerial acrobatics and high-tech effects—already, it has 18 such shows in its lineup.
Elyria is its most daring: It’s a slightly risqué, avant-garde love story with choreography by industry veterans who have worked with Madonna and Kylie Minogue. The show was launched in 2015 on Celebrity Constellation and was an immediate hit.
And then there’s Edge, which hopes to push the boundaries further when it is launched in December 2018. With interactive elements reminiscent of the immersive theater phenomenon Sleep No More, the show will be different each time guests go. That’s an industry first, according to Becky Thomson-Foley, Celebrity’s associate vice president of entertainment. People might go several times during a trip.
“The younger generation wants more choices than ever,” said Sarah Beth Reno, vice president of entertainment at Carnival Cruise Line, which has cut its main stage song-and-dance shows down to a bitesize 35 to 45 minutes, so people also have time to pursue such other options as stand-up comedy and live music.
“People want to walk around and experience everything that is available,” agreed MSC’s Glading. “I call it the buffet syndrome. They don’t want to miss out on anything.”
Jazz Hands in the Board Room
The recent fact is, shipboard stage experiences are translating to quarterly earnings.
For starters, some of the new entertainment comes with an extra price tag for guests, unlocking a brand-new revenue stream. (Even for cruises that charge for select activities and specialty dining, theater has always been all-inclusive.) MSC’s Cirque shows are $42 (€35) with dinner, $18 without. Celebrity’s Eden show will also come with a cost, which has yet to be determined.
At Norwegian, which first introduced a dinner theater circus (created by Florida-based Cirque Productions) in 2010, the profits are obvious. The theater on Norwegian Breakaway, one of three ships with the show, holds 245; with nine shows a week at $39.99 (including dinner), performance revenue on that ship alone can hit $4.5 million a year.
“I remember people, even industry experts, saying, ‘Oh my god, that will never work,’” said Celebrity’s Thomson-Foley, referring to optional shipboard specialty restaurants with an admission fee, something that has become an industry norm. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that kind of leads that way with entertainment.” 
“We’ve definitely seen a shift in our guests telling us entertainment is a deciding factor for them,” said Thomson-Foley, citing surveys from last year. And according to MSC’s Glading, “Entertainment isn’t the reason they book—it’s the reason they come back.” 
Ships as Theater Incubators
The better cruise ship entertainment gets, the more seriously the theater industry is taking it. “Back in the day cruise ship entertainment was just below accordion players. There was no respect,” said Norwegian’s Ambrose. When he started in the business a decade ago, producers wouldn’t even return his calls. Now they’re calling him about their Broadway and West End debuts, hoping to collect franchise fees for road productions at sea (where shows are likely to be performed for years).
Some New York City shows may soon get their starts at sea.
The original, Cuban-themed musical being developed for Norwegian Bliss by Tony Award-winning director/choreographer Warren Carlyle (After Midnight), for instance, is attracting interest by land-based producers. It’s the first time an original production developed by a cruise company is garnering attention from outsiders, Ambrose said.
And it’s no wonder: The as-yet-untitled show is being composed by Grammy award winner Albita Rodriguez, with costumes by Tony nominee Isabel Toledo.
So how did cruise shows get so good? The short answer is money. Cruise companies are investing in talent and striking partnerships with award-winning directors, choreographers, costumers, and set makers rather than buying package deals off the shelf from no-name producers.
They’re also investing in rehearsal facilities that would make land-based professionals weep: Rather than practicing in conference rooms at motels, as they once did, cruise actors now have state-of-the-art spaces, such as a $32 million studio that Royal Caribbean opened in south Florida in 2015.
The contracts that guarantee eight to 10 months of employment? They’re icing on the cake.
This article was written by Fran Golden from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
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fredericlevoyageur · 7 years
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DESTINATION TERRE 7 ; Mu et les autres mondes , Nouvelle parution : Chapitre 4 , Les mondes Bonjour Je viens de faire paraitre un nouveau chapitre de mon livre : DESTINATION TERRE 7 , Mu et les autres mondes Chapitre 4 , Les mondes Qu’on les appelle : ère , âge , feux ou monde , ce sont des prédictions pour tenter de modifier l’avenir dans le bon sens Les prévisions d’avenir sont toutes malheureusement justes et très prévisibles Ce qui fait donc la valeur de ces prédictions , ce n’est pas ce qu’ils nous disent de l’avenir , mais ce qu’ils nous disent du passé et surtout de combien de temps ils reculent avec précision dans ce passé C’est pourquoi , sans contestation possible , ce sont les prédictions hopis les plus concordantes avec la réalité : Ils remontent au 1er monde qui débute en – 410 628 Ils ponctuent leurs mondes en portions de 100 000 ans environ Nous avons vu dans le chapitre précédent qu’un monde valait 103 104 ans Les cataclysmes qui terminent chaque monde correspondent à ce que nous savons des paléoclimats Estampe : Amérindien avec une ceinture wampum , 1825 McCord Museum - Nicholas Vincent Tsawenhohi , Edward Chatfield Photo Wikipédia public domain : David Ross , Jeangagnon Venez vite lire le chapitre complet sur mon blog : https://destinationterre2.wordpress.com/ Je vous rappelle que tant que le livre n’est pas publié , il est lisible et consultable GRATUITEMENT sur mon blog Une fois publié , il sera effacé car il ne peut rester sur le blog , qu’un résumé : https://destinationterre1.wordpress.com/ DESTINATION TERRE , 1 à 7 Par Douglas Moonstone Ce livre est l’histoire de la recherche de nos origines Est-ce notre véritable histoire ? Douglas Moonstone en est persuadé … Le sujet de ce livre est l’histoire des civilisations anciennes , de -261 780 , date du début de l’histoire des hommes selon les sumériens à -1 000 avant J.C. , jusqu’à coller à l’histoire connue Pour commencer , il nous faut éclaircir l’histoire des édenistes et des atlantes arrivant de l’espace comme des dieux et de leur interaction avec les humains sur la terre La bible , le Pop Wuh , le Kojiki , la mythologie, les légendes chinoises et tous les autres récits légendaires du monde , sont les sources de cette histoire , de notre histoire … L’île de Pâques , les pyramides , l’Atlantide , et bien d’autres mystères , nous apparaissent sous un jour nouveau Ce livre nous relate qu’en Afrique , les populations utilisaient le fer 3000 ans avant les européens, que les mayas et les hopis étaient des peuples développés et civilisés il y a 5000 ans , et nous rappelle que les légendes chinoises ne sont pas des contes mais bien la réalité vue par la population d’alors Ce livre apporte des explications cohérentes à de nombreux mystères de notre terre Les théories actuellement existantes expliquant ces mystères , sont très souvent contredites à chaque nouvelle découverte scientifique ou archéologique … Jusqu’à présent chaque nouvelle découverte scientifique ou archéologique a confirmé les théories évoquées dans ce livre … Bien des théories que l’on retrouve dans ce livre existent déjà , mais pour la première fois , elles sont regroupées en une suite et une histoire cohérente Blog groupé de Douglas Moonstone : http://destinationterre1.wordpress.com/ Destination terre 1 , Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine C’est l’histoire des dieux édenistes venus de l’espace et de leur colonisation de la terre … La bible et les légendes de Chine décrivent ces invasions jusqu’au moindre détail technique Il suffit de les lire et d’oublier ce que l’on nous a appris : Le progrès est linéaire , avant c’était moins bien Donc les hommes de l’antiquité étaient des sauvages D’ailleurs ils vivaient à l’âge de pierre , ne connaissant ni la roue , ni l’agriculture , ni la technologie Et pourtant ils nous ont laissé des légendes fantastiques , des constructions gigantesques , l’art , la métallurgie , l’agriculture et tant d’autres choses Destination terre 2 , Les dieux atlantes Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Ce tome 2 , va voir arriver les atlantes Cela ne se fera pas sans heurts … Destination Terre 3 , La dissolution des dieux Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 2 , les atlantes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 3 , Atlantide ayant coulé , les dieux , sans infrastructures de maintenance , vont se dissoudre dans les peuples Mais ils voudront garder le pouvoir … Destination terre 4 , Les tokhariens Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 2 , les atlantes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 3 , sans Atlantide les dieux vont se dissoudre Dans ce tome 4 , nous allons raconter les sagas d’une civilisation , les tokhariens , qui dominaient , il y a 5000 ans , quasiment la moitié de la planète Avec les mayas , leurs alliés , qui dominaient quasiment le reste , il dominaient plus des 2/3 de la Terre Et personne ne les connait … Ni les tokhariens , ni les mayas … On peut résumer en disant que les mayas contrôlaient les airs et que les tokhariens contrôlaient les mers Destination terre 5 , Les indo-européens La théorie officielle : Les indo-européens sont une population arrivée de nulle part et surgissant par génération spontanée au nord de la Mer Noire vers – 4000 Vers - 1500 , ils vont conquérir l’Inde et écrire les védas Cette théorie va justifier la suprématie britannique et la colonisation C’est ce qui est encore appris aujourd’hui aux enfants à l’école en Inde Pourtant l’on sait bien aujourd’hui que les védas ont été écris aux alentours de – 4300 … Dans ce tome 5 , nous allons essayer de retracer la véritable histoire de ceux que l’on appelle les indos-européens Destination terre 6 , Exodes et rescapés La terre s’est adaptée à l’invasion des dieux edenistes et atlantes Non sans combats ni génocides Dans ce tome 6 , nous allons essayer de retracer l’histoire des exodes qui en ont résulté et déterminer la place qui a été laissée aux terriens autochtones rescapés des glaciations En cours d’écriture Destination terre 7 , Mû et les autres mondes Parution prévue fin 2017 / début 2018 Disponibles sur www.amazon.fr / Douglas Moonstone ou Frederic le voyageur Livres papier : Auteur : Douglas Moonstone Destination Terre 1 : Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine Destination Terre 1 : Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine – Edition couleur Destination Terre 2 : Les dieux atlantes Destination Terre 2 : Les dieux atlantes – Edition couleur Destination Terre 3 : La dissolution des dieux Destination Terre 3 : La dissolution des dieux – Edition couleur Destination Terre 4 : Les tokhariens Destination Terre 4 : Les tokhariens – Edition couleur Destination Terre 5 : Les indo-européens Destination Terre 5 : Les indo-européens – Edition couleur Destination Terre 6 : Exodes et rescapés Destination Terre 6 : Exodes et rescapés – Edition couleur Auteur : Frederic le voyageur Evasions 1 : Houat et le golfe Tours 1 : Houat and Morbihan’s gulf Voyages en vrac 1 : Madras Livres numériques : Auteur : Douglas Moonstone Destination Terre 1 : Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine Destination Terre 2 : Les dieux atlantes Destination Terre 3 : La dissolution des dieux Destination Terre 4 : Les tokhariens Destination Terre 5 : Les indo-européens Destination Terre 6 : Exodes et rescapés Auteur : Frederic le voyageur Evasions 1 : Houat et le golfe Voyages en vrac 1 : Madras Tours 1 : Houat and Morbihan’s gulf Prix sur amazon.fr Auteur : Douglas Moonstone En version numérique pour 3 € La version livre papier pour 9.50 € La version livre papier couleur pour 36.00 € Auteur : Frederic le voyageur En version numérique pour 3 € La version livre papier pour 10.00 € Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture Cordialement Douglas
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fredericlevoyageur · 7 years
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EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds Newly published , in french , Chapter 4: The Worlds Hello , I just finished to wrote a new chapter of my book : DESTINATION TERRE 7 : Mu et les autres mondes Chapitre 4 : Les mondes Whether they are called era, age, fires or world, these are predictions to attempt to change the future in the right direction The future forecasts are all unfortunately fair and very predictable What gives the value of these predictions is not what they tell us about the future, but what they tell us about the past and especially how long they retreat precisely in this past This is why, without any possible contestation, it is the Hopis predictions which are the most consistent with reality: They date back to the first world starting in - 410 628 They punctuate their worlds in portions of about 100,000 years We saw in the previous chapter that a world had a worth of 103 104 years The cataclysms that end each world correspond to what we know about the paleoclimates Estampe : Amérindien avec une ceinture wampum , 1825 McCord Museum - Nicholas Vincent Tsawenhohi , Edward Chatfield Photo Wikipédia public domain : David Ross , Jeangagnon Come and read the entire chapter on my blog: https://earthistheaim2.wordpress.com/ I remind you that as long as the book is not published, it can be read FREE on my blog Once published, it will be erased because it can stay on the blog, only a summary: https://earthistheaim.wordpress.com/ DESTINATION TERRE This book is the history of researching our origins Is this our true story? Douglas Moonstone is convinced about it ... The subject of this book is the history of the ancient civilizations , from -261 780, date of the beginning of the history of the men according to the Sumerians to -1000 BC, until sticking to the known history To begin, we need to clarify the story of the Edenists and Atlanteans coming from space as gods and their interaction with humans on Earth The Bible, Pop Wuh, Kojiki, mythology, Chinese legends and all the other legendary tales of the world, are the sources of this history, our history ... The Easter Island, the pyramids, Atlantis, and many other mysteries, appear to us in a new light This book tells us that in Africa, people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans, that the Mayas and Hopi were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago, and reminds us that Chinese legends are not tales But the reality seen by the population This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our land The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery ... So far every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book ... Many of the theories found in this book already exist, but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story Douglas Moonstone's blog: https://fredericauthor.wordpress.com/ EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s Gods This is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth ... The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details Just read them and forget what we have been taught: Progress is linear, before it was not so developed So men of antiquity were savages Besides, they lived in the Stone Age, not knowing neither the wheel, nor agriculture, nor technology And yet they have left us fantastic legends, gigantic constructions, art, metallurgy, agriculture and so many other things DESTINATION TERRE 2 , Atlantean gods In Volume 1, the Edenists arrived on Earth This volume 2, will see the arrival of the Atlanteans This will not happen without clashes ... DESTINATION TERRE 3 , Dissolution of the gods In Volume 1, the Edenists arrived on Earth In Volume 2, the Atlanteans arrived on Earth In volume 3, Atlantis been sunked , gods, without maintenance infrastructure, will dissolve themselves into the peoples But they still want to keep the power ... DESTINATION TERRE 4, The Tokharians In Volume 1, the Edenists arrived on earth In Volume 2, the Atlanteans arrived on earth In Volume 3, without Atlantis the gods have been dissolved into the peoples In this volume 4, we will relate the sagas of a the civilization of the Tokharians, who dominated, almost 5000 years ago, almost half of the planet With the Mayans, their allies, who dominated almost the rest, they dominated more than 2/3 of the Earth And nobody knows them ... Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans ... We can say Mayans controlled the air and Tokharians controlled the seas DESTINATION TERRE 5, Indo-Europeans The official theory: The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation north of the Black Sea towards - 4000 About 1500, they conquered India and wrote the Vedas This theory will justify British supremacy and colonization This is what is still being learned today at school to the children in India Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written in the vicinity of about - 4300 ... In this volume 5 we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European DESTINATION TERRE 6, Exodus and survivors TheEarth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods but not without battles or genocides In this volume, we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations Actually published : EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s gods Translated in English language by the author EARTH IS THE AIM 2 to 5 Actually only published in French To be published soon ( Already published in french ) but you can read it in English on my blogs 2 Atlanteans gods On : https://earthistheaim.wordpress.com/ 3 Dissolving of gods 4 Tokharians 5 Indo-Europeans 6 Exodus and survivors On : https://earthistheaim2.wordpress.com/ Still on writing : 7 Mu and others worlds ( end 2017 ) More details on : https://fredericauthor.wordpress.com/ All the books of Douglas Moonstone and Frederic le voyageur Are available in E-book , paper book and color printing on : Amazon.com / Douglas Moonstone or Frederic le voyageur Prices on amazon.fr or amazon.com or amazon.co.uk : Douglas Moonstone E-books 3 € or 3.50 $ or 2.50 £ ( Free KDP enrolled ) Paper books 9.50 € or 12.00 $ or 8.00 £ Color printed books 36.00 € or 59.00 $ or 29 .00 £ Frederic le voyageur Color printed books 10.00 € or 15.00 $ or 9 .00 £ Have a good time Regards Douglas
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fredericlevoyageur · 7 years
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DESTINATION TERRE 7 ; Mu et les autres mondes , Nouvelle parution : Chapitre 3 , Variations climatiques Bonjour Je viens de faire paraitre un nouveau chapitre de mon livre : DESTINATION TERRE 7 , Mu et les autres mondes ; Chapitre 3 , Variations climatiques Influence de l’homme sur les glaciations et déglaciations C’est de la folie mégalomane de croire que l’homme y est pour quelque chose Même avec la totalité de ses moyens techniques , l’homme ne peut atteindre la puissance de la nature En aucun cas il n’est capable de déclencher le phénomène Il est juste capable de l’accompagner et de l’accélérer Une déglaciation dure environ 10 000 ans : 6 000 ans pour le déclenchement et l’amorçage 4 000 ans pour la déglaciation L’attitude néfaste de l’homme envers la nature peut accélérer le mouvement et ainsi la déglaciation ne durera qu’environ 1 000 ans Mais que sont 3 000 ans de répit en regard des colossaux bénéfices des multinationales ? L’Europe avec juste 80 mètres d’élévation du niveau de la mer Photo Sébastien Merkel – Université – Lille 1 Venez vite lire le chapitre complet sur mon blog : https://destinationterre2.wordpress.com/ Je vous rappelle que tant que le livre n’est pas publié , il est lisible et consultable GRATUITEMENT sur mon blog Une fois publié , il sera effacé car il ne peut rester sur le blog , qu’un résumé : https://destinationterre1.wordpress.com/ DESTINATION TERRE , 1 à 7 Par Douglas Moonstone Ce livre est l’histoire de la recherche de nos origines Est-ce notre véritable histoire ? Douglas Moonstone en est persuadé … Le sujet de ce livre est l’histoire des civilisations anciennes , de -261 780 , date du début de l’histoire des hommes selon les sumériens à -1 000 avant J.C. , jusqu’à coller à l’histoire connue Pour commencer , il nous faut éclaircir l’histoire des édenistes et des atlantes arrivant de l’espace comme des dieux et de leur interaction avec les humains sur la terre La bible , le Pop Wuh , le Kojiki , la mythologie, les légendes chinoises et tous les autres récits légendaires du monde , sont les sources de cette histoire , de notre histoire … L’île de Pâques , les pyramides , l’Atlantide , et bien d’autres mystères , nous apparaissent sous un jour nouveau Ce livre nous relate qu’en Afrique , les populations utilisaient le fer 3000 ans avant les européens, que les mayas et les hopis étaient des peuples développés et civilisés il y a 5000 ans , et nous rappelle que les légendes chinoises ne sont pas des contes mais bien la réalité vue par la population d’alors Ce livre apporte des explications cohérentes à de nombreux mystères de notre terre Les théories actuellement existantes expliquant ces mystères , sont très souvent contredites à chaque nouvelle découverte scientifique ou archéologique … Jusqu’à présent chaque nouvelle découverte scientifique ou archéologique a confirmé les théories évoquées dans ce livre … Bien des théories que l’on retrouve dans ce livre existent déjà , mais pour la première fois , elles sont regroupées en une suite et une histoire cohérente Blog groupé de Douglas Moonstone : http://destinationterre1.wordpress.com/ Destination terre 1 , Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine C’est l’histoire des dieux édenistes venus de l’espace et de leur colonisation de la terre … La bible et les légendes de Chine décrivent ces invasions jusqu’au moindre détail technique Il suffit de les lire et d’oublier ce que l’on nous a appris : Le progrès est linéaire , avant c’était moins bien Donc les hommes de l’antiquité étaient des sauvages D’ailleurs ils vivaient à l’âge de pierre , ne connaissant ni la roue , ni l’agriculture , ni la technologie Et pourtant ils nous ont laissé des légendes fantastiques , des constructions gigantesques , l’art , la métallurgie , l’agriculture et tant d’autres choses Destination terre 2 , Les dieux atlantes Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Ce tome 2 , va voir arriver les atlantes Cela ne se fera pas sans heurts … Destination Terre 3 , La dissolution des dieux Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 2 , les atlantes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 3 , Atlantide ayant coulé , les dieux , sans infrastructures de maintenance , vont se dissoudre dans les peuples Mais ils voudront garder le pouvoir … Destination terre 4 , Les tokhariens Dans le tome 1 , les édenistes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 2 , les atlantes sont arrivés sur terre Dans le tome 3 , sans Atlantide les dieux vont se dissoudre Dans ce tome 4 , nous allons raconter les sagas d’une civilisation , les tokhariens , qui dominaient , il y a 5000 ans , quasiment la moitié de la planète Avec les mayas , leurs alliés , qui dominaient quasiment le reste , il dominaient plus des 2/3 de la Terre Et personne ne les connait … Ni les tokhariens , ni les mayas … On peut résumer en disant que les mayas contrôlaient les airs et que les tokhariens contrôlaient les mers Destination terre 5 , Les indo-européens La théorie officielle : Les indo-européens sont une population arrivée de nulle part et surgissant par génération spontanée au nord de la Mer Noire vers – 4000 Vers - 1500 , ils vont conquérir l’Inde et écrire les védas Cette théorie va justifier la suprématie britannique et la colonisation C’est ce qui est encore appris aujourd’hui aux enfants à l’école en Inde Pourtant l’on sait bien aujourd’hui que les védas ont été écris aux alentours de – 4300 … Dans ce tome 5 , nous allons essayer de retracer la véritable histoire de ceux que l’on appelle les indos-européens Destination terre 6 , Exodes et rescapés La terre s’est adaptée à l’invasion des dieux edenistes et atlantes Non sans combats ni génocides Dans ce tome 6 , nous allons essayer de retracer l’histoire des exodes qui en ont résulté et déterminer la place qui a été laissée aux terriens autochtones rescapés des glaciations En cours d’écriture Destination terre 7 , Mû et les autres mondes Parution prévue fin 2017 / début 2018 Disponibles sur www.amazon.fr / Douglas Moonstone ou Frederic le voyageur Livres papier : Auteur : Douglas Moonstone Destination Terre 1 : Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine Destination Terre 1 : Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine – Edition couleur Destination Terre 2 : Les dieux atlantes Destination Terre 2 : Les dieux atlantes – Edition couleur Destination Terre 3 : La dissolution des dieux Destination Terre 3 : La dissolution des dieux – Edition couleur Destination Terre 4 : Les tokhariens Destination Terre 4 : Les tokhariens – Edition couleur Destination Terre 5 : Les indo-européens Destination Terre 5 : Les indo-européens – Edition couleur Destination Terre 6 : Exodes et rescapés Destination Terre 6 : Exodes et rescapés – Edition couleur Auteur : Frederic le voyageur Evasions 1 : Houat et le golfe Tours 1 : Houat and Morbihan’s gulf Voyages en vrac 1 : Madras Livres numériques : Auteur : Douglas Moonstone Destination Terre 1 : Les dieux d’Eden et de Chine Destination Terre 2 : Les dieux atlantes Destination Terre 3 : La dissolution des dieux Destination Terre 4 : Les tokhariens Destination Terre 5 : Les indo-européens Destination Terre 6 : Exodes et rescapés Auteur : Frederic le voyageur Evasions 1 : Houat et le golfe Voyages en vrac 1 : Madras Tours 1 : Houat and Morbihan’s gulf Prix sur amazon.fr Auteur : Douglas Moonstone En version numérique pour 3 € La version livre papier pour 9.50 € La version livre papier couleur pour 36.00 € Auteur : Frederic le voyageur En version numérique pour 3 € La version livre papier pour 10.00 € Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture Cordialement Douglas
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fredericlevoyageur · 7 years
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EARTH IS THE AIM / DESTINATION TERRE Tables of contents To give you an idea of what is in my books , I publish here the tables of contents EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s gods This is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth ... The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details Just read them and forget what we have been taught: Progress is linear, before it was not so developed So men of antiquity were savages Besides, they lived in the Stone Age, not knowing neither the wheel, nor agriculture, nor technology And yet they have left us fantastic legends, gigantic constructions, art, metallurgy, agriculture and so many other things Contents EARTH IS THE AIM 1 Gods of Eden and China Page 10 First part : Présentation Page 10 Chapter 1 : Présentation Page 11 Chapter 2 : History Page 13 Chapter 3 : Theory Page 14 Chapter 4 : Mother goddess Page 15 Second part : Earth is the aim Page 15 Chapter 1 : Why ? Page 18 Chapter 2 : UFO’s Page 23 Chapter 3 : Short angle flight Page 24 Chapter 4 : Piri reis’s map Page 28 Chapter 5 : Oriontus Finaeus’s map Page 29 Chapter 6 : The travellers Page 32 Third part : Edenists Page 32 Chapter 1 : Terraforming Page 35 Chapter 2 : Lunar camp Page 39 Chapter 3 : Dating Page 43 Chapter 4 : First to fifth day Page 48 Chapter 5 : Sixth day Page 53 Chapter 6 : Lilith Page 58 Chapter 7 : Seventh day Page 61 Chapter 8 : Eva and the snake Page 66 Chapter 9 : Lilith and the snake Page 67 Chapter 10 : The flood Page 74 Chapter 11 : Adam to Noah Page 78 Fourth part : Asians Page 78 Chapter 1 : Asians Page 79 Chapter 2 : Chronology of Chinese History Page 84 Chapter 3 : Before : The travel Page 88 Chapter 4 : The 3 Augusts : Fu Xi Page 99 Chapter 5 : The 3 Augusts : Nü Wa 1 – Men manufacturing Page 103 Chapter 6 : The 3 Augusts : Nü Wa 2 – The flood Page 108 Chapter 7 : The 3 Augusts : Nü Wa 3 –Earth inclination Page 111 Chapter 8 : The 3 Augusts : Shennong Page 116 Chapter 9 : The 5 emperors : Huangdi Page 129 Chapter 10 : The 5 emperors : Zhuanxu Page 131 Chapter 11 : The 5 emperors : Ku Page 139 Chapter 12 : The 5 emperors : Yao Page 146 Chapter 13 : The 5 emperors : Yao / 2 : The go Page 153 Chapter 14 : The 5 emperors : Yao / 3 : The Chinese calendars Page 157 Chapter 15 : The 5 emperors : Yao / 4 : Yi Page 166 Chapter 16 : The 5 emperors : Yao / 5 : Chang E Page 179 Chapter 17 : The 5 emperors : Yao / 6 : Gun Page 188 Chapter 18 : The 5 emperors : Shun , The last Emperor Page 190 Chapter 19 : The 5 emperors : Shun/2 : Yu Page 201 Chapter 20 : The 5 emperors : Shun/3 : Yu’s trips Page 220 Chapter 21 : The Xia dynasty : Yu the great Page 224 Chapter 22 : Ancient China Page 227 Chapter 23 : Qin Page 234 Chapter 24 : Burnings Page 240 Fifth part : Olympus Page 240 Chapter 1 : Xi Wang Mu Page 248 Chapter 2 : Héra Page 257 Chapter 3 : Puzzle en 4 D Page 260 Chapter 4 : Minoans Page 271 Chapter 5 : Lilith Page 277 Chapter 6 : Olympus Page 279 Chapter 7 : Legends of Olympus Page 285 Acknowledgments Page 286 Contents DESTINATION TERRE 2 , Atlantean gods In Volume 1, the Edenists arrived on Earth This volume 2, will see the arrival of the Atlanteans This will not happen without clashes ... Table des matières Destination terre 2 : Les dieux atlantes Page 7 Chapitre 1 : Les atlantes Page 9 Chapitre 2 : Le svastika Page 14 Chapitre 3 : Les menhirs atlantes Page 19 Chapitre 4 : L’île de Pâques Page 26 Chapitre 5 : Pop Wuh Page 30 Chapitre 6 : Les mayas Page 34 Chapitre 7 : Les menhirs du pacifique Page 38 Chapitre 8 : Les asura Page 48 Chapitre 9 : Sanchi Page 53 Chapitre 10 : Les deva Page 58 Chapitre 11 : Mahabharata Page 64 Chapitre 12 : Ramayana Page 72 Chapitre 13 : Les purana Page 78 Chapitre 14 : Les avatars de Vishnu Page 87 Chapitre 15 : Le royaume de Joséon Page 98 Chapitre 16 : Les jômons Page 105 Chapitre 17 : Le Kojiki , première partie Page 119 Chapitre 18 : Le Kojiki , seconde partie Page 131 Chapitre 19 : Le Japon du Kojiki Page 138 Chapitre 20 : Sumer Page 146 Chapitre 21 : Légendes sumériennes Page 159 Chapitre 22 : Nékhen et Pé Page 164 Chapitre 23 : Les dieux d’Egypte Page 175 Chapitre 24 : Les dynasties atlantes Page 182 Chapitre 25 : Les vanes et les ases Page 187 Chapitre 26 : Mythologie scandinave Page 193 Chapitre 27 : Les dieux scandinaves Page 203 Chapitre 28 : Légendes scandinaves Page 218 Chapitre 29 : Les Kelts Page 228 Chapitre 30 : Atlantide Page 240 Chapitre 31 : Les fuites du grand transporteur Page 248 Chapitre 32 : Atlantide … touché … coulé ! Page 264 Chapitre 33 : Les mayas de l’est Page 271 Chapitre 34 : La guerre des étoiles , version édeniste Page 277 Chapitre 35 : La guerre des étoiles , version Napoléon III Page 289 Chapitre 36 : La guerre des étoiles , version Louis XIV Page 298 Chapitre 37 : La guerre des étoiles , version atlante Page 302 Chapitre 38 : Les traducteurs Page 310 Chapitre 39 : La dissolution des dieux Page 314 Remerciements et bibliographie Page 315 Table des matières DESTINATION TERRE 3 , Dissolution of the gods In Volume 1, the Edenists arrived on Earth In Volume 2, the Atlanteans arrived on Earth In volume 3, Atlantis been sunked , gods, without maintenance infrastructure, will dissolve themselves into the peoples But they still want to keep the power ... Table des matières Destination terre 3 : La dissolution des dieux Page 007 Chapitre 1 : La dissolution des dieux Page 009 Chapitre 2 : Les hopis Page 018 Chapitre 3 : 21-12-2012 Page 024 Chapitre 4 : Les légendes hopis Page 036 Chapitre 5 : Les aborigènes Page 044 Chapitre 6 : Les légendes aborigènes Page 055 Chapitre 7 : Arts et musique aborigènes Page 060 Chapitre 8 : Les dieux aborigènes Page 065 Chapitre 9 : Les dogons Page 074 Chapitre 10 : Culte et rites des dogons Page 080 Chapitre 11 : Mythologie et légendes dogons Page 090 Chapitre 12 : Cosmologie dogon Page 099 Chapitre 13 : La Nubie Page 109 Chapitre 14 : Les nubiens Page 116 Chapitre 15 : Les mégalithes de Sénégambie Page 125 Chapitre 16 : Le 5ème AMM Page 134 Chapitre 17 : L’Amérique Page 138 Chapitre 18 : Les olmèques Page 146 Chapitre 19 : Les mayas Page 151 Chapitre 20 : Les dieux américains Page 155 Chapitre 21 : Les mégalithes américains Page 160 Chapitre 22 : Le triangle des Bermudes Page 171 Chapitre 23 : Preuves et commentaires Page 176 Chapitre 24 : Mycènes Page 187 Chapitre 25 : La route de l’or Page 202 Chapitre 26 : La route du cuivre Page 215 Chapitre 27 : L’or des hébreux Page 230 Chapitre 28 : Les cananéens Page 240 Chapitre 29 : Sodome et Gomorrhe Page 248 Chapitre 30 : La conquête de Canaan Page 262 Chapitre 31 : Les phéniciens Page 270 Chapitre 32 : Mythologie cananéenne et dieux phéniciens Page 280 Chapitre 33 : Baal Page 288 Chapitre 34 : Manu , le patriarche mnouch Page 300 Chapitre 35 : Les roma Page 309 Chapitre 36 : La démocratie Page 311 Chapitre 37 : Pressions extra-terrestres Page 317 Remerciements et bibliographie Page 318 Table des matières DESTINATION TERRE 4, The Tokharians In Volume 1, the Edenists arrived on earth In Volume 2, the Atlanteans arrived on earth In Volume 3, without Atlantis the gods have been dissolved into the peoples In this volume 4, we will relate the sagas of a the civilization of the Tokharians, who dominated, almost 5000 years ago, almost half of the planet With the Mayans, their allies, who dominated almost the rest, they dominated more than 2/3 of the Earth And nobody knows them ... Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans ... We can say Mayans controlled the air and Tokharians controlled the seas Table des matières : Destination terre Tome 4 : les tokhariens Page 005 Chapitre 1 : Les tokhariens Page 007 Chapitre 2 : Les tokhariens du Tibet Page 010 Chapitre 3 : Les tokhariens du Xinjiang Page 017 Chapitre 4 : Le désert de Gobi Page 024 Chapitre 5 : La radioactivité du Gobi Page 032 Chapitre 6 : Les tokhariens de Mongolie Page 038 Chapitre 7 : Les tokhariens de Mandchourie Page 040 Chapitre 8 : Les tokhariens de la péninsule indochinoise Page 043 Chapitre 9 : Les tokhariens du Myanmar Page 054 Chapitre 10 : Les tokhariens de Thaïlande Page 061 Chapitre 11 : Les tokhariens du Laos Page 070 Chapitre 12 : Les tokhariens du Cambodge Page 083 Chapitre 13 : La légende d’Angkor Vat Page 090 Chapitre 14 : Les tokhariens du Vietnam Page 100 Chapitre 15 : Les tokhariens de Malaisie Page 106 Chapitre 16 : Java Page 113 Chapitre 17 : Java , étape des mayas Page 119 Chapitre 18 : Culture et mythologie indonésienne Page 126 Chapitre 19 : Les tokhariens d’Indonésie Page 133 Chapitre 20 : Les tokhariens de l’océan indien Page 137 Chapitre 21 : Les tokhariens de Madagascar Page 143 Chapitre 22 : Les bantous Page 150 Chapitre 23 : Les dravidiens et les vazimbas Page 158 Chapitre 24 : Les Philippines Page 163 Chapitre 25 : Les tokhariens des Philippines Page 170 Chapitre 26 : Les tokhariens de Taïwan Page 175 Chapitre 27 : Les tokhariens de Hong Kong Page 182 Chapitre 28 : Les tokhariens de Micronésie Page 189 Chapitre 29 : Les tokhariens d’Hawaï Page 194 Chapitre 30 : La Mélanésie Page 199 Chapitre 31 : Les tokhariens de Mélanésie Page 205 Chapitre 32 : Les maeroa Page 213 Chapitre 33 : La Polynésie Page 217 Chapitre 34 : Les tokhariens de Polynésie Page 224 Chapitre 35 : Nazca Page 234 Chapitre 36 : Le réseau tokharien Page 240 Crédits photos Page 244 Remerciements Page 244 Bibliographie Page 245 Table des matières DESTINATION TERRE 5, Indo-Europeans The official theory: The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation north of the Black Sea towards - 4000 About 1500, they conquered India and wrote the Vedas This theory will justify British supremacy and colonization This is what is still being learned today at school to the children in India Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written in the vicinity of about - 4300 ... In this volume 5 we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European Table des matières : Destination terre , Tome 5 : Les indo-européens Page 007 Chapitre 1 : Les indo-européens Page 015 Chapitre 2 : Du Ramayana au Mahabharata Page 021 Chapitre 3 : La vallée du Thar Page 031 Chapitre 4 : Les sites indo-européens Page 045 Chapitre 5 : Le désert du Thar Page 053 Chapitre 6 : L’Ikshvaku Page 060 Chapitre 7 : Les sites de l’Ikshvaku Page 070 Chapitre 8 : La fin des indo-européens Page 077 Chapitre 9 : Les scythes Page 088 Chapitre 10 : Les scythes de l’Altaï Page 097 Chapitre 11 : Les européens Page 100 Chapitre 12 : Les hattis Page 106 Chapitre 13 : Les amorrites et les araméens Page 109 Chapitre 14 : Les cités des dieux Page 112 Chapitre 15 : Cités états et petits royaumes Page 123 Chapitre 16 : Les cités états phéniciennes Page 129 Chapitre 17 : Le royaume d’Urartu Page 141 Chapitre 18 : Les hurrites Page 151 Chapitre 19 : Cités états et royaumes hurrites Page 161 Chapitre 20 : Les akkadiens Page 170 Chapitre 21 : Les assyriens Page 175 Chapitre 22 : Babylone Page 181 Chapitre 23 : L’Elam Page 196 Chapitre 24 : Le Marhashi Page 206 Chapitre 25 : Légendes du Marhashi Page 216 Chapitre 26 : Les royaumes d’Arabie , Dilmun Page 221 Chapitre 27 : Les royaumes d’Arabie , Magan Page 229 Chapitre 28 : Les royaumes d’Arabie , Saba Page 239 Chapitre 29 : Sites de l’ancien royaume de Saba Page 255 Chapitre 30 : La réincarnation Page 257 Chapitre 31 : Les sémites Page 261 Remerciements Page 262 Table des matières DESTINATION TERRE 6, Exodus and survivors TheEarth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods but not without battles or genocides In this volume, we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations Table des matières : Destination terre , Tome 6 : Exodes et rescapés 1ère partie : Les peuples du Gobi Page 008 Chapitre 1 : Les peuples de la vallée du Gobi Page 012 Chapitre 2 : Les yukaguirs Page 020 Chapitre 3 : Les nenetses Page 027 Chapitre 4 : Les khanthys et les mansis Page 036 Chapitre 5 : Les komis Page 052 Chapitre 6 : Les finnois Page 064 Chapitre 7 : Les baltes Page 085 Chapitre 8 : Les magyars Page 093 Chapitre 9 : Les thraces Page 097 Chapitre 10 : Les guerres d’antan 2ème partie : Les peuples de la mer Page 102 Chapitre 1 : Indo-européens Page 106 Chapitre 2 : Les doriens Page 110 Chapitre 3 : Les illyriens Page 115 Chapitre 4 : Les vénètes Page 133 Chapitre 5 : Les étrusques Page 142 Chapitre 6 : Les ombriens Page 149 Chapitre 7 : Les sardes Page 155 Chapitre 8 : Les italiques du sud Page 161 Chapitre 9 : La grande ligurie Page 170 Chapitre 10 : Les ibères Page 186 Chapitre 11 : Tartessos Page 193 Chapitre 12 : Le 10ème travail d’Heraclès Page 200 Chapitre 13 : Les basques Page 216 Chapitre 14 : Les Açores Page 223 Chapitre 15 : Les iles du Cap Vert Page 232 Chapitre 16 : Madere , les Selvagens et les Canaries Page 245 Chapitre 17 : Les guanches Page 259 Chapitre 18 : Les peuples de la mer 3ème partie : Les terriens Page 262 Chapitre 1 : Les hommes et les dieux Page 266 Chapitre 2 : Les régions arctiques Page 273 Chapitre 3 : L’Amérique Page 282 Chapitre 4 : L’Afrique Page 294 Chapitre 5 : De l’Indonésie aux Philippines Page 302 Chapitre 6 : La nature Page 304 Remerciements Page 305 Table des matières Actually published : DESTINATION TERRE 1 to 6 EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s gods Translated in English language by the author of : EARTH IS THE AIM 2 to 5 Actually only published in French To be published soon ( Already published in french ) 2 Atlanteans gods 3 Dissolving of gods 4 Tokharians 5 Indo-Europeans 6 Exodus and survivors but you can read it in English on my blog : https://earthistheaim.wordpress.com/ and https://earthistheaim2.wordpress.com/ Still on writing : 7 Mu and others worlds ( end 2017 ) More details on : https://fredericauthor.wordpress.com/ All the books of Douglas Moonstone and Frederic le voyageur Are available in E-book , paper book and color printing on : Amazon.com / Douglas Moonstone or Frederic le voyageur Prices on amazon.fr or amazon.com or amazon.co.uk : Douglas Moonstone E-books 3 € or 3.50 $ or 2.50 £ ( Free KDP enrolled ) Paper books 9.50 € or 12.00 $ or 8.00 £ Color printed books 36.00 € or 59.00 $ or 29 .00 £ Frederic le voyageur Color printed books 10.00 € or 15.00 $ or 9 .00 £ Have a good time Regards Douglas
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