#Egypt flower delivery
aneverydaysimp · 3 months
Hear me out. This could work with either Satan (Obey me) or Lucifer (obey me). But I think Lucifer since he's so prideful
So like University Au type thing where both Lucifer and MC are book-smart and tries to kill each other just so they could reach number one. Oh the jealousy they hold for each other that they'll never admit. The troubles they put each other through just so the other can tumble.
But lucifer thinks he's a genius with coming up with thr idea of dating her just to distract her. Obviously it doesn't work after a while because he ended up falling for her.❤️HEHE
Oh, the fake dating turned real trope. Ohhh, gotta love it! >:)) I hope it's alright I wrote this out as headcanons, because that's the way I interpreted this idea. My apologies if you preferred a one-shot! Perhaps if it gets popular enough and I have enough inspiration, I'll make a mini fanfic out of it, continuing where I left off~!
Apologies if this is a little ooc for our prideful boy! It's been a long time since I've written anything for him <33 hope you enjoy!
pairing: Lucifer x prideful!MC
pronouns for MC used as you/your, "MC" used as name
tw: mentions of a broken bone, obvious manipulation to a sense, but it's very mild, reader is implied to be shorter than Lucifer, but that's expected considering he's tall af, not proofread cause I'm busy :))
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Lucifer's Distraction
You two despise each other wholeheartedly. Everyone knows it from the freshmen to the professors to the birds relaxing by the window. Of course, nobody understand the hatred between you two like, well, you two.
Of course, neither of you would never admit it outloud... or well, even to yourselves. No, no, you both just had academic differences, that's all! Nothing more, nothing less (denial ain't just a river in Egypt)
Everytime Lucifer thought he was there on top, doing the best on an exam or project, you were right there to remind him that he wasn't truly the best, and vis versa.
Finally, you both had had enough. What started as little, annoying pranks to make each other late for class quickly escalated to so much more. At one point, you had even broken a bone from one of his little schemes that included moving a wet floor sign and you slipping. Maybe he went a little fair with that one, but he wasn't sorry. Still, you got back up. Seems Lucifer would have to step up his game. And that's he did.
One night, he laid tossing and turning in bed, unable to rest easy, you there, plauging his mind. Your annoying voice piping up before his, your handwriting on your projects that always seemed to out do his-- ugh, it was beyond annoying. What could he do to get rid of you once and for all? Something to finally top you? Something that would finally make you just drop your--
And then it hit him. Just like that, at the snap of his fingers. What if he seduced you? Know thy enemy, and all that. He almost shot up right then and there. It was wrong, so very wrong, he knew that. But it was too good to pass up.
And so, the next day, after school, some studying for an upcoming exam, and a quick chat on the phone with Asmodeus, here he was, outside of your dorm, late at night, red roses in hand, with a little apology note-- which he meant nothing that it said-- attached to it. He gave the door a light knock, quickly sitting down the flowers and the note before scurrying off, trying to get around the corner before you walked out, if you did. It was late, so he wouldn't be shocked if you were asleep.
Well, as luck would have it, you decided to order a pizza a half hour earlier, and your delivery turns out to have arrived around the same time as Lucifer tried to turn the corner, and well... he crashed into your delivery man, ruining your pizza and his nice new, white shirt with pizza sauce. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?
And you? You opened your door just in time to witness the entire thing. Man, were you confused. Your rival and pizza man bumping into each other. Huh. You were confused, definitely, but more so disappointed your pizza was ruined. Though it did make you grin to see the disgusted look on Lucifer's face as the pizza sauce stained his shirt as the delivery man apoglized profusely.
Only then did you notice the roses and the note. Obviously, you weren't quite as focused on them at the moment, considering your dinner had just been ruined by your totally-not-rival. Hesitantly, you called out to the raventte, catching his attention. "You alright?"
"No." He replied stiffly, sending a glare towards the poor pizza man, who began to apologize to you, mentioning something along the lines of a free pizza next time you ordered. You were hopeful about that, thinking you could just order another, possibly get some extra toppings you like and all that... and then he said their kitchens were closed for the night. You were the last order. Shit. So now your dinner was ruined, you had an empty stomach, and you had loads of studying to do. And on top of that, your rival is standing right here, likely revelling in your misery.
Wrong. He saw this as an opportunity. Sure, his shirt was ruined, but he could easily buy another, just like he was going to buy you dinner tonight.
After the pizza man had been dismissed, and it was just the two of you standing there (awkwardly), you both began to speak at the same time.
"Would you--?" "Would you--?" Pause. "...You go first." He hummed after a moment, arms crossed over his chest. "...Right." You sigh, already regretting speaking in the first place. "Would you like to borrow a shirt? A friend left a shirt here the other night. May fit you." It definitely wouldn't, at least not very well, but considering it was your pizza that ruined his shirt, you felt inclined to at least ask so he didn't have to walk back to his own dorm covered in pizza sauce. You'd just buy your friend a new shirt. He definitely wouldn't mind.
"I'd... actually appreciate that. Thank you." He moved to pick up the roses he had gotten for you. "May I come in? I guess I can give you these first hand now." Your eyes widened. Oh. So it was him who'd gotten them and not some crazy coincidence. They were... pretty, you'd give him that.
You don't say anything, moving to the side to allow him in. You mumble something along the lines of finding that shirt for him before walking towards your dresser, looking for it. "You wanted to ask me something, too."
He hums. "Yes, I did. Considering I messed up your dinner plans, would you like me to make up for it?" You shot around to look at him, a suspicious look in your eyes.
"Plan to break my wrist again?" "...That was an accident." He replies hesitantly. "Sure." You scoff, turning back to the dresser. "What do you think the roses are for? They're an apology." Okay, you had no response to that. "...Fine." You hesitantly agree to his previous question, knowing you needed to eat so you could focus on studying. You can practically feel his eyes in the back of your head, that annoying smirk on his face. "Dick..." You mumble beneath your breath. "What was that?" "...Nothing!"
You turn around to throw the shirt at him, which he skillfully catches. "Thank you." He hums, sitting it aside, moving to undo the buttons of his shirt. You, flushed red by how outwardly he started to do so, quickly spin around, covering your face. Andddd you feel that smirk again. Fucking annoying.
After he's changed, the two of you head out. This late at night, there's only a few restaurants opened. You two head to a local diner, ordering some food. You were a little weird about this all, you had to admit, suspicious as to why he's suddenly being so... well, nice.
You two didn't talk at all aside from ordering, and you stubbornly fighting with him about paying. Unfortunately, he was more stubborn, insisting he payed. You finally huffed, saying something along the lines of "your money, not mine" before going quiet, beginning to eat your food. You didn't say a damn thing to him, or even look at him. But, oh, he was looking at you. His eyes never moved. It was awkward-- no, intimidating as hell.
"Do you mind?" You finally scoffed, eyes meeting his charcoal ones for a brief moment, quickly looking away. "I don't. You're actually not that sore on the eyes." He backhandedly comments to you, earning another scoff. "Is that all you're good for? Scoffs?" He scoffs himself, taking a bite of his own food. Oh, you can feel your eye twitching in annoyance.
However, you take a deep breath, relaxing yourself. "No..." You reply calmly. "Hm." He simply hums, which you copy, earning a raised eyebrow from him. His eyes, however, finally fell from you to your plate, emptied in a matter of minutes. It reminds him of Beel, how quickly you ate that, and he smiles briefly.
"What?" You asked, confused by the small change in attitude. "Oh, nothing." He replies, and it's your turn to raise an eyebrow. He sighs, seeing that look. "How quickly you ate. It reminds me a bit of one of my brothers." He shrugs. "Are you still hungry?" Hesitantly, you nod. "Well, go ahead. Order more." He doesn't seem bothered. "Since you're offering..." You mumble, asking the server for another menu, deciding to get something different.
After that, things feel less tense. As you're waiting for your next plate of food, the two of you slowly began to talk a little. Nothing more than idle conversation, something to make things less awkward. And it was just that, less awkward. Surprisingly, the two of you had more in common than your prideful attitudes, and that quickly sparked another conversation, even as you acquired your food. You asked about his brother-- which turned out to be brothers-- and he began to speak of each of them.
It was strange, seeing how different he was when he spoke of each of them. Though he seemed to carry an easily annoyed older brother tone and expression as he discussed them, you could see pride-- a different pride than he usually carried-- behind his eyes as he spoke.
"Do you have any sisters?" You suddenly asked curiously, and his expression seemed to fall in that moment, sorrow flashing through his eyes momentarily. "Yes." He replied quietly and plainly, moving right on the with the subject, proceeding to ask you of your family instead. You didn't push the subject. You two may despise each other-- again, you wouldn't admit as to why-- but you knew when to drop something. You still did have some form of basic respect after all.
Eventually, this time came to an end, and your stomach was full, and you were happy, ready to spend some time studying. You wished you could've been studying as you ate-- hence why you ordered the pizza-- but you actually... nevermind.
After he'd walked you home, you thanked Lucifer, and he thanked you as well, promising to return the shirt. You bid each other goodnight, and then you closed the door. For you, it was a nice night. For him, it was a good first step in his plan.
Over the next week, the two of you continued your usual antics, working up ideas to make each other late to class. However, you noticed Lucifer's seemed rather... well, lackluster, to put it simply. You'd give the man this, when he wanted to, he could usually come up with something good that would easily make you late. As of recent, though, they just seemed... lazy. Hell, you two were even chatting in class some, copying each other's notes-- well, you more so than him. As much as you hated to admit it, you got a little worried, and almost missed his rather cruel distractions.
Little to your knowledge, this was part of his plan. Well, him being easier on you. Not you showing up to his door one night.
When he opened the door and saw you there, he could only offer a confused look at your concerned one. "Yes?" He asked, hair wet and matted to his forehead, his shirt only half buttoned up. It was enough to make your face go red, quickly tearing your eyes from his partially exposed chest.
You completely forgot what you were going to say. Brain.EXE has stopped working.
"MC." He hums, catching your attention again. "Uh... I was just checking on you." You blurted out, accidentally being more forward than you wanted. His eyes widened slightly. "Oh. Why is that?" "No reason." Now it was his turn to scoff. "No reason? You're saying you walked halfway across campus for no reason?" "...Yes."
There's a silence between the two of you. It's awkward. Really awkward. "So, uh... you look like you're getting ready for something." You finally speak, noticing the nice shirt. "No." He replies bluntly, your smile falling. "Oh..." You look down, feeling embarrassed. You hear a low chuckle from him, looking back up, eyebrows furrowed upon noticing the amused look on his face. This fucking liar... "You're such a dick." You scoff. "A dick you walked halfway across campus for." Your face burns red again, and you turn to leave, but he stops you, grabbing your wrist and turning you back towards him.
He doesn't say anything for a moment, just looking down at you, flush against his chest. "...Yes?" You finally ask, swallowing thickly. "Would you like to accompany me tonight?" He asked, calm as could be. You're quiet for a minute, just looking at him. "Where are you going?" He shrugs. "Dinner."
And so, you go to dinner. Thankfully, you'd been wearing something decent enough to go to the place he had selected. On the drive there, he tells you his brothers are going to be there. Apparently they have this meet up sort of deal every few months or so, considering they all don't have time to meet up together very often, all of them spread out different places.
Lucifer, of course, was at college, was heir to their estate, and an assistant to a CEO by the name of Diavolo. Mammon and Asmodeus were both away on modeling tours a lot. Leviathan was a famous gamer and voice actor who traveled to conventions a lot to meet fans. Satan was traveling the world and writing a book about all sorts of different cats, Beelzebub was a famous chef and owned a couple restaurant chains, traveling often to keep an eye on them, and Belphie often traveled with him.
You had to admit, you felt a little out of place at dinner, and for a bit there, the brothers definitely seemed a little confused. One asked if you were Lucifer's lover-- *cough* Asmo *cough*-- and when you were confirmed not to, immediately tried to ask you out.
Of course, Lucifer shut that notion down quick. A little too quick for you not to notice.
Aside from that little stunt from the fifth born, things were rather relaxed. Everyone just talked, and relaxed, and soon enough, you fit right in.
During dinner, when everyone was quieter and eating, you noticed Lucifer staring at you. He appeared perplexed. However, the second you noticed he looked away.
To you, you simply shrugged it off. To him... his nice, simple plan started to fall apart. Distract you. Distract you... no, you were distracting him. And strangely enough, he didn't mind.
Once dinner was over, you said goodbye to the brothers, and he took you back to the dorm, just like last week. He bid you farewell just like last time, and turned to leave, but it was your turn to stop him this time. "Yes--?" He began to speak, but was cut off as he felt your lips press to his cheek.
"Goodnight, Lucifer. I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully." You said with a gentle smile before closing the door, a soft blush on your face.
Lucifer could only stand there, staring at the door for a minute. Eventually, he brought his hand to his face, pressing it against where you kissed him. It was confirmed. His nice, simple plan had fallen apart. You were his distraction now.
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friendlilycoach · 8 months
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exactlystickytrash · 8 months
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When we talk about Exotic Fruits & Vegetables, we tend to limit ourselves only to trademark exotic veggies like Asparagus or trademark exotic fruits like Avocados. Well, actually the exotic range of fresh fruits & vegetables goes way beyond these certain cliché trademarks. Our range of exotic fruits & vegetables covers the most variety offered on any online grocery platform.
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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reception tables, bridal bouquets, wedding chuppahs, and stage sets are only a few examples of how flowers are used in the business and social event settings. Flowers are also traditionally used in ecclesiastical settings and their arrangement is often done by skilled church volunteers. Floral design or flower arrangement is the art of using plant material and flowers to create an eye-catching and balanced composition or display. Evidence of refined floral design is found as far back as the culture of ancient Egypt. Floral designs, called arrangements, incorporate the five elements and seven principles of floral design. [1] Floral design is considered a section of floristry.
However, floral design pertains only to the design and creation of arrangements. It does not include the marketing, merchandising, caring of, growing of, or delivery of flowers.
Common flower arrangements in floral design include vase arrangements, wreaths, nosegays, garlands, festoons, boutonnieres, corsages, and bouquets. The American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD), established in 1965, is the oldest and largest non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and promoting the art of floral design as a professional career. [1] Its more than 1200 members engage in a variety of professional programs and activities through a network of six (6) regional chapters throughout the United States and Canada. The Whites CLONES
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giftdubaionline · 1 year
The Reason why Mom becomes Extra Special on Mother's Day
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Gift Ideas for Mothers Day
Celebrate this Mother's Day with Love and Smiles! She is a Pretty Angel and True Guardian sent straight from the heavens above, Let You make her moment special this Mother's Day 2023 with GDO Family. But Why do we Pick this Special day March 21 to Celebrate our Mother's Day? Curious? Let's find out the reason why Mother's day is celebrated on March 21 in UAE.
Everything You Need To Know About Mother's Day In UAE
UAE Mother's Day is a celebration that shows respect, gratitude, and honor to mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the Pillars of this society. Mother's Day Gifts in UAE is celebrated on March 21st each year, as this shows the first day of Spring in the United Arab Emirates!
The history of Mother’s Day in the Arab world goes back to Ancient Egypt, where the Egyptians used to celebrate Isis, the goddess of motherhood, new life, and fertility. In memory of the original Ancient Egyptian tradition, it was decided to celebrate Mother’s Day on the first day of spring, signaling new life.
Arab Mother’s Day was first observed in Egypt on 21 March 1956 and was later adopted by other countries in the MENA region as well.
When Is Mother's Day Celebrated In The UAE?
International Mother's Day 2023 is celebrated on May 8 to remember all the efforts, sacrifices, and Persistence of all the moms around the Globe. Flowers for Mom are always special as they are the epitome of Love, Kindness, and Forgiveness. This is the Day we honor all your Moments and memories with your mother and make her Happy and Get her wishes to Motions if you are wondering when is Mother's day 2023 in the UAE, the answer is March 21st. In UAE Moms are Cherish on March 21 as March 21 is coined as UAE mother’s day by the Arab World.
Mother’s day in Other Countries
Mother’s Day is known as Mothering Sunday in the UK. It is celebrated on the 4th Sunday of lent or on a Sunday that falls three weeks before Easter. In India, the US, Japan, and other countries, the second Sunday of May is popular as Mother’s Day. Since then this mothers day is celebrated with great splendor. Children in all these countries spoil their moms with gifts, cakes, plants, flowers, and gestures that will make them feel extremely special.
Celebrate this Mother's day Cakes with GDO, Let her know that she means the world to you this mother’s day send her surprising gifts for mothers and treats. If you need to surprise her with the best Gifts for mothers to make her day special check out https://www.giftdubaionline.com/gift-delivery-by-occasions/mothers-day-cake-in-dubai to know more about Making the Moment your mom always wanted just to fly again just like an angel with you.
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cakeplusgift · 1 year
Best Flowers To Apologize Are Here | Cake Plus Gift
People make mistakes; no one is flawless, and if you claimed to be, no one would believe you. How do you learn from your mistakes and mend the bridges you destroyed. Flowers are one of the best methods to communicate this because everyone appreciates flowers; but what flowers to apologize say “I’m sorry?” “I messed up” or ” I want to put things right”? 
Online Flowers Delivery in Hyderabad Stay connected edit show you care when you can't be there Give them the Gift of Blooms! Flowers are the first preference for any occasion. Order now and explore our wide range of delightful blooms from Cake Plus Gift
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 Yellow Roses 
The yellow rose represents innocence and friendliness, making it an excellent choice for expressing your true thoughts while apologizing for a mistake, especially to a friend. Flower Delivery in Hyderabad Order roses online alone; a mixed rose arrangement including orange roses can be a good alternative. Flowers having a golden tint or hue, such as Peruvian lilies, are another option. You can rekindle your friendship by brightening your friend’s day with a yellow rose arrangement.
Tulips are associated with new beginnings and the Spring season. They’re essentially “happy flowers,” and they can help people feel happier. They also symbolize peace and forgiveness, making them the ideal flower to apologize to your girlfriend or wife. Other women in your life, such as your mother, mother-in-law, or sister, will undoubtedly admire them!
Gerberas are perennial perennials with deep red, warm yellow, white, peach, and pink colors that belong to the same botanical family as sunflowers, asters, and daisies. The vibrant colors of sunny Gerberas, which come in small to large bunches, convey pure joy. They represented a closeness to nature and devotion to the sun in ancient Egypt. On the other hand, the Celts thought that the flower would alleviate ordinary life’s sorrows and stress.
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t-global-concept · 2 years
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SHOP YOUR QUALITY FOREIGN MADE SCULPTURE PIECE & INTERIOR DECO’s. .. GLOBAL DELIVERY …. These Sculptures and interior decoration product are well made and are of good quality, imported for your Home, Office, Bedroom, Occasion, Hotels beautification and lightning up!. Highlights: - Sculptures and Statue - 4D wall frames and Painting - Flowers and Flower vessels - flower and candle trays - Rugs and Carpets Imported from Turkey and France Composition: Quality made interior treasures DM us for price - - - - - - - - #interiors #interiordesign #homedecor #lagos #nigeria #decor #design #interior #abuja #interiordecor #designer #home #interiordesigner #furniture #lekki #egypt #homes #luxury #beddings #interiorinspiration #homedesign #madeinnigeria #architecture #designs #lagosinteriors #newyork #interiorstyling #style #interiorsinspo #america (at Wuse II, Abuja) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLnoKlqphw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Picazos Flower Designs - 800 S Milliken Ave, Ontario, CA 91761
Floral design or flower arrangement is the art of using plant substances and plant life to create an eye catching and balanced composition or show. Proof of delicate floristry is determined as some distance back because the subculture of ancient egypt. Professionally designed floral designs, arrangements or art work contain the factors of floral layout line, form, space, texture, and color, and the principles of floral design: balance, proportion, rhythm, contrast, harmony, and unity. There are many styles of floral design including Botanical Style, Garden Style (Hand Tied, Compote or Armature), Crescent Corsage, Nosegay Corsage, Pot au Fleur, Inverted "T", Parallel Systems, Western Line, Hedgerow Design, Mille de Fleur.
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The eastern, western, and eu patterns have all inspired the economic floral enterprise as it is nowadays. Ikebana is a jap fashion of floral layout, and includes the 3 fundamental line placements of heaven, human, and earth. In evaluation, the eu style emphasizes color and sort of botanical materials no longer confined to just blooming vegetation, in mass gatherings of multiple flora. Western layout historically is characterised by symmetrical, asymmetrical, horizontal, and vertical fashion of preparations.
A florist arranges flowers and other plant elements into a pleasing design. The arrangements are used primarily for celebratory events like weddings, birthdays, and Valentines Day, but are also used for hotels, catered events, homes, funerals, and saying 'I love you'. Florists were once almost exclusively owners of small independent shops; however, with internet-based delivery services and all-in-one convenience markets, many are now employed by larger companies. please go here flower shop Ontario, ca. me to get a beautyfull Flower shop and Flower Designer.
It is one of the most commonly used classic flower arrangement styles used by the flower arrangers. In this flower arrangement, the flowers and leaves are arranged in the shape of a fan. The leaves are like the flower blades. Some differently colored flowers are also used for this flower arrangement. The same or different types of flower with various colors are used for this type of flower arrangement. The empty space within the flower arrangements are filled up by using the fillers. These are gorgeous in looks with wonderful shape and size. Thus, this flower arrangement is very popular.
Elliptical flower arrangement: In this type of flower arrangement, the flowers are placed and arranged in the form of an ellipse. The flowers, which are commonly used for this purpose are roses, sunflowers, dahlia, lotus, tuberoses, lilies and many more. Thus, only bright flowers are used for this purpose. The flowers are bright as well as sweet scented. These are mostly bouquet arrangement and ideal to be presented in birthday, wedding and other types of parties. These are really attractive in looks. The best color combination of the flowers is used for this flower arrangement purpose.
Horizontal flower arrangement: It is also a very common type flower arrangement used by the flower designers of reputed florist companies round the globe. The flowers of different colors are arranged in rows or on zig zag basis with the help of this type of flower arrangement. Usually strongly scented or fragrant flowers are used for this purpose.
Vertical flower arrangement: It is one of the mostly used flower arrangement in bouquets as well as flower baskets. A mixture and combination of different types of flowers with various colors and shapes are used for these arrangements. This particular flower arrangement is cherished by all flower arrangers, florist companies as well as by the customers all across the world.
The crescent flower arrangement: This type of flower arrangement is also known as the C type of flower arrangement in which the freshly plucked flower with green leaves and stem fillers are used on a flower basket arrangement. The flower basket with this flower arrangement looks very beautiful and gorgeous. These are usually supported by glossy flower wraps and the leaves, and the flowers are tied with silk, satin made colorful ribbons.
Triangular flowers: It is the flower arrangement as the name suggests is triangular in shape. The whole flower bunch is cut and trimmed in the shape of Red_Rose_Handbaga triangle to make this shape. These flower arrangements usually have a big flower in the middle, adding to the beautification of the flower arrangement bunch. These flowers are arranged in bright flower bouquets covered with glossy and transparent cellophane papers.
The oval shaped flower arrangement: This type of flower arrangement are oval shaped and are highly recommended by most of the reputed florist organizations of the ExoticBeauty1world. The flowers, green stems and leaves are cut and trimmed in the form of an oval shaped and skillfully placed in different flower arrangements like bouquets, baskets and bunches. The flower arrangement looks very much dense and bushy from outside. Thus, it is very much good looking. This flower arrangement is widely used in interior decoration purposes and also ceremony hall decoration purposes in different parts of the world.
Picazos Flower Designs 800 S Milliken Ave, Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 948-2141 [email protected]
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floradooregypt · 3 years
Send them your love along with online gifts to Egypt, and see how they will cherish them. Be sure to express your gratitude to your family and friends by surprising them with a simple gesture today. An online flower gift delivery in Egypt service is available for you. Take full advantage of this service today.
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anazen333 · 2 years
My Favorite Movies of my Favorite Genres / My Favorite TV Shows of my Favorite Genres
Because when I was trying to describe what level and types of entertainment I enjoy, I wasn’t able to make myself clear to my bestie’s boyfriend who has way more ‘sophisticated’ taste than me lol
But I think if I were to summarize what I like in a nutshell, it’d be: a fun romp (nothing heavy), with just enough angst/intrigue to make it meaty, and a visual treat to watch.
Part 1 - Films
Espionage - 007, Mission Impossible, The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Adventure - The Mummy, Indiana Jones, The Princess Bride, National Treasure, Bumblebee, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Pirates of the Caribbean, Assassins’ Creed, The Legend of Tarzan, The Legend of Zorro, the Mask of Zorro, Sahara
Superhero - Wonder Woman, Captain America: The First Avenger, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Black Widow, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, The Avengers, The Incredibles, Justice League: Gods and Monsters, Batman: Under the Red Hood, Guardians of the Galaxy, Big Hero 6, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Venom
Action/Adventure - Princess Mononoke, Mulan, Aladdin, The Rescuers Down Under, Moana,, How to Train Your Dragon, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, Tangled, Spies in Disguise
Comedy - Inside Out, The Emperor’s New Groove, The Mitchells vs the Machines, The Willoughbys, Kung Fu Panda, Meet the Robinsons, Sherk 2, Megamind
Drama - The Prince of Egypt, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, Coco, The Lion King, Lilo and Stitch, Brave, Balto, Kiki’s Delivery Service
Fantasy - Castle in the Sky, Fantasia 2000, Kubo and the Two Strings, The Secret of Kells, Spirited Away, Mary and the Witch’s Flower, Sleeping Beauty, Rise of the Guardians, Wolfwalkers
Romance - Beauty and the Beast, Corpse Bride, Anastasia, Strange Magic, The Swan Princess
Science fiction - Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Wall-E, Howl’s Moving Castle, Atlantas: The Lost Empire, Origin: Spirits of the Past, Treasure Planet,  Neppû Kairiku Bushi Road
Action-comedy - Charlie’s Angels, Arsenic and Old Lace, Knight and Day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith RED, Men in Black, George of the Jungle, 101 Dalmatians, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Jumamji: Welcome to the Jungle, Miss Congeniality
Romantic comedy - Much Ado About Nothing, Some Like it Hot, Austinland, Letters to Juliet, Not Another Happy Ending, The Taming of the Shrew, I.Q., Sweet Home Alabama, My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Ocean’s 11,  Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro, Lupin III: The First, Entrapment
Peter Pan (2003), Alice in Wonderland (2010), Pan’s Labyrinth, Labyrinth, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Dracula Untold, Casper, Hellboy Animated, Maleficent, Snow White and the Huntsman
Romance drama - Sabrina, The Mirror Has Two Faces, Casablanca, Cinderella (2015), Shakespeare Re-Told, Penelope, This Beautiful Fantastic, Everything Everything, Chocolat, Meet Joe Black, Roman Holiday
Period romance - Pride and Prejudice, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, The Young Victoria, Miss Potter, Sense and Sensibility, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Ever After: a Cinderella Story
The Da Vinci Code, Red Eye, The Bourne Legacy, The One, Hitman: Agent 47, The Tourist, The Count of Monte Cristo (1975)
Science fiction:
Tech noir - I, Robot, Ready Player One, Minority Report, Tomorrow Land, Contact, Arrival, TRON: Legacy, The Last Mimzy
Steampunk - Sherlock Holmes (2009), A Series of Unfortunate Events, Metropolis, The Golden Compass
Space opera - Star Wars, Rogue One, Star Trek Into Darkness, Titan A. E.
Phantom of the Opera, My Fair Lady, Cats (1998), Cinderella (1997), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Into the Woods, Chicago
Part 2 - TV Shows
Adventure - Ducktales (2017), Carmen Sandiego (2019), Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012), Kim Possible, The Musketeers, Yona of the Dawn
Superhero - Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, Batman: the Animated Series, Teen Titans, Sailor Moon, WandaVision, Justice League, Static Shock, The Batman, Smallville, Lolirock, Green Lantern: the Animated Series, Justice League Action
My Roommate is a Cat, Gugure! Kokkuri-san, Wander over Yonder, The Goes Wrong Show, The Addams Family, The Beverly Hillbillies, The Wallflower
NCIS, Castle, The Mentalist, Endgame, White Collar, Leverage, Sherlock (2010), Forever,  Moriarty the Patriot, Peaky Blinders, Num3ers, Gangsta, Body of Proof
Mythbusters, Anything on Ancient Egypt, The Crocodile Hunter, Dancing with the Birds
Shadow and Bone, Once Upon a Time, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Gargoyles, Jackie Chan Adventures, Princess Tutu, The Ancient Magus’ Bride, Castlevania, My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!, Good Omens, Arcane: League of Legends, Danny Phantom, Basilisk: the Kouga Ninja Scrolls, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Trollhunters, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Amphibia, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Princess Jellyfish, The Ghosts & Mrs. Muir, Kamisama Hajimemashte, Blend S, Inu x Boku SS, Engaged to the Unidentified, Beauty and the Beast (1987), Ouran Host Club, My Love Story!!
Gravity Falls, Bonekickers
Science fiction:
Transformers Prime, Astro Boy (2003), Star Wars: the Clone Wars, Clone Wars, Samurai Jack, Unlimited Psychic Squad, Infinity Train, Star Wars: Visions, Star Wars: The Bad Batch, The Mandalorian, Star Wars: Rebels, Bee and Puppycat, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Steven Universe, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
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floradoor-blog · 5 years
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Flora Door is a reputed online international florist, delivering pretty and prim Flowers Online Egypt. We have an excellent team of dedicated florists who are passionate about what they create, and dependable drivers and assistants to assure that we can provide the absolute best florist service possible. 
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kaibacorpintern · 4 years
yuugi and kaiba... platonic... maybe a lil angst like kaiba doesnt know how to have friends and yuugi just accepts him as he is and kaiba can be a kid for once.. for the minific prompt pls? :) thank u.. luv ur blog btw
just thought you should know that when i read this prompt i instantly turned into this and wrote almost 5,000 words. it’s a little angsty and about friendship, but it’s also about loneliness and food and depression, with a few jokes peppered in here and there. DSOD didn’t happen but atem is alive, because i say so. i want kaiba and yuugi to be friends so freakin’ bad.
long story short: i went nuts. thanks for the prompt!!
Every day, little by little, Kaiba looked greyer. The lines of his shoulders slouched. The hollows under his eyes deepened, like holes being dug in the dirt, on hands and knees; a slow, miserable burying. To hear him speak was worse. Yuugi heard his voice from thousands of miles away, like he was on a different continent, a different planet, and the light of every thought was crossing the staggering empty silence of space. It terrified Yuugi, to think of Kaiba as fading, that someone who raged with all the thrill and fury of a storm could slow down like this. But he was fading. 
“Hey. Are you alright? You seem down lately,” Yuugi tried, on one of the rare mornings where he caught him alone in the elevator, on his way up to the game design department. With no one else around, he usually felt emboldened to drop the act: not an employee with his boss, maintaining proper deference, but someone who’d known Kaiba for a very long time, and knew him like few others did.
The glass-walled elevator whirred as it rose. Kaiba stood there with his arms crossed, impassive, his back to Domino. The city streets unfurled below them.
“The elevator’s going up, Yuugi,” he said, after a full seven seconds of silence. A weak dismissal, by his standards, made even weaker by a toneless delivery.
“Sure. But - ”
With a polite ding, the elevator opened onto the game design floor. 
“You’re running late,” Kaiba said, nodding him pointedly out the door.
“Bro, I’m fifteen minutes early,” Yuugi said.
“Don’t fucking ‘bro’ me, ” Kaiba snarled, with all the sudden, twitching ferocity of a nervous dog. Yuugi smiled and slowly backed out of the elevator, his palms turned out, long enough to make his point: he'd come in peace. Kaiba frowned at him, bristling, until the elevator doors started to close. The last Yuugi saw of him, before they touched together, were a pair of blue eyes, their fiery energy winking out like a popped spark, falling shut with a sigh.
At his desk, Yuugi toyed with his phone for a good ten minutes, ignoring emails and his coworkers’ good mornings, his thumb hovering over Mokuba’s contact info as he rehearsed in his head. Hey, how’s Stanford? You enjoying your classes so far? Making friends? Of course you are. Great. Well, so, I’m calling because I’m worried about your brother - 
A call like that would put Mokuba on a plane within an hour, honestly. But maybe Mokuba would want to know. Maybe he shouldn’t. Maybe if he left his first quarter of college and returned to Japan, just because his brother had a few bad nights or something, Kaiba would punt Yuugi off the top of the building. 
Maybe Atem? The only person Kaiba ever “talked” to about anything, if  pummeling each other with card game holograms could be called a conversation. Which they did.
YUUGI What’s eating Kaiba? Is he alright?
He stared at his phone a while longer until remembering it was the middle of the night in Egypt. He put his phone away, put Kaiba out of mind, and got to work.
Atem texted back mid-afternoon.
ATEM I don’t know. Go find out
YUUGI Okay but i’m not you lol he won’t tell me. even with a duel
ATEM And tell that stuck-up bastard to answer his fucking phone one of these days
Odd. Kaiba never ignored Atem.
YUUGI I’m on it
He finished work late, packed up his things, and headed downstairs to the lobby, moving quickly to catch his train. He had most of a mind to save the Kaiba question for later, go home, and flop face-down on his bed until he roused himself enough to pick at leftovers. The elevated metro station was awash in a crisp dusk light, the navy purple night descending on the day’s final line of gold. His train was coming in three minutes; the next on the same line in thirty-four. He'd just made it.
If he stood at the far end of the platform, craning his neck, he could see the long strip of windows at the top of the KaibaCorp tower. Dark. Kaiba had gone home early. Yuugi frowned, biting his lip, as his train arrived. 
He let it go, jostled and swaying in the flood of people flowing in and out of the carriages. The next train took him far from home, flying with sleek electric ease through the glittering glassy black monoliths of the city, and into the leafy, overgrown estates beyond the far edge of town.
Kaiba's estate was a brisk walk from the last station on the line, along the side of a road without sidewalks, and through a tunnel of trees that laced their branches together over the road. By the time Yuugi got to the gates, his feet aching in his sneakers, night had fallen. The trees were thick with shadow and wind, whispering to each other in fairy tale voices. It was the kind of night that urged people into their homes, with the doors locked, away from the ancient things that lurked in the undergrowth, wild and forgotten and stronger for it. He was relieved to reach the gates, on the edge of the illumination around Kaiba's mansion, held in the center of the light like a toy castle in a snow globe.
The gatehouse was empty. A security camera peered down at him from the top of a wall, nestled in a thick swell of vines. Ignoring its glossy little eye, Yuugi studied the door in the wall beside the gates, pushing more vines aside to find the keypad. If he called ahead, the chances of Kaiba buzzing him in were next to nothing. They were next to nothing on a good day.
YUUGI do you know the key code for the door?
ATEM 445241474F4E#
ATEM that took me literally years to get
ATEM go around the back. he won’t open the front door
YUUGI you're the best <3
He tapped in the code, carefully. What if he got it wrong? Would a trapdoor open up below his feet? With his back to the quiet road, and the dense, rustling woods on the other side, he swallowed his laugh. 
The door opened with a faint click. Yuugi slipped through and began the long walk up the drive to the mansion, sneakers crunching the gravel underfoot. On either side of the drive,  the lawns were pristine, every petal of every flower and every leaf on every hedge perfectly in place, holding the poses nature’s hand had fixed them in with effortless ease. Somewhere across the grass, shrouded in the night, came the distant murmur of a fountain. 
The mansion itself was an ugly, graceless brick of a building, so rigid and square in its design that its position in the center of this wooded estate seemed an oppressive intrusion. Per Atem’s instructions, Yuugi skirted the front, with its twin dragon statues and Roman columns and imposing front door, and went around to the back, padding silently through the grass. Like the top of the tower, the windows were dark. Every glance through the glass, checking for life, made him feel like he was looking into the bottom of a well, deep and cold and watery, a tomb for hopeless wishing. 
At the back of the house was a large patio, with a view of the sprawling grounds, which rolled downwards in a gentle slope, all the way to a line of trees. There, the grounds gave themselves back to the wild. Even on a shivering night like this, it was easy to imagine what the patio was like in the full splendor of high summer, drenched in sunlight and everything shimmering in golden-white heat.
A thin light cast a hazy cloud onto the patio through a pair of sliding glass doors. Yuugi stopped, halfway across the patio, questioning himself for the nth time that night. And if he was overreacting? So what if Kaiba was in a mood? Kaiba was always in a fucking mood. Yuugi had no doubt Kaiba would thunder at him for a while over the arrogance, the audacity of his presumptions or something, and then throw him out by the scruff of the neck. Oh, god. The embarrassment burned in his face already. 
Yuugi firmly shoved his own feelings aside. He was a gamer - a gambler - by nature, and he’d learned enough over the years to bet on his  own instincts. He gamed it out, in his head, shuddering into the warmth of his jacket as the breeze rolled through him:
He checks on Kaiba, and everything is fine: he goes home feeling awkward and Kaiba avoids him at work for the next three weeks. Acceptable outcome.
He does not check on Kaiba, and everything is fine: he goes home, and the whole night gets written off as a weird, secret little adventure. Acceptable outcome.
He checks on Kaiba, and everything is not fine: unacceptable, but now someone knows. Acceptable outcome. 
He does not check on Kaiba, and everything is not fine: Unacceptable outcome.
He stole towards the sliding glass doors. They led into a glossy modern kitchen, as pristine as the grounds, and full of clean, gleaming surfaces. It was completely free of clutter like mail, or keys, or coffee mugs, or any of the other odds and ends that usually piled up over the course of normal days. A bowl of flowers sat on a kitchen table in a breakfast nook, starting to wilt. At the end of the kitchen island was a bowl of fruit. A still-life painting split in two. 
Sitting at the island, perched on a bar stool, was Kaiba, his head resting in his folded arms atop the counter. His face was mostly hidden in the crook of his elbow; through the limp tangle of his bangs, Yuugi saw his eyes were closed. His black leather satchel leaned against the leg of the bar stool. The rise of his back as he breathed was slow and subtle, the only thing that convinced Yuugi Kaiba had not turned to stone in his seat. Asleep?
A small blue light rose up from Kaiba's phone, lying on the counter. One hand slowly unfolded, silenced the call, and refolded itself. A gesture that made less than a ripple across the still water of this tableau.
Lifelessly, doing nothing. Not even staring into space, but retreating into the space behind his eyelids, a space Yuugi knew intimately well: shallow and lukewarm and wordless, a space for letting hours and days drift by, uncounted. It had been a long time since he’d visited - not since he’d solved the Puzzle - but it was a space he never wanted to revisit. It was a space that stayed with you for the rest of your life, once you’d been there, and yet a space more distant than the farthest star in the universe, beyond the boundaries of both light and love. A place of perfect solitude. 
Quietly, carefully, Yuugi tried the handle of the sliding glass door and found it unlocked. He slid it open. 
Kaiba startled, pulling himself upright as though yanked by a puppet string on his neck. He turned to Yuugi, still and alert, not quite comprehending. As he understood who stood there, the pieces clicking into place, his eyes hardened in his pallid face, speechless, furious. 
“Before you say anything,” Yuugi said, as Kaiba opened his mouth, “I have a story. Let me tell you, and then you can kick me out.”
“This is my fucking house. I can kick you out whenever I damn well please,” Kaiba snapped.
“It’s more of a puzzle, actually. I don’t think you’ve ever solved this one,” Yuugi said. 
Kaiba looked at him sideways, now more confused and suspicious than alarmed.
“And if I solve it?” he said, because ah, yes, of course, stakes. Nothing ever for the joy of it.
“Bragging rights.”
“If I don’t?”
“Nothing happens,” Yuugi said. 
They stared at each other. Yuugi ventured a smile. Did he dare walk in? He was still standing on the threshold. 
“Fine,” Kaiba said, a word more like a sigh. “Come in and tell me your stupid puzzle.”
Every house has its own particular smell, its character, its self-contained story about those who call it home. Yuugi took off his shoes, setting them beside the glass door, and frowned. Kaiba's smelled like clean linens, a touch of dust, cool air. A muted smell with no character. He didn't know what he expected. Something else, something thick and wet and heady, like oncoming thunder, or concrete after rain.
On this side of the glass doors, the kitchen was even more exquisite, temptingly so. He knew, from his lusty late-night Internet searches, that the knives in the wooden block alone cost more than several thousand dollars. Untouched! He refused to let them go to waste. Such things were more beautiful when they were held and used and loved, doing what they were made for. And despite the marbled silence, the thin white lighting, this was a house, not a museum. Yuugi dropped his backpack on the floor next to an empty bar stool and turned to Kaiba, who was sitting upright, hands atop his thighs, watching him.
“Uh - do you have anything to eat? I haven’t eaten since lunch,” he said, slinging his jacket over his backpack.
“No. Every night I just plug in and recharge,” Kaiba said dryly. “I believe that’s called a fridge. Those have human food.”
Yuugi bit his tongue, hiding his smile as he went around to the other side of the island. At least Kaiba was still capable of snark. He opened the massive fridge - sparse offerings, sparsely touched - and rooted around, not quite sure what he was looking for between the limp carrots and slabs of smoked salmon. Only the cheese drawer yielded interesting spoils, unspoiled and exotically European.
“The pantry?” he said, nodding at the door next to the fridge. 
Yuugi found a loaf of sourdough bread on a shelf in the walk-in pantry - a fucking walk-in pantry! - and returned to the counter with his haul: the bread, the butter, a wedge of Gruyere, and a brick of Emmental. “I’m making a grilled cheese. You want one?”
“If it makes you happy,” Kaiba muttered.
“It does, yeah,” Yuugi said, unsheathing one of those glorious, mirror-polished knives from the wooden block. He rolled up his sleeves and attacked the cheeses with relish. “So - the puzzle goes like this. You’re fifteen years old. You’re small for your age, underweight, painfully shy. You get shoved around a lot at school. Before school, after school. Whenever, honestly. No one really sticks up for you, although you try to stick up for them, when you can, and no one really talks to you, because you live in your own little world. Your head’s always in the clouds, and you get really excited over a lot of things no one else really cares about.”
As he spoke, he unearthed a frying pan and set it on the gas stove, slicing off several pats of butter. As they melted, soft and yellow-white, he carved several slices off the loaf, shuddering with secretive pleasure at the fresh crunch of the crust. 
“Next time, just bring me your high school diary,” Kaiba said. 
Yuugi snorted, buttering the slices and laying them carefully into the pan, where they began to sizzle. He draped the slices of cheese on top. “So you can read everything I wrote about you? No thanks. Anyway. You have one friend, but she’s not always around - her family travels a lot for work. So here you are, a bullied, lonely little oddball, and one day someone gives you a gift. A puzzle.”
“A puzzle in a puzzle.” 
“Right,” Yuugi said, pressing down on the slices of bread with a spatula. The butter crackled and spat; a thick, warm smell wafted through the kitchen. “And if you make a wish on the puzzle, it grants your wish when you solve it. So you make your wish, and you solve your puzzle. You know the rest.”
He turned back to Kaiba. “Now I’m here in your kitchen, making you a grilled cheese. So. What did I wish for?”
To his credit, Kaiba was taking it seriously, offering no snide comments about magic or wishing, leaning forward with his arms folded again on the counter. Yuugi let him study him, eyes narrowed and thoughtful, knowing he was running back through all eight years of their shared history, doing the math. 
“Well, no one shoves you around any more,” Kaiba said. “Not even me, judging by the fact that I can’t even get you to leave my house. I should’ve known better than to try.”
“Ooh, a compliment. Thanks, I’ll treasure it forever,” Yuugi said, grinning, flipping the sandwiches. Melted cheese oozed from the sides. The bottom slices had toasted to a golden brown. His mouth watered. “Plates?”
“Up and to your left.”  
Yuugi opened the cabinets and, standing on tiptoe, eased out two matte black stoneware plates. Fancy.
“You wished for strength,” Kaiba said. 
Yuugi slid the grilled cheeses onto the plates and severed them in half with the spatula. 
“Nope,” he said, leaning across the island counter to set the steaming grilled cheese in front of Kaiba. The semantic point that his friends and his strength were one and the same seemed irrelevant. He was speaking to Kaiba. He needed to speak in Kaiba’s language. “Strength wouldn’t have solved anything for me.”
“You just said you were getting shoved around  - ”
“I wished for friends, Kaiba,” Yuugi said. “Yeah, I was tired of getting shoved around. But I was even more tired of being alone.”
“I - “ Kaiba cut himself off, pressing a sigh through his nose with a tight, pinched expression. Within seconds his face soured. “You make a wish on your magical little trinket, and you get just what you always wanted. How fucking fantastic for you - ”
“Don’t do the aggressive-aggressive thing, it’s not cute,” Yuugi said. “And don’t test me, either. You and I are way past that. Just look me in the face and tell me, honestly, you want me to leave.”
Kaiba turned that ferocious blue gaze on him, silent.
Yuugi waited, holding his gaze. 
Thin, languid tendrils of steam rose from their melting grilled cheeses and folded away.
“Don’t tell me you think of me as one of your magic wish friends?” Kaiba said.
“There’s nothing magical about our friendship, no,” Yuugi said, and to his delight Kaiba snorted with amusement. “Now eat, before it gets cold.”
They ate, the evening quiet of the kitchen magnifying every fried, crunchy bite. Yuugi had hoisted himself onto the bar stool next to Kaiba, congratulating himself on a well-made grilled cheese. He would’ve made it work even without the expensive knives.
"Don't tell Mokuba," Kaiba said, dabbing at crumbs on his plate with a greasy scrap of bread, "or Atem."
"Don't tell them what?" Yuugi said.
"How you found me. On hour six of staring at a wall.”
"I won't," Yuugi said.
"They don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself," Kaiba insisted. 
"You can, but are you?" Yuugi said. 
"Mmh," Kaiba murmured, resting his elbows on the counter and his chin atop his laced hands. “Don’t tell them that, either.”
His eyes rolled sideways, his gaze drifting around the kitchen, through the arched doorway, through the rest of the house, where all the lights were off. Yuugi slid off his stool and selected two pears from the fruit bowl, heavy with ripeness, rinsing them in the sink.
“Did... something happen? Did you get in a fight?” he ventured. “Atem says you’re not answering his calls.”
“No. Nothing like that.”
“Then what?”
The kitchen swelled with silence.
"They left," Kaiba said finally, as Yuugi considered how to cut the pears. A basic wedge cut was too childish. "And I told them to go, enjoy it, make the most of it. They have their own lives to live. Mokuba must've asked me a thousand times if I'd be fine without him if he went to California, and I said yes, go, because I don't need him around. I'm fine. And there's no point in getting angry with someone for leaving if you don't need them in the first place."
The effort must've been massive, Yuugi realized, slicing into the pears, to keep the anger at bay. To dig into the wound and wrench the thing out whole, raw and throbbing, without duels or rubbled islands, and without the help of the people who loved him the most. No wonder he looked so exhausted, so limp; no wonder he was again sinking towards the counter, arms folding, his head dropping like there was a hand on the back of his neck, guiding him down with animal docility. 
“How long have you been feeling like this?” Yuugi said.
“What the hell do you know about it?” Kaiba said, semi-muffled by his elbow. 
“It feels like there’s this dark little pit in yourself that you can’t stop digging,” Yuugi said, “and when it’s deep enough, you’re gonna curl up and bury yourself at the bottom and sleep for a year. Right?”
Kaiba said nothing, heaving another sigh.
“Sit up. Eat this.” Yuugi thunked a plate of pear in front of Kaiba, each slice wafer-thin, almost translucent, dripping with light. Kaiba dutifully pulled himself up and removed several slices of pear, with jenga-like precision, careful not to damage Yuugi’s artful pinwheeling. “Well?”
“I always feel like this,” Kaiba said, a startling confession, all the more terrifying for the blithe, dismissive tone with which he confessed it. “So what if it’s a little worse than normal? I’ll find my way out of it.” 
Yuugi leaned over the counter, hands clasped atop it, business-like. 
“I have no doubt in your ability to get out of this,” he said. “But I don’t think you should do it alone. See, I don’t want you to leave, either.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Yeah?” Yuugi said. “I challenge you to a duel. My deck’s in my backpack. I have some new strategies I’m dying to test, and you’re the only one who makes me really fight for it. How about it? Wanna duel?”
Kaiba exhaled, resting his elbow on the counter, his cheek against the back of his hand. He plucked out another pear slice, not eating it; instead just letting it dangle from his fingertips, watching a tiny pearl of water roll off the edge and break apart on the plate with monumental indifference. 
Watching him, Yuugi allowed himself a brief, private moment of grief, for Kaiba, knowing he wouldn’t want it, and he’d be insulted if he knew. To have your heart broken by what you love was one thing; to swing from love to hate was another; but to stand still and feel your love go, leaving nothing in the hollow it left behind, was the worst.
With a light flick, Kaiba released the slice of pear, his gaze drifting again. 
“No. I’m tired of fighting,” he said sullenly, so dull a sound that Yuugi sucked in a breath, two dueling thoughts colliding with concussive impact in his chest. Good, stop fighting, why don’t you finally get some rest, and the urge to grab him by the shoulders and shake him and shout no! keep fighting! I know you’re in there! 
Kaiba lifted his head, looking at Yuugi with an air of steeling himself. “Okay. What... what do you want from me?”
Yuugi almost laughed, but caught himself. No good things came from laughing in Kaiba’s face. 
“Other way around,” he said, drawing a circle in the air with his finger. “This is about what you want from me. Whatever you need. Whatever you want.”
Kaiba frowned, thinking.
“Do you seriously believe the magic of the Millennium Puzzle helped you make friends?” he said.
"Um. Well, it was more like a domino effect, you know? A chaos theory, butterfly hurricane kind of thing - “
“Magic had nothing to do with it. It was all you,” Kaiba said, with more heat and passion than he’d shown in weeks. “But you have to understand I’ll never be your ‘bro’ - ” couching the word in air quotes, a disdainful pair of twin finger twitches - “and I’m not one of your little pals, like Jounouchi, or whatever. That’s not who I am. That’s not how I do it.” 
“I know,” Yuugi said. “Listen - ”
“I don’t - ” Kaiba huffed and scowled at the counter, at his blurred, misty reflection. “I prefer to handle things on my own. I always have. I don’t - know how - ”
Kaiba looked up, shoulders stiffening, his face tight and stricken. 
“I know,” Yuugi said. He let that hang between them until Kaiba’s shoulders had eased out of their anxious coils. “Don’t worry. I’m not adding you to the group chat or anything. I don’t expect anything from you except the occasional bitchy comment, and maybe a good, boisterous laugh, from way deep down in your chest, like when you draw Blue-eyes in a duel. You know, the ‘I got you now, fucker’ laugh.”
Kaiba laughed - a laugh at half-power, lacking his usual trumpet blare of triumph, but a laugh nonetheless. “You are an oddball.”
“Birds of a feather,” Yuugi said smugly, and checked his phone. It was getting late. “Okay. I think I’ve bothered you enough for the night - ”
“You’re not bothering me. Are you taking the train back into the city?”
“What line?”
“Red line,” Yuugi said, and was struck by an idea. "Why? Somewhere you wanna go?"
"I'm in the mood to get out of the house for a while," Kaiba said. "It's too fucking quiet in here without Mokuba."
Yuugi fixed him with a look. "Yeah, so one of the interns was telling me about a new arcade that just opened off the Ishibashi station. I was gonna go after work with the guys to check it out some time, but..."
He didn't even need to finish the thought. Despite his best effort to hide it, something hopeful had bloomed across Kaiba's face, rich and warm. It made Yuugi ache to see that look, and to wonder what he would've wished for at fifteen, freshly cast from the forge and still hard and brittle and white-hot with rage, burning everyone who touched him.
"Get your coat, let's go," Yuugi said, and Kaiba almost sprang off his bar stool. "Wait - finish the pear. I cut it fancy for you and everything."
Kaiba rapidly ate the pear. "The grilled cheese was excellent, by the way."
"Yes. If you come back and make me another, I'll make all the bitchy comments you want."
Yuugi laughed. "Deal."
ATEM did you talk to him? 
Yuugi leaned against the polished wooden edge of the pool table, his thoughts whirling in his head lazy and kaleidoscopic. He was halfway through his third beer. They'd gone through air hockey. The racing games. The shooting games. Foosball. Kaiba had spent fifteen minutes at the claw machine, winning a plush Kuriboh for a middle schooler and pressing it into her hands with a firm explanation of how the machines were rigged against her. 
Then they'd found the pool tables, in a dim little corner, the green felts shining like tropical islands in a shadowy red-brown sea under the hanging lights. Yuugi was still smarting from the whipping, which Kaiba had delivered with almost careless ease, drink in hand. 
"Yuugi. Look," he said, leaning over the table, aiming the pool cue at some bizarre constellation of pool balls, his long shadow falling across the felt. 
"Give me a sec," Yuugi said, and swiftly rescued Kaiba's sweating old-fashioned from the edge of the table.
YUUGI ya. now he's showing off
YUUGI trick shots at the pool table
ATEM so he's fine?
"You're not looking," Kaiba said, lifting his head. "Look."
"I'm looking," Yuugi said.
The cue moved smoothly between Kaiba's fingertips as he aligned his shot - sleek, frictionless, silent - with a quick, sharp thrust he sent the pool balls smashing into each other, cracking like lightning across the table and vanishing into the pockets. The last ball rolled towards the last pocket with slow, melodramatic flair, teetering over the lip, like it knew exactly who had struck it, and what kind of show it needed to put on. 
It dropped in, clattering into its fellows at the bottom of the pocket.
Kaiba laughed, triumphant, glowing with youthful glory, catching the victory by his hip with a yank of his fist.
YUUGI he will be
"Did you see?" Kaiba said, turning to Yuugi. The lines under his eyes were still there; the seams that held him together, pulling apart. Those would take some time to repair.
But for the moment he was radiating with energy, beaming, star-like in the dim electric gloom of the arcade. Not hidden in the blackness of space, but brighter for it. Despite it.
"I saw," Yuugi said.
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friendlilycoach · 9 months
VIP Middle Eastern founders with weak business English skills. What can you get from me?
🎯 I can help you:
- Get confident when you talk in English.
- Grow your business worldwide with strong English skills within eight months.
8️⃣ During those eight months, I will send chocolates and flowers to you.
🎂📦 On your birthday, you will get a cake and a birthday package from me.
❓Why do you need all these and more?
You are human.
You deserve more.
💪 All these are not just about improving your business English skills.
⚡ All these are about creating strong connections that can help you improve faster.
🤔 Someone asked me.
How do you connect with your Middle Eastern clients from Nigeria?
Lots of
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❓Do you want a private business English teacher who cares about you?
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P.S. 🔴 Want to expand your business worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months?
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exactlystickytrash · 9 months
            Order Fresh Fruits in Delhi NCR | Avocado Bael Dates Health Fruits- Frugivore
When we talk about Exotic Fruits & Vegetables, we tend to limit ourselves only to trademark exotic veggies like Asparagus or trademark exotic fruits like Avocados. Well, actually the exotic range of fresh fruits & vegetables goes way beyond these certain cliché trademarks. Our range of exotic fruits & vegetables covers the most variety offered on any online grocery platform.
Our range of exotic fresh includes everything from A(merican Kale Curled) to Z(ucchini Yellow), and in between comes all Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Edible Flowers, Globe Artichoke, Purple Corn, and much more. We are confident that you won’t find such variety of exotics with any offline or online grocery provider.
Most of the exotic fruits and vegetables are imported from distant corners of the world to reach your plate. Each exotic fruits or vegetable is selected after various processes of sorting at sourcing level. The Avocado you are savouring might be from California or Tanzania or New Zealand. The Fresh Blueberries from Netherlands or Australia. Malta from Egypt or South Africa, Red Globes Grapes from Chile or Peru and Kiwis from New Zealand, Iran or Italy. The Thai fruits from south east asia and Apples from US or Europe. The number of products we have in our stable are truly mind boggling and you can treat yourself to Nature’s bounties from all continents on globe while shopping online on Frugivore.
Frugivore also offers true value to the customer for these items. Compared to seasonal fruits, exotic’s prices might be higher but that is due to the logistics costs involved and the efforts to make something rare available to you. But we are hopeful when you consume an exotic fruit bought online on Frugivore, let’s say Avocado, your first thought would not be ‘how expensive that fruit was’ but it will be something like ‘how good that fruit was’.
There are numerous health benefits associated with fresh exotics. Delhi – Ncr have developed an eager market identifying the various benefits of these exotics and involving thse in their daily food routines. A classic example is the vegetable Bell Pepper or popularly known as Shimla Mirch. This exotic vegetable was not so common a decade ago as compared to present times. Similarly, Dragon Fruit or Plums are some examples of exotic fruits which have paved their ways into Indian households in the last decade. Since then there have been so many upcoming exotic fruits & veggies. One such subcategory which totally stands out is Fresh Berries. While Blackberry and Raspberry are highly sensitive for our local weather conditions, Fresh Blueberry has gained a significant popularity. The numerous by products like Blueberry Cheesecake, Blueberry Pies, Blueberry Smoothies, and many more are a hit in the market already. Apart from popular products, Fresh Blueberry contains numerous amount of health benefits. Blueberries can help heart health, bone strength, skin health, blood pressure, diabetes management, cancer prevention, and mental health.
READ MORE...Grocery Online | Online Grocery Shopping in Delhi NCR | Frugivore
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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reception tables, bridal bouquets, wedding chuppahs, and stage sets are only a few examples of how flowers are used in the business and social event settings. Flowers are also traditionally used in ecclesiastical settings and their arrangement is often done by skilled church volunteers. Floral design or flower arrangement is the art of using plant material and flowers to create an eye-catching and balanced composition or display. Evidence of refined floral design is found as far back as the culture of ancient Egypt. Floral designs, called arrangements, incorporate the five elements and seven principles of floral design. [1] Floral design is considered a section of floristry.
However, floral design pertains only to the design and creation of arrangements. It does not include the marketing, merchandising, caring of, growing of, or delivery of flowers.
Common flower arrangements in floral design include vase arrangements, wreaths, nosegays, garlands, festoons, boutonnieres, corsages, and bouquets. The American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD), established in 1965, is the oldest and largest non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and promoting the art of floral design as a professional career. [1] Its more than 1200 members engage in a variety of professional programs and activities through a network of six (6) regional chapters throughout the United States and Canada. The Whites AND
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sixtiesfangirl · 3 years
earlier this week i was tagged by @hofnerviolinbass & @stevielynnicks to answer these questions! thanks darling flowers!! ⚘⚘
today i felt like giving more elaborate answers, so it got a bit long! sorry & here it goes:
Nickname: môni
Gender: female
Star sign: libra sun, sag moon, aqua rising
Height: 171 cm
Time: 7:52 pm
Birthday: oct 16
Favorite bands/groups: the beatles, pink floyd, the who.
Favorite solo artists: paul mccartney, george harrison, jeff buckley, françoise hardy, john lennon, niall horan, sam smith
Song stuck in my head: darling be home soon by the lovin' spoonful
Last movie: seaspiracy (2021)
Last TV show: this is us (can i just say i loved the last episode? i adore nicky's storyline sm u guys...)
When did I created this blog: july 2012. i had another blog before but abandoned it... when i decided to get back on tumblr, i thought a fresh start would be better!
What do I post: classic rock and other music i enjoy, 60s stuff, photography & classic movies...
Last thing I googled: therapists in my city. since i ended up moving cities during this pandemic & can't do online therapy, i gotta find me a new one
Other blogs: @earlysixties, where all the colorful posts (and more multifandom gifsets) go to! my main blog ended up becoming mostly a b&w one and i'm digging it... so yeah! ~ tho i don't really talk much there. the rambling is basically exclusive to this one
Do I get asks: not that often! but sometimes i do get some lovely asks from some mutuals!
Following/followers: following: 348 ~ it should be a bit less but i just can't let go of the abandoned blogs of dear mutuals that left in like 2015 or smth! followers: 19k ~ idk how or why?? my blog is not really popular & it's been years since i actually posted some content! since most of them arrived around 2014 they're likely bots... there are tons of abandoned blogs as well so...
Average hours of sleep: 6h or 7h on weekdays, 9h+ on weekends
Lucky number: i don't have one!
Instruments: when i was 14 i used to play guitar but abandoned it. somehow i still know how to play many chords and could play simple tunes... so i know how to play it, but don't know yk???
What am I wearing: a vintage yellow polaroid tshirt, grey shorts & black socks with little hamburgers and fries in it
Dream job: i wonder that myself! idk what i'd like to do really & the story is: i graduated in psychology in 2018 & was halfway through a postgrad in clinical psychology (& already being certified to work as a therapist) when.... i finally realised that that's not what i want to do with my life 😂😭 so i was studying to get any job & earlier this month i got a job in my city's transit department (working with the driver's license documentation) to gather a bit of money in the meantime. so!! i still gotta figure out what to do next really! it's a mess
Dream trip: egypt & italy
Favorite food: hmm i'll say it's chocolate cake with coconut filling!
Favorite song: hello it's me by todd rundgren or orange skies by love. i can never go wrong with any of them!
Last book I read: i'm currently reading kitchen by banana yoshimoto ~ i'm really enjoying it, i'm basically underlining everything because it is that good!
Three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
1. it would be lovely to be a clay? figurine from pingu. maybe the seal or that bird that laughs at his face as he flies off after pingu saves him from the lobster (as you can see, i still have every episode engraved in brain)
2. the town from kiki's delivery service
3. there was a cartoon when i was a kid that was called "mike, lu and og", it would be nice to live in their island! i also really like the style of animation of it ~ tho sometimes it seems like it was a delusion of mine bc whenever i mention it to people they never seem to know what the hell i'm talking abt!
well that's it! thanks to whoever read it to the end! 😂
i won't be tagging anyone bc idk who has already answered this one, but hey, you can do this if you feel like regardless!
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