#Eidyia Ethrae
fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Eidyia Ethrae - didn't meme to hurt your feelings
Alternia or Beforus?
Beforus. I have an alternian descendant (nurse, sylph of rage) and ancestor (alternate adult self) for this character as well. I might send them in at a later date? 
Name: Eidyia Ethrae 
“Eidyia’s name was derived from the Greek word eidô meaning “to see” or “to know.” She probably personified the power of the eye which in Greek superstition was the source of a witch’s supernatural powers. As an Okeanid-nymph she was presumably also the Naiad of the main well or fountain of Kolkhis–the marriage of founding-king and local Naiad is a common motif in Greek myth.“
Ethraee is a lesser deity from D&D, with control over both the sun and the moon. It seemed fitting, because she’s struggling to find a balance between her daytime and nighttime activities, or sun and moon. It’s also a nod to her interest in flarping. 
Hm… Why do you have her named after an Oceanid if she’s a landdweller? I guess if you themed her around witches or something of that sort it could work… Hmmmm. …You know what, with her umbrella and her look and her rage theme and that witch name, I might want to make her like a… more chaotic-neutral Mary Poppins? Not that Mary Poppins isn’t chaotic but I’m sure you get what I mean. …Hm. 
Okay okay Eidyia Etharee stays.
Age: approaching maturity/ adult depending on the setting.
Title: mage of rage or seer of rage, not exactly sure on this one yet 
Witch of Rage, because she actively attempts to change the rage-state of people. It makes her a more chaotic element. She’s able to manipulate and change the negative emotions experienced… her inverse is seer of hope, which means through other mediums she can come to understand the nature of optimism around her…. 
Blood color: jade, but I’ve been thinking of making her a cuspblood with olive, because when she’s being mischievous she takes on some more feline-like personality traits. 
Being a cusp would make her a mutant/might knock her out of the jade range, realistically. Honestly if I was going to bump her anywhere outside of Jade, I’d actually bump her to Teal. …She might even make a pretty good purple. I guess we’ll keep addressing that possibility as we go! 
Symbol and meaning:
viricorn, sign of the lethal. I like how this one looks like a heart; it captures her emphatic nature. ‘’the lethal’’ captures her more sadistic nature. Plus it’s also a rage sign!
If you were to bump her to purple, her sign would be Capricorn, which isn’t necessarily ideal… Hmmm.
Dream Planet: Prospit 
I do think this is fitting for her. She seems capricious and likely to let her feelings at the moment control how she engages with other people. She also doesn’t seem like the kind to fixate on the past/future, but to live in the moment, and to be adaptive… So, yes. Good.
Trolltag: attentionAsunder , curiousCantrip, compellingCatnap, calescentCruisader 
I have several ideas, but haven’t been able to decide yet. I like alliteration though, like you might be able to tell lol.
If you don’t mind breaking the GCAT rule, how about diurnalDragoon, referencing her ability to walk around in the daytime. Dragoon references kind of a goading nature, her trying to bait people into being mad. 
Quirk: no clue yet, but she likes using complicated words to sound smart and elegant.maybe also something pun-based because of her mischievous nature?
As a reference to the Mary Poppins thing I said earlier, I’d kind of like the idea of her having a habit of rhyming/turning things into little songs, as well as having a habit of making up her own complicated words and portmanteaus for funsies.  
Fetch Modus: Haven’t thought of this yet ;@_@
Suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus Modus. Or more reasonably, Reverse Modus. She has to figure out how to say the name of an object backwards in order to access it. That’s easy for something like a Hat (Tah), but not quite as much for something like a Chimney Brush (Hsurb Yenmihc). 
Special Abilities (if any): sunlight resistance, and can sense emotions. She gets better at sensing small changes in someone’s disposition if she’s close (both physically and emotionally) to the person she is trying to read.  She’s better at sensing negative emotions like anger, discomfort, frustration and pain.
I do like that even if I still have a problem with Jades being given additional abilities… hrm… I guess being an empath is something that can happen naturally anyways. A purple could have a stronger sense of this, probably, and maybe even be able to manipulate emotions a little bit.
Strife Specibus: parasolkind 
However resistant to sunlight she may be, some protection from the deadly lazer is more than welcome. When in a pinch, it makes for a decent clobbering tool too!
If you theoretically moved her away from jade up to purple, this parasol would be slightly more necessary.
Lusus: (spiny flower) mantis, with antennae shaped like a deer’s antlers
Since mantis are known for killing their spouse I thought it would make a fitting connection with the ’‘lethal” title. Their claws are sharp and dangerous, but at the same time they are patient and calm creatures.
Other animals I considered were a musk deer, because it is also known as the vampire deer for its iconic fangs, and a saber tooth tiger to connect her more to cats for the cuspblood route.
The mantis probably works well for either her being a jade. If I DID make her purple, I might recommend a leech, cue me preemptively referencing your emotional vampire joke.
Personality: She’s kind of a scatterbrain! She thinks a lot, and tends to forget what she’s doing because she gets so lost in her thoughts. She’s very calm, collected and easygoing, but tends to isolate herself. Knowing what others are feeling gets quite overwhelming at times, so she really values her private time.
She also has a colder, more analytical and manipulative side, because she knows just how to press someone’s buttons. She finds it interesting to see how people react to her teasing, and likes to joke around. So instead of a rainbowdrinker like jades are known for I guess you could describe her as more of a social/emotional vampire! She cares more about her appearance than she would like to admit, having a lowkey gothic/ aristocratic aesthetic, and tends to be quite flirty with her quadrants. 
She’s also very dutiful, and doesn’t like asking for help. She takes her tasks in the brooding caverns very seriously, even if she’s not actually fond of the job. She would rather over-exert herself than deliver bad work. She would probably be more interested in a counseling or mediation kind of job rather than that of a caretaker. 
Her being easygoing and dutiful to the point of over-exertion might be a bit of a contradiction? I think if you want to have both coexist you’ll have to have it be that she’s very committed to doing a good job and thinks it’s necessary, but that she doesn’t beat herself up over any mistakes and knows that no one can do Everything. It fits better with her tendency to neglect her sleep in favor of strolling around, too. If she were so strictly concerned with her work, she probably would take more steps to avoid something that could disrupt her work capabilities? 
I do like the idea of her being somewhat manipulative. An empath but not a sympath. Maybe have her struggle to genuinely care about people. She’s capable of recognizing emotions, but feeling sympathy is something she just doesn’t have enough practice in. 
Definitely have her be the type that just kind of breezes in and out as she pleases, who is fine just walking up to someone she barely knows and messing with them and then continuing on her way. And maybe make her not mind the idea of draining the people around her, to make your emotional vampire joke connect more? 
Her mischievous and chaotic nature as well as her commitment to doing a good job is what made me consider her being purple. And if you wanted her to still be in charge of a bunch of little ones, maybe she could be a Clown Church Wriggler Nanny. 
Interests: She likes taking strolls in the sunlight, but often neglects her sleep schedule in favor of this interest. As a result she often oversleeps, and is often tired. She likes indulging in creative hobbies like character creation, writing stories, and casual flarping. Her job gets priority though! 
Might I recommend her also being into a little song and dance? Catch this girl humming and twirling around while working.
Land: The land of Thorns and Fervor (LOTAF)
Thorns and all sorts of spiky protrusions block your path at every step. They seem to pop up out of nowhere, but disappear just as easily. The landscape, aside from the thriving thickets of thorny bushes, is barren. There is black sand and rock everywhere, with some cacti and small flowers sprinkled in here and there.
The rock faces are decorated with intricate designs, and hold deep caves within. You presume them to be the remains of a long gone civilization. Speaking of civilization, this planet is not completely deserted yet. You can spot a small village on the horizon. You know it to be the home of the vipers, as you’ve been to one of their settlements before. Some of them seem to hold you in high regard for some reason.
The viper houses are made from rock, making you wonder how they could have possibly constructed the dens themselves, seeing as they don’t have arms. You feel sorry for them. The houses are equipped with metal rods on top of the roofs to harness power from the frequent lightning storms that plague the region. 
Despite the fact that it storms regularly there is little to no water. All the rain from the storms evaporates before it has the chance to touch the ground. Most of the water you will find here is gathered in fruit, or wells. (Or, you know, those thunderheads looming over your head.) The biggest settlement in this thorny desert houses a ginormous well. The snakes treat it as a sacred oasis, and it is said to be the home of The denizen Apophis, Egyptian god of chaos.
This planet description is GREAT. I love the idea and concept behind it… I presume that she’s gotta get down there in that well to fight Apophis and also try to bring hope back to the tiny little viper settlements? Good, good stuff.
Thank you so much in advance for taking the time to read this! I would appreciate any and all input!
Thank me? Thank YOU! I love her a whole lot. Now let’s do some design!:
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Horns: I edited the horn to involve a hook. That’s about all. 
Hair: I decided to keep it relatively flat and smooth. I liked the style she had going, just had to give it more volume. 
Face: Would you believe that those eyes were Nepeta’s when I started? I tried to utilize the shape you provided. I also had to give her the defined lips typical of all jades (though I kept it with the purple too because it looked good). 
Jacket: I gave her a flared jacket like Mary Poppins, along with the buttons and red bowtie. 
Legs: I kept the broomstick skirt and some heels from fan-troll. 
Horns: I gave her some simple horns to reflect the symbol I provided. 
Makeup: I gave her grease paint that looks a bit like chimney soot smeared on her cheeks. 
Jacket: I dotted the jacket with lots of little grey spots. 
Symbol: It’s meant to look like a heart, too, but keeps the purple sign language. 
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Thank you for sharing her! She’s really interesting. 
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