#Eitan Evan
noomirapacesource · 5 years
Noomi Rapace to Play Mossad Agent in Vicky Jewson’s Action Drama ‘Sylvia’ (EXCLUSIVE)
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Noomi Rapace will star as Mossad’s most famous female agent in “Sylvia,” an action movie from Vicky Jewson, who developed the project with WestEnd Films under the company’s female-skewed WeLove banner. London-based WestEnd will handle sales and will be talking to buyers at Cannes.
The project reunites “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” star Rapace, Jewson and WestEnd after their successful collaboration on action picture “Close.” Netflix took global rights to that picture and launched it in January.
In “Sylvia,” Rapace will play Sylvia Rafael, a South African-born agent who rose to prominence in Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. She was noted for her intelligence work in locating Ali Hassan Salameh, the leader of Palestine’s Black September organization and the figure behind the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. But the mission led to her involvement in the infamous Lillehammer affair, in which an innocent Moroccan waiter was mistakenly identified as Salameh and killed by Rafael’s team. Rafael was tried in Norway and imprisoned. She died in South Africa in 2005.
The “Sylvia” script is being penned by Jewson alongside her “Close” writing partner, Rupert Whitaker. It is inspired by the book “Sylvia Rafael: The Life and Death of a Mossad Spy,” which was written by Ram Oren and Moti Kfir, a former Mossad agent who trained Rafael.
“What is so enticing about this project is the opportunity to tell the true story of an extraordinary woman, who sacrificed a huge part of her life for a country that was not originally her own,” Jewson said. “I am keen to explore the unique personality of someone who put their life at risk on a daily basis and lived under a permanent dual identity, searching beyond the often glamorously perceived title of ‘spy’ to the gritty reality of this life and what drove her.”
Speaking about her blossoming partnership with Rapace, she added that “’Sylvia’ is exactly the sort of character-driven story we want to bring to the screen.”
Sharon Harel, Eitan Evan and Whitaker are producing the movie alongside Rapace, Jewson and Moshe Edery.
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architectnews · 3 years
Ten architecture projects from students at Tulane University
A skyscraper that aims to break the mould of environmentally insensitive towers and a project that reimagines the American dream are included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at Tulane University.
Also included is a project that will convert ten miles of Lower Manhattan's waterfront into flood-protection infrastructure, and a climate-adaptive urban model that also responds to rising sea levels.
Tulane University
School: Tulane School of Architecture Courses: ARCH 5590 / 6990 – Thesis Studio Tutors: Cordula Roser Gray, Ammar Eloueini and Benjamin J Smith
School statement:
"The Tulane School of Architecture in New Orleans generates and applies knowledge that addresses urgent challenges of humankind. We do this by educating committed professionals to creatively manage complexity and transform the world through the practices of architecture, urbanism and preservation.
"The five-year Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) and the graduate Master of Architecture (M. Arch) prepare students with advanced skills in the areas of history and theory, representation and technology. Our more than 3,000 graduates find successful careers in various fields related to the built environment and design.
"The thesis projects (presented below) were developed in two consecutive courses over the fall of 2020 and spring of 2021. In a three-credit fall course, students researched an architectural topic and developed a thesis to be tested through design.
"Students then entered the spring semester thesis studio with a design hypothesis explored through a programme and site. In both semesters, each student was guided by a faculty thesis director."
Levitt's Delusion: On Waking Up From the American Dream by James Rennert
"The American dream is in crisis. Premised on ideals of individual achievement and manifested through consumption, nowhere is this problem more evident than in America's wilting suburbs.
"We have reached a critical moment in that the colliding social, economic and environmental narratives that have fueled this relentless expansion have become indefensible.
"As a result, we must ask: what now? While the dream has since faded, reality lingers. Levitt's Delusion speculates upon the latent potential of suburban land as a laboratory for building a new dream, embracing our desire to sprawl and develop an infinitum.
"Through the extraction and reappropriation of elements of suburbia, this project manifests a new American dream. One of collectivism, of community, interaction and exchange."
Student: James Rennert Course: ARCH 5590 - Thesis Tutors: Cordula Roser Gray, Ammar Eloueini and Iñaki Alday Email: jrennert[at]tulane.edu
Elevated Connections by Alexander Alves-Pingani
"The contemporary city's transportation infrastructure is unprepared for the future. The effects of climate change such as storm surge, coastal erosion, urban flooding and saltwater intrusion will significantly affect coastal areas in the coming years. Urban flooding is already affecting many areas of Miami and the coastal regions around the world.
"Integrating transportation systems and networks can vertically generate an architecture that is more prepared for the projected impacts of climate change, while simultaneously addressing the existing condition and experience of the infrastructure."
Student: Alexander Alves-Pingani Course: ARCH 5590 - Thesis Tutors: Cordula Roser Gray, Ammar Eloueini and Iñaki Alday Email: aalvespi[at]tulane.edu
Creating a Regional Skyscraper by Eitan Albukrek
"A significant portion of modern urban development is constituted by the erection of glass and steel skyscrapers. Unlike earlier housing typologies that responded to the physical and cultural elements of their sites, these generic towers are environmentally insensitive and do not serve to capture the cultural moment of a place.
"In this thesis, I aim to create a set of parameters within which contemporary skyscrapers can be designed. The parameters can be applied in any developing city but will derive unique results.
"Exploring Tel Aviv, Israel, as the case study for this thesis, I set out to create a skyscraper that caters to the city's growing need for high-density residential development while acknowledging the site's physical environment and socio-cultural context.
"Built from reinforced concrete but clad in adobe sourced from the Jordan River Valley, the tower utilizes the vernacular technique of thickened walls with limited aperture area to achieve cool, low-impact interiors.
"Connected by a secondary circulation path, a series of shared amenity spaces are articulated on the tower's facade as vaulted openings. In combination with a public, vaulted ground floor area, these semi-public spaces reference historical neighbourhood courtyards and emulate the organization and built culture of historical Middle Eastern villages."
Student: Eitan Albukrek Course: ARCH 5590 – Thesis Tutors: Cordula Roser Gray, Ammar Eloueini and Iñaki Alday Email: ealbukre[at]tulane.edu
A Developing Framework – Rethinking the Displacement Housing Crisis in Developing Countries by Jorge Alfredo Blandín Milla and Joanne Engelhard
"The 2010 earthquake in Haiti damaged and destroyed 295,000 homes, displacing five million people. Twelve years later, Haitians live in 'tent camps' under tarps or behind pieces of carton or rusty metal with no running water, electricity or latrines.
"Although these informal settlements provide temporary shelter, they are one hurricane away from being washed away. The framework is located in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, and includes the essential infrastructure of glulam living modules, water towers, kitchens and bathrooms.
"While the essential amenities are provided, the users will bring forward the infill materials according to their needs, finances, and personal tastes. By providing the essential infrastructure embedded in a solid structural foundation, these modules can enable the necessary growth and development of the community.
"Furthermore, the addition of communal spaces such as a market and a park on the ground floor will promote a sense of belonging and create a sense of community."
Student: Jorge Alfredo Blandín Milla, Joanne Engelhard Course: ARCH 5590 – Thesis Tutors: Cordula Roser Gray, Ammar Eloueini, Iñaki Alday and Rafael Passarelli Email: jblandi[at]tulane.edu, jengelha[at]tulane.edu
Runway Refuge: Village Relocation in Rural Alaska by Anne Davis
"By building upon the existing infrastructure of aeroplane landing strips, rural Alaskan villages facing relocation can find refuge from rising sea levels, while strengthening access to food and public health services."
Student: Anne Davis Course: ARCH 5590 – Thesis Tutors: Cordula Roser Gray, Ammar Eloueini and Iñaki Alday
The Post-Industrial Chicago River: A Social, Productive and Ecological Urban Structure by Evan Warder
"Urban centres around the world have witnessed the disappearance of the industry that once defined their livelihood. Rivers were often the structural elements that allowed prosperity for industrial cities, but as the sector depleted, the core values of the rivers were lost.
"Can industry be reimagined to provide cities with a space that is socially developing, sustainably productive and ecologically restorative for the people and the river? Chicago's Fisk Generating Plant is a lasting scar of the former industry – a central coal power plant that was closed due to its polluting nature. As the citizens fight against gentrification today, the need for new jobs is exacerbated by growing populations and declining productivity.
"Chicago presents the opportunity to create a comprehensive solution through reinvestment in productivity that provides jobs, needs and food through high-density vertical farming and aquaculture.
"Productive space combined with a school, market, cafe, shared kitchen and restaurant provide extensive value to the communities without risking their ability to continue to inhabit their neighbourhood.
"By connecting the community to the river through an extensive public space with ecological restoration, a sustainable relationship can be established. This radical model of integration of an industrial zone into the social fabric of Chicago could become a model for cities of the future to address their post-industrial riverfront."
Student: Evan Warder Course: ARCH 6990 – Thesis Tutors: Iñaki Alday and Benjamin J. Smith Email: ewarder[at]tulane.edu
A New Edge: Breaking Down The Bulkhead by Harrison Sturner
"Urban centres around the world have witnessed the disappearance of the industry that once defined their livelihood. Rivers were often the structural elements that allowed prosperity for industrial cities, but as the sector depleted, the core values of the rivers were lost.
"Can industry be reimagined to provide cities with a space that is socially developing, sustainably productive and ecologically restorative for the people and the river? Chicago's Fisk Generating Plant is a lasting scar of the former industry – a central coal power plant that was closed due to its polluting nature. As the citizens fight against gentrification today, the need for new jobs is exacerbated by growing populations and declining productivity.
"Chicago presents the opportunity to create a comprehensive solution through reinvestment in productivity that provides jobs, needs and food through high-density vertical farming and aquaculture.
"Productive space combined with a school, market, café, shared kitchen and restaurant provide extensive value to the communities without risking their ability to continue to inhabit their neighbourhood."
Student: Harrison Sturner Course: ARCH 5590 – Thesis Tutors: Cordula Roser Gray, Ammar Eloueini and Iñaki Alday Email: hsturner[at]tulane.edu
Regenerative Habitat by Gabrielle Rashleigh
"'Regenerative Habitat offers a spatial test for a climate-adaptive urban model in the face of rising seas, coastal land loss and increased storm frequency along the Gulf Coast.
"The project centres on the Bayou Bienvenue Central Wetland Unit, located between Orleans and St. Bernard Parish in Louisiana.
"Over the course of the past century, this heavily engineered site has converted from a freshwater bald-cypress and water tupelo swamp to open water, leaving the adjacent neighborhoods vulnerable to storm surge.
"Though stripped of its natural storm surge protection, the Bayou Bienvenue Central Wetland Unit occupies a coveted space within the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction system.
"As climate change pressures coastal populations to relocate to protected higher grounds, the site, today an urban backyard, offers a location to temporally absorb climate change refugees inside of the levee walls and outside of the subsiding low grounds of New Orleans.
"Additionally, the site puts forth a model for inhabiting a floodable landscape without relying on the pump system that has exacerbated subsidence in New Orleans.
"This thesis proposes three strategies for amplifying the ecological and social wealth of the Central Wetland Unit and surrounding neighborhood through marsh terracing, elevated urbanism and regenerative practices and infrastructures.
"Through these three strategies, 'Regenerative Habitat' puts forth an experimental urban model for inhabiting a landscape in flux."
Student: Gabrielle Rashleigh Course: ARCH 6990 – Thesis Tutors: Margarita Jover, Mead Allison, Mark Davis and Benjamin J. Smith Email: grashleigh[at]tulane.edu
Piti-Piti: a Kit-of-Parts | an Architecture Liberation by Maddison Wells
"Modularity in architecture is an attempt to increase the adaptability of the built environment by creating a structure that allows for the growth and contraction of space.
"Rather than always providing a pre-assembled module, allowing the users of space to control their built environment empowers them; modular architecture has the capacity to create relatively equitable environments. The intent is to give the power of creating space back to those who have been deprived of it in the past and into the present.
"The programme and site for the application of the thesis are a women and children's centre in Haiti. Instead of proposing a building, the thesis is a kit-of-parts designed and manufactured by the women of Haiti to use as they see fit.
"The term Piti Piti translates to the word gradually, or little by little, in Haitian Creole. With the implementation of the Piti Piti kit-of-parts, the country of Haiti and its citizens will improve their socio-economic status over time.
"The kit-of-parts is made of locally sourced, seismic-resistant materials: mycelium and bamboo. Growing and manufacturing new building materials could potentially stimulate the economy and create new sources of income, especially for women.
"Rather than imposing on the existing construction techniques, the new materials are formatted as improvements to conventional building materials: CMU and rebar."
Student: Maddison Wells Course: ARCH 5590 – Thesis Tutors: Cordula Roser Gray, Ammar Eloueini, Iñaki Alday and José Cotto Email: mwells9[at]tulane.edu
No Royal Roads by Charles Delay Jones
"Roads are one of the earliest, most effective technological utilities related to sustained urban settlements. One example is the smooth asphalt surface of a modern-day collector street connecting from arterial transportation networks to local city streets.
"Not only was smoothness pursued to address some of the most persistent social and sanitary nuisances of the turn of the 20th century, but it also boosted the conveyance of energy and resources throughout cities, including stormwater discharge.
"However, like many fast-paced technological applications developed to outpace physiological adaptation, their benefit is counteracted with adverse impacts on various social-ecological systems.
"Smoothness, a preferred street surface condition, is a technical overcorrection. Accelerated stormwater discharge can overwhelm drainage systems and cause chronic flooding. Therefore, the application of smoothness across multiple street typologies requires reexamination.
"A textured, porous surface can effectively mitigate this condition by diffusing water movement and storing it momentarily where it falls. Combined with other ecological systems, the surface geometry of the street and section can filter pollutants, reduce the heat island effect, and improve the spatial qualities of local streetscapes."
Student: Charles Delay Jones Course: ARCH 6990 - Thesis Tutors: Kentaro Tsubaki and Benjamin J. Smith Email: cjones30[at]tulane.edu
Partnership content
This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Tulane University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.
The post Ten architecture projects from students at Tulane University appeared first on Dezeen.
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sarabalsamo · 5 years
Design and Explore
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For our design and explore assignment, Eitan, Evan, Celia, and I visited Chinatown. We all planned to meet on a Saturday, because we knew everyone would be free on the weekend. Our group, however, did not consider checking the weather, and on the day we decided to go, it started to pour. That did not stop us, however, and after putting on my waterproof boots and grabbing my umbrella, I ventured out to the Urban Eatery where we planned to meet. Together, the four of us headed to the Septa station, where I helped Celia get a Septa card (those machines can be very confusing).
Once we arrived at our stop, we walked up the stairs and used google maps to find Chinatown. We ended up walking a considerable amount before we arrived at our location, and there were many puddles along the way. Needless to say, my jeans became very wet very quickly. The weekend we went to Chinatown was also the weekend of the lunar new year, so when travelling, I expected the area to be bustling with people. The town, however, was quite the opposite, and we could only find one restaurant that was open for business. I assume the lack of crowds was because of the rain, so ultimately, the downpour might have been a blessing in disguise.
Once we got something to eat, most of us ordered poke bowls. I put a bunch of random items in mine, because I was not very familiar with Asian food and sauces, and didn’t really know what would taste good together. Ultimately, though, my meal was fairly satisfying, and the fried shrimp I ordered in the bowl was very tasty! Eitan and Evan also tried a weird brand of coffee, which they said tasted fairly average. Celia also had a sugary Asian drink which harkened a good review. While eating, I noticed many of the different types of design that each individual place used, and I was able to appreciate the different logos and art surrounding me.
After our meal, the four of us decided to head back to the station. On our way back, we saw some very interesting signs, including one that said “plant” right next to a potted plant, in case it was hard to tell. Once we took the septa back and arrived on campus, the rain conveniently came to a stop. Overall, the trip to Chinatown was very fun, and I was able to learn more about the city I’m currently living in as well as meet new people within my major!
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years
Erielle Reshef Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Parents, Family
Erielle Reshef Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Parents, Family
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Born Name Erielle Reshef Birth Place Oklahoma, United States Height 5 feet 8 inches Eye Color Brown Zodiac Sign Libra Nationality American Ethnicity Israeli Profession News Correspondent Husband Daniel Frankenstein Net Worth $200,00 Weight 60 Kg Age 36 Sibling Evans Reshef, Eitan Reshef Parents Dr. Eli Reshef, Edi S. Roodman
Last Updated on July 25, 2019
Hard work…
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Everything is Politics: The Role of the Essay and the Democratization of Media
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By Eitan Miller and Kathleen Grillo Hilton Als, author of The Best American Essays, opens up a conversation about stories from magazines, journals, and websites. In his introduction he says, “But the essays of the future start with questions, generally political in nature, and if you don’t think so, think again” (Als xxviii). The term “political” is a broad one. While obviously some essays discuss overtly political issues, we believe that Als is describing a greater phenomenon. “Politics” shape a person’s life and the questions they ask. Als writes that essays are “generally political,” but beyond that, all essays have some basis in politics.
Apart from the simple partisanship of left vs. right, politics is the basis for life in any society. The way that society is governed and its freedoms or restrictions create individuals’ identity and shape their being. The political background of a given country shapes the writing an individual can create. In her essay From Silence to Words, Min-Zhan Lu describes her complex relationship with writing, language, and identity given her experiences in communist China and learning English. Lu directly analyzes how the politics of her country shaped her writing and thinking. She uses language, a key factor in anyone’s life, to exemplify the split world she lived in. The politics of the world she grew up in directly affected her everyday life as a child and what she wrote as an adult. This revelation affects all of us, not just those who grew up in communist China. American “democracy” shapes our lives in more ways than we could possibly know and creates the foundation on which our writing stands.
Hilton Als’s essay was possible solely because of the politics surrounding his life. As Als grew, he utilized experiences from his childhood when writing books that started a conversation about societal issues such as gender, race, sexuality, and identity. This essentially made his books contact zones where he brought issues to light in order to educate and inform those unaware of their position within those issues. As Pratt defines it, a contact zone is a “social space[ ] where cultures meet, clash, and grapple” (Pratt 34). The politics of Als’ life, defined as the way his mind was formed by the governmental structures and influences he grew up with, shaped what he wrote. As with Lu, who talked about language, a large part of what she thought about language came from the politics of her country. Als was born into a country that shunned him for his race, his sexuality, and his size. And so, the essays Als wrote focused on these issues. All writers, whether they write academically or personally, touch on subjects that matter to them and that they have encountered at some point in their life. Where they grow up, who they grow up with, and what ideals they grow up with shape what writers want to speak about. Famous essayist Joan Didion is known for her narrative memoir-style essays and novels. She wrote about various topics that impacted her life, as all authors do. Her life, as described in Goodbye to All That, includes moving halfway across the world by herself to becoming one of the top journalists in her field. This is undoubtedly linked to the politics of her society. Although implicitly, Didion wrote about feminism as Lu wrote about language and Als wrote about racism. They grew up in different circumstances, different times and places, and this is reflected in their essays. The politics of their life, whatever they may look like, continued to influence their work well into adulthood.
Like the other authors, Noam Chomsky was greatly influenced by the politics of his life. In a biography, Christian Garland describes Chomsky: “Chomsky continues to be an unapologetic critic of both American foreign policy and its ambitions for geopolitical hegemony and the neoliberal turn of global capitalism, which he identifies in terms of class warfare waged from above against the needs and interests of the great majority” (Garland). However, Chomsky’s primary work is as a linguist. Furthermore, his essay Prospects for Survival describes the limited chance that the human race will survive for an extended period of time. On the surface, this is a scientific and logical argument given the history of other species, but Chomsky describes the role of politics in the imminent destruction of the human race. He writes about nuclear war and climate change, both political issues, as shaping the human experience or eventually lack thereof. His experiences, as shaped by US politics and the political linguistic dominance of the English language, shaped his ideas, prompting his various essays.
Clearly, essays, while diverse in content, all ask questions and are based in politics. But, there are many ways that discussion can be staged. A relatively recent development is the “video essay,” a form where the creator can present an amalgamation of pictures and videos with a narrated analysis that is generally targeted towards a YouTube audience. This medium is particularly effective when discussing visual matters such as TV and movies because the viewer can witness the pertinent content. In the TED Talk below, a YouTuber who goes by the alias of “Nerdwriter” describes how video essays impacted the genre of the modern essay. Watch specifically from 5:05 to 7:26, though the entire talk is fascinating.
Evan Puschak (Nerdwriter) touches on the fact that video essays, in addition to being a convenient method of intertwining various types of media, are far more democratic than “traditional” forms of the essay. Platforms like YouTube allow users to reward and share good content, making information and analysis accessible to all people with Internet access. This democratization of the essay in its various forms is an important development, arguably the most important development of the modern essay. Even other forms of digitally shared essays share this democratization, taking power away from a “moderator” and putting it in the hands of the people. Accessibility is key to any successful essay because essays are meant to be read.
In his book The Best American Essays, Als writes, “Of course [the essays will] be made up of many things including questions, images, and gestures” (Als xxviii). The essay itself is hard to define. From the point of view of a high schooler taking AP courses, the essay consists of five straightforward paragraphs. However, the essay has many different forms. Academic essays written by the authors of this piece include How the Korean Wave Is Crashing Over America by Kathleen Grillo to Alternative Oppression: A Look at the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict by Eitan Miller. These works look at a variety of social and political issues such as race and religion through the lens of media, and are very clearly “political.” On the other hand, essays like those styled after the works of Joan Didion and the authors of this piece have a more narrative style. It may appear that these “essays” are contrary to the definition provided by Als. Didion, as well as our essays styled after her, is not outrightly political. However, they both still find a basis in politics. Didion’s works bring in issues of feminism and the effects a particular geographic location has on a person. Issues of equality and how society is constructed are based in the politics behind the author's life. Would Didion’s essays be the same if she grew up in a communist country? The essays we wrote in her style, though independent, both describe the transition from high school to college. For each of us, we find ourselves thriving in college more  than high school. And although not directly stated in either essay, it asks the questions: Why are colleges, especially high tuition institutions, better for individual growth than high school? What is the effect of education on a person’s life? How do money and the government play into the education a person receives?
Clearly, politics shape society, society shapes the self, and the self expresses ideas through writing. Logically, essays have to be based in politics. Authors are raised with implicit biases that come from the people that surround them, including the politics of the world they grow up in. And when authors write, they carry those biases within their writing. Even if they’re not choosing a side overtly, what they choose to write about is a bias in itself. Als used the stereotypes and prejudices he faced growing up in his writing. Lu struggled with a family life and country that was split, and reflected her struggles through language. Didion discussed the challenges she met as a woman moving from home and back. All authors were born into a certain political circumstance. And, while politics is most commonly viewed in direct relation to the government of a country, the power of politics is so broad that it seeps into everything. Even our most basic thoughts are founded with a certain political ideology. Because of this, it is impossible to say that essays are not based in politics. So what is written, no matter who writes it, when they write it, or where they write it, all comes down to politics.
Works Cited
Als, Hilton. The Best American Essays 2018. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018.
Brockes, Emma. “Hilton Als: 'I Had This Terrible Need to Confess, and I Still Do It. It's a Bid to Be Loved'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 2 Feb. 2018,
Chomsky, Noam.  “Prospects for Survival.”  The Massachusetts Review, 2017, pp. 621-634. www.massreview.org/sites/default/files/06_58.4Chomsky.pdf.
Didion, Joan. Slouching towards Bethlehem: Essays. Picador Modern Classics, 2017.
Garland, Christian. “Noam Chomsky.” The Decline of the Democratic Ideal, chomsky.info/2009____-2/.
Grillo, Kathleen. How the Korean Wave Is Crashing Over America, Intro to College Writing WR-101-13, Emerson College, 21 Nov. 2018.
Lu, Min-Zhan. "From Silence to Words: Writing as Struggle." 1987. College English 49(4): 437-448.
Miller, Eitan. Alternative Oppression: A Look at the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, Intro to CollegeWriting WR-101-13, Emerson College, 21 Nov. 2018.
Pratt, Mary Louise. “Arts of the Contact Zone.” Profession 1991. New York: Modern Language Association P, 1991: 33-40.
Puschak, Evan. “How YouTube Changed the Essay.” TEDxTalks, uploaded 9 Jun. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=ald6Lc5TSk8.
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
#Snapchat launches augmented reality developer platform Lens #Studio
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/snapchat-launches-augmented-reality-developer-platform-lens-studio/
#Snapchat launches augmented reality developer platform Lens #Studio
Snapchat is lastly opening up so outdoors builders may also help it provide infinite augmented actuality experiences past these it designs in-house. At present, Snap launches the Lens Studio AR developer software for desktops so anybody can create World Lenses that place interactive, imaginary 3D objects in your photographs and movies.
However manufacturers, information publishers and builders should promote their very own Lenses by advertising their QR Snapcodes that customers scan to unlock an AR impact for 24 hours. That’s as a result of Snapchat received’t show these Neighborhood Lenses in its digicam except companies pay a partnered artistic company to construct them a particular impact after which purchase Sponsored Lens advertisements from Snap.
The launch may vastly broaden Snapchat’s AR leisure worth, serving to it to compete with Fb’s personal Digital camera Results AR platform that launched to all builders early this week. Although for now the platform solely enables you to make World Lenses and never selfie masks, extra AR toys will give Snapchat a much-needed increase to sharing and viewing at a time when consumer progress has slowed to a trickle within the face of Instagram’s competitors.
Snap already sees one-third of its 178 million each day customers play with Lenses every day for a median of three minutes, which provides as much as 500 years of playtime with AR every day. And that’s simply with the three,000 Lenses Snap has made itself. With the opening of the platform, Snap’s VP of engineering and digicam platform chief Eitan Pilipski tells me, “There’s one thing magical about coming again each day and discovering that there’s a brand new expertise.”
By eradicating its in-house AR design staff as a bottleneck by way of company partnerships, Snap may scale up augmented actuality promoting so it doesn’t miss its quarterly income goal once more.
The launch is a sensible transfer. Again in April I wrote that “Snap’s anti-developer perspective is an augmented legal responsibility,” discussing how filling the actual world with AR was too tall of a process for Snap to deal with by itself. It wanted a military of outdoor builders to help it, and now it’s recruiting that military. The query is whether or not builders see the viewers scale in Snapchat essential to validate investing time into the platform, and whether or not Snap offers sufficient unpaid entry to that viewers. As a result of to maneuver the needle on progress, Snapchat wants the AR brainchildren of extra than simply slimy entrepreneurs slapping manufacturers atop the digital world.
Beginning as we speak, anybody can obtain the Lens Studio desktop app for Mac or Home windows in English and go to its web site for examples and documentation. Lens Studio is a barely stripped down model of what Snap’s personal staff makes use of to construct AR experiences. It’s designed for simplicity, so anybody from 2D Photoshop newbies to skilled 3D animators and coders can bounce into making fundamental picture overlays or reactive AR characters. Builders retain possession of Lenses they create, although grant Snapchat the fitting to make use of them.
Builders can construct static or animated objects, 2D cutouts, home windows into different worlds, floating image frames and even 3D objects that react if you faucet, take a look at or strategy them. Builders can get a short lived Snapcode to check their creation on their telephones. After going by way of a fast moderation course of to ensure the Lens isn’t objectionable, builders get a  Snapcode that’s legitimate for a yr, which they’ll share by way of social media, their web sites, print supplies or nonetheless they need to get the phrase out.
Snapchat’s moderators will implement guidelines stating that Lenses can’t depict violence, weapons, nudity, intercourse acts, profanity, hatred, stereotypes, criminality, hashtags, usernames, threats, bullying or encourage Snapping whereas driving. Snapchat tells me it can have a report button for customers who must flag Lenses as problematic, and a human moderation staff will monitor experiences and deactivate offending Lenses. It should maintain a watchful eye, although, because the vividness of AR may make for a giant PR scandal if children begin taking part in with one thing graphic.
Snapchat additionally plans to supply Lens Studio Challenges, the place it can present an unspecified reward for builders who create Lenses that match a proposed theme or use case. They could simply get recognition on the brand new Lens Studio web site, but when Snapchat is sensible, it can really launch the winners in its app to drive developer curiosity within the platform.
Whereas customers can nonetheless discover the curated assortment of Lenses inside the Snapchat digicam, they’ll now be capable of uncover Neighborhood Lenses elsewhere. By tapping and holding on a Lens Snapcode in view of their digicam or importing a screenshot, they’ll get a thumbnail preview of what the Lens does and the choice to unlock it. They’ll then see the Lens of their carousel within the digicam for 24 hours. Tapping a bit “i” info button reveals who made the Lens, and customers can ship one to a good friend by way of personal chat so Lenses can go viral.
The 24-hour restrict may show annoying as customers may not need to undergo the chore of rescanning codes each day. Then again, it may discourage overuse of a particular lens, stopping burnout amongst a creator’s associates and viewers. Pilipski says Snapchat shall be listening to the group to evolve the expertise. However one benefit is that builders can replace a code to supply a distinct Lens so they may incrementally evolve it over time or present totally different experiences with out having to advertise a distinct code.
General, the preliminary crop of AR experiences look cute and on-brand for Snapchat’s goofy model. We’ll see if the dancing sizzling canine that was seen 1.5 billion occasions was a blockbuster due to the novelty of AR, or whether or not customers will enduringly need to play with 3D characters.
Snapchat has partnered with seven Lens Studio corporations to outsource creation of its AR experiences. Avatar Labs, Fisherman Labs, Haus, Media Monks, North Kingdom, Set off International and Vidmob will be paid to create a Lens in just some days as an alternative of the weeks it used to take Snapchat’s inside staff, which additionally required a $300,000 minimal advert spend. Now manufacturers should purchase CPM distribution of their Snapchat Lens within the digicam app’s carousel for an $eight to $20 CPM.
Snapchat’s in-house design staff will nonetheless work with advertisers, however will concentrate on tremendous premium campaigns utilizing essentially the most leading edge know-how choices that transcend Lens Studio’s capabilities.
Snapchat has been a closed firm since its inception, counting on the instincts and curation of CEO Evan Spiegel. However right here, Snapchat is altering its technique to embrace what it could actually’t fully management. That unpredictability stands out as the key to maintaining the app contemporary. As a lot as Snapchat is the arbiter of cool from its Venice Seaside places of work in LA, it could actually’t foresee each bizarre teen pattern or toy, not to mention construct them itself.
By opening the platform, Snap can let the group do the trial-and-error for it. Snapchat ought to each be taught from what Neighborhood Lenses show standard and construct extra like them, but additionally promote these which can be a success somewhat than forcing builders to develop an viewers on their very own. It’s the promise of potential virality that turned Fb right into a platform powerhouse 10 years in the past, spawning giants like Zynga. Now Snapchat’s path ahead is dependent upon it being prepared to share its customers and the credit score for entertaining them.
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dlockeroom · 7 years
Nageela Leaderboard Update
As you may know, each Nageela West event attended earns the attendee points, which, among other things, enters them into a raffle for an iPad.
Here’s the current leaderboard, updated as of Nov. 30th, consisting of exactly 100 participants:
NamePoint Total
Ayden Arya 210
Jacob Chapman 210
Natan Goldman 150
Nava Freeman 150
Yaniv Ben-Shimon 125
Ahmi Montoya 120
Lian Bega 110
Alex Goldblatt 100
Bayla Goldblatt 100
Marygrace Bower 100
Nadav Weiss 95
Netanel Gazala 95
Sophie Guenniche 90
Maytal Cohen 80
Andrew Bruckman 70
Noam Goldman 70
Orin Cohen 70
Sari Shakhman 70
Bennet Warnick 60
Caetlyn Istle 60
Isaac Chapman 60
Orel Kohen 60
Sydeny Warnick 60
Adina Sudransky 50
Anne Musser 50
Aviel Ben Yehuda 50
Ayala Ben Shimon 50
Brayden Stvinsky 50
David Bass 50
Diamond Bock 50
Eliana Shlasinger 50
Elianna Kaplan 50
Ethan Bruckman 50
Goldie Kinn 50
Hannah Bernstein 50
Harrison Clayton 50
Jeri Weiss 50
Joelle Shlasinger 50
Joshua Delshad 50
Lia Ellis 50
Lillie Berkowitz 50
Madi Spiedel 50
Mathan Ben Yehuda 50
Maya Elezra 50
Ranit Stockman 50
Sara Bocarsky 50
savannah wrotslavsky 50
Shai Malka 50
Shir Cohen 50
Yaakov polonsky 50
Yaron Weiss 50
Barel Gazala 45
Ashley Sellen 40
Darby Kankoski 40
Eitan Bitton 40
Hanna Arazi 40
Itai Bitton 40
Jacob Cwiak 40
Jonah Arazi 40
Julian Stavinsky 40
Lea Bitton 40
Aaron Frome 30
Chloe Huttner 30
Elanna Sudransky 30
Jordan Katz 30
Joseph 30
Justin Reisman 30
Abby Rivera 20
Cory Trincilla 20
Dara Braunstein 20
Jessalyn Lax 20
Sophia Torres 50
Justice Reisman 15
Adrianna Sachs 10
Agam Ifergan 10
Aiden Learner 10
Alex Rahim 10
Coby Poura 10
Eden Boldur 10
Eliyahu Lapp 10
Esther Elgerabli 10
Ethan Ben- Moshe 10
Evan Shalev 10
Jacob Braunstein 10
Jacob Grantz 10
Jesse Katz 10
Jordan Learner 10
Leah Weir 10
Liora Guenniche 10
Mai Kaufman 10
Morgan King 10
Ori Gold 10
Oz Hirsh 10
Ryan Reid 10
Shimshon Levin 10
Max Broida 10
Julian Broida 10
Sasha Broida 10
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credit to: @wowos
1. the day i met dan and phil (irl) was during the american tour and i actually cried. phil smelled like strawberries and dan smelled like axe :’) they were so tol it was amazing 2. my mother and i are similar because we’re both artist and book worms and introverted. we’re different because she doesn’t play instruments and doesn’t like dan and phil xD 3. ‘you’re stupid but you’re my friend so i guess you’re okay’ ‘bryant.. you’re precious’ ‘well.. at least you didn’t fuck it up’ i’m a very sarcastic person okay leave me alone 4. ‘get a life loser’ 5. basically nothing. she’s the exact opposite of me 6. happiness 7. evan peters  8. at home and probably asleep 9. evan fucking peters and chloe fucking grace fucking moretz 10. my year seven science teacher 11. bodee from faking normal, hazel grace lancaster from the fault in our stars, meg from the night we said yes, and the cat from coraline 12. chloe, anna, sierra, sera, bryant, justin, osage, korbin, aaron, nicholas, marco, britany, michael and lisa marie 13. rebecca and eitan 14. don’t have any 15. bryant, just, osage, sierra, sera, anna - first period math korbin - band lisa marie, marco - third period elab 16. courtney stevens, lauren gibaldi, and john green 17. dan and phil, my best friend chloe, and my crush bryant 18. chloe 19. evan peters 20. hannah hoffman 21. phil lester 22. bryant ;; 23. bRyAnT 24. chloe 25. justin tbh 26. chloe 27. britany  28. bryant... 29. anna 30. MOTHER  FUCKING B R Y A N T 31. justin and marco 32. i’m grateful for chloe because she pulled me out of the shadows and showed me what true friends do for each other. i’m grateful for justin because he is my sarcastic soulmate. i’m grateful for bryant because he is giving me feelings i’ve never felt before. i’m grateful for anna because she pushes me to do things i don’t want to. i’m grateful for sierra and sera because they are who i go to if i need some band trash. i’m grateful for osage for being the meme he is. i’m grateful for korbin for being the weird perve he is. i’m grateful for moma’s boy (nic), marciplier (marco), and bi bi (lisa) for staying with me even though i’m a pain in the ass. i’m grateful for aaron because he loved me when no one else did. i’m grateful for britany because she makes me laugh even though i don’t want to. i’m grateful for michael because he has shown me that even if i don’t get the best grades, i’m still trying and i’m still the smartest person to him. 33. i’m grateful for my dad because he grew balls and decided to come into my life.  34. i’m grateful for my mom because she loves me no matter what. it doesn’t matter what shit i do or what i’m saying or anything, she still loves me. she supports me, she encourages me, and she motivates me. she has been here all my life and i could not be anymore happy that i get to share my life with my mom.
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