#El lince
El Lince: México y su política surrealista
Por: César A. Vázquez Lince BINIZA:No soporto. estar en un país más surrealista que mis pinturas”Salvador Dali No cabe duda de que Salvador Dalí tenía razón cuando afirmó que México era un país más surrealista que sus propias pinturas. Sin embargo, nada se compara a la surrealidad de la política mexicana, donde presenciamos situaciones tan inverosímiles que nos llevan a expresarnos con el…
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lghockey · 1 year
Luchadors aren't real people... they cant be. They are the closest thing we got to superheros tbh
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aewmoves · 1 year
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maria-the-ghoul · 1 year
Wrestling REVOLVER photodump part 2!
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You may have seen more from twitter but i couldn't fit all the photos into tumblrs limit and not make a shit-ton of posts lol.
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professor-abeloved · 2 years
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a shadow's lament // it lives within chapter 18
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sweetsweethate · 8 months
no se como termine escuchando los ruidos de los animales es google pero que experiencia
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yo-sostenible · 7 months
► Un estudio, con participación de la Universidad de Córdoba y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, demuestra la presencia de anticuerpos frente al SARS-CoV-2 en el felino más amenazado del planeta, tras analizar 276 individuos. El ejemplar que presentó la infección fue muestreado en condiciones de libertad y no tenía signos clínicos de enfermedad. Lince ibérico. / Pixabay El lince ibérico es el felino más amenazado del mundo. Aunque la población en libertad ronda actualmente los 1.600 ejemplares, lo que supone un aumento exponencial respecto a inicios del siglo XXI cuando apenas quedaba un centenar de individuos, el lince sigue estando en peligro de extinción, por lo que es necesario seguir desarrollando planes de conservación y vigilancia sanitaria. En este sentido, el estudio de enfermedades que podrían suponer una amenaza para el lince, como el SARS-CoV-2, es clave. Sobre todo, teniendo en cuenta que algunos félidos, como los gatos domésticos o los leones, son susceptibles a la infección por el virus de la covid-19 debido a la gran afinidad que existe entre el virus y unas células receptoras que estos animales tienen en los pulmones. Un estudio, publicado en Veterinary Microbiology y en el que han participado el Grupo de Investigación en Sanidad Animal y Zoonosis (GISAZ) de la Universidad de Córdoba y el Grupo de Virología Clínica y Zoonosis del Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (IMIBIC), ambos del grupo CIBERINFEC, junto a otros investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, el Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) y gran parte de las instituciones implicadas en la conservación de la especie, ha demostrado por primera vez que el lince ibérico también puede infectarse del virus de la COVID-19. Riesgo de transmisión e infección bajo Con muestras de suero provenientes de linces ibéricos en libertad y en cautividad (centros de cría y centros del programa de conservación ex situ del lince ibérico), el estudio confirmó la presencia de anticuerpos frente a SARS-CoV-2 en uno de los 276 animales. El lince positivo era un animal muestreado en condiciones de libertad que no presentó signos clínicos de enfermedad. Aunque el riesgo de infección y transmisión es bajo, los resultados sugieren que las poblaciones de lince pueden tener contacto con este virus en España, por lo que “es necesario realizar la vigilancia epidemiológica de este tipo de enfermedades en fauna silvestre”, destaca Ignacio García Bocanegra, responsable del grupo GISAZ. Pero a los linces no les afectan solo los virus emergentes, sino también otro tipo de enfermedades infecciosas como las parasitarias. Un estudio internacional en el que también ha participado el grupo GISAZ, así como investigadores del Centro Nacional de Microbiología y de las Universidades Complutense y Alfonso X el Sabio de Madrid, entre otros centros, ha encontrado una amplia circulación de dos parásitos digestivos causantes de diarrea en animales y personas, Cryptosporidiumspp. y Giardiaduodenalis, en las poblaciones de lince ibérico de la Península Ibérica. Los análisis moleculares de las muestras fecales han permitido conocer los “nombres y apellidos” concretos de los dos parásitos, esto es, saber cuáles eran los genotipos circulantes de cada especie de parásito. En este sentido, el estudio, publicado en la revista Animals, ha detectado una alta variedad de genotipos diferentes de estos parásitos, muchos de ellos localizados tanto en las presas de las que se alimenta el lince ibérico (roedores o conejos), como en las personas. Referencia: Ignacio García-Bocanegra, “Exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)”, Veterinary Microbiology.  Fuente: SINC
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cazawonke · 7 months
España suma evidencias de la amenaza de los gatos domésticos en el medio natural con un estudio en zonas Red Natura 2000
España suma evidencias de la amenaza de los gatos domésticos en el medio natural con un estudio en zonas Red Natura 2000. Continue reading España suma evidencias de la amenaza de los gatos domésticos en el medio natural con un estudio en zonas Red Natura 2000
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scorporia · 1 year
apoyando a mi escena hardcore local 🫡
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aewmoves · 1 year
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enteringdullsville · 2 months
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I got bored so I made a thing. Modern Nick AU featuring a handful of the child protagonists, a chibified SpongeBob being their chaperone? A summer camp setting, perhaps? With everyone save for Danny, Jenny, and Dora having their ages fudged to be closer?
Sure, why not? From left to right:
Sanjay Patel
He may or may not have snuck Craig into his cabin, and Craig may or may not have started charging people for “sage advice from the talking snake”
Sanjay’s a relatively good kid but kind of a hellion. Manny spends much of his early life in a moral dilemma. Having them be partners seemed like a logical decision
His bowling pin head was really hard to adapt to my usual style without utterly mangling his face, but I think I did alright
Manny Rivera
He’s wearing the boots and scarf from his El Tigre costume
Bessie thinks he’s the coolest thing, but his and Danny’s egos clash almost immediately
This presumably takes place after he’s settled on heroism, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a troublemaker
April O’Neil
She’s quite possibly the only person getting any actual work done in camp
She’s ostensibly the least insane person in the group, but she’s prone to egging on the others’ antics and starting bets on how much things will escalate
Her age has been dropped a couple of years, so she’s often with Lincoln foiling Dora’s whole escape artist routine
Tommy Pickles
Still on his filmmaker career from All Grown Up! He has a lot of footage of a lot of things in a lot of places
Normally mild mannered and agreeable, but being given “strict orders” instantly makes his good mood vanish
His mind tends to wander when he’s bored, and it has no regard for its curfew
Lincoln Loud
He’s a weeb canonically, so he’s been given a vaguely animesque appearance
Whatever camp this takes place at, I can guarantee at least one of his sisters had been there prior. Since most of the characters here are the Everyman type, Linc’s cunning and trickster attributes are played up a bit
Has no regard for the fourth wall. Tommy has no clue what he’s on about and thinks he’s insane
Aang (Just Aang)
Whether or not he can bend is based purely on what’s funniest at the moment, especially since he and Dib make it impossible for this to be canon compliant
He’s definitely living in an AU with a less horrific backstory. Less responsibilities, less issues
Wouldn’t hurt a fly, but he’d definitely give a wasp a warning shot if it was being a jerk
Danny Fenton
Danny, and only Danny, is actually a little older here. He and Jenny are the counselors. Lucky them.
Doesn’t even bother with the secret identity since Bob’s the only one dense enough to not connect the dots
Being able to turn invisible is really helpful when Dib has questions he doesn’t feel like answering
Jimmy Neutron
There he is, officer. That one’s the ringleader
Aang’s existence is a constant source of frustration for him since he can’t come up with a scientific explanation for all…that
He’s right off the heels of Nicktoons Unite and is wondering when and why SB became so serious
SpongeBob SquarePants
The only adult we see at the camp for some reason, and the only nonhuman besides Jenny
I messed up his scaling, he was supposed to be small enough to fit in someone’s hand, hence his overly simplified design. That’s the height he is in-universe
Ironically and disproportionately strong. Not Jenny’s level, but about as strong as he is in Unite…without being adjusted for size. In other words, he can easily pick up and throw the campers like rag dolls
Jenny Wakeman
The only nonhuman kid at camp, as well as the oldest/youngest at 16/5
She’s the one thing stopping land bears from tearing the camp apart
She’s justifiably a little wary since she’s not exactly nature proof, but all the kids think she’s the coolest thing
Timmy Turner
A closer look at him reveals three familiar looking trinkets shaped like a wand, wings, and a floaty crowny thing
He doesn’t need magic, anyway. He’ll make everything possibly go wrong his own way
He and Bessie butt heads almost immediately; Timmy’s fine with one hypercompetent overachieving Girl Scout in his life, but he does not need another
Ginger Foutley
Usually found with fellow artsy types Rudy and Lincoln
Riddled with anxieties and restless leg syndrome. She comes of as brooding, but she’s just introspective
Since April’s a menace, she’s the actual least insane camper
Eliza Thornberry
It took her a bit to realize SpongeBob could actually talk to begin with and that everyone else didn’t have the same power as her. In fact, there’s a non-zero chance there are a bunch of animals from assorted Nick shows that are screaming in the background constantly and it’s messing with her head
I gave her just the one braid to make her distinct from the other Elizabeth in the cast
She slips in and out of her father’s mannerisms. SMASHING!
Rudy Tabootie
Mysteriously disappears to parts unknown it’stheChalkZone every now and then when he needs to blow off some steam
I find it funny how stylized I made everyone else while Rudy’s just slightly taller
SpongeBob sees a lot of himself in the kid. Rudy doesn’t know how to feel about that
Dora Marquez
Y’know, I added her as a joke, and she immediately became my favorite
She’s the youngest kid at her canon age of seven, so she’s coddled by everyone else. She HATES it, given that she’s been adventuring on her own for the longest time, so she’s a lot more cynical than usual. Easily the biggest departure from the norm
Constantly tries to escape supervision in favor of wandering the wilderness, but the talking cheese won’t let her
Arnold Shortman
He doesn’t know how he ended up as the “cool guy”, but he’s not gonna fight it
Appears detached and aloof, but he’s more likely just dissociating
Always seems to know what he’s doing to the point of parody. As smart as he is, I must reiterate he’s just improvising
Dib Membrane
Eliza, Rudy, and especially Timmy aren’t too keen on hanging around him for very obvious reasons
The fact he’s with people who are reasonably sane this time around means he’s in much better spirits. Lincoln’s probably his best friend at the camp, although Dib’s still a loner
He and Jimmy always run the risk of killing each other if they talk for more than two minutes at a time due to differing views on magic
Bessie Higgenbottom
The kid most likely to actually listen to the inane drivel that comes out of SpongeBob’s mouth
Since she’s still working on the whole Mighty Bee thing, she’s all over Manny, Danny, and Janny
There are very few campers that aren’t at least a little intimidated by her
There were a few other characters I wanted to add like Nate Wright (Big Nate), Annie Bramley (It’s Pony), Mikey Munroe (Bunsen is a Beast), but I scrapped them for space.
I elected to only use one character per series, causing me to drop Korra, Sheen Estevez, Ronnie Anne Santiago, and Hazel Wells for being spinoff characters (especially since Sheen and Ronnie Anne were around before getting their own shows). It also forced me to remove Fanboy and Chum Chum from my initial plan entirely.
I additionally wanted to keep SB as the only organic nonhuman character due to the inherent absurdity of having him as the sole adult figure, which is why Dib and April represent their series rather than Zim or a Ninja Turtle and why I chose not to use Harvey Beaks.
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twokinds-es · 3 months
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Lynx Reed - Mirror
Lt Reed se para delante de un espejo para examinar su cuerpo de lince, y esta muy cómoda con el especialmente con su cola XD, boceto sugerido por Kriegerstein.
Publicar original "Patreon"
(Salu2 de Spark)
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professor-abeloved · 2 years
the kiss meme with "by the river" and "life or death" for lincwan <3
oh kristi you're lucky you're so effervescent <3 set during the river scene where u can get lincs collectible lmao
send me stuff from this kissing prompt list!
A violent spurt of coughs wrack Wan's frame as the air rushes back into their lungs. A manicured hand brushes away the pink strands of hair plastered to their forehead in an attempt not to resemble a drowned rat.
Words of worry reach their water-lagged ears, but the most pressing concern nags at Wan's mind.
"Please tell me no one kissed me," he deadpans.
After a glance at the others, Lincoln speaks up, effectively stopping Juan's heart in their chest. "You were underwater for a long time so you...needed CPR."
The nerve loss that follows is worse than the chill from the river.
AUUGHHHHHH. "You should've just let me drown," Wan wails, burying his head in his hands.
Lincoln rolls his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. It wasn't that bad."
"Yeah, I dunno if Abel agrees," Wan shoots back.
A quizzical expression graces Abel's face. "Excuse me, what is happening?"
"Don't worry, professor. Just BRB... gonna drown myself again."
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fromerofoto · 5 months
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D O Ñ A N A // “El tiempo que viene...”
💛 Cuando me preguntan y por qué #doñana, simplemente por este tipo de cosas, lo mismo puedes encontrarte un águila imperial que un lince ibérico o una cierva encima de una #duna contemplando un extraordinario atardecer, por eso siempre digo que Doñana es otra cosa.
“Entre ella y yo quedó aquel pensamiento de una magnifica tarde en la que debatíamos sobre eso, el tiempo que viene.”
I Sigma Photo Spain I f-stop Gear I Wise Advanced I Sunwayfoto I BenQ I AQCOLOR by BenQ I Nitecore Image I Buteo Photo Gear I PGYTECH I Ulanzi Germany I #doñanawildlife I
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yo-sostenible · 8 months
El lince ibérico se hibridó en un pasado reciente con el euroasiático
Un estudio liderado por la Estación Biológica de Doñana ha concluido que, gracias a este intercambio genético, el lince ibérico tendría más diversidad genética ahora que hace 4.000 mil años. El trabajo es fundamental en un escenario actual en el que la viabilidad genética de este felino aún no está garantizada, afirman los autores La hibridación entre especies es un fenómeno más frecuente de lo…
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