viperpitsfilly · 2 years
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Wonderworld Scraggy and Scrafty! 🌻🎋
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 11 months
Balan Wonderworld Chapter 1!
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alex-frostwalker · 5 months
A Small Preview of what I think the Costumes' Abilities could've been
Tornado Wolf
The costume use is still the same, still create tornados as you activate its skill. The only difference is the spin increases when you spin but have a difficult time controlling the direction you are aiming for. But you gain a bit of immunity when you knock off your enemies, most of the enemies. Like a larger and stronger Negati. The downside is you can’t spam it, cuz it would be kinda OP and you can’t break planted solid blocks like iron blocks, walls or pillars, it can cancel your spin when you go faster. Stunning you for a short time.
Jumping Jack
Other than jumping very high and hovering for an amount of time. You can use the ability to propel/dash towards and on to your enemy. Similar to an Olympic Runner in their ready position when starting the race. But you gotta hold your jump button to charge that energy. Don’t spam that dash attack tho, there will be chance you’ll trip
Pounding Pig
The change here is you are slow when moving. Because of the heavy weight. The jump action is cut half and slow, same for the fluttering. But still leaves a smashing impact when they pound. The damage increases when you are in a higher place.
Dainty Dragon
The attack remains the same. Shooting fire and also its rapid attack. But it can catch on fire on flammable things
With its stretchy torso, you can reach to high places, mostly ledges you can grab on, The jump remains the same. What is interesting is that you can stretch horizontally, you can plant your legs to the ground to maintain your place. But it's risky that it'll leave you vulnerable. But it's good to reach big gaps.
Metal Bad Boy 
Other than its ability to perform on stage, using its ability can attract Negati to your location, But there is also a percent chance some of the Negati will enjoy the beat of the music. Once gathered and you get close. You can shred your guitar, knocking the weaker ones away like bowling pins.
Super Skater 
This costume remains the same with few added features. It can push the Negati away when you are in the top speed, giving you immunity until you slow down, something blocks you or other elements, and a stronger Negati. You will also have a hard time to control it when doing a hard turn when you are on top speed.
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alinalioness · 2 months
Рус:Что если бы Алина была ОС Balan wonderworld?
Eng:What if Alina was OC Balan wonderworld?
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Alina - A fourteen-year-old girl with a kind heart. She also likes to have a lot of fun and play. But at school and in some serious moments, she behaves seriously. One day she was at school and her classmates were freaking out. She asked them to calm down, but they didn't listen to her. Because of which, after the last lesson, she saw the entrance to the theater and disappeared from the world.
After reminiscing in a world of wonders due to a terrible past, she becomes a Griffona. After she was rescued by Leo and Emma, she realizes in real life that people are different and calms down, just not paying attention to the ugliness even when she crosses over.
In the novel, her name was Dreamer. It is that she likes to fantasize that she has a lot of fun, but not at school. The fantasy chapter lacked books and things related to adequacy. When she met Lance, she didn't have trust, like she was the only one. But when the residents asked why they couldn't be trusted, she got angry at them for their inadequacy. Which turns into Griffona at the same time.
After she was rescued, she realized that Lance is clearly not a villain And tells everyone that they need to get along with Him and Leo, Emma, the inhabitants had to agree and saved Lance. After the events, she meets the inhabitants and says that she will stay as she is, but balanced.
Alina's world:
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The world is the thirteenth. The earth consists of large square cubes in yellow, green, pink and blue colors. Colorful figurines are scattered everywhere. Lollipops and trees with caramel trunks and cotton candy instead of leaves also grow.
Alina's costumes:
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Emoji -A robo-lioness that changes color from emotion. From joy to anger. She is the representative of Alina because of her appearance and because of her behavior problem.
Pink - Normal (Can't do anything)
Purple - Suspiciously (Checks the inside of the trees)
Blue - Sad (Shoots tears)
Green - Squeamishness/Disgust (The head jumps out to disgust the negatives)
Yellow - Scared (She's defending herself)
Orange - Laugh (Deafens the negativity)
Red - Angry (She kills with a knife)
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A white female anglerfish dressed in a red bathyscaphe. A beach ball is hanging on her fishing rod. She wears bombs in the form of balls to throw at the negative.
The caterpillar suit is capable of stretching like an Elastiplant. But unlike him, the legs and arms are also stretched.
A cockatoo costume capable of picking locks on doors and flying a short distance.
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Sleepy Bear/Сонный Мишка
The bear costume in pajamas is able to move to cloud platforms that do not disappear if Leo and Emma are in them. They will walk like sleepwalkers.
The mermaid/siren costume is able to hypnotize negativity by singing and performing.
Jester Jump/Прыг-скок 3 Act
The costume is a jester capable of jumping at a great distance. He can't stand still, he's always jumping.
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This Negaboss whose Alina's heart was corrupted.
Makes up costumes:
1) Emoji - A lion's tail (although she doesn't have one) and her beak, paws, eyes, tail tip and feathers change with emotion.
2) Bomb - He throws bombs of balls on a pillar of anger.
3) Hackatoo - Her head, paws and wings.
Her world
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How to win:
1) She will fly on pillars with emotions. If she's on the merry side, she'll start shooting iron feathers. You need to use an Emoji to hit one of the feathers and the pillar will collapse.
2) When she's on a pillar of anger, she'll start throwing bombs. If you use a Bomb, one of them will fly at her and the pillar will collapse.
3) She will stand on a pillar of sadness, she will start crying. With the help of an Emoji, shoot at one of the intact tears and Griffona is already defeated.
After the victory, the song "Together" will begin.
1. Surprisingly, Balan, Lance, Leo, Emma, tims and inhabitants are her best friends.
2. She is the only inhabitant who is not human.
3. She is also the only one who, after her rescue, she did not want to fight with Lance, but to force him to become kind.
Suggestive phrases and keywords:
"Hi guys! And welcome to Streetbeat!" - Alina's first words.
"If I were you, I wouldn't trust Lance. He's too kind. I would have believed you all. But he's not here." - Alina says she doesn't trust Lance.
"I did not understand the adequacy of life. Sometimes it's impossible, sometimes it's possible. I thought you were adequate, but..." - Alina was angry at the inhabitants from the memories before the transformation.
That's not all.
To be honest about my character's outfit. I generally want to change something, which I immediately want to change. In short, a little trouble with the outfit.
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thehyperrequiem · 1 year
Rebecca Smith, Her Stage's Costumes and her Nega Boss
Rebecca Smith
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"A girl who is born with autism, which makes her such a bizarre being of cuteness and wackiness. She got into the theater so she can figure herself out if her disorder is either a gift or a curse."
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"Rebecca's Representative Costume. This may look like a living Stickfigure, but there is more than meets the eye of this costume. It has the ability to mimic the costume that you have lost after being damaged. If it mimics itself, it will draw a random object with a hammerspace pocket pencil."
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"Toppies represents Rebecca's Gentleness, Toppies can yeet their top hats at either enemies or any activation switches/buttons/whatever object."
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"Thunderrams represents Rebecca's rational fear of thunderstorms and her recovery from her own fear of storms. Unlike Soaring Sheeps, Thunderrams can ram into enemies and anything (Except for iron blocks)."
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"Fumblebees represents Rebecca's foolishness and her fear of bees. They may be built like Pounding Pigs, but they do not ground pound...They shoot stingers out of their bottoms."
Flame bots and Sharkfaces
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"Flame Bots represents Rebecca's courage. Flame Bots are robotic version of Hotheads, which they can shoot fire at enemies and lit things on fire."
"Sharkfaces represents Rebecca's Hunger. Sharkfaces can eat enemies and everything, and they act like dogs."
Noodle Dragons and Wildwolves
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"Noodle Dragons represents her interest in Dragons and likings of dry instant noodles. They may lack of arms, but they do stretch longer than a Elastiplant's Stretching powers."
"Wildwolves represents Rebecca's Wild Stimming and her interest in werewolves. Unlike Tornado Wolves, they breathe out stardust and glitter at enemies."
D.I.M. *Destructive Intelligence Man*
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"This Nega Boss takes form of a Cyborg Stickfigure with gentlemanly features and is born from Rebecca's Negative Thoughts of herself. He fights with not just fire, his top hat and cyborg sharks, but he can mimic different costume abilities from different stages thanks to the storm's random object dropping rain."
Hope you guys like it!
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urfavehatescops · 4 years
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Elastiplant from Balan Wonderworld hates cops!
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
My headcanons for the english voice actors of the costumes (Part 3)
Elastiplant: David Humphrey
Bubble Blower: Kate Higgins
Web Wrangler: Cree Summer
Box Fox: Lauren Landa
Lucky Egg: Sam Vincent
Pumpkin Puncher: Matt Hill
Floaty Flower: Cathy Cavadini
Railroad Runner: Jeremy Shada
Air Unicorn: Olivia Olson
Bulldozer: Keith David
Fixer-Upper: Casey Robertson
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toweroftickles · 3 years
Hey, if you so like Balan Wonderworld... you wouldn't mind writing a bunch of short stories for the characters, would you?
I'm really sorry this took so long! For whatever reason I kind of overdid these. Most of them came out longer than I planned. XD
But I loved writing tickle stuff for this game and its characters. :) Hope you like them!
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The windswept farm in José Gallard’s heart was, surprisingly, Leo’s favorite place to visit. He was a city kid through and through, no doubt about it. In the real world, he hated farms. But something about the curving hills, the creatures who lived there, the vibrant cerulean skyline…even the giant ears of corn just made him feel serene, somehow.
High atop a spiraling hill, Leo's baseball cleats kicked up some dust at the edge of the plateau. Those gem-collecting games were so tedious, but it always felt nice to have more food for the Tims. He looked down past the reddish brown ledge, 12 or so feet below him, to find a blonde girl wrapped in a green Elastiplant skin, her head framed by petals, waving at him.
"Hi Emma!" he called to her.
"Hey Leo! Are there any more gems up there?"
"No, sorry, I got 'em all. Come up, check out the view!"
Emma stretched as high as her costume's rubbery stem would carry her, but it wasn’t far enough to pull her legs up onto the ledge. At her highest, she was still a head shorter than Leo. Their eyes locked as she looked up at him, stunned by the sudden pause in her movement. Her feet rushed up to meet the rest of her with an ear-splitting snap and, returning to her normal proportions, she tumbled back to the ground.
“Haha! You’re gonna have to walk all the way around the hill to get up here,” Leo teased her. Turning on his heel, he swung his back to Emma and looked around at the distant vegetation.
But rather than pout, Emma smiled. She might not have been able to stretch high enough to vault over the rock, but it was the perfect height for her to have some fun with Leo. Once again her torso extended to the sky, quietly, so as not to alert her friend. The hardest part was trying not to giggle…Leo still had his back turned to her. As soon as she was fully stretched, Emma reached out her hands and began to squeeze, poke, and tickle Leo’s ribs.
Immediately Leo’s arms snapped inward, and the laughing boy collapsed right there. He gasped and giggled and fought to breathe, but Emma wouldn’t stop scribbling her fingers on his tummy.
“Heheh-Haha Haha-Haha Ha! *gasp* Heehee! Hee! HEHHH, no-hoho-ho! *gasp* Ah! Stahahop, quit it!” Leo’s voice cracked when he laughed, and Emma loved it.
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!” she taunted.
“Hngkkk!” Leo snorted. “Pfff, Hnhn! N-ho, I’m not ticklihish! I’m n-hot ticklish! Grrrrr!!”
“Oh, are you sure? It kinda looks like you are,” giggled Emma.
Leo felt himself blushing. Ugh...why did he feel this way? Normally he couldn't stand being tickled, but when Emma did it...her index finger poked in his belly button and he started to kick.
"NNNGG!! Ok-hay ok it t-hickles! *gasp* Th-hat tickles! STA-ha-HA-ha-hop!!!" he confessed.
Finally, her hands stopped squeezing him. His laughter sputtered to an uneasy stop and he rolled over in the extremely short grass. Before he could reach over and attempt to get her back, Emma had already retracted her stretchy costume and dropped back down to the earth below. He peered down at her.
"Ha-ha! You're gonna have to walk all the way around the hill to get down here!" Emma taunted him, before turning tail and running as fast as her legs would carry her.
Leo huffed and blew a piece of grass out of his face.
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As she became busier and busier with her real-life conservation efforts, Sana Hudson's visits to Wonderworld became less and less frequent. The many Guardian Birds who lived in her treetop village missed her terribly. Even in a universe where so many inhabitants could fly, few really understood them like she did.
One of the birds' favorite pastimes was playing a unique kind of ball-game with their wind-creating powers. They would leap around all throughout their cavernous wooden rooms and toss a multitude of balls of all sizes and colors into the air with their tornado whirls, kicking them and tossing them up over and over again until they bounded off the round walls and into little cages...or each other. It was perfectly organized chaos, and Sana loved to watch. Oh, how she wished she could've played with them.
She couldn't fly, even with their costumes or their help. But sitting there, laughing and watching, she thought of another way to join the fun.
“Hey, can you guys get me up in the air? Hit me with a tornado!” Sana cried out, throwing her arms open.
The Guardian Birds didn’t need convincing…like many Wonderworld inhabitants, they only wanted to make their visitors happy. One by one they leapt into the air and fired whirling gusts down at Sana, which playfully bounced her up and off the floor over and over.
“AAAAHHH Haha-Ha! Hey, hey! Why do your tornados tickle? Ha-Ha Ha-Ha!” Sana laughed. The feathery gales whirled around her arms and legs, below her back, under her butt, tossing her up and down like a bounce house. Every time she careened earthward, just as the rush of gravity balled up in her stomach, another tornado made her lighter than air all over again, and it felt like snakes of wind were gently swimming all over her skin. Soft feathers whipped around her torso. Up, down, up, down like a yo-yo…it was so much fun.
“Heh-Heh Ha-Ha Ha-Ha! Woooo; Heh-Heh Heh! AHHHH, Haha! Whee!”
Sana had the biggest smile on her face and her hair was whipping in every direction. The mini-tornados gradually grew smaller and smaller before withering away entirely, topped off by the giggly ornithologist’s shoes tapping safely down on the floorboards.
She loved those birds.
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Cass twirled around in a burst of light, enthralled to try out the Gear Prince costume for the first time. She looked down at her cool new mechanical form and jumped for joy. One tiny curl of green hair managed to jut out of the tight helmet’s lip.
For all her exploring in the Clock Tower of Regret, most of it had been spent rolling around on massive stuffed animals, tea parties with the Air Cats, rereading all her childhood books that had found their resting place in that corner of her heart…she’d never really bothered to try out all the costumes that her friends gave her. Helpfully, Leo and Emma were showing her around.
Eagerly twirling the massive gear about her waist like a skirt, Cass approached one of the many clockwork door locks in her tower.
“So I can just turn these whenever I want, right?” she asked.
“Yep! But be careful with that…it tickles your tummy!” Emma giggled.
She was right. As soon as Cass’ gear clunked into place and slowly ground its way forward, she could feel a strange sensation, as if tons of mechanical parts were shifting around inside a very human belly. She could feel the other gear’s teeth applying pressure to her stomach, and a big grin appeared on her face.
“Heehee! Ha Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha! Heheh-Heh!” Cass burst into loud laughter and wiggled from head to toe. Emma and Leo were having a hard time not joining her. But after a few seconds, the gears clicked their way to a stop, and the wall in front of them slid open.
Emma and Leo approached the resulting passageway and began to walk through it, but on turning their heads, they saw that Cass hadn’t moved. She was smiling, looking almost a little embarrassed, as she kept her eyes on the gear box nearby.
“I wanna do that again! It…it tickles,” Cass giggled and ran back over to the lock.
“Heehee! Come on, Leo!” Emma was far too excited, her hands clasping at her friend’s wrist and pulling him out of the entryway.
Cass clicked her gear into the machine once again and kept closing and opening the wall with contagious glee. Clunk. Whzzzz. Whir. The longer she played with the gear, the more it tickled her tummy. It was like having a band of snakes squirming around in there, and Cass loved it. She giggled and laughed and shrieked with delight, until she collapsed to the ground in a fit of uncontrollable ticklishness.
“AHHH, Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha! *gasp* Heheh-Haha! Ihit’s too muhuch; Heehee!” Cass was flat on her back, kicking and gasping for breath. Emma had a permanent sense of “squee” on her face, but Leo was starting to get a little weirded out.
“Heheh! It tickles so much, isn’t it great?” Emma laughed in concert with her green-haired friend. Leo rolled his eyes.
“You guys are weird. Come on.”
He stretched out his hand and helped the still-giggly Cass to her feet, and the trio entered into the next part of the castle.
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For her whole life, whenever school lessons forced her to study large quantities of art, Emma Cole had never really liked M. C. Escher. This was mainly for two reasons: first, she just preferred art to be colorful, lively…none of that dull black-and-white architectural stuff. Second, and most importantly, that whole final scene of Jim Henson’s Labyrinth really freaked her out. (Though in fairness, that might have been mostly David Bowie’s fault.)
And exploring Wonderworld, incidentally, had given her a third reason: Lucy Wong’s heart was completely impossible to navigate.
Just as she turned through a mirror only to watch gravity shift around her for the fiftieth time…SPLAT!! …Emma was struck from behind by a Negati’s shadowy energy blast. The X-Ray Ape costume she’d been wearing dissipated from her like paint sprayed aggressively with thinner, and she tumbled over the nearby railing.
Emma’s human body crashed down onto a massive paintbrush that jutted from the wall, its bristles hardened into a makeshift ledge caked by layers of red acrylic. The brush’s curved shape threatened to send her rolling off, but she grabbed the stiff hairs just in time, and found herself dangling a good 100 feet above the floor.
Calm down. Don't panic, she told herself. Don't look down.
Nervous at what she would find, Emma turned her head...just behind and below her was the edge of a checkerboard platform, no further than an arm's length out. If she dropped straight down she'd fall to the floor, but if she twisted her body around and threw herself forward, she could just barely make it.
The young adventurer began to swing back and forth, preparing to let go, when suddenly she heard a warbling squishing sound behind her. She turned, and there on the platform, directly in her way, were a pair of Inky Blasters. The squidlike creatures had apparently heard her yelp and come to see how she was doing. Their blank eyes stared quizzically at her.
"Hey! If you guys move out of the way, I think I can jump down there!" she told them.
But the Blasters didn't seem to understand. They simply tilted their heads back and forth and glanced at her. Emma was beginning to get nervous.
"Please, move out of the way?" she asked.
Strangely, rather than move, one of them extended its long paintbrush arm and reached for Emma, a slight twinkle in its pink eyes. Emma was confused, until she glanced down at herself. With the way she was dangling many stories over the floor, arms above her, her shirt had been pulled up, and her sides and her tummy were totally exposed. Then it hit her.
"Wait! No, no no no, don't do it; I'll fall!" she yelped.
It didn't listen. The creature's bristly hand brushed back and forth across Emma's belly and sides, dragging multicolored paint all over her midsection. It felt cold and wet and extremely tickly, and Emma's sensitive tummy quaked with giggles.
"AH!!" she squeaked. "Hmhm-Heheh Haha-Haha! Hmhm-Hm! MMM! *gasp* Heehee-Ha! *gasp* Ah Heh-Heh! H-hey! Th-hat's not fahair!"
Emma's conflicting emotions were making her head spin. Tummy tickling was fun, and she'd always kind of wondered what it would be like to get tickled by one of the Inky Blasters' big paintbrushes. But every time she laughed and wiggled, it sent another pang of fear through her mind - fear of the long way down. The paintbrush caressed along her ribcage, down her tummy, and its feathery tip even wiggled in her belly button, making her squeak even louder.
"EEE! Nohoho! Not there! N-hot my belly, Heehee-HEE-Haha! C-home on, cut it out!"
Her fingertips trembled against the larger brush's sticky bristles. She was slipping.
But the joyful little Inky Blaster just kept going. Its brush hand slid along her rainbow-colored stomach, until it finally got a spot just above her hip.
"Haha! Haha-Ha! AAIIIEEE Heehee-Hee! No, no, no, wai-hai-hait!! *gasp* Heehee!"
That was it.
She felt the brush hairs above slip from between her fingers.
She'd let go.
Emma gasped in horror as she felt gravity pulling on her body. This was it.
She was falling -
Mere seconds after she dropped, pulsating ground vibrated beneath her. Her cheek rested on the floor, squished flat...or so it seemed. She looked down, but there didn't seem to be anything underneath her. Had she landed on glass?
No...an invisible platform.
It was there the whole time. And if she hadn't lost her X-Ray Ape costume above, she would've been able to see it.
Embarrassed, Emma pushed herself up from the ground...her tummy had left a multicolored splatter on the invisible surface. She turned to look at the Inky Blasters behind her....they were smiling and waving, not a care in the world.
"Heheh...thanks, guys," Emma said, unable to do anything but laugh all over again.
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In Fiona's world, there was a surprising lack of much beachfront area...it was mostly coral and ships and stone columns. But it made a lovely vacation spot all the same. While the other Inhabitants played with the Dolphins and Leap Frogs or took a swim through vertical pillars of water, Iben sat shyly in the corner of a sandbank, under an umbrella, covering her body with her arms.
Her periwinkle bikini, she thought, didn't do nearly enough to hide her skinny body. But the bright sun beating down made it hard to wear anything else. Ugh...why did Fiona have to invite them all over for a picnic?
"Are you ok, Iben?" came a small voice. "You've been sitting over here all day." Fiona.
"Y-yeah...yeah...I'm ok. Really!" Iben offered with a soft smile.
"Come on, you seem down." Fiona was a friendly and helpful sort, but she wasn't always great at the whole "boundaries" thing, and plopped down in the sand next to Iben without a second thought. Iben hummed nervously to herself and drew her arms around her knees even tighter.
"I just...I just don't like going to the beach with other people. I'm sorry. Everyone always looks at me, and I don't...like how I look."
"Hey!" Fiona snapped. "You are beautiful. If I was as pretty as you guys would be breaking down my door with a crowbar."
Iben buried her face in her thighs and moaned. That was not what she wanted to hear. But she looked up again when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Look...you know what everyone here has been through. We all know what it's like to feel insecure and scared. You're perfect." The two smiled at each other, but Fiona did a slight double take.
"Uh, Iben, why did you bury only your feet in the sand?"
It was a little odd. Iben was up to her ankles, but everything else was above ground.
"Eh...I hate my feet. They're way too big," Iben mumbled.
"Oh, I'm sure they're not that bad, come on," Fiona teased her and suddenly tugged at her ankle.
"No, no no no no no," Iben stammered nervously and tried to push Fiona away.
"Come on!" Fiona pulled again until Iben's right foot was halfway out of the bank, then grabbed her toes to yank it out the rest of the way. But suddenly, Iben whined and began to shiver.
"Aha! Ha! Nn-Hee! *gasp* D-hon't; don't; that tihickhlhles!" Iben giggled helplessly. She'd always hated how soft and ticklish her pale skin was.
As soon as she said it, she regretted it. The shy girl shut her eyes tight and thrashed around on her blanket (in anticipation of the horror to come), and she could feel Fiona's nimble fingers digging into her ribs and belly and scratching along her slender arches. Tickling...probing...poking over and over again...
Fiona's laugh easily drowned out her own feeble squeaks. They struggled in her trembling throat but wouldn't come out. Iben felt her cheeks getting hot and her tummy growing sore as she bucked against the ground.
"Ah Hih Hih Hn!! *squeak* Hee! N-hoho....no, please, dohohon't!" she whined. Why wasn't Fiona stopping?! She hated being touched like this, especially on her feet...
...but suddenly she was free. Gasping for air, Iben lowered her shaking hands and looked up at her diver friend, who was positively beaming.
"Heehee! Looks like I found out how to cheer you up!"
Through her short, rapid breaths, Iben laughed nervously. Much as she hated to admit it, she did kind of feel better.
"Alright, I'll leave you alone. Just know you're always welcome in the group," Fiona continued with a smile, then turned and ran to rejoin the others.
It took a few minutes. But to her surprise, eventually, Iben found herself standing and walking toward the ponds and pillars of water.
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Leo (wearing the Tackling Bull costume) and Emma (wearing the Guardian Bird) had ventured deep into the shadows of Wonderworld once more, and were again forced into a confrontation with Barktholomew. The giant dog-bear creature roared and stomped and knocked the kids aside, and Emma was sent flying high into the air. He’d picked up a few tricks since their last encounter, for Barktholomew was deceptively clever. He reached out and grabbed the scruff of Emma’s neck in his fingers and caught her before she could fall, and despite her frantic kicking, he managed to pull her closer and licked his lips.
“Hmmm….birdy…” he grumbled through his ravenous smile.
But struck by an impressive bull-tackle, the beast toppled and fell onto his back, releasing Emma. The flame in his innards danced excitedly before withering to a dull simmer, accompanied by the crack that rang out when his golden belt fractured. For a moment, everything was still.
He wasn’t moving.
“Did you knock him out?” Emma asked. Nervously, she jumped in the air and landed on Barktholomew’s lower stomach, hoping to score another hit. But rather than slamming into her target, her foot slipped on his gilded waistline and she slid along the curve of his belly, back down to the ground, with a terrified yelp. However, the two kids noticed something.
Barktholomew giggled.
Curious, Emma backed up and once again touched Barktholomew’s side with her tail feathers.
“Huhuh-Huh...Huh-Huh Huh-Huh!” the big creature chuckled. A big smile stretched across Emma’s face.
“Look, Leo! He’s ticklish!” she giggled.
“Then that’s how we’ll take him down!”
Barktholomew tried to stand, but the teens were too fast for him. He swiped with his claws to no avail. Emma leapt back onto his tummy and started to scratch with her hands and her taloned feet. Leo charged down to Barktholomew’s ankles, wrapped all four limbs around the monster’s foot, and tickled.
“Hn…Hn…Huhuh-Heh…Heh-Heh Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha! Huhuh-Heh!”
Bark bellowed with laughter. His giggling made his bifurcated tummy jostle, almost causing Emma to slide off. But her claws and feathers still held on and tickled the beast. Barktholomew’s toes wiggled as Leo’s hands scratched along his gigantic sole.
“Heheh-Heh! Hey Leo! Now you’re a Tickling Bull!” Emma laughed.
Even Leo couldn't help but grin at a pun that terrible. The two of them were having a blast, until finally, their foe surrendered his gold statues and ran off into the shadows.
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Being the host in a Wonderworld country of one's own was a strange experience for its many inhabitants. It was as if every part of the air, the ground, the jutting rocks and buildings that composed their dreams, all permeated their bodies like a layer of skin, and their lucky sight and senses experienced euphoria in a way that transcended human perception as their hearts were laid bare. They were their Wonderworld.
Inside your own heart, you could see a mountain in the distance and be there in one step. You could wish to sit down on a massive temple roof, and instantly, you would find yourself reclined, and large enough to treat an entire building as if it were merely a chair. This is why, if you happened upon another's heart, you would see ghostly visions of them, in all sizes, all over the place, smiling at you.
And this is how Iben Bia felt when others, such as Cass and Balan, wandered into Bells of Ice to see her. At one moment they were at the top of a slide and she stood on a roof to greet them - the next, they were at an outcropping of ice blocks and brick, and Iben was suddenly three times her size and sitting on a frozen platform.
Cass was clumsily slipping around on the ice, nervous as Balan attempted to teach her the proper use of a Seal Skater costume, and it made Iben giggle. The blue-haired girl glanced down at her friends' ungraceful dance, thinking that they almost looked like toys in a music box for their size. It made her wonder...in the real world, one day, would her children do the same? Would her husband teach her daughter to skate like that? Would he hold her hands and spin her around on the ice, and catch her when she slipped, and remind Iben of the time she spent in Wonderworld? She nearly wept tears of joy at the idea.
Which is why she didn't notice when Cass landed flat on her stomach and slid right through the ghostly Iben's legs, just above her knees. A shiver went up Iben's back...or, at least, what she perceived to be her back.
"Ahhh!" she wailed suddenly. That was strange...that almost...tickled? "Cass, are you alright?"
"Ugh...nnn! I'm ok! Wow...I went right through you!" Cass exclaimed in shock. She reached her mitten-clad hand up and waved it through the bottom of Iben's massive, transparent palm.
"Can you feel that?"
"Ooo...that's strange...it seems like I can."
"Of course you can! Your world is your heart, your soul...what happens here is yours to experience!" Balan chimed in with his characteristic vagueness, standing on his hands for no apparent reason.
"What about this?"
Suddenly, Cass slid behind Iben's knees again and stood there, surrounded by ethereal white skin. A tingling sensation went all through Iben as Cass' skates slid against the ice below the backs of her knees. It was as if cool metal fingers were stroking her there.
"Ahhh-ah! Haha! NNG-Hmm-Hm!! O-oh no! P-please stop that!" Iben blurted out. Acting on instinct, she immediately tried to retract into a little ball and covered her mouth, too panicked to realize that she could have made herself smaller at any time.
With a deep, booming laugh, Balan spiraled through the ghostly visage of the enormous Iben, drilling into her stomach and pirouetting through the air deep inside her belly.
"Aha-Ha Ha!! MMM!!! *squeak* MHM-HM!! Hih-Hih Hee! S-staha-hop! Pfff! Ng-Hn! Heehee-Hee! *gasp* Ha! It...it really tick-hl-hles!"
Cass and Balan just twirled through her spiritual form over and over again, sending delightful tingling buzzes all down her body.
"Awwwww, tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!" Cass cooed at Iben. You could practically see little hearts floating up from Cass' head, she was so happy. Iben's ghostly knees were drawn all the way up to her chin as she wiggled in place.
"Ok, let's let her go," laughed Cass, slipping once again on the ice mid-tickle. Balan flew out of the extradimensional space that Iben's body occupied, and the young bride stopped laughing, and everything returned to a cool, wintry calm.
The trio all looked up to realize something...as they'd been tickling Iben, more and more snow had started to fall on the skating rink around them. Iben stretched out her hand, forgetting for a moment that it would pass right through her. Cass eagerly stuck out her tongue and caught a bunch of the tumbling flakes.
And suddenly, none of the them could suppress the ear-to-ear grins on their faces.
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Sometimes, the jubilant carnival dreamland reserved for Attilio in wonderworld did nothing to lift the sad clown's spirits. If anything, when he was in a particularly forlorn mood, the bright colors and energetic games only made him sadder. The higher he went on the roller coaster, the more his stomach sank. And like all visitors, the world was shaped by his emotions.
In one moment, as if someone had flipped a switch, all the lights and power in the entire circus world shut off, everything went dark, and the car carrying him froze in place on the tracks.
Attilio was utterly restrained by the safety bar of the roller coaster. He struggled and twisted around, but it had firmly settled across his thighs and wrists, and he eventually gave up with a weary sigh. He hung his head, stuck at the apex of the hill, the lonely night wind whistling in his hair. A few lights from the carnival below flickered, showing only the dimmest signs of life.
It wasn't long before a whole gang of his heart's inhabitants clambered up the coaster's frame...come to fruitlessly try cheering him up, no doubt. Railway Runners slid along the tracks behind him, soon joined by floating Happy Blasters, riding their explosive gas into the air like balloons. A veritable army of Pounding Robots, at least a dozen, emerged from below. There was an ethereal sound...like a child, sighing musically into a fan...causing Attilio to lift his head.
"Aw, what's wrong?" the Merry Ghost asked him as it faded into view.
"It's nothing, little ghost," Attilio sighed. "I'm sure things will be fine when I go back home."
"Your happiness levels are too low. Would you like us to tell you a joke?" one of the Robots offered with absolutely no emotion whatsoever.
"No thanks. I think I just want to be alone," the shy clown mumbled into his lap. But this was an emotion that the perpetually-cheerful specter didn't understand. Merry Ghosts were simple creatures; they only understood how to cheer people up.
"Oh no," the Ghost offered. "It looks like somebody needs a tickle!"
Before Attilio could react, or even blurt out the word "no," he felt one of the Pounding Robots sit down next to him and poke his tummy with a gloved finger. Then, to his horror, he remembered that he was stuck.
"Heh-Hah! N-heh...no, no, no, pl-hease don't do this; pleahease," he stammered desperately.
"Come on now, Pierrot! Let's turn that frown upside-down!" the nearby Merry Ghost exclaimed. It threw its arms out and twirled around happily, oblivious to the misery its friends were causing Attilio.
"Heh, Haha! Heh-Heh Ha-Heh! S-stop! Please stop!" Rail Runners grabbed him from the coaster seat behind him and wiggled their fingers in his armpits. The Pounding Robots' tickly hands reached underneath the shirt of his costume, finding tons of uncomfortable places as they pinched. A Moon Walker was reaching for his boots.
"Cootchie cootchie coo. Cootchie cootchie coo." Even in this childish taunting, the robots' voices were totally emotionless, and it created an unsettling contrast with the streaks of their painted-on smiles.
The Happy Blasters laughed and wobbled with glee, joining the others in a chorus of increasingly-eerie giggles that drowned out Attilio's own. Like they were making fun of him on all sides, crowding him.
Panic's long fingers wrapped around the back of his neck. His cheeks grew flushed. Attilio could feel his pulse drumming in his ears. He couldn't bear to meet their taunting gazes, nor could he stop laughing no matter how hard he tried...when was this nightmare going to end?!
"Hhheheh! No! No no no! Please, Ha! Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha!"
By the time Leo, Emma, Balan, and Cass found Attilio there (they had come to investigate the loss of power in his carnival dreamscape), the poor clown boy was completely out of breath, his boots were off, his voice raspy, and he could no longer plead for his friends' mercy. The others stood on the roof of a train terminal near the top of the roller coaster's hill, a stone's throw down and below him.
"What happened to you?" Cass called out.
"There now, doesn't that just make you want to smile?" the Merry Ghost offered enthusiastically, ignoring both the other humans and the pained, exhausted look on Attilio's face.
He kept his mouth shut.
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chaotickit · 3 years
Elastiplant Barktholomew?
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the-caped-shadow · 4 years
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That goofy Elastiplant costume from Balan Wonderworld (2021).
Cursed Special Bonus in reblog.
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viperpitsfilly · 2 years
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Elastiplant vore porque si
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ganenetheinkling · 3 years
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Tornado Wolf WIP 🐺 🌪️
I just posted something on my main Instagram already, so this will be posted there tonight.
I will start Elastiplant (and Pounding Pig) when Tornado Wolf is almost done.
EDIT: Due to that C**ID situation in NY, I decided to start both Elastiplant and Pounding Pig tonight.
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thehyperrequiem · 1 year
Bww Self insert - Rebecca Smith
So anyways; me got bored and decide to redo my Balan Wonderworld self insert, let’s do this!
Chapter name: The girl who’s born with a curse
“Who knew that having a long term disorder* can make you imperfect unlike the rest?
Stage Name: Strange Girl Wonder
Representative Costume: Referstick 🩷(A living stickfigure with brown hair, Mimics abilities of previous costumes)
Stage Appearance: It is a town full of cartoony stuff and pop culture references, the boss stage takes place on top of a Airship you get on at the end of Act 2 in her stage where it takes you into an endless thunderstorm with bunch of items being dropped from the black cloudy sky.
Costumes: Toppy 💙 (A pear shaped monster that covers its small cute head that has a mustache with a big top hat, it can throw it’s hat like a spinning blade), Thunderram 💙(A ram with wool made out of thunderclouds, it can ram at enemies) Flamebot 💙(A robotic version of Hothead, not only it lights things on fire but it also can light things on fire), Sharkface 💙(A Shark with nubs for feet instead of fins, it chomps enemies and blocks), Fumblebee 🩷(A Bee that is built like a Pounding Pig, it shoots out stingers instead of groundpounding)
Hidden Costume: Noodle Dragon 💙(A dragon version of a Elastiplant, but stretches longer than the Elastiplant)
Act 3 Costume: Wildwolf 💙(A werewolf version of Tornado Wolf, but instead of hurricanes, it breathes out stardust)
Nega Boss: DIM *Destructive Intelligence Man* (In Japanese, it is called “Right Hype Man”)
Nega Boss parts: Referstick (The whole entire boss is a stickfigure monster with hair), Toppy (His Top hats being stacked, Mustache and Monocle), Flamebot (Cybernetic parts), and Sharkface (He summons cybernetic minions with top hats that resembles Sharkfaces)
Provided Costumes: Referstick, Toppy, and Thunderram
Lesson: You are perfect just the way you are with your flaws.
Fun fact: Referstick’s design is a reference to Ellie Rose and any character from The Henry Stickmin Series, where DIM is a reference to not just Reginald Copperbottom hence the hat stack, but also a reference to the Right Hand Man for the boss design.
*ASD, or Autism Spectrum Disorder for short*
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thehyperrequiem · 2 years
Bww Costume Form Prompts
So anyways, I am bored and I decided to do my first prompt thingy, and it involves not just any characters as Balan Wonderworld Costumes, but the names of their costume forms, so send me a character/your muse and I shall give them an name to the costume form depending on the emoji you sent. (Multiple if you want the names of each form, but not all of the emojis) You can do more than characters from Balan Wonderworld, you can do characters from different fandoms, just pick an following emoji to get a costume form name and insert it to either here or in my inbox.
Chapter 1 Costumes 🌽
🐺 Tornado Wolf
🦘 Jumping Jack
🌻 Elastiplant
🐉 Dainty Dragon
🐖 Pounding Pig
🎸 Metal Bad Boy
🛼 Super Skater
Chapter 2 🌊
🐬 Dynamic Dolphin
⚡️ Jellyjolt
🧞‍♂️ Telepotter
😈 Double Jumper
🫧 Bubble Blower
🐸 Leap Frog
Chapter 3 🐛
🦋 Dusk Butterfly
🗡 Sickle Slinger
🕷 Web Wrangler
🏮 Lovely Lantern
🐹 Itsy-Bitsy Elf
🤠 Bullet the Kid
Chapter Four 🏙
🦇 Aero Acrobat
🐑 Soaring Sheep
🔫 Laser Launcher
🦊 Box Fox
🎺 Happy Horn
👑 Gear King
Chapter 5 🌳
🦜 Guardian Bird
👅 Lickshot Lizard
🥚 Lucky Egg
⚔️ Sickle Slayer
🔥 Hothead
🐓 Lucky Bird
Chapter Six ⏱
🐈 Air Cat
⚙️ Gear Prince
🎃 Pumpkin Puncher
🦆 Pounding Duck
🐰 Chronobunny
🦖 Lethal Vacuum Blaster
Chapter 7 🏰
♟ Quad Cannon
🌷 Floaty Flower
🐆 Speedy Cheetah
🐂 Tackling Bull
🤺 Paladin Puncher
👹 Triple Jumper
Chapter 8 ☃️
🦌 Frost Fairy
🧌 Frost Giant
🦭 Seal Skater
🎹 Amadeus
🧊 Hardy Hammer
💙 Lethal Laser Launcher
Chapter 9 🎡
🤡 Happy Blaster
🚂 Rail Runner
🐢 Slow Tortoise
🐼 Iron Panda
🤖 Pounding Robot
👻 Merry Ghost
🌛 Moonwalker
Chapter 10 🖼
🐙 Inky Blaster
🐒 X-Ray Ape
🦎 Sneaky Lizard
🦄 Air Unicorn
👾 Double Trouble
🌅 Dawn Butterfly
Chapter 11 🌉
🧯 Water Blaster
🚧 Bulldozer
🐁 Key Mouse
🪜 Ladderman
🦁 Flame Blaster
🚀 Iron Apollo
🛸 Airy Apollo
Chapter 12 🧊
🫥 Invisible Man
🐊 Vacuum Blaster
🐅 Jolt Tiger
🪬 Fixer-upper
🌞 Sunwalker
👽 Air Double Trouble
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