#Balan Wonderworld Chapter 6
thehyperrequiem · 2 years
Bww Costume Form Prompts
So anyways, I am bored and I decided to do my first prompt thingy, and it involves not just any characters as Balan Wonderworld Costumes, but the names of their costume forms, so send me a character/your muse and I shall give them an name to the costume form depending on the emoji you sent. (Multiple if you want the names of each form, but not all of the emojis) You can do more than characters from Balan Wonderworld, you can do characters from different fandoms, just pick an following emoji to get a costume form name and insert it to either here or in my inbox.
Chapter 1 Costumes 🌽
🐺 Tornado Wolf
🦘 Jumping Jack
🌻 Elastiplant
🐉 Dainty Dragon
🐖 Pounding Pig
🎸 Metal Bad Boy
🛼 Super Skater
Chapter 2 🌊
🐬 Dynamic Dolphin
⚡️ Jellyjolt
🧞‍♂️ Telepotter
😈 Double Jumper
🫧 Bubble Blower
🐸 Leap Frog
Chapter 3 🐛
🦋 Dusk Butterfly
🗡 Sickle Slinger
🕷 Web Wrangler
🏮 Lovely Lantern
🐹 Itsy-Bitsy Elf
🤠 Bullet the Kid
Chapter Four 🏙
🦇 Aero Acrobat
🐑 Soaring Sheep
🔫 Laser Launcher
🦊 Box Fox
🎺 Happy Horn
👑 Gear King
Chapter 5 🌳
🦜 Guardian Bird
👅 Lickshot Lizard
🥚 Lucky Egg
⚔️ Sickle Slayer
🔥 Hothead
🐓 Lucky Bird
Chapter Six ⏱
🐈 Air Cat
⚙️ Gear Prince
🎃 Pumpkin Puncher
🦆 Pounding Duck
🐰 Chronobunny
🦖 Lethal Vacuum Blaster
Chapter 7 🏰
♟ Quad Cannon
🌷 Floaty Flower
🐆 Speedy Cheetah
🐂 Tackling Bull
🤺 Paladin Puncher
👹 Triple Jumper
Chapter 8 ☃️
🦌 Frost Fairy
🧌 Frost Giant
🦭 Seal Skater
🎹 Amadeus
🧊 Hardy Hammer
💙 Lethal Laser Launcher
Chapter 9 🎡
🤡 Happy Blaster
🚂 Rail Runner
🐢 Slow Tortoise
🐼 Iron Panda
🤖 Pounding Robot
👻 Merry Ghost
🌛 Moonwalker
Chapter 10 🖼
🐙 Inky Blaster
🐒 X-Ray Ape
🦎 Sneaky Lizard
🦄 Air Unicorn
👾 Double Trouble
🌅 Dawn Butterfly
Chapter 11 🌉
🧯 Water Blaster
🚧 Bulldozer
🐁 Key Mouse
🪜 Ladderman
🦁 Flame Blaster
🚀 Iron Apollo
🛸 Airy Apollo
Chapter 12 🧊
🫥 Invisible Man
🐊 Vacuum Blaster
🐅 Jolt Tiger
🪬 Fixer-upper
🌞 Sunwalker
👽 Air Double Trouble
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stanley578 · 2 years
Journeys with Balan - Chapter 6: I Am Who I Am
Two weeks have passed since Balan gave an ecstatic performance on stage. I've been very busy rehearsing at a magical dance studio, doing my absolute best with the moves that I learned from several artists and some that I came up with for my solo number. It was a real struggle to memorize all the moves but thankfully, Balan's encouragement motivated me to keep going. For our duo dance number, we discussed various ideas on what kind of choreography we wanted to have. We disagreed on some ideas from time to time, which inevitably happens when working with someone on something grand and fantastic. Eventually, we came up with ideas that worked for both of us. It was four o'clock in the afternoon and we just finished rehearsing.
"Just remember what I told you, Peyton. Take deep breaths and pretend no one is watching you", Balan reminded as he took off his top hat and wiped his head with a towel.
"Balan, the theater is almost always empty", I countered as I drank water from a bottle.
"That's exactly the point. Now, if in the actual performance you make any mistakes, commit this old saying to memory: The show must go on", he stated, putting his hat back on.
"I'll keep that in mind", I concurred whilst nodding my head.
"Nothing comes across as perfect, especially in the art of theatre. You just have to carry on and have fun with it", he advised whilst placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Can't argue with that", I furthered.
"By the way, You look lovely dancing in high heels. They make you look fierce", he complimented with a wink and a flirtatious grin.
"Thanks! I learned it from someone who has a magnificent fashion sense", I replied whilst blushing.
"And who might that be?", he teasingly asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"It's you, silly! Who else?", I answered with a chuckle whilst placing my hand on his cheek.
"Haha, I'm just kidding. At any rate, that's so sweet of you to say, darling", he said as he blushed in return.
"Speaking of sweet, shall we go out and unwind for dessert?", I suggested.
"Why, sure!", he happily exclaimed as we exited the studio.
Balan and I were at an ice cream parlour, enjoying our choice of desserts. He ate a red velvet cheesecake parfait with blueberries, raspberries, and whipped cream while I ate ube gelato topped with pinipig, corn flakes, and grated white cheddar cheese. We tried each other's desserts and we liked how amazing they tasted.
"So Peyton. Do you still feel nervous about your highly-awaited performance tonight?", Balan queried.
"Eh... a bit, but I'm quite excited. Two weeks of rehearsing are enough to gain the confidence that I need and conquer my stage fright", I responded.
"That's great to hear! Considering that your singing has also improved over time, I know in my heart that you will do well", he affirmed.
"You know what? You're right! I may be able to pull off a performance that's going to be as cool as yours", I agreed as I intertwined my own hands.
"That's the spirit, dear!", he exclaimed whilst clenching his fists.
"Hell to the motherfucking yes!", I avidly stated whilst clapping my hands.
"Listen. About the argument that we had back then. I just want to apologize for the times when I interfered. I know that you want this performance to be stellar but I got carried away that I ended up hurting you. I'm deeply sorry", he explained with a feeling of regret.
"You had good intentions, Balan. I totally understand that it's your duty to help others. I fully placed my trust in you and all I'm asking is for you to trust me. It's water under the bridge. I forgive you", I reassured with a smile, placing my hand on top of his and rubbing my thumb gently.
"Thank you, dear", he expressed with a sense of relief as we shared a hug.
"Now, let's finish our desserts and get some R&R at the isle", I said.
"Alright", he replied.
Back at the Isle of Tims, I was playing with Tori and a bunch of colourful Tims while Balan was chilling in mid-air. Tori was on top of my head while two Tims were on my lap, hopping and chirping adorably, and another two were resting beside me.
"You furballs seem to be always hungry. Can't get enough of these irresistible snacks, huh", I remarked as I fed the two Tims with Drops that they munched and crunched on.
"Hmmm, I wonder what this tastes like", I curiously thought to myself whilst holding a yellow Drop.
I licked it and felt disappointed that it didn't have a flavour. As I bit into it, the texture turned out to be as hard as glass. Not wanting to chip my teeth, I stopped biting and lifted my hand up to give it to Tori. I wore a smile as I pet each Tim which made them emit the cutest of coos. I looked up at the sky to appreciate the beautiful sunset. It led me to remember the day I took a walk in the park before encountering Tori and settling down at the theatre.
"Are you having fun, dear?", Balan enquired as he approached me.
"I certainly am", I answered.
"It's almost nighttime. Let's head to the bedroom to get you prepared", he said as he reached out his hand.
"Okay", I complied as I put Tori down and he helped me get up.
"Farewell, little ones! We'll see you soon", he bade them.
"Bye, Tori and co!", I bade as well.
"Timu timu timu!", Tori and the Tims chirped at us and they hopped away.
"Who knew their beaks are strong enough to break down Drops", I reflected as we held hands and walked.
"Why, yes! Only they can digest their favourite treat, which isn't fit for human consumption", he clarified.
"That explains why it has no flavour", I realized.
"You took a bite, didn't you?", he teasingly asked whilst gently nudging my elbow.
"I did, but don't worry. I didn't swallow it whole", I reassured.
"Curiosity can get the best of anyone", he stated.
"You're not wrong on that", I replied.
"I remember some inhabitants who tried to eat Drops. They ended up choking the moment they swallowed it", he recalled.
"Oh dear!", I worriedly expressed.
"But thanks to yours truly, I gave them the Heimlich maneuver that saved their lives", he continued.
"I'm glad they're alright", I responded and let out an allaying sigh.
"Mmhmm. Time and time again, I remind inhabitants that Drops are consumed by Tims and Tims only", he elucidated.
"I appreciate you telling me that", I said.
Once we arrived at the bedroom, Balan opened the door for me to enter, but he remained outside which left me confused.
"Umm, Balan, aren't you coming in?", I queried.
"Yes sweetheart, but I was thinking. While you make the necessary preparations, would it be alright if I go ahead and sit on the front-row seat of the auditorium?", Balan proposed.
"Oh, okay. Not a problem with that", I replied, trying my best not to display a hint of nervousness.
"I'll be waiting for you whenever you're ready. Best of luck to you, darling!", he greeted me as he placed his hand on my cheek.
"Thank you, love. I'll see you later", I greeted him back and we shared a kiss.
As soon as Balan closed the door, my heart began to beat constantly. I placed my hand on my chest, feeling my anxiety kicking in once again. In a state of panic, I walked towards the bed and sat down, panting relentlessly. Not allowing nervousness and my inner demons to get the better of me, I took deep breaths and meditated with my eyes closed. I continued for several minutes until all I could hear was the sound of my breathing.
"Okay, Peyton. Calm down. Remember what Balan told you. Pretend no one's watching and the show must go on. You got this!", I asserted myself.
I opened my eyes, stood up, and opened the wardrobe to decide what outfit I should wear. After minutes of pondering, I took off all of my clothes and wore a red T-shirt with a star design, a hot pink hoodie, sky blue silk gloves, light grey thigh-length shorts, white socks, and 3-inch black high-heeled shoes with intricate floral designs.
I looked at myself in the mirror and did different poses to see if the outfit was suitable. I nodded my head afterwards, feeling satisfied and determined, and with no turning back, I exited the bedroom to go downstairs and entered the backstage area. It was a little dark the moment I walked in and hearing echoes of my footsteps sent shivers down my spine. Good thing I was wearing a hoodie as the temperature was quite chilly. Looking around, I noticed several pieces of equipment that were properly organized.
Suddenly, the drapes opened by themselves, and the spotlights projected on the center. The moment they shined near me, I knew that was the cue for my entrance. I took one more deep breath and strutted fiercely to the stage, making my way towards a modern microphone. As I looked at the audience seats, I saw Balan sitting in front with his legs crossed, grinning with joyful eyes wide open at the sight of my outfit. He gazed down, blushing as he adored the design of my heels.
"Good evening, Balan. Thank you so much for patiently waiting and I hope you enjoy this performance tonight", I introduced with a smile.
"WOOHOO! Go, Peyton! I believe in you!", Balan cheered whilst clapping his hands with his arms up.
"Alright. On with the show", I clearly uttered.
Once the music began playing, I sang the following songs: Amar Pelos Dois by Salvador Sobral, Just Say Yes by Snow Patrol, If My Heart Was a House by Owl City, As I Try Not to Fall Apart by White Lies, and Tout l'Univers by Gjon's Tears.
As I sang whilst holding the microphone, I occasionally moved around the stage by walking slowly and did a little dance depending on the mood of each song. I looked at Balan at certain moments, making him feel awestruck and touched by my way of connecting with him.
Afterwards, I put the microphone back on its stand and took a few steps back to watch it disappear. My solo number was next and I danced to the following songs: Time by Jack Garratt, Church Girl by Laura Mvula, and The Upside by Lindsey Stirling featuring Elle King.
I was having the time of my life and the flashing party lights and staging brought life to the music that I was grooving to. With Balan out of his seat, he got himself prepared for our duo dance number and immediately entered the stage. The next songs that we danced to were the following: Lullaby by Sigala and Paloma Faith, LUCID by Rina Sawayama, and Sister Ray by Foxes.
We incorporated our choreography with a combination of sassy elements and graceful styles that not only bring out the best in us but also allowed me to spread my wings and become the person that I truly am. Dancing with the most enchanting maestro was an amazing dream that finally came true. It initially felt like a surreal experience but the more I performed with Balan on stage, the happier I truly was. Once our performance came to a conclusion, lots of confetti started falling from above and the stage lit up entirely.
"Peyton, words can't express how incredibly proud I am of you. This was out of this world!", Balan highly praised as tears of joy welled up in his eyes.
"Thank you so much, Balan! Just as I said last time, this is my way of giving back to you", I sincerely expressed as I began to shed tears as well.
"I am deeply flattered", he admitted as we shared a warm and tight embrace.
Balan and I laughed as he lifted me up and twirled me around to celebrate the success of tonight's performance. He put me down gently and we locked lips one more time.
"Well done, dear! You did it!", Balan exclaimed as he couldn't stop grinning.
"No, Balan. We did it! None of this would be possible if it weren't for your never-ending support", I countered as I smiled back at him.
"Shall we celebrate with a nice hot bath?", he suggested.
"Sounds lovely! Followed by a classy dinner?", I proposed.
"You read my mind", he replied with a wink whilst giving a thumbs up.
With that, Balan snapped his finger to make the stage completely spotless and we exited the stage by strutting confidently. It was an incredible evening like no other and I'm so glad that all the hard work paid off. From here on out, I learned to further love and accept myself for who I am. Whenever I feel like wanting to perform again, I could always go to the stage to make beautiful memories with the love of my life.
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t-bird510 · 2 months
Hey! I'm creating a Danganronpa Fan project and I need Volunteers!!!
Im turning my Danganronpa Fanfic into a web series and I need help with Editing, Proof reading, Voice acting, and Art design along with lots of more stuff!!!
Here is a list of roles you can join with:
1 - Writing//Proof reading
2 - Art/Drawing/Concept art/Ect.
3 - Music
4 - Animation//Editing
5 - Ect. Ect.
Here is a summary of what's going to be in this Fan project:
1 - The Fangan is named “Danganronpa: Theaters Light”
2 - Its about 18 Ultimates of Multiple Ages trapped in a Killing game by a Robotic Penguin named “MonoGuin.”
3 - The Story will have 6 Chapters with Intermissions Inbetween each chapter to give backstory on the Killers and victims of the story.
4 - This Danganronpa fan project is meant to go against the Canon Danganronpa formula and things might be changed.
5 - There will be a casting call for every chapter so we can take our time and plan everything.
6 - This Fan project is also inspired by The Persona games and Balan wonderworld.
7 - If anyone has questions please Message me and we can talk about the project and stuff like that.
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alinalioness · 9 days
Security breach Chapter 12: That's how it should be.
Meanwhile, with kids kikoriki.
They came out of the ventilation and entered the arcade hall while disco music was playing. They were looking at the ceiling with a spiderweb pattern.
Krash: Is this really the DJ's room, in our case.
Wally: It is strange that there is also a stage at the top.
Chiko: Maybe it's because there's rock, and here's pop music.
Krash: And since he's bigger than all of us, we'll call him for help.
They immediately headed to the side where the DJ who was sleeping was lying on the stage.
Krash, Chiko, Wally and Rosa: Good evening, DJ! We need help!
Rosa: He can't hear us.
The blue rabbit noticed the lever and approached it.
Krash: And if so?
As soon as he pressed it, the DJ immediately stood up, but disturbing music began to play.
Chiko: Woke up... DJ?
The DJ saw Krash and decided to pin him to the wall with his hand, but fortunately Krash dodged.
Krash: What are you?
He started attacking them with his hand while they were running away and hid in one of the tunnels.
Wally: Strangely, he wasn't that angry.
Krash: He could be looking for us for a long time.
Rosa: Maybe he needs help?
Chiko: Hardly under such aggression.
Krash:(Have idea) What if I look at his head and see what's in there?
While the DJ was examining, Krash climbed on his head. The animatronic spider immediately felt on his head and decided to check with his hand, if not-
Chiko: Mr. DJ! (The DJ looked at him) What kind of music will there be for today? Pop or rock?
He immediately chased after him until the rabbit saw the hatch on the DJ's cylinder and opened it.
Wally: DJ! Let's have some fun!
Rosa: Just don't step on the arcade!
The DJ looked in different directions and thought about who to crush. Suddenly, Krash heard ominous laughter and was startled to see a legless Moondrop.
Moondrop: Gotcha...
Krash:(Tramples on the DJ's head) Hey, I'm on your head!
The DJ accidentally waved his hand at Moondrop, who fell to the floor without breaking. Krash accidentally fell on a purple lamp, which crashed and the DJ became himself. He saw Chiko, Wally and Rosa with concern.
DJ: Oh, my God, I could have pinned you down. And Where is Krash?
Krash: I'm on your head. It turns out that someone put a purple lamp there and you didn't become yourself.
DJ: Oh, my god, it's he.
Kids kikoriki: Who?
DJ: When it was time for our meeting with you, he snuck into our Pizzaplex and trapped him at the sewer level. And as soon as we came back, someone turned us off and we didn't become ourselves. Even when we're angry, we don't know if you're our friends.
Rosa: Poor animatronics, we need to help them.
Wally: It's good to have a DJ with us.
Chiko: And we know how to save them. But we haven't seen the rest of the animatronics except for the evil aLpha bots on Fazer Blast.
DJ: Right. (Put Chiko, Wally and Rosa on his head) Hold on tight, we're coming.
He started walking through the tunnels.
Krash: Does it have to be in the tunnels?
DJ: So as not to crush someone.
Meanwhile, with BWW.
They went up to the arcade and saw that it was too quiet.
Quad Cannon: It's too quiet and suspicious.
Balan: So let's stick together for now- (The movement of the mechanism was heard) What is this?
A kikoriki DJ comes out of one of the other tunnels heading for the exit. Characters from wonderworld get scared and hide in different places behind the arcades. The DJ immediately noticed them and stopped.
DJ: Guys?
Meanwhile, with Moondrop.
He sat discontentedly in one of the tunnels knocking on them.
Moondrop: He found out everything. If the others find out too, William is already in hell. (He noticed Cass near the arcade) Though...
Cass looked at the DJ and immediately recognized him until she heard a familiar Alina's voice. Or is it not her?
Alina's fake voice: Guys!
Cass: Alina! (Climbed the tunnel and took 6 steps) She's not here.
Moondrop: Of course, she's with her girlfriends (Cass gasped).
Before that, with the others.
DJ: Guys, I'm the DJ!
Krash: And we are here too!
The wonderworld characters were happy and came out of the arcades.
Balan: Thank God you were found.
Leo: Where have you been?
Max: Or are you like us hiding in the ventilation?
Krash: Yes, we hid there, and then we got to the museum, where the doors were suspiciously broken.
Chiko: And we also saved the DJ from someone's control, who put a purple lamp on.
Cal: It sounds suspicious.
DJ: Yes, it was William's doing. We replaced him underground and now he controls us, making Us evil. (I noticed that there is no Cass) Where's Cass?
Air Cat: And really, where did she go?
Balan: Calm, we'll all find her.
Others:(Worried) Cass!
The DJ put the BWW on his head and walked with them to Cass. Surprisingly, when they arrived in the creepy corridor, she was not there.
Others: Cass!
Air Cat: Oh, God, we missed that.
Irina: What if Vanny had kidnapped her?
Balan: We must save her immediately.
DJ: Right!
He almost stepped on it when he saw Oggy and Jack. In his hand, Oggy held the broken head of the alpha racer bot.
Balan: Oh, hi guys. What are you doing here? (Oggy gestures that they will fix the helmet for the race) I see.
Lance: Have you seen Cass?
The two cats shook their heads, but they heard someone screaming and an angry male giggle with a phrase about kindergarten.
Emma: She's in kindergarten where Sundrop is.
Krash: Thanks for the information. But it's worth saying that when you see one of our animatronics, break the purple lamp inside.
Lance: Because it is someone who controls.
Balan: Full speed ahead!
DJ: There is full speed ahead!
While they were gone, Oggy and Jack entered the workshop and, with the help of mechanics, fixed their head and went racing.
To be continued...
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Balan Wonderworld Outfits: Chapter 6
Here are the outfits that are located in Chapter 6. The characters will dress both elegantly yet casually. I hope you like these outfits.
Leo Craig
A white, long-sleeved white shirt underneath a dark blue sleeveless jumper, black pants, and dark blue converse shoes with white shoelaces. He sports a red bandana.
Emma Cole
A fuschia blazer with six black buttons over a white collared shirt, a red bow tie, a green skirt, black stockings, and brown loafers. She wears a pair of pink hair ties.
Jose Gallard
A red cardigan over a white shirt, denim blue jeans, and cream-colored boots. He also sports a brown scarf around his neck.
Fiona Demetria
A blue, long-sleeved shirt underneath a yellow, overall dress with silver buttons, black leggings, and navy blue high-top shoes with white shoelaces. She wears her hair down.
Yuri Brand
An indigo, sleeveless blazer with six black buttons over a white, short-sleeved, collared shirt, a red bow tie, a magenta skirt, white socks, and brown loafers.
Haoyu Chang
An orange jacket over a grey shirt, light blue jeans, and green shoes. His eyeglasses have brown frames around them.
Sana Hudson
A short, white jacket with puffed shoulders and light green trimmings on the edges, a light blue dress, white fingerless gloves that match the jacket, and matching high-heeled boots.
Cass Milligan
A short, black coat with a white fur collar, a light pink dress with fuschia lining trimming and a fuschia bow, black stockings, and light pink boots with fluffy cuffs.
Cal Suresh
A light yellow cardigan over a grey shirt, white pants, and black slip-on shoes.
Iben Bia
A purple blazer with six gold buttons over a white, high collared, long-sleeved shirt, a cyan, Drop-shaped brooch on the collar, a black pleated skirt, purple knee-high socks, and black loafers. She wears her hair in a ponytail with a lavender hair tie.
Attilio Caccini
A denim blue jacket over a yellow shirt, dark magenta pants, and white sneakers.
Lucy Wong
A short denim blue jacket over a white dress, a green bracelet on her right wrist, and light green stilettos.
Eis Glover
A red blazer over a white high-collared shirt, a black tie, matching red pants, and black shoes.
Bruce Stone
A long-sleeved, white high-collared shirt underneath a mauve vest, a cream colored tie, grey pants, and brown shoes.
Act 3 Outfit (Specifically for Cass)
A magenta ball gown with short, puffy sleeves and a fuschia collar that resembles a flower, white cloves, a white sash around her waist, and magenta shoes.
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joshth647 · 2 months
Another STHW concept even though I meant for it to be an AU (lmfao):
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So basically every zone is analogue to Balan Wonderworld's chapters in some form or another (except Twilight Road and Nega Station):
GWZ: Chapter 1
AGZ: Chapter 2
PHZ: Chapter 6/Mystic Mansion-inspired level
VFZ: Chapter 5
SIZ: Chapter 4
CPZ: Chapter 8
RFZ: Chapter 7
MCZ: Chapter 11
DMZ: Chapter 10
NFZ: Chapter 9
CTZ: Chapter 12/reimagined version of Sonic Advance 3 level of same name
Every zone has two acts + a boss act + a special 3rd act unlocked after getting a special blue ring found in that zone's Act 2 (As NSZ only has 3 acts and no boss act it gets an Act 4).
I feel like restarting my AU right now as I feel like it'd be a slog to work with in its current state...
(I'm a sucker for Genesis Sonic-type shit, bear with me on this one)
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tvccreator · 2 years
Some Tips/Tricks for Playing Balan Wonderworld
I know I’ve been posting a lot about this game, but honestly, it’s quickly become a guilty pleasure game for me at this point. 
Just yesterday I was able to not only beat Lance, but I managed to complete all of the secret Act 3s, collect all 72 rainbow statues, and now have all 81 costumes (including the Demo Launcher, albeit that one doesn’t count towards the “Full Wardrobe” achievement.) So, as a result, I thought I’d post some tips and tricks for playing through the game just in case anyone ever wants to play it. I’ll also (hopefully) turn the tips and tricks into a YouTube video later so more people can find it. 
Once again, since this is a long post and there are spoilers for the final boss, the tips will be under the “Keep Reading” bit. If you’re still here, here are six tips/tricks to help you out when playing Balan Wonderworld!!
Tip #1: Don’t worry about trying to find all of the hidden collectibles on your first run. This one is a no-brainer, but it can dishearten you if you’re trying to figure out where all of the collectibles are and you realize that you don’t have the right costume to get it. For me, the statues that made me sad were the ones trapped in Fixer-upper and Triple Jumper/Balan costume areas. The one in the picture requires either a jumping character like Triple Jumper or Balan. or you can use Gear Prince/Gear King later on. 
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Tip #2: Stockpile as many of the costumes as you can. Except for the Demo Launcher, all of the costumes are not unlimited. The Demo Launcher has an infinite amount that you can just pull from the wardrobe when/if you unlock it, but everything else is pretty finite. One costume specifically is going to be mentioned later in its own tip, but all of the other costumes can be stockpiled. I don’t know if there’s a limit to how many of each costume you can have - I think my highest pile was 17 Frost Fairy costumes at one point - but stockpile them so you don’t find yourself without one of the necessary costumes when you’re trying to go back for collectibles. I recommend using Key Mouse when you get them in Chapter 11 to help - it unlocks costumes without the costume keys, so Key Mouse is great to quickly stockpile costumes with.
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Tip #3: Get the Balan costume as soon as possible. Later in the game if you have more than 15 Tims, it gets really easy to lose the three-badge Tims you need to get a King Tim, and that King Tim is necessary to unlock the Balan Costume. What I ended up doing on my second playthrough was I stopped collecting/hatching eggs at about 10 Tims, collected a bunch of drops, then mass fed my Tims. Easiest way to get the King Tim is to save before you start breeding two three-badge Tims, then if you don’t get the King Tim, soft-reset the game and try again. I got the King in... I want to say twelve or thirteen tries. It takes a while, but believe me, the Balan costume is worth it.
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Tip #3.5: Once you have the Balan costume, save often and stockpile raindrops. It is ridiculously easy to lose the Balan costume in later chapters, so you’d best get a small collection of raindrops just in case you lose the costume and you get to a point where it saves your game before you can reset. The Balan costume is extremely useful later on since it can pretty much bypass every single level to get you to the end, and it also helps with collecting statues. He can jump ten times and fly around, so use him wisely.
You only get one Balan costume at a time, though, so you either should save before entering any levels or, if you lose the costume and the game resets, stockpile raindrops and feed them to the Ultima Tim. It gets pretty greedy later on in the game - the last time I lost the costume, it cost me 20 raindrops - so it’s just a better choice to save before each level. (Thank you to the people who told me to soft-reset the game if I lost Balan. 😄) There’s actually a cheat I found out about where, in Chapter 6 Act 2, if you activate the Father Tim statue, go back to the checkpoint, then head back to the statue, raindrops keep spawning in. You can use the Air Cat for it, too, so you won’t have to worry about losing any of your best costumes when the Air Cat costume box is just one room away.
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Tip #4: If you don’t want to trigger Hard Mode, don’t rush taking down the Negati. I learned this the hard way during Chapter 5 when I took down a bunch of Negati earlier in Act 1 then got blindsighted by four red Hirahira (the floating Negati that shoot out bursts of wind). Twice. Easiest way to save yourself from triggering Hard Mode is, if you see the Negati are dropping the big 10x drops, stop attacking for a bit and run around.
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Tip #5: Bring long-range attackers to the Lance fight. I ended up bringing Pumpkin Puncher, Guardian Bird, and Jellyjolt into the final boss fight, and they definitely help out with Phase One of Lance’s fight. Use Jellyjolt when Lance does his duplication attack (the electrical field helps with making sure you don’t get hit), then use Guardian Bird and/or Pumpkin Puncher when he does the Negati swarm attack. If you lose the long-range attackers, wait for Lance to use his duplication attacks again - the Negati swarm attack summons up a tentacle that you really want to avoid due to its range.
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Tip #6: Tornado Wolf, Dynamic Dolphin, Aero Acrobat, and Frost Fairy are your best friends in phase two of Lance’s fight. During the final fight, Lance turns into a massive draconic Negati (y’know, as you do) and has four floating eyes around him. You only need to take down three, then wait for him to wear himself out and faceplant into the battle arena to finally beat him. (I’m not joking.)
Lance’s pre-phase two battle is mostly just to wear you down. He sends out massive shockwaves that you can jump over, then he hits you with a laser attack that you can’t dodge and that will one-hit KO you. Don’t worry, though - that’s part of the game. Afterwards, you’re given a cutscene where Balan reveals he brought all of your friends to help you in the fight, and your friends grant you their signature costumes to aid you.
Lance has four different attacks that he can do, and each comes with three of the twelve signature costumes:
Attack One - Aero Acrobat (Haoyu from Chapter 4), Air Cat (Cass from Chapter 6), and Dusk Butterfly (Yuri from Chapter 3) are your costumes. Lance will slam his fists into the ground and send shockwaves after you. You can either use Air Cat or Dusk Butterfly to get past them, then use Aero Acrobat to jump up and target one of the eyes. (It backfired on me the second time I had to do the fight, but Dusk Butterfly came in clutch and took out an eye, so I was happy.)
Attack Two - Water Blaster (Eis from Chapter 11), Quad Cannon (Cal from Chapter 7), and Invisible Man (Bruce from Chapter 12) are your costumes. Lance will attack you with projectiles that you have to dodge, then he’ll send two masked projectiles after you. I have no idea if you can hit those two projectiles and attack him with them, so I usually just ended up running around dodging that attack until I got to the next attack. Quad Cannon is really the only useful one in this fight, but even then, its ability requires you to stay still and the eyes don’t exactly get close enough for his attack to connect, so your best bet would be just run around and wait for the next attack.
Attack Three - Inky Painter (Lucy from Chapter 10), Dynamic Dolphin (Fiona from Chapter 2), and Frost Fairy (Iben from Chapter 8) are your costumes. Like back in Chapter 2′s boss fight with Anjellica, Lance will send pillars of water down to crush you at the same time that the arena starts breaking. You can use Dynamic Dolphin to swim to him and land a hit on one of the eyes. Afterwards, he’ll use an actual dangerous laser attack and wipe out massive parts of the battlefield. Try to dodge it to the best of your ability and sacrifice Inky Blaster if you need to (Frost Fairy is recommended for the final eye.)
Attack Four - Tornado Wolf (Jose from Chapter 1), Guardian Bird (Sana from Chapter 5), and Happy Blaster (Attilio from Chapter 9) are your costumes. Lance will send tornados after you like Barktholomew and Cuckoo did in Chapters 1 and 5, respectively. Use either Guardian Bird or Tornado Wolf to volley the tornados back at Lance three times, and you’ll take out one of the eyes.
One you’ve hit him three times (I believe - I only managed to take down three eyes in my playthrough, last I remember) - Lance will eventually get worn down and, like I said earlier, faceplant into the stage. You can use Frost Fairy to climb to his head or parkour up there with a jumping character from the other attacks, then attack the eye on his head to finally take Lance down.
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Hopefully these tips help out! I’ll try to make a YouTube video compiling more tips than just these, so if you have any tips, feel free to comment!!
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theatersanddemons · 3 years
Hey Leo and Emma!! Which world in Wonderworld is your favorite?
🌸 Emma flinched and glanced away, “Ahah... I guess... Jose’s is nice. Gardening’s another form of farming so I felt pretty at home there.”
🎧 “If I had to pick, it’d be a tie between Sana’s and Cass’.” Leo shrugged lightly. “Being high in the trees is nice, but all those books Cass has are fun too.” He gave a deadpan look. “Before anyone asks, yes I love reading.” He smirked faintly when he heard faint giggles from Emma.
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maraschinotopped · 3 years
me, holding both the jumping jack powerup and bubble blower powerup: ..these... these do the same thing. which one do i scrap.
#as a professional moron; i have decided to rewrite balan wonderworld because i just really like the concept of it /j#(i decided to remake/redesign the powerups as if i was making balan wonderworld c: )#its a good design practice ig#ive redesigned chapter 1-3's powerups; and i redesigned the ones we saw for chapter 4 and 6#i might also redesign the boss designs??? possibly??? maybe???#for the powerups themselves:#tornado wolf and fire dragon have been merged into one; and pounding pig might be aswell???#(i cant decide... bc its like yeah its a powerup but also literally every platformer has a groundpound in their normal moveset..)#the plant powerup? gone. threw it out the window (theres no real reason for it to be there anyway. jumping jack does basically the same)#jumping jack and bubble blower do basically the same thing but i have no idea which one i want to scrap....#like jumping jack is apart of the first level so if i get rid of it id have to rework the level itself#but bubble blower does the same thing but slightly better..#merging them might make their designs clash... so i have no idea if i want to merge or scrap one of them#the sheep and jackal powerups are merged; the pumpkin and cog powerups are merged too.. i like the way i designed the sheep merge#dynamic dolphin has been given the diving rights. the jellyfish has gotten their diving rights revoked#i think ill merge the jellyfish and teleport powerups together. so no more diving but electric and teleportation will still be there#web wrangler is still here! but with a massive redesign. the lamp powerup got merged into one move bc its just pointless#butterfly got a redesign but their power is still the same basically. but for sickle slinger??? i have no idea.#i designed them but i have no idea if i should merge them or leave em be.... i think ill leave em be.#i aim for having 2-3 powerups per level; as the fact that there are 80 powerups total is just like. why. most of these are pointless#thats all ive gotten for now as the playthrough im watching has only gotten up to chapter 3... h#[free therapy baby!!!]
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lovelyteng · 2 years
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Well... I rewatch my most favorite episode of Mixels as I make of anniversary! As many anniversaries in September! As number six, I drawn Series 6 from Mixels and Cass Milligan as Chapter 6 Inhabitant from Balan Wonderworld as color the text while color of team and leaders as I headcanon from Cuphead and color of 1010 from No Straight Roads, and lastly color of rainbow!
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doveriathegoddess · 3 years
The Songstress of Feathersin many different outfits inspired by the 12 chapters of Balan Wonderworld :3
Here's 1-6
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Likes and Reblogs are appreciated!
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t-bird510 · 3 months
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So what is this AU? Is it about bedrooms? Not entirely…
The year is 2024 and everyone this nice as usual—Like every opening cutscene for a 1980s-2010s type of Video game from Nintendo!
The Sky is blue and the People are enjoying themselves…That is…UNTIL THE DARKNESS APPEARS!!!
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A large DARK Portal Emerges from the clouds that shape it to its will…Then…Gigantic Purple tentacles start to form and Emerge from the portal as well.
People start to be Grasped by the Tentacles as they try to make their escape from the terminal fate of being pulled into the portal itself…
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The city would soon be somewhat empty as around 30-something percent of the population still existed in that particular city.
Some were still in their homes…While Others were out of sight of the Giant portal tentacles that would Clench them with their Harsh Grip!
Eventully…Those who weren’t taken by the large portal would soon fall into a eternal slumbering that would normally take a Coma to wake up…But this isn’t a Coma…This is something else…
Something different…a light in the darkness if you will?
Other things about this AU:
1 - I’m planning on turning this into a Fanfic of some kind; It’s still being planned for the time being but the beginning chapters will be good in my opinion.
2 - Each Beginner chapter will follow different perspectives as they meet with other characters and they interact and figure out how they got their in the first place.
For example: Chapter #1 - The episode would be about Mickey Mouse meeting Charlie Brown or Sonic the hedgehog for example.
2/3 - This AU Will have Ocs in it, and most of them were created by me for storytelling and fanfic reasons and for fun mostly.
4 - What inspired you to make this AU?!
Well…I was inspired by the classic feel and aesthetics of these games.
1 - Kingdom hearts
2 - Sonic the hedgehog (Like Sonic adventure and its sequel.)
3 - Nights into Dreams (and its sequel.)
4 - The world ends with you (and its sequel)
5 - Worlds end club
6 - Balan wonderworld
7 - Pokemon
8 - Luigi’s mansion
9 - Ni no kuni (and its sequel.)
I like these games in particular because they are just fun! And some of them have good Fanfiction AU potential that is underused or under appreciated.
So once I get some free time I’m gonna start work on this don’t ya worry!!!
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alinalioness · 1 month
Background of the FNAF Chapter 9:People who will later become friends.
The next morning.
In the main hall of animatronics, except from the first part, they talked about the disappearance and appearance of people.
Mr. Hippo:Say that people saw someone who was unbalanced disappear and return to balanced.
Toy Freddy:Yes, while playing golf, we asked the man who met Freddie. He said that at first 12 people disappeared, if in more detail 6 men and 6 women, and then two teenagers.
Toy Bonnie:And they also talked about some kind of theater. That at first it was abandoned, and then they started going there.
Glam-rock Freddy:Clearly the city itself is mysterious.
Later, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy come out of the hall with rooms, who decided to walk around the city together.
Freddy:Good morning, guys.
The rest of the animatronics:Good morning.
Bonnie:Has anything new appeared?
Toy Freddy:No, but we are just discussing that 2 teenagers somehow disappeared in this city and returned but balanced.
Foxy:Hmm, is there no villainy here? Otherwise we can move again.
Rockstar Freddy:No, these are the same people, their characters have just changed.
Freddy:It's clear. In general, the four of us decided to take a walk around the city. If you see a person asking for a birthday, talk to them yourself.
The rest of the animatronics:Okay.
They anointed each other and the four of them left the pizzeria. While they were walking near another part of the road where there was a fountain and a basketball court, Freddy thought about the man.
Freddy:Do you know? When we built a large pizzeria, I wanted a human friend.
Bonnie, Chica and Foxy:A human friend?
Bonnie:And what? I would also have a human friend to visit us when I'm not too busy.
Chica:Me too.
Foxy:So am I. Fredbear wouldn't mind it if it wasn't broken.
Freddy:I'll agree with that. How is he without us there?
Chica:(She saw something) Wow, watch the kids dance.
Freddy, Bonnie and Foxy:Wow.
On the other side of the road, where there is a fountain, 4 children were dancing. But we'll talk about two of them 😎.
One was a boy with fair skin, golden spiky hair and blue eyes. He had a blue patterned headband on his head. He was wearing a white shirt with a red three-button vest, black pants and blue-black sneakers.
The other was a fair-skinned girl with blonde hair with two ponytails. She was wearing a denim jacket, inside a red, pink T-shirt, black pants with green patterns and red sneakers. Her eyes were green and she had heart-shaped earrings in her ears.
These two danced breakdancing with the others.
Bonnie:They dance very well, I couldn't do it myself.
Foxy:Well, we are animatronics, and we are not capable of this.
Freddy:They have good talent anyway. Even if there was a child friend, we would have fun.
They continued walking through the city until they decided to look at the bulletin board.
Bonnie:(He noticed the poster "Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria") See our poster. (He noticed another poster with a picture of a white top hat with a red headband) Balan Wonderworld... the unusual name of the theater.
Chica:It still feels like the city already has a lot of unusual things.
Freddy:It is clear that the word "Balan" may be someone's name, but the world of miracles is a mystery.
Foxy:(He noticed someone) Just look at this unusual company.
Four animatronics looked at 12 people (Yea😎😎). Note:There will be more headcannons about their ages here.
The first was a farmer who was 32 years old. He wore a straw hat, had no hair, and had blue eyes. He was wearing a red shirt, denim pants with a pocket and brown shoes. He was wearing brown gloves in his hands.
The second was a purple-haired girl with red glasses, about 15 years old. She was wearing a white, red striped T-shirt and a dark purple jacket. She was wearing green shorts, white and red socks and purple sneakers. Her eyes were the color of brown.
The third was a girl about 17 years old. Her hair was brown with a ponytail and she had brown eyes with yellow eyelids. She was wearing a wetsuit, although she is not busy right now, and shoes with the colors gray, navy blue, blue and yellow.
The fourth was a boy about 15 years old. His hair was green, his eyes were brown and he wore pilot glasses. He was wearing a white hooded turtleneck and an orange sleeveless vest, green pants and white, orange sneakers.
The fifth was a black woman about 34 years old. Her hair was purple, gathered in a green headband with yellow and orange triangles and had blue eyes. She was wearing a light green T-shirt with orange and yellow triangles. She had jeans, brown sneakers and earrings on her ears.
The sixth was a dark-skinned firefighter with no hair and about 36 years old. His eyes were gray, the firefighter's clothes were gray and he wore black shoes.
The seventh was a young, ten-year-old girl with emerald eyes. Her short hair was also emerald and she had a red bow on her head. She wore a red, brown and white dress, brown tights and boots.
The eighth was a green-haired man about 18 years old with blue eyes. He wore a red and white clown costume. He had yellow gloves, dark red clown pants with shoes with yellow pompoms.
The ninth was a man with dark skin, about 37 years old. He had purple hair, turquoise eyes and had a protruding nose. He was wearing a yellow shirt, a grey jacket, a red tie, a black belt with grey trousers and brown shoes.
The tenth was a large woman about 35 years old. Her hair was crimson in a ponytail and she had red eyes. She wore a green dress with an artistic apron and emerald shoes.
The eleventh was a young girl of 18 years old. Her hair was blue in color and covered one eye, which was turquoise. She was wearing a grey T-shirt, a pink hooded jacket, blue shorts and purple sneakers. One of the fingers was wearing a ring.
And finally, the last one was an old man about 60 years old. He wore a dark gray hat, had light and dark gray hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a purple coat, grey trousers and brown shoes. He carried a brown cane on one hand.
Animatronics came up unnoticed to take a closer look at them. They hid behind the house.
Freddy:An unusual company.
Bonnie:Just like us, only there are more of us.
Suddenly, he accidentally fell on a trash can, which is why 12 people heard it. The animatronics immediately hid so as not to scare them and the people themselves noticed that no one was there.
Purple-haired man:Looks like we need to go somewhere else. What if it's some kind of enemy?
Twelve people left, and animatronics watched them as they left. They continued walking anyway, until they decided to stop by the beach and sat down on a bench.
Freddy:The city is really peaceful, like ours probably is. I hope that bad things won't force us to move somewhere.
Bonnie:If there was a Fredbear, he would also perform with us, even though it's time for the old to retire.
Freddy:Yes, but our lives are still getting better than when we met William. * But I'm wondering what's going to happen next*.
No matter how calm it sounds, after 2 days they were waiting for what they expected the most... meeting with the same people they saw during the problems.
To be continued...
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Canine Cat-astrophe: Chapter 6
(Meanwhile with Balan's group)
Jose, Fiona, Sana, Eis, and Kaylo were both getting worried. Where were Leo and Trisha Jane? Where was Balan? And why had they not come back yet? But it wasn't until they heard Trisha Jane scream as well as the ruckus that they quickly rushed out of Sana's stage and into the main room of the Balan Theatre.
Lo and behold, Balan's group was greeted by a terrible mess that wasn't there before.
"Woah! What happened here?" Fiona asked as she took in all of the mess that was everywhere.
Potted plants and lamps were knocked down onto the floor. The posters of the Chapters were scratched up. All of the bottles of wine and 'Wonderworld Juice' had been shattered as the contents spilled out onto the floor.
"Lance did all of this," Emma said. "A rat is here and he was trying to chase it."
"So he did all of this just to catch a rat!?" Sana asked, stunned. "And people say that dogs cause destruction…"
"Have any of you seen Leo?" Kaylo asked. "Balan ran off and Leo went to chase him."
"I'm right here, Kaylo," Leo replied, entering the room with Balan and Mei's group. "Balan ran into the library which was where I saw the others…" He stopped when we saw the mess. "Do I…want to know what happened here?"
"Lance is what happened here," Aria said, feeling her eyes start to water from irritation. "Ugh, not again…"
"Oookaaaay… Well, Mei's group found the recipe for the cure." Leo rubbed Balan's head. "We'll be able to bring Balan and Lance back to their usual selves."
"That's a relief," Jose said. "So what do we need in order to create this cure?"
"A sweet durian, 3 petals of a royal blue jasmine flower, golden pear juice, salt, sugar, and boiling water." Leo felt Balan lick his hand.
Just then, Cal came rushing in. "Guys, wait until you see what's happened to Lucy's stage," He said with a shocked look on his face. Rebecca was both confused and worried. "Cal, what's going on?" She asked.
"Why, what happened?" Jose asked.
(Meanwhile in Lucy's stage)
"My stage!" Lucy cried, horrified at the scenery. "What happened to my beautiful stage!?" She, Mei, Haoyu, and Attilio gazed around, mouths agape at the mess around them.
"How did this happen?" Mei asked. Suddenly, a 'Mew' was heard from beneath them. Approaching them was none other than Lance, who had paint on his paws.
"Lance, what did you do?" Attilio asked. "Do you know how long this is going to take to help Lucy clean up this mess? You should be ashamed of yourself." But unfortunately for Attilio, Lance just gave him a catty stare while sitting down.
"Should we find the Golden Pear Juice first or help Lucy clean up the mess?" Haoyu asked.
"Let's help clean up," Mei said. "Odd are, when Lance made this mess, he must have unintentionally buried the ingredient that we need to get. Now where did Balan keep the cleaning supplies?"
"Oh my!" Leo's and Emma's voices grabbed their attention. Mei's group turned and saw Leo, Emma, Cal, Balan's group, and Lance's group had entered Lucy's stage. Everyone was horrified at the mess that Lance had to make.
"Okay, so maybe taking care of both Balan and Lance is a lot harder than it seems," Emma said.
"I agree," Bruce said. "Well, we may as well clean everything up. Fortunately, I know where the cleaning supplies are. Balan keeps them in a closet near the kitchen. Let me go get them real quick."
The older man turned around and left Lucy's stage. "Did—Did Lance chase the rat into her stage?" Eis asked.
The word "rat" got Lucy's attention. "Did you just say "rat", darling?" She trembled at the thought of one being in her stage.
"Yes?" Eis was confused. "Lance's group revealed that Lance was chasing a rat, which explains the mess in the main room…"
"A rat!?" Fiona exclaimed. "Rats are pests. We have to make sure that it doesn't get in the way of us getting the ingredients for the cure."
"That is true," Trisha Jane said. "Especially since it ran right toward me when I came back."
"Daisy never liked rats," Cass admitted. "They scare her, which is rather ironic." Just then, Bruce came back with mops, sponges, and a bucket of soapy water.
"Okay, guys. Let's get cleaning."
Kaylo belongs to @kayssweetdreams
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Aria belongs to me.
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sonicasura · 3 years
Balan Wonderworld Review: Favorite Costumes Part 2
Before we get started, I like to say something. I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE TIM TRAPS. If you don't know, there is a specific plant that tends to appear in certain levels called Tim Traps. A carnivorous orange flower that's favorite meal is TIMS. If you kick the plants, you can free your Trapped Tim or prevent one from getting trapped for a short period of time. Problem is if the Tim is trapped for too long, your baby is gone for good. Chapter 3 and Chapter 5's Act 3 are loaded with these annoying plants. To the point if I can't find the trapped Tims, I exit out of the game just to save my poor fluffballs. Ain't sacrificing my little birds for Drops and Trophies! Mini rant over.
Rules are the same as before. I'd be ranking both a Common Costume and Rare Costume. Common Costumes are easily to find whether it be in multiple levels and Rare Costumes are those that rarely appear or are difficult to get.
I'll be doing my favorite Secret Costume after playing all Act 3s for each chapter. Now let's begin.
Chapter 7
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Common Costume- Floaty Flower
The Flower Fairy and greatest glider found in the main story. Floaty Flower is a costume that can be found in the Act 1, 2 and the Boss Act, it offers a slower descent but faster movement than the hover for Soaring Sheep.
I love this costume not for its aesthetic but a cute Easter Egg I found in Chapter 7 Act 1. On rare occasions, this costume is an NPC that actually flirts with you! Some NPCs in certain chapters act differently from their standard counterpart. They often try to disguise themselves or runaway. Catching them grants you a free costume of the one you caught.
Floaty Flower will appear and follow you, similar to a shy school girl with a crush. If you go to her, she will run which is a similar action to any shy person getting approached by their crush. Also... I think there is some lore hidden in this one that might be quite sad if it's directly linked to Cal, the human whose heart created this particular world. If so then... OOF.
Rare Costume - Paladin Puncher
A knight fights with his fists than a sword. This costume can be found in Act 2 and is a stronger version of the Pumpkin Puncher that can break iron or ice blocks. He's a bit slower than his Chapter 6 counterpart but perfect breaking the more blocks and defeating spiky enemies.
I also love the fact this costume goes against the traditional tools of a knight. Knights often fight using swords, shields, lances and rare occasions bows or axes. If you give me one who PUNCHES or straight uses martial arts to fight then you got my vote in seconds.
Chapter 8
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Common Costume - Snow Fairy
Elegant dancer of ice and snow. The Snow Fairy costume allows the wearer to walk on air for a short period of time and can in found in Act 1 and Act 2. This costume does have a shorter usage time than Air Cat but makes up for it with the added elevation.
I absolutely adore how elegant and beautiful this particular costume is. You can compare the Snow Fairy to myths often related to fae or hidden in the freezing mountains. An otherworldly beauty that makes any hardship worth seeing just a being before your eyes. Being a reindeer type Faun just adds to the mystique and creating snowflakes to walk on is a perfect extra touch.
Rare Costume - Amadeus
Sophisticated pianist. A costume that can only be found in Act 1 and is a performing costume. Now I am a big fan of piano covers, whether it be covers of game osts or actual songs, there is rarely any piano music I don't like.
I love the fact he's wearing piano keys as a collar and even has a tutu made out of those very keys. A very creative take to a normally grounded instrument. And the big white wig is a nice touch since it's often portrayed with pianists in various media.
Chapter 9
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Common Costume- Iron Panda
Adorable crusher. Iron Panda is a costume found in Act 1 and Act 2 with the ability to break iron blocks using both its jump and weight. This costume is surprisingly fast for a rather large and heavy form, perfect for fast stomps on enemies or quick getaways if you have rare costumes you don't want to lose.
This costume reminds of a rolling Russian Doll with a panda theme. Very adorable, the bluish purple color suits the white very nicely and I love that sleepy look on its face. The large blue dots on its sides are actually the arms too, they mimic panels! Only thing that unnerves me is when the costume turns their head by a 90 degree angle. Super creepy when using it.
Rare Costume- Merry Ghost
Cute and Spooky! The Merry Ghost is a costume that can be found in Act 2 and gives the ability to constantly float. It's main purpose is to avoid ground hazards like poison swamps and has a larger slightly floaty jump. The only downside is that you can't harm enemies with this, it's only for quick mobility.
Very adorable especially with the stitched rag cloak covering the body. It has this Mimikyu sort of vibe but also a Casper the Friendly Ghost aura too. Friendly spirits are often tossed aside for more vicious or antagonistic ones in a lot of media. Getting an adorable friendly one just adds points in my book and a good pal for Casper.
Chapter 10
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Common Costume - Inky Blaster
Yuji Naka's take on a squid kid. This costume can be found in Act 1, Act 2 and the Boss Act. She allows the wearer to throw fast globs of rainbow paint at opponents or targets and is decently agile.
Love that her hands are paintbrushes and is based on the octopus. Tentacles mimicking the frills of a dress and used for hair and feet? A very creative take and splattering rainbow paint on the annoying types of Negati (looking at you ya divebomb happy Pelican and destroyer of most of my good costumes) is very therapeutic.
Rare Costume- Air Unicorn
The first unicorn I like?! This costume can only be found in Act 1 and allows the user to walk on air farther than Air Cat. The practical godfather of mobility, and recovery. You won't believe how many times this costume has gotten me to very difficult areas and saved me from death via falling into the abyss.
It is a very tricky costume to find but if you turn around, there's a large paintbrush on the wall. You need the Double Jumper to get on top but you'll be able to see a hidden mirror. That is where the Air Unicorn is located.
I won't lie that unicorns are not my preferred mythological creature. I live in America where unicorns tend to be oversaturated to oblivion and don't get me started on My Little Pony. The show isn't my cup of tea but I do have some followers and friends who are fans. People have their own opinions and it's rude to question them about it.
I honestly love the elegant but cute design, the purple, pale pink and cyan just fit well with the white, I also love that the mane mimics a paintbrush tip and the large light purple collar of fur is a perfect touch to this fine design.
Chapter 11
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Common Costume - Bulldozer
A man's punny best friend! This costume can be in Act 1, Act 2 (?), and the Boss Act. It lets you push special construction blocks and you can boost the push speed by button mashing.
They definitely took a lot of creative for costumes in Chapter 11 amongst the other ones in my opinion. Fire Stations tend to have some animal companions with dogs being the most common but instead of a Dalmatian for the design they used a Bulldog! 😍
Like the aforementioned machine, this good boy is bulky, has the appropriate color scheme and even the hands turn into bulldozer's shovel when using the ability! I love the fact his tail is wagging when you push a block and it wags faster if ya button mash!
Also the name is a pun!
Rare Costume - Fiery Blaster
Pyromancer of Lions. The Fiery Blaster costume can only be found in Act 2. It gives the wearer that ability to throw large fireballs alongside fire and lava immunity. If you hate lava levels or have difficulty with this Chapter's boss then I recommend getting this Costume.
First thing I like to say about this particular design is how they use the colors. Looking at the mane, you can see how the red and darker red are patterned in a way to mimic flames. The dark red fur on the feet are even in fire like a pattern. The outfit such as the yellow and brownish kilt alongside the gloves spewing fire around the wrists just reminds me of a fire dancer.
I can see this fella wielding one of the torches a fire dancer uses and just put on a spectacular show.
Chapter 12
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Another loveable version of a beloved icon. The Invisible Man costume can be found in Act 1, Act 2 and the Boss Act. It has the power to turn the wearer invisible for a period of time and become undetected to enemies that aren't bosses.
Agile and perfect to deal with enemies who are very annoying or are difficult snipers. You don't know how satisfying it is to give the more aggravating Negati an invisible middle finger by sneak attacking them. I have lost many costumes whenever enemies got the drop on me so it's fair to dish out payback.
I love how this design takes aspect from the popular icon but also have it relate to their human counterpart. Bandages were used by the original Invisible Man to cover skin his normal clothing couldn't cover in public and made it easier for him to disappear when needed.
The shoes and arms being covered in bandages and some of the bandages being used as bangs for the hair is a nice touch.
Rare Costume - Jolt Tiger
Immovable Taser. This costume can only be found in Act 2. It grants electricity immunity and create a barrier when you stand still. One of the better costumes for baiting particular enemies. You do have to be careful because a single itch will stop the barrier.
If you don't know, the Tiger is my Chinese Zodiac and electricity is one of my favorite elements. Love the yellow lightning bolt flairs and even the black stripes mimic lightning too! I also like the will o' wisp pattern on the stomach and the large tuft of grayish fur around the chest. The design puts it above the Sun Walker.
And that is it! The next thing I will cover is the level design and it's music. The bosses will be done last since it's good to save the best for last!
Until next time folks, see you back in Wonderworld.
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somnolancee · 3 years
Don't hesitate to share your thoughts qwq ♥
Still having hard time with rhymes hhhh
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