#Eleanor Nashton
sweetums0kitty · 2 years
The Ties that Bind me to Thee.
Hello friends, this is my first ever fanfic! I was so graciously pushed into writing it by @finniestoncrane! Who has graciously listened to me rant and rave about the Riddler and my idea to give him a sister!
There were many sounds that Edward hated with his entire heart and soul. One of them being the sniveling cries of the corrupt pigs he had brought to Justice as they begged for his mercy. Another was the metallic sound of sliverwear scraping a plate. Finally, at the top of his list would be a recent addition; the groans combined with the various inaudible whines Eleanor was currently making as she sat across from him in the visitation cell.
“Whyyyyy Eddieeeee?? Whyyyyyy” she bemoaned smudging her already destroyed eye makeup into a look that more resembled a raccoon. “Why would you flood the city, what the FUCK is wrong with you?” Edward broke out of his musings to look back up at his sister. He noted she had clearly defined tear tracks and a dribble of snot running from her near identical nose.
He slowly blinked and finally responded: “I was cleaning up Gotham, shining a light on the lies and corruption that came with Renewal he said oddly calm. I thought you understood what I was doing.” Rolling his eyes and letting out a frustrated huff as he finished. “I did it for us, for the other souls and victims lost to the deception and filth of this CESSP- Eleanor slammed her manicured hand on the glass that separated her from Edward with enough force to rattle the pane momentarily, startling him out of his ravings.
“DO you know how many times you have delivered this SAME dumb rant to me?” She fumed as rage colored her rounded cheeks a deep shade of pink and she set him with a harsh glare.
“Five times” Edward said with a sneer. He wanted to push her buttons now, if she couldn’t see what he was doing was right then he wasn’t going to play along with her. “That’s my highest guess” he smirked.
“I FUCKING WISH IT WAS FIVE” she bellowed more tears spilling from her deep green eyes. He giggled, she glared.
They were silent for a while, her hunched over with her face in her hands sobbing ferociously and Edward sitting observing her tears and beginning to feel the niggling worms of self doubt and guilt creep into his soul. Not because he felt remorse for initiating the grand cleansing of Gotham, no it was more so the fact that his baby sister crying her eyes out always had a way of thawing his icy heart.
In the moment he hadn’t a clue what to say, Ellie was always better at emotions. She easily made connections and was a social butterfly. And now, here she was less a butterfly and more a crushed up moth.
Releasing a cough from his throat Eddie tried to get her attention, unheard over her wailings he tried again with more force, still ignored he exhaled harshly and decided to attempt to get her attention for the final time.
Releasing a hacking that was more like a shout Eleanor shot up her head up and glared at her brother once more with enough force to melt the polar ice caps.
Edward felt the words he was going to say in attempt to comfort his sister die in his throat as her stare burned him.
Suddenly, she rose from her chair and for a brief flash Edward was scared she’d abandon him then and there. His deep eyes began to fill with tears as he flushed red. He tried to push himself against the glass as far as his chains and collar would allow. “Ellie I’m sorry okay!” Edward screamed watching her form retreat from him as he began to panic. “She was going to abandon him, just like Batman had, just like Gotham abandoned them as children, the exact same way they were tossed aside by their parents. Panic settled deep into Edward’s chest.
“PLEASE ELLIE! YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME HERE!” He sobbed as the cuffs around his wrists dug painfully into his flesh. He didn’t care, panic had turned him into a wild animal. A barrage of self loathing washed over him as more tears flowed out his eyes.
Suddenly, she turned around looking so incredibly tired. “God, he looks so… broken” Eleanor crinkled her nose at the thought and once again placed herself back into the uncomfortable chair with a deep sigh. Edward made no moves to sit down as his heart slammed in panic and his breathing got harder and harder. “You’re having a panic attack you stupid fucking loser, you think for one second your sister is gonna abandon you and you break down like a goddamn worthless little baby.” His mind screamed at him.
In the midst of his spiraling panic, like a hot knife going through butter Eleanor called: “Eddie, hey I need you to look at me okay. She said in a gentle motherly tone. His mind whirled, he felt sick and still he slowly looked back into her identical eyes. “That’s it! Elenor beamed” and Edward felt the storm in him begin to subside. “Can you take a deep breathe in with me?” “Eddie shook his head, his lungs felt like they were full of molten lead and bits of jagged glass. “I need my inhaler, he croaked” “Okay! Okay, I can do that, it’s gonna be fine! You’re gonna be fine, it’s fine! It was then Eleanor’s turn to panic. She once again shot up and rushed around looking for a call button to help him. Finally finding one she pressed it with enough force to shatter the button.
After pressing it once she waited and waited. Edward let out a miserable string of wheezes “Slamming the button again Eleanor began to fume. “What the hell is taking them So LONG?” She crossed her arms over her chest and began to tap her foot impatiently. “Edward rasped “It’s a facility operated by the city” he coughed harder this time. She balled her hand into a fist and began to pound on the button.
“SLAM” “BUZZ” “SLAM” “BUZZ” “SLAM” “BUZZ” “SLAM” “BUZZZZZZZ” “SLAM” “BUZ-“ Finally a bored looking attendant and a giggly guard sauntered in. Their eyes were blown out and reddened clearly having just take a hit of Drops. “What do you want the attendant said raking his bloodshot eyes over Eleanor’s body. She shuddered, an almost invisible gesture to anyone except her brother. “Ed felt rage settle into his chest, dwarfed by his current asthma attack but still palpable. “Is the freak over there the guard lazily jammed his thumb over in Edwards vague direction giving you trouble?”
“”That freak”” Eleanor spat between gritted teeth trying desperately to maintain her composure “Is my brother and if you would like I dunno… “ she said twirling a curled bang around her long finger pulling the two oblivious Dropheads into her web. “Want to do your fucking jobs!” she screeched! Face Turing a bright crimson “And PUH-LEASE go get my brother his inhaler, he’s having a pretty nasty asthma attack and you know I would just love it if he didn’t choke to death on his own lungs! M’kay!” She tilted her head to the side and shot a threatening grin at the pair.
The Guard and Attendant started to snicker, “Yeah yeah sure sweet-cheeks I’ll go get him his inhaler, but what are you gonna do for us?” The Attendant leered right at her chest. “I’ll tell you what I’ll do for you, you fucking loser I’m not going to take my heel and cram it so far up your ass that you’ll be tasting shoe leather for the rest of your life!”
“Fucking fine bitch, I could do better than your ugly ass anyway! Crazy slut! The Attendant snapped, his dim witted friend broke out into a fit of laughter and followed him out of the door. But not before the twins heard the attendant slap the guard in the back of the head. Ellie giggled and then rushed back to to sitting in front of her brother, Edward had regained his breathing but was still huffing and wheezing like an old steam engine.
“Those two sure were charming Eleanor mused with a snort.” She sent a worried smile towards her brother. Edward wheezed out “Oh yeah, a couple of real pals” he spit out bitterly. She sighed and pulled the creaky old chair closer to the pane in front of them. Leaned her forehead against the glass and stared hard at him. “Are you gonna be okay in here without me Eddie-Bear?” Eleanor said in a whisper. “Oh please don’t call me that in here!” he rasped with a groan. They fell back into silence as Ellie once again started to cry. The attendant finally returned and all but pelted Edward with his inhaler, it thunked against the glass and Ellie shot her head up and glared at the man so hard that if she could her stare alone would have killed him on the spot.
Edward sighed and kicked his foot out to begin to drag the inhaler over to himself. Dragging the green tube a smidge closer. The Attendant was watching the display with sick glee and Eleanor slammed her hand on the glass once again and yelled at him “Do your job you loser!” “I’m fine Elle, I’ve almost got it.” Edward said tiredly. Finally the attendant waltzed over and picked up the inhaler and handed it to the Edward and he took a deep puff from the canister. Waited for a moment and then took another, shorter inhale until his breathing returned to normal and he took a deep breath in and let out slightly shaky but strong. He then took a deep breath in and exhaled through his nose and rubbed a hand over his weary face. “You and I both know we’ve been through much worse than this.” He said handing the inhaler back to the attendant. “Man I think you should keep that thing on you. The kid said rubbing the back his neck. Apparently it says in the rule book that you’re allowed to have it or whatever. Just don’t give it to one of the junkies okay?
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Edward responded blankly, pocketing the canister. At that the Attendant left the room and once more Eleanor and him were left in relative isolation. Silence fell over the pair once more and this time Edward took the step to break it. “Why are you so worried all of sudden? You knew what I was going to be achieving. He was trying to remain calm and keep his tone as even as possible. The role of emotional support sibling fitting him about as well as his old choir uniform would fit if he tired it on today.
“I just…” she paused, a twinge of fear colored the deep breathe Eleanor took in. “Thought you were the one who had it together, y’know?” Edward quirked an eyebrow in response and let out a quiet snort. Eleanor rolled her eyes and huffed “Aside from the online terrorist group and the death traps with rats that eat peoples faces off. I mean” she finished. “How are my rats by the way? I was worried those pigs would have killed them or simply dumped them back in the streets.” Edward said sadly. “You don’t need to worry about them Eddie, I took em all in, they’re hanging out in a new cage at my place! I got them the cutest little rat safe furniture on Etsy, oh my god they’re gonna be living it up in style! She beamed with a flourish of her hands.
They looked at each other and started laughing, warmth filling their chests. “Oh shit! Eleanor said wiping her eyes, I got a bunch of tears stuck in my contact, fucks sake gimme a second. She squinted her right eye and placed some strawberry scented hands sanitizer onto her hands. Then proceeded to dig around her eyeball to release the well of tears and restore her vision. Edward laughed a little harder and scolded in a relaxed tone “Now, now Eleanor what would Sister Mary Sabrina say if she saw you now, behaving so unladylike?” He giggled at the end of it. Ellie having finally retched the pent up tears from her eyes swiftly and expertly popped the contact back into her eyeball and looked back at Edward’s smirking face. His eyes shining with playfulness. Eleanor rolled her eyes and said gruffly “Like I give a fuck what the old twat thinks about me.” Edward laughed once more waiting for the rant that he himself had heard time and time again. “I swear to God Ellie groaned that woman got off on torturing me! I don’t even know what her deal was, she was always going on and on and on-“ it was at this point Edward joined in on her rant knowing exactly what she would say next “About how all she wanted was to make the world pretty, but if she wanted the world to be pretty why was the Orphanage such a shithole then?�� he mimicked in high pitched feminine voice at the same time Eleanor ranted.
“I guess you’ve heard this song and dance before huh?” Eleanor said rubbing her neck sheepishly. “Oh only about five times or so” her brother said with a quiet laugh looking to the floor with a soft smile“ “Touché Eddie-Bear!” Eleanor said directing a pair of finger guns at him as she laughed. He smiled “I guess we should finally talk business Edward sighed.” Looking straight at Ellie. “Yeah I guess she rolled her eyes with a frown. I talked to your lawyer, he and I discussed she said slowly. Edward was beginning to grow annoyed with her cloying tone “and you’re not going to like this but he and I think… you should give me Power of Attorney while you’re in here.
Edward pursed his lips and glared at her to continue.
She raised her hands in front of her chest in a gesture of peace. “It’s just while you’re stuck in here and you’ll get to be in charge again as soon as you get out and I do not mean breakout! I know exactly what you’re thinking Edward Joseph Nashton!” She snapped pointing a manicured finger right at his chest. Edward exaggeratedly rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses further up his nose “So many pesky little rules and regulations. Why does anyone even think to follow them?” He grumbled as he picked at the skin around his nail beds.
“I dunno broski, Eleanor said with a tired sigh maybe so we all don’t flood the city when we’re feeling grumpy.” She stared at him with an unamused glower. Edward scoffed. “It really wasn’t that bad, people are getting so frenzied by a little water. He said in a manic tone. “The fireworks going off were such a pretty sight to see! He giggled” Forest green eyes swirling with madness. “Yeah no it was realllly great!”Eleanor said words dripping with sarcasm. “Except for that one part. Hmmmm lemme see if I can recall what it was… Eleanor mused in a mocking tone, pursing her lips and tapping a sparkly finger nail onto her chin. Edward still lost in his self aggrandizing delusions was snickering up a storm until Ellie’s shrill screech of “THAT’S IT!” and a snap of her fingers brought him back to reality and he jumped and looked her once more.
“The only part of your “grand plan” I didn’t like was that bit where one of your goons almost shot me, multiple times!” Beaming at him with a sardonic grin. “Hmph, I expressly told you to get out of the city sister dear. It’s not my fault you can’t follow simple instructions. Eleanor let out a noise of indignation and continued to glare at her brother as her cheeks began to turn a ruddy shade of crimson.
Crossing his arms over his chest as the chains of his chuffs rattled, Edward turned his head away from Eleanor and pointed his nose up haughty. “I give her a riddle so simple a toddler could solve it and she doesn’t even try to figure it out! She never even listens to me or takes any interest in what I care about.” He thought darkly, turning his head down to his chest. Sinking into the swirling sea of despair that was his mind. Feelings of isolation and anger sloshed over him like waves during a hurricane. He was stuck in a flimsy life boat of self loathing. Until, suddenly he was harshly brought back to reality by the fierce tapping on the glass like a child choosing a goldfish at the pet store and Eleanor’s cries of “Hey! Earth to Eddie, you in there at all? Come on Dorkzilla don’t die on me now! I’m not done with you yet!”
He blinked dumbly as he returned to reality “Oh you’re still here.” he sniffed dismissively. “Of course I am dumbass! I’m not letting you have the last word on your stupid riddle!” She retaliated. “Edward rolled his eyes as he turned to look at her expectantly. “ Eleanor stared back at him blankly, the only things telling of her ever growing rage being the blush that covered her cheeks that was beginning to turn purple with fury and the way her mouth was permanently etched into a scowl. Letting out a quiet breathy laugh, Edward smiled to himself knowing he had won their little spat and had finally managed to push Eleanor to the peak of her carefully contained rage.
“I know what you’re trying to do” she gritted through her teeth.” Edward remained silent and only quirked an eyebrow in response. “You’re trying to push me away so you can sink into one of your stupid pity parties. It’s not gonna work, I’m all you got so you’re not pushing me away this time! Ellie choked out. Taking a very deep breath in she managed to steady herself seemingly and pushed a hand through her already ragged hair. She fixed her gaze on Eddie and he felt a fresh wave of guilt hit him. “That’s not at all what I’m doing.” He said defensively but all she responded with was a stare that saw right through him. Edward grumbled and they sat staring at each other.
Finally, Eleanor quipped “I’m still so lost on how a riddle about an elephant you texted me 5 minutes before you got arrested was supposed to tell me to get out of the city and not go to the Garden.”
“Like it would have been so much easier if you just said “Hey sis, hope you’re feeling okay today! I love you so much! BTW I’m going to flood the city and you should get the hell out of dodge. Oh also! Don’t go to Gotham City Gardens when it floods! My buddies from my stream will be there and you will TOTES get shot 🙈🙊🙉” XoX- Eddie Bear.”
Eleanor finished with giant inhale and Edward jokingly offered her the inhaler from his jumpsuit pocket. “Nah keep it.” She smiled sadly at him.
Edward laughed “Well first of all, I didn’t just text you” he punctuated his words with air-quotes. “Because it wouldn’t have been on brand. I’m the Riddler, Ellie I tend to Riddle.” They shared a quick laugh and he continued “Secondly, even if I did text you, the police still would have confiscated my phone and that would have been a confession. I wanted to go out my way, on my terms.” Puffing his chest as he spoke. “Finally, tone softening as he spoke “ The answer was Noah’s Ark.” he stated simply sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms. Playful smirk on his lips.
“God, Eddie! That’s the worst riddle you could have tried, I would not have connected those dots!” Eleanor groaned placing her hands on her face and dragging them down. “Do you know how many contexts there are for elephants! Especially considering the last conversation we had over text was how we should go to the zoo again?” A fit of giggles breaking through the words. Edward shut his eyes as the tips of his ears began to turn pink. “I had forgotten about that.” He said reopening his eyes, a sheepish smile on his face. Rubbing the back of his neck he sighed and went on “I think I should be forgiven for that one, especially considering the pressure I was under at the time I sent it to you.”
“I mean no shit, but like yeah it was a real stinker.” It was then Edward’s turn to giggle. Eleanor groaned once again, “I’m just not ready to be the sibling who has their shit together.” She leaned back in the chair letting her head hang over the backrest of the dingy plastic seat. Sandy brown hair just smidge closer to blonde than Edward’s fluttered behind her.
They’ve gone back to silence now. Eleanor seemingly lost in thought with a quirked frown on her lips. “What are you thinking Ellie-Jelly?” Edward said quietly, internally cringing at the childish nickname. “Hmm”she said in a dazed tone. “I’m not really thinking right now, I’m just kind of sad.” “Well yes I can see that. Edward said with a small laugh.”
“Don’t laugh at me right now I’m serious!” She said sitting upright. “Alright, alright I’m sorry! I didn’t mean anything by it.” Raising his hands in defense, shutting his eyes and smiling at her. “Like, I’m just wondering if it’s my fault we turned out like this?” She sighed gesturing between herself and Edward. When she was met with a confused stare she continued: “Just what if you weren’t stuck with me when we were kids or if I stuck by your side more and I was always out chasing a way to feel less alone. Would we have been healthy?” The outer corners of her eyes crinkling in sadness.
“I mean I was clinging to you just as hard when we were little. Do you remember when we we’re 7 and you had to talk for me?” He said softly, pressing a hand to the glass in an attempt to offer his sister some form of affection or comfort.
Eleanor snorted in response “Yeah that’s only because I was smothering you.” Mumbling out the response.
“No you weren’t” Edward said firmly. “I asked you to do it and The Nuns considered it an affront to masculinity and that suffering would bring me peace.” “It didn’t” he spat out with a scowl “But like you said pointing at Eleanor as he spoke “They got off on torturing kids, especially us for some godforsaken reason!”
“But what abou-“ Ellie has started to say but she was quickly cut off by her brother. “Doesn’t matter, not your fault. I’d rather you tried to be happy instead of hanging around me! I could stand on my own two feet then, I can do it now. I really would rather you try and find some semblance of joy than hang back with me.” He said simply with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I should have done more for you! For us, we should have left this shit hole town a million years ago!” She wailed scrunching up her face in despair.
“Eleanor Bridget Nashton” Edward sighed tiredly, “You didn’t do anything, I didn’t do anything, nobody who was a victim of the corruption did anything to deserve what happened to them. Yes we could have left, but if we did I never would have done what I needed to do!” “My life’s purpose, I would have been aimless without the Riddler.”
“BUT YOU WOULDN’T BE LOCKED UP IN HERE!” She screamed, fresh tears welling in her eyes. “I just want you to be happy.” She huffed out. “I know that and I am. Obviously not happy about incarceration, but I’m happy you’re still here. He smiled softy at her and Eleanor huffed. “Okay fine, you’re happy. That’s great to hear.”
“Hey,” a shaky voice let out both people in the room turned to look and a timid looking attendant had appeared in the room. “I- it’s just visitation hours are almost over and you have to leave soon Miss” the young woman quickly spit out.
“Alright, I’ll be done soon.” Edward said quietly. “Oh! Okay, I’ll be right outside to walk you out when you’re done. She squeaked at Eleanor and quickly dashed out of the room before Eleanor could respond. “Well she certainly is cute.” Ellie smirked. “Ugh please don’t” Edward crinkled his nose in disgust. “I thought you wanted to see me happy Eddie?!?” Eleanor asked mock hurt dripping from her voice. “I do, I just don’t want to see you happy with the nurse who’s in charge of the rectal doses.” “Eh, I’ll give her a rectal dose.” She cackled. “Seriously? Edward gagged, “you’re so disgusting sometimes.” Edward said fondly as he rolled his eyes.
Anyway, I thought about it a little more and you’re right. I can’t really do much with my assets in here and you can control what does and doesn’t get out Ellie.” He said casually. Looking his sister in the eyes with a small smile.
“You really don’t have to, if it makes you uncomfortable.” Eleanor said shyly.
“No I’m fine with it, really.” “Okay then! I’ll get the paperwork together and you and I can sign it next time I come visit you!” she said as she clapped her hands with joy. With that she stood from the plastic chair and stretched her arms over her head. “Ugh, I’m getting old!” Eleanor bemoaned popping her joints. She finally placed her jacked back onto her shoulders and picked up her purse. She looked up to see the attendants starting to uncuff Edward and lead him back to his cell.
“You sure you’ll be okay in here Eddie?” Eleanor asked sadly. He stretched out his limbs, rubbing at his wrists and smiled at her. “Remember Elle, we’ve been through worse.” He called as the Arkham staff lead him from the visitation cell.
“Okay.” She said to no one in particular already missing Edward’s presence, once again feeling the looming sense of dread and loneliness wash over her. She walked from the room to where the nurse was waiting. As Eleanor left Arkham she released a breath she didn’t know she had been holding onto and walked to her waiting car. Worries for her brother and the future swirling about in her head.
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loredumptime · 2 years
20s STORY: clarice, [southern man], iola kleeman, petra aveson, cleo aveson
APAMA STORY: apama, iotape, roxane, kleandros
APOCALYPSE STORY: foyoko suzuki, nguyen duong, ramona ahmad, roxanna, maisel, pablo
BAND STORY: electra, andromeda, venus, juno, bijou, milan, kiki, amber, dorian
BASIL LOUISE: basil louise callaway, maxine greer
CIRQUE NOELLE: mellie patch, leo fig, noelle tuleja, quura, areck johansen, mirissa acquati, orion floros, lula marinos, prissy, the lemon girls
COLD WAR STORY: lukas petrauskas, alexei, nadia pavlovsky, annika, sasha petrauskas, natasha petrauskas, tina petrauskas, valentina campos, ximena aguado, ilya bykov, ona petrauskas, lyosha petrauskas, vladimir, svetlana
DYSTOPIAN DELILAH: lemonade blackstone, eun-ha park hakim, jared smith, alexander moore, delilah yoshida, andreaus choi, emil olsen, erzsebet kemeny, zsofia kemeny, liam kishka, cory anderson
EZRA AND THEO: ezra ramirez, theodore rundle, ebony wilson, madeleine drozdov, jade wu, maple wells
HELL STORY: ashari astiela, baphomet, azri diotallevi, lia diotallevi, ark, the devil
HOMEFRONT STORY: henri, tucker, mirabelle
HONEYPOT: eleanor sabina, carlotta fernandes
KING TUT STORY: king tutankhamun, [girl] 
KORE’S UNIVERSE: kore mariangela, gertrude muller, leon ryland, dyani chuchip, hanzou kenta, aurelie babineaux
LESBIAN PIRATES: maeve finch, mariana finch, elena-rose finch, aerynthe milleny
MARY STORY: mary, [killer], [brother], hotaru saito, magnolia lewis
PANDORA STORY: william vasilescu, adam lysander, pandora chung, [pandora’s mom]
PETER PAN RETELLING: pan, wendy, hook, [hook bf], tink
PROFESSOR STORY: [professor], [inspector]
RAVIOLI: aika, augustus, olympias, [augustus sister], [evil prince]
RHIANONH: rhiannon mitchell, micha amos, lark beaumont, micha amos, richard mitchell
SACRILEGIOUS KIDS: lamb, rowan march, belle melangell, finn laurier, shiloh st. james, adam page, marley grey, haniel, gabriel SADIK STORY: ahmed, mihr nush, sadik bin abdullah, roshanak, fatima 
SLASHER KIDS: milo saint, charlie messer, jack colton, eli shaw, oliver shaw
TUTOR FROM CORINTH: philippos, tullia, calidus, berenike, galene
WEREWOLF STORY: alicia hughes, marlene hughes, wolfsbane hughes, alfred hughes
WILD WEST STORY: wes, beau, lottie, eve
WOODSTOCK STORY: annamae sinclair, jolene dixon, [hippie mother], [hippie cult leader], [hippie girl], [hippie boy]
WW2 STORY: wilfried achterburg, pepper porter, felix alberton, kostya vasiliev, luciano vargaz, carla neguirra, gwendolyn achterburg
YOKAI STORY: rio watanabe, sol costa, sumi ito, chiyo ito, hana ito
ARCANA OC: amaris natale, rishva bakhshi, tallulah devorak, maksim devorak, nyneve satrinava, lorelai natale, asanna natale
BREAKING BAD OC: cager myers, elise myers
DC OC: phoebus, constance, ella nashton, duela dent, cyril bloom, elsa king
FICTIF OC: diego perez, beatrix sparks, malou rossi, heidi dunajski
FNAF OC: trixy cat, ollie, hope
GORILLAZ OC: margo green, lemonade blackstone, jackson haywood, anita baker, connor bailey, eun-ha park hakim, marla kekoa, mason kekoa, delilah yoshida, jemima green, etienne green, catalina, francesca, camila, louis miller, juliet
HARRY POTTER OC: freya thrawcliffe, fern marden, circe ellis, yoon hye-in, aiden carter
HETALIA OC: agnes escalona, carla / andorra
JOJO OC: cecilio grande, delia sallow, miguel, jean, consuelo grande, maria grande, leandro 
MARBLE HORNETS OC: nicholas hill
SLENDERVERSE OC: alice burns, beam, [the rest of these guys aren’t my ocs, i just want to reblog stuff with their aesthetics] sally williams, jeffrey woods, tim wright, brian thomas, jane richardson, kate milens, tobias rogers, nina hopkins
SOUTH PARK OC: coral kelley, nia valez
WAKFU OC: hanezil the xelor, amodri the osamodas, nella the cra, rook, isre, fionan, milien, cleora, totio the ouginak
WARRIOR CATS OC: roseleaf, foxtail, frostspeck, snowpaw, [df mentor], sheep, lily, [riverclan guy], violetpelt, goldenfur, hawk, sardine
YURI ON ICE OC: leena makela, wynn virtanen
DEAD OCS: sheena, hina takahashi, jazmin lafleure
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