#Election results market reaction
signode-blog · 4 months
A Resounding Victory: The Indian Financial Market's Response to the 2019 Lok Sabha Election Results
The 2019 Lok Sabha elections in India were a significant event, not only politically but also economically. The landslide victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under the leadership of Narendra Modi sent ripples across various sectors, notably the financial markets. This blog post delves into the intricate dynamics of how the Indian financial markets responded to the BJP’s victory and what…
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
[BBC is UK State Media]
Months in jail alongside ally and kingmaker Ousmane Sonko ended suddenly, with the pair released the week before the presidential election.
Now Mr Clean, as he's nicknamed, must get to work on the sweeping reforms he has promised.[...]
Fighting poverty, injustice and corruption are top of Mr Faye's agenda. While working at the Treasury, he and Mr Sonko created a union taskforce to tackle graft.
Gas, oil, fishing and defence deals must all be negotiated to better serve the Senegalese people, says Mr Faye.
He is ushering in an era of "sovereignty" and "rupture" as opposed to more of the same, he told voters, and that is especially true of ties to France.
Senegal's president-elect says he will drop the much-criticised CFA franc currency, which is pegged to the euro and backed by former colonial power France.
Mr Faye wants to replace it with a new Senegalese, or regional West African, currency[...]
Strengthening judicial independence and creating jobs for Senegal's large young population are also key priorities for Mr Faye[...]
One of Mr Faye's heroes is the late Senegalese historian Cheikh Anta Diop - whose work is seen as a precursor to Afrocentrism. Both are seen as left-wing cheerleaders for pan-Africanism.
As early results came in on Monday showing Mr Faye was set for victory, people in the capital, Dakar, celebrated by honking car horns and singing to loud music.
The reaction from international markets was less jubilant, with Senegal's dollar bonds falling to their lowest level in five months. Reuters news agency reports that investors are concerned Mr Faye's presidency may wind down the country's business-friendly policies.
25 Mar 24
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every once in a while, i have an urge to sit down and write an entire essay about The Purge franchise, specifically through the frame of reactions from people who either have not watched the movies or watched them while pissing on the poor.
because oh my fucking god do those reactions send me into a violent tailspin of irrational anger.
"the purge doesn't make logistical sense"
okay so have you ever heard of fiction? the train in snowpiercer doesnt make logistical sense either. it doesnt have to because its a vehicle in which to tell a story.
"people wouldnt just commit violent crimes because its legal now."
no they wouldnt. do you know that the first movie takes place on the 6th purge? do you know that story about frogs and boiling water?
"no one would ever agree to this. politicians couldnt implement this."
yeah so the fourth movie - The First Purge - is actually a prequel that explains how and why it got implemented.
see as a result of a general economic crisis, a new political party called the NFFA (new founding fathers of america) came to power, and two years into their political term, they ran "an experiment" and that experiment was the purge. the first purge took place on staten island; residents were offered $5000 to participate which comprised staying on staten island and letting the government put a tracking chip in your arm. there was also the opportunity of making more money if they "participated further."
people didnt all agree with this. thats a whole ass thing in the movie and the protagonist literally leads protests against it. it is a controversial thing. the NFFA literally have a sociologist as the face of it, one who talks to news reporters and assures people she and the experiment are apolitical.
the experiment is also fucking rigged. the government really send in roves of neo-nazis to kill citizens as a way of showing how "successful" the experiment is. it was never an experiment.
"but why would people believe that the purge is a good policy?
have you ever heard of propaganda?
throughout the films, there are constant displays of the propaganda the NFFA use to keep the citizens believing in the purge.
the NFFA are constantly lying to the citizens about the actual truth about the country. they often talk about how the stock market is doing great as evidence of a stable economy. there are fake experts in white lab coats lying to you about the purge being a good idea.
these movies are not subtle. they tell you outright that the government is lying to the people.
jesus fucking christ, in the third movie, part of the plot is the fact that in response to corruption being revealed, people are turning against the purge and protesting. dante bishop is a goddamn anti-purge activist.
"crime rate year round wouldnt go down because of the purge, that doesnt make sense "
yeah no shit sherlock. thats literally a defining theme in the entireass franchise. the government is lying. they actually use the purge as population control because theyre fascists.
in the first movie, the NFFA claim the country is basically crime-free and that the unemployment rate is 1%. do you think james demonaco wrote that with the intention of you believing it to be true? have you considered that maybe you were meant to be like huh, thats suspicious?
the first movie is the least overtly political, but one of the defining themes is in regards to the performative nature of the purge and the way it is mythologised.
"all crime is legal. so what, can i commit tax fraud?"
the rules of the purge are made up of. the entire idea is performative. the NFFA are not beholden to these rules; if it benefits them (or if not doing so poses risk to them), they will arrest you for "crimes" you committed during the purge.
in the third movie, The Purge: Election Year, they change the rules because of the risk charlie roan poses to them. roan is a senator running for president on an explicitly anti-purge platform and there is a very good chance that she will win the election, so they revoke the immunity (its still illegal to murder them) granted to government officials during the purge because they plan to kill her.
the NFFA do not care what citizens do during the purge, as long as it is not threatening to them.
"how would they even know if you killed someone an hour after the purge ended?"
they wouldnt. they also wouldnt care.
see above.
"the purge is stupid. people arent inherently violent."
no. no theyre not. thats the fucking point of these films.
they are not subtle films. they come with a free portable toilet so you can watch them without pissing on the poor.
what did you think the plots of these movies were? if the movies were not directly engaging with the concept of the purge and what it actually means, what the fuck do you think the movies are about? do you think the movies are just 90 minutes of indiscriminate violence?
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bestworstcase · 28 days
klasdaskdasldas. i have a. great multitude of follow-up questions after the incarnadine post and i am struggling to decide which to ask, if that's okay? uhhhhhhh. i'm definitely curious about the Alsius Meritocratic Party/changes between Mantelian government and Atlesian government!
( the incarnadine post )
brief background: the pre-war mantle had a legislative assembly for which all adult citizens were eligible and selected by lot each year; military and civil magistracies were both elected by the assembly, and the assembly’s agenda was set for it by a theocratic executive body called the chancery. (the state religion was a highly syncretic form of madagian – worship of the four maidens – which remains the dominant religion in atlas today). notionally, the chancery was an elective body but in practice the state church was the king-maker, and decades preceding the great war were marked by a steady erosion of state power from the assembly and the (already somewhat impotent) judiciary.
post-war, reforms imposed by the vytal accords stripped executive power from the chancery (which still exists as the governing body of the state church, itself much diminished in political power) and replaced it with an executive council (6 elective seats, 3 appointed by the elected councilmen). the magistracies and judiciary were also restructured and strengthened but that’s not particularly relevant for the subject of this post; the assembly largely did not change, other than penalties for absences being reduced and the establishment of a procedure for the assemblies to impeach members of the council under certain circumstances.
so!! the executive council has no direct legislative power but because it sets the agenda for the assembly, it exercises quite a lot of indirect legislative influence (in that the council can kill any proposed law by declining to call the assembly for a vote). that plus it’s being elective plus its small size makes it the most powerful branch of the atlesian government and the one political parties typically focus most on controlling.
the AMP arose in reaction to post-war social reforms, primarily related to faunus civil rights but also a raft of new labor laws, which precipitated a migration of wealthy mantelians (in particular, former slave owners, most of whom had operated dust mines reliant on enslaved labor) to the swiftly-growing suburb surrounding atlas academy. (before the great war, atlas academy had been called alsius; hence ‘alsius meritocratic party’)
early on, the main thing the AMP stood against was a set of government programs to bring newly-emancipated fauni into a level economic playing field, which were funded largely by taxes targeted narrowly on industries where slave labor had been ubiquitous. by the present day, the party platform has moderated away from overtly anti-fauni policies (as these are politically toxic) to a broader anti-regulatory, anti-union position. the AMP is reviled in mantle but popular in atlas, which—because four of the six elective council seats are allotted to districts in atlas—has resulted in the AMP holding council majorities more often than not for the last few decades.
aside from the disdain for business regulation and worker rights, the modern AMP platform is built around a philosophy that equal opportunity is desirable, but shouldn’t be achieved by ‘penalizing success’ (i.e., imposing regulations or higher taxes on corporations and wealth). staunchly pro-military, strong support for heavy investment into public education and healthcare, socially egalitarian (nominally; there’s a noticeable covert hostility toward faunus rights still), against government subsidization of industries except for dust mining (although the fringe of the party wants to slash these too; the problem is that atlas/mantle would be uninhabitable without dust, but dust mining in the tundra is incredibly costly. the SDC runs its solitan mines at a loss it offsets in other more profitable markets, further shored up by military contracts; every other atlas-based mining competitor is dependent on government subsidies to stay afloat.)
currently the AMP holds four seats on the council. there’s a popular movement in mantle to expand the number of council seats to eleven by breaking up the mantle ‘districts’ into a seat per major borough, but that has virtually no chance of getting off the ground until/unless an atlas seat flips.
(the non-elective seats are held by 1. headmaster of atlas, 2. army general, and 3. governor of mantle, with the former two currently both held by ironwood; the votes for/against calling an assembly to vote on this proposal are currently three for, five against. if one of the AMP-held atlas seats flips it’ll be four-four and the thinking is that ironwood may be persuadable. if it goes to the assembly it’s all but guaranteed to pass, because the nature of the assembly—a set proportion of the citizen population, selected annually by random lot—means it’s statistically likely in any given year that the assembly’s majority will be working- and middle-class mantelians)
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mariacallous · 5 months
Liz Truss is the most disastrous and unpopular leader in modern British history. Mortgage holders and small businesses still loathe her for sending interest rates through the roof. Her short, catastrophic premiership is routinely compared unfavourably to the shelf life of a lettuce. (A comparison first made by the bright leader writers at the Economist to give credit where it is due.)
When Labour wins the next election, its triumph will be in part the result of the public’s reaction against her vast and dogmatic economic folly.
If you were Liz Truss, you might retire from public life. At the very least you would apologize and hang your head in shame.
If readers expect contrition, however, they have yet to learn that being on the radical right means never having to say you are sorry.
Truss’s demotion from national leader to national joke has not embarrassed her in the slightest but pushed deep into paranoid conspiracism.
Her autobiography, bizarrely titled Ten Years to Save the West, as if the fate of liberal democracy depended on the advice of an epic failure,  shows that, despite all she did to this country, her eyes still shine with a bright, self-righteous fanaticism, as if the sockets are backlit by an idiot’s lantern,
Chutzpah used to be defined as murdering both your parents and asking the court for clemency because you are an orphan. In Truss’s case it is using the power of the prime minister to crash the economy and then claiming she was a powerless victim of the liberal elite.
Her writing is as lacking in self-awareness as it is powered by self-righteousness.
At one point she says in all innocence that, when Boris Johnson resigned in the summer of 2022, her agent encouraged her to join the race to be prime minister, as the campaign might be good for her profile.
But she reports that he then wisely added “it would be for the best if I came second”.
Later she informs us that during the leadership campaign she “frankly lost trust in many of my erstwhile ministerial colleagues who were supporting my opponent [Rishi Sunak].
“They had spent the last six weeks not just attacking me but seeking to undermine my plans, saying my agenda was unworkable."
Truss never stops to think that the few people who will finish this book will believe that her agent was right, and it would clearly have been for the best if she had never been prime minister.
Nor does she contemplate the possibility that her agenda was indeed “unworkable”, and was proved to be unworkable when her unfunded tax cuts and fuel subsidies sent the price of gilts shooting up, the value of the pound crashing down, and caused a crisis in the pension industry for good measure.
And yet, and yet…Mock her as much as you like. Please don’t hold back on my account. But you cannot dismiss her.
There are two reasons why Truss is still dangerous. The first lies in the strength of the right-wing clique that brought her to power.
It is true that Liz Truss did not become prime minister by winning over Conservative MPs. As with Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour party, Truss’s career illustrates the danger of expecting leaders who do not have the support of a plurality of their colleagues to function in a Parliamentary democracy.
But she still beat Rishi Sunak with the votes of 57 percent of Tory members.
And with the honourable exception of the Times, the Tory press was all for her. “In Liz We Trust”, said the Express “Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Woman”, cried the Mail. “Liz Puts Her Foot on the Gas”, cheered the Sun.
Kwasi Kwarteng set off a market panic as he put Truss’s ideas into practice in the mini budget of September 2022. The reaction of right-wing papers was not one of alarm, however, but of adoration.
“At last”, gushed the Daily Mail, “a True Tory Budget”. A Daily Telegraph commentator said it was “the best Budget I have ever heard a British Chancellor deliver”.
Meanwhile the Truss premiership allowed the voodoo economics of the US-influenced (and in all probability US-financed) think tanks to finally impose itself on this luckless country.  The Centre for Policy Studies welcomed the mini-budget saying it was “exactly what we would have hoped for”. The Taxpayers’ Alliance called it “the most taxpayer-friendly budget in recent memory”.
Robert Saunders of Queen Mary University made the unarguable point that Truss was not an aberration or some alien figure that had appeared from nowhere to take over the Conservative party.
Follow  the money that cascaded in from party donors, he said, and “the Truss premiership begins to look less like the personal failure of a flawed individual, and more like a systemic disaster for which the party bears collective responsibility”.
Those forces will dominate the Conservative party after its defeat and drive it to the radical right. Indeed, in opposition the members, the think tanks, the  press and the ideologue donors will become more important, for they will be all the party has.
In a sign of things to come, Truss is already allying with Nigel Farage, and even Rishi Sunak says he will not ban Farage from joining Conservative party.
Despite her failure, Truss remains a potent figure on the radical right because of her championing of revanchism, which is now its dominant emotion.
This isn't a book. It’s a 300-page wail of resentment at a world that will not do as it is told.
I have no problem with conservatives complaining about woke policies taking over institutions. Only a fool or liar maintains that progressive biases among supposedly impartial organisations are an invention of the right,
But the woke conspiracy Truss invokes is of a wholly different order. It is utterly fantastical.
To recap, Truss's unfunded subsidies and tax cuts panicked the bond markets.  They would not lend to a country whose leaders lacked plausible means of meeting its debts. Or if they did lend they would demand an additional yield on government bonds, which  became known in plain-speaking financial markets as the “moron premium”: the extra cost that comes with lending to a nation run by idiots.
In her apologia Truss, who still poses as a Thatcherite, no longer sees markets as an expression of the wisdom of crowds, but as a conspiracy to do her down.
 “I came to realise there is no such thing as ‘the market’ in this sense. Rather, there are groups of influential individuals in the financial establishment, all of whom know and speak to one another in a closed feedback loop. The Treasury, the Bank of England, and the OBR are deeply embedded in these social networks and share the same beliefs in the established economic orthodoxy."
The markets were at fault for not seeing her financial genius. Financial traders were the world’s unlikeliest lefties. Even though she and Kwarteng fired the permanent secretary at the Treasury and cut out the Bank of England and Office for Budget Responsibility from policy making, they were still, somehow, responsible for Tory failure.
“The powerful vested interests there pushed back, made my life very difficult and ultimately got me fired,” Truss concludes.
Older readers may remember a time when Conservatives insisted on personal responsibility. You were not allowed to blame crime on poverty or your failings on a bad childhood. You were accountable.
But the case of Liz Truss proves that these morality tales were only ever for the poor. In her mind, the economy collapsed not because of decisions she made but because of “a sustained whispering campaign by the economic establishment, encouraged and fueled by my political opponents in the Conservative Party who refused to accept my mandate to lead”.
Trumpism is the end point of such conspiracism and revanchism, and Truss goes all the way down the line to the terminus.
She mutters about the “deep state” a Trumpian phrase she uses without irony or self-knowledge.
And even though her support for Ukraine was her redeeming feature during her time as foreign secretary and prime minister, she is now supporting the pro-Putin Trump and his allies in Congress who are denying aid to Kyiv.
Truss is finished. But the resentment born of failure and the fury at modernity ensures Trump is still very much with us. 
If he delights Putin and wins in November, the UK and Europe will learn the hard way that the real threat to Western civilisation comes from  Liz Truss and her friends.
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By Thom Hartmann
Back in 1967, a friend of mine and I hitchhiked from East Lansing, Michigan to San Francisco to spend the summer in Haight-Ashbury. One ride dropped us off in Sparks, Nevada, and within minutes of putting our thumbs out a city police car stopped and arrested us for vagrancy.
The cop, a young guy with an oversized mustache who was apologetic for the city’s policy, drove us to the desert a mile or so beyond the edge of town, where we hitchhiked standing by a distressing light-post covered with graffiti reading “39 hours without a ride,” “going on our third day,” and “anybody got any water?”
Vagrancy laws were so 20th century.
Today, the US Supreme Court heard a case involving efforts by the City of Grants Pass, Oregon to keep homeless people off its streets and out of its parks and other public property. The city had tried a number of things when the problem began to explode in the last year of the Trump administration, as The Oregonian newspaper notes:
“They discussed putting them in their old jail, creating an unwanted list, posting signs at the city border or driving people out of town... Currently, officers patrol the city nearly every day, Johnson said, handing out [$295] citations to people who are camping or sleeping on public property or for having too many belongings with them.”
The explosion in housing costs has triggered two crises: homelessness and inflation. The former is harming the livability of our cities and towns, and the Fed’s reaction to the latter threatens an incumbency-destroying recession just as we head into what will almost certainly be the most important election in American history.
The problem with housing inflation is so severe today that without it the nation’s overall core CPI inflation rate would be in the neighborhood of Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s 2% goal.
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Graphic based on BLM data and interpretation by The Financial Times
Both homelessness and today’s inflation are the result of America — unlike many other countries — allowing housing to become a commodity that can be traded and speculated in by financial markets and overseas investors.
Forty-three years into America’s Reaganomics experiment, homelessness has gone from a problem to a crisis. Rarely, though, do you hear that Wall Street — a prime beneficiary of Reagan’s deregulation campaign — is helping cause it.
32% seems to be the magic threshold, according to research funded by the real estate listing company Zillow. When neighborhoods hit rent rates in excess of 32% of neighborhood income, homelessness explodes.
And we’re seeing it play out right in front of us in cities across America because a handful of Wall Street billionaires want to make a killing.
It wasn’t always this way in America.
Housing prices have spun out of control since my dad bought his house in 1957 when I was six years old. He got a Veteran’s Administration-subsidized loan and picked up the brand-new 3-bedroom-1-bath ranch house my 3 brothers and I grew up in, in suburban south Lansing, Michigan. It cost him $13,000, which was about twice what he made every year working a good union job in a tool-and-die shop.
When my dad bought his home in the 1950s the median price of a single-family house was 2.2 times the median American family income. Today, the Fed says, the median house sells for $479,500 while the median American personal income is $41,000 — a ratio of more than ten-to-one between housing costs and annual income.
As the Zillow study notes:
“Across the country, the rent burden already exceeds the 32% [of median income] threshold in 100 of the 386 markets included in this analysis….”
And wherever housing prices become more than three times annual income, homelessness stalks like the grim reaper.
We’re told that America’s cities have seen this increase in housing costs since the 1950s in some part because of the growing wealth and population of this country. There were, after all, 168 million people in the US the year my dad bought his house; today there are 330 million.
And it’s true that we haven’t been building enough new housing, particularly low-income housing, as 43 years of neoliberal Reaganomics have driven down wages and income for working-class people relative to all of their expenses while stopping the construction of virtually any new subsidized low-income housing.
But that’s not the only, or even the main dynamic, driving housing prices into the stratosphere — and, as a consequence, the crisis in homelessness — over the past decade. You can thank speculation for much of that.
As the Zillow-funded study noted:
“This research demonstrates that the homeless population climbs faster when rent affordability — the share of income people spend on rent — crosses certain thresholds. In many areas beyond those thresholds, even modest rent increases can push thousands more Americans into homelessness.”
So how did we get here?
It started with a wave of foreign buyers over the past 30 years (particularly from China, Canada, Mexico, India and Colombia) who, in just the one single year of 2020, picked up over 154,000 homes as their way of parking money in America. Which is part of why there are over 20 times more empty houses in America than there are homeless people.
As Marketwatch noted in a 2015 article titled “The Danger of Foreign Buyers Gobbling Up American Homes”:
“Unusual high appreciation of the aforementioned urban centers is due to the ever growing influx of foreign buyers — mostly wealthy Chinese — who view American residential real estate as the safest investment commodity. … According to a National Realtors Association survey, the Chinese spent $22 billion on U.S. housing in 12 months through March 2014…. [Other foreign buyers primarily include] Canadians, British, Indians and Mexicans.”
But foreign investment has been down for the past few years; what’s taken over and is really driving home prices today are massive, multi-billion-dollar US-based funds that sweep into neighborhoods and buy everything available, bidding against families and driving up housing prices.
As noted in a Wall Street Journal article titled “Meet Your New Landlord: Wall Street,” in just one suburb (Spring Hill) of Nashville, “In all of Spring Hill, four firms … own nearly 700 houses … [which] amounts to about 5% of all the houses in town.”
This is the tiniest tip of the iceberg.
“On the first Tuesday of each month,” notes the Journal article about a similar phenomenon in Atlanta, investors “toted duffels stuffed with millions of dollars in cashier’s checks made out in various denominations so they wouldn’t have to interrupt their buying spree with trips to the bank…”
The same thing is happening in cities and suburbs all across America; the investment goliaths use finely-tuned computer algorithms to sniff out houses they can turn into rental properties, making over-market and unbeatable cash bids often within minutes of a house hitting the market.
After stripping neighborhoods of homes families can buy, they then begin raising rents as high as the market will bear.
In the Nashville suburb of Spring Hill, for example, the vice-mayor, Bruce Hull, told the Journal you used to be able to rent “a three bedroom, two bath house for $1,000 a month.” Today, the Journal notes:
“The average rent for 148 single-family homes in Spring Hill owned by the big four [Wall Street investor] landlords was about $1,773 a month…”
Ryan Dezember, in his book Underwater: How Our American Dream of Homeownership Became a Nightmare, describes the story of a family trying to buy a home in Phoenix. Every time they entered a bid, they were outbid instantly, the price rising over and over, until finally the family’s father threw in the towel.
“Jacobs was bewildered,” writes Dezember. “Who was this aggressive bidder?”
Turns out it was Blackstone Group, now the world’s largest real estate investor. At the time they were buying $150 million worth of American houses every week, trying to spend over $10 billion. And that’s just a drop in the overall bucket.
In 2018, corporations bought 1 out of every 10 homes sold in America, according to Dezember, noting that, “Between 2006 and 2016, when the homeownership rate fell to its lowest level in fifty years, the number of renters grew by about a quarter.”
This all really took off around a decade ago, when Morgan Stanley published a 2011 report titled “The Rentership Society,” arguing that — in the wake of the 2008 Bush Housing Crash — snapping up houses and renting them back to people who otherwise would have wanted to buy them could be the newest and hottest investment opportunity for Wall Street’s billionaires and their funds.
Turns out, Morgan Stanley was right. Warren Buffett, KKR, and The Carlyle Group have all jumped into residential real estate, along with hundreds of smaller investment groups, and the National Home Rental Council has emerged as the industry’s premier lobbying group, working to block rent control legislation and other efforts to regulate the industry.
As John Husing, the owner of Economics and Politics Inc., told The Tennessean newspaper:
“What you have are neighborhoods that are essentially unregulated apartment houses. It could be disastrous for the city.”
Meanwhile, as unionization levels here remain among the lowest in the developed world, Reagan’s ongoing war on working people continues to wipe out America’s families.
At the same time that housing prices, both to purchase and to rent, are being driven through the roof by foreign and Wall Street investors, a survey published by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that American families are in crisis.
Their study found:
— “Thirty-eight percent (38%) of [all] households across the nation report facing serious financial problems in the previous few months.
— “There is a sharp income divide in serious financial problems, as 59% of those with annual incomes below $50,000 report facing serious financial problems in the past few months, compared with 18% of households with annual incomes of $50,000 or more.
— “These serious financial problems are cited despite 67% of households reporting that in the past few months, they have received financial assistance from the government.
— “Another significant problem for many U.S. households is losing their savings during the COVID-19 outbreak. Nineteen percent (19%) of U.S. households report losing all of their savings during the COVID-19 outbreak and not currently having any savings to fall back on.
— “At the time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) eviction ban expired, 27% of renters nationally reported serious problems paying their rent in the past few months.”
These are not separate issues, and they are driving an explosion in homelessness.
The Zillow study found similarly damning data:
— “Communities where people spend more than 32% of their income on rent can expect a more rapid increase in homelessness.
— “Income growth has not kept pace with rents, leading to an affordability crunch with cascading effects that, for people on the bottom economic rung, increases the risk of homelessness.
— “The areas that are most vulnerable to rising rents, unaffordability, and poverty hold 15% of the U.S. population — and 47% of people experiencing homelessness.”
The Zillow study makes grim reading and is worth checking out. In community after community, when rent prices exceeded 32% of median household income, homelessness exploded. It’s measurable, predictable, and is destroying what’s left of the American working class, particularly minorities.
The loss of affordable homes also locks otherwise middle-class families out of the traditional way wealth is accumulated — through homeownership: Over 61% of all American middle-income family wealth is their home’s equity. And as families are priced out of ownership and forced to rent, they become more vulnerable to long-term economic struggles and homelessness.
Housing is one of the primary essentials of life. Nobody in America should be without it, and for society to work, housing costs must track incomes in a way that makes housing both available and affordable. This requires government intervention in the so-called “free market.”
— Last year, Canada banned most foreign buyers from buying residential property as a way of controlling their housing inflation.
— New Zealand similarly passed its no-foreigners law (except for Singaporeans and Australians) in 2018.
— Thailand requires a minimum investment of $1.2 million and the equivalent of a green card.
— Greece bans most non-EU citizens from buying real estate in most of the country.
— To buy residential housing in Denmark, it must be your primary residence and you must have lived in the country for at least 5 years.
— Vietnam, Austria, Hungary, and Cyprus also heavily restrict who can buy residential property, where, and under what terms.
This isn’t rocket science; the problem could be easily fixed by Congress if there was a genuine willingness to protect our real estate market from the vultures who’ve been circling it for years.
Unfortunately, when Clarence Thomas was the deciding vote to allow billionaires and hedge funds to legally bribe members of Congress in Citizens United, he and his four fellow Republicans opened the floodgates to “contributions” and “gifts” from foreign and Wall Street interests to pay off legislators to ignore the problem.
Because there’s no lobbying group for the interests of average homeowners or the homeless, it’s up to us to raise hell with our elected officials. The number for the Congressional switchboard is 202-224-3121.
If ever there was a time to solve this problem — and regulate corporate and foreign investment in American single-family housing — it’s now.
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plethoraworldatlas · 10 months
Far-right outsider Javier Milei wins Argentina’s presidency
Javier Milei has won Argentina’s presidential elections in provisional results, wrenching his country to the right with a bombastic anti-establishment campaign that drew comparisons to that of former US President Donald Trump – all against the backdrop of one of the world’s highest inflation rates.
His rival Sergio Massa conceded the run-off vote on Sunday evening in a brief speech even before official results were announced. “Milei is the president elected for the next 4 years,” said Massa, adding that he had already called Milei to congratulate him.
Milei’s victory marks an extraordinary rise for the former TV pundit, who entered the race as a political outsider on a promise to “break up with the status quo” – exemplified by Sergio Massa.
His campaign promise to dollarize Argentina, if enacted, is expected to thrust the country into new territory: no country of Argentina’s size has previously turned over the reins of its own monetary policy to Washington decisionmakers.
Milei, a social conservative with ties to the American right, opposes abortion rights and has called climate change a “lie of socialism.” He has promised to slash government spending by closing Argentina’s ministries of culture, education, and diversity, and by eliminating public subsidies.
“Make Argentina great again!” Trump posted on his platform Truth Social Sunday, in reaction to Milei’s win. “I am very proud of you,” he wrote.
Similarities to Trump have not gone unnoticed in the United States as it prepares for its own presidential elections. Milei succeeded in attracting attention at home not only because of his political style – including wielding chainsaws and raging outbursts – but also because of the novelty of his positions and eagerness to upset the status quo.
Echoing the Trumpian slogan, ‘Drain the swamp’, Milei’s supporters shout “¡¡Qué se vayan todos!!” which translates as “May they all leave!” – an expression of fury at politicians from both sides of the spectrum. Argentina’s left is currently in government, following rule by the right from 2015 to 2019.
Outside of his controversial plan for dollarization, Milei’s political program includes slashing regulations on gun control and transferring authority over the penitentiary system from civilians to the military; both measures part of a tough-on-crime approach. He proposes using public funds to support families who choose to educate their children privately and even privatizing the health sector, which in Argentina has always been in public hands.
Several outspoken comments landed Milei in hot water, without deterring his most ardent supporters. He triggered an uproar when it appeared Milei was in favor of opening a market for organ transplants, although he later retracted his declarations. He was similarly forced to apologize after calling Pope Francis, who is from Argentina and is seen as an icon of progressive politics in South America, “an envoy of Satan” in 2017.
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tdasx · 13 days
Tdasx: Key Factors Influencing the Technical Trends, Investor Sentiment, and Future Price Rebound of Bitcoin
Tdasx notes that the current cryptocurrency market is navigating a complex macroeconomic and market environment. The upcoming rate cut cycle of the Federal Reserve, uncertainties surrounding the U.S. presidential election, and global economic liquidity changes are all having profound impacts on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Simultaneously, the technical trends and fluctuations of Bitcoin in investor sentiment are adding further uncertainty to the short-term direction of the market. Tdasx believes that while macroeconomic policies and market behaviors may induce short-term price volatility, the long-term market outlook of Bitcoin remains deeply influenced by its competition with traditional assets and changes in the global economic structure.
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Tdasx: How Fed Rate Cuts, U.S. Elections, and Inflation Impact the Future of Bitcoin Market
Tdasx highlights that recent global financial market volatility and adjustments in macroeconomic policies have significantly affected the Bitcoin market. Major events such as the anticipated rate cuts of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. presidential election are reshaping the market prospects of Bitcoin. Despite market expectations for policy changes in the coming months, Tdasx advises that investors should rationally consider both the short-term and long-term impacts of these macroeconomic factors on the Bitcoin market. The anticipation of a Federal Reserve rate cut has garnered widespread market attention. According to the CME FedWatch tool, the market is pricing in a 30% chance of a 50 basis point rate cut by the Fed next week. Tdasx explains that while rate cuts are typically seen as a signal of accommodative monetary policy, potentially benefiting risk assets like Bitcoin in the short term, this policy might also signal broader economic concerns. Historical data shows that Fed easing cycles do not always result in immediate market rebounds and may even intensify investor worries about economic slowdowns. Tdasx emphasizes that while increased liquidity from rate cuts may boost Bitcoin prices temporarily, it could also introduce long-term uncertainties, particularly in the face of an unclear global economic outlook. Additionally, Tdasx notes that the U.S. presidential election could have significant implications for the Bitcoin market. Former President Trump is known for his favorable stance on cryptocurrencies and his commitment to preserving the status of the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency. Tdasx points out that while the policies of Trump might positively influence the cryptocurrency market, the actual impact will depend on global market reactions to the status and adjustments of the dollar in international policies. Inflation and liquidity issues also remain key factors for the Bitcoin market. The S&P 500 futures have risen by 1.4% since September 6, largely driven by expectations of future Fed rate cuts. With the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) expected to rise by 2.6% year-on-year in August, indicating a potential slowdown in inflation, this could prompt the Fed to adopt more accommodative monetary policies. Tdasx highlights that the rate cuts of the Fed will increase liquidity, which not only helps to push up prices of risk assets like Bitcoin but may also trigger greater market volatility. Therefore, Tdasx advises investors to closely monitor policy changes in the coming months and to remain cautious when developing investment strategies to navigate market uncertainties.
Tdasx: Bitcoin Technical Indicators and Market Trend Analysis – Resistance Breakthrough and Bullish/Bearish Sentiment Impact
Tdasx asserts that the technical trends and investor sentiment of Bitcoin are crucial to its short-term price movements. Since falling below $53,000, the rapid rebound of Bitcoin to $57,000 indicates that buying pressure is strengthening after a brief correction. However, Tdasx stresses that whether Bitcoin can break through the key resistance level at $58,000 will determine its price direction over the coming weeks. A successful breakthrough could lead to further gains, with a target price potentially reaching $62,000, representing a 10% increase. Tdasx also monitors the premium rate of the monthly futures of Bitcoin. The annualized premium rate for the monthly futures of Bitcoin remains stable at around 6%, reflecting continued strong demand despite market volatility. Tdasx notes that this stable premium rate demonstrates investor confidence in future prices, with market participants generally believing in the long-term upward potential of Bitcoin. Furthermore, Tdasx highlights that the number of Bitcoin addresses with non-zero balances has exceeded 50 million in 2024 and has significantly increased in September. This data is seen as a positive indicator of the long-term adoption trend of Bitcoin, showing that more investors are holding Bitcoin in the current market. Tdasx suggests that as the user base expands, the market foundation of Bitcoin becomes more robust, with future price fluctuations increasingly supported by long-term investors.
Tdasx: Performance Amidst Investor Sentiment Fluctuations
Tdasx observes that analysts are cautious about the future price trajectory of Bitcoin. Despite the rebound of Bitcoin to $57,000 in recent days, some investors remain skeptical about its future performance. They anticipate that the price of Bitcoin may retreat to the $45,000 to $55,000 range, presenting a potential entry opportunity for those expecting a price correction. Tdasx notes that while short-term market fluctuations are influenced by macroeconomic factors, investor confidence in long-term performance remains challenged, especially as the short-term liquidity effects of rate cuts dissipate. Simultaneously, Tdasx identifies a weakening sell-side pressure, indicating a potential upcoming rebound in the Bitcoin market. According to Rekt Capital, the current market sell pressure is gradually diminishing, suggesting that selling forces are nearing exhaustion and investor sentiment is beginning to improve. This phenomenon typically signals a forthcoming price reversal, providing an opportunity for investors to enter the market and potentially achieve short-term gains.
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blockinsider · 15 days
Ethereum Price Close to Lowest as Network Expansion Reaches 4-Month High
Key Points
Ethereum (ETH) is nearing a correction bottom, setting the stage for a potential bull rally.
The Ethereum network has seen a four-month peak in growth, with over 126k new wallets created.
After a period of significant bearish trends, Ethereum (ETH) appears to be reaching a potential bottom. This could set the stage for a major bull rally in the near future.
Last week, Ethereum, boasting a fully diluted valuation of roughly $277 billion and an average daily traded volume of around $11 billion, nearly retested the correction low from the market crash on August 5.
Retesting Crucial Levels
Currently, the ETH price against the US dollar is retesting a key trendline support level. This level has been forming since early 2023. A successful rebound from this support level could lead to a rally towards Ethereum’s all-time high in the coming months.
The anticipated Fed’s interest rate cut on September 18 and the upcoming general election are expected to trigger the next bull market phase. Additionally, Bitcoin has been forming a macro reversal pattern, which could accelerate the crypto cash rotation to altcoins and catalyze the much-anticipated altseason.
Network Growth Surge
The Ethereum network, the leading web3-focused blockchain with over $43 billion in Total Value Locked (TVL) and a $82 billion stablecoins market cap, has attracted more users recently. On-chain data analysis from Santiment shows that the network has registered significant growth, with over 126k new wallets created on a single day.
This increase in adoption has a bullish outlook for Ethereum in the near term. Moreover, Ethereum is the top tokenization ecosystem used by most institutional investors. The recent approval of spot Ether ETFs in the United States has also notably improved the altcoin’s fundamentals.
Whale Investors’ Reactions
Despite fears of further crypto selloffs in the remaining weeks of September, on-chain data shows varied reactions from Ethereum whales. Some have been offloading, while others have held all through. For example, the US spot Ether ETFs have now seen four consecutive weeks of cash outflows.
Interestingly, the US spot Ether ETFs have registered only one week of net cash inflows since the official approval by the US SEC.
According to on-chain data analysis by Lookonchain, an Ether whale sold approximately 28,554 ETH units, worth about $64.4 million, to pay off all debts on Aave, resulting in a loss of more than $17 million.
Meanwhile, the supply of Ether on centralized exchanges has remained low, dropping by over 500k in the past five months.
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thepitofjob · 1 month
Job 16: 1-5. "The Worms."
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According to Jon, the attraction between the soul and the Self, like truth to groundedness, effort and Shabbos, one man and another man is called "like a magnet to a nail."
This is not controversial, but few know how to experience the chemical reaction that creates the result, what is called Ha Shem by the Torah. There is a stage between Shabbos and Ha Shem called Paddan Aram "the ultimate substitution" we need to talk about now.
Paddan Aram is the ransom we pay for the chance to be happy. It takes around twenty five years to educate a human being, citizen them and launch them successfully from home into an independent life with a partner.
It not an effortless or inexpensive process, a great deal of sacrifice is required by all of society to make one individual successful. We have deemed this worth it and invest heavily in public schools, universities, medical schools, law school, the armed forces, etc.
The etymology says all this work and cost is a "basin of exchange for freedom and liberty":
"The verb פדה (pada) describes a letting go of an old standard (say, phonetic spelling) and assuming a new one (standardized spelling). The new standard may appear more restrictive at a personal level but it allows a much greater precision and thus basin of exchange and thus liberty at the collective level.
This verb speaks of an individual price paid for collective freedom and is as such often translated as to ransom or redeem. In the stories of the Bible, the old standard often appears as captor or abductor or slave-driving task master.
Nouns פדוים (peduyim), פדות (pedut), פדיום (pidyom), פדיון (pidyon) and פדין (pidyon) all mean ransom or price of redemption.
The verb רום (rum) means to be high or high up in either a physical, social or even attitudinal sense, and may also refer to the apex in a natural process: the being ripe and ready-for-harvest of fruits. Subsequently, our verb may imply a state beyond ripe (higher than ripe, overripe), which thus refers to rotting and being maggot riddled. This means that to the ancients, higher did not simply mean better, and an arrogant political status that was higher than it should be equaled rot and worms (Acts 12:23).
Derived nouns, such as רום (rum) and related forms such as רמה (rama), describe height or pride. Noun רמות (ramut) describes some high thing. The noun ארמון ('armon) refers to a society's apex: a citadel or palace. The noun ראם (re'em) describes the wild ox, which was named possibly for the same reason why we moderns call a rising market a "bull" market. The similar verb ראם (ra'am) means to rise.
The important noun רמון (rimmon) means pomegranate and the pomegranate became the symbol for harvest-ready fruit (see our full dictionary article for more on this). Overripe items might suffer the noun רמה (rimma), worm or maggot, or the verb רמם (ramam), to be wormy."
Lately, we have not been as enthusiastic about educating or the benefits of civilization. Things are getting kind of wormy all around the world. Something derailed us, around three years ago, when Donald Trump and the Mormons attacked the US Capitol. Then came the war in Ukraine, then came October 7, when Donald Trump and the Mormons attacked Israel, the entire planet is embattled with the weather, and criminal idiots without deep concern for the conditions prevalent on the planet are being allowed to seek public office once again. Political worms are crawling out of their hiding places leaving rotten fruits in their trail.
An election is not going to fix things, the worms will just crawl away and they will try harder next time. These things are making me shake my head.
The next section of the Book of Job explains forbearance through times that are wormy rather than fruitful. Notwithstanding, the government must do its duty, but unless the human race is willing to sacrifice, war and oppression are all we shall ever have:
16 Then Job replied:
2 “I have heard many things like these;     you are miserable comforters, all of you! 3 Will your long-winded speeches never end?     What ails you that you keep on arguing? 4 I also could speak like you,     if you were in my place; I could make fine speeches against you     and shake my head at you. 5 But my mouth would encourage you;     comfort from my lips would bring you relief.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1-3: You are miserable comforters with long-winded speeches. The Number is 12060, יב‎ אֶפֶסס Twelve Ephesus. The Numbers in Hebrew build to a value of 12 before they reset:
10:אאֶפֶס‎= "equate to zero." "the responsible person in the disaster area."
11: אא‎ ‎= "A1 Qualities."
12:א‎ב‎= "The alphabet."
13: אג‎= Ag, "lead oneself."
"The verb αγω (ago) means to guide or lead and thus to bring, carry, conduct, fetch and so on. It's is cognate with the Latin verb agere (to set in motion), the Sanskrit ajati (to drive) and shares its Proto-Indo-European root "heg-", to drive, with English words like "agile" and even the verb "to act." It's somewhat on a par with the verb φερω (phero), although the latter seems to be more calculated and commercial while the former somewhat more natural.
Our verb αγω (ago) essentially describes the artificial directing of something's natural energy — like water along the banks of a channel, or groups of people along directives and instructions — which comes down to a partial restriction of free movement.
In the subjunctive mood (which expresses a wish) and applied to oneself or oneselves, our verb translates as something like "that we might lead ourselves" or rather simply "let's go" (Matthew 26:46, Mark 1:38, John 11:7). In 2 Timothy 3:6 this verb implies a "leading by the nose" or a "leading up the garden path"; to deceive or hoodwink. In Matthew 14:6 our verb is used to describe how the matter of Herod's birthday was "guided": organized or celebrated."
The public does not want to hear student council election promises that end up with replacement astroturf for the football stadium so the kweer cheer line doesn't bruise its corns during practice games.
It wants to know the basics are still a guarantee, such as a very good public education, reasonable tuition to college and employment and housing are going to possible long-term. A viable solution to climate change has not been discussed. The atmosphere needs to be scrubbed of greenhouse gases, this should be Kamala Harris's first priority, her future nation is being microwaved to death. We will not survive a month or two of temperatures over one hundred twenty degrees hovering above our grain belt.
But she can't tell the world she's already put a bullet in Donald Trump's head for his role in January 6 or October 7 or all the deaths he caused by championing an abortion ban. We are not walking down a garden path. We are not sacrificing the right things in the right way and will not reset because of it. There simply is no root driver for such a recast of the fabric of the political realities in America.
For the individual Jew, one must recognize the importance of being the sane one in a distaster area and insist on the practices of government and law, conscientiously employed at all times, this is the essence of the Torah.
We will not transubstantiate a post October 7 world for the world to come so long as the evil that created it is still institutionalized and protected all around us.
v. 4: I shake my head at you. The Number is 6444, ודדד‎, "and dadd."
Da= understanding
Dd=of the beloved one.
"The derivatives of the verb דוד (dwd) are: The masculine noun דוד (dod), meaning beloved or loved one (Song of Solomon 1:13, Isaiah 5:1). This word also typically describes an uncle (Leviticus 10:4, Numbers 36:11). Sporadically, this word is spelled דד (dd), also pronounced as dod (Leviticus 10:4, Esther 2:15)."
We are stressed out because we are not feeling the love of God, the one we laude all the time during worship. A world at war is incapable of worshiping. The contradiction makes religion seem rueful, insipid, useless.
The planet is not being steered in the wrong direction by special interest groups, it is being incorrectly handled by its politicians and they are absolutely fucking things up because of religion. Every problem we have right at the moment is because of incorrect practices in the church, the temple, and the mosque.
None of what is happening to us is allowed in any of the holy books. How is it everything that could be going awry is happening then? Can you people read?
v. 5: But my lips encourage you. The Number is 6516, והא‎‎ו‎, "thou."
One must be fiercely willing to live life according to the words in the scriptures or they do nothing for us.
The verb θυω (thuo) means to sacrifice in the ritualistic sense, or to kill in a violent (or simply practical) sense when an animal was killed for food. The act of offering was in the Greek world strongly associated with inquiring of deities or oracles, as well as with felicitous homages that implied congress between the offerer and the deity.
When in the old world a man sacrificed an animal from his herd, or one purchased with his money, he did so in the expectation that, through whatever mechanism, his social, mental or intellectual life would be enriched, usually through congress with either the deity or else with his guests or family.
Note that the sacrifices proscribed in the Old Testament were like the scaffolding in which a mature mind could be built but which was designed to be discarded in time. Hence the Lord says "I delight in loyalty (or compassion) rather than sacrifice, and in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings" (Hosea 6:6, Matthew 9:13). And a mature mind is one that communicates freely with man and God, without the aid of mechanisms. This verb is used 14 times; see full concordance, and from it derive:
Together with the noun ειδωλον (eidolon), object of visualization (our English word "idol"): the adjective ειδωλοθυτον (eidolothuton), which describes an item (mostly food) that was dedicated to an idol. In the first century everything was dedicated, and it was impossible to avoid such items, which is why the New Testament discusses dealing with these idol-offered things at length. This adjective occurs 10 times see full concordance
The adjective θυινος (thuinos), that is thyine wood, an aromatic wood from an odorous African cedar called θυια (thuia), used for incense and pleasantly smelling statuettes and bowls (Revelation 18:12 only).
The verb θυμιαω (thumiao) means to make what a sacrifice makes: smoke (and ashes). In the classics this verb could describe the production of any kind of smoke of fumes but was also used to specifically describe the burning of incense. In the New Testament this verb occurs in Luke 1:9 only, and from it derive:
The noun θυμιαμα (thumiama), meaning incense. In the classics this noun also frequently appears as θυμια (thumia), which explains the parent verb. This noun is used 6 times; see full concordance. In the Bible, pleasing smoke is often equated with prayers (Psalm 141:2, Luke 1:10, Revelation 8:3; also see 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, Ephesians 5:2, Philippians 4:18).
The noun θυμιαστηριον (thumiasterion), which literally describes an incense item: either a censer of the smaller incense altar (Hebrews 9:4 only).
The noun θυσια (thusia), which primarily denotes the act of sacrificing (Luke 2:24) or its institution (Matthew 9:13), and which may subsequently refer to a thing sacrificed (Mark 9:49). This noun is used 29 times, see full concordance, and from it in turn derives:
The noun θυσιαστηριον (thusiasterion), which describes a thing that lets you make a sacrifice, and which actually stems from the intermediate verb θυσιαζω (thusiazo), to make a sacrifice (not merely the slaughtering but the whole ritual, bells and whistles and all). Our noun θυσιαστηριον (thusiasterion) appears to be a Jewish invention, as it appears nearly solely in the Bible and Josephus, as the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word מזבח (mizbeah), altar, from the verb זבח (zabah), to slaughter. Our noun θυσιαστηριον (thusiasterion) appears 23 times in the New Testament; see full concordance.
The second verb θυω (thuo) means to rage or seethe, which in Greek literature is used for both the sea and people (and horses and even snakes). It's not used in the New Testament but from it derive:
The noun θυελλα (theulla), meaning storm, squall, hurricane, tempest (Hebrews 12:18 only).
The noun θυμοσ (thumos), which describes intense mental agitation for whatever reason, but commonly with aggressive effect and accompanied by a strong will. Although the familiar term "the wrath of God" uses this word (Revelation 16:1, 19:15), the mental state that this word describes is commonly characteristic of an undisciplined mind, and in the New Testament (as well as by the Stoics) categorically condemned. This is significant because the requirement of sacrifice too is considered a form of mental adolescence, to be transcended by maturity. Still, it is a quality of young minds (children and immature adults), and must be guided, not extinguished (see αθυμεω, athumeo, directly below). Our noun is used 18 times; see full concordance, and from it derive:
Together with the particle of negation α (a), meaning not or without: the verb αθυμεω (athumeo), meaning to discourage, dispassion or dispirit (Colossians 3:21 only).
Together with the particle εν (en), meaning in or at: the verb ενθυμεομαι (enthumeomai), to have one's mind agitated by the ingress of a specific concern. This verb occurs in Matthew 1:20, 9:4 and Acts 10:19 only, and from it derives:
The noun ενθυμησις (ethumesis), a thought within an agitated mind, an agitation. This noun is used 4 times; see full concordance.
Together with the preposition επι (epi), meaning on or upon: the verb επιθυμεω (epithumeo), to direct one's strong will upon something, to obsess or think with agitation toward a certain objective. This verb is commonly translated with to lust or desire. It is used 16 times; see full concordance, and from it derive:
The noun επιθυμητης (epithumetes), which describes one who does the verb: one who obsesses, lusts or desires (1 Corinthians 10:6 only).
The noun επιθυμια (epithumia), meaning a strong will, desire, lust or obsession. This important noun occurs 38 times; see full concordance.
Together with the adverb ευ (eu), meaning good: the adjective ευθυμος (euthumos), meaning of good agitation, righteously stirred or eager to tackle a challenge and act accordingly (Acts 24:10 and 27:36 only). From this word comes:
The verb ευθυμεω (euthumeo), meaning to be properly agitated or righteously angered (Acts 27:22, 27:25 and James 5:13 only).
Together with the verb μαχομαι (machomai), meaning to fight or quarrel with: the verb θυμομαχεω (thumomacheo), meaning to fight angrily with, to engage someone out of great offense (Acts 12:20 only).
The verb θυμοω (thumoo), to agitate, to cause to flare up one's will, to provoke to anger, to be violently upset (Matthew 2:16 only).
Together with the familiar adjective ομος (homos), meaning same or of the same kind: the adverb ομοθυμαδον (homothumadon), meaning like-mindedly in the sense of same-temperedly. This adverb occurs 12 times; see full concordance.
Together with the preposition προ (pro), meaning before or in front of: the verb προθυμος (prothumos), meaning to be fiercely willing, tended toward agitation, easily or readily stirred (Matthew 26:41, Mark 14:38 and Romans 1:15 only). From this verb come:
The noun προθυμια (prothumia), meaning a fierce will, or an eagerness to be agitated into action. This noun occurs 5 times; see full concordance.
The adverb προθυμος (prothumos), meaning with fierce will; eagerly, readily, angrily (1 Peter 5:2 only)."
We are not as the etymology says "readily stirred." The US Government knew Donald Trump, the Family Research Council, Heritage Foundation, the RNC, and the Mormons were up to no good. They knew it. January 6 was a huge wakeup call. As soon as the summer of 2022, they knew every last participant in a well orchestrated attack involved 100% members of the Mormon faith, and they knew they were involved in kiddie porn, extortion, and mafia style extortion of the enemies of the Republican Party.
They are still fooling around with the idea of doing something about the Party and our own home grown massive and effective terrorist complex. There must a press release, a speech given by President Biden in the next fifteen minutes why Donald Trump has been allowed to live and when we can expect to see him dead, that the Republican Party will no longer be a threat to the climate, individual personificiation, to basic services, diplomacy efforts, to our wombs, rear ends, front ends, to any aspect of our safety or identities.
Nothing on earth will change until this is done. The memory of this fury must be spoken of in the Shule till the end of time, of just how difficult it was to make the world into the kind of place God instructed us.
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signode-blog · 4 months
A Turning Point in India's Economic Landscape: How the Financial Markets Reacted to the 2014 Lok Sabha Election Results
The 2014 Lok Sabha elections in India marked a watershed moment in the country’s political and economic history. For the first time in 30 years, a single party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), secured a clear majority in the Indian Parliament, paving the way for Narendra Modi to become the Prime Minister. This political shift had profound implications for the Indian financial markets,…
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
Cyber Security Procurement Intelligence: Trends and Outlook
The cyber security category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030. With a 34.9% share in 2022, North America dominated this category. Numerous prominent data breach incidents have recently made headlines between 2021 and 2022. Threats to company security exposed potentially millions of Americans' sensitive information, including usernames, passwords, and credit card data at organizations such as Yahoo!, Uber, and Target. It is imperative that even the world's largest companies remain vigilant about security vulnerabilities since hackers and cybercriminals develop new ways to access sensitive systems. Hence, there is an increased demand for cyber security experts and information security professionals worldwide. This is in turn driving the category growth significantly.
The fact that most companies simply cannot risk a breach of information is one of the primary reasons the cyber security industry is expanding. According to the IBM data breach report in 2023, the average global cost of a data breach in 2023 amounted to USD 4.45 million. This is an increase of 15% from the previous three years. A sum that can force many companies to shut down. According to IBM estimates in the same report, in reaction to a breach, 51% of firms intend to boost security spending on technologies for threat detection and response, personnel training, and incident response (IR) preparation and monitoring. Compared to organizations that do not utilize security artificial intelligence and automation substantially, organizations that do use it on a regular basis save an average of USD 1.76 million. Only 28% of organizations adopted notable use of security AI, which minimized costs and expedited containment in 2023. 
The top trends in the cyber security industry include advancements in cloud security, Ransomware as a Service (RaaS), IoT, and cyber threat intelligence solutions. IBM 2023 report shows that data stored in the cloud was involved in 82% of breaches. According to Statista’s 2023 report, more than 72% of organizations fall prey to ransom attacks. IBM 2022 estimates show that it takes about 49 days to detect a ransomware threat. The importance of cloud security services is growing as a result of remote employment, outsourcing, and expanding mobility trends. Also, a steady rise in RaaS platforms will be observed over the coming years. The most noteworthy example was when the governments of Australia and Costa Rica were victims of one of the largest ransomware attacks in 2022.
Order your copy of the Cyber Security Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
The category is highly fragmented and disorganized. The government and electoral security measures are complicated by the category’s fragmentation globally. The most notable instance was the U.S. presidential election in 2020. Due to the increasing amount of information breaches and threats, companies are trying to find solutions that safeguard data as it travels across clouds, databases, applications, and services while also enabling visibility across hybrid environments. On the other hand, in the European region, the fragmentation in the cyber security category is a major obstacle hindering the EU's ability to scale up. This in turn forces cyber security companies to seek alternative markets to expand. Although the EU recognizes the significance of cyber security legislation, it still falls behind other competitors worldwide in terms of establishing a cohesive ecosystem and offering avenues for investment in this category. All these factors reduce the bargaining power of the suppliers.
The primary costs associated with this category are the cost of salaries for cyber security experts, software/application development, hardware, network and servers, maintenance and upgrades, facilities, deployment type (cloud, on-premises, or offshore), and others. Other costs can include training and development, utilities, tax, random testing, checks, etc. Security accounts for 11 - 13% of companies' IT budgets. The average cost of cyber security amounts to USD 2,000 (approx.) per full-time employee or roughly 0.5% of the total revenue generated annually. A few factors that affect the total cost of cyber security include industry type, number of employees, hardware or software technology type used, compliance and mandates, pre-existing security measures, firewalls, audits, etc. The cost of firewalls can range between USD 400 – 6,000. Leading cost-saving strategies in this category include using a DevSecOps methodology and performing penetration and application testing.
The Global Insurance Market Index 2023 report estimate shows that the prices of cyber insurance globally slowed in Q1 2023 in the U.S., with average price increasing by just 11% as opposed to 28% rises during Q4 2022. Adjustments in the two largest international markets, the U.S. and the U.K., were the driving force behind the moderation. Greater competition, better cyber security measures, and a decrease in recorded ransomware attacks in 2022 were among the main causes of the mild change.
The most common types of pricing models adopted include a licensing-based model, a cloud-only SaaS model, or all-inclusive models. With all-inclusive models, companies can take advantage of the predictive nature of SaaS, while deploying the software in a flexible and cost-effective manner. Cyber security operations are outsourced (partial or hybrid outsourcing) by many companies to achieve better cost savings and higher effectiveness. An important development is the growing utilization of managed security service providers (MSSPs). In hybrid models, strategic responsibilities are often handled by in-house security executives, managers, and senior experts while lower-level tasks, including monitoring, are handled by MSSPs. The most preferred countries for outsourcing cyber security are India, Singapore, China, Vietnam, and Sweden.
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Clinical IT Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape) 
• Database Management Systems Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Cyber Security Procurement Intelligence Report Scope 
• Cyber Security Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 11% - 18% (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Licensing-based model, a cloud-only SaaS model, or all-inclusive models
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, past engagements, productivity, geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: By deployment, types of threats checked and tested (phishing, social engineering, ransomware, malware), security issues (audit and compliance, remote access, privileged access management, incident response), cyber insurance, operational and functional capabilities, software and technology used, data privacy regulations, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier positioning matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Key Companies Profiled
• BAE Systems Plc
• Broadcom, Inc.
• Delinea Inc.
• Check Point Software Technology Ltd.
• Cisco Systems, Inc.
• FireEye, Inc.
• Fortinet, Inc.
• IBM Corporation
• Lockheed Martin Corporation
• LogRhythm, Inc.
• McAfee, LLC.
• Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Markets React to Surprise Election Results in France
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The French stock declined following the victory of the left-wing coalition, which won the highest number of parliamentary seats, causing a turmoil in the markets. The investors were actually caught by the trend of the poll results since they were anticipating a different result. The new UK finance minister, Rachel Reeves, pledged economic growth. Having influenced trading by corporate news and looming US. inflation data, European markets showed mixed responses.   French Markets Hit by Election Surprise The shock victory of the left-wing in parliamentary elections sent French stocks tumbling down by Monday. The key French stock market index slipped by 0.6%. During early trading hours, the performance had been excellent, while this news changed everything and the atmosphere seemed to turn upside down totally. There was no change in the common European currency, the euro, against the dollar, and bond markets were relatively calm.Mixed Reaction Across EuropeIn Europe, markets were mixed. The STOXX 600, which gauges a wide basket of European firms, hardly moved during the close of trade. In the UK, the FTSE 100 fell marginally by 0.1%. There was no change in Germany's DAX index, while the FTSE MIB, that of Italy, increased slightly by 0.17%. Election OutcomeThe left-wing New Popular Front emerged victorious with the most seats in the parliamentary elections of France, defying expectation of gains by the far-right. However, the left-wing bloc acquired less than required seats to have total control; this situation is referred to as a "hung parliament." It translates to no single party amassing enough power to execute decisions on its own, and it may get tricky for the government.   What Market Analysts Say A market expert, François Digard, had earlier called a hung parliament but added that the victory of the left-wing side was a surprise. He said, "You have a hung parliament as expected. It was just expected to be more right-wing and at the end it is left-wing."Strategists at Deutsche Bank said the market might not have a fancy for plans by the left-wing to spend more and hike taxes. "Last night, the far-left were already talking about wealth taxes and increases in taxes on corporates, which won't be market-friendly," they said.  UK Election Impact The UK has just had a general election, in which the Labour Party has come out as the winner of the election and is going to replace the Conservative Party after a long time span of 14 years. The UK's new finance minister, Rachel Reeves, said in a speech that her party is going to boost the economy by building more homes. She said, "We are going to get Britain's economy growing again. And there is no time to waste."  Company News and Market MoveOn Friday, the housebuilding companies' shares climbed, while yesterday they moved with the general market. At the other end of the spectrum, the soft drinks company Britvic received a takeover offer from Carlsberg, estimated at £3.3 billion. The offer was initially less generous in terms of value, but now 1,290p a share sealed the deal. Quiet Day for Corporate Earnings and Data There were no major company earnings reports due out Monday, and it was also a quiet day for economic data.  Global Market Trends On Monday, Asia-Pacific stock markets were mixed. U.S. futures dropped slightly as traders gear up for major inflation data. Scheduled for release are a consumer price index, which is a measure of changes in prices, on Thursday, and on Friday, the data on the producer price index. With these reports, investors will know how the market may move to the next level.A view of the day's market activities moved by astonishing political events and other financial news sums up in an article in basic, clear terms. Read the full article
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atomxmedia · 3 months
UK Election Results 2024: Rishi Sunak Bids Farewell As Keir Starmer Becomes Prime Minister
In a dramatic turn of events, the UK’s Labour Party has emerged victorious in the 2024 general election, securing a commanding majority in the House of Commons. This significant shift in political power marks the end of a 14-year Conservative government, as Rishi Sunak steps down from his role as Prime Minister.
Keir Starmer’s Labour Party achieved a landslide victory, crossing the crucial 326-seat threshold needed for a working majority in Parliament. With 412 seats secured out of 650, Labour’s triumph signifies a resounding mandate from the British public. Starmer is set to lead the country as the new Prime Minister, ushering in a new era of centre-left governance.
Rishi Sunak’s Concession and Apology
The scale of the Conservative defeat became evident as multiple cabinet members lost their seats. In a heartfelt farewell speech, Rishi Sunak acknowledged the public’s disappointment and took responsibility for the loss. “I have heard your anger, your disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss,” Sunak stated. He further expressed his regret, saying, “I am sorry.”
Sunak’s departure from Downing Street was marked by an apology to the public before he tendered his resignation to King Charles III. The former Prime Minister admitted that despite his efforts, the voters had sent a clear message demanding change.
Economic and Social Challenges Ahead
There are major social and economic difficulties facing the nation as the new Labour government takes office. The tax burden in Britain is expected to rise to its greatest level since the Second World War, and the country’s net debt is almost equal to its yearly economic production. Living conditions have fallen, and the continuous strikes are severely taxing public services, especially the National Health Service (NHS).
Market Reactions and International Support
After Labour won the election, UK stocks and the value of the pound rose. Investor confidence regarding possible economic stability and reduced inflation under the new government was reflected in the rise in the benchmark FTSE 100 index of the London stock market. Prime Minister Keir Starmer confronts a difficult task in tackling tight public finances, a stretched NHS, and slow economic development despite the good reaction from the market.
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Read more: Marketing News, Advertising News, PR and Finance News, Digital News
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biankabalkanika · 3 months
The Impact of Geopolitical Events on Financial Markets
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Navigating Market Volatility and Opportunities
With two years of trading experience, I’ve witnessed firsthand how geopolitical events can significantly influence financial markets.
Understanding these dynamics is crucial for traders seeking to navigate volatility and capitalize on opportunities. Here’s an insightful exploration into the impact of geopolitical events on financial markets.
1. What are Geopolitical Events?
Geopolitical events refer to political, economic, or social developments that occur on a global scale and have the potential to affect countries, regions, or international relations. Examples include elections, wars, trade disputes, sanctions, and geopolitical tensions.
2. Immediate Market Reactions
a. Stock Markets:
Geopolitical events can trigger volatility in stock markets. Uncertainty and risk aversion among investors may lead to sell-offs or declines in stock prices, especially in sectors sensitive to global trade and political stability.
b. Foreign Exchange (Forex) Markets:
Currency markets react swiftly to geopolitical news. Safe-haven currencies like the US dollar, Japanese yen, and Swiss franc tend to strengthen during geopolitical tensions, while riskier currencies may depreciate.
3. Commodity Prices
a. Energy Markets:
Geopolitical tensions affecting major oil-producing regions can disrupt global supply chains and impact oil prices. Crude oil and natural gas prices often react to geopolitical developments in key producing countries.
b. Precious Metals:
Gold and silver, considered safe-haven assets, may see increased demand during geopolitical uncertainty as investors seek refuge from market volatility and inflation risks.
4. Sector-Specific Impacts
a. Technology and Trade Disputes:
Geopolitical tensions, such as trade tariffs and intellectual property disputes, can affect technology stocks dependent on global supply chains and market access.
b. Defense and Aerospace:
Defense contractors and aerospace companies may benefit from increased government spending on national security and military capabilities during geopolitical crises.
5. Long-Term Economic Effects
a. Investment and Business Confidence:
Persistent geopolitical instability can erode investor confidence and hinder long-term economic growth. Uncertainty may delay business investments and expansion plans.
b. Global Trade and Supply Chains:
Trade disruptions caused by geopolitical events can disrupt global supply chains, affecting manufacturing output, consumer goods availability, and economic stability.
6. Risk Management Strategies
a. Stay Informed:
Monitor geopolitical developments through reputable news sources and geopolitical risk analysis. Understanding potential impacts on financial markets allows for proactive risk management.
b. Diversification:
Diversify your investment portfolio across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions to mitigate risks associated with geopolitical events. Diversification helps spread risk and reduce exposure to any single market shock.
c. Hedging Strategies:
Consider hedging strategies such as options, futures, or currency hedging to protect against adverse movements in financial markets triggered by geopolitical events.
7. Case Studies and Historical Examples
a. Brexit:
The UK's decision to leave the European Union (EU) in 2016 resulted in significant volatility in currency markets, stock markets, and business confidence across Europe.
b. US-China Trade War:
Trade tensions between the world's two largest economies impacted global markets, influencing stock prices, commodity prices, and global economic growth forecasts.
Geopolitical events are integral to understanding market dynamics and planning effective trading strategies.
By staying informed, adopting risk management strategies, and leveraging opportunities presented by market volatility, traders can navigate geopolitical uncertainties and position themselves for long-term success in financial markets.
While geopolitical events can introduce volatility and uncertainty, they also offer opportunities for informed traders to capitalize on market movements and adjust their strategies accordingly.
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optionperks · 4 months
Vodafone Idea shares rise 13% after Care upgrades long-term ratings
Vodafone Idea share price surged 13.26 per cent intraday, reaching the day's high of ₹15.05 on the NSE after CARE Ratings' upgraded the company's Long Term Bank Facilities from B+ to BB+, maintaining a stable outlook. Additionally, the Short Term Bank Facilities were upgraded from A4 to A4+. The company announced after the market hours on Tuesday. On June 4, the stock had settled at ₹13.20, plummeting nearly 17 per cent on the day of the vote count. This drop was in reaction to the election results, which indicated that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had fallen short of securing a majority on its own. Despite this, the BJP is expected to form a government with the support of its alliance partners. While the brokerage firm has maintained its 'sell' rating on the stock, estimating it to drop to ₹8, it has also outlined a bullish scenario with a target of ₹200. This optimistic projection assumes significant tariff hikes driving ARPU to ₹200 by FY26 and ₹300 by FY30. Additionally, the company would need to retain its current subscriber base of 213 million, compared to the 188 million assumed in the base case by FY30.
Moreover, JM stated that the extension of the moratorium beyond FY26/FY27 and/or partial equity conversion of GoI dues, depending on VIL’s evolving liquidity position, could also be a factor to consider. Vodafone Idea's net loss for the fiscal fourth quarter of FY24 widened to ₹7,675 crore, up from ₹6,986 crore in the previous quarter, which had benefited from an exceptional gain. The financially troubled telco continued to struggle with high debt and customer losses.
However, operationally, the joint venture between the UK's Vodafone Group Plc and India's Aditya Birla Group saw improvement, reporting its highest-ever quarterly earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) since the 2018 merger, amounting to ₹2,180 crore.
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