#Electronic metering solutions
liquipvic · 6 months
Mastering Precision: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Flow Meters by Liquip Victoria
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In the world of industrial processes and fluid management, precision is paramount. Electronic flow meters have revolutionized the way industries measure and monitor the flow of liquids and gases. Among the leading brands in this realm is Liquip Victoria, renowned for its cutting-edge technology and reliability. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of electronic flow meters by Liquip Victoria, exploring their features, benefits, and applications.
Understanding Electronic Flow Meters: Electronic flow meters are devices designed to accurately measure the flow rate of liquids or gases passing through a pipeline. Unlike traditional mechanical meters, electronic flow meters utilize advanced sensor technology and digital displays for precise measurements.
Innovative Features of Liquip Victoria Flow Meters: Liquip Victoria electronic flow meters boast a range of innovative features, including:
High Accuracy: These meters offer unparalleled accuracy, ensuring precise measurement in various industrial applications.
Digital Display: Clear and intuitive digital displays provide real-time flow rate readings, enhancing monitoring capabilities.
Durable Construction: Built to withstand harsh environments, Liquip Victoria flow meters are constructed from robust materials for long-term reliability.
Versatility: With options for different fluid viscosities and flow rates, Liquip Victoria meters cater to diverse industry needs.
Easy Installation: User-friendly installation procedures simplify setup, minimizing downtime and operational disruptions.
Applications Across Industries: Electronic flow meters by Liquip Victoria find applications across a wide range of industries, including:
Oil and Gas: Monitoring fluid flow in pipelines and refineries for optimal production and safety.
Chemical Processing: Accurately measuring chemical flows in manufacturing processes to ensure quality and efficiency.
Water Management: Monitoring water usage and distribution in municipal water systems and wastewater treatment plants.
Food and Beverage: Controlling the flow of ingredients and beverages during production for consistent quality.
Pharmaceutical: Precisely measuring the flow of pharmaceutical ingredients in manufacturing processes to maintain product integrity.
Advantages of Liquip Victoria Flow Meters:
Enhanced Accuracy: Liquip Victoria flow meters deliver highly accurate measurements, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.
Remote Monitoring: Some models feature remote monitoring capabilities, allowing for real-time data access and analysis.
Cost Savings: By optimizing fluid usage and reducing waste, Liquip Victoria flow meters contribute to cost savings over time.
Compliance: Meeting industry standards and regulations, Liquip Victoria meters ensure compliance with accuracy and reliability.
Conclusion: Electronic flow meters by Liquip Victoria represent a pinnacle of precision and reliability in fluid measurement technology. With their innovative features, durable construction, and versatile applications, these meters are indispensable tools across various industries, contributing to efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness. For More Information Website : https://www.liquipvictoria.com.au/products/pumps-metres-and-fuel-management-systems/fuel-flow-meters/electronic-flow-meters Email ID :[email protected] Phone Number : (03) 9311 7822
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Heat stored underground in caverns can be set aside in Finland’s summer months to be re-used during frigid winters thanks to a state-of-the-art ‘seasonal energy’ storage facility.
Slated for construction this summer near Helsinki, it will be the largest in the world by all standards and contain enough thermal energy to heat a medium-sized city all winter.
Thermal exchange heating systems, like those built underground, or domestic heat pumps, are seen as the most effective way available of reducing the climate-impact of home heating and cooling.
Their function relies on natural forces or energy recycling to cool down or heat up water and then using it to radiate hot or cold energy into a dwelling.
In Vantaa, Finland’s fourth largest city neighboring the capital of Helsinki, the ambitious Varanto seasonal energy storage project plans to store cheap and environmental friendly waste heat from datacenters, cooling processes, and waste-to-energy assets in underground caverns where it can be used to heat buildings via the district heating network whenever it is needed.
In Finland and other Nordic countries, the heat consumption varies significantly between seasons. Heat consumption in the summertime is only about one-tenth of the peak load consumption during the cold winter months.
Varanto will utilize underground caverns equal in space to two Maddison Square Gardens—over a million cubic meters—filled with water heated by this waste heat and pressure that will allow the water to reach temperatures of up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit without the water boiling or evaporating.
“The world is undergoing a huge energy transition. Wind and solar power have become vital technologies in the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy,” says Vantaa Energy CEO Jukka Toivonen.
“The biggest challenge of the energy transition so far has been the inability to store these intermittent forms of energy for later use. Unfortunately, small-scale storage solutions, such as batteries or accumulators, are not sufficient; large, industrial-scale storage solutions are needed. Varanto is an excellent example of this, and we are happy to set an example for the rest of the world.” ...
“Two 60-MW electric boilers will be built in conjunction with Varanto,” adds Toivonen. “These boilers will be used to produce heat from renewable electricity when electricity is abundant and cheap. Our heat-producing system will work like a hybrid car: alternating between electricity and other forms of production, depending on what is most advantageous and efficient at the time.”
... Construction of the storage facility’s entrance is expected to start in summer 2024, while it could be operational as early as 2028."
-via Good News Network, April 12, 2024. Video via VantaanEnergia, March 10, 2024
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raincode-archives · 3 months
Chapter 0 Glossary
Amaterasu Express Direct Built with Amaterasu Corporation's cutting-edge technology, this five-car train operates fully autonomously, without a driver or any crew on board. It will not stop until it arrives at its destination, Kanai Station.
Car 1 and Car 5 have restrooms, Car 2 is supplied with food and beverage.
In an emergency, the intercom in the Backup Control Room on Car 3 can be used to contact the Control HQ.
Amaterasu Corporation The megacorporation controlling Kanai Ward.
It deals in a wide variety of goods such as industrial products, electronic appliances, and pharmaceuticals, all of which can be found across all aspects of daily life.
Amaterasu Peacekeepers A department of Amaterasu Corporation. They serve as a sort of police force within Kanai Ward.
Solution Key Obtained while investigating cases. It is materialized from the clues of a case, and capable of destroying mysteries within the Mystery Labyrinth.
Solution Blade A sword that can directly affect the Mystery Labyrinth. A Solution Key can be set onto it.
Q A materialization of a mystery and building block of the Mystery Labyrinth. It possesses no intelligence.
Spiritism Melami's Forte. One's own body is used as a medium to summon the soul of a deceased person.
However, Melami must wear the clothes the deceased wore in life, meaning the ability is unusable if there's a sizing mismatch.
Life Detection Aphex' Forte. The location of any living being within a 50-meter radius can be found.
World Detective Organization An organization noted in the directive held by Yuma.
World Detective Organization An extra-legal, extra-privileged organization devoted to eradicating the world's unsolved mysteries.
With branches located throughout the world. the key players in their activities are known as Master Detectives.
Detective Deed An identification card. The World Detective Organization grants this only to a detective who has demonstrated exceptional ability.
A detective with a Forensic Forte is designated a Master Detective on the card.
In addition to being a functional form of identification, a Detective Deed allows a detective to receive various forms of support from the WDO.
Forensic Forte Those exhibiting innate talent for special powers like clairvoyance or mind-reading are trained by the WDO to develop a supernatural investigative ability called Forensic Forte or simply, Forte.
Master Detective Seemingly, a classification of detectives belonging to the World Detective Organization.
Master Detective Among the detectives belonging to the World Detective Organization, this is a detective with a specialized power called Forensic Forte that aids in their investigative activities.
Currently, there are approximately 1000 Master Detectives in the organization.
Audial Aptitude Pucci's Forte. By concentrating, whispers, footsteps, and even heartbeats can be heard from far away.
The ability does not activate unless the listening is deliberate.
Unified Government (UG) An enormous governing body that nearly spans the entire world. Policies are decided by a parliament consisting of elected representatives from each ward or region.
The disparity between the wards and regions has been widening, and the voices among the people are those of discontent.
Animal Investigation Zilch's Forte. Controls animals, typically to gather intelligence. As a basic rule, Zilch can only control four-legged mammals.
Special Autonomous Zone of Kanai Ward A location noted in the directive held by Yuma.
Special Autonomous Zone of Kanai Ward Though initially a regional city, all of Kanai Ward fell under the control of Amaterasu Corporation as the company developed it.
Kanai Ward is currently isolated from the rest of the world. Few people enter and leave, and no information goes beyond its borders.
Mystery Phantom An entity trying to conceal the facts of a case, formed from Qs.
Based on the appearance and personality of someone from the real world. It takes on a villainous form befitting the Mystery Labyrinth.
As it is not an actual person, it cannot be injured.
Mystery Labyrinth A labyrinth created by materializing the mysteries of the real world.
The truth behind a case is hidden deep inside the Mystery Labyrinth: solving it will reveal the truth.
Thoughtography Zange's Forte. Zange's memory can be transcribed as a Thoughtographic image onto electronic devices.
Nocturnal Detective Agency A name noted in the directive held by Yuma.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
MIT researchers discover “neutronic molecules”
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mit-researchers-discover-neutronic-molecules/
MIT researchers discover “neutronic molecules”
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Neutrons are subatomic particles that have no electric charge, unlike protons and electrons. That means that while the electromagnetic force is responsible for most of the interactions between radiation and materials, neutrons are essentially immune to that force.
Instead, neutrons are held together inside an atom’s nucleus solely by something called the strong force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. As its name implies, the force is indeed very strong, but only at very close range — it drops off so rapidly as to be negligible beyond 1/10,000 the size of an atom. But now, researchers at MIT have found that neutrons can actually be made to cling to particles called quantum dots, which are made up of tens of thousands of atomic nuclei, held there just by the strong force.
The new finding may lead to useful new tools for probing the basic properties of materials at the quantum level, including those arising from the strong force, as well as exploring new kinds of quantum information processing devices. The work is reported this week in the journal ACS Nano, in a paper by MIT graduate students Hao Tang and Guoqing Wang and MIT professors Ju Li and Paola Cappellaro of the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering.
Neutrons are widely used to probe material properties using a method called neutron scattering, in which a beam of neutrons is focused on a sample, and the neutrons that bounce off the material’s atoms can be detected to reveal the material’s internal structure and dynamics.
But until this new work, nobody thought that these neutrons might actually stick to the materials they were probing. “The fact that [the neutrons] can be trapped by the materials, nobody seems to know about that,” says Li, who is also a professor of materials science and engineering. “We were surprised that this exists, and that nobody had talked about it before, among the experts we had checked with,” he says.
The reason this new finding is so surprising, Li explains, is because neutrons don’t interact with electromagnetic forces. Of the four fundamental forces, gravity and the weak force “are generally not important for materials,” he says. “Pretty much everything is electromagnetic interaction, but in this case, since the neutron doesn’t have a charge, the interaction here is through the strong interaction, and we know that is very short-range. It is effective at a range of 10 to the minus 15 power,” or one quadrillionth, of a meter.
“It’s very small, but it’s very intense,” he says of this force that holds the nuclei of atoms together. “But what’s interesting is we’ve got these many thousands of nuclei in this neutronic quantum dot, and that’s able to stabilize these bound states, which have much more diffuse wavefunctions at tens of nanometers [billionths of a meter].  These neutronic bound states in a quantum dot are actually quite akin to Thomson’s plum pudding model of an atom, after his discovery of the electron.”
It was so unexpected, Li calls it “a pretty crazy solution to a quantum mechanical problem.” The team calls the newly discovered state an artificial “neutronic molecule.”
These neutronic molecules are made from quantum dots, which are tiny crystalline particles, collections of atoms so small that their properties are governed more by the exact size and shape of the particles than by their composition. The discovery and controlled production of quantum dots were the subject of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, awarded to MIT Professor Moungi Bawendi and two others.
“In conventional quantum dots, an electron is trapped by the electromagnetic potential created by a macroscopic number of atoms, thus its wavefunction extends to about 10 nanometers, much larger than a typical atomic radius,” says Cappellaro. “Similarly, in these nucleonic quantum dots, a single neutron can be trapped by a nanocrystal, with a size well beyond the range of the nuclear force, and display similar quantized energies.” While these energy jumps give quantum dots their colors, the neutronic quantum dots could be used for storing quantum information.
This work is based on theoretical calculations and computational simulations. “We did it analytically in two different ways, and eventually also verified it numerically,” Li says. Although the effect had never been described before, he says, in principle there’s no reason it couldn’t have been found much sooner: “Conceptually, people should have already thought about it,” he says, but as far as the team has been able to determine, nobody did.
Part of the difficulty in doing the computations is the very different scales involved: The binding energy of a neutron to the quantum dots they were attaching to is about one-trillionth that of previously known conditions where the neutron is bound to a small group of nuclei. For this work, the team used an analytical tool called Green’s function to demonstrate that the strong force was sufficient to capture neutrons with a quantum dot with a minimum radius of 13 nanometers.
Then, the researchers did detailed simulations of specific cases, such as the use of a lithium hydride nanocrystal, a material being studied as a possible storage medium for hydrogen. They showed that the binding energy of the neutrons to the nanocrystal is dependent on the exact dimensions and shape of the crystal, as well as the nuclear spin polarizations of the nuclei compared to that of the neutron. They also calculated similar effects for thin films and wires of the material as opposed to particles.
But Li says that actually creating such neutronic molecules in the lab, which among other things requires specialized equipment to maintain temperatures in the range of a few thousandths of a Kelvin above absolute zero, is something that other researchers with the appropriate expertise will have to undertake.
Li notes that “artificial atoms” made up of assemblages of atoms that share properties and can behave in many ways like a single atom have been used to probe many properties of real atoms. Similarly, he says, these artificial molecules provide “an interesting model system” that might be used to study “interesting quantum mechanical problems that one can think about,” such as whether these neutronic molecules will have a shell structure that mimics the electron shell structure of atoms.
“One possible application,” he says, “is maybe we can precisely control the neutron state. By changing the way the quantum dot oscillates, maybe we can shoot the neutron off in a particular direction.” Neutrons are powerful tools for such things as triggering both fission and fusion reactions, but so far it has been difficult to control individual neutrons. These new bound states could provide much greater degrees of control over individual neutrons, which could play a role in the development of new quantum information systems, he says.
“One idea is to use it to manipulate the neutron, and then the neutron will be able to affect other nuclear spins,” Li says. In that sense, he says, the neutronic molecule could serve as a mediator between the nuclear spins of separate nuclei — and this nuclear spin is a property that is already being used as a basic storage unit, or qubit, in developing quantum computer systems.
“The nuclear spin is like a stationary qubit, and the neutron is like a flying qubit,” he says. “That’s one potential application.” He adds that this is “quite different from electromagnetics-based quantum information processing, which is so far the dominant paradigm. So, regardless of whether it’s superconducting qubits or it’s trapped ions or nitrogen vacancy centers, most of these are based on electromagnetic interactions.” In this new system, instead, “we have neutrons and nuclear spin. We’re just starting to explore what we can do with it now.”
Another possible application, he says, is for a kind of imaging, using neutral activation analysis. “Neutron imaging complements X-ray imaging because neutrons are much more strongly interacting with light elements,” Li says. It can also be used for materials analysis, which can provide information not only about elemental composition but even about the different isotopes of those elements. “A lot of the chemical imaging and spectroscopy doesn’t tell us about the isotopes,” whereas the neutron-based method could do so, he says.
The research was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Attack "A": North American A-5/RA-5 Vigilante
LaMarca By LaMarca 12/04/2022 - 17:55 in History, Military
A June 1969 aerial view looking southwest at a beautiful North American RA-5C Vigilante of RVAH-14 in flight over NAS Albany.
The Vigilante was an average nuclear bomber, operated from aircraft carriers, developed due to the determination of the US Navy to expand its attack capacity with nuclear weapons.
The development of Vigilante began in November 1953, under the name "NAGPAW - North American General Purpose Attack Weapon". The objective was to develop an aircraft that reached 2 times the speed of sound and had a service ceiling of 52,500 feet (16,000 meters).
The role of the on-board nuclear bomber had already been played by 2 other aircraft, also from North American, AJ Savage and the A-3 Skywarrior, which quickly became obsolete for the missions that were originally designed
According to the requirements, the new bomber should be twin-engine and have an innovative compartment for transporting a nuclear weapon, at the rear of the fuselage, under the tail and between the exhaust fans of the engines, thus increasing the chances of survival to the atomic explosion.
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Gray area is the weaponry compartment. Behind, the representation of the nuclear bomb, in addition to the 2 additional fuel tanks, disposable.
The basic project was exposed to the US Navy in 1954, and after some changes, resubmitted and approved in April 1955, resulting in the signing of a letter of intent, on June 29, 1956, for the construction of two prototypes (serial numbers 145157 and 145158), officially designated YA3J-1, and North American proposed the name Vigilante for the new aircraft.
North American A-5 Vigilante prototype
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1º Vigilante prototype, serial number 145157.
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2º Vigilante prototype, serial number 145158.
The first flight was made on August 31, 1958, with the head of the North American test pilots, Dick Wenzel, at the command.
One of the prototypes in embedded evaluation, note the folded vertical stabilizer (North American Aviation)
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4ª production aircraft, serial number 146697, conducting tests on board the USS Saratoga (CVA-60), on July 25, 1960. Photo: US Navy
His introduction to active service took place in June 1961 at Stanford's Naval Air Station in Florida.
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Crew member being ejected on test flight. Photo: US Navy
In the US Navy, the Vigilante was initially designated A3J, but this name was later changed to A-5 in September 1962, due to the internal reorganization in the nomenclature of aircraft operated by the USAF and US Navy.
In all respects, the Vigilante was an innovative aircraft, introducing new technologies in the aerodynamic, structural and electronic segment, some of which were only applied again in production aircraft, almost two decades ago.
It was the second heaviest aircraft to operate on board, second only to its immediate predecessor, the Skywarrior.
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North-American-VigilanteIts main structures were made of titanium, and the lining of the wings with lithium added to the aluminum alloy. Both solutions to save mass, since the plane was very large for US Navy ships, which had previously been modified to accommodate and operate the A-3 Skywarrior.
RVAH-1 Smokin' Tigers RA-5C Vigilante AG-601 ready for launch from the USS Independence, circa 1965. Photographer unknown.
On a master balcony, North American chose the same thrusters as the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II for the motorization of the Vigilante, whose engine air intakes had variable geometry, adjustable to the speed of the aircraft. The General Electric J79 was a very powerful turbojet, having been the first production engine capable of providing an aircraft with twice the speed of sound.
RVAH-11 RA-5C escorted by a VF-213 F4 over the Gulf of Tonkin
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As the Phantom was the front line of the embarked fighters, the adoption of the same propulsion systems facilitated maintenance on board the aircraft carriers.
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The embedded electronics were sophisticated and, in many ways, unprecedented. Advanced electronic characteristics of the aircraft:
First use of the fly-by-wire flight control system in non-experimental production aircraft.
Digital navigation and bombing computer.
Operational use of the HUD device for the first time.
Automatic inertial navigation bombardment system self-coupled to the radar and television camera for coordinate verification, previously inserted.
First use of single-pulse radar to track the terrain, avoiding obstacles.
This was a period when enemy reaction capacity had improved significantly, with the improvement of ground-to-air missiles. There was a legitimate concern on the part of American military commanders, still frightened by the shooting down of Francis Gary Powers' U-2 over the USSR in 1960.
Also in 1961, the first submarines armed with Polaris missiles became operational, which, ironically, contributed to the fact that, in the same year that the Vigilante was introduced into force, it was removed from active service as a nuclear attack aircraft. This caused the aircraft to go through a period of contempt, relegated to training missions, until July 1963, with the presentation of the RA-5C tactical recognition variant.
CVW-11 RVAH-6 Fleurs RA-5C Vigilante BuNo 156632, NH-602, aboard the USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63) 7 April 1975. HS-8 SH-3G Sea King BuNo 154116 is at right.
A-5C Vigilante
RVAH-6 Fleurs RA-5C Vigilante BuNo 151617, NG-603, trapping aboard the USS Enterprise, 1969. Photographer unknown.
RVAH-6 Fleurs RA-5C Vigilante NL-701 ready for launch from the USS Constellation, 1966. Photographer unknown. VA-153 Blue Tail Flies A-4C NL-314 at left.
The Vigilante was an ideal platform for this function, allowing recognition at low altitude, because speed would be a great factor of rapid and surprising penetration into enemy territory.
Installation of cameras and electronic equipment, used in tactical reconnaissance missions.
Another positive point was the fact that the aircraft's internal weapons compartment served perfectly for the installation of the photographic cameras, along with all the electronic paraphernalia necessary for reconnaissance missions.
North American A-5 Vigilante
North American A-5 Vigilante 3
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Compared to previous versions, the RA-5C incorporated a series of modifications, one of them being the landing gear, which was reinforced to withstand more durability the huge blows resulting from the severity of landings on aircraft carriers. Internal fuel tanks were added, generating the cork above the fuselage.
The RA-5C was the most efficient version of Vigilante. The aircraft had a slightly larger area, to compensate for the largest mass transported, about five tons, from the cameras. Even with the internal compartment occupied, an addition below the fuselage was made to accommodate infrared, brightness and other sensors.
There was also a side surveillance radar and an infrared scanner to detect living beings. Side radars are necessary to avoid as much as possible the overflight of enemy areas, with the plane being able to pass at the edges of the danger, and not directly over it.
In June 1964, the RA-5C was introduced into the active service. In all, 10 squadrons were formed with the aircraft, of which 8, just 2 months later, were already in Vietnam.
The first missions were to photograph targets, before and after the attacks, flying at about 2,400 m altitude, which was considered very low, and of very high risk. The only existing protection for aircraft was speed. Several were shot down, which made it the US Navy aircraft with the highest friction rate in the conflict. In all, 19 aircraft were lost in combat, out of a total of 26 throughout the war. The higher speed of the Vigilante, in relation to other aircraft, such as the Vought F-8 Crusader, for example, practically made the possibility of sending effective escorts unfeasible. To give you an idea, the Vigilantes left after the attack planes, and managed to overtake them.
In one of the missions, in December 1967, it was determined that an RA-5C, serial number 149299, would check the center of Hanoi, in search of the location of the prison camp where the Americans were. Flying fast and low, the Hoa Lo prison, nicknamed Hanoi Hilton, was photographed for the 1ª time. With the exact location, political pressure against Vietnam has increased, resulting in the gradual release of all prisoners.
Despite its excellent services, the Vigilante was considered expensive and complex to operate, in addition to occupying a precious space on board the American aircraft carriers.
Vigilante - USS Constellation (CV-64)
On board the USS Constellation (CV-64). In this image it is possible to compare the size of the Vigilante in relation to other aircraft.
With the end of the Vietnam War already taken for granted, from 1974, the reconnaissance squads began to be deactivated. His last mission took place in 1979, with the aircraft having been retired on November 20 of the same year.
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Three legends of American embarked aviation: RA-5C Vigilante, A-7 Corsair II and A-6 Intruder, flying over the USS Nimitz.
North American A-5 Vigilante 1
A-5A Vigilante. Photo: Del Laughery
North American A-5 / RA-5 Vigilante
YA3J-1 / YA-5A: two prototypes built, first flew on August 31, 1958, with the head of North American test pilots Dick Wenzel at the controls.
A3J-1 / A-5A: nuclear attack bomber, in all weather conditions, day and night, based on aircraft carriers, began operational activity on board the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) in August 1962.
A3J-2 / A-5B: similar to A3J-1 / A-5A, but incorporating a larger central fuel tank, and leading edge FLAPS to increase lift and stability at low speeds.
A3J-3 / RA-5C: embedded version of strategic recognition.
Four models of the General Electric J79 engine were used in the various versions of the Vigilante, with the following escalation:
J79-GE-2: In the two prototypes and in the initial production models of the A3J-1/A-5A.
J79-GE-4: In the A3J-1/A-5A of interim production, in which steel was used to replace the magnesium alloy in the exhaust hoods and in the front moldings of the air intakes.
J79-GE-8: In the latest A3J-1/A-5A, in all A3J-21/A-5B and in the initial production models of the A3J-3/RA-5C version.
J79-GE-10/10B - In the last 36 copies produced of the A3J-3/RA-5C.
ABViggie 00001 North American RA-5C Vigilante Official US Navy photo produced by Peter J Mancus-L
1 free-fall nuclear bomb of the type Mark 27, B28 or B43, in the internal weapons compartment.
2 free-fall nuclear bombs of type Mark 83, Mark 84 or B43, at the fixed points under the wings.
The initial project also provided for the wide use of a mix of conventional weapons, along with nuclear, which would be transported at 4 fixed points under the wings, in addition to the internal weapons compartment.
When the Vigilante was in the initial stage of its development, it was considered a configuration where the aircraft would have a double tail, A mockup was even built, as can be seen below:
Mock-up of the North American Aviation A3J (A-5A) Vigilante
North American Aviation A3J (A-5) Vigilante supersonic, carrier-based nuclear strike-bomber mock
North American Aircraft 1934-1999, Volume 2, Kevin Thompson, Narkiewicz//Thompson, 1999
American Combat Planes, 3rd Edition, Ray Wagner, Doubleday, 1982.
United States Navy Aircraft Since 1911, GordonSwanborough and Peter M. Bowers, Naval Institute Press, 1990.
North American Rockwell A3J (A-5) Vigilante, M. Hill Goodspeed, Wings of Fame, Vol 19, 2001.
US Navy.
The Editor's private collection, and internet.
PREVIOUS: McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
NEXT: Grumman A-6 Intruder
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vertechs21 · 1 year
Use of IoT to Enable Oil & Gas Sector Achieve Operational Excellence
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Having an impact on almost all the sectors within the global economy, crude oil is one of the most highly traded as well as valuable commodities in the world. Currently, it is an important source of both energy and fuel that act as the driving force for every known industry. It is due to it that today the oil and gas industry overall is the powerhouse industry that remains responsible solely for exploration as well as refining of crude. Now, such Exploration & Production companies and oil-field service providers, they use some heavy machinery pieces, including wellheads and the pumpjacks, for drilling fluid from the deep grounds. 
Apart from extraction, as part of well completion services, there comes in the transportation of the crude for which the O&G companies are highly dependent upon the huge pipelines network or the 3rd party vendors that can easily transport the oil through railways, trucks, and ships. These oil refineries constitute a downstream segment of the O&G industry and remain distinctly responsible for the petroleum-based products generation from crude oil.
It is all a big system that is known to facilitate the crude transformation to refined products, and to do this, there come several challenges in terms of oil theft, increased complexity of equipment, and also the rise within carbon footprint, which leads to quite severe social, political, industrial and for sure the environmental implications. This is why the companies associated with the O&G sector remain in search of the tech and tools which can help them counter such complexities. So, with the use of the Internet of Things, the one tech that brings in telematics capabilities and advanced analytics capabilities, they can get rid of the complete complexities that are related to the well completion services.
Vertechs- Single-stop Solution for the Oil & Gas Sector
We at Vertechs are the leading force within the IoT sector which developed a state-of-the-art product that presents the O&G industry with the opportunity to make some amazing, ground-breaking developments.
Vertechs is the end-to-end IoT solution provider offering users power for monitoring conditions as well as the performance of the assets from remote locations. It brings in the systematically designed platform, which helps to encompass the high-tech electronics and to configure the IoT dashboard suite allowing users for keeping an eye on the industrial operations and well completion services.
With the implementation of the completion solutions, there come varied benefits within the O&G industry overall. It includes some important features like,
Advanced Analytics
Cognition Capabilities
Telemetry, etc.
With the use of the above and more, there comes in revolutionization for the downstream, midstream, and upstream segments of the O&G industry. As for the remote equipment monitoring when drilling fluid, it helps boost the efficiency of the assets and enhance the plant efficiency.
Operational Excellence with Vertechs-based Asset Monitoring 
Most drilling fluid procedures, they happen within the remote areas which remain under extreme environmental conditions influence. The manual inspection of such oil monitoring machines, including Pumpjacks, Wellheads, etc., isn’t easy at all, increasing the risks to the safety of the workers. Further, such machines, they operate collectively with varied other machinery pieces, and even the last-minute hiccup or malfunction, or breakdown of the single component associated with completion solutions, it can compromise operational efficiency associated with the complete extraction process.
With the help of Vertechs IoT, the companies can get the needed help for the oil exploration and production while they continue enhancing operational excellence. Further, the sensors and meters are used to measure varied parameters, including pressure, temperature, humidity, and much more. Even the thresholds could be again set for the alarm when the particular variable crosses the permissible range.
Monitoring Pumpjack 
As part of completion solutions, the pumpjack remains almost similar to the hand pump that is used for drilling fluids from the wells wherein the oil pressure isn’t high enough to force itself out onto the surface. Using a prime mover or the motor powers, walking beam, and the sucker rod, one can plunge out the oil through the well. However, still there exist varied complexities that remain associated with pumpjack working.
Pumpjacks remain prone to the rod and tubing wear or pump failure because of the pump-off conditions and the fluid pound on the rod string. It can drastically increase the operating expenses and also result in unplanned downtime. 
With the Vertechs equipment monitoring solution, the E&P companies receive the solutions for reducing unexpected component malfunction changes that are associated with the pumpjacks and further ensure the regulatory or the safety compliance.
Final Words
Managing equipment efficiency and assets is an essential task for any industry. With IoT use, one can receive the benefits like the predictive analytics, which allows the industries to monitor conditions and the performance related to machines and assets.
With the help of IoT-based monitoring within O&G, the companies extend the life of the expensive machines, allowing users to monitor varied parameters associated with the machine working from remote locations. It, therefore, helps to reduce the time and cost associated with the random inspection and maintenance task. It also helps the companies enhance the overall equipment effectiveness of the assets and machines. 
So, go ahead and make the pick today. Using IoT solutions within the O&G industry is quite helpful and would help avoid risks and failures.
View Source:- Use of IoT to Enable Oil & Gas Sector Achieve Operational Excellence Read Our One More Blog: IoT-Powered Management System Benefits for Inventory in Oil & Gas Sector
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banksiacontrols · 3 hours
Understanding Electronic Measuring Instruments: Precision and Innovation
Electronic Measuring Instruments are vital tools in various industries, providing accurate and reliable measurements for a wide range of applications. These instruments have revolutionized how professionals in fields such as engineering, manufacturing, healthcare, and construction gather and analyze data, ensuring quality control and compliance with industry standards.
At the core of electronic measuring instruments is their ability to provide precise measurements through advanced technology. Unlike traditional mechanical instruments, electronic devices utilize sensors and digital displays, allowing for quicker and more accurate readings. This technological advancement minimizes human error and enhances the efficiency of measurement processes.
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One of the most common types of electronic measuring instruments is the digital multimeter. Widely used in electrical engineering and maintenance, multimeters measure voltage, current, and resistance. Their versatility makes them essential for troubleshooting electrical circuits and ensuring proper functioning of devices. With features such as auto-ranging and data logging, modern multimeters provide users with a wealth of information at their fingertips.
Another essential electronic measuring instrument is the electronic caliper, used primarily in manufacturing and engineering. This tool measures internal and external dimensions with remarkable accuracy. Digital calipers often feature LCD displays that provide easy-to-read measurements in various units, enhancing user convenience. The ability to switch between metric and imperial units further increases their usability in international contexts.
In addition to calipers and multimeters, electronic measuring instruments include various specialized devices. For instance, laser distance meters offer precise distance measurements without the need for physical contact, making them ideal for construction and surveying applications. These devices use laser technology to calculate distances quickly and accurately, streamlining the measurement process.
Temperature measurement is another critical aspect of various industries, and electronic thermometers have become standard tools in many settings. From laboratories to industrial processes, electronic thermometers provide fast and precise temperature readings. Some models offer features such as data logging and connectivity to computers or smartphones, enabling users to track temperature changes over time.
The impact of electronic measuring instruments extends beyond industrial applications. In healthcare, electronic measuring devices play a crucial role in diagnostics and patient monitoring. Instruments like digital blood pressure monitors and pulse oximeters allow healthcare professionals to obtain accurate readings quickly, facilitating timely interventions and improving patient outcomes.
The integration of electronic measuring instruments with software solutions has further enhanced their functionality. Many modern instruments can connect to computers or mobile devices, allowing users to analyze data in real-time and generate detailed reports. This capability is particularly beneficial in research and development, where precise measurements are critical for validating hypotheses and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
Despite the many advantages of electronic measuring instruments, users must remain vigilant regarding calibration and maintenance. Regular calibration ensures that instruments provide accurate readings, while proper maintenance extends their lifespan. Manufacturers often provide guidelines for calibration frequency and maintenance procedures, emphasizing the importance of keeping instruments in optimal condition.
In conclusion, electronic measuring instruments are indispensable tools that have transformed measurement processes across various industries. Their precision, versatility, and technological advancements enhance efficiency and accuracy, making them essential for quality control and compliance. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further innovations in electronic measuring instruments, paving the way for even greater accuracy and reliability in measurements. Embracing these tools not only improves operational efficiency but also supports a culture of safety and excellence in every field.
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msvalley · 22 hours
How a Pharmacy in Abu Dhabi is Integrating Digital Health Solutions
As healthcare moves increasingly toward digital solutions, pharmacies are playing a vital role in bridging the gap between traditional care and modern technology. In Abu Dhabi, pharmacies are adopting cutting-edge digital health solutions to enhance patient care, improve medication management, and provide easier access to healthcare services. These innovations are transforming how patients interact with pharmacies, making it easier and more efficient to manage their health.
Telepharmacy: Accessing Pharmacists Anytime, Anywhere
One of the most significant changes in the pharmacy landscape is the introduction of telepharmacy services. A pharmacy in Abu Dhabi can now offer virtual consultations, allowing patients to connect with pharmacists online without needing to visit the pharmacy in person. This service is particularly beneficial for those living in remote areas, elderly patients, or individuals with mobility issues. Through video calls or chat platforms, pharmacists provide expert advice, answer questions about medications, and help manage side effects, all from the comfort of the patient’s home.
E-Prescriptions and Seamless Medication Management
Pharmacies in Abu Dhabi are also integrating e-prescription services, which streamline the process of getting medications. Instead of patients physically carrying a paper prescription to the pharmacy, doctors can send prescriptions electronically. This reduces wait times, minimizes errors, and ensures that medications are ready for pickup or delivery without delays. E-prescriptions also allow pharmacists to keep a detailed digital record of a patient's medication history, making it easier to track refills, monitor for potential drug interactions, and provide personalized advice.
Medication Delivery Apps: Convenience at Your Fingertips
As part of their digital health strategy, many pharmacies in Abu Dhabi have developed medication delivery apps that allow patients to order their prescriptions online and have them delivered straight to their door. These apps not only offer convenience but also provide features like medication reminders, refill requests, and dosage instructions. Patients can track their orders in real-time, ensuring they never run out of essential medications. By integrating these apps, pharmacies are making healthcare more accessible and efficient for a tech-savvy population.
Health Monitoring Through Wearable Devices
Pharmacies in Abu Dhabi are also embracing wearable health technology, offering devices that allow patients to monitor their vital signs and health conditions from home. These wearables, such as fitness trackers, blood pressure monitors, and glucose meters, sync with mobile apps and provide real-time data that can be shared with healthcare professionals. By stocking and promoting these devices, pharmacies enable patients to manage chronic conditions more effectively and encourage proactive health management.
Online Health Portals and Patient Education
Education is a key part of any healthcare journey, and pharmacies in Abu Dhabi are using digital platforms to ensure patients have the information they need to manage their health. Many pharmacies now offer online health portals where patients can access educational materials, videos, and articles on medications, side effects, and healthy living. These portals may also include FAQs, chat features for quick consultations, and the ability to submit questions that pharmacists can answer at any time. This digital approach not only makes health education more accessible but also empowers patients to take control of their health.
AI-Powered Drug Interaction Alerts
Pharmacies in Abu Dhabi are utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help patients avoid harmful drug interactions. AI-powered software can analyze a patient’s current medications and flag any potential risks, alerting pharmacists to offer alternative solutions or additional advice. These systems help ensure that patients are taking their medications safely and reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions. This integration of AI in pharmacies enhances the level of care provided and minimizes the risk of human error.
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mr-camhed · 3 days
Name: Supernova
Age: unknown
Gender: Female
Faction: Decepticon(formerly), factionless
Assigned Forces: Covert Operator team
Role: Team leader, infiltrator and sniper
Motto: "Cybertron has a problem, and I have a solution. "
Personality: Supernova have no concept of giving up. If she was going to do something, the only thing that can stop he from doing it is either making her believe that it is not worth or supposed to be done, or getting offlined completely. No matter It's Autobot spies in Decepticon ranks, or targets that cannot involve the regular Decepticon special forces such as Cobalt Sentries, DJD Or X Squadron, can be perfectly trusted to Supernova and her Covert Operators.
However, unlike many other Decepticons, Supernova holds a high sense of honor and unlike most Decepticons, she has rather strong sense of empathy and belief in fair fights, or atleast disdain of cheating. Despite being against massacring individuals with no ability of resistance, Supernova still is a cold, disassociating killer who would put a bullet into The cerebral module and spark chamber of any marked target. And although she is The leader of the Covert Operators team, she is inclined to not depend on he teammate on missions, as she do not believe attachments to be something that is not trustworthy.
Despite Flatline and Knockout(The red one, who The micromaster one would call "knockoff" as an insult)'s psychological assessment says that Supernova is loyal towards Decepticon cause, they also believes that she has a "slightly risk of abandonment of mission abandonment due to botsonal tendency" and that she would be "prone to disillusionment" due to her earlier life's subconscious stamp on her mind.
Alternate mode: Supernova transforms into a decent condition light Blue 1967 Chevrolet Nova/Chevy II station wagon(earth mode)/Cybertronian station wagon
Appearance: Supernova is around 6.4 meters tall and rather slender in build. She has green photoreceptors and a transformation scheme similar to the Equinox drones of Chevrolet Autobots, with a head sculpt similar to that of G1 Dust Up with a second flip-up battlemask similar to that of Ghost units of Starcraft. Her Non-vehicle robot mode parts' color scheme is silver with light Blue accents.
Weaponry: Supernova has a surprisingly high stamina and intelligence. Under robot mode, she can briefly become invisible to all form of detection using a special stealth field projector, and uses a railgun sniper rifle that can accurately hit a target The size of a hexnut ten miles away, and can pierce energy shield and heavy armor or even disable electronics close to target. She is also equipped with silenced plasma pistol, a electro pulse stun pistol, special tools that can also be used to conduct sabotage and a long molecular blade swordwhich she would sometimes use. She can also quickly adapt to operate most kind of vehicles and weapons she would find close to. While under vehicle mode, her inconspicuous vehicle mode accompanied by The high performance engine, drivetrain and suspension means she can quickly blend into the chaotic crowd and then flee when she is in The clear. She can also drop incapaciting sticky/EMP/Oil slick/smoke landmines in both mode to help her escape.
Character Biography: it is not known much about the bot that is now known as Supernova. It was believed that she was a member of a high caste house on Cybertron before war, However, the house was framed for some crime or scandal, and The members were rounded up and incarcerated, and many were disappeared, while she was sent to the Institute, where she was brainwashed, modified and trained as an assassin, although her first mission, a false flag operation to assassinate the former security officer, archivist, social activist and perceived threat of The Senate Orion Pax, and disguise the attack as a Decepticon attack with the help of several Senate thugs and other criminals including Kroma(sniper spotter), Macabre(aerial watch), Tailgater(leading the goons on the ground with a Machine gun), and Secondcount(eager to be paid to torture some innocent bots) and Timereckon(only one with reservation on the operation). However, the mission went awry, and in the chaos, she instead shot and killed the head archivist and Orion's old friend and mentor Codexa, while the goons killed several archivists and security officers, set fire to and partially blown up the great archive and the underbase, and in turn, several of the thugs, including Timereckon, were killed by Orion who would go into hiding and begin establishing his new Autobot organization in order to dismantle the system. And for the failure, she was once again stasis storaged and scheduled to be dismantled, However, before it could happen, the Decepticons destroyed the Institute and wiped out The Senate and among the assets, they discovered the stasis pod and recruited her as a sniper and Covert operative, and she would make a name for herself in the battle of Clemency where she destroyed several Autobot warships and Transports. And slowly assemble a team of similar group of killers. And after The disappearance of Megatron and the Decepticon warlords began their contest for leadership, she and her team would leave the Decepticon Faction and become a group of mercenaries that are constantly at odds with The Authorities of Galactic Senate and The Galactic crime syndicates such as The Dark Box Consortium.
Weakness: Supernova has trouble trusting others, even when she should be more trusting of them.
Commentary: she was originally envisioned based on Nova from Starcraft, and to make Transformers that are very emphasized on being "robots in disguise"
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safeconnectplus · 3 days
Does EMF Affect Sleep? Exploring EMF and Its Impact on Health
In today’s hyper-connected world, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are everywhere—pulsing from our smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, and even from the 5G network that is rapidly expanding. With this proliferation of technology, many people are asking: Does emf affect sleep?Additionally, as concerns about EMF exposure grow, people are seeking ways to minimize their exposure and protect their health. This blog will delve into the potential effects of EMF on sleep, explore methods to reduce exposure, and offer advice on the best EMF blockers and protection strategies.
Understanding EMF and Its Impact on Sleep
Electromagnetic fields are generated by all electronic devices and wireless communication systems. They come in various forms, including radiofrequency (RF) radiation from cell phones and Wi-Fi routers, and extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation from power lines and electrical wiring.
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Studies on the effects of EMF on health are ongoing, but there is some evidence suggesting that high levels of EMF exposure could potentially interfere with sleep. EMF exposure has been linked to disruptions in circadian rhythms, the body’s internal clock that regulates sleep-wake cycles. For instance, a study published in the "International Journal of Radiation Biology" indicated that prolonged exposure to EMF might influence sleep patterns and reduce sleep quality.
However, it's crucial to note that while some research suggests a possible link between EMF and sleep disturbances, definitive conclusions are still under investigation. The evidence is mixed, and the scientific community has yet to reach a consensus on the extent of the impact.
How to Turn Off 5G
With 5G networks becoming more widespread, concerns about EMF exposure have intensified. If you want to limit your exposure to 5G radiation, consider the following steps:
Turn Off 5G on Your Device: Most smartphones allow you to disable 5G connectivity in the settings. Go to your device’s settings, find the network options, and switch off 5G.
Airplane Mode: When not using your phone, switching it to airplane mode will disable all wireless communications, including 5G.
Limit Usage: Reduce the time spent using devices that connect to 5G networks.
Router Settings: Some advanced routers allow you to adjust settings to limit or disable certain frequencies, including 5G. Check your router's manual or consult with the manufacturer.
Best emf blockers and Protectors
To protect yourself from EMF exposure, several products claim to offer protection. Here’s a guide to some of the best EMF blockers and protectors:
EMF Shielding Fabrics: These are used in various products, including clothing and bed canopies. They are designed to block or reduce EMF exposure. Look for fabrics made from materials like silver or copper, known for their shielding properties.
EMF Blocking Devices: These include plug-in devices that claim to neutralize or reduce EMF emissions. They are often marketed as being able to protect an entire home from EMF exposure.
Whole House EMF Blockers: These systems are designed to reduce EMF exposure throughout your home. They typically involve specialized devices installed at the electrical panel to reduce EMF from wiring and power sources.
EMF Protection Crystals: Some people use crystals like shungite, which are believed to absorb or block EMFs. While scientific evidence supporting their efficacy is limited, they are popular among those who prefer natural solutions.
EMF Blocking Paint: This is used to coat walls and create a barrier against EMF radiation. It can be particularly useful if you live near a cell phone tower or high EMF sources.
Safe Distance to Live from a Cell Phone Tower
Living near a cell phone tower raises concerns about prolonged EMF exposure. While there is no universally agreed-upon safe distance, many experts recommend maintaining a distance of at least 300 meters (approximately 1,000 feet) from a cell tower to minimize potential health risks. This distance helps reduce exposure to the higher levels of RF radiation emitted by these structures.
Wifi EMF Radiation and EMF Protection
Wi-Fi routers emit EMF radiation, but the levels are generally considered lower than those from cell towers. Nevertheless, if you are concerned about Wi-Fi EMF radiation, you can take steps to minimize exposure:
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Turn Off Wi-Fi When Not in Use: Simply turning off your router when you don't need it can reduce your exposure significantly.
Positioning: Place the router away from high-traffic areas and bedrooms.
Use Wired Connections: Whenever possible, use Ethernet cables to connect your devices to the internet instead of relying on Wi-Fi.
EMF Shielding for Routers: Consider using a shield specifically designed to reduce EMF emissions from your router.
The impact of EMF on health, including sleep quality, remains a topic of ongoing research and debate. While some evidence suggests potential disruptions, more studies are needed to draw definitive conclusions. In the meantime, if you are concerned about EMF exposure, there are practical steps you can take to reduce it, including turning off 5G, using EMF blocking devices, and maintaining a safe distance from high EMF sources like cell phone towers.
Ultimately, balancing the benefits of modern technology with precautions to protect your health is key. Whether you choose to use EMF blockers, adjust your device settings, or make lifestyle changes, staying informed and proactive can help you manage your EMF exposure effectively.
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michaleideas · 10 days
Study SSD Chemical Preparation, Composition and Formulation
Learn the complete information about SSD chemical preparation, composition, and formulation in this single article, to help you understand how the substance is made, processed, and formulated; for the use of Anti- Breeze defaced banknotes cleaning.
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In the science studies of SSD/SCDN/DFX chemistry, SSD chemical preparation is the primary or basic process of chemicals production which involves putting together all the common compounds (atoms, molecules, and elements) meant to produce the final chemical substance ready for cleaning performance following the directives as stated in an SSD chemical hypothesis report, researched in SCDN labs.
To make an SSD chemical substance typically follows three simple rules which includes; chemical preparation, composition, and formulation. Once the chemical formula is identified, any SCDN trained professional can make or produce SSD chemical substances, that can be therefore used for the effective cleaning of Anti- Breeze DFX banknotes.
The GCL researches, produces, and distributes the highest quality of SSD chemical substances, used for cleaning and recovering DFX banknote currencies, in minutes. SSD chemical substances prepared, composed, and produced by GCL are 100% purified, with disaster control management in place to prevent chemicals explosion and intoxication during usage in defaced banknotes cleaning performance, by a user.
All GCL researched and produced SSD chemicals are 99.9999% top-quality and genuine SCDN/DFX notes recovery and cleaning solutions. GEMONOG CHEMICAL LABORATORY being the No.1 facility in SSD chemical preparation, composition, and formulation provides some of the best chemical features and services to DFX banknote holders globally such as; 100% payment security, 30 days MONEY-BACK guarantee, and unique CAS number provided for chemical authentication verification.
Commonly, when referring to “SSD chemical composition” in the SSD/SCDN/DFX cleaning industry, it is simply the latter step in the making process of an SSD chemical substance, after preparation. This step of the SSD chemical production requires a person with at least a Ph.D. in chemistry and a minimum study of 6 months in SSD/SCDN/DFX science, to complete the composition stage. The SSD chemical composition involves the decomposition and mixing of all scientifically identified seven (7) chemical compounds, followed by extraction, filtration, and purification, to reproduce the final solute substance, ready for any DFX banknote cleaning performance, after SSD/DFX prescribed dilution recommendation.
Maintaining a chemical balanced charge throughout the process of an SSD chemical production (from preparation, composition, and formulation; ‘decomposition, mixing, extraction, filtration, purification’) is very vigorous. The normal molecular chemical charge for an original ISOLATED SSD CHEMICAL is (-2.369), if this chemical equation is not balanced, the SSD substance finished product might not be efficient enough to clean a DFX banknote, and might equally cause great disasters such as explosion during production processes, due to chemicals reactions conflict. In situations where the chemical equation is not properly balanced during the composition and production process, it would still need to undergo reprocessing, to balance the equations, hence, to render the finished chemical product as efficient to effectively clean defaced banknotes. Balancing the chemical equation is vital for composition success.
SSD chemical is made of 96% electron properties, making it one of the world's most toxic and hazardous liquid chemical substance, with high-range explosive probability when exposed to heat above 77 degree Celsius, or used near fire within 5 meters. GCL research and produce the best SSD chemical used for DFX banknote cleaning in the BLACK MARKET.
According to Dr. Feud Luciano’s latest SSD/SCDN/DFX released thesis, the absolute chemical formulation is [NH18O6MAC7S] as of AAA*2023 version, which further expands to its Common elements (chemical molecules or compounds) being; NaCl, H2O, MgNgK 0.01%, Au 79, C4H8, H2SO4, C3H6O. To acquire in-depth information and resources about SSD chemical formula, I will advise you Google search “the science of ssd chemical” to read and possibly download a full context of the SSD chemical formula. Studying and understanding the SSD chemical formula perfectly requires a Ph.D. in chemistry and 1 year 6 months of theoretical knowledge in SSD/SCDN/DFX science. An executable SSD chemical formula is sold at about $10.2 million USD per .RRD file, in DARKWEB and O3T space, and these files type can only be downloadable using the USA or FR internet protocol (IP) addresses, due to chemical data encryption.
The GCL data research center in South Carolina, United States is known to recruit an average of 22 new researchers yearly, with a Ph.Ds. holder degree in chemistry, to focus primarily on SSD chemical formulation research for identifying updated RRD (Research Result Data) thesis. Identifying an executable SSD chemical formula is the most complex step of the production process after composition. Original SSD chemical formula thesis data is secretly sold to SCDN labs, for chemical reproduction.
The SSD chemical is termed illegal due-to its hazardous substance properties, which according to HAZMAT, it is classified as a harmful, toxic, dangerous, and a combustible liquid matter. Based on research studies, the ULTIMATE purpose that SSD chemical substances are labelled illegal by the Authorities is also due to its unscrupulous use and activities in the real world, and hence blacklisted as a Money Laundering Processing (MLP) substance.
For more details checkout also here: https://gclofficial.com/ssd-chemical-for-sale-cas-no-5983-xx-24-quality-solutions/
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china-supplier · 2 months
Epoxy bonding for heat sinks is gaining popularity in various industries due to its exceptional thermal conductivity and structural integrity. The two-component epoxy systems, such as the 70-3812NC, are particularly effective for bonding aluminum fins to base plates, providing a robust solution for thermal management in electronic devices.
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Benefits of Epoxy Bonding for Heat Sinks
High Strength: The 70-3812NC epoxy adhesive offers a tensile lap shear strength of 2,500 psi, making it ideal for applications requiring strong bonds between aluminum components.
Thermal Conductivity: This epoxy is designed to enhance thermal transfer, which is crucial for maintaining optimal operating temperatures in electronic systems.
Ease of Use: With a simple 10:1 mix ratio, this epoxy can be easily mixed in batches or used with Meter Mix and Dispense Equipment, streamlining the manufacturing process.
Curing Options: It can cure at room temperature or with mild heat, providing flexibility in production environments.
Compliance with Standards: The adhesive meets NASA's outgassing requirements, ensuring reliability in sensitive applications.
Epoxy bonding is widely used in:
Electronics: For securing heat sinks on CPUs and GPUs, ensuring efficient heat dissipation.
Aerospace: In components where weight and thermal management are critical.
Automotive: In electric vehicle batteries and other heat-sensitive components.
The shift towards epoxy bonding in heat sink applications reflects a growing recognition of its benefits in enhancing performance and reliability. Manufacturers are increasingly adopting these advanced adhesives to meet the demands of modern technology. If you're involved in thermal management solutions, consider exploring epoxy bonding for your heat sink needs.
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dualfuelkit · 12 days
Fuel Injection or Carburetion - Opting for the Right Dual Fuel Kit
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In today’s business landscape, reducing operational costs and minimizing environmental impact are top priorities. Dual fuel technology provides a practical solution for diesel generator owners in Delhi NCR, allowing them to switch between diesel and cleaner, more cost-effective fuels such as PNG, CNG, and LPG. However, with multiple dual fuel kits available, selecting the right technology can be challenging. This blog, from CNG Power, a leading supplier of Dual Fuel Kits in Delhi NCR, will highlight two major fuel delivery systems: carburetion and fuel injection.
Decoding the Technology: Carburetion vs. Fuel Injection
A carburetor is a relatively simple mechanical device that mixes air and fuel to create a combustible mixture for the engine. It relies on the vacuum created by the engine’s intake to draw fuel through a nozzle. The amount of fuel delivered depends on the air flow, making it less precise.
Fuel Injection
Fuel injection is a more advanced electronic system that precisely measures and delivers fuel directly into the engine’s cylinders. Sensors monitor engine parameters like air pressure and temperature, allowing the electronic control unit (ECU) to calculate the optimal fuel amount for each combustion cycle.
The Dual Fuel Kit Landscape in India
Both carburetion and fuel injection technology is being used in dual fuel kits for diesel engines in India. However, the trend is shifting towards fuel injection due to its numerous advantages.
Choosing the Right Dual Fuel Kit for Your Needs
While carburetion-based dual fuel kits might seem attractive due to their lower initial cost, the long-term benefits of fuel injection outweigh the price difference. Here’s why:
Fuel Efficiency and Savings: Precise fuel metering in fuel injection systems translates to significant fuel cost savings over time. Compared to carburetion, which struggles to maintain an optimal air-fuel ratio, fuel injection delivers the exact amount of fuel needed for efficient combustion. This translates to using less fuel to achieve the same power output, leading to substantial cost reductions on your operational expenditure.
Reduced Emissions: Cleaner combustion in fuel injection kits minimizes your environmental impact and helps comply with emission regulations. Carburetion systems often struggle to adapt to varying engine loads, resulting in incomplete combustion and the release of harmful pollutants. Fuel injection, on the other hand, precisely controls the fuel mixture based on real-time engine data. This ensures cleaner burning, minimizing harmful emissions like nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and hydrocarbons (HC). By opting for a fuel injection dual fuel kit, you not only contribute to a cleaner environment but also potentially avoid future penalties for non-compliance with emission regulations.
Full Blog Click Here — https://cngpower.in/fuel-injection-or-carburetion-choosing-the-right-dual-fuel-kit/
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rubysneakers · 14 days
Best Parking Lot Supplies for Managing Heavy Traffic in Urban Areas
Managing heavy traffic in urban parking lots requires the right supplies to ensure safety and efficiency. The best parking lot supplies include durable traffic cones, high-visibility signs, and effective line-marking paint. Installing quality speed bumps and barriers helps control vehicle speed and prevent accidents. Additionally, reflective and illuminated equipment enhances visibility during low-light conditions. These essential supplies help maintain smooth traffic flow and safeguard both drivers and pedestrians.
Essential Traffic Control Devices in Parking Lot Supplies
When managing heavy traffic in urban areas, essential traffic control devices are crucial. Parking lot supplies such as traffic cones, roadblocks, and delineators help direct vehicle flow and prevent accidents. Traffic cones and roadblocks are particularly effective in creating barriers and guiding drivers, while delineators provide clear lane markings. Investing in high-visibility, durable materials ensures these devices withstand constant use and extreme weather conditions, making them vital for efficient traffic management.
High-Visibility Signage as a Key Parking Lot Supplies
High-visibility signage is a key component of parking lot supplies used to manage traffic. Proper signage informs drivers of speed limits, parking regulations, and pedestrian zones. Signs made from reflective or luminous materials improve visibility during low-light conditions, ensuring that they are easily noticed by drivers. Customizable signs allow urban planners to address specific traffic concerns, helping to maintain order and reduce congestion in busy areas.
Durable Wheel Stops and Parking Lot Supplies
Durable wheel stops and parking bumpers are important parking lot supplies for preventing vehicle overruns and damage. Wheel stops, often made from concrete or rubber, help ensure that vehicles are parked within designated spaces. Parking bumpers protect infrastructure and landscaping by absorbing impact from vehicles. These supplies contribute to a well-organized parking lot and help prevent costly repairs due to vehicular damage.
Advanced Parking Lot Supplies Lighting Solutions
Advanced parking lot lighting solutions are essential parking lot supplies for managing heavy traffic. Proper lighting enhances visibility, safety, and security during nighttime hours. LED lights, which offer high brightness and energy efficiency, are commonly used. Strategic placement of lighting fixtures ensures that all areas are well-lit, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall traffic flow.
Effective Traffic Flow Management Tools Parking Lot Supplies
Effective traffic flow management tools are integral to parking lot supplies for handling heavy traffic. These include automated gate systems, parking meters, and electronic ticketing machines. Automated gates control access and egress while parking meters and electronic ticketing streamline payment processes and reduce bottlenecks. Implementing these tools enhances the efficiency of parking lot operations and improves the overall experience for drivers.
Reliable Pavement Marking Parking Lot Supplies
Reliable pavement marking supplies are crucial for maintaining order in parking lots with heavy traffic. High-quality paint and thermal plastic materials are used to create clear, durable markings for lanes, spaces, and crosswalks. These markings guide drivers and pedestrians, ensuring that parking lots are used efficiently and safely. Regular maintenance and re-marking are essential to keep these markings visible and effective.
Emergency Management Parking Lot Supplies
Emergency management supplies are an often-overlooked but essential aspect of parking lot supplies. Items such as first-aid kits, fire extinguishers, and emergency lighting should be readily available. In the event of an accident or emergency, having these supplies on hand ensures a quick response, helping to manage and mitigate the impact of such incidents. Ensuring that these supplies are well-stocked and easily accessible is crucial for maintaining safety and order.
In conclusion, the best parking lot supplies for managing heavy traffic in urban areas include a range of essential tools and devices. From traffic control devices and high-visibility signage to advanced lighting solutions and emergency management supplies, each element plays a vital role in ensuring efficient traffic flow and safety. Investing in durable, reliable parking lot supplies helps to address the challenges of urban traffic management, improving the overall experience for drivers and contributing to a well-organized parking environment.
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prabhaelectronics · 15 days
Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief for Gas Systems
Gas systems, whether in residential or industrial settings, demand high safety standards. A critical component in maintaining this safety is the Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief. This innovative device is designed to automatically shut off gas flow in case of excess flow or leakage, protecting lives and property from potential hazards. In this article, we explore the features, benefits, and applications of the Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief, highlighting why it is an essential addition to any gas system.
Understanding the Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief
A Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief is a safety device that serves two main purposes:
Automatic Shut-Off: The valve automatically closes when it detects an excess flow of gas, indicating a possible leak or failure in the system. This quick response helps prevent accidents such as fires, explosions, or poisoning due to gas leakage.
Pressure Relief Mechanism: The integrated safety relief function ensures that any excess pressure within the system is safely vented out. This feature is crucial in maintaining system integrity and preventing damage to connected equipment.
Key Features of the Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief
Durable Construction: Built from high-quality materials, this valve is designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations.
Easy Installation: The valve's design allows for quick and easy installation in existing gas lines without the need for extensive modifications.
Reliable Performance: Engineered for optimal performance, the valve consistently provides automatic shut-off and pressure relief, ensuring continuous safety.
Versatile Applications: Suitable for various gas types, including LPG and PNG, this valve is ideal for both residential and industrial settings.
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Benefits of Using a Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief
Enhanced Safety: The primary advantage of using a self-closing valve with safety relief is the enhanced safety it provides. By automatically shutting off the gas supply in case of a leak or excessive flow, it minimizes the risk of dangerous incidents.
Prevention of Equipment Damage: By regulating pressure and preventing gas flow during a fault, this valve protects other components of the gas system, such as regulators, meters, and piping, from potential damage.
Cost-Effective Solution: Investing in safety devices like the self-closing valve with safety relief can save substantial costs in the long run by preventing accidents and equipment damage that may lead to costly repairs or replacements.
Compliance with Safety Standards: Installing safety devices such as these ensures compliance with safety standards and regulations for gas systems, which is crucial for industrial operations and residential safety.
Applications of the Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief
Residential Gas Systems: Ideal for homes using LPG or PNG, the valve provides peace of mind by ensuring that any potential gas leak is quickly controlled.
Industrial Gas Systems: In industrial settings where gas usage is higher and the potential risks are greater, this valve becomes an indispensable safety component.
Commercial Kitchens: In environments like restaurants and hotels where gas usage is constant, the self-closing valve ensures safety without interrupting the gas supply unless absolutely necessary.
Why Choose Prabha Electronics for Your Gas Safety Needs?
At Prabha Electronics, we prioritize safety, quality, and reliability. Our Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief is engineered to meet stringent safety standards, ensuring the utmost protection for your gas systems. With our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, we provide products that stand the test of time and deliver uncompromised safety.
The Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief is an essential component of any gas system, providing a reliable and cost-effective solution to potential gas-related hazards. Whether for residential, commercial, or industrial use, this valve ensures that your gas systems operate safely and efficiently. Trust Prabha Electronics to deliver high-quality safety solutions that protect your home, business, and loved ones.
Explore our range of safety valves and other gas system components today and take the first step toward a safer and more secure gas system!
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forblogmostly · 18 days
MIC Electronics Limited Secures Major Railway Contract
On September 6, 2024, MIC Electronics Limited, a company renowned for its adherence to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 standards, announced a significant development. The company has been awarded a substantial contract by the Ratlam Division of the Western Railway Zone, marking a notable achievement in its project portfolio.
This contract, valued at ₹86,44,051.35 (Eighty-Six Lakhs, Forty-Four Thousand, Fifty-One Rupees, and Thirty-Five Paise), encompasses the supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of telecom materials. This initiative is part of the ambitious Amrit Bharat Station Scheme (ABSS), which aims to enhance connectivity by providing a 12-meter wide foot overbridge at 14 different railway stations.
The Letter of Acceptance from the Ratlam Division signifies a significant opportunity for MIC Electronics Limited to contribute to vital infrastructure improvements. The scope of work involves comprehensive responsibilities from the procurement of telecom materials to their installation and operational testing, ensuring that the overbridge project meets all necessary standards and specifications.
Additional details regarding this work order highlight that it is a direct order secured through a competitive tender process, awarded by a domestic entity. The project is scheduled to be executed within 10 months from the date of the Letter of Acceptance. Importantly, none of the promoter or promoter group companies of MIC Electronics Limited have any interest in the awarding entity, ensuring that the transaction is conducted at arm's length and free from related party considerations.
For stakeholders and interested parties, this contract represents a noteworthy development in MIC Electronics Limited’s ongoing commitment to delivering quality solutions and advancing infrastructure projects. The company remains dedicated to fulfilling its obligations with the highest standards of excellence and efficiency.
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