haprilona · 4 years
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Miqo’zen/eleqo’te twins.
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Toxic’s How to make Lusaut Pretty Sorta Tutorial Thing!
Right so Lusaut is a character who looks VASTLY different from his actual ‘default’ look in-game. All of what I do to take screenshots of him is just straight up using the Color Filters and Lighting in-game to make certain features of his pop. Specifically his hair, claws and eyes. I do not tweak any of my screenshots in any art programs.
I’m sharing this since I know @skyysinger was interested in them and I wanted to show how I really do this as a quickie thing in case anyone wants to try it! This is a good way to make certain features pop on your characters especially those who have more vivid hair colors! Just tweak the lighting to work with their hair basically!
First shot is default, no filters or anything added. Second is with the filter I picked out for Lusaut (In this case I went with Colored Marker 1) and I worked on putting the lighting out to get the added effects that I wanted. Basically making his hair get the red color that I enjoy so much about him. Depending on what I am going for I will usually have the lighting either type 1 or type 2 and I always keep it low on the sliders. If you make it too bright you lose a lot of the detail in the hair and it makes the hair just look like a glowing BALL of color.
That’s it really, there’s nothing fancy after that! Just get your pose, angle your camera and set your lights to how you want them so that you can get the effects you want! Add some limb darkening, play around with that depth of field. HAVE FUN WITH IT! At the end are some other examples of the Filters that I prefer and use with Lusaut. Most of the time I either use any of the following: Bright 2, Bright 4, Colored Marker 1, Pastel 3 or Strengthen Effects. It depends on where he is, the brightness of the area itself and just what makes his hair pop out the most really. 
There you have it! How I make Lusaut go from Low Quality to a sorta HD Feel! Enjoy and have fun if you try this method! Also SHOW ME IF YOU DO! I would LOVE to see and so would Lusaut!
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haprilona · 3 years
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Noble lady playing with her bodyguard’s hybrid son. He’s a miqo’zen. Or eleqo’te?
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“We really need to stop meeting like this...”
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Lusaut is not exactly the most subtle when it comes to sneaking up on people. I’m pretty sure Caius punched him in the face... or stabbed him... or both >> @benes-diction don’t mind the guy, he’s just passing through :v
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2. Despite their villainy, does your muses subscribe to some sort of ethical/honor code that guides their behavior?
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“Despite how cold I can be I do at the very least have one thing that I follow. Of course, this would upset Father and I would no doubt go through more torment to ‘wipe it’ from my mind so that it never becomes a problem for the future.” The Miqozen sat his hand on the desk as he closed his eyes “I refuse to harm children... I will never do anything to a child no matter what.”
Slowly those eyes opened as he looked at the desk in front of him “Children do not deserve to suffer. They are pure... innocent... and it’s the world around them that shapes them.” an almost sad laugh came out of the man “Anything else? Well... as I have been told by several people now... ‘murder is bad’...” he let out with a more sadistic laugh “So in that regard... I’ll do just about anything... unless it involves harming a child.”
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⏳ (for any of your characters \o/)
Lusaut really is his own warning but as a heads up this post contains mentions of Torture and Abuse.
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The man glared over his shoulder as he heard the soft voice trying to talk to him. A snarl formed on his lips as he had been disturbed from his… duties. Narrowing his eyes the Miqozen turned to face the poor fool that just so happened to disturb him “What did you say?” he muttered out in a cold, bitter tone.
This time at least he was focused on the question being asked and there was a sharp sigh to come out of him as he brought that bloodied axe up to rest on his shoulder “Really? You are asking me about my past? How stupid are you…?”
Well there was no harm in indulging the fool now was there? But what could he bring up that wouldn’t give away too much about himself? Lusaut brought his free hand up to rub his chin, contemplating things and then he fell on one particular moment of his life that seemed to thrust itself into his mind like a rampaging beast.
“My past is full of things that your people would see as ‘abusive’ and the like… at least that is how many have seen it whenever they did get a taste of what things I’ve lived through.” Lusaut turned his attention away “I don’t see it myself… the things I lived through were normal and that’s all there is to it.”
A huffed out breath as he rolled his shoulder that held the axe “My father would often throw me into a tiny room that was barely big enough for me… even as a small child.” that hand holding the axe gripped it just a little tighter “It was to… ‘train’ me so to speak. It was meant to make me numb to the world and everything…”
The halfbreed shook his head “Tiny rooms, tiny spaces… being tied up and whipped repeatedly… beaten… burnt…” the list could go on for malms “It was to ‘train’ me in the ‘arts’ of torture. If I learned by experiencing it then it was far better. Any method of torture that could be used was done on me… to show me how these things were to be done.” a low laugh came out of him “Father always had a twisted mind…”
Slowly the man returned his attention to the person asking him of his past “And all of that training lead up to the day where I was told to use it…” there was nothing in those eyes… no emotion, no care… nothing “And I did… I spent half a day tormenting and torturing my mother. I didn’t know who she was at the time really, father just told me to use my skills and I did. Then I killed her…” he let out with a snort “So there… now go away before I make you suffer…”
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"Ah... Master Durendaire, do you require more poisons?” “Oh you know me too well my friend... I always need more.”
Little teaser for some things potential to come. Mr. Au Ra needs a name since he’s going to likely be working very close with Lusaut... also I love that look for the NPCs that you can have in the house. The glasses, the Ala Mhigan Gown... and just the pants... it all looks SO good.
But yes... enjoy the teaser. I... had a hard time getting the lighting to look decent in this one. Need to fiddle with it more to test things out. But expect more screenshots soon.
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“W-what do you mean I have to RUB oil on YOU!?”
Needless to say... we have found probably the ONE thing that unsettles Lusaut...
In which Lusaut discovers that he now has the ‘nickname’ of he of strong yet supple fingers... or rather He of strong-yet-tender fingers! Lusaut never wishes to speak of this again folks...
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“Do not worry father... I will find him. And you will not be disappointed.”
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(And now for the recollection thingy) Celia blinks up at Lusaut, her lips twisting into a scowl as she determines whether he's lying to her or if he truly doesn't remember her. After a moment of staring at the Miqozen, the Garlean girl lets out a sigh and scribbles something onto a piece of paper that she then holds up for him to see. "Murder is Bad. Remember?"
You know between the one with Caius and the dergin and this one… I honestly don’t know which one is more terrifying. Though this one is getting an automatic under a Keep Reading start because it’s gonna get… gruesome >_>;;;;;
Lusaut is his own warning but this response will contain the likely following: Torture, Gore, Graphic Violence, Blood, Torture Devices, Language, and just general bad things. Please take care when continuing and reading. And remember, Lusuat is very much -not- a nice character and anything involving him should be seen as not good/nice. Viewer discretion is advised with all things Lusaut.
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It was the same as always… screams would fill the worship like a disturbing orchestra as the Miqozen worked. This time his client had made it very clear what they wanted, and that was to keep his current ‘prize’ alive. Alive? Really… keep them alive? The snarled up sneer to cross his lips as the word played continuously in his mind. Did the bastard know how hard it was to keep anyone alive with the methods that they had requested?
More screams… and the normally dark quarters lit up with flashes of blues and some yellows. Electrical magic and machines were brought out just for this particular person and Lusaut had made sure that the poor sod was stripped down and had liquids on his form just to allow for that electricity to course through his body… he also had a grounding agent to make sure that the currents didn’t go through the guys heart and kill him.
“I will not ask you again Master Dauvuet…” he muttered out, a rolling purr in his voice as he twisted his fingers through long locks of hair and tugged the Elezen’s head back “You have something of great interest and importance to someone of House Dzemael… you know what I speak of and you know where it is…” 
The Miqozen was greeted with further silence though he hissed out softly as his prey spat in his face and actually managed to get right into his eye which stung like a bitch. Lusaut recoiled ever so slightly before he growled out and slammed the man’s head back into the back of the chair… claws digging deep into the scalp as he hissed “You won’t be fighting much longer…” was the response as Lusaut drew away and grabbed a very fresh bucket of boiling oil that Oktai had brought to him not too long ago.
This time the Elezen was screeching and violently lashing around in his chain bindings as Lusaut just tossed the boiling liquid onto his form and paired it up with more electricity. The blue lights sparking almost uncontrollably as the Miqozen would focus on the most sensitive of targets… and he had no intentions of stopping. Not right now anyway. And it wasn’t until he felt a hand firmly gripping his shoulder that he jerked back and glared, his bloodied form heaving a couple breaths as he looked toward the Au Ra who had disturbed him.
“A guest for you Master Durendaire…” it was all Oktai had to say as he motioned back towards the young woman who had followed him despite his telling her not to.
“I do not have time for children Oktai… take her away and throw her out.” Lusaut hissed out through gritted teeth, he had looked to the young woman as she stared at him. Looking somewhat shocked by his response before the anger took over. 
She didn’t seem to care that he was dripping with blood soaking him right now, didn’t even care that he had some magical object that could fry her poor little hand if she dared to touch it. No… she was glaring at him, scowling and more than that… she didn’t like what he was doing. Oktai was thankfully there to grab her should he need to, prepared to take any sort of lashing out that Lusaut may have in case things got out of hand.
And with the Miqozen that was easily something that could happen as he glowered towards the Garlean and he was standing upright. He could hear the rasping breathes of his current victim attempting to beg for help and he growled again, grabbing the nearest metal object…. which happened to be a rod with several sharp points on the end and just swinging it. Striking the Elezen’s face hard and causing bone to crack and fracture with the force of the blow… Lusuat didn’t stop there as he lashed it across the man’s chest several times before finally stopping and just tossing the rod to a side.
“I believe you deserve a break Master Durendaire…” Oktai spoke up and he carefully took the young Garlean’s hand to gently lead her back from Lusuat “I can start a pot of coffee for you and fix a few things.” he added before seeing how the Miqozen just hissed before turning to shove past him and the young woman.
Though as he did the little Garlean was tugging away from Oktai to rush ahead and get in front of Lusaut again. This time standing in his way as the Miqozen growled out and was jerking his clawed hand up… which got the Au Ra to get over and grab his wrist before he could strike the girl. The Miqozen was shaking… and he snarled more before he saw the girl just quickly scribbling down something on a card of paper before holding it up, still glaring at Lusuat as she did so.
“Murder is bad. Remember?”
Lusaut was silent as he looked at the paper before he snorted out and snarled more “Not all murder is bad girl… I’ve told you this many times before. Now leave before I make good on slapping the shite out of you.” he hissed before twisting his hand out of Oktai’s and moving to round the corner. He had to clean up… and it was obvious that the oil he’d splashed his victim with had actually hit him as well…
Recollections - Try to Make my Muse Remember
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The screams had filled his little workspace... but it had to be done. He had to deal with the clients request and he had been told to do so in very specific, brutal ways. The Miqozen had since cleaned up and was beginning to make his way to go to his chambers upstairs when he stopped just before the door leading to the next room.
Things were weighing heavily on his mind and the pause made his mind wander. Darker places and darker thoughts... he didn’t want to think on them for long so Lusaut simply pressed his hand and pushed the door open walking into the next room. 
“Finished already?”
Lusaut looked to the Au Ra who was glancing over his shoulder from the table, a couple potion vials in his hands as he spoke. The Miqozen sighed out, stretching and rolling his shoulders “It was a simple enough task... the body will need to be disposed of later.”
“Of course Master Durendaire...” Oktai let out before he watched as his employer walked around and took to the nearby seat... “Something troubles you?”
The question was... unexpected. Did he look bothered and upset? Or did he look like he was troubled? Perhaps he did... Lusaut wasn’t always the best at hiding his thoughts and Oktai had been with him long enough to know when something was wrong. They didn’t just share moments of intimacy together after all... Lusaut would confide in the Au Ra when he was trouble “Do I really look like something troubles me?”
“You do...” it was a simple remark from the Au Ra as he carefully set down the vials that he had been working on “This was... a job that you seemed more reluctant to take. In fact... you haven’t quite been the same since your visitor.” he added before movement caught his attention and soon enough the Miqozen was wrapping arms around the Au Ra and hugging against him. A moment of weakness and vulnerability that was rarely seen from Lusaut “Master Durendaire?”
“I don’t want to be alone tonight Oktai...” the words were barely above a very hushed whisper... “Please don’t let me be alone tonight...” Lusaut muttered as he pressed his face into the Au Ra’s chest “I don’t trust myself alone right now...”
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“Welcome to my parlor... I do hope you enjoy your stay.”
Lusaut quite enjoyed his trip through Haukke Manor... so many delightful devices to torture his victims and even some lovely things that he could potentially use to make poisons.
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Getting to Know: Lusaut de Durendaire
Disclaimer: Lusaut is not a nice, ball of fluff and good times. He is an evil character that is meant to be cruel and a straight up asshole as well as a Sadomasochist. Dark themes, torture, etc. are to be expected when posts crop up involving this character.
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► Name ➔ The halfbreed Elezen gives a rather calm look before crossing his arms “Lusaut...” there was a pause before he continued “Lusaut of House Durendaire.” ► Are you single ➔ For a moment the man seemed to narrow his eyes before he scoffed “Yes... what’s it matter to you?” ► Are you happy ➔ Silence is all that the halfbreed gives in response to the question... [[ Whether that’s a no or a yes... it’s hard to say with him. On one hand he could be happy while on the other hand... ehhhhhhh XD ]] ► Are you angry? ➔ A low and almost cruel laugh came out of the man as he folded his arms in front of his chest once again “I’m sure you’d know if I were angry... you’d be screaming for mercy by now if I was...” ► Are your parents still married ➔ A... confused look crossing over Lusaut’s features before he looks to a side “I do not know if my father ever even married... and my mother... well, let’s just say she’s in a shallow grave somewhere in the frozen wastes of Coerthas now.”   NINE FACTS ► Birth Place ➔ “Being of house Durendaire I’m sure you can easily guess my place of birth...” a scoff came from Lusaut’s lips as he rolled his eyes, unamused by the question “I was born in Foundation...” ► Hair Color ➔ Carefully the man brought his clawed fingers up to run through his long silken blood red hair “Naturally the color of blood... fresh from the veins.” that... was a cruel grin to follow as he said those words. ► Eye Color ➔ A gentle almost melodic hum came out of the mans lips before he leaned forward showing off those different colored eyes “One is the color of a pale blue sky while the other is white.” ► Birthday ➔ “Amusingly... it is on the 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon.” ► Mood ➔ More silence follows as the halfbreed simply shrugs his shoulders “My mood shouldn’t matter to you... unless you’re one of my... targets.” ►Gender ➔ Another low scoff as Lusaut rolled his eyes “Male obviously...” ► Summer or winter ➔ “I’ve grown up in the bitter cold of Foundation... snow and the chill of it all is where I find myself most comfortable. So I suppose Winter...” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “If you think I am the type to enjoy a beautiful sunrise then you are mistaken. While I am quick to rise and get up in the mornings I much prefer the afternoon...”
  EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► Are you in love ➔ The sudden glint in the mans eyes as he narrowed them, glaring towards the offending asker “No...” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ There was... a chill that would run up anyone’s spine should they see the look that was crossing Lusaut’s features now... “You are beginning to try my patience... love is not something that I care about.” he growled out in a rather threatening tone... ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ A growl followed as the Halfbreed straightened up, glaring daggers as he did so “You say that as though I were in a relationship to begin with...” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Finally the halfbreed seemed to calm, a low... sadistic laugh leaving his lips as a cruel smirk formed over his features “Perhaps I have... though not in the way you are potentially asking...” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Silence was all that followed as the man shifted slightly on his feet... a bit of an unease falling over him as Lusaut just looked away. [[ Short answer is yes, he is. Long answer is that Lusaut is terrified of committing himself to anything that would otherwise make him go against his training ]] ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Another low, sadistic laugh came out of the half elezen, that glint to his eyes again as he smirked and this time he brought his clawed fingers up to graze over his lip for a moment “It wasn’t a warm and loving embrace if that’s what you are talking about...” the... tone in which he took... yeah you likely do not want to know what he was talking about. ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ A shrug followed as Lusaut once again rolled his eyes “If I have one I do not know... and if they are an admirer... well I suggest they find someone else to swoon over...” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Once again that anger came into the man’s eyes... a growl, his tail lashing around behind him as he snarled... “........” [[ Lusaut is literally fighting a war at times with himself, he breaks himself often >> so... he’s likely broken his own heart several times over... ]]
  SIX CHOICES ► Love or lust ➔ Finally the man seemed to be calming down once again and he brought his hand to rest on his hip “Lust... plain and simple.” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ For a moment the man actually seemed to be lost in his thoughts... actually thinking the answer over long and hard “Iced tea... though I much prefer a warm cup of hot chocolate to those two options...” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ Once again, his mind was lost in thought... thinking long and hard over the answer before he spoke “If I had to choose between the two... cats...” he smirked slightly as he said that “Nature’s perfect killing machines and hunters...” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ More silence... Lusaut simply looked away as he waved his hand dismissively [[ Lusaut doesn’t know what friendship is due to how he was raised. But if he did have to pick more than likely a few best friends. Though... who would ever want to be this lunatics friend >> ]] ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ The sound that the half-elezen made as he laughed and the most wild of grins formed over his features “I don’t do romance... if I am going to be doing anything like that then it’s going to be wild...” ► Day or night ➔ His tail swayed behind him as he closed his eyes “Night time is the best time to go out and hunt your prey...”   FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS ► Been caught sneaking out ➔ There was silence again before Lusaut let out a heavy sigh “Once... and I never did it again...” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I’m far more graceful than you might think...” he muttered out in a cold tone “I’ve never tripped... I’ve never fallen... so the answer is plainly no...” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ For a moment one might think that there was a deep... desire passing through the man’s eyes before he drew himself back to reality “The short and simple answer to that is... yes...” [[ He’s totally not been lusting for @thorcatte‘s Ufah... nope... not at all >> ]] ► Wanted to disappear ➔ There was a slight... look to the halfbreed as he stared off ahead, and for a moment there was sadness to cross his features. Though as quickly as it came it disappeared “Perhaps...”
  FOUR PREFERENCES ► Smile or eyes ➔ A wicked look came over his features before he chuckled out “Well if I had to choose... it’d be the eyes.” he smirked an almost cruel smirk as he said that “Plucking them out is always so... relaxing...” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ Lusaut cleared his throat as he covered his mouth for a moment... “Taller...” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Silence came yet again as the half-elezen flicked his tail behind him... “Intelligence is like the thing I would prefer... someone to match wits with me. Though... there is always the bonus if they are both intelligent and attractive...” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ A wave of dismissal came as the man turned his back towards you. [[ Lusaut is easily okay with hook-ups and ‘one night stands’ so to speak, he’ll take a tumble in bed and then just up and leave before his partner wakes up. He’s not the relationship kind of guy... or at least, not easily swayed into one so to speak ]]   FAMILY ► Do you and your family get along ➔ A cackle came out of the man, mad and wild as he clapped his hands together “What an amusing question!” he let out through his laughs and cackles “You are truly a piece of work... please keep asking such amusing questions!” [[ Lusaut’s relationship with his family is... strained at best. He is basically his father’s attack dog, a hunter and killer that Rimoux uses to keep his hands clean. He never knew his mother and he doesn’t know the others of House Durendaire... so... it’s complicated lol ]] ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Just as soon as that cackling madman showed it’s face did it quickly turn to an angered and cruel beast... Lusaut narrowing his eyes, grinding his teeth and lashing his tail behind him “If you call being the pawn that dirties it’s hands with the blood of countless victims... then I’d say yes...” ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ Slowly the man’s expression turned to a... saddened one, if only for the briefest of moments “If you recall that sneaking out question you had asked earlier...” he trailed off slightly as he said that “As I said... I never did it again...” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Never...” Lusaut spoke the word in a firm voice “My father wouldn’t let me out of his sight... so no... I’ve never been kicked out before.”  
 FRIENDS ► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ "You say this as though I have any friends to hate...” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “You are really insistent that I have friends...” ► Who is your best friend ➔ The halfbreed just rolled his eyes, a heavy groan escaping him as he just shook his head “Moving on...” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Since I do not have any friends to speak of and most of my family doesn’t even know about me... shouldn’t it be obvious that the one person who knows it all would be my father?”
I saw this popping up about and wanted to do it for the Crazy Miqozen... Lusaut you are a crazy bastard...
@benes-diction @talechaser-ffxiv @theaetherhealerffxiv @skyysinger @theredlilycrew @blackmxgepyro @shur-kha-ffxiv You guys should do this :o I’m probably going to do one for Jacques later >v>
Also anyone else who sees this... DO IT! It’s fun :3
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Edgar Allan Poe Works: Lusaut de Durendaire
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The Masque of the Red Death
Your personal Edgar Allan Poe work is The Masque of the Red Death! You must be the type of individual who accepts death for what it appears to be; both inevitable and not easy to escape. You believe that when it is your time to go, it's time to go. This is why we've determined that The Masque of Red Death is your story. In this piece of writing, Prince Prospero has taken shelter with his wealthy friends and guests in his 7 room abbey from the Red Death- a plague that causes convulsions and bloody sweaty, leading to death in 30 minutes.In an attempt to entertain his guests, the Prince hosts a color themed masquerade ball and a dark, cloaked, corpse faced figure makes its way to the party. Prince Prospero attempts to dispose of the unwanted guest with a dagger, but is faced with what is actually the Red Death in disguise and having no physical body form itself. The Red Death then takes the rest of the party guests' lives as well, claiming what is rightfully his. After all, you can't escape fate.. can you?
Tagged by: No one 8D Tagging: @istolin @grumpqote @captainkurosolaire @ylaziel @hoshikagon @theredlilycrew @the-ruby-rogue @saerumii and I think anyone else who might see this. Tried to split the groups up a bit and tag some new faces as well :D
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A Monster is Born
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I’ve finally managed to get this post recovered and I’m reposting it, if it gets flagged again then... well I tried. I’ve posted far worse and for this one tumblr didn’t give me the OPTION to even appeal it. It was just GONE... B\ *grumbles*
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Lusaut really is his own warning but as a heads up this post contains mentions of Torture and Abuse.
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The man glared over his shoulder as he heard the soft voice trying to talk to him. A snarl formed on his lips as he had been disturbed from his… duties. Narrowing his eyes the Miqozen turned to face the poor fool that just so happened to disturb him “What did you say?” he muttered out in a cold, bitter tone.
This time at least he was focused on the question being asked and there was a sharp sigh to come out of him as he brought that bloodied axe up to rest on his shoulder “Really? You are asking me about my past? How stupid are you…?”
Well there was no harm in indulging the fool now was there? But what could he bring up that wouldn’t give away too much about himself? Lusaut brought his free hand up to rub his chin, contemplating things and then he fell on one particular moment of his life that seemed to thrust itself into his mind like a rampaging beast.
“My past is full of things that your people would see as ‘abusive’ and the like… at least that is how many have seen it whenever they did get a taste of what things I’ve lived through.” Lusaut turned his attention away “I don’t see it myself… the things I lived through were normal and that’s all there is to it.”
A huffed out breath as he rolled his shoulder that held the axe “My father would often throw me into a tiny room that was barely big enough for me… even as a small child.” that hand holding the axe gripped it just a little tighter “It was to… ‘train’ me so to speak. It was meant to make me numb to the world and everything…”
The halfbreed shook his head “Tiny rooms, tiny spaces… being tied up and whipped repeatedly… beaten… burnt…” the list could go on for malms “It was to ‘train’ me in the ‘arts’ of torture. If I learned by experiencing it then it was far better. Any method of torture that could be used was done on me… to show me how these things were to be done.” a low laugh came out of him “Father always had a twisted mind…”
Slowly the man returned his attention to the person asking him of his past “And all of that training lead up to the day where I was told to use it…” there was nothing in those eyes… no emotion, no care… nothing “And I did… I spent half a day tormenting and torturing my mother. I didn’t know who she was at the time really, father just told me to use my skills and I did. Then I killed her…” he let out with a snort “So there… now go away before I make you suffer…”
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“So... Ser Benes... do I look the part? How may I serve you...”
@benes-diction (I was waiting for this part to come up... LMAO)
Also the gloom weather looks SO damn good with the settings I use to make this jerks hair super red >>
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