#Elijah Mikaelson x Adriana Vega
xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
These Violent Delights Ch 5
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Decoded Message
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Small amounts of langue, but nothing else. 
Author’s Note: I know! This chapter is super short. But honestly, I felt that if I continued it, it wasn’t going to flow very well with what will come next. So next chapter will be longer for you guys. 
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Chapter 4 || Masterlist || Chapter 6 >>
The moment there was a knock at the door, Adriana opened it quickly, already knowing who was on the other side. After getting a phone call from Elijah, she left Bonnie and head straight to her father’s home. She kept her face steeled to details she had going on inside of her head.
The Mikaelsons hadn’t missed the look on Adriana’s face as she stood in the doorway. The last time they had seen that look on her face, Adriana had just finished dealing with Mikael. If anything, Elijah had been standing in the same place his father did that night Mikael came barging in.
“Adri, you should invite our guests in.” Victor’s voice carried over from the living room.
Without a word, Adriana pushed the door open and stepped away from it. While she may have not known all the details to this little visit, she already didn’t like it. Her father had been out of the game for so long that he should no longer should be on their radar. Yet here they were, walking into her father’s home, about to ask several questions.
“We hate to bother you Vic.” Rebekah said as she entered the living room.
Her eyes landed on Victor as he sat on the couch. He looked different from the last time she had seen him. He looked older, and there was something about him that Rebekah couldn’t place her finger on. But it almost made her feel guilty for coming over.
“Let me guess, you wish to use my insider knowledge for a case you’ve got going on.” Victor said as he gestured for the Mikaelsons to take a seat on the couch across from him.
“Something like that.” Rebekah said with a nod before looking over at her brother. “We have reason to believe that you’d be able to help us catch a mercenary.”
Victor laughed. “You’ll only find them if they want to be found. Especially the good ones that are out there.”
“Humor us.” Elijah said watching as Adriana walked into the room and stood behind her father with her arms crossed over her chest.
“You could put my dad at risk for giving up this information.” Adriana said shaking her head.
“Your father might already be a target.” Elijah said keeping his eyes on hers. “Damon Salvatore made a phone call earlier today. It was in that call that he made a threat towards a mercenary, by the name of Rosa. They only gave a letter as indication who this threat was made about.” His eyes finally shifted to Victor. “V.”
On the outside, Adriana’s features hadn’t changed. On the inside, she was freaking out. If it wasn’t for her training, her heart would have speed up with the fear that was currently coursing through her at the information she was hearing. But just as she had done this plenty of times, she was able to calm her racing thoughts.
“What makes you think it has anything to do with me?” Victor asked as he looked at the siblings before looking up at Adriana.
“We ran a list of Damon’s known associates, even extended to people he possibly knew intimately throughout the years.” Rebekah said as she leaned forward in her seat. “Only two names on that list were currently not in jail or dead. Your names.” Rebekah’s eyes shifted from Adriana to Victor.
“You’ve got to be kidding.” Adriana said shaking her head. “Why would Damon target my dad? Without incriminating anyone, we’re friends with the Salvatores. There wouldn’t be a reason. But this conversation is going to give them a reason if it continues.”
“Adri,” Her father said to stop her from her usual rant. Even he knew what this was about. Just like Adriana had done, he done a great job about not reacting. Damon threatened Adriana with him being the target. He was now curious who was on the black card that his daughter had gotten that Damon would need to make that threat.
Elijah sighed. “I assure you, the purpose of this conversation is to ensure you and your father are safe.” Elijah moved his eyes back to Adriana. Her eyes met his and never moved. “Rosa has a target here in New Orleans. From what we can tell, she knows her target intimately. If Damon has to make a threat to ensure the job is completed, it shows that this time it’s personal between the two.”
Victor noticed the way that Elijah had kept his eyes on his daughter. He looked between the two for a moment before settling on Elijah. “‘V’ probably isn’t associated with anyone’s name.”
Adriana’s eyes moved to her father. She knew what he was doing in that moment. “You don’t have to do this.” She said placing her hand on his arm. “They could use this against you in the future.”
“We wouldn’t.” Rebekah said shaking her head. “This is purely informational to make sure that the both of you remain safe while we still don’t know who the target is.” Looking at Adriana, she continued. “I know our families have been at ends for a while now. But I give you my word, that anything your father says today won’t be used.”
Victor placed his hand on top of Adriana’s and patted it a few times before looking up at her. A silent message between them. Mostly Victor telling her this was going to happen even if she didn’t want it to. Adriana nodded and Victor looked back to Rebekah.
“Do you happen to have a copy of the conversation?” He asked. “Knowing what was said might give me an indication as to what they could have been talking about.”
Rebekah pulled her phone out of jacket pocket and pulled up the recording she had sent to her phone. Placing it down on the small coffee table before them, Rebekah pressed play.
The first few minutes of the recording played. Adriana could hear her distorted voice and Damon’s come over the speaker. This proved that Elijah had heard the whole conversation. That alone made her heart skip a beat as she listened to it.
Don’t expect me to do the works on this. I’m changing it to a drop and run.
Just think of all the fun you’ll have beforehand. You might hate dropping it off later, but at least you’ll enjoy it while you can. While dropping and running would be easier, you know you’ve been waiting a while for this.
Fuck off, Damon.
It seems I’ve struck a nerve
No shit. I’ve got have a mind to back out of this and return it to sender.
But no one does it as good as you do. Come on, Rosa. You promised if I called, you’d answer. Plus it’s be a shame if I had to have a talk with V about this.
I dare you Salvatore. It’d be an eye for an eye and there’s only one of them that’s currently a sitting duck. While a personal visit would be fun, I have friends in low places that would be willing to help a girl out.
Rebekah tapped pause on her phone. “Does any of that make sense?”
Victor nodded. “Of course I’m sure you know what the drop and run means.” He watched as the siblings nodded. “V in this is a person. This Rosa has a boss, whoever trained her knows both Damon and Giuseppe, who is your ‘sitting duck’ in this reference. When bosses hear their successor are backing out of a deal, the tables would turn on them.”
Victor wasn’t completely wrong and Adriana knew that. While the information had been false, some of it had some truth. Greta wouldn’t be informed in any way. It wasn’t her and Giuseppe that would get contacted. It was Stefan and Victor that would be killed.
Rebekah nodded at Victors words. “Alright, one last thing. The two talk about ‘the works’ any ideas what that means?”
Victor sighed. “Every mercenary on the black market has ‘the works’. It’s deemed their specialty and how to make the target never see it coming. From what I could tell, Rosa knows her target in some way. Implanting herself into their lives isn’t going to be hard because they’ve already been there. If contact to her boss has been threatened, she must have asked for an incentive to continue.”
Elijah chuckled. “She did. She asked for triple the payment up front.”
Victor gave a whistle as he looked up at his daughter for a moment. “Even I was never bold enough to ask for that much.” He said with a smirk growing on his lips as he looked over at the other two. “For that kind of money, you better believe this Rosa is going take down her target without any hesitation.”
Both Rebekah and Elijah looked towards each other at the information Victor had given them. This completely changed everything. If Elijah was in fact the target, it was someone he’s known the whole time.
The moment the door closed behind the Mikaelsons, Adriana braced herself for what her father would have to say. She waited until the sound of the car started and pulled away before she turned to face him. When she did, she saw the knowing look on his face.
“He’s on the black card, isn’t he?” Her father asked taking a step towards her.
Adriana nodded. “Damon’s reasons are for locking him up as well as Stefan.”
Victor shook his head as he ran his hand along his chin. “The works?”
In front of her father, Adriana allowed herself to break down when she needed to. “How am I supposed to do that to him? I left for so long, how am I supposed to just push myself in and do this? Damon only gave me a week.”
Her father walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. “The life of a mercenary was never meant to be an easy one.” He said as he ran his hand along her back. “But all we can do right now is point them in the other direction and hope they’ll follow that trail. That way it's easier to get your job done.”
Adriana pulled away from Victor at his words. His words were anything but comforting. What she heard in his words were that she needed to go through with this. No matter who it was on the other end of the cross hairs, Adriana was going to have to do this.
“After it’s done, I’m leaving for good.” Her voice sounded empty compared to moments before.
“With that kind of payout, I should hope so.” He said with a nod. “If they find out Adri, this is going to make things so much more complicated.”
She nodded her head. “I know.”
“Move up the timeline and then get out of here. That way I know you’re safe.”
Adriana’s eyes widened at the words. That hadn’t been a suggestion. The finality in his voice had told her he wanted to move faster. The faster she went the faster she was out of town.
<< Chapter 4 || Masterlist || Chapter 6 >>
Always & Forever Tag:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @helenasingers​ @alka16555​ @hellotvshowtrash​
These Violent Delights:
@asiaaisa77​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @winchestert101​ @deni-gonzalez​
Stag Tag:  
@elejah-wonderland​ @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @asiaaisa77​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​
Bold tags mean for one reason or another I cannot tag you in this. If you’d like to be added to, or taken off, the taglist please let me know!♥
The Originals Tag:
@zillahvathek​ @obsessedwithvampires​ @alien-sida
19 notes · View notes
xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
These Violent Delights Ch. 4
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The Black Card
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings: Talk of murder, that’s pretty much it in this one. The next few chapters will have more warnings. 
Author’s Note: Smaller chapter than the last two, but it’s definitely needed to help progress the storyline. I do hope you guys enjoy this one!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Chapter 3 || Series Masterlist || Chapter 5 >>
Elijah quickly walked into the conference room. "What do we have?" He asked as he looked over at the other officers in the room. 
He had gotten a call moments ago that he was needed down at the station asap. Without hesitating, he was there at the station in record time. All he knew was the information coming in was about Damon Salvatore. 
"We got word that Damon will be making a few calls today." One officer said, looking over at Elijah. "No doubt calling Rosa to confirm that she got the black card. "
"We've got a direct line to overhear the conversation, courtesy of Rebekah." Another officer added before handing Elijah a case file.
Elijah's eyes scanned the file. The only thing that was considered noteworthy was that Damon had already called Elena minutes before he arrived.  Closing the file, he tossed it on the nearest desk. 
"Alright, all ears in this room need to be open." He said as he addressed the room. "Whatever piece of information you think might be of use, write it down. If Damon is making this call to Rosa I want to know where she is in this city.  If I catch anyone that so much as yawns during this call, you'll have me to deal with."
A throat cleared, getting Elijah's attention. "Sir, he just made the call."
"Bring it up." Elijah said with a nod. 
The officer connected the call to the speakers in the room. The ringing played through the speakers, and it seemed as if everyone held their breath for a second. A moment later, the call connected. A distorted voice answered. 
"Are you fucking nuts, Damon?" The distorted voice asked, earning a chuckle from Damon. 
 "I take it you've picked up the kitten." His voice clear over the line. 
"Obviously. You know I don't mix business with personal affairs." The voice said, causing Elijah's eyebrow to rise.  "This is definitely crossing my line of mixing the two."
"Take note of that." Elijah said as he snapped his fingers, wanting someone to take down that as a note. If Rosa didn't entangle herself in personal affairs, there might not be a hit after all. At least Elijah was hopeful about that thought. "Rosa isn't happy with who is on the hit list." he noted. "She might actually have a heart."
"Come on, Rosa." Damon said, not missing a beat. "You know this type of kitten a lot more than anyone else. You can train it in your favor until you get it to Elena."
"You're missing the point-"
"I get the point, Rosa. I get how attached you used to be. But things changed from the last time we were all in the sandbox and I need this done."
That was enough for everyone in the room to know Rosa had known her target intimately. This hit wasn't just some random person that Damon needed to be handled. It was someone who they both knew. 
"Run a list of known associates to Damon." Elijah said, looking over at an officer. "Go far as back as you can. Including classmates. There's a connection in there somewhere."
"Don't expect me to do the works on this. I'm changing it to a drop and run."
The chuckle that came through the line from Damon was dark. "Just think of all the fun you'll have beforehand. You might hate dropping it off later but at least you'll enjoy it while you can. While dropping and running would be easier, you know you've been waiting a while for this."
"Fuck off, Damon."
"Has anyone ever found out what 'the works' meant?" Rebekah asked as she entered the room. 
"Still working on that." Elijah mumbled as he listened to the next part of the call.
"It seems I've struck a nerve."
"No shit. I've got half a mind to back out of this and return it to sender."
"But no one does it as good as you do. Come on, Rosa. You promised if I called, you'd answer. Plus it'd be a shame if I had to have a talk with V about this."
"I dare you Salvatore. It'd be an eye for an eye and there's only one of them that's currently a sitting duck. While a personal visit would be fun, I have friends in low places that would be willing to help a girl out."
"There it is." Elijah said with a small smirk. "Our list can be narrowed by anyone with a name starting with a V or even their nickname. That's where our ticket to Rosa will be."
"As much as Rosa has been a pain in my side since taking this position, I do enjoy her threats against the Salvatores." Rebekah said with a smirk pulling at her lips. "We'll need a list of anyone who has access to both Salvatore brothers."
Damon sighed. "Look, I want this taken care of, and you're the best I've got. It's a bad one to you, and I get that. But name your price, and I'd gladly pay it if you don't walk away from it. We don't need anyone else being involved."
There was a brief pause in the conversation. It was as if Rosa was debating on whether or not she wanted to do this. Both Elijah and Rebekah held their breath. They hoped it would be easier for them all if Rosa just opted out. 
"Triple the payment, upfront." The voice said a moment later. "And I'm cleared from your database."
"That is one hell of a payout." Elijah noted as he looked towards his sister. 
Rebekah nodded her head in agreement. "He's got enough to do just that."
"I'm serious, D. After this, I'm out. Our contract will be over and I expect you to find someone else."
"Deal. We won't discuss business at the dinner table anymore." 
Without another word from Rosa, the line went dead. 
A thought crossed Rebekah's mind as the call came to an end. "That payout is so she can completely disappear after she makes the hit."
"Looks like we'll just have to catch her before she does." Elijah said with a small smirk pulling at his lips.
Adriana threw the phone across the room the moment she ended the call. She wanted nothing more than to strangle Damon for this black card. Damon knew all of her reasoning for why Adriana never wanted to mix business with personal dealings. And yet here she was. 
After seeing Elijah's name at the bottom of the tablet's screen, Adriana couldn't get herself to go to dinner. She couldn't face the girls knowing that Elijah was her intended target. She couldn't sit there and pretend that everything would be okay. That she wasn't having an internal panic attack because she was supposed to kill the only positive best friend she had. 
She hadn't even bothered to look at the complete file. The initial shock of it all forced her to shut down the tablet and put it away until now. She couldn't bring herself to look at any of the details just yet. Her heart wasn't ready for it. 
It wasn't ready to find the traces of her past inside of it. Or learn the new things Elijah had gone through while she was gone. But this was a part of the job that she usually would breeze through. And with every passing second, it was a reminder that she was about to cross a line. 
Part of her believed that she would already know a lot of the information contained in it. Even though it had been years since she last spent more than a few hours with Elijah, she still knew a lot of the details of their past.  And that alone is what made her the right person for the job, just as Damon mentioned. 
What she wasn't ready for at all were the plans Damon had forced on her. "The works" was a term that she and Damon used when Damon wanted Adriana to weasel her way into the target's life. Once she was in and they were least expecting, Adriana would make her kill. 
But this was Elijah Mikaelson. The very guy that she had known for the majority of her life. He was the one that could easily tell when there was something wrong with her. And now, she was going to have to put on a brave face if she went through with this. 
Now it was a matter if she could do it or not. She may have demanded triple the payment, but she didn't believe Damon would give it to her. But when Damon wanted something, he usually got it. What made it worse was Adriana never failed at her assignments. It's what made her the best on the market. 
Elijah Mikaelson was going to either break her streak or make it so she could disappear from her life as Rosa. Adriana just didn't know which one she wanted to go with yet. She knew from the moment she left home that her life as Adriana Vega was a distant memory. Her life as Rosa was about to end if she completed this job.  But it was the ghost of her past that was about to make or break everything. 
"What happened at Dinner last night?" Bonnie asked as she handed Adriana a cup of coffee. 
Taking the cup, Adriana led her down the street. "I took a look at the travel arrangements after I left the bar last night." 
"And?" Bonnie asked as she walked right beside her. She brought the cup up to her lips, taking a drink. 
"I couldn't face the three of you after I found out who it was." She admitted. "This was never a life you were a part of-"
"That's bullshit." Bonnie said, cutting her off. "While we may not have known the life you were in, we were still a part of the same crowd."
Adriana's tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth. "Same crowd or not, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this hit. Damon crossed a line with this." Her words had barely been above a whisper. 
Bonnie sighed. "How close is this person?" 
"We were all in the sandbox together." Adriana said with a nod. "But I can't give you more than that." She shook her head. 
Bonnie nodded her head in understanding. "You obviously care for this person. I know this is going to be hard for you to take care of."
"Taking care of it is the easy part. It's getting my emotions in check that will be the hardest." Adriana's voice was emotionless as she spoke about it. 
"What happens if you don't go through with this?" Bonnie asked curiously. She probably shouldn't have asked, but she couldn't help it with how Adriana was looking at the moment. 
Adriana thought about her answer. All she could think about was Greta's voice in her mind at that moment. 
"You are not to fail." Greta said as she circled Adriana. 
Adriana stood tall as Greta took her steps around her. After all the training Greta had put her through, Adriana was the perfect killing machine. Everything Greta knew, she taught Adriana, and she made it better. 
"And if I fail?" Adriana asked the moment Greta was back in front of her. 
The woman took a few steps towards her until she was right in her face. "You may as well as turn that pistol on you before the buyer finds out. It's never pretty, Rosa. Cause once they get a hold of you, you're gonna wish you had done it yourself."
Sighing, Adriana brought the cup up to her lips and took a drink of the hot liquid. "It's either them or me. And I kind of like having the air in my lungs."
"Damon wouldn't-" Bonnie began, but Adriana stopped her. 
"This is a business." Adriana stopped in her tracks and looked over at Bonnie. "I knew what I was getting myself into the moment I left. Salvatore is no different from his father, and I've seen what is done to those who go against Damon's orders."
Adriana didn't miss the way Bonnie's eyes widened at her words. As much as Bonnie had been learning from Elena and Caroline, they were blind to what went on behind closed doors.  It is evident to Adriana that this wasn't the world Bonnie belonged in. 
"Are you going to go through with it?" Bonnie asked a moment later. 
Adriana shrugged. "We'll see how deep down the rabbit hole I go tonight."
Marcel's eyes scanned the list of connections to Damon Salvatore that started with a V. The list still held a decent amount of people on it. Most of them had a record. While a part of the list was still locked away and a few others were six feet under, two names were sticking out to him the most. 
Shaking his head slightly, he sighed. The names were going to make things harder. Getting up from his seat and grabbing the paper, he headed over towards Rebekah and Elijah, who had been talking away about the case. 
"You guys might want to see this." He said as he approached them and held out the paper. 
Rebekah took the paper, and her eyes scanned the list. "Is this the known associates of Salvatore?"
"Yes." Marcel said with a nod. "Going back as far as the sandbox."
It was as her eyes landed on the same names Marcel had taken notice of that they widened. "That doesn't mean anything." 
Elijah took the list away from his sister as she spoke. He went through the list quickly, trying to figure out what they had been talking about. His heart dropped at the names. 
"We knew this." He said, shaking his head.  "Vega and Salvatore were always tied together."
"You heard Rosa, though." Marcel said, looking at Elijah. "Only one of them was a sitting duck."
"It might be time to go speak with them and see what they know." Rebekah said, placing her hand on her brother's shoulder. "Victor is the only one who is still out in the open, and he might just be the connection to Rosa we need."
Elijah sighed. "Adriana isn't going to like this."
“The Mikaelsons to come and question a Vega isn’t going to sit well with either of them.” Marcel added. 
“It might be better to give her a call as a heads up.” Rebekah said as she turned to grab her things.
Marcel grimaced. “She’ll still give us hell.”
Elijah shook his head. “Better to have before than after we get there.” He pulled his phone out and dialed her number. 
The phone rang a few times before Adriana answered. 
“Adri, I hate to be the barer of bad news, but we are going to be heading over to speak with your father.” Elijah said as watched Marcel grab his things. 
“Is there a reason, Mikaelson?” Elijah hadn’t missed the venom in her words. 
“We believe he may be able to help us out in a case.” He wanted to give her as much information as possible without actually discussing the case. 
“What case? The same one you questioned Caroline for?”
“Yes.” He said with a nod, even though she couldn’t see it. “Just a couple questions. If you’d like someone to be there, we’ll wait.”
“If my father leaves in cuffs from the house after you are done asking your questions, you won’t like what comes next.”
A small smirk pulled at Elijah’s lips. ���Is that a threat, Adri?”
Adriana’s chuckle came through the line before she hung up.
Always & Forever Tag:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey​ @thewolf-and-thesheep​ @wayward-dan​ @neeadinghugs​ @kenmen02​ @elizamonet​ @dora-the-grownup​ @mschellehitt​ @xanderling​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @buckysarm4​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @helenasingers​ @alka16555​
These Violent Delights:
@asiaaisa77​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @winchestert101​ @deni-gonzalez​
Stag Tag:  
@elejah-wonderland​  @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @asiaaisa77​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​
The Originals Tag:
@zillahvathek​ @obsessedwithvampires​ @alien-sida
18 notes · View notes
xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
These Violent Delights Ch. 2
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What Used to Be
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Eventual Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Nothing in this one that I can think of. 
Author’s Note: Here’s to chapter 2! Thank you guys so much for reading and I can’t wait to see what you guys think of this one. We get more of a back story on Adriana.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Chapter 1 || Series Masterlist || Chapter 3 >>
The streets of New Orleans hadn't changed when Adriana had left home several years ago. While being able to take in the world's sights had been a fantastic experience all on its own, she missed being back in her old stomping grounds. While some displays and shops had changed over time, the atmosphere never did. This was her home. A place she once believed that she would always stay in. At least that was until things changed. 
Her world had been thrown upside down the night Mikael came to her family home. What had once been a family that could tolerate the things Victor had done, they now had grown to hate the things he had brought to the family. The home invasion had been the last straw that broke the camel's back. 
Adriana's mother, Leticia, had enough and called it quits. While she tried taking herself and the kids to stay with family outside of New Orleans, Adriana refused to go. She wasn't about to leave her father alone. While her mother reminded her of what they had gone through during that time, Adriana didn't budge. Her mother left and took her siblings with her. 
In the weeks that followed, Adriana got the courage to finally ask Victor to let her in on the trades her father had been involved in. Victor had been hesitant at first. He didn't want his daughter to become involved. But Adriana wanted to know how to make the business better. Better in a way that he would no longer get caught. Because if she had to watch Mikael Mikaelson arrest her father one more time, it would break her. 
Over the next two years, Adriana learned the ins and outs of her father's business. Together, they had found ways to cheat the system in her father's dealings. Where Victor had found methods to keep his tracks covered, Adriana had found others to make him untraceable and make his system stronger. 
But what her father didn't know at the time, Adriana had been learning new things for herself. With the cover-up of school projects, she discovered a whole new skill with the help of someone she had met while going through the black market herself. A woman by the name of Greta was willing to teach Adriana everything she had known about being a Mercenary. 
While Adriana had her secret meetings with Greta, that hadn't stopped her from enjoying her High School years with her Friends. Elijah Mikaelson had been one of her best friends growing up, and he had always been there for her. The night after Mikael had raided her home, Elijah did everything he could to take her mind off. He was still a better influence and someone who would always be there for her. 
On the other side of the spectrum, was none other than Damon Salvatore. He was probably her most terrible influence while at school. While Elijah had been Adriana's best friend, Damon was the family friend since birth. Damon knew Adriana a lot more than she believed he did. And that was where Adriana began being pulled into the darker aspects of her father's business. 
Giuseppe Salvatore was known for the shady things he had done throughout his life. Several rumors that spread around town that he was a part of the mafia weren't far off. In the Salvatore Business, there was always a time where someone needed to be silent. Giuseppe always trusted Greta to take care of all his doings. 
But one night, Adriana had been with Greta training when she had gotten the call from Giuseppe. Without hesitating, Greta took Adriana along and had her take the reins. It was Adriana's first time taking a life, but the thrill of it all had been worth it. Adriana hadn't been phased that she had killed someone so easily. 
Damon was the only one who knew about Adriana's secret. He had been impressed by the way she had handled herself during it. Damon promised that once he had taken over for his father, she'd be the one he'd call if he needed anything. And it was a promise he kept. 
By the time Adriana graduated High School with her friends, she had a growing body count reaching high double digits. A month after graduation, Adriana had gotten her first black card that wasn't under Greta's supervision. From that moment, she never looked back, thriving in her secret life. 
"Well, I'll be damned," Marcel said as he took in Adriana as she walked down the street. "Adriana Vega is back in town."
Adriana looked over at Marcel and shook her head slightly. A grin pulling at her lips at seeing the man before her. "Marcel Gerard. It's been a long time since I've seen you in this part of town."
Adriana knew Marcel quite well. They had been friends over the years. While he was closer to Klaus than anything, Marcel had still been a great friend to Adriana. She was surprised to see him while she was out and about. She believed everyone she knew would have ventured out. 
Marcel chuckled. "I live out this way now. Though I know, it's been several years since you've been home. Is New Orleans too good for you now?"
It was Adriana's turn to chuckle. "No, work keeps me busy. As much as I've wanted to come home, that pay is too good to pass up."
Marcel's eyebrow raised. "What is it that you are doing?"
"I work for a traveling agency. I mostly go where they need me to." She said with a nod. "They pay travel and living expenses. So I won't complain about not getting to come home."
"Hmm, You might just have to get me their number. Police work has interesting moments. But nothing like being able to travel all the time." He said with a shrug. 
She chuckled once more. "You always wanted to be a cop."
"Now, look at me." He said with a nod. "I'm still on the force, and Elijah got promoted to Detective a few years back."
Hearing Elijah's name had made her heart drop slightly. "How is Elijah?" Her curiosity getting the best of her. 
"You mean from after you left or right now?" He asked as he crossed his arms slightly. 
Her face fell at his words. "I guess both."
Marcel sighed. "You left without saying anything to anyone. For as much as you were attached to Elijah's side, no one saw that coming. I don't think I've ever seen him so hurt."
She bit down on her lip and looked down at the ground for a moment before looking back at Marcel. "I had to get out of here. There were some things that I couldn't handle anymore, and I had to go."
Marcel placed his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I get it." He said with a nod. "Your dad put you through hell after your mom left. Mikael didn't make things better for you, either. A fresh start doesn't hurt. And from what I can tell, it has made things better for you."
Adriana nodded her head at his words. "That feels like a different world to me now. So many things have changed since then. Dad's no longer got his hands dirty. I haven't heard him complain about Mikael showing up at his door, so that's a plus."
He chuckled. "Mikael retired a few years back. Though that doesn't stop him from having his moments down at the station."
She rolled her eyes at that. "Sounds like so much fun."
A smile pulled at his lips. "You should stop by the station before you head out again. There are a lot of familiar faces that I know miss you."
"I'll think about it." She sighed. "But for now, I need to head home. Dad's excited that he gets a real home-cooked meal." She lifted her bag up slightly. It had been filled with groceries that she had bought moments before. 
"Make sure to bring leftovers by." He said with a nod. "You always did make the best meals."
She shook her head and chuckled. "Late night drunken meals are completely different from the sober ones."
"I don't know. Those were some pretty damn good meals either way." He said with a smirk. "Just don't be a stranger while you are in town."
"I'll try. But I can make any promises. I'm only in town for a few days before I'm out of here again."
Marcel shook his head. "Either way, It's good to see you." Marcel pulled her into a hug for only a moment before letting her go. 
"It was good to see you too." A thought crossed her mind, and she shook her head slightly. "You're going to run off and tell him I was here, aren't you?"
"Damn straight." He said with a smirk.
She rolled her eyes and turned away from him. "See you around, Marcel."
The moment Adriana had entered her family home, her father was by her side. "You took a big risk coming back home." He said as he grabbed hold of the bags she had in her hand. 
She rolled her eyes as she followed her Victor into the kitchen. "A risk that is going to pay me enough to come home for good."
"Adri, I never wanted this life for you." He shook his head as he placed the bags on the counter. "You were supposed to make it easier for me and leave it alone."
"I'm good at what I do, dad." She said as she placed her hands on the countertop. "I've been using the same system we developed. I've been untraceable."
"You were almost caught the last time you were home." He said with a shake of his head before keeping his brown eyes on his daughter. "Taking out the Mayor of New Orleans had you in their grasps."
"Dad, I haven't been home in ten years." She noted. "The Mayor being killed wasn't me. It was a decoy so that I could take out a major player in Italy. I was never home."
"Tyler said he was so sure they would have had you." There was relief in his words. Tyler Lockwood was a trusted friend on the police force. Victor and Adriana had paid him off for details on what was being heard about either of them. 
When Adriana had caught word that they were closing in on her, she made a quick decision. She fed the wrong information to the right people. It ensured that while all eyes were waiting for her in New Orleans, she was in Italy making the proper kill. What Adriana didn't know was that Elijah was at the helm of the case.
Adriana sighed and moved over to place her hand on Victor's shoulder. The man that used to stand tall in his own home was shrinking. The sins of his past hitting hard on his conscious. A world he wanted to keep away from his family had swallowed his daughter whole. 
"If it makes you feel any better, after this job, I'll be able to take an extended vacation." She said softly. "Apparently, this is a big job. Enough to leave us in the clear for several years."
"Who gave you the job?" He asked with a raised brow as he looked at his daughter. 
"Damon." She said with a nod. 
Victor scoffed and moved away from Adriana. "You know he was the whole reason you got pulled into this."
While Victor had been close friends with Giuseppe, he never thought his son would corrupt his daughter as he had. Damon's influence had taken hold, and there was no way Victor could free his daughter from it. While the first kill wasn't Damon's fault, he sure sent a lot of business his daughter's direction.
"Damon didn't start this, I did." She said as she watched her father begin to put the items in the bag away. "No one put a gun to my head and forced me to pull that trigger."
"No, but that vile woman encouraged you to put it to someone else's head." The glare he gave was enough for Adriana to take a step back.
"It's been ten years, and we are still arguing about this." She said with a sigh.
"I keep wondering what your mother would say if she saw you right now." Victor shook his head. His hand tapped on the top of the sour cream container. 
"She left." She shrugged her shoulders. "She left without looking back. When was the last time you saw Isa or Jr?" She asked curiously. 
"The night they left." His words were emotionless as the sentence passed his lips. 
"Her words no longer matter because of that." She said without holding back. "Fifteen years and she hasn't answered anything we've sent to her. So my mother wouldn't have a say in what I was doing anymore."
"You would have turned out differently if you had left with your mom." Adriana had already been shaking her head the moment he spoke. 
"I don't think so. We both know I would have found some way to get pulled into this." She had always been curious about her father's work. One way or another, she would have found out what she wanted. "Plus, I had a life out here, and she would have made it so I would have to start over."
"You threw that life away the moment you left, Adri." He shook his head. "Do you know how many times I had your friends coming to the door asking where you were? You didn't tell them that you were leaving. I had to say to each of them that you left for the summer to stay with your mother. And when you didn't come back, things changed around here. Elijah wanted to file a missing person's because you didn't answer anyone's calls. Not even mine."
That caused Adriana to look down at the tile before her. She remembered the calls she had gotten after that summer. The life Adriana had in New Orleans had been replaced by her work. The calls stopped the moment she sent a letter to her father that she wasn't coming home. 
Victor sighed and placed his hand on top of hers. "I understand the thrill of it all. To want to be able to get the money and have power all at the same time. But one of these days, you'll mess up in a way that you can't come back from."
Adriana nodded her head. She understood what her father was telling her. She watched it happen to him. She watched as Victor gave them the world with what he had been doing. But then his world crashed the moment Mikael had came into the picture. Victor lost everything from that night, and Adriana was the only part that stayed constant. 
Before she could say anything, her phone vibrated with two text messages. As she pulled her phone out of her pocket, she could see the encrypted message being displayed. Sighing, she looked over at Victor. "That would be the meeting place for picking up the black card."
Victor nodded and pulled his daughter into a tight hug. "Be safe out there."
"I always am."
"Woah, wait a minute," Klaus said, looking over at Marcel. "You mean the Adriana Vega was back in town?" Klaus looked over at Elijah for a moment before looking back at Marcel. "The one who disappeared on Elijah after graduation?"
Marcel, Klaus, and Elijah had been sitting inside Rousseau's having an after-hours drink. After Marcel had run into Adriana, he invited the guys out for a drink. It wasn't until Elijah had a few drinks that Marcel dropped the news that their old friend was back in town.
Elijah rolled his eyes at his brother's words. "If I remember correctly, there was a difference between disappearing and intentionally leaving."
"She left without saying a word." Klaus Reminded him. "Not to mention the search party you almost had when she didn't come back after the summer."
The memories that tied to that particular moment had Elijah looking down at his glass. While he and Adriana had been best friends, Elijah was hoping to change that. Elijah had a whole summer planned out for the two of them. But before he could even put his plans into motion, Adriana was gone. 
"Maybe if you had made a move before graduation, she would have stayed." Klaus said with a shrug of his shoulders. 
Everyone had known that Elijah had a thing for Adriana. But no matter how many times someone encouraged it, Elijah had done the opposite. But as he had finally given into the thoughts, it had been too late. Adriana had left for the summer and wouldn't return.
"I must say the years have been good to her." Marcel said as he lifted his glass up to his lips. "Maybe you should go over to Old Man Vega's and pay her a visit."
"Or even better," Klaus said as he tilted his head towards the entrance.  Adriana had just walked in. Her eyes had been scanning the place before her eyes landed on someone in the corner. "Maybe just go over there and talk to her."
Elijah watched as Adriana had begun walking over to the corner booth. Marcel had been right. Time had been great to her. She was just as beautiful as the last time he had seen her. There was something in her brown eyes that he couldn't quite place, but the look of it all made him miss her even though she was standing a few feet away. 
The sound of excited screams filled the air the moment Adriana reached the booth, causing the men to look in that direction.  Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett stood up from their seats and pulled Adriana into a hug. It seemed that he wasn't at the top of her list of people to see while in town. 
The laughter that followed reminded Elijah of how close they all used to be.  Where they once all sat a large table, they now sat separately. Life changed after Elijah put the Salvatores in Prison. The normalcy shattered, and their worlds turned upside down. 
All Elijah could do in that moment was sit there and watch as Bonnie pulled Adriana into the seat next to her. But tonight, he was sure he would be approaching her at some point. He wanted to know the real reason she left all those years ago. 
<< Chapter 1 || Series Masterlist || Chapter 3 >>
These Violent Delights: @asiaaisa77​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @winchestert101​ @deni-gonzalez​
Always & Forever: @taylordrunkonwhiskey​ @thewolf-and-thesheep​ @wayward-dan​ @neeadinghugs​ @fafulous​ @kenmen02​ @elizamonet​ @dora-the-grownup​ @mschellehitt​ @xanderling​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @buckysarm4​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @helenasingers​ @alka16555​ @yaniiie​
Stag Tag:   @elejah-wonderland​ @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @asiaaisa77​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​
The Originals Tag: @zillahvathek​ @obsessedwithvampires​ @alien-sida
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
These Violent Delights Ch. 3
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Hidden in Plain Sight
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 4.2K
Warnings: None that I can think of?
Author’s Note: I know, this one is late. But at least it’s done, right? XD Anyways, we are about to get into things. 
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Chapter 2 || Series Masterlist || Chapter 4 >>
The moment Adriana sat down in the booth with Bonnie and Elena, it had been evident that the main reason for being there wasn't there yet. As her brown eyes scanned the room, she couldn't help but speak her mind. "I see that Caroline is running late."
Elena sighed as she placed her hands on the table. "We've been under surveillance since Damon was arrested. Seeing as what is being given to you today, she needed to make sure that she gave them the slip before making her way over to us."
Adriana nodded her head in understanding. While it was news to her that they were being watched, it wasn't unusual. For as many times a black card was dropped off with her, they were usually late. 
"Are you sure this is something you want to do?" Bonnie asked, looking over at Adriana.
It wasn't until recently that they had found out who Damon's go-to was. Once the Salvatores were sent to Prison, Elena and Caroline were in charge of the simpler things. Including knowing the details of who to call when something, or someone, needed to be taken care of. 
When Elena found out Adriana had been 'Rosa', Everything had seemed to make sense. With as close as Giuseppe and Victor had been, it wasn't a huge surprise to see that Damon and Adriana had become close in their line of work just as their parents had been. At least Elena knew it was someone they could trust and not some hired contract that could turn on Damon or even Stefan. 
Adriana huffed a laugh. "This is Damon we are talking about. I don't think I'd be able to walk away from helping him. With as much business he's sent my way, I'd feel like if I'd be betraying him if I didn't do this for him." A thought crossed her mind. "Any idea who is on the card?"
Elena shook her head. "Damon didn't say. Mostly because it's hard to get any information out without it being overheard. I would say Caroline would know, but she only knows how to get the encryption onto the card. Whoever is on the card, Damon made them a top priority. We are supposed to help in any way that we can."
"Even though you guys are supposed to help, there isn't much that you guys can do once I start." Adriana said, looking between the two. "I don't want you guys anywhere near where it is going to happen. Especially since you have ties to Damon."
"We definitely have a plan." Caroline said as she plopped herself into the seat next to Elena. "Damon and Stefan want us away for the weekend. So we are going on an all-girls vacation. Which you are required to join once things are done."
Adriana rolled her eyes. "Typical Damon and his weekend getaways for his girls."
She wouldn't say it out loud, but that meant there would be a double with the girls until she joined them. But at Least Adriana knew there was a plan in place to protect her friends. With this one being close to home, Adriana wouldn't risk anyone that she knew. It would make things a complicated mess.
"Anyways, here are the plane tickets, and hotel key for that weekend." Caroline said as she handed Adriana an envelope. As Adriana took it, she knew that the black card was hidden neatly within its contents.
The contents felt heavy in Adriana's hand as she pulled it closer to her. This was something she wouldn't be letting out of her sight any time soon. While the card wouldn't look out of the ordinary to anyone else if she had left it out, she still wouldn't take the risk. 
"When are we leaving?" Adriana asked.
"In a week." Caroline said with a nod. "Though there is a two day period that we are expecting delays."
That had confirmed what Adriana knew. She'd have a week to go over the information she now had and make her plans. In a week, her friends would be leaving, and Adriana would have her cover story. The day after they left, she'd make her move. While most clients put a rush on things, Damon made her timeline more relaxed. It made it easier to get the upper hand she needed. 
"That gives me plenty of time to pack without you hating on every piece of clothing I own." A smirk grew on her lips as Adriana began to joke.
It was a way to ease the tension she was beginning to feel. A coded discussion wasn't what they were used to having with each other. They were used to being carefree in their conversations. Now that it felt off, Adriana wanted to fix it. 
Caroline rolled her eyes. "You better have at least bought some amazing swimsuits while you were out and about. Otherwise, I will judge the whole time."
Bonnie and Elena laughed at the two. The conversation that followed had made them feel as if they were back in High School. The flow of conversation came so naturally to them. They talked about their lives after high school. Ten years of their lives, they hadn't known what Adriana had been up to or vice versa.
The moment Klaus's phone went off, they knew their night out at the bar was about to end. Even though it was their night off, it seemed that it wasn't going to be staying that way. Once Klaus answered the phone, Marcel and Elijah waited to find out what they would be assigned to. 
Klaus' eyes widened as he listened to the voice on the other line. He turned in his seat, his eyes landing on the table where the women were sitting. He watched as they were laughing at something that had been said between them. 
"I understand." He mumbled into the phone, turning his attention back to Elijah and Marcel. He could easily see the look of curiosity displayed on their faces. "We'll bring her in for questioning." Without another word, he hung up the phone. 
"Who exactly are we bringing in?" Elijah asked, already reaching over and grabbing his jacket. 
Klaus shook his head. "I will be bringing in Caroline for questioning. She made the drop earlier, and they want her down the at the station for questioning. You and Marcel will be sticking together. Rosa is officially in town and if she has her mark, it wont be long before you are potentially at risk."
Both Marcel and Elijah rolled their eyes. "How the hell did I get stuck on babysitting duty?" Marcel asked. 
"If you'd like to get the death glares by taking Caroline in, be my guest. I can stay here and be sure my brother isn't used for potential target practice." Klaus said with a raised brow.
"How about we not talk as if I am not here?" Elijah asked as he looked between the two. "I do know how to protect myself."
"I'm sure her long list of victims said the same thing." Marcel noted. "Right before she took their lives without ever laying an eye on her."
"We don't know for sure if I am even her intended target." Elijah said with a shake of his head.
"From what Rebekah said," Klaus stood and collected his things. "Caroline handed an envelope to a woman before getting into her car. The team that watched her believed the woman was Rosa and followed her, losing sight of Caroline. The moment that woman knew she was being followed, she made damn sure she wouldn't be able to give up any details."
"Meaning in the process, Caroline was able to give the real Rosa the black card without anyone knowing when or to who." Elijah shook his head. If he had been there, he would have sent one team with Caroline and another with the woman to ensure nothing was a miss. 
"Looks like it will be a few days of us sticking together." Marcel said, giving Elijah an apologetic look. 
Klaus walked away from the booth as Elijah began muttering about making Marcel's life hell at work. An amused smirk had been on his face as he walked away. His brother never did like just sitting around when he could be at the front of the action. 
As he reached the table, he could hear the women laughing at something Elena said. As he came to a stop at the table, he cleared his throat, getting their attention. The moment Klaus had it, he didn't miss the glares he got from three of them and the shocked look he had gotten from Adriana. 
"It's good to see you, Adri." He said with a nod of his head as he looked over at Adriana. "I hate to break up the chance of catching up," he turned his attention towards Caroline. "unfortunately, duty calls and this isn't a friendly visit. I'm going to have to ask you to come down to the station."
"What the hell, Klaus." Bonnie said, shaking her head. "She hasn't done anything but sit here and-"
"It's okay, Bonnie." Caroline cut her off. She stood up from her seat, knowing that it would be easier to just go than make a scene. "Just call your dad for me?" She turned her attention towards Adriana. "Welcome to our knew normal."
"What is this about?" Adriana asked, looking over at Klaus."
Klaus sighed. "Just some routine questions. She'll be free to go later this evening."
Adriana stood up in front of Klaus. Compared to the man, she was shorter than him. But the way Adriana currently held herself, it almost made Klaus want to shrink in size. She had always kept her ground, and it was a reminder that she never took any shit from anyone.
"Routine questions as in you have something against her?" She questioned as she looked up at Klaus. "Or routine questions that help you solve a case?"
An eyebrow raised on Klaus' face. "You know I can't discuss it."
Adriana laughed. It was unsettling to Klaus and the others that were there with the two. "We both know there's a fine line on what you can and can't talk about. In case you've forgotten, I've been on the other side of a Mikaelson questioning for years. There are ways you can discuss it without jeopardizing whatever case you are working on."
"Adriana, he's just doing his job." Elijah's voice filled the air. 
Adriana never took her eyes off of Klaus. It surprised her how much her heart picked up at the sound of Elijah's voice. But as much as she wanted to turn and see him for the first time in ten years, she wasn't about to back down.
"Adri," Caroline said, coming over to stand beside her and placing a hand on her arm. "Elijah's right. This is just their job. I'll be out of there in time for dinner. Plus, you don't need to make things harder on yourself if they drag you down there with me."
Adriana looked over at Caroline, her face softening. Sighing, she reached over and picked up her bag, pulling out a business card. "While I know Bonnie's dad can do one hell of a job," she handed the card to Caroline. "call this lawyer. Let her know Adri told you. She'll be there in record time."
Caroline laughed. "Leave it to you to have everything on stand by."
A smirk pulled at Adriana's lips. "It's kind of my job to be that person."
The girls watched as Caroline left with Klaus out of the bar. There was a bit of guilt going through Adriana. She knew what this was about. Caroline was going to be questioned about the drop she made at some point today. And while it was unknown to Adriana as to the details of earlier events, she felt like this one was going to come back and bite her in the ass.
"Well there went that." Elena said as she stood up from her seat. "I'll see you both tonight?" She asked as she grabbed her things.
"You don't have to leave, yet." Adriana said, looking over at Elena. She didn't want to miss the chance for them to enjoy their time together.
Bonnie sighed. "We've got a few things we need to go take care of. But we'll be there for dinner. " Bonnie pulled Adriana into a hug. "Plus, by the look on Elijah's face, it seems like he wants to speak with you, and I'd hate for us to get in the way of that conversation." She whispered. 
For the first time that night, Adriana looked over at Elijah. While patient as ever, Bonnie had been right. She could see it on his face that Elijah wanted to speak with her. But Adriana also didn't miss the way her heart picked up once more as she took in his appearance. 
Time had been kind to him. If she once believed she enjoyed how he looked, now that seemed to be intensified. Where he had one wore jeans and shirts had been traded for a suit that looked amazing on him. 
There had been so much left unsaid between the two of them. Ten years' worth of words could have been said between them if Adriana had just stayed.  But since she left without saying a word, it made it difficult to even get the first words between them started. 
"We'll give you two some space." Elena said, giving them a small smile. "I'll call when Care is out."
Adriana nodded her head and watched her friends leave before she looked back at Elijah. She tried thinking of something to say. After a moment, she had it. "Can I just say that I was a horrible best friend?"
A small chuckle passed Elijah's lips. "I agree. There is quite a bit you've left me out of."
"How about a drink?" She asked, gesturing to the now empty booth. "And I'll try and make up for it." 
Her fingers ran over the rim of the wine glass in front of her. "Do you remember what it was like to be kids?" She asked, looking over at Elijah for a moment before looking back towards the glass. "Where we weren't defined by the actions of our parents?"
Elijah sat back in his seat, lifting his glass up to his lips to take a sip of the wine. "It was easier to believe that we could get away from the world that surrounded us. If only it had been that easy."
She shook her head and smiled. "You managed to get out of Mikael's shadow. He never made detective. He was just a cop, not afraid to do anything to get what he wanted."
He shook his head. The thought of his father's days as a cop had been a long-forgotten memory. Adriana had brought those memories to light so easily. He could remember there was only ever one family his father kept harassing the majority of the time. And he was currently looking at a member of that family. 
"You've managed to get out of your's as well." Elijah noted. "You haven't been home in years, traveling the world from what I hear. What your family was responsible for was never something you took on. Continuing the family business, as they say."
"Imagine if I did?" She asked. "The two best of friends on the opposite sides of the law. Your dad would throw a fit." A smirk pulled at her lips as she said the words. If only Elijah knew how wrong he was. 
He chuckled. "He would have thrown a fit over several things if he had only known. Aren't I right, Rosa?"
Hearing the nickname come from Elijah had hit differently. She had heard it several times from other people over the years. She heard it every time someone hired her. But hearing it coming from Elijah, it always felt different.
"I'm surprised you remember that." She said, giving him a smile.
"How could I forget?" He asked as he leaned forward in his seat. "I was the one that gave you that nickname."
"I feel like I was a different person when you gave it." She admitted. "I haven't been home in so long that the Adriana Vega that loved this city looks like a distant memory."
"Whatever happened at your mother's must have been one hell of a visit." He noted. He could still remember the day he heard that she left for her mothers. 
Adriana sighed. "I never went to my mothers." The look she got from Elijah at that moment hurt her. "After she left us, I hated it. She never accepted my calls or even checked in on me. After graduation, a family friend invited me to work with her for the summer. I loved it so much out there that I couldn't bring myself to come back."
"You had us worried when you didn't." There was hurt in his voice that she hadn't missed. "I thought for sure you would have come back. "
"I wanted to." She nodded her head. "But I couldn't bring myself to come back. I kept telling myself that I would go home and see everyone and explain why I left, but I couldn't bring myself to. Eventually, a letter just seemed like the best way to say goodbye to an old life."
Elijah nodded his head in understanding. Adriana had wanted an out from the world that she had been a part of in New Orleans. Even though he understood, it still hurt him that she left without telling him. 
"Has this new life of yours been kind to you?" He asked. Fishing for information that he wasn't sure he wanted to hear. 
She shrugged her shoulders. "As kind as it can be for someone that travels a lot. " She picked up her glass, taking a drink. "Work keeps me busy enough, the pay is great that I can retire soon." She chuckled slightly. "But it's lonely compared to the life I had here."
It was the first time she had ever said that out loud. But speaking with Elijah made it so easy to come up. He used to be the person she could say anything to. They could talk about any of their problems out with each other. It seemed that aspect hadn't changed after all those years. 
Adriana missed that. Being a mercenary meant having little to no friends or connections. The less that people knew about her life, the better things were. Settling down wasn't an option. Not when a target could be placed on them for some of the jobs she had done. 
Elijah sighed. "I take it there was another reason for you coming home? Otherwise, I believe you would have been back sooner if you missed the people." 
A small smirk pulled at her lips. "If you are trying to ask me if I missed you, the answer would be yes." 
Elijah chuckled as a small smile formed on his lips. "Good to know. Though if that was the case, why not just tell me?"
Adriana sighed as she looked down at the glass. Several things crossed her mind at that moment. She turned down a different path than Elijah had when she left home. He chose the career he always wanted while she followed a darker path. How could she ever explain that to him?
"You were the first person I wanted to tell." She admitted as she looked over at him. "I wanted to tell you that I was packing up my bags and leaving."
"Why didn't you?" He asked curiously.
"You would have stopped me from leaving." She hadn't missed the shock and confusion that played on his expressions at her words. "Rebekah told me about your summer plans for us."
Elijah's shoulders slumped slightly. His mind quickly jumping to conclusions. He had always believed that there was a reason she didn't tell him she was leaving. He felt at that moment, with those words, he had gotten his answer. 
Seeing his face, Adriana reached over and placed her hand on his. "I would have stayed and enjoyed that summer with you. Life would have been different.  And I did want that. I could have told you about the job and we could have worked something out. But what would have happened to us once I decided I wasn't coming home?"
"We'll never know since you made the decision on your own." He said as he looked her in the eye. 
A huff passed her lips as she pulled her hand back. "Would you have left your family for years at a time?" She asked, watching his reactions. "Or handle the fact that I was traveling more than being at home? And you can't say that you would have tried the traveling life. Because I know you, Elijah. You wouldn't have been here to protect your siblings from Mikael."
Elijah looked away as he took in her words. She wasn't wrong about anything she had just said. Adriana knew him well enough that she knew his thought process without ever needing to speak with him. 
If he had left with her, he wouldn't have been there for his siblings. His father had taken plenty of his anger out on his siblings. It was Elijah that tried his best to keep them safe. And if he stayed, he wasn't sure if he could take Adriana being gone for as long as she been speaking about.
"Maybe it was for the best that we hadn't." He said with a nod of his head a moment later. "I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if you had stayed and given up the opportunity you've had."
Before Adriana could voice her thoughts, her phone went off. Her eyes drifted to the phone screen, seeing Elena's number pop up. She was able to scan the message before the notification closed. 
 "Caroline's out." She said softly. "We're still meeting for dinner. I know our conversation is probably far from over..."
Elijah nodded his head. "Go. I assure you it is still rather easy to get in contact with me. " He reached into his pocket, grabbing his wallet and pulling out his card. "But just in case, here's my card."
A smile pulled at her lips as she took the card. "Never thought I'd see the day where Elijah Mikaelson has his own business card."
He chuckled softly. "It's a good thing you've come home, then." 
Adriana's smile grew a little more at his words. "I'm happy to be home, even if it's only for a while." She got up out of her seat and collected her things. "I'll try not to be a stranger."
"I hope not." He said as he stood as well. Since she was leaving, he had no other reason to be there. 
With one last smile, Adriana walked away from the booth and out the door. Elijah had watched as she had, hoping that this wasn't the last time they spoke. He'd hate for things to be left as they were. 
"Well," Marcel said as he came up and patted Elijah's back. "You could feel the tension from the other side of the place."
Elijah rolled his eyes. "Say another word, and you'll be buried in paperwork. "
Marcel raised his hands in surrender. Though a smirk played on his lips as he did. 
The moment Adriana got to her car, she pulled an encrypted tablet out from the glovebox. The moment it was powered up, she pulled the envelope out that Caroline gave her. Just as she expected, the black card had been hidden within the pocket meant to hold the hotel key. 
Removing the small SD card that had been hidden in its side, Adriana popped it into the tablet. As the tablet worked to unseal the files, her eyes wandered. As they did, she watched as Elijah and Marcel began to walk out of the bar, a small smile pulling at her lips. 
The ding that came from the tablet made her look down at it before her eyes widened. Her heart dropped as she took in the information on the screen. A moment later, her head shot up, her eyes scanning the area until landing on Elijah getting into the car with Marcel. 
She watched as they spoke to each other for a moment before driving away. As they did, Adriana was beginning to hate that she took this job. She never wanted her work to interfere with her past. And yet it was about to do that. 
She could only hear her father's words as she looked back at the screen. I understand the thrill of it all. To want to be able to get the money and have power all at the same time. But one of these days, you'll mess up in a way that you can't come back from. 
On the tablet, there was an image similar to what she had seen moments ago. Elijah and Marcel holding coffee in their hands and smiles on their faces as they were getting into the car. At the bottom of the image was writing that was clear as day. 
Elijah Mikaelson. You have a week, Rosa. Use it wisely. 
<< Chapter 2 || Series Masterlist || Chapter 4 >>
Always & Forever Tag:
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These Violent Delights:
@asiaaisa77​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @winchestert101​ @deni-gonzalez​
Stag Tag:  
@elejah-wonderland​ @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @asiaaisa77​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​ @bulldozed88
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
These Violent Delights Ch. 1
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: Horrible crime references. I seriously need to look into this more before next week’s post. But not much is going on in this one. 
Author’s Note: WELCOME TO THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS! I do hope you guys enjoy this one and I am definitely looking forward to writing this out for you guys!♥
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<<Masterlist || Chapter 2 >>
Sirens filled the air as several cop cars surrounded the outside of the Vega household. What was once a quiet night at home had been ruined the moment the sirens blared, leaving the members of the house knowing there was nowhere to go. That their night would be anything but peaceful
The younger Vega children that were at home didn’t understand what was going on. They didn’t understand what it was that any of them had done to cause the police to enter their home. Worry filled Adriana’s face as she helped her mother hold on to her younger siblings as several officers led them outside. She and her mother understood what was going on. Her father’s life work had finally caught up with him and they were finally there for him. 
Victor Vega had his hands deep in the black market. Whatever anyone needed, Victor could easily procure it in a timely manner. For the right price of course. His morals were out the window when it came to his business. There was never a shortage of business and his family had been able to live comfortably. At least that was until he messed up, catching the attention of Mikael Mikaelson. 
While Mikael once followed the rules, he now used what he could to his advantage. His pockets bought the information he needed and it led him straight for Victor. If he could arrest someone such him, Mikael could make a name for himself on the force and he could move up the ladder as he wanted. 
At least that had been the plan. Until the search through the house came up empty. Victor had been sane enough to ensure he never brought his work home with him. While those traces had led them to Victor, the proof of possession was lacking. 
“Just tell me what you know,” Mikael said as he looked at Adriana. He had pulled her over to the side, wanting to speak with her privately. “Your father must have told you something.”
“I know nothing.” Adriana said as she crossed her arms. While there were many reasons why she had despised the Mikaelson in front of her, she hated him even more for coming to her home and disrupting her younger sibling’s sleep. “He has never pulled me into this. You would know that if you actually listened to what your son has told you.”
“My son has been wrapped into your lies for long enough that I no longer accept what he has told me.” Mikael’s eyes narrowed at her. “What he sees in you, I’ll never understand. Maybe after tonight, Elijah will actually see how much you try to protect your vile family.”
“Mikaelson!” A new voice filled the air. Another officer came up to them, someone that Adriana had never met before.  “That’s enough. She’s a kid.” 
Mikael took one last look at Adriana before walking away from her. This wouldn’t be the last time he had that conversation with her. His gut was telling him that even a child such as her would eventually find herself in plenty of situations similar to her father. 
Fifteen Years Later
The sound of metal snapping had been music to Adriana’s ears. Cutting the lock to the roof access was one of the easier tasks of the night. A small smirk pulled at her lips as tossed the bolt cutters into her bag before picking up her rifle case and headed up the last few steps to her destination.
As the cold night air reached her face, she took in a deep breath. Tonight was going to be easy money. As she walked over to the ledge of the building, her brown eyes scanned the building right across from her. The view of the high-end hotel in front of her gave her the perfect view she needed. 
Once she had the right room she needed in view, she began unloading the sniper rifle she carried with her. While she would never admit it out loud, this was one of her favorite parts of the job. To have the power to take someone’s life way without them ever knowing that they were the target. 
From years of practice, she had the rifle set up and in position in a matter of moments. Just as she moved into position, her target walked in through the door with his mistress. “Right on schedule.” She mumbled to herself. All she had to do was wait for the right moment. 
A second later, her phone began ringing. Her eye never left her target as she brought her hand up to her headset. Tapping on the button she accepted the call before bringing her hand back into position. At the beginning of the automated message, her eyes rolled. It never failed that she would be getting a call from someone in a detention facility. 
It usually meant that her next black card would come from someone that was behind bars. In Adriana’s line of work, a black card held a chip inside of it that gave her all the details she needed of her target. It gave specific routines and details that she would need to complete her task. She just wondered who it would be from this time. 
Rosa, it’s Damon. 
A huff passed her lips at the quick recording. Damon Salvatore was an old friend of hers as well as a regular client of hers. The Salvatores had given Adriana a pretty nest egg over the last few years. She could comfortably retire and live her life off on some island if she wanted. But she was still young, and she enjoyed what she did a lot more than the idea of retirement. 
“How is it behind bars, Salvatore?” She asked the moment the call connected. 
Damon’s laugh on the other end had brought a small smirk to her lips. He hadn’t changed one bit. “I bet you say that to all your inmate callers.”
“Just you, Damon.” She said as she adjusted slightly. “If I said it to everyone, it wouldn’t make you so special.”
“Careful, Rosa.” Adriana could hear the smirk in his voice. “Wouldn’t want Elena to hear you have a soft spot for me.”
A scoff passed her lips. “I’m in the middle of getting take-out. I’m assuming there was a reason you were calling me?”
A chuckle came over the phone. “What is on the menu tonight?”
“Chinese.” She watched as her target came to settle on the couch in front of the window. The exact place she had noticed from the information on the black card. Where was the challenge of someone going out of their daily routine? All she needed was for the woman that was currently entertaining him to move. 
"Sounds delicious." She could hear the teasing in his tone. "Look, I was wondering if you could pick up a kitten and drop it off in New Orleans. Elena is a little lonely, and I thought a companion would help ease that while I'm gone. She’s had her eye on this specific one for a while now." 
"Does it need to be a handoff or can I drop and run? I do have a lot of things I need to take care of starting tomorrow." At this point, she knew this was going to be a conversation of interest. The faster she could get off the phone, the better.
"Preferably a handoff." He scoffed. "Can't leave a kitten on a porch until Elena gets off of work."
"Alright. Have Blondie leave word at my office; I'll get the details once I get back." She watched as the companion moved over to the bar and began pouring herself a drink. 
"When will you be back?"
"As soon as I finish my order." She mumbled before pressing the trigger. A satisfied smirk pulled at her lips at the chaos that unfolded before her." You know it's rude to be speaking on the phone while getting ready to order.” She said as she pulled herself up from her spot. 
“Right.” She could almost see him roll his eyes at her comment. It wouldn’t have been Damon if he hadn’t. “Before I forget, put a red bow on it. Make it cute.”
Adriana laughed. “Anything else I should remember?” She asked as she began putting things away in record time before picking up the shell casing. 
“I’m sure she’ll know it's from me, but it wouldn’t hurt to tell her.” 
Her eyebrow raised at the words. That was a dangerous game, and Damon knew it. But Damon also knew it was Adriana that could pull it off flawlessly. “Want the works or short and sweet.”
“Will it hurt to do the works?”
A chuckle passed her lips. “A little extra never hurt anyone.” She said as she made her way towards the roof access. She had a usual routine when it came to ‘the works’. “Make sure Blondie gets it to me soon; otherwise, I might not be able to do it.”
“Don’t worry, Rosa. I already called her and details would be waiting for you the moment you get back from lunch.”
Without another word, Damon hung up. Or it was that his time was up. Either way, Adriana knew that with this next job, she’d be going to the one place she hadn’t been to in years. 
The light green case folder slid across the desk, pulling Elijah Mikaelson’s attention from the desktop for only a second. His eyes moved back to the screen, continuing to fill out the report he had been working on. The sound of a throat clearing was what caused him to finally stop and look away for longer than a second. 
He found Marcel Gerard standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. Sighing, Elijah reached over and grabbed a hold of the file. 
"What is it now?" He asked as he started to open the file. 
"Damon made an interesting call last night." Marcel said as he leaned against the desk.  
"And?" Elijah's eyebrow raised, not bothering to look at the case notes just yet. 
“The first call he made was to Caroline Forbes.” Marcel said with a slight shrug. “Mostly to check in on his girlfriend, who was working at the time. But he asked her to deliver a package to a friend. There were no details on what the package was. At least there wasn’t until he made the second call to a burner phone.”
Elijah’s eyebrow raised as he took in Marcel’s words. “He’s making deals while behind bars.” 
Marcel shook his head. “He’s ordering hits. The transcript is in there. I was told this one holds priority.”
Elijah flipped several pages over until he found the transcripts of the calls. Just as Marcel said, Damon’s call to Caroline had been nothing too out of the ordinary. While the details of the package hadn’t been clarified, he had gotten more details out in the next phone call. 
Placing the file down on the desk, Elijah leaned back in his seat. “I would ask how Salvatore had managed to get a mercenary’s number, but this is Damon we are talking about. We’ve been after ‘Rosa’ for years and he’s been one way to get to her all along.”
Several years after Elijah joined New Orleans PD, a mercenary by the name of Rosa had started appearing in multiple intelligence reports. Corrupt politicians around the world were relying on Rosa to get several jobs done. And as the years passed, she became untouchable. No one in the world had managed to get a hold of the woman and take her in. 
Anytime someone called her, her voice had been distorted, leaving her voice unrecognizable. No matter what techs had been hired, they couldn’t fix her voice. She left no traces of her time there and there was never any DNA Evidence left behind. 
Elijah had been close to finding out who she was when he had first become Detective. He figured out the location of her next target and was ready to take her down. But just as he was about to, he was handed a more important case that focused on the Salvatore Crime Family. His priorities changed and Rosa slipped through the cracks. 
Marcel sighed. “Your sister said that would be the only  fact you focused on.”
Elijah’s eyebrow raised. “Is there something I’m missing?”
“Rosa is coming to New Orleans to take down a target. The only one who has pissed of the Salvatores recently has been you.” Marcel hoped that his words would register in his mind this time.
Elijah shook his head and chuckled. “You think I’m the target?”
“Rebekah believes so. And if Damon hired Rosa, it’s not going to be something you see coming.” Marcel didn’t like the thought of it, but it was something that needed to be discussed. 
Elijah thought for a moment. Rebekah had reason to worry. He had dismantled the Salvatore family in more ways than one. The Salvatore Brothers were both sitting in two different Prisons. The girlfriends were the only ties to the organization. Both of them had currently been under surveillance. 
If Rosa was hired to take him out, Marcel was right. He wouldn’t see it coming. That was proven several times over the years. Every one of her targets never saw it coming. Her Mo was different each time, making it harder to decipher if it was her or not. The choice of death was always asked by the person that hired her. 
With that thought in mind, he pulled the file back to him. His eyes scanned the transcript. If it was for him, he needed to know what was the choice. As he scanned over the transcript, a small smirk pulled at his lips. “I’ll see it coming.”
“Excuse me?” Marcel asked wanting to be sure he had heard Elijah correctly. 
“If I am the intended target, I’ll see it coming.” He held out the file to Marcel. “She asked if it would be a handoff or a drop and run. Salvatore replied with a handoff. It means he wants her close and personal with the intended target.”
“Elijah, this could be anyone.” Marcel hated that at this moment Elijah was being stubborn about this. While he understood that hiding away wasn’t the best option, it was going to make things difficult. “Waiters, bankers, anyone that we may come into contact in our daily lives and you wouldn’t know the difference.”
“She works based off of routine.” Elijah reminded him. “If I stick to the same places and faces, this will work in our favor.”
“You really want to do this?” Marcel asked as he pointed a finger to the file. “He asked her to put in the works as well. That could be anything. If it’s an in-person encounter, she has an unlimited amount of ways she could do this.”
“I’m taking this as a challenge, Marcel. One that I’m surprised you aren’t taking. We’ve been after Rosa for years and now that we have a target close to home, you want to back out.” Elijah understood the risks. His whole job was about risks. But he wasn’t about to lay low out of fear. He’d rather face it head-on. 
“Are you crazy?” Rebekah asked as she walked into the office. She had heard the tail end of the conversation. She wasn’t about to have her brother go through with his crazy ideas. “I would expect this from Nik, but not you Elijah.”
An amused looked formed on Elijah’s face at his sister’s words. “I’ve been in worse situations than this one. Say, for instance, actually taking down the Salvatores.”
“Bloody hell,” Rebekah said as she ran her hand down her face. “You had a bulletproof vest on. Are you going to walk around with one on all day until she is caught?”
It was Marcel’s words that shocked them both. “He’s got a point, Bex. This is a case that we haven’t solved in years. She’s still out there because we started working on the Salvatore case. I’ve always been wondering who’s the face we are supposed to put on the wanted poster.”
Rebekah looked between the two men in front of her. She shook her head and threw her hands up. “Fine, but we are making your life a case out of it. You will have your team on standby any time you go out. I want surveillance on Forbes up until the handoff.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Marcel said with a smirk. Rebekah rolled her eyes and walked out of the room at that. “Remind me how she’s your boss when she’s your family?”
Elijah chuckled. “As many times as I’ve mentioned she’s my sister, they never quite believe it. If there is anyone to ask about why, I’d say it has something to do with Mikael.”
Marcel shook his head slightly. “I bet she’s already out there getting people on it.”
“No doubts about that.” Elijah said with a nod. “Why don’t we get Niklaus on surveillance. I’m sure he wouldn’t lose sights of Forbes.”
Marcel threw his head back with a laugh. “100 says he’ll get smacked from attempting to get her number.”
“Lets make it more interesting. 200 that we’ll get a call about it.” Elijah said as he stood from his desk and grabbed his jacket.
There was a lot of work ahead of them. If things were going to work in their favor, there was a lot of prep work that needed to be done. From experience, Elijah knew there was going to be long nights ahead of them. Especially if Rosa was coming into town.  And this time, He wasn’t going to be letting her slip through the cracks again.
<<Masterlist || Chapter 2 >>
Always & Forever Tag: @taylordrunkonwhiskey​ @thewolf-and-thesheep​ @wayward-dan​ @neeadinghugs​ @fafulous​ @kenmen02​ @elizamonet​ @dora-the-grownup​ @mschellehitt​ @xanderling​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @buckysarm4​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @helenasingers​ @alka16555​ @yaniiie​
These Violent Delights: @asiaaisa77​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @winchestert101​ @deni-gonzalez​
Stag Tag:   @elejah-wonderland​  @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @asiaaisa77​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​
The Originals Tag: @zillahvathek​ @obsessedwithvampires​ @alien-sida
Bold Tags mean for one reason or another I cannot tag you. If you would like to be added, or taken off, any of the lists please let me know. ♥
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