cherubinym · 1 year
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the rare ceri LL oc art and LL art in general
when will the LL dev team Communicate and come back from the war :Pensive:
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crimsonfluidessence · 11 days
Prompt 10: Stable
Esredes didn't like Red Chocobos. It was hard to take a liking to them when one of them almost crushed him with a meteor. He could move the earth, sure, but he could not stop a meteor coming towards him that came down out of nowhere. Were it not for Elouan's timely intervention with his paladin magicks, Esredes most definitely would have died that day while chasing down a traitor to himself and Ishgard both.
Needless to say. he never wanted to be around one again. There was a small problem with this plan, though: He lived in Ishgard. He knew more than a few people who owned stables, including Rousseau, the half Miqo'te noble sent to his counseling practice by the court whose family owned a Chocobo business. Stables, porting services, the usual nine yards- and now, it seemed, he came to him as he announced winning a local racing tourney. Naturally, Esredes suggested he go further. Take it to the Gold Saucer where he used to work and make more of a name for himself. "I'd certainly feel better without all those prying eyes," Rousseau had to say to that. "The rumor mill here is killer. Even if it was a casual thing within the city, word travels too Fury damned fast." "Hence you see my point." Esredes smirked at him. "That'll be 500 gil." Rousseau snorted and clasped a hand over his mouth as he laughed. "Well-I don't know about that-but I can offer to show you some chocobo chicks for your time?" "Heh, ah, I still haven't seen them, have I. I wouldn't turn it down." Rousseau smiled wide up at him. "You haven't, and that's a crime around here yunno-evading chocobo hatchling pets is a serious offense!" Esredes chuckled. "Oh no, I can't go back to jail..." Rousseau waved a hand. "Come on, stables are this way."
When he followed him into the stables, they were both beset immediately by an army of little bundles of feathers running amok in a chorus of 'Kweh!'. They tumbled over one another in the most inelegant fashion possible. "Oh gods..." Esredes was careful to watch his footing. "Look at them. You have so many..." Rousseau chuckled. "Aren't they the cutest? Feel free to pick one up, they're usually pretty friendly. They nip a bit out of curiosity but not enough to hurt." He snickered, scooping one up into his arms. "Hey there lil guy." He crooned while tickling the chick that squirmed and sang in response. Esredes carefully watched the chicks run around, bending down with his arms poised until one crossed right into his path, and he scooped it up! It tried to bite his forearms, but he chuckled as he steadied it in his hold. "Do they have names?" Rousseau shook his head. "Not yet! I've given a few of them nicknames so I can differentiate, but we usually try not to give anything that'll stick until they either have owners, or get a bit older." He smiled at the chicks, but a small peep from behind the nearby pillar dropped his expression to a nervous one. "So does this one have a nickname, at least?" Esredes smiled at Rousseau, but it quickly dropped as he read his face. "...What's wrong?" "Huh? Oh! Yeah, that one is..." He looked her over. "Ah, that's eggshell! She had her shell stuck to her for a few days after hatching, wouldn't let anybody take it off, wore it like lil pants." Rousseau chuckled again, making a shooing motion at whatever was behind the pillar and setting the hatchling he was carrying down. And that was when, with a peep, a tuft of red feathers poked out from behind the pillar. "Tootie... I can't-not right now hun-please-"
Esredes' eyes went wide and he felt his blood run cold at the mere glimpse of red feathers. He took a step back towards the exit, even though he still held a chick. Rousseau's expression was laden with guilt at the crying of the chick, and he looked over to Esredes with a sigh. "I-I'm sorry, I know you don't like them but..." He scooped the red hatchling into his arms, trying to shield Esredes from the sight of her. "She always does this, cries until somebody holds her. Think she has separation anxiety a lot like her mom." "Poor thing," Esredes said with hesitation, holding Eggshell close in his arms, who crooned and nuzzled closer to him, soon falling asleep against him. But he didn't take his eyes off the red one. "Aw, c'mon. Tootie doesn't even know how to hold her head up without stumblin, she isn't gonna hurt you or Egg." Rousseau spoke gently, the red hatchling trilling and poking its big eyes out from over his arm. "Not now, I certainly hope. But what about when she grows up?" Rousseau pouted a little. "Well by that point she'll have been raised with enough love and care not to go setting fire to anything that scares her-like I told you before, they need to be really stressed out for that... or severely under stimulated. Either way, if she or any of these birds hurt anyone, it'd mean I failed to train 'em properly." "...I would certainly hope so." Esredes acquiesced. "You would know what you're doing more than myself." Rousseau fixed him with a reassuring look. "...You know, she's real affectionate. Love other people... if you wanted to actually see a red... she's probably the best chance you'll get." The bird was staring directly at him now, her big, dark eyes shining in the light. But Esredes looked down at the sleeping bundle of feathers in his arms and then back to her. "...I appear to have a present conundrum." Rousseau looked between the two chicks and slowly smiled at Esredes. "I... have an idea?" He stepped forward, slowly, until he reached Esredes, offering up the wiggling bird to the Elezen. "Trade?" "Uh... is she going to like that?" Rousseau hummed. "Egg sleeps like a rock, so I doubt she'll wake-but if you meant Tootie-" He looked to her. "I think... she might think you're family, not gonna lie." He nodded toward the sheer amount of red on the man. Indeed, the bird seemed to be clambering to try and get to the man.
"...I guess there are worse things I can be than a mother Chocobo." He carefully moved his hands out to make the exchange, handing off Eggshell as Tootie slid into his arms and immediately snuggled up into them with a happy coo. Esredes was tense as he held her, but he was holding her securely. "Is she going to fall asleep too." He asked. Rousseau managed to suppress his laugh this time. "I wouldn't be surprised. She seems to feel pretty safe with you." He beamed at Esredes. "She really does think you're her mom... I wonder if it's just the coat or if your hair helps?" He murmured. "...I imagine neither help me to not look like a Chocobo, do they?" "You are pretty red. And she seems to like it... how you holdin up though?" Esredes looked down at the chick. "...Fine." "Good, if it's too much just let me know, yeah?" "I just worry if she's, uh. You said she had separation anxiety." "Yeah, she cries pretty hard if she doesn't see somebody she likes around. It can make it hard when we need to check up on her and I'm busy elsewhere. She really doesn't like Reimus." He snorted again. "Good." Esredes remarked. He didn't like Rousseau's high maintenance and in his own head younger brother either. "She has common sense." Rousseau nodded. "Oh yeah, she's a pretty good judge of character." The bird crooned and practically wagged her tail as she blinked up at Esredes. Esredes couldn't help but smile down at her. "Really?" He asks Rousseau. "Do you have any other stories?" Rousseau tapped his chin in thought. "Hmm, there was that one time she wouldn't stop hissing at a bush outside... I couldn't figure out what was bothering her, every time I went out to check, it was empty... Until one day I found one my my letters that'd gone missing, out by the green, opened and everything." He waggled his fingers. "Not the first time my mails been stolen, but I think she found the one responsible n scared 'em off." "...Wow." Esredes said. "That's... actually pretty incredible." He looked back down at Tootie. And she thought Esredes was her mother now. "They probably saw the red and thought what-well-everyone thinks." He sighed. "Scary red chocobo, it's gonna attack me, I better run." Rousseau shrugged, petting the sleeping Egg. "In this case it just happened to help. No more missing letters-so far at least." Tootie trilled, as if she too, was proud of this feat and knew they were discussing it. "A real guard... Chocobo. Guard chocobo. It's a shame you're not keeping her." Rousseau snorted again. "By the Fury-you're right. She would make a good guard chocobo." He grinned. "Oh, the red aren't for sale. I-well I couldn't part with Knife's like that, at least. Maybe if they were a friend, but they aren't a part of our listed stock." His expression grew awkward. "Not to mention... they aren't exactly purebred. I-I /think/ the dad was a Blackfeather? I can't be sure though. The second I got to Coerthas she just-" He waved vaguely to Tootie. "Hm? She just what?" "Had a bunch of chicks. Didn't even realize she'd taken to nesting because of how she hunkers down in places most of the time. I panicked trying to get them all registered, the last thing I wanted was the knights busting in and taking them." "Oh. Oh dear..."
As they chatted, Rosseau rocked Eggshell in his arms and watched Tootie play with a shiny bit of metal on Esredes' coat, to which he was most certainly not stopping her. "...If you don't mind me asking... why the reaction to them? I mean, I know they can be scary because of the rumors but, you seemed to be more on edge than most." Esredes stared at him blankly. "...I've seen what they can do." Rousseau pursed his lips. "Ah, of course. Sorry I... shouldn't go digging for bad memories. It probably wasn't a very good experience, yeah?" "No. I almost died." His brows shot up. "Almost-Fury, man. M'glad to see you didn't..." He shook his head. "Was it just some bad luck you ran into or-no-nope, sorry, I said I wouldn't dig. You don't have to answer that." "If only. No, someone was trying to kill me. Using the bird." "Trying to... wh-" His jaw dropped. "How someone could use an animal like that... and try to kill you of all-I swear some monsters..." Rousseau could barely bite back his usual temper, hugging the bird in his arms just a bit closer. "I hope they got the bastard at least." "They did. But, yes. That is why." Rousseau sighed in relief. "That poor animal... poor you! Ugh, what in the hells is wrong with some people? M'sorry you had to go through it." "I ponder the same. But for all I do in that room I can only come to the same conclusions." Rousseau nodded. "Well, given all that happened, you're doing amazing with Tootie, here." "Oh... thank you?" Esredes looked down at her. "I'm glad to hear that."
Another smile crept onto his face. No, he didn't like red Chocobos. But Tootie, he decided, could stay. At the very least, there was Tootie now, and he'd be a proud surrogate Chocobo mother.
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talvi-tuuli · 1 year
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It's coming!
I can't wait to play it! The trailer was so cool (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
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maulie-dyke · 1 year
Precious Novae scenes but it’s all my wife, Cyrille (+ my comments, for substance)
+ Elouan, because they are THE duo
(Spoilers for up to halfway through chapter 13)
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first sighting! I thought she was pretty when they first showed up, and now, years later, she’s even prettier
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‘why did I let Elouan talk me into this’
(Under the cut because things got long)
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I just think this shot is so funny. She’s so annoyed lmao
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She!!! Is so pretty!
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Annoyed Cyrille 2.0
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She <3 I wonder if everyone in universe thinks she’s wearing a wig because of how fabulous her hair is
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This scene is so short but SHE IS SIMPLY STUNNING (Their dynamic in one shot)
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MOTHER (mommy?)
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Back at it again when you’re supposed to be having fun, cyrILLE
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Making people uncomfy at balls since the late 1600s (more proof for my autistic Cyrille headcanon?!?!)
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She’s so pretty <3
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The most majestic hair in France, by Cyrille Le Valois
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I’ve always thought they look like they were going to have a fistfight over that brooch (personally, I think Sulvain would win in the end but Cyrille could hold her own)
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Her running shots in these few pages are hilarious. Does she like running? or is she going ‘sir, why am I running, I am a respectable woman and ladies do not run’
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The one who will cuss you out while still managing to look better than you, even in a crisis
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#/let Cyrille have a whole sword fighting scene 2k23 PLEASE
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The detail of her eyes in this shot (’I am literally dying and you’re trying to steal my sword? Make me die faster? What?) >
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MA’AM?!?! She straight up disarmed him with her scabbard, while actively dying, and caught the sword before it fell. AN ICON I STAN FOREVER
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As this chapter goes on the little detail of her face going grey/bluer is such a nice touch. So when she actually passes out you realise ‘oh shit she’s literally blue in the face’
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HOW does she have the skill to be so pretty while dying? I don’t know if I want her or want to be her
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CYRILLE IN A DRESS when I tell you I lost it when this cover page came out I lost it
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Brb busy SOBBING I love her, I’m so proud of her
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‘I am at my LIMIT with this weird magic shit’
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Elouan and Cyrille HE LOVES HER SO MUCH A KING If I liked men I’d want an Elouan
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This is deadass my favourite shot of them they’re so cute
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I love her dumb expressions so much
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Cyrille’s really out here being a nerd about the magic room while Elouan is busy being Elouan
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She has such a nice profile, like I want her nose
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Elouan: ‘I know you’re trying to debrief me on everything that went on but I’m busy making an engagement ring’
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mossbed-roots · 2 years
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Happy Feast everyone! I hope your holidays are filled with warmth and light
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thorneyes · 1 year
Rohesia and Elouan? For the character impression meme! -shieldbcund
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Twelve, what a ponce.
It nearly comes right out of her damn mouth, when she catches sight of that bright-white armor. Fuck, even for the elezen of Ishgard, presumably likelier than anyone to fight in the snow, it's a shouting beacon, by her reckoning. Like it's begging to be stained with blood and dirt and soot in the first battle he gets to. White is for those fancy bastards who can afford to keep it - on anyone else, it turns grey in short order.
She takes a breath and unclenches her jaw, doing her best to turn her attention away again. It's not like this one's taking up space, or really doing anything. If not for the inevitably clanking, she wouldn't have known he was there. And, well, elezen all sort of have those punchable faces, don't they? Something about towering over everyone while being thin as reeds lends itself to looking down their noses at people. They're not the only ones... and it's only a touch their own fault.
So Roh breathes out and lets it go, though she doesn't let it stop her from keeping an eye on this fellow as he moves.
Only... the first thing she sees has her blinking in surprise. The decoration had been hidden at first, but it's still there when she opens her eyes again; delicate white flowers, tucked into his hair.
... If he is a ponce, he's an interesting one.
( @shieldbcund Thanks for the ask! )
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gwinverarrouz · 2 years
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I’m doing an October inking challenge! The rules are: work traditionally, in black and white, in a 1:1 format, and try not to spend more than 20 minutes on a piece at most. Unfortunately 1) I’m a perfectionist and 2) I want to get better with hatching and doing tons of tiny lines takes longer than just filling an area with black, so. Some of these may have taken longer than 20 minutes. But it’s been really fun so far. :D
Part 2 here! Part 3 there- and finally part 4 :)
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percyc0re · 2 years
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making a deal
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insurrection-if · 6 months
ROs reaction to that "I want a baby" meme?🤭
Oh, I love this meme! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
I wanted to add the minor romances too, but that exceeds the maximum screenshots per post (10). ╮(╯∀╰)╭ For the sake of scrollers, I’ll place the screenshots for the main romances below the cut:
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If you remove the ‘let’s wait’ aspect of the first response, he’s a mixture of these:
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Thank you so much for this ask! ( ´∀`)b
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fizzydrinkuno · 4 days
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Elouan is my stand-in for Aurora for a fan comic currently in pre-production. Just wanted to share his final design.
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steak-n-popotoes · 1 day
FFxivWrite '24 - 20
To the Attention of One Mr. Caranar (no surname)
As recompense for innumerable personal offenses, irreconcilable differences, and generally insufferable behavior, you are hereby challenged to a gentlemanly duel under the law of the Holy See and the Fury's ever-vigilant eye.
Don't bring a second.
- Renaud-Elouan Cledwyn
"What a load of shite." Eryna stated.
Caranar stood at his wife's desk, trying to get her to put ink to paper.
"I don't see why you should even bother to answer. He's an arse."
"He's not gonna let it go."
"How can you be sure?"
In response, Caranar held up three more similarly addressed letters, still in their envelopes.
"Ugh." Eryna looked over the message once more. "Since when did he give a damn about what was proper according to Halonic scripture? And what's this bloody nonsense about 'no seconds'? That alone isn't proper."
"He's a coward. The only reason he'd ask for a duel in the first place is so he can cheat."
Eryna rolled her eyes. He was surely right, but... "All the more reason for you to let him bluster about unheeded like the impotent wretch he is."
"Or," Caranar muttered through his teeth, "I could thrash him within an ilm of his life like he so badly wants, so he'll think twice about trying it again."
She groaned loudly and drooped against her desk. "I just don't want you getting hurt."
He snorted, then graced her with a crooked smile. "I know. Don't worry, he's not gonna get the chance."
"You really mustn't kill him, either. Beef and Popola would be devastated."
Caranar grumbled affirmatively. "You ready to start writing?"
Eryna sat up and lifted her quill from its inkwell. "I suppose."
Dear Renaud,
Fuck yourself. Time and place?
Sincerely, Caranar
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crimsonfluidessence · 18 days
Prompt 3: Tempest
Esredes didn't like cars. Esredes didn't travel by Chocobo all that often. Airships were fine, but boats? Boats would never be fine. If he had to choose, he'd still get on one before he got inside a car ever again. But that wasn't exactly high praise for boats, and his experiences only kept validating that.
Why, he hadn't even been on a boat at all. It was an airship over the waters of the coast of Vylbrand, and everything was supposed to be fine. It was a perfectly fine ride back to the main continent with friends until the airship had hit a sudden and unexpected storm, and plunged right into turbulent waters out of the sky entirely. With each wave, it felt like the boat would tip over and drown himself and everyone else on board. Sure, Esredes could fly off, and leave everyone behind, but his conscience wasn't going to let him just do that. Especially when Elouan was also on board, and he could only fit a few people on his back at most, and there were several on board. It was one of those situations where he felt horribly, truly, trapped and helpless. His powers didn't work out on the waves, and a sword couldn't resolve the present situation.
Every time. Every time he was on anything that could be considered a boating situation, that was what happened. He was made helpless, and there were few worse feelings. In the end, it was only after dealing with a ghost ship they were able to manage to get back in the air and away from the storm, into the relative safety of Coerthas, but the memory of it haunted him long after that.
The ocean was full of abnormal storms. Maybe, outside of flying over it as a dragon, it was safer just to avoid the ocean travel at all. The Lominsans had figured this out by one too many Sahagin attacks already, and yet they still went out onto the water.
Maybe the plain and simple answer was that only time Esredes, water, and storms could truly mix was inside the counseling room, when he asked a client to stare into the water.
That, at least, was a storm he could control.
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talvi-tuuli · 11 months
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Breath ( ´ ▽ ` )
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It's cool to be under the rain, but not to be sick!
Don't worry Elouan! Your umbrella is on its way! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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ofglories · 3 months
|| @toadmiretoweepover arsène vc: apologies for your loss.
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"You're going to be his cousin-in-law. Or I guess genetically a brother-in-law with the two sets of twins for parents he and Bors have. Enjoy knowing you've got that fucker in your family now too."
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siniaesart · 29 days
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Birthday softness!
It was my WoL's birthday in mid of july and I just had to draw my main ship with him... Enjoy some soft WoLmeric <3
(Their outfits are actually based on very similar ones I got for my Aymeric & Meteor plushy and that was what inspired me to draw them like this in first place :3c > x.com/Damnjell/stat... )
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gwinverarrouz · 2 years
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Day 4: the darkness
Happy spooky month :)
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