#Elvrae is a bard too so I love hc that she makes all kinds to songs and stories to cheer Hexxat up
catthattalks · 8 months
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Korkorran: YOUR HUMANITY I CAN RESTORE. THE TIME YOU'VE LOST, I CANNOT. BECOME MORTAL AGAIN AND YOU'LL FEEL THE WEIGHT OF THE LAST TWO CENTURIES UPON YOU. Korkorran: YOU WILL DIE, BUT YOU WILL DIE AS A MORTAL. Elvrae: Is that what you want, Hexxat? Truly? Hexxat: I do not want to carry on like this. Elvrae: Has our time together truly has been so awful? Hexxat: You've made the unbearable tolerable, Elvrae. Elvrae: I'll keep doing it too, if you'll let me. Hexxat: You've nearly convinced me. We'll go forward together as we have - me as I am, you as you are - on one condition. If, one day, I should ask you end my existence, you must do so with neither hesitation nor regret. Elvrae: I can do that. Hexxat: You promise me, Elvrae? Elvrae: I promise.
No matter how Hexxat's companion quest ends, it hits me hard. She wants to be a mortal again so badly, and if she can't have that, she's ready to die as a mortal. Yet!! She can be asked to stay, Elvrae promising to making her immortal live tolerable, promising that, if Hexxat ever wants to end her life again, Elvrae has to do it.
And it's so bittersweet, they will have each other, but there will always be the knowledge, that Hexxat wants to die. But becoming a vampire was never Hexxat choice, so at least she can choose how long to remain as a vampire.
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