#how they work as a couple and independent characters
broadwayfan92 · 2 days
Am I the only one who likes Colin and Penelope in S3 part 2?
Part 2 was always going to be about Colin finding out about LW. Yes, he was very, very mad, but it was understandable because of what Pen wrote about Marina, Eloise and himself. Yes, he was harsh, but remember how he treated Marina in S1 after he found out she was pregnant? He was very upset and angry, and said some things he shouldn’t have said.
However, this time it’s different, Colin knew he was in love with Penelope and still wanted to marry her. He found out about LW right before their wedding, so it makes sense he’s going to need time and space to digest that information. He loved her, but he also was hurt, angry, conflicted, jealous and in love. That's a lot of emotions to sort out. Just like with Marina, he said some things he shouldn't have. Colin is VERY sensitive, which is his best and worst character trait.
However, he was able to put aside his anger during the wedding and reassure Penelope with a nod that he wanted her to walk down the aisle. The love in his eyes was evident every time Pen was with him. Just when everything was fine and when it seemed like that they could work it out, the queen comes in saying one of the Bridgertons is LW. When he asked Pen to give up her column in that moment, she said no. Of course Colin was upset, especially since they hadn't moved past this roadblock.
Colin tried to save Penelope from Cressida’s blackmail, but made things worse and he hated that he couldn’t help. He's so used to helping Pen that he's never seen her be independent and work things out on her own. In the end, Colin realized he didn’t need to be a hero and Pen didn't need saving. It took time, but he worked through his emotions and was able to be the husband she needed. He accepted his wife’s choice and stood at her side. He loved Penelope deeply and was devoted to her.
Penelope also went through her own arc. She’s realized that she’s made huge mistakes because of her writing. She was trying to do better with the power she held, even if she couldn’t change the past.
She was going to tell Colin about LW, but kept getting interrupted or it was not the right time. She even gave up LW up after talking to her mother and Eloise. Pen only started writing again when Cressida nearly succeeded in trying to take credit for her work. Penelope stood up for herself and told Colin at their wedding that she wasn’t going to stop writing because LW was her work. Unfortunately, it drove a wedge in her and Colin's relationship because he didn't like keeping her identity a secret anymore than she did. In the end, she found her voice, formed her own plan and came clean. The truth was out and she was free of the secret that was too difficult and too dangerous to keep.
No, Colin did not need to go to Penelope during or right after her speech. That was HER time and part of both their arcs. She was owning up to her mistakes and actions, and Colin didn’t need to save her. He was looking at her with the love and support she needed. He nodded in encouragement and pride. Their time as a couple was after her moment in the spotlight.
These are flawed characters shaped by their home lives and experiences that life threw at them for 3 seasons. This was about two people growing, accepting each other for who they are and the love between them conquering everything else. Forgiveness was also a big part of their stories. Penelope had to forgive herself for her mistakes and ask for it, while Colin had to forgive Penelope.
Throughout the season, Colin had to learn to be himself instead of what society expected of him and to not be the hero. Penelope had to learn to come out of her shell and find her voice outside of LW. This is a big accomplishment for two characters who are at least 19 and 22 at the start of S3.
Side note: I’ve noticed the writers like drama for every couple on Bridgerton, particularly the last four episodes. S1 was heavy on lack of communication. S2 dealt with not wanting to fall in love. S3 dealt with secrets. Both of the main characters of these seasons aren't 100% happy until at least the last 10 minutes of the last episode.
I think in S4 we’ll see Colin and Penelope as a happier and stronger couple. However, I don’t expect to see a lot of them, similar to Anthony and Kate in S3 and Daphne in S2. Once the couples are married, they don’t seem to get a lot of screen time in order to make room for the next main pairing, but are there to offer advice. Personally, I hope next season is Benedict's.
Anyway, loved this season! Polin forever!
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illubean · 1 day
Can I request a toph reader who's blind but can still fight and walk on her own with the seismic sens.Can the character be Kurapika,Gon,Killua and Illumi please ?
HXH w/ Toph!Reader
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Characters: Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Illumi Zoldyck Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
couldn't think of anything for kurapika im sry :(
Warnings: none
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Gon Freecs
totally does not notice your blind
he's a lil slow...but he does ask why your eyes look the way they do
and when you tell him he's like OH MY GOD IM SORRY
he thinks your seismic sense is the coolest thing ever
he probably asks you to teach it to him and you're like idk I just do it
he tries walking around barefoot but it doesn't really work..
he's a lil disappointed that he can't learn it but he just chalks it up to being one of your unique abilities
he gets to watch you chuck rocks and random dudes at heaven's arena and his admiration for you grows
you are a role model to him because of how strong you are
if you guys end up walking around somewhere where your seismic sense is weaker like on sand or softer mud he makes sure to help you
not because he thinks you can't handle it yourself, but because he wants to!
Killua Zoldyck
he's put off by you being barefoot all the time
Gon is already a freak who doesn't wear socks under his boots now this?
a lot of time's he forgets you're actually blind
and whenever he makes a snarky comment about your sight he's like "Oh, right. Sorry.."
he's a little annoyed that you can out sarcasm him
your rowdy and carefree personality makes him admire you to an extent too
he thinks you're fun to be around
he's tried to pull pranks on you a couple times because you technically can't see him then forgets about his seismic sense
no matter how much hatsu he uses or how soft his footsteps are you notice him every time
which results in him getting a rock to the face.
anyways you remind him a lot like himself
getting raised by rich fancy pantsy parents who want to control your life
I mean both of you ran away from home because you wanted to do your own thing
so he feels a sort of connection to you that he doesn't his other friends :D
Illumi Zoldyck
orignially upon hearing you're blind he has like zero interest in you
he thinks your like any other civilian but like...inferior
but when he see's you in action? color him impressed
he's very confused on why you dont wear shoes like anywhere
and when you tell him about your seismic sense he's like oh that makes sense...but it's still gross how do you not have ringworm
what he doesn't appreciate though is your lazy lifestyle
he is throwing you outside and hosing you down equipped with rubber gloves and a mask if you don't bathe for too long
he can put up with you being sarcastic but he cannot put up with you being DIRTY by CHOICE
and when he finds out you can be clean and civilized he's like WHYY DO YOU CHOOSE TO BE A SLOB
he lwky hates how strong willed and independent you are because he can't use you
your personalities clash most days
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catthattalks · 5 months
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Korkorran: YOUR HUMANITY I CAN RESTORE. THE TIME YOU'VE LOST, I CANNOT. BECOME MORTAL AGAIN AND YOU'LL FEEL THE WEIGHT OF THE LAST TWO CENTURIES UPON YOU. Korkorran: YOU WILL DIE, BUT YOU WILL DIE AS A MORTAL. Elvrae: Is that what you want, Hexxat? Truly? Hexxat: I do not want to carry on like this. Elvrae: Has our time together truly has been so awful? Hexxat: You've made the unbearable tolerable, Elvrae. Elvrae: I'll keep doing it too, if you'll let me. Hexxat: You've nearly convinced me. We'll go forward together as we have - me as I am, you as you are - on one condition. If, one day, I should ask you end my existence, you must do so with neither hesitation nor regret. Elvrae: I can do that. Hexxat: You promise me, Elvrae? Elvrae: I promise.
No matter how Hexxat's companion quest ends, it hits me hard. She wants to be a mortal again so badly, and if she can't have that, she's ready to die as a mortal. Yet!! She can be asked to stay, Elvrae promising to making her immortal live tolerable, promising that, if Hexxat ever wants to end her life again, Elvrae has to do it.
And it's so bittersweet, they will have each other, but there will always be the knowledge, that Hexxat wants to die. But becoming a vampire was never Hexxat choice, so at least she can choose how long to remain as a vampire.
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that-fic-girl · 5 months
Head canon: what it would be like to date them.
characters: Alastor, angel dust, husk, vox
disclaimer: everything i write about these characters might not be accurate to the actual story, please take everything in the fic with a grain of salt, none of this is canon!!
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he hasnt been in an actual relationship in a while so being close and vulnerable with someone is quite hard for him, especially as someone who associates emotions with weakness.
First off, its safe to say he adores the ground you walk on. He's in love with everything about you, your clothes, the smell of your hair, your sickly sweet voice. his loves it all.
If there was ever a problem you needed fixing, a person you needed taken care of or even a errand you needed to run he would tend to it himself. he would not let you lift a finger.
PDA is a iffy thing for him, he wouldnt do grand big gestures but maybe a hand on the hip or a few words of affirmation.
everyone in the pride ring quickly learned of yours and radio demon's relationship. And no one dared to mess with you, ofcourse there was people who wanted to test their luck but they would have to pay the price later.
his love language is definitely words of affirmation, he will sweet talk the shit out of you. At night when it's just you two in bed, he will have his hands stroking through your hair whilst you rant to him about your day and he'll reply with sweet nothings
"oh darling, i've missed you all evening"
"you looked ravishing today my dear.."
"mm your hair smells amazing, my love"
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Angel Dust
Angel is one of, if not, the horniest mother fuckers out there but somehow, he manages to somewhat make a healthy relationship with someone.
you two are seen as "the bad bitch" couple. you're always out together, always getting into dumb shit together. You'll get yelled at by vaggie at early hours in the morning because the two of you where playing a childish game of tag in the hotel halls.
his love language is definitely physical touch, he'll have his arms slung around your waist almost all the time. Kisses are a MUST every 5 minutes, like this boy will NOT part from you. especially in the mornings when you have to leave for work;
"mmnnnnoooooooo...stayyy for five minutes pleasseeeee"
"but sweets..you're soooo warm"
"sweetheart please, you feel so comfy"
yeah good luck with that.
nights with him are VERY eventful, if it wasn't obvious. You two would usually be at it late hours into the night but sometimes, when you two where too exhausted to fuck like rabbits, he would be sprawled across your lap whilst you stroked his fur.
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Despite his harsh tone and uncompromising demeanor, you understood that Husk wasn't trying to be malicious towards you. It was simply his way of communicating, and you knew that his behavior wasn't personal. Even though he could be abrasive at times, you loved him for his rough edges and authentic personality
You and Husk's time together was mostly spent at the bar. You didn't like to drink much, but you loved seeing him work and make cocktails like a pro. You didn't mind that it wasn't considered a typical date, because you liked spending time with him in whatever way he felt most comfortable.
Husk is not used to receiving compliments, as he didn't often receive them in his past life. When you complimented him, it caught him off guard and he was surprised. But he eventually learned to appreciate it, and it even made him feel a little sentimental.
Despite the difficulty, you were able to help Husk realize that you genuinely cared about him. He had been used to being surrounded by dishonesty and hypocrisy, but you were always sincere and real. He held you in high regard, as you were the only source of light in his life, and he didn't want to lose you.
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You were known as a strong and independent person who didn't need assistance from others. You knew how to stand up for yourself, despite being harsh and tough at times. Despite your exterior, no one was aware of the soft spot in your heart that Vox's affection and touch alone could melt away your severity.
He appreciated seeing your affectionate side, as it felt special and intimate, like a shared secret between the two of you. He knew you valued your privacy, and he respected it by never sharing photos or other details on social media. He didn't want to betray your trust.
You were often feared and respected when you were with Vox. People found it hard to believe that someone as intimidating as yourself could have a tender, caring side that was kept hidden from most. Vox was glad that he was the only one who got to see that side of you. He didn't want to share something so special and personal with anyone else.
Quite often, he would call you on the phone, knowing that sweet words could be just as effective as a kiss. He enjoyed hearing how your voice softened from its usual seriousness to a more affectionate tone. He was aware that when he said loving phrases to you, you would blush and smile shyly, and sometimes he even regretted not being able to witness it in person.
"i've missed you today babe.."
"mhm look at my pretty girl/boy!"
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astrobydalia · 6 months
Your present... Relationship observations pt. IV
I know you guys love these so here's more! As always, enjoy and happy holidays!
work by astrobydalia
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long post!
A common thing I've seen in the charts of people who are firmly monogamous is moon-mercury aspects (this is not the only indicator ofc). Their decisions and interests are guided by what they feel so once they set their heart on someone... that's it for them
A very interesting lesson that I took from doing so many synastry/composite readings is that the "like attracts like" trope is WAY more powerful than the "opposites attract" trope. Here are some of the most common similarities I've spotted:
couples sharing the same ASC (this one is SO common)
Very similar aspects to the moon: I’ve noticed many couples have each of their moons aspecting the same planets, specially, outer planets, usually in similar (sometimes even the same) aspects. For example person A has Moon Square Pluto and person B has moon opposite Pluto (both harsh aspects)
A common thing I've seen in many couples synastry is Venus square Venus aspect
On the other hand I’ve noticed that flings or really passionate relationships tend to have Moon square moon in synastry
Moon sextile Moon relationships are so perfect imo. They have the easy understanding of the trine and the passion of the square/opposition
I’ve seen a lot of unrequited love situations have Venus square/opposite Moon. The moon person is attached to and idolizes the Venus person. The Venus person enjoys moon’s company but they aren’t that romantically involved or interested
Earth Moons are very fond of stability what is known to them but they secretly want someone who takes them out of their comfort zone and opens them up to deep and exciting emotional experiences. I've noticed they usually end up with partners who are more sensitive, expressive and spontaneous
I’ve noticed Venus-Pluto natives (square, opposition, conjunction) end up building some kind of resentment towards their long-term partners overtime and won’t let them go. The type to spend years married to some they secretly hate and also the type of person who demonizes every single one of their exes. It’s like they tend to attract relationships that wake up a dark side in them
Something I keep seeing over and over is that Cancer placements are playerssssss (both men and women). They will treat you like you’re “the one” but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have an actual intention to settle with you😭 they're just getting carried away by what they feel in moment so I guess they are unintentional players???
Leo and Libra placements on the other hand are intentional players imo. They love the romance and chasing just for the validation it gives them
In order to keep a Cardinal Venus/Moon interested you need to keep showing up like your relationship is brand new. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve be together or how comfortable you are with each other, they want their partner to still make an effort to impress and romance them like it’s the first date and they're bound to do the same
Women with Libra Mars I've noticed tend to attract mamas boys or child-like men with mommy issues. These women are always the dominant or mature ones in their relationships
Capricorn Mars women are dominant too and have a strong character but they chase men who are equally as independent as them if not more
Something I’ve noticed with Pisces/Neptune 7th house (and also Pisces Venus/Juno to an extent) is that yeah they put their partner on a pedestal but they also low-key tend to take their partner for granted? I’ve noticed they expect their partner to be indulgent, permissive and basically tolerate their bs. Little is talked about how their tendency to ignore red flags goes both ways; they want their partner to ignore their red flags too and forgive all their behaviors
What is up with Aquarius and Pisces placements attracting each other all the damn time?
Water Venus/Mars win the award for most obsessive lovers out there
I’ve seen a lot of people with Mars in the 7th house who were divorced or never married. One friend of mine who has this placement says she doesn’t want to marry at all or have a relationship cause she’s too independent
Women with fixed Mars are attracted to men who have rough or bold characteristics such as beard, tattoos, toned body, deep voice, etc. or just a very bold presence in general. They also have a thing for men who have a very confident, understated and nonchalant demeanor/personality to them
Women with mutable Mars and their attraction to flighty and chaotic men who don’t give them the time of day. I’ve seen this countless times 😭😭😭
I've seen harmonious aspects between Mars-Moon in people that work very well together! This aspect typically means fertility which in a work environment translates into a fruitful relationship. The two people wanting to create/initiate things together with lots of motivation
Who came up with the idea that Aries Moon/Venus are disloyal and flighty? All I keep seeing irl is these natives tend to have a strong attachment to their partners. Once they're in your corner they won't ever let you go fr. They could have a tendency to get attached to the wrong people tho
I’ve seen many many couples having 7th house Mars in synastry but this overlay is super chaotic imo, creates a back and forth dynamic that ends nowhere. The house person is the chaser here, they are always pushing commitment on the Mars person cause they don’t want the mars person to “slip away” or something. The mars person enjoys the eagerness of the house person and finds it very attractive and could enjoy challenging the house person’s interest. Eventually if the mars person isn’t that interested they get bored and are often the first ones to walk away
A very similar outcome I've seen happens with 7th house Mars in Composite. This could make the bond between the two a bit "forced" and dragged out. This also means the connection will really be put to the test, you guys may have to fight for your connection a lot which can either bond you more or exhaust you, could eventually become tired of the relationship and how much energy it takes to keep it alive.
I have a theory that your preferred house overlays could be indicated by your Venus/7th house/Juno. For example if you have Leo Venus you might enjoy 5th house synastry, if you have Neptune or Pisces in the 7th house you might feel comfortable with 12th house synastry, etc. Let me know what you think about this
I’ve noticed that 8th house synastry results in a lot of physical touch going on so people who have this as their love language might be specially fond of this overlay. This is the couple that literally can’t keep their hands off each other
Scorpio Moons 🤝 sabotaging the few healthy relationships they have in their life. They eventually learn to keep the right people after really going through it tho
With 7th house synastry you can really feel like something's missing when you don't have that person around.
When moon falls in fire houses in synastry the two people are always excited to see each other
Moon in 1st house in synastry is the only 1st house overlay that is not superficial. The connection is usually very genuine while it lasts. This person likely sparks a lot of nostalgia and you remember them fondly
When someone’s personal planets fall in your 4th house, you feel like this person can see you for who you truly are deep down
Gemini Venus/Juno/7th house: the people they date tend to have almost identical characteristic, there's always this blatant "twin" factor in the people they date or attract. For example all their exes worked in the same industry, have the exact same personality, etc
Venus Observations...
Libra Venus has the rep for being big flirts and charmers but this is actually a Cardinal Venus thing tbh cause, as I've said in a past post, they love the chase, they just all do it in different ways
It's true Virgo Venus are picky but this doesn't necessarily mean they have high standards. Yes, stay with me here. These natives have a very clear series of characteristics they want a partner to meet and that's how they are picky/critical (earth) but if those boxes are checked, they don't care much about anything else (mutable) and can be quite flexible. They don’t really care if their partner is not the most sought after person
In contrast, Capricorn Venus are picky AND have high standards. They want the best of the best, the perfect partner
Virgo Venus wants a partner that doesn’t need validation however they want their partner to validate them all the time
Aquarius Venus will only commit if they see a future with that person. Not only they are ruled by Saturn (which rules longevity) but they are also ruled by Uranus which rules innovation, Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac so Aquarius Venus people need to feel like their partner will help them evolve or "upgrade" as a person in some way (not in a materialistic way like Capricorn but rather mentally). That's why they are attracted to people who are "different", intelligent or eccentric
The reason why Aquarius Venus is "flighty" as per my observation is because they tend to go for partners who are radically different from them and as a result they often stumble upon many incompatible partners
Leo Venus is very underrated when it comes to acts of service, I’ve noticed this is a very common love language for them
In my experience Pisces Venus natives are SO deceitful and immature. I'm sorry I really wanted to like this placement but they always make me cringe and are only cute on the surface imo. The type to lead everyone on by saying things they don’t mean and exaggerating compliments. They’re very passive in love and romanticize bare minimum. This means they don't expect their partner to take accountability but the native never takes accountability themselves either. They ignore issues in relationships and instead of working things through they expect everything to be fixed with lovebombing and/or pretending like nothing happened. Men with this placement tend to be emotionally unavailable and always want to date a doormat girl. Women with this placement are childish and tend to have princess complex
The only Venus sign that doesn't care much about looks from what I've seen is Scorpio Venus. They care more about the bond and chemistry over their partner fitting a certain type.
Also, what is up with Scorpio Venus and dating people they don’t actually like that much or at all? 🤨 They be dating people that low-key annoy them
Libra, Leo, Capricorn and Taurus Venus very much care about looks in a partner. Taurus/Capricorn Venus natives I've noticed pay special attention to how a potential partner dresses and grooms themselves
All Fixed Venus natives are pretty obsessive to honest, it's not just Scorpio. I've noticed they like the idea of having some sort hold or control over their partner. Their love language is making themselves indispensable in some way cause they enjoy feeling like they're partner will always need them and won't get away from them
Men with Pisces/Libra/Cancer/Taurus Venus have a thing for women who are people pleasers or stereotypically feminine and charming. They like it when a woman is kind, gentle, understanding, accommodating, etc
Men with Fire Venus are attracted to confident and independent women who have this it girl vibe to them
Something else I’ve noticed with Fixed Venus natives is that they have a thing for partners that have a mysterious or reserved vibe to them. Not necessarily introverted, but people who protect their privacy or keep to themselves a lot.
Mutable Venus fall for partners that have this very open and outgoing vibe to them. Again, not necessarily extroverted, but people who have a more bubbly personality
Cardinal Venus natives will only fall in love with someone who they deeply admire. They commit to people who have this put together/respectable vibe to them
Juno Observations...
I've actually observed Juno synastry is very significant in business relationships not just romantic ones. In fact, those married couple I've seen with heavy Juno synastry also tended to be involved in business together
Sagittarius Juno I've seen manifests mostly as the native getting a spouse that is very permissive and gives them a lot of freedom, a spouse that never says no to anything. This placement overall gives a very respectful and supportive spouse. However because of this the Sag Juno native will have a tendency to cross boundaries in the marriage and take their spouse for granted
In general both Sagittarius and Pisces Juno have a tendency to "abandon" their spouses either physically or emotionally and kinda forget about them from time to time. This doesn't necessarily have to mean disloyalty tho.
Sag Juno natives want to feel like they have the freedom to go and do their own thing, like they'll leave for days or weeks on end and their spouse won't mind and will indeed support the native. They don’t like to feel like marriage hinders their desire to live freely but rather encourages it. Side note: I have seen some cases in which Sag Juno natives actually did abandon their spouses/families either for another partner or because they were perusing better opportunities
Pisces Juno natives will give a more sacrificial energy kinda like "babe I love you but I have to go, I'm sorry". There's something that stops the native from actually being there for their spouse, but this placement indicates the spouse is bound to be very forgiving because they'll see is not your fault in a way
Cancer/Capricorn Juno is an indicator of having a marriage with traditional gender roles or traditional values.
I’ve noticed Scorpio Juno natives or Scorpio ASC in the Juno PC have a marriage that REALLY rubs people the wrong way. Others could see your relationship as toxic or even predatory in nature. People believe that you landed your spouse (or vice versa) through manipulation, abuse, deceit, stalking, controlling behavior, etc. This placement also means you met when either of you were going through a hard time so there could be some case of trauma bonding here
I’ve seen that soulmate relationships tend have their Junos in the same element (most common case). Honorary mentions: Juno in opposite signs or signs ruled by the same planet
Leo Juno natives are a bit flighty and afraid of commitment. They just want a partner for the sake of the romance and feeling spoiled. They want the relationship to stay fun and playful and really dislike the sense of seriousness and "settlement" that can come with marriage sometimes
With Juno in the 7th house either you or your spouse will be in a relationship when you meet
When looking at the Juno PC, Capricorn placements/Saturn in the angels/Saturn conjunct inner planets indicates long-lasting marriage
Fixed Juno natives will have a spouse that is completely fascinated and obsessed with them. You want your spouse to worship you specially with Leo and Taurus Juno. The way your spouse will love you will boost your ego thus acting more confidently after marriage. The energy of the marriage could be a little overbearing or suffocating depending on other aspects
I've observed this in virtually all cases with Virgo Juno have a tendency to attract very inconsiderate partners that make them feel like they're not good enough (the opposite can be true). They had unsuccessful first marriage that drained the shit out of them but they eventually find someone who is very modest and nurturing
Cancer/4th house Juno natives have a VERY hard time moving on from their exes if they ever saw that person as marriage material.
From what I've seen Capricorn Juno doesn't create that much of a delay or age gap in marriage. It can of course, but in most cases these natives marry in their late 20s to their first serious bf/gf and they usually have an age difference of 2-5 years approximately. This placements I’ve seen manifests mostly as “I married my high school/collage sweetheart and we’ve been together forever” kinda scenario OR marrying someone from your past you reconnect with later in life
Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius Juno indicates you'll marry your soulmate or your relationship with your fs is karmic or from a past life. You might meet your spouse after fulfilling some karmic lesson or some life milestone
Cardinal Juno/Juno in the angles tend to be very proud of their spouses or being married in general. Could be the type to be very invested in finding a life partner cause they tend to turn marriage into a very essential part of their lives and themselves
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work by astrobydalia
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night-raven-tattler · 6 months
What's your ideal type?
Summary: What would be the best traits for their potential partner to have?
Characters: Octavinelle dorm (Azul, Jade, Floyd) × GN!Reader (separate, romantic)
Other parts of the series: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia
Warnings: none
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Azul's ideal type would be...
Someone witty. Azul is a smart guy who likes being entertained. While his way of achieving that is less... for lack of better words, aggressive than the tweels', he enjoys a good mental game. If you can carry a good conversation with him, he'll remember you.
Someone who doesn't pressure him into making decisions. He is someone whose independence is very important to him. On top of that, his signature spell literally revolves around choice as a concept, so he understand the importance of it. Someone as stubborn as Azul will keep his distance if anyone tries to influence his free will.
Someone who appreciates music. He's a pianist and a good singer, which are skills that require a lot of practice and hard work, something Azul is known for. He will appreciate any genuine praise, but if you ask him to teach you more about music or, Sevens forbid, you want to duet with him, all of his three hearts are yours.
Someone who doesn't mock him, not even when teasing him. If you really know Azul, you know how bitter he is towards the people who have brought suffering onto him. The words they said are ingrained into his brain, controlling his choices for years after they were spoken to him. I'm not saying to constantly uplift him, but bringing up old wounds will only push Azul away with low chances of getting any closer again.
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Jade's ideal type would be...
Someone whose next move he can't accurately predict. It's kind of easy to catch the attention of any of the tweels, but it's also easy to lose it. The key to keeping Jade's eyes on you is to make him believe he's had you all figured out, then do something unexpected. Being a little unpredictable, even when you think you're outside of Jade's vision, will pique his curiosity.
Someone who plays along his little tricks and schemes. Jade is not an honest person: he always has some ulterior motive, hidden behind carefully worded questions and statements that he uses to poke and prod for information. If you try to help him and his twisted game of detective, he will certainly find you amusing, if not helpful.
Someone who goes exploring with him. Just like his brother, Jade has a fascination for the land above water, and he loves learning things about the fauna and flora. Someone who understands his appreciation for nature and genuinely embraces his curiosity will have a bit more of his appreciation.
Someone who doesn't try to understand him. Jade is very careful not to reveal too much about himself. Being awfully private with himself, he won't open up to just anyone. So he will appreciate someone who doesn't try to pry into his business too much. At the end of the day, Jade can be many things: a bartender, a vice housewarden, an informant, but he'd like to be seen as "just Jade" sometimes.
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Floyd's ideal type would be...
Someone who isn't intimidated by him. It's a surefire way to catch his attention. Even if you just pretend to not be intimidated by him, he'll stick around and try to push all of your buttons, test your limits, squeeze all that he finds interesting out of you.
Someone willing to teach him more about land folks. Everyone knows that Floyd has quite the interest about land folks and their customs. He wants to know more, so don't be afraid to throw random land people things towards him every once in a while. If it's something he didn't know about, he'll tell you to prove it. Congrats, he won't leave your side for a couple of hours.
Someone who doesn't compare him to Jade. Since he's the more polite and responsible one, Floyd gets compared to his brother pretty often, and some people even assume he's the younger twin. It is exhausting to have his other half be given as example on how to behave time and time again. If you reassure him he doesn't have to be like his twin, that being Floyd is just fine, it'll pull at his heartstrings.
Someone who takes his mood swings in stride. From people thinking he is a threat to people who just find him annoying and hard to work with, no one really takes Floyd's mood swings seriously. That doesn't mean he'll open up if you asked him "are you okay" and "what happened". Still, it would be the first time someone outside of his family reacted like that to him. It will baffle him, in a good way.
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Wedding Bells
Characters: Riddle, Deuce, Epel, Silver x fem!reader (seperately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: fluff, romance
Proposals and weddings with your beloved!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Married life with Riddle comes in stages. It’s extremely difficult at times, especially in the beginning, and easier in others. You’d better be ready to take your vows seriously, because Riddle certainly will- even before you’re actually married. Especially the ‘for better or for worse’ part. He’ll outright refuse to hold a wedding until he can be financially and emotionally independent from his mother, refusing to subject you to her tyranny.
One way or another, Riddle will gain his freedom, either from gradually taking back control or from being disowned. Without the shadow of his mother hovering over him, he’ll decide to follow a path of higher education to law school. It’ll be a tough time period for you as a couple. Riddle is always busy studying and working hard, hoping to earn his degree early. He’ll attempt to help with house chores when you move in together, but he never learned practical home skills when he was younger. The combination of teaching him how to manage a household in addition to his school workload means that for a time, you will be doing most of the home duties.
The wedding discussion also has to be put on hold for a while. Your fiance is a perfectionist and refuses to hold anything but the perfect ceremony for you, with the most beautiful ring he can get his hands on. After graduating law school and landing a job, he’ll save up for the ring of your dreams.
He’ll propose after a romantic evening at home, under a full moon at midnight. Not everything went the way he thought it would- the ring was the wrong size (“What do you mean, fingers have sizes? I thought only shoes had that.”) and he burned the food at one point, but the two of you spent year waiting for this moment. Just seeing your eyes light up in disbelief and happiness when he finally gets down on one knee makes everything worth it.
Riddle will ask you to take the Rosehearts last name. He likes the idea of being joined, in life and in legal matters. Having his last name makes him feel like he’s truly your provider and protector. Plus, he’s just a hopeless romantic and wants to hear you being called Mrs. Rosehearts. He won’t complain if you don’t want to, though. Tradition is important to Riddle, but he respects your wishes much more.
The ceremony is small- held at an indoor venue in a courthouse, with just a few attendees. The Heartslabyul graduates will help set everything up, and catering is taken care of, courtesy of the Clover family. Riddle couldn’t be happier when he sees you walk down the aisle, escorted by Ace and Deuce. Deuce will give him a nod before stepping back, while Ace’s gaze will linger on Riddle’s a bit. The message is clear: take care of her, or else.
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Deuce Spade
The moment Deuce realized he was in love with you was the moment he knew he wanted to marry you. You are Deuce’s first and only love, and the only person he’ll ever need. The two of you are engaged just after graduation- he proposed on the spot without being prepared. He just saw you running towards him in your cap, diploma in hand and gown fluttering in the wind behind you, and blurted out, Will you marry me?
This was not how he planned the proposal at all, and he apologizes profusely when he realized he didn’t even get down on one knee or give you a ring. In the last week or so of school, he’ll practically be living in NRC’s metal workshop, learning to bend and hammer out a ring for you. And with Crewel’s help and a bit of luck, he’ll even create a small gemstone himself, to add to the ring.
He’ll definitely marry you soon after the ring is done. Like Riddle, you and Deuce have a small, private ceremony. Crowley was generous enough to let you hold it on NRC’s campus, with Ramshackle as the venue. The run-down, homely dorm you stayed in during your high school days was also the place you spent the most time with your best friend, so it’s only fitting you’d marry him there too!
While Riddle, Cater, and Trey agree to be Deuce’s groomsmen, Ace actually requests to be a bridesman instead! He says it’s because “this is the last time he’ll ever get you to choose his side over Loosey Deucey.” He’ll definitely send pictures of your day out to Deuce, rubbing it in his face that Ace got to have a self-care day with you while Deuce didn’t. Deuce can’t be too mad, though. After all, it’s him you’re marrying, not Ace :)
Deuce would actually discuss name changes with you before the wedding. He actually likes the idea of taking your name. He would feel very close to you by being connected to you by name. But he also likes the idea of you being a Spade because it’s like he’s bringing you into the family!
You’ll most likely move in with your husband and his mother for a year before moving to a small house nearby. Ms. Spade absolutely loves you, and dotes on you when Deuce is out working for the day. She’ll try to help you with your own work as well, especially if you’re working remotely or working from home a lot.
When Deuce is home, he’ll spend as much time with you as possible. There’s a lot of sleepy cuddling and long naps in your shared room. Even if he’s busy, he’ll help you and his mother with chores. Grocery runs are his favorites, because it gives him time to go out on a pseudo-date with you.
When on the couch together, Deuce loves placing your hands side by side, looking at the rings on both of your hands and thinking about how lucky he is. He can’t believe that you’re with him now, forever.
Once you finally get your own place, Ace will try to ask for a key. Deuce will give him one, and then change the locks just to mess with him.
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Epel Felmier
Epel didn’t even think about marrying you until the two of you moved back to Harveston. The townsfolk don’t have much news to talk about, so a lot of the gossip will be diverted to you and Epel. Every time you go out, expect to have at least three elderly residents asking when your wedding will be! Most of the time, you’ll laugh it off and assure them that you’re happy. But it’s happened so much that Epel begins thinking about it.
He brings it up to you one day in the orchard, lying in the grass with his legs propped up on a tree. This is the first time you’ve discussed marriage, and you come to an agreement- if your relationship in Harveston works out, in a year or two you’ll get married. It’s a simple plan, but people can’t help but notice Epel has a spring in his step now when he talks about his new fiancée.
With his degree in magical chemistry and background as a farmer in Harveston, Epel will always be financially stable. He is one of the few young people in the town and the older residents welcome the help with labor. With extra income from occasional jobs Vil will call in with, you guys are set! You have plenty of time to spend with Epel every day. It’s quite the pleasant life.
Your marriage to Epel will take place in the town hall. Every Harveston resident will attend, as well as many of your friends from your days at Night Raven College. The village elders insisted on doing everything themselves- making food, catering, helping with clothing and ceremony. It’s been decades since they were last able to prepare for a wedding party!
Originally, the gathering was planned to be relatively small, with just friends, family, and locals. But word got out that the Vil Schoenheit would be attending the event in place of the Bride’s father, and security had to be hired. Not only that, but the presence of nobles like Kalim, Leona, and Malleus garnered attention as well. Harveston’s economy got a big boost just from your wedding alone.
Much to Vil’s chagrin, you had hired Neige to be the live performance during your first dance with your new husband. He’ll complain about it for years, even if you reassure him that you would have asked him if he didn’t already have a part in the wedding party.
Epel is secretly smug that so many people are seeing you marry him. You’re his now! He’s yours! Take that, world! Everyone knows you’re Mrs. Felmier now. Speaking of that, Epel wants you to take his last name. He really wants you to be his in that way. He might pout a bit if you refuse but ultimately he accepts your decision. Either way, you’re his wife now! Nobody else’s!
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Two matching silver bands on yours and Silver’s ring fingers are the only indicator to the outside world that you got married in secret, on a humid summer evening before your final year at NRC. Worried about Lilia getting on in years and not being able to see his son’s special day, Silver asked you to marry him in a quiet, extremely private ceremony. Only Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek were present but Silver tried so hard to make it romantic. He promises that once you’re older, you can do it again, properly.
The ring exchange was overseen by Malleus, who had power for every official duty in Briar Valley. For Silver’s own band, he requested the gem on his magical pen to be turned into the centerpiece for his wedding ring. That way, he’ll never be without you or his magic now.
As the only humans in Briar Valley, you and Silver still need protection. Silver would never leave his job as Malleus’s guard either, so you’ll be living in the Thorn Fairy’s Castle for now. As a wedding present, Malleus had a new wing of the castle built just for you and your new husband, complete with a tower. It’s spacious and supposed to provide more privacy for newlyweds, but Lilia has a bad habit of barging into the rooms anyways, gushing about how his little boy is all grown up. If you need a place for more private affairs, the cottage out back might be a better location.
When you return to NRC for your final year, the rings on yours and your husband’s hands aren’t hidden. No one seems to notice, though. Not even the observant ones like Azul and Jamil. If they do, they probably assume that the rings are promise rings. Silver doesn’t bother to correct them- he’s wary of telling people already, lest someone target you for it. Stolen kisses in empty corridors are good enough… for now.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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imliterallyellie · 4 months
Writers block is the literal worst I'm sorry love buttt maybe a little something about gamer Ellie, it's quite literally my absolute fav !! ☺🤍 could be fluffy or not fluffy 👀 completely upto you on where you go off. Hope you're having a beautiful day/night ! :)
is this thing on? 🎤
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you buy ellie a new game, but that comes with it's consequences
a/n thank you for the request! gamer!ellie is very canon and i like it very much because i am also very much gamer xo short as always, i'm not good at writing long stuff but i hope you enjoy this! situated in a no outbreak au, joel is alive, but ellie and him do still have the same awkward-ish jackson dynamic :)
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one thing you loved about your relationship with ellie was how you were able to be in each other's presence, doing separate things. as much as you both liked being around one another and doing things together, you're both very independent people who like to do their own things every now and then.
ellie would be strumming on her guitar, humming whatever new lyric she had come up with, drawing in her sketchbook or playing a game on her console. on the other side of the room you would be reading a new book, giving your favorite movie another rewatch or looking up recipes for deserts you think ellie would like. your girlfriend got a sweet tooth, and you loved using it to your advantage whenever you wanted something or whenever you had had a little disagreement.
your co-independence was very beneficial to your relationship as a whole, but it also helped you out on one of your weakest points; gift giving. while ellie was great at remembering things you told her that you'd like, writing everything down in her notebook and never failing at picking out the perfect present for you, you weren't blessed with the skill of being a good gift-giver. so to know what ellie liked doing in her own time, was a blessing on it's own.
a drawing pencil engraved with your initial, a guitar pick in her favorite color or a new polaroid camera all belonged up there with some of her favorite gifts she had received from you.
so now ellie’s birthday was coming up, and unlike other years, you weren’t stressed about what you were going to get her. she had been chewing your ears off about this new game that had come out, something about space and spaceships and flying and… whatever else. she'll like it. you're sure she will.
saying she would like it was... quite the understatement. she had barely even unwrapped it and within a blink of the eye she was already halfway the story of the game. you liked it, you really did, when she was doing her own thing playing her game and you got some time to yourself, but it had been a bit much lately. you knew that gifting her that game would have your time together a bit compromised. knowing ellie she would get completely lost in it for a couple days, and usually you were fine with that, but you'd been feeling needy for her attention a little these past couple days, but your girlfriend hadn't been feeding into it.
it was sunday afternoon and you were laying on her bed, feet dangling off the edge watching ellie who was playing her game. she was looking good, you couldn't deny that. it was a hot summer day, ellie resorting to only a white tank top and a pair of shorts. your attention was shamelessly caught by her hands, how she gripped the controller and how her thumbs were expertly toying with the joysticks. she kept cursing under her breath, getting worked up after failing to beat a level for the umpteenth time. it was pathetic really, but it got you going. the heat, paired with how hot your girlfriend was looking and the lack of attention you'd been experiencing lately took it's toll on you.
you climbed off your shared bed and came up to ellie, wrapping your arms around her torso from behind. you rested your chin on the top of her head and stayed like that for a little moment, your eyes following ellie's character on the screen of her tv. she'd gotten it from joel as a moving out gift, when she left jackson to come live with you. it could definitely use some fixing up, probably even replacing, but ellie would not budge whenever you said she should get a new one. she didn't like talking about joel, but this was her silent way of having him around, just a little. so you let it be.
she didn't react to the newfound presence behind her so you sighed, quite excessively. no reaction. you sighed again, but you were once again met by nothing more than ellie's whispered curses. you decided to change your action plan, your actions growing a little bolder. you started pressing soft kisses against the side of her head, moving closer towards her ear, where you gently bite her earlobe, to which she hissed softly. so that's what got a reaction out of her.
"els, i miss you", you sweetly whispered in her ear. "hmmpf- babygirl, i'm still playing. can you just have a little more patience f’me?". on any other day, you probably would. you would muster up that last drop of patience you had left inside of you, but today was different. you lowered your head towards her lightly freckled shoulders and playfully bit the exposed skin. you scratched the back of her neck with your freshly manicured left hand, knowing damn well she loved the sensations of your nails gently scraping down her sensitive skin. you were trying to get her to give in to you, to finally give you that special attention of hers you were so desperately craving.
when you noticed that her game character stood still and her controller was long forgotten about, you knew you had her where you wanted. you pressed a couple more kisses on the crook of her neck before turning her chair around and throwing your leg over hers, getting comfortable in your girlfriend’s lap. “please, baby? i’ve missed you so much and i need you”, you delicately whispered while looking into ellie’s eyes, your hands now playing with the hair at the back of her neck. she had recently been for a haircut, so it was just the right length to comb your fingers through.
you noticed a look in ellie’s eyes that you knew so well, and you couldn’t help a small smile forming creeping up your face. her hands on your waist started roaming up and down your sides, as she dipped her dead down to press a bruising kiss against your lips. you let out a little whimper, what made ellie involuntarily buck her hips up against yours. she bit her lip and let go if it with a plop before grabbing the back of your thighs, lifting you up and walking over to your shared bed.
“let’s make up for lost time, sweetheart”
photo: psieikoo/pinterest (we are respectful in this house and we credit creators)
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cozage · 10 months
Hi Coza. I sent a request in for a part 2 for a lifetime promise, but after reading what you said about writing second parts, I decided to change my request. Instead of writing a part 2 for a lifetime promise, could you do a Ace, Sabo x female reader headcanon where the reader is a water devil fruit user. Like how would a water user and fire user mix as a couple? Thank you. You work is amazing and always love to see what you do! 😊
This was really cute to write about! Thanks for the request!
Characters: female reader X Sabo, Ace Word Count: 600 CW: none :)
You are constantly putting out his fires, literally and figuratively. Ace loves to make a big show of his powers, but he isn’t always aware of his surroundings. 
The ship is of course always the biggest concern. But he’s also been known to accidentally burn down buildings and allegedly, a forest. His destruction rate has been 0 since you came around. You’re always right behind him, watching for stray fires he may not have noticed. It happens more frequently than you expected.
Whenever he says something ridiculous, you always spray him with a little bit of water and tell him “you need to cool off,” or “you’re getting too hot there.”
Water beats fire, of course, and you never let him forget it. He kind of likes that you keep him grounded. 
He feels a little bit more like a person and less like an element when he’s holding your hand. You have to admit you feel the same. You balance each other. 
People on the crew tease him relentlessly about how much he shows his love for you. In response, he’ll throw an arm around you and always say “She’s my weakness, what can I say?” You try not to let him see how much that silly statement makes you want to MELT into a puddle (sometimes literally you begin to melt. You can’t help it.)
After particularly spicy makeout sessions or…other things, the room is FILLED with steam. It’s basically a freaking sauna in there. Sometimes you can hardly see anything besides each other. And when you finally have to open the door and the steam spills out into the hallway, everyone on the floor knows what you guys were up to. No way to be sneaky about that, unfortunately. 
Whenever Sabo comes up with some insanely exuberant plan, you always flick water in his face. “Don’t get cocky,” you warn. You had done it when he demanded to go to Dressrosa, but he had gone anyway. 
You’re delighted to discover your water flick still works on him (and is perhaps more effective) after he comes back from Dressrosa with a fire power. 
You find that since Dressrosa, Sabo has been kissing you a lot more frequently. Even his quick “see you at home” kisses turn into three or four. When you finally ask him about it, he just shrugs and says “I dunno how to describe it. It’s just so refreshing. You’re so refreshing.”
When he gets particularly frustrated in a meeting, he’ll look at you and say “cool me down, babe.” It makes everyone laugh as you pat his face with water, but you know he actually needs you to do it to stay calm. 
Sabo has always been a confident person who is independent and likes to take charge. After he comes back from Dressrosa, he’s still all of those things, but he likes being near you while he does them. You aren’t sure if it’s because of his fruit or if it’s because of whatever happened in Dressrosa, but you like him leaning on you a bit more. 
As he works to perfect his moves, he likes having you around. It takes him a while to get the right power level for the moves he has ideas for and he doesn’t want anything to burn down. Some days he even requests a little water barrier (think like The Birdcage, but with water and not malicious).
Now that Sabo has fire powers, sensations are definitely more heightened for both of you. Even when you all touch each other, the feeling is different compared to when he didn’t have a devil fruit. It definitely adds a new exciting and fun aspect to your relationship, one that both of you are extra eager to explore further.
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chrollohearttags · 4 months
Just wanna say I love your work girlie 💕 💕
If you're taking requests, can you do a character (Ace or Reiner) x reader where said character and reader are roommates. Something just straight filthy. And if you're not, it's cool 😊
Much love to you ❤🍒❤🍒
ahhh thank you so much, lovely!! I really appreciate it and I really appreciate this request as well. I love it!! (for obv reasons 🤭🩷) but I’ll be glad to write it. 🤍 I’ll look for any excuse to write about either of these two.
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roommate!ace, black fem!reader, modern au, mentions of weed, porn without plot, oral/69, dirty talk, he and reader are friends with benefits, hair pulling, backshots, prone bone, just pure filth as you said
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it was a damn shame, honestly…truly sinful the way he had you behaving. You told yourself you’d never wind up in the situation ever again. Especially because nothing good could possibly ever come of sleeping with your best friend…Ace. A man you’d known since childhood. Running around the streets and getting into trouble with as teens, a man you began renting your first place alongside when you guys moved out of your family’s homes for some semblance of independence...
“Fuck!…slower, baby..feels so good.”
“Mmm, I won’t stop if you won’t…”
was now the same man letting your entire body lie across his own as you sat atop his face! Yours buried in his crotch as you swallowed his cock down to the base. Jerking his shaft in your palm as you bobbed your lips around his sensitive tip..emitting bright red with pearly strings of precum. He was due for a climax at any time but you wanted to savor this moment. Meanwhile, his face? Smothered between your plump asscheeks as you ground that juicy cunt on his lips. There wasn’t a single place he’d rather be at that moment. So much so, he canceled plans to hang out with his friends just to fuck on you! It wasn’t anything abnormal by any means, you both had a terrible habit of doing so and from the outside looking in, anyone would swear you were a couple madly in love. However, neither of you had made things officials by any means. Just enjoying this dirty little dynamic you had going on. No need to fix what wasn’t broken. “Yeah, just like that. This pussy tastes so fucking good—“ doting on you as he continued devouring your center; wrangling his tongue around in your tight entrance..spitting into it and your other puckering entrance as he smacked your bottom with heavy palms. You weren’t making matters any better because you’d subtly twerk against his mouth and he was loving every second. (Y/N) would release faint giggles and loud whimpers as you enjoyed every second of this carnal pleasure. “Oh my gosh..yes! Right there..put that tongue in it, baby..mm, fuck!”
sounds of filthy words being exchanged between you guys and smacking sounded off across the bedroom. Your own in fact; an oasis shrouded in pink and plants. A humidifier spouting steam in the corner to keep them flourishing along with posters decorating the wall. Such an innocuous aesthetic for such a slutty girl! He’d sound off about how badly he needed to be inside of you and you’d tell him how desperate you were to come on his dick. So reluctantly, you’d both halt for the moment to switch positions. He’d prompt you to get on all fours and arch your back. To which you’d happily comply. “You know what to do, beautiful.” It was for this moment alone that he couldn’t even think to entertain any other girls..you had him stuck! For a moment, he’d become entranced watching that fat ass wiggling around and bouncing for him. Even causing his cock to twitch when you’d reach back and spread yourself open for him. “Like this, daddy?” The name causing him to stutter over himself. You knew what it did to him and would only serve to elicit raunchier behavior from him. Smirking, Ace would cackle as he placed his hand to your waist to tug you towards. “I swear I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you, hope you know that.” Well aware that you had riled him up beyond comprehension and his appetite wouldn’t be sated until you were soaking these sheets!
“Exactly what I was hoping for..” and with that adorable smile and lecherous grin, he’d pull you back and demand that you don’t break it for anything. Without a moment more of haste, he’d slide into you and immediately gasp, trying not to buckle as he worked to gain his rhythm, it wasn’t long before he was slowly thrusting into you..his hips colliding with the thickness of your backside. “Yeah I know..you always get what the fuck you want out of me. Only one who can.” The compliment making you chuckle once more. But alas, you’d continue meeting his deep rutted strokes with subtle bouncing and your fingers clawing into one of your pillows. You’d find yourself huffing and whimpering for more as they sped up. You’d find yourself faltering but was quickly snapped back when he hissed into your ear and grasped your neck. “What did I say, baby? This is what you asked for..take this dick.” Causing your eyes to roll back with drool seeping from your mouth. By this point, you couldn’t even keep up. Ace’s thrusts had become even harder and you were being pounded into the mattress. The entirety of the bed rocking against the thin walls of your two bedroom apartment. He wasn’t relenting at all..never was when he got a taste of your nectar. Becoming all but feral when you two fucked!..
“I—ugh, shit! Fuck me, just like that.”
“Ooh, you’re gonna come, aren’t you, sweetheart? Yeah, I know that pussy better than anyone. Isn’t that right?”
the answer to that question all but inevitable but he needed to hear you say it. Needed that affirmation to give you exactly what you desired!.. “y-yes, daddy! It’s yours..oh my gosh!” With that seeming to suffice and the unbridled lust coursing you guys’ veins, Ace would take the initiative to press you flat into the mattress and do all of the work. Allowing the recoil of your backside to ricochet against him. Taking and claiming your body all for his own.
“Good, baby. That’s all I wanted to hear..I got it now. “
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maiyami · 4 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽
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Pro Hero Hawks (Keigo Takami) X Pro Hero Female Reader
• Minors Do Not Interact
• All Characters 21+
• One-Shot Unedited
Warnings: One night stand, mentions of drinking, unprotected sex, language, teasing, oral (male receiving), wing play, pinning, open ending, and more.
About: Hawks has always been known to the public as a playboy, even though no one has caught him in the act. He needed to blow off steam from the latest headline of him, but little did he know that you were going to help him with that.
It wasn’t often that Hawks got the night off from hero work. Crime was surprisingly low tonight, so it was something his many sidekicks could handle. They practically begged the number two hero to take the night off, enjoy some freedom. Freedom, that was such a foreign concept to him. Constantly being watched by the commission, the countless articles and news clips of him, shutterbugs following his every move. Yeah, freedom was something he had long forgotten the feeling of. So when his employees quite literally pushed him out of his agency’s door? He had no choice but to try and feel free tonight. Which he desperately needed. Hawks didn’t let much of anything get to him, but the newest article of him having multiple partners within the week surely put him in a sour mood.
That’s how he found himself in one of the most popular clubs Japan had to offer. A club that had a strict policy of no paparazzi, or flash photography within its walls. A little place for many famous people of Japan could go. He felt slightly awkward at first, sure he’s been out before but it had been such a long time…he nearly forgotten how to act like himself. Opting to sit near at the bar and nurse the beer he had in his hand.
Even though he was supposed to be taking the night off, he couldn’t help but scan the room. Scan for anything that might happen, anything to go wrong. Keen eyes never failing to see almost every detail around the room. Picking up on the most insignificant moments others were having. A couple at the book across from him having a fight over money, the guy in the corner while his friends took shots, and then he spotted you.
He had actually noticed you when he first came in, your dress was the same color as his wings. A beautiful crimson color that shined slightly when the flashing lights hit it just right. There was something about the way you carried yourself, the way you didn’t give really anyone a second glance. You were there to be just you, in all your glory. Hair flowing around while you danced, how your dress was tight in all the right places, and the way your eyes looked while you moved around. He noticed he wasn’t the only one that was constantly scanning the area.
As the lights flashed to the beat of the music, your face would light up just enough so Hawks could take a good look at you. You were a vision. A slight shine to your skin, most likely a little bit sweaty from all the moving around you did. The way your nose scrunched up as you smiled, and the way you wouldn’t let one single person touch you on the dance floor. There was one thing Hawks adored most in a woman was independence and you oozed with it. Confidence written all over your being as you were content dancing by yourself. He must have been staring at you for an uncomfortable amount of time because next thing he knew was that you were staring back.
However, you didn’t look away when you caught him, like you had been doing with everyone else that looked your way. Instead, you offered him a small smirk. Your eyes in a low stare as you swayed your body to the music. Almost as if you were inviting him to continue looking at you. You were mysterious yet, inviting. He was curious about you, curious to how a gorgeous woman like yourself was alone in a club. He pondered if he should approach you, maybe ask you to dance. Then when the song that was thumping over the much to loud speakers changed, you made your way off the dance floor. You didn’t come to him though, you just looked at him once more before you started to make your way up the stairs to the second floor of the club. It was now or never, so Hawks quickly finished off his beer to follow you.
The second floor wasn’t anything special. Just a few balconies to get some fresh air and bathrooms. As he was watching your move, he prayed you didn’t head in the direction of the restrooms…he would have felt like a total creep knowing he just follow a woman to the bathroom. Though his fears quickly faded as he watched you swing open the door to one of the balconies. Watching you disappear for a moment, he felt himself stall. Should he even bother you? He thought for a moment until his body moved on its own. Going straight for the balcony.
The cool air brushed against his face as he opened the door, followed by the faint smell of something sweet in the air. Vanilla, it must have been your perfume. There you were, leaning against the balcony. You looked up from your phone, giving him that same smirk you gave inside. He offered one back, shutting the door behind him. Moving to stand next to you, leaning against the railing.
“Now…what’s one of the top heroes in Japan doing following a girl like me around?” You were the one to speak first, a little tease in your voice that made you giggle at yourself. “You know…I’m only in the high teens for rankings. You could do better.” You smiled once again.
Hawks didn’t say anything at first, frankly because he didn’t even know you were a hero. He had been so out of touch with others, it made him a bit upset at first. Though, the teasing nature you were putting on made it better. You weren’t bitter, in fact you were making fun of yourself. He didn’t care for that, he didn’t care where you sat in the rankings. “Better? Please, you’re gorgeous. Don’t think otherwise. Plus, don’t care about rankings.” He said back, now flashing a smile of his own.
It made you smile, shaking your head back and forth a little. “Ahh, there’s that smooth talking the tabloids always mention.” You flashed your eyes at him, chuckling a little to yourself. However, you noticed he didn’t laugh this time. He more looked away from you, gripping the railing tight in his hands. Your eyebrow raised slightly, nudging into him. “Hey, I’m only joking, ya know?” To tried to break the tension a little.
Hawks knew he shouldn’t have been upset, but those damn papers…the rumors are just going to follow him around everywhere. Even among other heroes. “Nah, it’s not that kid. I know you are it’s just…all those stories? They aren’t me. Never been me…hell I couldn’t even tell you the last time I went on a date. Let alone taken someone home.” He shook his head a bit, moving to rub the back of his neck. “I work too much to even think about those things, only reason I’m here is because of my employees shoving me out the door. Andddd…I don’t know why I’m telling you all this. God, I’m sorry.”
You placed a hand on his, it made him jump a bit but you kept it there. “Don’t be sorry. I get it, not that I’m in the news like you are? But I get being watched, rumors being told about you. No one should have to deal with that.” You rubbed his hand a little bit before smirking at him. “You deserve to be rid of all that kind of nonsense, to just be you. Not have to worry about what the next thing is said about you that you can’t control.” You turned to really face him, get a good look at his face. “Next time, give them something to really talk about. Something that you’ve done that is true.”
He doesn’t know what it was about you, but in the short amount of time speaking…it felt like you knew him for him. Not as Hawks the number two hero. That you knew he wanted to be known for things he did that were true, not whatever the public wanted to make up about him. He didn’t know what came over him, but then he found himself leaning into you. A hand placed on your hip to pull you forward, wings instinctively wrapping around both of you before he pressed his lips against yours. It was intense, it was passionate. It was something that words couldn’t describe. It was all of his thoughts and emotions poured into a kiss, a kiss with a stranger no less.
Your hands moved to cup his cheeks, deepening the kiss. Your tongue coming to brush his lower lip so he could open his mouth a little. Your tongues met, dancing around each other. Until you finally broke the kiss off, moving a thumb to wipe some off your lipgloss off the corner of his mouth. You chuckled as he went to pull you back, but you put a finger against his plump lips. “I thought this wasn’t you, pretty bird.” You said with a sly smirk.
The praise went straight to his head, making his wings twitch a little before he unwrapped them. He chuckled himself, shaking his head a little. “You must have some lust quirk, you’re kind of hard to resist.” He joked before you laughed almost too loudly. He shook his head once again, before a thought crossed his mind. “Want to make a rumor?” He asked with a cherisher smile. Which you returned to him.
Just because the shutterbugs weren’t allowed inside, doesn’t mean they weren’t stalking the outside. So when the number two hero came out, the cameras flashed brightly. However, when you were following behind Hawks with his hand in yours? The paparazzi went wild. No one had ever gotten a picture with Hawks and a woman before. Everyone was basically fighting over the angle to get the best shot of the pair of you. A rumor that Hawks started that was true, he was with a woman and taking her home.
Once you got back to Hawks penthouse? You were actually hit with what was about to happen. You were with the number two hero, in his home. Plus, the rumors that will happen tomorrow? You knew when you got back to your agency that everyone there was going to bombard you with questions. What happens will happen at this point, who were you to question it.
What you weren’t expecting was how nervous Hawks actually seemed, when he said this wasn’t like him? He wasn’t lying. He seemed a little tense, almost uncomfortable. It’s probably been such a long time since he has done anything remotely like this, he didn’t seem to know what to do at first. If anything, you were going to make sure he was okay. He was comfortable. Instead of coming on to strong, you walked up to him slowly. Letting your hands trail his arm lightly before letting your fingers slip into his hand. “We go at your pace. If you don’t want to do anything? We can talk…watch a movie? Anything you like, you name it.”
That made him feel a little better, letting you ground him for a moment. He never had anyone read him so well, keep him from floating to high. You were captivating, different from any other woman he met. You weren’t trying to jump him, weren’t trying to make him do anything. You were going along with what he wanted to do. He’s never had a person like you in his life, in the moment he never wanted to let you go. With a nod of his head, he led you to his bedroom. It was pretty bare for someone who had so much money, but truth be told? He only ever came home to sleep, he didn’t actually care for material things. The only thing in his bedroom that could attest to his wealth? Was his extraordinary large bed, of course he would need something to accommodate his wings.
You just smiled lightly at him, moving to run your hands against his chest. His eyes watching you made you feel intimidated but you loved it. As your fingers slipped under the material of his shirt, he took it upon himself to strip himself of it. His body was carved by the gods, his tanned skin looked amazing. You took it upon yourself to undo his belt, letting the object hit the floor before bringing his jeans down. To your surprise, he was already hard in his boxers. Goosebumps littered his skin as you slipped his boxers down. Once he stepped out of them, you backed him up to the bed. Letting him get comfortable sitting before you stripped yourself of your clothing. The small dress that was barely covering your body hit the floor and Hawks couldn’t take his eyes off of you. How your skin looked so smooth, how plump your thighs looked together. Perfect in his eyes. But when his hands went to touch you, you moved them away. Favoring dropping to your knees between his thighs.
“No no…this isn’t about me right now.” You said in the sweetest voice he ever thought he heard. You wanted to please him, something that was almost foreign to Hawks. He was always doing things for others and never getting anything in return. Somewhere deep down, he thought that you must have known that. He almost felt bad, about to say he wanted to make you feel good. But when the flat of your tongue ran up the underneath of his hard shaft? All those thoughts went out the door. Your tongue was hot against his skin, it made his cock twitch. The way your tongue swirled against his head, made him leak a bit of precum.
Your lips wrapped around his tip, giving it a teasing suckle. Hawks head hung backwards in pleasure, making you hum around his head. The way his thighs tensed up made you more excited. Letting inch by inch of his cock slip into the warm walls of your mouth, then you moved your hand to the base of his shaft. Whatever part of his cock you couldn’t fit into your mouth and throat was being stroked by your soft hands. It had been so long since Hawks experienced pleasure like this, it was making his whole body twitch at this point. Rocking his hips upward to feel you take down more of his cock. Bringing his head back up, he looked down to watch you. A blush creeping over his nose as he watched you bat your pretty lashes up at him.
“Fuck…don’t you look pretty sucking my cock- shit baby…” He said almost breathlessly, bringing a hand to hold some of your hair back. Seeing how slick his cock was coming out of your mouth, only to disappear back into it. God, you were addictive. The way some tears gathered in your lash-line, to the way you didn’t stop stroking him. But the most beautiful thing about you was the way you never took your eyes off him. Making sure that he was enjoying this as much as he was. As he watched you pull of his cock to move to suck on his balls a little, he groaned low. Reaching down to pull your face away from them. Taking his cock in his free hand before letting your face go. “Open.” Is all he said.
You took a breath after leaving his balls, watching the way he was stroking his own cock in front of your eyes before opening your mouth for him. Sticking your tongue out without being told too. The feeling of Hawks slapping his cock on your tongue a few times made you smirk slightly. He smirked back himself, leaning down to pull you up. His voice a little horse before pulling you into his lap. “Anymore? I’ll fold, I want you to feel good before that.”
Even though he hadn’t touched you yet, he could feel how wet your cunt was against his shaft once he pulled you into his lap. God, you were fucking perfect. He held you up with one arm, using his other hand to line his cock up to your slit. But before pulling you down, he looked at your face to make sure you were okay with this. Instead of speaking, you leaned forward to lock your lips with his. Moaning into the kiss as you felt his tongue dance around with yours, feeling his want on his tongue. He lowered you down, letting his cock split you in two as he slowly bullied inch by inch into you. The feeling of you shaking against him, made him hold onto you tighter. Peppering kisses against your neck to distract you from the stretch. He knew he was large, knew that it takes a bit to get used too.
Once you finally settled fully down on his cock, your nails were digging into his shoulders. A shaking breath escaping your lips before you started to move up and down on his cock. You were so wet that you were sliding up and down with ease, the sound of skin hitting skin was ringing in the room. Your walls fluttering around his shaft with every bounce you made down on his cock. Hawks ended up moving on of his hands onto your ass, gripping it righting to gain leverage. Moving you up and down on his shaft at a pace that was making you see stars. Each drag of his cock was hitting your g-spot so well that you were dripping down his cock. Your breathy moans so close to his ear, it made his body feel like it was on fire.
Without thinking, your mind being to clouded by lust your hands started to move. Hawks ended up thrusting his hips up a little to sharp, your gripped onto one of his wings. The moan that escaped Hawks, plus the way his whole body shook shocked you slightly. Moving your face from his neck, you looked at him.
His lip was between his teeth, grip tightening on your ass and hip before he just barely cracked an eye open to look at you. “Hurt?” You questioned him, loosening your grip in his wing. But he shook his head.
“N-No…felt so good…touch them again.” He said, but he wasn’t demanding it. It was like he was pleading for you to do it again. So that’s exactly what you did, carding both hands into his wings. It made him shake so hard, burying his face into the crook of your neck before both his hands were on your ass. Holding you so hard that he was moving you up and down with his sheer strength. Fucking into you like his life depended on it. His wings quivering in your hands while his cock throbbed in your walls. It was like he was a new person, not someone trying to be gentle with you like he was at first. You moved your hands more towards the base of his wings, right were they were coming out of his back. This made him almost scream out in pleasure, thrusting into you harder and deeper than before. “That’s it! Fuck fuck fuck…gonna make me fucking cum Angel.”
You were just as close as he was, digging your nails into his wings before you felt your cunt clench around him. “Cum…cum! Fuck I’m gonna cum!” You were now yelling, feeling yourself tighten around him one more time before you fell over the edge. Your body shaking and quivering in his arms as you left a white ring around the base of his cock.
At the feeling of you clenching around his cock, he quickly flipped you over. Your back hitting the bed as he gave three more deep thrusting before spilling inside of you. Panting over you before pushing himself fully inside your walls, holding himself there. He was looking down at your twitching body, the trembling you were doing before leaning down to kiss you. This kiss was different thought, it was slow. It had emotion behind it, you both could feel it. As he took a shallow breath, he finally pulled out of you. Watching his spent leak out of you before moving up behind you. He took you into his arms, pulling your back to his chest. Laying there, neither of you said anything. Just basking in the glory of the after glow, while Hawks never let you go. It was sweet, both of you drifted off to sleep soon after.
The sun was shining bright against Hawks face, making him squint a little before flipping over. As his hand spread out against his sheets, he felt the lack of warmth next to him. Opening his eyes, he noticed that you weren’t there anymore. Taking a moment to listen, to feel with the feathers he left all over his penthouse, he knew you weren’t there anymore. He sighed, sitting himself up for a moment. He didn’t even get your name, let alone your number. How did he not at least get that? As he rubbed his face with his hands, he noticed a note placed on the nightstand next to his bed. He grabbed it quickly to read it.
“𝐻𝒶𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒, 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝓃 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀. 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒𝒻𝓊𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓌𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝓊𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓊𝓈. 𝑀𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒 𝓌𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃, 𝐻𝒶𝓌𝓀𝓈.”
You didn’t leave your name or your number. But Hawks always had a way of finding people. That’s what exactly what he was going to do. He was going to find you because how could he let the most perfect girl slip through his fingers.
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celestial-depths · 4 months
Poor Things and Born Sexy Yesterday
(spoilers for Poor Things)
I stumbled on a discussion on whether Bella Baxter from the movie Poor Things (2023) is a representation of the Born Sexy Yesterday trope coined by video essayist Pop Culture Detective, who defines it as a mostly fantasy and sci-fi adjacent trope of a regular human man falling in love with a beautiful, otherworldly woman who, through some plot quirk or another, has no knowledge of social norms and no sexual or romantic past. Even though he is brutally average, he is able to win her love simply because he is the first (human) man she connects with and thus everything that's basic about him is impressive to her. Some examples of the trope given by Pop Culture Detective in his video essay are Leeloo from Fifth Element (the physically grown yet mentally child-like alien creature who falls in love with a taxi driver in a wifebeater) and Madison from Splash (a clothes-aversive mermaid who thinks that Tom Hanks is the most enchanting man in the world). I love Pop Culture Detective's work, and the Born Sexy Yesterday video essay was a cultural reset in my personal history. I saw the video when it premiered six years ago, but it has never fully left my mind, so of course I immediately thought of it when I saw Poor Things a couple of weeks ago. The movie certainly touches on the same themes that the Born Sexy Yesterday is made of. However, I think that the movie is an intentional subversion and a satire of the trope rather than a sincere execution of it.
The main character of the movie Bella Baxter starts out as a grotesquely literal version of the trope, as she is literally a newborn in the shape of a conventionally attractive woman who is being actively shielded from the influence of the outside world. She has the brain of a baby salvaged from the fresh corpse of a deceased pregnant woman, planted inside the skull of the reanimated body of the aforementioned woman as an experiment done by the unorthodox doctor Godwin Baxter. He keeps her locked inside his house and controls every aspect of her life, so when he invites the young doctor Max McCandles to join his research, McCandles is served what is essentially the perfect Born Sexy Yesterday experience: an exclusive access to a beautiful and naive young woman who is in a prime position of being groomed into whatever her keepers wish her to become.
Or so they would think.
A sincere Born Sexy Yesterday would be fully fascinated by this power dynamic and probably leave her here to be romanced by McCandles for the rest of the film. The audience would be expected to assume McCandles's perspective and indulge in the fantasy of falling in love with the untainted woman who has neither the life experience nor the critical thinking skills needed to question him.
But, fortunately, the movie doesn't remain here. After the first act, the movie switches its point of view from McCandles to Bella and starts putting her experiences to the forefront. She starts developing interests that absolutely do not align with the wants and needs of the men around her, and she begins to learn things that clash with the essence of the Born Sexy Yesterday trope. Soon, she has grown into a headstrong, independent, sexually experienced, intellectually curious woman who had zero interest in entertaining the whims of men and who intends to live fully for herself and herself alone: an absolute antithesis of the clueless and subservient blank slate the trope would require her to be. My reading of the film is that it's an intentional satire and an autopsy of the BSY trope and the gender politics that gave birth to it. It criticizes the men who entertain fantasies like it by making them look like absolute losers, urging us to ponder on what the hell is wrong with these creeps who see nothing wrong with drooling over a woman who is mentally a toddler instead of their intellectual equal.
The movie also reads as a critique of how women are socialized into a patriarchy. Godwin treats Bella just like a possession of his. Her body and her life are completely under his control from the moment she is "born" (another act in which neither Bella nor the woman she was born from had any say in), which isn't dissimilar to how a lot of fathers view their daughters. He wishes to keep her under constant supervision until the end of her life, until she protests and gets him to change his mind. When he asks McCandles to marry her, the two men treat the proposed marriage as a contract between the two of them rather than as a contract between McCandles and Bella herself. Again, this isn't too different to what marriage between men and women has meant throughout history.
McCandles is romantically interested in Bella even though he is fully aware of the fact that she is mentally a child. He seems to be looking forward to starting a sexual relationship with her after they are wed, as if the seal of marriage would make the intellectual disparity between them any less iffy. This bears resemblance to the way men in the real world prey on young girls with little to no sexual experience and whose brains are not fully developed because they're easier to control than grown women. I don't think that McCandles's hypocrisy is lost on the film. He agrees to marry Bella almost in the same breath as expressing his desire to keep her safe from other men, as if his desire to bed a person who is intellectually at the level of a five-year-old was any better than theirs.
When Bella chooses to leave Godwin's house to explore the world, the two men immediately replace her with a new experiment, showing that they were never truly interested in her as a person. They wanted the eternal baby, the thing that they can cage and control, and not the person who can think and learn and disagree with them. This exemplifies how disposable women are when they no longer serve their limited purpose in a patriarchy, and how replaceable people are when they are primarily viewed as bodies to be used. (Sidenote: I do think that Godwin and McCandles eventually learn to appreciate Bella for the person she is and that they both grow to be better people by the end of the film, but I still attest that these two are total creeps at least by this point of the movie.)
And then there's the supreme loser of the movie: the sleazy lawyer Wedderburn, who slithers into Bella's life and convinces her to run away with him. He is the darkest example of the kind of person who is drawn to inexperienced women like the ones represented in BSY movies - a predator who finds pleasure in the prospect of getting to corrupt and consume an innocent. He intends to take advantage of Bella and abandon her once he's gotten his fill only to find himself choking on his prey, who turns out not to be the malleable, naive creature he thought her to be.
This is the point where I think the movie goes from simply critiquing the BSY trope and everything it represents to successfully subverting it. The characters who embody the BSY trope don't really evolve. The movies they appear in are not really interested in their inner worlds and individual experiences beyond whatever serves the interests of the male protagonists. These characters are projections of male fantasies, so there really isn't a way for them to exist without centering men. This is not the case with Bella, who quickly grows into her own woman who is only tangentially interested in the men around her.
The bright side of Bella's condition is that she isn't just unaware of the ways of the world, but that she's also unaffected by the years of patriarchal conditioning that most normal women are burdened with. She literally has no shame, no internalized misogyny, no history of crushing blows to her sense of self-worth, and no looming knowledge of societal norms society. She has skipped the part in life where she is constantly bombarded with demands to make herself smaller and more palatable, to hate herself, to think of her body and the way it finds pleasure as something disgusting and abnormal, to treat other women as competition, and to think of herself as so much less important than men that she must pursue their validation beyond all else. Because of this blessed defect, she is free in a very rare way.
Wedderburn absolutely cannot handle that. When Bella first gets to know him, he paints a flattering picture of himself as a proud social deviant who gleefully eschews the rules of polite society. However, when faced with the actually deviant Bella, who flatly refuses to obey and center him, Wedderburn is revealed to be a phony. He is not a genuine libertine. He does not want to live in a truly free world with a free spirit like Bella, because he is a pathetic, insecure little man who only likes women in scenarios where the power balance is stacked against them. In my opinion, this is a direct shot fired at the BSY trope and its average enjoyers: if your ideal woman is someone who is many steps behind you in terms of mental capacity and experience, you are quite pitiful and would not stand a chance in an equal playing field.
It's hilarious how Wedderburn loses his mind when Bella starts exhibiting the kind of behavior he himself has proudly displayed earlier in the film: having multiple sexual partners, keeping sex and feelings separate, not falling in love with him or treating him like he's special, dropping him once she's had enough of him, and generally living life in an unconventional way. Again, the movie is pointing out the hypocrisy in men who fetishize inexperienced women while bragging about their own sexual conquests.
The part in the movie where Bella becomes a sex worker delivers the final blow to whatever is left of the BSY trope in her story, because the trope relies on sexual exclusivity and the fetishization of virginity. By having many partners and gaining lots of sexual experience out of her own free will, Bella stops fitting the ideal of the untouched woman who can be deflowered and exclusively possessed by the male protagonist. Also, through the conversations between Bella and the other sex workers, the movie finds another way to address the politics behind certain men's sexual fantasies of women - such as pointing out that some men enjoy sex with women more the less the women themselves enjoy it. It's a stray observation that the movie doesn't get deep into, but it has its place in the tapestry of the general theme of what desire reveals about people.
Finally, there's Alfie, who gives Bella (and us) an idea of the kind of life Bella's "mother" lived - as well as the kind of life Bella herself might be living had she grown up the normal way. It seems hellish. She'd be living under the tyranny of her awful husband, under a constant threat of violence, under absolute bodily control. Alfie wants to impregnate her against her will and to mutilate her genitals to deprive her of pleasure, and there's nothing that she could do about it because he is her husband and thus legally allowed to lord over her. She sees a terrifying glimpse of the role even privileged women like her have in this world: objects who exist solely for the pleasure of the men who own them. I would venture to say that the same description lies in the underbelly of the BSY trope.
I am happy that the movie doesn't take its sweet time to revel in the horror of this part of the story like so many other movies that address the oppression of women do. Instead, Bella stays with Alfie just enough time to say a hard and a well-informed no to his bullshit before getting on her merry way.
I think Poor Things is such a great example of taking a trope and exploring its implications in a way that goes beyond just pointing it out or parodying it by simply repeating it.
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pinktom · 7 months
What do you think pink about tomarry content creators getting abusive tomione asks suddenly? First obsidian, then I saw one more account getting and now seminar arts. Is it only one person doing all this?
Btw my jaw dropped with your no filter answer where you said that whenever harry comes the chemistry between to marry best tomione 🤣. I would love to hear more of your no filter thoughts
I have no doubt those asks were sent by trolls. I, however, am simply a hater—I see an opportunity to hate, justified or not, I pounce. x]
In ascending order, here are the reasons I think Tomione sucks.
PS: If you know this post is gonna piss you off and press "Keep Reading" anyway - that is entirely on you. Send me anon hate and I'll assume you're a masochist who wants me to spank your pert, round hinie and call you a naughty, naughty girl.
“Book nerd loves book nerd uwu” trope does not fit Tom Riddle, and I find it obnoxious.
Like I touched on when I was first sipping on that haterade, Tom Riddle values usefulness. By this logic, you could easily contrive up a scenario in which he wants to use Hermione’s skills for whatever reason. 
However, the route that is usually taken in Tomione is that Tom is … impressed … by her intellect. A woman… who is… smart? He’s intrigued. 😏 He’s never once met a smart woman in his life before. And certainly not one so independent and feisty. She doesn’t swoon over him like the other girls do (eye roll).
I never got the impression anywhere in canon that Tom Riddle cared much about intellectual pursuits beyond those which were immediately useful to his goals, so for the very basis of a relationship to be his interest in her brains – to me, it’s tedious and off-base.
And also icky honestly lkjdflkj. Hermione’s two crushes are on a couple of stinky smelly boys (Krum, Ron), where the hell do you go off acting like she wants some mysterious, twisted dark boy? I’m offended. 
Absolutely zero chemistry; once Harry steps in, it’s game over
Because these characters lack any common ground, shared values, or compelling circumstances that tether them together, there is zero chemistry. You can try to fabricate those things with a little bit of crack!cocaine, but then you’re forced to contrive a lot of additional personality traits and circumstances that diverge them from their canon selves. (Which yes, you can do, but it only works if you’re gonna do something really interesting.)
As much as people like to har har about how canon doesn’t matter, here’s the truth: yes, it does. Our communities only exist because we’re referencing shared source material. However much you can bend characters around, everyone knows each character has an essence that just “feels like them” on a deeper human level. 
As such, we all know Tom Riddle and Harry Potter are intrinsically connected to each other. In Tomione this presents a conundrum. I could cite dozens of fics, but I’ll stick to two very well-written ones I enjoyed.
In one of them, Tom was a criminal and Harry was a detective on his tail; no matter how many times Tom fingered Hermione, he was always more entangled with Harry, because the stakes and intensity between them were so much grander. Same thing with the other fic but amplified by the Horcrux bond. At their very first encounter, when Tom and Harry laid eyes on each other, they both immediately felt an arresting connection, with distrust and intrigue. Hermione instantly paled in comparison in both stories.
It’s just like the moment Harry steps into the frame, you see how transparent and superficial the “commonalities” between Tom and Hermione ever are. Books and cleverness - oh but Harry, there are more important things! Like being spiritually linked! And sharing unique and intimate traumas in common! 
Heterosexual Tom is truly disgusting to read about
Look–it’s a matter of taste. We’re all products of our environments. For me, no amount of feminism or fantasy can overrule everything I’ve seen and experienced in my life. ( ಠ_ಠ )
I don’t enjoy reading about women in relationships with men who are controlling, violent, and selfish. Even the way Voldemort treats Bellatrix in canon always makes me wince, because I see it like this … here’s this girl who grew up proud; who was beautiful, rich, extremely gifted and powerful; and she turns into this horrible sniveling creature. Say it ain't so! I wish she'd killed him when he broke her ass out of Azkaban.
But back on the topic of Tomione specifically — I think there’s another layer to it, which is the greasy self-insertion aspect which makes me uncomfortably aware of how much the author’s ginie is tingling at the idea of Tom Riddle lifting a brow and saying, “Is that so, Miss Granger?” while she scowls and tells him to fuck off !!!
It’s of course not the self-insertion in itself that’s icky. It’s more just that the type of person who wants to self-insert into that particular heterosexual scenario is, uhh, too basic for me and my big powerful fujo brain.
And I guess that's gets me to the very core of why I find Tomione basic, trifling, and underwhelming. 
Tom Riddle is allowed no faults whatsoever in Tomione
Oh, sure. He’s controlling. He’s mean. He grabs her wrist and says, “What were you doing talking to Malfoy?” 😠
But so... ? Tom Riddle is a deeply embarrassing, mentally unwell trainwreck of a person. He's so much grosser than that. Yet you do not get that feeling at all in most Tomione fics. His worst character traits are often there but they’re made to seem sexy and flattering at all times.
I’m not saying your run-of-the-mill Tomarry fic doesn’t suffer this fatal flaw too—but when it comes down to it, Tomione doesn’t allow for his unsexy fallibility, period. Because the sexiness of the ship really depends on heteronormative romantic tropes and fantasies, which tend to be quite rigid and narrow. 
And I understand and empathize with why this is; just look at Reddit, so many women in heterosexual relationships already must put up with mortifying, embarrassing, and unhygienic things (y’all know which posts I mean 🙁). 
That’s just not what I’m here for. I love Tom Riddle because he’s a superficial narcissistic lunatic with no self-awareness and emotionally stunted outlook.
I don’t want to hear how he terrified the orphans if I’m not gonna hear about how he pissed the bed and got his bare ass whipped by a mean, toothless matron for chatting in sermon. I don’t care to see him bossing around those wimps at Hogwarts if there’s not at least one student who looks at “ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE” written in blood and feels tummy-churning secondhand embarrassment.
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pedrostylez · 1 year
The First Week
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pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
summary: reader and Javier are coworkers that typically hate each other, but find each other helpful in relieving that stress
rating: 18+ (no minors please)
word count:4.4k
warnings etc: smut, dirty talk, light choking, unprotected p in v sex, pet names, oral male and female recieving. NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: I debated back and forth about how I wanted to write these characters and I think this one and possibly the next 2 (?) will be all before “Mi Luz” to show the development of their relationship. Thank you for the kindness on “Before Mi Luz”, I enjoy everyone’s reactions and encouragement :) 
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Peña waited all week to see what you would do. He hoped you would beg, but something deep down told him that you wouldn’t do that. That not even if you had been a serious couple that you would be all over him like he was used to his previous girlfriends doing. You were too independent, too caught up in what you were doing to ever lean on someone else for help. 
On Saturday and Sunday he dreamed of your mouth. Of your promises for next week, hoping that no one had in fact stepped out of the embassy while he was fucking you in the back of his Jeep. He dreamed of the noises you made and how you were a totally different person from what he saw from his desk. 
On Monday he was antsy. He came into work surprisingly early-the security guards, the other workers were all surprised to see him. He just said he “needed to get a head start on paperwork.’ But when you came in you didn’t even make eye contact with him–not even a glance in his direction. You walked right past his desk, speaking lightly to Murphy (who had his head on his desk) a good morning and then down the hallway and stairs to the archives. 
On Tuesday he was determined to get you to speak to him.  He went all of Monday listening to what everyone did on the weekend, how the drinks were on Friday and “wish he could of made it”’s and not a peep about you and him staying late. He was confident no one knew and that left the window open to see if you would want him again. He was desperate for anything from you. 
He went down to the archives twice that day, asking you for help on a couple different bits of information. He fished for any sign of nervousness or attraction and got nothing in return. He left the door open to the archives on both occasions. 
On Wednesday he did not come in early, but immediately went to the archives to find Murphy there already asking for your help. “I’m hoping you can find something on him?” Murphy’s hair was a mess and you looked flustered. It wasn’t typical for you to be flustered at Murphy, but if both of you were out of sorts…
“Steve, I’m telling you, I’ve never heard that name before. I need a connection to it that I do have to see if the name pops up. Then I can create a file on them specifically.” You sounded exasperated, looking over to Pena as if to say ‘what is Murphy’s deal today?’
“What’s the name?” Peña could help without just pushing your buttons, right?
Murphy’s head whipped around, surprised to see Javier in the same room as you without poking fun at you. Murphy fed Peña the same information he said to you, you glanced down to your notes and adding a few more details as more information poured from Murphy’s brain. You tracked it, noticing the differences in what he told you versus Peña, noting in your brain where you might be able to find information. 
Javier listened intently, watching you take additional notes and realizing that Murphy had been too vague originally. “You have to always give her the whole run down even if she knows who she is looking for. Being vague makes her files inaccurate Murphy.”
You looked at him with your eyes the size of dinner plates, mouth slightly open. How did he know that? “It’s okay Steve, I think I may be able to look at a few files and I can bring something up to you within the hour. I know I typically already have a grasp on what you’re talking about, I just had  a rough night last night.” You smiled lightly, trying to break the tension between Peña and Murphy. 
Murphy grunted, apologizing for not being as detailed and said he would go grab coffee--that maybe he was just not awake enough yet. Murphy slid past Peña, eyeing him briefly and asking if he was going to join him. “I’ll be up in a minute, have my own question.”
When the room cleared of Murphy you sighed, glancing at the door and seeing it still open. “Which file do you need, Peña?”
“I thought I was Javier now?” He smirked, leaning against one of the tables that held stacked files not yet put away. You looked directly at him, which was all he wanted for the past couple days.  “Why was last night rough?”
“I went out.” You declared quickly, glancing back down at your notes and putting the pieces together in your brain of what Murphy was requesting. “Susan and Amy wanted help getting a lay and asked for me to show them how.”
He felt the heat in his body rise quickly, almost to anger. “And did you? Show them how?” He had to take a breath–it wasn’t like he asked you not to or that you were exclusive.
You thought you hid your smirk, typing into the computer quickly but he caught it and he knew he had been busted for being jealous. “What does it matter to you, Peña?”
He paused, tapping on the table and picking up a random file. “It has almost been a week and no one has batted an eye at either of us being absent from the party.” He raked his eyes to you, blue blouse with ruffled sleeves, smooth from collarbone to hip with your pencil skirt ending just above your knees. Some stylish sandals on your feet instead of sneakers you sometimes wore–it meant you drove into work instead of walking. “Do I have to wait a full week before I ask if you want to go out?”
You paused your typing, looking up at him. “We aren’t going to go out on a date, Javier.”
He felt himself melt and wince at the same time. “I figured you were the type of girl that wanted some wining and dining before doing–”
“Based on last time, do you actually think that or are you just trying to have an excuse to talk about this at work?” you scoffed, feeling your head start to hurt. The tequila flowed too easily last night, and the guy was not as good as you thought he was going to be. “Don’t come in here to talk to me about whatever it is that you want. You ask about intel, archives, and administrative things. That’s it.”
He clenched his teeth, feeling the heat of embarrassment reach his cheeks but wanted to prove you wrong. “Fine.”
On Thursday he left you alone.
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On Friday he came in early and waited until you were in the archives to walk down there. Murphy was out, the office was busy answering the phones, and this was a perfect time. He walked in, seeing you on a step ladder and turned away from him. Your ass was at eye level in the work pants you were in, belt cinched around your waist and a flowing green blouse riding up so he could see your smooth back. He closed the door behind him quietly in the hopes that you didn’t hear him. “It’s Friday, hermosa.”
You jumped, almost losing your footing as you whipped your head to the direction his voice was coming from. “Peña, you can’t corner me at work. This is my job.” You were so flustered with him standing in your space. You were just trying to put files away, and the ladder wasn’t high (only a couple steps) but it wouldn’t have been a fun fall. You turned, acutely aware of his eyes on your lower half and made it so he was level with your stomach. 
“It is my job to ask you questions and for your help, which means I will be in your space hermosa.” He breathed out, glancing down at your shoes and seeing your laces were coming untied. He was trying to not lose his nerve. “It has been a week and I have been dying to be alone with you.”
You closed your eyes and sighed, turning back around so his face was now level with your ass again. If he was going to be a perv then so be it. “Get your eyes off my ass and get it through your skull that we can’t do anything at work. I won’t jeopardize it-I need the money.”
He scoffed. Maybe getting you riled up was the way to get you to fuck him. “The other girls don’t seem to mind.” He was trying to get under your skin, and you weren’t going to let him know that it was working. “Your shoes are coming untied cariño.”
“What does that mean? Cariño? Hermosa?” You felt out of the loop, looking at your own shoes and grumbling, stepping down carefully from the steps.
He tilted his head, noting that your Spanish was so poor that you couldn’t even tell a pet name from a swear word. “You really are just going to ignore how I said the other girls in the office beg me to fuck them here?” He felt like he was losing a battle that didn’t really matter in the scheme of it all, but he wanted to see some sort of emotion on your face. Anything. He couldn’t stop getting you out of his mind from last week and how you laughed when you were alone with him. You had stopped getting angry with him and maybe that was a good sign, but the monotone felt worse. 
“Well you didn’t say it like that the first time.” You sighed, stepping around him and being careful to not touch him. “If you need information ask it, otherwise, get out of my archives.”
“Let me drive you home later.” It was a demand, not a question. He wanted to reach out and grab your arm to get you to look at him, but instead he got in front of you and on to his knees, reaching for your shoe laces. 
Your breath stuttered, holding on to the file in your hand with fluttering fingers, surprised he was here in front of you like this. “What are you doing?” His fingers reached out to your ankle, pulling your foot up on to his one raised knee and looking up at you. 
“You were going to trip eventually, and I didn’t want to see your knees scraped up from that at least.” He mumbled, finishing your shoe laces and glancing up at you. Your cheeks were flushed and he felt the satisfaction settle in his stomach. “Can I drive you home later? I know you walked today.”
“How do you know that?” You felt breathless, dropping one foot as he went to pick up the other and place it firmly on his leg.
“You’re wearing sneakers instead of those sandals. And I drove by you this morning.” He smirked, seeing your eyes widen. “You were very cute walking up the hill by the corner market-”
You breathed out, rolling your eyes. “I plan on staying late and the girls wanted me to go out.”
“Again? Tell them you can’t and I’ll drive you home.” He was getting desperate. He wanted to be alone with you again. The hurt of you going out more often than not didn’t matter. He dropped  your foot and stood back in front of you. 
The pause was long as you looked through the file, glancing at the information and committing it to memory. You looked up, his hands on his hips staring back at you. He was biting the inside of his cheek, his only sign that he was nervous. 
“Fine. But you’ll have to wait for me.” Maybe that would deter him. 
“I will wait as long as you need.” He nodded, immediately leaving the archives and keeping your door open. 
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At five o’clock, Susan and Amy cornered you at the coffee station that was next to where Peña and Murphy still sat. You were making tea in the hopes that it wouldn’t be too hot by the time you got back downstairs. “Babe come with us! What changed from this morning?” Susan was yanking on your arm, purse already in her hand. 
“I know, but I have more to finish and Tuesday night wasn’t really that fun.” You mumbled, hoping it wasn’t too loud. You didn’t need the whole office knowing your business. 
Peña’s ears perked up but he left his face stoic. He was straining to listen, but he made the preemptive decision to unplug the phone at his desk 30 minutes ago so he could concentrate on what he was doing and it just happened to work for listening in to your conversation. 
“What?” Amy laughed, pushing at your shoulder lightly. “You showed us all the moves and then went with what’s his name? Robert? He was so cute and clearly smitten with you!”
Peña ground his teeth. He would find this Robert.
“That’s nice and all but he wasn’t that great. And I don’t want to see him again and have him think I like him. One and done you know?” You stirred your tea bag in the water and squeezed it out, tossing it in the trash. “I’ll see you ladies on Monday. Try out the moves I showed you guys and let me know how it goes!”
Peña watched you wave them off, casually rubbing your sneakers on the back of your pants from where Susan had stepped on them. He had a single chuckle bubble out, making Murphy look up at him with a pointed expression. “Stop listening to them.”
“I just can’t believe that they ask her for moves. Her?” Peña felt like he was trying too hard to get Murphy to not see what was right in front of him. 
Murphy hummed, looking back at his paperwork and stacking it up. “I’m going to drop these off to her for filing away since she is staying and then heading home. Do you want to come over tonight? Wife is making some fancy something and invited over some of her friends.” 
“No, thank you I am going to finish this up and I’ll head home too. Maybe I’ll meet Susan and Amy at the bar?” Peña laughed, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag. 
Peña hoped he wouldn’t have to wait too long for you. 
An hour and a half later, you appeared in front of Peña’s desk. “Are you still working?” You questioned, your bag on your shoulder and your fingers playing with the buckle on the end of the strap. 
He looked up at you feeling suddenly breathless. “No, just busy work. Are you ready to go?”
You nodded, giving a stiff closed-mouthed smile, and waited for him to grab his jacket and turn off his lamp. You followed him out to his Jeep, again the only car in the lot, and casually glanced at him once you were in his passenger seat. His eyes were already on you, sticking to you like glue while turning over the engine to bring the car to life. “Stop staring, Peña.”
“Can’t I be Javier now?” He smiled, pulling out of the lot and onto the main street toward his apartment. “Would you want to have takeout with me? There’s a mean Indian place down the street that is actually pretty good given that we aren’t in India.” He laughed, looking over at you again to see your eyes already on him. “Or we could have something else.” He felt himself wanting to ramble.
You smirked, making him feel butterflies in his stomach. “I like Indian if you pick the meals, Javier.”
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He really didn’t know how he got here-truly. 
One minute you both were watching some stupid movie while opening up the food that was just delivered, even though you couldn’t understand what was being said in the movie. He was questioning how you had not learned any of the language you were immersed in, especially since you read transcripts from all the intel. You explained how it was all translated to English by the time it was on your desk, and you typically could play the “stupid American” card when you were in the store. 
The next minute you were on your knees in front of him after he made a comment about how you swore much more when you were relaxed and that your mouth would get you into trouble. 
Peña’s chest rose and fell heavily, anticipation making him clench his fists around the fabric of the seat cushion. “How much trouble do you think I could get into?” You asked, smiling as you ran your hands up his legs still covered in his jeans. 
He was impossibly hard. From 0 to 100, ready for you. “I think you could get into lots of trouble, especially looking like that.” The way his voice dropped never really made sense to him, but he couldn’t help it. And he saw the way your eyes lit up when you noticed the tone he took with you, and it made him want to find a way to speak to you like this around others. 
“How do I look?” You asked, cheeks going red as you realized what you asked. You weren’t typically one to fish for compliments, but something in the way he spoke made you want him to keep going. 
His pupils were blown out as he reached for your jaw and skimmed his thumb across your bottom lip. “Like you want to beg for my cock.” 
The whine that left you couldn’t be helped. You didn’t mean to, but Peña didn’t mind. You reached forward to unbutton his pants as his hand traveled down your neck and across your collarbone, pulling at the flimsy buttons that pieced together your blouse. He could see the blush that started just above your breasts, traveling up to your face and lips, making them look plusher. He lifted his hips as you pulled down on his jeans, cock slapping against his stomach as you took him in. 
“Are you going to beg for it?” He ground out in a husky tone, feeling the pearl of precum drop onto his lower stomach. He saw your eyes on him, unable to pull away from his lower half, making him move his hand up to the back of your head and tug at the hair at the nape of your neck. 
You gasped, eyes raking up to his face and seeing a similar flush on him. “Please, Peña.”
He closed his eyes and squeezed his fingers, slightly digging into the back of your head. “Try again bebe, you know how to get what you want.”
You could guess what that word meant and it made your heart flutter. “Please, Javier.”
He groaned, pulling your head closer to him, watching your mouth as it opened, tongue sticking out slightly to greet the head of his cock first. The minute your lips were wrapped around him, he threw his head back and exhaled deeply. “Fuck-that’s it. Show me your moves Susan and Amy won’t shut the fuck up about muñeca. Huh?”
You lifted your hand to the base of him, giving him one short stroke and then holding firm to direct him where you wanted. Your eyes fluttered up to his face as you pulled back, bringing spit to the front of your mouth and letting it drool onto the head mixing with his precum. “I don’t know what you mean, Javier.” You smirked, leaning back down and giving one long lick from your thumb to the underside of the head wrapping your lips back around him and bobbing. 
The minute you started bobbing your head on him after that little show, he knew you had every guy left in your path thinking about you constantly. The way you gripped him, the way your tongue seemed to wrap around him to aid your sucking had him flying to the moon. 
He groaned, looking down at you and seeing your spit gather at the corners of your mouth, how you breathed out of your nose only when he was mostly pulled out, and how your eyes were watching his mouth. “Do you want to kiss me azúcar?” He huffed, pulling you off of him and letting you take a deep breath. 
Without letting you answer he grabbed your upper arm, yanking you to him and enveloping your mouth with his. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, desperate to be closer to you. 
Your hands wrapped around his shoulders, sitting on his upper thighs in a similar way that you did in his car. He detached himself from your lips, kissing down your neck and bringing his fingers to your blouse. He bit at your collarbone, unbuttoning the last few buttons and pushing the sleeves from your shoulders, revealing a green bra that matched your shirt. 
“Will you let me have you again cariño?” He breathed, looking up at you as he pulled down the cups of your bra, squeezing your chest and rubbing his thumb over your nipples. “What do you need?”
You felt like you could cry by how good he was making you feel. It had been a long week of avoiding Peña to not get too worked up. You tried to find someone else-anyone else-but it just wasn’t the same. The thrill, the encouragement-
“Where did you go, baby?” He looked up at you, concern apparent on his face as he slowed his touches,  pulling away from your chest. You yanked his hands back to you, leaning in to kiss him quickly. 
“Just fuck me, Peña.” You whispered, standing up to undo your own belt as he tried to compose himself. He took off his own shirt, watching as you dropped your pants and stood straight again. He stood as well, wrapping his hands around your hips to reach your ass and squeeze. 
“Bend over the couch.” He said lowly, twisting you around and maneuvering you to the arm of the couch, hips resting firmly on the end and your hands outstretched. He groaned, slapping your left cheek lighting and then kneeling down like he did earlier to tie your shoe, but now to taste you. “Just give me a taste hermosa, you look too good to not have a little.”
You moaned into the couch cushion, his nose at your entrance and his tongue snaking out to lick at your clit before wrapping his lips around it and sucking lightly. His hand was wrapped around his own cock, pumping it quickly as he lost himself in the taste of you. 
He stood soon after, continuing to pump himself as he lined himself up and pushed to the hilt, both of you groaning in unison. “Fuck–I can’t get enough of you.”
The snap of his hips made your hips push into the arm of the couch in an almost painful way, the sound of his skin slapping against yours absolutely obscene. “Oh-ahh-Javi fuck yes.”
You used his name again and again, and it made his eyes roll in the back of his head. Did you not understand what you did to him? He reached forward and grabbed your hair, pulling lighting to direct you to stand up. “Do I feel good inside you baby? Huh? Tell me no one fucks you like I do.”
You resisted, hands reaching forward to the arm of the couch but he pulled back harder making you squeal out. He continued to push into you, his other hand reaching around and squeezing at your chest. “Yes, y-you do. Fuck-you make me feel so good.”
“Is anyone else able to make you feel like this?” He persisted, moving his hand down to your core and finding your clit easily, and making lazy circles with his middle finger. “I can’t fuck anyone else but you now, don’t you understand?”
You nodded slowly, sweat building on the back of your neck as your core began to shake. “Only you make me feel like this Javi.”
He smiled, pushing into you quicker and letting go of your hair, moving his arm around to your neck and holding you up from there. “That’s right baby, only me huh? Fuck-I can feel you squeezing me. I want you to cum. Can you do that?” He continued to circle your clit, not changing the pace or pressure. 
You nodded frantically, holding on to his forearms as he wouldn’t let you lean forward moaning as your release began. “I’m-fuck–I can’t stop.”
“Don’t want you to stop hermosa, cum all over me. Make a fucking mess.” He was straining to hold out, wanting to hear you before he lost himself too.
You started your release, bigger than the last time you were with him and he immediately started to release too. Groaning together in unison as you saw white, breath leaving you quickly as he continued to push into you until he stuttered and held your hips to his. 
A few moments passed with him leaning his forehead on your back until he was sure you were ready and he pulled out of you slowly. He silently went to the bathroom, found a towel, and brought it out to you. 
“Thanks.” You laughed awkwardly, cleaning yourself up before finding your underwear and pulling them up your legs. You looked at him, still naked and going soft as he scratched the back of his head. 
“I uh–I want to let you know that if you want to I would be okay doing this more often.” He stumbled out, glancing at your and your perfect recline on his sofa in only underwear, breasts out and legs shaking. 
You laughed lightly, looking at him again. “Yeah, I think I would be okay with that Peña.”
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matryosika · 2 years
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Day 1: Age gap + Impregnation with Chan.
Wordcount — 2,406 words.
Includes — Age gap (male character is at least 10 year's older than reader, who is described to be in her mid twenties. No exact ages are discussed). Babysitter!reader, single dad!Chan, use of the word "daddy" once but it is not used as a petname nor it's part of the dynamic between reader and male character, dirty talk, oral sex (m. receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, impregnation kink, creampie, themes of pregnancy.
Author's note — If you have been following me for a while, you know this is one of my most dominant kinks. So I just had to! The wordcount is longer than it should be, but I hope that's not an issue! Also, I know this was supposed to be day number 2 instead of 1, but I had my reasons to reschedule 😭 I will be posting mirror sex + praise kink with changbin later on though!
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“This is wrong,” Chan mutters through gritted teeth while his eyes are all over you, admiring the way your tongue swirls around his hard and veiny cock. You suck on it like it’s your 
favorite candy, like you have been craving it for ages. 
Truth is, you do have been craving it ever since you met him.
“Is it?” you ask him, pulling his cock out of your mouth with a lewd sound. The drool on your chin and the string of saliva connecting your swollen lips to his reddened cock is making him rethink his last words. Is it really wrong? How can it, when it feels this right?
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” he replies. Ironically enough, he does so while guiding your lips back to the tip of his cock, pushing your head down on it. “You shouldn’t be doing this”. 
Your teary eyes look up to him while having his cock deep inside your throat and the filthy image makes Chan’s heart race. He keeps your head in place for a couple of seconds before allowing you to gasp for air, coughing when you are finally able to breath. 
“Do you want me to leave, Mr. Bang?” you query, feigning innocence. Your eyes are wide open and clouded with tears, there’s drool on your chin and the way you mockingly smile while asking such a question, all-together, makes Chan even harder.
He doesn't answer, but his cock twitches visible in front of your eyes. It’s hard not to notice when all you can do is stare at it; it’s thick, reddened and there are several, prominent veins that start at the base and fade away near the tip. 
He really is nothing like the men your age you’ve fucked before. 
“You know what I want,” he purrs, caressing your hair while you are still kneeling in front of him. “But I don’t think it’s right”. 
“Why not?” you pout. “Because I’m too young for you?”
Chan shouldn’t feel aroused when he is reminded of it, but he does. You are a legal, independent adult, old enough to have a job and a place of your own —still, you are too young for someone like him. You should be fucking men your age, dating them and having all these sort of experiences Chan lived a while back.
But men your age are not really something you are into these days. 
“Don’t do this to me,” he hisses, pushing a few strands of hair away from your face. “Don’t tempt me”. 
“You did this to yourself, Mr. Bang,” you murmur, eyes fixed on his. “Had you been a decent man, none of this would be happening”.
He knows you are teasing him, as the bratty woman you are, but he can’t help but feel anger lingering inside his guts. Is he really the only one to blame? Had he minded his own business and stopped staring at the young babysitter that works for him in a perverse way, would things be different?
“Had you not offered yourself to me so easily, none of this would be happening,” he corrects you, cupping your cheeks with one of his hands. “Talking about decency as if your cunt isn't dripping every time I am around”. 
He forces you to stand up from your knees, still cupping your face with his hand harshly. He sneaks the other one between your thighs and underneath your skirt, scoffing bitterly when the tip of his digits touch the wet patch on your underwear. 
Far from making you feel embarrassed by proving his point, you come up with something to tease Chan even more.
“It’s just human nature,” you whisper, licking your lips when you feel him lazily tracing your slit. “You have something I need, and I am capable of giving you what you want in return”.
Chan’s breath hitches when you say that.
“I know what you want,” he murmurs, his eyes fixed on your parted lips. “But what is that thing you can offer me?” 
You wrap your arms around his neck and smile when you feel his toned body tensing at your touch. The amount of power Chan has over you it’s pathetic, but neither of you can deny that you have equal or more power over him.
“Remember that time you invited Mr. Kim for dinner?” you query, brushing your lips against his without actually leaning forward for a kiss. Chan is taken aback from the unexpected topic of conversation that is rising, but he follows you.
“I do”.
“You two were drunk and making a lot of noise,” you continue, your hands caressing his neck. “Little Chris was sleeping soundly and the last thing I wanted was for him to wake up in the middle of the night, so I tried to ask you to lower your voice”. 
“What does that have to do with this?,” Chan clears his throat, his heart racing at a thousand miles per hour as memories of that night make their way to his mind. 
“You don’t remember what you told Mr. Kim?” you ask him, tilting your head while your gaze flutters between his eyes and lips. “About how bad you wanted to be a father again?”
His insides sink when he hears those words falling from your lips, and your initial proposition now makes sense: He has something you need, and you are capable of giving him what he wants in return. 
“I don’t know why, but I haven’t stopped thinking about that ever since,” you confess, pressing your body tightly against his. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you filling me up with your cum, every hour of every day”.
It’s impossible, but Chan can’t feel himself growing even harder at your words. His cock is brushing against your body and, although you are not touching it, the simple brush of it against your skirt is enough to have him on edge.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about letting you fuck me raw, especially on days like these” you breathe, “because that’s what you want, right?” 
You know you have found his weakness when his jaw tenses and the sentiment in his gaze drifts from guilt to lust. The arm he had around your waist pushes you into the bed and, only then, you can truly admire him —he is still wearing his buttoned white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his belt unbuckled and his pants are lowered enough for his cock to be out. It doesn’t seem like he has any interest in removing his clothes, but neither do you.
You are both too aroused and desperate to pay attention to such details.
“Just an advice,” he mutters, positioning himself on top of you. His hands lift your skirt up and he loses no time in ripping your panties off, throwing the remains of them to the side and leaving your pussy exposed for him. “Next time, watch your words when I am around you”. 
The teasing smirk in your face fades away completely when his dick stretches your cunt without a warning, feeling the pressure between your legs escalating as he pushes himself deeper in you.
“Chan!” you gasp, your hands gripping the sleeves of his white shirt while he bottoms out.
“Are you sure you can give me what I want?” he groans through gritted teeth, controlling himself from blowing up the minute your walls clench around him. “You can’t take my cock without whining”. 
“It has been a while since the last time I fucked,” you cry out, digging your nails in his biceps. You are sure you want him, but you perhaps underestimated how rough and painful taking someone as big as Chan could be. 
“I can tell from how fucking tight you are,” he hisses, thrusting his hips slowly but harshly inside you. “Your body is practically begging for me to fill you up with my cum”. 
When his hips acquire a pace of their own, his hands push your legs further until your knees are almost sided to your breasts. The position you are in now, if anything, only allows himself to go deeper inside you, which is exactly what he wants.
“You know, I haven’t come in a while either, didn’t want it to go to waste by jerking off,” he groans, words coming out faintly broken as he pounds your pussy mercilessly. “You can just imagine how badly I need a release”.
Chan’s words make the tension on your tummy unravel while the tip of his cock hits that sweet, perfect spot inside your walls. The hidden promise behind his words, that he has all of his cum saved up especially for your sweet cunt, drives you to the edge.
“Are you going to give it to me?” you sob. Far from sounding cocky or teasing, your voice has a tone of despair that makes Chan fuck you faster. He knows you aren’t asking that to provoke him, but because that’s exactly what your body and mind need.
“If you beg for it,” he grunts. “If you prove to me you deserve it”.
The dirty talk does wonders on you and he notices it when his cock slides perfectly inside you. Your cunt is wet, and warm, and so slippery that Chan utterly believes your body is begging for him to impregnate it. 
“Please,” you cry out, your trembling hands trying to grip anything from him but failing because of how numb they feel. “Mr. Bang, please!”
When you moan his last name, Chan’s movements become rougher. 
“I know you can do better for me,” he murmurs in your ear, a few strokes away from blowing up but still determined to make you come first. “Don’t make me think you don’t want it”. 
“No, fuck! I-,” you try to form a coherent sentence, but the way he is thrusting his cock inside you doesn’t help. “I need it, I really do”.
“Do you really need to please me this badly?” he moans. “Willing to let me fill you up until I get you pregnant?”
“Please!” you whimper and, judged by the way your walls spasm around him, Chan quickly realizes you are about to come. “Please, please, please”. 
“Make me come then,” he growls in despair, “show me how much you think you deserve me to make you a mother”. 
It’s that last sentence that pushes you to your orgasm. Your hands are glued to his white shirt, gripping it while waves of pleasure wash up over your body with no end.
“Right there,” you moan, eyes white and lips parted, allowing the lewdest of noises to fall from them. Chan doesn’t slow down, and that causes your body to tremble and your legs to try and close together, but he is quick to keep them in place.
“Keep them wide open for me,” he hisses with broken words. “Don’t want my cum dripping out of your pussy because you are closing your legs together, do you?”
You shake your head enthusiastically, albeit your body feels weak. The climax is still wreaking havoc inside you, but you know the painful stimulation won’t last long —you are just a few seconds away from getting away with what you have been craving for months.
“Let me feel you,” you beg when he presses his forehead against yours. You are both sweaty, and the clothes aren’t doing you any favors, but wearing them still makes the two of you feel even filthier —him in his office clothes while you are wearing a short skirt and a top that traces the silhouette of your breasts perfectly. “Come inside me, I promise I won’t waste it”. 
“I know you won’t,” he grunts, his hitched breath caressing your face. “I’ll make sure of it”.
He kisses you sloppily, tongue sucking on yours while his hips lose their acquired pace. All the ounce of control in his body vanishes once his orgasm is approaching, and you can tell by how he turns ten times more primal than he already is.
“Then come inside me,” you whimper, breaking the kiss just for the sake of hearing him moan. “You are going to come a lot, right? Make sure you milk yourself inside my cunt?”
Chan, who had been carrying the dirty talk up until now, doesn’t answer. And not because he doesn’t want to, but because he can’t —you and your words are overwhelming him to the point of losing his senses, the only thing in his mind being fulfilling his natural desire to leave his seed inside you.
“Fuck-” his voice quivers and your insides sink —he sounds needy and desperate to come like it’s the thing he craves the most in the world. 
“I’m ready,” you purr, hissing in overstimulation. “I promise I’ll be really good. I’ll carry your baby and will make you a daddy again, don’t you want that?” 
The dirtier you talk, the louder he growls. And the more you tease him, the more he loses control. 
“Please,” you murmur in between moans, “you know how fertile a woman in her mid 20’s is, Mr. Bang? I bet you would only need to fuck me once for me to get pregnant, that’s how good I could be for a man like you”.
A warm sensation quickly floods your lower abdomen and Chan’s movements slow down gradually, accompanied by guttural, quiet groans he emits every time he feels the spark of overstimulation.
His dark, lustful eyes are fixed on you and, suddenly, you run out of words. You are both panting, trying to recover their sanity and breath, hearts racing at a thousand mile per hour while he is still deep inside you, cock softening as the seconds go by. 
Chan, once again, pushes your knees further and fixes the position you were in, exaggerating it a bit by lifting your hips up even more —although he pulled his cock out of you, his semen isn’t dripping out of your pussy and you quickly realize that he is putting you in that position to prevent that from happening. 
He leans down and kisses your forehead, leaving you to stare at the sinful sight: your swollen and wet cunt up in the air, in an awkward position that it’s as filthy as the words that you both shared a few moments ago.
“I guess we would have to see if you are right about that”. 
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nordickies · 14 days
What's your opinion on rusfin? And the time Finland spent in Russian empire
While I don't really vibe with "Russia/Soviet State" ships in general (RusAme, RusFra, RoChu, etc. are more of my thing), I don't really have strong feelings about RusFin one way or another. It's not quite as unbalanced or overused as some other Russia ships, I feel like? Plus, like I stated earlier, I kind of like the idea of Russia being disinterested in romance, at least in the traditional sense. I personally don't have an interest in exploring them as a serious couple in my writing; I just can't see them ever working out. They'd become too toxic at some point and it wouldn't be fun anymore. And I think they have enough to deal with each other even without romance getting involved
And I'll be honest: I have never focused on Russia's character, and I'm always a bit lost on what I'd like to do with him. How would I characterize him? I think all hws characters should be allowed to have nuance and let be individuals at the end of the day. So, I don't think Ivan is the manifestation of all the evil things in the world. To me, he's an extremely flawed person who is easy to blame and villainize. For many of the characters, he embodies the worst memories and moments of their lives. Surely this is the case for Finland, too, which makes their friendship extremely complicated.
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I think Fin is quite naive at the end of the day and always tries to see the good in people. He values mutual trust more than anything, which can be an admirable trait but also makes him prone to ignoring warning signs. Fin, in his youth at least, was rather easily led, and he unsuspectingly followed others and their orders, counting on them to have his back no matter what. While his trustiness can backfire at times, with Russia, it might have been the right approach. Because right away, Fin managed to build trust with him and Ivan, being calm and respectful, expecting them to handle this new situation in a professional manner. Perhaps Ivan is used to people being terrified around him, giving his paranoia reason to doubt their loyalty. But he never had that problem with Finland, and they got along surprisingly well.
Historical context: When Finland was seized by the Russian Empire in 1809, the Grand Duchy got a pretty good deal in exchange for the Estates swearing loyalty to the Russian Tsar; Finland would remain an autonomous region in the Russian Empire, and it got to keep its Swedish constitution, laws, language, religion, and even the right to keep the taxes it collected for itself. Finns were also exempted from the Russian military. The reason why Finns got such a good deal came down to Tsar Alexander I wanting to avoid excessive fighting during the Napoleonic Wars (he only seized Finland to pressure the King of Sweden in the embargo against England to begin with). By making a good enough offer, the Finns, who had been getting tired of the Swedish monarchy's growing incompetence and turmoil, wouldn't fight back. Also, the Tsar was interested in westernizing his Empire, so Finland's western state structure was perfect for that. Finland's and Tsars' relationship was rather special in the Empire, and Finns were viewed as exceptionally loyal and cooperative by the state. Finns had an easier time remaining loyal to the Tsar due to their freedoms and autonomy status, which they sought to protect by subjecting. For example, Tsar Nicholas I abolished various autonomies and freedoms in his Empire during his reign; except in Finland. This was partly due to Finnish soldiers' voluntary participation in crushing the November Uprising in 1830. When the Tsar's officials criticized Finland's independent status in 1850, Nicholas had allegedly said: "Leave the Finns alone. Finland is my large Empire's only province that has not caused me a minute of worry or dismay during my reign." Nicholas was not the only Tsar who viewed Finland so positively. Most Tsars had a summer house in Finland, and many of them wrote about their time in Finland being some of the most serene they have ever felt. For example, in 1891, Tsar Alexander III shocked his court by deciding to travel through Finland via train instead of by boat. When the court opposed this idea, calling it unsafe, the Tsar called their worries nonsense, stating "I have never needed any guards in Finland."
During his time in the Empire, Finland tried his best to get along with Russia, never provoking him and more so trying to keep attention away from himself, just so he didn't accidentally upset him. Like the aforementioned references tell us, I think Ivan actually trusted Finny and felt comfortable giving him more responsibilities, which inevitably let Fin get closer to him. And while Fin was aware of Russia's flaws and his own privileged position, he surely was also grateful for the freedoms that he had been granted. As bad as it must have felt, he had more possibilities there than he did with Sweden.
Finland probably had his own place, and he was free to come and go as he pleased. He was allowed to join Russia's events and meetings, probably as some kind of assistant, which was crucial for Finland to learn how their job operated and all the responsibilities that came with it. Traveling around Europe from event to event also meant Finny could build his first diplomatic relations with other nations he had never even met before - and even put his own name out there to begin with. It was all new and exciting to him, which in return made him want to keep up the positive relationship
However, Russia's clear favoritism toward Finland would not go unnoticed, and I think that could create some unfair gossip at Finland's expense. People probably think Russia is never nice or does anything good without wanting to gain something from it, so Finland must have done something really special to get his position. Without a doubt, this would sour Finland's relationship with some other people around the house who wouldn't respect his "bootlicking" and respect for Ivan. In the worst case, Finland didn't even know such rumors were spreading about him initially, leading to confusing encounters. I doubt Russia had any intention of clearing such rumors. After all, he didn't suffer from such gossip himself; more than anything, he could use it to his advantage. Whenever he wanted to annoy his old enemy Sweden, all he had to do was wrap his arm around Finland or move him closer - Innocent enough for Fin to not consider it too weird but powerful enough to upset Swe, who couldn't do anything about it. I also think Ivan would try to manipulate Fin's thoughts and insecurities just like anyone else's, being one of the tactics to keep people dependent and loyal to him. He'd feed misinformed ideas to Finland about his past, painting Swe in a worse light than he actually was.
I can really only talk from Finland's point of view, but I doubt Finland himself would have had romantic feelings toward Ivan. I think he saw their relationship as purely beneficial, something to better his own status after living in someone else's shadow for centuries. But he still respected Ivan, at least in the beginning, and believed they could work it out as friends. But I could also see Finny being prepared to act passive to Ivan's potential advances - at least to a certain point, if it meant a more favorable position for himself. Finny can be more cunning than people give him credit for. So even if something had happened between them, I doubt it was genuine, at least on his part. But again, I really don't know if Ivan would even care or try anything.
But in the end, their mutual respect wouldn't last forever. There's no way Finland's and Russia's relationship didn't crumple during the Russification period from the 1890s onwards. Finny most likely lost a lot of his previous freedoms, and he wasn't going to accept it, becoming uncooperative and dishonest. Due to this, Ivan quickly lost his trust in Fin as well, treating him like everyone else around the house. Unfortunately for Ivan, by letting Finny get so close to him in the beginning, it had opened Finland the opportunity to learn all of his tricks. By having had so much freedom and experience in nationwork, Finny was ready to seek his independence as soon as possible, when the moment was just right.
I could always write more, but maybe this is a good overview of their situation during the Empire years specifically. The decades after Finland's independence have been their own rollercoaster entirely. Also, I think personifications' relations are way more complicated than drawing one-to-one comparisons between real-life emperors and people, but here the emperors' favoritism just somehow works for their characters? Anyway, I just really don't know where I'd like to take Russia's character, so I can only write from Finland's point of view here. You can come to your own conclusions and ideas, I suppose!
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