#Elysia Laniax
monstersofsilence · 10 months
Fang Takers
"... In other news, several more bodies have been found floating in the Agizava River. An individual, who was jogging down the trail alongside that route, spotted the mass pile under the Agizava Bridge, some possibly floating down stream, and reported it to the Alternian Police. Police reports stated that all bodies are all intact. Most covered in bruises indicating a struggle but all having four hole marks on their neck. All suggesting to be from rainbow drinkers. Same as before, from a few months ago, all their blood were drained leading to their death. The investigation is still ongoing since it began a few sweeps ago and no leads have been uncovered to finding the culprits behind these atrocities. We will continue to get more information from police as they identify the bodies. Now here's the forecast to today's weather and the rest of the week..."
"That'a just a terrible thing tah hear." One man said, looking to the TV that was hanging on the ceiling within the restaurant they are in.
"Them killings again, eh?" The other man across from him added. "Seemed to be having more frequently as of late."
"Hrrmm. Seems to be, mate. Shame them Fang Takers ain't around anymore." The first man says. "Them fellas woulda gone out and find them rainbow drinkers."
"Fang Takers? Thought they were a myth."
"Nah mate. They were real. They'd find certain jade bloods and find out if they'll turn to rainbow drinkers. They're considered undead so they were basically gnarly monsters and would off them. Could use their service to take care of them folk."
"Whatever happened to them? Considerin I thought it was a bunch of malarkey, I remember hearing that they all were killed by some monster."
"Nah. I heard that they all turned on each other. Some cunt got too crazy being the one in charge and turned on their own that eventually lead to them disbanding."
"Ya both got it all wrong, huns." A female voice was heard, overhearing their conversation for a while until interrupting them. The waitress was holding the men's meals that they have ordered, placing them on the table. "You both gotta watch the news more often to get the real story."
"Well, miss. What happened to them?" The second man asks.
"Them rainbow drinkers offed them all." She plainly answered. "They got their revenge and now ain't no one to be there to protect us. The next day ya friend or loved one might not show up the next day cause the blood suckers got a hold of them."
"Well, ain't that a bitch." The first man bluntly says. "Guess it's good to always have a weapon by ye side, eh?"
"Ain't that the truth." Second man added.
Meanwhile, a woman was sitting at a table behind them. She wore all black with hints of grey. A very gothic dress. Her hair being half white with the white hair being on the left side. Her eyes, being heterochromia, a beautiful jade color while her left being just a lighter green. The woman overhears the men's conversation, sipping her glass of water. She merely grins to herself.
A man soon arrives to her table, wearing gothic suit and donning a top hat. His eyes also a jade color. "You would not believe how rude others can be in this place, Elysia." He complained. "A prick nearly got my suit dirty. I literally got this clean."
The gothic woman covered her lips with her hand, insinuating as if she is giggling. She pulled out her phone and began typing on it, bringing it up to show. "You are a magnet to getting filthy, it seems." It says on her phone.
"No. It's just these morons can't keep themselves clean. Do they know they could die from a random disease if they don't at least shower every day?!" He lets out a sigh, leaning back on his chair. "Why do I gotta suffer like this, Ely?"
The mute girl raised her phone again. "Oh woe is you~" She rests her phone on the table as the same waitress she overheard a bit ago came back with their food.
"Hear ya go hun buns. You both have a wonderful day!"
"Ah well, thanks you beautiful gal." The goth male flirted a little, giving a smile as the waitress merely gestures of being flattered and then leaves. He then looks back at the goth girl across the table from him as she merely gives a look of disapproval. "What?!"
She raised her phone once more, already typed out what she was gonna say as he finished he replying to the waitress. "You're a hopeless romantic."
"Ah come on! Why do you gotta push my self esteem down, Ely!"
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monstersofsilence · 2 years
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another goth .w.
Elysia Laniax
she’s a mute and mischievous as all hell
will take any chances to bite your neck... no joke owo;;;;;
rainbow drinker all the way
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monstersofsilence · 2 years
hint on new troll
is gonna be jade
is pretty much vampire all the way
goth... obviously .w.
and another thing but that's a secret ;3
OH and their name is Elysia Laniax
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