#actually making a jade blood a rainbow drinker???
tickle-me-homestuck · 4 months
Hey no let's talk about this actually
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nekropsii · 2 years
how do rainbow drinkers function in sovstuck? [could’ve SWORN I’ve asked you before but. i cannot recall.]
Ooo, this is an interesting one. I'll throw some fun facts about that your way- and apologies in advance for the disorganization. Don't be afraid to hit my inbox up again if you want more info!!
In Sovereignstuck, a "Rainbow Drinker" is a Jadeblood-specific evolutionary mutation. Drinkers are, by design, highly adapted to life in the Caverns... Though that doesn't mean that all Drinkers are bound to live out their days tending to the Brood. Not anymore, at least. This isn't Alternia or anything.
Most traits that make Drinkers unique are both Defensive and Navigational traits. The heightened senses, the heightened speed (both in pace and reflex), the ability to illuminate oneself, the taste for blood, et cetera- it's all devoted to the protection of the young.
Interestingly, blood color does affect the taste for Drinkers- this has led to the general scientific consensus that the unique taste perception of a Drinker is also connected to Postpupal Synesthesia. Even more interestingly, it seems that Jadebloods as a whole have adapted to the Drinker mutation, as Jade-colored blood tends to have a highly unpleasant, bitter taste to Drinkers. Grubs, likewise, often have a similarly repellent taste- specifically when uncooked- with the flavor being more disgusting the higher the Grub is on the Hemospectrum.
The fact that they have a taste for blood at all is a way to incentivize full-throttle aggression when defending the Brood. It's classed as a purely Defensive trait- going for the throat is much easier when you have a genuine personal drive to rip it out. Adrenaline and hunger are not a good mix!! To aid this attacking method, their jaws are actually significantly stronger than the average Troll. The bite force of a Drinker is no joke. It's about as pleasant as getting mauled by a chimpanzee.
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morsartis · 2 years
Masochism Tango
TW: This is a caliginous relationship. If you only know friendsim then a basic warning is that a caliginous relationship is a relationship based on rivalry and categorized in alternian culture by ‘hate’ or ‘black romance’. Choking, strangulation (nonsexual), physical violence, hate sex, biting, blood, spitting, this plays out almost like non-con but it is an established relationship and both of you know what you’re doing, no safewords, implied aftercare but none is actually shown. This is 18+. 
“You know what Lanque?” You seethed as you continued marching further away from the party, “Why don’t you go fuck yourself?” Whatever mix of booze and red had been in the punch bowl was rapidly staining your shirt and causing it to stick grossly to your skin in a way that Lanque knew made your skin crawl. 
Lanque’s cold laughter was clearly rehearsed, the glint and expression practiced and poised. The fact he wasn’t as off his game or upset as you only made you angrier. He’d ruined your favorite top. One of the few articles of clothing you actually still had from earth. Destroyed because he had thrown his fucking punch on you. The fact you were clearly playing right into his hands was only fuel to the fire of your rapidly blooming hatred. 
“What’s the matter?” He sneered almost sweetly, “It was just an accident.” 
“Bullshit!” You snapped as you attempted to wring the worst of it out. 
“Really, you’re ridiculous. All this over an ugly shirt?”
“An ugly shirt? An ugly shirt?!” Your voice was raising and there was nothing you could do to stop it. Heat was spreading from your chest all the way to your face as that rage kept growing. It had been an awful week and this was the final tipping point for you. You’d nearly died- twice- the other day. All for trying to help some of your ‘friends’ out and now Lanque was going out of his way to make it even worse. 
“What’s the matter?” He asked in that same sickly arsenic tone, “Purrbeast got your tongue?”
“You son of a bitch.” You finally snapped, voice even and deadly. Tackling Lanque to the ground you swore bloody murder at him as you tried to choke him out. Hands wrapped tight enough around his neck, your nails were digging straight into his pallid grey flesh. He squinted up at you, blackened lips pulled into a snarling grin as he coughed. Removing one hand from his neck while using the other to keep him pinned, you pulled back and punched him as hard as you could in the face. His neck flexed under your palm as he sucked in a breath and then laughed in your face as his split lip began to bleed jade down his chin to stain the collar of the white button up he loved so much. Letting out a wordless shriek you reared back and punched him again, using the blood coating your knuckles to smear the dark liquid all over his covered chest. You hoped it’d be ruined, you hoped his blood would remain a blotch on the fabric to remind him of this night every time he had to look at it. How fucking dare he just waltz into your life to do things like this? To- to- exist to piss you off!
Snatching your wrists in a sudden move that caught you by surprise he rolled the two of you over until he was on top of you, pinning your arms above your head as he let our his own wordless cicada hiss of sound. His ears had pinned back, the yellow of his eyes gone orange as he flashed rainbow drinker bright at you. Despite the fact you knew you couldn’t fight him off you still struggled in his grip just to be a pain. Anything to make this harder for him. To frustrate him to the same degree he regularly frustrated you. Yanking your arms and thrashing until your arms throbbed with the promise of bruises and that deep rooted animalistic instinct he always seemed to tease to the surface began to simmer under your flesh. Breathing heavily you slowly relaxed in his hold as you waited for him to shift with the thought he’d won whatever little game he thought he was in control of. Meeting his eyes you refused to look away, the two of you staring each other down until his body began to untense ever so slightly. 
In a flash you lunged. 
Teeth clamping down hard and vicious on his lower lip you glared and yanked. He snarled, jerking back as the bitter taste of his blood filled your mouth. Troll blood had none of the coppery taste of human blood, instead it coated your tongue with a bitter thick quality that made you gag. Taking the opportunity for what it was you spit his own blood back into his face so you could bare your blunt human teeth like he liked to bare his fangs. 
He reared back a look of disgust flashing across his face. 
“You fucking bitch.” He snapped, finally thrown off guard and affronted. Your lips twisted into a sadistically pleased grin. The gritting of your teeth near audible at the satisfaction of finally getting him to crack. His eyes darted across your face, pupils slit in a way that was decidedly alien and pissed. Jade dripped hot and sticky from his chin to your face as he seemed to freeze in place. 
His lips crashed into your own using his tongue to force your mouth open and fill your tastebuds with the awful bitter taste of his blood. Your snarl of outraged disgust was muffled by his own mouth and the sharp points of his teeth slit into the soft meat of your own lips. When he pulled back to grin at you, mouth streaked red and jade you sneered up at him feeling every bit of the sharp burn that no doubt had red streaking your own face. Turning your head to the side you spit out the blood pooling in your mouth and attempted to shove him off of you. His hands slammed your arms back into the ground for the effort. Mouth finding yours again you nipped at his lips and scraped your tongue on the needle sharpness of his teeth as he sucked the blood from your mouth and face. The glide of his tongue barely lukewarm as it lapped at the smears of color. His throat worked to swallow the blood down as he groaned and licked his lips. 
“Sick fuck.” You scoffed. 
“Like you weren’t looking for an excuse to get me alone.” He purred legs already working to shove open your own. Swearing you attempted to wiggle away and accidentally ground your knee between his legs. His hips rocked into your own as he hissed. 
“Of course you get off on this.” You sneered.
“And you don’t?” He snapped rhetorically one hand releasing you to tug at your pants. Using his distraction to your advantage you grabbed hold of one of his horns and thrust upwards forcing him up and off you. He rolled and you were on your feet already sprinting further away from him. Behind you was the alien chittering shriek of rage. Of predator and prey as you fled and Lanque chased. The pounding of your heart jackhammering against your ribs as you did everything you could to keep the space between the two of you. There was only so much you could do as he began gaining, you’d never been a track star and even your time on Alternia could only aid you so much. It was a futile move but you’d be damned before you made any part of this easy for him. When he collided with your back the two of you went down hard. Spots danced in your vision as you let out yet another wordless scream of rage and struggled to get out from under him. Chest pinned to the ground you could hear him cursing up a storm as he yanked your arms back and began using his undone tie to bind your wrists. Kicking out with your legs you tried to nail him where it’d hurt but he only used his own weight to keep you pinned.
“Fuck you.” You snarled still trying to worm your way away from him. 
“You will be.” He replied darkly, every bit of pretentious prick back in his voice. You heard the distinct sound of his belt being undone, the clink of the buckle deafening in your straining ears. Sucking in a sharp breath between your teeth you hissed at the rough fabric burn of your own pants being yanked halfway down your thighs. More of that fury began to well up hot and fast as you realized how wet you actually were. You knew there had to be a wet spot on your panties as he yanked them down too exposing you to the humid Alternian night air. He’d wrangled your pants and underwear down to your knees before slamming into you roughly, no warning as his bulge speared you in one fluid motion. It was cold, barely lukewarm like the rest of him and it caused more of your fluid to gush out from the shock of it as your pussy burned from the abrupt stretch. He hissed in pleasure, tone bordering on a buzzing sound as he got used to the heat of you. You could picture the way his head was thrown back, teeth bared and chest heaving as he panted. His bulge writhed inside you and the air was punched from your lungs as it began ruthlessly teasing your insides with harsh pleasure. Each thrust of his hips meeting your ass rang loud and sharp mixing with the snarling growl next to your ear as he folded himself over you. He nipped at your ear and the sharp sting of his teeth reminded you exactly who was fucking you into the ground like an animal in heat. You knew there would be bruises, dark purples and sickly greens, a deep aching pain that was almost sweet in its pulsing throb. One arm hooked around your neck, pulling you just slightly off the ground as each rolling thrust of the cold bulge went deeper than any human cock. Grinding better than any toy as Lanque set a punishing pace. Your breaths came in choked off pants as the angle he had pulled you into made your hips press more firmly against the grass, the blades scratching against your clit. A moan worked its way past the tight muscles of your throat as you clenched around him, so close to falling over that edge, and then Lanque was ripping himself out of you and twisting you onto your back. You nearly squealed from surprise as your legs fell open at the abruptness- barely held in place by your pants still trapped around your ankles. Arms pinned beneath you it took an effort not to squirm in discomfort and give him the satisfaction. Above you Lanque snarled unseeingly at your pants preventing him from doing what he wanted. Grabbing them he tore them the rest of the way off your body, ripping your shoes off in the process.
You couldn’t stop the shout that left you as he yanked you up onto his thighs and thrust back into you hard and fast. A moan punched out of you as he rocked into you at that same brutal pace, practically humping into your cunt rather than pulling out to thrust. His hand found your throat. Fingers pressing to your pulse to hold you down rather than choke you out. 
A warning. 
Legs hooking around his waist you couldn’t stop the steady rocking of your own hips as your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head. You hated how fucking good it felt, how it practically made you melt. Thoughts fleeing from your head with each drag against your g-spot. His lips found your chin, teeth scraping against sensitive flesh before they found your lips again. Teeth teasing your clotting cuts until they began to bleed again. You opened your mouth wider letting the blood pool on your tongue so he could drink it up, tongue sliding against your own with desperation.
The sweet heat of orgasm began to rise once more and you moaned openly into his mouth as he pressed himself impossibly closer. 
This time he didn’t stop, humping against your clit as you shook and squealed through it. He groaned into the heat of your mouth pulling back as his hips worked to saw you in half and his low hitched breathing began to become more frequent. When he came you gave a shout at the sudden coldness popping inside you like a water balloon. Jade slurry staining your thighs and dripping into the grass. Gasping jaggedly you gave Lanque’s bulge one last squeeze that had him hissing out an Alternian swear as he pulled away. Your chests were heaving both of you still trembling and trying to come down from your highs. 
“Fuck.” Lanque sighed running a hand through his hair as he leaned back on his thighs. Jade dribbled down his splayed legs and you smirked condescendingly at the fact he’d cum with his nook too despite not having anything shoved up it. Something to bring up and dangle over his head later when you could think straight.
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darkness580 · 5 months
what sort of abilities
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charliesinfern0 · 2 years
I was trying so hard not to think abt this bc I’m not even in the writing stage of act 3, LET ALONE ACT 5 (1-2), but. whatevver
so I have talked a bit about pagerose, abt how they sort of parallel each other in colors and classpects, and I think they are the biggest nerds together, Page is easily impressed by anything sounding prose-y and intricate, but also knows when Rose is talking out of her ass. Rose is endeared and also kind of freaked out at how earnest Page is. theyre the prophet gfs <3
pagedave is peak 2009 tween internet romance. I think they are so cute together, Page is so unironic about everything, Dave is neck deep in irony, she’s gonna pull him out so help her dave please just learn how to enjoy things with your whole heart. they’re just cute together :)
pagetav and gampage and gamtav are all real 👍 tav is page’s patron troll, page and gamzee have the connection of both being rage players, they were kind of the first relationships I had in mind, but now it is VERY up in the air bc. im not even done with act 1
pagekat is REAL and they are BEAUTIFUL <3 they are sooo pitch but then karkat feels sooo flushed for her it’s not even funny. page is so tired of him being a self hating little crabby guy, she’s gonna make fun of him while also trying to help him out, karkat wants to knock her off the pedestal she’s seemingly put herself on while also trying to show her how self destructive she’s being (ALSO karkat c3< dave/jade c3< page are real bc I think it would be funny)
(also they aren’t in any quadrant but I think page and jake would be best friends idk why)
also WYLLIN AND RENNOA I’m going to talk about them.
wylkat WAS going to be canon. keyword was. now I think they’re just really good best friends :) but I still think they’d be good together in any quadrant <3
pitch eriwyl is sooo real actually I think they are so funny together. two silly guys <3 (but maybe wyllin pities him too much to commit…)
kanwyl I think is very beautiful bc they are both vampires (rainbow drinker, thief of blood). love the blood high 👍
renkri I think would be very funny. they’re the embodiment of those videos where someone is saying something extremely wrong or annoying and then another person cuts in and plays really loud music over them. also I have diluted myself into thinking seers and sylphs are similar, so yeah. a seer and a sylph of blood who are not good at their jobs at all
porren is also very cool I think, I think rennoa would be obsessed about porrim having drank her blood, makes her feel some way
and yeah. all of these are canon btw <3
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windy-trickster · 2 years
Making a new girl to help boost my mood,,,, Her name is Celest Rossan, a Rainbow Drinker/Daywalker lady. She's really pretty,,, She's a Pine blood, a variant of Jade. She's never been in a Cloister either. Her lusus is a Mourning Dove. She's a true pacifist and actually refuses to drink blood. Which does lead her to be tired and sick from lack of doing so. She puts others' needs before her own honestly. She's very sweet and friendly as well. If anyone wants to know more about her, you can send her asks prior to her coming out or you can like- DM me as well so I can brainrot about her,,,
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Hmm, if you had to swap out the six guy's blood colours, what would they be? :O??
oh fuck, real challenge here, let's go in order, gonna just go for what I think would make sense but also what gives me a fun idea.
Vextri: I kinda like the idea of going for a teal? A song that's always been a big inspiration for him is Big Iron, so I feel like a teal version would really play into the role of the traveling ranger.
Ofuuno: Ok so I just need to preface with the fact that this is easily the hardest one of the lot. I guess I could maybe see olive for him, since a fair portion of olivebloods seen in official media seem to be at least somewhat romantically inclined, and I feel like he'd have to be a mutant of some kind, to maintain the core pattern of his existence being a crime to some degree.
Shudao: I think, in big part due to his connection with Rodazz, Shudao would work quite well as a jade? I definitely think that he would still have been involved in imperial experiments, though in this version's case, the experiment was to try and force whatever causes certain jades to be rainbow drinkers.
Rodazz: I actually quite like the idea of Rodazz as a goldblood, with his excitability causing his psionics to go haywire, meaning he would still need that guidance to control himself, so he doesn't accidentally hurt someone.
Cadark: I feel like given his attitude, it's fairly easy to make him a blueblood, with the focus on controlling his psionics instead turned to him trying to completely master his physical strength.
Therus: I feel like a good case could be made for a lime, with this version stealing a ship in an attempt to escape the empire that want him dead, and when he actually gets into space, he goes around and gathers up a crew to travel with (think somewhere between mass effect and the outer worlds)
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
dumb fantroll ask meme, even numbers for teags
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Do you have any strange fascinations?
some Trolls would say my inTeresT in rainbow drinkers, buT I JusT Think They're neaT.
What if your favorite part of the body? Why is it your favorite?
aesTheTically? necks and sTomachs are nice. everyone has Them, They can be equally aTTracTive on all Jenders and in differenT shapes or sizes.
What are your guilty pleasures? How would you handle it if someone found out about them?
maybe some of my uh, casual reading. I Think iT would depend who iT was and how They reacTe'T. iT's noT like iT's anyThing awful buT some people geT weird abouT romance novels....
Other then your own blood color if there any color you have strong feelings for, negative or positive, and why?
Jade, for reasons already known. I've always found Teals fucking annoying on averaJe. and I'm noT fond of yellow alThough iT's noT exacTly anyone's faulT There. I guess I also have a Thing for geTTing piTch wiTh Tall ass purplebloods buT I have no idea how ThaT happened.
Any fears? If so how hindering to you are they in everyday life.
I am cauTious abouT undead and I Think ThaT's a fairly common sense Thing To worry abouT.
Are their any secrets your keeping, yes or no? What if someone found out your secrets, how much would you do to keep it secret.
There are, and I have and will conTinue To kill should I need To.
Do you have an event in your past you regret? Would you change it if you could, if so how much do you think it’d change how you were today?
daTing mark, I mighT have haTe'T myself a liTTle less in my early adulThood....
Would you consider yourself more introverted or extroverted. How much do you like the company of others? Do crowds bother you or do you like the social energy.
inTroverTe'T. I like groups if I know The Trolls involved. groups of sTranJers make me nervous acTually, and I prefer one-on-one Time wiTh Trolls I'm close To. ironic considering I have a fairly larJe number of friends now >:J
How do you feel about pailing? Does it have to be a close bond, or a more casual thing to you.
in piTch iT can be casual. buT I'm monogamous in red and even if oz and I weren'T maTespriTs righT now, I'd probably Take Things slower wiTh someone in red Than piTch.
Are you easily jealous? How does jealousy make you feel?
I don'T Think so? >;J iT would have To be very specific siTuaTions To geT me Jealous like ThaT.
Is there any hobby you’ve given up but with you could try again one day?
recenTly, I sTarTe'T wriTing again. does ThaT counT?
How organized are you? Are you nit picky, or easy going? Are you ok with messes or does everything have to be tidy?
fairly organized buT I Tend To leave a few Things in piles around The hive unTil I feel bad abouT iT and clean iT up.
Do you have any addictions or anything you just can’t live without?
I suppose I do and I'm working on.... biTing back a biT.
Do you believe in second chances? Would you give someone who wronged you a second chance?
iT depends on The person and whaT They did buT I guess ThaT means yes overall.
Do you fear your own mortality? How much does the idea of dying scare you, or have you accepted it’s going to happen one day?
probably noT as much as I should if I go by oz and 'khena's opinions.
Do you have any problems with touching others? Do you not like being touched. Are you a touchy person?
I can be Touchy wiTh cerTain Trolls buT I don'T like being surprised. I Tend To geT sTabby.
Do you feel like you have to prove yourself? Do you feel you have a reputation to uphold or do you not care about how others see you?
a biT yeah. probably a hold over from when I was hemoanonymous, buT I'm noT as bad as back Then
Are you a creative troll? Is there anything you like doing to express yourself? Drawing, sculpture, ect?
wriTing and dance!
Do you have a bad temper? How hard is it to control your temper if you even try.
I'm usually amused when Trolls Try To piss me of buT some of my piTch quads are a biT Too good aT iT. I Tend To hold grudges in The rare case someone who isn'T a parTner succeeds in Ticking me off.
You get lost, what would you do? What course of action would you take to find your way?
I'm preTTy good wiTh survival sTuff so as long as I can find a source of waTer and avoid undead, I can hunT and geT myself orienTe'T preTTy easily To geT back To somewhere I know.
What is your favorite scent? Are their any scents that trigger memories for you?
The painT akhena makes. or The way oz smells like good cooking and incense and blood and someThing comforTing.
I guess weT howlbeasT reminds me of my wrigglerhood. iT's nosTalJic
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monstersofsilence · 2 years
hint on new troll
is gonna be jade
is pretty much vampire all the way
goth... obviously .w.
and another thing but that's a secret ;3
OH and their name is Elysia Laniax
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hemoswap-au · 3 years
The Trains of Hemoswapped Alternia
Just like in the main universe,Alternia has segregated public transport...however they function and appear a little differently:
SEADWELLERS (pinkbloods and Violetbloods):
For seadwellers,If they wish to use on land trains, they must get a certain train that features seadweller carriages. These carriages feature no water and are very cramped.Many of these carriages have water damage due to not being purposely designed for seadweller trolls,making it very uncomfortable.
LOWBLOODS (Purplebloods and Indigobloods):
Purple blooded carriages are nicer than seadwellers, however still in rough shape.Seats are a mixture of normal styled seats to subway seats.These carriages tend to be covered in bright graffitti and patterns of crazy styles.There are small platforms in the centre of the carriage that act as stages.Every seat also has a small light to indicate if a highblood on board wants to hire them for entertainment.They cannot refuse. On the other end of the Carriage, Indigos are designated to this area.Sharing a carriage with the Purplebloods.Mostly being the same apart from gym equipment being in place next to seats.
MIDBLOODS (Ceruleanbloods and tealbloods):
Cerulean and teal also share a carriage with each side mostly being the same.Ceruleans are rarely seen on trains as they need explicit permission to leave the caverns.The carriage is a mixture of a living room and a waiting room.There is also spider décor on the Cerulean side.This carriage also has cabins.
HIGHBLOODS (Jadebloods and Olivebloods):
Jade blooded Carriages are very victorian esque.Featuring long booths filled with grand meals.There is imagery of bears and rainbow drinkers all over the carriage.The cabins are bigger and appear similar to a dormatory.There is a lift that goes up to the second floor.
Olive blooded carriages are on the second floor of Jade carriages.Almost everything in the carriage is olive and covered in lusus fur.It is very grand and the seats are more like thrones rather than actual train seats.The cabins take up completely one half of the carriage and the doors are all carved elegantly.There is also a small pedestal and a number pad for if an oliveblood wants to summon a purpleblood from down the train for live entertainment.The walls are studded in many framed pictures of purrbeasts and sculptures decorated on tables.There is a lot more gold decorated on the carriage too.
Gold blooded carriages are huge compared to the other cars, usually only housing three to four trolls.The carriages features a lot of arcade machines as well as a second open floor where there are large doors to cabins.There are posters in gold frames displaying the Condesce and current heir to Alternia.A wall filled with screens is in one corner,showing live footage of every carriage.This too features a small stage and number pad to the Purpleblood car,although a little bit more bloodied.
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Troll language rules theory
Words that are the same as ours:
-Highblood lingo includes all human words except anatomy terms, time, romance and some other words exclusive to Alternia
-Coffee, numbers, feelings except romantic ones, naturally occurring structures, places and phenomena (caverns, sea, etc), verbs, weapons, anatomy terms, most candy, most fruit, most clothes, some fish, some insects
-Some TV series and celebrities with the added “Troll” before the name
Words that are descriptive or synonymous versions of ours:
-Animals (generally related to a unique characteristic or sound; might contain beast,  vermin, creature, fiend, fowl or bug)
-Parts of the house (block replaces room) , artificially occurring structures (like bridges)
-Movies, books, drinks except coffee, kitchenware, tools, accessories, appliances and decoration
-Bicycle, skateboard, pedestrian conveyance and others
Words that are apparently the same to ours but with different meaning and nuance:
-Romantic feelings
-Day and night inverted as well as related terms
Jobs (generally mixes sections of words from a violent job or activity with normal one). A theory for job naming convention is further discussed in the linked post
Compound words and completely new terms
-Food (often related to grub which is mostly used as flour, meat and sauce)
-Some anatomy terms
-Time (seasons, festivities, sun cycles)
-Punctuation marks
-Motorized vehicles
-IT related items (like cartridges, TV and computers)
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reversalsun · 3 years
Explaining Rainbow Drinkers
I’m a decade wiser and return to the Homestuck fandom with a degree in biology and a desire to use it for evil. Lets talk about Vampire Troll Girls.
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We get very little from the actual canon of Homestuck about Rainbow Drinkers, just Kanaya, Porrim, and a few hints of lore scattered about. Still, they’re one of the most interesting parts of troll culture - rare and strange, feared but also obsessed over in fiction and mythology. They may be analogous with vampires in the pop culture fascination surrounding them, but I don’t believe that they’re all that similar in function. So let's speculate on how Rainbow Drinkers could function on a biological level and how they fit into greater troll society. 
Rainbow drinkers don’t seem to be literal undead, but rather a functional state that some Jadebloods have the potential to enter into. Yes, Kanaya only becomes a rainbow drinker after “dying”, but death isn’t strictly what made her a rainbow drinker. In fact, I’d argue that Kanaya never actually died - rather she reached a near death state. This state, I believe, did kickstart her transformation. 
The most important thing to zero in on here is rainbow drinker being an inborn trait. Contrast this with how vampirism in human mythos is treated like a pathogen - no one is born a vampire, you become one via infection. RD is hardwired into Jadeblood biology, but it isn’t expressed in their default state. This raises a question: what causes a Jadeblood to undergo transformation into a rainbow drinker? Answering this is a little difficult, as we have a pitiful data pool of one to draw from. Nevertheless, we can examine Kanaya (as well as some dubiously canon content) to extrapolate a bit more about sparkly troll vampirism. Kanaya undergoes transformation into a RD when she is blasted through the stomach and seemingly killed by Eridan’s science powers. Off screen she regains consciousness, begins glowing, gulps down some friend blood, then returns with a vengeance. How do we explain this without leaning on the supernatural? Let's start by drawing on real world bloodsuckers. 
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Little may be known about Alternia, but planet Earth is abound with creatures that subsist on blood. Mainly the trait is seen in bugs and parasites - this lends itself to our cause, as trolls seem to be more insectoid than mammalian in nature. Hematophagy (blood drinking) is a trait that has convergently evolved in creatures across the planet - that is to say, hematophagic creatures aren’t genetically related. The trait crops up on its own because it's widely useful, not because of a shared ancestral nematode. Vital fluids, after all, are incredibly prevalent and are in sure supply wherever animals live. It’s not farfetched to say that hematophagy would appear on other planets - especially planets like Alternia that are host to carbon based lifeforms similar to Earth’s. 
We can safely assume that blood drinking would work in the same way on Alternia as it does on Earth. That means rainbow drinkers face the same difficulties that Earth’s vampires do. Blood is not only difficult to obtain, but it’s also difficult to digest. So how do rainbow drinkers solve these conundrums? 
First, the method. Most terrestrial bloodsuckers are nocturnal - and not just for the spooky aesthetic. Fluttering, crawling, and slithering in on a sleeping host lessens your chance of being swatted on impact. Almost all hematophagic creatures are stealth feeders, and Rainbow Drinkers are no different. Trolls are a nocturnal species, but Kanaya is stated to be diurnal upon introduction. It would make sense for her and other potential Rainbow Drinkers to have a natural proclivity for daywalking, as it's much easier to feed from a sleeping troll than a waking one. Kanaya is also able to withstand the fierce, burning Alternian sun - a force which is enough to blind Terezi, and leave any troll who walks out in it for too long with a scathing sunburn. Even Jadebloods that are not currently or will never be rainbow drinkers are likely to exhibit non standard troll sleeping patterns, as they live primarily in the brooding caverns - dark, underground caves where the sun cycle wouldn’t really matter to them. When they do leave their caves to hunt, the glowing, white skin of a Rainbow Drinker would likely be a large boon against the Alternian sun’s devastating rays. In Friendsim we’re told that Lusii’s bright white coats help to protect them from the sun. It’s likely the same for rainbow drinkers; the color white reflects all wavelengths of light far better than any other, thus their radiance and pale complexion provides them an extra level of defense when they’re out hunting. Friendsim also vaguely mentions Rainbow Drinker extract in Tagora’s route, where it’s used as a luxury skincare/beauty product that makes a troll’s skin look literally radiant. Very little is said about the product itself, so it may be a hormone or a secretion derived from Rainbow Drinkers. In the case of the latter… Kanaya and other Rainbow Drinkers might just be really greasy? 
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Now, in canon Kanaya theorizes that Rainbow Drinkers glow because of their home in the near pitch black caverns. It’s true that even with trolls' natural night vision, more light sources would be a boon. Animals that thrive in the dark like cats and wolves can’t magically see without a light source, rather their eyes are specially adapted to reflect even scant amounts of light. Animals that live in true darkness, like those found in the depths of caves, are more commonly blind. If no light is present, even night vision fails. With the mother grub’s natural habitat being subterranean, her special attendants possessing an internal light source would make sense. 
We have to change gears now and reckon with the How of troll blood drinking and Kanaya surviving. First: how can a troll survive on blood? We know that all trolls - even Kanaya, subsist on diets of foods akin to what you and I eat. Is it even possible to suddenly switch to a blood diet? The answer is yes. Blood drinking comes in two forms: obligatory and facultative. Obligatory, as the name implies, refers to creatures like fleas and ticks who only consume blood, whereas facultative refers to creatures that have a mixed diet of blood and other foods. Mosquitos for example only drink blood when they need to produce eggs. Rainbow Drinkers are likely similar - mainly eating standard troll goodies, but being able to rely on blood if the going gets tough. Natural resources may be scant in the brooding caverns, and the ability to survive on blood would be incredibly advantageous for those living there. Blood would of course be in no short supply given the population and purpose of the caverns. The implication I’m getting at is well… not every grub survives the caverns trials, or even the caverns in general. Between imperial drones, hoards of lusii, and difficult terrain, the brooding caverns can be dangerous. It would make sense for the troll denizens living there to be exceptionally tough and capable of “recycling” the grubs that don’t make it. Horrible. I’m sorry. But that’s nature. 
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The transformation into Rainbow Drinker could very well be triggered by shock or extreme physical duress. After undergoing the transformation and taking a nice sloppy drink from her friends, Kanaya begins to exhibit increased physical abilities. Natural durability and rainbow drinker abilities serve Jades well in their special role as mother grub attendants, and I think that’s in part how Kanaya was able to survive Eridan’s attack. That, and the noticeable difference in how she and Feferi were hit. Fef was hit in the chest while Kan was hit in the stomach. Assuming troll biology is comparable to our own, cleaving out the lungs and heart is a lot worse than cleaving out the stomach. Now don’t get me wrong, both are awful, But if one of the two was going to survive, it would be Kanaya - not only is she a durable Jade (see above), but as a facultative blood drinker, it could be possible for her to have a separate stomachs for blood and food. The digestion process of the two is completely different, so throwing all of it into one pouch might not be a good idea. Outside of durability and luck with the placement of the blast, this could be why Kanaya was able to get back on her feet. And she’s a Sylph, a natural healer class. But this isn’t a classpect analysis, so I’ll leave that discussion for people wiser than I. 
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Jadebloods are stated to be the second rarest blood type out there, and those that are able to turn Rainbow Drinker exemplify how badass the whole caste is. It’s likely that they don’t possess these skills because they’re the chosen attendants of the mother grubs, but rather these traits are why the mother grubs chose Jades as their keepers in the first place. As much as I wish we’d gotten more info about Rainbow Drinkers from canon, it was fun to explore how they could potentially work, and it really cemented Jades as my favorite caste. Anyway, please excuse me while I go draw myself a Rainbow Drinker trollsona. 
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Becoming One with the Capri Sun
Lanque Bombyx x Mspa Reader | T | Word Count: 4,426 | tw: blood, mild gore, temporary character death, biting | AO3 Link
Written for @skanque-bombyx
Summary: Set in the Nobody Knows AU, First Guardian Mspa Reader finds an extremely dissatisfied adult Lanque and agrees to get him off of his cloistered planet, Julie d’Aubigny style. Things don’t exactly go as planned.
Note: This doesn’t build off of the main story and you don’t have to have read it or be caught up on it for this to make sense. Somewhat of a oneshot.
The sounds of a tunnel collapsing in on itself, of rock being torn loose and bringing more of the earth down with it, was terrifying enough without the echo of the cave magnifying everything and disorienting you further. You couldn’t even tell how extensive the damage was since every crash seemed to become more than a singular crash, the actual sound of stones falling made indistinguishable from the following echoes layering on top of each other becoming a cacophony of destruction. 
But eventually, it stopped. It stopped and you could hear your heart beating again, no longer obscured by the falling debris, seemingly making up for lost time by beating so hard you could feel it in your teeth reminding you it was there and you were alive. The next thing you noticed was the heavy silence. Though maybe after being overwhelmed to the point where your ears were ringing, any amount of quiet felt stark to you. 
It didn’t matter, because shakily you got up, you had to stop halfway as you rose to rest your hands on your knees and just breathe for a moment, but eventually, you stood straight and exhaled deeply, holding yourself for a second before looking around. Softly, you called out.
And heard no response.
Maybe it was too quiet, the fear of another cave in caused by you yelling probably stifled you from doing more than mouthing his name without any of the sound behind it. You build up your nerve and try again, louder.
You wait. 
There was no reply. 
Your heart had only just started to wane from its frantic beat and you were starting to worry something far worse was about to replace it. 
You began to look around, hoping to see some sign of life or, you don’t know, maybe even get a little optimistic at not seeing any signs of death. Your footsteps are slow and deliberate as you move around and occasionally over debris. You have to actively try not to flinch as you do, fearing that the sound of any pebble being kicked was the start of another tremor. That or conceal some movement elsewhere or ideally some faint profanity. 
But the only sound you manage to hear is the gravel crunching under your shoes as you continue on. Your vision isn’t doing much to help you either. It wasn’t completely dark. The bioluminescent cave fungus creeping up the walls acted as a source of light and kept you from stumbling too much, but it was cultivated by people made for cave dwelling and much more sensitive to light than you are. Still you keep trying. After a few minutes, something on the ground catches your eye and you squint harder trying to focus on it.
There was a puddle reflecting some of the light.
It just looked like an inky pool from where you were standing. For all you knew it could be water. It’s probably water or something that got knocked down during the chaos. Yeah. You really need it to be that and you keep repeating that to yourself mentally as you approach it like it would manifest into truth. 
You stopped saying that when you see a massive broken stalactite was not too far away from it, streaked with jade. Current fear be damned, you now have a bigger one and you race towards it now. You run and remember you are capable of teleporting the moment you reach the exact distance that you would consider it not worth teleporting the rest of the way and keep going.
And see exactly what you feared. 
Lanque was face down, his hair soaked enough with blood to lay flat against his head. A jade halo formed around him in a mockery of piety.
You momentarily step back in horror, hand against your mouth, trying to focus your eyes on him, trying to have anything else come into focus, but no. What you saw in the low lighting was correct.
But you’re judging this too quickly. Trolls are tough, adults even moreso. 
You kneel down and roll him onto his back, which took a decent amount of effort with how heavy he was and how much you were avoiding looking at the back of his head. You brush some of the blood soaked hair away from his forehead. There was no heat to his blood. You feel for his pulse and then when that fails you feel for his pulse again and again hoping it’s thick troll skin or shakiness stopping you from feeling anything. 
But it isn’t. You already knew that. 
Lanque Bombyx is dead and died doing something he hated in a place he never wanted to be. You don’t know which of those things nauseates you the most. You feel for his pulse again, fighting against tears pricking at corners of your eyes and the tightness in your throat, when you had a thought, something you had forgotten in your grief and shock. 
You knew exactly what you had to do. 
Not contemplate the ethics of kissing corpses. 
He lies there, motionless. You check his pulse again. Still nothing. 
Fuck. You're really going to do this. 
Steeling your nerves, you use the edge of your sleeve to wipe blood off of the corners of his mouth while avoiding his lipstick, like that was the part skeeving you out. Not the part that you aren’t getting into. Because even if you were to take a cursory thought at that, which you aren’t, you think you’d rather try it and it not work, because it's not like he is getting any deader. And if it does work, you’ll fess up, and you’re okay with him being so disgusted with you that he never speaks to you again. At least that would mean he was alive enough to be angry about it. 
You’ve chosen the consequences you’re okay with and now it just time rip off the band aid and by band aid you mean kiss a corpse which is exponentially worse than the action the metaphor is based on and oh fuck, you're really going to do this. You feel for a pulse again. And again.
You might be stalling. During the time you know nobody else is around to ask you what the fuck you’re doing or see you doing the thing you definitely dont want to get a reputation for. God dammit. Okay. Just going to go for it then. 
After some remaining hesitation, your lips make contact with his, cold and motionless. You feel like a goddamn creep and you have no idea how long you're supposed to stay like this. Do you have to stop and repeat until he gets up or something? Fuck. Wait. You're thinking of CPR. 
Okay, you know what? You're going to just keep your lips pressed against his and keep count in your head using the only tried and true method you know of. 
One Mississippi. 
Two Mississippi. 
Three Mississippi. 
You pull back. He doesn't move. You check his pulse again, hoping eighth time's the charm. No luck. There isn't a single trace of life in him and you're wondering if maybe that was a one time thing or maybe not all jades can become rainbow drinkers but all rainbow drinkers are jade? Like how a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square? But with vampires? 
You’ve already kissed him once, so you do it again before a second wave of disgust can hit you just in case this is actually like CPR. 
But it isn’t like CPR. All you did was kiss a corpse twice. 
You wipe your mouth and look at him. Even with most of his face caked in blood, his expression is the most placid you’d ever seen it be in the caverns. The default tension he kept up between his brows was smoothed out and his mouth was no longer drawn down in slight annoyance. 
You hate this. You hate that this is the only way he’d find it peaceful here.
The most you saw from him here was when you two were coming up with this plan to bust him off of his cloistered planet, trying to figure out where he would even be able to go. And maybe you shouldn’t have been drinking with him, but between hearing about what cloistered life was like and how the whole planet was a dry one, and but really, who were you to deny a nun? Especially a nun sharing his thoughts on mandatory asceticism. 
When he passed you back your flask, you shook it, frowning. It was empty. Bastard drank the whole thing and didn’t even leave you a drop. You looked up at him only to find him dropping the rbf long enough to be smilingly wryly at you, your chagrin had him looking a lot more himself. The bickering after moreso. You were genuinely happy this seemed to be doing something for him, but you would’ve been happier if that didn’t require him being a prick to you to feel alive again. 
Not that it matters now you guess. Slowly, you get up and begin to pace as you think. You have no idea what to do next or if there even is much of a point in looking for something to do next. If this was an errant thread in the timeline, well, it wouldn’t stay that way for too long and you could try again and maybe not go off of Lanque’s judgement alone the next go around. 
Damn. You might just need to wait this one out. You’d rather not wait it out here if you can help it though, but you don’t actually know where anything here is or if there is much of anything for you in the main cavern. 
Some other jades should have heard what happened. Someone would have to notice a whole ass tunnel collapse and you’re now guessing this area was sectioned off for a reason other than giving him somewhere dramatic enough to brood. But if Lanque’s hot and cold bit stayed constant, it might be a while before the length of time he’s been gone becomes concerning and even longer before someone actually decides to look in the sectioned off parts of the caverns for him.
You sigh. It's just you and his corpse now. You glance back at him wearily, and pause, staring hard. 
He isn't there. 
That is definitely where he was, the blood puddle is still there to prove it. You turned your back for just a second, just to think. You start looking around rapidly. 
You feel so stupid. You are so stupid. You know not to turn your back on a body. You’ve heard it so many times. And what did you do? You turned your back on a body. But there is no way that someone could have busted in here and absconded that quickly with him. You would have heard it and from what you can tell the exit got blocked off during the cave in, so how c-.
A bright light suddenly shining in the periphery of your vision stops that thought. 
You turn to face it, but it's hard to focus on it with how your eyes have adjusted to the darkness. You squint, straining your eyes. It seems to get brighter. No. Fuck. It’s getting bigger, as it rushes towards you much faster than you could brace yourself or zap away.
A rock jabs into your shoulder as you’re pinned up and against a cave wall. You blink, eyes finally able to focus on what's in front of you. 
And you are greeted with the luminous, bloodied face of Lanque Bombyx. 
Oh shit. It actually worked.
Lanque was undeniably “a real one” because it definitely wasn't the dark that had you squinting now, not with how brightly he was glowing. And that’s basically the smoking gun of rainbow drinkerhood. Well, that and the blood drinking. 
Oh. Oh yeah, the blood drinking. 
Oh fuck. The blood drinking. 
You know, you don’t do particularly well during extended silences and this was not proving to be an exception by any fucking means. The fact that he has been wordlessly staring at you this whole time like you were the last capri sun in the fridge was also not helping.
"Hey Lanque,” you draw slowly, unsure. “How's it going?" 
He doesn't respond, instead remaining eerily still. 
God that was weak. But you don’t know that saying he looked like he was feeling better was all that great either or do anything about his newly gained staring problem.
You’ve seen the way he looks at people, been on the other end of it too, as he scans a room until he finds something, someone that draws his attention and becomes fixated on his latest little curiosity. You’re sure you could make an extended prey metaphor here or something, but it would be very uncomfortable and heavy handed given where you are right now.
The look he was giving you had all of the same focus without any of the emotion. No malice, no amusement, not even that goddamn smugness that seemed to permeate most of everything he did. It was just a cold, empty scrutiny that had you unnerved like nothing else. Between the intensity of his light and his expression you’re finding it hard to think. 
He finally moves, tilting his head to the side. It could be a trick of the light, but his fangs seemed to look sharper and protrude further. His chest rose almost mechanically as he took a breath and his blood felt tacky against you as his head brushed by yours. It's as he brings his mouth down to your neck that the sudden realization that he hadn’t been breathing until just now hits you and you are struck with a newfound panic that snaps you out of your daze.
You try to scramble back against the rock. Climbing up it or down it, you don’t know, you don’t care. Just away from here. But it doesn’t matter. His hands pinning you to the cave wall have you locked firmly in place. Your struggle doesn't seem to register to him at all. He just brings his knee between your legs and one of his hands tangles itself in your hair. 
He pulls, exposing more of your neck and his cold breath on your skin sends a shudder down your spine and you flinch when his lips press against your neck. It would be a stretch to call what he was doing a kiss. He was more just applying pressure as he felt around, mouthing your neck as he looked for something. Without warning, a sharp pain let you know he found it, and you ball a hand in the still wet, bloodied fabric of his robe as you cry out. 
This isn’t close to the worst pain you’ve been through, but considering you’ve died repeatedly, that isn’t actually saying very much. 
At least you know for a fact you can handle it and are going to get through this just fine. You’ve had worse wounds. Easily, the worst part of this experience is the rock you feel jabbing into your shoulder muscle. Otherwise, this is extremely manageable. You try to stop tensing your muscles and relax. It’s only going to hurt more if you don’t. It’s kind of like getting a shot, except the other way around where instead of getting a small amount of something helpful injected into you, you’re having a decent amount of something very crucial extracted from you during what you just generously going to call an improv blood donation. Which you’ve done before. So really no need to get over dramatic about getting bitten by a rainbow drinker.
You start doing your breathing exercises, trying to manifest some chill thoughts in your mind that you can focus on over the swallowing sounds that feel like they’re right next to your goddamn ear. You are not skeeved. You are not rattled in the slightest. No. You’re just staying real fucking zen about alien vampires in general and specifically about the one seemingly taking his sweet time while having his drink for once instead of downing a few shots in rapid succession. Actually, you don’t want to know what the rainbow drinker equivalent of doing a shot is. This is probably the better option. Mostly for you. 
God. Tagora is going to be so disappointed when he finds out the incredibly not sexy reality of getting bitten by a rainbow drinker. It could just be the ambiance here though. Better lighting not almost blindingly close to your face would probably improve the experience greatly. The corpse kissing was also kind of a mood killer. This is solidly a two star experience for you. 
Which gets knocked down half a star when he pulls his teeth out without warning, a sudden heat replacing the pressure on your neck as you keep bleeding. He doesn’t stop you when you move your arm up. You pull the fabric of your hood forwards and press it down on your wound to stop the bleeding. Probably not super sanitary, but neither was the bite itself. He slowly exhales by the shell of your ear, breath noticeably warmer now. From your blood. 
You definitely have antibiotic ointment in your first aid kit. 
He doesn’t let go. He keeps breathing deeply and evenly far closer to your person than you felt entirely comfortable with. You’re not sure how long the two of you remained like that since the rock jutting into you was making everything seem to take a lot longer than it did, but its end was very clear. His breathing suddenly picked up and he stiffened, his grip tightening. He pulls away from your neck and looks at you. No longer blankly, but in disconcertment. He drops you on your ass in an unceremonious heap on the ground and staggers back away from you. 
“Really?” you groan. “Really Lanque?” 
He glances down at you. As disoriented as he looks, he is still cognizant enough to frown, before bewilderedly looking around at the cavern walls and the long shadows creeping up on them. You’re guessing trying to find the source of light. Eventually he looks down at his hands, still brightly glowing. He looks back at you again through wide eyes and softly, with feeling asks, 
“What the fuck?” 
A fair question.
“I kissed you and you’re a rainbow drinker now,” you say, trying to very casually hit two elephants with one stone as you brush gravel off of yourself and work through your dizziness to sit up. 
He blinks. 
"How's your headache?" 
He touches his head, seeming to notice his hair being out of place more than any kind of pain if his immediate fussing over it was any indication. He starts putting it back into place when he gets to the back of his head and freezes. And slowly brings his hand down. He stares at the jade stains covering it, then looks back at you, much more perturbed. 
“What the fuck?" he repeats loudly, with more feeling. 
"You lost a fight to a stalagmite an-."
Wait. There’s a rhyme for this. Stalactites hold tight to the ceiling and stalagmites might try to reach them.
"Sorry. Stalactite," you correct, popping the "t." 
He doesn't seem to appreciate your commitment to accuracy if his narrowing eyes is anything to go by. You might be his friend, but semantics clearly aren't. 
"A stalactite fell on you and you died."
"I died?"
"Only for a little bit."
He pauses as he processes that, and then remembers the first part of your statement, "You said you kissed me?” 
You suck in air through your teeth, "yeah." 
He eyes you strangely, before his face twists in revulsion.
So he definitely worked out the timeline on that. 
"It was to save your life," you add defensively. 
"If I died, then you didn't exactly saVe it," he retorts venomously. He almost seems to brighten in anger. 
Wow. Looks like semantics aren't your friend either. You know what? Fuck semantics. You and all your homies hate semantics. 
"If you're here complaining about it, then you can't be that dead." You press your hand to your forehead before gesturing out. “Look, I don't just go around kissing corpses for fucks sake." 
"OVerlooking the fact that that is What you just did,” he spits.
You look at him for a moment. The blood loss has definitely made you very cranky. The fact that you extremely didn’t want to kiss his corpse doesn’t change the fact that you did. Honestly, you would feel pretty violated in his shoes too. You inhale and exhale deeply, and try not to feel too woozy as you stand up. 
He gives you a hard look. 
"I'm sorry Lanque." 
He seems to believe your remorse is genuine based off of his apparent dimmer function. 
"Also you fucking bit me so I think we're even."
"I What?" 
You pull your hood down a bite revealing your bite mark.
"You fucking bit me."
He eyes your neck longer than you think is strictly necessary as he takes that information in. You think this makes you legally entitled to make every single snack and thirst joke you want from now until the end of eternity. 
“So it Would appear.” He states plainly before glancing back up at your face. “HoW did you knoW it Would Work?” 
"I didn't actually know if this was going to work or not, or if you were just going to stay permanently dead," you admit. I still don't know if all jades are capable of becoming rainbow drinkers or if only some of them are."
"And you still attempted it?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.
You nod. And understand the following silence as the two of you having a moment as he appears to consider your action and maybe even feel some weight behind it. 
Until he laughs at you. 
"That's embarrassing.”
As his laughter dies down, he shakes his head, the ridiculousness of the situation setting in and his voice takes on a sharper tone. 
“So hoW exactly is this supposed to Work?”
“This being?”
“HoW often am I going to haVe to partake in drinking blood?” he clarifies, stressing each word slowly and patronizingly. 
“I have no idea. When you get thirsty? Like normal?”
“Like normal?” he repeats, voice now devoid of any humor. He looks down at his hands, appearing to concentrate. "Is there a Way to turn off the gloW?" 
"You're already over it?" 
He glares at you. 
"Yes. There is."
He waits for you to elaborate.
"I don't know how though."
"Fucking incredible.” He gives frustrated huff. "I see your Well of knoWledge has run completely dry."
“Well, it isn’t like your time on rp forums is any better. Like how would you think rainbow drinkers were made? Biting?”
"It Would make more sense," he counters. 
"Fucking how? And if that's how it worked, there’d be two incandescent dipshits here. But there aren’t."
“Only a dim one.”
You narrow your eyes at him. The literal pain in your neck is only being exacerbated by the metaphorical pain in your neck that caused it and you seriously don’t have enough blood to play twenty questions.
“So this is probably just going to be a “fuck around and find out” kind of thing. It’s going to suck, no pun intended,” you add when you see how done he looks, “but maybe there’s some kind of information about rainbow drinkers out there. Something that isn’t saucy bullshit.” 
“If there is,” he starts, disregarding your thoughts on the genre, “it’s locked up so tight that I doubt that eVen the head jades Would knoW about it, let alone share it.
You think. It can’t just not exist. Even if it were restricted as shit, there had to be some kind of book or tome or whatever on rainbow drinkers out there. Assuming something like that wasn’t destroyed by the empire, it would either be sealed away deep in the caverns or in some private collection owned by someone getting their jimmies off on knowing more than others and collecting forbidden shit. But where would you eve-.
Actually? You know just the place.
That realization must be showing on your face because Lanque side eyes you dubiously before sighing. 
“Of course you’re about to tell me you know just the disreputable little shithole for the job.” 
“Yes, I-, wait. No.” you sigh deeply. “Why do you think I just somehow know where all the seedy places are?”
“Because I can’t imagine any reputable establishment that Would let you in,” he sneers.
“And I can’t imagine any reputable establishment that wouldn’t kick you out.” 
He looks at you unimpressed. You return it. 
“If you have a better idea or want to go somewhere else after, we can do that. But right now, you’ve got nothing, and I think we have a pretty decent shot of finding something at a very specific personal jackoff bookhive.”
He crosses his arms. “And if there isn’t?”
“Well. He had a very extensive decorative bar that we can actually put to use.”
He exhales a laugh. “You should haVe led With that.”
“And it’s private so no one’s going to be asking any questions about seeing a jade not being cloistered.”
“Not all jades get cloistered you knoW,” he informs you dryly.
You did not know that actually. Or much about jades outside of the brooding caverns. Since being there seemed like a bit of a sore spot for most of your friends in general, you didn’t really pry. You just kind of assumed they all ended up in the caverns at some point. Now you’re really wishing you had pushed for some elaboration from them. 
“What do they even do?”
“I don’t knoW,” he responds knowingly, “Maybe you’ll find a book that can help you find out.”
“Maybe,” you reply, straining slightly, but determined to be the bigger person in the only way you can. 
You extend your hand out to him and for a moment, he stares at you, completely unreadable. But then begrudgingly, he uncrosses his arms and takes your hand in one of his. 
You zap, realizing something. 
You are the First Guardian, and you think you might have just created a bit of a problem for yourself.
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erifin-alt · 4 years
Ok so I’m gonna go ahead and spit ball some Hiveswap theories despite the fact they may end up being incredibly wrong as expectations vs reality for the writing of Hiveswap is currently 6 feet under. This is going to be a long one, so to save y’all time the theories will be under the cut.
First off I’d like to state my own theory on the creature that that shot the train in the ending scene. Everyone is believing that it’s Fiamet’s lusus that did it, but why would Fiamet send her lusus to potentially hurt/kill Joey and Xefros especially knowing (or maybe she doesn’t) that Xefros is Dammek’s moirail? Honestly it wouldn’t make sense, given that she was the one that warned Joey about the world ending in 11 days. If it does end up being her lusus then she has a lot of explaining to do. Cause it kinda makes her a villain by hindering Joey’s and Xefros’ travel. Though I don’t think it’s Fiamet’s lusus. Here’s what I believe the beast could be-
1. The monsters from the first game.
We don’t really know the origin of the monsters from the first cut scene in Hiveswap act 1, and I don’t really think it’s all that much discussed. So where did they come from? Perhaps it was to do with something to do with the portal? Maybe. And we do know that the monsters can come in many varieties, including a monster with wings. (Though, more so bat wings compared to the feathered wings in HS:A2 final cut scene)
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2. It’s someone else’s lusus. Okay, so I’ll actually be going into depth of how the beast looks like in the final cut scene. And with everyone theorizing that Fiamet’s lusus being an axolotl, I’ll try debunking the “Fiamet’s lusus shot the train” theory.
First off, the beast doesn’t even remotely look anything similar to an axolotl.
Let’s first look at the couple of screenshots I have (apologies for the bad quality)-
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Does that tail look anything like an axolotl’s?? The answer is no, but of a course.
Here’s how an axolotl’s tail looks like btw.
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Here’s some more screenshots of the beast that I managed to get-
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Now, I know what you’re thinking- “But Erifin! Look at the side of the head! It obviously has external gill stalks like a true axolotl!!” That could be a red herring, though, as the things protruding from the side of it’s head could be fluff or feathers. And even it is gill stalks, and it IS an axolotl then why does it’s body look so different than that of an axolotl? Maybe because axolotl’s abilities of regeneration? It kinda seems far-fetched, to be completely honest. But who knows?
So who does the lusus belong to then? Well, maybe there’s going to be a new troll introduced in act 3 that will serve as act 3′s main antagonist Or maybe it’s just a wild lusus that itself will be the main villain.
So now it begs the question, what could this be? Well here’s some ideas I thought of:
1. It’s a weird lizard/amphibian and bird hybrid. It’s not the crazy for there to be a lusus like that, this is Alternia after all. I’m also getting some chameleon vibes from it. Though, this may be relating to the mythology of feathered serpents. Which, by the way, is a spirit deity from mesoamerica. Roughly around the same area that axolotl’s live.
2. A griffin. And yes, I’m bringing up mythological creatures into this. If the Pyropes can have dragons as a lusus then other trolls can have other mythological creatures as lusi as well. The body and proportions fit nicely to that of an griffin, even the tail!  However, griffins don’t breathe fire so it’s unlikely that this is a griffin.
3. A chimera, to me this seems like the most obvious choice, sense chimeras are already hybrids to begin with, as if number 1 is true technically this theory is gonna still be true (at least somewhat). Chimeras in mythology are a mash of an lion, goat, and snake, and I’m sure if the crew wanted to make creative decisions they’d also add in some avian wings in the mix. The proportions are similar to that of a lion, the fluff can also be it’s mane. The need to be on a rock, and keep low to the ground could a be a mix of a predators stalking skills and the serpent part. The tail? Obviously the snake head. Oh, and chimeras can breathe fire as well. However the goat part has me thrown off, so who knows if I’m even right.
4. And finally, number 4, I was somehow wrong. Somehow this was Fiamet’s lusus all along, and somehow it is an axolotl. Who knows, we probably have to wait another 1000 years to find that out.
That’s it on the beast theory, now let me ramble a little longer about certain hopes I have about certain characters that may end up becoming more important in act 3. Particularly the trolls that show up in the final cut scene. That is- Martsi, Cirava, Lanque, Tyzias, Elwurd, Mallek, Ardata, Chaut, and finally, Marvus. Now why would they be important? I don’t really know either, but I can sure take a fucking guess! And given that the train fell into a river, I guess one can go ahead and guess that many of the trolls on the train did die. And given that the train was shot near the rust/bronze and gold/olive carts I think it’s safe to say that the most fatalities are going to come from the lower bloods and not so much the high bloods (high bloods are tougher to kill after all).
Hopefully all the troll call trolls end up surviving the crash, but considering hmmm y’know I don’t think it’s likely. But, one can keep their hopes up! However, I do think the certain set of trolls that did show up in the final scene will survive. But why? What will they do that will earn them the chance to live? Let’s get into that.
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Martsi’s up first. She was the closest to the blast zone, so there’s a chance that she ends up dying later on. However, if she does live, and from what we have seen in her friendsim (regardless of whether or not friendsim is canon) she seemed to take interest in being a doctor. So I can see her trying to look for survivors and tending to their wounds.
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Next is Cirava, I don’t really know what Cirava would do, perhaps they decide to join the rebellion after being convinced by Joey and Xefros. Especially given that Xefros is starting to gain more confidence and thinking for himself for once. Meaning Xefros may go around trying to recruit some trolls to join him and Joey. Or maybe it has to do with something with psionics? Though, that would mean all other gold bloods are dead or passed out. I hope Joey and Xefros do get a party of sorts while they travel I think that’d be fun!
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Next is Lanque and Tyzias. Tyzias is a little more obvious, her want to change the system, especially the judicial system, could lead to her joining the rebellion. If Xefros and Joey are trying to recruit others she’d probably join in a heartbeat. Lanque is a little more complicated, I think he will die, but will come back as a rainbow drinker. He does have the title as a life player after all. I think he will die either because the crash killed him, or he died saving someone. I can imagine if the other jades do survive, they’d probably be very shocked. Personally I think Wanshi would take it the hardest as I believe he’d protect her, thus showing us a softer side to him. And as they mourn him he comes back! And it’s very much shocking for everybody! As a monster of sorts he may end up deciding to leave since he’d no longer fit in, since he’s technically dead. He could also take it as an opportunity to finally be free from his duties. His glow/immortality can even come in handy in certain parts of the potential game play.
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Next are these two, as for what they’ll do honestly I think Elwurd is just there for  fanservice and Mallek? Well, he may help with certain electronics if all the gold bloods besides Cirava do die. Like he takes apart certain parts of the train to make something? I do think they may want to join Joey and Xefros, but Mallek for rebellion moreover then Elwurd given we don’t really know what Elwurd’s loyalty lays.
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And then there’s Ardata. She looks very suspicious, no? She may end up becoming a more important villain in act 3. Overall, she looks very...............shady.
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And finally, the two eldest clowns. I don’t think they’ll join Joey and Xefros, rather I think they’re still going to be villains. Perhaps they decide to hunt Joey and Xefros down? Maybe they think they’re the ones who crashed the train?
That’s all I gotta say, I don’t think any of my theories will end up becoming true anyways. But hey, one can dream. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my rambling, and apologies if my writing is terrible and there’s grammatical errors everywhere. But what do you think? Let me know!
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maklodes · 3 years
It felt like the whole series of events leading up to and following Game Over was focused on making things go as badly as possible than on actually making sense.
For example, the adjudication of Dave’s death as Heroic seems to be so broad that it almost makes god-tier conditional immortality useless. (The PM and Jack Noir both seem to be motivated by a desire to protect Jade’s body here (although Jack, at least, would have no problem with stabbing Dave for other reasons), while Dave was driven by a desire to help Jade, making the whole thing more like a big confused mess than an archetypal battle between Good and Evil in which heroic deaths are supposed to happen.)
The deaths of Rose and Terezi -- both of whom die of blood loss over the course of several panels after being wounded, attended by Roxy and John -- just don’t seem like sensible deaths for high-tier Sburb players. What, Terezi spent three years grinding through a Sburb session, then living on a meteor with a rainbow drinker and a dangerously unpredictable kismesis, and never captchalogued any items that might be handy for quick healing and restoring lost blood? Heck, we know that John has had Hellacious Blue Phlegm Aneurysm Gushers -- which seem to be a generally capable healing item -- since Act 3.
Then John retcons the timeline, and the retcon is basically “leave Vriska alive.” Okay, fair enough. Then Vriska fixes everything.
I don’t have a problem with Vriska fixing everything in principle. She may have caused a lot of problems before and during the Troll’s Sburb session, but it’s possible that she could still somehow save the day.
My problem is that the way Vriska fixes everything does not seem to follow from anything we know about her.
It would be like if Lord of the Rings had a “doomed timeline” version where they kill Gollum. Then Frodo makes it to the top of Mount Doom, is overcome by temptation, and decides to keep the ring, then is captured by Sauron’s forces who take the ring and conquer everything. Then they go back in time knowing that actually Gollum must stay alive for things to work out. Then we see the new timeline with a living Gollum -- and it’s like, a montage of Gollum leading meditation sessions on resisting the ring’s power and generally being helpful.
Gollum in canonical LotR is critical to preventing the “doomed timeline” version from coming to pass, but he does it in a manner consistent with everything else we see from him, not by just suddenly turning into a new person.
John dying during the three year journey needs more explanation. I suppose the most likely explanation is that John fought Jack Noir in a dream bubble, just as he did in the Game Over timeline, but in this one he (and maybe Davesprite in the same battle?) died, resulting in a Heroic death.
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lesbian-trolls · 5 years
Profiles: Dalkom Frutch
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Name: Dalkom Frutch
Nicknames: Doll, Dolly
Age: 15 Sweeps
Blood Caste: Jade
Height: 5'10
Date of Hatching: February 5th
Weapon of choice: n/a
Gender: Female [she/her]
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hive Location: High class hive around a highblood area
Occupation(s): TrollTuber
Lusus: Cerberus but it's a Poodle.
 . N/A
. Sun Resistance | Is able to walk around when the Alternian sun is up.
. Midblood Strength | Though she is meek and shy, she can lift over 100 pounds if she so wished.
. Unskilled fighter | She doesn't know how to fight, at all.
Dalkom Frutch is a popular horror TrollTuber, coming close to nearly 1mil fans, she makes videos often talking about the supernatural mysterious on Alternia, true crime, and famous serial killers that have or are still lurking around Alternia. She has quite an obsession for horror, just talking about anything spooky or horror related makes her extremely happy and other trolls seem to enjoy watching her nearly fangirl over murderers on Alternia. 
Dalkom off camera is often described as shy and meek by trolls who've approached her, she's not so used to offline communication so she often finds herself pausing in the middle of her sentences or over thinking what to say. In reality she's not terribly shy, she can actually get comfortable with someone easily- especially if they're a girl.
Likes: Girls, Anything Supernatural (Rainbow Drinkers, Shadowdroppers, Witches/Mages, Aliens, ECT), Her fans, Cute Fashion.
Dislikes: Bitter fruits, Bland or monotone fashion, Jumpscares, Fighting.
Other Facts:
. She can't play horror games because she gets scared of jumpscares easily and it turns her off. All her gaming experience is very cutesy, farming games.
. She also has Trollstagram and Chitter to talk to her fans and post pictures of whatever she feels like posting. She doesn't like posting her face often, but she does so every once in awhile.
. She loves her lusus dearly, but she often has to buy loads of meat for it and it stinks up her hive. So her lusus is almost always outside, but she does make sure to spend time with her lusus.
Karena Nakata | Best Friend
Saikin Seygun | Friend
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