#Encyclopedia Pokesans
lucyhblack · 3 years
Summary:Wait! What do you mean "fossils"?
Well, let me explain!
"What do you mean fossils?" You must be wondering, after all, as I said at the beginning of this guide, pokemon as well as Monsters turn to dust when they die.
The “mummification” or "fossilization (if we can call it that) is only possible due to certain special conditions that allowed the pokemon in question (or parts of it) to remain even after its death.
Out of curiosity, I'm going to report the two cases of Colossal Pokemons (even if one of them is not within my jurisdiction) or more precisely, their “fossils”!
Colossal Gasterblaster (Colossaltale - @pdubbery)
Hotland is a large extension of our continent and it contains some of the hottest regions on our planet. There lies the vast and almost impassable Hotland Desert and the incredible desert gem Oasis Primavera.
In the vast expanse of area that is the desert we can reach the Dragon Ruins, and beyond the territory of the rare and wild Pokesans Gasterblaster, and it is there that we can find the largest fossil in the world!
Discovered by prestigious Elite 4 member Arthurus, better known as Rus, as a young explorer, this fossil is so gigantic that it would allow you to build a house in your rib cage (a small, but still a house).
Although we classify it as the fossil of a pokesas (if we can call it a fossil, when even living pokesans are all made of bones) there is a lot of debate as to whether it really is a pokemon, or the remains of a gigantic blaster.
Some argue that, due to the fact that pokesans turn to dust when they die, it's more logical that it's a blaster, as these can still remain for a while (depends on how much magic has been deposited in the blaster) after the pokesans die.
Opinions differ because, unlike today's blasters, the fossil has a skull (very similar to Gasterblasters, and yet with slight differences), spine, ribs, and lower limb rectus (the upper part of the torso was heavily damaged, but there is evidence to indicate that the fossil had upper limbs) and some tail bones.
However, if it is actually a blaster, that would indicate that in the past blasters could be summoned full body. On the other hand, readings indicate that there is no magic left in his bones, and since blasters are manifestations of pokesan magic, it's a little hard to believe it's actually a blaster if there's no magic left.
(Not to mention that blasters usually have their sizes proportional to the pokesans that summon it, and considering the size of the fossil, imagine what size the pokesans that summoned it would be! At the very least we would have to create one more size classification to frame a pokesans so big!)
Due to the fact that it is impossible to move it and attempts to obtain samples end up in their disintegration, it is practically impossible to examine it in depth and determine its true nature.
What we know so far is that this "fossil" is thousands of years old (and is even reported in legends of nomadic peoples in the region) and composition tests only indicate that it is real bones and not something created by monsters (some kind of ancient sculpture, for example).
And, unlike the next exemplary, there is no explanation of how this specimen (either a pokesans or a blaster) exists, since the desert does not provide the same preservation conditions as the environment of the next specimen.
The truth is that this fossil is one of the greatest mysteries of our world and you can find this wonder with a good dose of courage and determination (to face miles of scorching sand, wild and inhospitable pokemon and monotonous and disorienting landscapes). If you really want to see this magnificent specimen with your own eyes, I strongly advise you to get a guide at Oasis Primavera first.
(or like me, just appreciate it for photos and videos)
Temmie (Swapaxefell - @uhhbananafrappe and @azulandrojo)
The second specimen that I will report belongs to a Poketemmie and is found in the depths of a cave in Walterfall, one of the most beautiful regions of our continent.
This cave has an extensive cluster of tunnels forming a treacherous and elaborate labyrinth. There you will find one of the vastest clusters of Magic Crystals inside. The deeper you go, the bigger they get and it is because of this that we have the chance to be able to find such a specimen still preserved.
Apparently this prehistoric Poketemmie (research indicates that it is a poisonous type) crawled through the caves (many even believe that he was the one who dug a large number of tunnels that permeate the cave) feeding on all the life it found by way until it was so big that it was impossible for it to get out of there.
At one point it ended up falling (literally and figuratively) at a point it could no longer get out of. It is believed to have “Falled” for a long period of time before it death, which allowed time for the cave's magical conditions to crystallize it, preserving him for the most part.
The Poketemmie is almost as big as the Gasterblaster fossil in the HotLand desert and, although ancient, this "fossil" is somewhat more recent than the one from Hotland.
Cave paintings suggest that this Poketemmie was known to ancient Monster ancestors who feared and revered it, sometimes leaving offerings or sending sacrifices to it.
Even this incredible discovery is due to legends, that have survived to this day, about a horrible being that haunted these caves and would devour anything that dared to enter them.
As with the Hotland fossil, removal of Walterfell's “remnants” is impossible (for the same reasons (its size and complex location and the fragility of the specimen itself).
Anyone who is willing can visit it, but it is advisable to ask for a guide (again), or fill up on Escaperoute, as many were the ones who ventured into the underground labyrinths of Temmie Cave and never returned.
(Particularly I don't think the sight of the creature is worth the trouble. Unlike the clean and pleasant Hotland fossil, the Temmie Cave fossil has a look... not very digestible to put it in simple terms. But if you like semi-decomposed corpses covered in evil-looking red mushrooms encased in crystal, well then good advantage!)
And with that I close the study part focused exclusively on pokesans. From now on I will focus on the Pokesans vs Trainer relationship.
What? I told you it wasn't over yet, and don't even think about dropping out of course now! If you think you are ready to go out into the wild and capture your pokesans I can assure you that there is still a lot to discuss.
Don't you want to know which is the best pokeball to catch your first pokesans? Not interested in knowing the difference between a trainer, coordinator and a breeder? Aren't you curious how bonds work and why you can't be a trainer with a pack of 30 pokesans?
So sit down and stay with me through the fascinating world of Pokesans!
And finally we see some of the other AU that I have included in this universe!
A special thanks to everyone who contributed and continue to contribute to this vast and incredible fandom!
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lucyhblack · 3 years
Summary: To evolve or not to evolve, that is the question.
Due to magic, pokemon can experience a phenomenon called evolution.
A pokesans will grow like any creature (growing from the puppy to the adult stage, as with animals and Monsters), but depending on their magical development they can go through a development that changes them physically and magically, called evolution.
When the pokesans evolve, there will always be an increase in size (physical form) and power, sometimes even adding another Type to your magic. Pokesans can have one to two evolutions and even no evolution (it all depends on how much their magic can develop).
The evolution takes place after the pokesans reach a certain level of magic (varies from pokesans to pokesans depending on the Family and Class), either through training, bonding or magic addition through Rare Candy (candys infused with magic. These candys are very difficult to make/obtain, that's why they are called, beat the drums: Rare Candys!! Yeah, I know...we should hunt the guys who are naming these things and give them a fine for lack of creativity) or in some cases, Evolutionary Stones .
The process takes place when the magic of the pokesans grows more than his body allows him to support it, so the magic itself modifies the body of the pokesans to support it.
Every evolution depends on an increase in magic, but some need more than that, they need an external magic source like Evolutionary Stones, special items containing some special type of magic, and still others need to follow a specific order of actions.
In some rare cases, the pokesans only evolved in certain environments (rainy, with lightning storms or in a cemetery for example) or in addition to the increase in HP, also the LV (normally it is the case for the pokesans Fell).
Others only with a special type of stone (very commonly for Swapfell).
But what if I don't want to evolve it?
Well, if that is the decision of your pokesans, for remember, it is YOUR body and magic, it should decide something like that, so as there are Evolutionary Stones, there is a special stone that prevents evolution, called Everstone (this stone drains excess magic, making the pokesans gain experience in combat, but their magic levels never exceed the limit).
Usually it is not advisable to prevent the evolution of your pokemon (and normally the pokesans also prefer to evolve, since evolution adds many advantages to the pokemon), but sometimes the pokemon can choose to remain as it is.
But what happens if it doesn't evolve? Can it do them harm?
No. A pokesans does not suffer any damage if it does not evolve.
What happens is that your magical development will be blocked. They will not learn certain types of magic (blows, abilities, etc.) and, although they can still level up, as their body cannot handle a significant amount of magic, their potential will also be reduced. But none of these things will harm your pokesans either in the short or long term.
An unevolved pokemon is no less worthy or powerful than an evolved one. He will only be able to have different skills and experiences (of course an evolved person is more likely to become more powerful, since his body can handle more magic. But remember, power is not everything! With skill, training and wisdom, even a weak pokemon can beat a powerful opponent).
As an addendum (or curiosity), some pokemon (such as Pokeflowey or Poketemmies) have temporary evolutions called Omega evolutions. These evolutions happen with the use of special evolutionary stones and a strong bond with their masters.
These evolutions are due to a significant increase in your magic and just like in normal evolutions, there is an increase in power and even the addition of a Type. However, unlike normal evolutions, these Omegas evolutions only last for a limited time (since the magic is borrowed and not acquired) and after the added magic in the pokemon is worn out the pokemon goes back to its previous form (regressing to its size, power and original Type).
This evolution is unique (having only one phase) and a pokemon is unable to evolve repeatedly (he needs time to be able to do it again). Omega evolutions wear out both the pokemon and the trainer.
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lucyhblack · 4 years
One last thing before we change the topic of Classes, a little observation (or a curiosity) about the crossing between Classes.
Unlike what happens with the crossing between Swap and Fell, there is no subclass when pokesans of different Classes generate a descendant.
The crossing between Pokesans of different Classes results in individuals, even with some kind of mixed characteristics, of only one dominant Class.
For example, a puppy born from a Lust and Dance, although it may have rhythmic movements like a Dance, will be classified as Lust, as the characteristics of the Lust Class are more dominant than those of the Dance Class.
From the Class with the most dominant characteristics to the least dominant: Dust, Lust, Horror, Outer and Dance.
The Gasterblaster Class only reproduces among itself (as far as it is known) and (as already said) there is no knowledge of puppies in the Miystical or Legendary Class (much less crossing between these Classes with others).
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lucyhblack · 4 years
Summary:  Can you name all Types of Pokesans? (Try to speak all at once!)
Pokesans are classified by Types according to the specific characteristics of each magic they have.
There are 18 types of magic: Plant, Fire, Water, Insect, Normal, Poison, Electric, Earth, Fighting, Psychic, Stone, Flying, Ghost, Ice, Dragon, Stell, Dark and Fairy (Phew! I may not have lungs, but it is still difficult to speak all at once!).
They are all kind of self explanatory. Fire Type Pokesans have a magic capable of generating and controlling fire. Poison Type Pokesans have the ability to generate poison or magic that act like poison, and so on.
Types often end up influencing a pokemon's appearance, since pokemons are dependent on their magic. So Stone Type pokesans can have bones with texture or mineral coloring, or even have colored or precious stones embedded in their bodies.
It is common to see Water type Pokesans have ecto fins, or dragon pokemons with wings and horns, but it is not always a rule. You will be able to find a Fire type pokesans for example without a single flame on display.
There are some pokemon that have two different Types (Dual Type), which can be for example Ghost/Plant or even opposite magic like Earth/Electric. This means that he is able to use both magic equally.
Certain pokesans can also learn blows of another Type, even though they are not Dual Typo. This usually happens when the pokemon has a magic similar to its Type, such as a Water pokemon with an Ice strike or vice versa, or a trait that allows it, such as a sharp-toothed Fairy pokesans can learn Bite, a Dark attack.
These moves can also be "taught" to the pokemon by incorporating it into its magic as long as it follows the rules above. I’ll talk more about them in HM’s and TM’s.
The only exception is Normal Type magic that can be learned by any Type and can sometimes learn a stroke from another Type even though its characteristics bear no resemblance to them.
In addition to the magic divided by Type, all pokesans can conjure bones and launch them as attacks (or even use them for other functions besides fighting). Depending on the Type it can imbue a characteristic to these bones. For example, a Stell Type can turn bones into dangerous blades.
When a pokesans use a bone attack in the shape of a crossbow skull, that attack is called Blaster, and they are usually used for long-range strikes, as they act like a cannon firing rays of magic that present themselves as water jets, poison gas, etc.
Blaster can also be used for physical attacks such as Bite or Headbutt that can also be imbued with magic characteristic of a Type such as the Fire Fang strike.
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lucyhblack · 4 years
And finally the last Class. The fantastic (in more than one way, some would say) Mystical Class.
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lucyhblack · 5 years
Ready for the luster of the next Class?
What makes this Class unique is mainly its magic, but it also has two distinguishable physical characteristics that are heart-shaped eye lights (inverted soul) and high body temperature (regardless of whether they are fire-type).
Friendly (even the Fells), charming and nosy are known for being exhibitionists and provocateurs.
Like the Swap, they are in the habit of following travelers and can sometimes even invade homes (where they "charm" the owners to be fed or maintained), being very popular as initials (since they are easy to capture), or as companions of home.
They are widely used in Competitions (they are also good fighters, if they have coaches that can awaken their full competitive potential), but today their presentations are always monitored by a Pokeflowey Class Lust (Since this Pokemon is immune to Charm that other Pokemons of its Class exude).
They are most commonly found in the Plant, Poisonous and Fairy Types.
Their overalls are colorful and extravagant, usually some shade of purple (regardless of the family they belong to), but what really makes them unique is, like the Dance, how their magic influences them and how they can affect others.
Their magic also tends to be in shades of purple, regardless of the Family, (in the case of the Fells they are usually a purple or pinkish red).
Its magic is capable of affecting other Pokémon and even Monsters. This effect is called Charm and depending on the skill/power of the pokemon, it can affect to a greater or lesser extent. Every Pokémon of the Lust type has the Charm ability, regardless of the Type.
The effects of Charm range from relaxation, feeling of confidence, euphoria, to thinking that you are in love (it lasts only a short time even in pokemon), and instigating a false Heat.
Lust Pokesans from the Tale Family are friendly, smart and lazy. They will come closer if they know there is an advantage to them, but they will always try to repay the kindness shown to them in some way.
Unlike the Tale, the Fells are a kind of profiteers, often joining a pokemon or monster in search of advantages (protection, food, etc.) and abandoning them as quickly as they emerged. They are very independent and the most tsunderes of the Fells, but once they have earned their appreciation they are just as loyal (just don't expect them to show that loyalty openly).
Swap tends to be very sticky and is therefore avoided by other pokemons who may not always be able to handle it or its high energy. They are affectionate, needy and very tactile pokesans.
Swapfell are rare and are usually demanding bastards. Less energetic than the Swaps and more loyal than the Fells (but they will still use and abandon you easily) they will look for company and demand to be loved and pampered. If the treatment they receive is not to their liking, they will leave you in the blink of an eye, but if they manage to reach your standards they will be very loving and dedicated.
Although we can find flocks of their own, it is more common to see them mixed in flocks from other Classes or Families (never more than two per mixed flock, they don't like competition for attention).
They are sociable creatures, who do not like isolation, but due to their provocative and demanding behavior it is common to find them alone (probably migrating from one flock to another).
The Lust Class is known mainly for having its permanent Heat Cycle symptoms. These pokesans can sometimes even trigger a state of Heat in other Pokémon (and mildly affect Monsters).
As they are in a constant state of heat, it is impossible to know when they really are in a fertile cycle and because of this the conception in this Class is more difficult than in others.
Lust Pokesans don't mind having a mating partner (for the sake of the symptoms they actively look for Heat mates, but rarely for a mating partner), but it is easier to spawn puppies with a mated partner. Once mated, Pokesans Lust are extremely dependent on the partner and do not survive the loss of their partner.
Among the pokesans are some of the most maternal and protective, sometimes even adopting and raising puppies that are not their own.
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lucyhblack · 4 years
Summary: And we are reaching the end of the Classes!! Only two more to go (thanks to the Angel!).
The last two Classes are intrinsically interconnected, but I must warn you that there is not much to be said (but much to be speculated) about these two, so I hope you will not be irritated by the little information that I will present.
The Legendary Class has no distinguishable characteristics other than its power.
That's right, there are no distinguishable physical, magical or behavioral characteristics apart from the Families to which each individual belongs. In short, the pokesans of this Class look and act like pokesans of the Fell , Swap or Classic Family (and Swapfell of course).
Having the same characteristics physics, colors of magic and overalls, habits and customs, identical to any pokemon of any of the Families, you must be wondering how to identify them in the wild, and the simple answer is:
There is not.
There is simply no way to distinguish them from ordinary pokesans unless they reveal themselves to you. And when I say reveal, I'm being literal. You will only know that you are facing a Legendary if he reveals his power, or he tells it himself.
(However, as these pokesans do not usually get involved with other beings and avoid direct combat, it is rare that they reveal themselves lightly)
So why classify these pokemon into a Class? Why not just put them in something like a category of their own?
There are many researchers who also think that the Legends should be re-classified, but due to two factors, they remain united in one Class (not to mention the work that would be to approve this change. All meetings, studies, specifications, not to mention changes in publications, classes, etc ... A lot, a lot of work, better leave it as is).
And what are these factors?
Its origin and power.
As I said, the only thing distinguishable about these pokesans is their power. Legendaries are proven (in the next Class I will explain this little technical detail more), the strongest pokemon. No other pokemon, no matter how trained and skilled, can compare to a Legendary and it is said that only Misticos can overcome them.
Due to their great power, they have the ability to communicate freely with any being (be it Monster or Pokemon) without needing a bond. They can either speak telepathically (even if they are not Psychic) or with normal Monster language.
(Since other pokemons have or get this ability, this fact cannot be considered a determining characteristic of the Class, although they seem to do it more easily than others).
It is also because of their power that these pokesans have a long life. Every Lendario pokesans is hundreds of years old and due to its longevity there are many stories (and legends, poems, songs, etc.) about them.
We only have a small number of registered pokesans in this Class, but our world is vast, so it is likely that there are many more of these pokesans scattered around than we really know (even more so because they tend to be so discreet and indistinguishable).
Although these days it is more rare to find them, it is not completely impossible to happen. Some of these pokesans are well known and even worshiped in certain regions, either for having lived there for a while, or for something they did (like helping, protecting or punishing Pokémon and Monsters and even founding or sharing knowledge with civilizations).
There is a belief that it is easier to find one in these regions, but since several trainers, researchers and hunters have tried and failed, there is not much credibility in that assumption.
And then we will enter the second factor of why these pokemon were classified in a Class.
It is said that these pokemons were created by the Misticos with special purposes (and when we say created we mean that the Misticos made them with magic, and not that they are puppies of the Misticos), often to fulfill a specific function, or to guard/protect something or a location.
Although this is a consensus in all legends, there is no evidence for this fact. Still, considering this as a "characteristic" common to all, we use it to reinforce and validate the classification of these beings, so heterogeneous, in a single category.
It is a pity that despite the reports and legends of their deeds from the past (and not so past) and sometimes having lived with Monsters, we have practically no other data about them.
(Thank you very much for nothing Monsters of the past. You could have at least written more technical details and less poems about the achievements of these pokesans!).
What we know about the Legendaries is that they are discreet, mysterious, nomadic (although they can take up residence in a certain place for an indefinite period of time), very smart and powerful. They have a long life and are single-stage pokesans (have no evolution). They are proud and committed to their "duty".
Despite their great powers they rarely demonstrate it in battle (so even if they cross paths with one of them the chance to realize that it is a Legendary is quite small), but they are capable of incredible feats when necessary (including large-scale influence on the nature and even other Pokémon and Monsters).
He has solitary habits, but sometimes they end up "adopting" the duty of leader or protector of a pokemon pack for a while (usually is when they take up residence for a while).
We have no knowledge of their Heat Cycles (if any) or whether they can reproduce (there have never been stories about the Legendary crossings between either among them or among other pokemon).
But this lack of data is expected to change in the coming years, since finally one of these mysterious pokesans has been captured (if we can say that) and we hope very soon to have more information about this Class (of course, if that this punk of Boss sends his reports correctly!!).
Honestly I am not completely satisfied with this chapter, but I am already in it for months and I rewrote it about 3 times and that was the best I got.
Thank you for reading! Comments, criticisms, questions are always welcome!
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lucyhblack · 4 years
It's time to learn about the powerful and mysterious Gasterblasters.
The Gasterblaster Class is a Class exclusive to Pokesans, with habits and physical characteristics unique among all pokesans.
Physically they are easily recognizable by their considerable size (some documented specimens reach 6 meters from the snout to the tail) and their more “animalistic” physical structures, mainly their “draconian” skulls, similar to the floating skulls (blasters) that the pokesans can cast for attacks.
In fact, not only do they just look like blasters, they really are blasters!
When the puppies of pokesans of this Class are born, the parents conjure blasters to cover the small and soft skulls of the puppies as an extra protection. When the pokesans evolve, their skulls fuse with their "improvised helmets" making them part of them.
In the first stage these pokesans are bipedal, as most pokesans are (those that have legs, I mean), but once evolved their bodies change and they become quadrupeds. They can still occasionally walk on two legs but their main form of locomotion is in four, like the bears (the animals, not Monsters).
Gasterblaster are the largest pokemons found in the world, being able to easily reach 6 meters or more.
As well as their appearance, they behave more wildly than other Classes and live exclusively in family flocks that are very difficult to find due to the fact that they inhabit inhospitable and difficult to access regions such as deserts, the top of snowy mountains or the deep volcanic caves. That is why it is so difficult to study or capture them.
The Classic Family's are found in the vast Hotland desert (and are the "easiest" to find), while the Swaps prefer Snowdin's high mountain ranges (very difficult to find them, but there are a number of sightings) and Fell the volcanic caves between the two territories (practically impossible to find and very rarely seen).
This is another unique feature of this Class, since other Classes (with the exception of Outer if we consider that its main habitat is space) are found spread across the Continent.
The Gasterblaster are considered to be the oldest known pokesans (and perhaps pokemon) and there is much speculation in the scientific field about them.
Some researchers believe that the Gasterblaster are the original pokemons, that is, the first pokemons created by the Angel.
Others believe that in fact they are a species that diverged from the first pokemons, and due to their isolation, they ended up not developing in the same way as the rest of the other pokesans.
Regardless of their origin, they are pokesans with unique looks and habits and have very complex social structures (the most complex in the Pokemon world).
The little we know about their is thanks to the great Explorer (and current member of Elite 4) Arthurus who explored the Desert of Hotland and observed these great beings up close.
They live in groups (usually family members and belonging to a single Family), ranging from a few members (4 or 5) to groups containing more than 10.
The pack is usually led by a mated main couple (they are usually a monogamous), and only that couple can reproduce. If a pokesans want the chance to mate, they must beat the leaders or leave the pack and form their own pack.
A pokesans who challenge the leaders and lose are immediately expelled from the pack. A pokesan of this Class has little chance of surviving without a pack and it is very difficult to be accepted in another pack (usually they will have to beat the Leaders or work hard for it).
If the challenger wins the fight he takes the lead of the pack. The defeated couple remains in the pack, but they are no longer allowed to reproduce, or even challenge the new leader.
The packs are incredibly organized, with each individual having their role within.
They are usually nomads (so it is too difficult to find them), only settling in one place to reproduce and lay eggs. Once the puppies are able to travel, they move back.
While in this period they are extremely territorial, not allowing any other pack/pokemon to approach the established territory.
They are known for their skulls, their resilience, ferocity and difficulty in finding them (and therefore in capturing them).
Their overalls are usually very basic and, like their magic, follow the colors of the Families. Once evolved, their clothes do not seem to follow their growth and often end up torn (usually at the level of the chest, exposing their rib cage or dividing the jumpsuit into two pieces, blouse and pants and sometimes even disappearing completely).
It is rare that they conjure an ecto-body, except for reproduction or for flight (covering the bones of the wings).
Once evolved they only conjure blasters to cover the cubs' skulls, never to attack. They preferring to attack directly (their own skulls are, in part, blasters! So they usually loop these attacks themselves).
They are usually found in the Dragon Type with the greatest variation for Earth, Flying, Ice and Rock.
Few coaches were able to find them and even more captured them. They are very powerful pokesans, but they are not so difficult to train, once a bond is established.
Despite this they are not pokesans for beginners.
If you intend to risk and trying to capture one, I recommend taking Cyan (Friendly ball) or Purple (Long ball) Pokeballs, and a good dose of Repel (in case you survive the capture and don't get killed by the rest of the pack).
Once a bond is established, don't be alarmed by not having good mental communication with him.
These pokesans don't seem to care (or strive) to communicate, yet you will know what they are thinking or wanting communicate (or so all the Gasterblaster masters say). They seem to be a Pokemon species that cannot (or again, does not want to) communicate, not even in a few words, in the language Monster.
We don't know much about their Heat cycles since only one couple per pack reproduces and they usually isolate themselves from the rest of the pack during that period. The couple is believed to have some kind of inhibitor that suppresses heat from the rest of the pack.
The couple usually generates 2 to 5 eggs, once again being an exception among the pokesans (who do not usually generate so many eggs) and the puppies are considered the most fragile among the pokesans and those who take the longest to control their powers (perhaps due to that’s why parents started using blasters to cover their skulls). The hatchlings are raised mainly by their parents, but the entire flock participates in their protection.
All this information was taken from observations of flocks of Gasterblaster of the Classic Family. Unfortunately, due to living in inhospitable and isolated places (such as mountains and deep caves with difficult access) it is almost impossible to observe flocks of other Families of this Class.
Compared to others in the same Family, the Classic are not as lazy (in fact they are considered the most active among the Classic), yet they can remain inactive for a long time, just sleeping under the scorching sun and the cold desert nights, or just enjoying the puppies playing.
Of the Swap, we only know that sometimes they help travelers lost in the snow and a greater tendency to be flying.
Fells seem to be often described with large horns and even spiny tails.
Both Families seem to have an incredible talent (we can even say magic, if you know what I mean) to hide or disappear without a trace, even though they are such big creatures.
Swapfells in this Class are so rare (since the packs do not mix and the Swap and Fell Families prefer very different habitats) that they were only briefly seen once by a traveler, who reported 2 puppies with their parents before they disappear amid rocks and fog.
To finish, out of curiosity, this Class was named in honor of the first scholar to discover them (or at least catalog it scientifically), the Researcher and Explorer WD. Gaster (the great-grandfather of the world famous Dr. Gaster).
(Hmm? What do you mean, "I'm talking too much"? That's the idea... Now wait a minute Geno, I'm not "favoring" anyone! It's not my fault if we have so little information about them that I can summarize EVERYTHING in a single article... Oh, no Cherry! Of course I don't like them more than the Fells... or the you... Oh, Come on guys! Guys? Guys?!)
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lucyhblack · 4 years
Fasten your seat belts, trainers! Today we are going to talk about pokesans who are from "another world"!
The Outer Class is also known as the Extraterrestrial Class because these pokemon live in the space and are only found when they “fall” on our planet.
Due to the fact that they live in space they are one of the rarest Pokémon Classes (second only to the Legendary, Mystical and Dust).
Like Dance and Lust, what sets this Class apart is its magic, more precisely its coloring, and its ability to alter the gravity of objects, Pokémon, Monsters and even themselves.
Because their original “habitat” is impossible for us to reach, there is not much knowledge about their habits, what they eat while in space (there are theories that once in space they absorb solar energy as a kind of “photosynthesis”, or live in a state of semi-hibernation), or what makes them descend to our planet (if it is a conscious decision, or a simple accident).
There are more chances to find them after a rain of shooting stars or a meteorite fall (so watch the skies, Coach!).
The few specimens studied are known to be gentle, sleepy (even Swaps), friendly (Fells may be a little suspicious, but even they are more relaxed than their “earthly” parts) and look kind of dreamy (maybe it's just an effect so many naps).
Very few of these Pokesans have been documented, and there are only two cases of Swapfell recorded to date.
From what was observed they are withdrawn, irritable (but curiously they did not attack when provoked, showing incredible self-control) and both were very anxious to return to space.
They tends to be more “active” at night and likes to play small, harmless tricks (even swapfell tended to do so).
Another curious feature of this Class is the very little fighting spirit. They prefer to flee rather than fight (they usually do so only in last need and to protect their trainers or mates).
Even the Swap prefers small friendly competitions (like running a race, or seeing who can collect the largest number of berrys in an area) over real battles.
They are known for their “lightness” (literal or not), good humor, docility and detachment and are a bad choice for battles (but good at supporting other pokemons) and somewhat dispersed for competitions of beauty and skill (can- to be more successful with Swap, but it takes a lot of patience to keep them interested).
In general they are not trainable pokemons, being better as home partners.
They have dark overalls (respecting the basic colors of their Families), with some kind of “cuteness” and shiny details in them (usually gold or silver).
They were found in the types Electric, Fire, Dark, Psychic and Stone.
Its magic follows the colors of the Family, but always in two shades (forming a marble effect, or nebula) and have tiny shiny particles (imagine something like glitter).
All pokesans of this species have the ability to float (alter their gravity) regardless of whether they are Flying or Psychic.
Their Heat Cycle are mild (so much so that for a while we believe they didn't even have them) and don't seem enthusiastic about looking for partners. Despite that, they easily accept help or offer to help other pokemons.
They breed without being mated and do not mind raising the puppies alone or even letting their partners take over the breeding independently.
Some eggs of this species have been found abandoned. It is not known if they are in the habit of coming to the ground to reproduce, or just to lay their eggs (if so, they are one of the few pokesans to abandon their eggs/puppies deliberately) or if they just "fell" as it happens with adults.
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lucyhblack · 5 years
Ready for a "rehearsal" with another Pokesans Class?
Right now that we talk about the two classes (*cough* most dangerous *cough*) evolutionary, let's talk about the (most enjoyable) remaining.
This Class has no physical differences from those already seen in Families, what makes them a distinguishable Class is their magic and behavior.
These pokesans exhibit rhythmic, fluid movements that we can only classify as a kind of (surprise!) dance.
These movements, or dancing as I will call her from now on, are not only a behavioral trait, but also magic.
Dancers use dance for everything! As a way of showing affection, imparting teachings, challenging opponents, etc. Dance acts as a channel for your intentions (and may affect your magic) and has often been classified as a language of its own for these pokemons.
They have dances that are common to everyone (regardless of Genre or Family), others that are only found in certain packs, but all pokesans of this Class are born with a unique dance, a set of movements and rhythms that belong to them only (as digital printing on some types of Monsters).
Some pokesans spend their entire lives training and perfecting their movements (whether they are their own or common to everyone).
As for its magic, it emits something like a "vibration" (many Monsters say they even hear a kind of music coming from these pokemons) somewhat similar to the Soul Resonance of a Heat Cycle. This "vibration" like resonance can affect other Pokemon and even Montros (even more strongly than resonance).
Usually this phenomenon is seen more intensely in its Heat Cycle (there are studies that indicate that there is a synchronization between both, which corroborates that they are similar effects) or when the pokesans are in a very altered state (very happy, excited, scared...) causing the affected Pokemon (and Monsters) to end up entering the dance, so to speak, he, he, he...
(Just let me warn you that this will not magically turn you into a good dancer. If you have two left feet, you will stay that way)
It is still under study whether it is the compulsion to dance that causes its magic to change to suit this strange need or whether it is the peculiarity in its magic that creates this need to dance.
What we do know for sure is that dance is an intrinsic part of this pokemon and may even affect your health (a Dancer who refuses to dance is a clear indication that the pokemon is in poor health and should be watched very carefully).
They have fighting dances, which increase the power of a blow, dances that stun an enemy, celebratory dances and even say that a bunch of these pokesans have the power to alter the nature (the weather or surrounding environment, things like that).
As you can imagine, they are widely used in Skill and Beauty Competitions and are known to be demanding (with themselves, your partners and masters), perfectionists and competitive.
The Classics are adept at dances that increase defense and special attack status and their movements are smooth and elaborate. They are perfectionists and do not have much resistance, but will give their all in a challenge. Although they will not be carried away by provocations or challenges, they will hold a grudge longer than other Classes / Families.
The Fells are dance specialists who increase combat status. Their movements are usually fast and blunt. They often fall for taunts, but just like the Classic do not have much resistance and quickly give up the challenge (basically they are straw fire).
Swaps, on the other hand, prefer dances that increase agility with energetic and cheerful movements. They are a bit exhibitionist and love to be praised. A friendly challenge can stimulate them, but they are rarely motivated by them (they would rather try to outdo themselves than overcome a challenger).
This Class is one of the few that has most frequently seen a Swapfells. They are even more proud, but also have a less combative or explosive tendency. They are dance specialists who increase attack status and their movements are elaborate and intense. They are unaffected by teasing, and challengers are looked down upon (they see creatures who need to tease and challenge others as weak who have to assert themselves).
Your overalls always go to the feet (no matter what the evolutionary stage) and sometimes have a hood like a flap resembling something like a cap. Their clothing colors and magic are respective to each Family.
We usually find them in the Normal and Wrestler Types.
They live in packs, sometimes even mixed with other Pokemon, but always from the Dance Class. Even if you find any of these pokesans alone in the woods there must be a group of them not far away (the strayer most likely must be a young man who has gone off to train in secret).
Of course, they have the habit of displaying elaborate and contagious choreography as mating rituals, and because of this their Cycles are often mild, as they often end up expending a lot of energy on their exhibitions.
They do not usually look for Heat partners (these pokesans are very picky with their choices and therefore it is very unusual to have a partner just to relieve themselves) and they will only generate offspring with mated partners and usually only in a second Heat Cycle (since the first is spent with the courtship).
Sorry for the stupid puns (I'm terrible at that).
At first I had little to say about them, so this chapter took so long.
Special thanks to @kamari333. Your vision of Dancetale Sans and some of your headcanons inspired me and helped to write this chapter.
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lucyhblack · 5 years
Now let's go to the Fell Family!
Fell pokesans may be as lazy as the Classics, but they have a much more aggressive attitude than their counterparts. They have a "hot" temperament (regardless of whether they are of the fire Type) and are usually more nervous, prone to fights and even anxiety attacks.
They are hard to train pokesans because they are stubborn and like to "test" their masters. They can be a bit of a prankster too, but usually this side is not much fun for their victims.
Nevertheless they are extremely faithful and considerate pokesans once they have earned their loyalty (the way they demonstrate this can be a little unorthodox at times, be warned).
Its main physical characteristics are: sharper bones (cavity, claws and eye lights sometimes), all pointed teeth, can have one or two canines of golden color. White, red or one of each color eye lights (one may increase and become red or yellow in combat). Dense bones and lakes. Because they are very territorial they tend to have a variety of scars and cracks.
The magic of this Family is exclusively red, with variations of tones.
They are known for their laziness, their ferocity in combat and their loyalty.
These pokesans have several Types, but are most commonly found in fire and night Types.
The basic colors of your clothing are red and black, and may have details in white and yellow (or gold).
They have solitary habits and are extremely territorial. We can find small groups of them, so if so, proceed with caution, it will probably be a family group. They do not mix much, but it is not entirely uncommon to find them with members of other Pokesan Families (and always in small packs).
Their heat cycles are more aggressive, and they don't mind looking for occasional partners to satiate them (but they're less likely to lend a helping hand to others in the same situation). As with the Classic, they usually breed puppies with only one mated partner(s).
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lucyhblack · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 💕
Hum... 3 facts, let's see...
I am very (VERY) short-sighted.
I have 7 cats and 1 dog.
90% of Encyclopedia Pokesans (and some other fanfics) was written to the sound of the Lugia Theme (1 hour loop).
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lucyhblack · 5 years
Chapters 16 - Class Horror
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lucyhblack · 5 years
Chapters 17 - Class Dust
Let's talk about the dangerous (and illegal) Dust Class!
The Dust Class is considered illegal and is not allowed in licensed Competitions and Tournaments. Possession of a Dust may result in the suspension of the Trainer's license, the ban of the Pokemon Trainers and Masters League, and possible imprisonment.
Dust is the second Pokesans Class obtained by evolution following a certain process which I will not specify which they are. Just know that if you are a GOOD and WISE trainer (or rather Monster) your Pokemon will NOT become a Dust.
This class is incredibly powerful, but also EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Its degree of danger is such that this Class has been banned from competitions and licensed duels and its masters have lost their license and their rights as a Coach (not to mention the cruelty that is required to evolve this Class that makes anyone possessing it a certificate of madness or/and malignancy).
They is pejoratively (but not wrongly) dubbed the Murder Class because it is known for its number of victims, including its own masters.
The only physical feature that distinguishes them in any Family is that their eye lights are blue with an outer red circle, often covered with dust (hence their name) and their overalls have a white or gray hood almost always up.
They, like the Horror Class, have some kind of mental disorder that makes them extremely unstable and dangerous, much more than the Horror Class can be.
They may look the same as their respective Families, but don't be fooled, they are shrewd, violent (even Swaps) and with a taste for sadism.
They are solitary creatures, but some individuals of this Class have already been sighted in the company of other Horror Class pokesans. Both seem to tolerate each other occasionally, but rarely for long periods of time (and usually terminate their "partnership" in a bloody way).
Although they may be found in the company of other Pokemons (other than Horror type), and never more than two, it is more likely that the Pokemon in question is your prey, or with any luck a mating companion.
They are rare Pokesans (thanks to the Angel for this), and although they are found in the wild (usually because they have “escaped” from their masters) a pokesans will not evolve into a Dust in the wild.
They are considered an untreatable class and are known for their sadism, lack of mercy, intelligence (they are famous for deceiving and manipulating other pokemons and even Monsters) and imbalance (they may appear completely calm, and even convey that they are happy at one time and at another have outbreaks of anger in which they have attacked and will destroy everything around them).
If you happen to encounter these pokesans in the wild, do not try to fight them, much less try to capture them, just move away as quickly as possible (and pray to the Angel that you can escape). After all, even if you succeed, it's not like you could use it in fights or competitions (since it's illegal).
And don't make the mistake of trying to "fix" or "domesticate" them. More than one Monster has died trying unsuccessfully.
If challenged by any “trainer” (as if anyone in possession of a Dust can receive this title, humpf!) with a pokémon of this Class, escape the fight as soon as possible and seek the authorities.
As for getting it through an evolution... there are trainers who have achieved this "feat" but very few have lived long to regogiarize (and the few who did are not well regarded in society and are mostly arrested or killed).
Its magic is usually blue sometimes with a red glow surrounding it or totally red (rarer).
It is very rare to find a non-Familia Classic Dust, but cases have already been reported in Famila Fell and Swap. A Pokesans Swapfell has never been documented in this Class.
They are almost all psychic type.
It is unknown about their Heat Cycles, but if they do have it they seem to manage their symptoms well (which has led to a rumor that they do not have such Cycles, but this has not been proven or refuted to date). They rarely have a mating partner, and even rarer to breed offspring (or rather, the partner lives long enough to breed one).
Again, warn you, if you see a pokesans with the above characteristics, RUN AWAY!
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lucyhblack · 5 years
Encyclopedia Pokesans
This is my ambitious Pokemon x Undertale project, From Pockets to Monsters. 
Here, through Prof. Stretch (US! Papyrus) I will try to detail the idea of how my universe works and explain what the Pokesans are and the details about each of them.
Again, thanks to @damnedxfate for inspiring me and allowing me to play with the idea of pokesans.
I hope you like it and please forgive any mistake (English is not my default language)! ^^
Summary: Welcome to the Beginner's Guide for Master Pokesans. I'm Prof. Stretch and I will be your instructor in this fascinating world. Then hold your pokeballs and let's go!
* A tall skeleton monster wearing an orange hooded sweatshirt, beige capri pants under an open white coat and slippers appears *
Hey! Welcome to the Beginner's Guide for Master Pokesans, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Prof. Stretch a Pocket Monsters scholar specializing in the genre Sans, popularly known as Pokesans, and I'll be your instructor in the fascinating world of these creatures .
You're new here, not you? (obviously, if not, I would not be going through this introduction) No problem, I will guide you so that you can become the master pokesans you have always dreamed of.
So let's start?
What are Pocket Monsters?
(Yes, yes, you probably already know what they are, but I have to follow a script here partner, or they will make me re-record everything ... again)
In our world we have two dominant races, the Monsters and the Pocket monsters, and as long as the Monsters lose their ability to use magic, the Pockets have kept it and have become capable of extraordinary deeds!
Pocket Monters (as the name suggests) are mostly small, some being so tiny that they fit in the palm of the hand, while others can be as big as a house.
They have characteristics more "animalistic" than their Monster counterparts, not only physically but psychologically too.
Both species have developed a symbiotic relationship, with Monsters and Pokémon living in harmony (almost always) and helping each other, either to reach their full potential or to facilitate life on a daily basis.
Some Monsters have pokémons as mascots, others as helpers and even as romantic partners, but more popularly they are used by Monsters to confront each other in battles and competitions.
This may seem strange (even horrible in some ways), but battles are the easiest and most effective way to make pokémons hone and develop their powers, sometimes even evolving.
We classify Pokemon by: Gender, Family, Class, and Type, and Classes may vary depending on the Pokémon Genre.
There are many genres of pokemons such as the little lizard monsters called the Pokealphy or the stuffed animals known as Poketemmies and, of course, those of the genus Skeletons called Pokesans.
As a researcher of the latter I will delve deeper into them going forward.
(After all this is a guide for Pokesans!)
What is a Pokesan?
Pokesans is a Pocket Monster skeleton genre.
Um ... that did not help much, did it? Well then (again) let's go to the long explanation.
Pokesans are small bipedal skeletons (with the exception of the evolution of a Class), with large rounded skulls, wide ocular openings with apparent focal lights (mostly), a large jaw bearing an almost permanent smile and a tail.
These are the basic characteristics of all pokesans, but they also sometimes have other physical characteristics such as claws, horns, fins, wings, etc.
Every pokesan has a great magical ability, this variable being according to his Type.
If it still is not clear what are pokesans (* sigh * Why did I apply for this job anyway? Oh yes, I did not. Thanks, for reminding me Sans) okay, maybe with a comparative be easier to understand.
Monster x Pokesans
To best illustrate I will now list the key features that differentiate the Pokesans from their Monster counterpart.
Body and Magic
As stated earlier, a characteristic that distinguishes pokesans is the presence of a tail. ALL pokesans own a tail, even though it is so short that it does not appear beneath the clothing, or it is "all" a tail, like the lamas pokesans (pokesans snake), or the merskeletons (pokesans mermaids).
At first glance, pokesans may physically even look a lot like Skeleton Monsters, but it's not just the presence of a tail or other "paraphernalia" that sets them apart, it's their magical ability that makes even their biology different.
For example, skeleton monsters have fixed physical bodies, while pokesans have something called ecto-magic that form certain parts of their body (especially "soft" parts), such as flippers in aquatic pokesans, "feathers" and "leather" "In flying pokesans or even tongue and sexual organs.
Because of this the pokesans also do not have a fixed physical gender, being able to summon what best suits their desires.
The parts created by this ecto-magic (the ecto-body) can be summoned or discarded according to the need or will of the pokesans.
Pokescan magic is not only meant to create body parts, pokesans have the ability to use their magic for various things, such as magical attacks (often linked to their Type, like spitting fire, generating electricity, etc.), summoning bones ( which can serve a myriad of purposes other than attack and defense) or "magical servants" (usually in the form of sentient animal skulls that can launch a plethora of magical attacks on their own).
Quite different from us Poor Monsters, whose magic is basically restricted there is physical maintenance and some ability to influence intention (and yet it takes a lot of training to have the ability to use it properly).
Also, due to magic, pokesans are able to evolve.
Evolution is a state generated by the magical development of the pokemon that causes it to change not only physically but sometimes type (change in magic type or implementing it), plus a considerable increase in its magic (and often in its size) in an instant.
I'll go into more detail about this later. Just know that this ability belongs only to pokemons.
Intellect and Behavior
But it's not just the physical and magical differences that set us apart. Pokesans have their own behavioral and social patterns.
Intellectually pokesans are as capable as any monster (even more than some I know), being able to learn advanced notions such as reading and math, as well as full understanding of concepts, rules and laws (now how much the application varies from pokemon to pokemon and from situation to situation).
It has been proven that they can learn to write, but most seem to find it too laborious. They also have the ability to understand any spoken Monster language, almost instantly (we'll get back to communication shortly).
Pokesans possess the knowledge and skill to build, creating rudimentary forms of accommodation, but most prefer to live outdoors, sometimes creating burrows or using caves as shelters. They are also fully capable of creating utensils (carving or magically creating) to facilitate tasks such as cooking, sheltering or hunting and just as most civilized beings use fire to cook their food (although there are those who prefer their raw foods).
While many pokesans form flock and even communities (with leaders and rules) among themselves or among other pokemons, they do not demonstrate interest in creating an "advanced" society of their own. No one has yet been able to understand the reason for this, being they with knowledge, skill and power, to choose to live in the wild to build their own civilization.
Some researchers have already suggested that it is due to the high magical level that makes their instincts stronger and wilder, and what makes the cooperation necessary to create an impossible base society.
While this theory has certain merits (many pokesans have strong territorial behaviors that hinder group conviviality) it seems rather weak when we can see many pokesans working together, whether with their own gender or not, and even leaving their differences aside to achieve objective in common.
The most accepted theory is due to sheer laziness. (I know, unbelievable is not it? And people still say I'm lazy!)
The pokesans seem to be satisfied with the life they have and those who prefer a life with more "stewardship" end up counting on a Monster to provide that to them.
This assumption has more support because not even they (the pokesans) have an appropriate answer to that question (no Sans ... shrugging is not an appropriate response ... it does not matter if I use it often too!) .
I will better detail the behavioral patterns when we come to Families and Classes.
Language and communication
Pokesans do not have a language vocal or writing own (if known).
Pokesans can learn to speak a few words or phrases, with more or less difficulty, in the Monster language (although there are some who have managed to develop the ability to communicate perfectly in Monster language). They are also able to understand any variation Monster language after only some time of exposure to it.
It is believed that this is due to the unique ability of communication that Pokémon have. This ability is called Pokémon communication (it's not very creative) or "language" Pokémon.
This "language" consists of something like a mental interaction between the Pokémon, which causes them to communicate freely among themselves without emitting any sound.
We believe that this ability to communicate mentally facilitates the absorption of the meaning of spoken words and your understanding of the Monster languages.
Any pokemon genre can communicate with another pokemon using this "language", but between a pokemon and a Monster it is necessary to have a link so that there is this mental understanding. The greater the bond, the greater the understanding between them (so do not worry the pokesans can not "read your mind" ... at least not most).
I know you should be curious about the Master / Pokesans link, but for now we will continue with what sets Pokesans apart from Monsters and we will come back to that subject in the future.
Mating and Breeding
Pokesans have periods of fertility (mating seasons) and these periods trigger a series of symptoms called Heat Cycles.
Heat happens when the monster's body accumulates enough magic to allow the development of a new life. It has as symptoms: increased body temperature, increased libido and release of soul resonance (often perceived as a powerful odor or attraction) that can even affect Monsters (but in a much more gentle way).
These cycles are triggered when a pokesans reaches maturity of reproduction, which is variable according to each Family / Class.
In the Lust class, for example, the pokesans are in a state of permanent Heat (only the symptoms and not the fertility).
Although this period has a high level of success, it is not 100% guarantee of a conception.
Although a relationship between Monster and Pokemon is acceptable, all these differences make us reproductively incompatible. It means that even if a monster and a Pokemon become romantically and sexually involved, they will not be able to generate offspring.
This is due not only to magical level differences, but also to the biological forms of reproduction that both species possess. Pokesans spawn eggs while Monsters spawn their offspring into their bodies.
While there is usually one egg per mating (which may even contain twins), it is not uncommon at times to have more than one egg. This can happen more easily if the pokesans in question have more than one partner.
Pokesans can spawn an egg with other Pokémon Genres, but it is more complicated how much more different is the form of magical conception that Genres possess (so a pokesan is more likely to generate an egg with a pokealphys, which also generate eggs, than with a pokeflowey that generate seeds).
Like many things related to pokemons, everything depends on the intention of the pair (or pairs) involved.
Pokesans can have a permanent link, where the pair (or pairs) stays together all of life or only until the puppy (s) are old enough to be independent (again it depends on pokesans for pokesans).
The puppies of pokesans also differ from children Monsters. While a Baby Monster will be born helpless, babies pokesans are already born with their powers (though little control over them) and they have reached maturity much faster than a child Monster.
Another curious factor of the birth of a pokesans is their "clothing". Pokesans are born naked (like most living beings), but in a short time their magic will have covered them with a kind of "uniform" a kind of "body overalls" that follows patterns and characteristics of each Family or Class (even in aquatic pokesans ).
Although this outfit is created by magic, it is not a part of your body (like the magic that forms ecto-body), so it will not do damage to the pokesans if in a battle it is damaged.
If the overalls become too damaged the pokesans can discard it and summon a new one, the old one will disappear in a short time. The overalls can also be discard it and summon a new one by the will of the pokesans. Many creators (especially the Coordinators)  like to decorate their pokesans with custom clothing.
The overalls always follow the same pattern, only changing when the pokesans evolves (and then permanently stayed in the new form). The pokesans have no control over their colors or patterns.
Pokesans do not usually use any form of footwear (in the wild at least). Sometimes the overalls themselves will cover their feet (and also the tail in some) giving the impression of shoes (often in a pattern of boots or slippers).
Longevity and health
We believe (we pokemon scholars) that due to their magical ability the pokesans (all pokemons to be exact) can live for many, many years beyond the expectation Monster. While a Monster may be lucky enough to reach 100, there are pokemons documented for hundreds of years, in the case of Legends even millennia (it is speculated that the Legendary are actually immortal, but there is no proof of this).
Due to magic they are also very resistant and immune to most of the diseases of Monsters (although we share some similar symptoms sometimes when ill), but may still contract magical types of diseases, including a so-called "Fall."
The Fall occurs when a pokesan enters into something like a depressive state that causes him to stop eating, protect or move that will weaken him to comatose, almost always fatal state.
It may seem like a psychological rather than a physical illness, but it also affects their magical levels. A "Fallen" pokemon (as it is called a falling pokemon) has fall magic levels (hence part of the name of the disease), to the point that the pokesans can no longer use their magic, ultimately leading to their death .
The "Fall" is a process that can last a long time (depending on the strength of the Pokemon in question) until its end. A Fallen Pokémon can rarely recover and what can lead to a "Fall" is variable, but usually linked to a great emotional loss. Despite this, fallen Pokesans are very rare (Pokesans are very resistant pokemon, both physically and mentally).
Like Monsters, Pokesans have their bodies turned to dust when they die.
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lucyhblack · 5 years
Swapfell Family!
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