#Energy Market Top Companies
trendingreportz · 1 month
Energy Market - Forecast (2024-2030)
The Global Energy market size is forecast to reach USD XXX billion by 2029
, after growing at a CAGR of 14.6%
 during the forecast period 2024-2029. The global energy market refers to the network involving the production, distribution, and consumption of energy resources and services on a worldwide scale. It encompasses various energy sources, including fossil fuels (such as oil, natural gas, and coal), renewable energy (such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal), nuclear energy, and emerging technologies. Economic development and industrialization drive energy demand, particularly in emerging economies experiencing rapid growth and urbanization. Growing awareness of environmental issues, including air pollution, climate change, and resource depletion, drives the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources and practices.Report CoverageThe report“Global Energy Market– Forecast (2024-2029)”
, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of Global Energy.By Type:
 Thermal or Heat Energy, Mechanical Energy, Chemical or Fuel Energy, Electrical Energy, OthersBy Energy Source:
 Renewable Energy (Wind, Solar, Hydropower, Geothermal), Nuclear Energy, Fossil Energy (Oil, Coal, Natural Gas) By End User:
 Transportation, Residential, Industrial, Agriculture, Commercial, and OthersBy Geography:
  North America, South America, Europe, APAC, RoW
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Key Takeaways
There is a global shift towards renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower, driven by climate change concerns, technological advancements, and cost competitiveness.
Digital technologies are transforming the energy sector, enabling the deployment of smart grids, advanced metering infrastructure, and demand response systems. These innovations enhance grid efficiency, reliability, and resilience while enabling greater integration of renewable energy resources and empowering consumers to manage their energy consumption.
According to the statistics, India had the biggest year-on-year growth in renewable energy additions in 2022, at 9.83%. The installed solar energy capacity has increased by 30 times in the preceding nine years, reaching 75.57 GW as of February 2024.By Type- Segment Analysis
Thermal Energy occupies a major share of the global energy market in 2023. This typically includes energy generated from sources like coal, natural gas, oil, and biomass. One of the primary drivers of thermal energy in the global market is the abundance of fossil fuel resources. Coal, natural gas, and oil are found in numerous regions worldwide, providing a reliable and readily available source of energy. The infrastructure for extracting, refining, and distributing thermal energy sources is well-developed and extensive.
In 2021, The Ministry for the Ecological Transition will provide financial support for 42 innovative renewable energy projects that produce thermal energy. In particular, EUR 13 million would be allocated as assistance for investments in thermal energy production plants using renewable energy sources. The measure is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The project's overall investment is EUR 66.5 million, with a total power generation capacity of 176 MW. 
According to the US Energy Information Administration, In 2022, the United States consumed around 32.31 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas, which is equivalent to 33.41 quadrillion British thermal units. This represented around 33% of total primary energy use in the United States.  Compared to other fossil fuels like coal and oil, natural gas emits lower levels of greenhouse gases and pollutants when burned for energy generation. This relative cleanliness contributes to its widespread use, especially in power generation, where it helps reduce emissions of pollutants
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By Energy Source - Segment Analysis
Fossil Energy occupy a major share of the global energy market in 2023. Fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas, have been abundant and easily accessible energy sources for many decades. This accessibility has driven their widespread use across various sectors, including transportation, electricity generation, and industrial processes. According to the International Energy Agency(IEA), In 2019, coal remained the dominating fuel for power generation, accounting for 37% of worldwide energy output, 10 percentage points ahead of renewables.
Many countries have relied on domestic fossil fuel resources to enhance energy security and reduce dependence on imports. This strategic consideration has led to policies and investments supporting the development and utilization of domestic fossil energy sources. For instance, According to the Ministry of Coal, overall coal production in India in 2022-23 was 893.19 MT, representing a 14.77% increase. In India, Coal is the most important and plentiful fossil fuel. It accounts for 55% of the country's energy requirements. The country's industrial legacy is based on indigenous coal. Fossil fuels have historically been relatively inexpensive compared to alternative energy sources, making them economically attractive for consumers and businesses. This cost-effectiveness has further solidified their position as key drivers in the energy market.By End User – Segment Analysis
In 2023, the Industrial segment held the majority of the global energy market. Industrial activities often involve energy-intensive processes such as manufacturing, refining, mining, and chemical production. These processes require significant amounts of energy to operate machinery, heat materials, and power equipment. Industrial energy consumption varies depending on factors such as the size of the industrial base, the level of industrialization, and energy efficiency measures. Industrial production is a cornerstone of the global economy, with manufacturing facilities located around the world. The expansion of industrial activities in emerging economies, such as China, India, and Southeast Asia, has led to a substantial increase in energy consumption by the industrial sector.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration,  In 2022, the industrial sector consumed around 32% of total natural gas in the United States, with natural gas accounting for approximately 41% of the industrial sector's end-use energy consumption. Natural gas is used by industry for a variety of reasons, including as a feedstock (raw material) for product manufacturing and energy generation.By Geography - Segment Analysis
The North American region in the global energy market is anticipated to hold a major share during the forecast period (2024-2029). North America is endowed with abundant energy resources, including fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal, as well as renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. The United States, Canada, and Mexico collectively possess vast reserves of these energy resources, making the region a significant player in the global energy landscape. Approximately 79% of the US energy comes from fossil fuels, 8.0% from nuclear, and 13.1% from renewable sources. Renewables surpassed coal as the primary source of energy in the United States in 2019, and this trend is expected to continue through 2022. Wind and solar are the most rapidly developing renewable sources.
According to U.S. Energy Information Administration, Crude oil production in the United States, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, above the previous U.S. and world record of 12.3 million b/d established in 2019. In December 2023, average monthly crude oil output in the United States reached a monthly record high of more than 13.3 million barrels per day. North America is a leading producer of oil and natural gas, particularly due to the shale revolution in the United States. This increased production has positioned North America as a key supplier of energy on the global market.
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Drivers – Global Energy Market
• Population Growth And Urbanization Propels The Market Growth: 
As the global population increases, so does the demand for energy. More people mean more homes, more transportation needs, more industries, and more consumption overall. This drives up the demand for various forms of energy, including electricity, fossil fuels, and renewable energy sources.
Urbanization refers to the increasing concentration of people in urban areas. As more people move from rural areas to cities, the demand for energy tends to rise significantly. Cities are hubs of economic activity, industry, and infrastructure, all of which require energy to function. Urbanization also leads to increased demand for transportation services, such as public transportation and personal vehicles, further driving energy consumption. For Instance,  Urbanisation has accelerated across China in recent years, with the rate reaching 64.72%, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. By the end of 2022, there were 914 million living in urban areas, a 12.05 million increase from the previous year.
• Government Policies And Regulation:
Many governments worldwide have set renewable energy targets and implemented incentives to encourage the adoption of clean energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. These policies drive investment in renewable energy projects and technologies, reshaping the energy market by diversifying energy sources and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. For Instance, As part of the Union's 2021-22 Budget, the Indian government announced an extra capital administration of Rs. 10 billion for the Solar Energy Corporation of India and Rs. 15 billion for the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA). The Rs 10 billion financial infusion would allow SECI to tender for 15,000 MW of additional solar energy-producing capacity per year.
Government subsidies and support programs can influence the development and deployment of various energy technologies. Subsidies for renewable energy, research and development grants, and incentives for energy conservation initiatives impact market dynamics by making certain energy options more financially attractive. In March 2021, the DOE announced new plans to reduce the cost of solar energy by 60% over the next ten years, from $46.5 per megawatt-hour (MWh) to $20/MWh.
Governments often invest in research and development initiatives to support the advancement of energy technologies. Funding for research institutions, public-private partnerships, and technology demonstration projects can drive innovation and accelerate the adoption of new energy solutions. For Example, the University of Maryland has been granted %1.5 million by the National Science Foundation, and scientists have initiated new multidisciplinary research that could contribute to substantial improvements in the control, modeling, design, sensing, and reliability of power electronic interfaces for solar energy conversion systems.Challenges – Global Energy Market• Resilience and Security in the Face of Geopolitical and Technological Risks:
The reliable functioning of critical energy infrastructure is vital for maintaining stability in the global energy market and ensuring economic prosperity worldwide. However, this infrastructure is increasingly vulnerable to disruptions caused by a combination of geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, major accidents, and emerging technological threats. Geopolitical instability in key energy-producing regions can lead to supply disruptions and price volatility, impacting global energy markets. For instance, Europe's energy energy has faced an unparalleled crisis. Supply of Russian gas—critical for heating, industrial operations, and power—has been reduced by more than 80% in 2022.
Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires, pose risks to energy infrastructure, disrupting production, transportation, and distribution networks.  Major accidents, including oil spills and pipeline ruptures, further compound these challenges, threatening both energy supply and environmental sustainability. Additionally, advances in information technology and connectivity have introduced new risks, such as cyber threats targeting critical energy infrastructure.
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Market Landscape
In 2023, the Major players in the global energy market are Shell plc, Saudi Aramco, Chevron, BP p.l.c., Total Energies, China National Petroleum Corporation, Gazprom, Reliance Industries Limited, Adani Green Energy Limited, Tata, and Others.Developments:
On December 12, 2023, To help accelerate its growth in the energy industry, Total Energies acquired three start-ups that have benefitted from its Total Energies On acceleration program, which is situated at STATION F in Paris.
Aramco, one of the world's top integrated energy and chemicals businesses, signed formal agreements to purchase a strategic minority position in Mid Ocean Energy for $500 million. Mid Ocean Energy is a liquefied natural gas company founded and managed by EIG, a major institutional investor in global energy and infrastructure on September 28, 2023.
On February 20, 2023, Shell acquired Nature Energy, Europe's largest producer of renewable natural gas (RNG), as well as its portfolio of operating facilities, feedstock supply, and infrastructure.
We also publish more than 100 reports every month in "Energy and Power", Go through the Domain if there are any other areas for which you would like to get a market research study.
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priyankap0018 · 7 months
The Soaring Success of Non-Alcoholic Energy Drinks in a Thriving Industry
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Discover the invigorating world of non-alcoholic energy drinks, a refreshing alternative to traditional options. Packed with natural ingredients and revitalizing benefits, these beverages provide a boost without the buzz. Elevate your energy levels with a variety of delicious, caffeine-infused options that cater to a vibrant, alcohol-free lifestyle.
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Amazon's bestselling "bitter lemon" energy drink was bottled delivery driver piss
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Today (Oct 20), I'm in Charleston, WV at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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For a brief time this year, the bestselling "bitter lemon drink" on Amazon was "Release Energy," which consisted of the harvested urine of Amazon delivery drivers, rebottled for sale by Catfish UK prankster Oobah Butler in a stunt for a new Channel 4 doc, "The Great Amazon Heist":
Collecting driver piss is surprisingly easy. Amazon, you see, puts its drivers on a quota that makes it impossible for them to drive safely, park conscientiously, or, indeed, fulfill their basic human biological needs. Amazon has long waged war on its employees' kidneys, marking down warehouse workers for "time off task" when they visit the toilets.
As tales of drivers pissing – and shitting! – in their vans multiplied, Amazon took decisive action. The company enacted a strict zero tolerance policy for drivers returning to the depot with bottles of piss in their vans.
That's where Butler comes in: the roads leading to Amazon delivery depots are lined with bottles of piss thrown out of delivery vans by drivers who don't want to lose their jobs, which made harvesting the raw material for "Release Energy" a straightforward matter.
Butler was worried that he wouldn't be able to list his product on Amazon because he didn't have the requisite "food and drinks licensing" certificates, so he listed his drink in Amazon's refillable pump dispenser category. But Amazon's systems detected the mismatch and automatically shifted the product into the drinks section.
Butler enlisted some confederates to place orders for his drink, and it quickly rocketed to the top of Amazon's listings for the category, which led to Amazon's recommendation engine pushing the item on people who weren't in on the gag. When these orders came in, Butler pulled the plug, but not before an Amazon rep telephoned him to pitch him turning packaging, shipping and fulfillment over to Amazon:
The Release Energy prank was just one stunt Butler pulled for his doc; he also went undercover at an Amazon warehouse, during a period when Amazon hired an extra 1,000 workers for its warehouses in Coventry, UK, in a successful bid to dilute pro-union sentiment in his workforce in advance of a key union vote:
Butler's stint as an Amazon warehouse worker only lasted a couple of days, ending when Amazon recognized him and fired him.
The contrast between Amazon's ability to detect an undercover reporter and its inability to spot bottles of piss being marketed as bitter lemon energy drink says it all, really. Corporations like Amazon hire vast armies of "threat intelligence" creeps who LARP at being CIA superspies, subjecting employees and activists to intense and often illegal surveillance.
But while Amazon's defensive might is laser-focused on the threat of labor organizers and documentarians, the company can't figure out that one of its bestselling products is bottles of its tormented drivers' own urine.
In the USA, the FTC is suing Amazon for its monopolistic tactics, arguing that the company has found ways to raise prices and reduce quality by trapping manufacturers and sellers with its logistics operation, taking $0.45-$0.51 out of every dollar they earn and forcing them to raise prices at all retailers:
The Release Energy stunt shows where Amazon's priorities are. Not only did Release Energy get listed on Amazon without any quality checks, the company actually nudged it into a category where it was more likely to be consumed by a person. The only notice the company took of Release Energy was in its logistics and manufacturing department – the part of the business that extracts the monopoly rents at issue in the FTC case – which tracked Butler down in order to sell him these services.
The drivers whose piss Butler collected don't work directly for Amazon, they work for a Delivery Service Partner. These DSPs are victims of a pyramid scheme that Amazon set up. DSP operators lease vans and pay to have them skinned in Amazon livery and studded with Amazon sensors. They take out long-term leases on depots, and hire drivers who dress in Amazon uniforms. Their drivers are minutely monitored by Amazon, down to the movements of their eyeballs.
But none of this is "Amazon" – it's all run by an "entrepreneur," whom Amazon can cut loose without notice, leaving them with unfairly terminated employees, outstanding workers' comp claims, a fleet of Amazon-skinned vehicles and unbreakable facilities leases:
Speaking to Wired, Amazon denied that it forces its drivers to piss in bottles, but Butler clearly catches a DSP dispatcher telling drivers "If you pee in a bottle and leave it [in the vehicle], you will get a point for that" – that is, the part you get punished for isn't the peeing, it's the leaving.
Amazon's defense against the FTC is that it spares no effort to keep its marketplace safe. As Amazon spokesperson James Drummond says, they use "industry-leading tools to prevent genuinely unsafe products being listed." But the only industry-leading tools in evidence are tools to bust unions and screw suppliers.
In her landmark Yale Law Review paper, "Amazon's Antitrust Paradox," FTC Chair Lina Khan makes a brilliant argument that Amazon's alleged benefits to "consumers" are temporary at best, illusory at worst:
In Butler's documentary, Khan's hypothesis is thoroughly validated: here's a company extracting hundreds of billions from merchants who raise prices to compensate, and those monopoly rents are "invested" in union-busting and countermeasures against investigative journalists, while the tools to keep you from accidentally getting a bottle of piss in the mail are laughably primitive.
Truly, Amazon is the apex predator of the platform era:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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businessgateways · 1 year
For a very long time, the oil and gas sector has been a pillar of the world's energy system, supplying countries with energy and advancing civilization. But in recent years, the sector has seen a surge of technical developments and cutting-edge methods that are revolutionizing the way energy is harvested, generated, and used. We'll examine some of the most important areas of the sectors of oil and gas industry in this post, as well as the amazing inventions that are influencing its future.
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danielbrown99 · 2 years
The Grid Connected Battery Energy Storage Market is getting pace as Nexcharge announces India's first Grid Connected Li-ion battery-based community energy storage system in conjunction with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd.
An electrical grid is a network, which delivers electricity for electricity production plant to consumer. The battery storage provides flexibility for end user application such as solar power and wind power. The grid storage is classified as either front of the meter (FOM) storage and behind the meter (BTM) storage. The front of the meter is for community energy storage, utility application, and others and behind the meter storage is for both residential and commercial application. Global grid connected battery storage market generated revenue of US$ 996.8 million in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 4,242.4 million by 2025. The market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 20.0% in the forecast period. Increasing demand for renewable energy is one of the major driving factors for growth of the market, use of renewable energy increased the need for battery storage systems in the power grids. According to International Renewable Energy Agency, in 2015, the global renewable energy production was 5.5 million Giga watt hour up from 5.3 million Giga watt hour in 2014. Hence, this increasing production of renewable energy has accelerated growth of the market, globally.
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reasonsforhope · 27 days
"Passed in February [2024], a massive subsidy program to help Indian households install rooftop solar panels in their homes and apartments aims to provide 30 gigawatt hours of solar power to the nation’s inventory.
The scheme, called PM-Surya Ghar, will provide free electricity to 10 million homes according to estimates, and the designing of a national portal—a sort of Healthcare.gov for solar panels—will streamline the process of installation and payment.
The program was cooked up because India had fallen woefully behind on its planned installations for rooftop solar. In many parts of the subcontinent, the sun is absolutely brutal and relentless, but by 2022, Indian rooftop solar power generation topped out at 11 gigawatts, which was 29 gigawatts under a national target set a decade ago.
Part of the challenge, Euronews reports, is that approval from various agencies and departments—as many as 21 different signatures in some cases—was needed to place a solar array on your house. Aside from this bureaucratic nightmare, the cost of installation was often higher than $5,000; more than half the average yearly income for a working Indian urbanite.
Under PM-Surya Ghar, subsidies for a 2-kilowatt solar array will cover as much as 60% of the installation costs, falling to 40% for arrays 3 kilowatts or higher. Loans set at around 7% interest rates will help families in need get started. 750 billion Indian rupees, or $9 billion has been set aside for the project.
Even in New Delhi, which can be covered in clouds and smog for days, solar users report saving hundreds during summer time on their electricity costs, with one apartment shaving $700 every month off energy bills.
PM-Surya Ghar is also seen as having the potential to cause a boom in the Indian solar market. Companies no longer have to go running around for planning and permitting requirements, and the government subsidies ensure their customer base can grow beyond the limits of household income."
-Good News Network, April 10, 2024
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strawberrymochin · 2 months
Springtime Fushiguros♪
Context-: exploring the memories of childhood of fushiguros, marking the spring time of you and satoru gojo.
Gojo's cooking skills-: gojo cooks for the fushiguros while you are away. (Disaster)
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Gojo frowns not being able to locate a pan in the kitchen. Megumi sighs at the sense of foreboding, it's already been 20 mins gojo's rummaging through the kitchen, just to find a single pan to cook. He could simply ask Tsumiki or Megumi but the guy believes in self reliance, thus asking help from the kids would feel like a betrayal to himself.
He wants to make you proud, by cooking for the kids, serving them the utmost savoury finger licking heavenly food. (Without the help of anyone)
'Tshh,' says Tsumiki drawing her brother's attention, 'Don't you think we should help gojo Sensei?' she whispers, keeping her voice low. 'And do you think he would agree?' replies Megumi fretfully.
You are out for work today, a rare occasion in this household. You work partime in a marketing firm that advertises a buisness good or service making it reach its desired market sale.
It haven't been much long since you joined this company, before moving in with gojo satoru you used to work 9 to 5 but now that you have the kids to take care of, you convinced your boss to work half-day. He agreed since you were only a part time employee. You normally go to work after the kids go to school and return before their arrival.
However today is a bit different, the work load is enormous for a special deal whose ad is supposed to be out tomorrow, which resulted in your boss asking you to do overtime. You agreed instantly, since gojo wasn't going on any missions today and the kids were on a special holiday. Moreover your boss has been too kind to you to refuse.
Gojo has reassured you that he won't need any help, even though you insisted him to call if he faces any problem. He didn't wanted you to work while stressing about them. Even after that, you had given atleast 3 lectures on how to take care of the kids, where the cooking materials are and about their likes and dislikes.
'How about you sneak in the kitchen, take the pan out of the shelf while I keep him occupied on something else?' Megumi raises a brow at Tsumiki's idea. He thinks it's waste of energy but agress anyways.
Both go according to the plan, Tsumiki drags gojo outside lying someone was on the door, while Megumi sneaks in the kitchen getting the pan out from the shelf.
'There's no one 'miki! You sure you heard someone?' Megumi hurries trying to place the pan on the counter at the sound of gojo's approaching steps, 'yes! Sensei! I'm sure. Why don't you come and check again!!' Tsumiki pulls gojo's hand dragging him to the front door again, when 'Megumi, what are you doing?' gojo asks nonchalantly as Tsumiki's eyes widen.
Megumi quickly places the pan on the top of the counter shutting the shelf sneaking out of the kitchen, when gojo picks him up in his lap, a pissed expression in his face.
Gojo's was nowhere near the kitchen a few seconds ago. He was standing with Tsumiki in the living room. Now Tsumiki is standing alone in the living room creeped out.
He drags a shocked megumi to the living room and settles him on the couch. He goes for Tsumiki next, settling her beside Megumi.
'you guys think you can surpass me? Tsk tsk tsk, I'm the strongest—' Megumi interrupts before gojo could finish. 'Did you just—teleported from the living room?'
'wow. So you can teleport! Can you do that too Megumi-chan?' says Tsumiki fascinated as megumi stares at his Sensei.
'megumi can do that too one day, if he works hard to keep up with me....and you have to now that you promised.' gojo ruffles megumi's hair annoying him again.
'now, you two don't interfere when I'm cooking, I gotta make y/n proud and prove i can take care of you guys without any lectures.'
Gojo strolls back to rummaging the kitchen, as the kids watch, turning their heads from the couch.
'megumi can do that too one day' said gojo to Tsumiki. 'I will do that too.' thought Megumi, he might not like his Sensei much, he might strongly believe he's unserious and annoying but he can't ignore the fact that his Sensei is the strongest. And it's the only thing he truly admires. He promised gojo to work hard and keep up with him. He promises to work hard again but this time not to gojo, but to himself. He will work hard and become like his Sensei one day.
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'Would you like pizza instead?' gojo said apologetically. He ended up burning the Ginger chicken rice and salad he was making. The kids were starving till the pizza arrived.
The kids accepted the their fate, desperately wishing you to comeback and never go back. Atleast that meant good healthy food that actually tastes good. Megumi made a mental note never to learn cooking from his Sensei.
When you arrived late in the house expecting the kids fast asleep, you were instead greeted by a whining megumi, who was having digestion problems.
That's it. You are never leaving the kids with him again.
'Atleast, I fed him on time!'
'Yeah, and you fed him pizza, which is the reason he's having stomach ache. You said you would make them something healthy.'
'I did.'
'Then—wait don't tell me you—' you rush into the kitchen to see a burnt cooking pan and a couple of dishes stacked in the basin.
'well, it wasn't burnt, just a bit overcooked—that it turned black.'
'yeah, into ashes.'
'But love, i atleast tried.'
'Aww honey! You're so sweet. Now go do the dishes. Without breaking anything.'
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Veiled by discussion of headline global trends in new renewables capacity investment is the fact that almost all the incremental progress is currently being made in one country: China. Trumpeting 2023’s 50 percent growth in annual global capacity installations as a global achievement is wrongheaded, given that China by itself delivered nearly 80 percent of the increment. And the IEA, for its part, expects China to continue to be the sole meaningful over-achiever. It recently revised upwards by 728 GW its forecast for total global renewables capacity additions in the period 2023–27. China’s share of this upward revision? Almost 90 percent. While China surges ahead, the rest of the world remains stuck. This raises a crucial question. What is different about the development of solar and wind resources in China from the rest of the world? The main answer is that in China, such development is capitalist in only a very limited sense. Certainly, the entities centrally involved in building out new solar and wind farms in China are companies. But almost all are state-owned. Take wind. Nine of the country’s top 10 wind developers are owned by the government, and such state-owned players control in excess of 95 percent of the market. Moreover, the state is far from being a passive shareholder in these companies. The companies are best seen as instruments wielded by the state in the service of achieving its industrial, geopolitical, and – increasingly – environmental objectives. The best example of this concerns the gargantuan ‘clean energy bases’ first announced by President Xi Jinping in 2021. To be built mainly in the Gobi and other desert areas by 2030, these new bases will have a combined capacity of in excess of 550 GW – more than Europe’s total solar and wind capacity at the time of this writing. Such development is as far from ‘capitalist’ as is imaginable. This is the state, in its most centralized and authoritative form mustering whatever resources it needs at its disposal to ensure that it delivers what it has said it will deliver. Add to this the fact that the banks financing all the new renewables development in China are generally also state-owned and directed, and a stark reality comes into focus. This is essentially central planning in action. Does the profit motive figure? To be sure, it does. But usually only marginally, and it is ridden roughshod over whenever Beijing deems fit.
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trendingreportz · 17 days
Next Generation Energy Storage Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Next Generation Energy Storage Market Overview
The Next Generation Energy Storage market size is projected to reach $40.5 billion in 2030 at a CAGR of 9.18% during the forecast period 2024-2030. Energy storage is the pivotal technology that is reshaping the energy sector by enabling widespread deployment and grid integration of solar and wind renewables, to accommodate optimum levels of renewable energy. Therefore, to overcome intermittency and availability issues, various industrial sectors, such as Transportation, Oil and Gas, Mining, Electronics and others are adopting technological advances to improvise the economics of energy storage, which eventually propels the Next Generation Energy Storage Systems Market. Furthermore, research and innovation in energy storage is rapidly evolving due to the rise of decentralized and renewable energy solutions, emergence of energy conversion efficiency, cost effective technology, introduction of materials with low environmental and social impact and others are projected to foster the growth of the Next Generation Energy Storage Systems, dynamically.
Next Generation Energy Storage is witnessing significant advancements driven by innovations in battery technologies, grid-scale solutions, and sustainable power systems. One prominent trend is the development of high-capacity, long-life batteries capable of storing renewable energy efficiently. These batteries are crucial for balancing the intermittency of renewable sources like solar and wind power, thereby enhancing grid stability and reliability. Moreover, there is a growing focus on enhancing the sustainability and environmental footprint of energy storage solutions, with an emphasis on recycling and eco-friendly materials. Additionally, advancements in grid-scale energy storage technologies are enabling utilities to manage peak demand more effectively and optimize energy distribution networks. Another notable trend is the integration of energy storage systems with electric vehicle charging infrastructure, facilitating the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and promoting energy grid integration. Overall, the evolution of Next Generation Energy Storage is reshaping the energy landscape, offering sustainable solutions to address the challenges of modern power systems.
Next Generation Energy Storage Market Report Coverage
The report: “Next Generation Energy Storage Market – Forecast (2024-2030)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Next Generation Energy Storage industry.
By Device: Ultracapacitors, Energy Grids, Batteries, Fuel Cells, Flywheels, Pumped Storage and Others.
By Application: Electronics, Oil and Gas, Transportation, Military, Marine, Mining, Manufacturing, Residential and Others.
By Geography:  North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Netherlands and Others), APAC (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan and Others), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and others), and RoW (Middle East and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
• The Next generation energy storage systems refers to the integration of renewable energy generation into the grid, for relatively large loads across periods extending up to the extended hours. The deployment of the innovative devices, such as Energy grids, Ultracapacitors, Batteries, along with the automation tools, such as smart inverters, physical sensors and advanced analytics are coordinating across a wider range of next-generation technologies.
• The rising grid expansion and promising investment in advanced infrastructure across Mining, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Electronics and other industrial sectors are estimated to drive the market. In addition, the introduction of regulations for green energy, and rising demand in the energy efficiency promote the Next generation energy storage systems market. 
• The prominence of renewable energy investments by the major companies, including Beckett Energy Systems, Lockheed Martin Corporation, BYD Company Limited, FlexGen Power Systems and more, along with increasing electrification of the transport sector are denoting profitable opportunities for the growth of Next generation energy storage systems market in the forecast period.
Next Generation Energy Storage Market Segment Analysis – By Type
The market for Next Generation Energy Grid Energy Storage Systems is analysed to grow at highest CAGR of 10.9% during the forecast period 2024-2030. There are growing research and development in terms of electricity storage for applications, such as Grid support, Electricity supply, Ancillary services, Renewables integration and more is considered as a prime success factor in increasing the market prominence of energy storage technologies. Presently, the lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries are becoming popular for residential users, and sodium-sulphur and other breakthrough batteries are majorly deployed in commercial sectors. The leading companies such as Beckett Energy Systems, BYD Company Limited, Energ2, Inc., Enersys, Enphase Energy, FlexGen Power Systems, Lockheed Martin Corporation, S&C Electric Company, UniEnergy Technologies, LLC. And AES Corporation played a significant role to accelerate the Next Generation Energy Storage Systems Market growth through extensive research and developments activities for product innovation
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Next Generation Energy Storage Market Segment Analysis – By End Use Industry
Transportation dominated the recycled polyethylene terephthalate market in 2023 and is analyzed to grow at a CAGR of 10.77% during forecast period 2024 to 2030. The Electric vehicles are the solution for this problem. However, there are many challenges like the less availability of charging stations. To overcome and fix these issues, what we need is efficient next generation energy storage system for electric vehicles which can store more energy and in efficient manner, thus longer running time of vehicles with one time charging. The serious growing issue of climate change needs adoption of sustainable Transportation system. Because the way the demand of vehicles on road is increasing, and with the expected growth rate of usage of vehicles, the peak oil demand could be reached very soon. With this they are ideal for use in short-distance electric vehicles such as taxis, trams and buses where the capacity to charge it is the time it takes for passengers to exit and enter a vehicle. Now virtually all automakers are offering plan to offer or are already offering fully electric vehicles or at least hybrid models.
Researchers from Imperial College London and University College London (UCL) are working towards creation of low-cost, high-energy supercapacitors which can power electric vehicles, and they have produced cheaper energy-dense electrode which is more sustainable and energy efficient and can make the way for wider market of high-power and rapid vehicle charging. In November 2019, Ford Unveiled its all-Electric vehicle, which was part of company’s 11 Billion plan to make 40 all electric and hybrid models by 2022. Volkswagen as well has increased its electric vehicle goal to 70 new models by 2028 with the earlier target of 50.
Next Generation Energy Storage Market Segment Analysis – By Geography 
North America is analysed to be $ 8,490.98 Million in 2023, and is successfully contributing towards the growth of Next Generation Energy Storage Systems Market, and is also estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8.57% during 2024 to 2030. The Next Generation Energy Storage Systems Market is witnessing a significant growth in the U.S. due to the advent of the Solar PV and wind power technologies, both of which are recognised for their intermittent nature, and also account for a large portion of the renewable energy potential in the United States. The problem necessitates the development of more efficient battery energy storage devices. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration by the end of 2022, operational utility-scale battery energy storage systems (BESSs) in the US had a total nameplate power capacity of 8,842 MW and a total energy capacity of 11,105 MWh. This has been aided significantly by price declines as well as strong governmental support at both the federal and state levels. 
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Next Generation Energy Storage Market Drivers 
Growing Demand for Renewable Energy
Government globally is focusing on the society’s commitments to cutting carbon emissions in lune with the goal which is set out in the Paris agreement and many are putting renewable energy at the center of their strategy to meet those rapidly approaching commitments. Lower-emissions electricity generation from sources such as wind and solar power are the main building blocks of the future energy mix considered essential to bring down countries’ carbon footprints. As their share of the generation grows, there is a growing opportunity and need for next generation storage systems such as battery grids to help balance demand and supply fluctuations and to better integrate large volume of variable renewable energy. Further, the next generation storage systems market is led by the US and China, and with the leadership in both countries committed to increasing the share of electricity coming from ‘clean’ sources, energy storage capacity between them will need to increase sevenfold by 2030 from 55GW in 2020.
As per the Macquaire Organization in August 2021, in China alone, which is the world’s biggest power market and the largest investment destination for renewables, wind and solar capacity is expected to increase eightfold by 2040. Apart from this, U.S’s new goal of cutting emissions by half by 2030 could more than quadruple ESS capacity by then from 23GW in 2020. The mix that the cost of wind, solar and energy storage have fallen dramatically in the past decade – by 77 per cent, 35 per cent, and 85 per cent respectively-  and it also opens up the potential for considerable new demand for these storage systems. As these systems enable high shares of renewable energy integration into the grid and can help transform the whole energy sector. Utility-scale batteries, for example, can enable a greater feed-in of renewable energy into the grid by storing excess generation during times of energy over-production for later use. Hence the growing need for renewable energy sources is creating ample number of growth aspects for the next generation energy storage systems market during the forecast period of 2024-2030.
Rising Demand for Solid State Battery
Solid-state battery development aims for a next-generation energy storage systems with higher energy density, fast charging capability, lower cost, and greater safety.Solid-state batteries have many potential applications across multiple industries, such as automotive, consumer electronics, industrial, aerospace, etc. There are two distinct categories of solid-state batteries: solid-state batteries with a very small energy capacity, already commercially available from several suppliers, aimed at applications in consumer electronics, while the biggest drive is for large-energy capacity (“bulk”) solid-state batteries for electric and hybrid electric vehicles (EV/HEVs). Many battery and automotive manufacturers have already presented their target roadmaps for mass production to secure a leadership role in the solid-state battery market despite the remaining technology and supply chain challenges. For Instance: As per the EE Times (Europe) in September 2021, Toyota is planning mass production of solid-state batteries from 2025. QuantumScape and Panasonic are also planning mass production of solid-state batteries from 2025-2026, and Samsung SDI is working on solid-state batteries with mass production from 2027. In addition, many EV makers, such as Volkswagen, Hyundai, and BMW, have made investments in solid-state battery startups and are planning to launch their EVs with solid-state batteries in the coming years. For example, Volkswagen plans to launch its electric vehicles with solid-state batteries in about 2025, forging a partnership with startup QuantumScape. 
With this they are ideal for use in short-distance electric vehicles such as taxis, trams and buses where the capacity to charge it is the time it takes for passengers to exit and enter a vehicle. Now virtually all automakers are offering plan to offer or are already offering fully electric vehicles or at least hybrid models. For Instance: In November 2019, Ford Unveiled its all Electric vehicle, which was part of company’s 11 Billion plan to make 40 all electric and hybrid models by 2022. Volkswagen as well has increased its electric vehicle goal to 70 new models by 2028 with the earlier target of 50. Such factors would positively influence the growth of the next generation energy storage systems market during the forecast period of 2024-2030.
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Next Generation Energy Storage Market Challenges
Security Issues Preying Utility Sector
Security aspect is impacting energy & utility sector with the cyberattacks. This factor is somewhere restricting the next-generation energy storage systems market growth. Power and utilities systems that connect organizations and homes are essential types of critical infrastructure. A recent study conducted by Fortinet shows that attacks against energy utilities are among the top three most targeted sectors for cyberattacks in the US. In addition, Europe, Australia, and Japan have reported an increase in threats against critical infrastructure. This threat is caused by modernization of OT networks that control critical infrastructure. As IT and OT networks converge, the “air gap” that OT systems once relied on for cybersecurity is eliminated. Without any utility cybersecurity measures in place, these critical infrastructures are left at risk. The risk of a successful cyberattack on critical infrastructure could be severe—damaged power grids could leave cities in the dark, or even put lives at risk. Also, Nowadays, the battery energy storage system (BESS) has become an important component of the electric grid. It can serve multiple services such as frequency regulation, voltage control, backup, black start, etc.
Next Generation Energy Storage Market Landscape
The Next Generation Energy Storage market is moderately consolidated with key players are adopting strategies such as acquisition, product launches and others with the players and companies prevalent in the market. The top companies present in the market include the below.
BYD Company Limited
Energ2, Inc.
Enphase Energy
FlexGen Power Systems
Lockheed Martin Corporation
S&C Electric Company
AES Corporation
LG Energy Solution
NextEra Energy Inc.
• In September 2023, EnerVenue introduces its latest Energy Storage Vessels™ (ESVs) with enhanced capacity, density, and power, offering unparalleled advantages over lithium-ion batteries for various clean energy applications. Backed by an extended warranty and large-scale deals, the next-generation ESVs mark a significant step in advancing stationary storage solutions.
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priyankap0018 · 7 months
A Thirst for Energy in the Booming Energy Drink Industry
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In the competitive realm of fitness and performance, the sports energy drink market stands as a testament to relentless innovation. Catering to the demands of athletes and fitness aficionados, these beverages are formulated to enhance endurance and vitality, reflecting a dynamic industry that thrives on pushing boundaries and redefining athletic fuel.
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For 40 years, Big Meat has openly colluded to rig prices
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On October 7–8, I'm in Milan to keynote Wired Nextfest.
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Noted socialist agitator Adam Smith once wrote, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the publick, or in some contrivance to raise prices."
Smith was articulating a basic truth: when an industry grows concentrated, it grows cozy. Cultural differences between dominant firms are homogenized as top executives move from company to company, cross-pollinating attitudes and approaches. Ambituous, firm-hopping workaholic top brass make all their friends at the office, and so their former colleagues from one or two jobs back remain in their social circles.
Once an industry consists of half a dozen firms, the people running those companies constitute an incestuous financial polycule. They are executors of one anothers' estates, best men and maids of honor at one anothers' weddings, godparents to each others' kids. They play on the same softball teams and take family vacations together.
It would be heartwarming if it wasn't so costly to the rest of us. Remember Smith's maxim: "the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the publick, or in some contrivance to raise prices." Class solidarity among corporate executives forms a united front to screw us in every conceivable way, from corrupting our politicians to maiming and cheating workers to gouging buyers.
That's the basis of American antitrust law. When Robert Sherman was stumping for the passage of the Sherman Act, America's first major antitrust law, he thundered "If we will not endure a King as a political power we should not endure a King over the production, transportation, and sale of the necessaries of life. If we would not submit to an emperor we should not submit to an autocrat of trade with power to prevent competition and to fix the price of any commodity":
Or rather, that was the basis of American antitrust law – until the Reagan era, when the fringe theories of the Nixonite criminal Robert Bork were elevated to a new orthodoxy. Under Bork's conception of antitrust, monopolies were evidence of excellence. If a company puts all its competitors out of business, that must mean that it is "efficient."
In Bork's fantasy world, the only way a company could attain dominance is by being so beloved by its customers that every competitor withers away. Governments that bust monopolies aren't protecting the public from "autocrats of trade"; they're overthrowing the winners of an election where you "vote with your wallet" to pick the best company.
But Bork and his co-fantasists couldn't quite manage all that with a straight face. They grudgingly admitted that a certain kind of bad monopolist could hypothetically exist, one that used its "market power" to raise prices or lower quality. Only when these offenses against our "consumer welfare" occurred should the state step in to protect its people.
This may sound good in theory, but in practice, it was a dead letter. The consumer welfare test isn't as simple as "If prices go up after a merger, punish the company." Instead, the government had to prove that the price raises came from "market power," and not from an increase in energy or labor costs, or some other "exogenous factor," like Mercury being in retrograde:
And wouldn't you know it, it turns out that the mathematical models prescribed to distinguish greed from unavoidable circumstance inevitably "prove" that the monopolist wasn't at fault. Surely, it's just just a coincidence that the priesthood that understood how to make and interpret these models were Chicago School Economists who sold model-making as a service to companies that wanted to raise prices.
Pro-monopoly economists insist that this isn't true, and that their theory still has room to prosecute bad monopolies and cartels where they occur – more, they say this is already happening. In particular, they insist that "greedflation" can't be real, because it would require the kind of conspiracy that Smith warned of, and that their sickly antitrust enforcement is sufficient to prevent:
This strains credulity. After all, the CEOs of giant companies in concentrated industries openly boast to their shareholders about how they've used the covid and Ukraine invasion shocks to hike prices to increase their profit margins – not just cover their additional costs:
While excuseflation is new, open, naked price-fixing by industry cartels is not. Take the meat-packing industry, dominated by a tiny handful of giant corporations whose executives literally ran a betting pool on how many of their workers would get covid each week while working in their cramped, unventilated factories:
These companies have seen their margins soar – up 300% over the lockdown – while their payments to ranchers and growers cratered:
All this might leave one wondering whether there isn't something a little, you know, "conspiracy against the publick"-y going on in Big Meat?
Let me tell you about Agri Stats. Agri Stats has been around since 1985. Every large meat packer pays to be a "member" of Agri Stats, and they each submit weekly, detailed statistics about every aspect of their business: all their costs, all their margins, broken out by category. Agri Stats compiles this into phone-book-thick books that each member gets every week, telling them everything about how all of their competitors are running their businesses:
The companies whose data appears in this book are anonymized, but it's trivial to re-identify each supplier. Tyson execs hold regular "naming process" meetings where they go through new books and de-anonymize the data. A Butterball exec confirmed that he "can pick the companies for rankings with 100% certainty."
As David Dayen writes in The American Prospect, these books are incredibly detailed: "bird weights, freezer inventory, and 'head killed per operating hour.'" Within the cozy meat cartels, Agri Stats acts as a clearinghouse that allows every business in the industry to act in concert, running the entire meat-packing sector as a single company:
As interesting as the list of Agri Stats members is, the groups that don't get to see Agri Stats' "books" is just as important: "farmers, workers, or retailers." Agri Stats also offers consulting services to its members. As an exec at pork processor Smithfield put it, Agri Stats advice boils down to four words "Just raise your price."
Agri Stats ranks its members based on how high their prices are – they literally publish a league table with the highest prices at the top. Meat packers pay bonuses to their execs based on how high the company's rank is on that table. Agri Stats meets with its members throughout the year to discuss "price opportunities" and to advise them to "exercise restraint" by restricting supply to keep prices up. When one Agri Stats member considered leaving the cartel, Agri Stats wooed them back by telling them how to make an additional $100k by raising bacon prices.
The reason Dayen is writing about Agri Stats now is that the DoJ Antitrust Division has brought an antitrust suit against them. This is part of a wave of antitrust actions brought by Biden's DoJ and FTC, who, along with his NLRB, are shaping up to be the most pugnacious, public-interest force against corporate power since the Reagan administration:
All this enforcement isn't a coincidence. It comes from an explicit rejection of neoliberalism's core tenets: inequality reflects merit, monopolies are efficient, and government can't do anything. In Biden's DoJ, FTC and NLRB, they're partying like it's 1979:
What's amazing about the Agri Stats conspiracy to raise prices is that it's been going since the Reagan administration. It's a smoking gun proof that "consumer welfare" never cared about price-fixing and robbing the public (can a gun still smoke after 40 years?). There was never a time when consumer welfare antitrust cared about consumer welfare. It was always and forever a front for "a conspiracy against the publick," a "contrivance to raise prices."
Big Meat has been robbing America for two generations. Some of those stolen funds were used to corrupt our political process. The meat sector gets $50 billion in public subsidies and still gouges us on prices and rips off its suppliers:
Which means that it's possible that we're simultaneously being ripped off with meat prices and that meat prices are artificially low. Try and wrap your head around that one!
The do-nothing, pro-monopoly neoliberal antitrust is a virus that spread around the world. The EU's antitrust laws were reshaped to mirror American laws after the war through the Marshall Plan, but since the late 1970s, European lawmakers and enforcers have ignored their own laws (just like their American counterparts) and encouraged monopolies as "efficient."
This Made-in-Europe oligopoly, combined with energy and grain shocks from Russian invasion of Ukraine, created the perfect storm for European greedflation. As food prices spiked across the EU, Austrian hacktivist Mario Zechner set out to investigate Austrian grocers' pricing. Using the grocers' own APIs, he was able to compile and analyze a dataset of prices at Austrian grocers:
When Zechner open-sourced his project, collaborators showed up to expand the project across other EU countries, and an anonymous party donated a huge database of prices stretching back to 2017. The data reveals clear collusion among the grocers, who raise prices in near-lockstep, and use gimmicks like cyclic price drops to hide their collusion:
Not every grocer has an API, and even the ones that do have APIs could easily block Zechner and co from accessing their data. When that happens, they could – and should – turn to scraping to continue their project. They should also scrape grocers elsewhere, including in Canada, where grocers rigged the price of bread:
Because Big Meat's "conspiracy against the publick" isn't unique to meat. It's in all our food, it's in all our goods, it's in all our services. The fact that the meat industry was able to rob American buyers, ranchers and farmers for two generations under a 200' tall neon sign that blinked "AGRI STATS AGRI STATS AGRI STATS" night and day is frankly astonishing.
But there's never just one ant. If the meatheads running Big Meat were able to do this in broad daylight since the NES years, imagine what all the other industries were able to get up to in the shadows.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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ncityprincess · 1 year
after party
pairing: husband doyoung x wife oc
power couple kim doyoung and y/n unwind after work event. i was picturing this couple living somewhere like the hollywood hills or las vegas or something 😭 i think it’s a sign that i need to travel soon lol. anywho, enjoy this fic! ❤️‍🔥
minors do not interact
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the sleek luxury car zoomed down the highway, taking you toward the outskirts of the big city. your head rested on your husband’s broad shoulder as you listened to him hum absentmindedly to the song on the radio.
the two of you had just left your company’s annual charity auction. you and doyoung were lucky enough to work for the same company, and in the same department.
you two had met in college. you were eager to dive into the world of marketing since the very first day of freshman year. you had walked into the lecture hall with a smile on your face and wanted to choose the perfect seat for you to absorb every bit of knowledge the professor had to offer.
the other shy freshmen had taken the closest seats in the back of the room, most likely trying to avoid the professor’s sharp gaze. meanwhile you, and apparently one other marketing student, had chosen to sit front and center. doyoung moved his stuff out of your way as you went to take your seat, and the rest was history. you two had graduated together, applied for the same company, moved up the ranks, and eventually got married.
the darkness of the night set a romantic mood in the air. you looked out the window and saw the miles of mansions and land that stretched the landscape. it reminded you how far the two of you had come over the years.
the driver stopped the car in front of you and doyoung’s home on the hills and let the two of you out. you loved living in a secluded section of the city away from all of the hustle and bustle. it was a little slice of paradise that you would forever be grateful for.
doyoung reached into his wallet and grabbed some bills to tip the driver. you both thanked him, wished him a good night, and headed for the house. the slight night time humidity made your body feel warm and cozy. you slipped your hand into doyoung’s, allowing him to guide you towards the house.
“you have a good time tonight, darling?” doyoung leaned down and whispered in your ear. you felt a shiver run up your spine at the closeness. “yeah, tonight’s auction was so much better than the last one. the energy was incredible.”
doyoung squeezed your hand lovingly, “you’re right. it was a great turnout this time around.”
“and the moët was lovely too of course.” you smiled mischievously. doyoung chuckled and fished for his key to open the door. he guided you inside by the small of your back and locked the door behind him. you sighed and placed your purse on the couch. tonight was fun, but you were happy to finally be back at home.
doyoung quietly came up to you and kneeled down to help you take your heels off. you rested your hand on his shoulder to keep yourself from falling over in your slightly tipsy state. “man those things were killing me!” you exclaimed. doyoung grabbed your heels and placed them in the coat closet as you walked into the kitchen.
you reached into the cabinet to grab two wine glasses and grabbed a bottle of wine from the wine fridge. it was tradition for the two of you to unwind after a big event. you guys weren’t necessarily social butterflies, but your line of work required you to schmooze and mingle a lot.
you walked back into the living room and found doyoung manspreading on the couch with his suit jacket and button down discarded, leaving him in just his white tank top and dress pants. you couldn’t lie, he looked absolutely delicious like this. his black hair all disheveled in front of his face. his skin slightly flushed from the alcohol. you loved your hardworking man so much.
you set the glasses down on the coffee table and plopped down next to him. “the only thing i didn’t really like was the food. the chicken was super dry, and supposedly they brought in this five star chef to cater the event,” doyoung scoffed as he poured the two of you some wine. he handed you your glass and pulled your feet into his lap. you let out a relieved sigh as he massaged your sore feet with his free hand. “ok so it wasn’t just me? i kept trying to like, put some gravy on top of it to give it some moisture but it wasn’t working out.” you giggled. of course, the two of you were in sync.
“let’s make some real chicken for dinner tomorrow. deal?” doyoung smiled.
“deal!” you agreed before continuing. “oh! and did you notice how kara barely said two words to me? i think she’s still upset that the board rejected her proposal and went with mine instead.”
doyoung ran his hand up and down your shin soothingly. “oh well, she’ll get over it. your proposal was the best, which is why the board picked you.” he said matter-of-factly.
“okay, don’t gas my head up too much baby” you giggled. the two of you continued to sip on your wine and gossip about the night’s events. at one point, you had went into the kitchen to cut up some fruit to snack on.
“open” you said as you gently pressed a grape against doyoung’s lips. he flashed you a curious look and slowly parted his lips. you pushed the grape into his mouth and he ate it while keeping his eyes on yours. “mmm, these are delicious baby. my turn, come up here.” he patted his thigh, beckoning you to sit on his lap. you crawled on top of him got comfy.
doyoung took a grape from the bowl to feed you. “say ahh” doyoung said softly and placed the grape inside your opened mouth. you chewed it as seductively as you could and placed a gentle kiss on his lips after you swallowed it. “mmm, yummy.”
doyoung captured your lips in a heated kiss and moaned softly into your mouth. kissing doyoung was an out of body experience for you. he kissed like a starved man, yet he also kissed like he had all of the time in the world. like he wanted to savor you. make it last.
doyoung turned you around on his lap so that your back was pressed against his chest. you sighed and wrapped an arm around his head as he placed sensual kisses on your neck. doyoung growled lowly once he felt your hips grinding on top of his hardening member. doyoung slowly moved his lips up toward your ear.
“can you suck on these baby, for me?” doyoung whispered, grazing your earlobe softly. he held up his hand in front of your face and you quickly grabbed it with both hands, shoving his two middle fingers into your warm mouth. the intimacy of the situation made you continue moving your hips.
you noticed doyoung bunching up the long fabric of your evening gown up toward your hips so he could get to the spot he wanted to feel most. you eagerly lapped up doyoung’s fingers, much to his (and your) pleasure. doyoung’s hands were magical, you were sure of it! sometimes you’d find yourself staring at his hands while he’s doing the most mundane tasks just because they turn you on so much.
doyoung pulled his fingers out of your mouth, noting the way you whined softly at the loss. “oh don’t worry darling, we’re just getting started, aren’t we?” with that, doyoung shoved his hand into your lace panties and rubbed his fingers up and down your dripping slit. you bucked your hips against his hand, not expecting the sudden impact.
doyoung kept up his ministrations until he felt like you were ready to take his fingers. he slowly pushed his middle finger inside, followed by his ring finger. you let out a delicious whine, making him press a wet kiss against your neck. soon after, you felt his fingers speed up. you couldn’t help but bounce your hips up and down on his fingers, it felt so good.
“that’s a good girl, you gonna cum for me? huh? gonna cum all over my hand just like this?” doyoung teased. his breath and filthy words against your skin mixed with the harsh movements against your g spot sent you over the edge. you let out a beautiful melody of moans, throwing your head back against your husband’s shoulder.
doyoung finally pulled his fingers out of your body and grabbed your jaw roughly to plant a passionate kiss against your lips. you both moaned into the kiss, ready to feel each other even deeper. doyoung pulled your dress up over your head and laid you down onto the couch. you pulled your ruined panties off and watched as doyoung rid himself of his fancy clothes. his broad body loomed over yours, sending butterflies right where you needed him most.
“doieee, need you.” you whined, hoping it would get him to touch you quicker.
“darling, doie’s gonna take good care of you. you just lay back and let him take care of everything.” he purred out.
doyoung climbed back onto the large couch and laid down behind you so that you two were spooning. doyoung loved to fuck you forwards, backwards and sideways. but spooning was his go to position. he loved the intimacy and passion this position brought. he lifted your top leg softly, like you were made of glass. you shivered in anticipation and pressed yourself closer to his chest.
doyoung took his hard dick in his hand and ran it up and down your wet folds, still sensitive from your previous orgasm. once he finally bottomed out in you, he let out a prolonged groan, hands gravitating toward your soft tits. “god damn baby, you’re so tight like this.” doyoung praised.
he wasted no time building up a sharp and quick rhythm, each thrust making you let out high pitched moans. you and doyoung shared of moment of eye contact, relishing in the erotic situation you two were in. he stared deep into your eyes, loving how much you enjoyed being fucked like this, right on the living room couch.
“don’t you love having this big house all to ourselves, baby? we’ve really made a nice life for ourselves, huh? imagine if we had a few kids running around.” doyoung quipped.
your stomach felt like it was doing backflips, and you noticed your dripping core clench around his dick at his dirty words.
doyoung noticed it too.
“oh what’s this? think we should switch up the dynamic around here? maybe pop out a few kids, get you nice and pregnant so we can fill up this whole house?”
doyoung didn’t wait for you to answer as he rolled you over onto all fours. he kneeled behind you and took his length in his hand, slamming it back into your wet pussy. you both let out sounds of satisfaction, this new angle really penetrating you deeply.
“god you’re perfect, y/n” doyoung sighed and gripped your hips, making sure to pull you back down to meet his thrusts.
“mm, yeah?” you moaned out, turning your head back so you could admire his sweaty body putting in work.
“yeah baby. so perfect. so. perfect.” doyoung couldn’t hold on any longer. he reached his hand around your body to get to your aching clit, helping to finish you off. your breathing got shorter and choppier the closer you were to climaxing. you wrapped your hand around his hand that was working on your clit and came hard.
“babyyyy i’m cumming!”
doyoung let out a deep, guttural sound of pleasure and emptied himself into you. you whined as he continued thrusting into you, until you both finally had enough and he pulled out. you were completely spent, but you felt an intense feeling of love for one another. too tired to move, you allowed doyoung to lay you back down against his chest like you had before.
doyoung kissed the top of your head and caressed your hip. “i love you,” he whispered softly. “i love you too, doie” you replied gently. doyoung waited a beat before he brought the topic back up.
“….so about those kids…”
the end ❤️‍🔥
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403tarot · 10 months
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seonghwa + san + wooyoung edition
seonghwa's ideal date to take his crush is not just a simple date but a day trip. a warm place with a sea breeze and the scent of the ocean. open and sophisticated locations, natural landscapes, and people who are not easily distracted from the company of those they enjoy, just like him. seeing the cards i got i thought of jeju island, of course.
right at the beginning of the afternoon he would like to take you for a walk by the seaside, holding hands, just the two of you, listening to the sound of the waves breaking on the sand, and then dip your feet in the sea. a quick stop at a souvenir shop before the sun goes down would be great, just so you could take home a special memento from the day you spent together. to wrap it up, a restaurant with delicious regional cuisine would be part of his plans, preferably open for a fresh breeze and near the beach.
on the other hand, san has a somewhat simpler type of date in mind. as night falls, he would like to take you to a place with many people so that you could blend into the crowd and go unnoticed. something outdoors, like a small but nice amusement park.
he's the type who would like to walk hand in hand with you as you stroll and look for something fun. i can see that he might avoid intense rides or those that generate a lot of adrenaline (like roller coasters, for example) and would prefer to go on gentler rides, like the carousel or the Ferris wheel - especially the latter one because san is such a romantic guy, and there's nothing more romantic than being at the top of the ferris wheel, holding hands with his love while looking at the tiny people and lights down below. to wrap it up, street food for you to share, like popcorn, bungeoppang, corn dog or hotteoks (real ones, not people)
wooyoung is the king of great ideas for romantic dates, but here he seems to have something more homey to do with his crush in the ideal date, like simply cooking together and spending the night enjoying each other's company. he's the type who offers the complete experience: you go to the market together and pick out the ingredients (after changing your minds 5 times about the main dish and finally deciding to make simple pasta or dumplings) to get in the mood.
he puts on some background music and wear aprons just for the aesthetic while cooking with you, "chef wooyoung and his assistant". he kisses your neck and hugs you from behind while you cut the vegetables he asked you to and when you're all done, the amount of dishes to wash is freaking big but it doesn't really matter.
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deck used: white numen tarot
you can also know how would be a date of woosanhwa (or any other trio) specifically with you ! book an energy tracing with me <3
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yandere best friend pt3
tw; infantalization, yelling, violence, self harm, feels bad because comparison is the thief of joy, life being unfair
ageless blogs n minors DNI blease tq <3
yea im on a roll haha i just finished part 2 and now i moved onto part 3, as u can see i was projecting here with the leg situation
anyways its pretty short and as usual, no proofreading
You don't know how he's doing right now. Time passes so fast that its been four years since that haunting call from your friend. You finished your masters degree and now you're deeper in debt than ever. You're taking on three jobs unrelated to your qualifications and running on no sleep, just like how your friend did when he was working towards his biggest goal.
Well, maybe you lied. You knew how he's doing, because his stupid restaurant name is ubiquitous.
It's strange, unfair and confusing how he managed to turn his restaurant into a multimillion corporation this fast. It's now a famous brand with multiple branches across the globe, it has expanded into selling frozen products in supermarkets everywhere. It's still growing too, more and more people are investing in his empire, making him richer and richer and making you green with fucking envy.
People who invest in stocks bring up his brand pretty often, saying that it's worth to invest a couple thousand dollars in it because its in some sort of top 500 index. You weren't really interested in that because you don't even have a couple thousand dollars to spare in the first place.
Your friend seem to mostly stay out of the limelight, making him more of a faceless founder. It's rare to find interviews with him, even if you did, he would always give vague, generic answers to the questions. He would focus more on promoting his products than anything else, he's neither humble or arrogant... but he's just like a robot made only to advertise whatever it's selling and make as much sales as it can.
The masses would very much prefer to pay attention to the celebrity ambassadors the marketing department hired.
Personal information about your friend was scarce, so far you knew that he went ahead and got himself a diploma in culinary arts and another diploma in Food Science and Technology in the last four years. No doubt, to improve the credibility of his company and in hopes of having more customers flock in.
You felt... bad. Took the conventional, the more socially accepted route of studying to one of the highest degrees, but your friend who started off with only a high school diploma and an iron will was so much more successful than you in life.
Perhaps it's simply the human condition to compare ourselves to wildly different lives. Every time you check the news about your friend, it's always something about his company achieving another award for delicious tasting food, well known events involving major public figures or the highly anticipated release of a new product.
You don't come across pictures with your friend in it, but when you do, it's always a picture of him talking to an important figure in a lavish setting, or having the fanciest dinner you have ever seen with people in formal clothes. He looked amazing in every one of it, he was so put together that it looks unreal. Well, seeing that he can afford the best treatments the world has to offer, it doesn't come off as a huge surprise.
And that is soul crushing, you wish to be him. And you forgot the hardships he went through. And you became bitter. And resentful of him. And resentful towards yourself. And-
Oh, your break is up. Time to continue your self loathing inner monologue while dealing with snooty customers. All the while, forgetting that your friend also has to deal with mood and energy vampires everyday.
As if things couldn't get anymore worse, you fucked up your legs. Well, not you. But some spoiled brat with a speedy sports car slammed onto you while you were lawfully using the zebra crossing. Their daddy was loaded and had the right connections, so the person who took your legs out walked away scot-free. You were left to clean up the mess yourself.
Luckily, it's not the worst thing your legs can take. You'll still be able to walk, but it will take ages to heal and might as well amputate them to pay for the damn bill. Throw in a kidney or two and you might just pay half of it off. So, you'll be wheelchair ridden until further notice.
You moved back into your parents' home, the same country where you and your friend first met. As much as you hate depending on others, you need your parents help. You are financially ruined and you can't exactly find a job that's kind to people with your disability. Or to people with any disability, in fact.
Word spreads so fucking fast. Your friend made a beeline to your parents house as soon as one of his private eyes reported that you're back home.
He was in a meeting with the board of directors managing one of his numerous subsidiary companies. It baffled everyone in the room when your friend showed interest in something other than profits and company growth. It was thought that he has no soul, no loved ones and no sentience. He was just a massive piece of code programmed to make as much money as possible at all cost.
Seeing that he experienced such a strong emotion upon hearing your arrival, that he had to adjourn a meeting, was so jarring.
It made him seem... human.
You were fast asleep. Exhausted from what the world has pelted at you and weak from all the pain. Your parents invited your friend in as he was extremely excited and happy that you're back, oblivious to the fact that you're in this state. He didn't bother listening to the full report his private eye was about to give him.
As soon as he entered your room, his smile fell upon seeing your crippled state. You were unconscious, if you weren't, you would probably die from mortification... your successful childhood best friend, seeing very unsuccessful you. An old laptop sits uncomfortably on your belly, yet another job rejection letter was shown on the screen.
Your friend was speechless. He could already hear the growing storm of regret, self hatred, anguish, anger, sadness brewing inside him, it was muffled, but its getting increasingly clearer and louder.
His trembling hands gently stroked your casts as tears threaten to fall from his eyes.
What happened? He whispered, it was loud enough for your parents to hear. Hence, they began explaining.
The name of the person who hit you with their car was all he needed to know. He is going to take care of it. Everything else bounced off his head as his eyes slowly travelled to your hands, he took one of them into his larger ones. He massaged them with utmost love and longing.
It's rough. It's calloused. It's scarred. It's everything that he never ever want your hands to be.
You groggily woke up, using your free hand to rub your eyes. You paused when you saw your friend by your bedside, silently staring at your hand in his. Tears rolling down his cheek and dripping onto the collar of his very expensive jacket.
He failed. He may have tried his best to stop it from happening, but he ultimately failed. You went through more or less, what he went through.
He shouldn't have left you alone, he shouldn't have trusted that you won't suffer like he did. He should have intervened, he should have bought that plane ticket instead, He shouldn't have respected your boundaries that day, he should have come to you regardless.
You have proven that you are incapable to take care of yourself. No more mistakes, no more neglect, you need him now more than ever. He is going to make things right and you will have no say in anything anymore. You will depend on him and he will make sure of it.
As soon as his eyes met yours, he lost it. He broke down sobbing in his hands. The weight of his failure is crushing him to pieces, how could he be so fucking stupid? Obviously, you needed him despite receiving that scathing text message four years ago. You were so young, so naïve, so inexperienced and oblivious to the cruel, cruel world around you. Of course, you thought you would do okay. You haven't seen the world at its' worst like he did! He should have known better... and he knew better! He just...
He just wanted you to be happy. And, he thought you would be happier if he left you alone for a while. In the meantime, he would continue building that perfect life for you to come home to, filled with nothing but comfort and luxuries. But look at you now, you were robbed of your innocence, and, your friend blamed himself for it.
You're suffering and he was the cause of it. only if he didn't neglect you in the first place...
Only if you didn't fucking reject him over and over again. Things would have turned out differently. You also had a part in this!
You covered your face out of embarrassment, you did not want him to see you at this stage of life. You didn't want anyone seeing you like this.
Please leave me alone. You said.
You always knew your friend to be the softest, sweetest person around you. He never got physically violent to anyone (at least, to your knowledge).
Imagine the shock when he yanked your hand away from your face and delivered a devastating slap to your face. You were stunned as the ringing of your ears and the pain of the blow overwhelm your senses. Within moments, a red print was formed on your cheek.
Your parents rushed in to put a barrier between you and him, but he ignored them and began yelling and pointing at you hysterically.
I trusted you! I trusted you! How dare you do this to yourself!? I worked so fucking hard-- I sacrificed everything for you, and you can't even keep yourself healthy! Oh, he was angry. He was shouting and screaming, most of the time it just made you scared and confused. You can't understand what he was getting at because he was jumbling over his words.
Your hands, they aren't supposed to look like mine and look what you have done to them! His voice went hoarse from all the exertion.
You weren't supposed to work for anything in life, I was supposed to provide for you! Why can't you just fucking depend on me!? Why can't you just accept me!?
You can only watch on as he threw a massive tantrum, your father tried his best to pull him away from the room, but to no avail.
You are going to depend on me, I am going to provide for you and that's final! I don't care what you think, you can't be trusted to do anything alone! With that final piece, he wrenched himself off your father's grip and stormed out of your childhood bedroom, slamming the door behind him so hard, that some wall décor fell to the ground with a loud crash.
He is going to replace them later. Now, he needs to make a few phone calls.
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Pontiac Grand Ville
The early 1970s were good times for the Pontiac Motor Division. During the 1960s, the company re-imagined itself, becoming a leader in several car model segments with high annual production. In 1971, Pontiac decided to enter the luxury car segment by introducing a new, top-of-the-line model called the Grand Ville. At that time, the Bonneville was Pontiac’s premium model, and it did the job well. With several body styles available, a nice lineup of engines, and lots of optional extras, the Bonneville sold reasonably well. In fact, it was considered a wise choice in the luxury car field. However, Pontiac wanted something closer to the Cadillac or Oldsmobile than to the Chevrolet Caprice. So they presented the Pontiac Grand Ville using a Bonneville platform and most of the sheet metal, but with a few trim details to differentiate the two models.
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Pontiac Grand Ville
The Bonneville stayed in production, but they downgraded it below the Grand Ville. Pontiac decided to offer a 400 HP V8 engine as standard and a 455 HP as an optional engine, as well as a high level of equipment. But for those who wanted something extra, Pontiac offered a leather interior, climate control, and a heavy-duty suspension. They also included an AM/FM radio, and even adjustable brakes and accelerator pedals. They made the Grand Ville in a two or four-door hardtop, as well as a luxury convertible. However, the market didn’t respond all that well, so sales figures were low. At the same time, the energy crisis hit the U.S., so those big gas guzzlers fell out of favor with most customers. They discontinued production of the Grand Ville in 1975. This returned the Bonneville to the top spot in their main model lineup.
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bon2bonn · 9 months
To be yours D.R #3
Daniel Ricciardo X female!reader
Bebe wake up!! The office coworkers au is here!
Warnings : no proof reading , grammar,*Title might change🤷🏻‍♀️.
This lives rent-free in my head!!!! I need to get it out .
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First and foremost let's get some background info! .
So our girl is in Management .
Graduated top of her class with honour and all .
Got internship in one of the top international business companies since sophomore year.
"Work hard , don't take shit from nobody" kind of girl .
So after graduating that secured her an opportunity right away .
So started off working , expanding both her relations and knowledge in the business world beside working on a couple of masters and a PhD on the making.
So for a couple of years it was a steady progress up the ranks .
Up until she scored Project Manager.
Which is A lot of work and commitment but she got it covered .
And as a PM she interact with and overseas members from other departments for every project and so she's well known and respected as a leader and a colleague .
Her team members likes to call her the Boss lady , when the work is due you better do your job well or boy you're in for a ride .
But that don't mean she's an uptight controlling bit#@ ordering people around .
She could be seen chatting with other employees and even the internship students , giving advice when asked , boosting energy when needed , and giving praise to who deserves .
That doesn't mean the b+_£#'s won't be around trying to be a pain .
But we know how to deal with that .
Anyway .
As It's said PM works with and supervise other departments depending on the project in progress.
So !!!!!
In came our Danny boy .
With that sharp suit and curly curles and THAT smile .
I mean look at him ! .
Sir !!! that's illegal to look this good and be that good ! .
Everyone knows Danny .
And everyone adores him .
Or/and have a crush on him .
He applied for the job just for kicks but now he got a full-time position so that is that .
But that don't mean he's going to slack in getting the work done efficiently .
He shift through several departments so almost everyone is familiar with him .
Went from working in Finances to Marketing to HR before settling back to Marketing .
He worked on many projects with our girl's department in general and within her team on several occasions when needed .
Both know eachother well as colleagues and their work dynamic is unmatched .
That didn't happen overnight but they got there eventually .
He got a calm and relaxed layed back approach , while she got the organized thoroughly planed approach so they often clash on small details , but you can always see that geddy smile on Danny's face whenever he got on her nerves .
Meetings with him are a nightmare .
And let's not forget about him terrorising the innocent interns on the daily .
If you see him skipping down the hall humming happily know that he accomplished his daily routine of provoking her , and somewhere else she's plotting to throw him in a ditch .
Just kidding .
Or not .
But he always gets her her favourite drink with small packets of cookies and sweets so he's safe for now .
So that's it for now .
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