#Enkidu and Hakuno being best friend
sakuraswordly · 1 year
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What I reblog in this Sonic’s wish and why I connect with Punch and Gilgamesh. Because what I write in this balance......
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As I told wishing is not free(even changing the future), to bring happiness to others meant bring sadness and hurt to yourself.
In Sonic Frontiers, Cyber corruption is like a burden that you carry. Whatever you wish for someone to be happy it means need freedom. Sonic is very serious about the freedom that makes his being corrupted so much more painful. This isn't just about saving his friends anymore. It's so they can live their dreams. Having their freedom, even if it costs Sonic his own(His happiness and his freedom as a price for paid).
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So his friends paid their "freedom" to save Sonic from Cyber corruption. It meant "Don't carry the burden by yourself. Remember you're not alone, you have friends by your side to carry the burden"
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That's why I said in this hint. In Tsubasa of Phantasia, The reason Sonic understood Syaoran the best and told Syaoran not to blame himself for what he has done. The reason why Sonic always tells Syaoran never to give up no matter what. They both did the mistake. They both did break a taboo. Both did lose family or home once.
But in the end, because Sonic is stubborn, Sonic choose to burden himself because if others do this way, they will die because they don't have power like Sonic does even though Sonic trusted Syaoran.
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The same way goes for Punch and Gilgamesh as well. They knew their friends or important people couldn't burden because they don't have much powerful like Punch and Gilgamesh do. Gilgamesh always believes that there were people like him somewhere in this world and he was right, that people were Enkidu who had an equivalent to him but in the end, Enkidu died and which make Gilgamesh realize he was the only one who can carry the burden in this world that's why he needs to be alive so he began the journey to find immortality.
Gilgamesh :: *Sigh*…Hakuno, how many times do you intend to make me say “just as the legend says.” I let the snake have it. While I was bathing, conceited wretch, immortality was snatched away. I, who approves of desire, had the rug pulled out from under me by a snake that crawls the plains. By the simple desire of “hunger.” The snake that consumed the herb gained the ability to shed its skin. It was a power not of immortality but of rejuvenation. Not a bad elixir, I do have something of the sort in my treasury?
Gilgamesh:  For the first time I was delighted and thankful that I was born into this world. Though I had often declared I had the perspective of humanity, until that moment, I was not human. I was released from everything. I was no longer lost, no longer afraid, I had no attachments and no obligations, and I trembled with an overwhelming feeling of omnipotence. This is the pulse of life. This is the reward of selfishness.
Gilgamesh found the law that can't be broken "The balance" and "Can't bring the death back to life". he lost immortality to Snake because of the price of the balance. Gilgamesh wishes for him to be alive forever so the price is immortality itself. Gilgamesh was very happy and laughed because he finally understands nature and "The balance". Gilgamesh knew he understand only one that's why.......
Gilgamesh :: — well, after Uruk was completed, I did secretly travel to the abyss and retrieve it. It is a rare treasure, if nothing else.
He was the leader, so he was taught to know how to back up.
In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Gilgamesh tries to stop the end of the world which meant every life will die. To break this law he was already planning to sacrifice himself as king and as friends for Punch and Peter and.....too.
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In Absolute Demonic front Babylonia, Caster Gilgamesh chose himself as the price for Uruk to live on.
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In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Punch saved Gilgamesh to live on. That was the effect that happen was the Uruk and Babylon failed and no longer exist, and everyone will know as a "Myth". This is the price that people in Uruk and Babylon paid for Gilgamesh to exist. The same way for Peter as well. Camelot become a "Myth", this is the price that the people of Camelot paid for Peter to live. Normal People weren't powerful so the price for paying it cost their own life. That's why Punch, Gilgamesh and Sonic chose to burden this alone to prevent them to die.
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That's why I named the topic Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained 1(Tsofph Concept ). Punch, Gilgamesh and Sonic accept sadness and hurt even if they will end up alone once in their life. And Punch, Gilgamesh and Sonic were already planning to sacrifice themself for the world and the universe they loved.
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laseralovelycave · 5 years
Hakuno and Enkidu friendship. ( A little bit of Gil too )
Ok, I love the idea Enkidu is Hakuno’s berserker, so here’s some things i wrote when they actually met again.
-When they met each other again, they cried tears of happiness. Gil stood from a far and let them talk before came to them.
-They are good friends. Hakuno and Enkidu actually take shift in taking care of Gil when he is working to prevent him from not doing his work or just there to help him.
-They went out together alone sometime when Gil allowed them to. Their favourite places are the park and the zoo.
-Sometime they also planned a prank on Gil. It’s ended up a chase game with Gil having Ea on his hand and Enkidu with Hakuno in their arm.
-The two of them have birds as pets. They take care of the birds together. Gil prefers lions but he accepted the birds because it brings his friend and queen happiness.
-Enkidu and Hakuno sometime making meals together and brought them to Gil. They have actually getting good with cooking thanks to that. Especially desserts. That’s Hakuno’s favorite so Enkidu gets along making it with her.
- In battlefield, Enkidu mostly stays near Hakuno to protect her whenever Gil has to go a little far from where Hakuno is to finish their enemies. Thanks to this, Gil can freely do anything he want in the battlefield and not need to think of Hakuno’s safety because Enkidu is there to protect her. Of course Gil didn’t hate protecting her or anything.
- Because sometime Gil and Enkidu would fight each other on some planet they went to. Many planets give themselves to them in orders to stop them from destroyed the planet. Hakuno gets used to it and become pretty good in politics and negotiation with the ambassadors. Gil looks after the paperwork, laws and etc. Sometime he even rebuild the city because he doesn’t like it design. Enkidu just go around the city and habiats, it help them knows more about the planet habiats and geography.
-In every planet they been given, there were many zoo and gardens of Hakuno and Enkidu. Mostly there are herbivores in there but there also a place where Gil has his pet in the their garden and zoo. In a separate area of course.
-Anytime the two went to the garden, they sang. Their voices were beautiful after all. Gil loves to listen to their sound.
-Hakuno loves to make many hairstyles for Enkidu and Enkidu also loves to make hairstyles to Hakuno. That’s why sometime when Gil walked to the garden, he would see the two with many beautiful flower on their hair and their hairstyles is beautiful.
-Enkidu loves Gil’s secret album of Hakuno so they help their friend collect more photos anytime they went out with Hakuno.
-When the trio went shopping or just a walk to relax, Enkidu at first wonders why their friends didn’t let anyone talk to their master. But when they actually see the effects that happens when she talks to someone. They realize the reason and also didn’t let anyone talk to her without Gil’s permission or in an actual dangerous situation that the person need to talk to her because she got Harem protagonist: EX she would charmed anyone and that would be quite annoying when she accidentally charmed someone like BB
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fuwafuwamedb · 3 years
Baking Cookies (Kid Gil, Archer Gil, Hakuno, Emiya)
It was late.
Later than one would want, but that wasn’t going to stop him. His feet pattered across the floors of the hallways, his hands pressing against the walls as he would reach one corner after another. His bright gaze took in new path after new path.
Today was a good day for this morning’s task.
For too long, he’d held off, opting to wait and think of a time and a day where the forces and the elements would be just right. It had not been until yesterday.
Gil opened the doors to the kitchen, taking a full moment to look around at the room. Its stainless steel gleamed proudly on the counters and around the room on furnishings. There was a collection of ingredients both showing from corners of the counters and from a couple open cabinets. The room’s usual occupants were gone, leaving him the space for the plans to come into action.
The flour was pulled and poured wildly into a large bowl. Then came the salt and the baking soda.
Just a smidge of each, he’d been warned.
He went to the drawers, pulling cups for measuring. He needed the two sugars: both brown and granulated. They were poured and dumped into another bowl and, from there, the young king opened the fridge and pulled a couple rectangles of butter.
Cream it, he’d been told. The rectangles smushed and squelched in the bowl poorly, leaving his nose wrinkling and his brow furrowing. He added the egg for good measure, but it still didn’t ease the process of creaming the sugar and butter mixture.
He looked at the ingredients, tapping the counter before a light went off in his head.
Extra sweetness.
The white haired faker used it often in his cooking. Glancing around, he began with the upper cabinets, pouring through the various labels until he could find the one he was looking for.
The little bottle just needed to be poured slightly into the bowl.
A few drops would be enough. The stuff was the essence of sweetness. Much like the recipient of this work was, this bottle’s contents was lethally sweet in high doses.
He stirred again, pouring the first bowl of flour in with the creamed mixture.
Ah, but they needed one last thing.
“This will set them apart from anything else,” Gil murmured, his fingers snapping to open the gates. His older selves would probably never notice. It wasn’t like they couldn’t get more of the fine quality chocolate that he let land on the counter.
A little slice and dice- then straight into the bowl.
And now to bake.
The oven was set, the mixed ingredients clumped onto pans properly.
He’d done it.
Despite how much Enkidu had teased him about being able to cook and despite the white haired faker saying that kings were probably too selfish to cook; he’d made a whole batch of cookies. Delicious smelling cookies at that, he thought, staring at the array of them as they soon began to fill the counters as they cooled off from the oven.
Great cooks deserved a break.
Besides that, it would probably be best to take a moment to go use the restroom.
He moved carefully, slipping out and down the hall. A small whistle now left his lips, smile prouder than ever as he pushed the bathroom door open.
It wasn’t until he returned when he felt the world come to a pause.
“You really made these?” Hakuno stared at the king nearby, munch on one of the cookies. Her body was perched on one of the remaining empty spaces on the counter.
“You may feel free to praise me properly, mongrel. Or do you intend to doubt me further?”
“They’re the best cookies I’ve ever had-“
“HEY!” The shout fell from his lips, his limbs trembling as he stared at the two. “I MADE THOSE!”
The archer nearby raised a brow, glancing to him. “Did you not hear her, child? She said I made them. Are you not a version of me?”
“That doesn’t matter!” Gil huffed, his foot stomping against the ground. “Hakuno!”
“They’re good,” she told him, mouth full of cookie.
“They’re for you. Don’t share with him!”
“Oh?” Gilgamesh Archer’s expression great only that much more smug, his hands moving towards the counter. “You think I want one of your meager sweets?”
“Don’t touch them!”
The man lifted one of the cookies, wiggling it in his hands before bringing it closer to his mouth.
It was moving so slowly towards his lips. The world was crawling through time, his body barely able to move before the whole scene began to unfold. And then he was left to stand with his eyes wide. The woman on the counter’s body was now moved, her mouth wrapped around part of Gilgamesh Archer’s hand and the cookie itself.
Her eyes looked up at Archer’s, the cookie practically crumbling in her mouth and in Gilgamesh’s hand.
“…Truly, mongrel?”
The woman hummed, eyes closing.
“It is not worthwhile for me to eat something that has already been partially eaten by someone else. I am not one for sloppy seconds.” The man pushed the cookie into her mouth, shaking his head. “You should get your own cookies, Hakuno. Your bad behavior will be remembered during training.”
“You make great cookies,” Hakuno repeated again, making the man roll his eyes.
“You’ve taken all the joys of harassing the boy meaningless. I will be in our chambers.”
Gil grunted as the man brushed passed, his arm swatting only to miss.
“Until next time, little pest.”
He hated him.
So very deeply to the very marrow of his bones, Gil hated that archer pest. He had no respect, no understanding. He took and he took; it was a wonder that Hakuno put up with him at all!
Speaking of the woman though-
Gil glanced to the woman still in the room, now picking up a couple more cookies.
“Do you mind? I’ve never had cookies this good before.”
“I made them for you,” Gil murmured.
Those honey-colored eyes widened, her smile broadening. “Really?”
“We’re friends, remember? That is what you told me. As my friend, you should be treated to finer things. You didn’t like the fabrics and the jewels, so I thought maybe food would be better.”
Hakuno’s face was simply radiant. Her eyes were soft, cheeks dusted a light pink. Her smile gave way to that all too nice pitter patter in his chest. She stood a little taller even, walking over to his side with his gifts for her in hand.
“I’m glad you like them,” he told her.
“I love them, Gil. Thank you.” Hakuno pressed her lips to his cheek. “I’m going to go check on Archer, but I’ll come back really soon for more cookies. They’re the best I’ve ever had.”
“I’ll box them up.” He had a great chest for them in his gates. He could wrap them in a nice fabric and place them in the box for her to indulge in as she saw fit.
“That would be great.”
Her soft perfume that was her natural scent lingered around him as she left. He watched the door, humming a little at her response.
She was all about sweets.
One way or another, he’d bake enough with his own two hands to steal her from Archer Gilgamesh. It was only a matter of time.
“It would seem someone made a mess of the kitchens.”
Gil froze, his eyes going to the white haired faker nearby.
“I do hope you have plans to clean these dishes and counters you’ve ruined. Otherwise, I will be showing our master your handiwork.”
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mystech-master · 3 years
My FGO Servant ideas/Servants I'd expect
These are some Servant ideas that I have had since I've already asked what you guys want.
I know that the Servant has to be someone that people know for the most part, since almost every Servant is someone that everyone knows with a few exceptions.
Some spoilers for other Fate works bellow
Yagyu Jubei, the One-Eyed Samurai. I feel like his NP will be some kind of Mystic Eye under his eyepatch or something. But if they want to go super Bullshut, I could imagine him being a Pseudo-Servant of Yvette L Lehrman.
Tchaikovsky, composer of 1812 Overture. The Orchestral song featuring CANNONS! I have already made a Reddit post about it here. I am trying not to just shove people in Caster
Angelica Ainsworth, holder of the Gilgamesh Class Card in Prisma Illya. I wonder how Archer/Caster Gil would react to her, or even Enkidu. I mean we know Kid Gil isn't fond of her.
Arachne, the Spider-Woman Weaver. Her Lance would simply be an enlarged sewing needle. She'd either be a sort of Spider- Centaur, or the Spider-Legs would be coming out of her legs. For some extra shit, she might be merged with the Japanese Spider-Yokai Jorogumo, or just reference it similar to how Galatea referenced the tsukumogami. Also, her being a woman made into a monster by Athena, Medusa might gain a new friend.
Sigma,>! Maiya Hisau's son from Fate/Strange Fake. Apparently the True Lancer of the True and False Holy Grail War!<. I really just want him in to see how he'd interact with the EMIYA family. ~~Someone give Shirou/EMIYA some guy friends!~~ Of course, we'll need to wait a long time for strange fate to finish to get him since the author doesn't like using f/sf characters for anything else atm.
Loki, god of mischief. Maybe being half-Jotunn can be a good enough justification to keep him as himself and not need to be a Pseudo. I like OSP's interpretation of a "genderfluid benevolent but mischievous Hearth Spirit who protects the home and family". Genderfluid would open up for one of Fate's many genderbends they love doing, but if they kept him male and make his character about all the kids he has, then imagine...Loki, who is a god of mischief and a dad.........Loki making dad jokes. Although I feel like they might go with the female Loki one since Fate loves Genderbends and IDk if Japan has an equivalent to dad jokes. The reason he'd be a Lancer is the spear of Mistletoe he gave to Höðr which then resulted in Baldr's death which is treated as the precursor to Ragnarok.
Jiraiya, the Gallant Ninja. It was either this, with him riding his summonable Toad (I mostly think of this video), Assassin b/c Ninja, Caster b/c of reasons covered in the video linked before and some similar videos by the same guy, and Saber with the Nakirimaru, or "wave cutting sword," used to exorcise the Snake Spirit from Orochimaru. I went with Rider so the Rock-Paper-Scissors match of Frog-Slug-Snake matches the classes of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru respectively.
Tsunade, the Slug Maiden. The reason is mentioned above in Jiraiya's segment.
TOHSAKA, Rin as a Counter Guardian. The closest we'll get to actual Rin on her own with no other god(dess) inhabiting her body as a servant. NP would be the Jeweled Sword Zelretch. Also, imagine Ishtar seeing the older Rin (her vessel)'s more developed body and getting pissed.
Orpheus, the musical son of Apollo. Considering one big part of his story was being so bummed about his wife dying that his music just depressed everyone, even the gods, with his bad vibes, I could imagine them making him into sort of an emo guitar player or some shit. But if that is too lame then giving his Lyre some Siren Song-esque powers might be something since during his adventures with the Argonauts, since when the sirens began to sing he "played music that was louder and more beautiful, drowning out the Sirens' bewitching songs."
Not too sure on the spirit, hopefully a Death God, but I want a Pseudo-Servant of Kairi Sisigou. I mean a Necromancer Mercenary, TELL ME that doesn't fit. Also the possible fun interactions he can have with Mordred again, and her family and new friends.
I mentioned above, Orochimaru, with him being a Pseudo-Servant in Souichirou Kuzuki. I just needed a snake-themed servant to put him in because I know everyone wants him as a pesudo so Medea can have her husband.
Kriemhild, wife of Siegfried. Either this or Avenger. Berserker would be the most fitting for my idea, but Avenger would also fit and most likely have cooler animations I bet. As the wiki says about her personality: "Kriemhild held a "deep‐rooted and blind love" for Siegfried, such that it's described as "passionate love that repays the murder of one’s loved one with twice the payback." Siegfried's death, rather than assuage the feud with Brunhild, caused Kriemhild to "burn with the flames of revenge."' NP being a more demonic/dark version of Balmung. I wanted her to be a sort of obsessive wife and mother to Siegfried and Sieg (I like to imagine them having a mentor-student to father-son dynamic), the family dynamics between the three would be fun to imagine.
Lycaon, the wolf king. He once tested Zeus' omniscience by serving him the roasted flesh of Lycaon's own son Nyctimus, in order to see whether Zeus was truly all-knowing. In return for these gruesome deeds, Zeus transformed Lycaon into a wolf. He'd be a pseudo for Svin Glascheit. I just needed a wolf spirit to put Svin in. I mean everyone already is imagining Berserker-Jack the Ripper using Flat as a vessel.
Magni, son of Thor. Do I even need to explain who I am using as a vessel for this Spirit?
Pandora, the all-endowed first woman. At first, I was unsure about her class. Yes, the whole thing of Pandora's Box was made as a punishment for Prometheus stealing fire (I wonder how Fate would interpret this with the whole Age of Gods vs Age of Man thing), but as the wiki says "She was given knowledge by the gods that she had to wait until humanity perished so that she can finally open the box and release the world's true potential. Because of her immortality, Pandora suffered greatly as people unreasonably tried to kill the undying mud doll whenever they discovered she wasn't human. After so many years of suffering, Pandora began questioning on why she had to go through this for humans."
Captain Ahab, Captain of the Pequod. >!Implied to be one of Watcher's Shadows in fate/strange fake, so the reason he'd be unavailable is stated above!<. His NP would be his prosthetic leg made out of whalebone, which may give him some aquatic abilities. Or it might be the harpoon that he got tangled in which resulted in his death.
Tsukuyomi, the Shinto Moon God. Using Hakuno Kishinami as a vessel. I mean combining the Admin authority from the EXTELLA's Regalia which grants him kingship of the Moon Cell with Tsukuyomi's moon god authority would be pretty cool. I know a lot of people want a Dioscuri situation where we get both male and female Hakunos but I feel like it'd be one or the other. Of course, this is only if Hakuno NEEDS a god in him. I partially Headcanon that the reason BB made Jinako a MoonCancer was as a test run for when she does it to Hakuno.
Alter Ego
Ergo, The Man Who Devoured God. From The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi. " Because of the method of creation he has several gods within him after devouring their flesh. All three gods within him, one of which is Sun Wukong, have the shared themes of "water gods" and "hands"." Having 3 gods fits man other Alter Egos haveing 3 gods in them (Sakura Five, Ashiya Douman, and Sitonai).
>!U-Olga Marie, the Alien God. The Best chance we get of having Olga back. Similar reason for being summoned as Kiara.!<
Lemme know what you guys think of my ideas and if you'd add anything to them.
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producermokyo · 4 years
The funny thing about Ritsuka and Enkidu dating is that Gil can't really do anything about it because Ritsuka friends with Hakuno and Enkidu is kinda overprotective of her. So I just picturing him sulking about it but his Caster counterpart might take this better than his Archer self.
Ahahah for some reason I imagine Archer thinking he just lost his best friend to a female and Enkidu being like, "But you have a wife yourself 🤔🤔🤔🤔"
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pryotra · 5 years
Part 2 - GilHaku Danny Phantom AU. Does 14 year old Gil count as a cross between KidGil and ProtoGil? Also, imagine Enkidu being among those that awakened back into the World thanks to Gil's accidental portal activation. Thanks to Hakuno, they reunite with their best friend and poor Gil has feelings that he just can't because this green haired person is so achingly familiar and he doesn't know why (I like the idea that Gil gradually receive his past memories over time instead of immediately).
14 year old Gil has probably just started to realize his Charisma, so he’s starting to develop his bad attitude, while still having some of the traits of his youngest self. And yeahhh I very much see Enkidu returning. 
I agree! I like Gil slowing remembering things, but also having some reactions based on things that are so deep their a part of him. Like Enkidu Is His Friend. I might have something funny with Enkidu living in Gil’s closet or something.
Also, given that Enkidu can change their shape at will, I see them making themself look Gil and Hakuno’s age.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
The Treasure of the Anzu Pt 2 (Hakuno, Siduri, Gilgamesh, Enkidu)
Previously One
He had found a maiden.
She had been curled up in the mountains, tucked away from the world in a nest of Anzu birds.
Wiping at his face, Gilgamesh moved into his personal chambers. His eyes fell to the maiden slumbering away. Her arms were wrapped around the being that had been on the verge of death. Like a pair of strangely colored siblings, the two were sleeping soundly.
“My king.” Siduri stood up nearby, bowing lightly. “I have seen to the apsu and they have agreed that the maiden’s mana is sustaining your friend. There has been a slight, tiny incident.”
“Incident?” Gilgamesh paused, setting the fabric aside and looking to the woman. “What kind of incident are we talking about, Siduri?”
“The maiden, when she saved your friend, a series of marking formed on her hand. It seems to be linking the being to your guest, but her mana is flowing freely into Enkidu. The gods have become silent as well. The priests could not hear anything from them when the priests oversaw the process. The apsu checked the girl, she is well, but they are worried.”
“Is she in any physical health condition due to this link?”
“No. Not at present.”
“Has Enkidu gotten up?”
“They awakened long enough to eat through four courses and then fall back asleep,” Siduri confessed. “The kitchens were ruing their rations of food and had to reach out to feed the rest of the palace.”
“That is their own affair to contend with. I informed them that Enkidu was not dying as the gods had decreed. It was their folly not to believe their king.”
“Of course.” Siduri nodded.
They both watched the two slumbering, holding one another as they rested soundly. He could see the marks now. The red intricate design was running over the back of her hand, looking to be done like pigments upon a wall.
He wasn’t sure what to make of it, but he didn’t need to. Enkidu was alive.
That, in itself, was enough.
“My king,” Siduri looked over to him now, frowning further. “I worry about the consequences of what is happening. Ishtar had gone after Enkidu for a reason. Messing with the curse that Enlil himself had cast upon the being could have grave consequences. I think it may be best to send an appeasement of some sort to the temples. Perhaps a stipend of food or money or-“
Siduri tensed.
He couldn’t help but to climb into the bed, moving himself between the two curled up together. Their arms latched to him, embracing and welcoming him into their pleasant embraces.
He sighed in bliss.
“I have no desire to appease gods who felt the need to remove the being from my life. The woman’s mana has sustained Enkidu. The bond they have is no doubt to keep them safe. It could just be temporary.”
The woman was clinging to him a little more, her legs wrapping around his as Siduri’s face deepened in color. Her hands tightened on the tablet in her hands, her face averted.
“I-I will let you relax tonight, but I had the apsu check the maiden and she’s intact. Please just… We do not know her lineage and it probably isn’t wise to do anything when she is connected to Enkidu. Enkidu might take it personally.”
That was a good point.
Looking at the maiden, Gilgamesh sighed lightly.
“I will not do anything nefarious with Enkidu in my presence and recovering. I am not a fool, Siduri. Nor am I without some principle. She has saved my friend. I will reward her when she awakens. For now, I am keeping her in here as a means to see to Enkidu.”
“Alright. Good night, my king.”
The woman moved to the door, smiling as she spoke softly to the guards before exiting. A glance in, a wave, and the doors were shut.
“Tomorrow night,” Gilgamesh murmured. “Once you are awake and accustomed to my kingdom, I will thank you in a manner befitting of a savior to my friend… And I will do as is my right as your king.” Tonight, she could rest, store energy for the time to come.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Courtships and Fellowships Pt 7 (Gilgamesh, Enkidu)
Previously: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
“How did it go?”
Gilgamesh and Enkidu cornered the woman a moment after she left the fool’s chambers, forcing her into a corner. Gudako’s usual cheery enough mood was gone, her brows furrowed as she looked between them.
“She looked shitty,” Gudako replied. “I hope you’re both happy. She’s sobbing in there and now Sigurd’s in a bad mood. I need some damn candy or something.”
“She was sobbing?” Gilgamesh grinned a little.
For Hakuno to be sobbing at the news of him being bored, it showed that she cared about him. Perhaps she was realizing that she had made a mistake. That made all of this so much easier. He could simply enjoy Enkidu’s company, ignoring Hakuno until she decided to come confront him.
“I offered to-“
“Say no more,” Gilgamesh told her simply. “We will simply ignore her, Enkidu. Let’s go.”
“Are you sure, Gil?”
He began to head in the opposite direction, nodding at his friend as the fool followed him.
Ignorance was best in these cases. The feelings that Hakuno had would fester and worsen. He needn’t act up not get up to his usual ornery behaviors with Enkidu to have her come running or understanding her place at their side. She would come around at the silence and become firmly theirs once she welcomed them as servants. They could finally travel and roam the area again once she stopped fooling around with this volsung character.
“Gil, I don’t like this,” Enkidu murmured.
“I do not like it either, but Hakuno is learning her lesson. It will take some patience.”
Patience was key.
He moved to their room, heading over to the wardrobe as Enkidu headed for their games to find comfort in. Over the next few days, he would have to enjoy dressing himself and Enkidu in compliment to one another. Show solidarity and make the woman feel guilt further for abandoning them. She would look at Enkidu matching him, being at his side, and she would wish herself in the similar position on his other side.
She knew it was where she belonged.
They all truly understood that.
The only question in mind now was what to do once she made the right decision.
Gilgamesh’s eyes fell to the low cut dress in the closet.
A smile came to his face as he closed the closet doors.
We shall see.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
The Treasure of the Anzu (Hakuno, Gilgamesh, Enkidu)
The world was cold and isolated around the mountainside.
No life grew here. There were no roads and no sunlight. The moon and the stars refused to show, leaving the land to neither be fertile or dead. The earth beneath his feet was nothing more than rock and rubble, leading deeper and deeper into the mountains.
It is here, where the anzu birds defended the territory, that he went.
The body against his back was wasting away, their limbs moving here and there as he walked. Their voice had not spoken in so long.
No god would help them.
No goddess would dare speak to them.
His own mother, whom he had spoken to last, had left her temple, traversing the countryside to ‘help him’ alongside the god of justice, but he knew the farce when he heard it. He knew there was nothing that the divine could do to help them. The edict had been passed by Enlil himself. The god of fate had thrown his hand into the world and was crushing the last of life from Enkidu’s body.
That was why he had gone deep into the depths of the ziggurat.
He’d opened the belongings of his father, pulling the tablets from within.
The map of the anzu had led to their nest, buried far off the path to any of the human kingdoms on the maps. He’d found this to be an end of all his maps and knowledge.
They’d crossed the world of the known and entered the world of the unknown.
Lions heads appeared in the rocks over their heads. Molten fire poured out of a few’s mouths, oozing over the cliffs and melting away at the ancient stones that lay there.
Gilgamesh moved to a stop, setting his friend down and looking at the tablet they’d brought amongst their supplies.
There is a maiden.
A maiden that has been forgotten by time and by space. The anzu birds were created by Tiamat, yes, but this creation was made by the hands of man’s own creation. She rests deeply, never aging or changing. She cannot awaken. I am told that only the divine can do so, but her power would counter divine power once awakened.
She is what the gods fear, what mankind has always wanted as a champion when they rivaled their gods.
She can change fate, but the cost of that would be too great.
In my time with the anzu birds, I received one of her circuits as they’re called. It shall pass on to my first born, but, for now, it will give me enough power to run to the kingdom to attack and slaughter Uruk’s enemies.
Where was she?
Gilgamesh looked up again, studying the space.
He’d gone by the pull he felt to this point, but he couldn’t feel anything anymore.
The strange bird creatures with their lion heads were looking at him, moving slowly down from their nests. He could see the talons on their feet sharpening. He could see the steam and smoke coming from their mouths.
They had to move.
“Come, Enkidu,” Gilgamesh growled, pulling the being over his shoulder.
They’d travel deeper.
If the maiden was anywhere, then she would be found easily enough. They just had to keep going.
Gilgamesh paused, his eyes falling to the strange bird in the distance.
The other birds were moving and preparing to fight him. He could sense their agitation, their need to investigate and eat him and Enkidu. The bird ahead of them was perched.
Their body was leaning over something.
There you are, Gilgamesh thought to himself.
“You can handle a couple birds, can’t you, Enkidu?”
Once more, Enkidu was placed down, carefully covered as Gilgamesh moved forward.
He had to be close. That had to be where the maiden was. A divine killer amongst the lifeless world here? A creation of creation, hidden away by the very birds that defied and hated mortals? It made perfect sense.
“Turn back.”
The voice came from the perched guardian bird, the whiskers of their lion face twitching.
“You have been spared, Lugalbanda kin. We made an arrangement with that of the man whom you come from. In return, he gave birth to an abomination of a child.”
“I need that maiden,” Gilgamesh growled.
The bird gave it away, shifting to cover something around them up more.
The beasts swarmed, their wings and their fiery breath closing in. He could feel the scalding temperatures, the burns forming over his arms as he grabbed Enkidu and ran for it. Their supplies could be gathered again, but they had to survive.
They rushed for the anzu leader. His hands threw the being ahead of him a second before he had the gates opening, the birds crying out at the sudden splendor of light. Amongst the bleak and the quiet, there was sudden brightness and ear piercing sound as metal slid forth from metal sheaths. The flinches were opportunistic.
Blade after blade sank into a series of feathered torsos. Crimson began to pour forth, blending and burning in the fire that was amongst the dirt.
He pulled another weapon from the gates, aiming it at the bird now.
Enkidu was at his feet.
The maiden, as he saw her now, was resting just inside the nest.
“You will mean her end,” the beast warned.
“I will not lose my friend,” Gilgamesh warned the beast. “Step aside or join the others.”
“Your father refused to move her when I showed him. He needed only a fraction of her power, but you possess that.”
“Enkidu is dying. Step aside, bird.”
“Your rudeness knows no bounds. Will you not adhere to praise and persuasion? Whatever happened to the Uruk diplomacy-“
“I have a dying friend and a means to their survival.”
“You cannot take her. She will be found.”
The bird acted as though he would give them a choice. His gates opened behind their body, the blades pointing towards the anzu bird as he narrowed his gaze.
“Turn back. I will return you to the world of the divine or to the land of your people.”
“I won’t leave without her.”
The beast was rising higher and higher.
He’d thought the other birds were the height of a small farmhouse? Maybe a bit taller?
This bird rose higher and higher. The mountains shook as the beast moved to climb to its feet. There was no missing the wingspan, that which would have blocked out the sun. A flutter of those wings would have knocked a man to his knees or back. He could see the steam forming around its mouth, the great acid pouring forth, dripping to near where the woman was.
Large and striking, the beast of an anzu bird was enough to strike fear into a mortal man. It was enough to make a man go mad, screaming in the opposite direction in fear. It was enough to slaughter and leave no body to bury.
It was no Humbaba.
The blades struck fast, faster than it could go to speak again. Its mane blew in its descent forward. The ground shook as it slammed directly into the earth.
The world went from dark to still, from filled with the sound of the fires and threats, to empty.
His personal favorite blade stuck out from behind its neck.
Gilgamesh moved forward, Enkidu under one arm. He pulled the blade from the beast, allowing the other blades to return to his gates as he walked down the beast’s back.
“I am King Gilgamesh,” he told the beast. “When I say that something shall be mine, I don’t mean perhaps or maybe. I mean simply that something is mine.”
The world shifted.
He frowned at the strange world around them as he glanced back.
An archway hung overhead, glimmering with the world of his people behind him.
Ahead of him, the maiden no longer lay in a strange nest. She was now on a strange bed of sorts. There were odd creature sounds making almost honking sounds like ducks, but that wasn’t quite right. He could see strange creatures hanging from the roof of the room, their heads turning to look at him with their one dark eye that gleamed in the low light.
Footsteps were running his way.
An image of a woman with purple hair was moving and screaming, but the words were foreign to his ears.
Whatever it was, he didn’t care.
He stepped forward again, pausing at the sight of his father’s image running around him and grabbing the figure. The guards of this place tried to grab him, but his father was the most adept in combat. The maiden was held close and carried out, making Gilgamesh turn and look back.
The archway passed.
They were back in the mountainside.
The bodies of the anzu were lying dead around them again, but there were more strange ripples in the air around them.
It felt thicker now, the air and the fog in the distance. He could see more beasts and creatures moving their way.
Without the anzu, then the world must have been wanting to reclaim this dead land. That meant he had little time before the divine would sense the maiden he had read about. His father’s figure had vanished, leaving him to look forward again and see the maiden in the place she’d been in before.
His father had stolen her from wherever she’d been. He’d left her here.
No time.
He had no time for this.
He hurried along the anzu’s feet, dropping down and pulling the maiden into his arms. Her face pressed against his chest. Her body made the smallest of groans.
Whoever she was, she was alive.
And, when he was done with her, she would save Enkidu from death.
A storm rumbled behind him. Rain was beginning to head their way.
With his hold on the two figures in his arms, Gilgamesh stared into the depths of the darkness and debated how best to start this return back to Uruk.
Whatever his plan became, it would be a long way home.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Aruru Pt 2 (Hakuno, Gilgamesh, Enkidu)
Previously: 1
One story.
And then another story.
Then one more story, because ummum was staying up very late this evening to tell stories and she just wouldn’t fall asleep.
Aruru stared up at the woman, waiting patiently for the moment that her ummum would drift off and let her have time for fun. She’d made these plans carefully. She needed her ummum to just close her eyes and dream happy dreams about adventures and magic and family.
“Aruru,” her mother murmured, leaning in close.
“Night, ummum,” she murmured back, kissing her mom’s cheeks and watching those eyes hover to a close.
Ah! But this was ummum. She was really smart and had special, divine powers. She was like a goddess, able to sense everything before it happened. That was why she had to wait, listening to the sounds of the kingdom outside and to the few people that would shout into the night. She had to feel her ummum’s heart beating gently, just to make sure that she was entirely asleep before she did anything.
With that done, Aruru slipped slowly from bed.
She pulled on her best robes, the ones her ummum had made using her favorite two colors.
The jewelry came next.
She’d learned a lot about royal people from being in this place and royal people always had to wear their jewelry when meeting with diplomats and with other royals. They had to behave appropriately, standing tall and proud, answering questions honestly and proving themselves to be brave and powerful.
Everyone in the kingdom seemed to think her abum was the most powerful and smartest man in all of the universe. Even smarter than the gods too!
Her eyes drifted once more over to where her ummum slept.
Ummum would not like this. She was always talking about how dangerous it was to spend time with the king and she had those strange eyes when she talked about him. While she didn’t really listen to what her ummum said, the sight of all that water threatening to fall out of her ummum’s eyes was enough to have kept her from going to meet this man.
Until tonight, that is.
He had kissed too many ladies that were not her ummum.
Her teacher had said that kissing was meant for the person you marry, because otherwise it would hurt the person you marry and they would waste away into nothing.
Well, if he was kissing not ummum, then she needed to help him stop.
It was for the safety of her mom that she did this.
With a nod to the reflection glass, Aruru opened the doors to the hallway and crept out.
It didn’t sound like anyone was still awake.
There was the sound of the owls and the night animals, moving about in their frenzy of activities. She could hear the wind since they were high enough up in the air in the building. There were flickers of the flames in the torches as Aruru meandered the halls.
Now, where was that king?
He had been near her favorite garden, but the building looked bigger at night.
Maybe she should have investigated more.
The hallways were large, reaching up to the heavens above her and making it so that the stairs to get to the next floor were large and tiring to walk up. She had looked up at all the big statues and fabrics that adorned the walls, knowing that somewhere out there, there was a really tall person that went around and just hung things up for a living.
It sounded like a neat job, but their handiwork was even darker at night.
The warm and nice fabrics now hung high over her head, like great dark portals letting lions and nightmares into the room. She could see the statues, but their glittery claws and shiny teeth were now glinting in the light of the torches, their eyes following her as she walked passed them.
No, she ran by the end of the one hallway, slipping around the corner and panting slightly.
Her eyes looked to her left.
The sound that came out of her was a squeak of a scream, quickly covered by her hands as she looked deep into the garnet eyes of an anzu bird statue. The great lion’s head was baring its teeth, leaning in close enough that it could have taken a bite if it were real.
Real or not, she still fell on her rump.
She still felt her heart racing as she tried to tell herself it was okay.
Ummum was near.
Abum was near.
She was fine.
Monsters weren’t really real. There was nothing that was inhuman that lingered anywhere near Uruk. Everywhere was safe and sound, especially-
“What is this?”
She saw the flash of green and squeaked again, feeling her stomach churn as she tried to flee.
A pair of strange claylike hands were holding her though, pulling her back little by little.
The being was huge, enormous. This was the one that hung all the tall things that she would never be able to reach. Their eyes didn’t gleam in the light like a human being. Their face was too smooth, neither a girl or a boy. They were too strange, too still.
They were a monster!
She opened her mouth to scream when a door opened nearby.
Aruru froze.
She was locked in the hands of an absolute monster, one who was taller than the gods and the mountains and stiller than the earth and the deep blue skies. And then the person she had wanted to see so bad, the man she was needing to find to save her ummum from being sad forever, was standing right there, his smirk dying as he looked down at her.
Aruru yanked her arm out of the monster’s grip.
She kicked at them before rushing forward and wrapping her arms around her abum.
The word came out in a hiccup, her grip tightening on her abum.
A hand pressed lightly to her head.
“Enkidu, explain.”
“I don’t get it either,” the monster replied, making her glare over at them. “I came back to grab some things for Shamhat and found the little one scared of the statues.”
Aruru could feel her hair being brushed, a little bit of tugging making her wince.
“She didn’t dye it. I’d smell the strange chemicals.”
“Look to me.”
Her father lifted her chin, brushing his thumbs over her cheeks as he looked her over.
“…These are mine. What are you doing with these?”
“Ummum gave me this stuff.”
“Ummum is your wife. Your best wife…”
The man glanced to the monster again.
“…Do you not remember ummum? She has brown hair, brown eyes. She makes you eat all your food at meals and you have to make sure to study or she gets really upset and gets quiet because she didn’t have so many opportunities and she thinks you shouldn’t waste them.”
“You know ummum’s ummum face,” Aruru argued. “The one she makes that’s like this!”
Aruru scowled, just like she’d seen her ummum do.
In response, the king snickered, those eyes lighting up.
“I know that look.”
“Good. Then let’s make the bad guy go away and then we can lay with ummum and sleep.”
“I think I have another plan,” the man mused. Aruru found herself turned around, marched up to the being whom stood in waiting. “Apologize for calling Enkidu a bad guy and for shouting when they had done nothing to you.”
The flash of a look made her whimper, her eyes drifting back to the being that was now lowering themselves to her level.
“Enkidu, did you hear something?” Her father drawled.d
“I, Aruru of Uruk, apologize for calling you a bad guy. You are tall and you look strange and you scare me, but Abum is here and Abum will keep me safe until Ummum gets up.”
“I scare you?”
Aruru felt herself nudged forward, a throat clearing making it clear she had to do something else.
“Am I really that scary?”
The monster leaned in, those strange eyes roaming over her face as they took her hands into their own.
“I am here to protect your abum and ummum. I am Enkidu, the friend of your abum’s.”
“Do not coddle this behavior, Enkidu.”
“May I have a hug?”
Aruru just stared at the being a moment before she moved to hug her father. Her eyes closed.
She shook her head.
“Tomorrow she will give you a proper morning hug,” the king told him. “For tonight, I have maidens to remove from my bed and a daughter to learn about. I imagine this conversation will take a while-“
“What about ummum?”
“She will come in the morning. After all, she has indulged you and your wellbeing to a deep extreme.”
There was something off about that, but a kiss to her forehead had her tongue tied and her mind easily influenced.
This was her abum, after all.
And he seemed to like her.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Kinktober - October 9 (Enkidu, Hakuno)
Strap On Prompt 
Hakuno looked up from her screen, glancing over at her very first and very exciting servant. Their green hair was trailing behind them, their hair barely concealing the horns that they’d cut to an almost unnoticeable size. Their white robes, billowing around their frame, were shifting as they walked.
Enkidu, the great friend and best warrior to stand beside their king in ancient Babylonia, stood before her, smiling.
“What’s going on, Enkidu?”
“Your magic feels weak again.”
She paused in mid typing, her thoughts scattered from the Moon Cell data she was inputting.
Her mana was weak again?
That didn’t make much sense. They’d curled up in bed together last night. They’d even opted to change her gender to male so that she could try inserting herself into them for a greater output. Why then, why was it weaker? Her female body was producing better responses.
“Sorry, I was just- It didn’t last long this time, did it?” Hakuno smiled faintly, shaking her head. “I’m sorry that I suggested becoming male for you.”
“I had fun! I don’t mind, although you’re aim isn’t the best.”
Hakuno turned back to her screen, finding the being staring through the transparent screen to meet her gaze.
“It’s not that bad, master. You tried. You just didn’t know what to do.”
“I used mana last time for that.”
It had been exhausting to do that as well.
“Master,” Enkidu purred. Their arms wrapped around her, their body slipping around the screen and keyboard to pulled her into their arms. “Master, we could try training you to know what to do. It won’t be that hard. I learned for myself when I was young.”
That wasn’t helping.
“Come on…” Enkidu pulled her further and further away from her seat, through the hallways of the school and out of the basement. She could feel her senses on edge as they slipped to one of the music rooms, closing the door behind them.
Something was pressed into her hands.
“Please tell me this isn’t yours.”
She was holding something decent sized and phallus shaped in her hands. The being before her had that strange glow to their eyes, the strange feeling around their presence growing as she glanced down to see the strap ridden-
“Damn it, Enkidu.”
“It’s a strap on,” they explained. “I was reading about them today and made this one myself. You wrap it around your hips. Let me show you-“
“Noooooo,” Hakuno shook her head. “This is kinky.”
“No, it’s fun. You like doing this with me. You enjoyed being a boy last time and this will let you do that without the gender change. Try it once,” they insisted.
“I shouldn’t-“
“If you don’t like it, we can stop.”
She could only sigh as she saw the pout on the other’s face.
Their hands were holding her hips, their eyes beginning to water. As much as she wanted to tell them that this just wasn’t going to happen and that they needed to just do what they normally did…
“You aren’t allowed to make fun of me for bad aim,” she warned them.
“I will treat you like a queen… king…” They chuckled a moment before she felt her skirts drop. Her shirt was soon following. They slipped to the storage room nearby, opening it to the large bed they’d shoved into the space. She could feel the strange object dangling before her, hanging at the ready as Enkidu spread their legs and looked up at her with that great smile of theirs.
Her hands went to their shoulders, her hips shifting as she tried to aim like Enkidu did for lining bodies up.
“We need to be careful,” they warned, pulling one of her hands down to the strap on. “You don’t want to hurt your manhood. You need to take it slow, line yourself up by stroking me to find that warm and slick space.”
The space was definitely wet. She could feel both her and his fingers touching at that place, her palm still holding the end of the strap on.
“Do you think you can go in?”
“I think I can.”
They shook their head. “Nope. Not good enough. Hakuno, you’re so bad at this-“
Their laughter echoed in the air. “I must show you. I must show. What a shame. I wanted to be rammed into first.”
The being slammed her against the mattress, mouth against mouth. Their movements were so deep, so possessive, that her toes were curling and her voice was echoing in the small space. Her hands grabbed at the sheets of the bed, but there was no grip that could help with what she was feeling.
The strap was gone, gone a full moment before she felt the being leaning down, their hands pulling her lower body up to their lips. Their tongue slipped in, driving a scream from her.
Enkidu didn’t know slow.
They didn’t know anything about building up anything.
She could feel their tongue deep inside and she cried out, trembling with each and ever lap of that warm mouth. Their one hand moved, stroking just north of where their mouth was. It was like they were playing with her, turning her on again and again.
“En-En… ENKIDU!”
Their mouth pulled back, leaving her to choke out a sob. Her voice was back, her need overwhelming her logic. She needed more! She needed-
The world went white as something large and hard slammed into her. It buried itself so far in. It felt so warm, so-
“Hakuno,” Enkidu’s voice purred. “Does that feel good?”
She was drooling. Her legs being spread more as the being slowly and agonizingly pulled almost all the way out. Her vision was coming back, pleasure spreading through her body before-
They slammed in again.
“My sweet master,” Enkidu leaned in, their mouth pressing against her back, up to her shoulders and further, stopping just at her ear. “Imagine if my king were here. I made this far too small. I would take your mouth and he would take you where I am right now. We’re very good at this. I could teach you how to pleasure a man with your mouth next.”
Her climax slammed into her with the next hit. Their name echoed in the room around them, reverberating as she felt wave after wave of that addictive feeling running through her. The being continued to slam into her, their voice in her ear.
“This is fun because neither of us has to change. We can enjoy the best of both possibilities. Do you like the feeling of this, Hakuno?”
There was sound, whimpering.
Belatedly, she noted it was her own voice.
The being laughed, pressing another kiss to the small of her neck.
“I really love you, Master. I hope you see where you went wrong in preparing to put this in me. If not, I can show you how to make someone ready for this in another way… We do have plenty of time.”
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
The Apsu From the River Euphrates (Hakuno, Gilgamesh, Enkidu)
“These roots here?” Her adopted mother had told her, “these will cause a man’s skin to develop large red welts and can only be helped with gentle care and time. You need to be quite careful when you pick roots. If you see the leaves, you know what it leaves.”  
Hakuno stared at the guy raging to his friend, storming back and forth across the riverfront. His hands were rubbing at his face, increasing the problem. His friend was laughing, joking and looking around for the roots that the other had no doubt used to clean his face.
There was no one else around.
It seemed that, whoever these two worked for, their companions had abandoned them to suffer. The more the guy tried to fix his face, the more he worsened the red welts.
The friend applied more of the root paste.
The blond sunk to his knees, calming before the worse storm.
At the rate they were going, the two were going to end up probably killing one another before the end of the day. The best cure for that stuff was a weed that looked much like a poisonous weed. The cure would take time too, something that this guy clearly would not wait around for.
Which was why groups needed apsu.
“Enkidu! Find something!”
“Excuse me!” Hakuno raised her voice, looking between the two as she stepped forth from the brush. “Sir-“
The blond delved behind his friend.
You’d think he was a king with that kind of vanity.
“Can we help you?” Enkidu- the green haired one asked, their voice darkening.
“I- I heard shouting and saw your friend has… a problem.”
“We’re fine.”
Calm, threatening; the being’s voice said she was playing with fire, but Hakuno shook her head, pulling her bag from her shoulder.
“I said we’re fine, Miss.”
“Then you’re as naïve as you are stupid then.” Hakuno pulled out her vial of that treatment the blond needed, setting it a little ways in front of her. “Use this. Liberally. I would cover the face, the hair, and the neck with the stuff. Maybe the shoulders too if there was any contact from the dangerous root to the shoulders as well. Hands are cleaned off pretty fast so that shouldn’t be an issue.”
The two waited, watching her.
“I’ll just wait here.”
“How long does it take?”
“Two days.”
“You do know that if we use this, you will have to stay with us for that length of time, right?”
“OR- and this is just a thought- you could let me apply it.”
“And why would I do that?” the being asked.
Probably because her capability would far surpass even a palace apsu. She had a talent and a gift for healing. Her magic was weak and rather pathetic, but her mind for herbs and her meager abilities blended beautifully into a dominating strength.
It was something that this being would definitely not understand.
“Fine. I’ll come back in a day to bury him. Blond Man, do you prefer a few of the river or of the forest?”
“Get the damn woman and her bottle over here,” the man growled.
“We don’t know her, Gil. She could be from another kingdom.”
“I was born on the river.”
The two paused at her statement. The sounds of the birds and the cicadas sang in the background as Hakuno waited for the decision to be reached.
“Who are your parents?” Blond Man- Gil- asked.
“I don’t have any.”
The being narrowed their eyes. “All humans have parents.”
“Then consider me unlucky. Mine decided I was a waste. Tossed me out to the Euphrates.”
The two went quiet, but there was finally motion. She found herself pulled over to the blond, the vial’s contents spread along her arm and face before it was used on Gil. She could sense they both had something to say about her upbringing, but-
It was the same reaction that most had.
Family was everything in this world. No family meant no prospects.
She still had adopted parents- or rather, she had. She’d seen them to their end not long ago, listening to them both tell her to go to Uruk.
It was the most peaceful of all the lands, filled with more vitality and prosperity than anywhere else. The only qualm was finding a place.
“Done.” Hakuno smiled a bit, pulling her hands back. “Give the stuff a few minutes and we’ll both wash off in the river.”
“You look like me on a cold day, Gil,” Enkidu teased.
“Give him a break, the welts had to hurt. Besides, what kind of idiot plucks the roots of spotted leaved plants?”
“They’re good for you.”
“The non-spotted ones are.”
The being hesitated, earning a small wave from the golden-haired man now covered in clay and plant paste.
“Leave it, Enkidu,” the man chastised. “Anyway, maiden, where are you planning to go?”
“Uruk. I heard there are places for apsu.”
“You want to be an apsu?”
“No, but everyone has to have some kind of life’s work, don’t they?”
They sat along the shore for a while before going to wash off.
She’d come across an unfortunate blond sporting nasty welts and a mounting impatience, accompanied by an untrusting and possibly dangerous friend. When she washed the root paste from her own face though, she found herself coming up from the waters to the sight of a golden haired man far too handsome for his own good. The green haired man nearby beamed proudly, leaping into the waters without a stitch of clothing.
She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.
Gil’s laugh rang out in the air.
“An apsu from the river Euphrates. Enkidu, I think we should bring her back with us. The woman does commendable work.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Enkidu replied, beaming. “Miss Apsu, I can already tell we’re going to be good friends.”
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Strange Markings Pt 7 (Hakuno, Gilgamesh, Rin, Cu)
Previously: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
“Where have I been? The two of you lost Enkidu and I earlier!” Hakuno complained, moving from the bed to where the two were on the floor. “Enkidu and I ended up being cornered and attacked again after we lost you both.”
Hold on. Why had he not been informed of this?!
The woman was pulling down her skirts a bit, showing where something had clearly grabbed at her hips at some point.
“Look at these? The enemy we were fighting had huge clawed hands. Enkidu barely helped me get away before being snatched up.”
When had this happened? Had it been long before their meeting or had he just missed his friend? His eyes fell to his and Enkidu’s names on the woman’s hips, his displeasure mounting.
If he had just been a little more keen at looking at the fool that had summoned him, then he would have seen who she was. He could have had much more information about the place they were in rather than just the knowledge that it was some kind of labyrinth and the knowledge that she was looking for another servant of hers.
She was trying to find Enkidu.
Gilgamesh felt a bubbling in his chest, his eyes closing as it burst forth in a laugh.
“…Who the hell is this guy?”
“Cu Chulainn. Rin. This is… Archer.” Hakuno moved to stand up slowly, fixing her skirts over the names as she went. “I lost track of Enkidu and I thought maybe I could get away with another summoning. It’s exhausting, but I have another.”
That explained her weak mana, but that also meant…
“Has that pull of mana increased here?”
Hakuno looked up, frowning a bit.
“Woman,” Gilgamesh moved forward a bit, but the other servant in the room scoffed.
“Did you two even introduce yourselves to one another?”
“Leave ‘em, Cu. We need bandaging.” Rin waved the man off, moving to the cabinet nearby and looking around for antiseptic. They seemed to think they were simply going to be staying here now. Even though he had no need for such fools getting in the way of this, here they were.
He grabbed Hakuno, pulling her back onto the bed nearby. The blankets were pulled up a bit, his head moving in close to murmur to the woman.
“You did not say that you knew Enkidu,” he growled.
“Does it matter?”
Does it matter?
Did breathing matter? Did being able to escape from this labyrinth matter? Did having any of her little friends around matter?
If they had been alone, he would have smacked her for that. Even with things as they were, he pinched her side, giving her a glare.
“Do you know what those symbols on you mean?”
“Symbols… You mean my birthmarks?”
Good gods, these idiots.
He had to move, had to stand up and move to the other side of the room before he simply grabbed his master and walked off. This being a labyrinth, there was no telling when they would find another safe room. Hakuno was still recovering as well. It was best not to move her yet.
The first thing they needed to do was use these two idiots with them to escape.
Then he would be cornering his little soulmate and informing her about her so called ‘birthmarks’.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Strange Marks Pt 8 (Hakuno, Gilgamesh, Rin, Cu Chulainn)
Previously: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
“Alright,” Rin was straightening her skirts as Cu Chulainn fixed the final bandage on her. As usual, the great Rin Tohsaka was never one to be without anything to say and she had plenty on her mind now. Her blue eyes were as vibrant with thoughts as ever.
Hakuno glanced over as Archer continued to be a brooding and angry force of nature by the door.
“Hakuno! Since you’re packing a servant at your side again, we’re back on as allies.”
She’d done that song and dance before.
“Naturally, Archer will need to take the lead. He has armor and that will hold up a lot more than Cu Chulainn’s armor. Cu will be a good long-range support and will be able to put in a lot of the ground work towards support.”
“Oh no. We’re doing this my way again. I tried your spontaneity, Cu.”
The two began to bicker again, a song and dance that the two seemed to have down to a science. Both didn’t seem to even notice that she was truly in the room after a second, not even when she walked between them to go pull up a chair and sit next to where Archer was standing.
“Are you stupid or just plain stubborn?”
“Enkidu tells me that I’m as bull-headed as their best friend,” Hakuno replied simply, smiling a little up at the man. “…Thank you for helping me.”
The man was curling his lip again.
Was it really that bad to work with her? Maybe he was an enemy of Enkidu or something.”
Let’s see… Names of people Enkidu knew…
They had mentioned a best friend, but no name there. Just that they were a king.
She doubted that this guy was him. This guy didn’t have any kind of crown on him and, although he was haughty as they came, there was little chance of him being the king. This guy would probably laugh and either lie or get outraged with her for asking him if he was.
“Are you, by any chance, Humbaba?” She’d heard that name mentioned when Enkidu slept.
“Do you honestly believe that I could be?”
Chances were decent.
If he was Humbaba, it would explain why he wouldn’t give his name. Enkidu had been bothered when they said the name. They’d explained that the other had been… close, but they’d drifted apart. They’d talked about having regrets, telling her to hold her friends dear.
This guy being Humbaba also explained that reaction to hearing the name Enkidu. It had been a torn expression, his eyes showing a collection of all kinds of possible emotions. He’d looked ready to jump her or run away. He’d begun brooding in this corner by the door ever since hearing her and Enkidu’s name.
She could help repair the bridge between the being and this guy.
Since they were both in pain, she could help. Enkidu had done so much for her, caring for her like no one else. The least she could do was give the being their friend back.
“Hey, Archer?”
The man glanced over at her.
“…Just stay by my side, please. We’re partners, if nothing else. I’m going to do my best and we’ll leave soon…”
Probably without Rin.
She had a good suspicion that the two were probably going to ditch them soon enough anyway.
“I’m not going anywhere without you, master,” he told her simply.
“Good. I’m glad. Decently armored men who can take down enemies and patch me up are hard to come by.”
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Devil in the Details Pt 21 (Gilgamesh, Siduri, Enkidu)
Previously in our story: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
“We have to do something!”
Enkidu nodded.
The moment that the attendant had come barging into the king’s chambers to speak to them, they’d known something was wrong and they’d known it had to do with Hakuno. Sure enough, the news was alarming.
Hakuno had fallen for someone.
The someone was a stranger, someone whom had managed to slip around their careful watch and gotten to her when they’d been teasingly keeping Hakuno and Gilgamesh separated. Well- more teasing on their part, but Siduri was adamant on protecting Hakuno from harm. They could see the worry and love that she had for Hakuno. It was cute.
“We have to do something,” Siduri said again, running a hand through her hair. “Help me think.”
“Just drug her.”
The woman paused, staring at them.
“What? Did this not come to you already? Hakuno loves sweets. Give her too many and put some herbs in them. She’ll be stuck on a chamberpot all day until she can’t stand anymore. She’ll sleep through this meeting she has and miss her opportunity to love this fool that she loves. We can spread a rumor around that she has someone whom she loves and everyone will be fine.”
“What about the king?”
Gilgamesh was a smart king. He’d figure out the truth soon enough. He’d found Hakuno and realized that they’d been lying to him for a while. A little stomach ache trick and rumor would not get the best of the great king of Uruk.
Still, Enkidu found Siduri weathering her lower lip, her eyes drifting to the king’s jewelry and wardrobe nearby.
“I don’t like it,” she told them.
“Why? Do you want her leaving?”
“No! No. Of course not. Hakuno has been an asset to the palace and has been a great friend to me. I just can’t stand the idea of her being defiled by some fool. What if they’re a diplomat?!”
“I’ll handle it.” Enkidu waved their hand again. “Just be sure to give her logs of herb to keep her stomach unsettled for tomorrow. Maybe check in on her in the morning and ensure the stomach agony lasts all day. Talk about whomever the guy is like you know them and saw them with another woman.”
That would do the trick.
Siduri was nodding again, but that expression…
“Would you like me to do it,” Enkidu asked.
“No. I should do it.”
Closing her eyes, Siduri took a deep breath.
“I’ll do it because Hakuno dreamed of dying if she left Uruk. I want to help her stay safe.”
She’d what?
Enkidu stared after the attendant, frowning deeply as they found Gilgamesh coming to the room soon enough.
The dream was interesting, but…
“What’s wrong, Enkidu?”
“Stomach pains,” the being replied, climbing into the king’s bed and wrapping their arms around the man.
“You could let Hakuno sleep in here,” the man complained.
“And miss this cuddle time? I think not. Now spread your legs. I want mine between yours.”
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Ruler’s Artistic Masterpiece (Ruler Gilgamesh, Gil Collective, Hakuno, Enkidu)
The importance in good art was to know how to express the emotions of the subjects. To grasp the subjects’ intents and dreams, their hopes and their fears; there was years, decades of work that could be seen in a single image. The abstract would become specific. The vague would become complex.
Ruler stepped back from his latest work, grinning proudly.
It was not simply his passion for the pools and for all things pertaining to water that would enrapture those who came to his water park now. He had a new attraction. A visual feast, filled with such audacity and intrigue.
The lines were sharp and quickly sprayed. The background colors gave impression of the emotions and the smoothness of the two companions. There were hints and flecks that gave sign to the rare blush and the end result of this union of the people.
In a private parchment, it would have been coveted and reserved for only those with the money and the notoriety to be able to find and purchase such a thing. On clay, it would have been placed in the most beautiful of temples, worshiped and admired only when the proper and most fitting festival was brought forth.
However, he had made this masterpiece upon golden colored concrete!
Spray paint and concrete! The modern marvel and beauty!
The finest of modern art forms was simply this!
“Is it not the finest marvel in this universe?!” Ruler Gilgamesh declared, glancing back to his other selves, his friend, and his lover. “Behold my latest treasure!”
Hakuno was covering her mouth, her face burning the most intriguing red he had ever seen.
Enkidu tilted their head, blinking at the image and moving a bit closer for further inspection. As to be expected, his friend was simply intrigued, adjusting their ponytail as they approached the artwork.
“How vulgar,” Kid Gil growled.
“I do not expect a child to appreciate art-“
Ruler paused as the young adult him keeled over, falling straight into one of the nearby pools.
“PROTO!” Hakuno leaped after him, her arms wrapping around the poor fool and swimming him to the safety of the stairs. As to be expected of his newly hired lifeguard. He had expected more words from her though.
It was her body being taken in the image upon the wall, after all. Enkidu was kissing her face. He was taking her body, a series of glorious golden fountains were spraying behind the three of them, showing with the waterworks how magnificent the pleasures of the flesh could be.
“Is it waterproof?” Caster Gilgamesh asked.
“I put a sealer over it to ensure it lasts,” Ruler told him.
“Fireproof?” Berserker inquired.
“Concrete doesn’t simply burn,” Ruler pointed out.
The other versions of himself stared at the image of Hakuno losing her innocence to him and his friend, the collective frowning deeply.
“I cannot accept this.”
“Excuse me?”
Archer shook his head, “You are not intending to keep this image up for all to see. Hakuno is not meant to be spread and shared in such a manner. She is mine and mine alone.”
The others nodded.
The gates of Babylon opened around the image. Before he could so much as warn the fools not to touch his masterpiece, the security he set up was attacking them. He could see the group leaping out of the way of the counter defense. Shouts were coming from a few.
But not Berserker.
That fool of a berserker him was lunging forward, his weapon being pulled from the gates. He had his own Ea out.
What is beauty, but a fleeting dream, attained only for a time before it is lost once more?
Ruler stared up at the image, watching the pieces crumble away. His masterpiece was torn asunder, without even his best defense able to protect it.
Thankfully, I took pictures.
Berserker grinned from beneath his bangs, his long hair hanging around his face as he stood amongst the rubble of what had been the most worthy picture in all of history.
“I will not share my woman,” he snarled.
So said a fool.  
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