#daily life of Gil Haku and Enkidu
laseralovelycave · 5 years
Hakuno and Enkidu friendship. ( A little bit of Gil too )
Ok, I love the idea Enkidu is Hakuno’s berserker, so here’s some things i wrote when they actually met again.
-When they met each other again, they cried tears of happiness. Gil stood from a far and let them talk before came to them.
-They are good friends. Hakuno and Enkidu actually take shift in taking care of Gil when he is working to prevent him from not doing his work or just there to help him.
-They went out together alone sometime when Gil allowed them to. Their favourite places are the park and the zoo.
-Sometime they also planned a prank on Gil. It’s ended up a chase game with Gil having Ea on his hand and Enkidu with Hakuno in their arm.
-The two of them have birds as pets. They take care of the birds together. Gil prefers lions but he accepted the birds because it brings his friend and queen happiness.
-Enkidu and Hakuno sometime making meals together and brought them to Gil. They have actually getting good with cooking thanks to that. Especially desserts. That’s Hakuno’s favorite so Enkidu gets along making it with her.
- In battlefield, Enkidu mostly stays near Hakuno to protect her whenever Gil has to go a little far from where Hakuno is to finish their enemies. Thanks to this, Gil can freely do anything he want in the battlefield and not need to think of Hakuno’s safety because Enkidu is there to protect her. Of course Gil didn’t hate protecting her or anything.
- Because sometime Gil and Enkidu would fight each other on some planet they went to. Many planets give themselves to them in orders to stop them from destroyed the planet. Hakuno gets used to it and become pretty good in politics and negotiation with the ambassadors. Gil looks after the paperwork, laws and etc. Sometime he even rebuild the city because he doesn’t like it design. Enkidu just go around the city and habiats, it help them knows more about the planet habiats and geography.
-In every planet they been given, there were many zoo and gardens of Hakuno and Enkidu. Mostly there are herbivores in there but there also a place where Gil has his pet in the their garden and zoo. In a separate area of course.
-Anytime the two went to the garden, they sang. Their voices were beautiful after all. Gil loves to listen to their sound.
-Hakuno loves to make many hairstyles for Enkidu and Enkidu also loves to make hairstyles to Hakuno. That’s why sometime when Gil walked to the garden, he would see the two with many beautiful flower on their hair and their hairstyles is beautiful.
-Enkidu loves Gil’s secret album of Hakuno so they help their friend collect more photos anytime they went out with Hakuno.
-When the trio went shopping or just a walk to relax, Enkidu at first wonders why their friends didn’t let anyone talk to their master. But when they actually see the effects that happens when she talks to someone. They realize the reason and also didn’t let anyone talk to her without Gil’s permission or in an actual dangerous situation that the person need to talk to her because she got Harem protagonist: EX she would charmed anyone and that would be quite annoying when she accidentally charmed someone like BB
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