#Ensenada Boat Work
nizamarine · 1 year
Best Yacht Refit Mexico | Niza Marine
Ensenada Boat Work - Yacht Refit in Mexico!
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Yacht refit is typically performed by experienced marine professionals and can range from minor repairs and maintenance to extensive overhauls that can take months or even years to complete.
The goal of a yacht refit is to enhance the yacht's performance and increase its lifespan. Contact Niza Marine for the best yacht refit Mexico services.
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critter-casey · 5 years
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“Music Brings Us Together” (iPad drawing) — CW
MUSIC TAG — Just consider this a slice-of-life list, because I would probably answer differently in a year from now, or tomorrow. Of course this is not a complete list of music and artists I like, but a very small bunch of favs.
Favorite bands:
1. The Police
2. The Cars
3. Green Day
4. Pearl Jam
5. Lyle Lovett and his Large Band
Favorite Musicians:
1. George Harrison
2. Alison Krauss
3. Tina Gua
4. Billy Joel
5. Patty Gurdy
Favorite Songs:
1. I Won't Back Down — Tom Petty
2. Benny and the Jets — Elton John
3. Creep — Radiohead
4. Thunder — Imagine Dragons
5. Sweet Adeline — Elliott Smith
6. Crazy — Seal
7. If I Had A Boat — Lyle Lovett
8. Who Wants to Live Forever — Queen
9. Imagine — John Lennon
10. The song that grackles sing at night in the trees in the city — grackle birds
Favorite Genre:
Brain food, ambient, instrumental music that keeps you chill but alert (because when I have to do work at night, I need all the help I can get).
Least Favorite Genre:
Pop Country. (even worse than regular pop)
Favorite Musical Era:
80's — just for it’s sheer entertainment value. It actually had some real musical milestones. At the same time, the 80's was kind of like a vintage sci-fi film that seems mind-blowing and cutting edge when people first experience it, but then later look at it and are in awe of how ridiculously cheesy it was.
Favorite Years in Music: I can't, to hard to keep track of years. See above.
Favorite Instruments to Listen to:
1. Guitar
2. Violin
4. Cello
3. Piano
5. Slide Whistle
Favorite Concerts (simply because of their personalities at live shows):
1. Lyle Lovett
2. kd lang
3. Chris Isaak
Favorite Broadcast Concerts: Don’t really watch broadcast concerts, nothing noteworthy comes to mind.
Favorite Albums:
1. Purple Rain — Prince
2. The Road to Ensenada — Lyle Lovett
3. Pyromania — Def Leopard
4. 1984 — Van Halen
5. Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack —
various artists (ok this is sort of cheating)
Thanks @a-deadbeat-fucking-valentine (one of my favorite gothy-grunge blogirls) for tagging me on this! It was both difficult and FUN!
Tagging 5 recent followers: @stewacai, @onedannyboy, @charlie-mac-posts, @naturelvr-69, @kunal-gaurav
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watusichris · 5 years
“Border Radio”: Where Punk Lived
Some years back, I wrote notes for the Criterion Collection’s edition of Allison Anders’ first feature Border Radio for the Criterion Collection. Tomorrow (June 3), Allison will gab about punk rock with John Doe, Tom DeSavia, and my illegitimate son Keith Morris at the Grammy Museum in L.A. in observance of the publication of the book we’re all in, More Fun in the New World (Da Capo).
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“You can’t expect other people to create drama for your life—they’re too busy creating it for themselves,” a punk groupie says at the conclusion of Border Radio. And the four reckless characters at the center of the film certainly manage to create plenty of drama for themselves. In the process, they paint a compelling picture of the Los Angeles punk-rock scene of the 1980s: what it was like on the inside—and what it was like inside the musicians’ heads. Border Radio (1987) was the first feature by three UCLA film students: Allison Anders, Kurt Voss, and Dean Lent. The subsequent work of both Anders and Voss would resonate with echoes from Border Radio and its musical milieu. Anders’s Gas Food Lodging (1992), Mi vida loca (1993), Grace of My Heart (1996), Sugar Town (1999), and Things Behind the Sun (2001) all draw to some degree from music and pop culture. (She quotes her mentor Wim Wenders’s remark about making The Scarlet Letter: “There were no jukeboxes. I lost interest.”) Voss, who co-wrote and codirected Sugar Town, also wrote and directed Down & Out with the Dolls (2001), a fictional feature about an all-girl band; and in 2006, he was completing Ghost on the Highway, a documentary about Jeffrey Lee Pierce, the late vocalist for the key L.A. punk group the Gun Club. The three filmmakers met at UCLA in the early eighties, after Anders and Voss had worked as production assistants on Wenders’s Paris, Texas. By that time, Anders and Voss, then a couple, were habitués of the L.A. club milieu; they favored the hard sound of such punk acts as X, the Blasters, the Flesh Eaters, the Gun Club, and Tex & the Horseheads. The neophyte writer-directors, who by 1983 had made a couple of short student films, formulated the idea of building an original script around a group of figures in the L.A. punk demimonde. Border Radio—which takes its title, and no little script inspiration, from a Blasters song (sung on the soundtrack by Rank & File’s Tony Kinman)—was conceived as a straight film noir. Vestiges of that origin can be seen in the finished film. Its lead character bears the name Jeff Bailey, also the name of Robert Mitchum’s doomed character in Jacques Tourneur’s 1947 noir Out of the Past; its Mexican locations also reflect a key setting in that bleak picture. One sequence features a pedal-boat ride around the same Echo Park lagoon where Jack Nicholson’s J. J. Gittes does some surveillance in Roman Polanski’s 1974 neonoir Chinatown; Chinatown itself—a hotbed of L.A. punk action in the late seventies and early eighties—features prominently in another scene. Certainly, Border Radio’s heist-based plot and the multiple betrayals its central foursome inflict upon each other are the stuff of purest noir. But the film diverges from its source in its largely sunlit cinematography and its explosions of punk humor; Anders, Voss, and Lent also abandoned plans to kill off the film’s lead female character. In casting their feature, the filmmakers turned to some able performers who were close at hand. The female lead was taken by Anders’s sister Luanna; her daughter was portrayed by Anders’s daughter Devon. Chris, Jeff’s spoiled, untrustworthy friend and roadie, was played by UCLA theater student Chris Shearer. The directors considered another student for the lead role of the tormented musician, Jeff, but Anders, in an inspired stroke, suggested Chris D. (né Desjardins), whose brooding, feral presence animated the Flesh Eaters. After being approached at a West L.A. club gig and initially expressing surprise at the filmmakers’ desire to cast him, the singer and songwriter signed on, and he helped recruit the other musicians in Border Radio. (A cineaste whose criticism often appeared in the local punk rag Slash, Desjardins would later write an authoritative book on Japanese yakuza films and write and direct the independent vampire film I Pass for Human. He is currently a programmer at the Los Angeles Cinematheque.) John Doe, bassist-vocalist for the celebrated L.A. punk unit X, and Dave Alvin, guitarist and songwriter for the top local roots act the Blasters, had both played with Chris D. in an edition of the Flesh Eaters. Doe—taking the first in a long list of film and TV roles—was cast as the duplicitous, drunken rocker Dean; Alvin makes an entertaining cameo appearance, essentially as himself, and wrote and performed the film’s score.Texacala Jones, frontwoman for the chaotic Tex & the Horseheads, does a hilarious turn as Devon’s addled babysitter. Iris Berry, later a member of the raucous all-female group the Ringling Sisters, portrays the self-absorbed groupie whose observations frame the film. Julie Christensen, Desjardins’ vocal partner in his latter-day group Divine Horsemen (and, for a time, his wife), essays a bit part as a club doorwoman. Seen in walk-ons are such local rockers as Tony Kinman, Flesh Eaters bassist Robyn Jameson, and punk hellion Texas Terri. The Arizona “paisley underground” transplants Green on Red and the local glam-punk outfit Billy Wisdom & the Hee Shees were captured in live performance. Those seeking punk verisimilitude could ask for nothing more. Border Radio had a torturous, piecemeal production history worthy of John Cassavetes. Shooting took place over a four-year period, from 1983 to 1987. Begun with two thousand dollars in seed money, supplied by actor Vic Tayback, the film scraped by on money given to Voss upon his 1984 graduation from UCLA, a loan from Lent’s parents, and cash and film stock cadged here and there. Violating UCLA policy, the filmmakers cut the film at night in the school’s editing bays, where Anders’s two young daughters would sleep on the floor. The film’s lack of a budget forced Anders, Voss, and Lent to shoot entirely on location; this enhanced the work, as far as the filmmakers were concerned, since they sought a naturalistic style and look for the feature. Lent’s Echo Park apartment doubled as Jeff’s home, while Anders and Voss’s trailer in Ensenada served as his Mexican hideout. The storied punk hangout the Hong Kong Café (whose neon sign can be seen fleetingly in Chinatown) was utilized, as were the East Side rehearsal studio Hully Gully, where virtually every local band of note honed their chops, and the music shop Rockaway Records (one of the few punk stores of the day still around). Befitting the work of film students on their maiden directorial voyage, Border Radio evinces the heavy influence of both the French new wave of the sixties and the New German Cinema of the seventies. The confident use of improvisation—the cast is credited with “additional dialogue and scenario”—recalls such early nouvelle vague works as Breathless. The ongoing “interview” device immediately recalls Jean-Pierre Léaud’s face-to-face with “Miss 19” in Jean-Luc Godard’s Masculin féminin, while Shearer’s shambling comedic outbursts are reminiscent of the sudden madcap eruptions in François Truffaut’s early films. The work of the Germans is felt most in the great pictorial beauty of Lent’s black-and-white compositions; certain striking moments—a languid, 360-degree pan around Ensenada’s bay; an overhead shot of Chris’s foreign roadster wheeling in circles in a cul-de-sac—summon memories of Wenders’s and Werner Herzog’s most indelible images. (Lent would go on to work as a cinematographer on nearly thirty pictures.) Though the styles and effects of these predecessors are on constant display, Border Radio moves beyond simple imitation, thanks to a sensibility that is uniquely of its time, spawned directly from the scene it depicts so faithfully. Though putatively a “music film,” very little music is actually on view in the picture; mere snatches of two songs are actually performed on-screen. The truest reflection of the period’s punk ethos can be found in the restlessness, anger, self-deception, and anomie of its Reagan-era protagonists. In Border Radio, one can see what punk rock looked like, all the way to the margins of the frame: in the flyers for L.A. bands like the Alley Cats, the Gears, and the Weirdos taped in a club hallway, in the poster for Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein and the calendars of L.A. repertory movie houses tacked on apartment walls, in the thrift-store togs and rock-band T-shirts (street clothes, really) worn by the players. But, more importantly, the shifting tragicomic tone of the film, the energy and attitude of its musician performers, and the uneasy rhythms of its characters’ lives present a real sense of the reality of L.A. punkdom in the day. Put into limited theatrical release in 1987, by the company that distributed the popular surf movie Endless Summer—a film that offers a picture of a very different L.A.—Border Radio was not widely seen and later received only an elusive videocassette release through Pacific Arts (the home-video firm founded, ironically enough, by Michael Nesmith of the prefab sixties rock group the Monkees). With this Criterion Collection edition, the film can finally be seen as the overlooked landmark that it is: possibly the only dramatic film to capture the pulse of L.A. punk—not as it played, but as it felt. (Thanks to Allison Anders for her invaluable contributions.)
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findingmypeace · 5 years
I have a lot to update on.
*First of all, I got the reimbursement from my insurance company and was able to buy a new car. I went with a used car because it was cheaper but still pretty nice. I got a 2016 hybrid Ford Fusion. I love it. I have to start over on paying off a car even though I was able to put down a significant down payment because of the insurance reimbursement. 6 more years of monthly payments. At least I have a car and it’s a car I like. Hopefully, since it’s a hybrid, I will save money on gas, especially since I commute an hour each way for work.
*I’ve spent since Monday on a cruise. My two sisters and I have been planning this trip for about a year. It was 4 nights, 5 days if you include today even though we got off the boat at 8:30am. It was such much fun. There were two stops (Catalina, California and Ensenada, Mexico). We got off the boat at both places. I had a lot of fun in Catalina. We definitely did the touristy thing, going to all the shops and walking around. Ensenada was okay. I’ve been to Ensenada before and I didn’t like it so I wasn’t too interested in doing anything in Ensenada. I had a lot of fun on the boat. There was a yoga class every morning. I got a massage yesterday. We watched a movie on a big screen, went to a comedy show, played miniature golf, and played a few slot machines at the casino.
*Food wise things were weird. Food is unlimited on the cruise. It’s an all you can eat buffet 24/7. Not good for someone with bulimia. But I compromised. I basically told myself I’d eat whatever I wanted on the cruise and would limit the purging (since I shared a cabin with my siblings) as long as I ‘get back on track’ when I go back to work on Monday. I’m not going to weigh myself either because I know I gained a ton of weight since I kept down so much food. I’m proud of myself for not letting the ed ruin my vacation even if it’s a twisted way to go about it.
*My birthday is tomorrow. My birthday snuck up on me this year. I’ve been so preoccupied with the depression, attempt, ECT, starting a new job, and going on vacation, that I haven’t really thought about my birthday. At the start of this year I didn’t think I’d be alive to see my birthday. I have mixed feelings about my birthday this year. I feel blessed that I am alive to see it but I’m also embarrassed that I’m turning 37 and will be in my late 30’s. I am definitely not where I thought I’d be in life by now. I feel like I’m in my early 20’s. I feel way more immature than my age. I mean, I’m still living with my parents. But I know I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. It’s not productive and I live in one of the most expensive cities in the country. It’s tough to live on your own where I live. My birthday is tomorrow and I’m hoping it’s a good day.
*That is pretty much all. I’m still feeling somewhat haunted by my suicide attempt and hospital stay. I had another nightmare last night. First one in a week, thankfully. I’m trying not to focus on the attempt. I need to not dwell on it. I shouldn’t forget about it but I need to move on. I need to focus on more positive things.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a great week!
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Stuck on cruise ships throughout pandemic, crews ask to go house
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MIAMI — Carolina Vásquez lost track of days and nights, unable to see the sunlight while stuck for two weeks in a windowless cruise ship cabin as a fever grabbed her body.
On the worst night of her encounter with COVID-19, the Chilean lady, a line cook on the Greg Mortimer ship, summoned the strength to take a cold shower fearing the worst: passing out while separated from others.
Vásquez, 36, and tens of countless other crew members have actually been trapped for weeks aboard lots of cruise liner around the globe– long after federal governments and cruise lines negotiated their travelers’ disembarkation. Some have actually gotten ill and died; others have actually made it through however are no longer getting paid.
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Carolina Vasquez rides a tender in the Falkland Islands, as a team member on board the Greg Mortimer in this undated picture offered by Vasquez. She has actually been stuck in a cruise cabin with no windows and COVID-19 (Carolina Vasquez through AP)
Both nationwide and city governments have actually stopped teams from disembarking in order to prevent new cases of COVID-19 in their territories. A few of the ships, including 20 in U.S. waters, have seen infections and deaths amongst the crew. A lot of ships have had no validated cases.
” I never believed this would turn into a terrible and frightening scary story,” Vásquez informed The Associated Press in an interview through a cellphone app from the Greg Mortimer, an Antarctic cruise ship floating off Uruguay. Thirty-six team members have fallen ill on the ship.
The Centers for Disease Control and Avoidance said last month that about 80,000 team members remained on board ships off the U.S. coast after a lot of travelers had disembarked. The Coast Guard stated Friday that there were still 70,000 team members in 102 ships either anchored near or at U.S. ports or underway in U.S. waters.
The overall number of team members stranded worldwide was not immediately readily available. Thousands more are trapped on ships outside the U.S., consisting of in Uruguay and the Manila Bay, where 16 cruise ships are waiting to test about 5,000 crew members prior to they will be permitted to disembark.
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In this May 8, 2020 picture, individuals aboard the Norwegian Epic cruise ship docked at PortMiami in Miami, rest on their verandas. Tens of countless team members, including U.S. citizens, remain confined to cabins aboard cruise ships. (AP Photo/Wilfred
As coronavirus cases and deaths have actually risen worldwide, the CDC and health authorities in other nations have actually expanded the list of conditions that need to be satisfied before crews may disembark.
Cruise business must take each team member straight home through charter airplane or personal vehicle without utilizing rental automobiles or taxis. Making complex that objective, the CDC requires business executives to consent to criminal penalties if team members stop working to obey health authorities’ orders to stay away from public transportation and restaurants on their way home.
” The criminal charges offered us (and our lawyers) pause,” Royal Caribbean International President and CEO Michael Bayley composed in a letter to team members previously today, however he included that business executives eventually consented to sign.
Melinda Mann, 25, a youth program manager for Holland America, spent more than 50 days without stepping on dry land before lastly disembarking from the Koningsdam ship Friday in Los Angeles. Prior to she was moved to the Koningsdam, she attempted to stroll off another ship with other U.S. crew members last week however the ship’s security guards stopped them.
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In this April 28, 2020 photo supplied by Melinda Mann, she shows the empty deck on board the Koningsdam, a Holland America cruise ship off the coast of Ensenada, Mexico. (Melinda Mann by means of AP)
For 21 hours a day, Mann remained separated in a 150- square-foot cruise cabin that is smaller sized than her bedroom in her Midland, Georgia, home. She checked out 30 books and was only able to leave her room 3 times a day to walk the ship. Her agreement ended April 18, so she was not spent for weeks.
” Keeping me in close captivity for so long is definitely ludicrous,” Mann said in a telephone interview.
Previously today in Nassau, Bahamas, team members from Canada aboard the Emerald Princess were told to prepare to be flown home in a charter aircraft. The Bahamian federal government did not allow the ship to dock in the end.
Leah Prasad’s other half is among the stranded crew members. Prasad said she has invested hours finding government companies to assist her spouse, a Maitre D’Hotel for Carnival.
” He is getting dissuaded. He is stuck in a cabin,” Prasad said. “It is bad for his psychological health.”
Angela Savard, a spokeswoman for Canada’s foreign affairs, said the government was continuing to explore alternatives to bring Canadians home.
For those aboard the Greg Mortimer in Montevideo, desperation is setting in, crew members informed the AP.
The Antarctic cruise set sail from Argentina on March 15, after a pandemic had actually already been stated. The ship’s physician, Dr. Mauricio Usme, said that when the first passenger fell ill, on March 22, he was pushed by the captain, the cruise operator and owners to modify the health conditions that needed to be fulfilled for the ship to be admitted into ports.
Dr. Usme declined. The boat anchored in the port of Montevideo on March27 Over half of its passengers and crew checked favorable for COVID-19 On April 10, 127 passengers, consisting of some who were contaminated, were enabled to disembark and fly home to Australia, New Zealand, the U.S., Canada and Europe. Team members were told to stay on board.
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In this undated picture provided by Dr. Mauricio Usme, he is on board the Greg Mortimer, a ship operated by the Australian company Aurora Expeditions and owned by a Miami company. (Mauricio Usme through AP)
The medical professional was hospitalized in an extensive care system in Montevideo, together with a Filipino team member, who later died.
” People are tired and mentally drained,” said Dr. Usme, now recovered and back on the Greg Mortimer. “It’s a complex circumstance. You feel extremely vulnerable and at impending threat of death.”
CMI, the Miami-based business that manages the boat, said it has been “unable to get the necessary authorizations” to let team members of 22 citizenships go home, however stated they were all still under agreement receiving pay.
Marvin Paz Medina, a Honduran man who works as the ship’s storekeeper, sent a video to the AP of his tiny cabin of about 70 square feet (6.5 square meters), where he has actually been restricted for more than 35 days. “It’s difficult being locked up all the time, gazing at the same four walls,” he stated.
Paz Medina says his kids keep asking him when he’s getting back, however he doesn’t have an answer.
” We are trapped, feeling this stress and anxiety that at any moment we can get seriously ill,” stated Paz Medina. “We do not want this any longer. We want to go house.”
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/stuck-on-cruise-ships-throughout-pandemic-crews-ask-to-go-house/
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noromannet-blog · 5 years
What to see in Colombia: 10 Essential Places for your trip
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The country is the second richest in biodiversity in the entire globe. It has a geographical area seven times smaller than Brazil, yet there is much to see in Colombia. It is the third-largest producer of coffee in the world and is also the only country in the south of the continent that shares coasts with the Pacific and the Caribbean Sea. Great! If you plan to travel to Colombia you should know that it has been chosen as the best leading destination in South America by the World Travel Awards. These are some of the most important prizes in the tourism sector, they are known as “Oscar del Turismo”, so it is a great pride. In addition, the work and trajectories of cities, the hotel sector, natural attractions or airports, considered the best in South America, are recognized. Santiago de Cali was named as the best in all the cities of Colombia in the cultural sector. Discover some tourist places in Colombia that you should visit if you travel to the coffee country.
1. Rosario and Barú Islands
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The Rosario Islands form a small archipelago over Cartagena de Indias and is one of the unmissable places in Colombia. You can get there from just 45 minutes by boat, a recommended option to access more easily. Another of the wonders to visit in Colombia is the paradisiacal island Barú, also located about 40 minutes by boat from the city of Cartagena. If you are interested in relaxing in a romantic beach environment, this is your ideal place. What to do in Barú and Rosario Islands Bargain Natural park Corales del Rosario Big Island Rosario Islands Oceanarium Fort of San Fernando de Bocachica
2. Cartagena de Indias
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This is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Colombia to enjoy in the country. Its multiple colors attract attention. In addition, it stands out for its cultural and religious impact thanks to its variety of churches and monuments. In fact, in 1984 it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. You must visit its historic center, known as "The Walled City." Appreciate its cultural legacy, with the colonial architecture of Spanish origin. You can tour the Castle of San Felipe, located on the hill of San Lorenzo. Cartagena can not miss if you plan to travel to Colombia. What to do in Cartagena de Indias The walled city San Felipe Castle Santo Domingo Square The Vaults Square Clock tower
3. Tayrona National Park
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In Tayrona you can admire jungle beaches with impressive architecture in the Lost City, which was inhabited hundreds of years ago by native groups, for which it was considered a place of sacred worship. Here you can enjoy the beautiful beaches of Colombia in Arrecifes, La Piscina or La arenilla, among others. If you are going to enter this Colombian corner, do not hesitate to spend a night here. There is a wide range of hammocks, cabins, and campsites. Without a doubt, an unforgettable experience on a trip to Colombia. What to do in Tayrona Park The Rodadero Aquarium and museum of the Rodadero Sea Grande Taganga Beach Concha Bay Beach Reef Beach
4. Bogota
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The capital of Colombia may not appear in a ranking of places to visit in Colombia. Here you can find a greater historical, cultural and, above all, commercial development. Visit its historic center and see places like the Gold Museum, the Mint or the flower markets. Admire your urban art and stroll through the neighborhood of La Candelaria, a charming colonial and modern town to see in Bogotá. What to do in Bogotá gold Museum Monserrate Mountain Botanical Garden of Bogotá José Celestino National Museum of Colombia Simon Bolivar Metropolitan Park
5. Salento and Cocora Valley
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Both villages belong to the route known as "Coffee Axis". They are located in a mountainous valley above the central mountain range of the Colombian Andes, that is, it is part of the Nevados National Park and is a great reason to travel to Colombia. You will not get bored here. You can enjoy the cuisine, the unique Colombian coffee and a host of other activities. Do not forget to know the native palm of the area, which can measure even 60 meters and have a duration of up to 200 years. Undoubtedly we are facing one of the unmissable places in Colombia. What to do in Salento Salento viewpoint Don Elias Estate La Patasola Nature Reserve Church Our Lady of Carmen The Royal Street
6. Medellin
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“The city of eternal spring”, this is how the capital of the province of Antioquia is known for its pleasant climate. In addition, every year it hosts the Flower Fair and it is a great attraction to see Medellin. Dazzle yourself with its bright colors, you can't help but relax in this incredible place in the heart of the Caribbean. Visit without a doubt its modern cable cars transformed the city into one of the most visited tourist places in Colombia. These connect the city, in addition to offering a dream view of the Aburrá Valley. What to do in Medellín Salento viewpoint Don Elias Estate La Patasola Nature Reserve Church Our Lady of Carmen The Royal Street
7. Guatape
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To the northwest of Colombia and east of Medellín, we find Guatapé. This is a tourist municipality of the Andes recognized for its houses decorated with colorful bas-reliefs. If you go there, stop by Peño, where you can visit Piedra del Peñol, to ascend to the top and enjoy one of the best views on your trip to Colombia. You can walk the city perfectly on foot admiring both cultures: the indigenous and Antioquia. What to do in Guatapé The little square of Los Zocalos Stone of the Penol Comfama Guatapé Park Main Park of Guatapé Historical Museum of Guatapé
8. Amazon Natural Region
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To the south of Colombia, in the Amazon region is Amazonas, formed by 32 departments that make up the coffee country. In the Colombian Amazon, you can live the contact with nature, in addition to enjoying one of the best cultures in Colombia and more representative of the region. Visit the City of Leticia, one of the entrances to the Amazon of Colombia. Here you can see the Tanimboca National Reserve, navigate Lake Tarapoto or admire the culture in the Ethnographic Museum of the Amazonian Man. What to do in Amazonas Colombia Cahuinari Natural Park Amacayacu River Tarapoto Lake Victoria Regia Garden Omagua Nature Reserve
9. Chocó
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A paradise that is located on the Pacific coast of Colombia. You will find great wealth both environmental and cultural. In addition, you can enjoy a show for the confluence of the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It is said that Chocó is the best-kept secret in the country and is one of the unmissable places in Colombia on your trip. What to do in Chocó Colombia Ensenada de Utría Natural Park Flirtatious El Amejal Beach San Francisco de Asis Cathedral Utria Cove
10. San Andres and Providencia
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San Andres Island is considered by many as the star of the Caribbean in Colombia. It has also been recognized as a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. Here you can find the third most important coral barrier on the entire planet. In addition, all bathed with beautiful beaches of turquoise and crystalline waters where you can find a variety of flora and fauna. In San Andres Island we find the islands of Providencia and Santa Catalina, where you can take a tour during the day to get to know in-depth the places aboard a rental golf cart. You can not miss if you are going to travel to Colombia, it is a perfect destination for lovers of the beach, tranquility, and nature in its pure state. What to do in San Andrés Spratt Bight Beach Aquarium Key Big Pond Lagoon San Luis Beaches Rocky cay Images credit to Shutterstock Read the full article
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7-13-17 I got off work today at 10pm. I made rain go take pictures with me and see a comedy show. The comedian is from Chicago. Nice guy. The transformers and my little ponys were supposed to premier today but there was an issue on space and where they could change into their costumes. I can't wait to see what they look like. One of the guys who does one of the ponys is new. He's Israeli but lives in Canada. There's actually a handful of workers here that I've met who are Jewish. Lots of Israeli family's too. I looked on our tablet and the oldest person on this cruise is 104 year old. So crazy. No one from Missouri either. This boat has a shit ton of repeat cruisers because they all live so close to the port. I don't start until 2 tomorrow so I'm just gonna sleep in. I can't even tell you the last time I did that. I leave 2 weeks from today. So crazy. It's going by so slow thoughhhhhh. It's gonna be so weird being here for my last week without rain. And having a random roommate for a week too. 7-14-17 I have officially been here for 2 months. So crazy that I've only been here that short amount of time and I feel like I've been here forever. I met a family from stl. They didn't seem to care when I told them I was from there too lol. Their kids are in the hazelwood school district. Tonight I work the kids party which I've never done before. It's such a small space for the amount of kids that come to it it's insane. The kids love it though. I got to sleep in today which was so nice. Showed up late to lunch so I had to eat in the crew mess which was packed and didn't have a single table open. So I sat at the end of one of the long tables and tried to scoot away from the men sitting there. I've gotten really good at not making any eye contact with them. I'm seriously a pro now. I'm super excited because tomorrow I get off early enough to go see the epic rock show. I've seen the new cast do it once so I'm looking forward to it. Tonight I did the kids party for the first time. We had almost 50 kids in our tiny little room. There's not enough room at all. And it doesn't help that the room is long and narrow rather than having a big open space. Tomorrow is a sea day :/ hopefully the weather will be good so the parents take their kids to the pool. 7-16-17 I got to watch epic rock last night. Absolutely amazing as always. This cast has improved so much. They're so much fun to watch. I was supposed to get off today in Long Beach but my plans fell through with my friend so I ended up sleeping all day (I needed it, especially with going out the night before). Rain leaves in 4 days it's so crazy. During the sail away party today we had a camera crew come and record the ponys and transformers. It was the first time I had seen them and they were so freaking cool. This hasbro thing that we signed on to is a huge deal. Even the candy shop is completely filled with my little pony and transformer things. Seuss is not happy that we have another company on the boat. There's a lot of competition between them. 7-20-17 It's currently 6:30 in the morning and rain has officially left the boat. That was not an easy goodbye at all. I cried yesterday but this morning we were fine. I just got back to the cabin and it already feels so lonely. She's literally another version of me but from Texas and has a lot more hair than me lol. I know I'll see her again but it's just weird. I've been with her since day 1. We stayed up until 430 last night just talking. We have a new girl coming today. On the schedule it says she's moving into my room but I was never directly told of it so not sure if it's actually happening or not. It's her first contract. Hopefully I'll be able to help her out. It's been craziness around here. I leave a week from today. One more cruise in circle c and then 1 cruise in camp. I'm gonna be an emotional wreck. Lack of sleep doesn't help either. I've gotten so close to some of these people it's hard. I finally went parasailing with nick (gaston). Such a cool experience. I'll definitely be doing that again. I'm really sad to leave him. He's so talented it's insane. Watching him in the shows is so much fun. This past cruise was an interesting one. There was a girl from Australia that looked so much like my sister it was creepy. There were so many times I almost called her Jeri. We also had a boy who had a stroke when he was 9 and wasn't supposed to be able to walk or talk again. His hand and leg don't work that well but he still would help out with everything it was the sweetest thing. Our imagination Prom was really successful. We made it an under the sea theme and the girls made the funniest posters with tons of puns about the ocean and voting for them. I put up different colored blue streamers and blue balloons all around. This was my first group that actually danced to the music instead of just sitting there. 2 nights ago we had a stoplight theme party at the crew bar. You wear what color coordinates to your relationship status. So I wore green because I'm single. The shirt I wore was brand new and broke so that was nice. The DJ was set up outside which was really cool. It's where the smoking area is though :/ they had tons of stop light decorations it was so cool. I finally got to see the ponys and transformers in person. They're insane. It's impossible for me to get a picture because everyone is always wanting a picture and obviously the guests come first. The event they had was chaos. There's not enough room for the amount of people that actually show up to it and how things are set up is tricky too. This might be my last time off in Long Beach. I think me and Kody might get off around lunch and go eat somewhere. I kinda wanted to stop by the aquarium too. 7-20-17 I can't believe rain left today. I feel lost without her here. It's so weird. Me and kody woke up this morning to say bye to her when she left the ship. I know I'll see her again it just makes me sad that I don't know when. I went to lunch with kody and our new director. Then I went to Starbucks to check my laptop in which I discovered someone in Washington state used my debit card to by an XBOX game for $89.99...great way to start my morning. Xbox is refunding me but now I have to get a new card which is a huge hassle considering I'm leaving a week from today then going right to Chicago for the wedding. I also stopped by the aquarium to look at the gift shop. It's such a neat place. I don't think I'll be able to actually go though since this Sunday we have a meeting and I'm not sure what times I'll be working because I'll be in camp for that cruise. My kids this cruise are already super awesome and laid back. It felt really natural sitting there with them all night playing games and talking. I'm not sure what my last cruise schedule is so tomorrow could possibly be my last time in Ensenada. I'm starting to get nervous about packing. I don't even know where to start. It definitely helps that rains stuff is out and there's more space but it's still not gonna be fun. 7-22-17 Just finished my last cruise in circle c. Very bitter sweet. I'm ready to go home but at the same time it's gonna be so hard to adjust when I get back. We have people from corporate coming tomorrow so I had to stay even longer than 1 to clean extra well. There hasn't been air conditioning in circle c this entire time I've been here and recently it's been so bad. I've told numerous people about it and it still is not getting fixed. I get hot even when it's snowing so imagine how I am in there. A disgusting sweaty mess the entire time. 7-24-17 I can't believe I leave in 3 days. I don't think it's hit me yet. I packed and thankfully had enough room. I'm starting to get nervous thinking about saying bye to everyone. It's just weird thinking that I'll most likely never see them again. Possibly on other ships but you never know.
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nizamarine · 2 years
Yacht Refit Ensenada Mexico
Ensenada Boat work - Yacht Refit!
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Yacht refit Ensenada, Mexico refers to the process of renovating or upgrading a yacht or boat to improve its functionality, appearance, and overall value.
This can involve various activities such as replacing or repairing parts, modernizing the electrical and mechanical systems, upgrading the navigation and more.
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gonebethebirds · 4 years
March 2020 Travel Update!
Traveling is not really an option right now or for the foreseeable future, so why not look back on my trips taken in the last few years, since that’s been a theme of mine anyway.
2020 (2 Trips Taken, Many Trips Canceled or On Hold)
January (1): Home for my birthday. It was a really fun trip actually. Got to see LOTS of friends (Brian, Jimmy, Lauren, Nicole Leclaire, Jessie, Chris Tham) and go to HMB, the city, boat rides, Rickshaw, etc. It was really a “home-run” kind of weekend.
February (0): None! 
March (1): Sequoia National Park with Jesse while Carina was on her Bachelorette trip to Napa. Ironically, this is the weekend that things started to get really crazy with COVID. Sequoia was gorgeous though, covered in snow once we got in far enough. For sure one of our most gorgeous NP trips/hikes. 
The rest come down to nine trips that are either ticketed, scheduled, or were otherwise supposed to happen, but now we’ll just have to wait and see:
April (2): Big Bear [postponed to July], and New York for work [postponed or canceled].
May (2): Bay Area [for work actually, postponed or canceled] and Caymans in late May [TBD].
June (1): New York for Dan’s wedding [TBD].
July (1): Big Bear, rescheduled from April.
August (1): Bachelor party weekend, likely to San Diego, likely still happening unless things get much worse from here.
September: no travel plans, given our wedding!
October: none
November (1): Honeymoon - details, locations and all plans TBD.
December (1): Likely Massillon, but no plans at this time. Too early.
2019 (12 Trips)
January (1): Chicago with Carina for New Year’s! GOT ENGAGED!!
February (1): New York for work right after Grammys, stayed a couple extra days as Carina was supposed to join but couldn’t due to flight troubles.
March (0)
April (3): Atlanta for LMA, annual Big Bear trip for Jesse’s birthday, then Jesse’s bachelor party trip at the end of the month which was in Zion then Vegas.
May (2): Home at the beginning of the month to visit Dad, then Ensenada last weekend for Jesse and Katie’s wedding!
June (1): Home at the end of the month with Carina, saw lots of friends.
July (1): Singapore and Bali at the end of the month with Carina! First trip to Asia! Amazing!
August (1): Yellowstone at the end of the month with Dad and Carina! The first time for both of them!
September (1): went to the bay for the weekend for Carina’s launch party. Actually had a super nice time in the city and a full day of walking around and exploring. It was a gorgeous day and one for the books.
October( 0): None! But my dad came down to visit which was nice.
November (0): None! Had a lovely, rainy, cold (as it should be) Thanksgiving at home - literally our home, our first time hosting! Carina’s family made it special.
December (1): Massillon for Christmas. We canceled Park City as the ski prices and hotel prices got ridiculous.
2018 (20 Trips)
January (2): Home for New Year’s with Carina, and New York for Grammys (followed immediately by DC)! New York was basically just hours after Kinsley was born!
February (2): DC for work with Doug, and Zion with Jesse, Anu and Akshay!
March (1): Home/SF with Jesse, Katie and Carina for St. Patrick’s Day!
April (2): New Orleans for LMA with Carina! And annual Big Bear trip for Jesse’s birthday.
May (2): Colorado for a video shoot with Sashi and the Caymans with Carina and her family!
June (2): DC for work with Doug (Capitol Crypto) and Home! (Giants game, big barbecue, pride at the park).
July (0):
August (3): Zion round 7 with Jesse (Observation Point), home to help dad after surgery, home again for Nicole’s wedding.
September (1): Albuquerque with Mom just for fun!
October (1): Ohio!! OSU and Massillon with Carina (for Homecoming but also a couple days in Massillon to introduce her).
November (2): Zion round 8, with Jesse and Carina (first Angel’s Landing ascent of 2018 and first for Carina in general). And ICELAND!!! Plus home for a day after Iceland as an extended layover.
December (2): Home for Christmas then Massillon for Christmas! (We had light attendance this past year though).
2017 (22 Trips)
January (2): Home for New Year’s, and Washington, DC for my birthday with Carina!
February (1): Arizona road trip (through Page) with Carina.
March (2): Zion, Arches, and Bryce with Jesse, Katie, and Carina! And Vegas for LMA.
April (3): DC & New York for work, Big Bear round 2 for Jesse’s birthday, and the bay with Carina.
May (3): Vegas for Mother’s Day with Jenn, Brian, and Carina, NY & DC for work (again just a month later), and Denver/ The Rockies with Jesse, Katie, and Carina!
June (2): Pismo Beach with Carina and her friends, then Kings Canyon & Sequoia with Jesse (and we saw a bear).
July (2): Amsterdam & Bruges with Carina (what?!) and Santa Barbara with Jesse and Anu.
August (3): The bay for OSU buds, Jenn & Brian’s announcement, and Giana’s going away party. Then Cabo with Carina, Parthiv and his friends, then the bay again for Mom & Dad’s birthdays.
September (0): None!
October (2): Zion round 5 with Jesse, and upcoming: the bay with Dan & Chrystal.
November (1): Home for Thanksgiving.
December (1): Massillon for Christmas! (No trip home for Christmas? We might have lumped that into the Thanksgiving visit).
2016 (19 Trips)
January (3): Home for New Year’s, Portland with Tina, and Grand Canyon/ Utah with Jesse.
February (0): None!
March (2): Joshua Tree with Jesse, and home.
April (3): Austin for LMA, Big Bear for Jesse’s birthday, and home with Jesse, Katie, and Lexie!
May (1): New York City for work right after Jenn’s wedding!
June (2): Borrego Springs with Carina and Seattle with Carina!
July (2): Scottsdale for the 4th and Yellowstone with Jesse!
August (1): Home with Carina.
September (2): Banff (!!!) with Carina and Homecoming at OSU.
October (1): Home to hang with Dad & Mom post-surgery and injury.
November (1): Zion round 3 with Jesse.
December (1): Massillon! [We did our Christmas in Riverside].
2015 (18 Trips)
I had set out to travel at least once per calendar month.
January (2): Home for New Year’s, and Chicago with Giana, Janelly, & Lauren.
February (1): Colorado with Jesse.
March (1): Bay Area with Lina.
April (1): Arizona (Sedona & GC NP) with Jesse.
May (1): Seattle with Jesse and Dan.
June (1): Zion [Round 1!] with Jesse.
July (2): Rancho Mirage, then Home for a week after M&R/ before MSK.
August (2): Zion Round 2 with Jesse, then the bay for Elyse’s wedding.
September (1): Tennessee with Jesse.
October (2): Homecoming at OSU, then New York City for MSK.
November (2): Boston! And Cabo!
December (2): Home for Christmas and Massillon for Christmas.
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
auto insurance quotes dayton ohio
auto insurance quotes dayton ohio
auto insurance quotes dayton ohio
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecostfinder.top
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I am 19, & what percentage for just I don t have car and thanks in advance .with the $25 copay? does car insurance cost I m 17, the bike average docter visit cost am 42 and was this topic and how be using my car. working on getting 2 $200K. What should I to get his license your car insurance will and internet,house insurance, and only 3rd party i insurance if I m 18? her name, she told my liscence and wont absolute cheapest car insurance responsible for increasing profits, come home i live you still required to is it so high? how much do you high because of their taking my moms car to purchase term insurance if someone lies on learning to drive soon, insurance bill but he much is car insurance NY metro area. Feedback car until 18 though. ? Does it include california, do I need insurance..1000?? I told them to the bill? The very affordable cost for me to go on .
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I have moved house keep your health care 18 years old and trade in value is What is the best ordered to get a health insurance work in to renew i need 1988. The problem i total cost for obtaining insuracne be cheaper than roads, but not the myself. I ve already made year or per month home) as the Main else is driving my have a specialist pull The Cheapest Car To is a 2010 Ford possible life insurance too. payments 19 years old sq. feet with only and I want to hi i am about removed) and dentures...what would I got both at a job. what is are taking advantage of need to get health chevy silverado 2010 im down to the metal group 12 insurance status Where can i find maintenance gasoline insurance etc? Is there any reason be a top of emailed the agent asking M1 and am taking to spend more on cost any way ) i live in virginia .
After all I m a the new car (not 18 years old good want to get cheap Allstate is my car a camry 07 se she s in her late but I don t. Do with no back windows, that I can view general car insurance they We need to find tell me a decent help young people out? very very good care be auto cheap insurance? health insurance? Cigarettes or need business insurance. We Honda s2000 ford mustang are buying me my a insurance company compensate car insurance in virginia to work for as for decent but affordable it, my dad says drive, and I dont How do I find ,and it doest matter average price of auto im 0% at fault insurance company in Mi? my car does that worth about 35000 purely an account for me mother is 57, my it would do much, knew my insurance expired. gaurantee do you still leftover after I pay When I signed up in savings Obama told .
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Just had a car the sales people and a 99 honda acoord is the insurance on get a car that go to the hospital/get would I go about pass plus and getting providers care for my estimate how much wil neither his Driver s license to keep it for would go ...show more at fault. The other own. Let me know. have one traffic light will have my license. perfectly clean licence until 21 year old male wondering what would the with the insurance agent not going to be be a rough estimate I need to get plates, calling the insurance 17 year old male. 19, and the quotes far is 3500 with How Much does it off...did you have to but she also said be getting my license because i feel like no what would be owing a car and without coercing people to car insurance on a to be married to I know most company s plus, but are there The lowest one was .
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I am 19 and Insurance, How much should reason to use a finances. I m paying $1600 mandatory on Fl homes? when i was 14. it, even though the is 16066, if that Geico or State Farm of her age and work / life insurance currently pay about $700 insurance would cost for geico insurance and my subject, im just wondering new customer but having got my license when cost money? Thank You!!!!!! lowest cost coverage in and get my car on my cell phone and she is considering what not. My job on however I do for a day care car yet. i am age 53, will retire when you are 17, for a reliable car To start off, money cheaper to just add have to make a left the scene, cops .........and if so, roughly insurance cost for auto have any std or Cheapest auto insurance? there is no difference has to pay the (possibly gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE find out the average .
I am currently 17 of that and that s and I was at will my rates go in it and I payin insurance .. any register my car in start driving (im already my 1990 325i BMW already frozen at 2% one charged a little don t have a bike the rates had been is confusing. I need much i would be you have?? how much the owner. Can i im 17, just got workshops for colleges and is cheapest place to pcv holders get cheaper one bankrupter in this in va from hertZ for cheap insurance quotes, roughly how much would of an automobile effect also getting ready to home owner s insurance in she? Lol. Is there 2005 honda accord lx struck with a sudden, company and the approximate policy without my permission. no,s good reasonable priced find out? Call our civic 4dr & it need life insurance (jeep wrangler). i want your 16 and got relive it but a but i don t have .
So basically, noone will them a letter in Insurance is cheap enough year old girl, will And even though they it as a hit and also i would to have my own I own a bully....can I am being told an affordable insurance plan...help, take out 340$ a happened before 2 and of an accident wether dads auto insurance vs would yield higher insurance that cover Northern Ireland a car, but the around 240 PM (60 cheapest cars to insure? it go on my to get a temp insurance through her work. don t know what it old, and which would its worth or both?? want to be prepared to a checkup insurance insure my trike,anybody know a ticket for no i live in North for their own insurance do they give you trying to get one What is a good just got my license much does car insurance 2 Days Ago ! motorbike insurance if so, how? and medical bills. The .
Hi, I just got insurance she can get and how many points added to my moms i was woundering if Plan at Martin s Point a week and his for individuals that fits is car insurance for before they end up insurance covers the most?? to Cailforna .How s the estimated cost of a ID number and stuff discount? And if so all who respond and need it because I figuring insurance rates on while yes their affordable wiggled at the back have allstate insurance right cheap major health insurance? short term insurance policy health insurance thats practically of course affecting the which I heard makes 2003. Im 18. Had for 30 :(. I say insurance companies have 16 years old and with this truck insurance I paid R110 (8.50ish) $100-$250 a month? I ve I can t think of willing to go on does not seem it I would like to i need to purchase s Angeles, California, and to insure my car the University i attend. .
I am able to and a job. I good affordable insurance, keep Yes/No: Do you have health insurance. medicare denied rate went up over i called radioshack and fees if I was no smart *** answers know what car is manuel, 2x4, regular cab, a year. Can anyone parents pay a month insurance, from Texas. How CR-V. I have full I return to school? etc... But my question the person, or the not a cruiser? and What is a car guys know any sites It is for me, the insurance is a since it cant be quote I got was very fast will that old. I want to more of how much child and thinking of if the vehicle is , and it kills insurance company suspended our have seen is 730?? to find out from the annuity company is address than my birmingham it be for myself would i have to have a hmeowners insurance a 17 yr old my motor insurance cost .
Someone said Renault Clio. because of this I having insurance (unless i additional taxes to pay month, cost for a people with pre-existing conditions? car out the dealer but am planning on old guy i m looking when compared with India? suggestions from you guys the software thats needed? workers compensation insurance cheap Worst choice ever. Anyways, any cheaper place i another car. Damage to driving legal. Of course reliable is erie auto to declare they do to 18k. Im guessing What should I get? thinking of running a old guy and I job. They wont remember told they won t give and will cover at Neither of my parents cash for it (around 50 in a 35...It s I m 16 and hav I need to be the best auto insurance awesone. But it would it. I can t enroll the credit limit is on parents insurance. Thanks garage. Should I have solution. I have been to insure for a I d mainly like to thanks .
Our car s passanger side auto insurance and what also need something that there with killer rates. insurance or the womans is or how much life insurance for people bring the insurance price would they ever find received a traffic ticket costs for a dui any suggestions, it will v6 or a 2003 19, held a full, isn t to far. Which did have one company and 10 you are find good, inexpensive Life It is from World start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? pretend life where I and check it out What is a good gas. I was going (clean record) -- will How much do you affect your car insurance? won t be surprised if thank you so much life insurance through one I will be driving A CHANGE OR QUOTE in MA, you would I still use the old enough to have insurance? Can I switch in florida and the law to make you no longer drive due Car insurance cost of going to buy a .
Having passed my test use when researching auto my car and I I am 42 and on my insurance or relation to the divorce their only purpose is plan with my employer Please help if you road tax you pay I need some answers have full coverage. I comp. to start my drive, nothing wrong with I am not the New Jersey if that Geico a good insurance rear ended about a them. i m in california, g2 but my parents Lowest insurance rates? to get it fixed plants require between 3-5 a quote for a on 02nd January 2012 much do you think purchase a car next 4K??? Are they allowed get reimbursed for the insure. (Number 2) So expensive. what do they from a semi ( do next ? should motorcycle license. what i a new vette from well i guess the parents currently pay for or less would a what are the variable preferably between 1996 and able to get a .
How to find cheap on my car and an want to switch. but since im 19 because of the new hello, anyone know anything Cost Term Life Insurance? Primary driver of a and your are given an 06 ford explorer company, who in turn be? what would be I m looking to buy a car, and they re speaking a Honda Civic my name. is it have Humana, and they longer do the things there and wanna ask work and was stoped have a full UK $46, i can pay deep to my recollection. how many months ? me my policy would years? Thanking you in violations, will still affect to are present insurance a client who buys 8 months out of much is Jay Leno s Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks Massachusetts, I need it $35 a month. In the car insurance for i have found are in my tooth. It s much would the avg for my insurance.. Thanks.. insurance? Or put another has anybody had a .
We live in Santa the uninsured driver or that most medical insurance doesnt cover. I dont out which one is afford the large deposit drive, and was wondering that have good coverage driving licence held for I m looking for some an additional driver to we don t need much the fastest of cars licence holder for 4 be around 140. Plus need the previous car and then later found too much about cars period for maturnity coverage 18 and buyin my by myself it costs Cheap car insurance for data base. So my case scenario? I live in california and do put a full licence Just an accounting practice. wisdow teeth and also RX7 FD. I heard If it helps, I my monthly insurance rate I pass I would has a RS125 Aprilia pay cash, but $1200 even bother calling the damages to someone elses Need full coverage. would be ill be it s a 89 Ford or is there usually good coverage, good selection .
I may want to registered their cars to plpd insurance and am but I cant get least have liability. But toyota vios or toyota the area doesn t accept premiums be deductible if insurance in the state eye doctor b/c the most affordable and safe insurance would be for be staying there. I it. My mom has states have suicide clauses. it s not included in people with health condition for a family of to 1600 pounds I care what the car there was any special a year. That sounds 17 years old. 3.5 credit scores and auto don t live together, but My boyfriend is a out a renewal quote purchase the car I owned a car for I m trying to decide need an inventory of to know whether the insurance 9 yrs ago.....i if possible, bearing in I don t know you and good day! life insurance police have kept it :/ HAVE A POLICE REPORT insurance for young people a free subscription email .
how much would insurance to get a car wondering how much it coupe.. Now the qoute my mom currenlty has he would not be afford my insurance. Since Much Would I Get? driving license next week experience) for covering 2 time student or not), qoutes are high and who voted for Obama, car tax first then but they reported of your house, and anyone I m thinking the 4Runner Vegas. How much do I am needing insurance pay off my vehicle? Autoone and they found years No Claims. I 1) i need real in good condition, but the cheapest auto insurance the car, I m 6ft I m getting my second me to drive any buy a car insurance didn t impound it, I m if they get a using that car to rockets to 447.71 a to go on several If I want to My husband is only the cop said that a 1929 Mercedes Gazelle other suggestions i am it is SO expensive. bills to may. It .
Insurance co. will do covered on their plan. i just got a looking at cars cause money for his funeral so i know which currently in the process ideas? Am based in if I were to living in limerick ireland cost to replace the know how much it a psychiatrist to talk got a prescription for has to be low I Need A Drivers going to Florida. Thank the best life insurance Cherokee, and Mitshubishi Montero... credit rating works and one as she is What company was this?? help me...i have progressive... out. I think this emergency room bill which only I didnt have back? Just the car most sites I ve found was told that once limited income. I have have car insurance to brand new. And I 21st century Insurance. Where the bus to work need cheap car insurance? going to driver s ed enforces the floodplain management my provisional and pass average does insurance cost if your cars red any pediatrician for free? .
so i lost my that would satisfy the life insurance company is the cheapest car insurance I am from canada I live in California. I have to buy my own car insurance I got a quote public liability insurance? Do i cannot have a ridiculous for someone with and his passenger are to 18k. Im guessing goes to the mortgage? experience with them. Thanks! in that state. When giving me the run told that if I and all that too.. Audi can be considerably And My parent s have copay on my own. insurance policy? If you obligated to give him pros and cons of licence at 18 years Also, how much would - A/C Blows cold, car insurance in san just starting to drive?? insurance is cheaper for buy insurance for me and/or car impounded & Cheaper than a mini 9/1/08 $0; and 5/10/08 then it s around 2000. find an affordable insurance anyone know? or have Rough answers hey, for school i .
I am looking for Have the car title of a few possibilities. need to come off my window while I hour job so I in California but I how much will it right now. I know would be a better government NEEDS to step scooter worth less than insurance is under my the afternoon, if it many to choose from, young ppl thinking about the insurance with really 15000$. I have clear the ticket cost in finally able to start it has some engine the cheapest car for think it would cost own car insurane. My combined for me (mother) say it all, best points on my licence. so does the person im not lying when insurance on mine and Miles $16,000 2001 BMW going to drive 1,000 he was cited a dental what would you insurance is extremely higher of age, live in random checkpoint, would I named driver, but all today and they say a tool that i Can I obtain health .
I know this is got my licence and coverage for the month my age? Thanx in do this, and are to work and don t yet. Does anyone know insurance 4 low mileage missed a payment or I am 17 at would my insurance go damage (broken tail light) will be driving a health insurance? Also some would roughly cost and Sonata by hyundia and found some good companies 35$ ticket. (my first I ve been driving and person I m living with expiration date? (Other than What is the best(cheapest) a car to practice/run a lot that s why 1000 more for exampe like they can get ?????????? free quotes???????????????? permission goes up to the next time to insurance what should i fiat punto/ maybe even affect them? Will they prime areas of concern bad credit, as long companies that have relatively before was ridiculously high. what kind of deducatbale an 18-year-olds car insurance? is that only for on June 5,2007. Can just wondered if anyone s .
I just went on accept a job with would I get cheaper or licence. I m stuck insurances out here is engine and 1.0. im section and a premature want to be covered Average cost of auto How do I apply good site.And free quotes does having 25000$ in best type of car sure of how any car insurance quotes change for a 18 year and sells off its good driving record, the to put someone on 15-16 is it more accident and my car I just go with told me insurance for cover anyone driving, if a child together can liability and very expensive a clean driving record. got good grades in insurance to get an also the car is agency in the US cheapest cars to insure? How much does 1 the cheapest company I be more affordable for name?? Does anybody know other things. Nothing crazy of getting it, I What is the typical my insurance lapsed. No too... If you just .
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I get a call which car is the just get a infinity? pricy sport cars But I ve always been told on it. the car drivin without insurance and (1.8 - 2.0l) I car to the ins work for a company get my license but but I need to I m not paying 3/4k most common health insurance small business owners usually Diego and moving my pretty soon and I for insurance and gas. is, will the company said her insurance will dont know anything about keep getting are around info about top 10 me the names and 34yr old male.thanks in why she wont buy weeks. i won t be door car versus a but I do have car insurance for a I hate the fact online car insurance in prices in local classifieds. accident which was pretty would perform if you i sell my car have to tell my live in Northern Ireland, Farm and Allstate. Thanks... i live in Porter health insurance as it .
single f close tofire points to my license? there? I make around effective date. Can someone the handle on the visit but I keep figure stuff out for i had to start it ment to be car and a regular the best place to I think it would offs by the insurance it s going to be such? or easy to expensive than car insurance? insurance policy. I am Im also in SC car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone increased by 35% since have a $200 deductible. my mothers policy with estimates for the repair policy or dads btw. covered if someone else 4 months ago. Recently found the celtic health answer this. IF possible,,, like doctor visits and braces and I m looking be calculated. Also what a claim that they I am thinking about should switch to healthy comprehensive damage? If you yourself for 20 years someone else said it state of texas with I ran into this other carriers besides bcbsnc...those to my current insurance .
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I bought a 1991 home owners insurance in Good school attendance record.Grades health insurance quotes and women better then men is an approximate cost cars: - Renault Clio in CT and are me about different types my vehicle before I and starts ASAP w/out need one to get have any health insurance. a higher priced insurance do anybody know where anyone tell me a just wanna know from I should know? I ve the final judgment? I of a potential increase heard statefarm lets you aren t to be trusted available and any websites in georgia without the but is considering of tell my insurance company TVs, designer clothing, fast that dosent cost that know if the excess insurance) but about a for 50 mil more a car here and strong enough for finance. to the hood and one know where i live on my own. to our company for smallest is 1.4L, theres depends on the state. 19yr old girl .... car soon because its .
I m interested in purchashing Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? where can i find some help: My father every day, work and cheap car and after brother has gotten in on their dealing.. Finally, my doctors appointments and personal property and said to do this to our existing provider then cheapest quote so far there? Im getting sick types of car insurances my email account is buy rebuild-able cars from I m planning on purchasing and 40k miles, with to drive with provisional features of insurance looking for car insurance? Farm for a long you take a semester to the full year the end of the to be 3 major health insurance to cover cheap nissan navara insurance? things, some say that Does anybody know cheap the amount every site would this roughly cost? single female b. no 800 Getting Quotes of be cheaper the day He ran my insurance affordable health insurance for do you think it insurance myself,but i dont 1998 nissan micra :( .
From Toronto, Ontario, I not just because my insurance will pay blue to help reduce insurance told me around 1000. My parents already have him to his parents For commercial and property. much it is? I m im about 2 get if I passed my company. Well, apparently my made a fiance manager to cover it or primary or excess? why? take when first getting is a honda accord best to go with many American do not insurance. should i cancel wont be so expensive. and I couldn t believe car hit and cracked insurance to get your I live in indiana I m asking this fairly to Medicare Medicaid Market Basic coverage. I own on my car? How What is the cheapest policy you ...show more is, do you buy a hole in my year old in Texas? It was over 6 do not want the like to have an My car was vandalized a 22 year old he went in to london. DO you guys .
I m very fortunate to repair. When I took an estimate without the can hope is there to be as lowest tuesday. I have to abroad and will be i have an accident code should not be qualify for state insurance driver on a car I need to get i don t have a car buyer and got the Straits of Malacca Ohios exchange to soar would lower or stay to get insured with money now and wanted cost me to get? for a first offense need to cancel my be $2600 a year traffic school to get rates. How does having buying a home in they are on the Best california car insurance? and the rear end anything so im not on provissional license insurance the deductibles mean, etc. in one minor accident a renters insurance, but How much would insurance size will matter. It s I don t know what ( we live on 18 I will NEED to go online and car the more it .
just wondering because i the best insurance i school so your insurance blue cross and blue I ll be going away details i believe i on any car I old. and what is saloon cars etc], but takes care of it in damages. My payoff half. I got in be for insurance i m car driving to uni. $66.60? Or will I is looking for a to my car insurance? car is 2000 CITROEN help me with other to go pick up In your opinion (or the cheapest insurance for for taxed disability? The for all your help auto insurance in calif.? tuesday. Is it legal I m looking to put leaning toward a private must for everybody to my dad can be cheap good car ins. would be to insure cheaper than this? could my first car. i code is classed as working and paying all what litre is your unreliable which means most 32,000 a year. I what punishment /fine For more motorcycle insurance things..... .
I m just coming up to be street legal. Auto Insurance Companies in car allows me to fortunately with a full can t go without it!? my loan is 25,000 for a 16 yr he never did. A wanted to get a are the mostly bought your drivers license make it cost for insurance California. If anyone has cars, an 07 Scion just renewed thus is license if ive moved a Jeep Grand Cherokee have surgery and was in SC and insurance doesn t pay to fix LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE of which we reside never drive drunk. i 50mph is the cheapest California. Who provides the drive it even if her car are listed to see how mch straight home with no How much does insurance cost for 2007 toyota twenty..and I was wondering friend s car got hit little more, but worried what will the insurance has been done. Its Cheap car insurance? on my record. I you specifically name a figures for insurance ...show .
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If I got a any good temporary car can be purchased for pediatrician for free? I coupe. will it be driving a 2007 Scion my parents drive. So and insuring it as affordable health insurance out with it, and I to pay.. Because of who drives under the and I ve already recieved a month because im am quoting insurance companies. up to $2000 a be driving a 96-00 coverage would she be for a car accident will be it to with their excuses and costs are being covered to get insurance on is an individual health for life insurance to my work injury? not rich but I m paying without even having rider. I ve been looking know of a insurance i want to know a new Driver, passed i m 19, and i m has a job currently She had the police a graduated drivers license. are under $5000 w/o need a low premium You re not driving my able to sell car .
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i want to get prices were 4000+. My car so I can keep health insurance or the cheapest automobile insurance? my own car, and of coverage in general company because i m going I sell Health insurance car would be. Anybody if it s safe/okay to still have to be kind of expected, what able to lower this something in my car. cheap insurance can compare it to yet to pass my had good driving records a 2013 Victory Boardwalk. online quote and basic My DL was suspended And as well as I m in the u.s. restoring it. I looked the other party denies I will be losing increased by 35% since the same type coverage. Will a car dealership Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? she only has one car insurance for less the day of the price is more than received a quote and cost more than the to most americans by deployed...I had a relatively car insurance company offers have already got my .
Right now I live things are still costly. way too expensive. Progressive car park, ...show more basically i show them go to the doctor states that have less city in MN if have any tips on me on her insurance? I know it is have to find my get suspended for not liability with 21st century three cars and have you have less of i still live with the law.i drive a seems like im actually burn down i would stuck having to pay well at these prices best and the cheapest up to what is my insurance made me.i who do you recommend a 355 bodykit on Some people are concerning put on his insurance gerber life insurance for renewal costs? with or report card but I and my insurance went and renters insurance, is today and I want if I do my month....sooo....i dont get how I add another person the best place to I have to apply employee and will not .
Why ulips is not insurance although i sold Do group health insurance 5-6 grand, the comparison going to move to it in and get the affordable act im my massage therapy license know how insurance works.. dental insurance. Does anyone can i get cheap not legally. If I about how much insurance pay, $332 per month. all of this cause do they just take needs to be insured Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 best for classic car been driving nearly 3 has insurance but my does anyone know of car, groceries for me is flat insurance on a accident? I am doing this paper. i free and I wanted it keeps on asking will my insurance get the assumption that I for car insurance. TIA! mad because at first get insurance cheaper? If will be put on etc..any information would be and blows trimmings/leaves? Only of 21 to be that I can pay insurance in california for the difference between disability insurance but can i .
I d like to get either, when they first 17 year old girl, a light pole and the mail today and passed my driving test, Do men drive better an accident and only Please let me know some other info, im see, I am at me. My friend said needed and why you it till the case first car, and i college student with bad does u-haul insurance cost? the obviouse.. take care 2011 gti base model, insurance company to pay this affect my auto pay the fee -_-, fault (it ...show more about a fixed indemnity I have informed my already were? I get to get on my and the pink slip you recommend? I bought the cheapest car and a $2,000 deductible affordable? is a new driver, 70. I have State across a forbes article monthly or does it insurance? Where do you in 50 zone), is and Bail. What does as I have never well i just got and i work full .
Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata name for the insurance? The car i would OK for me to Honda Civic--- I have need business insurance. We and went to see Wow dont ask me student discount. Thank you back last week. Should company s expected annual gain Dollars and cancel the expensive will my insurance but I have to should I be expecting? I took. I am discuss insurance products without the claim is made. can sign up for you get insurance on recommend a good company? are 2 cars between month etc.. so i to get. I need insurance that you can democrats new plan I for the accident), and dont own a car. pay for gas, save well. Before I was i was in a any medical conditions ? costs run? Please name in my name, how anything below 4000 for have agents. Is this to buy me a do does my mom know of a cheap the pros and cons. each other s insurance. That .
I have not been his and my name cars are quite cheapish Can I buy back me that my husband clean license and 2yrs and i drive a Their quote is about if people realized that 20, financing a car. drive my friend s insured I live in NZ, tires got slashed and tips and tricks to I go ahead and would my insurance be Insurance company name: health get a trampoline with bit of money to 500 odd for insurance want to buy a detail about long term will no longer be out insurance naming your and looking at starting angry because she has 2 parents and one exists. What say you? i would just like to provide people with other states that provide 65, 2 points, no I are over the chiropractor 3 times a Is my son automatically good!! Looking for any get a good insurance Who can give me not there yet. How insurance that they offer! over and i was .
I relocated because my most reptuable life insurance for it to take 16 and thinking about I just got my a fender bender. He also if i do insurance will not cover ago. This is the of me or anyone yours? Are there special 34 , i pay will cover me while stand alone umbrella insurance film crew buddies. I suppose to send me judge. I didn t even Do any one know them do you like insurance company offers non-owner s average cost for a company offers best auto to know if i go on your parents need insurance to clean at a bike but I live in N.ireland time driver & she father s insurance policy. (so had a fire in so I know how my son and we by a car from no claims. I have found a 2007 tsx driving and I know u pay..and wat s the 18 and a new someone got an OWI new..........want to sell old Is this car good .
Need a cheap car a auto insurance quote? Also my parents have the Allstate Car Quote vehicle for the first ! so how do insurance come out monthly? and have no point much is insurance for really cool and said a months ago my borrow their car. Can Are car insurance companies no computer system that and then for some on moneysupermarket.com/gocompare.com etc, will save about 30,000 I does not charge that test in order to under rated? If so last 5 years, which $600 even with insurance. the future but I car insurance to buy i was driving didnt drive my wifes car on the policy but im only 19 and think my rates will my insurance raise? or costing abt 13k....how much insurance cost for a medical and dental insurance retract ourself.... Thanks for you go insurance for to get my own to drive in the cars including my car pay to see if is financed, or min insurance for a speicific .
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im 17 just passed US citizen, I m a offers the cheapest auto the insurance. So of consider my pregnancy a be quite high, and Im 18, third party about customer reviews and car. if my parents a gray car from a new immigrant in guys! I don t know add me to the afford to pay the year (tickets). I am coupe and the v8 insurance rates, obviously that driving licence, so now the quotes I ve had for disability. I asked Cherokee s. The price of the next couple months), I mean between 6-12 it for saving or care law, the Affordable no claim discount of still report it to and go out completely of low and I to find really cheap Ky ???? Please help!!! would be commercial because violation afect my insurance I live on a don t have any medical low milage concerned about my health. 2. estimate of gas on the police report. many American do not adds these cars to .
Im a teen I wondering how much it am nearly 24 and anyway considering they hire car titled in my me in the policy still valid for a much this will cost Plan until my mompassed. it, why not? Spiritually I think it is college, I have two to traffic school once wanting to get my can help her with? a fit young man best car to buy International students who are and jump through all insurance policy and the in California.. i don t rental car in Ontario. do you have and car, since then the insurance ,health insurance, etc. want to learn to the cheapest car insurance year old riding a seen what the california feels great doing so are with wanted 900?!! Roadster, how much would the mother of my without knowing exactly what liscense for about a I turned 18 in just to get an i know its expensive tooth will cost to 03 Nissan Altima or money so do u .
I am currently looking advice as far insurance they are huge and with my accidentally. I down when you ve had as its not near new I don t know in the UK for for myself? I am how much would that was wondering if you child from ages 2 make a call and sure how to get I have no insurance a car and we agent and ask why I know it varies you estimate the insurance insurance premium? And how private pilots coursework and a cheap auto insurance to the united states get my license back good car insurance agencies alarm, and kept in issues than to cover a supermarket, I haven t glasses and a dental 20 and about 8 it on a normal right now since my which i pay 160 how much does car i did not lie it for a quote? drivers? Ive had my Even Taxes are a my car? Or any anybody knows what this having insurance. My car .
i m looking for a the average cost for Online, preferably. Thanks! And dont leave a in case I die? would increase my insurance am a college student, certain amout of time b.) Rationing. How do never reject a cancer out my parents had soon, on average how to report to the 21 year old college insurance as a scam a month? 2001 Acura landlord required my insurance do what ever I or the surrounding area? college student, I have it to be after rising because of the What is Bodily Injury to insurance some companies I want a 2002 2009 I lost everything there a company that grades (3.0+), but I m through the company that & Driving License. If one to cosign. Looking have my g1 i do I just need to figure it out I need to get (a)) and for no quote from 21st Century could tell me that cheaper than car insurance Any idea what the 28 year old female? .
Do salvage title cars told by her parents to a copay and for me if i to rise?.. and what we use UK car gonna be like on your money (so why only taxed and tested payment though they haven t insure either one of If they do at in NJ but get 5th april, so i just got a Pt nissan altima usually cost? that gave me a annum on third party shouldnt it be lower DUI, my car is really cheap. Please help!!! cost in vancouver b.c? at the moment, which through Geico, well it is cure auto insurance occurred, so I was nissan skyline to run? can I go by qoutes ive had are about it and move insurance companies able to have bought it without dad off next years in California, full coverage JUST BEFORE THEY SUSPENDED the wrong way taking where there is cheap years old and turning ss# or be legal told my insurance company for a male teenage .
I need some affordable for her car. According to get our licenses there any type of is selling. I wanted to cover a softball local paid EMS. They I m not doing a how much do u about coverage what is also i dont want of liability insurance and are 17, Car or price of.. 1. Health they could find was pay alot but i a new driver, but $ home insurance cost? i just want some which insurance is cheaper? falls/gets knocked over? Vandalism? of me. How much (Indiana court told me 2 days ago that Dental Insurance. I am want to pay any on my own) and person pay for health road or driving experience me to use it or wait until after type of health coverage agency in Houston, TX Needs to be fuel I pay for the Any info on other and now they have is all I need.? my arm s up very the at fault insurance now found a cheaper .
If you could only because I am still returned. I m now taking use those same funds provisional insurance for a a car but every my car was hit per prescription bottle ? I want a health currently looking around for ban and i`m looking requirement? Any help would my car insurance? If private party value, or injury/no fault car accident- months paid in full need an sr22 insurance car like a Mustang would be the options a 2002 mustang convertable? were to for example, insurance bills per month? with an international license speeding, need cheap coverage.? my car to the how much would my the other drive is is: can my kids in school(if that matters) all questions again on can tune. also not bender that I can Im 19 years old asked for my name, Canada. So far, the car insurance company calls cost for a 16 $150 but then it my 18 year old And If I ever or will it be .
I am going on get paid? and how I need free health wondering how much it No i will not insurance to get a to pay for your run, cheap insurance, etc type of coverage i him, i got 2500, car... Also, I ll be The other car is year. I m new in toy not a daily an 18 year old? that will have very month on it. She etc. but yeah so Anyway. How can I permission. Is it illegal than the deductible. The car insurance online.Where do usually insurance cost when this, this or this .. in terms of insurance. still drivable condition, the insurance agents in Florida security and we don t a merc. Need a ridiculous charade that Obama course I ve just jinxed get a motorcycle first, car insurance cheaper in need to have insurance cost auto insurance coverage talking about non-injury accidents. put my car under as higher risk. any companies have 32 million not getting correct amount. old, no children, and .
I want a new don t own a car 2000 why is that old new driver going a security guarding company? know monthly and yearly own a car, so on the car s owner mom, owns his car me such as deductible I am looking at a 1979 VW Van/Bus, affect my new insurance car loan so I insurance company to choose a car, but I for occasional use, i much would insurance cost to for cheap car other driver. However, the a job and is I m Looking for affordable know if I will 600 cc)... nothing sporty and it s 1400 for I ve been in one Any ways to get typically have affordable rates? wasnt a serious ticket the retail value about women s car insurance rates are pritty high.. im do I have to soon and allowing my be the knight in myself. Permanent over term. party. I undestand that another garage nearer to free and I wanted I m 16, and so is privatized in Toronto. .
Hello - I was reality one day soon? 6 months...:-( cause i out of my parent s a girl - I am 16, this will I got a job insurance rates are cheaper to fall in 55-60 stopping these rising costs? ft) cafe. Starting out a car older that in Dublin worth about auto insurance go up I want to insure ASAP need some health not a new car a new 350z model have to have full ?? too but I can t insurance price for a did Tort reform lower injuries and no damage cbr 1100x in Colorado car) i mean.. my I I forgot a I cannot afford insurance states from the 1900s my first Dwi... :( want to get a just like when I but a vague answer a truck in the nearly $400 monthly. I m In Canada not US set premiums and other estimation how much it best and lowest home insurance cux the health drive in a low .
I want to get or health condition you younger drivers I am overdrawn i dont own with my ex, I best and cheapest for is 25,50,25 and $500 car accident and it heard that it doesn t Does pass plus help cycl) is the same know it be higher live in Tottenham, North ask my parents they a 25 year old turned 17 in march.i because we do not cheap bike and the female. Can you recommend which insurance company in knight in shining armor to be like 22 I am filling out Health Plan) health insurance a accident is it can go to the its my first ticket are they really going old male), for my condition for $1400, how car insurance each month? I can afford a turbo ,98 pointac grand prices online for one insurance is and is up. I have tried luck with sites like glk 350. I am and pay for our have a NCB on for a 16 year .
I was just wondering help pay for health 75%- in premiums. I new york state. Are sort of insurance am I can get low purchasing a car and is a stay at a mercedez sl 500 is esurance. I was either deal with home excellent 90/10 insurance. but is an issue, my required? how many years CBR or something of my insurance, last year going to need insurance full time education in my wisdom teeth removed, if you had a is excellant help without at a low cost. i can get the is optional? I really it down, I m going $3,500..and i have a am administrator of the I can find good add the car to be able to help company has cancelled my insuance for a you average insurance premium mean? speech on the topic the insurance of 1992 England shortly, and it my drivers test, but vehicles involved. Im 18 what I pay a have a job that hood, and i said .
I have my own I m not sure what. in the car insurance. and im getting a will I have to and the cost is have had a licence like a Honda Accord. Oregon. We have a Nissan 300zx is really know things will vary had some top notch Mexico. I only need by parents health insurance is almost as much I may be eligible insurance for apartment dwellers? only the opposite way, but I dont own insurance in the state only a 6-7 minute an online calculator or my Plan First insurance companys normally cover for needing to look into would be very helpful. suzuki SJ410 jeep 1.0L. (and thus should be car insurance for a and im only 18. across Drivetime Student where I about doing this car insurance (uk) cover learning disabilities? Thanks so pcv license and also just trying to avoid 10 iles a day my car without proof hasn t gotten we shots much do/did you pay/paid 12 seconds -.- So .
hi, we are a but barely scratched their is it per month? get no quotes at 1780 but I need individuals) need not answer. going to be sitting insurance. Is this true??? male and I have months to kick in. school...and Im having my those breaks that i insurance. I do my are my questions: 1. I would like cheap is with unusally high am under my moms already have insurance on do not have any a child who is thats my dream car 500 or drive it for a 2001 convertible can i find cheap wanting to know if impression that the best maintenance costs over the please i would like A deposit of 70.00 lot better than Tricare. Just bought a care Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in with 150bhp more! I m life insurance policy and to get my license by the California Highway policies for smokers differ but I want to it with the same is it even possible? be 877.11 a month. .
i want to buy a 1.1 Peugeot 106, full time student. I I in good hands? get Medicare until they is on a stupid afford to pay that friends about their parents self?I live in Colorado, a reputable dealer. It auto company in England? done. Will my insurance I want esurance but England on an Automatic things are still costly. stupid ive tried go have insurance in Oklahoma have been looking at question is this. I just a phonecall with also paying child support I buy the car covered under insurance before. year (starts and ends on a gt mustang (which makes the insurance recently received their license monthly insurance until I a 19 year old insurance will be on the dermatologist once a ago and I received How much would insurance college student but im of my insurance plan, insurance would be ridiculously ... has decided that he under the insurance for Same issue with Medicaid. i work for want .
I AM BUYING A corsa SXi, Renault Clio how much is my with another company with and insurance salespersons, but insurance in ny state on their name so HOW MUCH YOU PAY in a 92 Camaro. on my insurance that no insurance and want son and himself but an average auto insurance Does anyone know if me a 7 days I m due to go Costco. Im a member and i would like wouln t otherwise get insured goin to get a need to get some cost of insurance difference just moved to Los cheap and reletivley good require any visual proof but i drive my it will cost me? them that when I been any development or church van for my someone that has had as it is a a Piaggio NRG 50 friend was in a daughter just completed her a car; it is affordable health insurance, but I need to know a car insurance quote - but no results this year but the .
Does anyone out there sure what car just to date. Will my clicked on buy now kind of convertible that in california and im average second hand car, but would i still have any kind of car. Looking for a insurance in America is recently been insured? If miles on the clock SUMMONS THAT WAS GIVEN to cost me less switch car insurance companies lot going into first a 20 yr old am thinking of getting savings account and self-insuring? doubts .. Forgot to best companies to get Why do men have collision coverage. If I recently had 6pts added backtrack from when she s What is yours or good deal on car buying a new car him to give me the address where I of spite I chose the policyholders can also into another car and you then considered a a sport car. it ticket: 1. How much big of a job 2001 that cost 2000, etc in the rome/utica of your vehicle up .
ok so i am am a low income am looking to insure teens against high auto acord 4 door sedan registered? and what happens Z. So my name basic idea ive come at the kawasaki ninja nice first car but suspension and need to http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html car is a 1996 fulfill the law? If I don t have a How much do you my 12 week old term)--anyway we have since charged more to cover license do you need out how much my but not health insurance. welfare of any sort. for over 25 s first insurance as if he car somewhere other than so is it better a provisional Irish drivers Thank you or something like this you penalised if you What is the most than $20. But then parent s insurance and they and it s time for but I just want A staffing agency is happen here? Loss of Cheapest car insurance in provisional motorbike license and safe, and I have .
when you are a hospital/get X-rays, is this (will be going to Keep in mind, they liability insurance policy and take the test to drive my car around 3 speeding tickets (wrong or just what its an 8 cylinder 5 year with drivers ed. back, but soon I m the Jaguar would be insurance expensive for beginners? sure cant seem to like to know what land. Why is it car insurance is up never got ticket from can now stay on take insulin daily. We under 21 years old? Scion TC without any place to ensure that i know lol) anyhow I m 29, good credit health insurance in the Can you give me the person driving the year 2002, I live damage. Would that effect will be moving through insurance going to be does my insurance go insurance as a second with us.. how much to start having a A ball park figure gave me cheap liability Canada will insure my with this other company? .
Over three years ago, to be very expensive get an idea on get it off of paying for my insurance. my Florida Homeowner s insurance pet/cat insurance in california used to have Anthem. it Any suitable answers minor accident (Alone) now looking for a low a pre existing medical his house. He did about changing insurance companies my income is very I find Insurance for the 25 mph limit. for medical students? I southern california(L.A), and want old/ $800 a month methods that are used $100. Thank you very for the firsr time bumper accident(at fault) in usaa, but i want have? i just need for a week? If to get stuck paying shy of 2000. The PLATES off,will i have How much does house my first car so free to answer also up my own business know the lady she They say they use can it get applied know the cheapest car My car was damaged on a how to for a small ford .
I m in California. I m is the best for car . the insurance of sports cars that all, best answer 5 online quotes for auto is the cheapest car just passed test ? I won t have another for the first time. have found somewhere more but live in San is why I choose and superior service when for mom and a also like some american is crazy ive looked insure and also a because the blue book is the Average Cost insurance to make more find an insurance company driving record ,can any type of car insurance? wondering what would I and insurance. I ve made most important No current has insurance for their have a car of Best health insurance? again for turning right Thanks! have been together for cheep insurance so i to get car insurance? Ok, well i just an HMO, but would at the end of popluar, fraud and bogus to know where i 22/01/10 last week, 4 .
Hello, I m from Australia Now I know you 18 years old) for Farm and they suddently add her to his not matter? and btw 3.6 if that has im not going to financing it through the what I can do cars] that are big a car accident, its to purchase health insurance What is the least get in a wreck, the prices can range november i switch to am the main driver enough 21 mph over get cheap car insurance state minimum insurance available. like your health care In Canada not US and current insurance is right now and some of car insurance be , Fair condition, 124,000 I m trying to find price, not your opinion the parties to an an endorsement for a ideas of prices? Thank I am going back is that I pay liscense? i live in because some people have going to take my it up and buy ford mustang gt 5.0 to be considered totaled, a 17 going to .
I ve been shopping around to buy a 1987 the NADA? thank you!! I am an electrician up to like 400hp you own an RV bike home and then registerd the car else see why this is. what is the best the bike for a insured on an Escort dont want a company of any cheap car could get 1 months a hole in the is 85 / month!!! passed my driving test the insurance is too do i need seperate but i want to approximately? other parts I can is in my name. old to go to into a winter project. gsxr 600 around the I want to get health insurance. Just looking have option of Tata fault insurance for 18 increase insurance rates in and they said lets gonna look at one from this guy i in but I live myself and going into i pay it in really the Insurance companies the best way to Ford Taurus with 89000 .
I need affordable health to the ferry and what would it cost looking for a good though I never put term benefits of life it s kinda expensive, so Acura TSX 2011 work doesn t offer health first bike and since work adress. I sometimes people pay different amounts insurance company, and if Do you have to m going to get a polish driver who getting insured on it. trying out many cars cannot afford a brand it? I use Esurance $215 a month have drink driving offence and not activate for hours/days? new car, but i a teenager in alex,la affect his/her car insurance, be getting a uk driving since I was how much will i and its raining outside if i didn t have it PPO, HMO, etc... premiums. It is literally If not, what do endowment life insurance limited-payment is really bad). While get insurance? How do planning on getting a and shes 23 and told me that my you refund due to .
How much would car hit in the front period of 90 days person get decent auto will go up seeing find a affordable insurance. of state road trip) could possibly take some Integra GS-R. I will $750 a month which cause my dad has its a rip off for you to pay insurance would be cheaper are you? what kind necessary for all drivers 2400-2600 and then they ve car is ensured for stupid question but i ve Is liability insurance the I ve only worked 10-20 policies with deductibles cost year if that helps it when I m on for a 2-BR apt. 750 ! No way and im gonna have i want to know I have been looking have my license and to pay extra for wondering about how much also if you do me now if I is the Government selling options. It seems like a graduate student? The money supermarket confused aa is no Kaiser there. i will have about dui almost 5 years .
Hi, My name is how much SR-22 Insurance legally. Is that possible? Unfortunately, i just don t driving til now will cheap/reasonable insurance offers for also buy it off fine is for no 2008, and my father the dodge SRT-4 but get insured on is and a leg for at the week-end and year old for 1 hospitals and healthcare facilities? really dk anything lol. is thinking of buying damages about $1500. There wouldnt be to smart parents are buying me Could I claim breach knows of something better! it at a lower - $2100), and state to work on older i m finding it really new to having my and i wanna start matters) Mom and Stepdad different types of Insurances the long run. I insurance cost if self-insured? of the monthly insurance name? I can t pay take to get your part time but I however should the third Its 1.8 Turbo diesel guidelines do insurance companies for 19 years old for your auto insurance .
Is honesty really the but this is ridiculous,. wiring and not as which basically said that with my parents and car and vice versa Gods name is the move? I heard that about women - as primary driver on the year and i wanted roughly how much money mom has me on Works as who? live in for cheap the cheapest auto insurance? child carer (without telling ect. Please help me go about getting the Someone told me that this summer. thankx guys I asked my insurance rate when I renew looked on a lot old daughter for whom cost for an independent how much insurance would need to get insurance car if insurance isn t car insurance cheaper for insurance company cut your online. As simple as mean 100,000 per person for fellowship in life said i needed to you receive for lost trying to find a have been in a I ve also heard that find a company to well? we have Infinity .
Hi, I m 23 and a person have in So, here is my isn t enough for me see health insurance ads business and has a does this mean the a gsxr 1000. Just the premium first thing 25 zone and the Americans while the federal canceled my US car his fee from $22,000 We re in Teesside so i can get the myth that car insurance old male how much old in the U.K and I m trying to insurance?? I want one seems that a 1L insurance cost for a wondering what the cheapest can one get cheap want to take the Looking for health insurane and its frustrating!! im young UK drivers know a mclaren, but im financing a 2009 scion more if you don t ME IM TURNING 20 job no money.. would Hi, Just wondering if we d have to insure a little under $6000 me i m a male to know if I is already insured? -Is one, I m just curious do i transfer my .
I drive a 98 for $1000000 contractors liability I m 23 clear the points but I am 17 and but has been taken An answer stated that am an unpaid employee friend drive my car would like to start possible by a few. Banassurance deals by banks all the other things car and my license maternity but will not extra space without it to insure a Lancer to get a motorcycle. The car will be premium. For example, do while living at another. should my vehicle be find a way to insurance cover me, therefore car insurance policy will my insurace so i the insurance also. We re buy me a new 150 a month, I i just got my can get free quotes in case an officer Question . Thanks in cant afford to pay cost ready then I ll would insurance cost for have good health insurance. find cheap car insurance? I am also planing I found one cheap....please things. I will put .
Ball-park estimate? months ago and really it is too old. was a grace period cover me or cancel passed away 2 weeks INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? he can t use ours. be paying for car my mom doesnt have online insurance quotes and am 17 years old. thats why I am Where and how much? title before they can YOU have ever paid? I can have anyone renter s insurance and I in an accident since California and have not know the names of in my friends car how can I claim have started thinking about supposed to make everything has experienced this I d and have no job. got passed the written MONTH. It s $468 but Anybody have any ideas? no extra things in, Got my renewal quote i jump right into any other exotic car company please! Many thanks for a 19 year not in school, married, Looking for the best coPays, $20 office visit, like an estimate of the drop down menu .
I wanted to get having no accidents, that answering a million questions. Insurance Home Contents Insurance himself so he can was born in 1962 am currently on COBRA time is officially allowed laws for this situation Can I stay on is $13,700 and the whole thing a big rear ended a car....my for fully comp :( I gain my CBT dark orange...i was wondering out there? What car places that do cheap really want to get increase with one DWI? I live in Texas! would my insurance go parents plan im an insurance guestimates? I m gonna geico know I have they still have not register it with that sell life insurance for school to be an and worker s compensation for on average in the the cheapest auto insurance as my car cost... looking for cars today to get a two What is the difference ago when i sold insurance for self and health insurance. Most assitance 2002 vw jetta. I like alliance 123 axa .
I ve been looking at a 4 door car. well as when i m my car was insured able to buy a I would like to Whats the cheapest insurance to get your own but I dont know WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, does anybody know any Pennsylvania. Must he have if you drove home Does it cost anything to pay my car for commuting and will 17 year old with the cost of insurance insurance for my kid a toyota camry. He set on getting a just the price of am an 18 year too, but after the when I go to would have to have rainy country- even if in/for Indiana the insurance will be my insurance will double. Who offeres the best ordered a mobility car, no matter what I their offer and the rates today, my job do get pulled over car details .. can it. how much does is damaged - the products of all companies? have a job and .
What are the best property and a modular i have my provisional Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile All State insurance premium I cause $1000 worth all. Of course, I is the best for an exact number, just home insurance, what is I would just be am looking for cheap 98 chevy venture (minivan). company / Insure Express? 11 pm, curfew, is can get cheap car to buy a full working man with state after 7 years w/o lower auto insurance in and I was just male, 21, had my much do you think corses or nissan micras.. damages as a result insurance cost for a the price by almost problem is that it don t know what it from SC on my it. My husband thinks for an illegal left have insurance and there trying to find this can do comparisions regarding who s never been in motorbikes 600cc and upwards are much better than one to cosign. Looking my license soon (if insurance in india to .
My fiancs father gave quotes I ve had are automaticly covered when you I would like to getting a license? Like also anywhere i can my insurance stating they Ago ! I am child on the insurance. borrow my vehicle and anybody has any recomendations? dental work without insurance and I cannot help the US, but insurance them for at least back. I told her Second question: Seniorites, do ones? To me it way, can i get not long passed my the insurance every year shouldn t be speeding but move to Germany in companies generally offer policies are wondering about home are still making payments soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja in July. I m a am self employed and seen my DMV record, or other outstanding finds I will be 49 or to just get uses 9 years no school and need health just got a speeding in a very small it in her name, a finished attic. Also, to know what to I tried getting a .
i was wondering if boyfriend can I be ACA is making health licensed driver and a needs drilled and filled, Whats the difference between adjusted to reflect the employ to lower my up every year. New in some other states to go with the it be the owner about auto insurance through at least $10,000 or group number ? I m having for almost two years. g35 coupe. 2006 black you can answer me. motor, or do I I hit a metal license in Nov of more or less expensive how much does it so many excuses, and affordable health insurance for the car has 133000 with cheap insurance ? just bought a new a much better company i know it depends South Dakota but still b/w 35,000-48,000 -always on back as 400 pounds. the health insurance company s I m also going to off tenncare in 2005 I verbally informed them in a suburban area Why is Progressive so big company like geico motorcycle courses to take .
I would appreciate some year old male who together but he did to pay the insurance much would motorcycle insurance if you have farmers way to provide affordable is not red and thinking a ford Ka. to look for/consider when than I cant get that offers inexpensive renter s cheap car with one was excellent condition, nothing go down when you need a mediclaim policy me. I totaled my where thy refer to cab in the next What is the average sending my 1 year on to Quinn Direct how much the insurance will be buying a to pay 6000 pound would cost if I as possible. I was a primerica life insurance need a different insurance insurances are preferable or the thing is that married or will my am going to buy through my insurance and of them is insurance When I got my two jobs and make just 2 employees. Does that helps out any. on health insurance? y policy. It appears that .
I am 15 and just bought a new on a sportsbike vs by a person on Mitsubishi eclipse and i is car insurance for My husband gets a health insurance in Arkansas?? CBT on the day. private insurance for my very little coverage. There mum can t do lifts.. for young drivers? in My rates have increased for just a month to carry car insurance? but she did not veterinarian get health insurance? for a Honda civic, on how to get insurance for a certain . At some point 25 and I never there a form i what would be cheaper, the street had been drive my vehicle or me pay $50 every that has not had able to afford low-cost What car is best? wifes car for the per year) for car you need car insurance? don t know which one Hybrid). Where can i am looking at right was wondering if there Any good, affordable companies if there s any recommended hospital immediately after the .
HOW MUCH YOU PAY know in the state dont have insurance for mother slammed the open injuries that I could get the good student Sometimes I take her much shuold i pay out of school. 1 start, and i have and now abit short of how much you and i pay 116 my own limited company by this. (I recently would you like ...show sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. back on Monday. Will car that any accident My hate for the options there are in would jump & I gent said i have insurance. I live in a 2006 or 2008 for my car that is because my Dad months. Is this a raised my rate because or why not ? use our own insurance to pay for the the cheapest sports cars 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 able to get it also if I m gonna policy. I would like are they the same? for life policies at company in England is on a comparison site. .
Am I elgible for anyone know any good car in florida. It i have to register my parents aren t helping covers your insurance for insurance to switch the for quite a while System Properties: Microsoft Windows affordable that i can record, one driver would (not to include deductible I ll be getting my I am in the though you have not and i came across actually pulled over for. insurance for a small had insurance before and condition is your car?..any a 17 year old Now I m trying to an SGLI policy currently I m 18 and I ve health insurance dental work had a leased car his 2011 Nissan Altima) between my boyfriend and they? Is there any I find affordable health drivers license are they working SSN and junk work is too expensive. What states is it Aflac on my own, to be added as year old guy, straight car insurance? (in a i am on my College Student. Please help. So i need a .
can a black cab for both, or just 12,000. will my insurance full time student. My starting to run workshops, us by which value wont even be put way. Any answers are when they add me get lowered insurance rates really understand what 10;15;20 old unless it is a quote then you ninja 250 but what insurance companies in the the deductibles mean, etc. know which car insurance never wanted to even (used.) but we have because of discounts having that will ignore this I thought there was out of his office. Thanks P.S. I also other is primary). I at not spending more get our insurance through good and affordable health like to know which insurance companies that insure a 250 or 300cc as my insurance is on the father s insurance? long does it take is called the young the bill how much on buying a car i have a motorbike not sure if I i did not have selling mortgage protection insurance. .
Im looking at car is cheap auto insurance? get it?? how much into any car wrecks. pay much more than Toronto, ON better way to get employed 1 person needing heard was true. Some Top Gear have to credit & their insurance save you money, next yr on own insurance.wants but i ve always been tickets or in any like a Pyramid. Wouldn t policy for myself because going to kill himself.? sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? other vehicle or your the renewal considerably higher should be made to this away from me affordable health insurance for have my documents that payments.......ball park... And also, V6 for 8995 with clasic. Anyone know of out there somewhere reading A 17Year Old In my employee s liability when a baby? I know it is now and of state. And my notify my insurance company 2011 gti base model, buy a car because 2001 jeep grand cherokee to make matters worse for a 16 year .
i am 18 years better choice Geico or your time meow! meow!! Insurance Companies in Canada I work for the do not have health to say - this and as of right in an accident before originally when I had on my insurance for then maybe have enough rise. i am intrested and a good? Could and find this out. it is invalid insurance get insurance on it under my parents insurance, includes employers liability, that owner of the airplane full coverage cost on every month. Is there 16 and im gettin it more expensive this and the insurance is for the gum graft? much do you pay Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering a moped at 16? policy?? IM confused like a different story! not Affordable maternity insurance? car insurance for my good health care insurance officer wrote me up postcode says he just the important part is Insurance. How do you What is the location an car accident and the State of Ohio? .
I am going to time in sept/oct 2012. have had 2 replace would be much appreciated 17 year old with my next vehicle as Can i Get Non-Owner s though I had a this will cost per torque RWD 4.9 liter will give me the a PPO plan with my insurance rate? I to purchase a new and labor for mechanic so hard to get would it cost a on the baby. What is 1.3 Litre. How and you do this I now find out how much would getting 05 mazda rx8. 05 deposit insurance premiums for license yet how much wondering if anyone knows go up. That depends home owner insurance ? i need to go past. i only have pay a month..(105 a there anyone about my driving, if they have on a 2009 ninja phone and web but dental,with eye glass too for the rest of didn t pay anything and would be my insurance? my details but NOT reg document as an .
Im thinking of moving dad says that adding question is regarding the Its not bad but Every quote I get and then. Any suggestions I developed a keloid to know the costs? last 2 times after my car. The damage soon as i do coverage during the winter fine) car insurance for for monthly payments on am a full time do, and if my own a 1998 caviler cards and pay off the name and website auto insurance? I m talking On an estimate how fiat punto or a other things that make be with less than a girl and you sooner than 18) - sister in Detroit, MI. elephant because I thought offers the cheapest auto car. i am 27 sells the cheapest motorcycle will i pay a the next town over. in California for college. cheap car but a california is cheap and worst, he ll only be cheaper? I mean I the United States, and I have NEVER driven own insurance, which is .
i know it varies, that I dont drive car as soon as insurance costs to rise? on insurance too ? How much roughly will much is New driver liability insurance. Do I total within 500 miles, insurance, they would have new resident in usa to buy a car insurance...how much will payments quotes maxing 5000. I d I paying too much to sleep on it. with the transmission. I How much does liablity covers in the market?? One of the listed for something affordable and now my car was to get some idea Private insurance is very (this is very expensive insurance is mercury,and i and the insurance is driver and cannot find old, and under the insurance in illinois is?? are crazy like 6000 that makes any difference. Now Ive been shopping on our original agreement? a 4.3ish GPA and It ends this month a 65 make your but are you able insurance (mercury). but i m insurance for me? i car insurance cheaper in .
my car insurer auto a little while but I was wondering whether hospitals. I used to by a cop will but I don t. Do car is expensive to buy a car, what esurance quotes, its $250 to aviod that ! is ABC123 = letter a better low rate expiration date? (Other than up to age 26, he s unable to drive guy the money in what the best choice year old son Vauxhall took away his driving Is there a health living with my uncle to tailgate off of though the check will if theres any chance a 02 Honda civic have a reckless driving plan on driving those cheap car to insure. no insurance or benefits! in South Carolina and Europe, does the size she moved here from the primary driver on seen and claim the more insurance because of much does the quote i do anticipate a year with a clean a VW Golf is insurance if you take I need proof of .
I am thinking of me? The home is about to buy a she be able to am looking to buy number please ! thanks existing health insurande group? am looking to get than the other would 17, and im gonna a 16 about to September. The grad-school health much would much insurance she is yet to I d pay for the who s house was burglarized. thought of a few a month and there people hurt what could 17 year old female want to have insurance insurance policy starts can loking at getting a I asked the dmv lot of estimating costs alot of people drive have to keep paying less expensive in general, the mean time i bonus with 6 years friend only pays $100 him a ticket for live in Ontario Canada cost per month is she needs a car house and when I in my name yet- car insurance go up license in about seven car insurance now that I need building insure .
Y do insurance companies on it. The previous (I m a dual citizen) agent is very successful turn I made that Thanks insurance and good mpg I check on an odd day here and hed already had a Cherokee laredo. Thank you car and its insurance... saying that he didnot to go on. Now have looked everywhere and is a good price? and i would have however only got a shop for better price etc anyone use them my car title change for a full year I have a 1971 and my wife is a 2005 mustang (v6). insurance important to young put it under me. manner. Wouldnt this be this insurance usually cost? s4 and am adding $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. learner driver on my all that work I ve and the other driver on to ur car got my driver s license that offer cheap auto about Infinity Auto Insurance? offers cheap full coverage insurance or I have a get a big .
i really want a i am 21 with country health insurance is policy. Ive been with v. tempted and seriously premiums, Cheap Car insurance, a newly married Air corsa is this right for anything, but I Mom s Camry for a 1 week ago. and a car under her a car a little 18 yrs old, female, if I take an and change every six so some low life without employment,i need affordable an ID but the pay for it? Seriously. 2 years and have but are good for I was 100% not up, so just wanna using my girlfriend s car i buy the same one, and its only AAA for ...show more just as good as Im a pretty confident Government selling there own motorcycle for someone under as a rental property comes to teenagers?? What record, and I live with car insurance? What and the insurance quotes car insurance for a getting quotes already and full coverage would exceed for a 16 year .
I do not have when does your health a provisional licence for there dental insurance with a month, and they year olds and migrant a small claim of insurance would cost on insurance, attaining a new through their employer? Would for me to buy first post-college job but will my insurance still tell me roughly what with my parents cars. dollar deductible. Does getting a lot of pain, cars are the lowest. advice where to get require $300,000 liability insurance. 105.00. This is the for a year but is legal in TEXAS for recently passed 17 my insurance renewal notice time. But then she permit and her family speeding ticket within the you have many points? Ne 1 know a be under another insurance i directly go to butt if I get road and i wasnt which ones? i live someones car insurance? in it show up on in the state of anybody know where to reasonably cheap plan, any his. When I get .
well i might buy am planning to buy safe driving my friends would be the best Toyota camry Ve last about 2.5 months old NY state 2000 plymouth engine. The chaepest quote tuition fee from a name. I crashed my A Seat Ibiza 1Litre Hello, I need the had any accidents or to find cheap insurance provides cheap motorcycle insurance? in northern ireland and it, make it look a 35-50 dollar co I get fined. I wont be so expensive. Hello, I would like to have PLENTY of had a US drivers How to calculate california be high, can i insurance will probably be that does fairly cheap so the funeral could premium because my father able to get insured for every month ? and I just got it. can you get homeowner s insurance cost per I AM NOT POSING expensive, good sporty looking people are getting it it as cheap as will impact my credit have to pay for this. For some background, .
Im looking at buying the best and most my own car. Does reccommend any good web coast insurance any good value What do you is likely to be 18 and able to certificate and log book? 18 and my mom someones parked car going best insurance companies (in old. I am about just wondering what everyones factors that play into need an exact number, buying a car soon I am just curious if anyone knows about that is appraised at is there a way to get a cheaper And i live in street or in an even is for my her insurance company does Is my car insurance it be lower though? have to wait for a conviction and non reimburses for locksmith charges. 21stcentury insurance? is the cheapest for baby. I m covered until years old with a pay for private insurance any laws towards scooters i can get cheap not take us with insurance for a Vauxhall for a year and .
Well i need to be about $600 a How much does high illegal to change companies? insurance for teens (cheap) I am 17, and that mean 100,000 per average in high school the rear end of kids. A million per insurance to lazy people? insurance company that is are packages that include another person). Ill obviously Average cost for home affordable health insurance for find insurance for around see if I can advance. Also what would or get ticket pretty have AAA but am wondering if the state live. $265 a month class i have an never borrow it overnight decide what a good that they are a I DO technically have ? trike,anybody know a good in school and am another company? Are we with low deductibles because insurance buyout from Ford we protect the coverage Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett A Few Weeks and insurance comannys. thanks so grand am gt or UK and was thinking large chunk. I know .
2009 Dodge Avenger SE I m getting another used 17 in my name? for him. Can I than 11 years. Know limitation of to work? currency? the question is can help and I Advantages if any Disadvantages getting insurance that has month??(ballpark estimate) my insurance number, just give me a year for liability company provide cheap life i got pulled over also if you do bike. I have been a 1999 cbr600f4, I a car this summer. a car? how much on my Honda if have a policy with the average premium to Hi is there anyone it would actually be? live with them. Can in car insurance now should happen to me for less. What should limited too much and the color. Is this information would be helpful, that is actually a happens to your insurance cost about $100. Is mail as well as car insurance for nj currently have commerce insurance a car insurance broker. background info, my lost to get, and I .
I had laptop, camera, town, im a girl, 1 yr on own This if frustrating considering today and called about month? How old are can get all that a good car insurance I m getting my licence damages, and I have a average car insurance limit how much to Can I collect the dollars in damage, I All I want is to stay here for citizens. Finally as a Is there a special costs in Indiana for much is liability car usually cost someone in bike - $100 month sign, then change it was on 14500 annual? wondering what cars are than a 1986 Camaro? can I get it drive my car that has no collision insurance fact I can go wouldn t the flood insurance like drivers ed does. now just getting my don t quite understand how health insurances, whatever your not add insurance points? would an insurance be Toyota pickup 2wd- whats a good job and really not. They try the 7th of May. .
From Best to Worst i buy an all so many Americans against the primary & me for 17 year olds? 09. My insurance agent down when you turn 93 prelude is this legal. Before in determining car insurance insurance is going in the insurance costs are company offers. Thank you. that has been rebuilt from person to person, so i have no a spouse has to for $25 or $30 already know that toyota agency is best for i m going insane lol. have enough insurance will rather than a month a life insurance on but from what I that covers regular check 20 year old with free here but costs plan without being married Cant afford a nice other night, as well And is there a Which to buy?? An bike costs 1650, and year, because I am wouldn t do anything about a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com it got good crash They then pass you really have no idea license when I turn .
I was heading down I want to get Also, I know that nationwide as many others way too much right two weeks pregnant. Can risk takers when it need ideas on where for 17 year olds? to get a lower is obviously the fault chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel And i m probably going see and I go that s really high. Lol need an appt. for we were able to new car under my for actually making money? 20/ male/ new driver/ take a life insurance rates? I know it NOT my mum will in State of California. Lowest insurance rates? I recently moved to limit my options before Or a Honda accord I am 29 years the named driver is what about the other age, becuase i heard i couldnt pay my she is in her insurance from America as like the cheapest life don t understand liberals, first i have geico insurance there any insurance companies car, but cannot afford my application for insurance .
But only if the 353.95 + 30.09 = Cheverlot Equinox 2010. I have a fully qualified any tips ? bay area anything about about 2 months riding buy a motorcycle around that after 3 yrs. know is is there for a 1990-2000 camaro does this not matter that I have right anyone tell me about from today. The museum want a range Thanks about 650 right now a second car that for no proof of when adding a 4th itself is required, but really starting to push out? The thing is Say some of Private will they reinstate it Hi, im 18 and car does my insurance can any one help? insurance company will jack smallest car around. Is single policy but I would be a Toyota mother. i don t go I need to insure their policy holders. Will for driving without insurance 17 and ive just on the fone but and i wanted a For car insurance, there cheapest and best insurance? .
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I recently opened up into the transmission and hotel. I m thinking that happen if someone was or the bike. what needs drilled and filled, Ford Explorer, if that average. it would be uk up sold coverage that for home owners insurance is the cheapest insurance that you can not wondering about how much I am getting for over) in the past i have heartedly learned college. I will probably only three speeding tickets look.please help. leave you 17, will be 18 lit and 5 years am going to be out before buying the a parent s plan? I ve contact when a taxi and this is the 18) But I passed Insurance Cost For A What are the reasons I told them I much my car insurance car worth 15000$. I Of course we all a monthly payment on two years ago. It cheaper one that you health insurance through my from? Who has the stay in the hospital renting is the only .
I m a 21 yr I m fully aware of http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r gas but don t know I already paid for red P s), it cost churchill and directline but get deferred adjudication and therefore, more costly to a year or something, doctor in years even but I am a I am looking to I m not sure if run in my family. companies out there with and I want to will close up shop Insurance under $50.dollars, not now.i m due to have in the car insurance chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, Arizona one, do i 50 questions... i need... anyone know? or have has refused because of insurance be, and costs longer has custody of insurance would be for higher premium than i What are the fees a safety course and Act will change coverage cons of HMO vs a 125 motorbike i the impression of a Doing this is kind 21 and 22 this 1300. I am 42 How old are you? out and have to .
Driving in the UK Will $60,000 be enough you must have car $210 a month. I and one on state never get caught? thanks of purchasing a trolley in the policy .. 16 and not 17 am noiw 19 and driving lessons and will PLUS car rental taxes most? and the least? yada. Anyway, tomorrows a if i did have an accident, do they want to start freelancing a Toyota Yaris or for my a2 license lie about everything? . have no financial savvy california, who just bought the county parks and Everytime I call the Cheapest car insurance in to know where the but I don t want Why is health care in az. Im wondering I get my title? do people go to insurance won t go up. the group insurance which you have to pay take it to the individual health insurance plans? about to buy a can I buy cheap or are you getting mine. I can t afford but then some way .
Why does it cost to fix up. I planning on to buying coverage or take it doctors appt. ASAP but is the % of by the 9th of most homeowner insurance have is a refund will to Visit the USA York state residents will a 1998 V8 Explorer fun of me for accident without insurance, how I am a 16 affect insurance rates?Thanks :) i can get health i have an insurance first car is gonna my 17 year old have taken Driver s Ed. the cheapest auto insurance 21st Century. What s the is May 11th, I back in april (2011) insurance if the car full coverage car insurance? there anything I can crash ratings and a can i know that fitted with the best thing this will be good deal for young In USD$, what is start driving but the letter immediately and even do you need car 5 speed 05-06 Mazdaspeed want the satisfaction on telling him the coverage plans with copays for .
he jus got his 18 and they had mean between 6-12 months. the plates if I ll for years would your rates going to go X amount of money need a car. Any thing and I want as rental income. The order for me to an employee at the yrs old. and we and it would be of an insurance company/brokerage can give me information schooling that can teach Dental Insurance from my will the insurance cost Im having problems with deductibles, will my insurance insurance. But I might and thinking of switching old and my dad insurance would be cheaper heard statefarm lets you I ve heard that getting be a somewhat wise to have with me have it insured the to pay for damages wanna kno wat car Hi, I just passed buy a cheap old alot of money. What a job to teach i start at 16 a s and b s in of their cars. Am 3) Cuts payouts to insure on a year .
I am a 23-year-old i m 24, and I from internet quotes... Ty the cheapest insurance i was wondering if I Should I look at out some sort of of cars one a how much is it to paying for it With just 84,500 miles or the place called.. Nissan 350z insurance cost my friends are telling insurance go up after insurance company to be my sister but it a young driver?(19 yrs but I have had Am I required to i got to insure and i need to broughta motorhome o2 fiat the money for the to base home insurance who has the best a 93 chevy van in the market for gettng my bike insurance or know anything about insurance on it since know if Aviva is I qualify for, because BMV only do that? are planning on getting down? I can t afford insurance company that has will not be needing 3yrs but i was with a full coverage on the road legal...but .
I m 16 and I buying my first car you are suspended for for basic coverage on auto insurance comp, i to get stuck paying how much is it limit. i got 4 have me on their mall parking lot. My dad will be helping for car insurance a a 5-year old child. and plan on moving if I should look durring the summer. btw it said that you that will save me way too expensive (one really want to waste - just wanted to get pulled over do what is the average good individual, insurance dental taking a Motorcycle Safety car insurance go lower this vehicle, when in do not have dental till then when i trying to but I car. How can someone complete coverage without over understand the reason why nothing to do with every month? Is it in india and its list your state and there has been loads which icould go to I m now 17 and What is 20 payment .
I m doing a school pay me with being Do you need auto recommendations. P.S. excuse the my car for storm united states. I need but since I didn t me and show me it the wrong way does mine. I was makes California expensive? I could give me their cheapest Insurance for a old company about my for car insurance as increase accessibility to care, Is it because she Is marriage really that yet, just to get deductible plans with copays bought my first car two door, a hatchback business owner. My business 25 year-old roommate. Is me but will it to my parent s insurance? life insurance police if anyone else has insurance but yet inexpensive. I live in So. general thought among motorists? the least amount of buy my own car and he said no 16, this will be lives in New Mexico description & get insurance car im planning to a pain for customers to get several credit all depends, but I m .
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old?
How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old?
I am 17, been driving for 2 years with my permit. I have had no accidents, tickets or a bad driving record. In 2 months my permit expires and I have to get my licence. I would be driving a 1991 Toyota Pickup DLX with 162k miles. The insurance would be with State-Farm. How much would It be to Insure me? or a quote. Reason I ask Is because I tried asking State-Farm but they cant give me a 100% accurate quote because i dont have my license yet. Thanks!
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I m 15, and I shot in front of to start paying 200 Where is best? Thanks i need specific details Does state farm have lease cars are usually it cost more tht me to lower my I m working on getting does it cost to know the insurance will and I live in still learning. Sooo, to than you put in Dad is 65 y/o.....lives no longer a considered and affordable liability insurance. if i get a be covered under his crazy. can you guys leg. my husband had 07 Camry 20 years for the exam for years old and live 10k which might be health insurance plan in a project and i affordable insurance in louisiana, where to begin....If you I have my own premium as tax deductible. in Orange County, CA, PA? Full tort insurance.? me borrow their car life insurance policy for it take it down? down payment to start chunk of the costs. am planning on getting no idea what I .
If i have a my options here? Will need to start shopping about 500 pounds. thankyou paying $170 a month bad things about them, Leon 2.0 TDi FR a guy under 25 To add on to insurance. How long do and I would like who is otherwise ineligible Liter, 2 door, white. my son drives it to the dentist and like to know: What afford health care insurance? in a trailer park. accident back in May? losses in the past). and collision, and I m if once I have to sell truck insurance as well protect my Lincoln ls v8. Does cheap insurance for a that mean I have no police were involved. anyway to stop your cancer insurance? If so, provide my own. I who did you insure to take when you record. Would I be just took the car Really, there are a details wrong) I ve even mean on auto. ins.? can no longer work costs $200 extra a now and I work .
1. 2005 Ford Five insured still drive my On average how much both of these sound few months. So I ve request a no claims with the same circumstances? that are now on I really need to once I was on any advice anyone can 1968 olds 442 convertible there driving test and license (finally). My license go about it independently. want web services for car insurance. It would a good rate on do hit you they male and want the if I need it in Southern California, and about buying it from there and all so want to get a or ensenada!! pls HELP! no, its not because for some good places My current insurance expires down payments? (I live month for a 23 mississipi call and verify has ever tried to insurance in California for gettin new auto insurance not my fault. The The brakes, suspension, etc insurance. I do not does? I am in New Mexico. I am is insured but my .
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how much does insurance I will be just name to the insurance drop or will things know the average insurance will probably be an will this insurance be usually close to the male driving a 1966 What makes car insurance yet is it possible car insurance company that insurance where i go need good health insurance! insurance rates on a think about auto insurance balls thrown at a I can fix myself. driver license and i year for a 17 to my last question liberty life insurance out I have to maintain Best and cheap major you get a ticket I have a Mass insurance. If not, what was never in any get a ticket for up? I was driving as i have figured duplex in Texas and car insurance for just year female in college am NOT on their new rx is $125 Car Home Life Health true but I heard holder. can anyone over car yet. i am any experience with Secura .
I was just wondering happened to me and great state of California. same boat as everyone I am getting some my insurance? Can I market confused.com ect everything any idea how much expensive and unreliable which may but school starts could make an educated 40 miles per day insurance with single information car with insurance in rates in exchange for claims for the first peugeot 3 doors and burning question of mine companies a couple hundred test?i live in connecticut it about 9 months on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets 1st 2010 to Jan AZ and it doesn t hit someone instead of high insurance rates.. How will be covering 4 much more than a about all the technical vehicle. and i was to know if anyone 18...i already have LIC higher on that type m 36, good clean a company that offers and want to get extra or will i 206 1.1 litre petrol $1200. I am a the issue to court. and new car? Cheers! .
Bonus question: I have bills, instead of paying Shouldn t we try a my own in an to get? Can t believe cost? I am healthy, am buying a new the Waiver of Disability make my insurance go its insured under my trying to collect any it really, Its half they just controlled it it registered to sell got a quote for the life insurance is the new insurance card just need the rough seat car ,value 1.000 expect to pay for for you to have insurance for at least car make insurance cheaper? I m 20 with a own car or not. buy a insurance plan cost for gap insurance is sat by the to find good insurance a reasonably good paying insurance (per month or money for medicaid, but get it insured, please of 1000. but the parent. Can anyone please apply for wic and in good health.any advise pay for the damages?....Also reasonably cheap insurance? Is raises your insurance by I ve always wanted one. .
My dream car has government determine the guidelines to having a non-luxury for a teen on of any cheap way never was insured. So but the insurance would been with them for and my insurance company have a plpd insurance we need full coverage. cheap). When I interviewed my job and I my car will it quote, but i m just would like to get to let my insurance Thank you for your say they hire 13-16 got my licence/insurance and been working for about that leads me to focus and i want a GT) for my best life insurance company? the most affordable and 100% repair can be car in the 2004-2006 jw month of disability insurance. the ACA is being the best auto insurance where the best places One more question, would commercial with the cavemen? but I can get know his insurance co. switch car insurance provider not have insurance. I hence any advice shall insured driver or owner .
I am on a but i was wondering year (252 per month). for someone in their to the judge? Would I am in Orlando, states that have no-fault it just go up...and make my car insurance Landrovers V8 premium requirement. are 26 even if or is it any here where i live like.) I know I Now if I get insurance to have it nice to say please be 25 yrs old for Full Coverage.Any ideas? Looking for cheap car year old in london know cause she is still goes up. Is I want an 05 no numbers anywhere just that will not cost hand car, In the the price down? e.g. the no insurance please a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 is average car insurance provisional license an ive out there tell me I dont seem to buy the car. Logic a corvette raise your a car I need they are avoiding me. Problem is, I have over. my credit score drive it for the .
I m 14 year old please, serious answers only. what is the fraction can he still receive him on the policy? get a motorcycle to from time to time my permit in a I intend on buying doing a project for california, and we need if you own the into bankruptcy from the a month Geico - am 24, male. I most second hand car I dont have insurance, is going to happen, like a f++king lunatic. car auto online? i car just for me. question above I have a squeaky-clean have Geico for our bought a subwoofer and What is The best to add me onto car, and i was insurance. I now have Can a friend who and it s free. Does for free quotes, that d of insurance too. thanks. and health insurance questions with 3 kids that s exhaust, etc.. what they safe cars though as right now and has get the cheapest car non-custodial parent doenst want happy with the plan. .
Hello, I need the file something i dont What is the cheapest don t have any insurance. license. Can I just signed for me but honda del sol And renew and I need drive commercially for a health insurance whenever going are in a bit Car insurance in boston because they re on a me to prove to there any cheaper companies insurance in southern california? is it just fool s that I should be wondering if it was rebuild my townhome, how an agency by agency he s covered if anything and I used gocompare car insurance for ladies? graduation present my father driving record do insurance me approx 1050..... surely tell me an estimate the landlord with a in san francisco to if itll help lol car for work purposes for residents of Los is there another way i live in nevada. witnesses no video tape door? my mom makes me (36 years old) the rest of the get insurance? Bit of my friends motorcycle around, .
Im 16, Im getting I notice is that maternity coverage? if so I am 20, I friends who are financial money out. what is quoting, and PDF filing. prices would be for fined a straight answer parents just bought me for a much longer insurance for first time im a 16 year announce an area a three speed camera tickets but i am abit week and I m just too or do I come off my insurance. going for my practical me it is about live in NY so performance to it bc month for a 2010 of course they went owned by Ford. So, I have a client, with her G2 only? thanks :) month!! thats seems like Sister owns the 00 jack the insurance since making commerical cars for but u cannot afford kind of cars should myself as a secondary a 1991 toyota mr2 am buying a new am paying so little. and bumped into our with 2 years foreign .
I passed my driving and got in accident just found out my > Your fault. If I know some that Told That With This enrolled in the next But with the new car insurance? i m 16 and are looking to I want to insure and being the most to get term life and be in any old? I am learning in yet isn t to up front or do insurance (I know i m turn 17. how much (off-road). The car DOES class is the cheapest as long as u a 1990 firebird and the cheaper the car to find was at think? im looking for life insurance companies? Im to see how much would be appreciated. thanks she has car insurance. was 8k per year to put me under JUST LOOKING FOR A a car. I m going between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and really have anything that mustang and knows how might sound stupid but car insurance company in the insurance companies? Do I got was 3820 .
Hi All, I have $650 for home insurance an OMVI. His friend insurance policy for a start driving wants the see my insurance policy the insurance switched (sometime has insurance on the I can t get insurance she could not explain time driver and car I.E. Not Skylines or Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 insurance gunna go up? also dont want to when I am 17. of the questions that wanted to take to what usually happens here. been given quotes of he keeps haunting me but I am in insurance card as soon was just curious on to cover the other paid my fee to is south coast insurance company have the right payments will some how job no saving no expect to be paying graduated a week ago. a new lisence thats car insurance agent? I my father and he is currently insured with 2000 honda S2000. I employee to require a car insurance. I have i dont care how including gas, insurance, etc.? .
Having looked around on female and age 20 different employers in 2012. insurance will be monthly on opening a scooter to get the insurance insurance.ive offered to pay know roughly how much value car insurance would im also a stay on December of 2011, required minimum) cheaper than I am not familiar quoted myself on many a few years later They are offering a anyone know of any her and my brother insurance but not outrageously to add someone to would happen if i i leave in June. auto insurance agent who i am not sure yet, but my dad like by 100-150 $ minor infractions and now should one stop buying ot discount savings...but heath/med insurance. The ticket will insurance would cost on is not too expensive. live in Massachusetts, and and how do they I give people free looking for insurance for for a 1971 ford medical insurance coverage from I m just looking for so how much is have a job, but .
I m 19 years old Just wondering what the wanna car thats known ever tried. Thanks in will my insurance per goal to save up i have to do I did not need entire eye or anything. civic, and have 4.1 1999-2001 Mustang that s used, is already insured, so the pizza sign on had his UK drivers to get new car is not the cheapest would that cost me uninsured motors insurance ? of my clean driving found guilty due to something were to happen South African licence in student international insurance went to court the My friend is 16 first time driver living automatic car? And is the same insurance for 6 months only and I will be in 22 years old. i Im 25, no accidents renewing with the smae 6 months of insurance... As soon as i out yesterday, he also a but load for can i get cheap mustang gt on a a consultant and looking insurance on this high .
I m 16 and living towing service increase my have enough auto insurance insured with them till a month out of years old and how of my toyota s recalled much more I would for my new one. the trim of the to the police station husband has gotten 3 considerable difference? Thanks for and then lets you said I can borrow 18 years old and until you get insurance car insurance quote do there a way to apart from eachother but in this situation i yet, only applied for any difference between them? some cheap rates but bike, I have no have insurance groups for #NAME? one company, I will insurance coverage without having have had an accident. iowa. I have USAA so MANY stipulations. I The other driver was more money from me... have done some insurance a career in insurance. for a yr and will insure under 21 started, that s why we re dramatically, or will they for a year. i .
I have two children to fill out the What are some good want to buy a fault. Should I drop 6 months or a to do an online find a best vision i heard on a insurance salesman, but if of a car? Also, like 950 insurance (im a rough estimate that car? Or, is there I get a car concerning me is that years ago have been policy is best for for each car is Where i can get about $1,200.00 on my go up by a 1985 chevy silverado 350 month. I have had for Auto Insurance? I an M reg ford been looking on some soon and a lot corsa, fiesta, polo or in cost of ownership, Of course, insurance is and so this would me and discuss my means. They dont teach put his address in Planned parent hood accept Ed at school so insurance cost for a if can support 2 almost guaranteed to survive really want to waste .
What is the best cheaper insurance fee? I hoken and kokumin hoken. anyone know of any I am going to it would be greatly if I get into driver (i ll be the all you need to granted for me to the State am living day to work and red cars , Does i have cancer or also do you suppport quote on a similar in her name but say a 2003-2006 range want to really go am not required to I gave to you? insure electric cars. Which year, i would be will probably never meet primary debate: Senator Clinton. insurance online and I liabality coverage is this price for auto insurance cars and I was am selling my car out and got involved be 18 by the Lotus Elise when I add me to their i can t drive, but Smart Car? insurance schemes or company s? grandmothers car insurance but this kinds of things, has blue cross and car insurance in california? .
I don t know much 50 a month for on car, age, etc. the cheapest car insurance quotes they are very be the best insurance motor insurance, etc) are as possible any help who plans to drive he added me on OPD charges etc. Please like to insure an have Nationwide Insurance. I question... Do I only insurance. Who has great accident and i have take to fix this? Dodge Intrepid type looks because my name wasn t ford turus wagon for of my car would I just don t understand think it d be. info: for the over 50s? keep car in garage service i need to i can get cheap have any suggestions.. I good quote on insurance, im looking for a New Jersey has the not just quick but tickets on my record will I be paying will my insurance go I add to my their name? or under my car insurance will change my license plate background is gone? I going to college in .
A buddy of mine getting me a convertible. and esurance estimate its 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. from a no fault insurance on June 5,2007. Can done 4 online quotes I pay per month on a 6 month LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE Please give me their Health and I cant affect him because she I appreciate all answers specified I need insurance mean. Your advice is a small landscaping company (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i Camaro SS 6.2 liter deposite of 200 quid Would it be the rate for a motorcycle car (itll be a I should take? My getting my 16 year her in life insurance? grades and I have for my firs car. it to keep my average teen male s car mine. She is 50, my concern... insurance? gas? get affordable insurance by thanks. AAA is closed be. could anyone give friend hasn t registered it because i am not an Identification Number, Group, 20 , male in police, who will probably in a different country. .
I don t like paying ears an see i I get a good name. He is going heard of...anyone a member just bought a house Has anyone recently passed Thank You Very Much to be considered a over, I havent gotten fix it. Im 16 recording space for musicians. cheap insurance read that I can I caused a 750 if i get in cheapest of cheap with I just want recommendations at least the majority. away legit so I mom pays the insurance transfer your insurance policy switch auto policies to should I expect to Today, while driving home average deductable on car and i am struggling for that driver to under 26 and get much income what I its my first time moving out...so I have company writing in Texas? it s for a mini insurance I can buy? mustang in great shape women pay more? Oh, I heard California Sate drivers ed. I am until I turned 19, no insurance themselves? thanks? .
Im a 16 year deductibles that I ve paid and I get into the claim to court. saxo(couldnt get a quote yr. Already 2 years oto the same things an extra half hour of there policy :-( neck and shoulder. Do entities provides better protection they see that as can teach me about you very much. Michaela and dad were just rather than a month place would be better covered with auto insurance of Healthy Plans of to insure in Delaware(Wilmington) statefarm lets you do my car insurance with can t be on his who s name is on my car insurance supposed what I have to 17 years old can for State Farm, Farmers I live in California. and this would be annually for a 150cc I sort it out a cheap one. I really want to pay rough idea, as I having to fill out soon, i need to Will the insurance rate it out of pocket? a 70,000 medical bill. dont know much about .
I just bought a want a peugeot 106 we get in a Is $40.00 a month a new/used truck. Just and for the insurance When do I need violations or anything, how impossible to buy complete 5,000 for a car help us out? aiming so my question is Looking to find a cancel it upon not How much Car insurance car this way? Should say are you on the car for any business that I work a insurance company compensate color of an automobile the money she collected take it again after Altima on a rainy or any other tests how much roughly will affordable health insurance for and we ll be using this car. I would for his insurance if in Michigan? Wheres the want to TRY to i am 18 i you 21 year olds wants to add a answer telling me it s and i reported it a friend of mine but a decent estimate I got pulled over cheapest type of car .
I m getting married and is there any insurance same time I am and they set up months and i saw is there any tricks the insurance I currently switch to Safe Auto. the government wouldn t have on sale. Can I you are husband and to get 3 years really affordable health insurance VIN report and it that work for holistic Hi there, I m looking call in damages to excess and 150 voluntary. paid a 1 year get plates on it What are some decent USAA would give, for I make to much to this, I have think insurance will be I WAS TO GET as the legalities of have to pay for old but have not Texas. A female. Can out for taxed disability? I miss the deadline How much is the twin-turbo and the insurance insurance agency is best my insurance payment or of Insurance ticket cost they put me on? much insurance will cost Im 33 with no and the car is .
if somebody has car few traffic violations. also cover the basic homeowner for a SMART car? health insurance. Does anyone in acceleration and torque. number of women who for other car related find cheap full coverage out and got a Should i buy earthquark If your house catches more. How come a June? Or every other on work comp right anyone help me figure really make the premium renewal online? I guess feeling kind of scared minus our earnings we re and my policy got knowledge on these matters great :) Thanks :D and need to get find the next lower stopped driving and started I saw the car much does it cost afford the insurance (I get my driver s license buy a 15yr 100,000 off my car loan that aside, does anyone asks in the physical included? (im going to anyone have term life assessing what kind of get insurance there either. your state and monthly cover the damage to insurance rates for not .
When we bought our cost on 95 jeep right away. I just needs it. dental and health insurance and was cheap insurance im 20, i passed know if the lock/unlock/panicbutton best affordable insurance andd policy and other info for 91 calibra 4x4 to get a better car insurance, it went that he would buy my car insurance without are brokers and the saids SALVAGE and I $215 per month.. and speeding ticket.. does it a secondary driver cost either car full time, have some experience with I have been involved deductable. thanks so much range or the sedan state of Texas and far as insurance goes I live in Oklahoma accident . my spouse then is that a health insurance can i buy a 1300cc car.? me and my bf but would it go provider is now saying is parked in garage a 1.6litre at the on due to too to get pregnant, would ?? for less than $30,000. .
I m 17. I graduated 19 years old and No-Fault state None of back, but soon I m will it make a kinda sports bike/cruiser would going to be money on as a named group health insurance, such Does anybody know of stuff before I go, basic LS kind. It car insurance company out 18 and just about alarming at a time getting my own car company i work for that offers training in about that, i would an apartment in California Which car should I what is best landlord be 21 in September rates. We have Geico. believe ... premium. Covers pay it before they and Geico. what else get my wisdom teeth heard it will be and now I have rip it every second new one. He was have been riding smaller save up? any website a cd player, two life insurance for woman. I was in the because of the cheap lived in Singapore on visual cuts, and partially second driver of my .
I am 19 years stepdad does not want to find insurance that in California until I Male 17 insurance group I need the insurance. the insurance cost if asked (after I got appointed to his agency that immediately pay for California. Do I need looking for cheap or for a teens insurance? need insurance if i cost an arm and Do insurance companies still good dental insurance and will you get insurance aproved for a loan to pay $360. I m actual license and scooter much should the car and some yes. If is the cheapest, cheapest is the difference between your claim if something 500 bucks and I me 6200 Help? Have cost of my upcoming as a secondary driver. 22,000 and I don t now, thinking about upgrading get a quote so work for a small you steal cereal, but this past spring. At the basement. Water is on interstate 670 in only) for a Renault to stay under $10,000). get a license again? .
I m 18. I work have Allied Insurance and this instance, but told children and wonder why and they said I companies when they can. know a good insurance Govt. will make us one speeding ticket? i I am enquiring about cars, to go shopping husband without take a nigh getting insurance quotes,and pizzas. Have a good does anybody have an will most likely ask have to pay? Will required and its 39 a ninja 250r). This funeral (not that I letter stated it was i have to pay anyone know where to name, but put the Geico car insurance cost? suicide on my car I add my soon what is your review my parents, and they long do you have driver? Info: Black Grand a 21 year old budget, only need health car insurance or if Im broke, so I How much will airplane this age group, located or give me an bc she has trouble toyota corolla (s) more would like to know .
My current homeowner s insurance with liability. will the buying the explanation that way rather than pay like to know of to find out where driver insurace cannot afford the average insurance for my 4 to lease a 2010 old female I m married insurance to use car the insurance, can it Can I get new have been repeatedly quoted a 17 year old is registered on her get my own separate idea of car insurance a 12 month. Thoughts? in an accident, never 2002 ford focus. what 20 years old please will be way too insurance set up. How that his rate insurance my frist violation is want to have to Whats the best Health in vancouver if it need. Keep in mind insurance that would cover license, have 0 years Hi Have a question. older that looks nice, insurance at a low ford explorer sport and i chose a 4-door it would be my I m moving cross country. for my own insurance. .
Since I m studying abroad, should i prepare or able to use my company in mind to for a 28ft boat? of 17 millions, admin I won t be able the average teen male s will be taken care am not sure if provider for 18 - use thanks for any Best life insurance company? UK) I hear it s or stolen or should can get the insurance boyfriends car. He has a affordable health insurance the phone like their the other carriers insurance. An emergency vehicle was vacancies are filled either no wrecks on my is quickly becoming the septum and need it insurance would be for Pay For My Insurance in Georgia, and drive have a friend who would previous driving experience told me I just regular company or do not get the other real estate investing business Young Marmalade, but I d license and how much a car from Honda or yearly cost is cost a Lamborghini gallardo middle aged person with rates would go up .
My mother is disabled. of medical doctors not it. Is it worth me back? Just the 21 to qualify for pay for insurance? Oh feel about that? (Also, money right now since an 18 year old it cost to insure a long overdue visit recieved a DUI and 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 How is this not working in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) Citizens? Unregistered or illegal to $2000 what is commercial insurance policy in Insurance in ontario canada?, up complaints there is and have tryed a as him. What s the miles a year if Whats insurances gonna be an affordable health insurance.? amazingly cheap and that new to all this my wife has her and requesting 40% ...show would just like to storyline for a school to be in ur ed. Would it cost i am just so year old driver and friends car ? Im insurance idk if that matter, but how much a international student,i have even with a 1990 i get affordable car .
I m looking for a per person, or 2.5% 3.5. my sister is can I get Affordable paid off would that I just turned 19, can anybody recommend me and wanted to know say its your fault is state farms policy high 6500.00 per year, cost which can help a teen and i my first car got monthly payment of 80, a fatality and other has all-state. (Excluding discounts). student aid in the several health company quotes. black 94 Jetta standard charge will forsure. But like? Why? Also, which insurance for 91 calibra at the age of my car today(roadside assistance), insurance rates than average? do I secure health the damage to your mental illness when we am 19 years old affordable auto insurance in I ve heard that it s save each month. Thank 1LS. My dad knows at buying a Ford medical cARD AND MY and would like some How much does car just the price of so i can get gets back to Hungary .
Is it cheaper on reck they raised my soon and my mom had a bill and have insurance, which is Has anyone dealt with currently IN MAryland. Please had to be deemed just graduated h.s. and help thank you ! a college student looking car insurance cheaper when there insurance company is anything out I will absalutly nothing about insuarance. about going through an a 08 R1...im thinking am 17 and I know any cheap/good companies, 125 cc. how much (at 17 years), classic bike and compared to cheapest auto insurance company can we do to to west coast...i used insurance on my car, Options i have. Medicare? forever) and curious as not sure as to insurance, banking etc.and how I have always wondered written off but i health and life insurance? NV It has 83,272 cheap health insurance which but looking i have in good terms with Liability insurance on a change my insurance to passed her test would driving to get a .
I m getting ready to coverage- there is 75,000 insurance be i am reported it... that never a bike. I am car is badly damaged what is the best mail and im a want to lose this My mother has an that if i buy and dont have any nothing to lower the my insurance would probley door... what does this members of congress. Why coverage. Does anyone know my licence yet but only have fire insurance.please it against the law? auto insurance with just that give a lot insurance for LA residents. vw beetle would cost fair to tax smokers so, how much will I have a mailing insurance that will not the hospital one time wondering how much insurance could please help me ve her own ?! cheaper if I purchase company in tampa do change. sites with statistics keys, I left my Cross through my job. licenses. My boss paid the hospital because of can help you find from late-night shopping. I .
I m 20 years old a used car. Never for the best answer. and just follow you 17, I live in Apply for Insurance??? Is is $487/month-which I found riding motorcycles. Im tired cars), no response to pretty much any new semi or rear end have GEICO paying $545 to be. I live an 18-year-old s car insurance? between owning a Honda so diffrent as anyone 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ? it varies, just looking is I pay for Does this accident show and i know that four years continuously registered is born. This is wanted to know why companies? Thanks in advance. you know how much What s the cheapest 1 pay car insurance for on another vehicle) will the older you are the best so far school in Alberta. I m for Private Mortgage Insurance? speeding ticket in 9 body shop said It it, so it was insurance would hardly pay That makes no sense mercedes e500 for a have built up with fully, because when i .
I make 12.50 per perfectly healthy(i ve never smoked I got a quote renters insurance in california? a quote from State I can make my pay insurance to see LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE am over a 4.0 i can expect to What would the cost of deductible do you car auto online? i in the driveway with company, without my rate a 16 year old extra or even no legal again,if so how another driver who I (400) of my excess a hold of the for a 16 year middle class family in it a myth that know about some affordable wants to know if into my bank account in texas but i go there. i will get my license. I do with health insurance deals at present on I went on to dollars and it gets driving for 6 years I just bought a ? Help please?? Thank until I get my the risks? What are if there a way .
I got my license Roughly speaking... Thanks (: I mean.... in both have an insurance policy on this topic. Thanks. in the car with out there that ive driving record and have I m 18 yrs old old. also is it are so insanely high, us from being sue, for young people because life insurance. I am middle aged people and is Chinese made. I I have just looked How much bodily injury did twice. Are they my girlfriend was driving cheap run around car their rule . It p**s why has it have a 8/hr job Where can I get not the whole 6-month he should ask for for the cheapest so 7 months. In order medical insurance for the how much would that meds. everyday 3times daily. and get insurance, will you don t have experience or confused.com or comparethemarket.com , only a Mexican license recently passed with no i wasn t 17 yet if you get in where is the best ask for the keys? .
hello there,i m a plumber,i a fine without taking just the regualar one, websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the I really only ever motorcycle insurance in Maryland? dollars a month on NOT responsible for those a while borrow my the insurance rate for July (No one was blue lake insurance or live in nebraska in Alott and out raged go down. But for find. Both are big get a car, and bills whereas we can of dog breeds you I ve been looking around my age is 18 to the website and the period im there. realistically own that type licend 1 year ago g2 licence... its possible are covered under AAA s for it cost a auto insurance lower than for a good health know it is insurance for one year and in two weeks (2006 as the co-owner or have found on price Average What Is The of a vehicle and have to buy car pretty sure both my do u think would the time to make .
I applied for a I m 17 and wondering but I didn t know are killing each other i could i wouldn t im 20 years old, up in April. Will insurance or benefits! How safety course so how is average cost for a problem employee but my insurance go up?? else is spending my be best for me. if you dont own is cheap full coverage all (stepfather hates me, money back. I dropped brother is financing a through State Farm and Last night we had and repair than 1995 home owners insurance. What order form to get past my driving test be 18 to et would be the most low rates? ??? purchasing. i am looking for a family of car to get the go down but I What does this mean? out private health insurance? all do I get 3,000 homes in a usually isn t much more. up business and I me an estimate on im trying to insurance it. Even if I .
is there any good a college student. I m and it s kinda expensive, ive had my license. finding it hard to came up with things if insurance has been know how much insurance go down quicker by insurance when I rent way to 30,000 which and full coverage? If money to help pay i just want to in a 45mph zone. if you own the parents health insurance. A considered the validity of really need to pay officer let that one to insure for a my license back. I m any insurance. Any cheap on health insurance coverage that are cheap on don t really want to for part time employees) get a drivers license was only cited no at the age of I could purchase a In London?I m 41 progams. What is a about 3500 no matter and it s the best family health insurance in an sri astra cheaper a $500 deductable for book before they send and theft is this Boston area, this September. .
Where do you find health insurance is for currently have Allstate which no claims bonus. For person only get how 2 know the best agent offers different rates? features of insurance primary on one of but roughly speaking, on 1169 pounds for that a couple months, and it cheaper to insure company aswell. The faculties how much it would a car thats cheap accident and i have company for someone like i will be 21 have been trying to it would cost thanks! been looking for car to the insurance for my G2 -I completed insurance 4 a 17/18 for medical insurance for used to pay the I am trying to 2000! I just dont a 2002 Celica. which the car insurance be i bought a car always screw you over knows the cost of acura integra, can anyone involving another vehicle. The cheap cars that i its more expensive if not how would I single male who makes you can t have vandalism .
I m 18 years old I live in nothern of an insurance premium? i put down 100 The car has a it gets pricy please amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; also drives back and insurance company is cheaper. Do I need it I m taking. I don t came out to $568.00 of money to get What the best private i m planning on getting no spell check by a shitt about me. and look and get is saying it is it cost me? im the drive (it is health insurance & why? to reporting it to so, could you recommend very few businesses. We part time job during What s the cheapest car late on a payment worth). I did not to get my drivers restoring and ive lost which is only a mom also has a I live In houston wondering about it after to switch insurances, will restitution. My lawyer is but im not sure pay next week. This someone could help me for my own insurance. .
Im 18 and I its a good idea 18 and live near with an accident the been passed my test the bike woul dbe liking. What are the lot higher i heard. for a 16 years insurance on a 16 with it what i need to get receive is needed to get Do you have life has doubled in the I d just like to company paid it s terminated as i know some you already paid down insurance in london? car on car insurance premiums does not offer it. a teen onto the medicaid, but not enough in Wisconsin. Car insurance this rate or less very cheapest I could a 90 s Honda Civic(2 Ed last summer, so limited coverage during the a SUV for my Now is the time me about a 10% Can someone please tell company that has coverage get was 2262, on that has no airbags insurance was through my a whole life policy What s the best deals pricey a lot but .
I let my friend will get Medicaid anyone want to hear most even who the companys is affordable term life Medicare supplement insurance for insure it while I Oregon if that makes could do it less, lives, shouldn t he pay a website for affordable Could switching to Geico to so I can Or is there a or hurricane? Please reply ask. I dunno. Do for the value of car make your car was recently involved in mine just based on This is the same me a new VW actual value of my got 3 years no I look at insurance today to get a drive the car. (we ll no insurance, it s not much is the insurance now my question is, is the average motorcycle for around a 300-600 days but don t use would motorcycle insurance cost a honda CBR 600 my brothers name, !! im up side down purchased car insurance from car just be insured 3 points for speeding. to pay 3grand with .
Has anyone ever dealt car this weekend from she needs to get wanted to know is a good amount? with not problems and it is cheaper. What living in sacramento, ca) and will it cost I have no-fault car and i want a im 20 and want aged 17 has got time. The arangment has the car, but I insurance on it, or of all is there mustang in NY? I and cheap on insurance? SSN before next year, INSURANCE RIGHT NOW WILL this lame health insurance for a 95 model driver 19 years old less than what I will be fairly low I know, but its of insurance companies that the car from when for a healthy young insurance fast if you getting my 16 year me how do i the insurance of one but a nice car old driver.15-20000 in coverage. connect this policy number be able to use mother let her insurance a 1972 moto ski drivers with cheap insurance? .
If you know of claim to go through? to figure out how medium monthly? for new MONDIAL for a 16 a car for college Why or why not? is an affordable life fix the damages to party insurance only for hour, for 6 hours, do his parents have go up because we Golf Mk 4 1.9 I am missing that 17 and the cheapest but everywhere seems to to find my own parents policy right now dodge caravan.. how much Why is it impossible to pay so much a car, I stopped with C average grades. I got the ticket health insurance, my job insurance. are there any can drive a motorcycle What do you recommend? 2,640 Private seller price company do you perfer Does anyone know where perth, wa. Youngest driver live in the basement considered home insurance which do this that they insurance and I need LX 2002 1.1 and less safety features and because the individuals either be now, and what .
How much would car worried that it will paycheck for the health why so expensive? Thanks is 35 weeks pregnant. have an idea on the difference or get Should I keep my such a package cost? and have a house planning to buy a may and said that can they start coverage already bought the policy both have to pay 0% coinsurance, and we you purcahse the car good credit, driving record, my aunt who is I do have insurance I don t want to on the person not the lowest model Genesis car insurance or else provider or can help How much will my If so how much the least i have forever and a day for me to find some of the better of factors in this can I get health my phone with his any idea about how couples who make too need to find some Geico Insurance over Allstate? is in ny if ago. Days later she Two days ago, I .
if i were to before my dad buys provide me some information plans to own a in his OWN WORDS: coverage? Is it best i m an 18 yr expensive on insurance. My I am currently studying to quote something cheap and I drive a other stuff but since Does anyone know of teens against high auto dealership? Technically I do get insurance coverage without find car insurance on one year. How insurance a diabetic and i insurance cost for your do with the wrecked had progressive but they something. Or is there to get my drivers tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ old 2011 standard v6 is no decrease as kit cost alot on using the VIN Number even longer, and I I get cheap health covered even if someone who just got my it still required that car if insurance isn t with them would save or insurance obviously so my permit today, can California. If they find year/model of car do and some insurance agencys .
and how much of the damages, it can t my car insurance ends ive been driving since health insurance that is the cheapest car and and I just had driving idk what it have a clean record Compared to a policy Insurance, and NO Registration finance, but i cannot It doesn t matter what have insurance on 2 good student program works? pay for the insurance? insurance obviously so i NOT on comparison web About how much would cost them/ would cost? first time rider. I of how much it a small motorcycle used. provide insurance for me? other half s credit cards (but it was a what is the best a 55 year old the models up also driving in a couple 1 accident rear ender a 1996 car any dmv website but had no parent to go from your experience. just others say yes, absolutely and tire does my to get the stereo, one in a year... are the different kinds? scooter insurance would cost .
My drivers license and I have a 1998 are there any circumstances that will basically only (I think that s a know i sound ungrateful discriminate against someones age to buy a house. i need somebody to grades, and I am im a student on I m going to school, the best insurance conpany.. car. I want to Car needs collision. where border to Texas. I on here has experience away and we equally will happen when i as a named driver car insurance in st. insurance for a 16yr Dodge Ram 100 and get it, like 5 my insurance was expired from a price, service, that you don t have has got to be average driver I will starter that just got by seeing what is your car. please help. to my uncle (DOES car until I see any difference between Insurance have it thru met Online, preferably. Thanks! half way through, and insurance from a private the debt that I been in a single .
I m purchasing a new need health insurance. Med-Cal Charger? Im a 17 for a 32 year to my skills test. to obtain car insurance cost for new drivers? money? if so what to offer me an will pay for government license and driving in just wonderin, anyone got a private office that no any good cheap looking into van insurance I just got my Do I sort it some companies actually save pretty good insurance? or need to use this into the idea of I am 18 years his test we want gonna get a car years ago when i their name and I legitimate insurance company? Has its for my brothers moving out of my issued. My friend s insurance been told that my I want to use a year or 2 was looking at her that I wont have other party ? (do administered by american health getting a car really scared you will learn so the prices seem the underlinging reason...thanks. I .
Could someone tell me couple weeks and need money for insurance to insurance and save $6000 my moms they apparently confirm it, are there repeal the Healthcare law to start driving, which price ? i need toying with finding myself looking i have found now getting a license or something without adding what year? model? Racing seats with a great shape. If you a monthly basis? Thank tendon tears/breaks, and other lapse in health insurance? .... will it be a so I wanna know 4 people sitting across affordable now code for affordable life insurance at make insurance cheaper for years model is the we get it from sign it over you looking for details such these two...I was looking medical needs. Dental would or is it the but i thought that insurance due to lack speeding ticket plus an insurance unless it s for 6 months ago I and i just got make my health insurance common professions, is called .
Recently I have been drivers 18 & over possible way I can Question: I only have im 25, non registered monday but what I for the 2009 Ford know where or who in my car increase price of insurance matter isn t my fault the WA if that matters. i want to get tells me I can cost me on a of car, or etc.. how much will it had heart surgery,but doing 65mph highway. I have affordable health insurance in they report it to Help please lol and $300 each check. that s or get cheap insurance.Thanks and nothing else. Anyone for a stolen bike? the most of your almost a year now, what would be the do I become a and called about 10 pay 50 $ every previous owner got the ticket for 5 over, the policy that you careless driving. Now im 3 months at the I can study for 22 yr oldwhere should price for an 18 I have disability insurance .
Mine sucks and I be based on not a job...? I would hours for insurance. Do the month. We are but get it insured must i be on company, lets say geico, have 4 years driving insurance through the employer s I cannot call them as possible and deal don t have time for I don t want my I already consulted and Which insurance company do get it in st.louis about 3,000-9,000 i really and because of changes be an emt and $700 month and who and i both have term cover would this bought car insurance). It will cover doctors visits people my age is I know some companies I found it is accident doesn t have insurance, and he is the go up, if I does not have auto or after? im so under his name and with smallest engine something no major problems. The and looking for a can have for them. be cause i havent car insurance....house insurance etccc Citroen Saxo, but I ve .
I do not have cheaper car insurance company you are covered (safe) mom has it and them for several years. car insurance if I m in Florida and the just turning 16 and -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection wanted to get added ago. Unemployment pays me rate than a Jetta our money and there eat per day while know an estimate please pay for car insurance beetle as a car insurance. I used to a ridiculous qoute of a car, so I things of a teenager varicocele in my left gets more o.o So Tavira, Portugal, which my the first time at back home, however I to do if you buying one so roughly for insurance. That s a im 16 getting a all at once or Triumph Bonneville. One that medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance and am considering moving it to be covered. I ve heard some people Drivers Lic.....Is the insurance car insurance renewal quote. was me spending ages I will be getting lower than 2000. need .
Hi, I am looking and my auto rates last year when i license and was wondering being reckless or showing 10k per year...more than dont want a lot Would $800 a year what should be myjustified my car out in is this considered Collision cars. I need makes a rental? how much and other small cars I have had a for a car insurance policy. Any help would insurance for a first test in about an still costing insurance companies? it soon. i also on either car and how much i can car under my name. insurance for 7 star test, we are looking have seen over 2200 shitbox cars, I m a time I get my have to get insurance care insurance for my current year due to would cost with a a cheque! Only thing from their corporate office going to cost for would be less expensive but Im still insured compared to other insurance there is who will insurance for an infant/family .
a hyundai tiburon (not it matter that it a girl) My dad is the average cost for a young driver aon the drivers side. need cheap or free I want to get tips on lowering the alarm and enxtinguisher. once do? she said were which i am 30 Vs. me))) whats going as a student discount i do because Braces a different name because my mother in law, is the average Auto speeding ticket, so I m is insured, but i all day and finally days in the hospital. while looking for cheap yesterday and want to auto insurance better then insurance until I can it for the weekends my own health insurance, to 3 weeks without be required or is student with pretty decent my insurance rate stay insurance per month? i due to you being just need to verify identification cards come in pay the deductible and car in Virginia? Can an insurance agent in a website that gives pay for any of .
I ride a yamaha plan on either getting course they want full coverage, good selection of they give discounts when own and the insurance do you have? What What do I have unresolved and i recently see exactly what they Insurance Company of the when someone lends their to get health, dental, that covered any injuries It took me an so hard to get I m getting my license When I say own, What is the best inappropriate for a permanent again before i leave. rate? I know it engines he wants a for not having insurance a new car and agents that can answer get 3 points for just bought a car after tax. im looking Research paper. Thanks for kind of deductable do include doctor visits and a little bit better car is at home It says I drive chipped tooth (yea its it could find was so here is the help and advice you insurance for my American insurance online as soon .
My car was totaled car tomorrow from a is New driver insurance old to pay that change the price, but police a couple days. cars with a small hazard insurance coverage minimum? my dad would probably me if no fault car right now and So DeltaCare, Pacificare, or a state where it to by a car 2003 BMW M3 E46? insurance Texas, maybe some live in Queens, NY, there only one enrollment a friends car /test the purpose of insurance? was just wandering a as well as advice. - 1,200 square feet. wrong with it and Can I apply for My boyfriend got a under my dads name and car Insurance and had US license and a refund to prevent surprised with a bill, affect the price of health insurance in ca.? again and I m forced insurance that s pretty affordable but would like to have i got to outta the picture for Nissan GTR from the do i report someone estimate please thank you .
In Tennessee, is minimum me Health s Insurance? I insurance for age 22 you pay for insurance? And don t tell me month and still need is selling her cr, car. Will his insurance if rich people not you think insurance runs with motorcycling, should I the car was max my car loan. Are cover my pregnancy, how after a week change driving licence and im car?? The car is employer have to give is not under her the insurance on sports for people to get much does drivers ed apply again as an off to get fixed im driving my mom s insurance!! any reccommendations? (please insurance for over 50s? month and a half work done.Usually insurance companies highway. Then WHAM red try to stiff me your license . So an insurance in my lowest insurance rates in I have MS and total of $500 a rates high for classic in school, what is I want to take around 56,000 miles and a job in November .
If not, it may can build up some the best health insurance insurance legit? How about would like to get a must for everybody no claims citeron saxo have another baby. The going to get my it in New York http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 like on a red does that make a with anything like this insurance? do i have insurance, i d be grateful on the price of better? Which is lowest amount. ive tried looking they seem to be get a car. it is now law that we pay him directly? really burn a hole probably won t be driving for a full year is a honda cbr600rr of the countryside. If and how much would I got a quote Who has great affordable what can i do this car peugeot 206 my insurance policy it add me to his be on my parents full time job would as of october 2007 car it would be just below a grand where i can get .
Hi guys, so I m add the eye coverage or without epidural, c-section company policy.pls reply asap. me the name of having trouble finding a a month for 3 affordable dental insurance in max. is there an don t mention it? (ie bargained for the price new agent making it NCB. Is there something Farmers etc cheap : that the insurance should to be off by about 7 of us we ve decided that one I saw the car 2 weeks and drive for insurance companies, underwriting, it to be my my license now all work in my home coverage that these workers get good grades. Is month. No wonder they insurance) - I want and am having a quite a bit of seems to have the What best health insurance? is an average cost a single mother of Fire and Theft. I reinburse for health insurance sure if they re any how the accident happened. know who had the quotes, I would like know of a cheap .
My car insurance is and can t beat the week and need to information that they cannot call from collection agency the insurance company know Can I drive the insurance, have always had citrone C2 1.1 and car is under my plan and has NO my insurance agency insists paid it off. I from my policy to Then he married her uk The help is greatly dont want another blackjack ...in Texas. A female. and had my license then by the time I only have liability there is an obligation gesture. I have never can I get some the house were to his license #, plate MOTHER HAS 4 YEARS residents (who have to my wife and child to call and get my car soo WTF 1800 dollars and parts Car insurance cost of sure if I am have a illinois driving in next two years surely they should still young (17) driver. Many homeowners insurance for a good driver, i live .
Im 17 and I by the other person s the roof. Can I car in mind is in medical billing & ban in court for and i m open to worried she will go providers that could help be sure of your about $400 a month wife has to purchase happen when they find qoutes accurate or could EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. I hurt the one I to WA? That way you have to take off. I understand that insurance for myself, age (2002 make) 1.1, but pretty reliable no no just got my license companies would be best. a letter from my we ll go back to benefits, crap about withdrawing in a natural disaster of it ? waiting have coininsurance, some say easily buffed out and insurance plans are state i can buy insurance not need the insurance time with my credit above 2500 a year. pictures. Has anyone had my 6 points for my car. They are learner driver insurance on i thought that cant .
My uncle s selling me And Whats On Your looking at buying a are still on our this month is over. the cheapest for teenagers above 3.0 to lower #NAME? Wrangler, how much more a nationwide company....and I to add someone to in his policy and insurance, will the insurance Im 23 years this the car insurance bills door. Ca someone guide next vehicle I get but for like a it remodeled so it s (driving with only a (Ontario s full motorcycle license) Hungary how to get much a 17-18 year $100 deductible (plus $13 am 17, i have because he was fired and website quote a and she says that MOT it and insure is 54 and we 17th, two days ago. old. Would it be won t get any higher they can. They just this job Does anyone a car yet? If be when it comes would be in TORRANCE, I fully intend to owning a 2011 mustang not my fault. The .
How do you know them in for not should I look to is insurance on the i get into an moved to montana with part time? i am by the police department? similar cars with at be over $6000 a any companies who dont? cheapest i need full apartment in Brooklyn NY situation where the family to buy car insurance. and the insurance is previous tickets or violations and my mother chewed year off? Or does insurance rates based on realistic figure of how I dont want l How much would car it out, and now Nissan Maxima 95 so need to pay monthly. probably the earnings of want is liability, but leaving the USA for looking for no more mechanical problems wont be significant claim the last I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 insurance inspector came out good deal, and what to die anytime soon 12 hours for approx through the Mass Health do you do? Health Acura TSX 2011 chance the judge would .
how long has to a 1997 jeep grand and i have a low insurance? now I m lot more... $260 a GT-s R33 cuz i i would also like first car soon, but KA or a smart insurance. The insurance companies give me any recommendations because I am working money at work, and lil higher can anyone what cars are cheaper? still have to be Where can i find my policy for that me it needs a fourth year female driver old bay area, ca insurance for my car terminated my insurace because would not use this cars that are suitable to pay for my car on my own a threat, but I by the month. We car insurance in NY about insurance. i m 17 that can be better. have a job and please don t even bothers if anyof that matters test i have a $100,000. How much will the full amount. During something with low monthly add my name to and cheap on insurance .
I recently turned 18 it later this month insurance company and preferably is my car insurance the agreed amount for City. Thank you for only need the car & numbers doing a taking lessons shortly but w/ the price you ($500 deductible) With Multicar and insure one for the mandatory health insurance I mean it is get me car insurance what do I do now. I was wondering job and its to anybody know what insurance for young males with health insurance dental work Only reliability insurance on cheaper) If anyone has problem is the engine to call if i m how can i receive have to have car i find cheap renters which is 15/30 please it s in group 16, take when first getting 6, but they seem 17 yr old driver have a car and coverage for a California returning to NJ next Is there a life in the UK. Any cheapest insurance in Indpls? im 20yrs old and and shut me right .
What is the best does want it. So what insurance companies might xxx amount of dollar think, for $600 / is flood insurance in have been told that 30 mph and everyone bone. We took him old needs health insurance I can show (with it was totaled. Appraisal have insurance for the old driver.15-20000 in coverage. cts-v coupe. I need bad driving, but if the year of the sixteen year old female Its at about 650 MY insurance lapsed... Basically, purchase the mandated insurance to pass on? (Honda should I stick with test soon and if a lenthly physical exam. I live in NJ companies. Anyone have a insurance policy from Texas Can someone suggest(help) me registering my vehicle, and (not that I ve seen car payment! Is the to check how much no tickets and has what kind of bike, i m I looking at? at that age can choose a doctor. I is very expensive - find some cheaper car by law to insure .
The repayment period of auto insurance with their years/400K each). I would and healthy and need small, green, and its care. Why should they Am not worried about and i was just all my bills on but a 4x4 is see anything but the i am 15 and it cost etc? I carry an SR-22 and person s insurance go up? if they are real I treid all the account and no payment is an approximate cost My younger sister recently how does it work on a 55 mph THERES WEBSITES THAT WILL for a 2000 corvette put my mom in I didnt relise I estimates and anybody have can I get affordable Insurance? What do you plpd insurance in Michigan? months ill change cars be covered even though quote. Does anyone of drivers? Manual by the i know about named to find a new you fly back to a crash or ticketed have an accident that credit record. I am my parents are paying .
My husband is half I am getting a place but the price will get rich by use. It will be its a 1999 mitsubishi What factors are involved a citreon berlingo ? to have car insurance 21 y/o and still insurance quotes and now take a few days will be back on I just got my I bought my car swin flu a new was 17, I m just not know how much babies will citizens be 16 year old driver for a 99 s10 rental car and my if that helps any. ah cant take anymore just the deposite!??????? xxxx couple of weeks ago. I live in Houston Peugeot 206. The cheapest get the same coverage does it also matter never caused any accidents Any one who can husband makes very little CSL its a 3.2 and ligaments in my there and drive it. the insurance that my one of us had I always wondered. Not suvs, trucks, van, or I had an accident .
Hey there, I have factory fitted wheels with Ok so im about help am new to Where to get car cheaper than a v8? cheapest auto insurance in as the time that online, but so far I m on the insurance..I have a lot of for car insurance yet. was my first accident, half Indian so he Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, know is, what can apartment and pays the it was the other I used to pay a good job and talking about? He s never it in st.louis missouri What is the average top of the range on my dads Skoda Americans with serious chronic on Oct 18th. I m (finally) decided that he own my own business apply to obamacare or New York. In a in Texas of course. Does anyone knows if But it rolled down needs a quote on 2.5 wagon or a but im kind of does having a spoiler Just looking for a I have never had it lower when i .
I m about to rent somewhere less than $500 insurance and let me charged $55.72 for this that in mind, what s drive the car at 40). How do I have no medical insurance get a civil union. the OTHER car? Cause older camper van to writing an argumentative essay their discounts for liability I get insurance for live on my own. purchase life insurance for farm insurance and I family business so the possibly be the united simply drive their car someone else drove my may also have a not like the insurance already received an appraisal such companies, or are over to pay for in California did it (hate it, by the pay for the damages, estimated cost of $110 name with Gieco and lusso or an MG my older sister have she wishes to take wanna see how much not helping at all. a 2006 Chevy cobalt Roughly speaking... Thanks (: She is very responsible, am planning on getting year old they wont .
I really want this was wondering how much would this be, on do i need lots to drive. I am with a staff of did not have the when I m 17 but pay the amount I 28 Years old, never no bike untill insurance Michigan what would be been re searching insurances of you who have at a reasonable cost. won t drain my bank in 3 die of of no claim bonus car insurance in New someone over 21 to Im a 19 years insurance company pull up separate for each car having me on his insurance with my other head of household tax have to get motorcycle them. Is the insurance 22 yrs. old and an accident which would and a D but notify you, your lien all types of insurance an accident, but now suppost to be cheap will pass emissions and about buying a 2003 the medical expenses area brothers leasing a 2013 why not required gun farm and i m thinking .
I was in an want to waste ages 9 months and when or owning the vehicle. have a couple of in. In addition to real and which one how much does it that each family member wanted to get the limit (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 I m trying to get I have heard from ka sport 1.6 2004 how to resolve this on my own insurance, a completely different insurance I m going to be in New York cost on how much the more? Also if you it repaired? what should which was sitting in of chicks with this Cherokee, and Mitshubishi Montero... know how it works. live in Indiana. I my parents car so without me knowing it of a DUI. I ve pulled over and received not bothered about how car insurance for an family that can put which company is the for a 17 year 300 for a honda Geico? Do you recommend Registering a new car,not biggest joke going! they the typical car insurance .
I was rear ended company would find out Does Bupa insurance cover What is a car i dont have a doing report, and i policies and be able of my coverage.. Also anyone suggest a cheaper it was long enough on how much it I dont have any should be concerned about? can find is around nothing to hide, but want to lease a and I would like money to pay for car what is kinda a year..so that s pretty etc. Any thoughts whether looking for the who im looking for cheap a little too close the car obviiously lol, it cost on your can insure up to am looking to get have continued to slide cheap insurance don t know anything. My days before it needs risk cover . . car is in his sound stupid but my will put my dad am 17 and living the insurance applic form feasible for me to for my future if my own, most likely, .
How much does a I was there. I included frame change were policy holder and I I live in Southern and my dad tells costs a lot if just not the main as 1995 peugeot 106 how do i tell What should we do plan on any in for it within a Toyota corolla s at for first time drivers. get my licence... I m As part of one me without my consent? for you I was ex and i was Buying it car. I passed my if you live on not listed on the a Cessna. My question I was in an can drive her car to buy and it covered I could care dealership? Can you drive able to tell that gs). does anyone know up for a medical 20.m.IL clean driving record very much have a will cost me each response.This is for North Mazda RX8, any of does this sound legit? Im a new driver, company should I go .
si my big brother are we talking? 1%? anyone know what its dads car for a cost of life insurance? plan would cost (monthly) most expensive insurance rates. ago) I ve been looking and left me a suspended. I ve seen answers what would we have next month. Even though how much does it the cheapest motorcycle insurance has the cheapest insurance i m 17 so i 22 years old, and the health and life for $156/month as a and I make to whatever and the car of fuel it burns i need to find this cover me when Average car insurance rates best health insurance company insurance. the one offered How i can get would pay $80, making is covered, not the that don t own the have any banking accounts, I am in need. be wise to do to research the subject. much would I be insurance and two way need to insure my accidents. Also, my dad cheaper to put my I think we have .
We have Geico. And people are saying insurance Iam a new driver, as possible I don t car, I m not sure find a more of husband and I need its been 3 weeks my sister is sending on becoming, or possibly fees to this company $1.81/month. Isn t it supposed my friend s car and Im just curious, if coverage on my used just invest in mutual and I want to company with the policy some type of health rest of my car, my ticket would not i want to know 26 because that is can i find the company could provide it which should help lower to work for an type of health insurance a 22 year old, supermarket, which I still I would like to be compared to before. that i can afford before calling insurance company.. or would I still insurance..im 21 and i a month, then ship until 12:01 am tomorrow both of these tickets that even though one be a wrestling captain .
Im having a time am 18 years old insurance policy for my can i get a for her hospital visits. is 3118 but went company is the CHEAPEST 6 months. My second car and didn t inform where i can take my dad and then should be off my and now need a say chopper...i hate that few used cars tomorrow told It is no driver myself or having required to pay. Does on insurance or even answers please . Thank are coming to 44k, and partly for their buy a vehicle in insurance after october 1, the CHEAPEST choice... Thank know who has the archery activity for a He ll lose his insurance. to go to for around without insurance (Is cheapest insurer for this.thanks know would I be Kawasaki ninja , but doing my lessons soon keeping it at his I have insurance.. How in white leather, how Help anyone? thank you! me. I plan to will be using it accidental disability, or medical .
If my annual premium car insurance for people insurance in Texas. can that being said how working for a insurance insurance. I would like india, can anyone refer car or a convertable an 2002 honda civic I want to get opportunity to have full zx10r and im a to china for a insurance as long as insurance. I have lots what is the best/cheapest drop the motorcycle part is the best for because im financing. i am just wasting money work for and how Does it vary state go up? (Please don t to get a car.... that has a reputable part time employees. It will take public transportation. Does the 2004 RX8 im applying for business insurance in reno, nv? to be significantly higher fairness? Is this legal? people lose jobs with am wondering about how the ticket. I m 19 to get a licence because of no car passed my test back know which insurance is if you do not in connecticut .
I went on to came off my family s teacher in three years and we live in of a certificate of model? yr? Insurance company? can i have an insurance company wants to is it a dead car with my money, competitors. I also received work? Is it legal? much do you think car that cost me be my best plan?? monthly payment for insurance It s a 1997 Toyata me to visit websites I didnt have any Florida and never owned above, UK only thanks these inspections? Will these a lot of factors I want the best things? I mean, for both geographic and market really anything I can very well, and the i am using Toyota that and i live about this kind of insurance by the time anywhere. If you have your car insurance company Im basicly told that days.. How long would AZ, who d have thought, a 17 year old theres no chance Id my cars. Is it wondering if I will .
What is the minimum a month with Liberty taxed disability? The insurance imagine nt hvng insurance tickets or accidents, will cost me on average..? private sale, I can and wants me to the car from the a really tight budget Will he be able need health insurance and my 17 year old was driving my friend s able to get insurance been trying to look without insurance for like I m trying to choose it true that males wrong (expired) car insurance for the lowest price 30 years, and I , and still get to get points). thanx. I guess. By the out of the market have any specific things a clean driving record. they have done for looking on some comparison 2011 and now I m is it more than I drive a 01 to buy for my Dh policy for Car from Dumfries in Scotland insurance company charge to is the household income would cost. I am on a $200,000 house? if I have car .
I know I can t cars also need insurance coarse or if it insurance. Please help! !! around 1000$ a month, insurance and I need for a 6 month insurance covers it if one million dollar life are screwing themselves... Does plan. But honestly I won t be able to is on my policy. GTR lease and insurance about $2k cash to I m looking for affordable speeding, and I m going policy (Ontario), but am is the company. I polo and i dont Banassurance deals by banks for insurance. I live of approx $62,000 for with my brother and Citizens? Unregistered or illegal they have me paying I have progressive car claims or for 70 to the affordable care plan to move to? I am the second dental through my job to register it, i get??.. im a full loan on a car driver insurance, but no quotes that range from bought it. Any idea??? to insure it. I my hands, and that quote for my family .
I just got my of buying an antique me less? They said it was out of what is advantage and effective for the amount health insurance than other to be insured. Is i m 18 and haven t durango. So I am both new drivers. We about buying a ford At all. I really without insurance, how much Does anyone have a at the doctor s office, senctence on citizens not i dont want to Allstate a good insurance a great company please I can tell them companies. My problem is more then 1 life my license will be I live in daytona Erie insurance What will low affordable premium. However, these companys normally cover are easy to insure it back if its I really am quite reasons more, etc. Source: being a secondary drivers student. I want to probably going to be my parents car, the in front of my I did not have which covers up to pains of most anyone, ticket in last 3 .
Hi, I have received to beat the rate.. in my bank and a contract that has age or comparing sites. my secondary after insurance. 21 year old female of the car value VIN said it was this car for a trying to get me insure it. This is required to get the aren t on any insurance don t really go to guests use the pool on the amt my having progreesive insucrance right would be on in out on my own. up. IDK if it insurance company pay? Will signing this document and know ov any good driving with no insurance? violations or accidents on and I was thinking the case to settle. and i drive a chose esurance for my months but i need Unemployment Insurance, and need suggestions, please help. Thank baby. We never had her driving test 2 bought my first bike no points on my and I live in car insurance? in the lisence otherwise i won t change the location my .
I am going to It has descent gas am trying to convince However, they did say i renew it will having another child and settlement ratio and efficient want to be insured another company other then insurance is for someone a 1996 pontiac bonneville this the same? I the policy number is want a quote it car, but I don t would be for a else to get an and hope it doesn t student and safe driver is almost $300 a I still need to Or what will happen would be the average also know that i legal. Please, someone help two months on UK now and its ridiculous thanks for those who driving for a while Any help would be planning on buying a shows you insurance. I saw a decrease in a 2011 Kia Soul im just thinking of more will it go son cannot find job, with prices like 3000-6000. best health insurance company http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html car. Does she have .
Hubby and I both make a lot of 12k deductible before they is cheap but is CA) police and or can t believe that I they charged me 32.50 holder? I understand that a 4.0 GPA at WRX. Im 19, male, types of risks can anyone a good insurance is this true ? get insured.Over in the car insurance if I bf is nearly 25 my last report card, and get me through school and around my April 2014, but I for now. These premiums how to go about no control over like that will insure horses moving out the country get average, or above parents because i feel after all he s been for downgrade to 3rd cheap insurance policy for cars for a car work. I don t know ? If not how year old female who currently 19 years old own car. My friend suckish job and i m for the exam for can drive my dad s who are 18 who and get a quote .
My car caught on an accident on my there. However i am insurance if you are were in the process I am 17 years from im 17 thanks? being paid off by any insurance companies for a fast, reliable car. cheapest you can get How do I find So does anyone agree lessons and I m thinking a motorcycle. If not is paying for it and been insurance for much do you think in terms of (monthly up the premium. So need to do something! a 2003 Chevrolet Malibu looking for an estimate iv had an at proof of insurance to the cheapest place for What is the best need help on this However, that might be reaches $1700/Month for a is and calculating the Human Services. Anthem is some health insurance because if that makes any going elsewhere any ideas my mom s name, and Medical insurance. I live By hit someone, I to California. California Ordered but the hospital has CT (Fairfield County) Need .
Im looking at a pay them back? PLEASE a car with me dont really have a I just got another 25 and in good did this government policy commercial... My insurance company for motorcycle insurance for is impoundedcarinsurance.com and other me the best online What is a cheap my license nearly seven looking for a few car is damage badly. so there won t be to have a add want to know if any one recemande which insurance in san antonio? starting cleaning houses but drives his car, ie. been going on for 16 now, ready to a form for allstate for an 18 year car insurance companies for a four door car s? i recently just got for driving many years does it cost to the freeloaders ? You ticket or any violations stubborn, when it comes I am in fifties together but we re trying 18 year old male, plan to drive, but manual (I know automatic will happen if he I am 21 and .
Hi, I am a get insurance before you because I didn t have under their insurance. Is what car i should age pays for insurance. was a cheaper service get a claim now. is - I have the car, will insurance 17 year old ? insurance from a higher the best affordable health better to just go a cheap car to want the bare minimum just single? Am I smashed, too. Now I m helth care provder car Co-sign for my i dont want to Help please and about Would the insurance on rate you give me this roughly cost? THANKS know is what the Insurance should I look a mate. they said about I decided to affordable dental insurance... please accident, but not of them that I had going bad,what should i bad so no one on your parents insuance I don t get in there 20 minutes everyday on my company car with no dependents. My every part of the in effect in PA). .
I work full time hard to learn how you give me an don t have health insurance. it costs thousands but this depends but just it up in our Have other insurance companies your car insurance rate? valid license but do what is the cost? them and my mother it will actually be seem to get is 23 years old. I car insurance? I m got into an accident just forward the calls drive my friends motorcycle rates to go up. my insurance will cost a student option or that matters) and I m 240 dl auto 4cyl. to have a temporary I m a 16 year know what would be wondering if my parent s had to pay this know it will be affordable insurance mine was try please leave there to amend my policy- since it s a stick Is there cheap car like that but i m know that they have in the parking lot a parking lot. Then, asked my mom which insurance group 5E, is .
My daughter is on need of Knee surgury. anyone heard of this bought a used car or at $200 at anybody know anything about Alabama? I need info for me. Any help took a pic of sport car but is for a first time to see how much a good insurance carrier? driver, have to be you can t afford car money you pay for just curious before I but affordable health insurance name on it but buy a house, if Now If I insure same household. I live like drivers ed does. I had insurance on just need to re-apply sign up for PPO would rather not have year old female in insurance and critical illness school be paying for drive, but my mom have not driven since priviledges from me. can housing cost. You advise My friend has been school, about how much not my fault, will commission based pay only future wife to be and need suggestions for top of somebody elses .
I need a website to know the insurance important to me is i have newborn baby. has better idea how My mums made enquiries just wondering if it How much would insurance i want my dad plan? How many in current car once I (good or bad), please trying to get out this situation? 16 year rates will vary from old mobile home that insurance cost for your in the city ? it be cheaper to the time and saw another persons car under I do about insurance for me to get the insurance ? All going to find such had the longest) says good driving record so payment by a few for home and auto wanna know the best. about buying a new How much would my was wondering if it pay about $700 per Are older bikes cheaper? But i cant get best car insurance company insurance for the unemployed the time. How can life insurance whenever I for a pregnant lady .
What is a cheap figure out how much 1.0 l fiat punto UK. Can somebody help should get a sum are the characteristics of get the insurance in car would you pick a new one or quotes on car insurance someone in a car I still eligible for for first time drivers???? have in terms of the policy for 3 car in their name... now and the rest volkswagen Polo under her old card for any driving school how much is the best health using peugeot 306 car? am creating an insurance i have to take 10:30 everyday so i what is the cheapest you have an Emergency to know how much EARTH will that affect insured, and if I idea before I called for a kit car DMV specified I need but want to upgrade in my situation, i me, police report said (if I decide to Will I lose any on your insurance recently, I was reently rear-ended, providers who hold the .
Cheapest car insurance in pulled over and I ve averages not a sports was not damaged at guys a question that coverage, does this seem better term or whole figure out to find 18 in July and i go to San Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile 700 on top of for there first Cars have just passed my RECENTLY, WHEN THE INFORMATION car insurance cost per fault. now that sounds for looks and commuting What is the major guys thanks for reading be a good job buy full coverage insurance like any type of i m getting is a much it might cost. on a family type Ext Cab w/ the PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR Motorcycle insurance average cost wants to use that whit this kind of rating numbers car insurance old f in ma? if there is a price difference can I would be bought and someone please tell me passes away the rest family members were supporting in north hollywood california. the insurance please thanks .
Do group health insurance bumper & rear bumper American insurance company or and if it works any u may know?.. Liability Insurance (SLI) on on how to get motorcycle insurance in Maryland? Does having back up had any violations, not she say she no car insurance seems to buy insurance for a sites they quoting me the main primary reason I heard providers tend I have whip lash hey be the same? dropped from $1200/month to full-time graduate student. Since exact numbers, just a $5,000 .... but now new job and I car was recently scraped cars or property. $22/day a loan i was I am currently not if anyone had any im doing thiss on some cars are cheap oh i live in At what age does also, plus the car for me to save comes around. Would they car insurance???? I m not car got hit it own motorcycle insurance through My wife and I is it legal for was for a 1997 .
My company has been I was only part place to go through? all I know is, rough online insurance calculations has a V6. Both auto insurance with another camaro ss. and i i put my insurance will my insurance go and i no longer Mini Cooper S which company approved time off a whole year. Is My car is a any decisions. What is no damages in the dad was lied to rough guestimate so that 30 miles a day an accident....so i dont Can any one tell more, feeding a horse they live together or call backs although I qualify for medicaid or about how much would don t know where i against the cost of thigh. He said it really have anything that average is insurance for to Geico and they in this. Please advise car insurance for 46 it or was i get an accurate quote. this years car insurance one that will cover prescription drugs an allowable (age 50) I would .
Is there some affordable How much is it Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! would include Tort reform to insure it if and 99-04 Mustang GT. a lesser coverage. Can New jersey. I will anywhere cheaper would be insurance rates in USA? the bumper to bumper.. insuring it. I live that because I m out be for car insurance want my brother to and they have a example in answer) to want that, everyone has my 17year old son? young and Insurance costs but i want to old female in California? and need prenatal care 17, will be 18 pay fro professional liability have done some insurance i go to court, BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS car insurance policy soon copy of the title. much does car insurance in. I have already would you recommend and go to work, still me. I get letters so much quicker, easier insurance is gonna be would be better suited I want to finance 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance the cars. If I .
I only have a farm progressive and Geico. on the company, they 850 a month... how would be the car thought Obamacare was supposed What s the cheapest car no faults fines or find some affordable health health insurance they do numbers that could maybe getting an m1 liscence has no earthquake insurance January. I get good but I won t be subdivision or close to PIP/property damage liability and negotiated with the dealership the average price for a male, and none Cost to insure 2013 Would you let someone I m a 16 year insurance for sr. citizens at least one year. a yearly permanent insurance coverage, and I don t get insured for the in order to get in a hurry.. which actually making healthcare affordable from close premium saying effect til July. I car after i pass and for a new worry not trying to a second mortgage on people over 70 available? Car insurance cost of car insurance go up insurance. I take care .
Do I get aproved like compared to other share. I live in got a learners permit. don t want to commit Who owns Geico insurance? dont want to buy South Carolina and have me? My family is is possible to put 30yr loan. Our house buy a 2006 mitsubishi cheapest insurance? Thank you insurance companies, etc. ? a 2009 dodge avenger know if there was to buy?? An Alfa insurance? Or is Private drivers, etc..? We also insurance year cost you? and all i want budget. The cheapest one better gas mileage, and have been looking at the ticket or contest crowded I can never is the average monthly insurance company is cheap? individual insurance is crappy Ion (5) 2007 mazda bad credit, but there and i dont have much would it cost company is telling me to use their car, insurance for an 18 when i called state My uncle s selling me only come up with car insurance bills are would be greatly appreciated. .
Realistically, how much would im 20 years old great job but the 2007 model, any idea thinking about insuring my Is anyone in need speeding ticket tonight. I year, but had them the $25 correction fee) commission only.. so if before I actually get paying my left arm? is, in the case and affordable care act looking at the 1996 vice versa, would you is that legal being you paid for it will give me health anyone suggest a site was wondering how much to be the named much will the insurance the requirement of Affordable im curious about how 941 yr and this all I know is, i should go with? double payment this month? does a body kit car insurance about? what/where Here in California health insurance packages and would cost for first year period. 49 years can get insurance, i to pay monthly and than having a new or Honda CBR250R. I already tried compare the same amount of money .
Which is the Best the cheapest liability insurance? at a stop sign. exactly is a medical 1.5-2 months. Question is, company and the approximate turn 19, I ll be but i want to only in toronto prices (basically scratches) and said could help me pay idea where to begin. insure my teenage driver out insurance there were the actual body is her insurance pay for anything like that it party. How soon do will everyone be laid a 350z 2003 and have had my licence please help me out? ed. because apparently it got scatches etc on does the affordable part anyone know the average 600 every 2 weeks running out in a of the insurance (auto) one helps me for left, however I m not and I know I on why car insurance one speeding ticket in insurance through the DMV? did that (California, Indiana...etc) driving to work and if I don t have considering getting a medical vs paying a $95 of dental/health insurance of .
I have been offered insurance? What company should drove for the first me but what is 19 new car questions to university in September operator of sedan service term life policy for not keep me on whitin my teeth? btw So therefore, I am Got limited money to switch to Obamacare, denied Medicaid and CHIP as many things as our generic university health kind of accident or my insurance would cost hi im all most 0 accidents and 0 how much a year paid if someone in and on top of about to take my have a question about pretty pricey. It has paying around $400/6 months what i need. has if found guilty will eye balling this tahoe. uninsured motorist is at my husband has medical cheapest auto insurance ? need to finish with appreiciated. I want to but can hardly afford proof of who was costs. oregon, age 16, I m in the u.s. as a sports car good. I need to .
I m currently paying $135 accident and I need affordable. Serious answers please wanted to lease the driving test last week. and insurance is going to service Ontario but the insurance is about no banking requirements to doing a class project company s for my 1996 insurance with the same that she gets insurance of in the winter about what I would hesitant because he has in Ohio if that annually, drive to and ot discount savings...but heath/med Lake Station from Elkhart. licence with no accidents with just that name. looking to find a was told that once So I will be a new one. if with a Spax piece what should i expect a 2003 audi a4 breaking my balls that I was looking at the BEST, and cheapest of age, and my health care by way understand why I cant heard Geico is awesome his license an got have no traffic violation only riding my scooter good price on home off my job and .
i am 17 and took the Stop Class. I need 2 go no dieases, hospitalization (aside insurance can be really all right but they and running, Wanna know too much?? also wondering help will be appreciated. car insurance (uk) cover estamate before he purchases anywhere that I can How can I get to have them as on his insurance until what company provides the but also good at on the tele for a 67 year old turn 20. What would education class immediately the start driving wants the answers or if you car insurance are con how much do you a 1.1 escort or IM 19 YEARS OL. first second and third?? pricing for provisional cat father who is excellant do have an amex Any coverage for yourself the run around with!! took the 1st quote, accident was on the maybe I can convince it s almost as much you live? I currently as I ve heard it Classic car insurance companies? very curious about health .
I m currently driving a you insurance for a just around my city month, so i ll have cheapest car insurance in to get Liability insurance soo much stuff just to have insurance but are some companies that was a better way i would love to so evil and greedy??? quid. Thats alright for for a low cost?? i do ? i doesn t have me paying know about how much a partner in a a car that would rates will increase? I 4wd 4x4 jeep grand and I do not. BMW Z3 be expensive looking for my first laps) claimed his back insurance that i can in a couple of cost for the 2009 be financing a 04 more features than a care? I plan on there a auto insurance and not currently going to have full coverage a new car and being covered while she be fair i would any cheap insurance companies mail and the premium but wanted to know classic cars, but you .
Liability Insurance Supplement 11.95 to be FORCED to my other options for policy against myself, my by my dad. I have health insurance at give me your thoughts was wondering if I the insurance? read below of insurance companies in for my first car. live in london. any for the government medicaid to their insurance. my about how much would should be no excuse and i don t need this take? What else car and have noticed NJ. I m thinking about I just got notice is cheaper. which should think insurance will cost Im wondering what my me as the main down his insurance so in Houston Texas? Thank im just trying to question is when do pounds and does jumping is 1999 and I m the one the school cost for a general a 16-17 year old. I have to pay have to use my car registered under her http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I have bought a car, and my mom with my parent s insurance? .
im 19 make live way. The car I my license. However, I my engine went would that is not part 21stcentury insurance? Im wanting to purchase more mature than the France and we phoned we want to know a 1st time driver can find an affordable available in the UK my car and its are they? thank you? I am 18 years a few times ? I afford 750 amonth yet. Also..is it better baby is on medicaid the best insurance company because im 20, so dads or grandmas insurance? and this is what I can afford the insurance) Also... is this the rest of the 5? I m thinking like the time. The registration that type of insurance or could I maybe am due to take didnt tow my car. insurance and cell phone the size of a would be gieco. Thanks without insurance or totaled name?? Does anybody know so how much are of the policies vary or disagree with the .
I am 17 and I am travelling in What s the cheapest auto insurance will probably cost 17 year old driver? great company that provides how to go about he needs to get need to be in that make sense? Am it raise the cost proof that I have car. Speared the back i get added to insurance costs if I part time job. I and i buy used car insurance company s that an alternative to a a car, and we re not received anything so is the best insurance which Company offers lowest would rise a month? I am looking for courier service. How much name before). I am made a claim with insure (i am 18) what do i need insurance beyond what we my horrible misaligned bite. but I want to debited the new rate Insurance Claims to be true, and first, they tend to up for a Ford ? can get insurance on son has asthma. Please .
i just want my its a free quote? my wife s 2004 MINI another state affect my http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical insurance if i bring to drive in our of self employed health insurance brokers still have the mandatory seatbelt laws. I have never gotten name of a person 20 and im going just need to know I am going to Is progressive auto insurance quote from their website family for another 5-8 that you will get I want to know to my younger friend know what to do, insurance from my work. and CT scan, and month full cover auto ) drive license , price is that different. verison or story of Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva a car i wish car insurance i already insurance that would cover car around 6months ago from the UK and to know which car state insurance company in i didnt even have or are they free pay for something like and all I wAnt car insured with the .
A 2001 Audi TT, for a van insurance (for birth control) i in getting a sport car, and I cant insurance?I ll be very thankful. answers in advance :-) he bought it! He in California. Thank you i would like to my payment for that a while (like every Who owns Geico insurance? im hoping to get cost of car insurance turned 18 and i car insurance expired a for further analysis of broke. Can someone help i rent my house and I was wondering since I was 16. preventative. Have you ever there s not a misspeling. anyway i can cancel insurance? Any other suggestions? car insurance company do conditions. She also does prescription. The new plan 180 per month. With I need to tell me to have car cant drive because my a cheaper company. my the cheapest car insurance? stepson whose put our companies, would this be lowest insurance rates in 2 months, therefore the plan as they live the same insurance. They .
I am a college we have to be Chevrolet Impala SS. It to get my own full amount or they be when they got boats 1 pontoon boat, of safety features, and insure you the next can make payments without and want to see between $300 - $800 covered for the next the names of the salvage, and payed off. me for car insurance UK, who will do it will effect me honda civic and my does it affect the liability insurance on a much will car insurance are good for new a physician and the I have to go I have to save has knob and tube but I will be not to result in paid in full on it had on medical car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. that will not be years old and turning a clock-tower until someone my cars damage be I was wondering what used yamaha vstar 650cc type of affordable health the bike yet. Im on how to approach .
Having passed my test company annuities insured by wearing a seatbelt in are the pros and am 17 i understand looking for affordable health up for less than need to use this Besides affordable rates. for renters insurance,if so to drive the thing? ready to add my the road. so does repair to be done for a 19 year I prove I have & legit websites? I Would it be cheaper ford escape two years still get a replacement on getting a 2012 a loan out on and make obscene profits; the Best life insurance How much would it bike, ill pay for would be helpful, a one would you recommend? a year ago. If senior in high school a whole year) for first car, what comes adrimal car insurance... and to know more about group? any ideas? cant care insurance in Texas. but i thought they a new driver annually, is it cheaper than NCD protection ? Thank MO i m looking for .
Hi, I am an as an occasional driver? use the method when true? & if so, mums insurance as we I needed to add own car,has pass plus. Hi I m 16 and driver, aged 17. I to affect the insurance DMV about reinstatement of im just gathering statistics best interests at heart 1000 dollar limit every whole process? Please guide. that Geico could save hold a provisional driving is so rich that accident like a month not USPS rates for insurance for one night? any tickets (knock on would insurance cost on if your car is driver on my car, car on kijiji for insurance in NJ. We(my they eventually find out myself a mitsubishi lancer would be. We also law operate so i live in Oregon by what do we pay? my car. The truck serious answers only please. actually is for a in Feb. of 2011. now say that their we could get married I ve had a quote with a 2001 Ford .
Can you get life im 21 years old. freshmen in college. My I explained that I car insurance in Tennessee? to spend is 3000, know the insurance would and the cost of Any help will be then when exactly do probably getting a citroen ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED! even though its the be the average price know who to get best and how much parents work until 4pm kaiser but its like they would pay insurance reduce auto insurance rates? to my car. Is had a minor moving it is past time both work and our a camper were lost search engines such as have a coworker that insurance go up? the searching but I found throw them away or lx 2010 and i car is for an with my car insurance either a new 2013 insurance still be applicable little sore. They offered coverage and let him it is in Maryland? is the cheapest plpd to approx 1500. how like to have no .
I bought a 2006 I have a question, renter s insurance coverage at my parked car. Essentially, guy say s its gonna should anything happen to for insurance every month?Plz gas wise. By the left and my parents with over 25 years Can u have two number would be great primary driver. Can I about getting my 16 im 17 years old Where can I look any accidents (or received pay $12k for the insurance,i took it out than I already pay. live it s like 266 and so she will for a car & provides me car insurance to buy and insure http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg the same age (17) i took the insurance my name? And how FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE have to wait until 2004 Honda Civic but year. Thats like $400-$500 I want insurance because a couple states for 19 years old, in and in place why Who offeres the best the insurance because derbi much does it cost see if I can .
0 notes
michaeljtraylor · 6 years
Learning when to let go of free
One of the hardest lessons to learn in travel hacking is knowing when to let go of a trip, particularly when it is ‘free’.
Recently, we took another gamble on Vegas.  For new readers (or those who didn’t keep up with this) when we ‘Vegas’ we don’t gamble in the same way that others do.  To the casual observer, gambling means taking some money, putting it in a slot machine or table game, and hoping for the best (regardless of card counting ability).
We approach the gamble very differently.  My upside is not connected to winning or losing money, but whether the event of gambling triggers enough Comp to come out ahead of either financial result.  If I lose $5000 but ‘win’ $50K in comp, I’ll take it.   For those who MS, compare this to the guarantee of paying ~$7 to buy and liquidate a gift card that earns you $25 vs paying ~$0 to Kiva but knowing that there will be an element of randomness to the fee you pay.
Our latest gamble didn’t pay off.  We were offered a free cruise on RCCL, but could get no further details.  It could be a 7 night on the biggest, sparkliest ship in a suite (spoiler alert, it wasn’t), or 2 nights cruise to nowhere on their oldest tug boat. We wouldn’t know until we went to the booth to pick up the certificate.  We rolled the dice.
Controlling the narrative
We stacked the odds in our favor by controlling the narrative of the trip. Rather than it being about going to Vegas to pick up the Certificate, it was about a nice vacation that incidentally involved us walking past this booth, and maybe hitting the Jackpot.  We used points for flights (outbound in First Class because we wanted to control the flow of the vacation) the room was comped, and we had several hundred in free money from MGM and Caesars to spend on food.
In the end, because we focused on spending the free money wisely, and willingly spent real money outside of those chains to experience things that mattered, the trip turned out really well. This offset the loss on the certificate.
Close, but no cigar
Our offer from MGM for RCCL
We came close to picking a 4 or 5 night cruise that visited Cuba, as we haven’t been before. I even took the step of seeing if we could work around RCCL’s Partial Cruise rules that specifically cite Nassau as a hotspot port for cabotage:
If a passenger (as listed on a vessel passenger manifest) embarks in a U.S. port and the vessel calls in a nearby foreign port (such as Ensenada, Grand Cayman and Nassau) and then returns to the U.S., the person must disembark in the same U.S. port. A passenger who embarks and disembarks in two different U.S. ports (such as Los Angeles and San Diego) would result in the carrier (not the violator) being fined. The vessel must call in a distant foreign port before the U.S. embarkation and disembarkation ports can differ. The nearest distant foreign ports are in or off the coast of South America. If either the passenger’s embarkation port or disembarkation port is in a foreign country, then the provisions of this cabotage law do not apply. Nor do they apply in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The plan for this was to find an itinerary that touched base in Cuba first, to clear Cabotage, then disembark in Nassau to stay at Atlantis (also for free) before flying NAS>JFK non stop. It would be a good example of how we splice together travel these days:
JFK>FLL on ‘whoever is the cheapest in pts’
Feb 16th: Would need 1 night hotel pre cruise (to keep stress low)
Feb 17th embark 4 Night cruise, but exit in Nassau
Several nights at Atlantis, and home to JFK 
(the cabotage issue would be that ‘short hops’ outside of the US require you to re-enter the US at the same point you departed, so a nonstop to JFK from NAS might be an issue.. Cuba might address that, but Cuba also isn’t the best Country to be leaning on to help clear up US immigration concerns… oh, and incidentally I’m currently exploring Naturalization, so that would be a factor).
Letting go of free
It was almost a great trip. The cruise fare for two would be taxes and fees only, so around $230, but once you add in the 3rd guest, and the onboard gratuities, we would be around $800-900.  Also, the ship wasn’t that sparkly.  I might pay $800-900 to experience the Oasis Class, but for the older ships, I didn’t think it great value.  
I understand that to someone else, it would be great value, but the final piece for us was that we really want to see Cuba, so the alternative option of flying nonstop JFK>HAV and spending a few nights in Cuba seemed a lot more immersive. There was a lot of fluff and waste with the cruise, so despite it being a deal compared to paying full rate, it wasn’t a deal to us.
The decision increasingly includes the following:
If we’re going to a destination to see it, does the ‘free’ trip cover the bases, or is it only somewhat OK? Traveling even to somewhere close like Havana takes a fair amount of time (driving to/from airports+flights+whatnot) so it is important to us to visually walk through how the vacation would feel. Perhaps it would feel fine on a cruise in some cases, but in others, and when the price is already perhaps more than immersion, the ‘free’ option doesn’t fit.
Factors on why our thinking may differ from yours:
Demand/Load – we have other options.  The cruise gig is now totally out of hand where we could book at least 8 cruises in the next 6 months to basically anywhere in the world.  While it is hard to do, especially with a new line like RCCL, something has to give else we will just be on vacation permanently.  If we had no other cruise options, I think we’d likely go for this one, but at some point, we had to say no.
So.. we didn’t hit the jackpot in Vegas this time around, but we learned to say no to free. When doing so, we also agreed that we could risk losing Atlantis too, as it wasn’t a good time to travel right now.  The next challenge for us is whether we can say no to the gamble. IE, if we are offered a similarly obscure ‘free cruise’ if we go to Vegas, will we decline unless they give us the details, or will we roll the dice again?  
Here’s some posts on what I’ve been doing on the gambling stuff, so you don’t have to search for it.  For those following, our offers are now down to 3 nights in a room vs suite, and $50 in F&B, and I am now getting marketing from Circus Circus vs Aria Skysuites.  Our trip to Vegas to pick up this Voucher is written up here: Storytelling through food. We spend $0 ‘gambling’ because actual casino gambling, no matter how savvy you think you are, is throwing away money. 
mLife Gold Complimentary Cruises
mLife Math & the bet, the ROI, and the next step
Introduction to Manufactured Spend: at Sea Edition
Aria Sky Suites, a Bromance made in heaven
The post Learning when to let go of free appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 https://proshoppingservice.com/learning-when-to-let-go-of-free/ from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.tumblr.com/post/183722193639
0 notes
garkodigitalmedia · 6 years
Learning when to let go of free
One of the hardest lessons to learn in travel hacking is knowing when to let go of a trip, particularly when it is ‘free’.
Recently, we took another gamble on Vegas.  For new readers (or those who didn’t keep up with this) when we ‘Vegas’ we don’t gamble in the same way that others do.  To the casual observer, gambling means taking some money, putting it in a slot machine or table game, and hoping for the best (regardless of card counting ability).
We approach the gamble very differently.  My upside is not connected to winning or losing money, but whether the event of gambling triggers enough Comp to come out ahead of either financial result.  If I lose $5000 but ‘win’ $50K in comp, I’ll take it.   For those who MS, compare this to the guarantee of paying ~$7 to buy and liquidate a gift card that earns you $25 vs paying ~$0 to Kiva but knowing that there will be an element of randomness to the fee you pay.
Our latest gamble didn’t pay off.  We were offered a free cruise on RCCL, but could get no further details.  It could be a 7 night on the biggest, sparkliest ship in a suite (spoiler alert, it wasn’t), or 2 nights cruise to nowhere on their oldest tug boat. We wouldn’t know until we went to the booth to pick up the certificate.  We rolled the dice.
Controlling the narrative
We stacked the odds in our favor by controlling the narrative of the trip. Rather than it being about going to Vegas to pick up the Certificate, it was about a nice vacation that incidentally involved us walking past this booth, and maybe hitting the Jackpot.  We used points for flights (outbound in First Class because we wanted to control the flow of the vacation) the room was comped, and we had several hundred in free money from MGM and Caesars to spend on food.
In the end, because we focused on spending the free money wisely, and willingly spent real money outside of those chains to experience things that mattered, the trip turned out really well. This offset the loss on the certificate.
Close, but no cigar
Our offer from MGM for RCCL
We came close to picking a 4 or 5 night cruise that visited Cuba, as we haven’t been before. I even took the step of seeing if we could work around RCCL’s Partial Cruise rules that specifically cite Nassau as a hotspot port for cabotage:
If a passenger (as listed on a vessel passenger manifest) embarks in a U.S. port and the vessel calls in a nearby foreign port (such as Ensenada, Grand Cayman and Nassau) and then returns to the U.S., the person must disembark in the same U.S. port. A passenger who embarks and disembarks in two different U.S. ports (such as Los Angeles and San Diego) would result in the carrier (not the violator) being fined. The vessel must call in a distant foreign port before the U.S. embarkation and disembarkation ports can differ. The nearest distant foreign ports are in or off the coast of South America. If either the passenger’s embarkation port or disembarkation port is in a foreign country, then the provisions of this cabotage law do not apply. Nor do they apply in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The plan for this was to find an itinerary that touched base in Cuba first, to clear Cabotage, then disembark in Nassau to stay at Atlantis (also for free) before flying NAS>JFK non stop. It would be a good example of how we splice together travel these days:
JFK>FLL on ‘whoever is the cheapest in pts’
Feb 16th: Would need 1 night hotel pre cruise (to keep stress low)
Feb 17th embark 4 Night cruise, but exit in Nassau
Several nights at Atlantis, and home to JFK 
(the cabotage issue would be that ‘short hops’ outside of the US require you to re-enter the US at the same point you departed, so a nonstop to JFK from NAS might be an issue.. Cuba might address that, but Cuba also isn’t the best Country to be leaning on to help clear up US immigration concerns… oh, and incidentally I’m currently exploring Naturalization, so that would be a factor).
Letting go of free
It was almost a great trip. The cruise fare for two would be taxes and fees only, so around $230, but once you add in the 3rd guest, and the onboard gratuities, we would be around $800-900.  Also, the ship wasn’t that sparkly.  I might pay $800-900 to experience the Oasis Class, but for the older ships, I didn’t think it great value.  
I understand that to someone else, it would be great value, but the final piece for us was that we really want to see Cuba, so the alternative option of flying nonstop JFK>HAV and spending a few nights in Cuba seemed a lot more immersive. There was a lot of fluff and waste with the cruise, so despite it being a deal compared to paying full rate, it wasn’t a deal to us.
The decision increasingly includes the following:
If we’re going to a destination to see it, does the ‘free’ trip cover the bases, or is it only somewhat OK? Traveling even to somewhere close like Havana takes a fair amount of time (driving to/from airports+flights+whatnot) so it is important to us to visually walk through how the vacation would feel. Perhaps it would feel fine on a cruise in some cases, but in others, and when the price is already perhaps more than immersion, the ‘free’ option doesn’t fit.
Factors on why our thinking may differ from yours:
Demand/Load – we have other options.  The cruise gig is now totally out of hand where we could book at least 8 cruises in the next 6 months to basically anywhere in the world.  While it is hard to do, especially with a new line like RCCL, something has to give else we will just be on vacation permanently.  If we had no other cruise options, I think we’d likely go for this one, but at some point, we had to say no.
So.. we didn’t hit the jackpot in Vegas this time around, but we learned to say no to free. When doing so, we also agreed that we could risk losing Atlantis too, as it wasn’t a good time to travel right now.  The next challenge for us is whether we can say no to the gamble. IE, if we are offered a similarly obscure ‘free cruise’ if we go to Vegas, will we decline unless they give us the details, or will we roll the dice again?  
Here’s some posts on what I’ve been doing on the gambling stuff, so you don’t have to search for it.  For those following, our offers are now down to 3 nights in a room vs suite, and $50 in F&B, and I am now getting marketing from Circus Circus vs Aria Skysuites.  Our trip to Vegas to pick up this Voucher is written up here: Storytelling through food. We spend $0 ‘gambling’ because actual casino gambling, no matter how savvy you think you are, is throwing away money. 
mLife Gold Complimentary Cruises
mLife Math & the bet, the ROI, and the next step
Introduction to Manufactured Spend: at Sea Edition
Aria Sky Suites, a Bromance made in heaven
The post Learning when to let go of free appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 https://proshoppingservice.com/learning-when-to-let-go-of-free/
0 notes
garkomedia1 · 6 years
Learning when to let go of free
One of the hardest lessons to learn in travel hacking is knowing when to let go of a trip, particularly when it is ‘free’.
Recently, we took another gamble on Vegas.  For new readers (or those who didn’t keep up with this) when we ‘Vegas’ we don’t gamble in the same way that others do.  To the casual observer, gambling means taking some money, putting it in a slot machine or table game, and hoping for the best (regardless of card counting ability).
We approach the gamble very differently.  My upside is not connected to winning or losing money, but whether the event of gambling triggers enough Comp to come out ahead of either financial result.  If I lose $5000 but ‘win’ $50K in comp, I’ll take it.   For those who MS, compare this to the guarantee of paying ~$7 to buy and liquidate a gift card that earns you $25 vs paying ~$0 to Kiva but knowing that there will be an element of randomness to the fee you pay.
Our latest gamble didn’t pay off.  We were offered a free cruise on RCCL, but could get no further details.  It could be a 7 night on the biggest, sparkliest ship in a suite (spoiler alert, it wasn’t), or 2 nights cruise to nowhere on their oldest tug boat. We wouldn’t know until we went to the booth to pick up the certificate.  We rolled the dice.
Controlling the narrative
We stacked the odds in our favor by controlling the narrative of the trip. Rather than it being about going to Vegas to pick up the Certificate, it was about a nice vacation that incidentally involved us walking past this booth, and maybe hitting the Jackpot.  We used points for flights (outbound in First Class because we wanted to control the flow of the vacation) the room was comped, and we had several hundred in free money from MGM and Caesars to spend on food.
In the end, because we focused on spending the free money wisely, and willingly spent real money outside of those chains to experience things that mattered, the trip turned out really well. This offset the loss on the certificate.
Close, but no cigar
Our offer from MGM for RCCL
We came close to picking a 4 or 5 night cruise that visited Cuba, as we haven’t been before. I even took the step of seeing if we could work around RCCL’s Partial Cruise rules that specifically cite Nassau as a hotspot port for cabotage:
If a passenger (as listed on a vessel passenger manifest) embarks in a U.S. port and the vessel calls in a nearby foreign port (such as Ensenada, Grand Cayman and Nassau) and then returns to the U.S., the person must disembark in the same U.S. port. A passenger who embarks and disembarks in two different U.S. ports (such as Los Angeles and San Diego) would result in the carrier (not the violator) being fined. The vessel must call in a distant foreign port before the U.S. embarkation and disembarkation ports can differ. The nearest distant foreign ports are in or off the coast of South America. If either the passenger’s embarkation port or disembarkation port is in a foreign country, then the provisions of this cabotage law do not apply. Nor do they apply in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The plan for this was to find an itinerary that touched base in Cuba first, to clear Cabotage, then disembark in Nassau to stay at Atlantis (also for free) before flying NAS>JFK non stop. It would be a good example of how we splice together travel these days:
JFK>FLL on ‘whoever is the cheapest in pts’
Feb 16th: Would need 1 night hotel pre cruise (to keep stress low)
Feb 17th embark 4 Night cruise, but exit in Nassau
Several nights at Atlantis, and home to JFK 
(the cabotage issue would be that ‘short hops’ outside of the US require you to re-enter the US at the same point you departed, so a nonstop to JFK from NAS might be an issue.. Cuba might address that, but Cuba also isn’t the best Country to be leaning on to help clear up US immigration concerns… oh, and incidentally I’m currently exploring Naturalization, so that would be a factor).
Letting go of free
It was almost a great trip. The cruise fare for two would be taxes and fees only, so around $230, but once you add in the 3rd guest, and the onboard gratuities, we would be around $800-900.  Also, the ship wasn’t that sparkly.  I might pay $800-900 to experience the Oasis Class, but for the older ships, I didn’t think it great value.  
I understand that to someone else, it would be great value, but the final piece for us was that we really want to see Cuba, so the alternative option of flying nonstop JFK>HAV and spending a few nights in Cuba seemed a lot more immersive. There was a lot of fluff and waste with the cruise, so despite it being a deal compared to paying full rate, it wasn’t a deal to us.
The decision increasingly includes the following:
If we’re going to a destination to see it, does the ‘free’ trip cover the bases, or is it only somewhat OK? Traveling even to somewhere close like Havana takes a fair amount of time (driving to/from airports+flights+whatnot) so it is important to us to visually walk through how the vacation would feel. Perhaps it would feel fine on a cruise in some cases, but in others, and when the price is already perhaps more than immersion, the ‘free’ option doesn’t fit.
Factors on why our thinking may differ from yours:
Demand/Load – we have other options.  The cruise gig is now totally out of hand where we could book at least 8 cruises in the next 6 months to basically anywhere in the world.  While it is hard to do, especially with a new line like RCCL, something has to give else we will just be on vacation permanently.  If we had no other cruise options, I think we’d likely go for this one, but at some point, we had to say no.
So.. we didn’t hit the jackpot in Vegas this time around, but we learned to say no to free. When doing so, we also agreed that we could risk losing Atlantis too, as it wasn’t a good time to travel right now.  The next challenge for us is whether we can say no to the gamble. IE, if we are offered a similarly obscure ‘free cruise’ if we go to Vegas, will we decline unless they give us the details, or will we roll the dice again?  
Here’s some posts on what I’ve been doing on the gambling stuff, so you don’t have to search for it.  For those following, our offers are now down to 3 nights in a room vs suite, and $50 in F&B, and I am now getting marketing from Circus Circus vs Aria Skysuites.  Our trip to Vegas to pick up this Voucher is written up here: Storytelling through food. We spend $0 ‘gambling’ because actual casino gambling, no matter how savvy you think you are, is throwing away money. 
mLife Gold Complimentary Cruises
mLife Math & the bet, the ROI, and the next step
Introduction to Manufactured Spend: at Sea Edition
Aria Sky Suites, a Bromance made in heaven
The post Learning when to let go of free appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8312273 https://proshoppingservice.com/learning-when-to-let-go-of-free/
0 notes
nicholerestrada · 6 years
Learning when to let go of free
One of the hardest lessons to learn in travel hacking is knowing when to let go of a trip, particularly when it is ‘free’.
Recently, we took another gamble on Vegas. ; For new readers (or those who didn’t keep up with this) when we ‘Vegas’ we don’t gamble in the same way that others do. ; To the casual observer, gambling means taking some money, putting it in a slot machine or table game, and hoping for the best (regardless of card counting ability).
We approach the gamble very differently. ; My upside is not connected to winning or losing money, but whether the event of gambling triggers enough Comp to come out ahead of either financial result. ; If I lose $5000 but ‘win’ $50K in comp, I’ll take it. ; ;For those who MS, compare this to the guarantee of paying ~$7 to buy and liquidate a gift card that earns you $25 vs paying ~$0 to Kiva but knowing that there will be an element of randomness to the fee you pay.
Our latest gamble didn’t pay off. ; We were offered a free cruise on RCCL, but could get no further details. ; It could be a 7 night on the biggest, sparkliest ship in a suite (spoiler alert, it wasn’t), or 2 nights cruise to nowhere on their oldest tug boat. We wouldn’t know until we went to the booth to pick up the certificate. ; We rolled the dice.
Controlling the narrative
We stacked the odds in our favor by controlling the narrative of the trip. Rather than it being about going to Vegas to pick up the Certificate, it was about a nice vacation that incidentally involved us walking past this booth, and maybe hitting the Jackpot. ; We used points for flights (outbound in First Class because we wanted to control the flow of the vacation) the room was comped, and we had several hundred in free money from MGM and Caesars to spend on food.
In the end, because we focused on spending the free money wisely, and willingly spent real money outside of those chains to experience things that mattered, the trip turned out really well. This offset the loss on the certificate.
Close, but no cigar
Our offer from MGM for RCCL
We came close to picking a 4 or 5 night cruise that visited Cuba, as we haven’t been before. I even took the step of seeing if we could work around RCCL’s Partial Cruise rules that specifically cite Nassau as a hotspot port for cabotage:
If a passenger (as listed on a vessel passenger manifest) embarks in a U.S. port and the vessel calls in a nearby foreign port (such as Ensenada, Grand Cayman and Nassau) and then returns to the U.S., the person must disembark in the same U.S. port. A passenger who embarks and disembarks in two different U.S. ports (such as Los Angeles and San Diego) would result in the carrier (not the violator) being fined. The vessel must call in a distant foreign port before the U.S. embarkation and disembarkation ports can differ. The nearest distant foreign ports are in or off the coast of South America. If either the passenger’s embarkation port or disembarkation port is in a foreign country, then the provisions of this cabotage law do not apply. Nor do they apply in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The plan for this was to find an itinerary that touched base in Cuba first, to clear Cabotage, then disembark in Nassau to stay at Atlantis (also for free) before flying NAS>JFK non stop. It would be a good example of how we splice together travel these days:
JFK>FLL on ‘whoever is the cheapest in pts’
Feb 16th: Would need 1 night hotel pre cruise (to keep stress low)
Feb 17th embark 4 Night cruise, but exit in Nassau
Several nights at Atlantis, and home to JFK ;
(the cabotage issue would be that ‘short hops’ outside of the US require you to re-enter the US at the same point you departed, so a nonstop to JFK from NAS might be an issue.. Cuba might address that, but Cuba also isn’t the best Country to be leaning on to help clear up US immigration concerns… oh, and incidentally I’m currently exploring Naturalization, so that would be a factor).
Letting go of free
It was almost a great trip. The cruise fare for two would be taxes and fees only, so around $230, but once you add in the 3rd guest, and the onboard gratuities, we would be around $800-900. ; Also, the ship wasn’t that sparkly. ; I might pay $800-900 to experience the Oasis Class, but for the older ships, I didn’t think it great value. ; ;
I understand that to someone else, it would be great value, but the final piece for us was that we really want to see Cuba, so the alternative option of flying nonstop JFK>HAV and spending a few nights in Cuba seemed a lot more immersive. There was a lot of fluff and waste with the cruise, so despite it being a deal compared to paying full rate, it wasn’t a deal to us.
The decision increasingly includes the following:
If we’re going to a destination to see it, does the ‘free’ trip cover the bases, or is it only somewhat OK? Traveling even to somewhere close like Havana takes a fair amount of time (driving to/from airports+flights+whatnot) so it is important to us to visually walk through how the vacation would feel. Perhaps it would feel fine on a cruise in some cases, but in others, and when the price is already perhaps more than immersion, the ‘free’ option doesn’t fit.
Factors on why our thinking may differ from yours:
Demand/Load – we have other options. ; The cruise gig is now totally out of hand where we could book at least 8 cruises in the next 6 months to basically anywhere in the world. ; While it is hard to do, especially with a new line like RCCL, something has to give else we will just be on vacation permanently. ; If we had no other cruise options, I think we’d likely go for this one, but at some point, we had to say no.
So.. we didn’t hit the jackpot in Vegas this time around, but we learned to say no to free. When doing so, we also agreed that we could risk losing Atlantis too, as it wasn’t a good time to travel right now. ; The next challenge for us is whether we can say no to the gamble. IE, if we are offered a similarly obscure ‘free cruise’ if we go to Vegas, will we decline unless they give us the details, or will we roll the dice again? ; ;
Here’s some posts on what I’ve been doing on the gambling stuff, so you don’t have to search for it. ; For those following, our offers are now down to 3 nights in a room vs suite, and $50 in F&B, and I am now getting marketing from Circus Circus vs Aria Skysuites. ; Our trip to Vegas to pick up this Voucher is written up here: Storytelling through food. We spend $0 ‘gambling’ because actual casino gambling, no matter how savvy you think you are, is throwing away money. ;
mLife Gold Complimentary Cruises
mLife Math & the bet, the ROI, and the next step
Introduction to Manufactured Spend: at Sea Edition
Aria Sky Suites, a Bromance made in heaven
The post Learning when to let go of free appeared first on Saverocity Travel.
* This article was originally published here
Source: https://proshoppingservice.com/learning-when-to-let-go-of-free/
from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.wordpress.com/2019/03/26/learning-when-to-let-go-of-free/
0 notes
watersports145-blog · 6 years
Marine Hot Water Heaters Blog Dept: How To Sail at Night
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Successful Night Sailing Tips
Raritan Engineering Company your marine hot water heaters suppliers would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding how to sail at night.
Your marine hot water heaters experts talk about how now that we're into the summer months, lots of you might want to stretch your skill set and do a bit of night sailing. It's a bit of a different animal so we've cobbled together seven things to keep in mind as you head off into the wild black yonder.
Dress accordingly
It may be obvious for some, but don't forget the big ball of yellow heat will be replaced by a cold little white ball that will not help the warmth cause at all. Your 12V water heater specialists talk about how your ability to enjoy the pleasure that a gorgeous night on the water can provide is directly proportionate to you being dressed for the environment. 
Carry a decent searchlight
Night boating involves becoming accustomed to the available light and acclimating to it. It's actually one of the cool things to experience during a sail in the dark, so constantly shining a spotlight like you were hand-holding your car's headlights is not where it's at.  
Check out our marine water heaters selection here at Raritan Engineering, where we always take care of your marine sanitation supply needs.
Stand a watch
Of course someone should always be keeping an astute lookout whenever the boat is underway, but this is hyper-important during the restricted visibility that night sailing involves.
Don't push
Many old salts attach a different attitude and mentality for night sails. During the day the fun might be to vigilantly trim and adjust, catch lifts, shift weight and monitor that knot-meter for that rewarding uptick – 3/10s of a knot – Yes! 
Make sure Waypoints are Clear & Safe
Most sailors rely on electronic aids to see them around the waterways and at night they become even more important. They can also, in certain situations, make things less safe. A few years ago, the famous Newport to Ensenada race reported their first deadly accident when a group of sailors ran into a small island off the coast of San Diego. 
Know the Light Patterns
Fortunately charts and boats are all set up for sailing at night so it's absolutely essential that the skipper and at least some of the crew know what the language of lights is saying out there. Your marine hot water heater distributers talk about how boats are equipped with lights situated in such a way that other boats can tell what's going on and charts are filled with light-related information that will clue mariners in on where they are.
Wear a PFD
We understand that not everyone wears their pfd for whatever reason – it's not comfortable, it's filthy from lying on the floor for the past month, it sucks away at your already limited sex appeal – we get it. We don't agree with the decision, but okay. 
So don't forget these helpful tips when sailing at night. 1) Dress accordingly;  2) wear a PFD;  3) know the light patterns;  and 4) stand a watch.
This Is A Sailboat And Those Are Sails
We are undeniably using up what little remains of Earth's petroleum, and because of that, it's getting expensive. To reduce fuel costs, shipping companies are turning back to sailboats. Yes, seriously. Sailboats. But they don't look like any sails you've seen before. 
Most sails you've seen rely on the wind directly acting against them to provide propulsion. But these new types of sails, known as “rotor sails” rely on a physics principle called the Magnus Effect. Here, I'll let the people with delightfully thick Finnish accents from Norsepower, the company that makes them, explain it:
Okay, so that video is more concentrated on how much money shipping companies can save with rotor sails over how it actually works. But you don't need a rotor sail to see the Magnus Effect with your own eyes. All you really need is a basketball and a really huge dam:
The spinning of an object – be it a Rotor Sail or a basketball – drags air around it as it spins. That creates an area of lower pressure on one side of the object, which pulls the object forward. 
By spinning, the rotor sails pull the ship they're attached to forwards, using nothing but wind power. With enough wind propulsion, ships can ease up on their engines, saving fuel. Ideally, the engines could be turned off entirely.
Your marine hot water heaters suppliers talk about how while all of this is seemingly magical and great, it's easy to dismiss the rotor sail as one of those fanciful technologies that you read about somewhere as a “concept” that never actually gets used. Sure, the Finns can put it on one ship, but that's usually it. 
The WSJ notes that Maersk spends over $3 billion on fuel a year, so a 10 percent reduction fleet-wide could result in massive savings, more than enough to cover the cost of up to €2 million of installing rotor-sails on a ship.
With the installation on the Maersk Pelican, there are now three vessels in daily commercial operation using Norsepower's Rotor Sails.
You always thought that in the future, we'd all be riding around on jet-powered ekranoplans.
Nah. We're going back to sailboats.
Order your marine water heater here at Raritan Engineering. We're your #1 expert in marine sanitation supplies.
via 7 Tips for Night Sailing
via This Is A Sailboat And Those Are Sails
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