#Entire Vulcan High Command x Reader
deepspacedukat · 1 year
This is it! The final installment of the SoC Challenge! 🥳 I know it's been a wild ride, but thank you so much to everyone who stuck with me through all this chaos! All of your encouragement and kind words have really been so uplifting, and I couldn't have made it through without you, my gentle readers!
So, a little context: this is an AU version of my OC, Kollos, when he was still a Minister of the High Command. This is not connected to any other story about him that I have written/will write. This is set in the ST:ENT part of the timeline prior to the incident with the Kir'Shara, and from what I gathered, there are somewhere between five and seven members of the High Command (four to six Ministers, plus one Administrator). That number could be incorrect, but from watching the show/scrolling through Memory Alpha casting info, this was the impression given. Anyway, enjoy this final installment of the 2023 SoC! Thanks for dropping by!
Day 31: Free Choice - Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, Facial, Come Swallowing
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Entire Vulcan High Command (ENT Era) x Reader, Administrator V'Las (ST:ENT) x Reader, Minister Kuvak (ST:ENT) x Reader, Minister Kollos (OC) x Reader, Other Unnamed High Command Ministers x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Everything is consensual!!!! Interspecies sex, Human/Vulcan sex, oral sex (male receiving), voyeurism, masturbation, spit-roasting, multiple orgasms, creampie, come swallowing, facial, Vulcans becoming aroused in a completely logical manner.
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Apprenticeships like this were practically unheard of. A Human student being allowed to train under a Vulcan scientist at the most prestigious academy on all of Vulcan was a first. I could hardly believe that out of all the applicants for the position, I'd been one of the three selected for this honor.
For two years, I lived and worked at the Vulcan Science Academy. T'Van, the Professor with whom I'd been studying and working, had been reluctant to participate in the program when he found out that he'd be paired with a Human student. As time passed, however, I'd proven myself to be intelligent and dedicated to my work.
T'Van pulled me aside a couple of months before I was scheduled to return to Earth to express his concerns.
"I cannot offer you an extension myself. However, I will encourage you wholeheartedly to request one from the Academy's Board of Directors. It would be...inconvenient to train a new apprentice," T'Van murmured, and I couldn't stop a small smile from stretching my lips.
"You can admit that you'd miss me, y'know. There's no harm in finding the absence of another being displeasing, especially one you've come to think of as a friend." He lifted an eyebrow at my insinuation, and to my surprise, he nodded his head.
"It would be...logical...to assume that your absence would be disconcerting. I have become accustomed to you," he admitted as he practically shoved a data PADD under my nose. "This is the correct set of forms required to request an extension. I have already affixed my signature in the appropriate places and taken the liberty of setting an appointment for you with the Board tomorrow morning."
"As you are only scheduled to be here for another two months, I trust I needn't remind you that time is of the essence." With that, he swept from his office, leaving me to ponder what exactly I needed to say to persuade the Academy's Directors that I deserved to stay.
The next morning came both too quickly and not quickly enough for my tastes. I said my piece with as much eloquence as I could muster, hoping that I'd done well enough to avoid an immediate rejection.
"You have some interesting theories, t'sai, and your accomplishments are not in question. However," the Vulcan in the middle of the group steepled his fingers as he spoke, "we do not have the authority to grant you an extension in this instance. Our receptionist will provide you with the correct set of forms that you will require to present your request to those whose authority exceeds our own. Should you be successful, the Vulcan Science Academy will be agreeable to your continued presence. Live long and prosper, t'sai."
The next group of officials I spoke with responded in nearly the exact same way, acknowledging my accomplishments, giving their apologies, and shunting me off to the department above theirs to become someone else's problem. After three more such instances, I was quite used to the placating words and abrupt dismissals that punctuated each of these meetings.
As my quest for an extension continued, I found more and more people looking at me in the hallways of the Academy. I had been an interesting sight to the Vulcan students and professors before given that I was a different species, but the day before my final meeting nearly two weeks later, I caught a phrase that made my eyes widen.
"...believe her next appeal will be to the High Command," a Vulcan woman said to her companion as T'Van and I walked through the hall to his office.
As soon as the door was closed behind us, I blurted my thoughts in a panic.
"What did that woman mean about the High Command?"
T'Van looked up from his desk with a raised eyebrow.
"You have exhausted all other bodies of authority. Your next appointment to request an extension is with the council of the High Command tomorrow. Were you unaware?"
After the professor's casual statement, the rest of the day was a blur. Right up until I got into the elevator in the building that housed the High Command's office, I felt a sort of detached calm as though it wasn't really me who was going to be speaking with the heads of the Vulcan government.
"You're the woman who's requesting an extension, right?" I turned to find a perky, blond woman standing next to me in the elevator. She was clearly Human, like me, and I felt a dim sort of comfort.
"Yes, but how did you...?"
"I work as a secretary to Ministers Kuvak and Kollos. My own assignment was supposed to be temporary, but here we are," she said waving a hand airily. "May I make a suggestion?"
I nodded my head, and she pulled a small bottle from the pocket of her robe.
"None of the Ministers are in happy marriages. They were all arranged for political gain or social status by their parents. Your best bet for getting that extension would be an appeal to their pride...and a little flirtation. A spritz or two of this pheromone enhancer wouldn't hurt, either," she said. "They're a tough room, but the few times I've seen them interacting with women who aren't their wives...well, let's just say they were much more agreeable with a little ego-stroking."
I accepted the spritz of seemingly-odorless liquid, and as the door opened to our floor, I couldn't help but let my curiosity rule my tongue.
"Thank you. I'm grateful, really, but why are you doing this?" I asked quietly as we walked down the long hallway toward a pair of thick double doors.
"Because, I know what it's like to deal with this planet's bureaucracy. It's a pain in the ass, and when we spoke to set up your appointment, I couldn't help but notice that you sounded a bit frazzled," she murmured as the doors hissed open.
There were a few desks in this space, two of which were currently occupied. A third stood empty to one side of the room, and it seemed to be my companion's destination. Not exactly knowing where to go, I opted to follow her. Setting my stack of PADDs down on an empty corner, I allowed myself a short pause to gather my thoughts and my courage.
Admittedly, the thought of flirting with the Ministers to better my chances had crossed my mind - Vulcans were quite attractive - but before Jana suggested it, I had dismissed that as a possible solution. Surely people in such important positions would be even more stoic and disgusted by such blatant attention?
"Alright, the Ministers are ready for you now. Good luck." How long had I been standing there lost in thought? Mentally shaking away my nerves, I strode to the door leading to the council chamber and watched as it slid open before me.
"Come in, t'sai," a surprisingly warm voice called from the center of the large room that lay before me. A tall, broad Vulcan man with graying hair stood behind a long, highly-polished desk. I recognized him as Minister Kollos from the rather hurried research I'd done the night before.
He took his seat along with the other four Vulcans, only two of whom I recognized. Administrator V'Las, a harsh-looking Vulcan sat dead center, and to his other side was Minister Kuvak. The two younger Vulcans flanking the two ends of the desk were a mystery, though. I remembered their faces, but I couldn't quite put names to those faces.
"We have convened to hear your appeal for an extension of the duration of your apprenticeship with Osu T'Van at the Vulcan Science Academy," Administrator V'Las called as he folded his hands in front of him. "You may begin when ready."
Taking a deep breath as I walked farther into the room, I launched into the speech I'd given repeatedly over the past two weeks. handing each of them a data PADD with the relevant information as I spoke, I made my statement as quickly and concisely as possible.
"Your accomplishments cannot be denied, but forgive me...it sounds as though you have rehearsed this several times," Kuvak said with a hint of amusement sparkling in his eyes.
"Ah, that would be the result of having given that speech to five groups before you. Administrator, Ministers, I was hoping that, given your combined wisdom and logic, this little request of mine could be sorted out rather easily," I said giving the most attentive of them all, Kollos, a small, hopeful smile. "You are my last hope. Surely there's a way we can resolve this situation today...?"
Truthfully, I was probably being a little too obvious with my praise, but in my social encounters with Vulcans, I found that it was sometimes necessary to lay it on a bit thicker than normal. I could have been imagining things, but I could have sworn that a faint, green blush was rising in his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
"T'sai, we have already heard and denied the appeals of both the other candidates from your selection pool," Administrator V'Las intoned from his seat at the center of the long table. His cold, steely blue eyes watched dispassionately as I took a steadying breath. "What makes you believe that we should rule differently in regards to your case?"
Okay. Okay, not all hope was lost. The other two apprentices were men. I was familiar with them and their unfortunate personalities. They likely came in here brimming with arrogance and puffed-up theories which had no logical basis. They likely assumed that they would be granted the extension they sought once the Ministers recognized their brilliance. I needed to use a different tactic.
"I have no logical reason to believe that I deserve to stay more than the others. I do, however, believe that this council is wise enough to distinguish between a theory concocted of assumptions and one based on solid research. Each of you gentlemen has an achievement-filled career prior to your current appointment. To accomplish everything that you have and also serve your people in so selfless a manner...I must admit that I admire your dedication," I stated, allowing my eyes to skim over each in turn. Minister Kuvak looked practically stunned. "I only hope that one day, I will be able to say that I attained even a fraction of your success, and I firmly believe that my continued apprenticeship with Osu T'Van will be instrumental in giving me the best chance at accomplishing that lofty goal."
There was silence for a long, tense moment, then came the rustling of fabric. Minister Kollos stood and made his way around the polished wooden table, pausing only a few feet in front of me. How was one man that broad? His robes were clearly tailored to hug his figure closely, but really, the further reminder of how much he towered over me made my breath hitch.
"You present a convincing argument, t'sai," he said in a voice as deep and smooth as top-shelf whiskey. "We will deliberate and inform you tomorrow of our decision."
Wait, it was over already? Throwing caution to the wind, I took a few slow steps closer to him and bit my lower lip.
"Thank you for your consideration, osu, but...is there anything more that I could do to convince you to decide in my favor?" I asked looking up at him and batting my eyelashes as my fingertips brushed lightly over the back of one of his hands. Kollos's eyes widened, but he didn't protest or move away. His jaw clenched, and his gaze darkened significantly. "Anything at all...?"
"T'sai...you needn't feel pressured to take such actions," Kollos stated, but he didn't move away. The other Ministers likely had a good view of how scandalously I was touching a member of the Vulcan government.
"We would likely rule in your favor regardless of your personal persuasion," Kuvak called, but despite the concern on his face, there was hunger lingering in his gaze, as well.
"If she feels the need to seduce us to make certain of our decision, who are we to stop her? Proceed, if you wish." Administrator V'Las posited as he leaned back in his chair. Minister Kollos's free hand turned my head back toward him and he looked somberly into my eyes.
"You don't have to do this." His voice was barely above a whisper, but the vehemence in his voice made up my mind for me. The two younger Ministers who sat at either end of the long table seemed to have no opinion on the matter, choosing instead to defer to the wisdom of the three more experienced members of the High Command.
"I want to, osu," I replied firmly, and in a flash, Kollos had spun me around, pressed my back against his front, and curled his fingers with mine.
"Are you quite certain that you know what you are doing?" Kuvak called as he shifted in his seat. "Humans are fragile–"
Kollos's warm breath caressed my neck, and a quiet moan escaped me. Any further protests Kuvak might have had were silenced and replaced with slow, hungry exhales.
I vaguely noted one of the younger Ministers ordering the whole council's schedule cleared for the next two hours.
"Is this what you originally planned to do when you made this appointment with us, girl?" V'Las called as he stood and made his way over to us. I couldn't bring myself to answer. Kollos's hands had already begun to wander, divesting me of my robes and exploring my curves as his colleagues watched. "Look at me."
Opening my eyes - I hadn't even realized that I'd closed them - I found the head of Vulcan High Command breathing heavily and palming the growing bulge in the front of his robes. Once I was fully nude between them, V'Las freed his erection and guided one of my hands to grasp him.
"Make yourself useful, then," he growled, and I looked up at him as innocently as I could.
"Wouldn't you prefer my mouth?" Both men let out a groan, and soon I was speared between them. The broad-shouldered Minister Kollos thrust into me from behind, grasping my hips tightly so I wouldn't fall, and Administrator V'Las grasped my hair, pushing himself farther and farther into my throat.
Moaning around the lok in my mouth, I fell apart when Minister Kollos rubbed my clit in quick, deliberate circles. V'Las practically shouted his release moments later, shoving himself deeper in my throat as he came.
When he finally pulled away, Kuvak appeared before me looking both concerned and aroused.
"Are you alright?" He murmured, but instead of answering, I pressed a soft kiss over his own clothed erection. After a split second's indecision, he began fumbling to free himself. Grasping his hand as I took him into my mouth, I relished the skill in Minister Kollos's fingers.
He brought me to orgasm twice more before he spilled himself. Kuvak came a moment after him, and I swallowed his pleasure. The sound of hurried footsteps made me open my eyes. The two youngest Ministers, who had until a moment before been stroking their lengths to the show before them, now stood in Kuvak's place and groaned as erupted.
Hot ropes of their come splattered across my cheeks, and after a few quiet murmurs of gratitude, it was over. Kollos helped me to my feet, handing me a cloth to clean my face. I was attempting to replace my clothing in some semblance of the order it had been in prior to our tryst when V'Las spoke.
"T'sai, I think I speak for all of us when I say that should you need any other requests granted in future, you need only come to us and we shall ensure that you are not refused," he paused, "assuming that we have more sessions like today's, of course."
Kollos laid his hand lightly on my shoulder.
"You are not obligated to agree to that. We would grant your requests whether or not we repeat today's activities," he said with a glance of reproach at the Administrator.
"And you will receive your official extension notice this evening," one of the two younger Ministers called.
"I appreciate your concern, Ministers, but I'd be more than happy to come back do this again," I replied. They all seemed rather pleased to hear that.
As I made my way back toward the elevator, a familiar head of blond hair appeared next to me. Jana looked like the cat who got the canary. Clearly she'd guessed what happened.
"I'm just going to assume you're getting that extension. So...knowing how much the Ministers appreciate a steady routine, should I set up an appointment for the same time next week?"
Vulcan Words:
t'sai = lady (title)
osu = sir (title)
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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queenlyfae · 2 years
HEADCANON: You’re Captain Christopher Pike’s Feral SO
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Captain Pike x Female Reader
Authors Note: this was partially beta read but 100% written on my phone
◦ Really?
◦ You.
◦ No really, you?
◦ This is Captain Christopher Pike of the USS enterprise and you’re… you.
◦ When the discovery heard that Captain Pike long time SO (or as he told Michael ‘I have a Lady, she means the world to me and I had to pull a lot of strings to bring her over from my ship to here.”) was coming over from the Enterprise, they were expecting… not you.
◦ This got told to your face multiple times, especially by Tilly, not even questioning why she was helping carry your stuff to the captains quarters until she was halfway back to her own quarters and then she was like ‘…wait’
◦ Tilly’s your favourite, tbh.
◦ As Paul Staments once said when the entire ship realised you were Pike’s SO:
“it’s nothing against you, it’s just that you’re… you and Captain Pike is Captain Pike. When you think of who Captain Pike’s Lady would be, you think of someone very… Pikey. Not… you.”
◦ (If you imagine it in Anthony Rapp’s voice it makes total sense and doesn’t sound bitchy at all)
◦ In the crews defence, at no point did you or Pike ever attempt to correct them or let them know who exactly Pikes SO was.
◦ They just knew you came over from the Enterprise, that’s it.
◦ No one’s exactly sure what you do, like one moment you’re working with the ship’s Botanists and they’re like ‘oh okay’, and then the next moment you’re spelunking down a turbolift shute becuase Tilly’s gotten stuck in one.
◦ Even Spock not sure what you do. Do you know how hard it is to confuse a Vulcan?
◦ it’s actually Not that hard but now’s NOT THE TIME
◦ Then people starting seeing the two of you interact, usually in the form of you complaining as Pike took your second, third, it’s only my fifth if you’re going by binary numbers, caffeinated drink from you in the mess hall, shooting you a smile and a comment about how he doesn’t need his crew members all wired up.
◦ And because of well, everything about you (your lack of height, seemingly permanent babyface, etc etc), everyone just assumed that maybe you were a ensign of some sort that he felt a kinship too and was attempting to mentor through the command training program, because clearly you’re a ensign right?
◦ …Right?
◦ Oh, you’re a commander?
◦ *censored*
◦ You being Pike’s SO isn’t even a remote possibility, which is weird because you would think that they would suspect something, considering you’ve left the CAPTAINS QUARTERS IN DAYLIGHT HOURS IN FRONT OF OTHER CREW MEMBERs
◦ Also that one time you sat on Pikes lap during a party one time but everyone thought it was because you were tipsy and nobody noticed the way his hand was resting super high on your thigh and you could get away with it because ???
◦ It’s not until the one MINOR explosion that lands you in medbay and when the Captain hears about you getting some minor shrapnel to the leg and suddenly he’s running to medbay, pale as a ghost, and suddenly people realize this isn’t some weird mentor/mentee relationship but rather some weird romantic relationship.
◦ I mean, they didn’t realize something until you started getting into a very loud argument with him.
(it’s not uncommon for you to start arguments you’re a very argumentative person)
anyone passing by medbay that day saw you on the bed, yelling at him, while he stood there, hands on his hips, dumb smirk on his face like he’s turned on by it.
◦ He kinda is, not going to lie.
◦ Then Someone, yelled something about inches, and that’s when it clicked all across the ship.
◦ The man goes into double digits let’s be reasonable here.
◦ Jett Reno’s been suspicious of you two since the beginning, and it was pretty much confirmed for her one night when she ran into you and Pike stumbling out of his ready room with slightly messy clothes, giggling like teenagers, but it wasn’t her place to say
◦ Which again, begs the question- you?
◦ I mean he’s Captain Pike, he’s like the poster Boy Scout of Starfleet.
◦ You can usually be found scowling in the background somewhere, clutching your beloved caffeinated drink, a scowl on your face, usually grumbling about idiots as you diffuse yet another crisis.
◦ you also don’t like people, really.
Okay you don’t like MOST people, besides Pike, and that’s… questionable most days.
Pike said something about having some tramua from childhood you still need to resolve but idk
◦ Also you drink hot sauce on its own who does that.
So while you could usually be counting on for helping out the various groups and units on the ship, the only person you really opened up too on Discovery was Pike.
How you and Pike became a couple no one, not even Pike, are not really sure.
Okay Pike knows how but his mother raised him to be a gentleman and a gentleman doesn’t discuss dirty laundry.
Unless it’s with Spock and they were really drunk on Klingon Blood Wine and he felt so guilty about it afterwords he swore Spock to secrecy.
Spock does tells it to Kirk and Bones years later because he doesn’t understand why you and Pike were a thing really.
They don’t either tbh
So it’s a understatement when theres a unspoken rule formed shortly after you arrived was that no one got between you and your food.
If someone needed you for something and you happened to be eating during that moment, they could wait.
Even Pike knew not to mess with you unless it was like the entire crew/universe was at stake (and if that was the case he’d get you to get your food to go because in Pike’s words ‘you get bitey when you’re Hangry.’)
◦ That is until some jackass in engineering made Tilly cry over a minor mistake she made, and the day you hear about it, you’re having lunch.
A lunch you’ve been talking about looking forward for six weeks because Pike got his hands on some Bajorian argendi sandwiches for the crew, and it’s not everyday that you get bajorian argendi sandwiches.
Sometimes Pike will make one for you but that’s only after you do that one thing for him, and the last time Chris even thought about asking you to that one thing, it gave Spock a month long migraine so it’s been a hot moment for the two of you.
◦ You have a vanilla latte, a banjorian argendi sandwich on mapa bread, and a new bottle of hot sauce in front of you.
◦ The one thing that would make this day perfect is if you had someone’s you know what to look forward too later but THATS NOT THE POINT
◦ But then Tilly comes into the mess hall, trying and failing to hide her tears right as you’re pouring hot sauce on your argendi sandwich.
◦ You see this and everyone else goes quiet when with a sigh, you push your sandwich away and you walk over to her, and ask if she’s okay and you take her for a walk to talk about it.
◦ When asked about it, Tilly just smiles and makes a joke about how she underestimated Pike’s… girlfriend? Wife? Life partner?
◦ Again what are you?
◦ Jett Reno later sees you dressing down the crew member that made Tilly cry but again, not her place to say anything, she says, as she retells it though with glee.
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Spock x reader (5) --> italics are Vulcan
tw: injury, swearing, death mention
“I told you not to send a team!” Jim’s angry voice snapped through the medbay, though you noticed the tiredness lilting at its edges. “Lieutenant Y/L/N is not a team Captain.” Spock spoke calmly, but there was a deep fear echoing under it. “Nor did I send her.” “Well, you didn’t stop her either,” Jim snapped, and you squinted your eyes open, pain and memory coming flooding back to you. “Would you prefer you’d died over there, Jim?” Bones snarled, and you could hear his tricorder beeping as he ran it over a patient. “You’re both alive.” “Barely!” he answered. You could almost see the pout. “Oh for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, not even trying to move. “Both of us have been worse off than this in Iowa, Jim. And you and I both know that no one and nothing would or could ever stop me from coming after you.” “You’re awake!” You heard scrabbling to your left, then Spock and Bones both protesting. 
“Don’t injure yourself in the medbay. I’m already in the bed beside you,” you scolded, as Jim’s face swam into your vision. He smiled, softly, at you, and you moved your uninjured arm up to grasp his hand, grinning back. “How many times do I have to save you for you to learn this self-sacrificing bullshit isn’t going to work, brother?” He rolled his eyes, laughing, before Bones ushered him away, instructing Spock to ‘take the idiot back to bed if you insist on hanging around my medbay’. “Welcome back to the world of the living,” he said, drily, reading through the stats on your biobed. “Gave the lot of us quite a scare there.”  “Please, Dr McCoy,” you smirked, mischievously. “If you can defy death, you can manage a simple shot wound.” He glared down at you, but the fondness in his eyes melted the heat too much to drop your smile. Giving up, he sighed, tapped something on the monitor in front of him. “Let me know if the pain gets worse,” he said, as he began to move away, “I’m trying to keep the painkillers as low as possible, but if you’re in pain we’ll have to up the dose.” You reached for the little control panel on the side of the bed and propped yourself up, feeling the bandages around your chest tighten. Spock and Bones both stood beside Jim’s bed, interrupting their whispered conversation to glance over as your bed whirred into life, then looking back as Jim said something that caused Spock to fall entirely silent for several beats.
You narrowed your eyes at them as the conversation ceased, and Bones moved away to another patient. Jim looked over at you, grinned, nudged Spock and hissed something at him. “James,” you warned, raising an eyebrow at him. “What are you torturing the poor Commander with now?” “I don’t torture him!” Jim protested, as Spock turned to you, with a polite nod. Jim shoved him from behind and he began to move towards you. “I cannot promise I will be the best company,” you smiled, softly, to him. “However, I’d like to think I’m better than that.” You gestured to Jim. “Hey!”  “Are your injuries bothering you too much, Lieutenant?” Spock asked. You tilted your head, watching him curiously. There was a nervousness behind his eyes that you hadn’t seen before. “They’re not so bad,” you smiled, gently, twisting your own fingers together, the memories of your actions on the bridge filtering through your mind. “I did not mean to offend you with my actions earlier. I apologise for putting you in such situation, especially in front of our colleagues.” He faltered, furrowing his brow. “You did not offend me, Lieutenant,” he stated, mildly confused. “I must admit, Commander, that I worked very closely with Ambassador Selek on New Vulcan,” you offered, wondering if he had only now noticed that you could read his expressions. “It has made it easy for me to interpret your thoughts and emotions based on minute changes in your expressions.” “I am aware,” Spock stated, calmly. “That was not the source of my confusion.” His comm beeped, loudly. “I must return to the bridge. I am glad to see you healing, Lieutenant.” He strode out of the hall, leaving you staring after him in utter confusion, as Jim yelled exasperatedly after his retreating form.
“So, kissing on the bridge, now?” Jim teased, as you and he rested in his quarters a week later. Bones had reluctantly discharged you both, provided you shared quarters for another week to keep one another under supervision. “Emotions were running high, okay?” You flushed, banging your head back against his headboard. “I didn’t mean for–” you waved erratically, “–whatever this is to happen.” Jim chuckled, softly, and leaned back beside you. “I thought after so long with Vulcans you’d realise they’re all a little constipated about showing their emotions,” he said, easily. “Oh he showed what he was feeling pretty clearly,” you sighed, closing your eyes. “I’m not sure if you could tell, but he was practically radiating discomfort.” “That’s because he was very much out of his comfort zone,” Jim responded, immediately. “He’s not exactly someone to immediately read signals that you like him. In all likelihood, the first time he thought you looked at him romantically was before you left the bridge.” 
“You mean when I kissed him,” you deadpanned, closing your eyes. “On the bridge. In front of our colleagues. And then ran off with no further explanation.” “Ok, that may not have been your best idea,” he conceded. You opened one eye to glare at him. “But he knows how humans are. When tensions run high, poor decisions are made. He probably just thinks you were panicking and don’t like him that way, which is how he likes you, so he’s avoiding making it awkward.” “I think it’s pretty awkward when we’re literally not speaking,” you pointed out. A tugging that had lurked at the back of your head since you’d left to rescue Jim made itself known again as you said that. “Face the facts, Jim, he’s probably avoiding me because I made him uncomfortable but he doesn’t want to hurt my frail human feelings.” Jim growled, exasperatedly.  “Why won’t either of you believe me when I say you’re both hopelessly in love with each other?” A knock at the door punctuated his sentence, and you clambered to your feet to answer it. “Ah, Lieutenant.” You almost wished the floor ate you alive. “I was just looking for the Captain. I can come back later.” He turned, but you grabbed his clothed wrist, making him look back at you, raising an eyebrow. “I was just leaving, Dr McCoy wants to see me in medbay,” you lied, stepping out the door to allow him to enter. “Jim’s inside.” You scurried away, as quickly as the aching in your chest allowed.
“What t’hell are you doing, wanderin’ ‘round on yer own?” Scotty scolded, as you rounded a corner and almost ran directly into him. “Spock needed to talk to Jim,” you mumbled, quietly. “I was going to wait in medbay until they’re done.” Scotty rolled his eyes and took your arm, leading you towards the medbay. “Ye cannae avoid him forever, lass,” he pointed out, shrugging. “Oh, not you too,” you groaned, as the medbay doors swished open in front of you. “Why am I the only one who’s accepted that Spock hates me because I put him in a very uncomfortable and inappropriate position in front of the crew?” “Before Jim dragged me onto the bridge to fight with Spock, I honestly didn’t think the man was capable of hatred,” Scotty responded, shrugging. “If he can still tolerate...if he can still see Jim as his best friend, even after all the shit that went between them, then I highly doubt there is any chance of him hating you.” “Hatred or not, I make him uncomfortable,” you responded, stubbornly, as Bones approached. A sudden jolt of surprise flew through you, and you frowned, wrinkling up your nose.
“What’s wrong? Where’s Jim?” Bones demanded, frowning. “Speaking to Spock,” you muttered, as Bones pointed Scotty and you towards a biobed. “Oh, so you ran away again.” There was almost a smile on Bones’ face. “I’ve never seen a man so in love and so utterly lost by your complete avoidance of him. It’s a dire situation when the Vulcan comes to the one man on board known for a less successful love life than his for advice.” The medbay doors swished open, but only Bones bothered to look up. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you sighed, rolling your eyes. You pressed your fingers to your temples as the tugging grew adamantly more aggressive. “I’ve had this conversation three times, with three different people. Spock doesn’t like me, and he most certainly doesn’t love me. I just make him uncomfortable.”  “It appears there has been a misunderstanding between us, Lieutenant.” You honestly could’ve dropped dead at that very moment, as you glowered up at a smirking Jim with such force that you would’ve taken him with you if you had. “Scotty, Bones, I hear we’re needed on the bridge.”
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musikat18 · 7 years
The Room Where It Happens (Jim Kirk x Reader Part 5)
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That Would Be Enough (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5- you are here)
Pairing: AOS Jim Kirk/Reader (mentioned)
Warnings: A little bit of angst, some recap mentioning injuries and death, some mentions of Bones-being-Doctor-MacGyver
A/N: So, I’ve figured out where I want this to go, and I think there may be two or three more parts. Hopefully these last few parts will leave you satisfied with all the build-up. :) Enjoy!
“Y/N? Hey, come on. Open your eyes, it’s alright.”
You swung as hard as you could with your right hand through the murky state you were waking up in.
“Fucking hell, that’s a nice thank-you!”
When your vision adjusted, you realized that it was not one of the attackers who had found you, but just Bones. 
“Sorry,” you said sheepishly, “reflex reaction.”
McCoy rolled his eyes in that loving way he usually reserved for you and Jim, before opening the hatch above his head. The light from Altamid’s sun blinded you momentarily, but your eyes quickly adjusted. You pulled yourself up and out of the crashed ship, and Bones took your hands to help you to the ground. 
You began studying your surroundings almost instantly; Bones had crashed your three into a trench-like rock formation too high to climb and find high ground. The land seemed to be clear at the moment, but you weren’t sure how long that wound remain true.
Three, you remembered. Spock had been injured.
You turned around to see Leonard helping pull Spock from the wreckage. If at all possible, his wound looked even worse; there was now a piece of debris lodged in his side.
“Y/N, can you find-”
“-I’ll look for something to stop the bleeding,” you ducked back inside, trying to look for anything to help McCoy. You frantically ravaged through the ship to find some sort of medical kit. After tearing apart the panels and parts of the entire interior, you emerged, frustrated and sweaty.
“There’s no medical supplies on board. The soldiers inside must not be expected to try to save themselves if they crash and burn.”
You didn’t want to think about the further implications of the lack of med supplies on the lackey ships. Leonard either didn’t hear you or was more concerned about the bleeding Vulcan on the rock in front of him. You stood back quietly and let him work; you liked to watch the med crew, sometimes. Their work was more delicate than yours, and as a security ops, you certainly appreciated it (though perhaps not as much as the engineers).
“All good, boys? Because we should head for cover,” you said. McCoy lifted Spock’s arm over his shoulder and began to follow you toward the rocks.
“Any insight on who or what those bastards could be?” McCoy asked.
“I wish. Their technology is so vastly different than anything else we’ve seen...I almost wish I’d stayed on the bridge...to hear what Kalara knew about them.”
“I know,” he said. He didn’t look at you.
“Leonard,” you said softly, “we can’t save everyone. I’m sorry I made you leave that guy behind back there.”
He doesn’t respond, but you can tell that the lost crew member isn’t what’s on his mind.
“That looks dark and dangerous,” McCoy assessed the shadowed shelter that the three of you had stumbled upon. You raised your eyebrows at him as Spock looked over the entrance.
“We don’t have a ton of options, and we need to make sure we have cover by nightfall.”
“Doesn’t stop it from-” Bones grumbled, but Spock made the clear command decision by venturing forward.
“Two against one,” you bounced with a smirk and followed behind the Vulcan commander.
“And we’re going in.”
“It is only logical that we find shelter, Doctor,” Spock explained in his usual even tone. “Our chances of survival will increase greatly, thus increasing the likelihood that we are able to locate any other survivors and devise a plan of rescue.”
“For the missing crew members or us?” you raised your eyebrows and looked around the small, round structure the three of you had entered. It was plant-like in composition, with odd markings along the ceiling and what looked to be the remnants of circuitry.
“...Preferably both,” Spock noted. You whirled around at the sound of Spock grimacing and clutching his side. McCoy quickly rushed to the Vulcan’s side and lowered him to the ground. You swiftly pulled off the lower part of your left sleeve and wrapped it around Spock’s torso, trying to prevent any more external bleeding.
“It’s the adrenaline, it’s wearing off,” McCoy sighed and sat against the wall. “He’ll be quiet for a while.”
You let out a huff as you sat beside the doctor. The two of you stared at the unconscious Vulcan; the silence was palpable.
“I still wonder, you know...what you said to Jim before you left the hospital that day,” Leonard said, so quiet that his gruff voice was barely a whisper. “He made it sound like you hated him.”
“I can’t hate Jim,” you pulled your legs to your chest and rested your cheek on your knees. “I couldn’t hate him if I tried.”
“That makes two of us,” he chuckled, sounding empty. “What I would’ve given to be in the room where it happened.”
“What, the room where our best friend was recovering from literally dying? I couldn’t wait to leave.”
“I guess that’s not exactly what I mean...I just thought that you would have been bursting at the seams to see him.”
“I-it was complicated. I don’t know if I could explain it in an easy way.”
“You love him,” he shrugged, and you were somewhat surprised. “I saw the way you looked at him...the way you’re scared to now. Then you were put in a position where everything you loved about him became the one thing that might have taken him away forever, and you got scared. It happens to all of us.”
“And you say you needed to be in the room to understand,” you laughed sadly.
“I’ve...been there before.”
You sighed, “I know, your divorce, everything that happened. I’m sure it was aw-”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
You sat up straighter and turned to face your friend. He was looking at you with soft hazel eyes, and you knew.
“Jim wasn’t the only one Khan hurt, you know that,” he said. “It’s my medbay, I still had to confirm your prep for the rescue operation from your injuries. And your little spat with the Romulan wasn’t a picnic, either. But it was a little before that, if that’s what you mean. I’m sorry. I don’t wanna confuse you.”
You cast your eyes to your boots, trying not to be overwhelmed by all that had happened in this one crazy, emotional day. Chewing on your lip, you focused on keeping your breaths even. Bones didn’t offer anything beyond a pat on the arm; his considerate gesture of restraint almost pushed you over the edge. 
We will find Jim, you tell yourself.
I will go back to Yorktown, and everything will be okay.
Tagging: @mrkrychek @wonders-of-the-enterprise @insposcollective @7minutes-tomidnight @kaitlynw011 @justapieceofgeekytrash
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
Begin Again - Part 3
Well, welcome to the next part. Let’s see how Koss handles his new acquaintance.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Part 1 here. Part 2 here.
Koss (ST:ENT) x Reader
[A/N: There will be smuttier stuff in later chapters, but this is going to be a slow burn.]
Warnings: Mild angst, mild pining, mentions of nudity, Koss is oblivious, so is the reader, cultural differences, mildly suggestive language.
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Koss straightened his tunic and readjusted his grip on the bottle in his hand. Pressing the Ensign’s door chime, the architect prepared for an entirely new experience: dinner with a Human.
Under normal circumstances, offering food and drink was considered an overture in Vulcan society, but the Ensign had made it quite clear that this was simply her way of repaying a debt. He’d come to two realizations once he’d accepted her invitation.
The first was that he was disappointed that she hadn’t meant the invitation to be an overture in the first place. The second was that he had no logical reason to be disappointed over the former revelation. She was Human. He doubted any overtures or flirtations on her part would be intentional.
Their species were so different. Commander Tucker had made that quite clear when Koss met him. What troubled him was why he would be disappointed about the lack of flirtatious intention on her part. It implied an investment in her attentions that he simply didn’t have. He couldn’t.
He wasn’t quite certain whether this meal would be a positive event or a negative one. He’d heard quite a bit about Humans from others of his species who’d worked with them or encountered them, and everything brought him to the conclusion that Humans were chaotic. Even the Ensign’s behavior with I’Tol had been unconventional. He still needed to ask her about the strange way she’d been speaking that morning.
When the door slid open, however, Koss caught sight of a pair of bright eyes that quickly wiped his mind blank. All potential topics of conversation and relevant comments he could make were swept away by the sight of his new neighbor smiling up at him.
What an odd phenomenon. He’d never experienced this sensation before.
“Hi, Koss! Come on in,” the Ensign said stepping aside to let him pass. With a polite nod, he stepped through the doorway and into the house that had been meant for a very different resident. Knocking those memories away with a swat of his suppression techniques, Koss stood a little straighter.
“I have brought a small bottle of Vulcan port. From what I have been told, our alcohol is stronger than yours, so I would recommend caution. While Vulcans do not drink often, we do make exceptions for special occasions. I thought it logical that we share a drink to welcome you to your new home,” he said offering her the bottle. The vintage was a good one, a fact that was due, in no small part, to his father’s former position in the High Command. He still wielded enough influence to obtain rare items from time to time.
Her eyes lit up, and Koss felt an odd constriction in his lungs. He could find no reason for his reaction, so he pushed it aside as she graciously accepted the port. When she went to retrieve glasses for them both, he took the liberty of examining her living space more closely.
There were a few small decorations in place, but it was quite clear to him that she had come here mostly with her clothes and just a few small mementos. There was, however, a prominently-displayed, framed image of her with Captain Archer, Ambassador Soval, and an Andorian with whom Koss was unfamiliar. One of the Captain’s hands was ruffling the Ensign’s hair while she leaned jauntily against the Andorian’s shoulder. Standing beside Archer, Soval seemed almost amused by their behavior. This was a rare photograph indeed.
“That was the last day I was aboard Enterprise. The Captain and Commander Shran wanted to give me a proper sendoff before I was stationed here on Vulcan with Soval.” Koss looked up to see the Ensign mere feet away holding two glasses. He hadn’t meant to be so obvious about his curiosity, but there was no logical reason to deny it now that she knew.
“I see. You appear to be close with your former shipmates.” Koss observed, turning to gauge her reaction. A fond smile stretched her lips.
“Yeah, we went through a lot together. These last few weeks have been an odd transition. I keep expecting to turn a corner in the Embassy and see Commander Shran or the Captain,” she admitted with a sheepish little laugh. “I know that’s not logical, but I got used to being around them.”
Koss followed her over to the table where she’d set two places.
“If I may ask, your previous career with Starfleet and your current occupation in the Embassy seem...very different. What made you desire the transition?”
“Oh, well, I actually started out at the Vulcan Embassy on Earth. My father had become acquainted with Soval through his work there, and I ended up learning diplomacy from both of them. My formal training was followed up with personal tutelage by Ambassador Soval, and when the Xindi situation arose, he recommended that I be placed on Enterprise,” she explained as he took a seat. Retrieving a few full bowls from the kitchen area, she laid them on the table as she continued her story. “I stayed on Enterprise until a couple of months ago, because that seemed like the best place for me at the time. Then Soval told me about an open position in the new Earth Embassy here on Vulcan. I jumped at the opportunity. Even though I made a lot of friends, life on a starship wasn’t exactly what I signed up for when I started my training.”
Something sparked in his memory. He’d been acquainted with Soval for quite some time.
“I assume you were the promising young apprentice the Ambassador mentioned several years ago. He speaks quite highly of you.” She paused in the middle of laying out dishes of food to look at him in surprise.
“Really? I always thought I fell rather short of his expectations,” she murmured almost to herself. Seemingly shaking herself out of that thought, she took her seat. “I had no idea that you knew the Ambassador. Apparently, everyone knows everyone here. Soval said he even knew the architect who designed this place.”
Halfway through opening the bottle of port, Koss glanced up at her. Did she not know? Curious about her opinion, he raised an eyebrow as he poured their drinks.
“I didn’t know what you liked, so I made a few different things. Plomeek soup is to your left - I got the recipe while I was on Enterprise. Pok tar is in the center. This is my first time making that particular dish, so I can’t promise how traditional it is. The dish on the right is one from Earth called a Caprese salad.”
Her explanation was impressive. He hadn’t anticipated that she would go to such effort over a simple meal.
“It was quite unnecessary for you to go to such lengths, but I am grateful. Thank you.” Vulcans were taught not to complain as a guest at someone else’s table, so usually that meant suffering through a single dish, no matter how unpleasant.
“You’re very welcome,” she said as Koss served himself some of the pok tar. She poured a ladle of plomeek soup into her bowl.
“If I may ask, in regards to your new home, how would you assess the architect’s work?” Hearing truly honest feedback was a rare opportunity. If she didn’t know she was speaking to the man whose work she was critiquing, then she wouldn’t be afraid to tell him things she might not say to him otherwise.
“Well, I have to admit, I don’t know anything about Vulcan architectural norms, but this place is beautiful. A lot of thought and careful attention went into the layout and details of this home.” Koss sat a little straighter, trying not to seem too obviously pleased about the praise. “I wish I knew who they were so I could thank them in person for all the hard work they did and ask them a couple of questions.”
“I believe I can assist you. I am the architect responsible,” he stated, and her eyes widened. She froze with her spoon of plomeek soup half lifted to her lips.
“You? Oh, Koss, I had no idea or I would’ve come talk to you about it sooner.” She had obviously been curious about certain design points since she moved in, because, at an amusingly rapid rate, her questions came spilling out.
Holding up a hand and very nearly cracking a smile, Koss succeeded in halting her questions just long enough to attempt to answer them. Despite her earlier protestations about her lack of knowledge of Vulcan design, she was able to compare a few elements to some intriguing Human architectural parallels.
Once her curiosity was satisfied, the Ensign was able to answer a few of his questions regarding her own species’ designs. As they ate, Koss made a mental note to conduct further research on the topic the next time he had cause to travel to the Embassy. He had a few contacts there who would find it agreeable to obtain a few data PADDs for him.
“How have you found the transition between Earth’s climate and Vulcan’s? I have heard that Earth is quite different.” Koss changed the topic just as they were finishing off the last of the Caprese salad.
“I have to admit, that’s been the only really difficult change. Even Enterprise’s environmental controls were set to be similar to that of Earth. Vulcan is much hotter,” she explained. “Outside of showering, it’s been a little difficult to cool down.”
“Has the temperature of the underground spring been of no assistance to you?” At his question, she tilted her head. “Surely you were informed of the cavern below?”
“The what?”
Koss froze in the process of setting his empty glass back on the table. Had the Ambassador neglected to tell her of the most important feature of her new home? Had she been living here for nearly a week without any relief from the heat?
“May I show you?” He offered, and she eagerly accepted. Since they were both done with their meals, Koss stood and led the way to a door that was almost hidden behind the staircase.
Using the control panel, Koss opened the door for her and activated the lights for the stairwell. The descent was long, but not overly so - just enough to put the two of them well below the ground. When they neared the bottom, the light was much dimmer, but it soon gave way to a smooth, carved stone passage leading to a large, natural cavern. Embedded in the dark stone along the way were streaks of bioluminescent crystals which shone so brightly that additional lighting wasn’t needed to navigate.
A quiet gasp came from his companion when she caught sight of the sparkling pool of clear water before them. The crystal deposits were visible even from below the surface of the swirling liquid. A small waterfall came from the back wall of the cavern, keeping the pool filled with cool water.
The whole cavern wasn’t filled solely with water, though. A large swath of smooth, natural rock formations surrounded the spring, and against the wall to the left of the entrance they’d used was a small gathering of furnishings that Koss had set up long ago. There was a mass of soft cushions, a small comm unit in case one needed to answer a signal, and a small cluster of candles that Koss used to meditate. A small cabinet sat at the side which contained clean, dry towels.
He swallowed silently, not giving voice to his regrets regarding his original intentions for this space.
“Oh my god, I’ve been missing out on this? It’s breathtaking!” His new acquaintance exclaimed as he watched her step carefully into the space. Shoving the past aside, Koss allowed himself to focus on her reactions. “It’s too bad that I didn’t think to bring a bathing suit down here with me. It’d be nice to cool down after how hot it was today.”
“What is a...‘bathing suit’? I’ve never heard that term before.” Koss’s brow furrowed, and she turned to look at him with wide eyes.
“It’s...well, it’s a garment you wear when you go swimming,” she said, but Koss just raised an eyebrow.
“Vulcans do not wear any clothes when we swim.” Rather alarmingly, her cheeks darkened several shades and she looked away from him. Had he said something to embarrass her? “Forgive me if I overstepped. Does the subject of nudity embarrass you?”
“No, it’s a natural thing, I...guess I just didn’t expect to be discussing it tonight.” Her voice shook just enough to concern him. Before he could ask her about it, however, she changed the subject. “Where does that lead to?”
On the far end directly opposite where Koss and the Ensign stood was a twin staircase carved in the stone.
“Just as your home has access to the spring, so does mine,” he answered before showing her how to access the panel to the communications unit in case she needed it. “If you prefer privacy for your use of the spring, I’m certain we can work out a schedule. Usually, my own use of this space is limited to evening meditation, but that does vary occasionally.”
“Oh no, I’m perfectly fine being down here with you. I don’t require extra privacy unless you do.” His stomach performed a startling little flip when she tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. The words he was about to say were seemingly caught in his throat.
Clearly he needed to make an appointment with his physician. He must be unwell.
“Neither do I,” he eventually choked out as he mentally tamped down several less-than-appropriate thoughts. “Forgive me. I have taken up enough of your time. I will take my leave of you now. Thank you for your hospitality this evening.”
“No problem. It was my pleasure, Koss. Thank you for allowing me a chance to get to know you better,” she replied with a bright smile.
He gave her a polite nod of his head before bidding her goodnight, carefully stepping around her, and making his way toward the opposite staircase.
Later that evening when he was meditating, Koss couldn’t find peace. His mind kept returning to his evening with the Ensign. She’d proven quite definitively that Humans were more witty and charming than he’d thought they could be. Rumors about Humans being barbarians were seemingly just that: rumors - unfounded gossip started and perpetuated by those who had not taken the time to get to know the people whom they were so summarily judging.
Commander Tucker had suggested that Koss broaden his horizons, and his opportunity to do so was now his next-door neighbor. Perhaps one day she would even consider him a friend. Her disposition was clearly gentle enough to allow for such a closeness to develop.
And her eyes... They were even more arresting than he remembered them to be from his previous encounters with her. Every time he allowed his own eyelids to close, all Koss saw was her smile and the joy in her eyes when he’d told her that he was the one who designed her home.
Giving up on meditation after a long hour filled only with daydreams, he set an appointment with his doctor for the next day and attempted sleep. Clearly, he was ill in some way if a simple smile was enough to unsettle him this severely.
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Spock x reader (3) --> italics are Vulcan
“Commander, I was informed that the laboratories are in need of an additional officer,” you queried, rapping singularly on the door of the science department and glancing in at Spock, examining what appeared to be some form of eucalyptus. “I am afraid you may have been given false information, Lieutenant,” he stated, looking up at you with a furrowed brow. You growled, irritably, turning away. “Thank you for your honesty, Commander. I believe we both know where I will be going, now,” you answered, preparing yourself to storm down the corridors. “I cannot condone such an unwise action,” Spock answered, and you once again recognised his hand on your clothed wrist. It had become almost expected that his hands rested on your sleeve, brushing against you lightly in corridors or on the bridge. You brushed it off as an attempt to gently reintroduce the casual physical contact which was consistently lacking on New Vulcan. “Given that you are already here, may I ask your help with the away mission I am currently planning? We have been informed that there may be injured fauna close to our landing site, which poses both moral and tactical dilemmas.”
“Spock! Y/N!” Jim summoned both of you to his chair, waving his PADD around, dramatically. “May I ask why Y/N has been assigned to an away mission two days before her probation ends?” “My probationary period ended last Friday, Jim,” you frowned, in response. “You’re a week behind. And I was selected because the indecisiveness which you are so irritated by made me the most qualified candidate. I have science, medical, and tactical training which allow me to deal easily with injured fauna, as well as communication skills if necessary.” “There is meant to be no intelligent life on this planet,” he answered, raising an eyebrow at Spock. “Nevertheless, Captain,” Spock chimed in, placidly, “In light of our previous experiences, there is a projected 79.4% chance that an unexpected situation, involving either dangerous climatic conditions or alien lifeforms will occur. Lieutenant Pike’s skills make her the most qualified candidate for adapting to an alteration to our schedule.” “If we work by that logic, Y/N would be on every away mission,” Jim huffed, rolling his eyes. “Indeed, Captain,�� Spock responded, tilting his head, “Overlooking extenuating circumstances, Lieutenant Y/L/N would be a useful asset in most situations.”
“A useful asset,” you mused, flopping onto Jim’s bed as he clattered through his bathroom.  “That’s high praise from Spock,” he pointed out, emerging topless and wrapped in a towel. “Oh. You weren’t complaining.” You grinned up at him. “The last Vulcan who said anything even close to that was Selek,” you answered, as he pulled on a pair of pants. “And that was after six months of slaving over reestablishing the entirety of Vulcan society on a different planet.” “Ok, I get it,” he laughed, throwing himself onto the bed beside you. “You’re ecstatic. Which totally has nothing to do with the not-crush you don’t have on my First Officer.” You slapped him with a pillow. “Shut up. I’m done talking about that absolute non-thing with you. Or anyone.” You smiled despite yourself. “What’s today’s idea to get both of us into trouble?” He grinned, blue eyes lighting up with mischief. “Are you wearing socks*?”
“Scotty! I finished the repairs in the artillery bay!” you yelled, hurriedly wiping grease from your hands. “I need to get to the bridge!” “Aye, one sec, take those,” he emerged from under the console he was mending to wave vaguely at a pile of folders on the desk. “And tell yer pesky brother ah wan’ due warnin’ before our next inspection!” “I’ll be sure to pass on the sentiments” you smiled, snatching up the reports and sprinting for the turbo lift. You dodged Hawkins on the way up with a brusque nod, before skidding into the lift next to Hendorff. You greeted him, with a smile, before quickly forcing your knotted hair into some semblance of neatness, tucking any stray strands out of your face.
“Permission to enter the bridge,” you requested, not waiting for Jim’s response. You smiled at Uhura as she stood to take her break, and danced over to place a warm kiss on Jim’s cheek. “I have a present for you, Captain.” He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, making your grin widen as you dumped the reports on his lap. “Courtesy of the Chief Engineer. I believe it could be considered revenge for the short notice on that inspection. The amount of burns I got scrambling for last minute repairs that weren’t even urgent is unholy, James.” “Ooh, full name, someone’s in trouble,” Bones laughed, broadly, as he entered the bridge. “Permission to enter the bridge, Captain? Granted, Bones,” Jim mimicked, under his breath. “Spock, is there something else I need to do with these reports or can I send them to filing?” “I would recommend a thorough check for...unorthodox language, prior to filing,” Spock answered, rising to join the gathering around the Captain’s chair. “I checked them,” you offered, easily, skittering away to your chair to avoid the errand-running. “They should be up to scratch.”
“Up to scratch?” Spock questioned, tilting his head. “Apologies, Commander, I am beginning to use human idioms again,” you replied, turning back to him. “I have always had trouble with them. They should meet the desired standard for submission.” Spock hummed, curiously, and furrowed his brow. “Are you alright, Commander?” “Quite, Lieutenant,” he responded, with a brief nod. “Simply curious. Often these idioms make very little sense even to those saying them.” “I find the etymological origins can be quite helpful in understanding their use,” you agreed, nodding, “Up to scratch, for example, comes from several sources in which humans used a mark to indicate a required standard or position, but the primary use is from early boxing matches...recreational fighting, when a contestant was required to walk to the mark in a certain period of time to avoid defeat.” Jim and Bones stared at her, blankly, but Chekov and Sulu just smiled, shrugged and turned back to their stations. “Fascinating,” Spock nodded, once, then turned back to his place. “Thank you for your explanation, Lieutenant.” “You just had an entire conversation in Vulcan interspersed with Fed Standard,” Jim pointed out, scrunching up his nose. “Why not just Vulcan?” “Well, since the Commander understands both languages, rather than taking long pauses to find a translation for specific idioms, such as ‘up to scratch’ or ‘boxing’, it is easier to say the equivalent in Fed Standard,” you shrugged, crossing your legs beneath you, and running your fingers along the hem of your trousers. Jim opened his mouth to respond, but your earpiece hissed to life with a bell from the comm.“We have a transmission coming through from a Klingon starship.” You were almost alarmed by how calm your voice was, your smile dropping entirely. Bones cursed, as Jim gestured for you to play it.
*Inspired by Sock Skating by @coyoteimagines, which is an amazing piece of work thank you so much.
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