entomolog-t · 2 months
You know what I wanna see??
Borrower stories where the human isn't just your everyday citizen.
Borrowers who realize they're living with a particularly dangerous psychopath, a spy, some mystical being they didn't realize existed, a mad scientist, ANYTHING.
I want the borower to feel like the normal being compared to whatever frick frack is going on with the human.
I want it to be incredibly weird when they meet.
Like both of them catching the other in the act of something they definitely weren't supposed to see. Both of them being utterly baffled by one another.
Forget the single sided "human realized borrowers exist"
I want a duel sided ball drop moment.
A killer caught in the act by a borrower-
An alien taking off their disguise and just hearing a tiny scream from under the furniture
A spy catching a tiny being rummaging through very confidential documents and immediately thinking this is some wildly advance spy tech
A scientist finding a tiny being staring in horror at the experiments locked up in their lab
A vampire getting caught drinking blood by a curiously tiny lil human
Goodness- I need WEIRD borrower stories.
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entomolog-t · 23 days
Here birdies, come get your breadcrumbs brainrot.
This ones pitifully soft for you guys.
Imagine a sizey dynmamic where they've just gotten used to eachother. My mind immediately goes to human/borrower given some cultural differences that could come into play but really this works with any sizey dynamic.
So the pair has gotten to the point where they're comfortable with touch. The borrower testing their limits, walking on them, sitting on them etc. They find hands especially comfortable with how soft they are.
The human is lounging on a couch, one leg handing off, and the borrower, instead of asking to be lifted up, just does things the borrower way and climbs their pantleg up. They go to walk up to the humans chest to strike up a conversation but fall short as they reach the abdomen.
It's soft.
Frankly unless the person is absolutely shredded to the gills, most body types are gonna have at least some softness, especially at that size, so this scenario can fit a myriad of body types.
They, possibly a bit too comfortable with the human, and not at all familiar with what might be a bit awkward, flop down saying something particularly embarrassing like "Oh- you are soft."
Maybe borrowers like softer/heavier frames, maybe due to their small size they don't hold weight very long- but regardless, they don't see the act as intimate or embarrassing (whichever avenue you're heart wants).
Perhaps the human is a bit insecure, or maybe its just something so out of the blue and oddly intimate that they are just flustered to max. They try to move their friend, but now that an area has been put off limits?? Its far more enticing to the borrower, who's now dubbed it their favorite spot.
"Noooo! It's comfy!"
The human is red. Face burning all the way up to the tips of their ears.
When they realizes it flusters their friend?? Even better. They get a little rise out of the way they squirm, not used to feeling like the one that holds all the chips.
UGH. Gimme.
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entomolog-t · 26 days
Ugh- new brainrot just dropped. I am dying for a shrinking story with some sort of established relationship (be it friendship, pining, or lovers) but just a long established relationship. So when one of them shrinks, the other takes zero care to not be scary, cause why would their friend ever be scared of them?? And to an extent, maybe they aren't. They're not scared of them, but they're scared of the magnification of their traits. The way they've always hugged so tightly, the way they always break their phone, the way they like to push and roughhouse and tease. Their friend has always felt big- but this is so much more.
Their friend doesn't handle the sudden shrinking with care. Perhaps they laugh, or immediately crack a joke. They've always been touchy, but this?? This is overwhelming to an incomprehensible degree.
They push at incoming fingers, nervously trying to keep calm. To hang into some shred of normalcy. Yet, as they're scooped of the ground, that shaky facade crumbles in an instant.
They're begging, pleading. Perhaps even inconsolable. Their friend stares down at their hands, stunned.
"H-hey" their voice is nervous "it's me-"
"That's exactly the problem!"
They go off. They tell them they're loud, or clumsy, or rough and how they're too much.
Their friend is pale, staring down at the shaking figure with sad eyes.
"You know I'd never hurt you..." but even as they say that, there's doubt on their face- thinking back to all the times they've tackled their friend, or dragged them about, or...
"You're scared of me?" They sound like they're about to cry. They've always been a lot- but their friend was someone that got them- that could handle them...
...but they didn't get them, did they? They'd been putting up with them.
They'd been tolerated.
They've never been soft- never quiet or doting... that's not who they were... but they were still good, right? Still kind? They could be gentle...
The tiny stares up, guilt and shame constricting their chest as they see the hurt plastered all over their friends face. This was painfully humiliating. Their own pitiful ego at fault- Why were they such a coward??
UGH?? LIKE DO YOU GUYS GET IT??? The angst if having to tell someone that you don't trust them at their most vulnerable because they don't act with vulnerability normally? They are kind and fun, but they never really give you proof of that nuturing safety??? And to be told that the person you cherish most is afraid of you?? Not because they're small- no, it's because it's YOU who'd big??
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entomolog-t · 1 month
Another weirdly specific brainrot is plagging me-
Imagine finding some item at a pawnshap/garage sale/thift shop, Maybe the item is a little figuring, maybe it's a book- whatever it is, the item is fairly small. Upon bringing it home, you start feeling weird. Your head hurts. Thinking it's a migraine, you grab the item and go to head to bed, only-
It yelps.
In a panic you drop it.
It screams.
At first you're quite freaked out, but upon realizing that the item is far more freaked out, you start to calm down. They, whatever it is they are, have been bound to that item, fully aware and conscious- able to feel and perceive, yet completely helpless and unable to do anything. Just an inanimate object. You're the first person that's been able to hear them. They're desperate for your help, though you can tell they're still terrified of you. You're huge to them, and they are quite literally unable to do anything except beg you be gentle.
It's odd, comforting an item, especially one so very terrified of you, but you do your best.
After some time, through conscious actions or random happenstance, you're able to figure out how exactly they're bound to the item- a small binding insignia scrawled on the surface of the item. All you'd need to do is interrupt the lines of ink and they'd be freed, returned to whatever body they came from.
Maybe you've grown close, and the notion of them leaving is sad, maybe the item is absolutely annoying and you're so very excited to get them out of your hair- whatever the case, you do it.
Though things don't work as expected.
They don't return to their body... in that, the item doesn't just go silent as the bound soul zips off to reunite with its body. No- instead, the item glows, taking on a human shape. It grows, but to your horror- it doesn't stop at 6ft. Not 7 or 8.... the once-object-now-person keeps growing beyond the limits of what's humanly possible. Are they 12ft? 20?? 50?? Up to you- but they're clearly far too big to be human, and suddenly, that feeling of powerlessness they once felt is now very unpleasantly relatable.
Is it a magic mishap? Are they from another world? A different species? Perhaps they're dangerous, bound for a specific reason. Are they grateful? Annoyed? Angry???
Adhdjsfjdjd I just think there's so much odd potential from what is essentially a very odd size swap. Lots of potential for both angst and sillys and very unique fearplay, and that combo is my go to happy meal.
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entomolog-t · 1 month
I've been infected with a terminally stupid g/t brainrot.
Picture this- a borrower has their worst nightmare come true: they're spotted by a human.
Undeniably so- like right out in the open.
Though unexpectedly, the persons reaction is only mildly surprised. Like how one might go "Oh!" After finding a long lost item, or when a neighbor drops off a little gift. A strikingly mundane amount of surprise.
"Oh- you're here for the shoes, right?"
In utter disbelief the borrower just goes along with it. The human has clearly heard legends of various smallfolk. Bonus points if the human is heavily mixed/influenced by a ton of cultures (Irish fae, Iroquois little people etc..) but all their grandparents told them different legends/folklore so they have this weird Frankenstein belief system that's just WAY off base.
And somehow the borrower has let themselves get coerced into fixing shoes in exchange for fresh cream and loose change.
DOUBLE BONUS POINTS- at some point, the human accidentally lets their name slip and is convinced the borrower now owns them or something. The borrower is FULLY willing to take advantage of this.
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entomolog-t · 2 months
Absolutely stupid brainrot that's been plaguing me- a borrower with a massive e presence. Like, they're a tiktok thirst trap account/instamodel every one tries to collab with... and one day you just ... find them on your countertop like "Holy shit, it's [insert name here]" and they're just 4 inches tall and living in your drywall.
Bonus points of the person is just immediately like, "You're paying rent." And forces them to start taking sponsorships etc to help pay the bills.
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entomolog-t · 12 days
THIS POST from @littlescaryinternetguy gave me some potent brainrot.
Like all I can imagine is a little girl finding a fairy and just being so excited for whatever media version she has in her mind and it's just some gruff scruffy blue collar man who lectures her about talking to strangers, even if they're 3 inches tall (frankly, especially) and how it's rude to stare.
She keeps coming back to bug him with whatever it is he's doing for work, and he begrudgingly allows it, taking the time to teach her little bits and pieces about what it is he does- maybe silently judging her parents for not shower their six year old their fundamental knots or how to hold tools.
Now their caretaker (single parent? Aunt/uncle? Older sibling- you pick!) Is noticing they're acting strange- playing outside a lot, learning things they have no means of knowing- you name it. They ask them about it and the kid says something like "Oh! I'm not supposed to tell." Which like- as a guardian??? Alarm bells sounding off.
They give them the talk about not having secrets with other adults and get the kid to take them to go see this person, to which they meet a very annoyed little fairy who is definitely not going to be getting anymore work done today by the looks of it.
Bonus points if either the fairy or the guardian are immediately smitten with the other.
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entomolog-t · 4 months
Silly lil brainrot thats stuck in my head cause everyone's been talking about sizeshifters lately (AND I AM HERE FOR IT)
Just image a character looking for a roommate to help split rent, but their spare room is stupidly small. They put an add out, and get a few people coming by but no one wants that cramped of a bedroom, no matter how cheap they make it-
Until someone does.
They're frankly surprised- they figured at this point it was a lost cause but the person seems weirdly delighted??
They are overjoyed at the price too- and character A can understand their joy- given the size of the room they were getting desperate price wise.
A week goes by and everything seems fairly normal. They put a lock on their door, but that seemed pretty standard when you're moving in with a stranger. They're clean, friendly, and pretty fun to be around- just a little forgetful, but who isn't?
By the second week though, Character A is noticing some weirdness. B doesn't seem to eat... They never see them cooking, theres nothing in the fridge, and they don't seem to go out for food either.
When A brings it up B brushes it off, saying they have a minifridge in their room and a lil personal stove. It seems like a good enough excuse until A realizes they've never seem them do dishes. Ever.
By the third week A is convinced theres something weird about B. They have to do some repairs on B's room and when they go in they're just in shock. It looks even smaller than before- B having put bookshelves along almost every wall- but theres no books in the shelves. Its all...
Fantastically intricate rooms, ranging from something out of a fantasy castle, to influencer mansion type rooms. The longer they look, the weirder it seems though. The rooms are all connected- slides, bridges, ladders... Did they have a pet mouse or something??
Spying one room with a hamster wheel, A is convinced that B has the most spoiled pet in the world. Although... they never mentioned having a pet. Not that it was an issue, but A made it pretty clear that they should tell them if the have a pet in case of a fire or any type of emergency.
And then A sees it- or well, more accurately, doesn't see it.
They ... they dont have a bed??
Sufficiently weirded out but trying their best not to judge, A starts on whatever repairs they have to make, only to realize the project is not going to be a one and done job.
They let B know they'll have to go back into their room later this week and they work out a date and time-B assures them they'll be out of the house and will leave the door unlocked.
The day rolls around and when A goes to start the repairs they grimace. B forgot to leave their door unlocked. They really didn't have time for this. They give B a call, but it goes straight to voicemail.
With a sigh, they grab a credit card. It looked like a cheap lock anyways. Slipping the card between the door and frame they manage to bypass the lock with ease. It really was a cheap thing...
As they go to start the repairs, a little bit of movement catches their eye.
A small lump curled up under the covers of a massively luxurious bed.
Awe! So they did have a mouse!
and it slept under the covers?? Adorable.
It had to be pretty well trained if it didn't have any sort of actual cage? Maybe it was a rat? They could be pretty smart... though it was small.
Curiosity peaked, A pinches the tiny covers in their hand- not without noticing how incredibly soft and high quality they are- pulling the covers back.
A small hand rips the cover back, and they here a muffled
"Five more minutes..."
Eyes wide, they freeze, the world around them feeling frozen in this bizarre moment. A second passes. Then another.
The tiny figure in the bed bolts upright, head turning to A.
Their eyes lock in the most awkward dual realization.
"What are you doing-"
A interrupts them, holding up a tool.
"Repairs were today."
B nods, eyes wide.
"I uh... I forgot about that."
"BuT eNtO, DoNt YoU wAnT tO bE bIg?"
Yes obviously, but in this economy?? In the privacy of my own home I'll subsist for month off of 10$ in groceries thank you very much.
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entomolog-t · 4 months
My brain is rotted- absolute MUSH- over the thought of a sort of sci-fi Gulliver-esque scenario??
Through some space time anomalie a soldier/knight/gladiator/warrior/etc.. falls through a portal and is transported to modern times, except at a fraction of their size.
Just an absolute beast of a character who is now completely out of their element, dealing with not only size issues, but culture shock, technology as a whole, Maybe even a language barrier?
Everything is just so different from what they've known. Technology that seems like magic- fabrics and food that are more luxurious than anything they've ever experienced.
I have ZERO plot thoughts but GOSH this general theme?? Its got me barking.
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entomolog-t · 2 months
G/t idea: Isekai
So, what if when the main character of an isekai series gets sent to another world, they don't get special powers, but instead, they end up becoming a giant or tiny but even with their size, they're still strong enough to fight off monsters with their new size and its powers. They have to unlock it by leveling up
(Or if you want, the more they level up, the bigger they'll get)
OKAY I LOVE THIS! Adding this to drafts because EJGFDLUFF I LOVE IT.
I love the idea of level ups being tied to their growth?!!? Like Imagine getting into a bar fight and then walking out of it a foot taller??
Also I feel like there is so much comedy potential in them desperately trying to avoid leveling up because they just bought this outfit and they can't keep ripping through their clothes.
OOOH! And what about if they started out tiny??
My first thought is some high level fighter/magic wielder who initially saves them from something relatively benign. Especially if they're cold to the MC? Like acting like they're a nuisance for being so weak.
Perhaps the high level hero needs an assistant- like a squire or something or the MC has a useful non fighting ability (can speak all the languages? Able to see the stats of creatures or locate quests? Access a mini map? Or less "gamification" wise they're able to read and write English/common tongue and Latin (spells) and thats a rarity and super convenient for the high level hero). The hero is cold and demanding and can't keep a squire around with the combination of their attitude and the pace they work at, so they take advantage of the fact the MC can't safely be on their own and strong arm them into essentially being their assistant.
Slowly the MC overtakes them in size and power MUCH to the hero's annoyance👀
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entomolog-t · 4 months
GtWac Day 2: Prompt
I would go absolutely feral over an emotional size shifter with a sort of reverse dynamic. So instead of the typical - angry go big, sad go small, have that flipped.
The angrier they get, the more they shrink. If they're sad, they grow.
As for the other emotions?? Coin toss. Maybe when they're feeling cozy and comfortable they grow? Or when they're smug/confident they shrink?
Maybe thats just the way their powers manifested, or perhaps its some sort of curse- they lacked control over their emotions and were cursed to have some sort of built in regulator to keep them in check. Can't get mad at customer service if you're a whole 6 inches tall, now can you? Trying to just bottle up how much someone hurt your feelings? Try hiding those tears when you're 30ft tall. Get bigged, idiot.
What its like the first time it happens? How effective are they at controlling it? Did their friends/family/loved ones find out right away?
This is just such a fun concept to me???
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entomolog-t · 4 months
GtWAC Day 2: Bonus Prompt cause brainrot be rottin
More size shifter appreciation -
A size shifter with a great deal of control over their ability (the same way one would control their body- like yes you may "flinch" but aside from shock/fear/pain/exhaustion, your limb isn't going to move on its own) who is relentlessly simping over someone.
Like I'm taking that confidence that cannot be phased by rejection, baby I'd be so good to you, chasing after their love like a puppy dog kind of simping (A la Shoresy) and they are using the full breadth of their powers to aid in accomplishing this.
Did they just get their powers? Or did their love interest catch them in the act so its just like "welp, cats out of the bag, in for a penny in for a pound" ?
They're trying their darndest to fluster their crush. Growing large to lean over them- cue a cheesy pick up line about being a able to give a whole lotta loving. Maybe they say some goofy things trying to woo them like "Give me a chance baby, I'll change all your lightbulbs no step stool required. Please let me clean your gutters- who needs a ladder?"
Big, strong and tall isn't working?? They're shrinking down and playing the cute card "Baby, I can be your Teddy bear." Maybe they're ridiculously over the top- managing to hide themselves in gifts, or serving themselves up with dessert with absolutely atrocious pick up lines of being "such a sweet little snack"
Bonus points if the moment their love interest matches the energy they immediately just short circuit- shy flustered and completely smitten.
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entomolog-t · 2 months
Very stupid idea I can't get out of my head-
A more animalistic borrower/tiny getting stuck up a tree like a cat. Like human that you could almost forget about their odd limbs and tail, but animalistic enough that they have a tendency to act out of instinct.
The human is just at the base of the tree half laughing, half genuinely concerned, and the tiny is just clinging to a branch, embarrassed as can be, berating themselves mentally for having climbed up in the first place.
Alternatively, a shifter who can't control their shifting suddenly shrinking while trying to climb a tree??? ALSO GOOD.
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entomolog-t · 3 months
Joining the flood of new people here lol, been lurking for quite a while and I’m happy to start interacting with this incredibly talented community, yourself included.
Unrelated, if a group of borrowers were to get stuck/begin living in an unconventional building (not a house or apartment), what building do you think would be the most interesting?
I feel like I have become the welcoming committee at this point😭
Hello you lovely lurker!! I'm super excited that you're planning on interacting with the community!
(Also that compliment was so sweet of you !!)
Question wise I got a few answers that could be fun!
I wish I had the post on hand but I love the idea of a borrower getting stuck in a grocery store.
Though now that I'm thinking of it- I wanna see borrowers stuck in a zoo. Just Jurassic Park meets the borrowers vibes !!
Some Honorable mentions (all weirdly thematically similar)
Borrowers in a police station
Borrowers in a prison
Borrowers in a serial killers house
^ I feel like all of those could be combined too 👀
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