#Estie G.
nebunulcusentimente · 20 days
“N-ai nicio greșeală, cum poți fi așa corectă?
Îți iubesc defectele, adică ești perfectă.”
- Sper că ești bine - Sami G
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coldshrugs · 9 months
pairing: io laithe / estinien varlineau word count: 4.6k summary: [modern au] estinien meets io in a support group for grieving youths. set five years before this.
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Estinien is early—the first one in the room, as usual, even before Counselor Miounne arrives. It’s part of the ritual.
Hit the lights and dim them to three-quarters. Turn on the fancy instant coffeemaker, make sure there are enough of those little fucking pods for everyone. Sugar and powdered creamer too. Music on, some unobtrusive classical harp thing he doesn’t care for. Then he arranges nine chairs in a loose circle and, selfishly, puts the least squeaky one in his spot across from the window.
It helps, to do these tasks before their sessions. The work allows him to mentally prepare for this, because when is it easy to circle death’s drain for two hours?
With the space set up, he slings his backpack over his claimed chair and waits.
They stroll into the meeting in ones and twos. They make their coffee, ask about their weeks (in the casual way, where you’re supposed to answer “fine” even if it wasn’t; the real answers will come later). Eventually, Miounne enters and everyone finds a seat.
He isn’t great with names, but he knows a few by now. Lyse, the one with the sister and dad, and one of the youngest members. Leofard, the one with the mom. He knows all the faces though, and the one hovering by the door is new.
She’s tall, but slouching a little, crossing her arms like she’s scared to take up space or trying not to be seen. Inky blue hair is piled into a loose bun on top of her head, with long wavy strands hanging around her freckled face. Her eyes are bloodshot, almost too focused. She must be new.
As he watches her, her gaze cuts over to him—
“Estinien,” Miounne calls. His attention snaps from the girl at the door to his counselor. “Another chair, please?”
“Yeah, sure.” He quickly grabs one from the nearest stack, looking for a decent place to put it. Two kids slide their chairs apart so he can fit this one between them. Right in front of the window.
He sits again and Miounne claps softly, still standing in the center of the circle.
“Hi friends,” she says, more gently than usual. “It’s been a while since we’ve welcomed a new face, hasn’t it? I know we’re all capable of extending warmth and patience to those who need it, so let’s be mindful of that as we welcome Io to our group, okay?”
She gestures to the door, beckoning the new girl in. Io. He’ll try to remember that. He wonders who she lost and when, and tries not to wonder how. The how never matters anyway. Gone is gone.
“Welcome to Haven: Youth Grief Counseling, Io. Take a seat, just there, sweetie.”
Io sits down and Estinien regrets this seating arrangement; he’s lost the window view. She glances around the circle, her polite smile is a tight line. Her eyes flick to him once more, then back to the floor.
Miounne sits too. She claps one more time and they begin.
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Next week starts the same. His chin is in his hand, elbow propped on his bouncing knee as they arrive. Lyse. Leofard. New girl.
Leo takes his seat next to Estinien and leans over. Oh god.
“Estinien,” he whispers loud enough for almost everyone to hear. His eyes flash to the new girl making coffee by herself. “I found out what her deal is.”
“Happy for you,” Estinien says. That’s not his business. But he stupidly glances at Leo anyway.
“She’s like you. Total wipeout—we’re talking mom, dad, two younger siblings—about a year ago. Just now going back to school, apparently.” He looks at her again, taking a bold head-to-toe survey, and Estinien follows. She’s tall, willowy, and there’s something disciplined about her posture; the set of her shoulders feels intentional even in her depression slump. Her ears tilt, and he turns back around. Leofard is still staring. “Wonder what else she’s ready to get back into…” He winks at Estinien.
“Probably best to leave her alone. She’s not here to find a date,” he says.
Leo huffs in fake offense. “Well, neither am I but if it happens, it happens.”
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A month passes, one week bleeding into the next, and Estinien is always early to Haven. But someone is earlier today, of all days. The door is open, the light is on, and the chairs are in their circle.
Io is waiting.
He remembers her name now. It’s easy to remember the girl who hasn’t said anything in five sessions. It’s unusual, but understandable; they’re all strangers to her, and if what Leofard said is true, he’s impressed she’s showing up at all.
Estinien recalls what his loss was like a fresh wound—the anger throbbing in his chest, sobbing his voice raw for days, not eating or sleeping. He wouldn’t speak to Alberic at first, either. It feels so childish to him now. But looking at her… those feelings echo in his chest, and he is sharply reminded that grief doesn’t shrink.
He shoots her a courtesy smile as he starts the coffeemaker and CD player.
“Sorry about the shitty music,” he says as the sound of softly plucked strings fills the space. When he looks over, she’s staring at the floor again, eyes wide—that awkward “what the fuck” face—and his stomach flips. He said something wrong.
He takes his seat across from her, trying to bury the urge to wait on the bench just outside the room when his chair squeaks. Great. He takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes. To deal or not to deal? He is, unfortunately, too big for the noise to keep from happening and he can’t be annoyed for the next two hours. What does he care if she thinks he looks crazy?
He stands up and jostles the next chair, which is better but not great. He tries the next. Even worse.
“What are you doing?”
The rasp of her voice is so quiet that he doesn’t fully catch the words.
He looks up from the red plastic in his hand. “What?”
She looks like she wishes she’d not asked at all, rubbing a hand anxiously over her arm. She sighs. “With the chairs. What are you doing with the chairs?”
“Trying to find one that doesn’t squeak. I usually—”
“I took that one.” She glances up at him, grimacing, but there’s a light in her eyes. It’s the least miserable he’s seen her so far. She thinks this is funny. “Sorry. You can have it back.”
He puts a hand up when she stands. He’s not taking the chair from the sad girl. “Uh… no. No, you can take it. There’s probably another one that isn’t annoying as fuck, I’ll find it.”
“Then let me help you. It’s only fair, since I disturbed your whole—” she gestures slowly around the meeting room— “process.” God, her voice is in shreds.
He can’t say no when this is the first sign of life she’s shown in over a month, at least here. He nods. “Sure, if you want.”
They go through the chairs in the circle, then the others neatly stacked in the corner. They don’t really talk, besides simple directions: “I tried that one already,” and “will you pass me another,” and “holy shit, that’s the worst one yet.” Estinien is keenly aware of her shifting around him, slowly at first, and then with less hesitation. Finally, they find a chair that doesn’t creak when he sits or moves. It goes in his spot and they clean up the rest.
“Hey,” Io says, and the word is conspiratorial. She catches his gaze, and something about hers makes him feel like glass, like they almost know each other. Like he’s seen her before, a blurry smile littering the backgrounds of photos in the album he managed to salvage, only viewed in profile or half out of frame, obscured by the barely remembered vacation or birthday party in the foreground. He swallows as she reaches into her bag and pulls out a black marker. “Should we make sure we never lose these again?”
“Vandalism? In our therapy group?” He squints, shoving down the fondness she’s conjured in just a few minutes. “Do you even need to ask?”
She laughs, or tries to. It comes out weak and cracked as she crosses to his side of the circle and kneels beside him. She pops the cap off the marker. “It’s Estinien, right?”
He nods, “Yeah.”
“I’m Io. The other total wipeout”—she air quotes Leo’s label—“but you already knew that.” She scribbles a small “E” on the side of the chair then heads back over to her own, where she writes an “I.”
It’s almost time for group to start.
“Are you gonna talk about it today?” Estinien asks. It’s just them sitting directly across from one another, surrounded by empty chairs.
Io shrugs, and her body seems to fold in on itself. Making herself small again. “I don’t know. It’s hard to talk about it at all. I’ll try?”
“You don’t have to. But it does help, in a weird way.”
The others drift in at the usual leisurely pace, Miounne claps, and they begin.
First question: “How are you feeling today?”
They go in a circle starting at Miounne’s left. Some answers are simple, like Leo’s.
“Pretty good. I started planning a trip for fall break, somewhere I think Mom would’ve liked to see. I’m looking forward to telling you guys about the trouble I got into when I’m back.”
Sometimes there’s a follow-up, sometimes Miounne will let it hang. Estinien has no idea how she gauges that, but it feels right.
He’s third to answer.
How does he feel today? He picks at the frayed edge of a hole in his jeans.
“I’m kind of anxious today. I declared my major this year so everything feels… more real, I guess. I’m trying to study for a couple of tests next week but I read the page and it may as well be blank. Nothing sticks. I keep worrying I might…” He pauses. This is normally when he’d look out the window; when something heavy rises to the surface, it’s easier to look outside, but for five weeks, Io has been sitting in front of him. The broken habit means he shares less. But how can he encourage her if he can’t bend a little himself?
He looks up, and there she is—dark, curious, and strangely calming, her eyes burn a hole right through him. Behind her, the trees in the courtyard are starting to take on shades of autumn, gold and bronze intensified by the sunlight filtering through the leaves. It’s a view he can deal with. Io gives him an almost imperceptible nod.
“I worry I might let them down. It feels stupid to say out loud,” he laughs with a short snorted breath. “It’s always in the back of my mind though: what would they think of me now? What does this action mean to them? I guess it doesn’t mean anything and I should just study for the damn test so I can actually be someone they’d be proud of. Anyway… yeah, I’m anxious today.”
Miounne reclines a little in her seat. “Have you tried anything to help you study, to shift that focus on what your family would think towards something more current?”
He nods, looking from Io to Miounne. “Yeah, uh, I’ve asked a friend to join me. We’re going to try that today. He’s been pretty supportive since learning about all of this, and his grades are better than mine anyway. And I try to think about Alberic, my former guardian, I guess. I think he’d be proud of me no matter how I end up, so that helps.”
“Excellent,” she says, looking around at the others before spelling out the lesson. “Leaning on others is a great way to remind ourselves how loved and valued we are, especially when lower moods may make you want to isolate. Re-establishing bonds of friendship, or building new ones, helps bring your focus to just how strong your current support system is, or where it’s lacking. I think you’re doing that beautifully, Estinien. Thank you.”
He exhales, shying away from the praise and returning his focus to his frayed hem. Maybe that’s enough sharing for this week.
They keep going. Io is second to last, and though everyone expects silence by now, Miounne asks anyway.
“How are you feeling today, Io? Anything you want to share?”
He looks up again—will she actually say something today?—and she’s focused on him now. The room is empty again, except for the two of them in the empty circle. Fresh sharpie smell rising from their initials on the chairs.
“Hey,” she says, raising her hand in a little wave. “Sorry for being weird. I’m trying.”
“No such thing as weird in this room,” Miounne offers.
Io doesn’t look away from Estinien. She brushes a stray lock of hair from her eyes, and the tiniest hint of a smile pulls at the corners of her lips.
“I’m feeling okay today. As okay as I think I can feel right now, anyway. I cleaned my apartment this morning. And I’ve been working really hard on a piece for my school’s symphony showcase before fall break. I even invited some friends I haven’t talked to in… too long.”
“That’s wonderful, Io!” Miounne leans forward, elbows on her knees. “I read you major in music at RSU? What do you play?”
Her eyes fall to her lap. “Pedal harp. Mostly classical, but sometimes I make arrangements of new music, for fun.”
“Thank you for sharing today, Io. We appreciate the opportunity to get to know you.” Miounne moves on, and so does everyone else.
But Estinien is stuck on this one thing. His stomach ties itself in a knot. Without knowing, he insulted her, and then she helped him with the stupid chairs… And it doesn’t even matter, because she doesn’t know him. They don’t go to the same university, and the only things they have in common are their dead families and the two hours a week they spend in this room. He has no notions of being friends with her, and definitely nothing like what Leofard has in mind. Still, he can’t stop it gnawing at him.
The session wraps and he approaches Io before she leaves.
She turns to him, for once standing at her full height, and they’re almost eye to eye. The almost-smile is back, and that gnaws at him too. “Hey, thanks for the nudge earlier. You were right.”
“Yeah, well,” He fidgets with his keys. “I’m sorry for calling the music shitty. I didn’t know harp was, like, a thing for you.”
Her laugh is stronger than before. “Wait, are you serious? You had no way to know that, and I’m not the music police. You don’t have to like it.”
He shrugs. “Still not a cool thing to say. I mean, I only really know it from this place anyway.”
“Would you… want to come to my concert?” She asks slowly, then shakes her head. “That might be dumb. That’s all the way across town and we basically just met. I—”
A strand of hair falls into her eyes and his fingers twitch as she tucks it in with the rest. She’s still rambling when the words rush out of him before he considers them.
“Yeah, I’ll come.”
“—Oh.” Wide, surprised eyes blink up at him. “Okay, great! You can bring a friend, or a date, or whatever. I’ll bring tickets for you next week?”
Estinien pockets his keys. “Sure. I’ll see you then.” Despite his clumsy apology to someone who may as well be a stranger, as Io leaves, he feels the same wave of nostalgia from earlier. Some things are true no matter how you fight them.
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Estinien enters his dorm with two tickets in hand. Keys in the bowl by the door, backpack under his desk, shoes in the closet. He falls onto his bed with a little bounce, holding the shiny slips of paper up to the light.
“What took you so long?” Aymeric asks from his bed on the other side of the room. He’s reclined on a few pillows, and it looks like he’s alternating between two books. “I’m starving.”
Estinien shrugs. “Got caught up talking to someone after the session. She invited me to her concert in a couple of weeks. Wanna go?” He holds the tickets out for Aymeric’s inspection.
He looks them over, brows raising in slight surprise. “You actually want to go to this?”
“I don’t know, but I said I would.” Estinien sits up. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”
“Is she cute, whoever she is?” Aymeric lazily passes the tickets across the canyon between their beds. “Can’t see why you’d want to go otherwise. I mean, I definitely want to go, it sounds kind of fancy, but you… Hmm.”
“Shut up,” he laughs. There are other reasons, but the most important is making amends for being a dick, even by accident. “Her name is Io. She’s nice, seems cool now that she talks. She’s new to the group.”
“We can go, but you didn’t answer the question.”
“Look, it’s nothing like that. She even said I could bring a date.” Estinien places the tickets in his nightstand drawer, regretting the decision to ask for company.
Aymeric shakes his head and returns to his reading. “You poor, sad muppet. Order a pizza already.”
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They stand outside the theater in their untucked button-downs over jeans. Estinien hasn’t been on this campus before, but Aymeric has; thanks to an on-again-off-again thing with some miqo’te guy who goes here, they were able to find the place quickly.
“Are we meeting her before the show?” Ayms asks, scanning the crowd. He’s been eager to learn more about Io in the days leading up to this.
“Nah, she’s backstage, but said I could text her after. It’ll be quick. She has other friends coming, so I’ll just say hi.” It sounds simple enough, but anxiety prickles across his chest.
Inside, they find their seats in the front row of the balcony—a surprisingly nice view.
“Not bad,” Aymeric admires the architecture, comparing things to this venue to the one on their campus, but Estinien hasn’t been in that one either. He only catches half of what’s said, eyes focused on the stage. Aymeric nudges him with an elbow. “She’s the harpist, right?”
He nods. “Yeah, she has a solo at some point.” He rubs his hands on his jeans, sitting forward in the seat a little as the lights go down and the musicians file onto the stage.
“Relax,” Aymeric whispers. “You might enjoy it if you chill out. Look, there she is.”
He points through the dark as she approaches the harp in the back center, almost directly in front of him, and he’s reminded of how they sit during Haven. She’s wearing long black boots and a short dress of the same color, with loose sleeves he can see through. Her hair is down tonight, but pulled back from her face. She’s pretty, even from here.
“Whoa.” Aymeric sits forward too. “You couldn’t just say she’s cute, could you?”
“I told you, it’s not like that. She just lost her fami—”
Aymeric’s smile is infuriating, cradling his chin in his hand. Estinien shoots him a dark look, then passes a hand over his face as anxiety twists into hot embarrassment, thankful for the darkness as the music starts.
And it’s the music he can’t look away from. There’s more movement in it than he expected, a rawness the CDs or digital streams just don’t portray. Everyone is working to build part of a whole, and each of them can be heard in the larger sound.
Then there is Io.
Admittedly, his experience is limited, but he’s never seen her like this. Every motion is fluid, yet deliberate, even while supporting such a heavy-looking instrument. She is focused, on her hands, on the sheet music in front of her, on the others playing around her. And she looks… serene. Happy.
The tempo slows during the fourth song and a godlight falls on her, a little spot of brightness that eclipses all else. Her solo. Estinien holds his breath.
She builds suspense with sound, then her hands move faster than he can make sense of. Sometimes she places a hand flat against the strings to still them, and that is what hollows out his chest. The elegant control in what he thought was so simple. This is nothing like the CD in their support group. He could listen to this forever.
The rest of the orchestra gradually rises around her until the lights on them lift once more. He might be disappointed if the whole thing didn’t work so well. They bring the song to a close, then stand to take their bows while the audience applauds.
Estinien pulls out his phone. He’s supposed to text her, but how does he follow that? Aymeric hovers over his shoulder, watching him type and delete the same sentence three times.
“What do I say?”
Aymeric rests his chin on Estinien’s shoulder, loudly um-ing and ah-ing, and he almost regrets asking. “How about this: ‘Loved the show. I’m still around if you want to meet up.’ Simple, right? And contextually open-ended, in the unlikely case you get a grip.”
He rolls his eyes but types and sends it while she’s still on stage. It’s several minutes after the musicians exit the stage that he gets a reply: “I’m so glad you came! Take the exit to the left and the door immediately to the right, and tell the attendant you’re with me, see you soon!”
They follow the instructions to a cramped backstage area. People are carrying flowers. Should he have brought flowers? Too late now.
They wander the crowd aimlessly, and his anxiety creeps in with each passing second. There’s a touch at his elbow, light but guiding.
“Estinien,” Io’s voice. Her quiet rasp is familiar to him now, and she sounds far more healthy than when she first spoke to him. He turns to her, and she beams. “Thank you for coming!”
He isn’t sure what to do, and he has no token of congratulations to give her. “Thanks for inviting me. Inviting us, I guess.”
“Us?” Io looks over his shoulder, where Aymeric is practically buzzing as he waits to be introduced.
Ayms extends a hand, “Io, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you—”
“He asked constantly. I didn’t want to tell him anything—”
“—and it’s nice being able to put a beautiful face to a beautiful name.”
Estinien covers his face with his hands. “A merciful god would’ve killed me by now.”
Io accepts the handshake, “And you are?”
“Aymeric. Estinien’s roommate and, because he won’t say it out loud, his best friend.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Aymeric. I’m glad you guys came; I know it’s a big ask and it’s not everyone’s taste but—”
“It was amazing,” Estinien’s mouth moves before his mind catches up, something that seems to be common in her presence. Io and Aymeric stare at him, brows lifting in unison. Her neck has flushed red. “I just… didn’t know what to expect, but it was impressive.”
Io’s half-smile, the one he’s learning she wears when she’s nervous, lifts the corner of her lips. “Thank you. I wasn’t trying to change your life or anything. I just thought it’d be cool to show you what I do, and maybe get to know you better too. You know, the “bonds” Miounne is always talking about.”
“Io!” A group of people call out from several feet behind them, waving her over.
She waves to them, then turns to him with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, those are my friends. I’ll be right back.” He watches as she walks away and they sweep her into a noisy group hug.
“Dude,” Aymeric whispers, “Should I go? Do you want me to go?”
“Go where?”
“Go! Home!”
Estinien glances back at Io, and her friends are definitely looking over at them. “And leave me with them?”
Ayms grimaces, balling his hands into fists. “With her!”
Estinien shakes his head. “No, just give me a second and we can both go.” Aymeric silently fakes a scream.
Io returns, wringing her hands as she says, “We’re going to grab some dinner from a place nearby; you guys are welcome to join us.”
He hesitates. Maybe Aymeric is right and he should stay, or maybe assuming someone working through her grief wants anything more than a friendship with him is not in either of their best interests. “We should probably get back. We’ve both got to pack before break starts.”
Io’s expression dampens. “Oh, okay. Well, thanks again for coming out. I’ll see you at Haven in a couple of weeks?”
“Yeah.” He nods. “See you there.”
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Estinien turns on the light and adjusts the dimmer. It’s been a while since he’s been first, but Io shows up right after him.
“Hey,” she says quietly, heading to the CD player while he starts the coffee maker. The ritual is no longer just his.
“Hi.” He’s rummaging through the cabinet beneath the coffee station, gathering the supplies, when she starts the music. It’s not their usual instrumental album… “This is from your concert?”
She starts on the chairs. “I hope it’s okay. I emailed Miounne when I got the recording to ask if I could bring it in, to show everyone what I’ve been working on and that I’m kind of normal outside of all this. But I can switch it back, if you’d rather keep the routine.”
His eyes fall closed and he is back in the theater, watching her play in a beam of light, arms unfurling around the strings like flightless wings and he doesn’t think “normal” is a good description of her at all.
He opens his eyes.
“No, this is fine.” He stands and arranges the little coffee bar. “I meant it. I thought it was great.”
“That’s a relief,” she laughs a little. “I mean, I believed you, but…”
He frees the rest of the chairs from their neat stack. Their initials are on the last two. He passes her the “I.”
“But what?”
Io crosses her arms behind her chair, bites her lip. The early evening sun illuminates the courtyard, and as it streams through the window little specks of its light catch in her hair. “I don’t know, I always feel nervous trying to make friends.”
It’s like he thought. He can tell Aymeric once and for all there’s nothing else going on here. Which is fine, of course. It’s fine. He wants to learn more about her, and let her get to know him too. He doesn’t have a ton, but he thinks he’s a decent friend. He could be a good friend to Io.
“Yeah,” he says, ignoring the heavy, unnameable thing settling in his stomach. “Me too. But it kind of feels like we’re already friends, right? So don’t worry about it too much.”
Io’s smile pokes through her bitten lip as she takes her seat across from him, the sun at her back. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
She is still smiling when everyone joins them, when the session begins, when Miounne asks how she’s feeling today, and when she bids him goodbye with the promise to text him this week. He knows because he can’t help but look at her.
Some things are true no matter how you fight them.
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cleaduvalls · 2 days
i think i have depression
0 notes
lewisvinga · 8 months
out of my league | esteban ocon x fem! reader
summary; no one believes that esteban ocon is dating someone, much less the y/n l/n. even through countless of soft launches, no one believes him until she finally posts him after winning a grammy
fc; karol g , mi reina , my madre , mi ídolo
warnings; cursing
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
notes; requested !
masterlist !
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estebanocon uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; good morning🎀] [caption 2; guess what we did today😁😁]
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liked by estebanocon, francisca.cgomes, and others !
yourusername: GUESS WHO JUST WON A GRAMMY🥹💗🩵🌈 mañana será bonito [tomorrow will be beautiful] was an album i worked hard on for soo long. it was happy enough to see everyone enjoy it but winning a grammy? unbelievable 🫶🫶 huge thanks to the ones who have supported me, especially to my amazing boyfriend, esteban ocon, (yes guys we’re actually dating, i’ve just been shy for the actual hard launch) who always supports me even from miles and miles away💓💓💓 i love u and i love all the y/ners 🫶🫶
tagged; estebanocon
estebanocon: i’ve been saying for years you’re my girlfriend! you’re just out of my league 🤣
estebanocon: so proud of you, chérie, you deserve it ❤️
yourusername: estieeee 🥹i love u sm🙁🫶
username: awh she was just shy abt hard launching 🥺
username: mi reina
username: the only deserving grammy winner
username: mañana será bonito will forever be THAT album
username: no way ur actually dating a vroom vroom boy😣
username: awhhh mother y/n and estie bestie are so cute 🥹
lilymhe: so proud!!!!!! my best friend has a grammy!! liked by yourusername !
lance_stroll: congratulations! i was rooting for you! liked by yourusername !
username: now we gotta see her on the paddock, i know her fits would eat.
username: they’ve been soft launching for YEARSS and no one believed esteban i’m hollering 😭😭😭😭
username: esteban was like ‘no guys it’s true i swear’ n we didn’t believe estie bestie oops😞
username: her n esteban are soooo cute together 🙁🙁🙁
username: the way nobody believed estie bestie 😔😔 save him fr
username: mi reina con mi piloto favorito wow 😍😍😍[my queen w my fave driver]
username: we lost a bad bitch ladies and gentlemen 🕊️🕊️
username: she’s been lost, just no one believed him😭😭
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; post grammy celebration!] [caption 2; for my estie bestie] [caption 3; my love 🥹💓☀️]
estebanocon uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; can’t believe you’re all mine, my grammy winner! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨❤️] [caption 2; another full picture of us so you can all believe we’re dating🥸 yes she’s out of my league and yes i managed to pull her. don’t ask me how 😌]
617 notes · View notes
agendabymooner · 9 months
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summary: the two alpine drivers were always thought to have been rivals. but little did people know, they’ve always had an affinity for one thing and she was something of a middle ground for them.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), blurb because i’m tryna get out of a writing slump, explicit language, double penetration, dumbification and size kink if you squint, mentions of team relationships (drivers friendships etc), french dialogue
note: “we have a french sandwich at home” the french sandwich at home:
enjoy xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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people always assumed that the two alpine drivers were nothing but rivals within close proximity. 
they always wondered how esteban ocon and pierre gasly interacted off the track and during their meetings, and if they were on each other’s throats all the time. 
both men had scoffed when they were asked about their relationship off the track— and how they were often pit against each other. 
pierre thought that this was outrageous that he even dropped names of teams that showed lack of off-track friendships or even relationships, telling the reporter that not even his best friend charles leclerc and carlos sainz had something of a friendship away from the cameras. 
esteban and pierre’s friendship was genuine, unlike most people in the grid. even if the alpine duo would argue, they’d always find a middle ground. 
one in the form of a woman, who was stuck between two bodies as esteban and pierre fucked her whilst her lips offered nothing but silent gasps and incoherent mumbles. 
esteban’s arms hooked under her legs as he devoured her mouth sweetly, his cock pistoning in and out of her cunt and making lewd noises as he did so. he hadn’t even allowed her to hook her legs around his hips, instead he lifted her as he thrusted and out of her while he stood. 
she could feel her heart beat rapidly moving, saliva sliding down her bare tits as she craved for more. 
“une fille si impatiente,” such an eager girl. esteban tutted, wiping the liquid off her lips away as he continued to bottom out inside of her. “do you like that, mon cherie?” 
“ye- yeah,” she stammered quietly, crying out when pierre thrusted inside her hole and bottomed out as well. she sunk into both of their cocks, her holes completely filled by their girth and length as she babbled, “oh, oh- fuck. ‘m so full.” 
“yes you are, bebe,” pierre growled from behind her as he and esteban began to thrust inside her. he then taunted her and nipped her ear, “si serré pour nous. est-ce que tu aimes ça? se faire baiser plein de nos bites?” so tight for us. do you like this? being fucked full of our cocks?
she wasn’t able to pick up on any words after they began to move once more, her mind going on an overdrive as the two men took over her senses and had her brain melting. her mind was overwhelmed with pleasure and the feeling of both of their cocks inside her holes. 
“she can’t even speak,” esteban smiled smugly when she uttered nothing but a silent scream, her eyes rolling back as esteban repeatedly hit the sensitive spot inside her pussy. “i think we fucked her too much.” he laughed with pierre. 
pierre’s hands snaked around her stomach as he murmured, “look at you, bebe. i can feel estie’s dick inside of you. so big no?”
“mm,” she cried quietly, now being lifted up and down by esteban and pierre as they increased their pace. “oh fuck! s’good. please fuck me harder, please.” 
pierre merely looked at esteban and exchanged smiles with him, eager to fuck her as she wanted. 
after all, she was someone that they could always agree on. talk about real friendship.
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1 @savrose129 @maxillness
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bobbin-buckley · 4 months
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Cairo Sweet x Fem!Reader
Warnings: (everything is mentioned but not happening) Smut, Cairo being controlling, mentions of writing porn, masturbating, bondage, degradation, praise, lesbian smut basically, lots of praising, and a lot of other things…
(I can also do a SFW if wanted)
A: Aftercare (What they are like after sex)
Cairo can play rough, but she can also play soft. She never tries to hurt you during sex, she just wants to be dominant. Other times she’ll be submissive but then becomes a power bottom basically.
Anyways, during aftercare she likes to make sure your taken care of first. She’ll get you water, massage any sore areas, maybe even give you a bath. It just depends. She also loves receiving it. There will be times she is the star and it being pleased, so she’ll want nice aftercare. After Winnie telling her what it’s like, and how she fantasies it. Cairo has begun to like it as well. Overall Cairo is soft when it comes to aftercare, probably the only time you’ll see her being a softie.
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of themselves and their partner's)
Cairos favorite body part on you is your legs. She loves how smooth they are, how your thighs trap her head as she eats you out, or even how she holds them up when fucking you with the strap. (Not that she always uses the strap).
Her favorite body part on herself is her hands. She’s so confident about them. She knows you love her hands so much. They way she caresses your skin with her finger tips, how they grip your neck, even when knuckle deep. She’s often told she has hot hands, by you and Winnie. She doesn’t really understand that but goes with it anyways because her hands turn you on.
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Cairo loves cum. Not surprising huh? But she loves it when it’s messy. She may not seem like the messy type, but when it’s with cum. Oh boy it’s all over.
She loves to cum on your face. Whenever she gives and you finish, her fingers will have be drenched with your cum and she’ll force her fingers into your mouth. Telling you to lick them clean. She’ll praise you about how much you cum or how you take her cum.
“That’s it baby, cum for me. Cum all over my fingers. So much cum.”
“Suck my fingers clean, there you go.”
“Oh fuck..yeah..lick all that up, such a good girl.”
D: Dirty Secret (just self explanatory, their dirty secret)
Cairo’s biggest dirty secret is. She wants to have a threesome with you and Winnie. Though will she never ever let it happen. Because she is possessive of you, even if it’s just her best friend who’s the most dirtiest person of all. She’d fantasize it but hate for it to happen. She’s just so possessive of you she wouldn’t even let anyone touch you.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Cairo knows what she’s doing. I mean hey, she writes porn. So she’s gotta have knowledge, and reads smut books. She’s read more of the “straight” smut books you could say. But when she got more interested into dating a girl (you) she wanted to learn. She got those lesbian smut books off like Esty and read them all.
So yes, I’d say she knows what she’s doing. And maybe even you gave her some tips. She’ll watch you carefully as you please her, observing you and trying to understand how to please a girl. Winnie even gave her tips. And when Cairo gave for the first time, she started thinking of what would please you and go from there. Trying new things if you were comfortable.
F: Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
She has a thing for both 69 and queening. She loves oral sex for sure. Wether giving or receiving. When receiving queening she loves to sit on your face all the way just to make it challenging for you.
She’ll try any other position she finds online or a suggestion given (mostly by you and Winnie. Winnie is her Google assistant).
G: Goofy (Are they serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc)
Cairo doesn’t really like humor in sex. Just because she’s so focused and serious she doesn’t have time for humor. If you like fall or something or make a stupid joke she’ll laugh. But if she’s on top, oh that’s a different story.
This girl doesn’t care for any humor when on top. She is so focused on pleasuring you. No disruptions.
H: Hair (How well are they groomed? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
She always shaves. Every time you have sex or she’s naked you always notice how well groomed or trimmed she is. She’s serious about it too.
She doesn’t mind how you shave but at least don’t look like Bigfoot. She’ll help you if wanted, if you give her a reward after. 😉
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romance aspect?)
She’s definitely romantic during it. When she gives, she doesn’t exactly ask you if you want rough or slow. It depends on her mood really. And you don’t mind either way. She loves to be praised, she’ll praise you as well she just is so into it she forgets to talk. And boy does she know you love her dirty talk, she knows you love her accent so much.
She will kiss you all over, every inch of your body. Once she’s pleased she’ll peck your lips and get right to the main course.
J: Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
She never really masturbates now that she has you. She used to a little bit. Before she met you, she only did it once just to get inspiration for her writing. When she met you and couldn’t stop obsessing over you, she did it a few times but never pushed herself enough to orgasm.
So she doesn’t do it unless you’re away and she misses you.
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Oh boy. She’s got a lot up her sleeve. Most of them she hides. Her biggest one is punishment. Whenever you disobey, or even make her mad. She’ll take her anger out on you and punish you till she’s pleased.
“You’ve been such a bad girl. Think it’s time for my toy to learn some manners..”
She also does degrading. She doesn’t hesitate to humiliate you. (Only if you’re comfortable). But when she’s mad she’ll definitely do it as a punishment.
“Such a fucking slut. How would your parents react to hearing how much of a slut their daughter is? I bet they’d be so disappointed.”
Edging is one she enjoys. She just loves edging you, even denying you sometimes. She won’t cause any pain though. (Unless you want to). Maybe some spanking but it’s gentle. (She has a soft spot for you)
“No. Only good girls get to cum, have you been a good girl for me? Maybe a little spankin’ will help.”
L: Location (Favorite locations to do it)
She has a few. Preferably her bedroom. She loves to take you on her bed. Making sure your comfortable too, plenty of blankets and pillows on her massive bed. She may even do it on the bedroom floor if she feels like it.
“Gonna fuck you into my sheets. Make you cum all over them.”
Cairo will even take you in the living room. She loves doing it there too. When her parents are gone, it’s midnight (specifically raining out too), the fire-pit is lit, and your on the couch doing it.
“Shhh, that’s it. Such a perfect night to take my good girl on. Scream for me baby, wanna hear you cry out my name in the moonlight.”
Maybe even her garden. Over by the landscape area. Her place is private anyway. (The part where she calls Miller is where I’m trying to pov). She even bent you over that table and took you
(She even considered alone in Mr. Millers office-)
“Oh yeah? Risky huh? Fucking you with my fingers out in my landscape? Anyone could be peering over and see how well you take me.”
M: Motivation (What turns them on? Gets them going?)
Whenever you beg her. When she’s not in the mood, if you beg her enough or send her a nude pic she’s all in. (Pun intended).
Or even if you just exist and she’s in the mood. If you do like your hobby she’s turned on. Especially if it’s writing or art. Sometimes she’ll have you read one of her books and it turns her on
N: No (Something they won’t do, turns them off)
Non-consensual. She hates it. She wants to give consent even if she seems controlling and demanding all the time.
She also hates it when you disobey her. Not that it’s a complete turn off she just prefers for you to listen when she demands it. She also hates being totally controlled by you when she’s receiving, she likes to guide you.
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
She loves oral. She loves it both ways. You tend to tease her on how much she loves eating you out. Claims it’s her snack through out the day, or even at night. And she’s pretty good at it, she learned more and more as she did it.
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Either. She loves either but it also depends on her mood. Especially when she’s top. Sometimes she’ll start slow then gradually speed up. When receiving she doesn’t mind what pace you go, sometimes she’ll request it. She’ll definitely give if you ask.
If you disobey her and give make her mad, oh lord she’s rough and won’t play nice
Q: Quickies (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc)
She doesn’t mind quickies. But since she lives basically alone most of the time, there’s no need for it and can go on for hours. Sometimes maybe in the shower, but it’s rare. She just wants to shower with you so she doesn’t waste any water
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc)
Cairo loves to experiment. She wants to know what you are into and what you like. And she likes taking risks. Like having sex in public is a big one.
One time she took you to a public library and fucked you behind a bookshelf. That was probably the fastest sex you’ve ever had.
“Shush, sweetheart. Gotta stay quiet for me.”
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long can they last? Etc)
It depends on her mood. If she’s top, getting rough or if mad. It’ll be up to eight rounds. If it’s her receiving it may only be four because she gets tired easily.
It can be a totally different story with how long she can last between rounds. Some she can last ten or so minutes within a round, because you like to be soft with her. But when angry and pissed with you, she can make you cum in five minutes
T: Toys (Do they own any toys? Do they use them? On themselves or their partner?)
Cairo has a few. Maybe about three. She prefers to use them on you rather than herself. Like she loves to use the vibrator on you, it’s her favorite way of teasing you. She’ll use it to edge you and you hate it. She also has some bondage stuff that she’ll use if you’re comfortable with. Cairo also owns a strap and enjoys using it on you.
(If you can convince her enough she might let you fuck her with the strap)
“You don’t like this? That’s too bad, guess I’ll have to deny you again.”
“So desperate huh? You wanna take my cock so bad huh? Just beg for it.”
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Cairo LOVES I mean LOVES to tease you. It’s her favorite thing to do. She’ll tease you through out it all even when your are giving. She’ll even tease in you public. Wether it’s physically or verbally.
Physically she’ll brush her fingers against your thigh when walking by, squeeze your ass, maybe even put her hand on your covered womanhood when you sit next to each other. Verbally she’ll whisper something dirty in your ear, or even moan softly just to turn you on.
“What would you do if I fucked you senseless in front of your dad?” “Cairo!”
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc)
Cairo is decently loud. Her moans can be pretty vocal. When being received she likes to moan loudly to make you hot and bothered, or even whimper into your ear. When giving she’s just groaning a bit at how hot you are beneath her. Some grunts and whimpers against your ear.
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon for them)
She’ll have sex with you and even write it in her story if it’s, what she calls “juicy” enough. She’ll even make you read her stories aloud as she takes you from behind.
(She actually fucked you on Millers desk)
X: X-ray (Let’s see what’s under those clothes)
A nice toned stomach, you love to grab onto it as she rails you with the strap. Her breasts are average, you love to stuff your face in them. Naked or not. She’s very well shaved and has tons of freckles that kiss her nice tan skin. You just love her body so much.
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
She can get pretty desperate. After having a few sessions with you she started getting addicted. But you told her at times no when it became an addiction. So at this point it’s high but she’s relaxed most of the time. She won’t get that mad at you if you don’t sometimes.
Z: Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwords)
She lets you rest first before she falls asleep. She’ll make sure you’re okay even if you gave because she’s such a softie for you
It like reset me earlier so I lost progress. So I quit but then came back to it 😭
Hopefully it’s good and I’m willing to do other headcanons!
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osaka-lilac · 17 days
can you recommend any good lance posts or fic to read?
oh. oh. oh boy do i have some fic recs for YOU
if anyone who sees this has other recommendations, please feel free to respond in the tags or in the replies! hope you enjoy - and welcome to lance nation!!!!
(i will try to keep it not just a strollonso fic rec list, yes they're my main but i don't want to give a biased list to the masses. this is a lance fic list, not just strollonso.)
so. without further ado...
allie's lance fic recs (in no particular order)
steak and other strange situations | lance/yuki | G | @lil-shiro
-> bet you didn't expect a rare pair ship as my first recommendation, huh? frankly i love the characterization that ann has utilized here - just a guy that wants to get to know people. simple yet effective!
gone before sunrise | lance/fernando | E | zeolyte
-> oogh this one is a real kicker. i couldn't tell you why my stomach churns while reading the middle of this piece. you can really feel for lance in this one and yes it does end happy (as most if not all of the fics in here will have in common with), but if you are okay with explicit material, this is a must read.
baby hotline (please hold me close to you) | lance/esteban/mick | T | @shovson
-> woohoo my ot3!!!! we dont get to see a lot of this pairing per se, but we get a lot of seb & lance running the iconic baby hotline, an advice service lance starts to help others with anything they need, like mick and estie once did for him. lovely cameos from multiple drivers.
press enter and send it | lance/esteban | E | gothic_sevgilim
-> HOO BABY is this one HOT. office au in which lance is the sassy trainee of esteban, a minor manager at lance's father's company. the tension in here is NUTS man
between your collar and your jaw | lance/sebastian | E | @hurricane-heatt
-> if you know me you know how much i fuck with cowboys. THEN you should by association know that i would never pass up a cowboy au. THIS is what a cowboy au should look like. passionate, yet leaves you in a cloud of dust by the side of the dirt road, knowing you'll never see this man and his steed again.
clerestory | pierre/charles with a side of lance/fernando | E | @nobrakesdown
-> woah. i thought this was a lance fic list?? this is our wildcard for the list. lance only appears in this fic as a historical figure in the wild royal mystery pierre is studying as he heals from an injury after a major crash. frankly i just wanted to add this one because it genuinely is one of my favorite fics on the site and since it vaguely has lance in it, i will be including it
never too soon | lance/george | G | @userkritaaay
-> stressed unstoppable force george meets relaxed immovable object lance. this is just lance and george suffering together after singapore 2023. delightful
you're my fucking hero: the critic's review | lance/fernando | M | me. i wrote this
-> finally, who would i be on this site without a bit of self promo. the love labor of @no00000000's wonderful dirtbag au, in which lance learns to live and pursue his own passions after a run in with a rough criminal, fernando. it is formatted as a movie review for a hypothetical movie, inspired by the essays i would write while in my history of film course years ago.
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jewishicequeen · 3 months
There's not enough animusicals content around
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🍥love-to-love reblogged
🪙name-s-daniel Follow
I love seeing different languages on my dash! Reblog in your native language!
בוקר טוב!
👑firelordanya Follow
доброе утро, мои подданные
Good morning!
טייטן זיך
🪙name-s-daniel Follow
G-d fucking damnit Adam, we're just trying to be nice?
Oh my god you killed him
🐄youravaragemammal Follow
0̸̝͇͝2̸̞͎͓̫̇͝0̶̗̟̖̦̄̂͆̀́0̷̛̺̼̮̮̓͑̅2̸̭̖̉̉̀0̸̧̞̣́͋̊̀0̴̞̩̞̩͉̒͐͊̂̚ͅ0̷̖͎͒ͅ ̷̫̻̲͙̽0̴̧̇2̵̹̅͌́̚͠ͅ2̶̡̞̫͓͖͚̊̃͂̽0̴̥̳̌͗̀̑̕͘2̷̨͍̱̮̑0̷̧̧͉̺̻̦̈́̃̋2̷͓̫͚́̄͋͂̑̇ ̷̣̘͓̳͘0̶̣̈͆͗̒͗2̴̨͉͍͌́̆̊̿2̶͍̹̘̯̪̎͜0̸͕͙̬̓̐̂͐͘͜2̵̩͖͍̌2̵̧̳̰̦̩̭̀̃0̵̪̒̐2̵̢̰̅̊ ̴̤̖̳͚̋0̷̨̗̖̜̭̠̀͂̇͌̀̒2̵̙͊̄2̸̧̦͈̉̕0̷̨͕̼͎̯̐̀͐̓̃0̷͍̞̤̝͗̀̔́͜͜0̶͇̌̑̍̚0̸̡̧͓͈̗̟̍̓2̵̳̓͊̽̓̄ ̷̯̭͎̬̂̿̒0̶̞̣̈́2̸̺͛̑͒2̷͍̤̩̙̈0̴̟͓̯̋2̸̰̗̙̖͎̥̈́̄̊͋̐2̴͕̪̅̿͛̐͋2̷̭̹͎̹̔̊͛͆͌͠0̶̝͎͉́̀̑̾ ̶̭͈̊̔͂͂͘0̸͙̤̘̾̊́͠0̷̨̹̻̱̊̀̅̓2̵̙̘́0̸͚͚̘̝̜̚0̴͚̍͊0̶̡̡̺̓́͆́̈́0̷̛͉̯̳͌0̶̢̠͙̳͓̼̀ ̶̧̠̄͋̈̽0̷̣̇͜2̴̧̮̝͓͒2̸̧̡̎͊̔͂͜2̸̼͕̀0̸͓̹̜̕0̷̛̖̬̝͉͖̊̈̅́͑2̴̖̯̪̙̫̯̑2̸̫͇̹̅̎̍ ̶̙̤̝̜̗́͂͐̉ͅ0̶͓͉̯͎̅͋̅̋̀͆2̶̺͙͈̖̜͒́̚͠͠2̴̛͎̬̫̗͈̻0̵͉̭̳̈́̾̑̾͆̅0̸̡̗͈̜͔̌̆͋0̷̻̠̣͚̻͛0̶̜̎͠2̴̡̛̥̝͑͆̔ ̵͇̻̾̐̿̇̾0̴͎̊̔ͅ2̸̰̳̥͉̰͖̑̑͑2̶̳̭̤̒̇̏2̶̤͐̿̈́̎͌0̵̙͕͆͑0̶͍̟̠̥̊̾́̆2̷̝̣̊͝0̸̨̧̲̘̈́̚͠ ̵̹̞̄̇͋̋̿̕0̴̛̲̓͐̈͝2̵̼̎̏2̶͙̠̮̀͂̓̔0̴̗̘̺̣̱͓̀̌̈́͠0̷̧͈̼̘͋̓̋̕0̴̖̤͎͛̍́͊̈́2̴̡̠̟͎͇̥̎̈́̈́̉͑͘2̵̟̥͈̩̐ ̸̙̭̫̤͇̽̀̈́͠ͅ0̵͓̭͖̻̳̑̔2̵̧̤͖́̈̔̓͘2̵̘̳̖̙͈̥̾0̴̝͓̑͐͌0̸͇̩͇̼͛͌̐̑̕0̶̨̥̠̺̇͒̄̉2̶̡̮̤͐̓ ̶̧͕̫͓̈̈́͂̀̽0̸̨̮̰̯͌̈́́͝2̷̲̙̐̀̈́2̴̖̬̼̱̭̫͐̏́̋̎2̸͎͈̞̟̫̆0̶̢̱́̓͑̂͘0̷͔̜͍̯͔̱̈́̓2̶̠̖̋̈́̿̍2̵̳̝̥̯͕͎̏̈̽͝͝ ̴͍̤͎͇̐̒̇0̷͐͐��̹͎2̸̦̫̼̑̏̒̚2̴̡̮̻̮͇̓͊0̸̤̤̾͗͆̚ͅ2̵͓̺̣̳͍̲͐̓͂̓̇2̶̱̯̠͙͕̀̉0̵̟̰̼͙͙̟́͛̿̔2̷̧̛̹͚̻̍͐̋̀
What the fuck??? @soheresthedeal is this binary?
#that's my best guess but i don't speak computer
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😴brightboldandtakingthegold reblogged
🌃eiji-in-the-middle Follow
AITA for wanting to lose?
My(m, 15yo) school's super compatitive and I don't like being in the spotlight. My friend(f, 15yo) and I decided to open a new club in a sport nobody would take seriously but we miscalculated and now we have to join the tournament. Non of us wanted the attention and we collectively decided to throw the matches delibarately but two of our members messed up and won and now it's my turn and they want me to win too?? This is not what we agreed on, and I told them that, but things got heated and I ended up hurting some of them. My match is like in ten minutes and IDK what to do. Should I try to win? My opponent's really good, I don't think I have a chance.
So, am I the asshole?
🌃eiji-in-the-middle Follow
Jun this was 4 years ago can you stop bringing this back?
#lol eiji you were so fucking stupid #google the sport before you open a club
6k notes
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🦄alice-had-it-easy reblogged
I'm late I'm late I'm late!!!
No one's here??
#lecture started 5 minutes ago?? #it's only me and the professor
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😴brightboldandtakingthegold reblogged
🩰hate-ballet Follow
I want what they have
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🌌paperpuppets Follow
I can stab you...°☆°☆°
#otp #i've been watching you two flirt since highschool just kiss already
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🕷nightmaresfearsandhorrors reblogged
🦀esthithedemon Follow
We need to talk about the word demonization. It's frankly offensive. As a proud demon I refuse to use it. Find a substitution, humans.
🪆thepaininyourpussy Follow
Oh my gods can you. Shut up. So tired of the demon humanisation efforts. You people are pathetic. Get some guts.
🦀esthithedemon Follow
Do you like being reduced to a role of violence and harm?? Humans don't believe we have feelings and demons like you are part of the problem.
🧚🏼‍♀️friendlyneighborhood-mahou-shoujo Follow
I know you have feeling, Esti!
🪆thepaininyourpussy Follow
Lol you have minors following you? No point talking, you're literally just trying to assimilate. What a disgrace.
666 notes
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🐣unluckychikiro reblogged jan-ken-king
👑jan-ken-king Follow
Noooooo I accidentally hit scissors, why does this keep happening😭
#just like in high school #jankenpon
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⛩tomorrowsfilledwithviolence Follow
So... you come here often?
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dainesanddaffodils · 6 days
Heavensward AU where everything is the same but there’s a ball scene before shit hits the fan | HW | Rated G | 750 words
(I’m very self-indulgent today; this is also not actually canon for my girl as you can see from the summary of the fic lmao)
The High Houses are nothing if not vain, always eager for the first excuse to show off and show up one another. So House Fortemps hosting a ball in order to celebrate their ward’s defeat of Nidhogg and halting of the imminent Dravanian siege does not appear like anything other than that vanity on display. No reason to look deeper. Or notice when Ser Aymeric leaves early.
It’s a bit convoluted when it comes to ensuring Ishgard’s nobility - and their guards - are looking elsewhere when the Lord Commander goes to confront his father; it’s hardly as though the Heavens’ Ward won’t still be guarding the Archbishop. Still, Aymeric had insisted, adding that, if nothing else, should things go as bad as they undoubtedly would, House Fortemps could appear unaware of the plot.
Estinien is aware of all the reasoning his stubborn and idealistic friend has given, and believes… well at least believes that Aymeric believes his own words. But as he stands in a corner of the ballroom, still fully armored with his arms crossed, he does wonder if he’d had a more selfish motivation.
The Warrior of Light looks especially diminutive, twirled under the Lord Commander’s arm in the center of the room. Estinien almost hadn’t recognized her at first. She was dressed like any other highborn lady, including an elaborate headdress that covered her short cropped hair and obscured her horns. Only her height and her tail initially gave her away, as he expects had been the case for most present who only knew the Warrior of Light by name and gossip. Aymeric had waited, seemingly until everyone became aware of her presence, before he had approached her for a dance.
Now they are not the only ones dancing but it’s clear they are commanding everyone’s attention in a way someone of his standing and her reputation together would. That’s the idea; the image everyone will remember of the night. No one will notice him duck out the door as soon as the song is over.
“Quite the sight, aren’t they?” An affable voice says beside him. Estinien stiffens, startled less by the voice than by the realization that he had been staring just as every other person present was.
The voice belongs to Lord Haurchefant. Like Estinien he is there to keep an eye on events and ensure they transpire apace. Unlike Estinien, Haurchefant hadn’t needed to convince the others to let that be his role - rather than take center stage alongside the Warrior of Light.
(“You bested Nidhogg together, it would make sense that this event is celebrating you both,” Aymeric had pointed out.
“The fact that I will be there at all will seem out of character and you know it. The point is not to appear suspicious.”)
Meanwhile, pretense or no, it was clear Haurchefant would always be viewed as a knight of House Fortemps rather than a son.
Estinien gives a nod, more as a greeting than response, and looks back at his friend - or friends, as surely that is what Cimorene is now. The dance calls for a lift and he watches Aymeric stoop to grab her waist and pick her up for a beat, then down again.
He had done that, a moon ago. Well, he had thrown her, in order to assist her with learning dragoon dives. But the movement had been the same. It feels strange to watch someone else do it.
“You ought to take the next dance.”
The words again shake Estinien from his thoughts. Then they fully sink in and he frowns. It hits him that he is possibly the only other person in the room that knows Cimorene is Haurchefant’s fiancée.
The knight smiles, seemingly unbothered by thought his love in the arms of another man - for the second time. “It would certainly keep everyone’s attention, and allow Aymeric to leave unimpeded.”
It’s a logical argument but Estinien shakes his head. “I cannot,” he says flatly. “Anymore than you can.”
He means that they are both serving the same purpose at this ball, that they’re both armored and observers and outsiders to the opulence surrounding them. That’s all.
Still, a brief look of surprise crosses Haurchefant’s face - gone before Estinien can possibly guess what it is in reaction to. Then the smile is back and he turns his eyes back to the ballroom at large.
“Of course,” is all he says.
Silence falls over the two men as they watch the dance play out.
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etherealcaprifandoms · 5 months
My OCs
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Vanessa-Ophelia Ambrosia(Centre) Elizabeth-Zahara(Left) Elliott-Iṣkender(Right)
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Lunaria(Left) Naomi(Centre) Dahlia(Right)
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Gabriella II(Left) Sabrina(Right
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Stellar(Left) and Tallulah(Right)
Info about them
Full Names/Nicknames💙
Vanessa-Ophelia Ambrosia/Vee, Nessie, Nessa, Phee, 🩵
Elizabeth-Zahara Khalifa/Beth, Bethy, Eliza, Lizzy, Libby Lily, and Zara💜
Elliott-Iṣkender Khalifa-Ambrosia/Eil and Leo🩵
Naomi Helene Estrella/Nai, Mimi, Mia Hela, Ellie, and Esti💙
Dahlia Eden Estrella/Dali Dia Leah and Esther💚
Lunaria Astrid-Juniper Estrella-Gresley/Lu Luna Lunie Lou Ash Astra June, Juni and Star💙
Gabriella II Karoliina Laine/Gabs Gabby Bella Ella and Karrie🩵
Sabrina Kristiina Laine/Sab Sabby Brina Kris and Krissie💙
Melodia Ingrid-Wynter Hale/Mel Melody Mellie Lody Ingie and Winnie💜
Stellar and Tallulah Mirabelle Rosá/Stel Stella Ellie Elle Mira and Belle/Tilly, Tallie, Lula, Millie, and Belle💜💙
Birth Dates/Time/Place 💙
Vanessa-Ophelia: 25th September 1948/9 am/Kifisia, Athens, Greece🇬🇷🩵
Elizabeth-Zahara: 9th September 1971/3 pm/Kifisia, Athens, Greece🇬🇷💜
Elliott-Iṣkender: 23rd May 1982/2 pm/Kifisia, Athens, Greece🇬🇷🩵
Naomi: 19th October 1970/12 am/Östermalm, Stockholm, Sweden🇸🇪💙
Dahlia: 14th February 1973/11am/Östermalm, Stockholm, Sweden🇸🇪💚
Lunar: 9th December 1981/10 pm/Östermalm, Stockholm, Sweden🇸🇪💙
Gabriella: 19th February 1987/8 am/Eira, Helsinki, Finland🇫🇮🩵
Sabrina: 17th January 1997/11 pm/Eira, Helsinki, Finland🇫🇮💙
Melodia: 12th December 1999/7 pm/Bygdøy, Oslo, Norway🇧🇻💜
Stellar: 19th June 2008/11 pm/Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires, Argentina💜🇦🇷
Tallulah: 20th June 2008/9 am/Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires, Argentina🇦🇷🩵
Zodiac Sign/Elements/Planet Rulers
Vanessa-Ophelia: Virgo-Libra Cusp Of Beauty/Earth and Air/Mercury and Venus ♍️♎️🌎💨🩵
Elizabeth-Zahara: Virgo/Earth/Mercury♍️🌎💜
Elliott-Iṣkender: Taurus-Gemini Cusp Of Energy/Earth and Air/Venus and Mercury ♉️♊️🌎💨🩵
Naomi: Libra-Scorpio Cusp Of Drama and Criticism/Air and Water/Mercury and Pluto♎️♏️💨🚿💙
Lunar: Sagittarius/Fire/Pluto♐️🔥💙
Dahlia and Gabriella: Aquarius-Pisces Cusp Of Sensitivity/Water & Air/Uranus and Neptune ♒️♓️🌊💨💚🩵
Sabrina: Capricorn-Aquarius/Earth and Water/Saturn and Uranus♑️♒️🌎🌊
Melodia: Sagittarius/Fire/Pluto ♐️🔥💜
Stellar and Tallulah: Cusp Of Gemini-Cancer Cusp Of Magic/Air & Water/Mercury and Moon♊️♋️💨🚿💜🩵
Vanessa-Ophelia: 75 years old🩵
Elizabeth-Zahara: 52 years old💜
Elliott-Iṣkender: 41 years old🩵
Naomi: 53 years old💙
Dahlia: 51 years old💚
Lunar: 42 years old💙
Gabriella II: 37 years old🩵
Sabrina: 27 years old💙
Melodia: 25 years old💜
Stellar: 16 years old💜
Tallulah: 16 years old💙
The Ambrosia Khalifa's: Human/SEK Class Ky Steam Locomotive🩵💜
The Estrella's/Human/VR Class Sk3 Steam Locomotive💙💚💙
The Laine’s: Human/VR Class Sk3 Steam Locomotive🩵💙
The Hales: Human/NSB Class XXII Steam Locomotive💜
The Rosa:/Human/Rhaetian Railway G ⅘💜💙
The Ambrosia Khalifa's: Greek-Cypriots-Egyptian/Greek, Cypriots, Italian, Turkish, Egyptian, and Israeli🇬🇷🇨🇾🇮🇹🇹🇷🇪🇬🇮🇱
The Estrella's: Swedish-Finnish/Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Norwegian, Danish, German, and Russian🇸🇪🇫🇮🇪🇪🇳🇴🇩🇰🇩🇪🇷🇺
The Laine's: Finnish-Estonian/Finnish, Estonian, Swedish, Norwegian, and Russian🇫🇮🇪🇪🇸🇪🇳🇴🇷🇺
The Hale's: Norwegian/Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian🇳🇴🇸🇪🇫🇮🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹🇺🇦
The Rosa/Argentina-Italian/Argentinian, Brazilian, Uruguayan, Chilean, Italian, Syrian, Lebanese, and Israeli🇦🇷🇧🇷🇺🇾🇨🇱🇮🇹🇸🇾🇱🇧🇮🇱
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grogusmum · 3 months
I'm here with a secret springs postcard ask.
Here is your pool float.
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My question is: what does Javi G have in his carry on bag?
Love, El
hahaha! I love it!
Javi's carry-on includes his laptop, notebook, a hard copy of his latest script so he can edit "lo-fi," headphones, a sleep mask, a paperback of Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari by Robert Davidson (a book about the 1920 German film), sunscreen (he is forced to bring it), and a little felt Paddington that Addy made for him.
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(pattern available on esty)
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thisismeracing · 1 year
I'm sending this in bc I have been gathering random thoughts but don't worry about answering right the way!
okay first
-mick is kind of a golden retriever but in my opinion he is more of a blue eyed labrador
maybe bc he's a little shy and g retrievers are all out a have a very energetic vibe even when with strangers they're over energetic, but I feel like mick is more of a shy person who might be social but doesn't initiate any interaction + mick with short hair looks exactly like a labrador don't lie to yourself guys
-mick invites estie everywhere bc he's a very intuitive person (not that you need it to see it) but he feels like estie is always kinda left out even when he is invited to things - he is a empath and you can't change mind
-I know how bad it is to "diagnose" people out of nowhere BUT as a neurodivergent my self I feel such a neurodivergent vibe from him?!? am I the only one?
-out of all the drivers he's the one who seems to try to get out of his bubble the most (if we count Seb and Lewis out) he engages and tries to learn + support a lot of things that are socially important, out of the younger drivers he is the one who shows most interested in it too. I worry so much that once Lewis retires (still crying about Seb), we will basically have no drivers who strives for diversity and equality as strongly as they do
-I will say that i'm a gemini and the person I had the best romantic relationship was a Aries, Idk why people hate them?? They are literally one of the best zodiac signs, there is nothing about them I don't like, I don't know what that says about me
now I will also admit that the worst romantic relationship I've had was with a Cancer, he was the most emotionally manipulative person I ever met, please avoid them at all costs romantically (just a warning- I mean a tip)
btw love you lots and love how you answer everything that is sent in
- 🎀 anon
-oMG I- I CAN TOTALLY SEE IT AND I HAVE TO AGREE!! HAHAHAH I can't unsee it! Now, every time I pass a lab I'm gonna think about Mick lol
-I had the same feeling tbh. I think he is the kind of person who likes to make everyone feel loved and welcomed, so sometimes even without noticing he gravitates towards the less famous in the crowd. 🥹
-I think this may be like on the estie bestie point: he just radiates such good energy that we can't help but identify with him, maybe that leads us to "getting X vibe" like you just did 💗 (I'm not elaborating much on this point bc I feel like this is a very personal and delicate subject so yup).
-I've been refraining to think about Lewis' retirement because I have the same feeling you do. It's not that the others don't care (some really don't tbh), but there's a difference in how he acts and how some of the grid acts. Lewis tends to use his voice more, just like Seb did/still do, and this is what we need: people who understand that their biggest power is their voice, not only their money when the conversation is creating diverse and prejudice-free spaces.
-I honestly don't understand much about astrology, though I do believe in it. But if Mick has any red flags related to his star sign you can bet I'm acting colorblind about it 😘👍🏾 I've never really stopped to notice how people talk about Aries, I'm making a point out of it now. Maybe Gemini people like to do exactly what others told them not to hahaha thank you for the tip!! I'm gonna keep an eye open for them!! 👀✍️🏾
aweeee, love you too, honey!! thanks for the ask, I'm patiently waiting for the next round *mwah* 💖💖💖
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eggbunni · 2 years
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Jeez. What a beautiful fountain pen. 🥹 The new Esterbrook Estie “Evergreen” with gold trim is just… *Chef’s Kiss* 💋 Perfect. ✨
✒️: Esterbrook Estie Evergreen G, EF Nib
🐙💦: Esterbrook Ink “Evergreen”
I can’t be the only one who sees just how classy and sleek Esterbrook pens are. They’re comfortable to hold, every nib I’ve tried (and I’ve tried almost all of them) is a pleasure to write AND draw with, and they just LOOK hot, y’know what I mean?! Like, “need that in my collection NOW” kinda sexy. 🤤 It’s very, very hard to resist nabbing the entire collection of Esties. Have you SEEN the Cola and Tortoiseshell?! C’mon. Stop. You’re making me poor, Esterbrook. 😂
This is a limited edition release, so I’d nab yours before it sells out. The Evergreen fountain pen was previously released only with silver trim, but MY desk aesthetic is gold, so this fits my vibe perfectly. The Evergreen G has a lovely marbled cool green pattern that reminds me of vintage lever fillers, and that makes my little antique hunting heart sing. 😍 I’m excited to illustrate some pieces to decorate my office with using this beauty!
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boxoftheskyking · 2 years
A League Of Their Own fic recs (mostly Lupe/Jess)
Seems like a decent time to go through my bookmarks and share my favorites so far. There are some killer writers in this fandom. No particular order.
(If you haven’t watched the show yet WHAT ARE YOU DOING)
But first!
Shameless self-promotion:
God’s Sorrier Creatures, M, 11,832 Lupe/Carson Carson finds Lupe coaching high school in Vermont. They are lonely together. Some talk of vague Lupe/Jess
Now, on with the recs!
relief next to me by meyeri, E, 24,489, not finished Lupe/Jess This is the hottest shit I ever read. Also with angst.
Shrimpin’ Ain’t Easy by thereforebucket, T, 10,678 Lupe/Jess Lovely post-season adventures on a boat. My favorite part of their dynamic is Lupe having genuine freakouts while Jess is entirely amused, thank you for continuing that into your fic.
Softened Stone by RobinWritesChirps, E, 14,637 Lupe/Jess Really good complicated, traumatized romance. Also road trips.
i’ve got better things to do than survive by hypotheticalfanfic, M, 3,239 Lupe/Jess Gender stuff and one of my favorite lines ever: ““When I get your attention on me, when you’re looking at me enough to talk shit to me, it’s like a night game. I get spots in my eyes. “
Hot Stove Season by dannyPURO, E, 22,843 Lupe/Jess I love how difficult Lupe makes everything for herself all of the time. It’s very appealing.
and I think we’re alone now by beepbedeep, M, 7,068 Lupe/Jess It’s about kissing. Also locker room hookup
no place like by firstaudrina, G, 4,128 Lupe & Jess Lupe goes home to see her family, really well done
May I Impress Upon You by summerdrive, T, 4,023 Lupe/Jess Jess meets Lupe’s family and it is a Very Bad Time for everyone
what lovers learn to do by elizaunfiltered, E, 14,635 Lupe/Jess I’m not always into daemon AUs but you’ve really mined it for all the terrible intimacy inherent in the thing and it works.
tax problems by firstaudrina, E, 2,038 Lupe/Jess The last night in Rockford. It’s very hot.
to the victor, the spoils by andrealyn, T, 3,304 Lupe/Jess Jess likes a challenge, you see where this is going
It’s Rotten Work by poorlittlegreenie, E, 10,349 Lupe/Jess You know that part in Attorney Woo where she starts doing nice things for Lee Jun-Ho and he has a breakdown about it. basically that.
wild by FingertipsofRose, M, 6,938 Lupe/Jess Jess POV throughout the season. She’s great and will eat you whole
with a grin of salt by charactershoes, T, 7,184 Lupe/Jess The whole team dynamic is great here. really good dialogue. 
Keep Your Electric Eye on Me, Babe by poorlittlegreenie, E, 3,873 Lupe/Jess It’s hot! 
Psychosomatic by summerdrive, T, 4,391 Lupe/Jess Lupe can’t pitch and Jess is going to fix it.
Sing Me To Sleep by poorlittlegreenie, G, 5,444 Lupe/Jess Lupe has a breakdown in New York, and she has earned it
Turn The Light Off, Come Find Me by somebodytoundress, E, 5,561 Lupe/Jess AU where they meet working on Jess’s farm
Being Good Isn’t Always Easy by poorlittlegreenie, E, 20,230, not finished yet Lupe/Jess You’ve probably read this one, the Lupe’s a church girl and Jess is in love with her story
proclivities by robokittens, M, 4,173 Lupe/Jess It’s a cute li’l makeout
got me dirty and sweet by getmean, T, 2,076 Lupe/Jess Cuts & bruises & apologies
Room Service (Top) by RobinWritesChirps, E, 1,599 Lupe/Jess It’s fucking!
Our Secret Moments (In A Crowded Room) by somebodytoundress, M, 3,682 Lupe/Jess scenes throughout the season
Off Season by peaktotheocean, T, 2,934 Lupe/Jess Cute lil piece where they kidnap Esti.
And some bonus ones:
you got a fastball (maybe together we can get somewhere) by allapplesfall, G, 9,943 Lupe & Max AU where it’s Lupe that meets Max instead of Carson. great dynamic.
It’s Not the Pale Moon That Excites Me, That Thrills and Delights Me, by Bluebluebaby, T, 4,114 Jess/Sgt Beverly Thank you for your service and writing this pairing, it is excellent and I support it wholeheartedly
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lewisvinga · 8 months
Estie bestie says he’s dating famous pop singer reader , but people are skeptical to believe him, because they don’t really have pictures together because of how private, the reader wants their relationship to be, but then she wins some Grammys, and finally post her boyfriend on her account with full face and everyone else feels stupid. Basically, where he’s forever soft launching his girlfriend because she was not comfortable being in full pictures yet, but everyone knows they’re dating, or more like Estie says they’re saying but no one believes he could pull her until she posts them together. I’ve been obsessed with the, “ I’m dating someone who everyone thinks is out of my league, and therefore does not believe me, but then they feel stupid when it turns out to be true “trope
here !
this was such a fun idea n i HAD to use karol g, she is mi reina i love her sm
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agendabymooner · 1 year
MASTERLIST: O-Z by agendabymooner
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LINK TO MASTERLIST: A-N F1 DRIVERS by agendabymooner
note: part two of my masterlist!
a = angst g = general fic hc = hurt/comfort h = humour
s = smut (minors, dni) mc = mature content (minors, dni) f = fluff
★ - newly added ♡ - favourite piece
esteban ocon (eo31)
the royal wildcard, smau: the british media's good at getting the juiciest details of gossip from the palace, but much to their dismay, princess albertine spencer followed the footsteps of her brother harry and had done an amazing job at hiding her marriage with a certain alpine driver for three months. (f, g, h)
the royal resemblance, smau: albertine ocon lived to give her estranged family something to talk about because of her physical appearance that could be confused with her mother's ghost. too bad, ditty ocon was born into the world with the same heart attack-inducing features.
ditty and estie greet the world, fic: diana 'ditty' ocon looked so much like her namesake but act more like her father with her shyness.
pato o'ward (po29)
caught 'em lacking, smau: diwa arellano is mclaren f1's social media admin. so what if her constant teasing of oscar bites her in the ass and accidentally posts something that could potentially compromise her job? meanwhile, lando and oscar laugh at her demise while pato finds it endearing.
yapping and lacking, smau: people are slowly catching onto pato and diwa's connections during the winter break, when mclaren released their own podcast. ★
sergio perez (sp11)
she's beauty, she's grace, smau: in which carmella ayala perez, the miss universe 2018 winner, tied the knot with checo after their five years of relationship and the birth of their second child.
oscar piastri (op81)
lomi and the piastri fiasco (filo!gen z!ofc)
jollibee, madrid and all that romantic fiasco, smau: paloma san pedro is carlos sainz's cousin-in-law who also introduced oscar to his newly found filipino fast food chain addiction. safe to say that he bought a ticket last minute just so he can obsess over her, too.
live tweets, japan and all that romance fiasco, smau: how oscar's podium win in the japanese gp led to the revelation of his relationship with carlos sainz's in-law, paloma. lesson learned: just call her "pal" then she'll spill the tea for the both of you easily (f, h)
lucky charms, qatar and all that romance fiasco, smau: oscar is quite a forgetful guy, he forgot to mention to carlos, his future in-law, that paloma was his sprint lucky charm. (f)
long distance, england and all that romance fiasco, smau: paloma moved to england a year after enduring a long distance relationship with oscar.
extra: birthdays, manila and all that romance fiasco: before the japanese grand prix week, oscar had his own birthday party held in jollibee - a dream come true for him, really. ★
other pieces
12345sex, smau: oscar is secretly freaky and mercury nicoletta had to show him off at some point.
kimi raikkonen (kr7)
stop the world i wanna get off with you, smau: vera 'coppa' coppola-raikkonen is the only one who can make the iceman talk a lot. she's also the only one who can make the chatty versions of him as their three older children (romania, rooney and johann-lauri) make their presence known to the racing community. (f, g, h)
someone's dad, socmed snapshot: kimi being the coolest dad, a series.
daniel ricciardo (dr3)
✿ rush smau series - daniel ricciardo x ofc (lester alessandro) ★
other pieces
leaked, smau: daniel ricciardo is a borderline blabbermouth. (filo!ofc)
when danny said, smau: daniel + sadie samuels = it feels just right. (country singer!ofc) ★
george russell (gr63)
his family and her lover, smau: eleanora 'nora' alessandro was more than happy for george's willingness to step up as her children's father regardless of how people poorly reacted on their relationship.
she's magic (youtuber!singer!ofc)
the multifaceted gf and her pets, smau: arabella 'ara' elgin is multitalented and her haters couldn't do much about it as she released a new song about her relationship with george.
carlos sainz jr. (cs55)
two worlds entangling (filipino!ofc)
ride home, smau: the ferrari driver accidentally outed himself as a married man, so mona magdalena sainz stepped in to say hi to his loyal fans. (f, g, h) (extra)
dear, smau: nobody loved each other more than magda and carlos sainz. OR a series of tweets in which magda and carlos never took each other seriously. (h)
pag-ibig, traducido (love, translated), fic: no matter what cultural context and backstories, magda and carlos' souls were entwined into one all thanks to the languages of love that they shared. OR times when the spanish and filipino defined their love in many languages. (f) ♡
logan sargeant (ls2)
he's her lobster, smau: eugenia 'genie' newton + logan sargeant = mondler (h)
mick schumacher (ms47)
big mick energy series (x filo!ofc)
she's everything... and he's just mick, smau: barbara 'barbie' blanco is the vettel family's foster child that gradually turned to kimi vettel's nanny and mick's crush? (f, g)
"besties", smau: everyone swore that mick and barbie are more than "babysitting pardners" (f)
who is kenough, smau: mick nearly took the piss from arthur leclerc after the posts that the monegasque had of barbie. too bad, mick was already hers before arthur could even try. (feat. arthur leclerc)
kenergy unfolded, fic: written version of who is kenough OR arthur leclerc was only scheming just so mick could do something about revealing his relationship with barbie. ♡
the vibing allan and the reluctant ken, smau: for mick, there are only two words to describe his girlfriend's best friend arthur: a headache. OR arthur leclerc is a third wheel that mick always get on a fight with. thankfully, barbie had fair experiences with boys who are petulant and childish at times (kimi and seb)
barbie and the schuminis
mick multiplied, socmed snapshot: girl dad!mick that's all
the little schuminis, fic: 4 times when mick showed his devotion + 1 time his devotion paid off
lance stroll (ls18)
gotta be you, smau: bora mckinnon made her presence known in the paddock one year after lance broke up with her. now, they're all over the media because of his presence in her three birthday celebrations. the question still stands: are they getting back together?
diors and diecasts, socmed snapshot: lance stroll is sassy but so was his carbon copy. OR according to him, his son was a victim of the only child apocalypse. he also said that while buying his son everything he could get his hands on.
yuki tsunoda (yt22)
line without a hook, smau: pia ellis misses her mystery bf that everyone thought to be her delusions. it turns out he's a formula one driver who definitely misses her too.
chaos family, socmed snapshot: yuki is a dad to the little mini yukis known as hana and shin.
all-american bitch, smau: some people didn't like pia's blunt and genuinely straightforward personality. that's too bad. ★
max verstappen (mv1)
✿ to loathe and to love series - max verstappen x hearth sister!ofc (sylvie ford) ♡
to loathe and to love: extras (x ofc)
lost in japan, smau: just two lost souls (with a tour guide) travelling to japan to make up for the childhood they missed. (f)
the purple chronicle (x ferrari!ofc)
paint him red, smau: alfrieda 'dina' ferrari is the only woman who can mark him as a ferrari fan - and he was quite alright with that.
sebastian vettel (sv5)
✿ sweet rich life, smau + fics series masterlist - sebastian vettel x ofc (bel ong) ★
mark webber (mw2)
the problem with following orders, smau: lydia 'liddy' vettel was what everyone considered 'a revenge best served cold.' of course that was a joke, it wasn't entirely either of their fault they were too drawn at each other. (g, h) ♡
toto wolff
✿ colour me your colour series masterlist - toto wolff x hearth sister!ofc (tilly marie hearth) series
colour me your colour: extras (x ofc)
the paddock's resident it girl, smau: besides from owning three of mercedes' competitors in the track and being the mercedes team principal's wife, she's also known as the cool girl of the paddock for her taste in fashion and husband. (f)
the paddock's lucky husband, smau: with him being spoon-fed with love from his children and wife, toto really couldn't ask for more. OR tilly wolff liked to talk about fashion but her family? she might as well write a whole book about them. (f)
the paddock's resident menace and the dame, smau: tilly wolff was presented with a damehood and her daughter tia, the girl who tends to act on her mischievous way (all thanks to toto), celebrated her 7th birthday during the silverstone gp week. fans recall her best moments in sky sports and media overall.
the paddock's iconic team owners, smau: toto and tilly wolff are considered the king and the queen of formula one for a good reason.
the arrow and the bull speared through the hearth, fic: tia wolff learned a lot from her papa and uncle christian, and tilly had to teach them a lesson too. (h)
the paddock's drive to survive, smau: in which, toto's wife tilly became a part of the season six of the netflix series 'drive to survive'. OR everyone believed her to be a part of big controversies in the formula one season of 2023.
#tbt, socmed snapshot: too many throwbacks, so little time.
other pieces
twentieth sommer of love, smau: toto wolff celebrated his 20 years of marriage with his childhood friend/wife and their four kids. OR everyone wondered why irish sommer was referred to as 'the bitch of the runway.' (supermodel!ofc)
formula equals endurance, smau: tomi roxas became the biggest name in the f1 drivers' market when she announced her retirement from world endurance championship. the problem? everyone's linking her up to a certain austrian that she's had a crush for years. ★ (driver!ofc)
f1 drivers (general / multiple pairing)
✿ 9 to 5 series masterlist - f1 grid x ofc (lester alessandro) ft. fictional wolff kids
✿ f1 voicemail blurbs - series of blurbs with voicemails left by the drivers. ★
too much caring, smau, sv5 + jb22: kpop idol juno was assumed to have cheated on retired driver jenson button with his best mate sebastian vettel. oh how wrong those people were...
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