ASOUE Dynamic Playlists
You can find the list of character playlists here
Unfortunate Gen
The Firefighters
The Firestarters
Olaf & Beatrice
Jacques/Olivia (Show!Verse)
Esmé/Olivia (Show!Verse)
Beatrice & Jerome
I am constantly editing/changing these, most of them aren't really in a coherent order yet and some of them are currently ridiculously short because I haven't really found the right niche of songs for their dynamic yet, but here you go ^.^ (also I will be making and linking a masterpost for each one explaining why I chose all the songs, but if anyone ever has any song recommendations or wants to know about a specific song that's already on there, feel free to send me an ask!)
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reptilesroom · 1 year
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beatricebidelaire · 3 months
the idea of "georgina gets irritated with geraldine of all people because the way esme says sweet things to geraldine just to get geraldine to do what she wants and georgina is vaguely jealous" is extremely funny, which in turns irritates beatrice baudelaire because beatrice is aware that georgina never cared about her and considers her irrelevant and while beatrice does her best to get some reaction out of georgina, jealousy or hate or otherwise, she never succeeded and georgina just did not care about her at all, but then there is this smalltime petty reporter who came out of nowhere and georgina takes notice of her and is bothered by her in a way that she has never been bothered by beatrice's existence, and beatrice is so, so annoyed.
and then r, who adores beatrice and is definitely on her side for everything, is also geraldine's coworker (at DP) and she's like B i am absolutely sympathetic but also this is. kind of funny you have to admit.
beatrice: ramona how DARE you
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milf-lover42 · 1 year
Headcanon that Olaf and Esmé only had sex once the entire time they were “together” and they BOTH had to imagine the other was Georgina to get through it
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creative-little-bean · 11 months
Eswell Moodboard
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lesbian-in-leather · 1 year
Both of them are far too used to holding all the power and are therefore completely useless at navigating a mostly equal relationship—they deal with this by both lowkey manipulating the other (does it really count as manipulation if they know the other is doing it?) but like, with good intentions. Mostly
The idea of these two supposedly polar-opposites getting along easily and from the outset not only pleases me greatly, but would definately freak out and/or irritate (Beatrice 100% falls into the latter catagory) everyone in VFD. So much. But despite the seemingly contradictory perceptions of them both, they do genuinely enjoy the others' company. Not that they'd ever actually admit it (because who needs open communication, amiright?)
And of course, it wouldn't be me if I didn't talk about the angst of them being apart during the series, having presumably broken up either just before or because of Esmé's marriage to Jerome, but neither expected it to last because their fights never did. And then Esmé reads about Georgina's death, reads that her Georgie is gone and there's nothing she can do. And even if Georgina somehow survives (heartbreakingly only really possibly in netflix canon, but a girl can dream), then Esmé leaves the City before she can learn of it, and Georgina hears that Esmé was in the Hotel Denouement when it burnt down and hasn't been seen since. The forced separation of two woman that would usually crave independance, but for some reason can't stop thinking about the other............ it makes me SAD and I love it
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you three things I like about it!
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zuunnast0424 · 6 months
Ungursun 1 jild yu bolood ungursuniig bodohoor gol zuraad uilmaar sanagdaad bh ym. Hajuud mini baih ymshig boddog bsn zunduu zuils odoo alga. Hamgiin aimar ni mash ih hairlaj bsn zuils shuu dee. Itgel naidwaraa aldsan ymshig uhmeer ymshig udruud urgeljleh bolow uu? Ali eswel duusaad bi jargah ym bolow uu? Ene olon aldsan zuilsees uuriiguu l aldsan mini hamgiin tom butelguitel baih. Bi unendee amidarmaar baina. Hairlaad, hairluulaad. Ghde ymr ch shanalgaa, ur tuluus, aidasguigeer. Aigaad uheh ni. Dahiad neg butelgui jil baih wii gehees. Yaj aij baina geech. Shine jilee jargaltai ugui dee ydaj jargaltai ymshig dur esgeed ugtsan bol. Uilaad l ugtchihlaa. Unuudriin goy zuil ni uhmeer baigaagaa martaad eej duuteigee ineeldeed tewreldeed hewtsen mini. Uuniig martaj chadahgui ee. Aimr jargaltai bsn. Baga baihad aawigaa huleeged gurwuulaa ingeed hewtdeg baisan.
Odoo 1/4 bolno. Ungursun jiliin ter udur bi aawtai hamt uhchihsen baih. Uheegui ingeed uilaad uunig bichij baigaa ch gesen uhchihsen baih. Uunees hoish bas iim uhmel baihwii gehees uneheer ih aij baina. Bi amar amgalan, aj jargaliig olood uuniigee haraad bayrlaasai gej mash ih husej baina. Uheegui bn amid baina gedgee medreesei.
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Seen a lot of eswell fics that reference esmé's tendency to drag georgina into stairwells/cupboards/bathrooms/elevators/alcoves/other semi-public spaces so georgina can fuck her, but I am yet to see someone actually write that smut fic
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Once again in "I want more eswell content" hell. So help me if I can't find more I will be forced to make it myself
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reptilesroom · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Georgina Orwell/Esmé Squalor Characters: Georgina Orwell, Esmé Squalor Additional Tags: Unrequited Love, Angst Summary:
It was getting to be too much for Georgina.
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beatricebidelaire · 4 months
i do love thinking about eswell in the context of, not both of them as firestarters, but both of them as people who are on neither sides and only for themselves. georgina because she's distanced herself from both sides of vfd and esme who were never really vfd to begin with. they may have worked with each side during different times, as we see collaboration with olaf in canon, but that doesn't really mean they're on his side, and temporary alliance is just strategic decision
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milf-lover42 · 8 months
By the way today, October 25th, is Esmé and Georgina’s anniversary of any of you even give a single flying fuck about it
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lesbian-in-leather · 2 years
ooo thanks for the tag! can you tell us something about 2?
Yes I absolutely can!!
Okay so Bloodlust was inspired by a song on my eswell playlist (Hit and Run by LOLO) and it was literally just... Georgina and Esmé commit a murder together lmao. Which is sort of why it never got posted because it's just kinda short and like. Doesn't really have a lot going on? I count it as a WIP though because I do quite like it, but I feel like it'd need to be longer for me to post it on ao3 or anything so... who knows, maybe some day I'll add to it and it'll go somewhere!
Instead of a snippet I'm literally going to include the whole thing because! It's short! Might as well see the light of day (content warning: blood, violence, weaponry)
The knife sliced across his throat as easily as a boat glides through the water, leaving ripples of crimson red in its wake. A torrent flowed from him, soaking his clothes as he crumpled, coating Esmé’s hands as she held him upright; savouring the kill. Her eyes met Georgina’s, and the optometrist saw the rush of power that always came with taking a life. Many words had been used to describe Esmé Gigi Geniveve Squalor – ‘cruel’, ‘vain’, ‘villainous’, ‘manipulative’, and ‘a terrible actress who cannot sing and should have never replaced a certain remarkable woman in the odious play directed by Count Olaf’, were merely a few choice examples. But in that moment, Georgina’s mind could conjure only one.
“Breath-taking.” It was an apt description – the word ‘breath-taking’, as you probably know, can be meant both figuratively and literally. If someone is literally breath-taking, then they are depriving someone else of their breath (someone might, for example, take the breath of City’s sixth most important financial advisor by cutting his throat with a knife in the entranceway of a mansion belonging to the City’s seventh most important financial advisor, so that the City’s eighth most important financial adviser could very efficiently jump two rankings in one evening). If someone is figuratively breath-taking, however, then they are so beautiful that the observer merely feels as though they cannot breathe, and all they can do is watch in awe as this beautiful person stands before them like an ethereal apparition.
It pains me to say that, in this moment – slightly out of breath, her eyes alight with the visceral thrill that accompanied her villainous deed, hands bloody and still holding the dripping knife, as a cruel, merciless smile spread over her features – in Georgina’s eyes, at least, Esmé Squalor was breath-taking in all senses of the word.
She dropped her most recent victim – who was still gurgling slightly as blood spilled from his gaping wound – and stepped over his body without a second thought, reaching Georgina in a few purposeful strides. Esmé’s towering heels clicked on the stone floor before she snatched Georgina’s gun from her hands, tossing it to one side and fisting a bloodstained hand in the lapel of the optometrist’s blazer as it skittered away. She pressed the blade of her knife against Georgina’s throat with her free hand as she pulled her closer, their faces barely a hair’s breadth apart. Georgina should have objected to the blood now staining her clothes, should have fought back against the threat that Esmé was making, should have drawn a clear line in the metaphorical sand, should have finally set a boundary in their impossible, ever-shifting, pseudo-relationship. If it were anyone else, she would have done so without a second thought. But, then again, if it were anyone else, she wouldn’t have found the act nearly so arousing. For an instant they stayed there, eyes locked, before the tension that had been building between them all evening finally snapped and Georgina couldn’t prevent her eyes from flicking down to Esmé’s slightly parted lips – painted the same shade as the blood spattered over her collarbone, in place of her usual jewellery.
A rapidly diminishing voice in the back of Georgina’s mind was still vaguely aware that she shouldn’t be allowing Esmé so much control, should at least put on the pretence of fighting back, but the act she had just witnessed – their plan finally put into motion – and the way it had affected Esmé was far too enticing to fight against. Even as she found herself being pushed backwards until she hit the wall, Esmé discarding the knife on a nearby table, just close enough to retain the threat and the thrill, but freeing her hands and allowing her to begin ridding Georgina of her clothing. It would also have been easier to object if Esmé hadn’t been kissing her quite so thoroughly, occupying both Georgina’s mouth and her mind until all she could do was hold on to Esmé with equal ferocity – one hand on her waist and the other winding its way into her hair.
“Here?” she asked, in the brief moment when it was proved that even Esmé had to catch her breath on occasion. “Now?” the half-laugh quickly dissolved into a moan as Esmé focused on Georgina’s neck, teeth and tongue lavishing Esmé’s sadistic attentions over the skin there in a deliberately unequal ratio.
“Now.” Esmé practically growled into Georgina’s throat, tearing through the fabric of Georgina’s blouse in her desperation to remove it, nails clawing at the exposed skin beneath, and all the optometrist could do was arch into her lover’s touch and moan her agreement.
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olivia-calidamn · 2 years
Georgina patches up esme for the WIP 🏃🏻‍♀️
thank you Becs!! i finished this around June 2020 i just haven't posted it yet ✌
it's meant to be before Olivia Jacquelyn and Esmé's girlfriend period and like. it's what it says on the tin for sure. i didn't know what to rly flesh it out with at the time
blood mt
“Just thought I’d pop in, Georgie,” was Esmé’s greeting, after several ragged breaths. They made made Georgina turn-
“If you get blood on my carpet, you’re cleaning it up yourself,” Georgina snapped.
“They’re just surface grazes, I think,” Esmé said, trying to touch her cheek, and wincing. Said cheek was red; the tears lingering around Esmé's eyes were just from the physical pain.
Though she wanted to remind Esmé that she knew where the medicine cabinet was, Georgina was up. She handed Esmé the whiskey glass, knowing it would both dull the throbbing and provide her some entertainment.
As Georgina thought she would, Esmé forgot that Georgina liked her whiskey neat.
Leading Esmé upstairs as she coughed, then dramatically cleared her throat, Georgina tried to mask most of her smirk. “Alright, lightweight."
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alexie-the-pig · 3 years
Every Friend Group Should Include Sugar bowl gen edition:
A bimbo:
Esmé Gigi Genevieve Squalor (Orwell) and Olaf ig
A mean bisexual:
Still Esmé
An even meaner lesbian:
Georgina Orwell AND Jacqueline
She/Theys: Kit Snickers
He/Theys: Lemony Snickers
A token straight that’s on thin ice: Josephine Anwhistle
An astrology bitch who has everyones birth chart memorized:
Beatrice and Olivia
And a short king: Bertrand
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