sharkgirlthighs · 1 year
Someone's gotta remind me to post on this every now and again.
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I am the Upstate NY low tier player they warn you about. I'm having fun and cannot be stopped
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Welcome to the Rivals of Aether universe!
There will be many shenanigans here, dealing with the RoA crew, so expect something... interesting.
The Fire Element:
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The Water Element:
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The Earth Element:
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The Air Element:
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That's pretty much it!
Ask them whatever your heart desires!
I'm bored, as you can tell.
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cherryluca · 1 year
etalus is cool
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impact801 · 6 months
Cherry Limeade Etalus: FB6D-7550-ECAF-9D21-38FF
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henarten · 11 months
OH, you meant that kind of bracket. Congrats for getting as far as your did!
Who do you main in RoA? I mostly play Orcane, but Olympia and Elliana(Or however her name is spelled, the mech snake lady) are also very fun.
You spelled her name right, I main Sylvanos, funny plant doggy. Though I also play a bit of Etalus on the side.
I dont use it much but @sharkgirlthighs is where i post rivals stuff whenever i feel like
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444names · 1 year
Aerpus Agled Annal Anofist Anzhe-o Argrepus Baccus Bazimbus Becarpus Bediflus Bednembus Beng-rē Beng-òng Benircsop Berrud Betbus Biedniaty Bilppus Bulcus Buulpi Bōng-íu Cabus Caremmus Carepus Carus Celtbus Cevrep Chind Chonk Cháng Cilibari Cintu Citilbus Clebus Clerepmi Cotbus Cámángbus Cùn-dhìng Degbus Demirppus Depus Desbus Detag Detangxún Detnamus Detubus Dezin Dhong Dieng-ū Diidius Dingù Dneirepus Dneoll Dnerus Docilin Docrepus Docsus Drembus Dulrembus Duvidrem Duwìe Eatrebrus Ebiragu Ebitperuy Ecajbus Ecobus Ecrepus Edabus Edisop Eetsus Egarpus Egrepus Ekhūn Ekonrepus Ekorepus Elbaragus Elbats Elbisselm Elbiy Elbus Elebus Elitnen Elpbus Emartimb En-dhāng Enilb Ercbus Ercsrepus Erebus Eriws Erufrus Erusi Esabus Esapsbus Esoccus Esorepus Etack Etahtbus Etalcbus Etalus Etarepsus Etarepus Etaus Etibus Etirembus Etirepus Etivrepus Evirorgo Ezilbaung Eziry Ezivrepus Faocbus Fareppus Ferppus Fetbus Fieven Florr Fovitcuri Fulppus Funim Galus Gembus Gemelabus Geonrepus Gezilppus Glevy Gnibmus Gniint Gnilairt Gnirs Gnitisbus Gnitsuou Gnizi Goflus Gropmus Guiti Gunicrus Gò-pén Gòngù Halcbus Heabbus Helcbus Hielk Honipsus Hsitatsy Hsitnatt Hualk Hōng-dhòn Iclumbus Iesbus Iesnus Iessen Ihsenly Ixorrus Iyidbus Jievened Juoul Juout Khenxient Kimrucbus Kotalus Krovi Kà-chèn Lacbus Lacrepus Ladnuoll Ladus Lambus Lamroppus Lang-ēng Lanik Lanir Lanoflu Lanoitius Lanoty Larary Latiul Latrepus Ledbus Lednot Lenimbus Lenitip Lesbus Letanus Lhúrhtell Lhēng Lhōng Liectin Lierpbus Lierus Liond Lisabus Loflup Lonkàn Luccus Luflus Lufrutlus Luvorppus Lynock Memerpus Meng-o Meong-é Metsbus Meyol Mezili Mi-dó Mien-ēn Mievi Migerrus Mimarpbus Misoppus Misseggus Misseng Mocrepus Monhcarri Monrepus Motius Msimbus Mucepus Multbus Mulus Muripsus Mutlus Muuti Nagus Nambus Neerufss Neetu Nevrus Niartbus Nieneccus Nilacbus Noicepus Noicsilt Noilai Noircbus Noironk Noitadnus Noitamus Noitcepus Noiti Noituppus Nombus Nutirt Nuulfnus Ogrus Orepus Oslicipus Peccus Petbus Phenbus Pisbus Piulkcus Plabrus Plaung Pokkus Pong-chè Ponhcnirt Puimi Puiremer Pun-mán Pung-ind Puuki Pūngbus Qaotbus Qaotz Raerm Ralcrus Rasrepus Rebrepus Recit Redbus Rednuout Redrepus Redrop Relibrus Relppus Rhoprupid Rhotsbuck Rhūng Riipsus Roitbus Rositcus Rìunibrus Saerpus Sanadli Sangth Saobus Sarerbus Sargbò Satefnus Scepus Sciti Sduli Sefni Sefnuor Segbus Seggujbus Segrepus Sehrepus Seiccus Seici Seick Seicsus Seirobus Seitpi Seitus Sellibus Semmus Senet Senid Seonbé Seotbus Setemp Seuqest Sfrumbus Sgnizeetu Sgnus Shocbus Slaehsbus Slamel Slaung Slern Snnaerpus Snnambus Snocbus Snocif Snoeng Snoertaus Snoitbus Sognus Somrepus Srepusbus Ssabus Ssalus Ssats Ssechè Sserabrus Sserpus Sserrus Ssery Stnal Stnatt Stnetith Stsbus Stsrettel Sueltup Suerppus Suoirall Suoitaug Suoll Suong Suorepus Swend Tacbus Taody Tekcus Telfrepus Tellepus Tepus Thepus Thielm Thiult Thong Thung Thupi Ticepus Timalp Tinarb Tnarffus Tnatoor Tnats Tneint Tnelibus Tnemb Tnemmu Tnengù Tneve Tnevelt Tnevrus Toitadus Toitcepus Toppus Trepus Trosbus Tsautpmus Tsimmus Tun-rē Turnebus Uarudbus Unlhāng Upirepsus Uttarebus Uttupi Uvivist Viosegbus Vioss Vircbus Vunif Weolt Wevissus Wieck Wienitcus Wongū Wotcati Wulesk Wurhtrus Wurnus Wuuki Wuunibith Wuutcurd Wùnán-ù Xanrepus Xèōng Yaerrus Ycaert Ycamp Yevisseng Ylbus Yllaus Yllevi Ylsufe Ylsus Yrambus Yraoni Yrtal Yrtbus Yrutifni Ysduery Ytegi Yualpbus Zeneggus Zhù-ò Zè-vòn Á-án-á Áng-o É-ūng Éngòng Ò-phíeng Úghō-èn Ún-rà Ān-zín Āngorey Ūngwò
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sanalune-forest · 2 years
Hailey: So, where do we start? There's like, a million books here!
Lucas: But, Hailey, a library is a treasure hunt! You never know what gems you may find along the way!
Arco: Ahh, like a book on how to catch?
*Arco grabs a heavy book.*
*Arco throws the book, hitting Lucas in the back of the head.*
*Lucas falls to the ground, dropping the book he had in his paw.*
And, ow.
✨Random Quotes from the Forest!✨
Featuring, the Rivals of Aether roster! Who for some reason, live with the Spirits.
and Pomme
Let's begin!
There are three types of people.
*Clairen falls down the stairs.*
Hodan: Are you okay?
Ori: Stop falling down the stairs!
Elliana: How'd the ground taste?
Orcane: Elliana has no survival skills. Her need to win has replaced them.
Olympia: That can't be true!
Watch this.
Hey, Elliana! Race you to the bottom of the stairs!
*Elliana throws herself out a window.*
Pomme: Let's all agree that going up the stairs on all fours is actually the best experience on earth.
Maypul: Conversely, going down the stairs on all fours is actually the most terrifying experience on earth.
Anya: What do we think of Wrastor?
Sylvanos: *sighs* Nice pal.
Hailey: I think they're gay.
Maypul: I still don’t have a New Year’s resolution.
Orcane: You could lose a few.
Kragg: You could be less lazy.
Pomme: Don’t be such a bitch.
Maypul: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
Forsburn: Question, how difficult would it be to bowl in a bee suit?
Ori: Not that hard, I don't think, as long as you can move.
Ranno: I'd assume as hard as it is to bowl in a maid outfit.
Ranno: Wouldn't be any harder, but you'd get some WEIRD looks.
Hailey: Are... Are you speaking from experience...?
Ranno: No!
Ranno: ...
Ranno: ...Maybe.
Lucas: Etalus, you're an asshole, man.
Etalus: You are what you eat Lucas.
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Etalus: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Ori: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Forsburn: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Mollo: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Forsburn: *flips the board*
Absa: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Ranno: Cannibalism.
Absa: *confused chewing noises*
Wrastor: Clairen, don’t go picking a fight with Anya. Don’t forget, they’re powerful, they could make life difficult for you.
Clairen: Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life.
Elliana: Hey, Hodan. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Hodan: To get to the other side?
Elliana: You were supposed to say “I dunno, why?“
Hodan: Uh... fine. I don’t know. Why did it cross the road?
Elliana: To get to the idiot’s house.
Hodan: ...Ok?
Forsburn: Hey, Hodan. Knock knock.
Hodan: No.
Forsburn: You were supposed to say “who’s there?”
Hodan: Fine... let’s get this over with. Who’s there?
Forsburn: The chicken.
Hodan: o_o
Forsburn: :)
Elliana: :)
Hodan: Listen here you little shits-
Elliana: I think Forsburn is in trouble.
Orcane: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest.
Zetturburn: How did you break your tail?
Elliana: Do you see those porch stairs?
Zetturburn: Yes.
Elliana: I didn't.
Vera: What's two plus two?
Etalus: Math.
Vera: ...I will accept that answer.
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brawlersinzone · 2 years
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First batch of VS. portraits made for Rivals of Aether's Workshop Pack update in February. This was the first time I ever professionally did something this grand, and I'm glad I was able to do it. Additional help was from @thisisellian.
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duskneko · 2 years
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I just wanted to play a funny dating sim what the fuck is this shit
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mr-grizzed · 3 years
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rivals doodles for tonight
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stardestroyer81 · 4 years
You know what I love making? Wallpapers. I realize I just uploaded a pair of them yesterday on my Specter of Torment anniversary post, but since then I've been on a pretty big wallpaper kick, and have made a whole new assortment of them. And by assortment, I don't mean three, nor five, or even eight— we're talking a twelve-pack of wallpapers. How, one could hypothetically inquire, could I have made a dozen wallpapers in the span of a single day?
Lovers of Aether, that's how!
Given my fondness for the game, I figured I would show my love for it by making stylized wallpapers for each of the twelve rivals, complete with a quote and signature from each character! This had started out as mere test, but once I noticed how good I had made Zetterburn's wallpaper, I figured I'd give the rest a go, too! Have a look below!
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I’m proud of how official I was able to make these all look! I hope you like them, ‘cause I enjoyed making them!
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hopesuke · 4 years
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jacquirebriggs · 4 years
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Please stop me before inspire everyone to turn Galarian Fossil-like fusions into... an idea.
Had a tiny little laziness and procrastination when suddenly I feel like creating more Galarian fossil expies. Not exactly expies, but clearly inspired by them.
I choose Rivals of Aether because I feel like they would be interest ing to conceptize besides other fossils. I also threw in Ori/Shovel Knight for more flavor and the fact they are guests in this game.
Meet Abstor, Forlus, Mayragg, Sylvaana, and Oriknight. Since I can’t fit the last two fusions, they’ll be created in another day.
I've worked so many hours for this piece just like all others...
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tabbycrafts · 5 years
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Etalus and Maypul from Rivals of Aether for @duskcorgi~
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zeelzebub · 5 years
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A few days ago, I got bored and made some custom colors in Rivals of Aether. Decided to use the genderqueer flag cuz why not. (Etalus’s color was made I started questioning stuff. The original idea was that I wanted a green polar bear.)
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