angeliana2023 · 14 days
Epilogue: The Dreams
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! This is just a quick epilogue, (Kind of like a post-credits scene!) to the first book! Enjoy!
Something was wrong in the Mansion of Lucidity.
People were tossing and turning in their beds. It was impossible to wake them in the morning, but they didn't know what was happening. The first night, Coletta complained of a strange dream about her old friends from Percy Jackson.
Lily complained the next night about a surreal dream about Megan being her adoptive sister, and finally, Cadenza complained. Her dream was about Lucid dreaming. She wasn't just havinga lucid dream, she was dreaming about it. Aurora and the others think it was just a dream, but I think it was a vision. That's where I come in.
Queen Esperanza. The second incarnation.
To be continued...
Author's note: So, there you have it! A dream spell is going around, and everyone in the Mansion of Lucidity is affected. Esperanza will also be introduced. So, I'll see you in the next book! Stay lucid!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 21 days
Chapter 22: Dawn of the New Multiverse (Part 3) (Book 1 Finale)
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! This is it. The final chapter in book 1! It's been a roller coaster of a year, and I can't believe I'm finally here! So, this chapter will be extra long, with the second half of the battle first, second is something I don't want to reveal until it happens, and third is the final scene with everyone together. I also will be posting an epilogue after this, teasing the plot and main topic of the next book. So, without further ado, enjoy! (During the Author's speech at the end, there was a major autocorrect typo having to do with the word antient being, but I fixed it.)
Tracklist for this chapter: (Three of them are Lilith's songs when she sings on stage.)
1. I Miss You -End Credits Verison - Tom and Jerry the Movie
2. Mainichi ga Brand New Day - Fushigiboshi no Futagohime (Just the melody)
3. Here Beside Me -Mulan 2
4. Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure - Mother's Lullaby (When Lilith reunites with Dire's spirit)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
No new characters this time.
Lilith was walking towards Dio, fury in her face. She had never thought about revenge before in her life. Not until Dire was cruelly stolen from her.
Now she needed it.
Cadenza didn't know what to do. She ran towards Lilith. "Lilith, Dio wants you dead, too! PLEASE don't do this!"
Lilith stopped in her tracks and stared at Cadenza. "When he died, didn't you want revenge?"
Lilith's words felt like a sword through Cadenza's heart. "W-who are you talking about?"
"In the original timeline. After the battle at the end of 2014, when Esperanza was replaced, you became queen. You wanted revenge when the one you loved was taken from you, just as I do!" Lilith said.
"I-I just don't want to see you die, too!" Cadenza said.
"If I die, at least it won't be in vain," Lilith said, before going to face Dio.
"Do you really think you can defeat me? By all means, go ahead and try!" Dio said.
At that moment, Lilith started doubting what she was doing. She was terrified. If Dio could take down a big warrior like Dire, surely he would be able to dispatch Lilith no problem!
But Lilith wasn't a fragile maiden.
She had power. Coletta, Cadenza, Lilith, and the others probably had more power than Lilith would ever have, but she wasn't thinking about that right now.
She was thinking about Dire.
How desperate he looked when he shielded her.
The pain-stricken expression on his face when he took the knife.
How he sacrificed his life, his future, everything, just for Lilith.
How he died in her arms.
And here was the evil man who made all of that happen, standing before her.
Lilith lost all reasoning. She sent a burst of ice magic towards Dio, ready to give him the fate he originally had planned for Dire.
Dio's body began to freeze, and he realized what Lilith was doing. He tried to break free from the ice, but this ice was different. Frosterian ice is the coldest and most powerful of all.
Dio couldn't move. Lilith was advancing towards him, ready to go in for the kill. "Let me go! You can't do this! I will not be defeated by the likes of you!" Dio shouted, enraged. Lilith froze his head, so he would never see or talk again.
After freezing him, Lilith transformed into her new form- Ice Dragon. She blasted Dio with her newfound powers and shattered him into millions of tiny shards of ice.
He was gone.
After the deed was done, Lilith collapsed next to Dire. She cried, this time harder than last. She was paralyzed with sorrow. It felt like she was sinking. It felt like quicksand was pulling her under, drowning her.
She remembers the ring. Tears in her eyes, she stared at it, then at Dire. "G-goodbye, my love... I'll restore and rule Frosteria for you. I promise I'll try to find your sister. I promise."
Lilith blew Dire one last kiss, then stood up, and addressed the Nightdreamer army. "Dio is dead, and Megan and the queen are in Fallingstar. The Nightdreamer army is losing."
The Nightdreamers realized they were defeated, and set down their weapons.
Meanwhile, back in Fallingstar, Lily was still trying to talk sense into Megan. "Please, come back with us!" Lily said.
"NEVER!" Megan prepared to fire a blast of magic at Lily, but the two of them disappeared back to Haventown.
When Megan saw what had happened, she flipped out. "WHAT? WHY HAS THE NIGHTDREAMER ARMY SURRENDERED?" Megan shouted.
One of the Nightdreamers spoke up. "Because we were given the command of a queen." He was referring to Lilith.
"I AM A QUEEN! Since my dear mother sealed herself away within my gem, I'm the queen!" Megan shouted.
Another soldier spoke up. "You weren't here, so Queen Lilith was the only one around."
"But where's Dio?" Megan asked.
Lilith approached Megan. "He killed my Dire. I did what I had to do."
Oh, no... Please, not this... Lily could feel tears welling up in her eyes...
"Y-you killed my brother..." Megan's cold exterior was coming apart.
The same thing... The same thing happened with Lucas... A hero killed him. For the first time, Lily felt truly bad for Megan.
Megan looked down. "Both my mother and brother are gone..." This wasn't good... Any child, even an evil one, needed someone to take care of them...
The Nightdreamer version of Randall Boggs spoke up. "We'll take care of you!" All of the Nightdreamers raised a cheer.
Aurora was shocked. even if the Nightdreamers were, 'the bad guys,' they still cared about their princess...
"Thank you, everyone..." Megan said, a tear in her eye. "Everyone, I have an announcement to make." The Nightdreamers stood in the presence of Megan. "My new mission is to avenge my brother's death, and bring my mother back."
"That's MY task, also!" Lily yelled, trying to get Megan to understand the two of them were the same. "When Lucas was killed by a hero, I secretly hated heroes for a time. Now that I've gotten to know them, I love them!" She pointed at Megan. "If you'd only come with us, and make friends!" Lily said.
Megan wasn't convinced. "When Scott Pilgrim killed Lucas Lee, did you want to befriend him?"
Lily shook her head.
"Then why would I want to make friends with Lilith? He killed my brother." Megan said.
"Megan, please, you have to listen to me! We should be forgiving one another!" Lily said.
Megan was done. She sent a ball of energy towards Lily, but Lily sent one, too. The two of them played beam-O-war, but Lily was losing.
"Please, everyone! I need your help!" Lily said.
Everyone came to her aid. Mike, Sully, The Muppets, The Winx, The Gang of Five, and everyone else Lily had met channeled their powers into her. Even the purified versions of the villains joined in. Megan was losing. Before the beam could hit her, she quickly teleported her and the other Nightdreamers away, back to the Nightdreamer's lair.
Megan's disembodied voice said, "You haven't seen the last of me! I'll have my revenge!" Before the voice faded.
The battle was over. Even though the Nightdreamers would return someday, peace had returned to Haventown, and the sun came out.
"We did it..." Lily said.
"And it was all thanks to you!" Coletta said.
"No, it wasn't. It was all of you. I would never have been able to push Megan's beam back if you hadn't lent me your powers." Lily said.
"Even though Morgana is gone, Megan's still around. We don't want to hurt her, we need to find a way to take her powers, and convince her to join us." Aurora said. She smiled. But for now, we can rest easy.
Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.
"But we have one more thing to do," Coletta said. She took Lily's hand.
All of the Daydreamers traveled with them. They were headed to the Mountains of Beginnings and Endings, to place the Heart where it belonged, and speak to the Author.
They got to the top and saw the pedestal where the Heart belonged.
Coletta handed Lily the Heart. "You should place it. You're the heir."
Lily shook her head. "You're the first incarnation. You're more worthy of placing it."
Cadenza chimed in. "Since we're all incarnations, the three of us should do it together." The three of them held the Heart and placed it upon the pedestal.
All of a sudden, the Heart began emitting intense, pink light. The area around glowed every shade of pink imaginable. Suddenly, a disembodied voice spoke.
You've come far, Daydreamers.
"Author? Is that you?" Lily asked, in awe.
Yes. I am your Author. I control you. I choose what happens to you.
"Author... Please tell me... Why did you let Dire die? Why did you let Dio kill him? If you control everything, you should've made Dire live." Lily asked.
Because a story wouldn't exist without conflict. I killed Dire to build Lilith's character.
"Why did you kill Lucas?" This is what Lily really didn't understand.
Lucas's death was out of my control. He was Fictonian, so that means a different Great Author was in control of what happened to him.
Lily didn't know what to say to that. Then she remembered. "My wish. The wish I made at the river... Author, will it come true? If it does, when?" Lily asked.
Your wish will come true, in the future. Good things will come to those who wait. Even if you have to wait years, you will be reunited.
Knowing she would see Lucas again was reassurance enough. "Ok. Thank you." Lily said.
The Author spoke again. You have learned valuable lessons on this journey. First, you learned that monsters aren't as bad as they might seem, next, you learned how villains can become friends with heroes. Next, you learned about the importance of teamwork, then, watching the tragedy of Dire and Lilith unfold, you learned about sacrifice. Dire and Lilith were willing to sacrifice one another's lives just to protect each other. But most importantly, you learned about new beginnings. Lily, every villain you came across was able to start over anew. 
"Thank you, Author," Lily said. "But why is your home called the 'Mountain of Beginnings and Endings?" Lily had been curious about this since she was younger.
My home is called the Mountain of Beginnings because at the beginning of every adventure you go on after this, I will give you your task, and at the ending, I will tell you about the lesson you learned. Now it is time for me to go. I will see you later. But before I leave, I have one more gift. 
Coletta felt strange, like at that moment, she could feel time moving.
"My immortality... It's gone..." Tears began streaming down Coletta's face. "THANK YOU! Now I never have to worry about being left behind ever again!" Coletta shouted.
Since the Author created you as a mature woman, you have started aging. You have the body of a twenty-nine-year-old, but the mind of an antient being. You are mortal just like your friends. When you find Esperanza, her immortality will be taken, also. Cadenza, it will be your turn when it comes time for your arc to start.
"Thank you..." Coletta bowed before the Author, even though she couldn't see her.
You're welcome. I will see you later. The Author's voice completely faded.
"I think we should head back home," Lily said.
So they did. There was some cleaning up to be done after the battle, but other than that, everything was ok.
One month later...
December 24th, 2012
It was Christmas Eve, and everyone was celebrating one month since Megan's defeat. Carols were being sung, presents were being wrapped, Christmas dinner was being prepared, and the mood was festive and wonderful.
Lilith was feeling a little bit better but still wished she could spend her first Christmas in the Mansion of Lucidity with Dire.
"Cadenza, could I talk to you about something?
"Sure." Cadenza said. "I'm wrapping gifts right now, so could you turn away, just in case you see one of yours?" Cadenza asked.
"Alright." Lilith giggled and turned away. "Before we went to The Muppets' world, you had that terrible vision. You saw someone sacrifice themself to save me. Do you think you got Walter's name wrong since it was one of your first visions? I think Dire was the one you saw dying." Lilith said.
"I think you're right. Since the incident a month ago, I've been thinking about that." Cadenza said.
Lilith sighed. "I can't believe he's gone..."
"Don't cry, Lilith." Cadenza covered up the gifts she had yet to wrap and walked over to Lilith. "Remember what he said? You'll meet him again someday."
"I know, but I don't when that'll be!" Lilith said.
"You never know. But until then, you can sing about him. In the original timeline, after I lost my love, I would always sing songs that reminded me about him. Singing sad songs would help me let my tears out, and would make me feel better." Cadenza said.
"What should I sing?" Lilith asked.
"Anything you want. Oh, I have a personal suggestion." Cadenza whispered into Lilith's ear.
"I know that song! It's from one of the Author's childhood movies!" Lilith said.
"Yeah. You can sing either version of the song, but I like the end credit version the best!" Cadenza said.
"Thank you. You're a good friend." Lilith said, before leaving.
Christmas at the Mansion of Lucidity is the biggest event of the year, so a big stage was set up, and everyone was singing Christmas music of all kinds. Rosie was the head of the Christmas carol department, so Lilith had to ask her if it was ok to sing a non-Christmas song.
"Normally I wouldn't let you, but since you're singing about something important, you're allowed. Each group is allowed a max of three songs each, so just write them down here." Rosie handed Lilith a clipboard.
"You're all set!" Rosie said.
Lilith went backstage to prepare. She looked at herself in the mirror and said to herself. "You can do this. Wait a minute, can you?" Lilith ran took a peek at the audience. "No, Lilith, you can't do this! What were you thinking?" Lilith said.
Cadenza heard Lilith doubting herself. "You know, I was just like this when I first sang in front of a live audience. I remember like it was yesterday. I was supposed to sing Tomorrow from Annie. I was so nervous, that I tried to hide and hope my understudy would go on instead of me. I decided to go on, of course, after one of my friends reassured me." Cadenza said. "You're not me. You don't have anything to be afraid of. Don't think about the audience, just think about Dire." Cadenza's words were very reassuring.
"O-Ok." Lilith took a deep breath. "Thanks, Dennie. I can do this." Lilith finished getting ready and went out onstage.
"Hi, everyone. I'm not singing any Christmas music tonight, but instead, my three songs will be about my love, Dire.
Lilith cleared her throat and sang. First, she sang I Miss You, which was painful because it was bittersweet but hopeful. It represented Lilith's desire to see Dire again.
She finished her first song, and everyone applauded. "My second song is to the melody of a song called Mainichi ga Brand New Day. I was listening to this beautiful song, and decided to write my own lyrics to go with the melody." Lilith said. She was nervous about singing this one.
Musical intro
The reason I sing this song, is because my love is gone... oh, how I miss you and long for you to return, I'm overwhelmed, by my sadness... you told me before you died... someday, we'd meet again, but I just can't wait, for you that long, that's the reason I'm singing so sadly...
But I just need to have some hope... Our Love will be the strongest thing in the universe, it will give me renewed hope...
I will never forget you, or never stop waiting, until the day when we both meet again, there will always be tomorrow no matter how sad I am, I miss you, and can't wait, to see you...
violin Interlude
When the violin started playing, a tear slipped down Lilith's cheek.
Second verse
You were my first love, and I tried to save you... I guess it was fate, for you to leave me, I still dream of you every night...
How could I forget my first true love? You might even be the love of my life and my best friend... 
second chorus
thank you for the time we spent together, even though it wasn't for very long, I will always keep you in my memory, I thank you, for these treasures.
When Lilith finished the song, the crowd went wild. She didn't think they would like it that much.
Lilith couldn't believe it! The crowd actually wanted to hear her third song! "My third song is the most important of them all. It's the first song I sang to Dire..."
Lilith sang here beside me and had to fight back tears. She was crying tears of sadness and joy. After Lilith finished singing, the crowd went wild yet again.
They love me. Lilith thought.
After she was done singing, Lilith stepped outside to admire the scenery. Haventown at Christmas was so beautiful. Lilith decided to circle the house and look at the Christmas lights. They were beautiful hues of red, blue, green, purple, and other colors. She was about done looking when she felt a presence behind her. Lilith turned around.
It was Dire.
He was just in spirit form, but he was there.
"Hello, Lilith," Dire said.
Lilith couldn't help it. She ran to Dire to hug him, but she went through him because he was a ghost. She finally broke down and sobbed freely. "I-I missed you SO much!" Lilith said.
"Me too. The author has allowed me to return to you one last time." Dire said.
"But Dire... I want to kiss you... Can't she make you whole again, just for one moment?" Lilith thought it couldn't be done, but the Author was merciful.
Your wish is my command.
Dire's body was no longer transparent. Lilith ran to him. The two of them shared a long kiss. Dire ran his hands through Lilith's hair. The two of them were so much in love, but Dire had to leave.
"Dire, please... I don't know what to do without you..." Lilith said.
"Lilith. You are so strong. You are stronger than any woman I've ever met. You can do it. I miss you, too, and I can't wait to see you. I've been watching over you from afar, and heard the songs you sang for me." Dire said.
"Ok, Dire... I'll cherish this moment forever. Until I see the light., and see you again." Lilith said.
Dire bowed to Lilith. "My job is done. You don't need me to protect you, anymore." Dire kissed Lilith's hand, which caused her to blush.
Dire turned back into a spirit and began to ascend. "May Frosteria prosper under your rule, Queen Lilith. I'm sorry I couldn't rule alongside you as king." Dire said.
"Thank you, Dire! I'll see you on the other side!" Lilith shouted up at him.
Until we meet again. Dire said before his voice faded.
Lilith stood there, before saying, "Thank you, author."
Lilith saw through one of the mansion windows everyone gathering in the living room. Something was happening. She ran back into the living room in record time. Aurora and Lily were giving a speech.
"This has been the longest and craziest five months of any of our lives, but we got through them together," Aurora said.
Lily was next. "2013's gonna be even better! No matter what those Nightdreamers throw at us, we'll get through it together!" Lily said.
"2013 will be amazing, but this year was a big one, too. It truly was the Dawn of the New Multiverse.
The end (For now!)
Author's note: Wow. Guys, I'm literally so happy right now! That was my first fanfic I've ever fully comepleted! Over three years after getting my account, I did it! After countless re writes, I finally finished the first book! As for what's in store for book 2, I'm revealing the title right now: Etheria book 1: In Your Dreams. In 2013, I was getting into Lucid dreaming a lot, and would be able to control my dreams. This book was mostly about new beginnings, so the next one will be all about dreams. This book utilized daydreaming as its main topic, but next book will use night dreaming. I'm also posting this story to Wattpad! Later today I'll make an account and cross post my first story! PS about the Mainichi ga Brand New Day song, the lyrics may not match up with the melody that well, so I'll take the lyrics off if you don't like them. So, I hope everyone enjoyed the final chapter, and I'll see you in the next book! Stay Lucid!
-EtheriaCadenza, 2021
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 28 days
Chapter 21: The Battle of Imagination (Part 2)
Author's Note: Hello, Dreamers! This is it! The start of the two-part finale of Dawn of the New Multiverse! I'm nervous right now because this will be the first time I've ever started fanfic, and actually seen it through to the end! About 10-15 chapters ago, I started doubting, saying, "There's so much left! Am I gonna finish this?" But now that I'm here, yes! I've always had a problem with rushing stuff along, to get to the 'good stuff,' like the most important ideas in my mind, so I have to pace myself and remember not to go too far ahead. I was able to wait, and now I'm here! So, this chapter will be the final fight in Haventown, with everyone Lily met along the way joining! At the end of every book, the final team will get bigger and bigger. So, with that long note out of the way, enjoy!
Track list for this chapter
1. Sailor Moon Sailor Stars OST -Ultimate Evil (For when Morgana seals herself in Megan's gem)
2. Sailor Moon R Movie OST - Reserection Serenade (For Dire's death)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Warning! Includes a character death that might be upsetting, so rated T.
Characters introduced (Or mentioned)
Since the new ones are all characters from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, I won'tlist them individually.
It was time. Time for the final battle. If they won, it would mean. being one step closer to a total victory in the future, but if they lost, everything would end. They had to protect Lily, they had to protect the Etherial Gem, but most of all...
They had to protect the Heart.
Lilith marched into battle with Dire at her side, Aurora wielded her Saber of Sol, Corrin had his dragon stone, and Coletta, along with Cadenza, had their overwhelming powers. Even Rosie joined in, with her blue light power Aurora had gifted her.
Before the battle started, Dire had something to ask Lilith. He took her aside and asked her. "Lilith, I don't want to upset you, but..." Dire took a deep breath. "Look. There's probably going to be casualties in this battle, and if there are, and if I'm one of them, I want to ask you something.
"Go ahead, I'm listening," Lilith said.
"Lilith if anything happens to me in this battle, will you continue my search for my sister? Even if you don't find her, I would like to give you this." Dire pulled a ring made of unmeltable ice out of his pocket. It had the symbol of a snowflake on it. "This is the Frosterian Royal Family's signet ring I was given when I was crowned prince. Will you wear it, and restore my kingdom, no, our kingdom, in my place, if I perish?" Dire asked.
Lilith was shocked. Is he asking me to become a queen? Yes! Lilith thought, then quickly rethought, No, wait, that's bad! If I have to use the ring to become queen, that would mean Dire died!
Lilith didn't know what to say. "Dire... There's no way I would ever let you die, but... I'll take it, anyway...
"Excellent. Hold out your hand." Dire said, gently.
Lilith held out her hand, and Dire put the ring on her finger. "So, does this mean I'm your princess now?" Lilith asked, on cloud 9.
Dire nodded. "This ring will also give you power. Since you don't come from the ice kingdom itself, you don't have access to its full might, but with your Astral powers mixed with the ice powers, you'll be a pretty formidable opponent." Dire said.
"Dire... C'mere." Lilith said. She pulled Dire into a hug.
"I promise I won't let anything happen to you, Dire..." Lilith said.
The hug lasted until Corrin broke in. "I hate to ruin the moment, but the villains are approaching!"
The sound of a mob of Nightdreamers approaching was heard from outside. The Daydreamer army ran outside to face the villains.
"DAYDREAMERS!" Aurora shouted, readying the characters.
"NIGHTDREAMERS!" Morgana shouted, readying the Nightdreamers.
"ATTACK!" Both women shouted at once, and the two armies clashed. Fictional weapons of all kinds were being swung through the air left and right, in a fight like no other. One of Dio's zombies went running at Dire, Nightdreamer sword drawn, ready to run him through.
"DIRE!" Lilith ran and jumped in front of him, conjuring a shield made of ice. The zombie tried to swing again at her, so she conjured a sword of ice. It was a traditional sword fight, an astral maiden against a zombie, with Lilith delivering the finishing blow.
Thank you, Lilith. I owe you my life, now." Dire said.
Lilith just turned away. She didn't want Dire putting his life on the line for her...
Meanwhile, Rosie was using surprising agility to dispatch a group of zombies with her blue light powers.
They fought and fought, but the Nightdreamers wouldn't stop appearing.
Aurora waved for Coletta to meet her. "Coletta, what should we do? They're not letting up!"
Coletta took her locket off. "What I should've done at the start of this stupid battle!" She held her locket high in the air. "POWER OF THE TEN GUARDIANS!" Coletta unleashed the full power of her locket. The entire nightdreamer army, including Megan, Dio, and Morgana, was engulfed by the intense, radiant pink light.
The Daydreamers stopped fighting, thinking the battle had been swiftly won.
Boy, were they wrong.
Morgana had used all of her strength to seal herself within the Nightdreamer gem, just like Alessia had done. By doing that, she created a shield for her army and had given Megan more power than ever.
"No... My Author's gift did nothing..." Coletta said, before collapsing to her knees in shock.
Cadenza looked at Coletta, in horror. Cool, collected, and poised Coletta, reduced to this?
"Do you really think you can defeat the Nightdreamers with that puny power?" Megan said. Morgana was now channeling her own spirit within Megan. She turned to the Nightdreamer army. "Now, go to Fallingstar, where that insufferable princess and her new friends are, and destroy them!" Megan said.
A group of Nightdreamers complied, and diss appeared to Fallingstar.
"NO!" Aurora shouted. She dropped to her knees in desperation. "Alessandra, if you can hear me, please grant Lily her full power early, just so she can protect herself and her friends!" Nothing happened. "PLEASE!" Aurora screamed, feeling defeated.
Your wish is my command. Aurora's spirit said from afar.
Tears streaming down her face, Aurora looked up at the sky. "Thank you, Alessia..."
Meanwhile, Lily and Alice were at the Fallingstar house hanging out with their new friends. Lily, however, was worried about home.
"Hey, Lil. Are you doing ok?" Flint Lockwood asked.
"Yeah, I'm ok, but I wish I was old enough to fight evil at home..." Just as Lily said it, her staff appeared before her. "What? Why is my staff here?"
I've decided to grant you your fighting powers early.
"Mother? Is that you talking?" Lily asked.
Yes, it is I. Now, grab the staff, Lily! Danger is approaching!
Lily grasped the staff in her hand. She turned around and held it up. All of a sudden, a monster burst through the door and ran towards the group!
"STAY BACK!" Lily shouted. A pink blast of light burst from her staff and hit her enemy. It disappeared with a poof of pink smoke.
"Wow. I guess it purifies them then sends them to Paragon Etheria?" Lily asked.
Suddenly, more monsters burst in. Lily poofed them away left and right. "Cmon, guys! I need some help!" So everyone, including Dubois pitched in to help fight the zombies! Everything was going great until Megan appeared.
"Cousin Megan..." Lily said.
"Cousin Lily. Perfect little cousin Lily." Megan said.
"Megan, please. Come with us. Fight the Nightdreamers! We need you!" Lily said.
Megan looked at Lily coldly. "You will never convince me to join you." She fired a blast of darkness at Lily.
Lily conjured up a shield and blocked it.
The two girls fired energy at each other, dark against light.
Meanwhile, back in Haventown, the Daydreamers were back to winning the battle since Megan was in Fallingstar fighting Lily
Lilith was gracefully fighting enemies using a fan made out of pure ice. It was a mesmerizing but deadly dance.
After the small group of enemies she was fighting had been dispatched, she and Dire met up again. "These power are amazing!" Lilith said.
"I know, but even without them, even if you had no Astral Dragon form, you still would be amazing," Dire said.
Dire, I'm looking forward to spending forever with you." She said.
"Me too, my love," Dire said.
Dio heard this statement and decided to intervene, of course.
Morgana had granted the Nightdreamers purple powers, just as Aurora granted the Daydreamers blue ones.
"How very touching..." Dio said, grinning evilly. He fired a dark blast at Dire.
Dire didn't see it coming. Lilith jumped in front of him, taking the blast for him. She fell to the ground.
Sound blurred around Dire as he stared at Lilith on the ground. He immediately dropped to his knees and took her in his arms. "Lilith... Please..." No answer. He shook her. "LILITH!" No... This. Can't. Happen. Dire thought, pain, and rage in his eyes. He checked her gem. Not a crack in sight. Good. He checked her pulse. She still had a pulse, she was just knocked out cold by the blast.
Even though he wanted to kill Dio, he didn't want to leave Lilith alone like this. Aurora knew immediately what was happening, and came over. "I'll stay by her side," Aurora said.
So Dire went to face Dio. "Are all of you Nightdreamers stupid? When you attacked Lilith earlier, I told you you would die if you hurt her again." Dire's body began to glow with power. "I'm not holding back this time."
"You're pretty bold if you want to fight Dio!" Dio said.
"Prepare yourself. This is the Thunder Cross Split Attack! No fighter has ever escaped it!" Dire shouted. He got ready to attack when Dio grabbed him and stopped him!
"You're so insolent!" Thinking you can defeat ME!" Dio started turning Dire into ice! He was weaker to the ice powers because Lilith had his ring!
Aurora was cradling Lilith in her arms when she came to and saw Dire being frozen. "Dire..." Lilith said. She tried to get up, but it was hard.
"Lilith, you're hurt! Please don't try to move!" Aurora said.
Dio was about to do the unthinkable. He prepared to shatter Dire's body into a million frozen pieces!
"DIRE!" Lilith screamed as loud as she could. She willed herself to move. "NOOOOOO!" Lilith lunged at Dio with all of her strength, knocking him down. Dire's body fell to the ground but didn't shatter, because the ice was stronger than normal.
Lilith went over to Dire and unthawed him with her powers. With the ring, she could also unthaw people and things that had been turned to ice, without hurting the person. She unthawed Dire, and they embraced. "I thought you were dead!" Lilith said.
"Me too!" Dire said, hugging Lilith.
Dio, who had regained his composure stood back up. He aimed a knife at Lilith. It came racing towards her gem, ready to end everything.
Dire jumped in front.
The knife was caught in his stomach, and he collapsed.
At that moment, Lilith's world came to a screeching halt. She dropped to her knees, trying to save Dire. She tried everything to stop the bleeding. "Dire, nononono, please, don't leave me... Don't go!" Lilith said, tears beginning to form.
"Lilith. I told you I owe you my life... I told you I would protect you, and I did, to the bitter end." Dire was fading in Lilith's arms.
"I don't want you to go! You promised we would go back to the Astral realm together! YOU PROMISED!" Lilith cried.
"Sometimes things don't work out like you want them to. But that will never, ever change how much I love you, my astral maiden. Even though we've only known each other a short time, I've never felt this way for anyone else, the way I feel for you."
"Dire... I- I thought we would be together forever..." Lilith said. She held his hand tighter, never, ever wanting to let go.
"I can see the light... I can see it." Dire was dying, and there was nothing Lilith could do about it...
"No. don't go. You just can't..." Lilith said, her voice cracking.
Dire used the last of his strength to wipe Lilith's tears from her face. "Years from now, you'll be looking towards this same light. "You'll see me, and we'll be together for all eternity, and nothing will ever separate us again..." Dire said. His eyes slowly closed, and he lay still...
Too still.
Lilith lost it. "DIRE! NOOOOO!" She buried her face into his chest and cried like she had never cried before.
Even cool, collected, calm, and stoic Coletta shed a tear. Aurora looked at the sight in front of her, shaking her head in disbelief.
Cadenza tried to touch Lilith's arm to comfort her. "PLEASE LEAVE ME!" Lilith shouted. Cadenza jumped back, startled by sweet Lilith's harsh tone.
Lilith began singing the melody to 'Here Beside Me,' the same song she sang to Dire when she first told him she was in love with him.
She didn't know what to do.
Her knight was gone.
Her Dire died protecting her.
Lilith stopped humming and looked up. She stared at Dio, who was standing there, staring at the sight, grinning.
Grinning. He was grinning after he had just murdered her love right in front of her eyes. 
A new feeling filled Lilith. More than one, actually. Revenge, Fury, and hatred. She would never forgive Dio. Lilith stood up and walked towards him, ready to end his reign of terror.
To be concluded…
Author's note: I can't believe I did it... I've procrastinated about writing this scene for months now because I didn't want to break Lilith's heart, but I did it. I wanted to stay as true to the JoJo anime as I could, so that's how I did it. Wow, that was... darker than expected. I purposely sent Lily to a safer place for this scene so I could make it more heart-wrenching without exposing someone as young as her to such a violent scene. So, the big finale is in the next chapter! The final battle of book one will take place! So, I'll see you in the next chapter! Stay Lucid!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 1 month
Chapter 20: The Truth About Everything (Part 1)
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! This is the start of the final arc of book 1! In this chapter, the truth will be revealed, and the Nightdreamers will launch their big attack on Haventown. Lily and a couple of others will go to the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs for her final mission, while the older characters stay behind and fight Dio and Megan. The movies Lily goes through in the future will get more mature as she gets older and more mature, but for now, they'll be more kids movies. So, with that long note out of the way, enjoy!
Tracklist for this chapter: 
1. You can either listen to the Fire emblem: Awakening or Fire Emblem: Fates Love Theme for Dire and Lilith's love confession.
2. Mulan 2: Here Beside Me (The song Lilith sings to Dire in the Astral Realm.)
Characters introduced (or mentioned)
Author (?)
Esperanza (Oc)
Lysandra (Oc)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
November 2012
Aurora was prepared. She was prepared to reveal the entire truth about Etheria, but she just couldn't find the words.
"It's ok, Aurora. Just say one thing at a time and try not to overload." Coletta said.
Aurora took a deep breath... "We're not real."
Lily gasped. "But what does that mean?" Aurora's statement kind of scared her.
Aurora continued. "We are all part of a story. Years ago, an author was born. She was a maladaptive daydreamer, but not a magical one. She discovers magic wasn't real and decided to create her own world within her mind. The reason we are all able to do extraordinary things is that we are a figment of her imagination. Our story is being written in Reality as we speak." Aurora said.
"So, if she wants to hurt us, she can just do it?" Lily asked.
"She chooses not to because she's kind. Morgana, however, is not. She seeks to overthrow the Author and spread misery throughout our story forever. The entire story is complicated, but I'll explain everything in chronological order." Aurora said. "This might be long. 2012 is the year the Author began making her story. She created her first-ever OC." Aurora turned to Coletta. "Coletta was supposed to be beautiful beyond comparison, have a perfect voice, be good at everything, and be unkillable, with immense powers Coletta was supposed to be the happiest character, and have no sorrow or strife in life, but the author was young and didn't know immortality was a curse. She didn't understand that Coletta would outlive all of the fictional character friends she met and would live beyond the end of the universe." Aurora said.
Lily's mind was blown. "C-Coletta's THAT powerful?" Lily asked, with eyes widened.
Aurora nodded. "The Author created her as an indestructible robot, able to feel no pain, and never die. The author's intentions were good because she wanted Coletta to be able to beat any enemy who tried to hurt her friends. The Author created her as the sister of Loretta from the movie Robots, whom I heard you met at the Fallingstar beach house, Lily."
"I did! She was nice!" Lily said.
"She's nice, and I'm cold and aloof. All because of that stupid immortality. As soon as you guys nabbed the heart, I remembered everything." Coletta had tears in her eyes. "Back in July 2012, Captain Chantel Dubois found me in a fashion boutique. She handed me my locket." She took her sleeping beauty locket out from under her shirt, where it was tucked. "This is called an Author's Gift. It's the charm from where we get our power from, and it usually is a piece of jewelry the Author wears and loves in real life. Dubois told me I had a role to play in protecting the world. Back then, it was simple. It was just, 'the world.' After that, I went on my first mission. Every movie the Author watched and imagined me in, I went. First, it was Robots. I went to Robot City to meet my sister, Loretta, who, according to the Author's story, I had never met before that time.
Then we went to Percy Jackson, where you just were, Lily. I made friends with everyone. Back in those days, the Author incarnation and her closest friends were all friends with the villains and didn't even need to do any of that purifying, or timeline splitting nonsense. But, then, my friend Persephone told me about being immortal. There's a point where an author's creation breaks off from the author's mind and starts becoming self-aware. If what she told me then didn't make me self-aware, I don't know what would. The gods told me since they were also immortal, they would stay by my side. I left for a little bit and promised I would come back after a few solo missions. I traveled through Wreck-it Ralph, Madagascar 3, and many others. Back then, I used to love the author dragging me along to any place she wanted to, but now I wish I hadn't... The missions weren't dangerous until she got into Winx Club. I became a Winx girl, with enough power to destroy a universe. I did the Winx missions for the rest of the year, until 2013, when the Author threw me away... " Coletta's story was just so sad to Lily...
"What do you mean, 'threw you away?'" Lily asked.
Coletta continued the story. "She recreated me. All throughout 2013 and 2014, Esperanza reigned supreme. I lived in solitude in the back of the Author's mind, while 'Queen Esperanza' reigned over a kingdom without a name! That's right, the Author was so ignorant, she couldn't even decide on a kingdom name! None of them were extraordinary enough!" Coletta sighed. "During the years in the back of my creator's mind, I watched Esperanza. Even though she was immortal, I wished I had her life. The Author either didn't give her the ability to feel negative emotions, or she just did a good job of showing them, but she lived such a good life. Turbo, Monsters University, Chipmunk Adventure, Rio 2 Wall-E, Arthur Christmas, and the two Twitches movies were the Author's most important movies back then. Esperanza loved every character she met, but those movies held a special place in her heart. Then he came along. There are rumors that he may return in the future, but the incarnations promised not to speak his name until the young Princess Lily gets to meet him. At the end of 2014, Esperanza fell in love, but he perished." Coletta looked away. "That's all I can tell you about Esperanza." Coletta looked at Cadenza, next. "Cadenza, when we crossed paths in the Fallingstar mansion during the Army of Darkness's assault, I didn't remember you, but now I do," Coletta said.
"Wait... CADENZA is one, also?" Lily asked.
"Yeah, it's me... That's what Dio showed me through that mirror he stole... He has too much information because that mirror tells about everything except the heart. After all, that info is only safe within the mind of Alessia." Cadenza said.
Coletta went back to the story. "Esperanza's replacement meant the end of the 'golden ages,' and brought way to the eras of darkness. Drama ruled the world, and the warm family comedy that was the Esperanza house became the 'everything is drama' house. Evil sorceresses taking over, Cadenza losing important people, sabotaging competitions, and even time travel heists happened. We didn't think things would get worse. Until 2016 came. Evil dinosaur attacks, corrupted heroes, revenge, the birth of a new kingdom that didn't belong to an incarnation, (finally...) and more."
"Where was Cadenza during all of this?" Lily asked.
Cadenza was still there, but her bad qualities manifested themselves into a being called Aznedac, her dark incarnation. See, the Author planned to create more OCs, most of which were relatives of villains. She aimed to shine some of the limelight off of her incarnation, for the first time in 4 years... The true reason Aznedac was born was that The Author would make her other characters feel sorrow, too, to soften the blow on her incarnation. Aznedac intervened to try to stop the Author, and make her stop making everyone suffer, but she was ultimately overthrown by Cadenza. 2017 came, and it SUCKED! Well, at least the first part. The Author convinced her parents to let her watch more 'inappropriate' shows like The Simpsons, and the entire year was nothing but one bad joke after another. Until mid-August came. I won't reveal too much, because you're gonna love it! All I'll say is it has to do with a long-running video game franchise, and from mid-August through May 2018, things were tumultuous but good! An actual story instead of constant dumb jokes! Lysandra was her new incarnation, and she was SO DIFFERENT! She had character, she had an actual backstory, she's my favorite incarnation!"
"Hey, I'm right here!" Cadenza said.
"Sorry. Anyway, may 2018 came. Now, the first half of 2018 was great, dramatic, but not unbearable. The dramatic, epic battles were actually kind of fun. Then the second half came. It was the 2020 of Etheria years. This guy came along, tore everything apart, and suddenly the drama was no longer fun, and in my mind, I was saying, 'I don't like this game anymore.' 2019 was drama, and 2020 was drama. At the time this is being written, we're about done with 2021. That was a good year. The Author reconnected with the video game characters from 2017, and it's just like that year! Dramatic, but fun! I think 2022's gonna be good the whole way through, unlike 2018. Here's where it all ends. The Author realized what she was doing ruining her world, and decided to create a new timeline. This one. The original one is running parallel with this one, so some things will be changed, but some will stay. The author did one last thing, however. She created one final incarnation of herself, which is Alessia. Alessia isn't a traditional incarnation, but is the author herself, and holds her full power. The Author created you to be the last incarnation, the one who will find the remaining 7 incarnations, along with the 7 Maladaptive Daydreamers, which are the Author's most beloved characters, and the closest members of her royal court, find the essence, and fulfill the prophecy. I had to use my power during the battle with the Trix to save you, and by using them, I reawakened the pink Mountains of Beginnings and Endings, which is where you'll hear the Author's voice. Alesia's heart is the Author's heart, but the heart you just found is her mind. In order to talk directly to her, you need to take the heart to the mountains." Coletta said.
"Wow. THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!" I CAN'T WAIT!" Lily yelled! She was pretty excited...
Just then, Rosie and Corrin came thundering into the Mansion. "AURORA! Dio and his army are attacking! They've almost broken through the shield!" Corrin yelled, urgently.
"This early?! Everyone, get prepared! Corrin, could you take Lily to the Multiverse Hotel?" Aurora asked.
Corrin shook his head. "No can do. They've taken over any possible escape routes."
"Then I'll send a message to Swallow Falls with the interdimensional phone, bring them here, and let Lily go to Fallingstar with them." Aurora turned around." Please tell me Fallingstar's safe.
"For now, so act fast," Rosie said.
Aurora turned to Lily." Can you handle going back to Fallingstar with some new characters?" Aurora asked.
"Yeah, but I wanna stay and help!" Lily said.
"When you're older, you'll learn to fight! Now I need to get you out of here!" Aurora ran over to the phone. "I'm calling Flint and the others. No, not just flint. Mike, Sully, the Winx, the Muppets, Percy's friends, and the Great Valley inhabitants, since their arc's over now. We'll just have to tell them about us early! We need all the help we can get!" Aurora called everyone, and they teleported to the Mansion. She hugged Lily goodbye, and sent them to Haventown, before sounding the attack alarm.
"I want everyone to go check on other places in Haventown. It would be easier if everyone split up because you'll cover more ground like that." She turned to Lilith. "Lilith, I want you to go to the stores, Dire, you go to the restaurants, Corrin, you go to the recreational places, like the arcade and bowling alley, Rosie, you get to the hotel, and Coletta, Cadenza, and I will stay here," Aurora said. So, everyone split up.
Meanwhile, before the alarm was sounded, Lilith was walking through town, trying to get to the shops in town. She was almost there when a blonde-headed man walked up to her.
Her heart stopped. Dio. She thought.
She tried to go the other way, hoping she would lose him, but he was faster. He caught Lilith, and prepared to steal the gem!
This is it... I'm about to be trapped within the shards of this gem forever... Lilith thought.
She remembered the necklace.
She pressed the gem and prayed Dire would come... She hadn't tried it yet...
All of a sudden, Dio was blasted away.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" He yelled.
Dire towered over Dio, with a scowl on his face. "If you ever try to hurt her again, you die. Understand?" Dire would protect Lilith no matter what...
"Whatever... We have something better planned, anyway..." Dio said, before escaping.
Dire turned to Lilith. "Lilith, are you hurt?" Dire asked.
Lilith stared into Dire's eyes and nodded. Her heart was pounding. I'm gonna do it, I'm finally going to tell him. She thought.
"Dire... I... love you..." She said.
"I-" Dire looked away, with what Lilith swore was a blush... "I confess... I love you, too... I've been trying to fight these feelings since the Mysterious beyond..." He gazed into Lilith's eyes. I know we've only just met, but I adore you." Dire said.
"I do, too. I think it's the first time I've felt this way for someone..." Lilith took Dire's hand, and he softly gripped it in return. The two new lovers stared into each other's eyes until Lilith broke the silence.
"Dire... This might be too early, but can we... kiss?" Lilith asked. Her heart was beating so fast, she thought she might faint.
"Yes, Lilith," Dire said.
He leaned in and planted a kiss on Lilith's lips. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever felt, and she never wanted it to end... At that moment, she thought of a world where there were no more prophecies, no more fighting, no more Nightdreamers, Author, or immortality... A world where it was just her and Dire, forever...
As soon as the kiss ended, Lilith said, "Dire... When the fighting's over, can we still stay together?" Lilith asked.
"What do you mean? Of course. I would never leave you, Lilith." Dire said.
"Because when someone's assigned a guard to protect them when the danger's gone, they usually go away," Lilith said.
Dire answered. "I'm sure Coletta will let us stay together. And if for some reason she doesn't want us to, Lily probably will. She hates the idea of people being apart, so she'll probably make me stay here." Dire said.
"Then, that settles it... After this fight, we'll be together..." Lilith said.
Dire looked at Lilith. "I don't want to think too far ahead, but Lilith... If we were ever to get married in the future, you would become a queen, since I'm heir to the Frosterian throne. My sister, Frosteria, was named after the kingdom." Dire said.
Lilith was in awe. "A queen..." Lilith said.
She imagined herself in a long, blue dress, with a sparkling crown upon her head, with her king, Dire, at her side. Queen Lilith, of Frosteria...
"Dire... I know we'll all have to fight in the upcoming battle, but. I don't want you to get hurt trying to protect me, so I'll be the one protecting you this time, Dire!" Lilith said, with a smile.
"Lilith, I don't want you to get hurt, yet after what happened in the Mysterious Beyond, I have no doubt in my mind that you can protect everyone you love, and not just yourself. So, in the upcoming battle, we'll all be protecting each other, ok?" Dire said.
"Of course! Everyone will fight together." Lilith said.
"We should really get going," Dire said. "We need to find the others."
"Dire, I know of a way where we can spend more time together," Lilith said.
"Lilith, as much as I would love that, we have a battle-"
Dire was cut off by Lilith putting her hand up to his mouth.
"I can send us to the Astral realm. The flow of time in this dimension will be stopped, and we'll have all the time in the world." Lilith said.
"Alright," Dire said.
Lilith held dire's hands and concentrated with all her might. The two of them began to glow blue and white, then vanished from the Etherian realm...
The two of them appeared in a vast, beautiful realm, with a towering castle in front of them.
"Lilith, what is this place?" Dire asked, in awe.
"This is the Esperanza Castle. It's what the Author called her castle when she played Fire Emblem Fates. I remember now since we have the Heart. When the Author played Fire Emblem: Fates, she played as Female Corrin and created Cadenza in the image she had in her mind. This place never gets used anymore since the Author Doesn't play this particular save file anymore, but I wanted to show you." Lilith said.
"This place is beautiful..." dire said.
"I would like to show you around. Lilith said, taking Dire's hand. "This is a song I first heard before I met Lily. When I heard it, I imagined how it would feel to listen to it with another..." She began singing.
The two of them traveled through the beautiful Astral world, holding hands, as Lilith's musical voice filled Dire's ears. Dire felt the wind in his hair, as he and Lilith traveled through the world in the stars... The two of them didn't want it to end... As Lilith sang the song, she had to fight tears. She didn't want anything to happen to Dire in the coming fight... She didn't want this moment to end, and neither did Dire... The two of them would do anything to stay together, but it was time to go back and face reality...
Lilith stopped singing and looked at Dire. "Even though time has stopped back home, we need to go back. We can't delay the final battle any longer." Lilith said.
"Ok. Lilith, when the fight's over, can we come back here, together?" Dire said.
Lilith smiled. "Of course, Dire. I promise." Lilith said. She held Dire's hands, and the two of them went back to Haventown.
When they arrived back, it was like they had never left.
"Now that we're back..." Lilith held her head high. "We have a final battle to get to..." The two of them headed back to the Mansion of Lucidity, to face the music...
To be continued...
Author's note: Well, that was a rollercoaster... I'm sorry that this chapter was dedicated mostly to telling the history of the Author, and starting Lilith and Dire's relationship, (I'm a sucker for unconditional pairings :))but the next chapter will be the start of the final fight. Lily will be safely in Fallingstar, so since she's not there, it'll be a little bit more intense. I'm trying not to expose Lily to too much violence until she's older, so that's why her missions are mostly in animated movies for now, except for Percy Jackson, which was the most intense movie I had seen at that point. There will be two parts to the finale, with the next chapter covering the first half of the final battle, and the one after that being extra-long, converting the second half of the battle, and a special finale... So, with that out of the way, stay lucid!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 1 month
Chapter 19: The Mysterious Beyond
Author's Note: Hello, dreamers! I've been excited to write this because it's something I've been waiting for since I first started this version a year ago. When I started writing, I had this idea for Dire. I've cultivated it more over the months, and I can't believe I'm finally getting to write it... The Land Before Time mission will be crucial because Dire and Lilith are searching for the Heart. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you what it is until NEXT chapter, but it's what I've been leading up to since the first arc. So, with that out of the way, enjoy!
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Characters introduced (or mentioned)
The gang of five (The Land Before Time)
King Frostgale (OC)
Frostellia (OC)
Frostgale (OC)
Snowy Dawn (Geronimo Stilton: The Quest for Paradise)
Ice Dusk (OC)
Master Tonpetty (JoJo)
November 2012 
The team had returned from their trip, with memories to last a lifetime. Once everyone was settled back in, Dire and Lilith were at the Multiverse Hotel, preparing to leave for their mission.
"Now, listen up. In the future, Lily is destined to travel through all 14 Land before time movies. She'll be able to meet the characters, but you two have to steer clear of them.
"Ok, Aurora, but why aren't we allowed to interact with them?" Lilith asked.
"Because Lily is destined to meet them anyway. I don't want to risk the plan being thrown off course. And I also don't want the children meeting you yet, because even though you're traveling through their world, they don't need to get involved with Etherian affairs yet. I don't want to worry them.
"I understand, now. We'd better be careful." Lilith said.
"Ok, are you two ready to go?" Aurora said.
"Yes, we are," Dire said. He and Lilith stepped through the door.
When they emerged, they saw sights they had never seen before. The land was nothing like back home. It was an unforgiving, barren, wasteland.
"This must be the mysterious beyond," Dire said.
Lilith responded. "This is much different from anywhere else we've traveled since we first started going on missions."
"Yes, it is, and that's why we both must be on our guard. We must try to steer clear of danger." Dire said. As soon as he said that, he sighted a Nightdreamer monster. He and Lilith hid behind a big rock.
Monsters already? Those Nightdreamers are cruel! Lilith thought.
"Let's wait for it to pass us by." Dire whispered, as quietly as he could. The monster passed by, and the two of them heaved a sigh of relief.
"Ok, now, let's check our plan," Lilith said, checking where they needed to search for the Heart.
The rock that looks like a Longneck The Mountains that burn The pond
"That's all?" Lilith asked. "It's so cryptic! Well, I guess we have our work cut out for us..." Lilith said. She and Dire began the long walk.
As the two of them trekked, Lilith spoke to Dire. "I was wondering what exactly the Heart does. I know it's extremely important, but what is it?" Lilith asked.
"I don't know. It could be a powerful weapon like the one Coletta told me she used to decimate the Trix's Army of Darkness. Maybe it can grant a wish?" Dire asked. Lilith's heart fluttered when she heard 'wish.'
"I-I know Lily will need to use it herself if it could grant a wish, but if it was mine, I would ask for one thing only," Lilith said.
Dire was curious. "What would it be?"
"Mortality. I was created by Anankos, an ancient dragon. He created me, along with the other Astral Dragons centuries ago. I have great power, but I'm also cursed with immortality. I want to be able to experience things that a normal human being would, like falling in love, growing old, and dying with them, not outliving them." Lilith said, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I understand completely. Who would ever want to live forever? I would rather be with the ones I loved forever.
"You know, Dire, you remind me of someone," Lilith said.
"Who?" Dire asked.
"His name was Frostgale. I fell in love with him years ago, but sadly, he died. Something about you makes me think of him." Lilith said.
Dire's face turned white. "Frostgale? What did he look-" Dire was cut off by a rumbling sound.
"Earthquake," Lilith said.
The ground began to shake harder and split open. Dire fell through a crack, and Lilith tried to pull him up.
"Let me go! I don't want you to fall with me!" Dire said.
"It won't matter if I fell in, as long as my gem sustains no damage," Lilith said.
"But what if it's damaged when you fall in?" Dire said. "Lilith, just let go. I'll be ok." Dire tried to persuade Lilith to save herself, and she almost let go, but she saw Frostgale in Dire's eyes. She tried to tighten her grip, but his hand slipped, and he fell.
"NO! I won't let you die!" Lilith shouted. She jumped into the pit after Dire.
"Dragons, give me strength!" Lilith shouted. Her body glowed with blue light, and she transformed into her Astral Dragon form. She managed to catch dire and bring him back to the surface...
Meanwhile, Percy and Megan were looking out for the heroes.
"So, where do you think they would be?" Megan said.
"I don't know, and I don't even know why we're here. If we're not allowed to wreak havoc on the heroes of this story, what's the point of even coming here?" Percy said.
"You know what my mother said. We need to defeat Lilith's guard and get that gem for mother! On top of that, we need to get that special weapon that was rumored to be here!" Lilith said.
Percy scoffed. "We don't even know what it is, let alone WHERE it is, so how will we get it?" Percy asked.
"Easy. Just try to silently follow behind Dire and Lilith! Wherever they might be-" As soon as Megan finished speaking, she saw a blue light in the distance.
"That was easy. How could those heroes be so dumb?" Percy asked.
The two followed where they had spotted the light.
Meanwhile, dire was still recuperating from his fall. But when he saw Lilith, he almost fainted. "What are you doing? You need to transform back! The Nightdreamers will see you!" Dire said.
Lilith transformed back. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to die like Frostgale. I couldn't bear losing another lover." Lilith said. "There's something I forgot to tell you. Even if my gem is just taken, and not destroyed, my spirit can never truly pass on. It will still be trapped within the gem. So I could never be with Frostgale." Lilith said.
"I understand how that feels, but, who is Frostgale? I-I think I might have known him, long ago.
"He told me he was from an ice kingdom. He was very mysterious, so that's all I ever really knew about him." Lilith said.
"Lilith... Did I ever tell you?" He was cut off by a blast of dark water.
Percy and Megan had found them! Percy was already using his new dark powers.
"Lilith, stay behind me!" Dire said.
"But dire, I can fight, too! Didn't you see what I did in that chasm?" Lilith said.
"I know, but I don't want you getting hurt!" Dire said.
"Enough talk, let's battle! Percy said, drawing his sword.
Dire drew his, also, and the two of them clashed.
Megan approached Lilith. "If those two dummies want to fight, I'll just take the gem myse-"
"STOP!" Lilith cut her off.
"How dare you tell the future Queen of Dark Etheria to stop!" Megan said.
"Why are you doing this? Look around! You can't just keep hurting people, because it isn't right! All Lily wants is for everyone to love each other, not fight each other!" Lilith poked Megan. "And you're trying to unravel it all, by turning good people bad! Dire shouldn't be fighting Percy, we should all be helping each other!" Lilith said.
But Megan wasn't convinced. "Listen. You need to respect us villains. My mother only wants to heal what Alessandria has broken!" She said Alessandria like it was a bad word.
"You guys will learn soon enough..." Lilith said.
Dire and Percy were still fighting, but it look like it would end badly... Percy sent a blast of dark water at Lilith. It hit her, and Dire prepared to use his Thunder Cross Split Attack.
"NO!" He's good, remember?" Lilith screamed.
Dire came to his senses and stopped his attack.
That gave Percy an opportunity. He aimed a blast of dark water right at Lilith's gem, and fired it!
NO!" Dire said. He lept in front of the water, but instead of hitting him, it froze in place...
"Wha-? Lilith said.
Leave now." Dire said, coldly.
"Cmon, Percy, we need to get away from them! They're obviously overpowered!" Megan said.
Percy stood down. "You're right. We should regroup. Percy said.
The two of them fled, but Megan looked over her shoulder, and said, "Don't think you haven't seen the last of us!"
"They're smart, fleeing from us! We make a great duo!" Lilith said.
But dire didn't answer. "Those ice powers you saw... Have you seen them before?" He asked.
Lilith remembered. "Frostgale uses to use powers like that! Do you know him? Lilith said.
"Did he have long blonde hair?" Dire asked.
"Yes, he did," Lilith said.
"Then it must be him... This may be painful for toque to recall, but how did he die?" Dire asked.
"I never truly knew how, but he was rumored to have been in a storm at sea with his entire family. He and I made an agreement that he would never tell me about his family, because I didn't want to grow attacked, because of my immortality." Lilith said.
Dire's face turned white. "It must've been him..."
"Who?" Lilith asked.
Dire took a deep breath. "I think I should finally tell you the truth about where I come from. Frostgale was my younger brother."
Lilith's eyes widened. "I-I knew you two were connected all along, but it's still shocking..."
Dire continued. "My father was King Frostgale, the king of the snow people. One day, it snowed for 700 nights and days in his kingdom, leaving our homes completely covered. He saved us all by making us board a ship to a new land. Onboard were my father, my mother Frostellia, my sisters, named Ice Dusk and Snowy Dawn, my brother Frostgale, and I. The voyage was going smoothly, but something horrible happened. There was a storm at sea, and my father ordered everyone below deck, but my youngest sister, Snowy Dawn was left behind by mistake. She was swept away by a wave, but I survived. I washed up to shore, and Master Tonpetty found me and took me in. My true name is Snowhawk." Dire told his story with pain in his voice.
"That's horrible..." Lilith said.
"But there's still hope. I've heard rumors that Snowy Dawn is still alive somewhere. In the future, when we go on more missions, I will search for her." Dire said.
"Well, at least you have hope. I feel your pain because I am the last of the Astral Dragons." Lilith said.
"Thank you for understanding," Dire said. He remembered. "We're behind schedule! We need to continue the search." The two of them stared at the ruined world around them. That earthquake almost completely changed the land. It looked as if the Nightdreamers did it themselves, even though it was only a natural disaster. So Dire and Lilith cautiously trekked forward, finding the rock that looked like a Longneck.
"Wow... it's beautiful..." Lilith said, marveling at the majestic rock's beauty.
"Let's start the search..." Dire said. The two of them began to search for the Heart, even climbing to the very top of the rock. Alas, they didn't find it anywhere.
As Dire and Lilith descended the rock, Lilith stopped and realized something.
"Dire... This is just how searching for your sister feels, right?" Lilith said.
"Yes, it does... Searching so futilely, but never finding anything." Dire said.
Lilith shook her head. "I didn't mean that. What I meant was, even though we didn't find the Heart here, it could be at the Mountains that Burn! Even though you can't find your sister in the places you look, there are still other places where she could be." Lilith said.
Dire smiled at Lilith. "When you say it like that, you give me hope. Thank you." Dire said before the two continued on their journey.
Meanwhile, Percy and Megan were already at the Mountains that Burn and were prepared to surprise attack the heroes!
"Alright, Percy, when the two of them get here, you know what to do! I'll use my powers to get the gem, and you'll face Dire!" Megan explained.
But Percy wasn't listening. What Lilith said about the villains trying to unravel everything the heroes were working for was awakening something inside of him...
Megan's eyes widened. She realized what was happening. "Percy, listen to me. I know you're having doubts about who's side you should be on, but know this! Those heroes are just trying to lure you in! Before I started going on these missions, I actually wanted to make friends with Lily! If villainy can change me, it can change you!" Megan said.
"Ok, Megan..." Percy said. He was just pretending to agree with her because the spell she cast upon him was slipping. The deep red color of his eyes was lightening.
"Don't worry, Percy! You'll love being a villain!" Megan said before she saw something in the distance.
"It's them!" Megan said, springing into action. She looked behind her and noticed Percy wasn't following her. "C'mon, Percy! We don't want them to get too far ahead!" Megan grabbed Percy's arm and pulled him along. Percy's eyes turned dark red once again.
"There they are!" Megan whispered, laying low, staring at Dire and Lilith. "Are you ready to do this, Percy?" Megan asked.
"Of course," Percy said. He was now under full control by the Nightdreamers.
Percy conjured a blast of dark water, and prepared to fire it at Dire! Lilith heard the rushing sound of him conjuring the blast, and jumped in front of Dire!
"Lilith, no!" Dire said, as the water collided with her. but in her place was a magnificent Astral Dragon! She used her stronger form to take the attack.
Yes, I've got you right where I want you! Megan thought, preparing to face Lilith when she turned back into a human.
Wait, what am I doing? They've seen my Astral form, and how powerful it is! Lilith thought. When she used her astral form to save Dire from falling, she turned back before Percy and Megan could see her. Now they'd both seen it!
Human form Lilith stood in front of Megan, not afraid to face her.
"I won't let you get away with this, Megan! You think you have to hurt my new friends because your evil mother tells you to, but she's wrong!" Lilith held her hand out for Megan to take. "Come home with us, Megan! To a place where no one will make you be evil ever again! Randall, Waternoose, Tex Richman, and others are already living happily at the Mansion of Lucidity! Lily's not here right now, but if she was, she would do the same thing! She would try to bring her cousin Megan away from the dark!" Lilith said.
Megan's gaze softened for the briefest of seconds but turned right back icy. "Nice speech, Dragon of stars, but I have a responsibility to uphold. I'm the future queen of Dark Etheria, so I can't waste my time listening to heroes blabbering." Megan stretched her hand out, and Lilith felt her powers leaving her!
N-NO!" Lilith screamed as Megan began to take her gem. She felt light-headed and swayed on her feet.
Just as the gem was about to leave Lilith's forehead, a blast of clear, pure, blue water blasted Megan's hand! "What the heck was that?" Megan shouted.
It was Percy! His formerly red eyes were back to their normal sea green color!
"You're back?" Lilith asked.
He turned to Lilith. "Yes. Those words you just said about Megan going home with you were enough to break the spell I was under!" Percy said.
"Uh, um... I should get back." Megan said, before teleporting away. At least she was smart enough to realize when she was outnumbered!
When she was gone, Dire ran to check on Lilith. "Are you ok? He said. He examined the gem for any cracks.
"Yes, I'm fine. It takes a lot of power to take an Astral Dragon's gem, and since Megan isn't powerful enough yet, she didn't have enough strength to take it." Lilith said.
Dire was relieved. "I'm glad." He turned to Percy. "Thank you for helping Lilith." Dire shook Percy's hand.
"You're welcome. I can't believe I turned dark..." Percy said.
"It's alright, Percy. After all, you weren't even in control of yourself." Lilith said.
"It won't be as easy in the future to break Nightdreamer spells. Megan is still practicing, and when she gets more powerful, words alone won't be enough to bring them back. Until then, Lily should practice using her powers." Dire said.
"We can think about that after we find the Heart. Let's go to the next location!" Lilith said.
The three heroes trekked to the pond, which was the next location on the quest. When they arrived, they were greeted by a beautiful sight. It was a pond with a rock overlooking it. The body of water looked majestic, Like the site of an old kingdom.
"Wow. Could this be where it is?" Lilith asked.
Just then, the three of them heard footsteps off in the distance.
"The characters!" Dire said. "We need to get the heart before they get here, so we don't interfere with their story!
The three dove into the pond, in search of the Heart. Their efforts, however, were futile. Lilith, Dire, and Percy surfaced empty-handed.
"It's no use..." Lilith said. Just as the three of them were about to give up, Lilith thought of Lily and the others back in Haventown, and how much they needed the Heart. "No. I can't let any of my new family get hurt." She turned to Dire and Percy. "If the Heart can't be found, or falls into the wrong hands, we all could die." She had renewed resolve.
Lilith stepped over to the pond's edge and looked at the water before her.
"Lilith," Dire said. Lilith looked back at him. "Good luck." He said, with a warm smile. Lilith nodded and dove into the water.
As she swam deeper, she found it harder to hold her breath. She was about to resurface when she thought of something.
Since I take the form of a fish in my Astral Dragon form, I need to take a chance and use it, even if I'm detected by villains again! My friends are counting on it!
"DRAGONS, GIVE ME STRENGTH!" She shouted. A brilliant light surrounded her, and she was transformed! Lilith swam deeper and deeper until she could see a faint pink glimmer shining from the dark depths.
Just a little closer... She thought.
She swam with all her might, harder than she'd ever swam before, and finally...
She got it.
Lilith grasped the Heart in her hands. In a split second, two things happened. First, Lilith was surrounded by a light more blinding than the brightest star, then She felt herself falling.
"AAAAHHHHHH!" She shouted, not knowing where she would land, or if the landing would be soft.
The next thing she knew, she was in a world made of pink clouds.
Dire and Percy were beside her. Lilith looked at Dire with a 'What the heck?' look, and he shrugged in return.
Power of the Gods - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Just then, a brilliant light appeared before them. From the light, a woman emerged.
Lilith knew immediately who she was. "Q-Queen Alessandria?" Lilith was in awe.
"Yes, it is I. Thank you for finding the Heart." She said, with a warm, motherly smile.
"Does it belong to you?" Lilith asked.
"It belongs to all of us. Every Etherian and Fictonian is an owner of the Heart. Even the Realiteans rely on its light because, without it, the real world would be completely overtaken by the Nightdreamers' power." Alessia said.
"What makes the Heart so powerful?" Dire asked.
Alessia suddenly got a serious look on her face. "This Heart not only possesses immense power, but it possesses the truth. The truth about who I truly am, and where we all came from." Alessia said.
"When will it be revealed?" Lilith asked.
Aurora had already started to fade. "I can't talk to you for much longer." She was almost completely transparent. "But I've entrusted Colette with the information." Alessia said. She was gone, but her disembodied voice said one more thing, before it faded completely. "Tell Lily I love her..." Alessia herself was probably more exited to meet her daughter than Lily herself was...
Lilith, Dire, and Percy began fading away, also. They were transported to the foyer of the Mansion of Lucidity, where Coletta, Aurora, and Cadenza were awaiting their return.
"You found it..." Coletta said. "I know you did, because the instant you got here, I could feel Alesia's intense power.
Lilith approached Coletta. "You bet we did!" She said.
Coletta turned to Dire. "Dire. Thank you for protecting her." She said.
Dire bowed. "You're welcome, but Lilith is the one you need to thank for saving me. During the mission, she risked her safety by using her dragon form to save me twice ." Dire said.
Lilith intervened. "But, wait, you sheielded me from one of Percy's attacks, remember?" She turned to Percy. And if you wouldn't have stopped Megan from taking my gem, I would've been lost forever, and the Nightdreamers would have an Astral Dragon's power!" Lilith said.
Dire looked at her. "But you got the Heart. If not for your Astral Dragon form, we wouldn't have it." Dire said.
"Thank you, but I think we all deserve credit." Lilith said.
"Yes, you all do. It takes a special person to put their life on the line to protect a friend." Coletta said.
"One more thing. What about the 'truth' Alessia told us about?" Lilith asked.
"It's what I was just about to tell you." Aurora said. Lily was playing outside at the moment, so Aurora called her in.
"You're back!" Lily ran up and hugged Dire and Lilith. She saw Percy, with his original eye color, and hugged him, also. "You're purified? That's awesome! But how did you do it without the staff?" She asked.
Aurora explained. "Since the villains from the movies you've already traveled through were made evil by their creators, who have ultimate power over their characters, only the power of the Daydreamers could save them, because, as rulers of the world where anything could come to be, we also have dominion. But since Megan's powers are untrained, she didn't turn Percy evil all of the way." Aurora explained. "Now, I'm going to reveal the truth of everything to you." Aurora said to the room.
Listen well... Aurora thought.
Author's note: Sorry I'm late again, but I was kinda nervous about this chapter... I don't know how well you'll receive the whole Dire secret thing... The next chapter is going to be the big one. It's the start of the final arc of this book, and I'll reveal the big secret... I'm more nervous about next chapter's secret than this one's! I also can't believe it's been over a year since I first posted this version! What's even more weird, is the fact that the first chapter and the chapter before this were both posed on September 24th! I wasn't trying to make that happen, but it did. So, stay tuned for the next chapter, and don't forget to Stay lucid!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 2 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! This chapter will be the Percy Jackson arc, and will be Lily's 'cool off.' When I was younger, I thought up a series where the characters take a road trip in an RV that's just like the Mansion of Lucidity. It looks like an ordinary RV on the outside, but on the inside, it has unlimited rooms. It also can't run out of fuel, so it's a straight shot to the destination. Lily will go on a trip with Cadenza, Aurora, and a few others, while Coletta, Lilith, and Dire do a mission. The types of missions are divided by type. The 'Magicals' are the animated characters, like Winx and Monsters Inc They almost always have magical elements. the 'Mortals' are live-action movies, like The Muppets and Percy Jackson. The main characters of these movies have powers, but most of the background characters Don't. PS The Percy Jackson movies aren't as good as the books, but I've decided to use the movie version in the story because it was so important to me back in 2012 before I read the books. So, enjoy!
Characters introduced (or mentioned)
Percy Jackson 
Annabeth Chase 
Grover Underwood
Sally Jackson 
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 18: On the Run
Early September 2012
After the crazy, strange, and fun Muppet mission, everyone had said goodbye and gone home.
"I'm gonna miss you," Mary said. She hugged Lily and the others.
"Don't worry, you can visit anytime you'd like!" Lily said.
They said their goodbyes and went home. Lily and the others stayed for the rest of September in the Beachhouse in Fallingstar, Florida, and went back to The Mansion of Lucidity in Haventown, North Carolina.
October 2012
At the start of Lily's fall break, Aurora was teaching a class at The Mansion of Lucidity.
"Since it's almost the end of the year, I've decided to tell you guys what your missions will be for this month, November, and December. . This month, Coletta, Lilith, and Dire will be going on a mission to Percy Jackson," Aurora said.
"The live-action, mortal movie characters of the Multiverse are in a stir because of what happened on stage in the last mission. They can't handle the concept of Etherians, Reality dwellers, and Fictional Multiverse dwellers, so this mission to save Mount Olympus will hopefully make them trust us more." Coletta explained.
"The next mission will be to The Land Before Time. Dire and I will go on it to find a special gem that can defeat Nightdreamers." Lilith explained.
"And for the December mission, I'm sorry, but you can't go on it," Dire said, directly to Lily. "It will be the final mission of this year and will be to my realm in the multiverse, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 1," Dire said. "I am sorry, Lily but both you and Megan are far too young to go on this mission. I intercepted a message from Queen Morgana to Dio Brando about sending Megan into hiding with other villains during the mission. Lily, you will go into hiding in Swallow Falls, in the realm of the movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs." Dire said.
"Well, I hoped I would've been able to go on the final mission, but It's better to be safe than sorry," Lily said.
"Thank you for understanding," Aurora said.
"Now, we should all go back to the Mansion, because I have a surprise for you, Lily," Coletta said.
Lily enthusiastically followed the others back to the house, eagerly awaiting her surprise. In the driveway of the Mansion, was a pink RV!
"Woah!" Lily said. She walked around the RV, examining every inch of it.
"This is my RV, called WildHeart. It was a gift from Aurora when I was younger, and has the same power as the Mansion of Lucidity, meaning you can think of unlimited rooms. It also never runs out of gas. I brought it from my old home, so you could go on a road trip in it during this month's mission while Lilith, Dire, and I aren't here." Coletta tossed the keys to Cadenza. "This is my baby. I've driven this, and only this ever since I first got my driver's license, so don't. hurt. it." Coletta gave Cadenza a dirty look.
"Ok, I won't hurt it..." Cadenza said.
"I'm just teasing!" Coletta laughed.
"Wait, I get to ride in it?" Lily asked.
"Of course! the mission will be tomorrow, and, since you've gone on the last three, this will be your cool off." Coletta was letting Lily and Cadenza use her most prized possession! "One more thing. Could you take Gracie, my kitty with you? She's really sweet, so she won't scratch or bite." Coletta said.
"Thank you!" Lily said, excitedly. "Thiswillbeamazing!" She squealed.
"Who all can go?" Cadenza asked.
"Since the RV has unlimited rooms, I guess everyone!" Coletta said.
After Lily's surprise, Dire, Lilith, and Coletta started getting ready for their mission. Lily was in heaven because there was something about the evening before a big trip she just loved. She loved the warm, excited, atmosphere, jumping into piles of warm, freshly dried, travel-ready clothes, and talking, giggling, and packing with her family and friends. Those were some of her favorite things.
Lily found Aurora packing her bags. "Aurora, do you know where we're going to?" Lily still didn't know where they were traveling to.
Aurora smiled and looked at her. "Coletta told me a few hours ago. It's a surprise for everyone, and I think you'll love it!" This trip was gonna be good!
"Do you have anything for me to help with?" Lily asked.
"Thank you for being helpful. Could you please pack some blankets into that bag over there?" Aurora asked.
"Sure!" Lily said. She ran off to do it.
"Thank you in advance!" Aurora called.
Lily walked down the hall to the blanket cabinet. She opened it and took a few out. On her way back to Aurora, she saw Cadenza, laying on the couch looking sick.
"Dennie, are you feeling ok?" Lily asked. She was concerned.
Cadenza, who was pale and sick-looking, said, "I just have a little 24-hour bug. I get these every fall, and they always first start in the evening and continue for the next day and night." Cadenza said. She did sound a little weak.
"Ok. Should I tell Aurora?" Lily asked.
"Yea. Tell her I'll be ok to go on the trip, but will be a little sick on the first day." Cadenza said.
"Ok. Get well soon." Lily said.
Lily went to tell Aurora about Cadenza.
"Aurora, Cadenza's sick." Lily said. She explained Cadenza's symptoms.
Aurora put her hand on her face. "Ugh, this is just what we need. Therbecausebe something going around, because Coletta has the same symptoms." Two sick people, right before a trip...
"If they feel too bad in the morning, we could postpone the trip until they feel better. The motion of the ride may make them sicker." Aurora said.
"Well, at least we can still go when they get better," Lily said.
Aurora went to get medicine and make soup for Coletta and Cadenza. Lily took more blankets and gave them to them, before going to her room.
She picked up her favorite play mirror and looked at it. Now that I think of it, Megan and I kind of look alike. Megan. My ultimate goal used to be to defeat them, but I think I want to change it. Since I have this staff, my new goal is to purify Megan, Morgana, and even Dio. They might be great people if I turn them into good people. Lily thought as she gazed into the mirror. I won't know until I heal them. Lily set the mirror back down.
"I wonder what Megan's doing right now. Probably plotting ways to take us down." Lily said to herself. She sat on her bed and turned on the TV. I think I'll watch Disney Channel before dinner. Lily thought.
Meanwhile, Megan was doing just what Lily thought.
"Dio!" Megan called.
"What?" Dio asked. Megan had interrupted him from plotting. "You just interrupted my train of thought, and I was thinking of a good plan!"
"What was the plan?" Megan asked.
"Remember last mission, when you and Coletta showed you powers onstage? Remember how scared everyone was? Well, I would like to take advantage of that fear, and spread some rumors in the realm of the upcoming mission, so things are harder for the heroes!" Dio said.
"Ok, stop reading my mind! That was just what I was thinking, but I'll probably execute the plan better than you!" Megan said.
"We'll just have to wait and see..." Dio said, grinning.
Megan went to tell her mother about the plan. "Mother, Dio, and I have a plan for the upcoming mission," Megan explained the plan.
"That sounds deliciously evil... Posing as a human, spreading an untrue rumor, and forcing the heroes to go on the run..." Morgana said.
"Just our style," Megan said.
Both Queen and Princess of the Nightdreamers began to manically laugh into the night...
Meanwhile, Lily was still watching Austin and Ally. Aurora called her downstairs to eat, so she turned her TV off and headed downstairs.
Preparations downstairs were still in full swing for the trip.
Aurora was making soup for Coletta and Cadenza. "Would you like some soup, or something else?" Aurora asked.
"Soup, please!" Lily loved Aurora's chicken noodle soup.
Lily ate her soup. When she was done, she rinsed her bowl and went back upstairs. She turned the tv back on and laid down.
Meanwhile, Dire and Lilith were drinking tea downstairs in the den, trying to get to know each other better.
"Let's talk about our powers. I'll go first. I'm from the universe of Fire Emblem: Fates, and I'm an Astral Dragon. I can transform during battle, and use the attack Astral Breath. It's a blue fire attack, the hottest color of fire. On top of that, I have a healing attack called Astral Blessing." Lilith said.
"That's why they want your gem," Dire said.
"Lilith's hand went to the rhombus-shaped gem on her forehead. "Yes. Astral dragons are tough to kill, but a particularly strong attack would be enough to kill one." In two different parallel timelines, Lilith sacrificed herself to save Corrin. This Lilith was from the Revalations ending, which was the 'good' ending. She continued, "We can die of old age, but we would have to be ten, or even a hundred thousand years old." Dire shuddered. Who would want to live that long, and outlive all of their friends? "And, of course, you can kill one by taking their gem," Lilith explained.
"And that's why both of us need to be vigilant," Dire said.
Lilith nodded. "The one who takes the gem will hold its power, but they must protect it. If the gem is destroyed by the person who has stolen it, the shards will perform one last final Astral Breath attack, to smite the villain where it stands. But there is an even worse fate. If an Astral Dragon's gem is destroyed while still on their forehead, for example, hit by a weapon or attack and is shattered, the Astral Dragon's body will fade away, and their spirit will be trapped forever within the shards." Lilith explained.
"Why did Coletta never tell me that part? Trapped forever." Dire shuddered, thinking how it would feel to never be able to escape the shards...
"Now it's your turn, Dire," Lilith said.
Dire cleared his throat." You already know much about me, but allow me to tell more. I was trained under a man named master Tonpetty. He taught me Hamon, and I perfected the 'Thunder Cross Split Attack." Dire explained.
"What's that?" Lilith asked.
"The Thunder Cross Split attack is my most powerful move. I catch the enemy off guard and perform it. No fighter has ever escaped it." Dire explained more. "The reason Coletta particularly picked me to protect you, is because the final mission is to my universe, and Dio will be at his strongest," Dire explained.
"Dire, I'm scared. Not for my own safety, but the safety of Lily, Aurora, Corrin, and the others. December's mission could claim so many lives, and that's not even counting what could happen before that." Lilith was legitimately concerned. "Even though I've only known them for a few months, the people in this mansion are my friends," Lilith said.
"Don't worry. Everything will work out, and the Dreamers will conquer the Nightdreamers. If we don't want to lose anyone, we'll just have to work harder." Dire said.
Coletta, who was standing in the doorway, said, "Work harder, we will."
Even though Coletta sorta interrupted, Lilith wasn't upset. "Oh, hi, Coletta. I heard you weren't feeling well."
"I'm not. But I still had to tell you something urgent." Coletta we on. "Cadenza just saw another disturbing prophecy. It was about the mortals of next mission turning against us." This had Nightdreamers written all over it...
"Wait, what? Why are the mortals turning against them? Aren't we trying to save them?" Lilith asked, dumbfounded.
"It's Megan's doing because she forced me to use my powers in front of that audience," Coletta said.
"Do you think the Nightdreamers have something to do with it?" Dire asked.
"My theory is they're manipulating the people into believing something false," Coletta said.
"That's something they would do," Lilith said.
"I heard this mission will be the first 'big one.' The last three were easier, but this will be the first with a risk of death." Coletta wasn't helping ease Lilith's fears of losing people that well.
"W-wasn't the Winx mission risky?" Lilith asked.
"It would've been easier if someone didn't go off on her own, and jeopardize the mission!" Coletta was referring to Cadenza.
"We'll all have to be careful..." Lilith said.
Just then, Rosie came downstairs in a panic. "Guys, come upstairs! Something freaky is happening!"
The three of them followed Rosie upstairs to the main living room. Aurora was in a stir over something.
"Check everything they might have eaten earlier! They must have been poisoned by someone!" Aurora said.
Lilith was shocked. "Woah, woah, woah! What's going on? Who was poisoned?"
Aurora answered. "Lily's sick, and she's showing the same symptoms as Coletta and Cadenza!"
"What?" Lilith was shocked.
"This is defiantly the work of the Nightdreamers..." Coletta said, gravely.
"M-maybe it's just something going around..." Cadenza said, from on the couch.
"Cadenza, when the three most powerful and important people get the same sickness in the same night, it's a little suspicious!" Coletta said.
"Alright, calm down everyone. This probably isn't anything bad. It's freezing outside right now, so they probably just have some sort of bug. Just give them some soup, medicine, and rest, and they'll probably be good by morning." Corrin said. He was worried on the inside, but he wanted to keep a cool head.
"You know what, Corrin? You're right. There's no way Nightdreamers had anything to do with this, anyway." Aurora said.
Since it was pretty late, Aurora gave the sick people their medicine and sent them to bed.
Meanwhile, the villains began to put their plan in motion.
Megan and Morgana were in Central Park, in the realm of Percy Jackson. The two of them were disguised as an ordinary, modern mother and daughter. They were hiding behind an old oak tree, whispering the plan to each other.
"Alright, when we go out there, remember to act natural, but just a little shaken up," Morgana whispered into Megan's ear.
"Ok, let's do this," Megan said.
The two of them walked out into the crowd.
A few people taking a stroll noticed that they looked sort of shaken up, so one of them asked what was wrong. "Excuse me for intruding, but is everything ok?" The lady said.
Morgana started the story. "No. We came here from California because something strange happened when I took my daughter Megan to see the Muppet telethon."
The woman remembered what she read on the news. "Wait, you mean the one with the witches? My husband and I watched it on tv, and were petrified with fear."
"Yes, that one. The girl in purple's song made my daughter and I feel like we were floating. We didn't know she was trying to brainwash us." Morgana lied.
"Even though the girl in pink was applauded as a hero, I still can't wrap my head around magical girls from other worlds..." The lady was right. Even though Olympian Gods exist in her realm, she didn't know.
Megan cut in. "We saw something else. When we were walking home after the show, we saw the girl in pink walking down the road, talking on a phone. I don't think she knew we were listening because she said her entire evil plan! Apparently, she's from another world called Etheria and was tricking everyone at the telethon. She's in cahoots with the girl in purple and was tricking us by pretending to fight her.
The woman gasped. "That's what I first thought. Seems my hunch was true."
Since one mortal was already fooled, Morgana introduced the next phase of the plot. "I'll try to find out more, but we need to stick together if anything else strange happens. Please spread this information around so we can prepare ourselves for the possibility of attacks from these magical people." This wasn't gonna be good for Coletta and the others...
"It was nice talking to you two." The group of mortals walked away from the two villains.
Morgana and Megan smirked and high-fived when no one else was looking...
The next morning, Lily, Coletta, and Cadenza were still feeling bad.
Lilith went to Aurora to discuss the matter. "Aurora, you were right. This does seem like the Nightdreamers."
"How do you suppose?" Aurora asked.
Lilith spoke. "Think about it. Three of the most important and powerful people living here get sick. How does no one else in the house get it? If this was 'just some sort of bug,' like Corrin said, don't you think it would affect more people living here?" She had a point.
"That's just what I was thinking! I don't want to worry anyone, especially Lily on her fall break, but this isn't anything to take lightly." Aurora said.
"oh, you're not happy. And now I understand why. This seems like something small, but it could be something big." Lilith said.
Just then, Aurora heard someone running down the hallway. Coletta threw open the door.
Aurora instantly knew something was wrong because she had never seen Coletta looking this distressed. "What happened? Is anyone else sick?"
"No, we're feeling a little bit better. Cadenza and I just watching the news, and we saw something bad. Someone must've spread false news about what happened at the telethon." Coletta explained.
"The Nightdreamers have something to do with it, I'm sure..." Aurora said.
"This mission will be dangerous. If we get our cover blown, that would mean more chaos that we would have to take care of, when we already have enough on our plates..." Coletta said.
"If you guys are feeling better right now, I don't mind if Lily and Cadenza go on their trip. They'll probably be completely cured by tonight, at least." Aurora said.
"Ok, so Lilith, Dire, and I will get ready to go on the mission," Coletta said.
"Make sure you lay low. I don't want anyone to recognize you until your name is cleared, and that usually takes an entire movie!" Coletta said.
The ones who were to go on the mission prepared themselves, and the ones who were to go on the trip packed the rest of the things they would need.
"Are you sure you're ready?" Aurora asked.
"Don't worry, we'll be alright. These rumors are spreading like wildfire, and if we don't stop them, things could get even worse." Coletta said.
"I understand. The last thing we need is people turning away from us, and joining the Nightdreamers, what with the final mission coming up in just a few months. I guarantee they will fly by." Aurora said.
Aurora walked over to Lily. "Please make sure to stay safe. I wish I could come with you, but since I run the town, I'm needed here." Aurora said. She had one more thing to say. "About the Trix. Since our mission surrounded the events of only the 1st season of Winx Club, purifying the Trix too early could disrupt future events in the Winx realm."
Lily didn't understand why she couldn't turn them good yet. "But we're trying to make them better," Lily said.
Aurora explained. "You will do one Winx mission every year, one for each season. The Trix are villains in all but one. I forgot that purifying them would mean no conflict for the missions. My bad."
"Well, at least I'll be able to see my Winx friends more!" Lily said, smiling brightly.
"I thought you would say that. I read about the future seasons, and in seasons two and four, there will be new fairies joining." Aurora put her hand over her mouth. "Oh, there I go, spoiling things. I won't tell you anything else. I want you to be surprised." She hugged Lily. "Now go. I don't want you to be late."
Lily hopped into the RV and gasped. It was amazing! It had everything, from tablets, TVs, games, to a kitchen!
"This. Is. AWESOME!" Cadenza said. She plopped down on the first couch she saw.
"This is awesome! Coletta is really letting us use this amazing RV!" Lily said.
A tapping was heard at the window. Lily opened it. "One other thing. This is a magic vehicle, so it drives itself!" Coletta said, from outside.
"Good thing you told us because if I wanted to chat with the driver while on a mega highway, and found no one driving, I would freak," Corrin said.
"Catch you later!" Coletta said. She cast the spell to make the RV drive. She ran alongside, shouting instructions. "It acts like a normal driver is controlling it, stopping for red lights, and all, but if you want to park, you have to put your location in the GPS, and it'll stop there. The only way it'll stop abruptly is if there's something in the road, like a car, or if something happens to the caster. I'm the caster, so let's just hope that doesn't happen! If I stop it in any way, it'll get to safety, then stop. All of these instructions and more are in the owner's manual in the glove box." Coletta said. The RV left the driveway, and drove along, out of town.
"I can't believe I let her go. Anyways, if other responsible adults weren't with her, I would've gone with, or she would've stayed here with me." Aurora said.
"Speaking of 'going places," the three of us should get going on our mission," Dire said.
the three waited while Aurora opened the portal.
"Are you sure you're ready? This will be our first really big mission." Coletta said.
Dire and Lilith nodded. The portal appeared, and all three walked through.
They emerged in a place that looked mostly normal. It was New York, and it was raining.
"Ok, remember, lay low. We don't want to draw any attention." Coletta said.
The small group began to slowly walk around.
"What do we do first?" Lilith asked Coletta.
"First, we have to meet Percy Jackson himself. We have to go to his school to meet him." Coletta said.
The group made their way to the school. They saw two boys and a woman running out of the building.
"We're too late! They've already attacked!" Coletta said. The three of them ran to catch up.
They caught up with Percy, Grover, and Sally.
"Hey, you three! We need to talk!" Lilith said.
"Mom, who are they?" Percy asked, nervously. Great, more wired things happening. A strangely dressed girl with a diamond on her forehead, a knight, and a robot... Percy thought he was going crazy!
"Who are you?" Sally, his mother, asked.
"We mean no harm," Lilith said.
"Yea, how do we know that?" Grover said.
"Because we can save all three of you from what just happened," Lilith said.
Percy's face turned white. "H-how did you know about that?"
Coletta stepped forwards. "I don't have time to explain! We all need to get on the move!" Coletta said. So everyone piled in the car, and Coletta explained everything, from the Multiverse, to Lily, to the Nightdreamers. Sally also told him the truth about his father, Poseidon.
Percy was amazed. "So, you three believe me? I didn't steal this 'lighting bolt'."
Lilith nodded. "We believe you. The Nightdreamers have also falsely accused us of something."
"What was it?" Percy asked.
Coletta replied. "It's a long story, but in our last mission, I had to use my powers against Megan. If I wouldn't have, she would've brainwashed them all, and turned them evil. But Megan decided to spread a lie about us working with, and pretending to fight with her." Coletta said, anger rising in her voice.
"Ok, let's all calm down. Percy, there's a place I need to take you. It's the only way you'll be safe." Sally said.
"My pocket computer senses we're almost there," Coletta said.
Everyone breathed easily, but something bad was about to happen
"SALLY, WATCH OUT!" Grover shouted, and literally, as soon as he did, something landed in front of the car. Sally swerved to the side, flipping the car in the process.
When everyone recovered from the impact, Lilith and Percy looked out of the broken window.
"What is that?" Percy said, staring at a massive animal in the field, charging towards them.
"GET OUT!" Sally shouted. Lilith tried to push one of the busted car doors open, but she couldn't.
well, I guess since they know about our powers, it won't hurt if I do this. Coletta thought, before using her powers to push a door open.
Everyone was able to escape the car. They started running away from the Minotaur, who chased after them.
"Stand back!" Coletta said, getting into a fighting position. She was about to fire a blast of energy when Dire stopped her.
"You can't harm the Minotaur. The plan says to let only Percy deal with it, so we don't alter anything too big." Dire said.
"Alright," Coletta said, extinguishing the ball of light.
Coletta stood aside and let Percy step up, but meanwhile, the villains were about to put their true plan into effect...
"Megan, are you ready? Little do these heroes know, but they're in for the surprise of their lives!" Morgana said.
"Yes, mother!" Megan responded.
Meanwhile, Lily was on the road trip of her life!
"Woooooh, this is awesome!" Lily said, paling around with her friends.
"Ok, this place has everything!" Corrin said.
"I wonder how Coletta, Dire, and a Lilith are doing..." Just as Cadenza said it, A hologram of Rosie appeared before them.
"Rosie! Is everyone ok?" Lily said.
"Guys! The villains launched an attack! I think the lie Morgana told was a diversion! They didn't target the Percy Jackson mission because it was the next one, but because they wanted to distract us!" Rosie said.
Cadenza sprung right into action. "Corrin, go contact Lilith, Coletta, and Dire. I'll stay here with Lily."
"Right!" Corrin ran over to the teleporter.
"Don't teleport!" Hologram Rosie said. "Just go as a hologram, like me, so no one can hurt you." Rosie disappeared.
Corrin changed direction and went over to the projector.
"Is everything gonna be ok?" Lily asked.
"Yea. Corrin's gonna go get the others, and you and I try to steer clear of this." Cadenza said.
"But I want to protect my friends!" Lily said.
"I understand, but you're too young to fight. Your staff will upgrade in a few years, and you'll be ready." Cadenza said.
"Ok. I hope everyone's alright." Lily said.
Meanwhile, Percy was battling the Minotaur, when Corrin appeared in the middle of the battle. The minotaur noticed him and charged.
"NO!" Lilith didn't know Corrin was a hologram because the ones created by Coletta's projector were completely solid.
The monster went right through Corrin and crashed into a tree! It was dazed for a few seconds, before recovering.
Lilith heaved a sigh of relief. "I thought you were a goner! But why are you here? Is everything alright back home?" She asked.
Coletta chimed in. "Don't tell me. More people got sick." Corrin shook his head.
Dire asked, "The Nightdreamers told another lie about us?"
Corrin shook his head but replied back with, "Close. The Nightdreamers did tell a lie, but not about Coletta being evil." He explained about the mission being a diversion.
"But if we go home, the villains will be able to take the essence from this world!" Coletta said, her voice rising.
"And the people here will still think we're the bad guys!" Lilith said.
"And if we go back now, those Nightdreamers might have a clear shot at Lilith and her gem," Dire said.
Now Corrin didn't know what to do. "Ok, we'll just have to find another way to deal with the first two, but I don't know about the last one. You're right, Dire. Lilith will not be safe if we go back now.
"And if my powers fall into the hands of the Nightdreamers, you won't be safe," Lilith said.
"Where are Liliy and Cadenza?" Coletta asked.
"They're still in the RV. Since this attack is supposedly a small diversion, and if the Nightdreamers withdraw soon, they'll be able to come home soon." Corrin said.
Coletta turned to Dire and Lilith. "If we're going back this early, you two have to be at the top of your game for the next mission. I don't want the Nightdremers winning the day to become a habit." Coletta said, fear and firmness in her voice.
Coletta bit farewell to Percy, Grover, and Sally. "I hope we meet again on better terms." She activated her teleportation device, and everyone was out of there.
Back home, the Nightdreamers had already vanished, but something seemed strange. There almost wasn't a single thing out of place, safe for a few chairs on the floor that someone must've run into. Aurora ran up to the three. "Thank goodness you're here!" Aurora said. She spread her arms out. "As you can see, they kept the destruction to a minimum. They didn't want to hurt us, they just wanted to distract you guys-"
Coletta cut her off. "So we would come home and the essence would be theirs."
"Exactly. That's why you and Dire have to make sure nothing happens on the next mission." Aurora looked around to check if anyone was watching. "Come with me. I don't want to risk anyone hearing this." The group went into a secret area.
"I want to explain what you will be searching for on your next mission." Aurora looked at Dire and Lilith. "It isn't a normal item, like a gem, or weapon. It is simply called the Heart." When Coletta heard the word heart, she went cold. She clutched the locket around her neck.
"But what is this Heart?" Lilith asked.
Aurora turned away. "I cannot tell you anything else. It's just too much to know." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Even the Nightdreamers don't know about this. If they ever found out, all would be lost." This was the most serious Aurora had ever sounded...
"Ok. We promise to be vigilant." Dire said.
"You'd better be. This event wasn't your fault, but I don't want it to become a regular occurrence." Coletta said.
"Whatever you do, try not to interfere with this mission. It's too risky. The children are searching for a place called The Great Valley, so I don't want to risk them straying from their path." Aurora said. She turned around to go to the phone. "I'll call Cadenza, Lily, and Corrin and tell them they could come back home if they want," Aurora said.
The three ended up wanting to stay on the trip longer. Coletta teleported back to the RV and spent the remainder of the trip with them. Everyone ended up joining in, not knowing what danger would await Dire and Lilith in the Mysterious Beyond...
Meanwhile, the Nightdreamers had just gotten back from the Percy Jackson mission.
"Mother, you would not believe what happened!" Megan said, evilly grinning from ear to ear.
"Did our plan work?" Morgana said. She grinned. "It must've. You only smile like that when something has gone exactly how we want it."
"Let's just say those Daydreamers fled right back home, making all of the essence easy picking! Even better, your army had already left!" Megan said.
"Did you manage to turn anyone to our side?" Morgana asked.
"Funny you asked because I was just about to show you! I'm still trying to learn how to use my staff, so I was only able to get one." Megan stepped aside, and someone stepped out of the darkness. His eyes had turned from their natural color to purple, the color of the Nightdreamers.
It was Percy.
Author's note: I'm sorry this chapter took so long, but since I've been trying to make my chapters longer, It took more time. So, I guess Percy will be the next chapter's villain! I have an idea about the Nightdreamers trying to mess up the journey to the Great Valley, also. A big secret about Dire will also be revealed. So, I'll catch you later! Stay Lucid!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 2 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! In this chapter, the group will go to the universe of The Muppets and find out about the plot of Tex Richman. They'll compete in singing competitions with the Nightdreamers. I've also decided to make chapters longer. So, enjoy!
Characters introduced (or mentioned) (Most from The Muppets)
Tex Richman
Bobo the Bear 
The rest of The Muppets
80s Robot
Dire (Jojo's bizarre adventure)
Chapter 17: The Muppets
Early September 2012
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
The night before going to Muppet Studios, Lily was lost in a beautiful dream. She was in the Mansion of Lucidity, but it was filled with glistening water. Lily was slowly riding in a small boat through the house.
This is like a Disney ride! Lily thought as she rode through the house.
The staircase area started sparkling, and an angelic harp sound came from that area.
I wonder if I should go there... Lily thought, not knowing where she was headed.
Lily controlled the boat with her mind, and it went up the stairs. A door at the end of the hallway started sparkling next, and the same harp sound played.
Now I know I'm following something... Lily thought, eager to explore.
She floated through the door and heard a voice. Come see me at the Mountain of Beginnings and Endings... I'll be waiting... The female voice said.
Lily tried to ask who she was but felt herself being pulled from the dream...
Lily woke to her alarm blaring in her ears. Well, I guess it's time to get up and prepare for the mission. That was a great dream... Lily thought as she dragged herself out of bed.
She got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was there, scrambling to get ready.
"Good morning!" Lily said as she got her breakfast. She got scrambled eggs, bacon, and a piece of toast.
"Morning..." Corrin groggily said.
"Did you stay up too late?" Lily asked.
"Yeah, a few others and I stayed up thinking up a plan to protect Lilith and Walter. We let you sleep, because you're the youngest, and need more rest than us." Corrin said.
"I understand. I hope the plans work." Lily said as she took her plate to the table.
"Where's Cadenza? She's not down here yet." Aisha said.
Little did they know, she was upstairs having another prophetic dream, this time directly about Lilith.
Take it from her... We need her power, too! We must protect her from them... The Nightdreamers must not find out about this power... I don't want to reveal this to you yet... PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM! NOOOOOOOOOO!
Cadenza woke up in a cold sweat. She ran downstairs to warn the others.
"There you are, Dennie! We were beginning to think your blankets ate you, or something! Lily said.
"Guys, I think you need to hear this..." Cadenza said. I had another dream, this time, it wasn't just words. It was real." One thing flashed through everyone's mind...
"So Walter must've..." Lilith said.
"I didn't see anything happen to him, but I heard you scream at the end, Lilith before I woke up. I heard someone saying, 'take it from her,' and, 'we need her power, too." Cadenza said.
"Could the Nightdreamers be after something of Lilith's?" Corrin asked.
"There's more. The dream directly mentioned the Nightdreamers. I heard, 'we must protect her from them,' and, 'The Nightdreamers must not find out about this power." Cadenza said.
Lilith knew what the dream was referencing. "My gem. It allows me to transform into my Astral Dragon form, use my powers, and travel to the astral plane. It is also my life force, and taking it would kill me." Lilith said, touching the red, diamond-shaped gem on her forehead.
"The Nightdreamers must want it from you!" Lily said. She turned to Cadenza. "What else happened in the dream?"
"Lilith's voice said, 'I don't want to reveal this to you yet.'" Cadenza said.
"That part's a little vaguer... Maybe there's a secret involved." Aurora said.
"The last part was the worst. Lilith screamed, 'Please don't kill him!' She screamed Nooooo, and I woke up." Cadenza said.
"That's a very troubling dream... We need to guard Lilith the best we can on this mission..." Aurora said.
Meanwhile, the villains were discussing the heroes...
"I have detected another anomaly. Cadenza had yet another prophetic dream." Morgana said.
"Another one? That's the second in two nights!" Waternoose said.
"What was this one about?" Dio asked.
"It was about Lilith. She is the Princess of the Astral Dragons and has a gem on her forehead that, if taken, will give us access to immense power. It will kill her if taken, but it is a necessary sacrifice to make. The main character of our mission, named Walter, will sacrifice himself to save Lilith." Morgana said.
"So, the dream basically said, 'take the gem, get the power, and crush anyone who gets in our way..." Dio said, grinning evilly.
"Exactly. If we want more essence, that gem will be an advantage..." Morgana said. How evil... Harming innocent Lilith just to have an advantage over the heroes...
Meanwhile, the heroes were getting ready to leave...
"Ok, so, Alice, Corrin, Cadenza, Lily, Lilith, and The Winx will be going on this mission," Aurora said, trying to keep count.
"I'm sorry, Aurora, but there's been a change of plans. Alfea College for Faries has been attacked by Nightdreamers, so we have to go back and fight." Aisha said.
"And I was called back home to my realm, also!" Alice said.
"Oh, dear, that'll make us seven members short! I'll bet those Nightdreamers attacked those two realms so Lily's group would have fewer members!" Aurora said.
"Well, I guess I could see if Coletta would want to go..." Cadenza said. She knocked on Coletta's door.
"What is it?" Coletta said, rather shortly.
"Well, we're going on a mission to the world of The Muppets, and the Nightdreamers drew 7 of our members away in a diversion, so since you're probably stronger than all six Winx combined..." Cadenza was cut off.
"No," Coletta said.
"Listen, Lily needs you!" Cadenza said. She heard the door unlock. Coletta walked out.
"Let's move," Coletta said.
Meanwhile, Aurora was trying to calm some characters down. "Hey, hey HEY! Alright, I know we're short on a few members, and this'll be Lily's first live-action movie mission, but we're trying to get Coletta to help us!" I just hope she's willing to help us... Aurora thought.
"Did someone call for me?" Coletta said, posing on the staircase.
"Yes, we did, and we need you to be serious on this mission like you were on the last one!" Aurora said.
"Ok, is everyone just gonna stand around, or are we gonna do this mission?" Lily asked.
"Alright, everyone, gather around and let me set up the portal. The Hotel in Haventown gave me a few 'pocket portals' just in case we had missions away from home!" Aurora said. She threw the portal generator on the ground, and it expanded into a giant portal.
"Ok, everyone, go quickly, these generators are newer, so they could be unstable," Aurora said, as Alice, Lilith, and the others went through the portal.
just as Lily was about to cross, Dubois stopped her. "Wait! I'm sorry for treating you and your friends so harshly in the beginning. I only wanted to keep you guys safe, so it'll be easier on you in the future. You may call me Chantel." She had only wanted to protect them.
"I forgive you, Chantel..." Lily said as she went through the portal.
Everyone came out on the other side, expecting magic, wonder, and cool characters, but were met with a run-down, old building instead.
"This is Muppet Studios? I thought it would be cooler!" Cadenza said.
"Me too, but I remember this from the movie. We have to help save the studio from being shut down!" Lily said.
"What does the plan say to do next?" Lilith asked.
"We need to meet the main characters, Walter, Gary, and Mary," Lily said.
Lily started looking around for the three characters, and found them in line, getting ready to go in. The group joined them.
That was when Lily looked at the signs and realized how in trouble this studio was. Every attraction was shut down.
This is so sad... Lily thought.
Cadenza went to greet the main characters. "Hello, my name is Cadenza! You may be wondering who I am, but let me introduce you!" Cadenza said.
Before she could continue, Walter widened his eyes, and said, "Wait, you're Princess Cadenza! From the Monsters Inc and Winx Club missions! I'm Walter! It's nice to meet you!" Walter and Cadenza shook hands.
"That's me!" Cadenza said.
"Wow, I thought I was going crazy when Aurora Borealis told me you'd be arriving here!" Gary, Walter's brother said, shaking Lily and Cadenza's hands.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Mary, Gary's girlfriend said, shaking Lily's hand.
"Wow, this place is really in trouble..." Walter said.
"That's why we're here!" Corrin said.
"Well, I guess we could still go on the tour..." Gary said.
A man in a uniform unenthusiastically greeted the group.
"Uh, I guess you're it for today... Welcome to the original Muppet Studios, where dreams can come true!" He threw a handful of glitter.
When we're done here, this place will be restored to its former glory! Lily thought as the tour started.
They stopped at Kermit's office, and the guide started talking about it. "This is Kermit the Frog's old office. It's really the height of the tour, you should see it sometime!" This wasn't the tour Walter thought it would be...
This had better be a joke. Coletta thought, with her arms folded.
"This next building is where they kept the rope and the medium-gauge wires for the productions." This tour guide wasn't very good, but everyone kept moving on, except for two...
Walter decided to sneak into the office, but he wanted someone to see it with him. "Lilith, c'mon, let's see it!" Walter whispered.
Lilith hesitated because she knew Walter could die if the Nightdreamers decided to attack. "I'd rather go with them," Lilith said, nervously.
She walked away from Walter when a thought stopped her in her tracks. What if this is the sacrifice? What if the Nightdreamers attack the office with him in it, and he dies in that office because I'm not there for the Nightdreamers to find? Lilith thought. She decided to follow Walter.
"Wait, I would like to see it, too!" Lilith whispered.
They snuck through the door and felt like they were in a different era...
"Wow..." Walter whispered, looking around at all of the old pictures, and memories of The Muppets.
"This is amazing," Lilith said, looking at all of the old newspaper clippings, and Kermit's banjos.
Lilith heard a doorknob turning, and pulled Walter to safety.
The Nightdreamers are here! Lilith thought.
"Now this here is Kermit the Frog's old office!" Statler said.
"Or so we've been 'toad'! OHOHOHOH!" Waldorf said. They both laughed.
"Now, as you boys know, I've loved The Muppets since I was a little boy. What better way to honor The Muppets than to make this beautiful studio a Muppet Museum!" Tex Richman, the main villain said.
Walter gasped from his hiding place.
"I think I'll call this room, 'The Kermit the Frog's Old Office Room!'" Tex said.
If you're gonna make a Muppet museum, at least give the exhibits better names! Lilith thought.
The group crowded around an old, yellowed scroll of paper, and Waldorf said, "This here's the standard 'rich and famous' contract Kermit signed 30 years ago, which contains..."
"The deed to this property," Tex said.
"Exactly! Now, this contract is 100% percent iron-clad, with one minor exception. If the Muppets can raise the 10 million dollars it would take to buy the building, before the contract expires, they will get their studio back!" Waldorf said.
Walter and Lilith listened intently to the rest of the conversation. Lilith thought the idea of a 'Muppet Museum' was cool, but Tex Richman said something else that revealed the true evil to his plan.
"Gentlemen, there's oil under this studio. I can smell it." He sniffed the air. What's he up to? Lilith thought.
"In two weeks, we tear this place to the ground and start drilling!" Lilith and Walter gasped. "Yeah, those Muppets think they're so funny, but the joke's about to be on them! Maniacal laugh!" Everyone started laughing. "Maniacal laugh!" Lilith couldn't believe this.
Little did she know, it was about to get worse. There was a knock at the door.
"Who is that? Why are they here?" Tex whispered to Deadly.
"If you two would let us in, we would like to make you an offer..." It was Dio Brando. This is it... This could be the end. Lilith thought.
"Alright, come in..."What's the worse that could go wrong? Tex thought.
He let Dio in. "Who are you, and what offer do you have?" Tex asked.
"Well, before I give you the offer, I have to tell you who you truly are," Dio said.
"What do you mean by that? And what's with the outfit?" Tex wasn't having it...
"Let me ask you a simple question. How can The Muppets in this universe move around seemingly without puppeteers?" Dio asked, grinning.
"Uh, well... Why is that even important?" Tex asked.
"Well, don't you think it's strange? They shouldn't be able to walk around having full conversations, with no strings..." Dio said.
"Well, I do suppose that's a little strange..." Statler said.
"Yeah so are you!" Waldorf said to Statler. They both laughed their signature laugh.
"Yea, it is weird... And what do you mean about 'in this universe?'" Tex was getting suspicious.
"Well, allow me to explain. My name is Dio Brando, and I am a fictional character, just like you!" Dio said.
"Ok, I'm a lot of things, but now you're telling me I'm fake? That I'm a phony? A fraud?" Tex said. He didn't know what Dio meant by 'fictional character."
"What if I told you, there was a universe beyond imagination out there, called the Multiverse?" Dio said.
"Ok, now you're just crazy. What are you gonna tell me next, we come from this, Multiverse?" Tex asked
"That was exactly what I was going to tell you."
"Oh, come on! We've got business to do, and you're wasting our time!" Tex said.
"I'm getting to the point, and it's simple," Dio explained about the Multiverse, Lily, Morgana, Alessia, and everything else.
But Tex still didn't believe. "Prove it." And so Dio did.
"Princess Lily and her group travel through the Multiverse using a special hotel. Since we villains aren't allowed in, we use a stolen mirror called the Mirror of Truth to go from place to place." Dio pulled out the mirror, which was the same one he showed to Cadenza!
Tex looked at the mirror, interested, but his face changed. "That cheap metal mirror's probably from the grocery store or something!"
"Listen up. I'll leave you alone, and you'll never see me again if you look in the mirror." Dio said.
Tex turned to Deadly and the others. "He's just not gonna stop."
Expecting to just see his own reflection, he looked in the mirror, but he saw something else. He saw the doorways through the Multiverse and Morgana on her throne.
"Alright, I was wrong. It's not from the grocery store, it's from the Halloween store! It's almost October, so it's probably one of those battery-powered mirrors that shows you things on a screen." Tex just wouldn't believe it.
"Then what if I proved it to you?" Dio said. He pushed the mirror towards Tex, and he fell in, screaming.
Meanwhile, the hero group was still on the tour and was wondering where Walter and Lilith went.
"You don't think Walter wanted to stay behind and look at Kermit's office?" Lily asked.
"I hope they're ok..." Cadenza said, thinking of her dreams.
"Well, I'm sure they're ok." Mary didn't know how much danger Walter was in.
The tour ended, and the group left in the car...
Meanwhile, Tex was spinning through the Multiverse. He saw just about everything there was to see, before coming back to the real world.
"Well, did you enjoy your trip?" Dio asked.
A"Wait... what did you do to me? One minute I was here, and..." Tex said.
"Now you know what you truly are. A fictional character who is predestined to be defeated by the heroes. But we Nightdreamers will make short work of them..." Dio said, grinning evilly.
Tex was still pretty dazed. "What was that offer you were talking about?"
"Easy. You tear the studio down and drill for oil, and when you're done, we rebuild it as a dark concert hall, and sing songs to control people's minds!" Dio said.
So this is their true plan!" Lilith thought.
"One more thing... If you see a maiden with red and blue hair and a red, diamond-shaped gem on her forehead, bring her to Megan and me, so we can take her gem, and her Astral Dragon powers!" Dio said.
"Uh, I see someone who fits your description right under that table!" Bobo said, pointing right at Lilith and Walter's hiding spot!
Dio fired a blast of Nightdreamer energy at the two of them. Lilith, reacting quickly, dodged quickly, pulling Walter out of the way. The blast destroyed the table, which they were sitting under just a moment before.
Lilith fired another blast of energy at Dio. He dodged and fired back. Lilith and Walter ran out of the office.
Meanwhile, the heroes were driving down the road, to go back to the hotel.
"Cadenza, I want to go find Lilith and Walter," Coletta said. She was worried.
"Girls, is everything ok back there?" Mary said, keeping her eyes on the road. Coletta and Cadenza just looked at each other, not wanting to alarm Gary or Mary with the prophecy.
Just then, Lily spotted Walter and Lilith running on the sidewalk. "HELP!" Lilith said.
Corrin rolled down his window. "What's happening?"
"Nightdreamers!" Lilith yelled.
"Mary, stop the car! They're in danger!" Lily said. Mary stopped, and let the two in the car.
"What happened?" Gary said as he looked at Lilith and Walter from the back seat.
Lilith was shaken up. "Nightdreamers. Tex Richman, the villain of this movie is one of them, and he wants to tear down the studio to drill for oil, but that's not the worst part!"
"Wait a minute, what's going on? Who are the 'Nightdreamers', and why were they attacking you and Walter?" Mary asked.
So Lilith explained everything, about her gem, the Nightdreamers' plan, and Cadenza's dreams. Of course, Mary and Gary were terrified for Walter but were also hopeful, because they had been given their blue light powers by Aurora when they were first created, back in 2011.
"I don't know what we should do. Walter should stay away from Lilith so he's not able to sacrifice himself for her, but if she's left alone, the Nightdreamers will get her!" Mary didn't know what to do, but Coletta did.
"Alright, I said I work alone, but since we're on a team mission, I'll protect her until we get home. I'll talk to Aurora about getting her a guard, so at least she'll be protected until Dio is defeated, and the Nightdreamers are weakened.
"But I don't need anyone to protect me... I already have my Astral Dragon powers..." Lilith wanted to prove she could take care of herself...
"By the time Dio's defeated, you'll be more powerful, because you need to train your powers," Coletta said.
Lilith liked that idea better. "Well, I'll train and get better at using my powers..." Lilith said.
"Wait a minute, guys! How are we gonna make TEN MILLION DOLLARS in such a short time?" Lily asked.
"We need to find Kermit, he'll know what to do!" Walter said.
The group spent some time looking for Kermit, but couldn't find him.
"We've been looking for a long time. I think we should go back to the hotel." Alice said.
"Gary, could we please search for just a little bit longer?" Lily asked.
"Guys, maybe he lives there!" Mary said, pointing to a gate. It was pretty obvious because the gate had Kermit and Ms. Piggy on it.
The car stopped, and everyone got out.
"I don't see a doorbell, and the house looks empty," Gary said.
"Gary throw me over," Walter said. This won't be good... Corrin thought.
"What?" Gary said.
"Just do it, it'll be ok!" Walter said.
So Gary Picked Walter up.
"Ok, here we go," Walter said.
They both counted together. "One, two, THREE!" Gary threw Walter, and he flew through the air, right into the electric fence!
"WAAHHHHHH!" Walter fell, but Gary and Mary were able to catch him.
"Oh my gosh, Walter, buddy, can you hear me?" Gary asked an unconscious Walter.
"Throw me again," Walter whispered.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Gary said.
"Guys, I think someone's coming," Mary said.
"Excuse me, are you ok?" It was Kermit the Frog!
Kermit helped Gary and Mary take Walter into his house.
When Walter came to, he introduced himself.
"Walter, are you ok?" Gary asked.
"Wait, where am I?" Walter asked.
"Well, we're in Kermit's house!" Gary said.
Walter began to faint again.
"No, buddy, are you ok?" Gary asked.
Anything I can do to help you guys?" Kermit asked. Walter, looked at him, in awe.
Lily and the group introduced themselves and got down to business.
"So, there's this evil oil baron named Tex Richman, who wants to tear down your studio to drill!" Walter said.
He explained everything else.
"Wait, how are we gonna raise 10 million dollars in that short of time?" Cadenza asked.
"Well, the only way would be to put on a show..." Kermit said.
"Well, I think we could do it!" Lily said.
"I just don't think we could do it," Kermit said.
"But you guys are amazing!" Walter didn't want to give up.
"Well, we can try..." Kermit said.
"But, what about the other Muppets?" Lilith asked.
"Well, we should get going. We've got a lot of people to find." Kermit said.
"How do we find em'?" Walter asked,
"Didn't you see our first movie? We drive." Kermit said.
So the group went on a road trip to find The Muppets.
First, they picked up Fozzie, who was singing with a group called 'The Moopets,' (?) then they got Gonzo, who owned a rich plumbing company. That was normal, compared to what happened with Animal...
"Is this the place?" Gonzo said.
"Yeah, I think it is." Kermit got out of the car.
Animal was sitting in the grass, at an anger management meeting.
"Hey, Animal? We would like to get the Muppets back together. We need you to drum for us." Cadenza asked.
At the word 'drums,' Animal started going crazy. "DRUMS! DRUMS! DRUMS!"
"Ok, can someone calm him down?" Coletta asked.
So they calmed Animal down, and kept moving on!
They picked up the rest of the Muppets. Lily was astonished because each of them had a different personality. They found Dr. Teeth, Bunsen, Sam the Eagle, Scooter, and everyone else.
Everyone was there, but there was still one missing.
"What about Ms. Piggy?" Walter asked.
"Ok, you're right, we have to go get Ms. Piggy. 80s Robot, can you locate her?" Kermit was still in love with her.
"My intel tells some she's in France." 80s Robot said.
"Ok, then, we'll drive to France!" Walter said.
"We can't drive to France, Walter," Mary said.
Gary followed. "Yeah, it's way too far." Nothing was too far for the Muppets!
"Then maybe we should travel by map!" Fozzie said.
Kermit pressed the button labeled 'travel by map,' and they were off!
They arrived in France.
"Wow, this place is beautiful!" Lily said, looking at the scenery.
When they arrived at the fashion agency Ms. Piggy worked at, they tried to get in to see her, but the receptionist wouldn't let it happen.
"I'm sorry, she's busy right now, but you may make an appointment. The next opening is in early September.
"But, that's too long!" Walter said.
"Excuse me, but we need to see her pronto. We have an emergency!" Lily said.
The receptionist gasped when she saw Lily. Aurora had told her about the mission, so she asked the secret question. "If you're really Lily, how did the two sisters come into existence?" This was a legend only the royalty of Etheria knew.
Lily whispered into the receptionist's ear. "The mother was dreaming one night, about having two beautiful daughters. When she awoke the next morning, she was holding two bundles in her arms." Lily said. That was the truth about the origins of Alessia and Morgana.
The receptionist asked one more question. "When the parents took the two gems to the best royal gem keeper in the land, what did he say?" This was the big one. This was no famous quote that everyone knew, it was a sacred Etherian secret. The receptionist only knew because Aurora told her.
Lily knew the answer by heart. "Pink for love, the emotion to bring comfort to the darkest hearts, and purple for villainy, the darkest, yet most mysterious, intriguing, and mystical emotion."
The receptionist's face softened. "It is you. Come on in." The group walked into the office.
Ms. Piggy was at her desk, devouring doughnuts. "Excuse me, but do you have an appoint- KERMIT!" She ran to Kermit and started kissing his face and hugging him.
She came to her senses almost immediately. "NO! I promised myself I would never go back!" This was gonna be harder than it looked...
Walter chimed in. "The Muppet Studios are in danger!"
This caught Ms. Piggy's attention. "Our studios are in danger?"
"Yes, and we need to put on one more show!" Kermit said.
She was almost convinced. "Before I decide anything, I need to talk with you, frog, Moi et Toi. alone." Ms. Piggy said. Alright, she's gonna talk to Kermit, so that's a good sign. Lily thought.
Kermit and Piggy left to have their talk.
"Speaking of talking with someone alone, I need to steal Cadenza for a little bit," Coletta said. The two of them walked outside of the room. Coletta spoke quietly, trying not to draw much attention to themselves.
"What do we do if this fails?" Coletta didn't have much hope, unlike plucky Lily.
"Well, at least we have hope..." Cadenza was trying to stay hopeful, too.
"If Piggy doesn't rejoin The Muppets, there won't be a show. Even if she does rejoin, it might not even be a success." Even though Coletta wanted to be realistic, she needed to leave some things to fate. "Tell me, Cadenza, what do we do if they win? Have you thought of that?"
Cadenza hadn't thought of that. "Well, I suppose we try to confront them like we always do with villains..."
"But what if they've already sung their mind-controlling songs?" Coletta asked.
"Well, I- Coletta, why are you acting like this? You don't know if we will or won't win. If we do, we'll go on to the next mission, but if we don't, we'll just have to face the music! It's not the end of the world if we lose once!" Cadenza said.
"You're treating this entire situation as if it's some kind of sports game!" Coletta stretched her arms out. "But it's not, Cadenza! It may not be the end of the world, but it can and will lead to it! There's no prize at the end of this, like a gold trophy, or blue ribbon. The thing at stake is Paragon Essence! If we don't get enough of it now, it may be all over for us!" Even though Coletta was harsh, there was some truth to her words.
"You're right, we should start being more serious. The missions are getting harder, and the stakes are rising. Cadenza said. Both of them were right because you must have hope no matter how dire the odds are, but you still need to treat those kinds of situations like your life depended on it.
A few minutes later, Kermit came back. Alone.
"Guys, Piggy's not coming," Kermit said, hanging his head. Lily looked at him and felt really bad.
"But we can't put on a show without her!" Walter said.
"I'll try to come up with something else..." Kermit said.
Kermit didn't come back home for a while that evening, and Coletta started getting worried when there was a knock at the door.
Coletta answered, and it was Kermit. "There you are! I thought something happened to yo- who is this?" Coletta said.
"Well, this is Miss Poogy, and she'll be replacing Piggy as the main singing act," Kermit said.
"Miss 'Poogy,' could you please step inside for a little bit?" Coletta asked, trying to be as kind as possible...
"Yeah, whatever." Miss Poogy said.
Coletta Pulled Kermit outside. "Ok, I don't want to sound rude, but where exactly did you find her?"
"Well, she wasn't from anywhere nice, but she's all we have," Kermit said.
"Kermit, on these types of missions, there will be people who try to trick us. And she looks like a villain!" Coletta said.
"Well, I just don't know what else to do..." Kermit said.
"I know a Nightdreamer when I see one. Let her perform, but I'll be keeping an eye on any suspicious behavior." Coletta said.
Kermit, Coletta, and Ms. Poogy called it a night.
The next day, The Muppets tried to find a network to pitch their telethon, but to no avail. Everyone said no.
"Look I love you guys! I remember you guys from when I was a kid. I'm gonna give it to you straight. You're just not famous anymore." Veronica said. "Here's a show that's popular right now, called Punch Teacher." Really? 'Punch Teacher?" Lily thought.
The announcer on the show shouted, "It's time to PUNCH TEACHER!" The kids on the show began punching the teacher in the face!
Kermit expressed his opinion. "Listen, I think children are smarter and better than all of this stuff."
Then a miracle happened. A guy ran into the room, and said, "Bad news, Punch Teacher stopped production."
Lily gave a silent sigh of relief.
Veronica was worried. "What are we su120-minute with the 120-minute black hole in the schedule in two days?" She turned to Kermit. "Alright, Muppets. You've got a show."
The mood was almost electric. Everyone started cheering and hugging each other. The only one who was silent was Coletta. We shouldn't celebrate yet. The hardest part is still yet to come. She thought.
The group went to the original Muppet Theater, to get it ready for the show.
"Welcome back, everyone. I know the old place isn't at its best right now, but don't worry. We'll be fine.
"But Kermit, we can't rehearse in a place like this!" Fozzie said.
"Then let's clean up!" Walter said.
~Cue cool music montage~
Everyone helped clean the theater. Even Coletta, who was usually aloof, helped clean with the others. When they were done, the theater looked as good as new!
"None of this would be possible without you!" Kermit said to Walter.
Every hero went to sleep, to get ready for the big telethon the next day...
The next day...
"Alright, does anybody have kerosene? I wanna take these old dresses outside and burn em'." Ms. Poogy said.
"Hold it right there!" It was Ms. Piggy! The REAL her!
"What are you doing here?" Ms. Poogy wasn't happy...
"You've been replaced! Permanently!" Ms piggy showed that Moopet who was boss!
"Great, now what do I tell Mr. Richman?" So she was a Nightdreamer!
Coletta brandished a wooden broomstick at the double. "I just KNEW it! Go on, get out of here!" She chased her out of the theater with the broom.
"I'll be back!" Poogy yelled.
"You came back?" Kermit said.
"I'm not here for you, I'm here to save The Muppets! When the show's over, I'm going back to Paris!" Ms. Piggy said.
Meanwhile, the villains were pretty angry...
"What should we do now? Everything's going wrong! First, they get their telethon, and now Poogy's been found out!" Tex said, with his head in his hands. "Any ideas?" He asked Dio.
"Well, how about we sabotage their show! Let's cut their power, and let Megan sing a Villian song to the audience!" Dio said, grinning.
Tex looked up. "That does sound like a good plan. What'll Megan sing?" He asked.
"Since Etherians are born with magic voices, she won't sing a particular song, she'll just sing different notes.
"Well, with that said, tomorrow we'll set our evil plan in motion! Maniacal laugh!" Everyone started laughing evilly...
After the altercation with Poogy, the Muppets did a stage rehearsal.
"Let's take it from the top!" Kermit said.
The rehearsal was horrible! The actors missed their cues, there was no rethink, and Fozzie's jokes were at their worst! The performers started singing, but something was off about the music.
"Cut! What's the matter?" Kermit asked.
"We can't keep time without the drums!" Floyd said. This set Animal off. Oh, sorry, Animal.
"NO DRUMS! NO DRUMS! NO DRUMS!" Animal was out of control.
"Calm down, animal, heel!" Floyd said.
While Floyd tried to control Animal, Lily and Walter talked.
"Well, since the show's not going very well," Lily said, as she watched Sweetums knock something on the stage over. "I thought maybe you could tell me what you have planned!" Lily said.
"Well, the truth is, I don't know, I don't really have a talent," Walter said.
"But you still should try! You don't know what you could do!" Lily said.
"Well, I'll try..." Walter said.
Meanwhile, Kermit was trying to talk to Ms. Piggy.
"Ms. Piggy, we're all practicing our acts. Everyone wants us to do a duet." Kermit said.
"I'm afraid I can't. I'm practicing my duet with my NEW dance partner!"
"It's time for us to rehearse!" Pepe said.
"Now, let's try that lift again!" Ms. Piggy said, before shutting the door.
This will be a disaster. Coletta thought.
It was finally time for the show to begin. At first, Coletta was prepared for a loss, because there was no one in the audience! But, as the show progressed, more people started calling in, and the money started racking up!
Lily couldn't start laughing at the show, which was on an old tv backstage. Things were going great until the lights went out.
"Wait, what?" Lily said. She was usually calm during power outages. She liked them, even, but this one was different.
"This isn't good..." Cadenza thought. She wanted to say it out loud, but she didn't want anyone to be more worried than they already were.
Meanwhile, Lilith couldn't see where she was going, so she decided to activate the light of her gem, to use as a flashlight.
This has Nightdreamers written all over it! Lilith thought, trying to get back to the Muppets.
She was almost safe when she heard someone approaching!
It was Dio! "Hello, young dragon! It appears you have something we need!"
Lilith tried to run, but ran into Tex!
"I believe you're surrounded!" Tex said.
"You'll never get away with this! The Muppets will fix what you broke, and get their telethon back on!" Little did she know, their plan was already working.
A haunting voice was heard from the stage. It was dark, yet beautiful. Megan had started singing her dark song. Lilith began to feel the effects immediately.
"What you are experiencing are the effects of the singing voice of a Nightdreamer. Tex and I aren't affected, of course, because we're Nightdreamers, also!" Dio said.
Lilith was terrified, not just for her own safety, but for the safety of her friends. "W-what exactly do you plan on doing to the people in the audience?" She asked.
"Lilith will control them with her song, which will render them unable to leave when she steals their Paragon Essence!" Dio said. "She will then use her purple staff to turn them all into Nightdreamers! Once she's done, the evil audience will surround The Muppets, Lily, and the others, and turn them dark also! Then no one will stop us from invading the rest of the worlds of the Multiverse!" Dio was willing to turn so many people to the dark side...
Of course, Lilith was shocked but decided to point out the flaw in Dio's, and every other villain's, plan. She scoffed and said. "You villains are all the same. Getting so ahead of yourselves, and broadcasting your plans to the heroes! If I were a villain, I wouldn't be that dumb!" Lilith said.
"Well, things are looking pretty good for us because the Muppets can't do anything about our plan! If anyone other than us try to approach Megan to stop her, they'll fall under the effects of the song! Even Lily can't withstand her voice, because she's not powerful enough yet!" Dio put emphasis on yet because he was planning on taking Lily to Morgana after Megan turned her evil to start her villain training. "And, since you can't survive your gem being taken, you won't be able to warn them!" Dio reached out to take the gem from Lilith's forehead when he was punched. Right in the face. HARD.
Dio was knocked out cold by the blow.
The man who punched him was a very muscular, blonde-headed knight, wearing armor.
Tex backed up and hit the wall. The mysterious knight grabbed him by the front of his shirt and lifted him up. "If you try anything like that ever again, that will be you." He pointed to Dio, who was on the floor, unconscious, before dropping Tex on the floor. He ran away frantically.
After the villains were taken care of, the knight turned to Lilith. "Lady Lilith, are you alright?" He asked.
Who is he? Lilith thought. "Y-yes, I'm alright, but who are you?" Lilith asked.
"There is no time to explain. Your friends Gary and Mary are trying to fix the lights outside, so we must meet them.
The two ran away from the scene. While they were trying to get outside. The knight introduced himself. "My name is Dire. I was a friend of the late William Zeppeli, and a user of a power called the Ripple. It is usually called Hamon." Dire said.
"Thank you for saving me. How did you know I would be in danger?" Lilith asked
"Because Coletta called me. She wanted to assign me as your protector when you got home, but she decided to call me here as soon as she found out about Ms. Poogy being a Nightdreamer. She knew more would be after you, and she was right." Dire said.
Lilith thought about what would've happened if Dire hadn't been called, or if he was late. "I would be dead right now, and my powers would be in the hands of the Nighdreamers if it wasn't for you," Lilith said.
"That's why I am here." Dire stopped running and turned to Lilith. "Coletta told me you didn't want a protector, because you wanted to fight for yourself. Her original plan was for me to follow you everywhere outside of the Mansion, but we came up with a better idea." Dire pulled out a necklace with a blue emerald pendant. "You may fight alone, but if the battle ever gets too hopeless, press the gem, and I will save you in your darkest hour." He gave Lilith the necklace, and she fastened it around her neck.
"Thank you. I'll be able to fight for myself, now, but I won't have to worry about a thing." Lilith said.
"There's no time to waste," Dire said. He and Lilith continued running and ran outside to join Gary and Mary.
"Lilith, is everything ok?" Mary asked. Lilith explained everything that had happened.
"Ok, I'll go get Walter!" Gary said. Mary had never seen him run that fast.
He ran to find Walter still in his Dressing Room. "What are you doing down there? They need one more act!" Gary said.
Coletta ran in next. "Don't send him out yet! I'm the only one who can counteract Megan's song, so just let me out first, so I can heal the audience!" Coletta said.
Gary let Coletta go onstage. "Well, look who it is! Robo girl trying to save her friends!" Megan said.
The entire audience was out of it. They were in a trance, and Coletta was determined to bring them out of it! "Stand down, Megan!" Coletta demanded.
"You're too late!" Megan said. She outstretched her arms towards the audience and sung one more note. All of their Essencencecwas being sucked out!"
"I have no other choice!" Coletta said. She started singing with the same type of voice as Megan. Her notes purified the Paragon Essence and brought it towards Lily, who was backstage. The audience was broken from their trance.
Lily was astounded. How can she handle Paragon Essence, 
Did Alessia create her, too? Is she an Etherian, like me? Lily thought.
"NO! How could this happen?" Megan said. "I'll be back to deal with you later!" She teleported away in a poof of dark magic.
The audience was just waking up from their trance. "Woah, what happened?" One woman said. A man said, "The Muppets must've put us under some sort of mind control spell, so we'll watch them forever!" He pointed at Coletta, who was still on stage. "Those two girls who were on the stage are probably sorceresses! Did you see the one in the purple clothes just vanish like that? poof!" Great, what do we do now? Lily thought, who was watching from out of sight.
Coletta spoke up. "Ladies and gentlemen, what you just saw was an accident. That girl who just vanished was evil. We're not from around here, but you have nothing to fear. I used my power to defeat that girl and save you from her trance.
The audience was still scared, until one said, Who knows what that other girl was trying to do to us! The girl who saves us is a hero!" The audience started cheering for Coletta. She gave a nod and walked off of the stage.
"Guys, you've all got the next act," Coletta said.
The Muppets took the stage to sing Rainbow Connection. The show was met with massive applause, but it wasn't enough yet...
"Well, I guess the day is saved!" Lily said. But she remembered. The money! "Oh, no, we don't have enough money to save the studio!" Lily said.
"If we think of one more act, We'll have enough money," Kermit said.
The group tried to think of just one more act but had done everything already. "Cmon, we go on in one minute!" Kermit said. We are on in 3... 2... 1... The 'on air' sign glowed. "Oh, no!" Kermit groaned. They were too late. It was
Just as all hope had been lost, it was won again. From the stage, they heard a beautiful whistling sound. It was Walter! He saved the day! He whistled to an entire orchestra piece!
After his act was done, he went offstage.
"You were amazing!" Lily said, hugging Walter.
"I think we're gonna get the studio back!" Cadenza said.
All was well until Deadly, Bobo, Statler, and Waldorf came running to the group.
"Nightdreamers... This might go bad." Coletta said.
"We don't want to hurt anyone!" Deadly said. "I was about to do something horrible, but I decided, I don't want to be what my name tells me to be. Tex was trying to cut the bolts to the power on the roof so I wrenched the bolt cutters from his grasp, and sent him plummeting!" His name may have been 'Deadly,' but he was trying to prove he wasn't a villain anymore!
Coletta was reluctant, but since her, Dire, Lilith, and Cadenza were pretty powerful, Deadly or the others couldn't do much. "Alright, but you'd better not try anything," Coletta said.
"Wait where is Tex, anyway? The last time we saw him, he was running away from Dire." As soon as Lilith said that, everyone started complaining about their phone being dead.
What has he done? Coletta thought.
A beaten-up-looking Tex Richman staggered towards the group. "You lost! I won, so I have the studio! Since I have it, what Megan just did will happen more and more!" Tex had completely lost it!
"But we were so close! Fozzie said, bumping his head on the money counter. It glitched, revealing they had only earned 10 thousand, instead of 9 million dollars!
Everyone went back to the lobby. "Listen, guys, we may have lost now, but we tried. And, if Lily, Walter, and the other new guys weren't here, we wouldn't've made it this far! So, let's just work out ways back up to the top. Let's go out there with our heads held high." Kermit said.
Everyone agreed and stepped outside. They were immediately blinded with hundreds of camera flashes. Thousands of people were lined up with signs, cheering. "MUPPETS! MUPPETS! MUPPETS!" The crowd loved them!
"It seems everyone still loves you guys!" Lily said.
"Lily, I don't like the way you say 'you guys.' You're talking like you're not Muppets, and we are. Even if you aren't a puppet, you're now a part of our family!" Kermit said, with a smile.
"Thank you," Lily said.
Gary had something he needed to ask. "There's just one more thing I want to ask. Mary, will you marry me?"
"Mah na Mah na," Mary said. Everyone started singing the final song.
After the song was over, Lilith pulled Lily aside. "You still need to purify Tex!" Lilith said.
"Ok, where is he?" Lily asked. Lily followed Lilith to an area backstage, where Tex was being watched like a hawk by Dire.
"Please don't hurt me," Tex said. Lily found it funny how big, bad Tex Richman was scared of Dire.
"No one here will hurt you. I just want to turn you good again!" Lily summoned her staff and pointed it at Tex. The evil version of him was sealed forever in his realm, and the good version would come back to the mansion.
"Wait, what? Tex asked.
Lily explained the staff to Tex.
Just then Gonzo entered the room, still swinging the same bowling ball from his act. "Hey, I still need help getting this bowling-" The ball soared towards Tex, and hit him square in the head! It knocked him out.
"Lily, Lilith, and Gonzo ran to him. "What should we do?" Lilith asked.
Tex was taken to the hospital. He recovered, and decided to give the Muppet Studios back!
The night before the group was supposed to go home, Lily and Cadenza had a conversation.
"Do you think Tex signed the studio back because of my staff, or because the bowling ball messed up his head?" Lily asked.
"I don't know. The world may never know. At least we were able to tell the news the bowling ball gave him the change of heart because live-action humans like this wouldn't be able to handle the concept of Etherians, and purification, and Nightdreamers, and the Multiverse. Coletta already caused a stir when she defeated Megan." Cadenza said. "One more thing. You discovered something even more special than purification today." Cadenza was right.
"What was that?" Lily asked.
"It's very special for a villain to turn good of his own will, with no magic helping them." Cadenza said.
"I'll work on finding more villains I don't have to use my staff on!" Lily said. There was still one more thing bothering her. "Why didn't your prophecy come true? I mean, I'm released nothing happened to Walter, but why was your dream wrong?" Lily asked.
"Lily, I may have had seen a false prophecy. I've just started seeing them, so that could be possible. It could come true in the future, so we'll have to look out, but until then, we should relax..." Cadenza said.
All was well. This had been Lily's biggest mission yet, and she was ready to see what the Multiverse had in store for her next...
Author's note: That was LONG! I've decided to make chapters longer, to make the story flow a little faster. I also introduced Dire, who will play a big role in the rest of this book. This chapter was what I call the mid-book finale, so things will get more exciting from here on out. I won't be taking a break, there will just be better things for the future. In the next chapter, I will reveal the missions for October, November, and December, so things will get progressively more exciting, so I'll see you all in the next chapter. Stay lucid!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 2 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! In this chapter, the team will bond while cleaning up Fallingstar. I messed up. I forgot to use the scene about Lily healing the Trix, so I'm updating it right now. I'll also introduce Gracie, who is based on my old cat from when I was little.
Characters introduced (Or mentioned)
Tex Richman (The Muppets)
The Muppets (The Muppets)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 16: The Clean Up
August 2012
The sun had finally shown itself, after the Trix's storm was over. But, even though the battle was over, the beach was destroyed and needed cleaning. Limbs of trees, porch furniture, and other things were strewn around the beach from the intense winds. That's where the multiverse group came in...
"Wow, I can't believe this happened... I'm sorry, I should've told you guys about this mission sooner." Cadenza said, still feeling guilty. "I'll get packed, and go back to my world." Cadenza thought Aurora would kick her out, but she thought wrong.
Lily hugged Cadenza. "Why would you think like that? Even though things went crazy, this was kinda exciting. I've always wanted to hide from a big storm." Lily said.
Aurora scowled at Cadenza but looked at Lily, and her face softened. "Well, you can stay. Thank God Lily was in the house during the storms and the battle." Cadenza knew how lucky she was because if Lily wasn't there, or if she would've gotten hurt in any way, she would've been out.
"Alright, stop all this mushy gushy stuff. It's time to clean up!" Dubois said.
The group began cleaning up, using teamwork, and bonding along the way.
"Aurora, can you please help me with this?" Lily said. She was trying to move a bunch of palm fronds into the fire pit Cadenza set up, for roasting marshmallows.
"Sure, Lily. After you move those branches, I have something for you, Lilith, Corrin, and the others to clean up." Aurora helped Lily carry the fronds to the pit.
"There we go! Now, there's a gazebo that was blown down over here. Could you carefully take some of the wood to the firepit?" Aurora asked.
"Wait, I love gazebos! How about trying to rebuild it?" Lily asked. She had never sung in the Gazeebo of Dreams, but she loved sitting in it and daydreaming.
"Wait, that is a good idea! I'll help you." Aurora said.
"I can help too!" Coletta called, from across the beach. A chubby gray cat ran beside her.
"Coletta, you're back!" Lily said.
"I decided it would be unheroic to just leave you to clean up the aftermath..." Coletta said.
"Wait a minute, now that you're here, I can finish with my qu-"
Coletta cut Lily off. "No questions, please. I prefer to work alone." Coletta said.
"But you worked with Aurora in the Winx," Lily said.
"Well, I had to. I'm not completely cold-hearted, but in smaller situations, I prefer to work alone." Coletta looks like Cadenza but is a little standoffish... Aurora thought.
"Well, with that being said, let's get to work on that gazebo!" Cadenza said.
The group followed Cadenza and got to work. The younger ones carried smaller pieces of wood, while the older ones carried larger, so no one would get injured.
Upon closer inspection, some of the wood didn't make it when it came down, so the broken and splintered wood would be thrown out, burnt, and recycled, and new would be bought. What was able to be salvaged was carefully placed in a second pile to be painted along with the new.
Lily was wearing some splinter-resistant gloves, and working diligently to remove smaller pieces of wood. On the other side of the pile, Coletta was working alone... Lily looked at her, seeing her as more a book full of secrets than a person. Lily wondered if she was even human, with her robotic body and immense powers.
Coletta realized Lily was looking at her and shot her a glare. Lily set her eyes back on her work. She decided to start a conversation with Cadenza.
"Dennie, since it's summertime, I was wondering if we could stay here just a while longer," Lily asked. Since she was raised in Haventown, which was a heavily forested area with no beaches or tropical areas, she had never been to a place like Fallingstar.
"Well, I don't see why not. In fact, I would like it, but it's up to Aurora." Cadenza said.
"Well, ok, I'll ask her after we're done cleaning. She'll have to want to stay in a place like this!" When Lily said 'this', she spread her arms out.
"We'll ask her, but don't be disappointed if she says no." Cadenza said.
"Ok!" Lily said, getting back to work.
For a little while, everything went smoothly, until an argument broke out.
"OUCH! I told you two not to carry wood around people! " Dubois shouted. Loretta and Coletta had accidentally dropped a plank of old wood on Dubois's foot, and she was not happy.
The two sisters shot back. "Well, it's not my fault you put your foot in our way!" Coletta said. Not only is she cold, but she's rude, also... Aurora thought.
"Coletta, would you please calm down a little?" Loretta asked.
Before the argument could escalate, Aurora stepped in. "Ok, what's going on?"
The two sides started rapidly talking at the same time. Works like "my foot" and "it was an accident" were heard.
Aurora had enough, so she shouted, "Alright, ENOUGH!"
Dubois, Loretta, and Coletta stopped yelling at once.
"Now, I want you three to hug it out and say sorry. And Chantel, it's not like she broke your foot." Aurora said.
The three begrudgingly hugged each other "I'm sorry." They said at the same time.
Satisfied, Aurora said, "Good, now I need to move on to something else." Aurora said. She went over to check on Lily, Cadenza, Alice, and Lilith, who was almost finished with the gazebo.
"Is everything ok here? I see you're almost done." Aurora said. "Lily, since we're already here, how would you feel about us staying for a few weeks?" Aurora asked.
"That's the same thing I was about to ask! It's like you read my mind!" Lily said.
"Great! I'll ask more people if they would like to stay, and take them home with me so we can pack!" Aurora said.
Since Lily had been sheltered from the villains for most of her life, she was excited to finally truly experience the outside world for the first time...
She dipped her feet in the edge of the water and felt the soft sand beneath her feet. The salty sea breeze ruffled her hair, and she took a deep breath of fresh air.
Lily felt at home.
She played with her friends for a few hours, until Aurora returned from the Mansion of Lucidity.
"I have some good news! Mike and Sully will be going with us, along with Boo. I talked to her parents, and they said she could come too, as long as Mike and Sully supervise her. The Winx will also be joining, along with a few other characters." Aurora said, but one thing was strange...
"Wouldn't this beach house be too small?" Lily asked.
"I never told you this, but the Mansion doesn't use lucid dream magic, it's just called the Mansion of Lucidity as a nickname. It runs on daydream magic." Aurora said.
"So, does this house do the same?" Lily asked.
"This house is a little different. Alessandria did practice lucid dreaming a little bit, but kept it to a minimum because it has always been regarded as a nightdreamer's practice." Aurora said.
Lily knew what Aurora was getting at. "So the beach house uses lucid dream power instead of daydream power!" Lily said.
Aurora nodded. "This house has the same ability to create rooms as the Mansion, but you have to do it with your eyes closed. You don't have to lay down or go to sleep, but your eyes have to be closed."
Now Lily was interested. She had never truly been able to control her dreams at night, only during the day. "I can do it waking up, but I can't do it when I sleep."
"There is an explanation. You have a natural affinity for the light, so you're better at daydreaming than night dreaming." Aurora said.
"Could you teach me how to lucid dream?" Lily asked.
"Daydreamers can't do it, but this house gives you the ability. While you sleep in this house, you can control your dream from within it. It holds the power of lucid dreaming." Aurora said.
"But what exactly makes lucid dreaming 'evil'?" Lily asked.
"It's not really evil. Since the nightdreamers have an affinity to the darkness, they use it for evil. If you use it for good instead of evil, you'll be ok." Aurora said.
"Aurora, What does lucid dreaming feel like?" Lily asked.
Aurora stared out to sea. "It feels amazing. You're in a dreamlike state, and you can do almost anything. It feels different than daydreaming because everything in dreams is warped. Reality, senses, and feeling become different." Aurora said, dreamily.
"What happened in the dream?" Lily was curious and wanted to know more.
"I woke up and realized something was off. The color of the sky in the early morning, when it's still dark outside, is dark blue. That dark blue light was shining in the room. It looked... ethereal, like something that couldn't exist in reality." Aurora went on. "I got up and felt light as air. I was walking through a literal dream house. Strange things would happen, like rooms merging."
"What do you mean, 'merging'?" Lily asked.
"I walked into one of the upstairs bedrooms, and some of the features of the living room were in it."
Aurora explained more. "There was a staircase to an upstairs floor that doesn't exist. I saw ledges that dropped to kitchens, rooms that I couldn't get to unless I flew, which was an ability I hadn't learned yet, and rooms I could get to by walking through walls! The washer and dryer were missing, with a door to a hallway with two extra bedrooms in its place. Feeling daring, I walked through the window, and came out in a bedroom!" Aurora had seen so many things. That dream seemed weird!
"What did you see next?" Lily asked.
"I looked out of the bedroom window, and the entire house and the land around it were floating out to sea!" Aurora said.
"Were you scared?" Lily asked.
Aurora shook her head. "I wasn't, because I knew it was all a dream. I tried to control what was happening, but since my abilities were unrefined, I accidentally turned it from day to night. It was already night in reality, but day in the dream, until I changed it.
"Since I'll be staying here longer, I could probably get pretty good at it!" Lily said.
"Lily, the Trix are still dangerous, so I would like to keep them a little longer so they can calm down, before you heal them. I also have the details of your next mission. You can go because it's not a dangerous one, and it'll be shorter." Aurora said.
"Where is it?" Lily asked.
"It's to the 2011 Muppet movie. The prophecy says to go to many different muppet movies in your years, but I chose this one because it's the safest. It has humor, music, and everything you like." Aurora said.
"When do I go?" Lily asked.
"Whenever you want to. The hotel staff added a new ability to the building. Time won't move when you're on a mission, so you won't miss anything!" Aurora said.
"I'll see who wants to go!" Lily said. "Corrin, Cadenza, and Lilith will probably want to go again, and since it'll be safer, I'll invite Alice!" Lily went inside to ask everyone.
"Who wants to go on the next mission?" Lily asked. "It's to The Muppets, so it'll be fun!" Everyone raised their hand.
"The more the merrier!" Lilith said.
"I hope those villains don't rain on our parade..." Corrin said.
After hanging out for a little bit longer, Aurora sent the group to bed.
Lily woke up and realized something was off...
Why is the room reversed? The closet is supposed to be on that side, and the window is supposed to be on that side! Lily thought.
This must be a dream! I must be dreaming! Lily thought, standing up.
Lily walked to her bedroom door. Here goes... She walked right through it! That was awesome! Lily thought.
The hallways were distorted and twisty. Woah, this is weird! Lily thought. But just like Aurora, I can't get scared! Lily thought. She began to stabilize the dream but started to wake up.
No, wait, I can't wake up yet! How is it already morning when I just started dreaming? Lily thought. She woke up to Aurora shaking her.
"What's wrong, Aurora?" Lily asked, groggily.
"Cadenza had another premonition," Aurora said.
Lily instantly knew what was going on. She got up and ran downstairs. Cadenza was downstairs surrounded by the others.
"What did you see?" Lily asked.
"I didn't see anything actually happen, but words appeared in front of me in my dream!" Cadenza said. She sounded pretty upset. This must've been a bad premonition...
"What did they say?" Sully asked.
"They said 'Walter will sacrifice himself to save a Princess from another world.'" Cadenza said.
"Wa You mean the character from The Muppets?" Lily asked.
"Yeah, I don't know who this 'Princess from another world' is, but if we don't want anything to happen to Walter, we have to protect her ourselves, and keep Walter away from her. That's our best chance of making sure this prophecy doesn't come true!" Everyone in the room was worried because the last premonition Cadenza had about 'Waternoose the traitor' came true!
"I don't think I'm the Princess, because I'm not from 'another world'. I'm from the central ethereal dream world, so she must be someone from the Multiverse!" Lily said.
"I'm from the Multiverse, but I'm not an official Disney Princess..." Alice said.
"Then it must be either Cadenza or I," Lilith said.
"I'm from Fire Emblem, but I'm from the 'normal world.' Lilith's the Princess from the Astral Dragon world!" Cadenza said.
"It must be me!" Lilith said. "I'll keep my distance from Walter while I'm on the mission..." That wasn't a good idea...
"But if you keep your distance, and a villain comes after you, you could get hurt!" Lily said.
"That's why you, Cadenza, Corrin, and the others must help defend me. I can protect myself, also, because I'm an astral dragon." Lilith said.
"Ok, but I hope this premonition is wrong..." Cadenza said.
After the conversation, Lily went back to her room. She struggled to fall back asleep.
Meanwhile, the villains were launching their scheme...
"Dio, what should I do during this mission?" Megan asked. Dio and Morgana didn't want Megan to partake in the Winx mission, because they thought a direct magical confrontation this early would fail.
"We will go meet the villain, Tex Richman, and tell him our plan," Dio said.
"And, what's our plan?" Megan asked.
"We'll tell Richman about the oil underneath the Muppet Studios. We'll give him a deal: he can have the oil and all of the profit from it, and we'll turn the studio itself into a dark concert hall. We'll sing hypnotic, paragon essence stealing songs, and you can use the Ethereal Pure Villainy staff to turn them off the dark side!" Dio said. This plan was too smart...
"Good thinking! We're using the events of the movie to our advantage!" Megan said.
"Since Lily splits the timelines when she turns villains good, if she purifies Richman, we'll leave the good version to fend for himself, and recruit the evil version, just like you guys did with Randall and me!" The evil version of Waternoose said.
Queen Morgana interuptted. "Exactly. I have also been watching that Coletta girl. She seems to be connected somehow to Cadenza but is vastly more powerful."
"But Cadenza revived her dead brother..." Randall said.
"Coletta may not be able to die at all. She stood in the way of a completely lethal attack, and it didn't even give her a scratch. She may be... immortal." Dio said.
"Whatever uncanny abilities those two girls have will be defeated by the strength of the dark side..." Morgana said.
Author's note: That was an interesting chapter to write! Those dreams Aurora had were actual dreams that I have about my house! So, in the next chapter, the two sides will arrive in the world of The Muppets. Lilith and Walter will become friends, and the others will try to keep them apart to protect him. They won't tell Walter about the prophecy, so they don't scare him. So, anyway, with that said, stay lucid!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 2 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! So, after the last chapter's events, the Trix will try to copy Coletta, and use one massive attack to destroy the light forces. Coletta and the Trix engage in a battle for light. So, anyway, enjoy! 
Since this was a shorter chapter, no new characters. :(
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 15: The Light Prevails
August 2012
The battle was won. Even though the Trix still stood, the power of Coletta's locket had completely decimated the army of darkness.
She had used a completely forbidden spell and incantation, one that would probably bring chaos in the long run, but had to be used. The only reason she used it was to save the lives of Lily, Corrin, Cadenza, and the others who were in Fallingstar during the dark army's invasion. The consequences were unimaginable, but...
Coletta would just have to leave those consequences for a later day.
After every decay fighter, decay soldier, and manta flier had been destroyed, the mood was calm. The city folk of Fallingstar was speechless, but not with wonder, or awe, but with fear. Though Coletta's spell did a good deed, they were terrified by its might.
Since the army of darkness was gone, and the Trix's magic was weakened by the light emitted from the spell, Lily decided it would probably be safe to go outside and check out what had happened.
Lily was standing in the crowd, watching the Trix try and use their magic to no avail.
"What... why can't I use my ice powers?" Icy said, followed by Stormy.
"I can't conjure my storms anymore... Where's the lightning? Where's the thunder? I'm nothing without my powers!"
Darcy was pretty devastated, but Stormy was even more. "My darkness. I'm nothing without it..."
They deserve what's happening to their magic, but I feel kinda bad for them. I would feel the same way if I lost my powers... Lily thought.
"Lily, you shouldn't be out here. Coletta's magic won't stay potent in the air for much longer, so the Trix's magic could come back at any moment." Aurora sometimes came off as strict, but she just wanted to protect her sister.
"But they still need to be purified!" Lily said, getting out the Ethereal Pure Love Staff.
"Lily, Aitway untilway eirthay inway ailjay!" Aurora whispered.
Since Lily didn't know pig Latin, she just gave Aurora a strange look.
The Trix saw Lily's eyes, and knew something was going on. The words Aurora said meant something, but what?
"I know how to get Aurora to tell me everything! Dark hypnotic!" Darcy's powers had come back, and she was using them to Hypnotize Aurora!
Aurora's eyes turned completely glowing purple, and she stared blankly at Darcy.
Now, I want you to tell me what those words meant, and what you're planning! Darcy was talking to Aurora through her mind while controlling her!
I told Lily to wait until you three were in jail before... Aurora broke from her trance before she could reveal the purification!
"Next time you try and mind control someone, don't make it obvious that you're doing it!" Coletta said.
"So it was you who broke my trance!" Darcy said.
"Well, you won't be able to break 'em for much longer!" Icy said.
The three witches converged their magic into a black ball of energy. Lily's eyes widened as they threw it toward Coletta.
Why isn't she moving out of the way? Aurora thought. The lethal ball of converged ice, storm, and dark energy was racing toward Coletta, but she stood unmoving and stoic...
The energy ball hit Coletta and even made a crater in the concrete ground on which she was standing, but she was standing in the same position as she was before, in the crater, uninjured.
"How... How. are. you. ok?" Icy said, fuming.
"I'm alive because I accepted this," Coletta said, clutching her locket.
"Keep that thing away from us! That's what weakened our powers!" Icy said, drawing back.
"Oh, I see we have something that scares you! I guess that'll make you easier to catch!" Coletta said.
The Trix made a mad dash away, and Coletta started chasing them. She chased them around the beach and cornered them at the ocean's edge.
"You probably can't breathe underwater, like I can, because you're cornered!" Coletta said, walking slowly toward the Trix.
"How are you gonna contain us?" Stormy asked, smirking.
"With these!" Coletta said. She conjured up energy cuffs and threw them at the Trix. The cuffs flew onto the three witches' wrists.
She can do so many things... Is she one of the 'other Etherians' Ms. Dubois said were living here? Lily thought Coletta was another creation of Alessia.
Coletta made a call to the Fallingstar authorities, and they were there in a jiffy and put the Trix in custody.
"Well, that takes care of them. I'm out." Coletta said.
Lily wanted to know more. "Wait, you can't leave yet! Where does your locket come from? How can you create things out of thin air? Are you a Daydreamer like Aurora and me? How did you survive that orb of magic? Who are the 'Ten Guardians'? Who are you?"
Lily wanted to know everything, but Coletta just couldn't tell her... "In time you will find out, and trust me, you'll wish hadn't, just like me..." Coletta said.
"But..." Lily said. Oh, well... There'll probably be more time for me to get to know her later... Lily thought, watching Coletta leave...
Author's note: So, that was the aftermath of the army of darkness fight, and showcased some more of Coletta's powers. The next chapter will be about cleaning up the town and the beach house after the storms and stuff, with Aurora giving Lily permission to visit the Trix in jail, to purify them... So, I'll see you in the next chapter! Stay Lucid!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 3 months
Author's Note: Hello, dreamers! This chapter will be a fun one because it's about Dubois letting other Etherians and fictional characters stay in the beach house during the three witches' takeover. Lily will make friends with three characters who were important in the original version of the story, with one of them being MAJOR. So, enjoy!
Characters introduced (or mentioned)
Loretta Geargrinder (Robots)
Coletta (OC)
The Winx (Winx Club)
The Trix (Winx Club)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 14: The Battle Against Darkness
August 2012
Darcy and the Trix appeared before the kids grinning evilly. They were the only things that could be seen in the darkness.
"You knew you couldn't hide from us forever, daydream, princess!" Icy, the eldest witch said. She had a long, high icy blue ponytail, and a cold face. Her outfit looked like what a superhero would wear, but she was no hero, she was a villain.
"Yeah, you thought you could outrun the Trix? Well, think again!" Stormy said. She had puffy purple hair that made her look as if she stuck her finger in a light socket.
"Since you're not a fairy, and since you don't have your defensive powers yet, it'll be easier to take ca-" Darcy was interrupted by Lily.
"I may not have fighting magic yet, but I can still heal you three!" Lily said, pulling out her Ethereal Pure Love Staff. Its light allowed for it to be seen in the dark. Lily pointed it at the witches.
"So, please, be purified! I'm gonna split the timeline, and seal the evil versions of you!" Lily said, activating her healing light.
"As if!" Icy said, shooting a shard of ice at the staff. It flew out of Lily's hand. "Why don't we all just 'Chill out'?" Icy laughed, sending a cold wind towards the staff.
"No, don't!" Lily yelled, but it was too late. The wind froze the staff, rendering it useless.
"Hey, what's wrong, kid? It's summertime! Just lay that thing in the sun for a few hours, and it'll thaw right out! Oh, I forgot, my powers block the sun!" Darcy laughed.
"Alright, enough playing, guys!" Icy said. She conjured a blue ball of ice energy, and her sisters did the same. Purple rings appeared in Darcy's hands, and Stormy's began to crackle with dark red lightning.
Lily, Alice, Corrin, and Lilith braced for the attack, but before the Trix could even launch it, they were hit by a pink blast of light from the side.
The three of them were blown sideways and hit the floor with a bang. Icy was the first to get up. "Ugh, what the heck was that?" Icy said, holding her head, where she hit it.
"More importantly, who was it? We'll make whoever did it pay!" Stormy said, groaning.
"It felt like fairy magic! It was one of those meddling Winx girls, probably Musa, because the flash of light was pink!" Darcy said. Since she was incapacitated by the Attack, her darkness was dispelled.
"Wait, pink light? Cadenza! Oh, that must've been her!" Lily said, but she was wrong, it wasn't Cadenza, but strangely, it kind of was...
"It wasn't any of the Winx girls you would know about." A woman stepped from the shadows. She was a literal robot, made out of metal, with a hot pink ponytail and pink clothes.
"Who are you?" Icy demanded.
"I will tell you my name, and that's it. Coletta. There are other things about me, but I've forgotten who I am. Even though I remember, I don't.
"What the heck does that mean, and why did you say you were a Winx girl?" Darcy said, agitated.
"Because I was a Winx girl, in a distant life I want nothing to do with anymore." Coletta was so mysterious... What was she hiding?
"Who cares, let's get her!" Stormy said, throwing lightning at Coletta.
"Protective shield!" Coletta cried, and a protective shell appeared around herself. She conjured a blast of pure pink light and fired it at Icy, but she dodged it.
"What's going on here?" Dubois said. "I don't take kindly to villains in my beach house!" Dubois shot a blast of blue energy from her hand.
"Wait, now you have powers too?" Stormy said, annoyed.
"Allow me to explain. Non-magical characters like me are granted powers by Aurora Borealis. They're generic blue light blasts, but they're effective. All mortal characters are given them, so you'd better not mess with us!" Dubois explained.
This place gets cooler every minute! Lily thought.
"Am I take it you're probably the one who sent this robot girl here!" Icy said.
Coletta knew very well who Dubois was, but the animal control officer couldn't remember how. She looked at Colletta and squinted her eyes for a second, but realized who she was staring at.
Who are you, and why do I feel like I know you from somewhere?" Dubois said. She tried hard to remember who Coletta was, and when she did, her eyes widened. "I-I remember..." Dubois said.
"I'm not 'that girl you know' anymore! I just want to forget that old life, and have a new one with no reminders!" Coletta was getting harder to understand with everything she said...
"Coletta, what's wrong? I thought you were happy..." Dubois said.
"Well, that can wait for a little bit! Icy, Darcy, Stormy, in the name of Lady Aurora Borealis, leader of Haventown, you're under arrest!" Coletta said. She put energy cuffs on the three witches.
"You can arrest us, but it's too late! While you and that redhead lady were chatting about your past, our army of darkness had just enough time to arrive!" Icy said.
All of a sudden, the ground began to shake. It was as if a giant was stomping through the sand, towards the house.
"What. is. that?" Alice said.
"Behold, the Army of Darkness!" Icy said.
The group ran outside and was greeted with a terrible sight. The army of darkness was advancing on the beach house, amidst the lightning storms and blizzards...
That's it, I'm calling Borealis!
Meanwhile, in the Mansion of Lucidity, Aurora, The Winx, and Cadenza were suiting up, when they got an urgent call from Fallingstar.
"Lady Aurora, we need you to get here! and bring any character you can! The Trix have unleashed an army along with their powers!" Dubois said, urgently.
"My god... get Lily and the others to safety, now! We're coming right now.
"Ok, Aurora, I'll gather some townspeople in the beach house with Lily and Alice, and try and hold down the fort with Coletta and Lilith until you get here!" Footsteps could be heard over the phone while Dubois ran around the house, locking doors and trying to prevent what was outside from getting in.
Dubois put the phone away, and Cadenza hung her head.
"This is all my fault. Lily's in trouble because of me!" Cadenza said. "If I'd only told everyone sooner, we could've arrested the Trix and not have to battle an entire army!" She was kinda right, but there was no time to feel guilty when an entire town was in trouble.
"Cadenza, I understand, but we should be focused on getting to Fallingstar on time!" Aurora said.
"Tecna, can you make us a portal?" Cadenza said, Tecna was the fairy of technology, so travel portals were her thing.
"Sure! Prepare yourselves, this is a techno-portal, so it won't feel as pleasant as a magic one." Aurora and Cadenza stepped through the portal, the fairies behind them.
back in Fallingstar, Dubois was scrambling to get characters into the beach house.
"Ok, everyone, go in and find a safe place, There's hot chocolate and soup in the living room, and plenty of blankets for everyone!" Dubois said. Lilith and Corrin helped prepare warm food to ride out the blizzard.
"Everyone, stay in the hallways on the lowest level and keep away from any windows and doors!" Dubois said, trying to protect, care for, and comfort everyone.
While Dubois was letting in the last people, the others arrived.
"Chantel, we're here!" Aurora said. Cadenza, the Winx, and other fictional characters were with her.
"The army came seemingly out of nowhere, and the storms have gotten even worse!" Dubois said.
"Ok, that means I'll have to unleash my sun powers for the first time in a very long time," Aurora said. She hadn't used them since before Lily was born. "SABER OF SOL!" Cadenza shouted, summoning a saber with an ornate green jeweled handle.
The Winx transformed next. "MAGIC WINX!" They transformed into their fairy forms, and everyone was ready for battle, all except for one.
"I can help, too," Coletta said. When she saw Cadenza, it was as if the world stopped, as if their souls were connected somehow.
"Who are you?" Coletta said to Cadenza.
"Cadenza... You look familiar, do I know you?" Cadenza said.
"Well, I've lived many lives. I've probably crossed paths with you once." Coletta said. She transformed into her fairy form and was ready for battle.
"Let's kick Trix butt!" Stella said.
The fighters began their counterattack on the army and the Trix, while Lily was in the beach house, talking to other characters.
The first one she talked to was a robot with pink hair named Loretta. She looked kind of like Coletta, and wore a locket with a picture of Cinderella on it. Could the two of them be related somehow? Lily thought.
"Hi, I'm Lily," Lily said.
Loretta answered back. "Hi, Lily! You've probably met my sister, Coletta. She gave me this locket, and I gave her one with a picture of Sleeping Beauty on it when we were little. She doesn't wear it anymore, though..." So they were related.
"I met her, but she was a little mysterious, no offense..." Lily was right.
Loretta chuckled. "None taken. She's pretty snobby. Thinks she's the 'prettiest robot in Robot City...' She is, but she shouldn't let it get to her head.
Since Lily was raised to believe every character she lived with came from the real world, and not fiction, she hadn't learned about robot city being part of the multiverse yet. "Robot city?"
Loretta answered back. "The city where we come from is in the fictional world of Robots, and is known as the 'homeland of inventing' in the multiverse."
"Maybe I could visit someday?" Lily asked.
"You will. You'll probably see it more than once." Loretta said.
"I'll be looking forward to it!" Lily said, before asking another important question. "I have a friend named Cadenza, who reminds me of your sister. Could you possibly be related somehow?" That was something Loretta wasn't sure of.
"I don't know. Maybe you could introduce me to her." Speaking of Cadenza, Lily had something to say.
"You know, I'm kind of angry with Cadenza for putting us all in danger by not telling us about the mission, but I never would've been able to chat with you if the army didn't attack." That was true because if things would've gone smoothly, there wouldn't be any storms to hide from.
The two continued talking, while the battle raged outside.
"Flame burst!" Bloom threw a fire spell at some decay soldiers.
The spell made one of them mad, and it charged at Bloom.
"Fire Shield!" The spell blocked the soldier.
Stella was being swarmed by manta fliers. "Ray of sunlight!" Her radiant light destroyed the attacking birds.
Flora wasn't doing too well. A decay fighter had her cornered. It was about to attack when Aurora saved her with the Saber of Sol.
"Sunburst!" Aurora swung the sword, slicing through the fighter.
"Thank you! For a minute there, I thought I was a goner!" Flora said.
"No problem!" Aurora said.
Just when they thought the battle was going well, a sound was heard. The army had broken into the beach house!
"I have to go protect Lily!" Aurora said, fighting her way into the beach house.
Without Aurora there, the fairies were vulnerable, because the army was strengthened by Nightdreamer magic!
I've got to use it. I told myself I would never unleash its power again, but one last time to save my friends won't hurt. 
Coletta pulled a pink heart locket with a picture of Sleeping Beauty on it out of he pocket and stared at it, contemplating just what she was about to unleash. I can't afford to think about the consequences of using you. If I don't, everyone in this town will probably die. Coletta thought.
She held up the necklace and said the magical words. "POWER OF THE TEN GUARDIANS!"
The world shook, and the most radiant light was emitted from the necklace. The rays of energy destroyed every dark army soldier.
In Haventown, the Mountain of Beginnings and Endings began to shake. Something or someone had been awakened...
Author's note: So, Coletta just did something that will impact the future of the story, and also bring new characters! The next chapter will be about the Trix running away after the army was destroyed, and a 6 against three battle between them and the Winx! So, I'll see you in the next chapter! Stay lucid! (That's my new goodbye!)
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 3 months
Hello, dreamers! Weird things started happening in the last chapter, so Aurora sent Lily and a few friends to sunny, sandy, and beautiful Fallingstar! They kick back and begin to want to move there from Haventown, but a new danger forms. Meanwhile, Cadenza tells Aurora about what's been happening lately. So, enjoy!
Characters Introduced (Or First Mentioned)
Chantel Dubois (Madagascar 3)
Darcy (Winx Club)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 13: Darkness Falls
August 2012
Lily floated through space, dazzled by the sights and sounds around her. Even if this was Fallingstar, she could get used to floating around in the beautiful area between worlds. When the journey was over, The group emerged on a beautiful sandy, tropical beach.
"If this is Fallingstar, I could get used to it! Haventown doesn't have beaches like this!" Lily said, taking in the sights and smelling the salty sea air.
"Well, what are we waiting for, The White Rabbit? Let's play!" Alice said.
The kids ran up and down the beach, getting their feet wet in the waves and splashing each other. Lily was elated to be with her friends in such a beautiful place, and Alice was happy Lily was safe and sound. As for Corrin and Lilith, the two turned into their dragon forms and cooled themselves in the water.
They thought the fun would last forever until a woman approached them.
"Alright, what's all this splashing around for? Look at you! Your clothes are soaked!" The woman was Captain Chantel Dubois of Monaco Animal Control.
"Waiiit a minute! You're the villain who tried to hurt my friends Alex, Marty, Melman, and Gloria!" Lily said. She didn't know Dubois had been rehabilitated by Aurora.
"If you're a villain, you're going down!" Corrin said.
"Alright, knock it off! I will be the one taking care of you until Cadenza solves this problem. (which will only be a week, I hope) You'll follow my rules if you want to stay safe! Any questions?" Dubois said. She wasn't as kind as Aurora.
"I have a question!" Lily said.
"Ok, what is it?" Dubois asked.
"Are we staying in that beach house?" Lily asked, pointing at the beach house behind Dubois.
"Why, yes, we are! Aurora generously bought it just for you guys if anything were to go wrong in Haventown." This was probably the kindest thing Dubois had said yet, but she still didn't sound genuine...
"Wow, it looks so cool! It's not as beautiful as the Mansion of Lucidity, but I still love it!" Lily said.
"Well, I guess I can show you around, now that your clothes are dry..." Dubois said. She wasn't good with kids, and that was a problem for Lily and Alice.
Dubois walked the kids to the beach house, and they were amazed when they saw the interior!
"Ok, now this is a beach house!" Corrin said, taking in the scenery.
"LET'S GO!" Lily said. She, Corrin, Lilith, and Alice started running around the house, just like at home.
"Everyone, stop!" Dubois yelled, and I'm an instant, the kids froze.
"I would like to lay down a few rules," Dubois said.
Rule #1: No playing loud. We don't want whoever our new enemies are to find you guys.
Rule #2: No leaving unless I or another experienced adult is with you, and no going out at night, because the dark is a villain's playground.
"Pssht, I'm a literal dragon, I could take care of myself..." Corrin said, under his breath a little too loudly...
"I would advise you not to interrupt me, Corrin. Since I'm the oldest and most experienced, I will be the one calling the shots, and fighting the battles. We may not even have any battles if you guys follow these rules, got it?" So far, Corrin and Dubois weren't getting along...
Rule #3: There are a good number of characters and Etherians...
At the mention of Etherians, Lily's eyes widened.
"There are other Etherians here?" Lily said, excitedly.
"Yes, there are, and I don't want any of you associating with them until this mystery is solved. We don't know who could be a follower of Morgana..." Dubois said. She did have a point.
"But I only know six other creations of Alessia, but two of them are evil! I really wanna meet more!" Lily said.
"And you will, when things have settled down a little bit. Think about it, you just learned the truth about yourself earlier this month, so take some time to meet more fictional characters, and in time you'll meet more Etherians." Dubois may have been pretty strict, but she was still pretty smart.
Rule #4: Lily, you know all about me, so you can guess where this is going. Never, and I mean never, mention the 'blow dart butt' incident to anyone, ok?" Lily could see the beginning of a smile on Dubois's face, so she grinned, too.
"Now, I expect you to follow these rules because they are the only thing keeping you safe from the villains. Now, any questions?" Dubois asked.
The kids didn't say anything else but went upstairs to start their boring week...
Meanwhile, Cadenza and Aurora were arguing about the two strange happenings.
"Ok, do you mind telling me what's going on, Cadenza?" Aurora asked.
"Alright, I'll tell you, but we've gotta go somewhere private." Cadenza said.
The two hurried into the furnished basement of the Mansion of Lucidity, where private meetings were often held. That's where Aurora, Rosie, and Lucas would go to discuss things Lily wasn't able to hear when she was younger because it was completely soundproof.
"Is this better? This is the most private place in the Mansion." Aurora said. She was pretty aggravated...
"Ok, I went through a door in the Mansion of Lucidity, fought some villains, made them mad, and now they're out to get me. End of story. All you need to know." Cadenza said.
But Aurora wouldn't take that as an answer. "Cadenza, do you realize what's happening here?" Aurora asked.
"Uh, I screwed up, and I'm kicked out of the Mansion?" Cadenza asked, not knowing the true consequences of her actions...
"This could be the apocalypse. Deep freezing, unnatural storms! This could be the 'beginning of the end!' What's next, 40 years of darkness?" Aurora must've jinxed it because the lights went out!
"This had better be a power outage. You'd better hope some troublemaker bashed our circuit breakers with a bat or something..." Aurora said. This was getting bad.
"D-d-don't w-w-worry, e-everything's p-probably fine..." Cadenza stammered. She was the only one who knew what was happening.
"Let's go check!" Aurora said, fake cheerfully.
The Aurora stumbled and fumbled around in the dark, almost busting her shin on the basement stairs, but when she got back to the main part of the house, that's when she knew this was no bat-wielding kid...
"Cadenza... tell me... why can't I see anything?" Aurora asked. Cadenza had never seen her this upset!
"C-c-cause i-i-t's a-a p-power o-outage?" Cadenza said, still trying to act like everything was ok.
"Nope, I don't think so. Because, during the summer, Haventown gets huge storms, and our power's cut at least once every year." Aurora said.
"M-maybe I'll g-g-get to see one..." Cadenza said. She was basically the personification of the "this is fine" dog.
"Yes, maybe you will. You wanna know a fun fact about your eyes?" Aurora asked, fake calmly.
"Yea..." Cadenza said.
"Well, no matter how dark a room may be, your eyes suck in any light they can find, and they adjust, making you able to see a little bit in the dark. So tell me, Cadenza, WHY CAN'T I SEE A THING?"
"W-well, maybe... I don't know..."
"I think the reason why I can't see is that this darkness is just like the ice and the lightning storm. Unnatural. So, care to explain?" Aurora asked.
"Ok, I'll tell you everything, but it's a pretty long story!" Cadenza said.
"I'd usually say "I've got time," but we really don't," Aurora said.
"Ok, Lily's next mission was to the universe of Winx Club, right? Well, since you put that new rule in place, I wanted to go ahead and do the nitty-gritty for her. When the Trix first attacked Bloom, I engaged them in battle, and I made them mad! Icy was the witch who made everything freeze, stormy caused the storm, and Darcy caused the darkness!" Cadenza said. She felt a huge weight lift from her shoulders.
"Ok, well, at least now we know who we're dealing with, and set up a strategy to defeat them!" Aurora said.
"Wait, Aurora, what about Lily? Darcy's darkness doesn't just turn everything dark at once, it spreads like wildfire!" Cadenza said. Now there was a problem.
"I'll call Chantel in Fallingstar. I hope they're ok..." Aurora said. She FLEW over to the phone and dialed Dubois's number.
Meanwhile, Dubois and the kids were having dinner, when the phone rang.
"Hello? Darkness? Ok, I'll get some candles and flashlights ready right now." Dubois said, not understanding what Aurora meant...
"What's going on? Can I talk to Aurora?" Lily asked.
"Sorry, she hung up, but you can talk to her next time. She called saying something about a blackout. I'm going to get out some flashlights and candles from the emergency hurricane kit." Dubois said. She brought a huge emergency kit out of the garage, and lit a few candles, and got out a few flashlights. As she was doing that, the kids talked while finishing their food.
Guys, I'm a little bit scared," Alice said,
"Don't be scared, Alice. After all, you single-handedly escaped from the Queen of Hearts with your head." Lily said, both girls giggled.
"You girls have better beware! The dark is a villain's playground!" Corrin said, mocking Dubois's accent.
"Corrin, I don't think Ms. Dubois would be too happy if she heard you..." Lilith said.
"Oh, relax! everything's gonna be ok." Corrin said.
"But what about the villains? If Dubois is right about dark being their playground, this blackout could bring them to us!" Lilith said.
"Lilith, there's nothing to worry about. It's not like the villains are gonna make it dark on purpose!" Jinxed. As soon as Corrin finished, the lights went out.
"Nice, Corrin, you jinxed it!" Lily said, teasingly.
"Alright, don't panic, let's get our flashlights," Corrin said.
"Wait, I can't see the candles..." Lily said. This wasn't good...
"I got a flashlight." Corrin turned it on. "Out of batteries... but wait, why does the light feel warm?" The usually calm Corrin was starting to sweat.
"Why aren't my eyes adjusting, like what Aurora taught me?" Lily said.
"Because of me," Darcy said, her voice coming from within the darkness...
Author's Note: Well, you know what this means. The next mission is going to be the first season of Winx Club! I choose Winx club because it was my favorite show of the year book 1 is set in, (2012) and was my original inspiration for my entire story! The next few chapters will be like a 'kids from different families meeting each other in a hurricane and becoming friends for life' thing. Some inhabitants of Fallingstar hunker down in the beach house while Cadenza, Aurora, The Winx, and Dubois try to fend off the blizzards, storms, and blackouts. PS if you got the Ghostbusters reference you rock! ;) So, I'll see you all later! Cheerio!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 3 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! In this chapter, Lily finds and confronts Cadenza, and strange things start happening, setting up for the second mission, which will start in the next few chapters! Enjoy!
Characters introduced (Or first mentioned)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 12: Cadenza’s Dilemma
Early August 2012
This isn't happening. This just isn't happening. Aurora thought, running to the phone. She dialed Rosie's number and waited.
Come on, pick up! Aurora thought.
"Hello? Is everything alright?" Rosie tiredly asked.
"We have a missing girl on our hands, one who did something against the rules!" Aurora explained everything, and Rosie sprung into action.
"Ok, I'll call a few people, and see if they've seen her!" Rosie said. Aurora heard her running around over the phone.
"Aurora, is there anything I could do?" Lily asked.
"As a matter of fact, yes. I need you to come with me and search the town for Cadenza." Aurora said. The two got dressed and set out.
"Should we go to the Multiverse Hotel first? If she checked in recently, the staff will probably tell us which way she went!" Aurora said.
"That's a good idea, let's go," Lily said.
Aurora and Lily ran to the Hotel, where they were greeted by a staff member.
"Good morning Princess Lily and Lady Aurora, what brings you here this early? Is there an emergency?" The staff member said.
"Yeah. Cadenza, the girl who did the Monsters Inc mission with us came here without permission and went on a mission! She also fibbed about Mike and Sully being able to come here, and now she's missing, and we can't find her!" Lily explained.
"Hmm, As a matter of fact, we did hear some noises coming from the third floor earlier, so maybe it was her. We'll go investigate." The staff members went to the third floor to investigate what had happened when they found a small note by a door.
To whoever finds this letter, 
I'm sorry for doing this, but I had no choice. Ever since the villains have widened their reach to more dangerous realms, like the one I am in right now, Aurora has created a rule, barring Lily from using the Multiverse Hotel until she's more experienced in her magic, because this mission is extremely dangerous. These missions were predestined by Alessandria, so they can't be changed, but can be altered. While the older and more experienced characters are fighting in the multiverse, Lily will use the same powers they will be using and go on smaller missions with characters her age until she is a more powerful magic-user. I am sorry about the new rule, Lily, and I am sorry for disappearing, but I only wanted to keep you safe by going off on my own. P.S Please don't tell anyone about this mission!
The staff read the letter and presented it to Lily and Aurora, who read it with heavy hearts.
"Cadenza left to protect me... I thought she turned evil... I don't, mind the new rule, just as long as Cadenza comes home safe." Lily said.
"Note or no note, she still broke a rule! But... I'll forgive her if she pulls this mission off." Aurora said. She tried to be as merciful as possible.
The girls were contemplating how long Cadenza would be gone for, and if they should go look for her, when she emerged from an elevator.
"Cadenza!" Lily said, running up to hug her, because even though Cadenza had done something wrong, Lily knew she had a good reason.
"Lily, why did you come here? I was going to come back to the mansion and tell you what's been happening with me, but since you're here, the villains will probably track you and Aurora!" Cadenza said, fearing for Lily and Aurora's safety.
"We'll be ok, Cadenza! If any villains track us down, we'll be prepared!" Lily said, but little did she know, it wouldn't be quite that way
Just as she finished saying that, strange things started happening... A cold wind blew open the main door of the hotel, sending cold, wintery chills down everyone's spines...
"Woah, that was cold! Did an air conditioner come on or something?" Lily said. That was no air conditioner...
"No, that felt too cold to be the AC, and it felt like it came from outside!
"Oh, no... They're already attacking..." Cadenza said, running towards the door
Lily ran after her, and said, "Cadenza, what's wrong, who's attacking?" Lily was expecting to see some bad guys or evil henchmen outside but was shocked by something different.
Everything was covered in snow as far as the eye can see, and everything, from the buildings to the cars, to the trees, and even the ground itself was frozen solid. It was scary, but beautiful at the same time.
"Oh. My. Gosh. Snow? And ice? In late July?! How the heck is this happening?" Lily said, marveling at the hauntingly beautiful sights before her.
"This isn't good... Cadenza, you seem to know what's going on, so could you please enlighten us?" Aurora said. She wanted answers and she wanted them now...
"I... I don't know, but one thing's for sure... Lily's not safe...". Cadenza said.
"Ok, I hear you, Dennie, I'll send Lily to a safer place, but while she is there, I expect you to tell me what's going on... Lily, I would like you to go to a special place while Cadenza and I sort things out. It's called Fallingstar, and I put it in place for you to stay there if Haventown ever became too dangerous for you to stay." Aurora said.
"But, I want to stay here with everyone else..." Lily said.
"Don't worry, it's only for a little while, and also, Corrin, Lilith, Rosie, and Alice will be going with you," Aurora said, sympathetically.
When Lily heard her best friend's name, she wasn't sad anymore! "Alice makes everything better! Ok, Aurora, I'll go!"
Lily was heading back to the Mansion to pack with the others when a loud crash of thunder was heard, and the clouds opened up.
"Are you kidding me? A storm, too? Well, I guess this is natural, compared to the snow..." Lily said, but this storm was anything but natural... Purple bolts of lighting began raining down from the skies, threatening to strike anyone in its path.
"Ok, it's happening! just send the kids to Fallingstar, and send the luggage later!" Cadenza yelled.
Aurora obeyed, and sent Lily through a portal to Fallingstar...
Author's note: I'm sorry the chapter wasn't as long this time, but this and the next chapter will be shorter, setting up for the reveal of the second mission villains and heroes. In the next chapter, Lily and her friends will appear in sunny and beautiful Fallingstar, and will loosen up, but one more strange thing happens. P.S The caretaker of the beach house in Fallingstar was originally Lily's mother figure in the old, crummy, 2018 version of the story, but was changed to Aurora for a more 'serious' character. So, I'll see you all later! Audios!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 3 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! I'm this chapter, a few friends will return, and something strange will happen... just to let you know, this chapter will be more light-hearted than the others, focusing on funny mishaps rather than adventures. So, with that out of the way, enjoy!
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 11: Monster Mishap
Late July 2012
"Lily, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm pretty upset about the dinner Aurora cooked for us," Corrin said, after eating a hearty meal surrounded by new family and friends.
"Whaddaya mean 'pretty upset'?" Lily said, with a shocked face.
"I'm pretty upset it's all gone! That was some of the best cooking I've tasted in a long time!" Corrin said.
"You had me going there for a second! I thought you didn't like Aurora's cooking!" Lily said.
After dinner was cleaned, the most chaotic time of the day came.
"Well, when you say it like that... Ok, whatever. I'll do it!" Corrin said. Before the jump, everything was prepared. Corrin got out blankets, pillows, and even clothes, and piled them all up on the couch. Corrin went up to the loft, and hoisted himself over the balcony, staring down at the mountain of pillows that would hopefully cushion his fall.
"Are you sure about this? If I die, I swear, my ghost is gonna haunt you!" Corrin said. His trembling and sweating hands threatened to slip, and send him falling.
"Oooooh~, I'm sooo scared! Now, JUMP!" Skipper said. Everyone in the room started saying JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!
Lily and Aurora heard the whole thing from the other room. That doesn't sound good! Lily thought, urgently running into the living room, where Corrin was about to jump.
"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?" Lily exclaimed.
Cadenza, who heard the commotion from her room, came running out. Before she saw Corrin, she said, "Alright, Corrin, what's going-WHAT?"
Adrenaline was coursing through Corrin's veins now, and he was ready. "I'm gonna DO IT!" Corrin exclaimed.
Aurora said something she would probably regret. "Corrin, get down from there!" Corrin obeyed, but not in the way Aurora intended...
"COWABUNGA!" Corrin screamed as he jumped off of the loft!
Everyone screamed in fright, but he landed in the pillows, safe and sound... Until Aurora got ahold of him! "CORRIN! Do you know, just because someone encourages you
do something, it's not always the right thing to do?" Aurora said, holding Corrin by the arm.
"Sorry, Aurora, the penguins made it look cool!" Corrin said.
"May I have a word with you alone, Corrin? I would like to talk with you about something." Aurora asked. Corrin nodded, and Aurora pulled him aside.
"Look, I understand you're living in a new place, and you want to fit in, but you can't let peer pressure get to you! What would've happened if you overshot your jump and landed on the hard floor?"
Corrin shuddered at the thought, before asking, "How do you get the cool kids to not make fun of you if you don't do what they dare you to do?"
Aurora had the perfect answer. "If your friends are getting you to do this stuff, just find a different group to hang out with, one who won't tell you to do dangerous stunts."
Corrin knew what he had to do. "Thank you for talking with me. Now if you would excuse me, I have some business to attend to." Aurora let Corrin go.
Corrin walked up to the group of penguins and said what was on his mind. "Skipper, I'm sorry, but... I can't hang out with you if I have to do stunts like that." Corrin said.
Skipper was reluctant at first, but after thinking for a second, he answered back. "Ok, we'll tone it down a bit... I guess we were just overexcited about new arrivals" Skipper said.
"Thanks, guys! Now I don't have to 'break up with a group of friends on my first day here!" Corrin said.
Aurora, who was watching from afar, smiled and thought, You're a great kid, Corrin. She looked at the time and nearly passed out. "11:30? It is WAY past bedtime for everyone!" Aurora stated.
"But I was just about to show Cadenza and Lilith something funny!" Lily said, barely able to keep a straight face.
"Alright, you can show them," Aurora said.
Lily grabbed one of her toy horses and showed it. "MY LITTLE PONY, MY LITTLE PONY!" Lily threw the horse up in the air, it bouncing off the ceiling, and landing on the floor, leaving everyone, including Aurora, in stitches!
"Ok, that was pretty funny! Now, off to bed." Aurora said.
Bedtime was blissful, as always in the Mansion of Lucidity. The reason is the enchantment placed upon the mansion, which makes anyone fall into a deep, restful sleep full of good dreams until the sun rises.
Lily was sleeping peacefully, dreaming about the future. She dreamt about what it would feel like to be a queen, reuniting with Lucas, and all of the new friends she would make from purifying villains.
The crescent moon glowed in the endless starry night sky, beaming into Lily's room and giving it a soft, ethereal glow. All was well, the mood was peaceful, quiet, and relaxed, but a resident of the mansion was having trouble making a decision.
I've got to go... But I can't leave everyone behind... If they come looking for me, I'll have to tell them the truth, but I have to go... Cadenza thought, feeling very conflicted.
Other than that, all was well, until a tremendous clatter was heard from downstairs. Lily shot up with a start and looked around her room.
"Who's there? Corrin, is that you? If you b-broke something, I-I'm gonna be pretty mad!" Lily said, looking around the room. She realized the only solution would be to go and investigate, so she got a flashlight from her nightstand drawer, turned it on, and tiptoed out of her room.
It was dark, save for the moon softly glowing through the window, and every light was off in the house, making the dim glow of the flickering flashlight Lily's only comfort in the dark. She stopped halfway down the stairs when she came to her senses. What the heck am I doing? If some kinda villain is trying to rob the place, I should get someone with stronger magic, like Aurora, to go with me! Lily thought. She ran back down the hallway to Aurora's room and collided with her older sister, who had the same idea to go investigate who was prowling around downstairs.
"Owww, that hurt..." Lily said, rubbing her head.
"Lily? What are you doing out of your room? You don't know who's down there. I don't want you getting hurt, so could you please leave this to me?" Aurora said,
"Listen, 'sis', I'M the 'destined daydream princess' here, so I should go with you! Lily whispered, trying to persuade Aurora to let her go downstairs with her, but she wasn't budging.
"I know that, but I'M still the adult, and the more experienced magic-user, so please, just. stay put." Aurora said, firmly, but not firm enough...
"Please, Aurora? If I want to face villains, I have to 'face' them, not let other people do it for me!" Lily said, trying to get Aurora to understand.
"Lily, Speaking of facing villains, didn't Cadenza tell you the new rule?" Aurora said, her brows furrowed in confusion slightly.
"New rule? What new rule?" Lily said, perplexed.
"So you mean Cadenza didn't even tell you?" Aurora said. She was getting a little bit worried, now. Aurora wanted to ask more, but both girls were startled by another loud crash from downstairs.
"Gotta go," Aurora said. She ran down the stairs so fast she almost fell.
"Wait..." Lily said but her sister was already gone.
Aurora tiptoed downstairs, being wary of who was trespassing. She walked around the corner and shined her flashlight on the two intruders, but they weren't what she was expecting...
"GAH! Too bright, too bright!" Mike? What was he doing here?
Aurora flipped on the kitchen light switch, making Mike screech even more.
"What's going on here?" Aurora said, eying Mike and Sully.
"Uh, hi...?" Sully said, visibly confused, but Aurora was even more so. Things kept getting even stranger when Boo walked from behind Sully.
"GUYS!" Sneaky Lily had been watching the whole time. She sprinted up to Sully and hugged him as hard as she could.
"C'mere, you, I knew we'd see you again, but not so soon!" Lily hugged Mike and Boo next.
"Ok, can somebody PLEASE tell me what's going on here?" Aurora shouted.
"Ok, so... Dennie wanted us to crash here for the time being, so she gave her key to us, and said to just go in, because she already told you, to which you said ok," Mike said to Aurora, who didn't agree one bit.
"Well, I think there was a little miscommunication there because I didn't know about any of this!" Aurora said.
"We're sorry, we'll go back to Monstropolis if how's not a good time," Sully said,
"Look, I don't mind you being here, I just can't believe Cadenza made an unauthorized visit to the Multiverse Hotel, and let someone into the Mansion of Lucidity without my permission," Aurora said.
Since Alessia was out of commission, and Lily was too young, Aurora had assumed the responsively of the town mayor, 'inkeeper' of the Multiverse Hotel, and head of the Mansion of Lucidity, so she already had a lot on her plate, and didn't need any more stress.
"Wait a minute, what about the kid's parents? Boo's, I mean." Mike said. He was right because some adult humans can't know about the monster world.
"I don't tell you guys? Ok, so, time freezes in the Multiverse Hotel, and it flows normally outside. Boo's parents aren't a problem unless someone messes with the controls." Aurora said.
"Well, that's a relief, but we still need to talk to Cadenza. It's 5:00 am now, so I think it's late enough to wake her up and ask her questions." Lily said.
"Alright. I think that's what we'll do. One more thing, what were those huge crash noises?" Aurora said.
"I tripped on a corner and fell on a chair once. I think I hurt my leg." Sully said.
"Ok, Lily could you please go get Cadenza for me, while I check on Sully's leg?" Aurora said.
Lily nodded and walked up the stairs to Cadenza's bedroom door. She knocks, but no answer. Of course, she didn't answer, she's probably dead asleep! Lily thought, feeling sorry about waking her friend.
Lily opened the door and walked into the dark room. She tiptoed up to Cadenza's bed, but she wasn't even there... Lily ran out of the empty room and called Aurora.
"AURORA!" Lily shouted, running to the banister.
Aurora was busy wrapping Sully's leg, but stopped what she was doing and came running when she heard Lily.
"What's wrong? Is Cadenza ok?" Aurora called loudly up to Lily, who was on the second floor.
"I don't know if she's ok, because she's not in her room... " Lily said.
To be continued...
Author's note: Wow, I think that was the first time I've ever used the words 'to be continued at the end of a chapter! So, as you just read, Cadenza did something shady, and left, also! The reason why she had been hiding things will be explained in the next chapter, along with the introduction of the next mission's new villains, along with a new rule for Lily. So, I'll see you all later! Adieu!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 3 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! This chapter will be my first downtime chapter, and will focus on the team going to a very special place... One more detail, the Mansion of Lucidity was created by me but has elements of my old house sprinkled in it, like the loft balcony which I'll have in the next chapter. So, anyway, on to the story. Enjoy!
Characters introduced (Or first mentioned)
Sunny, goddess of happiness (OC)
Secora, goddess of sadness (OC)
Wizard of Light (?)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 10: The River of Wishes
Late July 2012
It was a cool summer day in Haventown. The townspeople were kept cool by a gentle breeze that blew northward towards the outskirts of town, where Sparkling River lied. Sparkling River was said to be enchanted, and whoever made a wish in their mind while drinking from it, their wish would come true. Legend has it, Alessia created the river with her crystal tears, shed from the grief of the loss of her sister Morgana to the darkness. But that is all a mere legend, and there is no way to get to the river because it is blocked by the oldest and wisest member of Alessia's royal court. Many have come to the river with wishes for beauty, riches beyond their wildest dreams, fame, and glory, and many other shallow things. The wizard will only let the one with the purest heart drink from the river, and that's where our hero Lily comes in...
"WAKE UP, CORRIN!" Lily said. She hit Corrin, the sleeping young prince with a pillow so hard, even Rocky Balboa would tremble.
Corrin woke up with a start, saying, "What are you doing in my room? You just scared me half to death!" Corrin said, but the happy young girl just wasn't listening.
"Sorry about that! I'm gonna go wake your sis next!"
Corrin, who knew how big Cadenza's temper could get, said, "Here's a piece of paper." Corrin said, handing Lily a blank sheet of printer paper and a pen.
"What would I need this for? Am I gonna be drawing Cadenza's funny sleeping face?" Lily said, with Corrin answering back.
"No, it's to write your will! I don't think you'd come out of that room alive if you hit my sister with a pillow, or woke her up in any way..." Corrin said, shuddering.
flashback to the twin's youth...
"I'M SORRY, CADENZA!" A younger Corrin said, frantically trying to escape his sister's rage.
how. many. times. have I. told. you. to. not. wake. ME. UP!" young Cadenza screamed, throwing another random thing from her room at her brother with each word.
"State your business, intruder." Cadenza said, giving Corrin a menacing stare.
"I'msorry,Ijustwantedtoscareyouinyoursleep,pleasedontkillme!" Corrin said, panic in his voice.
End flashback
"Wow, I'm soooo scared! Really, what's the worst that can happen?" Lily said, opening Cadenza's door.
"GOOD MORNING, LILY!" Cadenza said, hugging Lily and almost knocking her down. "Alright, so, I've been brainstorming new Ideas for rooms, and I think you'll love them!" Cadenza said, handing Lily a list.
1. Trampoline park room with 50 foot high jumps into foam pits with magic foam that completely softens the impact of the jump!
2. magic playground that you can't get hurt on with no age, height, or weight restrictions, with the fastest slides and a sturdy rope bridge!
3. Dance studio!
4. Home theater and game room with surround sound, and every movie, tv-show, or video game!
5. Collection room, with gaming accessories, and collectibles!
6. Dress up clothes room, with a cosplay outfit for everything!
7. Room with every single toy imaginable!
8. Jewelry room!
9. Indoor waterpark with a wave pool!
Lily read the list, really digging the ideas, and the fact that all of that could be there in a blink of an eye! "Wow! Cadenza, this is gonna be awesome! Our ideas combined with my daydream powers will make this house a paradise!" Lily said.
"Wait a minute, when does the throwing stuff start?" Corrin asked, dumbfounded.
"What throwing stuff?" Cadenza asked, even MORE dumbfounded.
"I mean, why does Lily barge in your room and get hugged, while I almost get a concussion?" Corrin asked.
"Well, for ONE THING, Lily didn't put a plastic spider in my face in my sleep!" Cadenza said.
Lily, who had only heard Corrin's side of the story, exclaimed, "He did NOT!"
Corrin, who was almost too embarrassed for words, said, "We were 10 years old! I didn't know your room would turn into a war zone!" The twins argued back and forth until finally, a tired-looking Aurora entered the room.
"Hey, do you three know you're not the only ones living here? You woke up about 4 characters!" Aurora said firmly.
"Sorry Aurora, I'm just so glad Corrin, Cadenza, and Lilith are staying here!" Lily said, excitedly.
"I know, but I would like you to keep it down a little bit. I have an idea, since you're all awake, why don't you go out and explore? There's a lot of beautiful nature in this town, so I'm sure you'll have a good time!" Aurora said. She left the room, leaving the others.
Lily, who thought exploring was a great idea, said, "Yeah, we should go out and see the town! I"ll show you around, because I've explored the woods since I was little. Lucas used to explore with me, and we build a treehouse, and knew all of the paths!"
Cadenza, who wasn't too excited about going out in the hot July sun, was interested in what Lily told her. "Well, that does sound fun... Corrin, what do you think?"
Corrin answered, "That would be nice! Let's go!" Corrin said. After the discussion, the group got ready to go out, dressed in summer clothes, and put on their sunscreen.
"Ok, where should we go? Lily, you know this place better than us, so do you know any good places?" Cadenza said as she walked on the sidewalk along with her friends.
Lily had an extra special place in mind, but she wasn't sure... "Well, there was this place in the woods where Lucas and I used to play when we were younger, but... I haven't been there since he left us, and it was our special place." Lily said, with tears in her eyes. "But, we could go visit it, because Lucas would probably want us to remember him, instead of keeping the memories locked away," Lily said.
Corrin was still unsure. "Lily are you sure? If this place was that special, do you think we should go there?" Corrin argued, but Lily insisted.
"I think we should go because I don't share Lucas's memories with enough people, so they all think of him as 'that evil guy Scott Pilgrim fought,' and I just know he was so much more than a villain," Lily said. It was decided. Lily led the group into 'Misty Haven Woods,' which was the spot Lily and Lucas used to play at when they were little.
The summer breeze rustled through the leaves as the four friends walked happily through the nostalgic woods, chatting and laughing with each other.
"Ok, I think it's time for me to tell you about this place. Lucas built a mini skate ramp, treehouse, and picnic table all by himself. They were originally meant for him and his own friends, but one time they caught me snooping around, and started picking on me and calling me names, so Lucas decided to go out and find better friends who weren't so mean. Since then, this has been our spot, and the only other person who came here with us was my best friend Alice." Lily said as the group listened closely.
"Wow, that's so cool! I wish I had something like that when I was younger..." Lilith said.
"Well, wish no more, because we're here!" Lily said, outstretching her arms, and revealing the hidden area.
"WOAH! Is this a tree house or a tree..." Cadenza said, with Lily finishing for her.
"Mansion? I kinda knew you were gonna say that! Oh, here's his second favorite skateboard! His favorite was destroyed when he died, so I've always held on to this one." Lily said, noticing a book she had never seen before on a table... She picked it up and examined it, realizing it was a diary.
Lily had kept a few little diaries, but had never seen this one before.
"I think this belonged to Lucas... I-I don't think I should read it... Lucas never read any of mine, even though he would joke and say he would." Lily said, feeling unsure.
"Well, I think you should read it, but while you do, think of, 'I want to read this to honor my brother, instead of, ' secrets, secrets, secrets." Cadenza said.
"You know what, That's a great idea, Dennie! Ok, here goes!" Lily said, opening the diary, not prepared to cry as much as she did.
August 9th, 2003
Well, it's finally time. It's finally time to bring Lily to Haventown, even though she'll be without her mom for a real long time. It's sad, but as Alesia and Aurora said, 'sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the greater good.' Trust me, if I had that daydream gem, my wish would be to make sure no families were ever separated. (But don't tell Aurora that, because she still doesn't fully trust me, and if she ever heard anything come out of my mouth about the gem, it would be as if Vegas-style glowing signs above me, all saying, 'VILLIAN, VILLIAN, VILLIAN!') Speaking of that, since I can't make an all-powerful wish, I'll make an all-powerful promise instead! I, Lucas Lee, 2nd evil ex to Ramona Flowers, do hereby promise to be the best big brother ever to princess Lily!
Lily was at a loss for words. Corrin and the other girls were crying along with her, and if you were in their shoes, you would understand why... "I never knew any of that... He always kept so many secrets, that sometimes, I didn't even know him." Lily said when she hit a realization.
"Wait a minute, even though he would act mysterious and distant sometimes, he was never mean to me about it! He would always wait until he was away from us to shout and scream In frustration!" Lily said.
"Lily, there's more to this diary, but you don't have to read it if you don't want to..." Cadenza said.
"Thank you, but I think I'll be alright..." Lily said, before reading the rest of the diary. There was so much... So many things Lucas wanted to voice, but couldn't... Aurora had always been so angry with villains, and Lucas was just afraid she wouldn't accept him if he told her... The final diary entry was the most interesting, but by far the saddest.
August 13th, 2010
I'm finally ready. I'm finally gonna fight Scott Pilgrim... Most villains die after fighting the main hero of their story, so that's why I would like to say a few words to my sister before I go. Lily, if you're reading this, (which I know you are, little snoop!) I have some instructions. Remember that tape I told you never to play in the VHS player (that I totally didn't steal power from the mansion to make work!) Alright, enough joking. I've always told you that tape had Chucky on it, and I knew how much you hated even the picture on the case! It's not a horror movie, but it's a pre-recorded message just in case anything were to happen to me in the Scott Pilgrim fight.
Lily raced to the VHS collection and pulled out the one labeled Chucky (do not watch, Lily!) In sharpie. If this is some kinda sick joke to get me to watch that creepy doll, Lucas... Lily thought, putting the tape in the player.
The screen wobbled with static, before displaying Lucas, who Lily hadn't seen a video of since he passed away.
"Lily, if you're watching this right now, that means I died. Sorry, but sometimes these things happen, no matter how much you don't want them to. Even though I'm not in the same room as you, I can see your tears, and it's ok to cry. Cry all you want, until you want to stop, and never let anyone judge you for it. We baddies are all about not judging each other! Before I go, I have something to tell you. Inside this VHS player is a small map, and it leads to a place called 'sparkling river.' I couldn't sleep on night years ago, so I snuck down to the forbidden section of the mansion library and read about it, and I think it's gonna blow your mind. It is guarded by a wizard of light, to who you have to spill your wish to, to gain access to the waters. If you ask for something like money, power, or a new skateboard like I wanted to ask for at first, he'll turn you away, but if you ask for something pure-hearted, he'll allow you to drink from the waters.
Legend has it, Alessia, your mother, cried crystal tears when Morganna turned to the darkness, which filled up the river. There was one more page, but it had been ripped out. The edge that was left said something about the sun, but it also said the word 'sec.' I think that means, second. Maybe the river's connected to time. Anyway, you may be able to bring me back. If you aren't able to, just keep me in your memories. Bye, Lil." Lucas finished the film by using Lily's nickname, which she hadn't been called since Lucas died...
"Wait, I have a chance of bringing my brother BACK?" Lily said, in awe.
She ejected the tape from the VHS player, and stuck her hand in, feeling around for the map. When she found it, she was very careful in getting it out, trying not to rip it. "Got it! Ok, now let's read it!" Lily said, spreading the small map out on a table.
"It says here, the river is at the far edge of town, at the foot of the 'Mountain of Beginnings and Endings...' Wait, is this talking about Mount Haven? Aurora had always told me that was the name, not the Mountain of Beginnings and Endings..." Lily said, still not understanding why Aurora hid so many things from her...
"Well, anyway, we should get going!" Lily said, but Cadenza had other ideas.
"Wait, wouldn't Aurora be worried if we do something like this without telling her? I mean, it's pretty far away from the house..." Cadenza asked.
But Lily still insisted. "Well, this could be a surprise for her! If we brought Lucas back, Aurora would be happier than ever!" Lily said. Cadenza hesitantly agreed, and the group set off.
As the friends journeyed toward the legendary river, Lily thought of something. I wonder if we could climb the mountain, too... Aurora has always told me not to go anywhere near it, but I want to find out every secret she's hiding!
Cadenza, who also had a lot of things on her mind, said to Lily, "Hey, Lil... I have something I want to talk to you about"
"Is it a secret? Well, you know how much I love secrets, so fire away!" Lily said.
"Well, it's about what Dio Brando told me during the first mission. He said you and I are..." Cadenza was cut off by a voice from ahead.
"What brings you here?" It was the wizard of light, the guardian of the river. He wore a stern expression and looked about to turn the group away, but his expression softened when he looked upon the daydream gem.
"Is that- are you-" He stuttered in disbelief. "Are you Princess Lilisandra? Are you the person who will finally unseal the twin goddesses?" The wizard said, bowing respectfully.
"Yes, I am, but you can call me Lily. And who are the twin goddesses?"
Lily asked. "I was hoping you'd ask. When Alessia cried her crystal tears and formed Sparkling River, she created an Etherean being Named Secora, Ethereal goddess of sadness, the personification of Alessia's sorrow. Secora is known as the 'saddest being of all time,' since Alessia's tears are from the saddest moment of her life." As the wizard spoke, Lily listened intently.
"There was a second goddess, created from Alessia's hope that her sister might be turned good in the future. Her name was Sunny, goddess of happiness, and is the polar opposite of Secora."
Now Lily was completely interested. "My mom created GODDESSES?"
The wizard answered, "Yes, In fact, she did. She created a prophecy along with the two of them, that must be fulfilled to bring happiness and sadness together. Someone must live through a moment so overwhelmingly sad, but happy at the same time, thus causing them to cry tears of joy, bringing the two together, forming the goddess of hope, also named Hope." The wizard said.
So that must've been what that missing page said! Lily thought.
"That's beautiful, but... are we allowed to go to the river?" Lily asked, anxious to make her wish.
"I can see into your heart, young Lily, and it is pure. You want to revive your brother. So yes, you may make your wish." The nameless wizard said.
"Thank you so much! I don't know what to say!" Lily said, crying.
"Now, right this way. You will see Sparkling River momentarily." The wizard said.
The group walked forward through beautiful sights and sounds. The river lived up to its name because the blazing sun above made it sparkle like a thousand diamonds.
"Wow. This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen!" Lily said, wide-eyed.
"What are you waiting for? Go ahead and drink from the river and make your wish."
Lily listened to the wizard and walked forward and sat at the riverbank. She cupped her hands and gathered water, and drank it, making the wish in her head. I wish my brother Lucas was back... Lily wished. The water tasted sweet as honey and filled her with light when she drank it.
"I made my wish. When do you think it will come true?" Lily asked the wizard.
He responded, "It will come true in time. Until then, just remember your wish, and it will surely come true."
"Thank you so much. This wish will change everything!" Lily said.
"Well, shall we go? Aurora's gonna be angry when we get back! We've been gone way longer than she would've wanted us to be!" Just as Cadenza finished talking, a relived-looking Aurora arrived, flanked by about 20 characters.
"There they are! We've looked everywhere for you guys! First, we looked all over the house, then, every shop, restaurant, and establishment in town! I didn't think you would use the hotel without permission, but we looked anyway. We asked the hotel staff if any rooms had been checked out today, and when he produced the list and you weren't on it, I freaked!" Aurora shouted.
"Ms, Borealis, with all due respect, you were the one that told us to go exploring," Corbin explained.
"I meant the town, or the woods, not come out to the middle of nowhere! You had all of us worried sick!" Aurora said.
"Will it make it any better if I told you why we came here?" Lily asked.
I can see tears in her eyes... I think I should listen to her. Aurora thought.
"Go on," Aurora said, understandingly.
"This morning we decided to go to the old place Lucas and I used to hang out when we were younger, and we found his diary and decided to read it," Lily said. she explained the rest, about the map, the river, and the two goddesses.
"Wow, I never knew Lucas went to the respected parts of the library... Now that I know about the river, I'm kind of glad he did it... We just might get him back..." Aurora said.
"Lily, that was very dangerous, going off for so long, so far, by yourselves, with all of these villains running haywire, but... I want to thank you for trying to bring back Lucas. Any other child your age would've asked for something like a mountain of every flavor of ice cream or candy, or toys, or something dumb like that, but you asked for something beautiful. Thank you." Aurora said, before remembering something.
"I heard about Rosie, and I would like you to know, she meant no harm. She was just working as a double agent to get close to the villains."
Lily, who was there with Rosie, said, "I know, I was with her during the mission. I'm so relieved she isn't a real villain!" Lily said.
"Now, it's getting late. Let's get going, so we can start dinner!" Aurora said.
At the mention of 'dinner,' Lily perked up because dinner was the best at the Mansion of Lucidity!
"Guys, you're in for a real treat! Aurora makes a mean lemon grilled chicken!" Lily said.
When everyone was ready, Aurora led the entire group of characters home for dinner.
Author's note: Ok, that went on a little longer than expected, but anyway, that was the first downtime chapter! Next will focus on the return of a few characters who just couldn't stay away from their friends, and someone's mysterious disappearance... I would also like to announce a new story, Lucas's Diary, which will have his diary entries up until the one with the VHS tape. So, with that out of the way, I'll see you all later! So long!
0 notes
angeliana2023 · 4 months
Author's Note: Hello, dreamers! This chapter will focus on Lily using her true powers for the first time, and will also be the end of my first arc! You wanna know what's crazy about this chapter? In the three years, I've written, deleted, and rewritten this story, this is the longest I've ever stuck with it, and will hopefully stay that way! After a cringy bad grammar-filled 6 chapter story was published a few years ago, last summer, after two years of holding on to and trying separately to save the original (very different) version for dear life, I thought, 'why don't I just start over?' So, I did, but I made one fatal flaw. I wrote in each character's first-person POV, and a mere few months after that small, 3 chapter story was published, I decided, 'this will be the last time.' And I did a complete overhaul, and now here we are, my final version of Etheria! Anyway, enjoy!
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 9: Mended and Forged Bonds (Part 2)
July 2012
Ok, so just imagine the scenario. You had just gone from making friends with a five-eyed crab monster that SEEMED friendly enough at first, but turns out is, oh, I don't know, THE MAIN VILLAIN OF THE STORY! That's how our heroes felt when they discovered Waternoose's true intentions!
Lily and the group watched helplessly as their two new friends were banished right in front of their eyes! Boo hugged Cadenza's leg in fear, while the young, pink-haired princess comforted her.
"Shh, it'll be ok, Boo." Cadenza said, in a loving, motherly tone.
Waternoose, after a few moments of stunned silence, said, "Yes, you've been misled ever since you arrived here! Sure, there was another traitor in the form of that girl Rosie, but the TRUE villain was me!"
Cadenza, who had heard enough, shouted out, "Traitor! Here we are thinking you needed help saving your precious company and in return accept your help in finding and defeating the villain, and come to find out, we were talking to him this entire time!"
Cadenza was about to blow a fuse, she was so angry that day, but Waternoose just kept making it better...
"The only one you have to blame is yourselves for believing me."
At that moment, Cadenza lost it and started laying into Waternoose. "Alright, I didn't cross two parallel dimensions, almost lose my brother, see a vision through a stolen enchanted mirror that altered my perception of my entire existence just to be told this entire 'company saving' mission was a huge setup! You have THREE SECONDS to start explaining yourself, after that, I start kicking butts!" No one had seen Cadenza that expressive before... But Darn it, Waternoose just wouldn't quit...
"The reason I set all of you up is so I wouldn't have to give up the company My grandfather started years before any of you were even born! I'll do what I have to do, and there's nothing you're going to do to stop me." Waternoose was a little out of control in this situation...
Lily decided to take charge of the situation. "Mr. Waternoose, there are other ways of helping this company! I know how you feel, because I already told you, I come from a family where tradition and heirlooms are two of the most important things! If you just come with us to the light, we can save Monsters. INC together!" Lily said.
She was right because the Mansion of Lucidity is all about family...
"Listen, why would I follow 3 dragons, a young girl, and the two heroes of my story? We both know heroes and villains can't mix!" Waternoose said.
Lily listened to his words and began having doubts about her mission. She remembered Lucas, and how he was killed by a hero, and the tears that were shared the night when Rosie returned home after she was told to look for him. She told the bad news, and Lily had never felt the same way about heroes since.
Lily was second-guessing everything, until an ethereal voice called out, "There is a way, Lily... You must unlock a secret new power that I passed on to you. Then, and only then, may you transform villainous souls to good, and create a never-ending future together..." The voice of Alessandria said.
Sailor Moon S OST - Comforting
Just then, a beautiful, angelic-looking woman surrounded by a golden light appeared before Lily. She had long, blonde hair as golden as an endless field of wheat, adorned with a circlet of pure silver, skin as white as sunkissed snow, eyes as flawless violet as two perfectly faceted amethyst stones, and pure, pink and white clothing, of the softest silk and feathers. She had such a motherly face, Lily was almost brought to tears.
"A-are you, Alessandria? Are you my mother?" Lily said, knowing exactly who was before her, even though she had never seen her mother before.
Alessia smiled, and said, "yes, I am. As soon as I created you, our souls were fused as one, and I have been waiting for the day when we could finally meet, my sweet Lily... Since our souls are both one, I cannot communicate with you unless I put my own soul at risk. My spirit can talk with you only a little at a time before I fade, so that's why I need to make haste and give you this gift."
Alessia waved her hands around, and a pink staff with a winged heart gem on the top appeared in Lily's hands.
"What is this? Is it for me?" Lily said, nervously.
"It is called the Ethereal Pure Love Staff, and will help you create the brightest future of all time," Alessia said.
"What does it do?" Lily asked.
Alessia answered back, "It is used to completely purify any villain you come across on your journey. The purified villain is either left in its universe or sent to Paragon Etheria, which you will ascend to if you get the Essence. Villains like Randall and Waternoose are evil, but not much, so they are allowed to stay, but the more evil villains go to Paragon Etheria, where they stay until you ascend and can see them again. The timeline will be split in two, the first timeline being the one where the villains staying the same, bothering the heroes and causing trouble, and the second timeline being where the villains are good, live in harmony with the heroes, and can't hurt anyone.
Morgana has been trying to make the Multiverse 'bleed', by using her magic to force cracks in space in time, and leak villains into her realm, making her able to get villains without using the Multiverse Hotel, which she will never be allowed to do. Your magic will make Morgana incapable of making the 'bad timeline' bleed anymore.,The 'good timeline villain completely purified, with no memory of evil, but still retaining memories of you and your group." Alessia said, a sparkle in her eyes. "When you grow old enough to fight, that staff will transform into the Etherial Pure Love and Fury staff and will shoot beams of energy at enemies, turning their hearts good," Alessia said, prepared to give one of her most powerful weapons away to her heir.
"Wait, do you mean I'll be turning people good? This is great! It means Rosie was right about what she said when villains aren't as bad as we think!" Lily said, beginning to re-think everything she believed about 'good vs evil.'
"So many friends. I will make SO many new friends on this journey! I thought it would be about saving heroes from villains, but I was wrong! Now I have a new belief that everything has good in it!" Lily said, enthusiastically, but there was one more thing she had doubts about.
"What about my brother Lucas? Won't I be able to purify him, too?" Lily said, wanting Lucas to be ok.
"You have already done it, Lily. When you took hold of the staff, a shockwave of your energy was emitted from your heart, using your power of family to send your lost brother to Paragon Etheria, where he will be waiting for you when you ascend." Alessia said.
"So I WILL see him again! It may be hard, but I'm ready to forge a new, everlasting, and enduring future for everyone!" Lily said, excited for her new role.
"First we need to get Mike and Sully back, I want them to see my new power in action!" Lily said, but Alesia had everything covered.
"Lily, I'm fading fast, so I'll have to speed up time for Mike and Sully, to allow them to get here quicker. We'll meet again someday, just know I'll never leave your side." Alessia said, her voice and figure fading.
"I have to leave now, or I may cease to exist, but there is one more thing I want you to do. Tell Aurora Borealis I am ok, and will return in the future." Alessia said before she retreated back into Lily's gem.
"Ok, mom, I'll tell her," Lily said, holding her new staff in her hands, as time went back to normal, and Mike and Sully appeared in front of her.
"So, what did we miss?" Mike said, ready for the story of a lifetime. "Guys, you are not gonna BELIEVE what just happened! So, You guys were banished, right? So, I tried to reason with Mr. Waternoose, and he got all mean and evil, so My MOTHER, Alessia stepped in, saying our souls were fused, or something, which I didn't even believe at first, but I thought, Lily, you were created from the mind of a MAGIC QUEEN, you traveled through an inter-dimensional hotel, you joined forces with three amazing, awesome people who can turn into literal DRAGONS, and are friends with talking monsters, AND, you can create dresses with your mind, so this is pretty normal for you! Anyway, Alessia gave me this staff that has special healing powers and turns evil hearts back good again and SPED UP TIME so you two could get back to us sooner, so here we are now!" Lily said, rather excitedly.
After Lily's mile a minute infodump, Waternoose replied, "How's that stick going to stop us from fulfilling our plan? Momentarily, the scream extractor will be repaired, and we will extract all of your Etherian essences! Now, if you'd excuse us, we have to get going!" Waternoose said as Megan teleported away with the villains and Boo!
"Oh, that's just PERFECT! What do we do now?" Cadenza said, fed up.
"Why are you asking ME? Aren't you the super-powerful princess in this operation?" Mike said.
"Well, I'd just assumed YOU knew what to do because you're from this realm!" Cadenza said.
Those two kept bickering back and forth until Lily stepped in. "If Megan can teleport, and the two of us are connected, I probably have the same power! Everyone, join hands! I want to try teleportation!" Lily said as everyone held hands. Lily thought about the place she most desired to be, which was wherever Boo was taken to. The group vanished into thin air, teleporting away to save Boo...
Meanwhile, the villains were preparing to take Boo's essence. "We're ready for you, Princess Megan," Waternoose said, calling the dark dreamer forward.
Waternoose powered up the machine, which began to move towards Boo. Just as it was about to take her scream, Lily, Sully, and the group appeared. Sully ran forward and, with tremendous strength, ripped the machine away from Boo, and threw it towards Randall and Waternoose! Lily, who didn't want Waternoose or Randall to get hurt, ordered Sully to stop, much to his surprise.
"Sully, stop, please don't hurt them!" Lily said, moving between the hero and the two villains. "I know they may be villains, but I can heal them, and turn them to the light! My mother Alessia had a secret plan to create a never-ending future, where every hero, anti-hero, villain, and anti-villain can live together in peace and harmony!"
Sully, who didn't understand Alessia or Lily's motives, said, "Lily, you need to let me handle these villains. I don't want them to hurt you!"
Lily tried to reason with Sully with all she had. "Listen, I know we're all different, but to save everything that we love from the villains, we must break the cycle of evil, violence, and hatred by purifying the darkness! I know, this sounds crazy, but it's all true!" Lily said, hoping she could get through to Sully.
"Ok, Lily, if you think this will work, I will let you do it," Sully said, stepping aside.
"All I want is to create a future where everyone can live together in peace and harmony, and it starts with you," Lily said, summoning her staff.
"NO! We, villains, have had enough of your dumb heroes ideas of 'peace and harmony!'" Waternoose said.
"I need to do this for all of us to survive," Lily said, her staff glowing. The two villains were enveloped in the brightest healing light. They were lifted into the air, and brought back down, fully renewed.
"What-what just happened? Where are we?" Waternoose said, before coming to his senses and remembering everything.
"I am so sorry, Princess Lillisandra for what I tried to do, I promise I didn't know what I was doing." Waternoose said.
Randall replied with, "Is there anything we could do, to you know... make it up to you?"
Lily said in reply, "Well, You can start by not beating yourself up because you're good now! Second, you can join the daydreamer team, so more villains can be purified just like you! By the way, you don't have to call me 'princess,' because I'm still just getting used to being one."
Megan, who was completely appalled by what Lily had done to her perfect plan, shouted out, "How could you? We would've won this round if you hadn't meddled in our schemes! But that doesn't matter, because MY mother gave me a staff as well!" Megan summoned a staff almost identical to Lily's, but purple. "Behold, the Ethereal pure villainy staff! It works just like yours, but in reverse!" Lily knew Megan meant! The staff could turn HEROES into VILLAINS!
"Do you really think I would let you use something like that? When will you villains learn that you're not on the right path?" Lily said to Megan.
"We'll learn when you start learning villains are much stronger than you heroes!" Megan said, making her staff glow. Lily was bathed in purple light and was given a vision of herself as a villain, but resisted, knowing what she had to do.
"TELEPORTATION!" Lily screamed at the top of her lungs, focusing all of her energy on a single goal, to teleport her, Corrin, Cadenza, Lily, Sully, and the others to one spot. When Lily was finished, she was exhausted, because she had just performed her strongest feat of magic yet. The group had been teleported to a pitch-black room and had no idea why Lily had brought them there.
"What are all we doing here? I can't steal scream energy in the dark!" Megan said.
Before she could react further, "SIMULATION TERMINATED" began to loop over and over again, as the garage door style door raised, revealing Mike, sitting at the simulation room control panel surrounded by CDA agents!
"Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I spotted several big mistakes! You know what? Let's go back and watch my favorite part again, shall we?" Mike said, turning the knob to rewind the footage.
"I can't steal scream energy in the dark!" Was heard from the screens. Oh, crud. Megan thought, as her entire plan was revealed to the wrong crowd... She quickly teleported away, taking Dio with her... One of the CDA agents approached Waternoose and Randall to arrest them, But Lily and Cadenza were quick to explain everything about the mission to turn villains good.
"Alright, we trust you, but I just want you to know, there are many villains eviler than you could ever imagine out there, so be careful." The CDA agent said to Lily.
"Ok, we'll be more careful. Oh, by the way, Aurora's supposed to give us a class on missions when we get home, so I'm excited about learning more!" Lily said, enthusiastically.
The mood in the room was warm and relieved, because, after all, thousands of children had just been saved, but there was just one more problem... "What should we do about this scream shortage? If we cast aside our old ways of scaring, the energy crisis will only get worse!" Waternoose said.
He was nervous about the future of Monstropolis, but Lily had just the solution. "Mr. Waternoose, I have an idea! When we were at Mike and Sully's place, something funny happened to Mike, and when Boo laughed, it made an energy burst so powerful that it cut the power, so making kids laugh could be our solution!" Lily said, feeling better about making kids laugh than scaring them.
"That could work!" Randall said, with an astonished expression on his face. He followed with, "Give Waternoose and I a few days, and we'll come up with some ideas for the new 'laugh floor! Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
Waternoose, who despite the calm and peaceful atmosphere, looked solemn. "There's just one more thing... Boo will have to go home because she can't just go with Lily to the Mansion of Lucidity, and her parents would probably never believe us if we asked if she could come! And, besides, the monster and human worlds still must be kept separate..."
Roz, who was also a CDA agent asked for a door shredder to be brought, and Sully replied with, "You mean we can't see her again?"
Lily was very saddened, but didn't believe in the words, 'never see again.' "Sully, don't worry, I know you'll see her again! We residents of the Mansion of Lucidity don't say, 'never see again,' because we believe anyone can meet again, no matter how far apart they are!" Lily said hopefully, with tears in her eyes.
Sully, who was inspired by the young princess's words, said, "Ok, Lily, thank you. that's a pretty good belief!" Sully felt hopeful about seeing Boo again someday, but I'm afraid after the calm came the rain, because the goodbye was still a sad one. Boo's door was found, and everyone was preparing to put her back where she belonged...
"Boo, we'll meet again, but I'm sure gonna miss you! I'll miss our time running around the house playing together, but don't worry, because I live in a big mansion, so there's lots and lots of room to run..." Lily said, barely holding back tears.
Corrin was next. "I'm gonna miss you, little dragon. I can't wait, to see you again, but you can't rush time." Corrin's regular strong exterior had melted, showing his softer side, as he let the tears flow.
Cadenza, who hadn't shed a single tear, stepped forward. "Boo, I'm gonna miss you! This has been one of the most eye-opening journies I've ever been on, and I owe it not only to Boo but also to Mike and Sully!" The reason Cadenza hadn't cried was because she was trying to keep her regal exterior, but she just couldn't do it... "I JUST CAN'T HANDLE IT! IT'S JUST TOO SAD!" Cadenza shouted, letting all of her emotions free. After composing herself, and wiping her eyes and nose on her sleeve, said, "Thank you. Now I know who I truly am because of this journey... I'll always remember you until we meet again."
Lily, who knew why Cadenza was so sad, said, "It's about time for us to leave. We're at the end of our mission plan, so this is it, Lily said. The portal home appeared, and Aurora stepped through. Lily was overjoyed to see her guardian. "AURORA! I've missed you so much!" Lily said, hugging Aurora.
"Lily, I have some news. The workers of the Multiverse Hotel missions accidentally cut your mission short by a few minutes of movie runtime, so you don't have to leave yet!" As soon as Aurora was finished talking, the mood lifted, and everyone was overjoyed.
"Well, it turns out we don't have to go home yet!" Lily said. The mood of the next few days was beautiful because the laugh floor was finally in use, and everyone was happy, even though Boo's door had been shredded.
"Ok, so that was weird! You burped out a microphone!" Lily said, exiting a door alongside Mike.
"Oh, it was nothin', I've been practicing that one for a while!" Mike said. "Oh, and I have something huge to show everyone! It's gonna make your last few days here amazing!" Mike said. He instructed the group to close their eyes, and he leads them to a small area away from the commotion.
"Ok, now, open!" Mike said. The group opened their eyes as instructed, and their jaws dropped. Boo's door had been completely restored, almost to its full working condition, with one exception. "Of course, you need every piece for it to work," Mike said. Sully, who knew exactly where the last piece of wood was. He lifted the papers on his clipboard, revealing a small piece of wood he had saved as a memory. He placed the piece back into the door, and the red light in the frame lit up, meaning it was active again. Sully slowly turned the knob and opened the creaky door.
The group poked their heads through the doorway, and Sully called Boo's name. "Kitty!" Boo was waiting for them, and the joy in the room was unmatched because they finally saw their friend again...
one day later...
"You sure you have everything?" Mike said as Lily and the group was getting ready to go home. Mike, Sully, Randall, and Mr. Waternoose were there to see them off.
"Yeah, I think... I'm really gonna miss you guys! When we gather more essence, you can come to the Mansion of Lucidity to visit us!" Lily said, saddened to leave her new friends.
"I'm gonna miss you, Mike. I'll never forget that time you sprayed disinfectant in your eye!" Corrin said, chuckling.
Even though sad goodbyes were being said, the funny memories that were shared made the mood feel as happy as a hello. The portal home appeared, and Aurora was waiting with open arms.
"Farewell for now," Lilith said, as she prepared to step through with the others.
Cadenza, who was the most broken up about leaving, ran back and group hugged the 4 monsters. "Thank you so much, I'm really, really, REALLY going to miss you! I found out a CRAZY secret that will change everything about EVERYTHING, and even though a villain revealed it to me if I wouldn't have come here, I never would've found out who I truly am." Cadenza said, with tears in her eyes. "You're welcome, Dennie! Can I call you Dennie now? It's short for cadenza!" Randall said, with Cadenza agreeing to her new nickname.
Waternoose, whose life was also changed by the mission, said,"Lily, I want to thank you for what you did for Randall and I because we would've been lost to villainy without you. I hope you purify many more dark hearts in your journey." After a few more farewells, everyone was ready to leave. The group walked forwards and stepped through the portal, appearing in the Multiverse Hotel.
Aurora, who was waiting for them to return, ran to Lily with open arms. "LILY! I've missed you so much, oh, I was so worried when you went out on your first mission!" Aurora said, hugging Lily, who was a little squished.
"Ok, Aurora, I missed you, too, but you're squeezing me too hard! I can't go on any more missions if I'm squished!" Lily said.
"Sorry, Lil, I just missed you." Aurora said.
"I've always wondered what this hotel was truly meant for, but I didn't think it was meant for something so spectacular!" Lily said, in absolute wonder.
"It's amazing, isn't it? Speaking of amazing buildings, I need to show you three where you'll be staying. You may stay in the Mansion of Lucidity for as long as you would like and create as many rooms as you want, and may use the Multiverse Hotel to travel to and from the realm of Fire Emblem." Aurora said.
"Wait, the Mansion of Lucidity? You mean 'THE' Mansion of Lucidity, as in the one Alessia created as a haven for all fictional and ethereal characters?" Cadenza exclaimed, completely dumbfounded.
"Yeah, it's the place I grew up in. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" Lily said, not knowing the legendary state of the mansion.
"WHAT? you mean you live there? When we came here, I thought the mansion was just a recreation of the exterior, no one told us it was the real deal, unlimited rooms created from your mind and all!" Cadenza said.
"I'm sorry for leading you to believe something that wasn't true, Cadenza, but I wanted to keep the true powers of the mansion a secret from you newcomers until you could prove your heroism, and that mission was proof enough. Aurora said, with a warm smile.
Corrin, who saw Lily's confusion over the small fuss Cadenza made, said, "Ever since Alessia created you 8 years ago, Lily, the Mansion of Lucidity was a myth to everyone who wasn't allowed in. You need to gain the full trust of an Etherean, like Aurora or Alessia to gain access, so I guess we're allowed in because of what we accomplished in the mission." Corrin explained.
"Lily, who was still confused about something, asked, "Why weren't you three allowed in? You're heroes, right? Lily asked, with Aurora sweating in the background. "Honestly, I don't know. We've never known the true reason why, but we may finally find out when Alessia is revived." Corrin said.
'Alright, are you three ready to see your new home?" Aurora said, followed by a spirited "YES" from Corrin, Cadenza, and Lilith.
Author's note: Well, after 3 years of re-writes, I finally finished a complete arc. It may not have been that long or detailed, but this has been by far the longest thing I've ever written and stuck with. So, the next few chapters will be a series of 'downtime' chapters, focusing on life in Haventown, and in the Mansion of Lucidity. They'll lead up to the next multiverse mission, which will be a pretty cool one and will focus on Cadenza. So, with that said, I'll see you later! Farewell! ( I'm gonna start using a synonym of goodbye after every chapter!)
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angeliana2023 · 4 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! This chapter will be part 1 of the conclusion of the Monsters Inc arc, and will create and repair new bonds! I will reveal who the true villain is in this chapter, and after Mike was taken in chapter 7, the group sets off to save him, and the entire truth of the villains' plot is revealed...
Characters introduced (Or mentioned)
Idrina (OC)
Veran (Legend of Zelda)
Chapter 8: The Truth of the Plot (Part 1)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
July 2012
"Mike!" Lily whisperer-shouted, after her friend was taken out of sight!
Footsteps were heard coming from the door, and they sounded like Randall's multiple feet... before he spotted them, the group ducked underneath a desk, trying to hide, watching the villain carry a yellow box with Mike inside. He opened the lid of a chest, which was disguised as a cart of screen canisters, and loaded the box inside, leaving with Mike...
"Ok, that just happened..." Cadenza whispered, dumbfounded.
Lilith was ready for action. "W-we need to move... now..." "I just KNEW he was bad news!" Lilith said before the bell rang.
"We need to find out where they took him, but we have to be careful about it..." Sully said, comforting a scared Boo... The group saw Randall disappear inconspicuously into the crowd, following behind, trying to keep up with him but stay hidden. After a while of weaving through hallways, they came to a dead-end, with nothing but a wall of tools. Sully began searching for Mike in the numerous scream canisters. Boo waddled over to one of the tools on the wall, and pulled it, opening the door!
"Great thinking, Boo, a secret passageway!" Lily said, eying the hidden door opening before her eyes.
"Ok. Let's go get Mike back..." Cadenza said, determined to thwart the villian's plot.
Meanwhile, in the hidden area underneath the factory, Randall Boggs has Mike Wazowski confined to a chair, ready to reveal the truth about his plot. "Mike, Mike, Mike... We were hoping we caught that Lily and the child, but I guess you'll suffice..." Randall said, grinning evilly...
"Wait, buddy, listen, LISTEN, you're takin' this scare record thing too far!" Mike said, nervously.
"The scare record? That's what you think this is all about? No, that's not what we're after anymore..."
Randall said. "THEN WHY DID YOU TAKE ME?" Mike said, exasperatedly.
"We villains are after your screams. We want to take every bit of scream energy from you heroes, but not for the good of the company, or the fame breaking the record would bring, we're after something even bigger! Your scream energy is infused with the power of the world of fiction and can be turned into Paragon Etheria essence if blessed by a member of the Etherian royal lineage. That's where Megan comes in!" Randall gestured towards Morgana's daughter.
"Yeah, all Randall has to do is use his machine and take your screams, and let me use my powers on it, and we'll have a pretty good amount of essence!" Megan said.
Those villains were getting out of hand... Randall slithered over to the scream extractor control panel and pushed the switch. The machine began lowering from above, and the mouthpiece was getting closer and closer to Mike, but it stopped abruptly!
"Oh, what's going on now?" Randall said, following the power cord to investigate.
Little did Randall know, the heroes had snuck past him to find Mike...
"Mike, where are you?" Sully whispered as the group walked down the dark, uninviting hallway.
"Lily," Rosie said. "I hoped we would meet again on better terms, not with you trying to sneak into our lair."
Lily grew cold when she heard Rosie say that. 'Our' lair! That could only mean one thing...
"Rosie... why-why would you do this? Siding with the ones who want to harm us?" Lily said, with tears threatening to form in her eyes.
"Listen, I'm doing what I have to do. These villains aren't as evil as you think..." Rosie said.
"What do you mean? Aurora always told me all villains were bad..." Lily said, wondering who to believe.
"You'll know soon enough, just know I'm doing all of this for the greater cause... Aurora isn't evil herself, but her views about villains aren't very good, because of a life-changing incident from her youth. She thinks they're all bad because an evil sorceress of shadows named Veran attacked her summer home a few years before you were born. Aurora's sister, Idrina was taken by Veran, because she possessed the power to bring her lover back to her. Veran's heart was turned bitter when a villain killed her lover, sending him spiraling into darkness, but that's a story for later... Aurora needs to understand villains aren't all bad..." Rosie said, explaining a little about Aurora's past... "Listen... I'll let this slide, but don't expect me to do it again, go in and get Mike, and leave, please," Rosie said.
"O-ok. Thank you, Rosie... I hope we meet again, on better terms!" Lily said, realizing Rosie might be on to something...
The group entered Randall's lair and found Mike waiting for them.
"Well, it's about time! Glad you found me because Randall has an evil plot to take the Etherian essence from our screams!" Mike said.
"Wait, what about Waternoose? We've gotta tell him because I don't think he's gonna like the idea of villains trying to run his factory and take essence behind his back!" Lily said.
"Well, in that case, we need to find him and tell him!" Cadenza said.
The group left the lair and ran as fast as they could through the halls of the factory, dodging CDA agents in the lobby. They finally arrived at the scare simulation room, where Waternoose was reviewing the performance of a recruit. "Mr. Waternoose! We need to t-" Corrin said before he was cut off.
"There you are! Now, I would like Sully to give us a big, loud, roar!" Mr Waternoose said.
"Mr. Waternoose, there's no time for that!" Sully said.
Mr. Waternoose reset the simulator. "Come on, just roar!" Waternoose said.
Sully caved, and let out the biggest, loudest roar he had ever roared, terrifying Boo by accident. The young girl ran out of the room, crying in fear.
"Wait, Boo! oh, this isn't good!" Lily whispered, going after the young girl.
"Boo, it's ok-" Lily tried to comfort Boo, but Sully wanted to do it himself since he was the one who made her cry in the first place.
Boo backed away from Sully and tripped on a cord, and her hood fell off, revealing herself as a human child!
"The Child!" Waternoose said before Lily chimed in.
"Mr. Waternoose, she isn't toxic! You're just misunderstood, how could someone so adorable hurt anyone?" Lily shouted.
"Boo, it's ok, it wasn't real. It was just-" Sully tried to explain, but was shocked by what his face looked like on the simulation monitors.
"Mr. Waternoose, please let us explain," Lily said. "Randall's been working secretly to steal scream energy and Etherian essence! That's the true reason we were called here, to stop him! Randall's been working underground in a secret lab, and is planning to use his scream extractor on Boo!" Lily said, fearing for her new friend's safety.
"How could this happen, oh how could this happen?" Mr. Waternoose said. "I'm so sorry about this, please allow me to send this child back to the human world, and set things right." Mr. Waternoose said, swiping a card key to summon a door.
Well, it looks like Boo's going home... I hope we see her again... Lily thought, as a door was lowered down into the station below...
Lily instantly knew something was off because this was not Boo's door...
"Mr. Waternoose, this doesn't look at all like her door!" Cadenza said, growing more suspicious by the second...
"I know, I Know," Waternoose said before Randall appeared in front of the door and opened it, revealing a cold, frozen blizzard. "It's theirs," Waternoose said, before pushing Mike and Sully into the blizzard...
Author's note: Two words. Cliff. Hanger. So, the next chapter will be the thrilling conclusion of the first Etherian mission and will include Lily's true power, and some bittersweet goodbyes... So, anyway I'll see you all next time! Bye!
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