#Eustass 'I'm a big bad pirate captain' Kid
vergina-spva · 2 years
I live for Kid being a big bad pirate, except for when it comes to Killer. Then he’s a big softie ❤
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moonydustx · 2 months
Hello Moonydustx. I hope you're well! I really like your stories, your way of writing is very pleasant to read. I loved what you wrote for Kid and Killer, I love those two men! In fact, I'm totally in love with Kid Pirates. 💖
I was wondering if you could write something with Kid 🧲 . I so need to fluff with him. I know he likes to show off that he's cruel and ruthless, but I'm SURE this bad boy is also a very big fluffy guy capable of a lot of love. He named his boat after his first love - this boy is a great sentimentalist, absolutely!
Here's my idea: reader is the newest recruit to Victoria Punk. Kid is suspicious at first, but discovers that she's a true virtuoso at the piano and that her voice is the most beautiful he's ever heard 🎹🎶. (We all know that Kid loves music.) See where I'm going with this, Moonydustx 😏😉? Kid will slowly fall in love with the new recruit, but won't understand what's happening to her at first, and it'll drive him crazy. Reader is not insensitive to the captain's charm but is very intimidated even though she respects him a lot.
If this inspires you, I'd love a lot of fluff, cute stuff. Slightly spicy, if you like. We like it spicy, let's be honest but right now I need cuddles.I hope this is understandable, English is not my first language. Thanks if you've read this far and I'll be grateful for life if you accept my challenge. 💚🥰
YES YES AND YES you are absolutely right, I really have this vision of Kid being a sweetheart.
I wish I had more time to write more and more about this story, I think it would have the potential to be something bigger, you know, something with more chapters perhaps? But I wrote more about the cute part than the spicy part in this one, I hope you like it anyway
Old ghosts
Eustass Kid x F! Reader
wanings: mention of Kid's missing arm, phantom pains, very brief mention of smut (nothing explicit). Regarding the medical and musical parts mentioned: I'm not an expert in any of them, I apologize if I make mistakes.
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Your light humming was still stuck in Kid's mind. How your dress fell down your body and your legs flailed against the counter as you hummed a song about Roger's old promise. That was the first sight of you he had.
The second was you standing a few meters away from him, waiting for an answer, while Killer acted in your place.
"She could be a good crewmate." Killer pointed out, both of them staring at your shrunken form, even though you were standing. The bloody arms. "She knows how to fight, knows how to defend herself and can still be good company for our ears."
"Hm…" a growl escaped Kid's reddened lips. "What do you know how to do?"
"Whatever you need." Your voice was firm, even if it was low. "I just need a roof over my head."
"And that blood?" He approached, taking one of your hands and bringing it up to eye level with him. "It looks fresh."
"One of the richest men in town tried to have their way with me." you pointed out, still firm in your words. "I had to kill him. Now, I know they will hunt me if I stay here."
"Right." Kid walked away, turning to Killer. "Find her a task and also a place for her to sleep."
With one last look in your direction, Kid walked away and left you in Killer's responsibilities for the day. In the following days, you barely saw Kid and when you did, he didn't have the friendliest of expressions. The man was intimidating, as were all the rumors about him.
You expected that it would take time to adapt to pirate life, that that world would be immensely cruel to your existence. But there were happy days, days when you would get together to chat and drink, days when you would spend hours fishing.
Little by little, the captain seemed to attract your attention more. He was still a thick shell to dig through, but there was a certain lovable side to him. Infamous jokes, an unshakable ego, a affection for his crewmates that wasn't noticeable to outsiders. In your eyes, being in Kid's presence was inviting, even if he would never pay attention to a new girl.
Kid was reluctant to let other members join out of nowhere, he liked to understand who would step on his ship, what their motivations were. But every justification Killer gave about you joining the crew was ignored. Not ignored, but pushed away somewhere in Kid's mind. The only thing he saw was you a little while ago, humming in a bar. Almost hypnotizing him.
In the first few days, he chose to remain watching you. It wasn't possible that the heavens had sent you there just to please his vision on dark days, you must have something to hide. As the days went by, he realized you didn't.
As the days went by, Kid felt even more mesmerized, seeing you happily doing your tasks in the distance, hearing your voice hum throughout his ship. On one of these nights, when everyone was drinking, he chose to leave early. Lying in his bed, your voice from afar guided him into a deep sleep, like he hadn't had in a long time.
You gradually became a comfort to his eyes and ears, however, for him to get closer would be like holding a delicate rose amidst so much metal debris. Something so sweet, so delicate seemed beyond his reach.
The room you shared was dark in the dead of night and your whispers and turbulent awakenings didn't seem to bother the others present. Another night, another nightmare.
With the idea of ​​refreshing your mind with some water, you didn't expect to find the crew captain, leaning on the edge of the table, his amputated arm stuck in a bucket of ice.
"What are you doing up at this hour?" Kid screamed as soon as he saw your presence in the kitchen.
"I just came to get some water." you explained, reaching for a glass and filling it. You could feel his gaze burning towards you. "Everything is fine?"
"Sure." he grunted, but soon his expression changed to something more serene. It was just the two of you, there was no reason for him to leave it out. "Since I lost this arm, sometimes I have some strange pains. It's like it's still there you know, but it's not."
"Phantom pains." you pointed out, moving a little closer to him. "They say there are many pirates and soldiers who suffer from this."
"Are they saying something about the cure too?"
"I do not think so." You smiled, even if discouraged. "But there are some methods that can help. I mean, just time really helps you deal with it, but some things can distract your mind."
"And can you help me?" his words came out almost automatically, preventing him from stopping them.
"I believe so. I don't have much experience in this, but I have an idea of ​​something that might help." still hesitant, you approached him and took out the ice bucket, placing it aside.
The touch of your hand on his amputated limb made him almost recoil, but your hand was gentle, delicate and in this way you dried the remaining water on his skin.
"Do you mind if we go to my room?" He asked and saw you nod.
The two of you walked in silence to his quarters and with only the moon illuminating the room, it was difficult for you to get caught up on the details.
"Lie down" your voice came out as a whisper and Kid promptly answered. You took the sheet spread there and covered the end of his amputated arm. "Don't look there."
It worked for you, somehow maybe it would work for him. You could feel his eyes practically burning towards you, but you still hadn't found the courage to look back at him. The feeling inside you was strange, different, and at the same time it felt good.
"Close your eyes." you asked and he just grunted, unwilling to follow your little request. "Captain…"
"Aren't you going to do anything?" seeing you agree with him, Kid closed his eyes.
The first thing he felt was your fingers running along his arm, which hadn't been injured. A light, almost imperceptible touch. Sometimes you allowed your fingers to barely touch him and sometimes you let your nails trace a firmer path. You allowed them to trace their way to the back of his neck and then back to his fingertips, intertwining and releasing them. In order to replace the awkward silence between the two of you, you began to hum a calm song, which made up the atmosphere along with the beats of the sea against the ship.
At first, Kid felt tense and still had traces of pain. But little by little the pain in the member that no longer existed seemed to disappear, being replaced by the small goosebumps that you caused on his skin. What he used to try to open his eyes and analyze you became an arduous task. Feeling your skin against his, Kid fell asleep, leaving that uncomfortable pain in the past.
After that day, you felt different. Seeing him trust you to the point of sleeping in your presence made you feel somehow be seen, even if the thought of him not wanting anything to do with you because you were a newbie still haunted you.
One of the afternoons when the ship was docked, you returned to the Victoria Punk only to find a huge piano there.
"What is that?" you let your finger run across the keys. "Is so beautiful!"
"A thanks." Kid appeared behind you, watching you sit on the bench in front of the instrument. "You helped me the other day and I remembered I saw you playing one of these at the bar, I thought you might like it."
"Serious?" you immediately jumped off the bench and hugged Kid, who was surprised and barely had time to respond to the gesture. "I loved it! Emma, ​​come see this!"
You shouted for other crewmates, who soon gathered and listened to you explain how it worked and even teach how they could play a simple song. Moving away a little, Kid watched until his first mate appeared.
"Do you still regret me convincing you to let her stay?" Killer asked.
"At no point did I say I regretted it." Kid pointed out, feeling judged by his friend.
"I know that look, Kid." Killer commented and only saw Kid staring back at him, trying to understand what he was saying. "I haven't seen that look on you in a while, but I'm glad to see it."
"What's with that look?" he asked cynically, seeing Killer start to walk away.
"Last time I saw you looking at someone like that, we chose the name of this ship."
Kid tried to push away thoughts about you after hearing that. But it was intoxicating, inevitable. It was as if your presence and voice were all he was looking for at that moment.
It didn't take many nights for the same discomfort to torment him again, just as it had done a few days ago. His footsteps almost sank the kitchen that morning as he decided whether to ask for your help or not.
“Hi,” you caught his attention, appearing like a mirage. "If you walk any further, you could sink the ship."
"That's not my intention." he pointed out, mustering up some courage. "The pain is back a-and…"
"Do you need my help?" you asked and giving up, he just nodded.
Again, the two of you walked in silence to his room and the whole process was repeated, he lay down, you hid the amputated limb.
"How did you know this would work?" he asked before your fingers even found his skin.
"A lucky guess." you replied, noticing his attentive gaze in your direction. "How can I explain? Well, I have some past problems too, especially when I'm surrounded by too many people at once. It's like suddenly everything becomes too much at once." His eyes followed your every movement, trying to get to know you even more. "That's how I discovered music. Every time I feel like I'm on the edge of that precipice, I use it to get my mind off it."
"As a distraction?"
"Exactly, as a distraction. Take me to a good place." You explained and saw him nod. "I believe that maybe touching and feeling what is still here will make you forget a little about what is not, make you go to a good place."
"It makes sense." he limited himself to saying.
"Let's start?"
Unlike what happened last time, your eyes met Kid's and this time his eyes seemed intent on you. Your hands traced gentle lines on his arm, trying to remove that pain that bothered him so much. Even looking at you, you could notice that Kid wasn't there, not mentally. He seemed focused on a thought that stunned him.
"A berri for what you're thinking." you only heard a nasal laugh come out of him.
"Are my thoughts worth that little?" he asked and you immediately denied it, a shy glow on your face.
Even though it made butterflies in your stomach just thinking about it, you couldn't deny how much you liked it when his eyes were directed at you.
"I can tell you have something on your mind." your hands moved away from him, resting in your lap. "Did I say too much? Do you want me to get out of here?"
"No… You said that helping me with this pain would be like a distraction, right? Take me to a good place" you agreed and Kid continued. "Can I propose something?"
"Of course, I want to be able to help you with that."
You watched Kid lean on his arm and sit down, just a few inches away. Analyzing your every expression, his hand touched your face and unlike every other time you had imagined, the touch was gentle. Even his calloused and trembling hand was still like a piece of the finest silk sliding across your face.
It was inevitable not to lean on his touch, not wanting to feel Kid's hand against your skin even more and it was just that sign he was waiting for.
His lips touched yours lightly, waiting for you to give in to his desire - he had no idea how much of that desire was yours too. What was just a seal of lips soon became an intimate dispute between the space in your mouth, tongues tangled as you involuntarily felt your body lean even more towards Kid.
His fingers were tangled in your hair, slowly leaving strand by strand behind, sliding down your back and pressing firmly against your waist. You knew that Kid was strong, you had been there long enough to see him fight enemies, but a surprised gasp left your lips when you saw that without any effort and with just one arm he managed to tag you - basically guide you - to get to you on his lap.
The kiss became even more heated and you could feel that in addition to the heat, the red paint on his lips had disappeared, probably mixed with your lips.
"Captain…" your low voice whispered, in a struggle to use your hands to push him away. You didn't want to, but the shred of rationality in you knew it was necessary. "Captain, I'm sorry…"
"No, no. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He moved away just enough to look at your face, your legs were still on either side of his hips, his intimacy was hard against yours, which was certainly soaked. Rationality, too early for that. You tried to hold on to that thought. "I'm sorry."
"It is alright." your cheeks burned at the way he looked at you. "I liked it, I really liked it. I just didn't want to go that far."
"Noted." he looked at you like a cute puppy that had been lost. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." your hesitant voice stated and you saw him lay down again, this time, he pulled you and placed you on top of the source of his pain, hiding the arm that no longer existed. "Captain?"
"Just stay here for a while, will you?" He asked, hesitant to hear you deny it. "I mean, if you don't want to, I won't get mad. It's just… I like your presence. I like how you're always helping someone here, or how your eyes light up when someone's telling you some of the things we've been up to. by the sea. I like the way you touch me and damn, your voice just like an angel." he whispered the last part, like it was too much for him. "Just stay here, a little longer."
"Of course captain." you whispered back and reached up, placing a light kiss on his cheek.
Nestling even more against him, your hand that used to caress his arm, got caught in his hair, in a delicate cafuné, while you whispered a song in his ear. Little by little, Kid fell asleep trapped in your arms and that night, you wouldn't insist on leaving his embrace.
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bluegalaxygirl · 2 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P20
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Family issues, abuse, Violence, Blood and finally some fluff because we all need a Eustass 'Captain' Kid hug.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part …. Next Part >
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A knock on the door makes you groan forcing your tired eyes open, it was a good idea to take a nap before Kid shows up, hopefully it will give you more strength to apologies, with a sigh you move to sit up as Killer stands from his seat next to the window, the masked man runs a reassuring hand through your hair before making his way to the door where he cracks it open to check who it is. Leaning against the headboard you let out another sigh feeling the skin on your burned legs tingle and your backache, isn't sleeping superposed to make you feel batter? Opening the door Killer gladly lets the red head in although he didn't expect his partner to bring so much, his flesh hand holds a large bokay of flowers but the white paper and big black bow is too big to see anything inside, under his arm is a small box, one he knows billings to you. "I just though… she should have it" Kid sighs moving to let the masked man take the white wooden box with a sliver lock, Reaching out his metal hand Kid hands his partner the duffle bag with your cloths and book in it, in a way it takes the blonde's heart drop, but he takes it anyway. Thoughts run through his mind wondering why the captain is giving you most of your stuff, does he think your gonna leave? Does he really think things are over this quickly? Before he can ask though Kid walks up to you his hand tightening around the bokay of flowers trying not to crush them while also trying to calm his nerves. Relief washes over you at seeing the red head again, for a while you thought he might not want to see you, you'd understand, the things you said where cruel to say the least and its clearly taken effect on the man by his blood shot and dark eyes.
Its strange seeing him so deflated, shoulders too relaxed, lips not painted, chipped red nail varnish and scruffy hair, the only thing keeping the odd stands of hair out of his eyes is the hastily put on goggles strapped to his head. Despite the way he looks a smile forms on your face, not only is he here and willing to talk, but he also brought you flowers, you can't see what they are but that doesn't matter, he honestly doesn't seem the type to get a present like this so it makes you feel extra special. Clearing his throat Kid stops in front of you his nerves getting the best of him leaving the red head's mind going blank, he went over and over in his head all morning working out what to say and how to make things right, but he can't remember any of it, with a sigh Kid lifts his eyes to finally land on your face apologies ready to leave his mouth until he spots the dark patch of purple and slight yellow on your cheek, anger and worry boils in him wondering how you got it and when, its looks fresh maybe a day old, was it after what they did yesterday? Did your parents take it out on you? Placing the flowers down on the bed he quickly reaches out to touch your cheek fear and anger overriding his nervousness allowing him to speak "Baby, what happened?" Quickly grabbing his hand you lean closer feeling the need to apologise as quickly as possible hating the look on his face "Kid, I'm so sorry" The two of you didn't mean to speak at the same time but it at least gives both of you a moment to calm down and think before speaking.
The silence between the two of you is deferring, you know he wants answers about your cheek but what's more important is apologise, to make that look on his handsome face disappear. Bringing his hand closer you hold it to your chest "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said all that stuff, i-i didn't mean it, i know how hard you've been trying" Tears well in your eyes as your grip tightens on his hand hoping and praying that he'll forgive you, Kid's eyes widen at your apology, in his mind he should be the one saying sorry, shaking his head the captain moves closer pressing his forehead to yours while squeezing your hand back "No… I'm sorry, Your right, all I've done is pick fights" Your heart sinks at the sad tone in his voice making you shake your head back, before you can protest though Kid gives you a smile while caressing your cheek and chin with his metal hand, the cold metal is soothing on your skin sending a sense of calm and safety through you "I'll try harder, i promise… But baby I' sorry, i went too far… Yesterday, i just got so angry and-" Kid grits his teeth hardly able to say it in fear of your reaction, his eyes squeeze shut not wanting to see the look of hate in your eyes at telling you how he hurt your mother. Scanning his face your heart sinks, you already know the reasons why he attacked your parents, you don't know what state their in but you know their not dead, so they did hold back. Letting go of his hand Kid lets out a shaky sigh his face twisting in pain until your arms wrap tightly around him pulling the red head into your embrace, a shocked gasp leaves his lips and his body goes stiff unsure of what to do.
Killer can't help but smile under his mask, even though you don't remember much your still their girl, the one they go to for comfort and reassurance, knowing he doesn't have to get involved now the masked man makes his way back to his chair by the window setting down the bag and box before turning back to Kid seeing his wide eyes pleading with the blonde for help. Holding back a laugh Killer's shoulders shake earning a scowl from his partner, deciding to be kind the blonde nods letting Kid know that it's ok to hug you back, relaxing into your touch he wraps his arms around you, his metal hand rubbing your back while the other runs through your hair pressing you closer while burying his face into your neck. He can't believe how much he's missed this, missed your touch, your smell, the sound of your voice, the feeling of your heart beat against his nose and how your fingers rake through his hair and into his scalp. "I don't know everything but i can guess you attacked my parents. I'm not mad surprisingly and i know there alive which means you all held back, you could have killed them so easily but you didn't, For me… You did it for me" A tear slips out of your eye at those words, it just makes it more real, these blood thirsty pirates who have made it clear they will kill your parents are holding back just for you. "Only for you baby" Kid whispers back placing a lingering kiss on your temple not wanting this moment to end, your heart flutters at the feeling, it feels so right being with them, being held like this.
Pulling away slightly you look into those amber eyes seeing that look you hate gone and a smirk on his face although there's a slight hint of redness in his cheeks as his eyes flick to your lips then back to your eyes, even though you don't want too you look away from his eyes instead looking to the bunch of flowers laying on the bed knowing if you don't then you will end up kissing him. You've only just made up so you don't want to ruin anything by diving in head first, see how things go for now and then maybe you could reconsider you stance on this feeling towards the two. "You brought flowers?" You ask getting the captain to look over at the white bokay as well, his touch leaves you, only resting his flesh arm on your shoulder while his metal one grabs the flowers as lightly as he can as to not crush them. "Ur, yea. They didn't have your favorite so i got you Tulips, Red, yellow and purple." A look of surprise covers your face as he hands you the flowers in a shy manner, his flesh hand moving off you to run the back of his head, Killer lets out a chuckle trying top hold back his laughter but failing for once at the sight of his bashful captain "Shut up, Kill" Kid growls through gritted teeth yet there's not bite to his bark, looking over the large arranged bokay in your hands you can't help the large toothy smile, your heart sores at the thoughtfulness, they may just seem like flowers but each one represents the three of you, Red of course for Kid, Yellow to match Killer's hair and your guessing the Purple represents you. "Your face is redder than your hair" Killer laughs bending over and holding his stomach trying not to laugh too loud as the red head turns redder with embarrassment but tries to make it seem like anger to save himself "I said, Shut, Up, Killer"
Leaning forwards you place a soft kiss on his burning red-hot cheek, shocking the captain enough to make him freeze "Thank you, Kid, there lovely" Clearing his throat Kid nods standing up and waving his hand "Yea, yea, don't expect me to do it again, it was only to get you to like me again" The captain shrugs portending like he doesn't care as Killer sighs placing a hand on his mask and shaking his head, hoping he hasn't just fucked things up luckily though you can't help but let out a small giggle, he's only saying this stuff out of embarrassment and as much as you would love to join in on the teasing your body and mind is too tired, plus he did something nice for you without being told too or asked, he deserves be saved from the embarrassment. Giving you a smirk Kid makes his way over to the other side of the bed lightly flicking Killer's mask with his metal fingers for laughing at him before leaning against the wall his arms crossed over his chest "Kill sorted out some stuff for you, he wanted to give it to you the other day but that nurse is… Persistent" The captain laughs still a little impressed by the young woman's ability to stand up to two big time pirates, shaking his head the masked man leans back in his chest crossing his arms over his chest and one leg over the other a little pissed off at being flicked on the mask but there also seems to be something else. "Yes, we did pack some of your stuff, we hope it'll bring back some more memories for you" The use of the word 'We' made you want to laugh again knowing Kid is too embarrassed to say he packed for you as well.
It's strange for him to be like this but you actually find it kinda cute, your snapped out of your thoughts by the blonde leaning forward the air around him changing from serious to nervousness and it makes you realize where this conversation is about to go, your ready to know what happened but your scared to find out why they did it, they found out something and it made them angry, thats all you know so far, a lot has happened in the past, lots of bad memories and events, your 18th birthday comes to mind, maybe they know what happened to make you leave, it would solidify everything for you. "But first we need to tell you what happened yesterday" Kid's shoulders tense at his partners words watching you nod and lean back into the headboard, Killer mainly does the talking telling you what happened with your parents some times the captain would join in mainly ranting through gritted teeth at the things your parents said, but then he went quiet again, not like his normal quiet more like seething quite as Killer explains what Heat found out. Your stomach churns hands clenched around the covers turning your knuckles white at the way he talks about it, like the words are venom in his mouth trying to spit them out, his hands clenches together almost shaking as his leg bounces and the muscles in his neck tenses ready to lash out at any second. Your eyes leave the blonde for a second looking to the captain a feeling of over powering energy flowing out of him, his eye's full of anger and breath hitched in his throat trying to stop himself from yelling, his flesh hand tightly grips his metal arm threatening to make the solid piece of metal buckle.
When Killer stops talking managing to relay everything to you without breaking into anger and a need to hit something you notice something floating out the corner of your eye, looking over a gasp escapes your lips seeing every piece of metal in the room floating around, some bigger pieces like the end table and bed's have what looks like purple electricity zapping in and out of it. Wait… Bed's. Your eyes widen at the realization looking down to see the bed your currently on hovering off the floor, luckily you aren't too high up but it still concerns you. "Urm… Kid" You clear your throat getting the captain and his first mate to look at where you should be, their eyes widen, the Blonde quickly standing and sending Kid a look through his mask although you can't tell what it is, while the captain pushes off the wall letting everything but your bed clatter to the floor, letting all his focus stay on the object your sitting on. "S-Shit, baby, i'm so sorry, you ok? You hurt?" The red head ask lowing your bed down as gentle as possible before rushing up to you and cupping your face, placing your hands over his you offer the red head a reassuring smile "It's ok, I'm ok, don't worry. I get angry too when i think back to everything" Those worried amber eyes turn angry again at your words remembering what he's heard so far and how there's probably more, he can't understand why your so calm about it, reassuring him when your the one that got hurt.
With a sigh you reach a hand around to the back of his head guiding his face into your shoulder slowly as to not spook him, the look in his eyes tells you his mind is spinning trying to work out his thoughts and feeling on the matter, he doesn't seem like the type of guy who would openly talk about it so you give him time to process. Looking up at Killer you can't tell what he's thinking or feeling but it doesn't matter in that moment, reaching a hand out you offer up the same affection hoping he will take it, if not for himself then for you luckily he quickly accepts stepping past your hand and kneeling on the floor the same as his captain to wrap his arms around the two of you pressing his mask into the side of your neck. As soon as your hand connects with his hair the masked man relaxes against you and you feel his hold breath release through the holes in his mask tickling your neck a little. There's more to talk about, you know they need answers to their questions but for now they allow you to hold them close, it feels so natural being like this, having the two hold you as you hold them, their scents mixing together in perfect harmony managing to calm your own pain at the memories but what pained you more was their reaction to it, you've never seen anyone get mad over what happened not even the doctor who has to reconstruct your ears. You know its not normal for an ordinary family to do the things that yours did but your family isn't ordinary, they have a reputation to uphold and you fought against that despite what would happen to you and because of that you shouldn't be upset or angry about it. Right?
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quinloki · 1 year
Tell us about your self ship! 🥰
xD ha! Sure sure, I will.
Alas, as I am a complicated human, I have a few self-ships kind of mood dependent.
Primarily, and albeit newly, I have to say my front runner is Marco. I affectionately call him my retirement blorbo, but really what I mean by that is that he's the healthiest relationship option out of all the ones I self-ship with. He's stable, even headed, romantic, low key, experienced, and he's not a *bad* guy.
Also he's canonically just fucking ADORABLE with little kids, and that melts my heart pieces even though I have no desire for having kidlets in any situation.
Secondary is easily Eustass Kid - there's just a lot there. Found family vibes are crazy strong with the Kid Pirates, imo, it's like the exiles of the exiles stumbling into one another and finding solace in all their differences. It's dark, it's messy, it's rough, and it reeks of sex - and I like that. There's no apologies in the Kid Pirates for how they live, just that they LIVE, surviving in a world that wanted them dead even before they became pirates.
It's fierce, unapologetic, ugly and beautiful and I love it. I name Eustass, but honestly I see the whole ship a kind of conspiracy theory network of polycules and connections, and I'd be 100% okay with cuddle-piling and playing with pretty much everyone and anyone on the crew. But! It would be nice to be the Captain's "favorite" I'm ngl. (Ship's mascot, with my "height" xD if I'm being honest).
I also have self-ship ideas with Crocodile and Doflamingo... and maybe at the same time ^^;;; But! I mean, similarities between them aside, 1:1 would be very different. Crocodile strikes me as someone who wants to preserve what he adores as it is. Doffy wants to corrupt and manipulate and mold without breaking.
Caught between them Crocodile would be the one helping me preserve my sense of self, and Doffy would be pulling me into all manner of debauchery. I just feel like I could - and this is almost laughable - safely be evil with the two of them. Not even that I could BLAME them for it, so much as I could sink into things without losing who I was at my core.
Granted, me at my core would be horrified to be being mean, but if there's a way to be evil and kind, I'd sort it out xD
I think that's the big three for me - ones that I've given real deep thought to. I even have a self-sona? for the One Piece world, and at some point I want to write alternative isekai style stories where my existence in the world (as one Quill) changes the story - or not - based on what I choose to do.
Imagine a world where someone tells Crocodile the future >.> and he has time to plan around it.
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Could I ask for being childhood friends with Eustass Kid and Killer? Maybe a scenario where they both meet during the Sabaody Arc ? I saw a post similar to this so I wanted to see what other people might think! Maybe they're a solo pirate too? I'll leave it up to you! Also, I love your writing aeeee!! 💞💖💞💕♥️💞💖💝💕💝♥️💖♥️♥️💝♥️💖💕💗
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· arriving at sabaody, an unexpected reunion happened between you and your two punk best friends..
⠀⠀➧ platonic fluff | eustass kid × gn!reader x killer | scenario + headcanons
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, other than swearing...! mistakes may be present though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: i want to be friends with these fuckers so bad i'm willing to k i l l for it.
and omg anon, i hope this is what you asked for! just send me another ask if it isn't and want me to change it to a separate scenario with them...! 👉👈
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A big smile formed on your face the instant your foot had finally stepped on Sabaody Archipelago—energy and excitement surging throughout your body.
“Finally I'm here after all those years of preparation, and the next step will be me, making my name on New World!” You exclaim with a grin, skipping and looking around the archipelago as your ship get coated around the corner.
“I am definitely the first one to arrive here, and will be the first one to move forward, and not those two losers, Kid and Killer, hahahaha!” You laughed, failing to notice a certain crew just beside you..
“Oi, you! Why the hell are ya callin' our captain and Killer-san a loser!?” A man shouts, stomping towards you and grasping your shoulder, holding you back.
“Heh~? Because they are!” You snickered, still taunting this certain pirate crew that you are fully aware that is Kid's.
“Hah!? You shithead, we'll beat the shit outta you!” Having their fist ready to beat you, they were interrupted by—“Hey, you bunch, don't!”
Arriving to where you're at, Killer stopped his crewmates from causing a scene with Kid behind him, a sneer plastered on his face.
“Killer-san, Capt, why? This fucker is talking shit about you two!” Only laughing, Kid then approached you, arm slinged over your shoulder while Killer stood behind you.
“Hahaha! Y/n, you're the loser here this time! We arrived here yesterday, and you arrived only a few hours ago, yeah?” Kid snickers, headlocking you with his arm, while his fist digged on your head, ruffling your hair.
kid immediately greets you with a bragging and messing with you.
“Gah, damn it! I should've departed earlier!” You grumbled, playfully punching Kid's chest as Killer flicked your ear, small laughter escaping his lips as you whined. “Ouch, Kil! That hurts!”
“You're overreacting, 'twas just a light flick. And yeah, you should have gotten your ass moving earlier, you slowpoke.” Smirking under his mask, Killer then pat your head.
the two teamed up on bullying you, since it's been a long while since they did.
well, don't blame them. they missed bullying you, and of course, they missed you.
“But it's nice to see you again after so long, Y/n.”
Smiling, you then embraced the two, shocking everyone around by the closeness displayed. “Mhm! I missed you two idiots, so I'm glad that we had this small reunion..!”
the crew was in deep shock seeing their captain and first mate being so friendly and close to someone who literally called them losers.
“Yeah..” Killer mutters, slowly wiggling himself out of your arms as Kid on the other hand was struggling, not wanting to be seen so close with you, embarrassed.... “LET ME GO, Y/N! I'LL KICK YOU TO NEW WORLD IF YOU DON'T!!” “Hahaha! Damn, still a tsun-tsun, Kid?” “Yeah, he's still a tsundere.” “AM NOT....!”
but of course, it's been so long since you three got reunited, so discomfort on bring physical is unavoidable, obvious by how kid refuses to let you hug him, and how killer falls awkward.
still, they're secretly happy to be with you again. ♡
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© butterfluffy 2022
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animegirlop · 2 years
Hello, this is my first post, I hope you will like it. And also, English is not my first language so sorry if there are some/many mistakes
Zoro, Law, and Kid X Y/N pov: meeting for the first time
Warning: little violence
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Roronoa Zoro
🍻 It was just an incident that Zoro and y/n meet each other. The Straw Hat Pirates had just arrived at the island where Y/N lived.
Y/n POV:
🍻 After a long day you decided to go out for some booze. It was a quiet night all you could hear was people chatting and the waves. Until a lot of screams filled the air. "What could that be," you said, and without thinking you started to go to where the screams came from.
🍻 It seems to be outside of the bar, it was a rare sign to see on this island. It was one pirate against four? No maybe five other pirates?
🍻 You stood behind a wall, it was getting exciting. The Man with the green hair looked so familiar, but from where?
Zoro POV:
🍻 To his surprise he had seemed to find the way to a bar. And not only that, there were a lot of pirates who recognized him. It was just as Zoro wanted, a lot of booze and a good fight.
🍻 "Oi... You just gonna stand there" Zoro could sense another person, but it wasn't a pirate it was a young lady. Zoro got distracted when he saw her, what was this feeling?
🍻 "Watch out!" She yelled at Zoro, he turned around and started to do what he loves, to cut. It was over faster than he wanted it to be.
🍻 The young lady decided to come out of hiding and walked up to Zoro. "So what would you say to some booze?" When she smiled at him, the same feeling he felt when he first saw her came back.
🍻 "I wouldn't mind some Booze, I'm Zoro" he said and opened the door. "Nice to meet you, my name is Y/n" He followed her inside, and what a great night it was.
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Trafalgar Law
Law POV:
💉The Heart Pirates were low on supplies and decided to stop by a little Island to get more. "Bepo, you come with me," the Captain said and started to walk towards the little town ahead.
💉 "I'm hungry Captain" Bepo started to whine. Law just looked at him and pointed to a store that both sold what he needed as a surgeon. It was a lot of medicine and seemed to even be some medicine he never had heard of.
💉 And to his surprise it was also a food store for healthy food. "How interesting" Law went inside the store, and Bepo went straight to where the food was. "Hello, and welcome. What would you like to eat?"
💉 "Hello, and welcome. What would you like to eat" My customer looked like a??? Polar Bear?? Or could it be a mink?
💉 I smiled but couldn't stop thinking about how soft he looked. "What would you recommend?" The Polar Bear/mink asked looking happy. I took up the menu and placed it in front of him.
💉 "Tell me, are you by any chance a Mink?" He looked at me surprised and nod in an agreement. HOW CUTE! "Well then I would say that this Smoothie right here would be good whit this menu" the mink gave me a big smile with sparkling eyes. "Give me a few minutes" I smiled and walked to the kitchen.
💉 "Here you go, eat up and enjoy" is one of the things I enjoyed the most was happy customers. "Bepo, what are you eating, it smells good," Another man says as he comes closer to the mink. What a handsome man, Bepo seems to be enjoying the food and doesn't seem to notice the man.
💉 "It's one of my recipes, A herb smoothie and a plate of rice with some fish from the blue sea. Would you like some too? It's on the house" The man looks you straight in the eyes, what a feeling. "Do you have onigiri?" You smiled and went to the kitchen. "Would you like it to be served with grilled fish?"
💉 " Yes... And you to be the chef in my pirate crew"
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Eustass Kid
💀 The marine had captured you, or they thought so. It was your plan all along to get a free ride to the new world. You knew your bounty was high so why not use it.
💀 "What a beauty, too bad she's a pirate." You could hear the conversations going on around you. It wasn't long until you had entered the new world just a little bit further.
💀 A marine stood in front of you looking down at me. "Tell me, you always know what and where we are. How could you not know this time y/n?" This question was a trick, it had to be. I looked up and gave a little smile. "I was asleep"
💀 "We are getting shot at! Get ready!" The marine went to see what was going on, you decided it was time to get out and start looting.
💀 You were out of the handcuffs and snuck your way to the treasure room. "How easy" The Marines' attention was on the fight that just happened. You opened the door, "And just who is this?"
Kid POV:
💀 "Captain! The Marines'" Killer banged at the Captain's door, Kid came out with an evil smile. He laughed loudly "You know what do to guys!" And with that, the attack began.
💀 Kid watched as his crew jumped over to the Marinefleet, he came behind them starting to use his devil fruit power. The screams from the battle and the blood on the floor were a sight to behold.
💀 "What are you guys doing here," Kid said as he lifted the body of a marine. He refused to talk. "If you're not going to talk then I have to make you"
💀 It didn't take long for the marine to speak, "We are taking a Pirate to..." And with that, he goes all silent, we bleed out. "Oh well, I found out that they have treasures here" killer said and looked at the captain.
💀 When he got to the treasure room the door was slightly open, Kid opened up, and there was another pirate. She was taking it all in bags, "And just who is this?". She turned around and locked eyes with him, a little devil's smile came from both of them. " Captain Kid" "Y/N, a beauty in real life, come with us," Kid said and gave her a hand. All she did was take his hand and become the newest crew member.
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pure-kirarin · 4 years
Eustass kid x reader
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Heyooo ! thanks for requesting @chocolate1721​  I don’t know Killer well enough to write about his personnality, so here is something about Eustass captain Kid who is one of my new favourites​
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Since you have joined the Kid pirates, you started liking early mornings. In fact, it was the only moment when you had a bit of privacy and peace. The pirates spent all night drinking and being noisy. You scrubbed your eyes and freshened up before going to the kitchen. You thought that maybe your crew mates would love it if you prepared breakfast for them. It wasn't something usual for you, in fact, you didn't want to make them used to your cooking. You wanted everyone to treat you as an equal. Being a woman in this crew wasn't always that easy. You had to assert yourself and be tougher than these men, however, little by little, they got use to you and they stopped seeing you through stereotypes. Nobody would get too close to you or even think of it since you were the captain's lover.
You started preparing the coffee while humming cheerfully, you were surprisingly in a good mood. You have never felt as free as after you have joined this crew. It became your new family. You were now singing bink's sake and swiftly shifting between the counter and the sink while preparing scrambled eggs. You didn't notice that you were being observed by a certain red-headed captain. He stood still by the frame of the door, his amused eyes on your silhouette, twitching and singing. When you caught his sight, your cheeks turned rose colored and your voice died in your throat ;
-C-captain ! You said, holding a wooden spoon in front of your face in a stupid attempt to hide your embarrassment.
-Why did you stop ? He says with a smirk. You seem like you're in a good mood this morning.
You mumbled  a bit then gave him a big smile. You walked towards him and held his big hands in yours.
I- won't stop only if you join !
-(Y/N) ? Wait what – he growled.
You ignored him and started turning around while singing in a child-like manner. He smiled a bit but let himself being carried away by you. Since you joined his crew, everything was a bit more cheerful and fun. It was comical to see, you, so tall in comparison, and his big frame almost hiding yours.
-Jeez, you're such a bad dancer ! You laugh.
-You bet, lemme show you something I'm better at. He says, throwing you over his shoulder and walking towards his cabin
-EUSTASS CAPTAIN KID ! S-top already !
-You deserved this. It's your fault for looking so damn cute first thing in the morning.
-You'll really kill me one day...
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 9
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@starlightbydaybright hat gefragt:
Hello! Saw you were taking match-ups and I was wondering if I could request one. Only done one before for another fandom, and I was wondering who I’d align with for One Piece ^^
I'm an INFP and generally an introvert, finding it difficult to express myself when I'm around people I'm unfamiliar with or just not close to. I can be both quiet and shy; quiet when I have no interest in making good impression on that person (a stranger I'll see once and never again) and shy when I'm genuinely trying to make myself acceptable to them. But, I do trust easily, so it's not hard to get close enough with me that I'll open up about almost everything, so long as they understand have my boundaries (that'll shift depending on how close). I'm also very affectionate with people I'm close with, particularly through physical touch, since I've been pretty touch starved. If you're close friends with me, you can find me constantly looking for a hug, but I can respect boundaries since not everyone enjoys contact.
The situation would be a bit different romance wise, since I’d revert a bit back to my introverted side, but also very affection-seeking at the same time. I say affection seeking as in I’d crave time and activities spent together with them, but I’d be afraid to ask/initiate, at least during the early beginnings of the relationship. I’d be constantly seeking affirmation of their love, and since I’ve never been in a relationship before (but desperately wanted one), they’d be constantly receiving my love too ❤️
While being an introvert in reality, I find it much easier to speak with confidence online. as I actually have time to contemplate what I can say. It's when I'm either with close friends or on the internet, that I can go on passionate endless rants or show my passive aggressive side. I'm usually pacifist, but if something irks me enough, I can and will pitch in snide/sarcastic remark or two, or if it's more serious; I will write out whole sophisticated and well worded paragraph that'd sound all polite with a hidden snarky tone.
I'm pretty much a hopeless romantic, so there's lot of couple things I want to try when I find someone. Back hugs, bridal carry, tickle fights, you name it. While I do enjoy these displays of affection (comes with the happy kind of embarrassment aka. I feel embarrassed that others sees it but I’m happy because I know they’re not doing it out of maliciousness and because they truly love me), small gestures are appreciated too; a gentle squeeze of the hand, a passing smile, etc.
As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, writing, (occasionally) drawing, but most of all; probably singing. I enjoy a wide variety of songs, depending on what mood I'm in, but I particularly like songs about love. Looking for someone to sing the duet love songs with me, doesn't matter how good or bad they are at singing. They can be tone deaf for all I care, it's the thought that matters 😊
I'm very emotionally sensitive, and can both laugh and cry easily. A random stranger online wished me good day? I'll be in good mood for awhile. Watched a 'mildly' sad movie? (Extra emphasis on mildly) I better have new box of tissue on the side just in case. It'd be nice to have someone that can either comfort me or at least tolerate my emotions, so I wouldn't be irking them 😞
I don't really have a type when looking for significant other but being an INFP does make the romance thing complicated. It'd be nice to have someone that's far along on the extroverted side (just not happy go lucky and can be serious) since, despite being introverted, I like to experience new things. I'm just too afraid to try alone and prefer it if someone else recommends it first. Someone to prompt me and nudge me to do something, but won’t take it too far if I really looked uncomfortable. (I’m also a procrastinator so they gotta find out the right ratio between pushing vs. taking it too far 😅) In relationship, I'd value trust and loyalty the most, since both are important in keeping the healthy relationship. If both sides could equally trust and be trusted, then there wouldn't be place for insecurity or fear. This ties in with another part of me being an INFP; I want a relationship that lasts forever. While it's weird to decide how long lasting the love will be early in the relationship, I don't think I can fully commit myself to someone, knowing that it'll end (through the other side falling out of love with me, finding interest in someone else, etc.) (natural causes like death are fine, even though I will still be sad 🥲)
As for appearance, I’m a 5”4 female with slightly wavy black hair that reach nearly to my waist. I don’t think I’m particularly short, but then again, every anime character seems to be straight up giants XD (Man, I was born with the wrong genes) I’m overall very plain, with black hair, brown eyes, but I’ve always been told I had pretty long eyelashes and big bright eyes. Average weight for my height, and flat chested :’)
As for the preference for gender, I’m mainly attracted to guys. I had some (very few) crushes on a small selection of female anime characters, but that were very rare, like 3, compared to my (insert large number) male crushes
Thank you in advance and sorry for how long this is 😔
P.s. I feel like I need to emphasize I’m still an introvert, since the personality I described is only limited to my very small friend group
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Hey there? How are you doing? Thank you so much for requesting. First off I should be apologizing for making you wait so long. I hope you´re not mad at me but lately there is a lot happening in my life. In my private life but also in my college life. But let´s put that aside and get to your request.
I have to thank you for the detailed info about you because that helped me to choose a match up for you so much. Like I instantly could think of someone. Not only did it help me to match you up with someone but also to come up with a plot. So I came up with this little imagine/hedcanon… I really don´t know what to call my work for the imaginies so I go with work. XD Anyways I really don´t know what to do at this point. Your request and your personality gave me such a good idea for a plot that I tried my best to keep it short because I decided to turn this request and my ideas and thoughts that are flying around in my mind to an actual FANFICTION! AHHHHHHHH. I can´t stop thinking about it. The idea sounds so damn good in my head that it makes me smile like an idiot right now! Uff I can´t wait to find time writing it down. AHAHH, but I fear that I already gave aways so much with this!!!! *pouts Doesn´t matter I´ll do it anyways. AHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you so damn much for requesting!
Anyways! Back to my work now. If there is anything that bothers you or you simply hate please make sure to tell me so I can change it and give you whatever you´d like. Other than that happy reading my dear!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: I sadly don't know. Please tell me of you know so I can give credits. Thank you in advance. !!!
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· I decided to pair you up with KILLER
· Like am I the only person that thinks that he is not getting the screen time and appreciation he deserves? Because that is the damn case! ODA GIVE THIS MAN THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION HE DESERVES. And while we´re at it I wouldn´t mind if I would get a bit more of Eustass Kid too… Thank you in advance. <3
· But that’s not the point. Please dear requesting beautiful human being give this man and me, your hopelessly dreamy author a chance. Thank you, I really appreciate. <3
· aNyWaYssssS.
· “y/n? Are you still awake?”, asked the blond man softly. “No worries I won´t make you carry me to bed again.”, you said with a giggle. You couldn´t see his face but you knew that he was smiling. “I don´t mind that you know? I like having you close to me without having to fear to see you hid under the blanket for who knows how long.”, you rolled you eyes and hit his arms. “That only happened because that idiot captain of yours annoyed the hell out of me. That was embarrassing Killer.”, you slowly put one leg over the railing and then the next one. Making sure you don´t fall down the ship. “What happened? Didn´t you drag me out our cabin to watch the stars?”, asked the muscular man who held you close to him while making sure you didn´t fell. “I did but now I´d like to look at something different. Something even more beautiful. Something that gives me warmth and happiness. Something that keeps me alive and always makes sure I am doing fine.”, talking to the blond pirate while sitting at the railing was one of the rare moments you were close to an eye level with him. “You mean my mask?”, asked the man with a tiled head that got you to roll your eyes and hit his chest. “Great you destroyed the sweet moment. I hate you. Make a step back so I can get down. I want to go back to bed and drown in regret of dating you.”, you tried to push him away but he was obviously stronger and threw you over his shoulder. “Of course you hate me. That was also the exact same thing you were moaning a while ago. Let´s go back to bed nerd.”
· As sweet and loving your relationship was now with the pirate it also started like that. Wanna know how? Alright let me get comfortable in my bed and get started. Story TIIMMMEEEE!!!
· An island well known for their universities and scientist. An island full of top ranked doctors.
· Physics, chemistry, biology, astrology was well thaught in the schools of the island. An island well known around the world. An island ruled by a powerful devil fruit user.
· An island in which every civilian had a talent in another field. And you? You sadly had an impressive talent for languages.
· Why sadly you wonder? Well the amount of times you had to run for your dear life because some pirates could come and kidnap you and make you read the poneglyphs is immense.
· Once even the infamous Red haired Shanks came and asked you with the hope to have someone who could read them. But sadly you couldn´t. You told him that you were done with pirates coming for you or your best friends. You regretted learning all of that and hated yourself for that. Shanks and Beckman to whom your were talking to really felt bad for you and claimed the island as their territory after they had a chat with ruler and made a deal.
· That was that saved you and your friends for years and made you happy. You were thankful to the red hair pirates and always treated them with meals and drinks when they came visiting the island. You were happy for 5 years. 5 years until these stupid reckless pirates came.
· And now? Now you hated yourself all over again
· You knew that not every pirate was like the red hair pirates. Nice and respectful. They didn´t kill innocent people and destroyed civilizations only to get some gold and diamonds. But these? These were horrible. Cold and cruel.
· “Someone make this btch talk otherwise I´ll do it by cutting her into pieces only stropping when IT actually starts to answer my god damn questions!”, screamed a tall and guy with red hair.
· You were scared. Tied on a mast on their ship, you feared for your life. Screaming for help was not an option since you were already on the sea since a while now.
· The man that was yelling at you none stop was now holding a blond man with a mask at his collar and growling at him. The man might have a mask on but you somehow had the feeling that he was talking to the man with the red fur coat. “Clear the deck! NOW!!”; yelled the man before he left inside the ship. Slowly every man on deck was leaving you alone. You wanted to ask them were or why the left but you knew that they wouldn´t give you an answer. You were a prisoner. A captive. A pathetic human they took on board. With the last pirate leaving you behind, a door that was located behind the mast you were tied on closed while the need to cry grew inside of you. How long am I here by now? One hour? Two or three? Was anyone missing me back at home? Were they already looking for me? Thoughts that occupied your mind were blurring your vision. You were looking right in front of you but also not. Your eyes were wide open but your vision was back at home. Home were you belonged.
· “Hey. Hey can you hear me? Hey you alright, woman? Hello?”, a man was squatting in front of you and waving with his hands in front of your face. You were deeply lost in your thoughts that you neither heard him coming nor saw him sitting right in front of you.
· But the moment he touched you tight you screamed and got back to reality. “Please don´t touch me. Please don´t hurt me. Please I beg you. Please.”, fear was written all over your face. You saw yourself death with a huge puddle of your blood. “Alright I won´t touch you. It´s just that I´ve been sitting in front of you for 5 minutes now and the only thing you did was breath and say no. Anyways here is something to drink. You´ve been her for four hours now. Half of the time unconscious and the other one either basically mute or in a trance.”, the guy in front of you was the same one who got the mad man to leave and clear the deck. It made you wonder who he was that he had such a power but you didn´t dare to ask. “Here I hold it for you and you drink.”, the glass was put on your lips and you drank. You didn´t knew how thirsty you were until your lungs were wetted by the water. Finished drinking he put a blanket over your legs since the position your were in didn´t allow you to cover yourself properly. And the fact that you were wearing a dress wasn´t helping at all.
· “Alright. You had something to drink I got you a blanket now tell me are you able to talk to me and answer my questions?”, you nodded. “Good. Now listen to me. There is this language that is called Krisanasy. As far as I know there is a tiny amount of people who are able to speak that and you are one of these. Am I right?”, you nodded. “How well are you in it?”, you gulped and looked at the man with the mask “I know the most important basics. I remember basic grammar rules and a good amount of vocabulary but I´m not that good in it. I didn´t worked with anything that included this language since years now.”, the masked man nodded and fully sat down now. “Would you be able to get back in it if you had some books and scripts to work with?”, slowly you understood where this was supposed to lead. You knew that if you said yes they would keep you as their prisoner and make your work for them. And if they had everything they would kill you because there would be no more use for you. But if you said no now and refused to talk to him he would probably also kill you. You were in a dilemma. You didn´t wanted to die but also didn´t wanted to die after you helped them. They were criminals. Feared and hated by the government and any human around the world. You looked down on your lap and let your head fall forward so your long black hair covered your face. “Hey I asked you something. Would you be able to do that?”, his voice was deep and rough but in the same time soft and gentle. That irritated you. it make you realize that him being nice to you now was just a way to get under your skin and make you do whatever they wanted. And then they simply would kill you in the most brutal and cruel way. “Hey, woman. Are you listening?”, you felt helpless. “I don´t want to die. Please let me go. Please. I beg you. Please.”, tears were streaming down you cheeks you couldn´t hold back anymore. He came closer and lifted you face. “Listen here you are a smart woman. Stop crying for fcks sake. If I would be you I would have made these pirates work for me. Use your damn brain and stop crying. Do you really think anyone in here would kill you? Heck no! They need your help. They need your brain because all of them are basically stupid. Like damn I need you to answer all of my questions before my captain with anger issues comes and beats the sht out of me. Now answer me woman. Are you able to get back in it if we got you some scripts to work on?”, you nodded while more tears streamed down you cheeks. You felt pathetic. You felt worthless and used. Helping them would turn you into a criminal too and ruin everything you worked on. Everything the emperor did for you and the island would be wasted. “See wasn’t that hard to answer.”
· The questioning went on for a while you didn´t know for how long but you knew that a long time passed since the sun stared to set. “Alright. Now I give you two options. One, stay here. Tied up on the mast no matter what kind of weather we face. Two you swear to obey me no matter what kind of order I give you and you will be able to sleep on a bed. You will get food and tomorrow you will start working on the scripts we give you. You choose.”, with your head hung lowly you said number two and instantly got released from the chains and handcuffs. He helped you stand up and covered you in the blanket before he led you into his cabin. “Wait here. Sit there and don´t do anything stupid as long as I´m not here. If you do anything stupid I won´t be able to help you. Got it?”, he didn´t even wait until you answered or gave any reaction he simply left and closed the door after him. So you waited while sitting with a lowly hung head. Minutes passed and he came back. “Your clothes are dirty. The bathroom is empty so you can take a bath or shower. Anything you want but I´ll be in the room with you. Because of one I have to make sure no one is coming in and secondly to watch over you and make sure you don´t do anything stupid. Got it. Fine. Take this towel and these clothes. We don´t have any female crewmates so you have to be wearing with my clothes until we dock on another island and you get to buy clothes.”
· The man with the mask took care of you for the rest of the day. He took you to shower and gave you fresh clothes. You had dinner with him alone in the kitchen when no one was around and got back to sleep. And no matter what you did he made sure to keep a respectful distance towards you. Whenever he had to come closer or touch you to take care of your wounds he would warn you. The day kept going like that. Nothing else was said about the following days and the thing they wanted you for. Only necessary things were said that were needed at the moment. And you only gave short replays or only answered with a head movement.
· Slowly the day passed by and the night took over with the moon putting the world alight. You were back in his cabin with him sitting on an armchair and you lying in bed sleeping with one hand tied up on the bed.
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