#After a day of big bad pirating Kid needs cuddles from Killer
vergina-spva · 2 years
I live for Kid being a big bad pirate, except for when it comes to Killer. Then he’s a big softie ❤
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silvers-d-me · 2 years
Dating/Living with Eustass Captain Kid
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-Hope you like metal in your metal. And your hair, your bed, your pocket, sometimes in your soup. This man sheds bits and flakes of metal like big dogs shed hair.
-Your lipstick? Nah that's his. Doesn't matter that he pried open your locked makeup kit. He likes it, it's his. Finders keepers bitch welcome to being a pirate
-Will straight up throw a giant man-tantrum when you do the same to his belongings. Please do this often, this toddler bullshit needs to be handled and Killer is So Tired(tm)
-Speaking of Killer congrats on the 2 for 1 special! Here is your very own Massacre Soldier. Turns out he's pretty intelligent and chill. Kid is happy the two of you get along well. He's not happy when you two collaborate on reining in his terrible ideas.
-Kid is rough and reckless and passionate. Kiss With a Fist is his favorite love song. You both walk out of your shared room looking like you've survived a midnight attack. Torn clothes, bruises, scrapes, teeth marks, limping a little. Also with disgustingly satisfied matching smirks
-Some of that is to conceal that Kid can be very sweet, almost tender to his long-time partner. . Cuddles against his massive chest, dexterous fingers playing with your hair. Husky ramblings about everything and nothing as he holds you gathered in close. This boy adores you and the fact you can reach his heart behind all its barbed wire guard amazes him constantly.
-Hope you have the patience of a saint or a temper to rival Kid's own. On a good day he can be brusque and dismissive if his thoughts are occupied. On bad days his yelling turns from just loud noises to downright insulting. He throws things up to and including weapons at anyone and everyone.
-Boy was his ass surprised when you picked up the heavy chunk of debris he'd thrown at you and hurled it right back with 'FUCK YOU EUSTASS JACKASS KID!' So surprised he didn't block or catch it and now he's very proud of your contribution to the scar on his eyebrow.
-He's more careful not to throw things directly at you since you can and do throw back. His baby, he so proud uwu.
-Enjoy shopping trips/pillaging expeditions with Kid and the crew. It takes a lot of upkeep for their Look(TM). Find him dragging you to the Grandline equivalent of a Hot Topic (Hot Tropic?) every time you find one. Please help pick out hair dye, nail polish, makeup, which shirts to artfully tear, which arrangements of spikes are the most badass. Dress to match Kid and he may very well make you the world's most punk wedding ring to propose. It probably has a knife or shoots a tiny fireball or something sick ass.
-Kid enjoys watching you kicking ass in fights. He never overprotects or hovers. He trusts you to take care of business and if you need help, he trusts you to holler. If you do get in trouble or, sea gods forfend, hurt, nothing will be left of the bastard that Dared. There might be nothing left in a mile of the unlucky fucker.
-After battles you take turns bullying each other into cleaning up and tending injuries. Kid bitches the whole time but it's not very serious. More like a mad parrot mumbling to itself when it doesn't want to go to bed. Never tell this man that when he starts ranting, in your mind he turns into a cockatoo with a bright red crest squawking along.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Fireworks - Kid x Reader
One Piece of summer challenge - week 7
part of the challenge hosted by @doctorgerth​ & @laws-yellow-submarine​ I’m attempting all 11 weeks, 11 different prompts and 11 different characters! This was actually my very very first idea for the challenge, but I saved it for somewhere midway to keep myself just that little bit extra motivated to make myself stick through the entirety of the challenge. We all deserve some soft Kid and I am here to serve! Enjoy! 
Prompt: Fireworks - Character: Eustass Kid - Word count: 1.5k 
as usual with Eustass, there’s swearing involved. 
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“But there’s gonna be fireworks!” “I don’t care if even the goddamn king of the pirates was there himself, we cannot make this stop y/n. And we will not make it. Period. Now get the fuck out, don’t you have something better to do than nag my head off?” 
You felt your bottom lip quiver as you wordlessly left Kid’s workshop. After over a year of being together with him, you should’ve known better than to barge into his workshop after he was already in a bad mood. Some petty fight at breakfast that did not even involve you had made him slam doors and retreat to his little safe space on board. The only ones that could come in when he was in such a mood, were Killer and you. 
You had gone in with the intention to de-escalate, calm him down a little, and that worked out pretty well, until you had used the wrong tactic. You had proposed docking at a nearby island. The newspaper had announced there would be a big fireworks show for some kind of holiday, and you really wanted to go, disguising your ask as a proposal to blow off some steam and do something ‘fun’ with the crew.
Kid had immediately said no, saying that the crew did not deserve any break for their poor performances last stop, and that it was only a week since you left that last island. There was no reason to stop, you still had plenty of supplies. Changing course and stopping needlessly was just messing with his plans and he would have none of that. You kept on pressing on, and it became increasingly clear that you really just wanted to do something with him, but for some reason that had set him off even more. Yelling ensued, and eventually he had kicked you out of the workplace, leaving you to stand outside the door, fighting back tears. 
It was not like you guys barely fought. With a boyfriend with such explosive temper, fights were inevitable, and you were usually quite good at defusing the situation or letting off steam by engaging in a good old shouting match until Killer came along the tell you both to quit it. 
You were just so disheartened right now, it could’ve been such a great opportunity to hang out with your boyfriend, maybe scare away some unsuspecting civilians. He liked blowing things up occasionally, and you had wrongfully connected that to maybe him liking fireworks. And maybe he did like them, but just didn’t want to hang out with you for now. That last option made you feel even worse. 
You walked back to your cabin, the crew passing you on the way knowing better than to disturb you after a fight with Kid. The big difference now was that you weren’t even angry. You were just sad. You were not one to get overly emotional, Kid hated it when you cried, and not for the reason most boyfriends would hate seeing their girl cry, he just thought it annoying. So you locked yourself up in your room for a couple of hours, cried your heart out and you were back on your way. 
A good cry cleansed your body and soul, and even though the situation was far from fixed, you could at least find some energy to last until the next time you saw Kid. You weren’t really sure how to feel about the whole relationship as of now, but you would try to talk it out. After all, it’s not like you didn’t know you started a relationship with possibly the most difficult man on sea. 
He did not show up for dinner, and when Killer offered to go bring him a plate on your behalf, you thanked him, but proposed you’d do it yourself. You wanted to talk it out. You were not really sure what you wanted to accomplish by talking, but you really just wanted something. Let him know that you did not want to nag him, but also let him know you wanted to do something, anything together. 
You knocked on the door to announce your entrance, and then came in, carefully carrying the plate so no food would be spilled.  “Have you come to nag again?” Kid didn’t even turn to face you, too busy tinkering with whatever mechanics you did not understand to begin with.  “No, I just...”, you put the plate down next to him, in a spot where none of his supplies were, “I wanted to apologize. I shouldn’t have pushed you... but babe, it’s been weeks since we did something fun. I get that you don’t want to please the crew for what they pulled on the last island... but I’m not just a crew member. I am also your girlfriend and i’d love for you to spend some time with me. And looking at some stupid fireworks was my plan. But anything goes really. I shouldn’t have hidden it under some crew bonding. I just want it to be you and me.” 
He stood up from his workbench, towering over you, you stepped back a little, just cause you had been standing so close behind him to start with.  “You should’ve told me so doll”  “I know I know....” You sighed deeply. “We’re still not going to that stupid island. It’s too late anyway.”  You nodded.  “But I guess if you find some other dumb activity to do for us, you can tell me. None of that sappy family-crew-bonding bullshit okay? If you want a date, you tell me.”  You smiled in response, giving him a quick peck on the lips to say goodbye, so he could eat and focus on his project again.  “Maybe we can get some stargazing done? Not tonight, but just... some night. No crew needed, no stops on a strange islands, just you and I and the sky, and nothing else special.”   He grunted in response, which you took as a yes, and you walked out of the workshop, a weight of your shoulders now that was resolved. 
That night you were sleeping alone, not cause Kid was still mad, but it actually happened quite often that once he got busy in his workshop, and worked there all night, or at least most of the night. You were used to it, knowing you would wake up in his arms anyway. You were about to drift away when you heard the familiar footsteps in the hallway leading up to his cabin. 
You shifted a little, making yourself more comfortable, preparing for some lazy cuddles. Usually Kid was pretty quiet - or at least attempted to be quiet when he noticed you were already sleeping -, so you nearly jumped when he slammed open the door and called out your name.  “Kid, what the fuck?”  “Come out, stargazing”  You were confused, sleepy and a little pissed at the sudden wake-up call, not even registering what he said.  “Stargazing?” “Yes, dumbass, that’s what you wanted right? The sky is clear now, bring the blanket. It’s a little cold and I don’t want you nagging for my coat.” 
You crawled out of the bed, blanket wrapped around you and followed Kid through the hallways onto the deck of the Victoria Punk. He sat you down on a certain spot, mumbling something about it being the best view and you looked up. There were actually not that much stars visible and you frowned a little.  “Kid... are you sure this is the best time to-”  “Just shut up for a second y/n”  He didn’t sound angry or agitated and you did as he said as he sat next to you and wrapped an arm around you.  
You jumped, Kid chuckled. Before you could ask him what the fuck that sudden explosion was, you noticed a sea of sparkles lighting up the sky and you stared at them, mouth wide open with amazement. The first explosion was followed by man others, fireworks lighting up the sky in all kinds of different colors, formations, even some shapes. You were completely stunned by the view, seeing your boyfriend grin from the corner of your eye.  “Is this what you had in mind?”  You couldn’t help but smile like an idiot.  “It’s even better. These are beautiful” You leaned up to kiss him, and cuddled even closer, pulling back and focusing on the beautiful fireworks again. They kept on coming, he must’ve spent nearly all day on it. That very idea warmed your heart. He probably was working on them as you went to bring him his dinner. It was his way of saying sorry, without actually saying it out loud.  “Hey captain?”  He looked at you skeptically, as he always did when you used that nickname outside of the bedroom. You liked using it here and there just to keep him on his toes. “I love you” He grinned proudly in response, pulling you in for another, longer and deeper kiss, pouring in the love from his side, fireworks still going of in the background. This was so much more intimate, so much better than any festival you could imagine. 
He could definitely be a handful, but you wouldn’t trade him for anyone. He cared in his own special way, and for you, that was more than enough. 
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sir-crocodile-smile · 4 years
I promise, last set of questions for the Punching Bag, if it's alright with you please ignore this if it's too much, oh and please rest up since I've been continuously asking you this, I'm sorry and thank you! :3
If Kid did found out before they broke up, what do you think he'll do?
Killer is a smart fellow, didn't he realize what his ex s/o does to him is wrong?
If that topic wasn't known to the crew and his ex s/o was still in the ship when reader finally arrived and get together with him, what do you think will happen?
How did the break up go with ex s/o? More shouting and punching and blaming Killer??
When reader finally confronted Killer about his past in your fic, did it finally dawn on Killer that 'Yeah.. that was more messed up than whatever Kid throws up in the toilet..'?
What mindset was in Killer's mind when he was with his ex is it a) they're weaker than I am so I should just let them hit me or b) I deserve it, it's my fault or c) if I don't let them hit me they'll think I don't love them and they'll break up with me
Thank you again! 💖💖 And I hope Killer's abusive ex trip down and scrape their knee :3
Hi again! I don’t mind it! In fact, you can message me privately to talk more if you want. These answers got pretty long so bear with me! As always, Potentially triggering stuff goes under the cut. If you’re not into angst, please scroll on by, I promise I won’t be upset if you don’t read this.
It broke my heart writing these because I love Killer so much... I’m so sorry bby!!
TW: Domestic abuse, mental/emotional abuse, angst, be prepared to be so sad for Killer
If Kid did found out before they broke up, what do you think he'll do?
Like I said, mans snaps. He would want to murder Killer’s s/o, and he would need a lot of convincing in order to not immediately resort to violence. If he manages to be calmed down, it would be because Heat and Wire are there and volunteer to help because they care about Killer too. Kid doesn’t deal with feelings well, so he would need some help in figuring out how to approach the situation with Killer. Likely, Heat and Wire would be assigned to have a sort of intervention with Killer to talk about what’s been going on and help him. Kid would definitely corner Killer’s abusive s/o and say “I know what you did to Killer. Get the hell off my ship and never return, or I’ll make you wish you were never born.”
Killer is a smart fellow, didn't he realize what his ex s/o does to him is wrong?
A person’s intelligence has nothing to do with it. I can’t stress that enough. Abusive relationships don’t start with violence, and abusers don’t walk around with neon signs over their heads to let people know they’re an asshole. Abusive relationships start like any relationship, and slowly become abusive over time. It can be hard for anyone to recognise early warning signs, no matter how smart they are. 
Abuse doesn’t start out as physical, it starts as mental/emotional and slowly morphs into something physical. Killer has a lot of insecurities and probably wouldn’t think he’s worthy of his s/o’s love in the first place, so it’s not a far reach to twist that self-loathing into a cage that traps him in an abusive situation. I also think that Killer, who didn’t have a loving childhood, is someone who desperately craves love and affection, even if it’s a crumb. So by the time Killer was first hit by his ex, he probably thought he was so lucky to be “loved” that it was easy to forgive a singular outburst of anger. Then it became a pattern, and he got used to it. He’d do anything for his s/o, for their “love”, so what’s a couple bruises? He’s a big, tough guy. He can take it. (my god, this is breaking my heart… ;-; my sweet pasta boy, ily bby)
If that topic wasn't known to the crew and his ex s/o was still in the ship when reader finally arrived and get together with him, what do you think will happen?
I honestly don’t think his ex would stay with the crew after they break up because that’s a death sentence. If Killer tells anyone what happened, the whole crew will be out for blood and Killer’s ex would be lucky to die quickly. Like, not even divine intervention could save their ass from the wrath of the Kid Pirates. Plus, being Killer’s ex on the Victoria Punk is the definition of a hostile work environment. Killer would be crushed after the breakup, even if he initiated it, and that turns his ex into Eustass Kid’s number one enemy. He would make their life a living hell even if he didn’t know the full extent of what happened. 
How did the break up go with ex s/o? More shouting and punching and blaming Killer??
If Killer initiated the breakup, it would be because his self-loathing took hold and convinced him that his ex deserved better than him. He would push them away even though it broke his heart to do it. This would definitely get Kid’s attention, and he’d want to know what was going on. Kid would definitely confront the ex about it, like “What did you do to him? What did you say? I’ve never heard him talk so badly about himself, how dare you do this to him!” If the ex just decides to leave, Kid won’t waste any energy on the ex and will try to help Killer (with Heat and Wire’s help, of course). And if the truth comes out… it’s murder time. 
If the s/o initiated the breakup, I think it would be because they are interested in someone else or got tired of traveling with the Kid Pirates. They’re not a good person, so they’d probably just pack up and leave, not saying goodbye but leaving a breakup letter for Killer. This would shatter the man. He always felt like he was never good enough for them, and now this was proof. Thank goodness he has his crewmates to help him through it, because he needs it.
When reader finally confronted Killer about his past in your fic, did it finally dawn on Killer that 'Yeah.. that was more messed up than whatever Kid throws up in the toilet..'?
I think Killer knows that his ex was shit, but didn’t really realize they were abusive until after the interaction in “Punching Bag”. At first he doesn’t understand why he was so emotionally compromised after the reader told him that they would never hit him. He’s overwhelmed and confused as painful memories flood back to him, and he needs some time to sort through things before he can talk about it. Eventually I think he would have a breakdown where he confesses what happened in his last relationship because he realizes now how badly he was treated by his ex, and it hurts him so much because they took advantage of his trust and love. He convinced himself that things weren’t as bad as they seemed to try to cope, but he can see things clearly now that he’s in a good relationship. There will be a lot of long nights where he needs comfort as the healing process begins. He needs reassurance that you don’t think any less of him for what he went through, reassurance that he didn’t deserve to be treated that way, and that you really meant it when you said you’d never hurt him. Lots of cuddles, gentle kisses on his forehead, and combing your fingers through his hair to calm him down when things get really hard for him.
What mindset was in Killer's mind when he was with his ex is it a) they're weaker than I am so I should just let them hit me or b) I deserve it, it's my fault or c) if I don't let them hit me they'll think I don't love them and they'll break up with me
Ah, this will truly break my heart. It’s a little bit of all three, and some extra sadness. He’s strong, so he thought he could take anything his ex dished out. He also would blame himself for whatever made his ex angry because he already feels unworthy of their “love”. Additionally, he felt that no one but his ex could ever love him and was so afraid that they’d leave him that he put up with pretty much anything.
Here’s an example of poor Killer’s thought process during that dark time: “It’s not a big deal, just a black eye. I wouldn’t be a pirate if I couldn’t take a couple hits. They just get angry sometimes, but that’s because they care. If they didn’t care, they wouldn’t get so upset that I’m such a fuck-up. God, I’m such a fuck-up, why do they even love me? I can’t even show people my face because I’m a freak, and they love me anyway. What’s wrong with me? Why do I always test their patience like this? I’ll do anything to make it up to them. I’ll be their punching bag, I don’t care. I can take it. I deserve it anyway.”
And now I’m going to cry about this headcanon all day, my sweet pasta boy...
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Red Winding River: Ch 2. Couples Counseling
Ocax had never seen Seer so nervous. Talking with Kanisa at the door, he glanced to Seer by the fireplace. “Thank you. I’ll let him know your dragons have the situation contained.”
"... you know, Seer doesn't talk much about what happened during his time at the brothel in his younger years. He doesn't talk much about being Adda's captive either." The princess told Ocax with a heavy sigh. "I think... this situation, the whole thing is a bit... of a bad reminder for him. Of what he wants to forget but can't. Just stay with him, will you? The last thing he needs is to be alone."
“I will. You have my word on that.” Ocax shook her hand, closed the door, and sat beside Seer. “This must be difficult for you.”
"... I rather not talk about it." Seer said very quietly, looking lost. "Please."
“Ok. Then we don’t need to talk about. Just know that I’m here for you.” Ocax hugged Seer from behind, planting a kiss on his side. “Would you like some coffee?”
"Thank you... how about you have your favorite bitter coffee and I'll drink the cocoa you despise?" Seer said in good humor.
“Come. We don’t need to bring negativity into our drinks.” Ocax carefully prepared their favourite hot beverages, and wrapped him and Seer in a fur blanket. They just drank in silence, bodies together for a few moments. “What do you think of the fire?”
"Hrm... which fire?" Seer asked, being smart. "The one in the room or the one in my pants?"
“The room.” Ocax started to learn Seer liked to dirty talk when he got nervous, or had high anxiety.
"Well, it's warm, like you. Very tempting, like you. And let me think..." Seer pretended to be in deep thought. "And once more, like you, somewhat dangerous."
“We never had fire in the twilight realm.”
"Was there no need for it?"
“In a way. We had technology to provide light to our buildings, and there was always the light of Twilight. Do you think Towa is happy?”
"I hope she is, wherever she might be." Seer then added. "But I can't lie. I am happy that she doesn't interrupt our sex anymore."
“True. I just hope she’s relaxing back at the home she wanted.” Ocax rested his neck onto Seers head. “I did the math. I can tell you every day Kanisa doesn’t wear a bra, and I can guess why.”
"Because... Vidar likes the jiggle?"
“And the nibble.” Ocax grinned happily at his joke. “I suppose men like him prefer the nipple.”
"I don't see how she tolerates him sometimes; he can be such a prick." Seer snuggled into Ocax and took a sip of his cocoa. "But he's mostly sweet to her. I don't understand it." He then started to snicker. "Remember when Na'seema's hatchlings stole his bed? He griped about that for weeks. All beside they wanted to sleep beside Kanisa for a night and hear stories."
“Man’s such a baby. How he can tolerate kids is a mystery.” Ocax gave Seer a soft kiss. “You want to sleep by the fire tonight?”
"I have no idea. I'm surprised that he survived Na'seema." Seer snorted in amusement. "Surprised he had two of his own and then wouldn't leave Na'seema's hatchlings alone. Insisting she needed some help. He's all tough on the outside, but soft on the inside."
When Ocax asked about sleeping beside the fire, the killer whale agreed. "That would be nice... do we have that fur pelt in here?"
“Want extra, hmm? I’ll get it. You just think of something pleasant to dream about. Like that whale you told me you dreamed about once. Sounded pleasant.”
"Hrm, it was a very interesting whale. I couldn't quite make him out with my echolocation but I knew he was there. Or she. Not sure." Seer recalled the melodic sound of the whale's voice assuring him everything would be all right. Maybe it was just part of a dream or perhaps a hallucination. Either way, it made him feel peaceful. "Told me I would get home soon. Maybe I was just hearing things."
“Maybe it was real. You got home? Correct?” Ocax burred him and Seer in the giant fur blanket.
"I'd like to think it was real. Sort of hard, hearing a voice but not being able to sense the presence." Seer nuzzled Ocax tenderly. "Still, either way, things turned out just fine. I met you."
“Then let’s dream for that whale to visit us again.”
Scarlet threw her clothes to the floor and went onto the king-sized bed. Rat was on story reading duty. Fine by Scarlet. She wasn’t sure how she was going to read with Adda on her mind. Her muscles felt so tight from stress. She just hoped everyone could come to their senses tomorrow.
After reading Trygve and Volcana a story, Rat made sure to tuck both of the children in tightly before returning to the bedroom. It was not going to be a good day or week or month with that pirate around. Why did Lex have to be so... so... so stupid?! Seer raised her better than that, Rat knew it! Groaning, the huge Labrynna flopped over onto the bed, muttering incoherently into a pillow.
“Are you as tired and pissed as I am?”
"Mmm-mmm." Rat's response was muffled by the pillow.
“That sounds about right.” Scarlet groaned, fidgeting in the bed. “Adda, Adda, Adda. Always Adda. Never escaping her stupid plans. I feel like a pawn, even now when I’m actively against her. Why’d she have to come back?”
"Maybe we can convince Na'seema or Stra'tuso to eat her." Rat said dryly. "Or a wonderful 'accident'... and one of the dragons stepped on her when they weren't looking."
“That’d work.” Scarlet leaned onto Rat’s back, wondering when Borghild would come to bed. Best they just forget today and go to bed. Nothing was going to cheer her up... “Least Revy understands. I’m sure Liz will too.”
"All hell is a-going to break loose when Lex tells Liz, you know that, right?" Rat rubbed his forehead. "Maybe it's high time we just take a vacation and opt out on this one. I'm too old to deal with this kinda of bullshit."
“I agree. Fuck... I just wish she wasn’t family to those girls. Or pulled a gun on me. Would have felt justified snapping her neck on the spot.” Scarlet tapped the back of Rat’s muscles. “Or let you snap her like a log.”
"Heh, I may be old, but I still a-got it." Rat flexed for Scarlet, as if he were a flirty teenager trying to show off his muscles. "A little gray won't defeat these guns."
"Please, you call those guns? These are guns." Borghild entered the room stark naked, showing off her biceps. "Don't worry, you're still pretty."
"Even with gray hair?"
"Gray hair, no hair, a lot of hair, it doesn't matter."
“You’re both amazing. But Gerudo don’t got guns. We got cannons~ Besides, my red hairs just gonna get dark with time. And I still got time before I even come close to that.” Scarlet joined in on the flexing. Watching Borghild just stand there was maddening. She was thankful she had two lovebirds to take her mind away from the taint Adda left in gut. “Can you get your blue bust over into bed?”
"I won't be able to rest well knowing that bitch is back." Borghild stretched, extending her arms above her head. "But I suppose nothing is better than trying to take a nap. Bears love naps, you know."
"I love naps squished between two sexy women." Rat grinned at her. "A hot desert mom and a mama bear."
Scarlet grabbed Borghild first, pressing her face in her breasts. “This hot desert mom needs to cuddle this bear before you big man. Then we can all share~”
"Hey, that's not fair, why do I always a-have to wait?" Rat gave a playful pout. "You two a-do this on purpose, me knows it."
"We'll never tell, will we, Scarlet?" Borghild laughed.
“What proof do ya got?” Scarlet was stressed, she couldn’t deny it. Maybe this was what they all needed. As she sucked on Borghild’s breasts, her feet snuck their way to playfully rub against Rat’s crotch.
"I gots proof enough with you always paying more attention to Borgie first."
"How can she resist these, Rat?" Borghild remarked as Scarlet played with her breasts. "You can't."
"Ah, you gots me there, Borgie."
“Rat? You want to do something about it? Or are ya just gonna sit there?”
"I dunno, you a-know I like to watch you two go at it first." Rat had no reason to lie. "We both know how demanding Borgie is."
"I think the word you're looking for is 'controlling'." Borgie gave Scarlet's backside a harsh swat with her hand. "I know how to get what I want."
Scarlet let her moan out freely at the slap. Lying her back on Rat’s stomach, she displayed herself like a plate for Borghild. “You really do.”
"And I don't even have to say 'please'," Borgie tugged sharply on Scarlet's red hair. "Cause you're just happy to give it to me."
Scarlet was embarrassed to admit it, even to herself, but she got turned on when commanded like this. She leaned in, kissing Borghild, practically begging to have her tongue swirl with hers.
"Greedy, are we?"
"Borgie, we both know she used to be a pirate, of course she's a greedy."
"Shush, Rat, let me enjoy this moment." Borghild returned Scarlet's deep kiss and then used her free hands to play with the Gerudo's breasts. "You know how much Scarlet likes to follow..." She leaned in to Scarlet's ears and purred. "Orders."
“S-Stop teasing...” Scarlets hands pulled Borghild closer by the hips. She just wanted the smaller woman as close as possible to her. Her ass was sitting firmly on Rat’s cock now, squirming around at Borghild’s actions and words.
"Well, maybe, this time, I want to enjoy the show." Borghild bent down where her husband's erection rubbed against Scarlet's ass. The Gerudo woman's legs were already wide open and it was easy access. Guiding Rat's cock to Scarlet's opening, she gave a flick to the woman's clit before allowing Rat to slip inside the already moist walls. "I want to watch you get fucked. I want to see your face when you're cumming."
"By the gods, Borgie, you're so hot when you a-talk dirty..."
"You fuck her good, Rat... I wanna hear her moaning and your balls slapping against her."
“Oh! Oh please!” Rat grasped Scarlet firmly and fucked her at a firm pace. The Gerudo’s tits bounced and her face contorted into carnal pleasure. She practically had hearts in her eyes as she looked at Borghild. “H-he’s so hard on me!”
"You like him to be hard on you, don't you, naughty girl?" Borghild asked with a sly smirk. As Rat held onto Scarlet's hips and thrust upward, there was indeed a show for Borghild. This was one of Scarlet's favorite positions from what Borghild knew. The mama bear knew that Scarlet liked it deep and steady at first, and then as she got closer to climax, a fast, hard finish. As the Direnor bear watched, she touched herself, getting slick with love juices. "See what you do to me?"
“I make you both wet as a river~” Scarlet almost giggled the words. Her pussy tightened at the sight of Borghild, squeezing on Rat’s cock. “I’m gonna cum soon!”
Her hands grabbed Borghild by the ass, and her tongue swirled deep into her wet folds as Scarlet pushed her mouth in to get a taste.
"Oh fuck, yes, yes,  yes!" Borghild was by no means quiet with her vocalizations. As Scarlet's tongue worked her magic, Rat increased his thrusts, fast, harder, deeper, just like Scarlet liked. Borghild's nails scraped against Scarlet's scalp as she neared her orgasm. "Swirl it... around th-the... fuck, fuck, the top, yes! Just like that!"
Scarlet clawed her wife’s ass as she pushed deep. The Gerudo’s eyes nearly rolled back as the Direnor came, her pussy juices being lathered up. She loved how tight her fingers grasped her head as Borghild screamed. Her own screams of orgasm were muffled as she was still head deep into Borghild’s crotch, but Rat’s continued thrusting awarded him.
Rat was not far behind his wives, gripping Scarlet's hips so hard that there were sure to be bruises later. He groaned loudly as he orgasmed, quivering from head to toe. How did men deal with have more than one wife? Sure, it was double the fun, double the pleasure, but goodness, it left him so tired. Then again, he was getting rather old.
"You two... I swear, make me a-feel young again..."
Scarlet playfully pulled Borghild to be sandwiched between her and Rat, facing her close to herself. “Of course. You’re a hunky man~ And you’re a blue battery of love~”
"Direnors can go and go and go for ages..." Borghild laughed. "I think when Rat and I had our first night together, he slept until the next day."
"You drained me of ALL bodily fluids, Borgie, a man has to have time to rest with such a wild woman." Rat chuckled in good humor.
“God. You both drain the hell out of me, I’ll tell ya that.” Scarlet laughed in good fun. “Let’s... lets just sleep. Think about just the three of us in this moment until the morning.”
"Agreed... but if you snore, I'm kicking you."
"Not if I get to her first."
“Bugger off you two.” Scarlet pulled them in close, quickly falling asleep. Her last thoughts were hoping Adda wasn’t going to hurt her family again.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/188828626641/red-winding-river-ch-1-hellraiser
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/189130622691/red-winding-river-ch-3-paying-for-blood
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Eeeee so excited to see your alphabet requests! 😍 congrats one the followers, honey! Could I get B, K, and O for Kid and then X and Y for Killer? I hope I followed the rules correctly! 💕
Coop! A fanfiction kween in my inbox! Thank youuuuu (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ You sparked my interest in this tulip gremlin and his masked friend, and now they are amongst my absolute favorites to write for! ;D Hope you enjoy these, have a wonderful day love!!!
Fluff Alphabet - Kid: B, K, O -  Killer: X, Y 
2nd person. Female reader.  
Kid - B, K, O 
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B - beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Kid does not really care about physical appearances as much as character. He falls in love with you as a person, not with your appearance. However, once this man is in love, he’ll feel like you are the most beautiful creature that has ever existed. Any insecurity you might express, he’ll aggressively rebuke. Scars? Cool, you’re tough, he likes that. Think you’re too thin, not curvy enough, or maybe too curvy or heavy? He’ll show you how much he loves your body through actions. Insecure about the color of your eyes/hair? He’ll tell you it’s the prettiest fucking color he’s ever seen. He’s never very tactful about it, but extremely sincere, sometimes even getting upset if you cannot see how beautiful you are to him. 
What he admires in you, is your strength. Your patience. Your ability to keep up with his crew. And your ability to keep up with him, mood swings, temper tantrums and all. He loves that you are opinionated and not afraid to talk back, even when he’s angry. He loves that even though his crew is a bunch of misfits, you accept them all and care for them all equally, without a second thought. He fell for your personality in the first place and that’s what keeps him attracted, no matter what you look like or whatever phases your body may go through. His goal is to be pirate king, but now he’s found a queen to be on his side. 
K - kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Kid is … rough, to say it nicely. His kisses are needy, full of lust, leaving you gasping for more and often accompanied by hands eagerly roaming your body. Experienced or not, he is cocky and confident, often grinning in his kisses, happy when he notices that you’re already panting and ready for more after a little time. He will leave your lips swollen and bruised more than often, will not accept being dominated, but he secretly likes it when you try, it’s not like you can win anyway. Bites are not unusual either, but he won’t do that too often, he never intends to actually hurt you or scare you away, but it’s a fine line, and Kid likes to explore and push boundaries. 
The very first kiss takes a while to happen. Kid does not really believe in relationships or needing physical affection, seeing it more as a means to an end and to provide some relief for his most primeval desires, and will take a while to give in to his feelings when there’s something else mixed in: love. You’ll have to push him a bit, letting him know you’re not here to toy with him, you’re in for the long haul and you’re prepared to stick around through bad and worse. Chances are you will actually have to initiate. But once you break that thin seal of carefulness and holding back, the beast is released and we’re back to the beginning. The first kiss is tender for about two seconds before he gets rough. Never turning back. His kisses are more tender when he’s sleepy or drowsy, but don’t tell anyone. 
O - on Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid does not fall in love easily. As said above, he’s all for there for some physical relief, but actual love, it takes one hella special person (you) to change his mind. When he finally gives in, boy, are you in for a ride. He is possessive and jealous, so in that way, he’s super vocal. You are his and his alone. You chose him and you should have been well aware of what that meant.
Kid is not really tender, or sweet, but there are these subtle differences in how he behaves around you compared to the rest of the crew. Arguments will be de-escalated easier, he seems to have less of a temper whenever you are near, especially if you’re sitting on his lap or holding him in any way. In fact, once the crew notices this, they take over as many chores as possible from you so you can spend more time with Kid, that way he’s more pleasant for everyone to be around with. 
Kid expresses his feelings through various compliments, albeit a little crude, and is not afraid to state things in front of an audience. Praises for how well you fight and such will be a frequent occurrence, often accompanied by a “That’s my girl”. He’s not above smacking your ass in public and will often have an arm around you if he doesn’t need them to fight or do something else. 
Killer - X, Y 
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X - XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Killer is more affectionate and way more gentle than his captain is in a relationship, but it takes him some time to warm up to the whole affection idea. The main hurdle being his mask of course. 
Cuddles can be initiated pretty early on in the relationship, especially in private. Curling up in his big, strong arms is something that quickly became your favorite hobby. Killer likes it when you drag your nails over his muscles while you cuddle. The best cuddle times are right before bedtime and right after you wake up. There’s something intimate about being asleep near each other, after all, you’re both at your most vulnerable then, and just sharing the moment with love. Kissing is more of a hurdle. The mask is in his way. You don’t mind kissing his mask, neck, shoulders, arms, anything else, but you will hint that you’d like to have some of the affections returned. However, you don’t push him and let him do everything at his own pace. The first time he takes his mask off is at night, too dark for you to see anything, but you don’t mind. It gets better and easier for him to do over time, and especially when it is just the two of you and the mask is off, Killer can get quite affectionate. 
Y - yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Killer will prefer having a partner that’s also part of the crew. That way he won’t have to miss you too often, and he won’t have to worry about you while he’s gone. Kid can be impulsive sometimes when it comes to choosing the next island and he doesn’t like not knowing when he’ll see you again. He’s not one for letters either, but if you want to send them, he’ll cherish every single one of them and keep them somewhere safe and out of reach of Kid. 
But, as said before, he’d prefer to have someone on the crew, that way he won’t have to deal with a lot of missing, besides on some missions, but those usually only take a few days, tops. Those days he will just overwork himself a little (not that that’s hard, Kid will always have something for him to do), just to keep his mind off of things. He’s independent and miles above sulking because he misses someone, but he cannot deny that going to bed without your figure to hold, or waking up without a sincere ‘good morning babe’ does feel a little weird. He’ll deny the missing, but will catch himself grabbing supplies for two, or doing things that are now ingrained in his routine because of you, even when they’re unnecessary. 
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