#Evan “Buck” Buckley x Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz Fills
fandom-101 · 4 years
At this point i need Buddie endgame just so i can finally explode into sparkling confetti.
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anon911andbuddie · 4 years
Original prompter for Buck pushing May out of the way of car and thinking he's get blamed. This was absolutely fantastic! Please continue! Maybe in the next part Buck keeps his promise and goes to the hospital. The blood thinners make the bruise on his side worse. May shows up with Bobby and Eddie, and Buck just unloads all his anger and hurt. Athena is there with footage of the accident and she declares Buck is coming home with her and May. Eddie brings Chris. Athena in momma bear mode.
Part 1     Part 3
Claimed by Red💋
Warnings: this became a little more depressing than I was going for, cursing, hurting Buck, past vehicular accident, emotional whiplash-slightly
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“Where did May go? She hasn’t given me her statement yet,” Athena asked as she approached her husband and Eddie. She rose her eyebrow at the looks of shock on their faces. “And why do you look like someone kicked your puppy?”
“Hen, Chim, we’ll meet you at the hospital,” Bobby shouted as he and Eddie turned to the trucks.
“Robert Nash, what has you so panicked,” Athena called out.
Bobby turned to her, biting his bottom lip. “Buck was here. He bumped into May. As they were leaving-”
“Buck pushed her out of the way, I know, she told me.”
“Did she tell you that Buck was clipped by the car? She made him promise that he’d go to the hospital before he left,” Eddie stated.
“I’ll meet you at the hospital.”
May quickly walked through the hospital. She’d texted Buck once she was in the lobby, asking him where he’d been taken. At first, Buck had tried to convince her to leave, but she was having none of that. After calling him four times, Buck had finally answered with a sighed room number. 
She barely knocked on the door before letting herself in. She stopped at seeing the large bruise blossoming across his hip. “May, hey, it’s not that bad. Blood thinners just make everything look worse.”
Instead of commenting on it like she wanted to, she lifted her eyes to look into Buck’s. “And why are you shirtless?”
Buck gave her a small smile. “They said after I was checked out that I could put my pants back on and I wouldn’t have to be in a gown. So long as I kept my shirt off, they saw no need to put me in a gown. I’m just waiting for the doc to come back to tell me what I already know. Be more careful. The bruise will take a little over a week to go away. Don’t strain yourself too much, Mr. Buckley,” he rolled his eyes. 
“You know, you should listen to your doctors or else they really are going to reserve a room for you.”
Buck laughed wholeheartedly, wincing slightly as his hip protested at the jostling. “Ah, don’t make me laugh so hard, twat,” he joked. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t get hurt and then that wouldn’t have phased you,” she rose her eyebrows in a challenge and Buck couldn’t help but think about how much like her mother she was. “What’s with that look?”
“What look?”
“The one you were giving me while staring at me silently.”
Buck shook his head as he sat down on the bed again. “I was just thinking how much like your mom you are. You have the ‘don’t give me shit’ look down pat.”
“Just because she’s my daughter and already gave you that look doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to get it from me as well, Buckley,” Athena called as she walked into the room.
Buck opened and closed his mouth in shock. “H-How did you-how did you know I was here? How did you get my room number,” he asked as Bobby and Eddie entered as well.
“The hospital knows that when you’re here, we want to know where you are. And Bobby still happens to be your emergency contact,” Athena replied. 
Buck tugged his shirt towards him as he looked away from the group. He began pulling it over his head, unable to stop the hiss from his lips as his side pulled painfully. “You’re hurting yourself, stop,” Eddie called.
“And why do you care,” Buck growled, eyes snapping to Eddie. “You haven’t shown me that you’ve cared about me since I started that stupid lawsuit. I get it, I was in the wrong for some god forsaken reason that I don’t even understand. I didn’t pull away, you did, all of you. Do you know how it felt seeing her name taped over mine? All of you moved on and I was stuck waiting for my family to come back to me!”
Buck was standing now, ignoring the way his hip panged as he took a step forward and pulled his shirt the rest of the way down. “Chim comes back within months of his traumatic brain injury, Bobby comes back right after the investigation into him, Eddie barely gets a slap on the wrist for street fighting and I get what? Months of rehab I understand, and some time after the embolism, that’s fine but when my doctors cleared me did I go back to work? No. I had an overprotective mentor tell the higher ups that I wasn’t ready for my job and that asshole let me believe for months that it was the department’s fault. I tried to play along but nothing was ever good enough!”
Buck was feeling queasy, but he didn’t stop. It felt good to get it all off his chest. “So I filed a lawsuit because that was the only way to get back to you and the others. That was the only way I would be allowed back to work and I made bad decisions. I thought I could trust my lawyer, but he went around me and used everything I said against you guys and I felt bad about it, but I was getting my job back. I was allowed to be selfish and care about myself for once because I give my all to you! I bleed for you-ALL of you! And I turned down millions of dollars just to go back to a job where you all treat me like shit! And I don’t complain! I don’t because I feel like I deserve how you’re treating me for what I told the lawyer, but it’s been months of this shit and I’m done with it!”
He felt the tears of frustration building in his eyes but he couldn’t stop himself anymore. “It’s so exhausting acting like nothing you do phases me. It’s exhausting trying to be perfect every second of every shift because I don’t want to give you more ammunition to use against me! You told me that I was exhausting Eddie, bit it’s really you guys who are so exhausting! I came back to a job where everyone hates me and I stick through it because I want to be there for all of you but I can’t fucking do it anymore! I deserve better! I know that sometimes I don’t, but I do! I’ve spent almost six months-half a year-trying to make up for the lawsuit but nothing has changed and I can’t do it anymore!”
His voice had slowly risen until he was shouting at the two firemen in the room. Buck took a breath, licking his lips. “That’s why I went to the chief and put in for a transfer. Don’t worry, I didn’t mention all of that, just said that I would prefer to work with another station in order to make it more comfortable for the rest of the crew. Effective next shift, I’m working with another company.” He wanted to say more, but his stomach chose that moment to turn violently and he rushed to the bathroom attached to the room. 
After emptying his stomach, Buck rested his head on the cool toilet seat. He hoped that the nausea was because of his reaction to Bobby and Eddie and not an underlying problem from getting clipped by a car. A soft knock caused Buck to lift his head. “I’m fine,” he called through the door.
“Can I come in,” Athena’s voice filtered through the door. 
Buck felt the stinging in his eyes get worse as he cleared his throat. “I’ll be-”
The door opened and Athena entered, closing the door behind her. “Buckaroo, you don’t have to take care of yourself. I know that it may seem like you have to, but you don’t. You have Maddie, May, and I who want to be there for you. I can’t say anything on Bobby or the crew’s behalf, but I’m sure after that speech they’re going to jump through all the hoops they can to get you back to them.”
Buck laughed morbidly, “why would they. It’s been clear from the whole embolism thing that Bobby didn’t want me back and I kept pushing and by doing so, I messed up the best thing in my life, ‘Thena. I haven’t seen Chris in eight months and I miss him! I loved that kid as my own and I-” he cut himself off as he hunched over the toilet to vomit again.
Athena rubbed his back, bringing her hand to the back of his head to massage it. “Just because Eddie’s being an asshole doesn’t mean that you messed anything up. The normal amount of time to be upset with you was a week at the max, Buck. Was I upset that you sued Bobby in the beginning? Absolutely. But when I thought about it, I could see why you were doing everything you were. Some are not as mature and take time to get over things…I’m sure that Eddie was just upset because he felt like he was losing his best friend and was afraid that by letting you back in that he would get hurt again-and don’t give me that look, Buckley. You can’t put all of the blame on yourself.”
The door opened slightly and May poked her head in. “Buck, the doctor’s back.”
Buck cleared his throat, “thanks, May…I’ll be right out.”
Athena helped him to stand before she opened the door and walked out. Buck followed, giving a sheepish smile to his doctor when he raised an eyebrow with an unimpressed look. “Mr. Buckley, I told you to keep your heart rate down and rest. I also told you to keep your shirt off if you wanted to keep from wearing a gown.”
Buck bit his lip, looking down slightly. “Sorry doc…things just happened and I didn’t realize what I was doing,” he muttered.
The doctor nodded. “I need you to take your shirt off so I can examine the bruise again. Then we’ll go over your x rays and maybe you’ll get to go home. Anyone you don’t want in the room with you?”
Buck turned to see Hen and Chim had added to the group in his room. He licked his lip, looking back to the doctor. “I…it’s…they’re-”
“Mom and I will stay. The others should get back to work. You’re on the clock and I’m pretty sure that the taxpayers that pay your salary wouldn’t like you standing around and wasting their money,” she replied with a cold glare set at the four. 
“May,” Buck hissed.
“What? They hurt you. I’m not going to be nice about it.”
Buck watched as Hen and Chim pushed Eddie and Bobby out of the room. Buck slowly removed his shirt, mindful of his hip. The doctor came over to do a quick examination before going over his x rays. “There are no fractures and no internal bleeding that we can see. If you start to feel faint or dizzy, you need to come back immediately. If you notice the bruise on your hip get progressively bigger and starting to cover you abdomen, you need to come back to the hospital. Do you have anyone you can stay with to keep an eye on you for the next few days to make sure you’re alright?”
Before Buck could respond, Athena stepped up. “He’ll be coming home with me.”
“Alright, I’ll get the paperwork started for your discharge.”
Buck slowly walked down the stairs of Athena’s place. Buck had tried to argue with Athena and tell her that he’d be fine at his apartment by himself, but Athena had given him a look and told him to ‘quit being stupid’ and had immediately taken him to her place. May had gone to his apartment to grab his work duffle. It had multiple changes of clothes in it and required her to not have to go through his dressers.
Athena settled him in the living room with the remote while she went about fixing a light supper. “Don’t worry about Bobby, I told him to find a place to stay tonight,” she stated as she sat the food in front of him.
“What? No! I don’t want to put him out of his own house-your house-both of your houses!”
“You being here isn’t why he isn’t coming home tonight. The way he’s treated you and allowed others to treat you is the reason I’m not letting him come home tonight.”
“Buck. You deserve so much better. I wish you had told me what was going on. I would have talked to Bobby. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way. I can’t believe that I believed Bobby when he said everything was fine at work.”
The door opened and May walked in with his bag. “So, I ran into a couple of people as I was leaving your apartment and they wouldn’t leave me alone. So, I have Chris and I locked the door on Eddie because I thought you’d like to see the little man and not have to deal with the other…emotional baggage.”
Buck expected Athena to scold May about locking Eddie out of the house, but was surprised when she just gave an appreciative gaze to her daughter. Buck hugged Chris as he came around the couch, but scowled slightly. “Don’t just leave Eddie out there. Let him in! He’s Christopher’s dad, he has a right to be wherever his son is.”
“You’re too kindhearted for your own good,” May sighed as she went to let Eddie in.
“Daddy said you got hurt,” Christopher stated quietly from where he’d tucked himself into his side.
Buck looked down at Chris, ruffling his curls. “I just got a little bruise on my side. Nothing to worry about, Superman.”
“But Daddy said that-that with the blood thinners, you could get really hurt.”
“But I’m Buck, I push through everything, little man. Nothing’s going to keep me down.”
“Because-Because you’re a fighter. Like-Like during the tsunami, you kept pushing to save everyone.”
Buck gulped quietly, “yeah, just like the tsunami, Bud.”
Chris leaned up as if to share a secret and Buck leaned down to meet him. “I know you and Daddy are mad at each other but-but I’m really happy I can see you now, Bucky.”
Buck couldn’t help the tear that fell. He hadn’t expected Chris to say something like that. He caught Eddie’s gaze and couldn’t help the rest of the tears that fell. “I’m really happy to see you too,” he buried his head in the curls, clutching Chris tightly to him. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to have this for long, so he wanted to memorize what he could…but maybe the world would be fair. Maybe he could get this back…maybe he could get this sliver of happiness back after everything he’d been through.
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seaofashes · 5 years
“Do you even still love me?” 🥺
[okay so the start of this made me sad but it ends happy. I honestly really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy it too!]
Eddie sighed heavily as he walked into the house and leaned down unlacing his boots. He could tell the house was empty, Christopher was at Hens for a sleepover with Denny and Harry this weekend. He walked through the house double checking the rooms and his shoulders sagged at the confirmation that Buck was nowhere to be found. 
  He had hoped that he would have come here, come home, when Bobby told him that he needed to take the day and leave early. Buck had ended up having a pretty bad panic attack after the pool call today. Eddie wanted to leave with him but they needed all hands on deck today. It was hard even being down one person today with the calls they had gotten.
  Truth be told as much as it hurt him...he wasn't surprised to not find Buck here. It'd been happening a lot lately. They'd gotten into a few fights, ones that Eddie didn't really think were that bad. Just normal, typical arguments that couples tend to have but ever since the last one two weeks ago Buck just...distanced himself. He was gone for a while and just pretended like it was nothing most days. Maybe he was realizing that this just...wasn't what he wanted. And that killed Eddie. He loved Buck, had for a long time, long before he had the courage to kiss him when they were hanging out after the Halloween party. 
  That was one of the best days of his life. He had been nervous but it was worth it in the end. Buck was always worth it...but Eddie was starting to think maybe he, himself, wasn't. He never really had been for anyone. He wasn't enough for his family to be proud of until he had earned that Silver Star. He wasn't enough to keep Shannon in the end. He never felt like he was a good enough father for his son. And now he wasn't enough to keep Buck. He tried so hard but…it was never enough. 
  Eddie sighed once more running a hand over his short hair and decided to put dinner in the oven before heading into the shower. He stood with his head resting against the wall, eyes closed as he tried to clear his thoughts but it wasn't working very well. He kept going over things, over thinking, over analyzing. He just didn't understand exactly where he went wrong. He understood where he went wrong with Shannon, but even then he tried to fix things. Tried to be enough. He had failed his son so many times but he always tried his best and looked out for Christopher. But with Buck he didn't understand what he did? Where he went wrong, what pushed him away. He gently butted his head against the wall before grabbing the shampoo and scrubbing at his hair. 
  Eddie turned off the water and grabbed a towel drying himself off and pulled on loose sweatpants and a t-shirt before silently padding out of the bathroom and into the kitchen and paused as he seen Buck grabbing plates from the cabinet and set them on the counter. Eddie's heart clenched slightly as Buck came over, a soft smile on his face and kissed his cheek.
  Eddie tensed slightly and Buck frowned but didn't say anything about it as Eddie moved to the oven to check the food. Eddie stayed silent as he pulled the food out and set it on top of the stove.
  "How'd the rest of the shift go?" Buck asked and Eddie just shrugged.
  "Fine I guess, same stuff different day. You know how the job is." Eddie mumbled and Buck furrowed his brows.
  "Did something happen?"
  "At work? No." Eddie responded. Buck frowned as he looked at Eddie who still had his back to him. 
  "Then whe-"
  "Look I'm surprised you even came home tonight Buck, but you don't have to sit here and pretend just because you did." Eddie cut him off and turned to face him. 
  "Eddie what the hell is that supposed to mean? When I have I ever not come home? Yeah okay so I went out for a bit with Maddie because I didn't want to be alone with everything that happened today, I don't see what the big deal is?" Buck said and Eddie scoffed.
  "Yeah that's the thing Evan, you come home every night but what about before that? You've been avoiding me at work since our last fight, you've barely been here at all and when you are here it's-" Eddie drug a hand down his face and took a deep breath closing his eyes before meeting Buck's gaze. "Do you even still love me?"
  Buck's heart dropped at the words he was hearing as he looked at his boyfriend. "Eds what are you talking about? Of course I love you."
  "I'm finding that a little hard to believe Ev, look...you don't have to pretend I just..I just need the truth." Eddie said as he sniffled quietly trying to hold back the tears that threatened to come out, God he hated it. He needed to just deal with this, he could allow himself some time to deal with it later and alone. But not now. Not like this and not in front of Buck. Buck who looked like a kicked puppy right now. 
  "Eddie I...oh God I know how it must look but I promise you it's not like that okay? I know that I've been out a lot but," He paused running a hand through his hair and leaning his head back. "I've been out so much because I've been trying to find something and Maddie has been trying to help me with it when she's not working."
  "For two weeks? It doesn't really help your case on why you've been avoiding me at work. We're partners Evan? And you've barely even looked at me. You're antsy when you sit next to me in the truck or when we're all sitting down to eat. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong? I've never been good enough for anyone but I've tried so hard to be good enough for you." Eddie said as he looked Buck in his eyes. Buck's eyes watered slightly and he shook his head as he reached into his coat pocket.
  "Yeah, for two weeks Eddie. Not everything can be found and planned overnight. For the past two weeks I've been out trying to find this perfect goddamn thing because," Buck paused as he set a small box on the table and looked at Eddie. "I wanted to ask you to marry me Eddie. So Maddie was helping me out with planning how to do it. It took ages for me to find this damn ring. So yeah I-I've been avoiding you at work because I was excited and nervous and I didn't want to slip up on it. And I know how it all must have looked especially after that last fight but...Ed's it was having that last fight that made me realize how much I love you and Christopher. I love you guys so much Eddie, I couldn't even begin to think what would happen if I lost you guys. You will always be enough for me, more than enough Eddie. Don't ever think differently. I'm not her Eds, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."
  Eddie allowed himself to be pulled against Buck's chest and buried his face against Buck's shoulder. "I'm sorry."
  "Eds you've got nothing to be sorry for, if anything I should be the one apologizing. I never meant for you to feel like I was pulling away. I wouldn't do that. You're stuck with me." Buck said softly as he pressed light kisses to the side of Eddie's face earning a scrunched up face in return. 
  "You're being soft and mushy again." Eddie mumbled as he tilted his head slightly and looked at Buck who laughed and wrapped his arms tighter around him. 
  "You love it don't even try to deny it Mr. Tough Macho Street fighter." Buck smiled as Eddie shook his head and smacked his shoulder lightly. They stayed like that for a while, arms wrapped around each other and occasionally giving soft kisses before Eddie looked at Buck who cleared his throat slightly.
  "So uh...whatta ya say?" Buck asked and Eddie arched a brow at him. 
  Buck rolled his eyes as he pulled back a bit to look Eddie in the eye and smiled as he spoke. "Edmundo Diaz, will you marry me you wonderfully frustrating dumbass?"
  Eddie let out a low chuckle as he captured Buck's mouth and kissed him for what could have been seconds, minutes, maybe even hours. Neither really cared. They pulled apart to catch their breath as Eddie placed a hand on Buck's face, thumb gently stroking his cheek. "Yes Evan, I will happily marry your stubborn frustrating dumbass."
  The smile that lit up Buck's face was enough to erase any doubt Eddie had ever had about how Buck felt about him. Eddie would do anything for that smile. Buck reached for the box on the table and pulled out a black band with 'I've got your back now and forever' engraved on the inside. Eddie let him slip it on his finger as he looked at his now fiancé. He couldn't believe that he had thought Buck didn't love him, looking at him right now Eddie knew that it was ridiculous. He knew that sometimes his mind got the best of him, but in the end it was okay. He was okay. They were okay.
  Buck pulled him in for another kiss before both pulled away laughing as their stomachs growled. "We should probably warm the food up and eat huh?"
  "Yeah, I'm starving." Eddie said as they set to getting their food warmed up and ready to eat. Eddie couldn't help but smile as he watched the other man. His present and his future. For the first time in a long time Eddie Diaz knew and felt in his heart, that he was enough. Everything that happened in his life led him here. To Buck. No matter what road he took from here on out would always lead to him. And Eddie wouldn't have it any other way.
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lonely-writer · 3 years
I wish you write a buck x reader fic where buck discovers the girl he's been dating is eddie's sister!
Thanks for this request! If you’d like to see more drabbles like this then feel free to request more!
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley x Eddie’s sister! Reader
Tags: Angst, swearing, anxiety, fluff at the end so don’t worry, first time saying I love you’s
Summary: After the earthquake happens you and Buck both realize something about the other.
When you had first started dating Buck you knew that his line of work was dangerous, hell you knew that from the day you met dating a firefighter would always have it’s up’s and down’s but today...well today took the golden medal for what would possibly be the worst day of your life. 
It started out like any other day, you had woken up bright and early going for a jog, you stopped and got some coffee texting your boyfriend when the ground had begun to shake. Living in California you knew what this was almost immediately- an earthquake. Panic surged through you as you quickly hit the ground, “Everyone get down, it’s an earthquake!” You shout finding shelter underneath a table.
Screams began to fill the cafe as glass shattered, coffee spilled over onto the floor, people ducked for cover underneath whatever tables were unoccupied, the lights in the building flickered for a moment before completely shutting off, chaos reigned within the little cafe as the ground beneath you trembled evermore. You had been living in California all your life and you hadn’t seen an earthquake this bad ever.
After what felt like an eternity the shaking stopped, cautiously you stood up although the tremors in the ground had stopped the shaking in your legs hadn’t. Your first thought was to text Buck, to make sure that he was okay. To make sure that he was safe when everything had happened.
To: Pretty Boy 
Holy shit are you okay??
(Not Sent)
You swore silently, heart beat picking up in fear as you realized that the cell towers had more than likely been knocked out. Buck was probably okay but there was that panic in the back of your mind ever present- a natural disaster meant that the 118 would have their hands full. You got to work with helping the coffee shop owners pick up the remains of cups, tending to the wounds of those who had been hurt by the falling glass, cleaning the spilled coffee all the while worrying about your boyfriend and the rest of the 118 who had come to be your friends.
Once the shop had been cleaned up sufficiently you headed out to the 118′s station, hoping to find everyone safe and sound as you sent another text message to Buck.
To: Pretty Boy
Let me know when you get this. I hope you’re safe.
(Not Sent)
You hesitated to add more not having verbally spoken the words that would push your relationship with him to the next level. Sure you’d been dating for two months by now but there never felt like there was a good time to say it. Time was fleeting for the both of you since your schedules didn’t always align so when you were together it was spent catching up, making out, and falling into bed. It wasn’t that you didn’t love Buck...you just wanted to wait for a perfect moment.
As you kept heading towards the station you felt your phone buzz in your pocket quite a few times.
From: Pretty Boy
Baby are you okay???
From: Pretty Boy
Hey the cell towers are down so I know you won’t get these until they’re back up but I just want you to be safe. I’ll text you as soon as I can.
From: Pretty Boy
The cell towers are back up!! Are you okay? Can you call me?
You smiled at your phone quickly calling his contact, it didn’t even ring twice before he answered.
“(Y/N)! God I’m so happy to hear your voice! Are you okay? Are you safe? Were you hurt during the earthquake?” Buck quickly asks from his voice you can hear the panic that you once felt and yet a bit of relief as he assess your condition from over the phone. In the background you pick up on a familiar voice- someone repeats your name in confusion- you can almost make out who it is but you’re pre-occupied right now.
“Buck, I’m fine but thank you for worrying about me- are you okay?” You assured him. The voice in the background was more apparent now- it was masculine and you definitely recognized who it belonged to.
“Yeah I’m alr- Eddie can you chill I’m talking to my girlfriend?” Buck asked in exasperation.
“Wait Buck, who’s Eddie? Like Eddie as in Edmundo Diaz?” You asked anxiously, you had no clue that your brother had moved to California- let alone that he’d joined the 118- the last time you had spoken to him was when he had signed up for a second time. You hadn’t left on good terms either you were angry at him for leaving Shannon and Christopher by themselves while he went off to fight another war. This had been years ago but the pain of him leaving still hurt even to this day, briefly you wondered what had changed for him to come live in LA.
“Uh...yeah, actually that’s kind of weird that you know his full name. How exactly do you know each other?” Buck asks a hint of insecurity in his voice.
“Okay so don’t panic but Eddie’s my brother.” You answer after taking a deep breath you continue, “He enlisted in the military and then signed up for another tour when he and Shannon had Christopher, I didn’t like that he was leaving his wife and kid so I told him. We argued about it for awhile and he just left on bad terms.” You finished feeling as though a weight had been lifted off your chest.
“And you guys haven’t spoken since?” He asked hesitantly, Eddie was standing near Buck all but begging him to hand over the phone so that he could speak to you.
“No, it’s not that I don’t want to either I just- I haven’t ever found the right time to reach out to him. Plus I don’t know what I would even say to him, you know?” You replied hoping for some understanding.
“Of course I know that (Y/N), but sometimes there’s not a right time. Sometimes you should just say what you’re feeling.” He suggested, “Look, I’ve been meaning to tell you something I just didn’t know when the right time was. Y/N, baby, I love you.” 
The smile on your face seemed to grow bigger as he said those words- it felt like your heart was going to explode with joy. “Buck I love you too.” You replied allaying any fear that he might’ve had. A small laugh fluttered through the line.
“Okay, you’re brother looks like he’s going to murder me so I’ve gotta go but I’ll see you later. I love you, Y/N.” He said happily.
“I’ll see you soon. I love you too Buck.” 
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
The Sun Leading Me Out of the Storm
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Title: The Sun Leading Me Out of the Storm Link : AO3 Square Filled: Thunderstorm Ship: Eddie x Buck Rating: Teen Tags: Shannon Diaz Lives, Divorced Eddie and Shannon, Background Taylor/Shannon, Minor Eddie/Ana, Soft and Pining Eddie and Buck Summary: Eddie had already lived a life without Buck in it during the lawsuit and it had been worse than living without Shannon. It had been like half his soul had been ripped out of him, he had been lost in a storm than as well. Only that had been a storm of rage because he had been left adrift without his sun.
Buck is his sun.
Buck never failed to fill him with warmth when he needed it or shine the light dispelling the darkness. Created for @911bingo and @anyfandomfluffbingo​​
Eddie felt like he was trapped in a never-ending thunderstorm, lost in the rain, his voice drowned out by the thunder and his vision blinded by the lightning. He had felt that way since he started dating Ana and Buck began to distance himself from him.
He was lost in the storm and he didn't know which way it was out.
Ana was sweet, she was beautiful and it was easy being with her. She is everything that Shannon is not. He knows his parents would love her, she is their ideal partner for him. He can already hear his mother asking him when their wedding will be. His father would be proud of him. He would finally have their respect and that is all he wants.
Or at least that is thought he wanted.
There was no passion with Ana.
And then there is Christopher, his whole world. Christopher likes Ana but isn't fond of their relationship or fully supportive.
"She makes me feel like I can't do certain things. Not like Buck does."
Christopher's words echoed in him.
Ana was nice and easy to be with but he wasn't happy. Neither was Chris. And he didn't feel like he was himself with her. Like he was wearing a mask or acting a part. To Ana, he is Edmundo, not Eddie and she doesn't seem to want to get to know Eddie, she is happy with Edmundo.
Buck loves Eddie. He loves the imperfect man that has flaws but does his best.
Buck loves with his full heart, who just wants to be loved and not left behind and Eddie feels like he has failed in that. Since Ana came around Eddie has allowed the distance between them to grow because how was he supposed to be with Ana when the one that completes his and Chris' world is already with them?
There were two paths out of the storm one was with Ana and the other, the one his heart and soul are tugging him towards is with Buck.
If he continued down his path with Ana, where neither he and Chris are truly happy he would end up making his parents happy and finally feel like they truly love him. He would spend his life playing a role that he doesn't want.
But if he took the chance, if he acted on what is between him and Buck. What has been building between them since they met and Buck was so determined to hate him, which didn't last long, he could have a taste of true happiness.
Don't get him wrong he loved Shannon, she will always be special to him and he will always be grateful to her for giving him their son. But she had been right in divorcing him. They just weren't meant to be. They had been happy but now they were happier as co-parents to the most amazing kid and Shannon seemed to be happy with Taylor Kelly of all people. He can't believe that Buck set them up.
Shannon studied her ex-husband, "So I hear you are dating again."
A groan escaped Eddie, he had known that this was coming. "Yes, I am. Is that going to be a problem?" The last thing that he needed was for Shannon to have issues with Ana, okay so Shannon still hadn't completely gotten over Ana's attitude towards Chris and saying he needs limits after the whole skateboard incident.
"No, I am just wondering why you are going after your parent's dream girl and not following your heart."
Eddie froze, "I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Oh Eddie, you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me. We both know that while you might be attracted to Ana you are only dating her because she would make your parents happy. And you shouldn't have to pretend to be someone you are not to get their approval. You, Eddie Diaz, are amazing as who you are." Eddie hadn't even seen Shannon move until she was standing before him and had her hands on her shoulders. "And we both know that there is someone out there who loves Eddie Diaz with all of his heart. But in the end, it is up to you, do you want to be Eddie or do you want to be Edmundo."
Shannon's words stuck with him, they buried themselves deep into his heart and whispered in his ear when he was with Ana and he tucked who he was away and played the role of Edmundo for her.
"Make sure you are following your heart and not Christopher's."
Carla's words stayed with him as well and they both knew that he wasn't following either his heart or Chris'. Chris had made it clear who he saw as his third parent, who he loves so deeply. Chris had made his choice long ago and now he was just waiting for his dad to make his.
Getting shot and seeing Buck covered in blood haunted him as did reaching out to him the need to know that Buck wasn't harmed. Buck told him that it should have been him filled his nightmares. Telling Buck that he was Christopher's guardian should anything happen to both he and Shannon had been easy because Eddie needed Buck to see that he wasn't expendable, that he is love more than he realizes.
Eddie had already lived a life without Buck in it during the lawsuit and it had been worse than living without Shannon. It had been like half his soul had been ripped out of him, he had been lost in a storm than as well. Only that had been a storm of rage because he had been left adrift without his sun.
Buck is his sun.
Buck never failed to fill him with warmth when he needed it or shine the light dispelling the darkness.
"I am a fool." Eddie knew which path he needed to take to get out of the storm.
Buck was bored. Shannon had his favourite Diaz for the weekend and she had a full weekend planned. He didn't want to disrupt the mother and son weekend, plus it seemed off that Eddie wasn't with him and Christopher, so he stayed away.
He could have visited his beautiful niece and checked in with his sister to make sure that she was doing okay but Chimney had been playing a special weekend for him and Maddie could read him like a book and the surprise would be ruined.
So here Buck was wandering around his loft unsure as what to do. He could call up Eddie but he didn't want to risk the chance that he was out with Ana or she was over at his place finally staying the night like she had been hinting at every since Eddie had recovered. There was only so much feeling his heart ripped out of his chest he could take pretending to be happy that Eddie, his best friend, the love of his life, was finally moving on.
He just wishes it was him Eddie was moving on with.
The sound of frantic knocking pulled Buck out of his thoughts and since he hadn't been expecting anyone and hadn't ordered any food he had no clue who was there. Still, at least it was something other than sitting around and pining for his best friend.
"Eddie?" When Buck opened his door he never expected to come face-to-face with a frantic-looking Eddie.
"I'm in love with you."
Or for Eddie to say that.
Given the look on Eddie's face, he hadn't expected to say that. "Why don't you come in." Stepping back for the door Buck waited for Eddie to move past him and then he shut the door.
Buck could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he turned to look at Eddie. "Did you mean it?"
Eddie wasted no time in closing the distance between them and cupping Buck's face with his hands, "I do. I am in love with you Evan Buckley. I have been for a long time. You are the sunshine that pulls me out of the raging storms and brings back the warmth into my life. Without you, I would be lost and adrift."
"I'm in love with you Eddie Diaz. I have been for so long that I can't remember a time that I didn't love you. Even when Abby still had a place in my heart I knew that what I felt for her was a shadow compared to what I felt for you and those feelings have only grown." Buck admitted in a soft voice.
Stroking Buck's cheek Eddie felt like his whole world had settled, "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. I'm sorry I hurt you with Ana. I went with what my parents would want instead of following my own heart."
Resting his forehead against Eddie's Buck smile was full of love, "All that matters is that you got here. And now you are stuck with me for life."
Eddie's eyes shone with pure love, "Good because I wouldn't have it any other way." And then he was moving and doing something he had been dreaming of for so long kissing Buck.
Buck melted into the kiss as he clung to Eddie. Never had a kiss left him so weak in the knees and he wondered if this is what it felt like kissing your soulmate.
Eddie would still have storms but Buck would always be there showing him the way out of them and back into the sunshine.
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anon911andbuddie · 4 years
Prompt: Dragon shifter AU Omega Buck is a lone dragon. One night he's walking through the woods when he sees woman being attacked by a pack of animals or bad people while trying to shield a little boy. Without thinking Buck shifts into his massive black dragon form and scares the attackers off. He tries desperately to save the woman but with her dying breath she binds him to her son Chris. Buck get Chris back to Eddie and all hell breaks loose. Eddie wants Buck gone but Chris imprinted.
Running Connections
Claimed by Red💋 - This one got away from me...it’s REALLY long...hope you like it!
Shannon is a witch, that’s how she binds Christopher with Buck before she dies. Eddie is a dragon who gave up shifting in order to take care of Shannon and Chris after getting Shannon pregnant but he is an Alpha dragon and doesn’t take much liking to another dragon around his kid. Also, I use a Draconic translator I found online later on...just to let you know.
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Times had changed. Once, long ago, dragons and other supernatural creatures lived in harmony. As they evolved and a few bad supernaturals had made their marks, there was now an urge to kill anything supernatural. In fact, if you were found harboring a supernatural, not only was that supernatural killed, but the person harboring them as well. They served as an example to others who would think to harbor those they deemed evil.
The even more fucked up thing about it is that your parents didn’t have to be supernatural to give birth to a supernatural. That was more unheard of, but in Buck’s case, it was a very important distinction. His own father had tried to kill him for fuck’s sake...the first time he turned. He was ten years old and he’d gotten so angry, he doesn’t remember why. But he was so angry and his skin was prickling and suddenly he was taller and bigger than he had previously been. His mother had screamed and his father had called him all kinds of names before getting the gun and shooting at him. After hitting a particularly tender spot for the dragon, Buck had changed back, clutching at the spot and crying out. 
Most would have stopped once their son turned back, but Evan Spencer Sr. did not. If Maddie hadn’t come home when she did, Buck probably would have been dead. She’d stopped their father and stayed protectively in front of her little brother before helping him out of the house. She had been coming over to give him a birthday present, planning on spending some time with her little brother before going back to her apartment deep in the city. 
That night, Maddie Spencer packed up what she needed and what her brother would need before she and Buck left Pennsylvania. They traveled all over the world, trying to stay under the radar. They would have to move while Buck was learning to control his powers. Sometimes Buck wouldn’t be able to control himself and people would find out...and every time they found out, Maddie and Buck moved. They changed names every couple of years to make sure that the SCF (Supernatural Cleansing Force) wouldn’t be able to find them. 
Three years prior, Evan and Maddie Buckley decided to stay in Los Angeles. Buck could control his powers and they’d grown enough and changed enough that even if the SCF were still looking for them, they wouldn’t be easily recognizable. That, and Buck could control his powers...he could protect Maddie if the SCF showed up. Not to mention, the people in LA were more forgiving than most cities across the world. As long as you didn’t hurt anyone, they didn’t turn you in and they didn’t hunt you down. Also important to note, there were plenty of wooded areas around LA that he could go when he needed to let the dragon out. It was a win-win situation.
Buck still prefered to keep to himself. The less he was around others, the less there was a chance of someone turning him and his sister in to the SCF. So while Maddie had her job at the 9-1-1 Operation Center, Buck spent his time around their apartment or watching from the shadows, making sure no one needed saving. Because of his abilities from being a dragon, he was able to do things that normals couldn’t. Sometimes he could save people that normals couldn’t.
That’s why when Buck heard a shout from the wooded area he frequented, he didn’t hesitate to investigate. If there was a wild animal attacking a human, he wanted to stop it and make sure the person got help. As he approached the clearing, he didn’t give a second thought into shifting. 
There was a woman and a crying child facing off against a group of shifters. He could tell that most of the shifters had gone rabid by the way they were acting towards the woman and the child. He let out a roar as he entered the clearing, putting himself between the injured woman and her child. The wolves in front of him barely flinched at his entrance, attacking him as he got between them and their meal. 
Buck exhaled, breathing a blue fire around the wolves. He allowed the temperature of his breath to drop as he aimed inside the circle, freezing the wolves. He put the fire out quickly as the wolves laid motionless. He shifted back, turning to see the woman not at all scared at his abilities. “Should have known a dragon would save my son,” she muttered as she fought to keep her eyes open. 
“I’m going to call 9-1-1 and you’re going to be fine, just...just hold on,” he muttered as he went in search of his phone that would have been left where his clothes had shredded when he shifted. 
He found it quickly and hurried back to the clearing. He knew that the rabid wolves wouldn’t stay frozen long. He never killed others, he just slowed them down. He made it back seeing the little boy crawling trying to make his way to his mother. “I-I’ve got it. I have a signal so I’m going to call 9-1-1 and they’ll send the SCF to take care of the wolves and you’ll be just fine. I just need to-”
“What’s your name, Dragon,” the woman asked. 
Buck stuttered a second, “Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck.” 
“No. Not you. The dragon,” she whispered. 
“I don’t-we’ve never had a conversation with each other. I guess he’s Buck too,” Buck was very confused. 
A light built in the woman’s eyes as she looked directly at him and something in those eyes triggered something. “What is your name, Dragon,” she asked more forcefully.
“Atryzion,” it was something guttural, from within. Buck wasn’t sure where it came from but it was out in the air, floating between them. 
“Atryzion, my kid is yours to look after. You protect him. You are bound to him. You will die before you let him be hurt. This is a sacred bond,” she stated. 
“I can’t-I can’t be bound to you kid. You’ll be fine I just need to-”
“If you call 9-1-1 and they send the SCF, they will kill my son and my husband. They will kill you. You protect my son not just as Atryzion but as Evan Buckley. I trust you because you didn’t have to step in. I’m not going to make it, Buckley so I need to know my son will be taken care of.”
“He will...I-I promise. But I need to get you help. You’ll be fine,” he stated as he knelt down next to the woman. 
She grabbed his hand, a light encompassing it as she took the kid’s hand and brought them together. It was like the world shifted for Buck. All that mattered was the kid. He would protect the kid as if he was his own. Buck presses on the deepest gash on the woman’s chest. “I see what you did there you clever witch, but you’re going to be fine. I’m going to get you help,” he stated as he dialed 9-1-1 and held the phone between his ear and his shoulder. 
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
“Maddie? Thank God.”
“Evan, are you alright?”
“I was just out walking, trying to clear my head and I heard a woman scream. Maddie, six shifters in wolf form. They were rabid and she was protecting her kid...it’s bad. I’m trying to keep her stable but I don’t know what to do.”
There were a couple of clicks on the other side of the phone. “Okay, I turned off the recording of this call. Did you shift,” she asked quietly.
“Yes and there’s scorch marks in the grass and the wolves are thawing as we speak. I’ve got a scared kid here that the mother bound me to. Mads, I don’t know what to do,” he spoke quickly. 
“She bound you to her kid? A witch?”
“Yes. I need-I need EMS and-and the SCF.”
“If I send them...you know what will happen.”
“I know! But-this kid-he’s going to watch his mom die if you-”
“Don’t send them,” the woman called quietly. “They’ll take my son.”
The woman stopped breathing. Buck held his breath. “Fuck, no...no no no. Come on, breathe,” he started chest compressions, tears falling down his face. 
“Buck-Buck...Evan! She’s gone and she’s right. The second they do the autopsy they’ll find out she’s a witch and they’ll think her son is the same. You need to get the son out of there. I can help you track down any living family that the little boy has. Do you have a name?”
“No-No she,” he broke off, taking a deep breath to control the tears. “She just bound me to him.” Buck approached the boy slowly, not wanting to scare him even more. The kid couldn’t be more than eight years old. He leaned down and slowly put his hand out. “I’ll...I’ll take him back to the apartment so we can both clean up and then I’ll see if he can take me to his dad.”
“Okay, my shift is ending. I’ll meet you at home.”
Buck hung up as the boy launched into his arms. “It’s alright...I’m going to help you get back to your dad.”
It was only about forty-five minutes after Buck had hung up with Maddie that he saw his older sister walk through the door of their apartment. He had successfully washed all of the blood and grime off of the kid and was in the process of doing the same to himself while the kid was sitting at the kitchen table drawing. 
Buck was still shaking from the clearing, but the kid seemed fine, only a little withdrawn. He’d learned the kid’s name was Christopher but that was all the kid had said. Maddie held up kids clothes as she got closer. “Hey Chris, Bud. How about you get changed into some clean clothes and we’ll go about finding your dad.”
Chris looked up, chewing on his bottom lip. “I can-can’t do my pants by-by myself. I have-have CP,” he stated. 
Buck nodded. Makes sense, he had seen the way the kid wobbled. He had assumed that was a result of everything he’d seen in the clearing, but CP made more sense. “Alright Kid, then let's get you to the bathroom and I’ll help you change your pants, okay?” 
It wasn’t long before Buck and Chris exited the bathroom and Buck resumed cleaning the blood and grime off of himself. He used the kitchen sink in order to keep an eye on Chris. “Has he told you anything about his father?”
“No...I didn’t know how to ask. I don’t want him to think about what he saw tonight.”
“How about I give it a try? Want to make an introduction? He’ll be more comfortable with me if he sees that you know who I am and trust me.”
Buck nodded as they walked over to Chris. “Hey bud,” Buck called to get his attention. Chris looked up, a small smile on his face. “This is my sister Maddie,” he pointed to Maddie, “she’d like to spend some time with you, is that okay?”
Chris nodded, getting back to his drawing. Buck let them be, watching from the kitchen as he scrubbed at his hands to make sure all of the night was off of him. He knew the kid’s father had to be worried about Chris and his wife. He needed to get the kid back to his dad, even if he knew it would hurt when he had to walk away.
By the time the sun rose, Buck and Maddie had a plan. Christopher didn’t remember his address, but he remembered his dad’s cell phone number. Maddie was going to call Josh in the operating center and have him track down the dad’s information on the downlow so that they could get the kid home safely. 
The couple of hours they had to wait were probably the longest of both of their lives. Christopher was asleep in his bed, content to know that they were going to get him to his dad soon enough.
Maddie’s phone rang, breaking the silence in the room. Maddie hurried to answer it, putting it on speaker. “So here’s what I have. The cell phone is in the name of Edmundo Diaz. He’s a firefighter at the 118 and is currently on shift which is why he hasn’t reported his son and wife missing. Given the circumstances, I would think it best to go to the fire station and drop Christopher off, let him tell his dad what happened.”
“I can’t just let a kid lose in a fire station. What if they’re not there? Plus, what’s to say Edmundo wouldn’t send SCF after me if Chris happens to mention what I did in the clearing,” he asked, standing up to pace. 
“He may still call SCF after you talk to him.”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take...this kid is my responsibility. I’m bound to him...I have to make sure that he’s going to be safe.” 
Maddie placed a hand on his shoulder before he got out. “No matter what, I’m proud of you, okay? You took on a huge responsibility and you’re doing everything you can even if it means putting yourself in danger...if we have to run again, I’m okay with that.”
Buck nods, biting at his lower lip. “I’m going to try to keep that from happening.”
Buck got out of the car, helping Chris to do the same. “Alright, Superman. Remember what we talked about?”
“Don’t mention to Daddy that you are an awe-awesome black dragon.”
He took a deep breath, both he and Chris walking side by side. As he entered, he was immediately met with an older man. “Hello, may I help you,” he asked before giving him a confused look. “Chris? What are you doing here?”
Buck didn’t know how to respond. “I-uh-is there-is there an Edmundo Diaz here,” he finally managed to ask. 
Before either man could respond, Christopher was quickly making his way through the station, “Daddy!”
Buck hesitantly followed after Christopher. He was getting more nervous the longer he was in the station. There was no telling how this was going to go. “Mijo! What are you doing here?” A Latino man called from the railing. He eyed Buck before looking back at Chris and racing down the stairs. “Where’s your Mom?” 
“Mommy’s gone,” Chris stated once Eddie was hugging him. 
Before Eddie could respond, Buck opened his mouth. “They were in the woods for some reason. I heard a woman scream and when I got there, she and Chris were surrounded by six wolves. She was protecting Chris but it wasn’t going well-”
“And Mommy said that someone needed to protect me, so she bound me to Bucky!”
The growl that left Eddie’s throat was most definitely not human, not that Buck could focus on that as Christopher had basically outed him to the whole crew standing in front of him. Buck took a step back as Eddie stood. The man may be a couple inches shorter than him, but he had a presence about him that overpowered Buck. 
“Look, I didn’t know it was happening in the moment. She just did this thing and our hands glowed and then it was like my whole world view shifted and all that mattered was Christopher,” Buck tried to explain, not expecting the fist that came towards his face. 
If he’d wanted to, Buck could have deflected it...but he felt like he deserved it for not saving the man’s wife. “Eddie,” another crew member hissed, coming up to grab his arm and pull him away from Buck. 
“Daddy! Don’t hurt Bucky! He protected me,” Chris cried from his spot next to a black firefighter with kind eyes. 
“Eddie, I think you should listen to Chris...I think he imprinted after the initial bond,” the woman with kind eyes called, seeing how Christopher was trying desperately to get to Buck’s side. 
Eddie growled yet again as he saw his kid trying to get to some stranger. That wasn’t right. Christopher was finally able to get out of Hen’s grip before rushing to the blonde man. He could see how much the blonde man wanted to crouch and hug Christopher, but he was restraining himself, probably knowing that if he moved to touch Christopher, Eddie would rip his head off. 
Eddie bit his tongue, taking a deep breath. “Shannon was in the woods with Chris and she ran into trouble. Six rabid wolves you said? How did you get away without a scratch,” his voice was still hostile but he counted it as progress from the alternative of ripping the blonde man to shreds. 
He could see how his question made the man tense. He opened his mouth to respond, but closed it again. “He’s a-he’s a dragon like you, Daddy,” Chris spoke for the man. 
“Chris,” the blonde man hissed.
“I know you-you said not to tell, but Daddy will understand! He’s a red dragon! You’re both-both protectors. Red and Black.”
“You’re a dragon,” the Asian man asked in wonder. “Meeting one was a rare occurrence, but two?”
“You’re a dragon,” Eddie deadpanned. 
Buck shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. He’d never admitted it to anyone other than Josh and that was only after Maddie basically gave away all the hints to the man. He looked away from Eddie and took a deep breath. “Look, Mr. Diaz, I just came here today to make sure your son got back to you safely. I didn’t come looking for a fight. And I understand if you decide to call SCF. It wouldn’t be the first time someone tried for only the reason that I am something that most people don’t understand. I’m sorry for your loss and for whatever this is between Christopher and I. I wouldn’t change the bond I have with him for the world because that means I saved at least one person last night...not for lack of trying to keep Shannon awake. I’ll be going now...I know the feeling of not liking another supernatural in your territory.”
Buck tried to leave, he really did. But the second Chris started to cry, he had tensed up, willing himself not to turn around. Then, as the kid called his name, he muttered curses in his head as he turned around, walking back quickly and crouching down next to the kid. “Kid, I promised your mom that I would make sure you got back to your dad safely. I’ve gotta go, you have everything you need here. A family...you’re more lucky than most to have such a caring father and family whether by blood or not. You don’t need me here, Bud.”
Chris shook his head, getting out of his father’s group and throwing his arms around Buck’s neck. “Mom-Mommy said you had to protect me as-as both Atryzion and Evan Buckley. She said you-you had to take care of me,” he sobbed, “don’t leave me too.”
Buck closed his eyes. He didn’t want to leave the kid, he knew that much...but hearing Christopher beg him not to leave, comparing his leaving to Shannon’s...Buck wasn’t strong enough to walk away. His arms wrapped tightly around the kid. “I-” his voice cracked, so he took a breath to calm himself. “I don’t think your dad is a fan of that plan. I don’t want to leave, okay Chris? But-but I’m not part of your family. I’m just an outsider, a loner. I don’t know how to do this whole bond thing and I don’t want to impose on your family. You’ve got all the support you need, Superman.”
Chris just hugged him tighter. Buck didn’t know what to do. Because of the bond, he couldn’t walk away if it was hurting Chris-which it clearly was. Buck laughed quietly, but it slowly got louder. “Your mom was a smart lady,” Buck stated as Chris pulled away from his grip to look at him in confusion. Speaking more to himself, he sat on his feet, “I can’t leave the kid when he’s distressed over it. That’s what she meant.” He looked at Chris, understanding in his eyes. “I think we’re going to need to talk about a few things, Edmundo.” 
Eddie was clenching his jaw. He knew exactly what Shannon had done as soon as Buckley had started talking about Shannon. He nodded tightly. “Because she made you bond and imprint on each other. Got that part.”
“Sorry to interrupt, but Buck, we gotta go,” Maddie called from the front of the station. Buck looked up, confusion in his eyes. Maddie walked closer, handing him her phone. On the screen was a video of the clearing where he had tried to save Shannon. He could see the scorch marks on the ground. 
“He just came out of nowhere. This big black dragon. All we were trying to do was help the mother and the kid. But the dragon, he just killed the mom and took the kid. He was feral. Breathed flames of blue and was able to cool down enough to freeze us. I don’t know why he didn’t kill us as well...maybe he thought we were dead.”
Buck looked up at Maddie, “Maddie…” the exasperated look she gave him caused him to frown. “I’m not a killer. I couldn’t just freeze them to death.”
“Well that would save us from running again,” she muttered. 
“Yeah, we got a look at him. Tall, blonde. Blue eyes and had a pink mark on his right eye.” 
Buck stood abruptly. The phone fell from his grip. Maybe they weren’t as rabid as Buck had thought. The first couple had seemed to be far past feral...but then how would this guy be able to talk with the press about him? “Evan, we need to go. SCF already has dogs there. They-”
“Have my scent,” Buck finished. 
“You don’t have to run. We know the real story. Christopher can tell them what really happened in that clearing,” the Asian man stated.
“That won’t matter, Chim,” the older man sighed. 
“The SCF hates all supernatural creatures, but they hate dragons even more,” Eddie continued. 
“So it doesn’t matter if I didn’t do anything,” Buck whispered. Buck could feel that familiar itch under his skin. 
“We’ll figure something out. No need to shift now, Buck,” Eddie stated as he felt the energy coming off the other man. 
“We? There is no we in this. They’ll track my scent to here, you’ll all say variations of ‘he was here’ and they’ll leave to track me down.”
“You are bound to my son. That I has turned into a we. It doesn’t matter if I like it or not. If they kill you, that hurts my son. So if you’re running, we’re running with you.”
Buck shook his head. He couldn’t process what Eddie was saying. The only things on his mind was to protect Maddie and Christopher but he couldn’t do one without neglecting the other. If he protected Maddie, he left Chris. If he protected Chris, he signed his sister’s death warrant. As Buck took a deep breath, the room cooled rapidly. “Buck-Evan? Now is not the time to freak out on me,” Maddie spoke quietly as she placed her hands on his shoulders. 
Opening his eyes, Buck could see Maddie and the fire crew standing behind her. Maddie sucked in a breath. “Your dragon eyes are showing,” she stated quietly. 
“I know that,” he growled, his voice not entirely his own. He could thank the dragon in him for that. “But I can’t just leave and I can’t stay. Either way someone gets hurt and I don’t do hurt,” he was breathing harder at the effort it was taking not to completely shift. “If I leave, I’m breaking my promise to Shannon but if I don’t leave you won’t leave and they’ll kill you.” 
Another hand was put on his shoulder and Buck could see Eddie standing next to his sister. “If they found Shannon’s body, they’ll figure out she’s a witch and they’ll come after Christopher and myself anyway. If you want to run to protect your sister, we’re coming with you.” 
“We’ll keep you informed. Maybe we can convince the SCF that you don’t exist,” the man in charge stated, looking at both Chim and the kind woman. 
“How could you-”
“Why do you think we didn’t freak out the second Chris said you were a dragon? We’re all supernaturals here, Buck,” the kind woman smiled.
Buck could still feel the buzzing under his skin, but he felt more comforted than he did when Maddie had handed him her phone. “We’ll be in touch with you constantly. If you need relocation, I’ll know,” the older man stated, a portal opening beside him. 
“Where does that go,” Maddie asked.
“A safe place.”
“Bobby, you’re amazing,” Eddie stated, hugging the man. “Come on, we don’t know how long it’s going to take for the SCF to get here.”
As Eddie and Chris stepped through the portal, Buck’s legs immediately took a few steps forwards. “Why are you doing this,” he asked as he looked at Bobby.
“Supernaturals have to look out for each other, especially those of us who are just trying to do good in the world. You’re a good guy, Buck, we need more supernaturals like you. Until it’s safe for you to return, we’ll keep in touch and let you know if you need to start looking for another place to stay.”
Buck nodded, thanking the man before grabbing Maddie’s arm and walking through the portal.
Four Months Later
Buck smiled as Christopher and Maddie were playing in the backyard. It was some game they’d made up after realizing the full potential of the open space they had. The chair next to him creaked as Eddie sat down, handing a beer to him. “You know, Chris has definitely adopted you both into the family.”
“We’ve adopted both of you into ours,” Buck easily responded, smiling as he looked at Eddie. 
It was quiet for a few moments before Eddie spoke again. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Every time you ask that, the answer is the same, Eddie. What would you like to know?”
“When Maddie came in that day. She said that killing those wolves would have kept you from having to run again...how long have you been running?”
Buck let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair as he looked away from Eddie. Where should he start? “That’s a long story, Diaz. You sure you want to hear the whole thing?” At Eddie’s nod, Buck nodded to himself. “I’ve been running for over half my life. The day I turned ten years old, I transformed. I don’t even know why I was so angry, but I felt this itch under my skin and suddenly I was bigger than I was before. My mom...she was screaming and my dad was calling me some pretty colorful names.”
Buck blew out a breath as he looked over to Maddie and Chris. “Neither of my parents are supernaturals. My dad grabbed his gun, I was freaking out by that time and my dad just...he kept shooting at me. He hit my side.” Buck pulled up his shirt to show him the scar on his left side. “I shifted back and he kept coming at me with the gun. If Maddie hadn’t come home when she did…”
Buck gulped as he looked away from his sister and Chris and just stared out at the landscape. “So she took me and we ran. We went all over the world. We tried to stay in one place or another but while I was learning my abilities, sometimes I’d mess up and people would find out so we’d have to move again. Three years ago, we decided to stay in LA. We thought we were done running,” Buck laughed, “guess I just keep messing everything up.”
Eddie was suddenly in front of him. “Don’t do that to yourself. You saved my son that night. If we weren’t dragons, we would have stayed and explained it to the SCF. You’re a good man, Evan. Shannon wouldn’t have bonded you to Chris if she didn’t see how good of a person you were.”
Buck cleared his throat. “So you don’t shift anymore? It took me a while to figure out what the weird energy coming off you was.”
Eddie took the change in topic with stride. “When Shannon became pregnant with Chris, I didn’t want to risk the SCF finding out about me which would lead them to Shannon and Chris. So, to provide and protect them, I had Shannon help me bind the dragon away. I still have some of his abilities, but I can’t shift. Though it has the weird side effect of me hearing the dragon constantly in my head.” 
“What’s his name,” Buck asked, mouth forming the words without really thinking about it. 
“Torasz,” came the voice that wasn’t Eddie. 
The dragon in Buck sat up straighter. He could feel the shift in his eyes, the glow clear in Eddie’s eyes. “Sini,” (mine) the dragon in Buck purred at the thought. “Si mi Atryzion.” (I am Atryzion).
Eddie sat straighter and his eyes began glowing a faint red. “Sini.” The red in his eyes started to glow brighter and before either man could blink, there was a large red dragon in Eddie’s place. Buck’s skin prickled before he, too, was in his dragon form. Before they had time to get to know each other, there was a throat being cleared. 
“While it’s nice you boys figured out that you’re mates, we have an innocent child in the vicinity and the SCF are still looking for both of you,” Maddie stated, Chris beside her giggling happily. 
As if cold water had been poured over them, both men shifted back to their human forms. Eddie groaned as he hit the floor of the porch. Buck was immediately over to his side. “I thought you said you couldn’t shift.”
“I thought so too. I think the dragon broke free when he realized he was within reach of his mate.”
“You two compliment each other, color wise and all,” Maddie stated as she returned with clothes for the men. “But let’s try not to shift unless absolutely necessary.”
Ten Months Later
“What are you talking about Eddie? If you don’t remember, I didn’t have the best upbringing. I can’t take care of a kid,” he hissed as he followed Eddie around as he packed his duffel. 
“You’ve been co-parenting our kid over the past year. You’ll be fine. I’m going to meet with Bobby and talk with the SCF. I’ll get everything settled and then we can go back to LA.” 
Buck grabbed Eddie’s arm. He licked his lips as he stared into Eddie’s brown eyes. He loved this man. “What if I don’t want to go back to LA? What if I want to stay here with you and Chris? In this isolated place, we don’t have to worry about anyone but ourselves. We get to love each other and not be interrupted by everyday life. This is the most at peace I’ve ever been Eddie...I don’t want it to end.”
Eddie placed his hands on Buck’s cheeks. He leaned in, giving the man a quick kiss. “We can talk about living arrangements when I get back. At the very least, I’d like for us to be able to go where we please without someone trying to kill us.”
Buck could feel the tears of frustration building up in his eyes. “What if you leave and they kill you anyway?”
“Amor, I’ll have the team with me. Nothing’s going to happen other than the SCF is going to stop looking at us as fugitives.”
A portal opened up and he could see Bobby standing on the other side. Buck shook his head, grabbing Eddie’s arm again. “Please,” he begged, “I...let me go. That way Chris still has you if things go wrong.”
Buck was expecting the red glow of his eyes. He knew no matter what he argued, Eddie was going to go through that portal. “Nothing will go wrong and even if something were to happen, I’d rather it be me than you,” he stated, pulling the duffel over his shoulder. He leaned in one last time and placed a lingering kiss on Buck’s lips. “I’ll be back in no time, mi sol.”
One Week Later
Buck was going crazy. Eddie wasn’t back yet and the dragon inside him was going wild. He couldn’t tell if it was because Eddie was in distress or if it was because Buck was so nervous. Maddie had tried to keep his mind off the meeting with the SCF, but after a couple days, it was no use. He could tell she was nervous too. The only reason he wasn’t going completely mad was because he had Chris to care for. As a week was passing though, Buck could almost constantly feel that itch under his skin. 
That’s why when the portal opened, he was immediately through it and plowing into Eddie. Eddie easily wrapped his arms around Buck, chuckling slightly as Buck buried his head in Eddie’s neck. “It’s alright, Querido. Everything is alright. We’re fine,” he muttered into Buck’s curls. 
Eddie had been able to feel Buck’s distress all week. He was definitely thankful to be able to have his arms around his mate. He’d been wanting to shift all week especially over the last few days as the distress from his mate became stronger and stronger. Thankfully, he’d gotten everything sorted out with the SCF. “Come home,” Buck whispered against Eddie’s throat. 
Eddie nodded. “I’m coming home, Amor. We can figure out everything else tomorrow.”
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