#Eve Genoard
alicenpai · 1 year
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Baccano rewired my 14 year old brain fr (true story) 🍾🗽🚂💰🔫
i made a sticker sheet for one of my favourite animes ever, for anime north 2023 this month! One of the drawings I did for my first ever con was Baccano, so I wanted to pay tribute. It makes me overjoyed the fandom is alive and kicking in 2023. if you can’t get to AN and you want the sticker sheet, keep an eye out this summer for my online shop!!
A lot of the media I first experienced when I was a teen was so formative for me as an artist, Baccano was one of them - and I love inputting vintage aesthetics in my art whenever possible (unfortunately not possible half of the time). I've watched the anime many times, and I'm almost done the 1st book, unfortunately I learned theres 22 other books (DW voice: I can't read!!! 💔) Planning this sheet took a LOT of work - each individual sticker composition, trashing and reworking sketches, research and visual reference, drawing inspiration from the art nouveau and art deco periods, as well as film noir era posters. 
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There were countless times where I regretted my choices and thought, "Oh man, why did I do this to myself?! I think I should have drawn chibis of the characters instead!!". Planning and drawing this took so long that I couldn’t envision it being complete for my deadline. But with the power of god and anime I pulled through. I'm quite happy I went with this more graphic design approach! I definitely want to try more graphic design stuff in the future, it’s a lot of fun 🤔🤔
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I ended up with a completely NEW pinterest board of 125 art deco related pins over the course of drawing this... help
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the flames in the “The Grand Panacea” poster were inspired by these two posters
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brbarou · 1 year
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20 years of baccano huh
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saint-miroir · 1 year
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Fave Anime OPs (3/?)— Gun’s and Roses by Paradise Lunch
(From: Baccano!)
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savannahstanfield27 · 11 months
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Baccano Week Day 3: Resilience and Adversity
I couldn’t think of anything to draw for this day so I drew women. Lol
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esperanzacboronial · 11 months
Day 4: Memory and Identity
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zetzhao · 2 years
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Drew a questionnaire about the relationship between three people
Questionnaire:  An inexplicable relationship between three people -- or possible scenarios
1、When A was asked about his relationship with two other people
2、The moment when C was jealous because of the relationship between the other two people
3、B provides breakfast for two other people in the morning
4、A and C have a disagreement
5、B comes to persuade peace
6、A and B take care of the sick C
7、C and A work together to choose the right clothes for B
8、When B and C miss A together
9、The anger of the one who could die for two other people
10、The bitter smile of the one who can survive for the other two
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Do you think Eve became immortal?
No. Nothing in the text indicates she did, not even that notorious 2002 line in Volume 4's Epilogue...
"Well, we’ve gotten real generous donations from the acting head of the Genoard family for generations."
...or rather, the notorious fan translation version: "Ah, while Mr. Genoard was alive he would frequently donate money," which spawned an enduring fandom mythconeption that Dallas lived to have a change of heart (and took over from Eve as head?). The original Japanese does not indicate gender, as the official translation shows, but the 'acting heads' are probably successive (e.g. child, grandchild) than one constant person like Eve.
Do I think it is especially likely that Eve would become (a complete) immortal? No, neither by choice or by accident—though the former isn't necessarily made obvious or guaranteed by her Christian faith, while the latter isn't necessarily the more believable scenario since it and the other depend on someone creating more Grand Panacea.
That’s my answer done and sorted, no need to peek BELOW THE CUT, where I make things unnecessarily difficult for myself by asking “but, like, would she though?” (Spoiler: I still err on the side of “probably not.”)
Let us suppose she is given that choice. I think the vast majority of Christians across denominations and degree of religious education (of which Eve possesses none), would consider the question a spiritual one. However, I think your average Christian layperson on the streets of '20s-era New Jersey, if asked whether they would drink an immortality elixir that made them biologically immortal, would have no idea how to answer; they would have not conceived of immortality in this fashion. Immortality was (and is) intrinsically understood to mean life after death and rarely needed a qualifying prefix when mentioned.
Suffice it to say, Eve knows so little of her faith beyond God, angels, and an afterlife that, while I do think the choice would be spiritual in nature for her, it's not one she's theologically equipped for—let alone most people. Still: one cannot assume all Christians today would choose to reject an immortality elixir. It’s simply not true.
Eve would have to answer for herself whether if she would be "moving outside God's grace" by accepting the GP's immortality, or whether she is 'cheating' God in doing so (personally I suspect it is much harder to leave God's grace or cheat God than you'll hear some people say). If she at all believes in a soul innately tied to one's individuality, and that soul and consciousness are interlinked, would she feel trepidation over what it might mean if and other immortal devours her, her 'soul', her consciousness?
(If it is that one's soul and consciousness are detached concepts, what would happen to her soul when an immortal eats her  'consciousness'? How can one's soul know to seek God, life after death, without conscious direction? Now we are getting into the theological weeds I tried to avoid.)
Although Baccano! has more self-declared atheists or irreligious persons in its cast, problems of the self, of personal identity, of life after death, and even ‘the soul’ resurface throughout the series. Are the memories, skills, and knowledge of Immortal A, as devoured by Immortal B, constituent parts of a ‘soul’? A ‘self? Renee, who wonders where one’s bodily matter goes when devoured, believes she is the sum of her memories and thus in a form of her continuation after death (potentially comparable to the ideas of Descartes and later philosophers). Claire does not believe in God but is nonetheless preoccupied with life after inconceivable death. Do homunculi have ‘souls’? Christopher agonizes over this. Melvi challenges Ennis directly on whether she has the same personality—”’soul’, for lack of a better word” after devouring the alchemist.
Elmer, in concluding the non-existence of God, has committed to pursuing happiness on Earth in God’s absence.
Anon, I admit that Eve would be an interesting Grand Panacea candidate by dint of her overt religiousness. Unlike most of the alchemists, Eve would be choosing between two immortalities (terrestrial and spiritual), rather than immortality vs. mortality—and it is reasonable to assume that a Christian would say “terrestrial immortality is not immortality,” therefore Eve rejects the former.
Essentially, one asks, “Why would Eve, a Christian, choose to drink the Grand Panacea and delay ‘true’ eternal life?” (Or worse, depending on one’s perception of God). What reason could compel her to stay? There is one reason I could entertain, as based entirely off her characterization in Volume 4: altruistic Elmer-moding. The longer Eve is on Earth, the more Christian good she can do—can’t she? She could choose to dedicate her prolonged life on Earth in service to the Lord and in self-sacrifice to others. It is in Volume 4 that Eve achieves clarity of understanding: prayer is not enough; prayer must be followed by action, she the prayer must become a player (forgive me).
However... One can realize immortality through legacy, especially if one has a fortune—which Eve will once Nader restores hers in 1935. If she is mortal, she has succeeded in instilling the virtues of philanthropy in her successors (and tight restrictions on her estate), c.f. the philanthropic donations the Genoards have made to the New Jersey Hospital. She has ensured that her money and her descendants (?) will continue doing good in her absence, which, in a way, is most high-minded outcome of all.
Ensuring that good deeds will continue without your presence being necessary is indisputably altruistic. Eve has the fortune to achieve that where Elmer does not—hell, Elmer sort of entirely dropped pursuing universal happiness-through-wealth distribution because of Huey—so it makes a sort of sense for her to “sow the charity seeds now, reap the spiritual rewards later,” and Elmer to instead be the “secular monk wandering Earth for eternity in pursuit of terrestrial rewards.” Y’know. One takes the Johnny Appleseed legend to heart (plant seeds today for tomorrow’s orchards so that you may will over them a long shadow), the other decides to be Johnny Appleseed, but, like, forever planting individual seeds and never sticking around long enough to witness or ensure it they bear fruit and multiply.
Edit: Note that this is still toeing the line of broad religious-based speculation and character-based speculation. Unless the text goes into more specifics about Eve’s personal religious beliefs and knowledge, I am somewhat left to fall back on generalized expectations and suppositions... Though I fully admit I am likely forgetting a lot of Eve-related details that are mentioned in the books. End edit.
Edit x2: Wow, I completely forgot to entertain the idea of Eve becoming immortal for love. Right. Whoopsie. I know that there are fans who like the idea of Luck/Eve (I’m...blanking on any other common pairings for her; I’ve already given an opinion on that fan pairing in some older post), so if you or anyone else had that in mind... Would Eve become immortal for love?
I have to take the generic “general supposition” perspective here, again, because the novels shed as little insight into Eve’s desires and thoughts on romance as they do her faith. Quite possibly less. It just hasn’t come into play. With this in mind... Christians are to put God first, and so do they love and worship God above all else; to love God ‘totally’ is Christian life’s first principle. 
As a Dr. Phil Brown put it, “To love God is to self sacrificially commit oneself to delight in Him, to rejoice in serving Him, to desire continually to please Him, to seek one’s happiness in Him, and to thirst day and night for a fuller enjoyment of Him.”
I could guess that Eve would be spiritually conflicted; I could guess that she might view “delaying death” on Earth for the love of a spouse as putting God second to him. She would have to ask herself if she desires the earthly pleasures in one’s spouse more than the timely eternal joy of the Father, the Son... Could she truly choose a spouse over God? Who could or would?
...Well, one can acknowledge the unique position she would be in if she married an immortal. By dying as a mortal, she would be signing up for long afterlife without the spouse who remains on Earth—and, if we are to believe she would marry a morally questionable person like Luck in the first place, which I find difficult to, Eve (with her rudimentary understanding of heaven and hell) would have no guarantee they would find each other again later. (Even Ronny has no guarantee on an afterlife, so there’s really no guarantee for her that immortals would, all the paragraphs up to now aside).
If she could manage to continue serving God in her fullest capacity while living a terrestrial immortal life on earth with an immortal spouse... Well, if she could, bully for her, but that does bring us back what was earlier said about immortal legacy beyond self. I’m already paving my own unending eternal circle here, so never mind that.
I think it would be emotionally and spiritually safer for Eve to remain mortal in this specific regard, and for her to marry another Christian? If only because when she dies she has the comfort in certainty of knowing her spouse will join her in xyz years (same in reverse).
Edit x3: You know what though, anon, this all assumes in the first place that someone manages to explain to or convince Eve that Ronny is not The Devil or any sort of demon to be associated with evil. I imagine that association would be somewhat hard to shake, even for a girl who took Isaac and Miria to be actual angels from heaven.
Back to the last two paragraphs...
Well, this got away from me. Happily, the paragraphs above the cut did actually answer the question in short order. It’s like I’m fundamentally incapable of leaving most asks “at that” or something; I didn’t...need...to expand beyond the fairly straightforward scope of the original question.
By the by, I recommend looking through the Ingersoll Lectures on Immortality as printed in the 1920s if you want some interesting (short) contemporary multi-disciplinary think-pieces on “Immortality and the Modern Mind,” “Immortality and the Present Mood,” “Selfhood and Faith in Immortality,” and the like.
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gunmeister · 10 months
remember how in the baccano novels dallas stuck around all afternoon and taught eve how to play billiards knowing fully well what he returned to the manor for had already been stolen. remember how the only thing dallas is even capable of caring about anymore is his sister. remember how he has no standards and will sink to the lowest lows he needs to get in order to advance himself but he'd still do whatever it took to keep his sister safe even knowing he's outmatched. remember how he felt so useless to help her in any way but spilling blood.
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Hello there Eve Genoard fans.
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closedcoffins · 2 years
one thing the baccano! anime doesn’t tell you about dallas genoard is that there is good somewhere in him. one thing it doesn’t tell you is that his father and jeffrey were complete assholes, and from the way dallas is, it’s not a stretch to assume that he was subject to at the very least severe emotional abuse from the two of them.
dallas is a terrible person, but he’s terrible because he doesn’t know how to do or be anything else. the way he himself puts it---he wanted to be strong to protect his sister, but the only thing he knew he could do was fight, and hurt people, and kill. everything else, he was too incompetent for, and i think that viewpoint CAME from his brother and father. 
moreover, i’ll never forgive the anime for making him yell at eve. he would never. even on his darkest days, all he ever does is comfort eve, or spend time with her, or try and figure out exactly who’s wronged her so he can make them pay. eve is his whole world because she’s the only person who was ever kind to him without expecting anything in return. do not talk to me.
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drfeelgreed · 7 months
@starwonderz asked ... " if this is what you want, go and fight for it. " | hmmm for eve perhaps?
She doesn't lack conviction anymore, but that's easier said than done.
Eve almost says this to Tsukasa, but she holds her tongue at the last second, steeling herself to follow his advice. A lot of things are easier said than done, but so far, she hasn't come across an obstacle more difficult than setting aside her own ingrained sense of helplessness from before she was in a position to do much of anything at all.
"You're right," she says, wearing a serious expression. It's hard not to smile politely at him, to thank him for the encouragement---but there'll be a time for that after she's done what she needs to. "I'm going to get my brother back and resolve whatever trouble he's caused however I have to."
wants. / accepting.
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drfeelgreed-a · 7 months
the wheel speaks once more. czeslaw meyer and eve genoard now have bios on my card. the completion of eve's bio means the section detailing the genoard family is now fully complete!
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baccano-gauntlet · 1 year
Lana v. Frank
Fred v. Leeza Laforet
Sham v. Pamela
Rachel v. Isaac Dian
Dallas Genoard v. Charon Walken
Huey Laforet v. Chané Laforet
Czeslaw Meyer v. Nader Schasschule
Gretto Avaro v. Esperanza C. Boroñal
Donatello v. Sylvie Lumiere
The President of the Daily Days v. Roy Maddock
Berga Gandor v. Carlotta
Chaini v. Claire Stanfield
Christopher Shaldred v. Eve Genoard
Angelo v. Victor Talbot
Kate Gandor v. Miria Harvent
Feldt Nibiru v. Laz Smith
Melvi Dormentaire v. Ennis
Donny v. Charkie
Carnea Kaufman v. Ronny Schiatto
Niki v. Edith
Mark Wilmens v. Maria Barcelito
Molsa Martillo v. Rail
Graham Specter v. Firo Prochainezo
Lebreau Fermet Viralesque v. Nice Holystone
Misery v. Adele
Lucrezia de Dormentaire v. Nile
Jacuzzi Splot v. Luck Gandor
Aging v. Lua Klein v. Fil
Carol v. Nicola Casetti
Paula Wilmens v. Denkuro Togo
Begg Garrott v. Claudia Walken
Ricardo Russo v. Tick Jefferson
Maiza Avaro v. Monica Campanella
Elmer C. Albatross v. Juliano
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starrymused · 1 year
Luck Gandor is one of the heads of the Gandor Family mafia alongside his older brothers Keith and Berga. He and his brothers become complete immortals in November 1930 after unwittingly consuming the Cure-All Elixir at the Martillo Family's promotion party for Firo Prochainezo.
Luck conducts himself with practiced composure, usually suave and courteous even when that courtesy is not sincerely meant. Such conduct befits the role of a quintessential mafioso, a role Luck wants to, is expected to, and must fill as a Gandor boss; as neither he nor those close to him are fully convinced he is suited to be mafia, he constantly, consciously emulates the qualities he 'ought' to have, including ruthlessness and shrewd civility.
While Luck is not 'cut out' for the mafia, he has proven himself more than competent and capable in acting like one to the point where some like Firo Prochainezo will call him the "perfect mafioso" he strives to be. Furthermore, underneath Luck's calm veneer lies turbulent emotion—up to 1930—including that of passionate violent intent when his family, friends, or men have been killed or harmed in some way. His vengeful ire can be genuinely murderous in such situations, though he possesses enough self-awareness and self-control to recognize such feelings and actively try to manage them.
As honed as Luck's sangfroid is, it is not ironclad. The fury that he suppresses when his men are murdered in 1930 boils when he is confronted with their murderers, and he instinctively shoots Dallas Genoard in the head when that fury bubbles over. Meanwhile, there is no similar scale when it comes to forgiveness: he cannot and will not forgive those who have done harm to those he cares about or is responsible for. The pain he feels for those killed under his watch or wronged is long-lasting and sharp, and not easily forgotten.
Unbridled anger is not the only emotion that has cracked Luck's mask of composure; when talking to Maria Barcelito, whom he finds hard to manage, he has on more than one occasion let his exasperation and irritation get the better of him—much to his men's amusement, and to his lack thereof. He is also surprised and chagrined at himself when he realizes how bluntly he is speaking to Eve Genoard in 1932, more affected by their personal situation than he should have been as a mafia boss.
Luck's need to prove himself is as much for his brothers as it is for his men, other Families, and himself. As the youngest brother, he strove to act mature and be taken seriously (when he was often not due to his age) even in adolescence, and his admiration for his brothers' more natural gangster mien—coupled with envy—continues on through 1935. His brothers are the only people with whom he drops his mask of calm, and even then only in private.
As someone introspective and prone to overthinking, Luck is conscious of how immortality has affected him and his brothers, and believes himself to have changed for the worse. In becoming immortal, he no longer fears death like he did when mortal; in becoming immortal he has become apathetic, his emotions no longer as fierce and violent as they were before. This troubles him to no small degree, as especially does the possibility he may never again possess such passion, and he admits to feeling jealous when he recognizes such passion and life-risking determination in others.
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crisdrawsandcries · 2 years
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Happy Holidays! Have a bunch of chibis!
Note: photo used as reference for the background
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