#Eveness Harin
dianalillian · 5 months
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Wake up in a new world as... A. Yul from My Alternate Ending B. Chloé Battenberg from 50 Tea Recipes from the Duchess C. Renesha from False Confession D. Eveness Harin from How to Clear a Dating Sim as a Side Character
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Love a girl with no sense of direction
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soshiharin · 2 months
better than this world tour: taipei
harin’s masterlist // better than this world tour
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— annie chen
— julia wu
— karencici
— another day, another sold out arena
— nothing out of the ordinary tbh
— pporappippam you are sooooo loved girlie!!!
— also the crowd knew fanchants for all songs including the unreleased ones so the cheers were LOUD
— at the end of the day, she’s a singer who sings (and looks pretty doing it)
— the vocals will never miss guys. ever!
— let’s hear it for the national anthem secret love song
— the pride flags displayed on the screen during that song + her highnote >>>>>>
— in between songs, she snacked on dried fruit gifted by seohyun ofc
— “seohyunie gave me this so i have to finish it😕”
— give it up for the one and only gotta goooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
— hashtag real music
— the song she covered was 整夜 by eve ai (you should def go listen to it)
— “thank you so much for coming everyone, please dress warmly and get home safely. goodnight, my loves”
— an amazing two and a half hours tbh
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©️ jang harin
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ystrike1 · 2 years
How to Clear a Dating Sim as a Side Character - By Dalzo (6.5/10)
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Well, well, well. We have a real predicament here. First, this is a harem. Harems annoy me when they get too big. The only big harems that can work are comedic ones. Our heroine here seduces like ten men (and women). She is pretty cool but keeping track of everything and the huge cast is exhausting. Also. The second problem is uh...haha. Oops. I don't like the main love interest. I like the asshole prince character better.
What a mess.
Eveness Harin is the Saintess. She was sold to the temple by her family after her powers were discovered. She has no backbone, no desire for romance, and she's extremely conservative. She's the triple SSS hard route protagonist in a successful otome game series called Midnight. It's a very highly rated game. The developers added Harin's route as an Easter egg. It's not meant to be enjoyed. It's a challenge for hardcore gamers. Harin is doomed to fail and die 99.9999% of the time because her route is too damn hard. One day Harin awakens with a different soul. The soul of a gamer who died after a long otome gaming session. So now she has a higher chance of survival because she knows what the plot is.
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I wanna cry and scream. Eveness Harin was incredibly interesting. She was raised by an abusive high priest to become the perfect Saintess, and she did it. The people adore her. She is a symbol of morality and justice for all. Only she can cure the deadly magical disease that rips people apart (after they use too much magic). She's invaluable and beloved because she has saved thousands of mages from death. Her devotion made her into a weirdo. She fell in love with Prince Yuri, in a distant kind of way. She fawns over him and watches him from under her veil. Her route is near impossible because of course the Saintess can't get married. The prince would have to be willing to break the rules to have her, and he just finds her annoying. Harin became awkward, quiet, and weak because she's a hard worker. (and her life sucks)
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Her purification powers drained her energy too much. She can't even take a short walk without feeling ill. The other noblewomen think she's an ugly hag because of her veil. She's kind of a pushover because of her upbringing, so she never fights back. The abusive asshole who raised her gives her a potion. A mind control potion to use on the prince. She doesn't quite understand love but she wants his attention so she uses it and she's executed. The Prince does it gleefully because he thinks Harin is a willing puppet, but she never knew how evil the temple really was. They were using her good reputation and hard work to do evil crap behind closed doors....For the love of Jesus pisspants Christ please write the story I just described. Enough of this reincarnation harem crap.
I'll miss you Harin, but I have to talk about the actual plot we get now.
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Anyways the otome gamer girl boss is pretty good. She's ok, ok? She's alright. She knows the temple is evil so she immediately tries to run. The Saintess has actual duties to attend to so she can leave to work. She decides to romance Daniel. He's a really nice and religious man. He likes Harin but he's too faithful to see the saint as a woman. He develops a giant crush on her. It's pretty cute, and I completely understand why a relationship doesn't develop. He's too religious to kiss a godly woman.
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Harin was gorgeous under her veil all along. Hooray. The hardcore gamer gets to enjoy her face and power. Hooray. Beatrice, the true protagonist, almost immediately becomes her best friend. Hooray. Harin avoids the master of the magic tower because she knows how scary he is, but her cute stubbornness steals his heart. Hooray. One of the love interests actually gets turned into a plot device bodyguard, which is genuinely funny. Like he doesn't even get any scenes with her. He serves the master of the tower and he protects Harin on his behalf. He swoops in when the Master is too busy to swoop.
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This is the harem in the original game. Beatrice is unrecognisable. In this plotline Beatrice just claps and compliments the new Harim. She's not a wicked foe or an enemy at all. Everybody is interested in Harim, because she changed. She's so much better now. She's not a spineless, religious, abused loser anymore. Hooray. It's not like watching characters heal and leave their abusers is satisfying or anything. Just give her body to a gamer girl boss. Who cares?
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Prince Yuri is the only character who doesn't immediately love gamer girl boss. His mother was murdered by the corrupt temple. Harin is the symbol of that temple. He knows she's evil. He can't let go. He tries to foil her (innocent?) plans. He stalks her while she rolls her eyes like a girl boss. He's genuinely worried about what this evil temple is going to do to his country. Harin is only interested in eloping to the desert with Daniel. Also she doesn't love Daniel. She's just using him to get away from the execution ending. It's actually pretty fucked up if you think about it. Like some of these characters have depth and emotional issues. There's actual political problems in the country, but of course new Harin just cares about her own survival. That's fine but uh...the world building here is half decent. I feel bad for these characters. I want Yuri to get his revenge. He wanders around outside sometimes. He sleepwalks and looks for his dead mom because losing her traumatized him too much. Harin just thinks he's an annoying jerk.....but they are the most similar pair in the harem cast. She hates the evil temple and he does too. Sadly, that doesn't mean anything because the master of the magic tower is sooooo hooottt.
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The main love interest isn't that bad. He's not boring. He's just too much. He has special eyes that can drive you insane if you look directly into them. He has every kind of magic. He's secretly a god. His puppet body (Duke Joshua) is currently the prime minister of the country. He hides from his subordinates because he doesn't want anybody to realize that one guy controls magic and politics.
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He starts to stalk Harin. I realized he was the yandere a little too late, because I didn't care. His love for new Harin is very...bleh. He seems to know that her soul is new, and he doesn't give a shit about the actual Harin that is gone forever. He and his lackey (pictured above) solve most of Harin's problems for her. It gets boring and I noticed something. Everything Harin does on her own is inconsequential. She never does anything relevant on her own. The Master (Adam) is always there helping if something important is happening.
I don't like that.
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Oooh! Sudden side plot! The princess is obsessed with Adam. Oooooooo. That's totally scary even though we already know that Adam is literally god and he can kill her no problem. Harin goes into the princesses salon in a pretty white dress. Yuri is there and that's when I realized I liked him. He's the better yandere. He has a really good reason to be obsessed with Harin. She's connected to his mother's death. She has a crush on him (in the other timelines) which disturbs him and repulses him. Which makes him obsess over her every move, because he's convinced that she's more evil than a demon. It would be so cool to see Yuri accept that she was a pawn who truly fell for him....but no. Gamer girl boss time.
Anyway. Master Adam starts..... slicing down trees???? Whenever Harin gets hurt or somebody flirts with her. Again. That's really lame yandere shit. He stays in the shadows and uh...chops trees when the Princess suggests that Harin should break tradition and marry someone. That is pretty yandere but it feels off. He also kills random dudes for her but...yawn. Feels a little eh...especially compared to the plot I could have enjoyed if Korean authors weren't COWARDS who think reincarnation is the only type of plot that exists....
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venusvity · 1 year
:O i thought flowerbank didn’t have a lot of artists under them? wasn’t it just allume before venus and deep dive?
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flowerbank has a handful of artists and sub-labels! they primarily have girl groups or female artists. they started in 2013 with a single female soloist (who some of yall may remember hehe) who helped get the company off the ground. here's their roster as of right now!
( NEW! ) VENUS ... Jung Yoonah, Suzki Akiko, Chloe Zhao, Kang Jiah, and Kim Sena.
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( NEW!) DEEPDIVE ... Hwang Jisung, Jacob Kim, Cameron Lee, Kang "Blue" Woobin, Bae Kiwoo, Finn Li, and TBA.
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( EST. 2021 ) SUNLITE ... Tyler Rodriguez, Fawn Santos, Josie Kim, Noey Tupkunanon, Bae Jinah, and Han Bomi.
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( EST. 2019 ) CASSIA ... Odessa "Miju" Reyes, Ito Yoko, Cindy Choi, Bang Dayeon, Tanaka Misaki, Emily "Emmy" Zaitsev, Kim Suyi, Faii Jirayungyurn, and Farrah Smith.
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( EST. 2018 ) ALLUME ... Marisol Diaz, Min Yebin, Myoi Yui, Sang Jaehwa, and Kim Chaerin.
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( EST. 2015 ) GIRLGARDEN28 ... Nadia, Biyu, Chaeyoung, Posie, Meera, Hana, Camila, Jada, Kat, Val, Haneul, Dahlia, Jinae, Youngmi, Harin, Daphne, Riko, Sooah, Jian, Bea, Navee, Yuna, Kaiyo, Lulli, Eve, Chaewon, Haeun, and Sunday.
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( EST. 2013 ) AUTUMN MOON ... Soloist
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( EST. 2020 ) LAST OF US ... Leo Peters, Jayden Jones, Lee Minhee, Hwang Eunbin, Kim Juwon, Jung "Sol" Chansol
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and they also have a sub-label for actors and models called "l' élite" but they arent really important so i won't list them all dfjksdnfj overall very busy and bright company!
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444names · 1 year
french forenames + finnish names
Aala Aalauren Aalo Aapa Agaétala Agnèsen Ahval Ailevala Aimanen Aimen Airgert Akuska Alavine Almula Alonen Alppine Amaamäki Ammaa Amäki Anne Annen Annennen Annic Anniivi Anski Ansontte Antala Ante Antte Anuli Artine Arvikune Aulanen Aulmo Aulo Aunen Aunone Aurmanta Auta Auvine Bersi Boyllera Béanen Béantti Caleemi Chanen Chartino Chen Chent Chri Chrio Cléa Coletaa Cort Cyrio Cécin Cédranni Dome Dylvi Dylynti Eemise Eetomade Eevela Eililä Eilto Elittia Ellio Emien Empi Ensala Enskila Erkionen Erkkanen Eves Fabeli Flouiti Frantu Gilph Gélikki Gérès Haari Hakko Haku Hala Hallehto Hana Hanen Hannen Hante Hapis Harce Harilto Harine Hata Hathe Hatu Heiko Heilahto Heli Helto Hené Hiemi Hievi Hilmelja Hirjö Hirtila Hisla Hiuraymo Hona Honen Hyvela Hämäki Héristo Iirjuno Iivi Iivune Ikoseppo Ilmarie Immi Irkeli Irunen Isokki Ison Isopaino Isopinen Janen Janes Jaski Jeanen Jeanien Jeanni Jeanti Jeantte Jertta Jeskio Jestépha Jokki Jokko Jone Joorgen Joskile Jouti Juno Jurkko Juse Juvio Juvo Järvo Kaakkul Kaine Kainenen Kaino Kala Kaltala Kaltami Kanen Kapää Kara Karane Karce Kard Karina Karja Karjoski Karkko Kart Kaupi Kaura Kauri Kaurola Kein Keini Kelyne Keminti Kesoph Kessi Kien Kine Kinen Kiuko Klehti Koinenen Kole Kone Konen Kopo Koris Korkila Koska Koskoski Koste Kova Kovumi Kuitu Kuko Kulie Kulmi Kurmi Kurro Kylleta Laasan Lama Lamainen Lapand Lapo Lappa Lasa Lascasa Lasvi Laula Lauli Lauren Lehmalo Lehtari Lehtia Lehtie Leinen Lepo Leppien Leppää Liita Lila Lili Linen Lone Loutinen Lovi Lume Luoski Lyydinen Lyyla Lyyri Léri Maaja Maakanen Maara Maarjo Maavaka Macqueta Maine Mainen Maipie Maka Maki Mala Mandra Manen Mani Manine Mara Marce Marili Marja Markka Marle Marven Mata Matajule Mathel Matina Matu Maula Merä Mica Mien Miine Milia Mine Mirapas Moiven Moivilja Murélimi Myydie Mäkil Mäkinen Méli Nadiname Neanen Neanta Neuvi Nevaart Nevinen Niemille Niki Nistola Noukkola Nouti Nyppala Nyppo Nyynen Otte Paaja Paas Paki Pakkonen Paksoto Pauriki Pela Peli Pelja Peljatho Phaëlla Piaisto Pier Piimi Pirtone Pitaine Porkilli Pouta Poyly Pudone Pulainen Puutine Rahanna Raine Ramuno Rannieu Raude Raupi Reimed Reinen Rettune Riipi Rinen Ristise Rite Ritu Role Romalmi Ronen Ronisti Rooniela Ruhana Ruomi Ruomäki Ruova Ruta Räski Räskonen Réginen Réli Saarce Saaren Sahti Saija Saina Saka Sako Salme Salvi Sanue Sarick Satovio Satrinen Sien Siitvalo Sila Silli Sinen Sipi Sipionen Siren Sisla Sivuomi Soine Soivi Sonen Soponen Suvo Syksonen Syri Tahti Taila Tainenri Tainent Tako Takonie Talen Tanen Tantika Taphier Tapponen Tarcela Tarien Tela Teltone Tertinen Théli Thélènen Titte Titva Toine Tois Tola Topie Torelais Tuokka Tuoko Tuomila Tuomine Tuomäki Tuoto Tuovimo Tutilli Tyntte Ukkala Uussen Uusto Vahta Vahti Vainen Vainien Vala Vanen Vantovi Vara Vari Varja Veemini Veerva Veervo Veimi Velle Velynen Vielien Vieto Viis Viitti Villi Voitunen Vouista Vuokanni Vuore Wirko Yanen Yangas Ylitala Yläini Ylöne Yvettela Élien Élio Évela
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TROPE: "I suddenly woke up as a character in a dating sim! How can I even avoid my so many death flags?!"
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• Villains are Destined to Die
• I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game!
• The Strongest Characters in the World are Obsessed With Me
• How to Clear a Dating Sim as a Side Character
• The Bad Ending of an Otome
• Strange Love Rivals Increased!
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How about the Ann and Tyler kids we're all waiting for? For the kid meme?
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child(I'VE BEEN BLESSED WITH MY FAVORITE SHIP addition).
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Name: Timothy Astor Li
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Short apple red hair & bright royal blue eyes, paled skin, large ears & a slender frame
Personality: The Crown Prince of Camellia is a polite & charming man, gentle of heart yet stern of word. While many question of his ability to lead the kingdom into the future, he is much stronger, both mentally & physically, then he appears to be.
Special Talents: Timothy is a outstanding shot with firearms, & a excellent horse-back rider. He also has a wonderous fascination with teas & poetry.
Who they like better: His father, Prince Consort Tyler.
Who they take after more: He seems to be an even balance of both parents
Personal Head canon: As the oldest, & the only son in his family, Timothy is very protective of his two younger sister, despite how much Rosalynn insists she does not need her brother’s protection. He is extremally protective of Aitanna, knowing she is quite weak of body & gets sick more easily then other people.
Face Claim: Bion Balmore from Into the Light Once Again
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Name: Rosalynn Annlia Li
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Long & flowing light red hair, wide & bright light red eyes, long eyelashes, creamy skin & a petite body.
Personality: The bright & brave Princess of Camellia, Rosalynn was always a adventurous girl, seeking any reason she could to get out of the royal castle & see places out of Camellia itself. She later becomes a foreign diplomat for Camellia, allowing her to travel to many different places to form bonds with her home kingdom with other kingdoms.
Special Talents: Skilled highly with a bow & arrow, as well as the broadsword, an outstanding hunter & horse-back rider. Also good at climbing from many self-imposed lessons on her ventures outside of the castle.
Who they like better: Their mother, Queen Ann
Who they take after more: Their mother, Queen Ann
Personal Head canon: Despite her adventurous nature & natural knack for sporty activities, Rosalynn actually holds a love for singing. She originally was quite bad a singing, but managed to have a singing teacher give her lessons that greatly improved her voice.
Face Claim: Roseria Childe from I Became the Villain's Mother
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Name: Aitanna Tamber Li
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Long & wavy deep brown hair, wide & bright cyan blue eyes, paled skin with a very bony body.
Personality: The gentle & beloved Princess of Camellia, Aitanna would never raise her hand to swat at even a fly. Soft-spoken & weak of frame, she was the only royal after many years to not be able to complete the mandatory aristocratic military program in it’s intended way; only being able to complete it as a medic. For her weak & easily ill-ed body, she is highly protected by her family & beloved by the Camellian people.
Special Talents: Gifted in the arts, in both being able to play many interments from across the world, & being able to write poetry. Beautiful with her handwriting, & even holds minor painting skills.
Who they like better: She loves both of her parents equally
Who they take after more: Her father, Prince Consort Tyler
Personal Head canon: Aitanna, also called Aita, was born pre-maturely & was very sickly & small as a result. Ann’s pregnancy with Aita was her most difficult one, as after already given birth twice before had left her body very weak. It was actually believed Aita would not live to see the world, so it considered a blessing by both her parents & the people of Camellia that she survived.
Face Claim: Eveness Harin from How to Clear a Dating Sim as a Side Character
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writtenstars0428 · 3 years
✼ Let It Snow: Day 20
✼ Ju Harin // 150 words
✼ let it snow // other stories
»»————- ✼ ————-««
“Are you happy?” Harin gently wrapped his arm around your waist and tugged you closer.
“Very,” you nodded.
The two of you decided to celebrate Christmas Eve stargazing. However, due to the weather, stars weren’t visible tonight. Still, Harin promised you the stars.
He brought you a high place a bit away from the city, but close enough to see the city lights from afar. You were at the back of an open car, with just a box of pizza, a box of fried chicken, and two bottles of water. The winter wind was cold but the blanket wrapped around you and Harin’s hug were enough to keep you warm.
“They really look like stars.” You rested your head on Harin’s shoulder and watched as the city lights twinkle from afar. “They’re really pretty.”
“They are,” Harin whispered, a smile evident in his voice. “But not as pretty as you.”
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yhkstyletrendnews · 7 years
HOGAN最新推出波鞋自訂服務HOGAN BY YOU - 讓你隨心設計專屬自己的鞋履, 甚至刻上名字加添個人化的元素。八位女星及名人設計專屬自己的H320波鞋, 展示個人風格。各位型人包括陳法拉、Harin Lee、姜麗文、汪詩詩、郭燕光、何倍倩、王丹妮及Eve Speciall,自創專屬鞋履都各有靈感, 再配搭休閒時裝,您亦不妨到HOGAN 專門店親身體驗 !
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  HOGAN 專門店 金鐘太古廣場 251店 電話:2918 0181   銅鑼灣崇光百貨105號店 電話:2831 3922
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Prince Yuri Hate Compilation
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Haryun Hate Compilation
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soshiharin · 1 year
Girls’ Generation’s Harin Reveals Her “First” Everything | Teen Vogue
posted: 17 july 2021
word count: 1.0k
warnings: none that i can think of
an: i was too lazy to make a youtube thumbnail. so sorry, so sorry. words in bold are korean. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
harin’s masterlist // interviews
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“Hi, I’m Harin,” she introduced herself, waving at the camera. “And I’m here with Teen Vogue to tell you about my firsts.”
[First thought today]
“It’s five a.m.” Harin laughed. “I woke up at five a.m. and I checked the time on my phone and I was pissed. I was livid. My actual first thought definitely had cuss words upon cuss words in it, but somewhere in there, I thought ‘It’s five a.m.’”
[My first CD]
Harin blew raspberries as she thought. “I don’t know.” She shook her head slightly as she laughed. “Oh, wait! I think it was Spiceworld by Spice Girls. Yeah, it was.” She nodded enthusiastically. “My dad and I went out and we passed a music store and I asked if we could go in, he said yes, I saw the album, that’s that. I don’t even think I was a fan of Spice Girls. I think I just wanted–” she chuckled as she continued speaking– “to buy something. I ended up being obsessed with them, though, so… Thanks, dad.”
[First Role]
“My first role is– so not a lot of people know this, actually.” She laughed. “In The Parent Trap, I played tie-dye girl.” She sucked her teeth. “Um, my mum’s colleague’s daughter, or something, was a casting director and she told my mum’s colleague about the movie and that they were looking for an actress to play the… um, Annie and Hallie and I jokingly asked my mum if I could audition and she jokingly said yes, so my mum’s colleague sent her daughter my audition tape and I didn’t get the roles because I was too young. I was, like, eight years old, I think. But I was asked to send in another tape for tie-dye girl and I got the role and went with my dad to live in Crestline for a month, I think it was.” She sighed. “That’s how I started in the showbiz industry. And then I didn’t act for eleven years.”
[First time I was recognised in public]
“At a convenience store in 2008,” Harin answered quickly. “It’s still to this day one of my favourite fan interactions. I was with Yuri, my member,” she explained, “and we were just getting snacks for our dorm and this little girl — she couldn’t have been older than six years old — she asked if we were Girls’ Generation, we said yes and her mum told us that she had been practising the dance to Into The New World and asked if she could show us, which…” She stared at the camera. “She could’ve said she wanted to show me a knife trick and I would’ve sat down and watched her. But we sang the song so she could do the dance and she was so cute!” Harin cooed, furrowing her eyebrows. “I genuinely wanted to ask her mom if I could keep her. I wonder where she is now. She’s gotta be, like…” She twisted her face as she calculated. “Eighteen or nineteen? That’s mental!” Harin stared at the camera, her mouth dropped open.
[First job]
“My first was, technically, The Parent Trap, but I babysat.” Harin nodded, smirking. “I was in the drama department in school and we needed to pay for the costumes we’d wear so I babysat on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to make money. I was going to also babysit on Sundays, but, in my house, Sundays were rest days. My dad wouldn’t do work, my mum had the day off, my brother lounged around at home so I quickly realised that babysitting then would not work because everything was so chill so I didn’t want to work,” she explained. “Sometimes people would pay me extra if they absolutely needed a babysitter on a Sunday, though.”
[First person I text when I get exciting news]
Harin laughed. “This one is… I tell my family,” she answered after thinking for a moment. “And my members. But I usually tell them after about a week,” Harin admitted, lowering her head in shame. “I’m so used to not telling people my business,” she explained as she raised her head. “Everybody hates it, but I like to keep things to myself before I tell others. I like to enjoy things by myself.”
[First song I wrote]
“I think it was called Snowflake,” she answered. “And it was about how I missed the snow when my family moved to Brescia. I wrote it kind of like a musical theatre song because I had been watching so many musicals, so it was very dramatic.”
[First tattoo]
“My first tattoo is my last name, Jang,” Harin revealed. “I got it with my parents when I was nineteen. They came to Korea and my mum was like ‘Let’s get a tattoo!’ And I was like ‘Let’s do it!’” She laughed. “My brother also got the tattoo when he turned eighteen.”
[First big splurge]
“It was a bag, that cost ₩400 000. I got it for my mum for Mothers’ Day in 2010 and immediately after swiping my card, I felt the money leave.” She laughed. “My chest got tight, I felt dizzy… When I got in the car, I just laid down across the backseat. I hope that bag becomes a family heirloom.”
[First role model]
“My first role model was my mum,” Harin answered, smiling sweetly. “She worked really hard and I was just always in awe of her. I still am! I keep telling her she doesn’t have to work so hard anymore and that I can take care of her and my dad, but she insists. We’ve had our disagreements, of course, but I love her so much.” She nodded.
[First pet]
“My parents already had a cat when I was born. His name was Hoochoo. Which means Pepper because it was grey.” Harin cleared her throat. “We gave her to my aunt when we moved to England, though. Apparently, I cried and wouldn’t let go of him,” she admitted with a laugh.
“Thank you so much for watching,” she said, doing the outro. “I hope you enjoyed getting to know a bit more about me. Don’t forget to check out my solo debut, These nights and don’t forget to subscribe to Teen Vogue. Bye, I love you darlings. Mwah!” Harin blew a kiss to the camera before waving goodbye.
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©️ jang harin
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venusvity · 1 year
what/who is girlgarden28 !!! is it an nct type situation where they just keep adding members
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GIRLGARDEN28 is a rotational girl group that debuted with 28 members in 2015. They function on a graduation system, allowing the members to graduate whenever they feel they're ready to. The group is often mistaken for a sister group of AKB48 but the two are not connected officially. AKB48 and GIRLGARDEN28 did however do a collaboration stage in 2016 at MAMA Japan where they all performed "Heavy Rotation" and "BANG!" together.
The group has over 50 graduated members and is currently on their 8th generation of members. They release four to five mini albums a year where the members and their positions are decided on by fan voting. The group's center for the year, meaning she will be in every promotional period, is also determined by fan voting.
The group is quite loved internationally and domestically, being one of the first to brand themselves as a "global kpop group" as they have members of all nationalities and ethnicities.
Candy Coated Love - MINI ALBUM ( 2016 )
Bloom. Bloom? - MINI ALBUM ( 2017 )
Sunflower Symphony - MINI ALBUM ( 2017 )
De:light - MINI ALBUM ( 2017 )
Girlish - MINI ALBUM ( 2017 )
Wonderful World - MINI ALBUM ( 2017 )
Unbreakable - MINI ALBUM ( 2018 )
You and Me - MINI ALBUM ( 2018 )
Hello! Welcome! - MINI ALBUM ( 2018 )
Dying Genre - MINI ALBUM ( 2018 )
Clap For Me - MINI ALBUM ( 2019 )
Oopsie! - MINI ALBUM ( 2019 )
Petal Party - MINI ALBUM ( 2019 )
Sugar Rush - MINI ALBUM ( 2019 )
Peach Fuzz! - MINI ALBUM ( 2020 )
Heartstrings - MINI ALBUM ( 2020 )
Spring Fever - MINI ALBUM ( 2020 )
Our Garden - MINI ALBUM ( 2021 )
Sugar Coated - MINI ALBUM ( 2021 )
Girl Fever! - MINI ALBUM ( 2021 )
Hearts in Bloom - MINI ALBUM ( 2022 )
Love Lane - MINI ALBUM ( 2022 )
Garden of Eden - MINI ALBUM ( 2022 )
Hide & Seek - MINI ALBUM ( 2022 )
Dreamland - MINI ALBUM ( 2023 )
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